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If you want to find a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant. [1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100] [2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200] [3] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0300] Skullker Hideout................................................ [0301] Skullker Factory................................................ [0302] Art Museum...................................................... [0303] Museum Vault.................................................... [0304] Kuru Ruins...................................................... [0305] Sunken Ruins.................................................... [0306] Metal City...................................................... [0307] Metal City Skyline.............................................. [0308] Clink Prison.................................................... [0309] Drill Missile................................................... [0310] Croog's Doom Dozer.............................................. [0311] [4] SECRET LEVELS.................................................... [0400] Red Dozers' Training Course..................................... [0401] Restricted Area................................................. [0402] Employee Room................................................... [0403] Forgotten Ruins................................................. [0404] Metal City Highrise............................................. [0405] Escape Tunnel................................................... [0406] Hidden Compartment.............................................. [0407] [5] BOSSES........................................................... [0500] [6] TREASURES........................................................ [0600] [7] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [0700] ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [1] VERSION HISTORY [0100] ============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough #28 ------------------- Version 1.0 (04/05/08) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [2] CONTROLS [0200] ============================================================================== .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | D-Pad | Move, Crouch (Down) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Open Menu | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Select | View Equipment | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Jump, Dash (Down + A) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Interact | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | Drill Counter-clockwise | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Drill Clockwise | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [3] WALKTHROUGH [0300] ============================================================================== NOTE: I describe each level as if you were going through them for the first time. I understand that you can revisit levels after upgrading your Drill Dozer to find treasures. Strategies to find all of the treasures are not found in the walkthrough, but instead in Section 6. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ SKULLKER HIDEOUT [0301] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Jill infiltrates the hideout, but immediately falls into a trap hole. Now in a dark cave, you'll have to reach the entrance of the building again. That's up to you, so walk to the right to start up a mini tutorial. To drill, hold down R or L. Test it out on the gray wall to the right. Drill a path and walk through, then destroy the blue wall. Too easy. Enter the next area. For more techniques, press Select and access the Help Menu. Destroy the walls and read the signs with B. Proceed to the next area, where a self-repairing barrier will block your way. You'll have to upgrade your Drill Dozer in order to break past it. Jump up the blue platforms and drill through the wall to the right. See that red box? It's a Gearbox. Drill it open to find your second gear, which allows you to shift. Shifting lets you execute a more powerful drill attack. Hold down L or R to drill, then press the respective button a second time when you see "Shift Up" appear on the screen. You will move to the second gear and drill much faster. Shifting to the second gear while drilling the self-repairing barrier will cause it to fall apart. Go past and enter the door with B to the next room. Apparently the Skullkers have found out that Jill has entered the building. Walk forward under the red spotlights to trigger the appearance of some Skullker Thugs. Use your drill to defeat them, just remember that turning is fairly slow. Defeat all of the Skullker Thugs and drill open the Toolbox and collect the Chips. Jump up the platforms towards the brick blocks on the right. Drilling while in midair causes Jill to defy the laws of gravity, so jump towards the block and press R to bore right through. Destroy the Springer on the other side and walk over to the platforms. Ignore the block under your feet and jump up to the ledge above. Drill through the wall and jump over the electrified floor. Walk past the door and drill the Toolbox above you for some more Chips. Drop down and return to the breakable block. Since you can drill under you, press Down, then L or R to destroy it. Drill open the Toolbox on the left and head to the right to find a fairly strong metal box. Gearmo calls in and says that it's too strong for you to break. Well, head back up the platforms and jump over the electrical floors. Enter the door to the left. Looks like we are out of the dark, damp cave for now. Destroy the gate to the left and plow through the random objects. Take out the two Skullker Thugs and enter the bathroom. Drill through the toilets and check the wall on the left. You can destroy the upper-left corner of the bathroom wall. Jump up to the weakened block and drill through. Drill open a path and kill the Springers in front of you. Jump up the steps to the right to get another incoming call from Gearmo. Man, these guys are so helpful. There is a Socket Lift on the rail above you, and it is trapped behind a block. If you drill into the Socket Lift, it will carry you along the track as long as you keep spinning your drill. Destroy the block first, then use the lift to reach the other side of the room. Jump across the platform as the lift drops you off and jump across to the weakened wall. Drill on through and proceed through the door. More Springers ahead. Take care of them and jump onto the platform above the electrified floor. Drill through the block to the right. There is a door on the right path, but ignore it for now. Continue up the platform and walk to the left. Avoid the electricity and destroy another block to reach a Toolbox. Drill it open and collect the contents. Go back to the platforms and destroy the next block to access the upper area. Take out the Springer and jump across to the left side of the room. Another seld-repairing barrier appears, but this one is too strong; you will need a third gear to get to the exit. Return to the bottom of the room and head to the door on the right. Go through to the next room. Drill through the wall on the right and ride the Socket Lift to the upper ledge. Destroy the oil drums and hop across the platforms towards the Toolbox. Break it open and jump across the gap. Drill the cracked floor under the blue platforms for some Chips, then head up the upper portion of the room. Break open the wall, then destroy the Gearbox. Now that you have a third gear, you can shift a third time. Once you are at the maximum potential at the third gear, the meter will not go down. It is like non-stop chaos! Have fun while drilling through the series of blocks to the left and enter the door. Destroy the self-repairing barrier to get another call. You can deflect projectiles with your drill... except bombs and missiles. They'll go boom in your face. Destroy the block to the left and continue through Shooters and blocks. The Shooters' bullets will deflect off of your drill if it's still spinning, so no worries. Destroy the blocks from under you and kill the Shooters on the right. Jump up into the alcove to find a Toolbox, then destroy the blocks in the floor afterwards. There is another Toolbox along the way. Take out the Springers and Shooters, then continue by collecting the Chips in the third Toolbox. You cannot destroy the metal box on the ledge above, so drill under you. Defeat the Shooter and go through the door. Well, we are back near the self-repairing barrier blocking the exit. With your third gear, drill through it and exit the room. After riding an elevator to the top floor, go down the hall to the left. You cannot drill through the metal block, so destroy the Toolbox behind it. To the left is the entrance you made, so we don't want to go back through that tunnel (you can't even reach it anyways), so walk to the right of the elevator for a boss battle. Yay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Skullker Tank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to beat this tank, you will have to drill directly into its nose. The tank will fire missiles at you, and like stated before, drilling into them will cause you to get hurt. The only way to avoid them is by jumping over them. They move slowly, so that should not be a problem. After firing three missiles, the Skullker Tank will pause and roll backwards. Once the attack has ceased, it's your time to move in. Walk over to the tank and start drilling it; Jill will automatically drill into the nose of the tank. Shift to your third gear to deplete half of the Skullker Tank's health. The tank will break free and resume attacking. Repeat the same strategy a second time to destroy the tank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That was way too easy. Jump up the tiny platforms on the right and drill apart the Toolbox lodged in the ceiling. Collect the goods inside and head to the next area. You will get a call from Grutch and Gearmo. Since I doubt you knew this, the opposite of R is L and vice-versa. Wowie gee, thanks guys!!!!! Insert your drill into the Drill Slot against the wall. Start drilling away to power up the hangar door. Once it is open, remove your drill and go through. There is a red pillar blocking your path, so destroy the wall on the left to reveal a hidden Drill Slot. Since it's on the left, you will have to use L to drill counter-clockwise. Doing so will close the door and lower the pillar. Go past the pillar and head outside. Now that you're in the parking lot, proceed to the right to get picked up by Gearmo and Grutch. That's the end of the first level! That wasn't bad, right? Gearmo says your Drill Dozer is too banged up and that you will be reduced to just one gear again. Before continuing to the next level, you can either check your equipment, view your treasures (we don't have any yet), or save your game. Once ready, move onto the next level. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ SKULLKER FACTORY [0302] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Remember, you only have one gear at the start of the level. Enter the factory to the right and defeat the Skullker Thug ahead. You can destroy pieces of the ceiling to find Chips -- they are usually protected by yellow blocks. Take down the Springers and Skullker Thugs in the hallway and enter the door. The yellow jelly-like block will help you to reach new areas. As Grutch says, drill into the block, then press the opposite button to bounce backwards. Test it out by drilling the right side of the jelly block. Press the opposite drilling button to bounce onto the ledge. Jump up the platforms and use the second jelly block to reach the platform on the left. Jump up and defeat the Springer on the right. Break open the Gearbox to find your second gear. Now jump onto the small island to the left of the platform. The jelly block should be right under you, and you should be able to spot an alcove on the left. You will have to drop down the left side of the island and immediately drill against the jelly block before you fall to the ground. Press the opposite button to bounce into the alcove. You'll have to shift to the second gear in order to reach the chest. Open it for a ROUND STONE. Yay for treasure! Return to the ledge where the Gearbox was and use the jelly block above to continue on. Jump up a pair of platforms to reach yet another jelly block. First destroy the brick block above, then use the jelly block to continue. Break the self-repairing barrier that comes smashing down in front of you and continue through the doorway. Boss time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Crane Master ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Crane Master is a large rectangular robot that floats in the center of the room. It does not directly attack Jill, but it can control the cranes above to drop down several enemies. It will command a few cranes to drop down Springers and Shooters. Springers are easy to take out, but avoid the bullets the Shooter fires and remember to spin your drill to deflect them. The enemies that drop down range from two to five. After defeating all foes on the ground, the Crane Master will release a pole on its bottom. Run under it and jump in the air, then drill upwards into the red spot on the pole. Remember to shift to your second gear and drill away until the pole retreats inside of the Crane Master. More enemies will fall down from the cranes above. The Crane Master will only reveal its weak point when all enemies have been destroyed. Repeat this strategy until the Crane Master kicks the bucket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once the Crane Operator has been destroyed, walk to the right and destroy the Toolbox, then proceed through the door. Jump over the electrical currents on the floor and defeat the Springer and Shooter ahead. Leap up the platforms and destroy the blocks nearby. Take out the Shooter and enter the door since the Socket Lift doesn't seem to be working. Destroy the cabinets and stuff that stands in your way, then drill through the floor at the end. Press B to pull the lever at the bottom to activate the Socket Lift. Drill through the rubble and exit the room. You're at the bottom of the previous room, so return to the Socket Lift at the top. Ride it to the right side of the room. Break open the Toolbox and drop down to the right. Defeat the two enemies here and use the jelly block on the right to cross the gap. Open the Toolbox here for some Chips and drop down the hole. Defeat the two Shooters on both sides of you and enter the next area. Jump over the electrified floor and drill through the Shooter, then destroy the blocks and enemies alike. Don't destroy all the blocks here, since you can use them to cross the electrical floors. Head to the next room. You'll encounter some Spikers outside. These flying robots will plunge down to the ground if you walk under them. Make sure you don't get impaled and drill them apart once they are momentarily embedded in the floor. Clear the area of Spikers and head over to the blue platform. Defeat the Spikers patrolling the area and drill apart the block that's... blocking the Socket Lift track. Ride it to a ledge high in the air, where you can find a Toolbox. You cannot continue on the ledge, so drop down and go to the right. Defeat all of the Spikers and Springers here. Continue further until you're stopped by a horde of Skullker Thugs. Defeat them all, then move forward. Back inside of a fancy building. Nice. Break open the desk for some Energy and walk into the center of the building for a Skullker Tank to come crashing down. Oh, and another one appears behind you. Just great. