Game: Star Wars Rebel Strike Preview Disc Platform: GameCube FAQ/Walkthrough Author: InternalFlame Version: 1.4 ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ Table of Contents 1. Introduction/News 2. Easy Find Key 3. Craft 4. Planets 5. Walkthrough 6. Codes and Secrets 7. Frequently Asked Questions 8. Contact 9. Thanks/Legal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~Introduction~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ covers how to complete the level Battlefield Hoth on the Rebel Strike Preview Disc that you get when you preorder Rebel Strike, or just get it at BestBuy for cheap. This will also cover the full game when it is released. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~News~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 26 v. 1.4: I've added one cheat code, Revenge of the Empire, Raid at Bakura, and Relics of Geonosis walkthoughs. I also corrected an error on one of the planet descriptions. Kudos to Liger Zero Saber for the info! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`"Easy Find" Key~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craft: Rebel Craft: [RBL] X-Wing [RBL XWING] Y-Wing [RBL YWING] A-Wing [RBL AWING] B-Wing [RBL BWING] SnowSpeeder [RBL SS] T16 Skyhopper [RBL T16] Imperial Craft: TIE Fighter [IMP TIE] TIE Interceptor [IMP TIEI] Planets: [PTS] Hoth: [PTS HOTH] Endor [PTS END] Walkthrough: [WLK] Revenge of the Empire: [WLK RVG] Raid at Bakura: [WLK RBK] Relics of Geonosis [WLK GEO] Codes and Secrets: [CDS] Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] Contact Info [CONT] Legal Info [LEG] Credit [CRED] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~Craft You Pilot~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebel Craft: [RBL] On Foot: Well, you pilot your feet I guess..kinda. When your on foot you run. And you can jump in the air with X, and do a roll with Z. Primary Weapon: Blaster or Lightsaber Secondary Weapon: Thermal Detonator Special Weapon: Imperial Blaster Tauntaun: Ohhh boy, this is fun. When you jump on the back of a Tauntaun you go like 4 times the speed of on foot. You can run over troops and smash them aswell. Primary Weapon: Your Blaster. Secondary Weapon: Its enemy crushing power. ;) X-Wing: [RBL XWING] The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the primary craft used by the Rebel Alliance. It has S-foils that lock in place to balance the craft, and to keep speed. An R2 unit is also provided for maintance. Primary Weapon: 4 Laser Cannons. Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes. Y-Wing: [RBL YWING] The Y-Wing is the work-horse of the fleet. It is mainly used in bombing raids for its ability to hold many bombs, aswell as its incredible shield and defense. But, when you gain in defense, you loose in speed, so the Y-Wing is slow, and not very manueverable. It aswell is armed with an R2 to provide it with repairs and maintance. Primary Weapon: 2 Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs Special Weapon: Ion Cannon ***Hold B to charge it. up, then release to fire. It disables and will knock out smaller ships. Has almost no affect against larger ships.*** A-Wing: [RBL AWING] The fastest starfighter and my personal favorite. It is very fast and agile. The A-Wing is a stunt fighter modified for battle. It has little shield, so use your speed to get out of a nasty situation. It has no R2 unit, so remember that next time you decide to kamikaze. Primary Weapon: 2 fast firing laser cannons. Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missiles. B-Wing: [RBL BWING] The B-Wing was designed by the Mon-Cal, Admiral Ackbar. What makes it different than most ships is its size and shape. The B-wing was designed to take on capital ships such as Imperial Star Destroyers. Because of its shape, it is harder to maneuver. Primary Weapon: 3 Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes Special Weapon: 2 Ion Cannons. ***Hold B to charge it. up, then release to fire. It disables and will knock out smaller ships. Has almost no affect against larger ships.*** SnowSpeeder: [RBL SS] The Incom T-47 was designed during the Rebel's stay on Hoth. It is designed for ground fight and cannont be used in space. It hugs the ground well and maintains good speed. It sports 2 seats, one for the pilot, and one for the rear gunner. Primary Weapon: 2 Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Tow Cables for bringing down AT-AT's. ***To use the Tow Cable's you must move in close to an ATAT and press B, go around the legs in a circle, then, the cable will release automatically*** T-16 Skyhopper: [RBL T16] Lukes first craft. Its used only in the training mission. It has rapid fire lasers, Proton Bombs, Porton Torpedoes and Ion Cannons. It also comesequipped with a boost. Primary Weapon: 2 Rapid Fire Lasers Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs/Torpedoes Special Weapon: Ion Cannon Imperial Craft: TIE Fighter: [IMP TIE] Twin ION Engine starfighter is the main starfighter used by the Empire. It comes equipped with 2 main blasters and no shields. The Empire thinks cowardly to use shields in suck small craft. Primary Weapon: Twin Lasers Secondary Weapon: None TIE Interceptor: [IMP TIEI] The Fastest ship in the Imperial Navy. It can match speeds with an A-Wing. It with the TIE also has twin laser cannons, no shield, or secondary weapon. It is also the special craft chosen by the 128th Squadron as their primary craft. Primary Weapon: Twin Lasers Secondary Weapon: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~Planets~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [PTS] ***This info is from I have not asked permission yet, but, I am giving credit here.*** Hoth: Homeworld of Wampas [PTS HOTH] Description: Hoth is an ice world. It is similar to Helska 4, except that it is mostly land underneath its frozen layer.. Endor: Homeworld of Ewoks. [PTS END] Description: Endor is actually the Fourth Moon of Endor. Imagine that! More coming soon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~Walkthrough~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [WLK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revenge of the Empire: [WLK RVG] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting Craft: X-Wing. Other craft: Y-Wing. Objectives: Destroy the Imperial Transports. Destroy the Imperial Loader Shuttles. After you start you should see a bunch of Imperial Transports coming down from the sky. Shoot them either using lasers or a torpedo. Make sure your wingmen stay formed up because they can be of help shooting the Transports down. Keep taking on the Imperial Transports and don't worry about the TIE's unless you are going for a gold medal. After you take out the eight or Imperial Transports, 6 Imperial Landing craft start coming. The first three should be right in front of you. Hit them with all you've got. If you have seeker missiles, use those, they work really well. After taking out those three, move over to the left where a Rebel Transports is, take out the 4 Landing Craft's if they haven't dropped off the AT-ST's yet. But, if they have, be quick to take them out (the ATST's) Objectives: Find the General. Now, you should be on foot now. You've got Wedge with you. He is some help, but, not much. Move poward through the door and kill the four enemies in there. Proceed through the door on the right. You will be in another room now with 4 more Stormtroopers. Take them out then go through the door at the end of the room. You should see some stairs and pipes with steam coming out of them. Then on some staris is 3 Stormies waiting for you. Nail Em. Keep following the hallway till you get to a door, go in and blast the Stormies. You will see a passage to the right, don't go into it, its just a small area. Instead, go straight and left to a door, then up some stairs. After you turn the corner, there is one Stormrooper waiting for you. Go through the door to find about 5 Troops waiting for you, use some jumping tatics here. You can break the glass if you want too. Now, don't go left or right, they lead to nowhere. Go straight, through a door, and upstairs. You might see a few dead troops here, just pass them by. You probably see a big door thing now, hit C-Up to open it and prepare for a big fight. When you walk in this room there is a massive amount of Stormtroopers. Use the rocks as cover, and be sure to tell Wedge to stand in place and shoot, he's useful that way. Checkyour rader when you're done to make sure you got everyone. Now, you found the General! Objective complete! Now, go up the stairs and to the right. Don't worry if Wedge gets stuck, He'll come soon. Nw, keep going down the halls until you reach the hangar. There is even more Baddies here. Tell Wedge to shoot from there he is. And, hide behind a rock and shoot aswell. You should have some support by a few troops of your own too. Well, kill them all and thats it! Mission Complete! My Best Stats: Time: 3:53 Enemies Killed: 51 Accuracy: 67% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer Efficency: 100% Medal: Silver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wedge's Campaign ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raid at Bakura [WLK RBK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting Craft: B-Wing Others: TIE-Bomber Objectives: Disable any Fleeing Imperial Transports Provide Cover for the Rebel Recovery Crews Ok, start off by just taking out TIE fighters. Any TIE's that come near you, shoot them. Wait for the Rebel Transport to come. After it comes, defend it from any TIE's that attempt to blow it up. As soon as its done, just let it hyper out on its own. It doesn't take long to do so. Keep shooting TIE's down until General Madine says that another Transport has launched. Once that happens, find it and Ionize it. It takes about three or four shots to do so. But, make sure you aim is good too. A bit after that one launches, another one will do so. Ionize it the same way. And keep destoying TIE's until the Transport comes. Make sure you watch this one closely. Many TIE's will attempt to destroy it. Now, after it flies off, watch it until it hypers out. Now, if you got really good stats, and protected both transports, you get something special. An alternate video and part of the mission. Instead of having to protect the third transport, you have to rescue your wingman in a TIE Bomber! Its really fun! Ok, if you don't get that, then just do as you did before. Now, if you did get good stats and get the Bomber, heres how to unlock it. You will see a bunch of turrets on the ground. You have to destroy them in linked groups by holding down the primary fire button, and linking the torpedoes. You must do this for ALL the ground turrets. You know you did it if you get a message saying "great job rgue leader" or something like that. After you get all of them, you know you unlocked the Bomber if you get a message that says, "May The Force be With you" you know you got the Bomber.. Remember, this takes much patience! So, don't give up! It took me about 15 tries! My Stats: Time: 6:48 Enemies Killed: ? Accuracy: 24% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer Efficency: 100% Medal: Silver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relics of Geonosis [WLK GEO] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting Craft: X-Wing Other Craft: Jedi Starfighter Objectives: Find the Escort Carrier. When you start, go foward at the way to the Transports. You'll hear some radio messages about a trap. Now, keep going foward and you'll see the Transports hyper out, and one get blown up. Guess what did it. Yup, the Escort Carrier. Those elite ships. Well, basically, have your wingmen go after the TIE's. Unleash everything you've got on that Escort Carrier, but make sure you stay behind it, or it will rip you to peices. If you want to, which I highly recommend you do, is launch all your missiles at it. Don't worry, you only fight one at this point. Now, after defeating it, you will get shot down and end up on the ground. Right now, go up to the storm troopers and throw some thermal detonators at them. The two you have probably won't kill them, but, it can do some damage. After that, just blast them to death. Walk up shead and blast the Imperial's using the E-Webb Cannons. Man the cannon and take out the Battle Droids. Suprised thhey work huh? Well, then do you see those white things in the distance? Stormtroopers. Shoot them with the cannon. You can take out most, but not all of them. Just run over there and take out the ones you missed. If you are low on health, pick up the Bacta Containers while you're there. There are some Imperial Blasters there aswell. Keep going foward to fina a buttload of Battle Droids, and an escape pod. In this escape pod is a powerup. I don't remember what it is though, sorry. Blast all the droids and continue on. Now, you get a cool video. *BOSS ALERT* Time to fight your first boss! He is somewhat easy. Its a person (a main character) In an old Republic Gunship. Now, run foward, watching out for its laser blasts. Now, before you even attempt to fight it, take out some of the Battle Droids in the area, you don't have to take them all out, just some. then kill the Stormtroopers on the E-Webb Guns. Now, as the Gunship either goes away, you can cause some damage to it. First, shoot those round things under the wings close to the main body of the ship. This should prevent it from shooting lasers at you. Now, as he pulls away, keep shooting the back of it. You know you got good hits off when he saus things like "Damn you!" or "You will all pay!". After he takes enough hits, you should see him go around a corner and some debris fly from the corner. Now, dismount the E-Webb, and go to the right to find a JEDI STARFIGHTER! R5 will come over and fix it. Now, you have to destroy two more of those escort carriers. Send your wingmen after the TIE's, while you focus on Those escort Carriers. It seems like the Sonic Charges work very well against them. After you take them out, you have to find a hyperdrive unit for the JS. Just follow the radar to find it. Its kinda hard to spot, so, keep lookin! Thats it! You beat the level! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battlefield Hoth: [WLK BH] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, here you start out on foot after your speeder is shot down in the BEAUTIFUL cinema's of widescreen footage. Now, on foot, get used to how you move and stuff. Ok, now that your ready, run toward the first ATAT. You will see some Snowtroopers along the way, kill them, and take their guns. Now, make your way to the first ATAT, and get under it making sure, NOT to get smashed by its leg, and when your under it, hit C-UP and you will shoot a piton into the ATAT iving you the ability to climb up. Now just climb up it, when your at the top hit A and Luke will bring out his lightsaber, hit A a few times and you will have cut a hole in the ATAT. Now, hold B and look into that hole you cut and throw a bomb in. Now, you'll see a quich little view of the ATAT, how when you jump down, amke sure you run the OPPOSITE way of the ATAT when it falls, or else you'll get crushed like a bug. Now, run over to the next ATAT and get under it, hoist yourself up, and do the same thing. Ok, after you fall down, you'll see a few troops shoot them or else they will kill you from behind. Pick up their guns to get some ammo. Don't bother shooting the Probe Droids, just run to the Blue Rebel insignia to get your Tauntaun. w00t. You have the leetest craft of the all for this level, the almighty Tauntaun, all hail! Hehe. Ok, time to get serious. Just hold foward to move at light speed on the tauntaun and shoot the troops you encounter along the way, Its actually fun trying to shoot them all. Make sure that your just going straight, because if you aren't and you go wat off to the left or right, your Tauntaun will die! Your probably nearing the endo now, watch out for the falling ATAT, cause it will crush yur Tauntaun and you if you don't. Now, jet foward to the Blue Rebel Insignia. Here comes a slightly hard part. *GLITCH HERE*Ok, when you are approaching the spot where the Imperials and the cannon is. Go far left (not too far) but, don't go Now that you on foot again, run toward the troops mounting the tripod gun, and kill them. For some reason these troops are much tougher than the others so watch out. Now, monut the tripod gun, and wait. You will see some Imperial Landing Craft approaching, and some containers falling. Guess whats in em. ATST's and Troops. Don't bother shooting the troops, your guys will take care of them. Now, its kinda hard to use this thing cause you have to hold the gun cause it moves weird. Just take out each ATST they take a few shots so be paticent. After you take the last one out it goes into a cutscene and you appear in an X-wing. This part is very hard so, don't get mad if you can't beat it. There isn't much stragety for this that I know of other than stay in near the transports. Don't go off killing random TIE Fighters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~Codes/Secrets~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [CDS] One found so far. FREEPLAY: Allows you to have unlimited lives in the Arcade Games. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~Frequently Asked Questions~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [FAQ] Q: How do you have this game already? A: Yes I do. Q:How many levels does the preview Disc have? A. 1. Battlefield Hoth. Q: When does Rebel Strike release? A: It came out October 21st, and in some stores, the 22nd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~Contact Info~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [CONT] Email Is: I'm a constant visitor at the Messages Boards here (gamefaqs), along with and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~Legal Info~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [LEG] None other than this is my work property of Sean Cahill and If you wish to use this please contact me at: Copyright 2003 Sean Cahill All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~Credits`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~~`~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [CRED] CjayC for creating Gamefaqs for the information on the planets. Liger Zero Saber for informing me of an error. Lucasarts for developing this wonderful game. George Lucas for creating the world of Star Wars. Myself for writing this.