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Skullker Tank x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have dealt with one before, but now we have to tango with two Skullker Tanks at the same time. As we know, their only attack is shooting missiles. The attack pattern, however, will change during this fight. The tank on the left will fire a missile, then stop. The tank on the fire will retort by firing one missile of their own and pause. Now that both tanks have stopped attacking, go after the tank on the right. Drill into the nose and deal as much damage as you can with only two gears. The Skullker Tank on the left will begin attacking again, so as the missile travels your way, press the opposite drilling button to kick back, letting the missile travel under you. Once the Skullker Tank on the right is eventually destroyed, the battle becomes much more simple. Target the tank on the left with ease to eventually win the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After both tanks have been reduced to nuts and bolts, walk to the right and head up the series of platforms. Drill open the gate and destroy the Toolbox for some Energy. Destroy the wall to the right and continue up some more platforms. The chandelier swinging back and forth is actually a Socket Lift in disguise. Drill the bottom and use it to cross the gap. Collect the third gear in the Gearbox to the right. Ride the next chandelier to the next area. Defeat the Springer that slinkies down the staircase and use the jelly block to recoil to the high platform, then head to the left. The enemies here are Electric Springers. They are the same as Springers, but these bots can shock themselves. You cannot drill them while they're electrified. Drill through the objects and Electric Springers to reach a wall. Break through and hop onto the moving platform. Head over to the small crawlspace to receive another message. Grutch lets Jill know that she can squeeze through tight spaces by dashing. To dash, Crouch and press A. Dash under the Spikers and destroy the Toolbox above you. You will spot some more small blocks above you. Destroy the ceiling to the left of the blocks: it has a tiny bandage on it. Jump up to the blocks and dash to the right. Jump onto the second set of blocks above and dash under the space to end up right under another Toolbox. Destroy it, drop down, and continue to the right. Defeat the Electric Springers on the two staircases and ascend up the steps to the next floor of the building. More Electric Springers and more obstacles. Drill through them all and walk past the platforms to the gate. Drill apart the sturdy gate and break open the Toolbox above. Return to the platforms and climb them to the top. Ignore the platform to the right and drill through the wall behind you. Jump up the platforms to the ledge. Getting the next Toolbox can be tricky. First, drill the jelly block above you and make sure you shift to the third gear. Once fully powered, kick back towards the Toolbox. While in midair, turn around and drill open the Toolbox to get some Chips. Now defeat the Spikers buzzing around and go through the door. Jill will enter a board room, which looks like it belongs to someone really important. But hey, the Red Diamond is here! The Skullker boss, Croog, is here as well. Croog takes the prized jewel and retreats. We gotta follow him! Break open the gate and proceed through the elevator door. Ride to the top and destroy the Toolbox for some Energy. Drill through the self-repairing barrier and continue through the door to reach the roof. Croog hops into his own Drill Dozer; one that he calls the Scorpion Dozer. I see how it got its name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Scorpion Dozer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Despite how intimidating this thing looks, it's actually not that hard to take down. You actually have to attack the Scorpion Tank's drill with your own. Whenever the drill tail flops to the ground, it will try and drill forward. Stop it by attacking the drill with your own. You'll slowly whittle away damage and shifting to the third gear will cause the drill tail to shoot back up above the vehicle. You'll have to wait for it to drop down again. While the Scorpion Dozer's tail flies high in the air, Croog will shoot out little Scorpion Bombs out of the front. Back away when one pops out and let it explode on its own. Sometimes two are shot out at the same time. If that happens, just jump over them as they scurry at you. After a few bombs are spewed out, the tail will drop down in front again. Now is your time to attack, just before the drill attacks on its own. The Scorpion Dozer may have a big life bar, but this battle is relatively simple. PART 2 The battle will end once the tail of the Scorpion Dozer falls apart. However, Croog reveals that the Red Diamond has some sort of crazy, magical powers. Don't they all? The Scorpion Dozer will sprout legs and attack. Now that its primary attack is destroyed, the Scorpion Dozer has a new form to bring the pain. It will chomp its mouth several times, then charge foward to deliver a massive bite. To avoid it, stay at the far left side of the screen. Gearmo says that the mouth is its weak point. So when you see the Scorpion Dozer clamp its mouth a few times, jump up and drill right into its gaping maw to deal a great amount of damage to it. The Scorpion Dozer still releases Scorpion Bombs, but now it drops out three groups of three. Jump over the first three bombs, then do the same with the next two sets. After a total of nine Scorpion Bombs are released, the attack will end. Repeat with the process of drilling the mouth of the vehicle to end the battle; it shouldn't take more than three hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boom, boom, boom. That thing is toast! Croog flies away with the Red Diamond as the level ends. Now you can access a shop after each level and buy upgrades and such with the Chips you have been collecting. I suggest picking up an Energy Tank before heading off to the next level. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ART MUSEUM [0303] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Jill and the gang infiltrate the art museum, where Croog was last spotted. She jumps up onto the roof to start the level. From the start, kill the Security Guard that runs after you and walk to the left. You can't reach the chest high above, so drill through the glass panel on the ground to enter the museum. After reporting to Grutch, enter the room on the left. Drill through the blocks in the ceiling and destroy the blocks in the way of the hall. Take out the crates and Security Guards, then continue to the room on the left. The odd tunnels at the top of the steps are air ducts, and you must drill your way through them. Use clockwise drills (R) to go through the red air ducts and counter-clockwise drills (L) to pass through the blue ones. Continue through the first air duct and move on. Defeat the Security Guard ahead and pass through the air duct. Next, go through the blue air duct ahead. The Toolbox in the corner is surrounded by indestructible metal blocks, so ignore it for now and drop down to the floor. Drill through the priceless art (mwahahaha) and quickly dash past the Security Laser. Destroy the Toolbox and drop down the platforms. Drill through some more precious art and drop to the ground. Destroy the brick block on the left and enter the air duct behind it. Doing so will take you to the Gearbox. Destroy it to get your second gear. Drop back down to the ground and go to the right this time. Destroy the self-repairing barrier and the blocks, then drill up the air duct to the next room. Take out the pillars that stand in your way and kill the Security Guard. Get rid of all the blocks here for some Chips and proceed to the right. This looks like an obvious dead end, but think again. Walk in front of the painting on the wall and press B to pick it up. Place it on the open space to the right to reveal an air duct in the wall. Go through and head to the right to reach the entrance. Now enter the room on the right. You can destroy the self-repairing barrier at the top of the room and continue on. Defeat the Security Mechs in front of you to reach the next room. Get rid of the rubble in your way and head through the air duct... and the Security Guards in the way! You'll be outside here, and the platforms leading to a Toolbox will disappear for a short time before reappearing. Cross the platforms to the top and destroy the Toolbox. Drop back down to the ground and move on to the right. In the next room, you will find Lateral Lifts. These are similar to Socket Lifts, but you can latch on to the left or right side of it by drilling. To switch sides, use the D-Pad. Use it to reach the ledge above and jump up the platforms. Ride the second Lateral Lift, then enter the opening to the left. Destroy the Toolbox and return to the previous room. Ride the Lateral Lift above you to a Gearbox. Drill through it for your third and final gear. The metal blocks here are preventing you from fully exploring this room, so just ride the final Lateral Lift to the top of the room. Destroy the blocks here and enter the door at the very top. You end up at the start of the level. You still cannot reach the treasure chest even from up here, so drop down and fall through the glass ceiling. Once back here, enter the room on the right and drill through the ruff 'n tough self-repairing barrier right in front of you. Dodge the first Security Laser to trigger an alarm. An army of Security Guards ambush you, so just stand in between the two lasers and drill through them all. Easy as pie, which doesn't really make sense. What exactly is pie easy at? Hm. Head to the right. The Security Mech in this room has a shield, so either drill his head from above or jump behind, then quickly stab his back. Grab the painting off of the wall and place it on the open space to the right to open up a new path. Drill the Toolbox and enter the door. Destroy all the statues here and drill through the air duct. As you fall down from the duct, you will be stopped by a Security Dog. This robot dog will jump over your head, then try and attack your back. When it jumps over you, quickly turn around and drill away. Once it's defeated, break s'more stuff to reveal another air duct. Take it to the next area. A giant robot is blocking the next air duct. Maybe the flashing screw means something. Remove the screw with R to destroy the robot. Head through the air duct to the next room. As you blast through, you'll be on the outer side of a small cell filled with two enemies. In order to free them (sorry, we have to), pick up the big picture nearby and place it in the open space between the other two. This will make the blocks disappear and let the enemies loose. Destroy them both and use the platforms to reach another air duct in the upper left corner of the room. This room contains a jelly blocks and some disappearing platforms. Oh, and a shielded Security Mech. Dispose of him first and hop up onto the red disappearing platform. From there, jump up to the left side of the jelly block and drill away. Shift to the third gear and wait for the blue platforms to the left to appear. Once they appear, kick back onto them and run to the left. The next room is filled with giant head sculptures. The first ledge only contains one, and the ledge above has an entire row of them. The lone head faces to the right, whereas the ones on the top all face to the left. Well, except one. Pick up the head statue directly above you and carry it to the left. There is one head sculpture on the top shelf that is facing to the right. Place the sculpture right under it to lower a wall. Head through the newly opened path. Ride the Lateral Lift to a small path below. When the track veers to the right, kick back onto a ledge filled with blocks. Destroy them and drop down to the other side. Use the next Lateral Lift to reach an alcove and a Toolbox. Drop down to the ground after and drill through the crap on the right. Continue to the next area. This room seems to be an art gallery of sorts. Walk to the right to spot two shielded Security Mechs. Defeat both of them to have a curtain rise up from behind, revealing two more. Defeat the next two and wait for the next pair to appear. Yeah, there is like, ten of them in total. The next curtain rises up to reveal a Security Dog. Destroy it as well to make a Guard Robot appear. This guy is like the one you destroyed before, except it's being piloted. Great. This big thing likes to punch the snot out of you with its oversized fists. Back away from the robot and get ready to jump once its fist turns red. Once the big swing comes, the cockpit will flip around due to the sheer force of the robot. This reveals a screw. Ah, just like last time. Jump up and start drilling it with R to slowly unscrew it. Don't drill with L because you will actually drill the screw in, which does not help your cause. Repeat this process until you remove the screw and destroy the Guard Robot. A trap door will appear and Jill will ride it down to the basement. You will reach the big safe, but Gearmo says that no drill of yours will be able to penetrate it. He takes you back to the trailer. Level ovah! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ MUSEUM VAULT [0304] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ We can't open the safe just yet, so enter the door on the left. The path on the left looks a little... reinforced right now, so open the Toolbox and go to the right. Zip through the air duct above you and exit the room to the left by getting rid of the blocks in your way. Collect the stuff in the Toolbox and enter the next air duct. Defeat the meddling Security Guards ahead and enter the next, you guessed it: air duct. More air ducts, so go through 'em all until a massive portal appears in the previous duct. Wha...? It's evil Pacman! Eh, don't want to be guilty of copyright infringement here. So lets call it... Purple Monster! Oh, I'm good. Quickly drill through the tiny air duct and fall below to avoid the Purple Monster. Continue through the two air ducts to the bottom of the room. Take out the blocks here. The two Lateral Lifts don't move, so you will have to use your super advanced kickback skillz to reach the Gearbox in the corner. Destroy it for your second gear. Once you can shift again, drop down and destroy the self-repairing barrier. Go through the first two air ducts to make the Purple Monster appear. Drill through the next two to escape. Remember to use R for the red air ducts and L for the blue air ducts. Exit the room. Woo, big air duct. Ride it through to an area filled with pipes. The hot steam can hurt you, so wait until it dissipates before going past. Jump onto the stack of pipes and leap onto the leftern ledge. Take down the Security Guard and open the Toolbox nearby. Continue down the straightforward path while avoiding the hot steam. Take down the Security Guard and jump up the pipes (when they are cooled down) to the ledge above. You can dash right under the next steam pipes to reach the air duct. Quickly jump in before the pipes to the right burn you. Go through the air duct to leave. Go through the air duct and break open the Toolbox for some Energy. Destroy the blocks in your way and drill the Security Mech that drops down from above. Another self-repairing barrier blocks your way, but you can clear it out. Ride the air duct to the next room. The Drill Slot in the guard room activates the safe back in the entrance, however you have to access the "combination" to get the thing to work. Read the bulletin on the wall to learn the code: turn the red dial two times to the right and four times to the left. Put your drill into the Drill Slot to view the safe from a distance. To make this simple, press R twice and L four times. In order to fully turn the dial one time, hold down the button and do not shift to your second gear. The red lock will be unlocked once you follow the notice. With one of the three locks taken care of, leave via the air duct on the right. Go through the air duct right into a pair of pillars, then eliminate the Security Dog in the hall. Continue to the right to reach a V-shaped room. A group of Security Guards will take you on, but this should be no problem for you. Open the Toolbox to the right and enter the next room. You'll be outside, right in front of a large fountain. A mysterious lady will confront you and sick EMP bombs on you. I don't really know what they are, but they look dangerous. Gearmo tells Jill to use the fountain on them, but doesn't describe how. Thanks pal! Luckily, using the fountain to your advantage is easy enough. Use the Drill Slot to the right to move the fountain. Pressing R will move it to the right and L will move it to the left. Guide the fountain so that it hits the EMP bombs above. Douse each of them before they puff up and explode. Well, we learn that the gal's name is Detective Carrie, but she leaves. She is definitely protecting something here. Could it be the Red Diamond? Oh well, nows not the time for deliberating. You can use the fountain as a booster, so move it to the right and use it as a stepping stone onto the ledge. Defeat the Security Mech in this next room and proceed forward. We are in another guard room; this one powers up the blue lock. Read the notice behind the Drill Slot to learn of the combination: five times to the left and three to the right. You probably know what to do, but if not: press L five times and R three times. That simple. Once that's done with, go through the air duct above you. Drill through the lovely statues to reach a Gearbox. Collect the third gear and exit to the left. Fall back down to the fountain and push it to the left. Jump onto the water, then onto the ledge. Since you can destroy the self- repairing barrier here, do so and move on. Destroy the objects here and walk forward to spot a big line of Security Lasers. One will shoot after the other, so it's just a giant path of lasers. Wait until the one on the right shoots, then quickly dash across before the first laser can start up. You will have to move two pictures past a Security Laser. Move both pictures into the empty slots to open the wall nearby. If you're hit by a laser while carrying a picture, it'll get destroyed. Simply leave and reenter the room to make the pictures appear again. Destroy the Toolbox in the corner, drop down, and leave. More Lateral Lifts here. Ride the first one to the rightmost ledge and drill through the cracked wall. Doing so will reveal an air duct. Ride it onto another Lateral Lift; shift to your third gear, switch sides, and kick back onto the platform. Ride the Socket Lift to another ledge, where you can drill through an air lift onto another platform. The next Lateral Lift will take you to the exit, but we can find a treasure here. Instead of kicking back to the ledge on the left, stay on the right side of the Lateral Lift. Kick back towards the wall, turn around, and drill right into the cracks. Destroying the wall will reveal a hidden treasure chest containing a SAMURAI ARMOR. Head to the exit right past a few blocks. In the next room, drill through the blocks and Security Guard, then fall down to the left. Destroy all of the blocks in the little crawlspace and then dash right through. Defeat the Security Mech below your feet and continue down the zig-zagging path. Proceed through the room while blowing through Security Mechs to the next area. Ooh, a green room. Move the picture near the entrance to the space on the other side of the bookcase. This will open the path to the right, revealing a Drill Slot. This is the final guard room. To find the combination, jump up on the ledge to the left of the Drill Slot and inspect the bookcase. A memo states that you must drill six times to the left, once to the right, then 12 times to the left. Not too hard, but the lock is bigger than the rest and takes more force to move. The locks are open and a Drill Slot rises next to the safe. Head down the air duct and go to the left. Destroy the Security Dog, open the Toolbox, and go through the air duct embedded in the ground. If you go too far and hit a dead end, then just back out of it with L. Continue through the air ducts until a Purple Monster appears. Run away from it and cruise through the air ducts. Avoid the dead ends and back out of them. Destroy the blocks in the corner to make another air duct appear. How does that happen? Anyways, drill through to reach a small room. Open the Toolbox is the far right corner, then walk back towards the air duct. Jump up the ledge and use the jelly block to hop onto the island. Defeat the Security Guard and use the Lateral Lift to reach higher ground. Drill through the air ducts to the left and avoid the circling Purple Monsters. Continue drilling through the air duct while taking down the blocks in your way. All you have to do is repeatedly flee from the Purple Monster while drilling through blocks in an air duct. Nothin' new here. Continue to the next room. You'll encounter a Drill Crab here. It's trapped in a small cell above the air duct and will bore into the duct with its drill claws. Use R to move forward and L to back up. Avoid the drills; if its left eye blinks, then it'll attack with its left hand. Of course, vice versa with the right eye/hand. Keep avoiding the Drill Crab's attacks until it peeks into the duct. When it does this, drill into its eyes until it knocks you away. Repeat this to destroy the Drill Crab. Move forward, destroy the Toolbox for Energy, and enter the door. Destroy the trio of self-repairing barriers and enter the door to reach the safe. Drill through the Drill Slot to open up the safe and go inside. Woohoo, we hit the jackpot here! Plenty of gold to satisfy the thieves. Unfortunately, the Red Diamond is not here, and Detective Carrie is. She thinks you're after a Yellow Diamond, so she gets a little defensive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Police Robot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Detective Carrie's little robot isn't too tough. Her primary attack is tossing mega-sized handcuffs at you. If you are hit with them, you'll get cuffed to either wall. Just drill the purple part of the handcuff to eventually free yourself. If you successfully avoid her handcuff attack, a red column will appear in the robot's torso. Run over and start to drill it; shift to the third gear for maximum efficiency. The Police Robot will eventually knock you away and restart the process. After losing around half of her health, the Police Robot's attack will be slightly altered. Now the handcuff will fly past you, then come back around like a boomerang. Jump over it twice to fully avoid the attack. Her weak point will also appear for a much shorter time. Other than that, the strategy is the same. Very easy battle on your hands. PART 2 The bottom half of Carrie's robot will blow up and the battle will continue. Now that the Police Robot can fly around, things will change a little bit. She is much faster and will jet around the side of the room. However, you still only have to worry about one attack. When you see the robot stop and the booster on the bottom sizzle away, the robot will smash right on top of you. Normally, you'd think it would be a good idea to dodge instead of getting crushed by a giant robot. Instead, this is your time to attack. When the flames on the booster disappear and it starts to blink, stand still and wait for the Police Robot to try and flatten you. Drill upwards you you connect with the weak point. Continue drilling until the flying robot drops you. Some Security Mechs will appear out of the blue, so take them out before focusing on the main boss. Keep on drilling the booster to win the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yay, more massive explosions! The heroes take the Yellow Diamond for the hell of it and retreat. Turns out there are actually five diamonds, and we now have one of them. Lets go to the Kuru Ruins in order to find the Blue Diamond! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ KURU RUINS [0305] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ In a change of scenery, Jill will arrive in a lush jungle. Walk forwards while destroying the rocks to reach your first enemy: a mere Skeleton. They're really weak, so drill through the whole group and go to the next area. Avoid the Arrow Traps to reach the ruins. You'll encounter a Gold Skeleton inside. Upon defeating one, they will release a cloud of poison gas. Avoid it or else you will get hurt. Destroy the statues and the next Gold Skeleton to reach a hallway being blocked by a vine. Vines are just like self-repairing barriers, so you cannot destroy it yet. Jump onto the ledge and bore through the blocks in the way. You can only drill into the brown portions of the metal blocks, so the ones on the far left cannot be destroyed from down here. Kill the Gold Skeleton on the platform and jump onto the next one. Drill through the vases and fall down on the other side of the metal blocks. Destroy them and take out the next group of blocks. Drill down the wall and collect the gear from inside the Gearbox. With your second gear in hand, return to the vine and bust it down. In the next room, ride the moving platform over the pit and start to walk up the ramps. Massive boulders will roll down your way, Indiana Jones style. You can only drill through the boulders when they are not spinning (when they roll on flat ground). Stand on the flat part of the ramp and wait for the boulder to stop spinning, then destroy it. Repeat this until you reach the top of the ramp. Drop down and destroy the blocks under you. Grab the Energy in the Toolbox and enter the room on the right. Fall down the platforms and drill through the blocks in your way. Keep going through the room until you reach a Phantom. Drill the Phantom to break it into four smaller parts. You cannot destroy the smaller parts, so wait until they try to divebomb you. Dodge the mini Phantom when it kamikaze dives at you as they explode. Open the Toolbox below you and dash under the blocks. Defeat the next Phantom here and break down the wall to the right. Continue up the platforms here to the top of the room. The left side is blocked by metal blocks, so drill the cracked wall on the right to reveal the exit. Drill open the Gearbox directly above you. That was easy! A set of blocks are hovering above a pit, so you will have to use your drill to skip gaps. Drill into the first block and hold down Right on the D-Pad to hover over the air while destroying the other blocks in the way. You will be able to cruise right over the pit to the other side. Leave the room. You cannot get the Toolbox in the corner now, so ignore it and kill the Gold Skeleton. Drop down the platforms to the bottom and drill through the wall. Destroy the large pile of brick blocks and defeat the two Gold Skeletons that were trotting along on top. Jump up the platforms and use your new technique to easily drill through the line of blocks. The next line of blocks leading to a Toolbox contain some metal blocks. The opening is in the bottom of the block, so jump up and drill from below to destroy the two blocks. Then kill the Gold Skeleton on the platform and skip over the gap to reach the Toolbox. Grab the stuff inside and head on to the next area. Man, I'm not liking this giant spiked ceiling. As soon as you enter the large shaft, the ceiling will begin to lower towards you. You'll have to drill through the metal blocks under you. Remember that you can only drill through the brown side of the metal block. Once you reach the bottom, destroy the block on the right and get your behind out of there! Plow through the statues in the way and enter the door. The next room has a spiked floor under you, and it will rise up from under you. Quickly destroy the block to the right and jump up the ledge, then shift to your third gear when boring through the line of blocks to easily cruise through them. Keep destroying the blocks in your way before the spike trap hits you. If you have the time, open the Toolbox in the corner before leaving. Defeat the Gold Skeleton that greets you and skip over the spiked floor to reach a Toolbox. Go down the platforms to the ground. Watch out for the sections of the wall and ceilings that have faces painted on them. They are Arrow Traps. If you cross their line of sight, they'll shoot arrows out. Either duck or dash to avoid them while taking out any Gold Skeleton that gets in your way. Open the Toolbox at the end for some Energy and drop down below. Avoid the Arrow Traps on the floor and continue on towards the door. Defeat the two Phantoms in the room and dash under the crawlspace. Take down the next Phantom and try not to fall into the spike pits. Drill away the block in the wall and head to the next room. Walk down the ramp until you reach a platform stuck behind some blocks. Boulders will roll down the ramp towards you, so stand on the flat part of the ramp and drill the boulders when they reach you. While you are safe until the next one comes down, destroy the blocks to free the moving platform. Do the same with the next two blocks on the track and destroy any boulder that gets in your way. Once the track has been cleared of obstacles, ride the moving platform to the upper part of the room. Open the Toolbox for Energy and use the two jelly blocks to reach the exit. Enter the large, dark room and walk to the center. I don't like the looks of this. A strange glowing orb enters the statue in the background and powers it up. Oh crap! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Possessed Statue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A large vine mace will shoot out of the side and start to attack. I don't really know how a vine can turn into a spiky ball of death, but this thing can hurt. The mace will swing back and forth in the air; you can jump and walk through the actual vine without getting damaged, but don't hit the mace or you will get hurt. Your main target is the glowing sphere at the top of the statue, so we will somehow have to reach it. The vine mace will swing back and forth above your head, but sometimes it will sway across the floor. Just jump over the mace if that happens. After a while, the mace will stop for a few seconds before plummeting to the ground. When this happens, it will start to blink. Drill into the vine mace to embed in the side. As the vine mace twirls you in the air, wait until you are directly above the glowing sphere. When you are, let go of L/R and drill downwards right into the sphere to damage it. After you are knocked away from the attack, you will have to do the same thing again. The Possessed Statue doesn't develop any new attacks, but the vine mace will retract into a normal ball every once in a while as it swings around the room. When you see the spikes retract, you can jump in the air and drill to stick yourself into the vine again. You know, just to save the trouble instead of waiting for the vine mace to use its diving attack. The vine will begin to thrash about much faster when you are stuck inside, so wait for the right moment to divebomb the target. Drill into the glowing sphere at the top of the Possessed Statue four or five times to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The glowing sphere will retreat as the statue goes back to being a lifeless pile of rubble. Jill returns to the trailer to investigate. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ SUNKEN RUINS [0306] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ You will end up in the area where you fought the Possessed Statue. Enter the door at the end. Drill through the wall in your way until you get ambushed by some Skeletons. Destroy them all and proceed to the next area. Get rid of the statues in front of you and fall down the gap. Your Drill Dozer cannot enter the water on the left, so avoid it at all costs. Destroy the wall to the right and go through the door. You will be stopped by a pair of mysterious old women... who are riding a submarine. Totally weird. Jump onto the island as the submarine dips into one of two pools of water. When it pops up, the blue lady will fire three bullets at you. Deflect them with your drill and wait for the sub to turn around. Drill the screw under the pink woman. Repeat this process to unscrew it from the sub. Doing so will cause them to drop a propeller. The "crazy thief ladies" escaped, but you have taken the propeller for yourself. You can now enter water and turn into a submarine of sorts. Drop into the pool of water on the right and test it out. Pressing R will cause you to swim forwards and L makes you move backwards. Drill through the blocks and the Toolbox for Energy, then destroy the walls to the left. Swimming upwards is the same as drilling up, so swim up the shaft to the next area. Swim to the left and kill the Killer Fish (lol). Doing so can be tough since you don't have the same freedom of movement as on land. Swim up and break open the Gearbox, then swim down the pit. Destroy the vine and head to the next area. Destroy the Killer Fishes in the area and swim through the opening. Drill through the walls and Killer Fishes here to Go up and avoid the Mechanical Urchins while opening the Toolbox. Continue to the left to the next room. Swim upwards to reach dry land! Finally, I hate swimming. Dash under the spikes, then dash over the spike pit. Use the platforms here to reach a Toolbox, but you cannot reach the second one yet. Return to the bottom and dash to the left to another pool of water. Great, back here. Swim downwards towards a Vaccum Starfish. It will try and suck you into its mouth, so drill away until it gets out of breath. When that happens, destroy it. Continue down the path and break the blocks to the right, then defeat the next Vaccum Starfish. Drill down the hole while avoiding the mines. Proceed through the room; it's really straightforward. The next room is filled with bubbles that will knock you in a straight line if you hit one. Drill through the blocks below you and swim through the room. Avoid the bubbles and swim upwards to reach dry land. Defeat the Phantoms in here and walk to the right. Jump onto the platform to the ledge above. Avoid the spikes as you jump through the room towards a treasure chest. Open it to obtain STARDUST. Exit the room and return to the water. Swim downwards and you should spot a block in the ground. Destroy it and the Toolbox below, then swim down the shaft to the right to the next area. This room is filled with currents that will take you throughout its intended path. Take the current on the right and as you ride through the circular path, drill downwards when the path opens up. You'll have to shift to second gear to escape the current. Avoid the Mechanical Urchins and Killer Fish as you swim down the opening here. Use the bubbles to navigate across the room (you can swim normally, but using the bubbles is much easier) and reach the Gearbox. Now that you have your third gear, drill through the blocks below you and swim up. You'll be back in the previous room, but you can swim against the current on the right by shifting to the third gear. Do so and destroy the Killer Fish in the way, then ride the currents and get the Toolboxes along the way. When you reach the center of the room, break the Toolbox. You have to exit the current in the upper-left corner of the path. Enter the current again and when you reach the corner, drill upwards and you should be able to escape with your third gear. Destroy the blocks and the Vaccum Starfish, then head to the next area. Destroy the vertical line of blocks and drill forwards into the current. The ledge will stop you from being pushed to the start of the room. Go up and do the same with the next current. Destroy the blocks in your way and swim through the current to the top of the room. Proceed onward to dry land. In here, you will have to destroy the metal blocks. Drill the weak point to destroy each one. Some are encasing rocks, so destroying the blocks will cause the rocks to fall to the ground. You can use the rocks to protect yourself from the spiked floor. Traverse through the room while collecting the three Toolboxes (it's simple enough), then leave the room through the other side. Ride the current to the bottom of the room. Take out the blocks in the way. Yawntastic. Destroy the blocks in your way in the next room and ride the currents while avoiding the Mechanical Urchins. Drilling the urchins will stop your flow so you don't go crashing into them. In the next section, you will have to use the bubbles to cross the room. Make sure you don't go crashing into the Mechanical Urchins here either. Break the blocks in the way and exit the room. The weird glowing orb will return here and combine with a school of fish to form a giant evil monster fish of doom! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Leviathan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Leviathan can be pretty tough, mainly for the fact that it's hard to move smoothly when underwater. It will stay on the right side of the screen and spit out objects. If it spits out a rock, drill it back in its face. It'll also shoot out energy balls. Quickly swim away from it; when it explodes, avoid the tiny balls it releases. Shoot about three or so rocks back at the Leviathan to have it float to the center of the room. It will reform back to a school of fish. The school of fish will swim away, then dart back towards you from the right. Swim away from the group until they disappear behind you. The glowing sphere will appear by itself in the center of the room. Take this time to drill into the sphere to deal great damage. After a while it'll disappear and the school of fish will combine into the Leviathan. As the Leviathan reforms, quickly swim away from it or else the current will sweep you right into the gargantuan monster. At this point, the battle will start over again. You will have to start shooting rocks into the fish's face again and break it apart. After depleting half of its health, the ratio of energy balls to rocks will increase greatly. After the Leviathan reforms into the school of fishes, they will rush across the arena more than once. Other than that, wait for the glowing orb to appear by itself and drill away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The incredibly odd orb will explode as the Blue Diamond drops down. I don't know if there was a connection, but Jill grabs it and leaves. Make sure to pick up the Hard Bit at the shop before moving on. Now you can drill through the sturdy purple blocks! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ METAL CITY [0307] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Some mysterious folks will learn of the protagonists' arrival. Jill also learns that a Skullker with the Red Diamond is hiding in the town. Chop chop! You'll find some time blocks up ahead. Destroying time blocks doesn't take much strength, but they will reappear again after several moments. If you are standing in the frame of a time block, then it will not appear. Destroy the time blocks in front of you and drill apart the block above. Kill the Security Guards and the time block ahead. Use the reformed block as a stepping stone. Destroy the next set and use them to collect the Toolbox, then drill through the junk to the next area. There is a sign describing how to use the Wall Cleaner up ahead. They are similar to Drill Slots, but pressing the opposite drill button while spinning will cause you to launch upwards. Use it to reach the ledge above and kill the enemies. Use the next set of Wall Cleaners to reach the ledge. Walk to the left and climb across the time blocks to the platform. Open the Toolbox above and leap across towards the bumbling Security Guard. Kill him and walk over to the time block/Wall Cleaner combo. You will have to destroy the time block and time yourself so that when you use the Wall Cleaner to catapult upwards, you'll land on the time block as it reappears. When you do so, jump up and kill the Security Dog. Use the Wall Cleaner on the right to reach a Toolbox and the one on the left to reach a Gearbox. Open it for your second gear and drop back down to the Wall Cleaner. Shifting to your second gear will cause you to jump higher when you use the mechanism. Try it out to reach the ledge above the Gearbox's location. Move onto the next area. You will have to destroy the time block on the platform's track. When the platform moves to the right of the time block's frame, jump as it reappears. Jump from the block to the platform on the right and drop down to the other side. Drill through the block and use the Wall Cleaner to launch upwards. Of course, wait for the platform above you to disappear first. Kill the Laser Mech across from you. In order to do so, drill to make it topple over, then target the pilot. Move forward. Drill the screws to shift it to the other side, then drop down and destroy the blocks underneath. Unscrew the next one by pressing L, then drop down. Walk down the stairs to the next area. Destroy the desks and Security Guards up ahead, then jump up the platforms to find another Laser Mech. Kill it and the wave of Security Guards that rush in, then exit the room. The next screw forms a right angle, so unscrew it and use it as a platform. Jump up to the Toolbox, then open it and fall down the other side. Screw the next one to the right side, then use it as a platform to reach the ledge. Go down the platforms and kill the Security Guards, then drill through the purple block to reach the Toolbox. The next screw is vertical, so drill downwards to pull it up. Walk under the screw and dash across before the screw falls back down and blocks your way. Move the next two screws and run underneath. The next screw is blocking a path you can take with the Wall Cleaner. Move the screw, then use the Wall Cleaner to shoot up to a Toolbox. Open it, drop down the shaft, then dash under the crawlspace. You will find a Sonic Bot on the other side of the crawlspace. It will constantly turn to the side. When you see the targets move vertically, it will be able to target you from above. Avoid getting targeted or you will get shot with sonic booms. Hide under the platform to stay safe. When the Sonic Bot turns to the side, drill the yellow sections to damage it. Once it's destroyed, dash across the other side and leave. Crush the blocks and drill through the air duct to the next area, where you will fall onto a train. Walk to the right to get attacked by a large amount of Security Guards. Kill them while avoiding the pillars in the way of the train. Continue to the right until you are stopped by pillars that cover the whole screen. You can destroy the colored sections of the pillars. The yellow parts only take one gear to destroy and the blue ones can only be destroyed if you shift to second gear. Walk to the right while taking down the pillars in your way. In the next train car, you will have to drill through multiple pillars. Do so and jump over the electrical floors. After a while, pillars will end up getting in the way, so duck under them while jumping over the electricity. Frustrating, I know. Next up, take out the Security Mech up ahead. Next up, attak the waves of Security Guards and the Sonic Bot. I suggest taking out the grunts while avoiding the Sonic Bot. Once everyone is defeated, move forward until the train stops. Finally. Drop off of the train and open the Toolbox for some Energy, then drill through the air duct above. Grutch will tell you that the next section is under construction, but you should hurry through anyways. Gee, thanks. Kill the Security Dog and Security Mech to the right and walk forward. Jump onto the ledge above and use the Wall Cleaners to reach the Gearbox above. Along the way, you can destroy a purple block on the left to reach a hidden area. Dash under the island once the platform disappears, then hop on the top to reach a Toolbox. Open it and drop down. This time, walk to the right of the ledge to find another Wall Cleaner. Shift to third gear when using it to reach a jelly block above. Use it to bounce onto the ledge. Next area ahoy. Defeat the enemies and use the Wall Cleaners to launch yourself. Plow through the time blocks to reach another cleaner. Keep using the Wall Cleaners and time blocks to reach a ledge. Destroy the time block and jump on it after it reforms. Drill through the next two above you, then drill into the jelly block. Wait for the two time blocks to reform, then bounce on top of them. Jump across to the ledge. Drop down the zig-zag platforms while killing the enemies in the way. At the bottom, walk to the right and use the time block to bounce onto the high ledge on the right, then continue to the next area. Use the jelly block to bypass the disappearing blocks to the right. Bounce onto the ledge and kill the Security Guard. Now jump onto the disappearing blocks (when they appear of course) and onto the jelly block. Drop down and drill to the left side of the jelly block. Bounce onto the ramp above the entrance and exit to the left. Now you are on the upper section of the previous area. Catapult up the platform with the Wall Cleaner and defeat the two Laser Mechs. Use the next Wall Cleaner to reach a set of platforms. Erm, make sure not to fall off. Cross the platforms to reach another set leading downward. Cross them to reach a chest containing a SQUARE STONE. Phew! Return to the last area. Use the jelly block to reach the ledge to the right again and open the Toolbox for some Energy. You'll encounter a Yo Bot here. Yo Bots use an electric yo-yo to throw at you. Avoid it and attack its underside. Go to the right and dash under the ledge. Fall down and destroy the purple blocks to the left and fall down to a large area. Break the blocks to the left and use the disappearing platform to cross the spike pit. Open the Toolbox and go back across. Next, use the Wall Cleaner to the right to launch onto the screw above. Drill down to push the screw to the left. Jump over the spike and onto the screw, then continue to the left. Defeat the Yo Bot and move to the next area. Drill through the oil drums and such and fall down the shaft. Destroy the purple blocks to the right to find an enclosed Toolbox. Fall all the way down to the bottom and destroy the block on the left side of the shaft. Now you can dash across to the other side. Get rid of the oil drums here, then dash back across to the right side. Jump up the platform and dash across where the drums were. Destroy the blocks to the next area. This part is very difficult. Jump over the spike pit to the jelly block. There are two time blocks in the center of the room. Bounce from the jelly block towards the time block on the bottom. Bounce from that one so you land on top of the jelly block. From there, jump up and destroy the time block on the top. Jump to where it was and hop up so it will reform under you. Now that you are on top of the block, jump to the left to reach a lone time block. Bore through it to land on a ledge. Defeat the two Security Mechs and the block past it. Fall down the tiny shaft and dash under the platform. You will have to use the Wall Cleaner to launch over the ledge to the right, but don't go so far that you go through the platform above you. Stay on your first gear and shoot over the spiky ledge. Go down to the bottom and kill the enemies here. Move along towards a vertical screw. Drill it down and stand on the leftern part. Wait for the screw to move back to its original position so you can get down to the ground. Drill through the obstacles on the left to access a Toolbox. Open it for some goodies and walk to the right. Defeat the Security Mech and Laser Mech before moving to the next area. Kill the Security Mech and go to the right. You will have to move a screw, destroy a time block, then go past the screw before it blocks your way. In order to do this, drill the time block but do not destroy it; just leave a sliver a life left on it. Once it's almost broken, move the screw and return to the time block. Destroy it and dash past the screw before it moves again. Use the next screw to bounce over the spike pit and open the Toolbox for some Energy, then proceed to the next area. Enter the stadium and totally ignore the sign in front. You will spot the Red Diamond in the center! However, it disappears and the weird professor from before shows up. Well, he gives us a healthy serving of Police Robot... again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Police Robot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Avoid the bomb Carrie shoots at you for Gearmo to interrupt your battle. He tells you to drill into the blue bombs with R. Let go of the button to shoot it back, or drill into it for three seconds to automatically shoot the bomb back. Pay attention to the timer on the large screen in the background. When it hits zero, the bomb will blow up. You will be shooting the bomb back and forth until it explodes, so make sure Carrie is in possession of the bomb as it goes boom. When the Police Robot starts shooting red bombs, use L to deflect them back. It's a fairly familiar fighting technique (gosh, I feel like I've seen this before...). When Carrie is hit with a bomb, a red column will appear in the robot's stomach. Drill into it for some serious damage. Keep deflecting bombs and drilling the weak point to finish off this part of the fight. PART 2 The lower section of Detective Carrie's Police Robot has been destroyed. You will still have to deflect bombs at each other, but the fight has changed dramatically. First off, the color of the bombs can change as you fire them back and forth, so remember that blue = R and red = L. The fuse will also range, so it can start off at four instead of ten. Carrie can also hold the bomb instead of immediately firing it back at you. Due to this, she will get pretty tricky, so just jump over a bomb if you don't have time to knock it back at her. Once you knock a ready-to-detonate bomb at the Police Robot, it will hover above it. This is your time to strike! Drill into the rocket booster on the underside of the Police Robot. Hang on as it flies around until you are swatted off. The battle strategy will repeat, but Carrie will switch to the other side of the arena. Keep on your toes during the second part of this boss battle, because it requires some quick thinking. When you have the chance, drill away at the rocket booster until you defeat the Police Robot for the second time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The professor escapes with the Red Diamond after defeating Carrie again. Nice to know that the Skullkers and the cops are working together. The police are so corrupt in the world of Drill Dozer. Jill will escape and rethink her plan of attack with the team. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ METAL CITY SKYLINE [0308] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Lets get ready to track down that professor. There is a line of time blocks to the right, so climb up them while avoiding the Turrets on the left and right side of you. If you get stuck with one, simple deflect their bullets. Defeat the Security Guard at the top and walk to the right. Quickly take out the Security Mech, then wipe out the Thugs as they come by the swarm. Destroy the Gearbox and the trail of blocks below. Now that you have a second gear, exit to the right. You will have to defeat a wave of enemies in the hallway. There are Thugs, Security Guards, Springers, and Security Mechs in your way. Destroy the oil drums and Toolbox for some Energy and head through the door. Hey, it's those creepy old ladies! Well, they want to fight you for an undisclosed reason. This is a more difficult fight then when you beat 'em up in their sub, but it's a little tougher. I'm not going to classify this as a boss battle though. The Twin Copter will use a magnet on the bottom to drop bombs down at you. Dodge the explosion, then drill into the magnet to rocket them across the room. As they ricochet around, they will slowly destroy parts of the ceiling. When the Twin Copter falls to the ground, continue to drill into it. The walls will move inward and the Twin Copter will now launch three bombs. Stand inbetween and jump in the air before they explode. Continue attacking the same way to eventually defeat the elderly twins. They will drop an air propellar before retreating. Now you can fly in the air! I should not be excited about this. Flying is even worse than swimming! Hold down R to fly upwards. You can also hold down L as well to hover in the air. Fly upwards while stopping on the construction beams along the way. Destroy the Toolbox in the air and continue up the side of the building. Once you reach the next area, you will find the final Gearbox. Flying is a lot easier now since you can actually stay in the air as long as you hold down R. Destroy the blocks and Toolboxes while either avoiding or blowing through the Buzzers. Once you reach the next area, Grutch will inform you that things will be tougher in this next area. You will have to avoid spikes and Yo Bots until you get to the next area. There are plenty of Toolboxes here, but also a lot of moving mines. Avoid the mines and destroy the Toolboxes for chips. Head to the next area, where you have to defeat Sonic Bots and avoid more spikes. Destroy the purple block on the left and fly through the area. It's fairly straightforward. The next area is just one chute upwards, so open the Toolboxes and avoid the Sonic Bots to the top of Metal City. At the very top of the city skyline lies the Drizzler. This odd machine controls the weather in Metal City. The professor shows up and lets Jill know that with the push of a button, harmless weather machines can turn into destructive deathtraps. Joy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Drizzler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 This battle is very unique, since the Drizzler doesn't directly attack you. It waits at the top of the arena while it shoots out two contraptions that create giant mazes throughout the arena. You start at the bottom, and you must fly and hover up to the top to reach the Drizzler. The walls of the maze are lined with spikes, so don't go try running into them. The first maze isn't difficult as long as you take your time. Puffers will roll along the perimeter of the maze and shoot out clouds. They do not damage you, but the clouds can block your vision. If you are caught in a cloud, hover until it disappears and continue forward. Once you reach the Drizzler, spin into its big mouth to damage the machine. PART 2 A new maze has been constructed, and Wind Bases have taken the place of Puffers. Wind Bases will shoot gusts of wind, then stop momentarily. Of course, each Wind Base is aimed towards spikes, so flying into a gust of wind will push you right into a spiked wall. At first, you can bypass single Wind Bases, but others are in groups and are harder to avoid. Hover in place when they are blowing, then quickly move as they stop. Attack the Drizzler's mouth when you reach the top. PART 3 There really isn't a maze this time; it's just a line of spikes around the screen. On the edges are Electric Bases. These machines will shoot lightning bolts horizontally across the area. It is very simple to avoi, and this stage of the battle is actually the easiest. Avoid the first few sets of Electric Bases to reach the Drizzler. The only problem is that there is a pair of Electric Bases on the side of the Drizzler, so you cannot just hover in front of the Drizzler and attack. Attack the mouth of the Drizzler, then drop back down a lil' bit. When the lightning bolts cease, fly back up and continue attacking its mouth. PART 4 Yes, there is another part, but no more mazes and such. The Drizzler has reverted back to its original form, but the power of the Red Diamond still made it psycho. It will fire small rocks which you can actually destroy with your air propellar if you fly into it. After firing several rocks, the base of the Drizzler will glow. Fly to either side of it as a large beam fires out of the base. The Drizzler will move while shooting the beam, so fly away until it stops firing. After firing the laser beam, a small red portion of the base will glow. Fly into the red part to damage it. Keep destroying rocks and avoiding the laser beam to make the weak point appear, then attack. After the Drizzler has lost half of its health, it will move faster and begin firing its laser beam multiple times before revealing its weak point. Other than that, the battle stays the same in this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, the battle is FINALLY over! The gang finally got their Red Diamond back, and a mysterious voice tells Jill to hop on the trailer. Wait, that definitely doesn't look like our trailer. Crap, we just hopped onto the enemy's truck! The level ends once the Skullkers capture Jill. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ CLINK PRISON [0309] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Jill has been captured by the Skullkers and tossed into prison. However, you can control the Drill Dozer even without a pilot! It's like a higher power is controlling the characters, like some sort of game... Destroy the rubble in front of the Drill Dozer and enter the next room. Defeat the two Prison Guards and drop down. You cannot jump nearly as high when you had a pilot, so you cannot access a lot of the area here. Defeat the next two Prison Guards and go to the left. Fall down past the moving platform (that isn't currently moving) and head to the right. You will be interrupted by a big group of Prison Guards. They will walk around on the disappearing platforms. Stay on the bottom and drill them when they're above you. As they fall down to your level, drill away. Once the coast is clear, enter the next area. The infrared sensors on the ceiling can detect heat from the Drill Dozer. If you trip the sensor, you will plummet into the electrified floor. If you press B, the Drill Dozer will shut down. Doing so will allow you to bypass the sensor. Follow the sensor and shut down as the sensor is ready to pass by. Once it passes, reboot and run to the right. Do the same with the second sensor, but make sure to destroy the block in the way first. Go down the platforms on the right to automatically trigger another sensor on the wall. You will fall to the ground and be greeted by a Boxer Mech. He will use his giant fist to punch you away, but drill into the fist to destroy it. Once the fist has been destroyed, simply drill away at the mech to win. Continue to the left and fall down to the next area. The next laser bit is more difficult because the ones on the ceiling move faster than usual. You will also have to deal with a horizontal laser too. Slowly drill away the block in your way and shut down any time a laser gets near you. Once the block is out of the way, quickly run to the right and go down. Eliminate the Prison Guards in the way and enter the next door. Walk down the hall to spot Jill in the prison cell above you. Too bad there's a ceiling in the way. Go down the hallway ride the platform downwards. Defeat the Boxer Bot and open the Toolbox that it was guarding. Ride the Socket Lift to the ledge above and drill through the purple blocks on the right. You will find a Toolbox behind the blocks, so open it up. Ride the next Socket Lift up and open the next Toolbox for some Energy. Jump up to reach another hall guarded by a Goo Turret. If you are hit by one of their globs of goo, you'll be covered in the sticky substance and won't be able to use your drill. Of course, you'll be ambushed by Prison Guards here, so you don't want to get stuck with goo. The Goo Turrets fires slow shots, so avoid them while defeating the guards. Once they are dealt with, run to the right to reach Jill's cell. Destroy the door to rescue Jill. The Red Diamond will sparkle and reveal some weird lady. Hm. Anyways, Jill hops in her Drill Dozer. Grutch talks about some stuff, like that spirit was really Jill's mom and that the Red Diamond was hidden inside the Drill Dozer. Anyways, it's time to escape from prison! You know, like that show; something about breaking out of prison or somethin'... Destroy the wall and open the Gearbox to upgrade. With your new gear, destroy the self-repairing barrier and proceed through the door. Jump up the platforms to reach the last set of infrared sensors you encountered. Well, no sneaking here! Just pull the lever on the wall to turn them off! Aw, how easy. Jump up the platforms in the center to the next area. First, run to the left and hop over the gap to the Toolbox. Open it up and return to the entrance. Go to the right, destroy the blocks, and head up the platforms to the upper area. Hop up the platforms and go through the door. First off, take out the Prison Guards running around before the Goo Turrets can hit you. Next, destroy the one on the ground. Use the jelly block on the right to reach a Toolbox, then use the one on the left to reach the other side of the room. There's another Prison Guard here, so avoid the goo shots and kill him. Quickly use the jelly block to bounce up on the high ledge, then exit. Go down the steps and kill the two enemies down here. Run to the left and hit the switch to turn on the moving platform. Use it to access the Toolbox, then return to the switch. Go up the platforms and open the Toolbox for some Energy. Go up the ramp while defeating Prison Guards and go through the door. This should look fairly familiar to you. Hit the lever on the left side of the room to activate a moving platform. This is where we started off by the way. Ride the platform and open the Toolbox on the right side of the room. Leave by taking left side. An Electro Mech will run towards you. He is covered by electric shields, but he's left uncovered on the top. Jump up and remove the screw on his head to deactivate the shields, then drill the crap out of him. Go up the platforms and defeat the next two, then go up the next two platforms. There is an air duct next to you with an odd contraption inside. Read the note posted on the wall. That weird thing is a Cannon Clamp. If you match the number on the Cannon Clamp with your gear, it will shoot you forward. For example, if the Cannon Clamp has the number "2" on it, shift to second gear to have it launch you forward. However, ignore the air duct for now. Defeat the Boxer Mechs above you and break open the Gearbox for your third gear. Now you can go through the air duct and Cannon Clamps to the next area. Drill through the self-repairing barrier in front of you and walk over to the air duct. There is a Level 3 Cannon Clamp in front of you: shift to third gear, then enter the air duct and Cannon Clamp. As soon as you are shot out, quickly shift to third gear to go through another Level 3 Cannon Clamp. While in midair, use the jelly block to launch onto the platform. Open the treasure chest here for MAGIC SPICE. Dash under the crawlspace to get back to the starting position. Ride the Socket Lift up while avoiding the electricity, then bounce to the ledge on the left. Defeat the Electro Mech and walk to the next area. As you calmly walk down the hall, a mysterious enemy will confront you. This guy is a Poison Guard. One shot of his poisonous dart will kill you instantly. Of course, he will shoot constant streams of these weapons. Guess what, you cannot kill him either! To leave the room alive, face the Poison Guard and shift to your third gear. Since you can drill for an everlasting amount of time when at the third gear, you will continuously deflect his poison darts. Slowly back up and back onto the moving platform. When you reach the other side, drop down and quickly run into the door before he can catch up. In here, defeat the Prison Guard and break all the Toolboxes embedded in the ceiling. Some drop down more enemies, but they should die if they land on you while you're drilling upwards. You know, I saw the door close on us as we entered, so I expected something more dangerous than this. Oh well. Exit the room to the left. You'll encounter the Poison Guard here again. This time you will have to stop drilling in order to jump and dash over pits. When he stops shooting, jump/dash and deflect the darts again. Drop down the step, but the Poison Guard won't be able to follow you, so he'll shoot darts above your head. However, there is a crack in the ceiling above you. Drill upwards to slowly destroy it, but stop when he gets ready to shoot. Slowly destroy the ceiling for a Chip, then continue through the door. Ha, thwarted again, Mr. Poison Guard! Kill the Prison Guards in front of you and ride the Socket Lift up to the top. You will have to move left and right to avoid the disappearing blocks. Break down the self-repairing barrier and kill more enemies here. Ride the next Socket Lift and destroy the three Turrets in your way. Ride the final Socket Lift upwards and defeat the Turrets above. More Prison Guards attack you, so breeze through them and move on. Defeat the Electro Mech and dash under the electricity. Ignore the door for now and ride the moving platform. This area is filled with Toolboxes and Electro Mechs. Defeat the enemies and collect the goodies inside the Toolboxes. Enter the door at the top of this room to reach like, a command room or something. Looks important. Read the note on the podium and drill open the gate to reach a treasure chest. Open it up to obtain a SAMURAI HELMET. Exit the room and return to the bottom again. Enter the door that I told you to ignore. As you walk forward, you will be trapped by large metal walls. Large canisters on the ceiling will drop bombs down below. Notice how there are screws on the bombs. Why does everything in this game have screws on it? Anyways, unscrew the red bombs with R and the blue ones with L. It's fairly simple, but they do like to drop down quickly. Diffuse all of the bombs before they activate, then leave to the right. You're back outside again, and this area is divided up into a few sections. You will encounter a Sonic Bot in each of the sectors here. Defeat each one by either dashing or hiding under the metal blocks. Break apart the Toolbox at the end for some Energy and head to the next area. Detective Carrie shows up and... reveals a Drill Slot. Seems like she is a good guy (err, gal) now. Well, the police are the bad guys in this game, so it's not like anything really makes sense. Use it to open the big door and go through. Yay, we have escaped from prison! Walk forward to encounter that weird scruffy dude that has been annoying us throughout the game. Stupid commissioner. He reveals his Green Diamond, which powers up a colossal robot. We have to fight that thing?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Colossobot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yay for creative names! Colossus + robot = Colossobot! And that is exactly what this thing is. This gargantuan robot towers over you and fills up half of the screen. This boss is also very strange as you don't defeat it with conventional methods. The Colossobot will begin by shooting lasers out of its cannon arm. Either jump or duck underneath them and use the three blocks to avoid the lower ones. It will also fire missiles at you. They will rain down from above, so use the blocks as shelter. After using these two attacks, it's arm will begin to blink. As it attempts to smash down on you, drill upwards to break the hand off. With the hand destroyed, Gearmo tells Jill to run inside the robot. We have to defeat this thing from the inside. You have to destroy the Colossobot's three engines in under 50 seconds! Drill through the first air duct and shift to second gear along the way. You will fly through into the first gear, destroying it. Doing so will buy you some more time. If you ever run out of time trying to destroy the Colossobot's gears, you will pop out of the arm and you will have to infiltrate it again. From the first gear, jump up and enter the air duct on the right. As a general note, pay attentions to the arrow signs as you ride through air ducts. An arrow pointing up means you have to shift your gear up, and one pointing down means that you have to lay off the shifting. When it says "OK", stay in the gear you are in now. Drill through the air duct and pay attention to the arrow signs, because the Cannon Clamps usually fluctuate between Level 1 and Level 2. There is one Level 3 Cannon Clamp near the end. When you pop out of the air duct, you will reach one of the three engines found in the Colossobot. Drill into it and shift to your third gear until it is blown to pieces. Once that happens, Jill will get shot out of the robot. One down, two to go. The Colossobot's laser it shoots out will be harder to avoid because it's cannon arm will move with you. It will not shoot missiles this time, so destroy the hand and run inside again. Return to the central hub and take the northern air duct this time. Drill through the air duct and pay attention to the upcoming Cannon Clamps. When you reach the blue duct, drill through with L to eventually reach the second engine. You know what to do. Now there is only one engine left that you need to eliminate. No need for lasers or missiles; the Colossobot will use his hand right off the bat. Drill it away and run on inside. There is only one more air duct to take, so drill through the southern one. The path to the final engine is a lot more difficult than the other two. There are plenty of electrical boxes to destroy so that your time will increase, but you will have to constantly move between red and blue air ducts. As a result, you'll have to switch from using R to L and over again. When you reach the final engine, continue drilling a hole into it until it's destroyed. Now that the final engine is out of the way, the Colossobot will bite the dust. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You now have the Green Diamond and the level ends. It looks like Detective Carrie is officially on our side since she is now ridin' with us in the trailer. Time to track down Croog! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ DRILL MISSILE [0310] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Croog unveils a giant Drill Missile and conveniently blows up our headquarters. Thanks. It's drilling down towards the secret command base where Jill's dad is located. We'll have to destroy its engine to stop the machine. Drop down and walk towards the cracked wall to get another call. Looks like destroying the Drill Missile's engine is now out of the picture. Destroy the walls and the floor under you. Defeat the Electric Springers and fall down. There are Plasmoids that travel the perimeter of the object they are on, whether it's a block or a wall. Dash under the first two blocks and continue downwards. Destroy the floor at the end and drop down, then drill through the cracked wall to find your second gear. Destroy the self-repairing barrier on the left. There are many Plasmoids in the next set of floors. The purple ones move faster so try to avoid them more often. Drill through the floors and dash under the blocks. You can collect a Toolbox containing Chips if you wish. Continue through the Drill Missile until you reach a pit with a Blue Plasmoid. Fall down and destroy the blocks underneath you while avoiding the Plasmoid. Destroy the set of walls while avoiding yet even more Plasmoids. Destroy the floor to the next area. Ugh, Plasmoids suck. Fall down the gigantic shaft to the bottom. The moving platforms here will flip upside-down, which reveals an electric side. Avoid the electrical side and cross the platforms when safe to eventually reach a Gearbox. Collect the third gear and continue up the large room. You will have to jump from flipping platforms to small blocks covered in Plasmoids. Not fun, so you're bound to get hurt a lil' bit. Once you reach the top, drill through the self-repairing barrier and proceed through the door. The next room is filled with nothing but air ducts and Plasmoids. Drill through each air duct and destroy any blocks in your way. Avoid the Plasmoids and continue through each air duct. It's a very simple setup, but especially take care of yourself when around the Purple Plasmoids. At the end, destroy the Toolbox for Energy and go through the door. Grutch phones in and tells you to hurry your mechanical butt to hurry up. You have three minutes to finish the job before... something bad happens. There are plenty of blocks in this room. Drill through the blocks to reveal bombs. When you spot a glowing orange bomb, back up and let it blow up the remaining blocks. Continue drilling through blocks until you spot bombs. When you do, let them do the work. Drop down and do the same to clear out the metal blocks. Eventually you will reach spots where there is only one brick block. Dash under the metal ones and target the brick block to reveal bombs. Keep moving through the area while using the bombs to clear the path for you. Once you reach the bottom of the room, drill into the Toolbox on the right for some Energy. Now just drill downwards to fall to the next area. You will fall into the drill shaft. As the Plasmoids roll around the room, drill the red shaft with L to damage it. You probably don't have much time left, so get moving. Once the shaft is destroyed and the time limit stops, drill the shaft to push the entire missile up. Wow, Jill is strong. After, she will drop of the drill shaft. Gearmo says that the self-destruct mechanism has still set off, so now you have to escape! Enter the door here and drill through the air duct. Shift to your third gear and never stop drilling through the air ducts to avoid the flames. If you get hit by the fire, you will automatically die. Drill through each air duct non- stop and move through the doors. When you reach the exit door, go through. Flip the switch in the very big room to stop the missile. Or so we thought. In order to finally stop the engine, you have to use the cooling chip to cool down the two towers on either side of you. Pay attention to the screen in the center of the room and pay attention to the white line. If it moves too far to the left, pick up the blue cooling chip with B and put it in the left tower. Keep moving the chip back and forth until the line is balanced in the middle. Okay, that was frustrating. But look at is this way: the level is over. Hooray explosions. The Drill Missile explodes, but we have a bigger threat to face. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ CROOG'S DOOM DOZER [0311] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Croog built an obnoxiously large dozer called the Doom Dozer. Jill hops on top of the monstrosity while Gearmo and Grutch get owned. Ouch. Run to the right and defeat the Springers while avoiding the missile fire. Drop down below and defeat the Goo Turrets. Take out the Springers and Shooters as you ascend up the stairs. Take out the Shooter and Turret at the dead end. Use the jelly block to propel yourself onto the island, then jump onto the jelly block and to the ledge on the right. Fall down and go through the room to reach the Gearbox. Destroy the blocks above you and continue. Defeat the wave of Thugs as you avoid the missiles that rain down from above. Drop down on the other side and walk to the left. You'll go behind the wall and find the third gear. Open it and go back to the right. Use the jelly block to jump onto the ledge. You can take the upper path or lower path here. The upper path is a series of platforms (with holes in them) guarded by Spikers and missiles. The lower path is filled with Goo Turrets and Electric Springers. Pick your poison. Once you reach the end, open the Toolbox for Energy and move on to the next area. Defeat the Electro Mechs and fall down. Defeat all of the enemies while avoiding the missile fire. When you reach a high ledge, go through the opening and walk through to the other side. You will have to fight a Skullker Tank here. It's on the ledge on the right, so jump up to the platform and dash to the one on the right. Avoid its missiles and drill into the cannon. About two hits are enough to destroy it. Continue past the rubble and defeat all of the Boxer Mechs and Electro Mechs. Jump over the platforms and to the next area. There is a Beam Totem in front of you. Each segment will move around and fire laser beams out. Target its face to destroy the Beam Totem. Destroy the next one while dodging more missiles and drop down to the lower path. Defeat the Beam Totems here, then go back up to the top platform and run to the right. Enter the tower of the Doom Dozer. Start dismantling the Doom Dozer by drilling through the support beams and walls. Croof will get pissed and the tower will fall over. The battle looks to have shifted in your favor, but the Drill Dozer falls apart! You may not have any drills, but Jill can use her totally small, girly fists. Yahhhh! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Croog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This isn't really a boss battle, since Croog has no health bar and only needs to be hit once. Croog will hover in the air and stay in either the top left or top right corner of the screen. He will fire lasers down at you. After two sets of lasers, Croog will divebomb down to your location. Stay on the opposite side of him and jump over the lasers. Right before he dives down, run under him. Croog will then charge up and attempt to ram you. Charge up your fist with B and let go once he tries to tackle you to unleash a FALCON PAWWWNCH! Wait, what? Oh yeah, wrong game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Croog get planted and the Black Diamond breaks. He turns into some wimpy dude and runs away! Grutch, Gearmo, and Detective Carrie show up. The team still has the four other diamonds and agree that Carrie and Jill hold onto the Yellow and Red Diamond respectively. But before the gang can decide what to do with the other two, those weird old ladies show up and jack them. O_o Jill's father has healed and he appoints her as the permanent boss. Yay! Now that the main game is over, you can purchase the Mega Bit and revisit old levels to find new treasures. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [4] SECRET LEVELS [0400] ============================================================================== =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ RED DOZERS' TRAINING COURSE [0401] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Since it's called a training course, you can probably tell that it's easy. Walk up the ramp to find the second gear right off of the bat. Drill through the time blocks below and open the next Gearbox for your third gear! Wow, that was fast. Drill through the time block and hold down L or R so you can hover in the air as you plow through each block. Jump on the ledge and plow through the next set of time blocks to the next platform. Do the same thing again with the next series of hovering time blocks. They are arranged in a diagonal line, but you will be able to make it to the next area unharmed. Drill through the air ducts and read the blackboard for a note. Holding down R or L will cause you to float over small gaps, so go through the air ducts in this room to the next area. You will find some screws here. Drill into a screw to push or pull it. Drill into the first one to push it upwards, then jump up to the platform and use the screw as a stepping stone to the next ledge. Drill the next screw so it lowers in front, then run past it. Use the various screws here to continue through the room. There is a large puzzle in the next room, but one piece is missing. Climb the ladder to spot the final piece. Pick it up with B and place it in its designated spot to open the path to the right. Incredibly simple. In here, use the jelly block to bounce onto the ledge. Use the next jelly block to reach the area above. Walk towards the moving platform and bounce off of the jelly block onto the platform. Jump up above and ride the next moving platform to another jelly block. There is a large series of jelly blocks which you can use to bounce up to the room's exit. Ride the Socket Lift to the ledge and walk to the right. Use the next Socket Lift to ride upwards while using Left and Right on the D-Pad to avoid the ledges. The next Socket Lifts move horizontally, so ride each one to the opposide side of the room. Shift to third gear while riding the long Socket Lift to reach a moving platform. Use the first Socket Lift to bounce to the other ones, which will eventually lead you to a chest. Open it for 150 chips! Exit the level to the right. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ RESTRICTED AREA [0402] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the Hideout Map Comic Book Guy: Smallest. Level. Ever. This level is also very difficult, since you have to cross a giant pit using nothing but Socket Lifts. This is a lot harder than you think, because you only have one gear. You have to think very quickly so your drill doesn't stop and you fall to your untimely death. If you fall off, you will return to the start of the stage with a small amount of Energy lost. From the first Socket Lift, drill, switch to the left side, then press the opposite drill button to bounce to the next one. When you reach the first jelly block, bounce to the left side of it, then use the jelly block to ricochet to the next series of Socket Lifts. If you want, you can bounce on top of the block for a lil' break. When you ride the moving Socket Lift, you will have to use the next jelly block to reach another Socket Lift. Jelly block, Socket Lift, jelly block, Socket Lift... If you want, you can take the upper path which eventually leads to a Toolbox. But if you take this path and get the Chips at the end, you will arrive at the start of the level and have to do all of this over again. If not, you can continue to the left. It's your choice. When you reach a jelly block against a wall and yellow blocks, destroy them and drop down to the next block below. You can safely drop down to solid ground below. Walk down the stairs and fall down onto the platform, then defeat the Electric Springers and Spikers. Enter the room on the left. You'll enter a large room. Destroy the gate in front and defeat the Shooters and Spikers inside. Proceed to the left and defeat the Electric Springer. Some Thugs will attack before you can destroy the Spikers, so deal with the ground enemies first. Once all enemies are defeated, open the chest on the pedestal for FLAVOR BURST. Exit the building and drop down off of the ledge. Run to the left to finish the level. Short, but surprisingly hard. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ EMPLOYEE AREA [0403] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the Art Museum Map Enter the building and walk through the room. There are checkered platforms against the checkered wallpaper, so the platforms are kinda hard to spot. Walk past the first two and dash under the others. Open the Toolbox and walk right over the spike pit to the next area. Walk across the checkered platform and hop over the gap. Pass by the jelly block and go through the air duct. Avoid the steam vents and drill through all of the air ducts in the way. Drill through any obstacle in the way to eventually find a Gearbox. Open it and drill through the block to the left. Go through the duct to the next area. Go through the air ducts while running away from the Purple Monster. You will eventually reach the third gear. Already? Ride through to the next area. In here, drop off of the edge and drill into the bottom air duct. Follow it through to eventually trigger the appearance of another Purple Monster. Run away from him to reach a Toolbox. Open it for Energy, then enter the next air duct and defeat the Drill Crab. Defeat a second one up ahead and continue. You will find two Purple Monsters ahead. Drill forward to avoid the one behind you, but don't go too fast or you will hit the one in front. Go to the next area. More air ducts, yay. I'm not even going to describe them, because you literally drill forward and never stop. Boring. At the end of the air duct maze you will find a treasure chest containing a PYRAMID STONE. Drill through the northern air duct and go forward to exit the level. However, that was only half of it. Return to the level and when you reach the jelly block, bounce onto the platform on the left. Dash above the jelly block and enter the door. Ride the platforms while avoiding the lasers. Next, use the jelly blocks to bounce to the ledge above. Ride the Socket Lift to the door and head on through. In here, use the moving platform as cover from the lasers while you defeat all of the Security Guards. Enter the door and dash under the platforms here. Take the Socket Lift over to the Gearbox and open it. use the Socket Lift to bounce onto the ledge. Break the statues in here and drop down to the bottom. Destroy the self-repairing barrier and move forward. Bounce off of the jelly block onto the moving platform. While at the top of the track, jump to the left side of the jelly block and use it to bounce onto the one right below the air duct. Jump up, tunnel through, then hop onto the ledge. Walk to the right side of the jelly block and use it to reach the Socket Lift. Use the lift and the other jelly block to get to the top of the room. It's pretty tough, but don't give up! Defeat the Security Mechs in the room and move the painting to the left side, which will open up an air duct on the left side of the room. Of course, it's on the other side of a wall. Leave and drop down to the ground. Walk to the left side of the jelly block and bounce up to the blue air duct. While in midair, tunnel through to the top. Destroy the statues and enter the door at the end. Take the air duct down and go through the door. Open the Gearbox for your third gear and fall down. Drill back through the air duct and land on the jelly block. Drill the left side and propel yourself to a tiny air duct, then tunnel through. Ride the Socket Lifts to a platform filled with face statues. Destroy them all and drop down. Jump up the platforms on the right and dash under the crawlspace. Jump past the lasers to find another jelly block. There is a row of lasers on the ceiling. Wait until the first two or three shoot, then bounce from the jelly block towards the air duct. It's all about staying in the rhythm with the lasers. Ride the next air duct to reach another Socket Lift. Ride it to the right, then drop down and drill into the next Socket Lift. Stay on this one until you can rocket to the third Socket Lift. Take the third one to the next area. Finally! Open the chest for a SAMURAI SWORD. Fall off of the balcony and walk to the right to finish the level. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FORGOTTEN RUINS [0404] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the Kuru Ruins Map Walk to the right to enter the ruins, where you'll immediately find the second and third gears! There are three paths you can take in this level. The first path is by going through the door in the center. You will enter a room where a set of spikes will slowly rise upwards. Jump on the right side and drill through all of the blocks. Jump up the platform and drill through the bottom block. Dash under the platforms and drill the other blocks in your way. Jump up and drill through the next set. Next, dash under the space and destroy the metal blocks, then dash back to where you were. Destroy the next block, dash towards the door, and go through. Open the chest here for a BARNACLE COIN, then take the next door. Fall down and exit the ruins to finish the level. Lets take the second path now. Destroy the metal block and take down the Gold Skeleton. Use the jelly blocks to bounce to the door on the left. Avoid the arrows while going up the platforms, then ride the moving ones while deflecting the arrows here as well. Climb the disappearing blocks up to the platforms. Defeat the Phantoms and use the jelly blocks with some quick moves to reach the door at the top. Enter and open the treasure chest to obtain an ANCIENT TABLET. Exit the ruins. Alright, time for the third path. Drill apart the metal block and use the jelly block behind it to get up to the left. Use the jelly blocks to get back to the second door. Now use the jelly block above to launch to the right. Bounce from the jelly block you're on to the next one. Now jump up on the right side of the jelly block above you; bounce to the third door. Dash to the right and quickly destroy the block before the boulder rolls down on top of you. It's like a giant staircase; get up each step with the jelly block across from it. Keep bouncing and breaking until you're at the top. When you reach the jelly block at the top, use it to propel yourself to the one on the left. Kill the Gold Skeleton and bounce from that to the platforms on the left. Walk down the steps towards the bottom. Drop down and use the jelly block to bounce to a platform. Now use all of the jelly blocks to reach the top of the room. It can be annoying, but it's possible. At the end, go through the door at open the chest to receive COWDUST. Exit the same way like before. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ METAL CITY HIGHRISE [0405] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the City Map Walk forward and dash under the crack. Go to the next area and ride the moving platforms here. Beware, because there is no ground under you. As you land on the third one, stand on the left side of it. As it goes under the tiny space, dash through before falling off. You'll land on the spikes, but at least you won't be dead. Jump across the platforms while dealing with any enemy that gets in your way. Open the Gearbox up here for your second gear, then dash onto the moving platform. Pull the screw out until it is under the Socket Lift track, then bounce upwards and drill into the Socket Lift. As it flies over the screw, drop on top of it and go to the next area. Defeat the Security Mechs, then jump towards the screw hovering under the jelly block. Screw into it and immediately bounce. If you are close enough, you will be able to drill into the jelly block. Shift to your second gear and bounce onto the ledge with the chest. Open it up for a STINKY 'SHROOM. Now ride the moving platforms to reach the Gearbox. Now take the bottom path towards a jelly block. Use it to launch over the jelly block right above the moving platform. Drill until the platform is under you, then drop down. Jump on top of the block and drop down to the moving platform on the other side. Dash to solid ground and break the blocks. Move the screw to the left and use it to boost to the jelly block. From there, use 'em to get to the next area. Drill through the time blocks to the island. Alright, this can be tricky. Drill through the first time block and drop back down to the island. Now start to drill through the others. As the block behind your reappears, bounce on top of it. From there, go up to the platform and kill the Security Guard. Jump to the right and drill into the screw with L. Bounce back to the platform, then jump on top of the screw. Stand on the very end of the right side (so Jill is teetering off of the edge) and duck. When the screw pushes back, you will get pushed under a block and be on the other side. NOTE: Yeah, I cannot get any further. I think you are supposed to drop down and start screwing the screw back in and bounce to the ledge, but I can't do it. Not sure if it's possible or what. :( Well, there is another path to take too. From the start of the level, jump up the platforms and use the Wall Cleaners to reach the top of the room. Open the Gearbox and dash past it. Drop further down and look at the crawlspace on the right side. It's right on part with one of the Wall Cleaners. Shoot up and land on top of the Wall Cleaner, then dash under the space. Use the Wall Cleaner to reach the next area. Use the Wall Cleaner to shoot up to the moving platform, then use the next one to reach another ledge. Jump over the spike pit and use the Wall Cleaner on the other side to reach the third gear. Drop back down and dash under the spike pit to reach another Wall Cleaner. Use the ones here to reach a new area. More Wall Cleaner, more simple tasks. Use 'em all to reach the exit of the room. Watch out for any mines floating around. Break the blocks to free the mines, then dash above them. Use the Wall Cleaner on the right side of the room to reach the top of the shaft. Once you reach the ledge, fall down and start drilling to the right; you'll land into another Wall Cleaner. Shoot up to a platform on the left. Drill through the series of blocks here and dash above the mines. Dash past the next few and jump to the platforms. Destroy the three Turrets and use the Socket Lift to ride to the ledge above. More effin' Wall Cleaner. Use it to launch up to the Socket Lift, then shift to your third gear. Shoot to the left and drill into another Wall Cleaner, which will be used to reach another ledge. Ride the moving platforms and dash through the mine walls. Destroy the Turret on the wall and jump up the platforms. Destroy/avoid the Turrets and use the next set of Wall Cleaners to reach a chest. Geez, finally. Open it for a GLASS MASK. Exit the building and fall all the way down to end the level. Wow, that sucked. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ESCAPE TUNNEL [0406] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the Clink Prison Map Another multi-path level. Destroy the oil drums and take the platform to the top door. Destroy the drums here and go through the door. The infrared sensors here will be blocked by the blocks above you, but you're too big to simply stand under them and be protected. When one hits a block, quickly dash to the other side. Avoiding two lasers while defeating enemies is tough, but don't give up! Once you make it out alive, open the Gearbox and drill through the air duct. Next up is another Prison Guard ambush, but this time you have to avoid Goo Turrets on the ceiling. Much easier if you ask me. Go to the right and enter the air duct on the top for a Gearbox. Now go through the Cannon Clamp below to the next area. You will have to diffuse bombs while avoiding Goo Turrets. God, this game hates you so much. Luckily you will not automatically die if a bomb goes off; it just takes out around half of an Energy Tank. Do your best and simply survive, then enter the door. Okay, you are in a tower and you have to ride Socket Lifts to the top, except there are Turrets to help piss you off. Once you reach the top, ride the next one while avoiding electricity. Once at the bottom, bounce to the door and go through. More lasers to avoid! First off, you have to run away from the laser behind you, so jump across the blocks and stay the heck away from it. It's fairly straightforward, but it's just difficult to actually execute. Soon you will reach a new area with more lasers. Run to the block before a set of Socket Lifts. Trigger the laser so that the blocks disappear and cross the Socket Lifts. Quickly jump across the block wall before it reappears and continue. At the end of the path is a chest containing CLAY SHADES. Now for the second path. Take the door at the bottom of the platform at the start of the level. Break the wall holding the Boxer Mech back. You will have to use him to knock you across the gap. Walk to the edge of the platform and have him punch you across. Do the same with the next Boxer Mech to reach the Socket Lift and use it to get onto the platform. Rocket off of the third platform and ride the Socket Lifts to the Gearbox. Open it and ride the air duct to the next room. Defeat the Electro Mech wandering around and enter the Socket Lift to the left. Each one is surrounded by electricity, so watch out. Bounce to the ones above and drop down to the ones below. Enter the air duct and blast off to the next area. Use the series of Cannon Clamps to boost through the room. You will have to constantly switch between R and L to move forward. When you reach the intersection in air ducts, take the southern path to eventually reach the third gear. Now that you have it, return to the intersection and take the left path. It's more or less the same stuff from earlier. Ride the ducts through to the next room. Defeat the Sonic Bot in here while dodging the Goo Turrets' blasts. Collect the CHIP FOSSIL at the end. Enter the door and follow the path to finish the level. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ HIDDEN COMPARTMENT [0407] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Access this level by purchasing the Secret Lair Map Enter the door and destroy the blocks in front of you. Avoid all of the Plasmoids here, since they will follow you around the perimeter of the room. Next up, hop over the platforms and time yourself so you don't collide with the Plasmoids in the center of the room. Now fall down the other end to collect your second gear. You will have to use jelly blocks to reach the other end of the room. Problem is that most of the jelly blocks are covered by Plasmoids. All I can say is to time yourself when bouncing back and forth. When you make it across, break the self-repairing barrier and enter the next area. Climb the moving platforms and avoid the Plasmoids as well to reach the top. Now jump across the thin platforms and use the jelly blocks to reach the top of the room to find a SKULL BADGE. Go through the door. Collect the third gear at the entrance and jump to the set of blocks. Drill through the one in the center to reveal a bomb. Back up and as it explodes, dash across to the blue platform. Jump to the second set of blocks. Drill the next blocks in the center to reveal another bomb. Back up, then dash to the next platform just as it blows up. Break the Toolbox here for Energy and drill the block up top. As a chain reaction starts with the bombs, jump over the bomb directly to the right of you to the platform. Now at the fourth section. Drill into the striped block in front to reveal a bomb and keep drilling forward. You will drill into the blocks below and bore through them all to the other side. Jump across the platforms to reach a wall of blocks. Jump up and drill the third block from the bottom. It will reveal a bomb which explodes. As the bomb directly to the left of you appears, quickly use it as a stepping stone to reach the blue platform on the other side. Jump up and destroy the brick block to set off a chain reaction. Quickly destroy the block below it and step on the block under you. As the explosions circle back around you, jump across to the platform. You will find a chest, so go ahead and open it for a BONE BELL. Now exit the level with the goods. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [5] BOSSES [0500] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Skullker Tank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to beat this tank, you will have to drill directly into its nose. The tank will fire missiles at you, and like stated before, drilling into them will cause you to get hurt. The only way to avoid them is by jumping over them. They move slowly, so that should not be a problem. After firing three missiles, the Skullker Tank will pause and roll backwards. Once the attack has ceased, it's your time to move in. Walk over to the tank and start drilling it; Jill will automatically drill into the nose of the tank. Shift to your third gear to deplete half of the Skullker Tank's health. The tank will break free and resume attacking. Repeat the same strategy a second time to destroy the tank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Crane Master ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Crane Master is a large rectangular robot that floats in the center of the room. It does not directly attack Jill, but it can control the cranes above to drop down several enemies. It will command a few cranes to drop down Springers and Shooters. Springers are easy to take out, but avoid the bullets the Shooter fires and remember to spin your drill to deflect them. The enemies that drop down range from two to five. After defeating all foes on the ground, the Crane Master will release a pole on its bottom. Run under it and jump in the air, then drill upwards into the red spot on the pole. Remember to shift to your second gear and drill away until the pole retreats inside of the Crane Master. More enemies will fall down from the cranes above. The Crane Master will only reveal its weak point when all enemies have been destroyed. Repeat this strategy until the Crane Master kicks the bucket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Skullker Tank x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have dealt with one before, but now we have to tango with two Skullker Tanks at the same time. As we know, their only attack is shooting missiles. The attack pattern, however, will change during this fight. The tank on the left will fire a missile, then stop. The tank on the fire will retort by firing one missile of their own and pause. Now that both tanks have stopped attacking, go after the tank on the right. Drill into the nose and deal as much damage as you can with only two gears. The Skullker Tank on the left will begin attacking again, so as the missile travels your way, press the opposite drilling button to kick back, letting the missile travel under you. Once the Skullker Tank on the right is eventually destroyed, the battle becomes much more simple. Target the tank on the left with ease to eventually win the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Scorpion Tank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Despite how intimidating this thing looks, it's actually not that hard to take down. You actually have to attack the Scorpion Tank's drill with your own. Whenever the drill tail flops to the ground, it will try and drill forward. Stop it by attacking the drill with your own. You'll slowly whittle away damage and shifting to the third gear will cause the drill tail to shoot back up above the vehicle. You'll have to wait for it to drop down again. While the Scorpion Dozer's tail flies high in the air, Croog will shoot out little Scorpion Bombs out of the front. Back away when one pops out and let it explode on its own. Sometimes two are shot out at the same time. If that happens, just jump over them as they scurry at you. After a few bombs are spewed out, the tail will drop down in front again. Now is your time to attack, just before the drill attacks on its own. The Scorpion Dozer may have a big life bar, but this battle is relatively simple. PART 2 The battle will end once the tail of the Scorpion Dozer falls apart. However, Croog reveals that the Red Diamond has some sort of crazy, magical powers. Don't they all? The Scorpion Dozer will sprout legs and attack. Now that its primary attack is destroyed, the Scorpion Dozer has a new form to bring the pain. It will chomp its mouth several times, then charge foward to deliver a massive bite. To avoid it, stay at the far left side of the screen. Gearmo says that the mouth is its weak point. So when you see the Scorpion Dozer clamp its mouth a few times, jump up and drill right into its gaping maw to deal a great amount of damage to it. The Scorpion Dozer still releases Scorpion Bombs, but now it drops out three groups of three. Jump over the first three bombs, then do the same with the next two sets. After a total of nine Scorpion Bombs are released, the attack will end. Repeat with the process of drilling the mouth of the vehicle to end the battle; it shouldn't take more than three hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Police Robot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Detective Carrie's little robot isn't too tough. Her primary attack is tossing mega-sized handcuffs at you. If you are hit with them, you'll get cuffed to either wall. Just drill the purple part of the handcuff to eventually free yourself. If you successfully avoid her handcuff attack, a red column will appear in the robot's torso. Run over and start to drill it; shift to the third gear for maximum efficiency. The Police Robot will eventually knock you away and restart the process. After losing around half of her health, the Police Robot's attack will be slightly altered. Now the handcuff will fly past you, then come back around like a boomerang. Jump over it twice to fully avoid the attack. Her weak point will also appear for a much shorter time. Other than that, the strategy is the same. Very easy battle on your hands. PART 2 The bottom half of Carrie's robot will blow up and the battle will continue. Now that the Police Robot can fly around, things will change a little bit. She is much faster and will jet around the side of the room. However, you still only have to worry about one attack. When you see the robot stop and the booster on the bottom sizzle away, the robot will smash right on top of you. Normally, you'd think it would be a good idea to dodge instead of getting crushed by a giant robot. Instead, this is your time to attack. When the flames on the booster disappear and it starts to blink, stand still and wait for the Police Robot to try and flatten you. Drill upwards you you connect with the weak point. Continue drilling until the flying robot drops you. Some Security Mechs will appear out of the blue, so take them out before focusing on the main boss. Keep on drilling the booster to win the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Possessed Statue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A large vine mace will shoot out of the side and start to attack. I don't really know how a vine can turn into a spiky ball of death, but this thing can hurt. The mace will swing back and forth in the air; you can jump and walk through the actual vine without getting damaged, but don't hit the mace or you will get hurt. Your main target is the glowing sphere at the top of the statue, so we will somehow have to reach it. The vine mace will swing back and forth above your head, but sometimes it will sway across the floor. Just jump over the mace if that happens. After a while, the mace will stop for a few seconds before plummeting to the ground. When this happens, it will start to blink. Drill into the vine mace to embed in the side. As the vine mace twirls you in the air, wait until you are directly above the glowing sphere. When you are, let go of L/R and drill downwards right into the sphere to damage it. After you are knocked away from the attack, you will have to do the same thing again. The Possessed Statue doesn't develop any new attacks, but the vine mace will retract into a normal ball every once in a while as it swings around the room. When you see the spikes retract, you can jump in the air and drill to stick yourself into the vine again. You know, just to save the trouble instead of waiting for the vine mace to use its diving attack. The vine will begin to thrash about much faster when you are stuck inside, so wait for the right moment to divebomb the target. Drill into the glowing sphere at the top of the Possessed Statue four or five times to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Leviathan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Leviathan can be pretty tough, mainly for the fact that it's hard to move smoothly when underwater. It will stay on the right side of the screen and spit out objects. If it spits out a rock, drill it back in its face. It'll also shoot out energy balls. Quickly swim away from it; when it explodes, avoid the tiny balls it releases. Shoot about three or so rocks back at the Leviathan to have it float to the center of the room. It will reform back to a school of fish. The school of fish will swim away, then dart back towards you from the right. Swim away from the group until they disappear behind you. The glowing sphere will appear by itself in the center of the room. Take this time to drill into the sphere to deal great damage. After a while it'll disappear and the school of fish will combine into the Leviathan. As the Leviathan reforms, quickly swim away from it or else the current will sweep you right into the gargantuan monster. At this point, the battle will start over again. You will have to start shooting rocks into the fish's face again and break it apart. After depleting half of its health, the ratio of energy balls to rocks will increase greatly. After the Leviathan reforms into the school of fishes, they will rush across the arena more than once. Other than that, wait for the glowing orb to appear by itself and drill away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Police Robot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 Avoid the bomb Carrie shoots at you for Gearmo to interrupt your battle. He tells you to drill into the blue bombs with R. Let go of the button to shoot it back, or drill into it for three seconds to automatically shoot the bomb back. Pay attention to the timer on the large screen in the background. When it hits zero, the bomb will blow up. You will be shooting the bomb back and forth until it explodes, so make sure Carrie is in possession of the bomb as it goes boom. When the Police Robot starts shooting red bombs, use L to deflect them back. It's a fairly familiar fighting technique (gosh, I feel like I've seen this before...). When Carrie is hit with a bomb, a red column will appear in the robot's stomach. Drill into it for some serious damage. Keep deflecting bombs and drilling the weak point to finish off this part of the fight. PART 2 The lower section of Detective Carrie's Police Robot has been destroyed. You will still have to deflect bombs at each other, but the fight has changed dramatically. First off, the color of the bombs can change as you fire them back and forth, so remember that blue = R and red = L. The fuse will also range, so it can start off at four instead of ten. Carrie can also hold the bomb instead of immediately firing it back at you. Due to this, she will get pretty tricky, so just jump over a bomb if you don't have time to knock it back at her. Once you knock a ready-to-detonate bomb at the Police Robot, it will hover above it. This is your time to strike! Drill into the rocket booster on the underside of the Police Robot. Hang on as it flies around until you are swatted off. The battle strategy will repeat, but Carrie will switch to the other side of the arena. Keep on your toes during the second part of this boss battle, because it requires some quick thinking. When you have the chance, drill away at the rocket booster until you defeat the Police Robot for the second time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Drizzler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 1 This battle is very unique, since the Drizzler doesn't directly attack you. It waits at the top of the arena while it shoots out two contraptions that create giant mazes throughout the arena. You start at the bottom, and you must fly and hover up to the top to reach the Drizzler. The walls of the maze are lined with spikes, so don't go try running into them. The first maze isn't difficult as long as you take your time. Puffers will roll along the perimeter of the maze and shoot out clouds. They do not damage you, but the clouds can block your vision. If you are caught in a cloud, hover until it disappears and continue forward. Once you reach the Drizzler, spin into its big mouth to damage the machine. PART 2 A new maze has been constructed, and Wind Bases have taken the place of Puffers. Wind Bases will shoot gusts of wind, then stop momentarily. Of course, each Wind Base is aimed towards spikes, so flying into a gust of wind will push you right into a spiked wall. At first, you can bypass single Wind Bases, but others are in groups and are harder to avoid. Hover in place when they are blowing, then quickly move as they stop. Attack the Drizzler's mouth when you reach the top. PART 3 There really isn't a maze this time; it's just a line of spikes around the screen. On the edges are Electric Bases. These machines will shoot lightning bolts horizontally across the area. It is very simple to avoi, and this stage of the battle is actually the easiest. Avoid the first few sets of Electric Bases to reach the Drizzler. The only problem is that there is a pair of Electric Bases on the side of the Drizzler, so you cannot just hover in front of the Drizzler and attack. Attack the mouth of the Drizzler, then drop back down a lil' bit. When the lightning bolts cease, fly back up and continue attacking its mouth. PART 4 Yes, there is another part, but no more mazes and such. The Drizzler has reverted back to its original form, but the power of the Red Diamond still made it psycho. It will fire small rocks which you can actually destroy with your air propellar if you fly into it. After firing several rocks, the base of the Drizzler will glow. Fly to either side of it as a large beam fires out of the base. The Drizzler will move while shooting the beam, so fly away until it stops firing. After firing the laser beam, a small red portion of the base will glow. Fly into the red part to damage it. Keep destroying rocks and avoiding the laser beam to make the weak point appear, then attack. After the Drizzler has lost half of its health, it will move faster and begin firing its laser beam multiple times before revealing its weak point. Other than that, the battle stays the same in this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Colossobot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yay for creative names! Colossus + robot = Colossobot! And that is exactly what this thing is. This gargantuan robot towers over you and fills up half of the screen. This boss is also very strange as you don't defeat it with conventional methods. The Colossobot will begin by shooting lasers out of its cannon arm. Either jump or duck underneath them and use the three blocks to avoid the lower ones. It will also fire missiles at you. They will rain down from above, so use the blocks as shelter. After using these two attacks, it's arm will begin to blink. As it attempts to smash down on you, drill upwards to break the hand off. With the hand destroyed, Gearmo tells Jill to run inside the robot. We have to defeat this thing from the inside. You have to destroy the Colossobot's three engines in under 50 seconds! Drill through the first air duct and shift to second gear along the way. You will fly through into the first gear, destroying it. Doing so will buy you some more time. If you ever run out of time trying to destroy the Colossobot's gears, you will pop out of the arm and you will have to infiltrate it again. From the first gear, jump up and enter the air duct on the right. As a general note, pay attentions to the arrow signs as you ride through air ducts. An arrow pointing up means you have to shift your gear up, and one pointing down means that you have to lay off the shifting. When it says "OK", stay in the gear you are in now. Drill through the air duct and pay attention to the arrow signs, because the Cannon Clamps usually fluctuate between Level 1 and Level 2. There is one Level 3 Cannon Clamp near the end. When you pop out of the air duct, you will reach one of the three engines found in the Colossobot. Drill into it and shift to your third gear until it is blown to pieces. Once that happens, Jill will get shot out of the robot. One down, two to go. The Colossobot's laser it shoots out will be harder to avoid because it's cannon arm will move with you. It will not shoot missiles this time, so destroy the hand and run inside again. Return to the central hub and take the northern air duct this time. Drill through the air duct and pay attention to the upcoming Cannon Clamps. When you reach the blue duct, drill through with L to eventually reach the second engine. You know what to do. Now there is only one engine left that you need to eliminate. No need for lasers or missiles; the Colossobot will use his hand right off the bat. Drill it away and run on inside. There is only one more air duct to take, so drill through the southern one. The path to the final engine is a lot more difficult than the other two. There are plenty of electrical boxes to destroy so that your time will increase, but you will have to constantly move between red and blue air ducts. As a result, you'll have to switch from using R to L and over again. When you reach the final engine, continue drilling a hole into it until it's destroyed. Now that the final engine is out of the way, the Colossobot will bite the dust. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Croog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This isn't really a boss battle, since Croog has no health bar and only needs to be hit once. Croog will hover in the air and stay in either the top left or top right corner of the screen. He will fire lasers down at you. After two sets of lasers, Croog will divebomb down to your location. Stay on the opposite side of him and jump over the lasers. Right before he dives down, run under him. Croog will then charge up and attempt to ram you. Charge up your fist with B and let go once he tries to tackle you to unleash a FALCON PAWWWNCH! Wait, what? Oh yeah, wrong game. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [6] TREASURES [0600] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Red Diamond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This mysterious red gemstone swirls with power." Beat the game to receive the most precious of treasures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Round Stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Years of rain and wind have shaped this stone into a perfect sphere." Found in Skullker Factory, in the room where you first find jelly blocks. There is an island directly above the second jelly block. You will have to drop down the left side of the island and immediately drill against the jelly block before you fall to the ground. Press the opposite button to bounce into the alcove. You'll have to shift to the second gear in order to reach the treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Square Stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This stone transformed into a cube after being struck by lightning." Found in Metal City, in the upper portion of the intersection. Drill under the zig-zag platform and take out the Security Mechs in the way. Use the jelly block and disappearing platforms to move forward. You will reach a ramp leading to the upper part of the previous area. Use the jelly block on the right to reach the ramp. Now you are on the top part of the previous area. Catapult up the platform with the Wall Cleaner and defeat the two Laser Mechs. Use the next Wall Cleaner to reach a set of platforms. Erm, make sure not to fall off. Cross the platforms to reach another set leading downward. Cross them to reach a treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Pyramid Stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This stone is said to have once sat atop the peak of a great pyramid." Found in Employee Area. This is found at the end of the first route of the level: the air duct maze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Soundstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This stone picks up and stores sounds wherever it is placed." Found in Skullker Factory, in the outside area with the Socket Lifts. Ride the first one onto the red platform, then destroy the steel block and ride the second Socket Lift. Launch over to the third lift, then drop down onto the platform with the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Smooth Coin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I have no idea where it is, so if someone were to help me out on its location, I'd be thankful. The existing walkthrough was too vague and I could not understand its directions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Rough Coin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The edge of this coin is rough. It's worth more than a smooth one." Found in Metal City, in the room where you first learn to use Wall Cleaners. Use them until you reach a row of purple blocks near three time blocks. Destroy them and use the Wall Cleaners to reach a time block in your way. Drill is apart to open your path. Destroy the metal block and use the next set of Wall Cleaners here with the assistance of time blocks to bounce to the ledge. Open the chest at the end of the path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Barnacle Coin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This old silver coin was dredges up from the depths of the ocean." Found in Forgotten Ruins, at the end of the first path (the central door). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Frigid Claw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The claw of a cold beast living in Antarctica." Found in Clink Prison, in the room with the two rows of disappearing platforms and the swarm of Prison Guards. When you get Jill back, drill through the metal blocks to the left of the described area. Jump up the series of disappearing blocks to find the chest at the top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Stinky 'Shroom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This 'shroom stinks so bad that nobody dares to go near where it grows." Found in Metal City Highrise, on the second path leading to the third gear. Defeat the Security Mechs, then jump towards the screw hovering under the jelly block. Screw into it and immediately bounce. If you are close enough, you will be able to drill into the jelly block. Shift to your second gear and bounce onto the ledge with the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Gear Fossil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This fossil proves that Drill Dozers existed in ancient times." Found in Art Museum, on the balcony overlooking the entrance of the level. Jump up and drill the purple block with your third gear, then bore through the other blocks to reach a platform and a chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Drill Fossil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This fossil proves that thieves also existed in ancient times." Found in Metal City, in the area right after where you find the third gear. Use the Wall Cleaner to reach the set of purple timer blocks. Destroy them to reach a Wall Cleaner and fall down. Break the blocks to find a chest right in the open. That was easy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Chip Fossil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This fossil proves that computers existed in ancient times." Found in Escape Tunnel, at the end of the second path (Boxer Mech path). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Jellyfish Bone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jellyfish seem limp in the water, but their bones are super tough!" Found in Kuru Ruins, in the room with the rolling boulders. After you get past them, drop down and destroy the four purple boulders to the left. Avoid the arrows and the Gold Skeletons to eventually find the treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Eternal Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Once this top starts spinning, it'll gyrate forever!" Found in Metal City Highrise, in the first pathway. Of course, this is total speculation because I have not actually fully beaten this level. =/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Samurai Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This armor was worn by a samurai warrior in ancient Japan." Found in Museum Vault, in a tall room filled with Lateral Lifts. Instead of kicking back to the ledge on the left, stay on the right side of the Lateral Lift. Kick back towards the wall, turn around, and drill right into the cracks. Destroying the wall will reveal a hidden treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Samurai Helmet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This helmet was worn by a samurai warrior in ancient Japan." Found in Clink Prison, in the command room. Instead of taking the path to the room where you have to disarm the bombs, take the doorway at the top of the room past all of the Electro Mechs. Destroy the gate next to the podium to find the treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Samurai Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This sword was carried by a samurai warrior in ancient Japan." Found in Employee Area. This is found at the end of the second route of the level: the obstacle course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Golden Scarab ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This pin is made of solid gold. It is carved into the shape of a beetle." Found in Museum Vault, in the air duct room where you found the second gear. Destroy the metal blocks to the right of the gear and drill the self-repairing barrier in the way. Drill through the air duct and be prepared to avoid a lot of Purple Monsters. Drop down and avoid another group of them, then take the air duct to the treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. Aqua Crown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This beautiful crown is shaped like a bursting droplet of water." Found in Sunken Ruins, in the whirlpool room after finding the third gear. Destroy the metal block at the top of the room and ride the currents. Just be safe around the spiked edges and use your drill to shield yourself. When you get out of the current, swim to the next area. There is a current moving upwards in the center of a zig-zag path, but you can't go up it. There are two bubbles at the start of the path. Destroy one, then immediately pop one with your drill to fly past before the bubble reappears. Continue through the path to the top and exit the area to dry land, where you will find the treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. Glass Mask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This mask is made of clear glass. It doesn't conceal the face of the wearer." Found in Metal City Highrise, take the second path (the tower) to reach this treasure chest at the very top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. Clay Shades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "These ancient sunglasses were worn by ancient ceramic figures." Found in Escape Tunnel, this is found at the end of the first path (infrared laser trap room). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. Bone Bell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This small bell was made from the bones of an unknown animal." Found in Hidden Compartment, right at the end of the level past the bomb block room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. Stardust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Each grain in this pile is shaped like a star." Found in Sunken Ruins, in the room past the underwater area filled with bubbles. Avoid the bubbles and swim upwards to reach dry land. Defeat the Phantoms in here and walk to the right. Jump onto the platform to the ledge above. Avoid the spikes as you jump through the room towards a treasure chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. Footdust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Each grain in this pile is shaped like a chicken foot." Found in Kuru Ruins, in the second room with rolling boulders. Right from the entrance, destroy the metal blocks to the left and ride the platform to the bottom. Avoid the arrows and spike pits and head over to the chest on the other end of the hallway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26. Cowdust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Each grain in this pile is shaped like a cow. Moooo!" Found in Forgotten Ruins, at the end of the third path (the rightmost door). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27. Ancient Tablet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Something is written on this tablet in a cryptic old language." Found in Forgotten Ruins, at the end of the second path (the leftmost door). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. Old Juice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This is a 500-year-old bottle of juice. You can't seem to open it." Found in Metal City Skyline, in the area with the Sonic Bots. There is a line of metal blocks to the right of the area, so drill through and enter the next area. Avoid all of the enemies and break the silver gates to reach another area. Now that you're on foot, things should be easier. Break the gates in the way to eventually find the chest in plain sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29. Magic Spice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Just a sprinkle of this will make even the most rotten food delicious." Found in Clink Prison, in the room where you first find Cannon Clamps. Drillthrough the self-repairing barrier in front of you and walk over to the airduct. There is a Level 3 Cannon Clamp in front of you: shift to third gear,then enter the air duct and Cannon Clamp. As soon as you are shot out, quicklyshift to third gear to go through another Level 3 Cannon Clamp. While inmidair, use the jelly block to launch onto the platform with the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30. Flavor Burst ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This herb will make any stew delicious!" Found in Restricted Area, at the very end of the level. After defeating the group of enemies you will find the chest on top of the pedestal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. Skull Badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This skull-shaped badge seems to be reversible." Found in Hidden Compartment, in the room with the jelly blocks and Plasmoids. It's right in the path leading through the level, so it's impossible to miss. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [7] THANKS/CREDITS [0700] ============================================================================== Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible: CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site. Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for being yourself. FESBians: Because you're cool. You: For reading this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2008-2013. This document may be found on the following sites: * GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com * GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com * IGN - http://faqs.ign.com * Super Cheats - http://www.supercheats.com * Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com * HonestGamers - http://www.honestgamers.com The latest update of this document can always be found on GameFAQs. Other sites may use this document, but only with my permission. If you see this document on a website not listed above, please email me. Do not edit or alter this document in any way. Do not steal anything from this document. Do not host or distribute this document for profit. That is plagiarism, and it is against the law. If you have any questions, comments, or anything that you would like to add to this guide, then feel free to email me. My email address is found at the top of this guide. However, if you do email me, please include the name of the game in the title. Lastly, thanks for reading and using this FAQ. If you like this FAQ, then please recommend it to others by clicking the "recommend" button at the top of the guide. :] http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/52173.html "I saw, I smelled what he did to you, girl, and to be frank, the thought makes my innards curl" - Say Anything ______________________________________________________________________________ END OF DOCUMENT