Lufia: The Ruins of Lore English Version Boss FAQ by Aaron 'falcon815' Bolner bolnerap@_rose-hulman.edu_ (remove underscores) Release 1.1 - May 26, 2003 --- Contents --- A. Disclaimer B. Release Notes C. Format D. The Bosses E. Conclusion --- A. Disclaimer --- This is a reference guide for the bosses contained in Lufia: The Ruins of Lore, released on May 7, 2003 in the NTSC - U/C region. This guide contains spoilers - if you do not wish to be spoiled as to what you may or may not have to fight over the course of the game, stop reading now. However, if you have a boss that you have had trouble with, and need help defeating, or are simply curious about, read on. --- B. Release Notes --- 1.0 - Every boss listed with HP and strategy. Ability List complete for most late bosses, incomplete for most of first half of game. 1.1 - Fixed a few spelling errors, clarified the last boss strategy and fixed formatting issues - should be much cleaner. --- C. Format --- Each boss is listed under the location in which it appears. Thus, by searching for what location you are currently in, you can find a specific place in the guide that would be most helpful to you. Each section will contain the following information: # - Which boss, in numerical order, the particular enemy is. Name - Name displayed. HP - Monster HP. XP - Amount of XP your party receives for the fight. Note that Lufia : RoL uses a split experience system - the XP received is evenly divided among surviving characters in your party. G - Amount of money you receive for defeating the boss. Levels - Levels my party was at when I defeated the boss. Abilities - Using the Chemist skillset, I will attempt to include a list of abilities each monster can use, their cost, and effects. This will be the most incomplete section to begin with, as the skill used to mimic enemy techniques is highly subject to luck. Strategy - Strategy I used to defeat the boss. This may include job class configurations, actions, and perhaps equipment. Note: If you can get Imitate to hit bosses that I haven't, feel free to send me an e-mail and contribute. In addition, if you find a certain combination of equipment / items that make a boss a cakewalk, send me the info and I'll add it in at my discretion. Anything listed within this FAQ that is not my own work will be fully credited to whomever gave me the information. With that, let's begin. --- D. The Bosses --- Guide to aid searching - the following are the text headings for each boss section I used. Copy and paste the text to your browser's "Find" function to easily find which boss you are looking for. 1. Lukie Cave 2. Spider Cave - Way to Gruberik 3. Mera Volcano - East Road 4. Karnack 5. Mt. Ruhie 6. Old Well 7. Old Well - Path to Gruberik 8. Meadow Road 9. Tower of Dohain 10. Windlands 11. Path to Narvick 12. Temple Ruins 13. Border Forest 14. Land of the Dead 15. Gratze 16. Gratzean Fortress - Beginning 17. Gratzean Fortress - End 18. Flooded Labyrinth 19. In the Belly of the Beast 20. Flooded Labyrinth II 21. Gratze Jail 22. Lugwa Tower 23. Tower of Guidance 24. Mt. Ruhie 25. Mt. Ruhie 26. Mt. Ruhie 27. Nazare 28. Ancient Shrine 29. Final Boss --- 1. Lukie Cave --- Goblin 151-172 HP 250 XP 100 G Levels - Torma 4, Eldin 3 There's really not much to the Goblin. It uses Fumble (causes one person to be unable to act for a round), and it uses Tackle. Just keep hitting it until it drops. Having Clubs, bought in Parcelyte at the weapons shop, made the battle short and sweet for me. --- 2. Spider Cave - Way to Gruberik --- King Spider 187-203 HP 365 XP 400 G Levels - Torma 5, Eldin 4 Again, not much to it. Make sure you bring a potion or two into the fight, though, as its Tackle does 8-10 damage, and it will survive for a few rounds. It can also poison (surprise surprise), so an Antidote or two might be handy. They're expensive, so you can always hope for a Spider outside to drop one instead of plunking down the cash for it back in Parcelyte. --- 3. Mera Volcano - East Road --- Light Essence x3 93-113 HP 500 XP each 600 G Levels - Eldin 8 I went into this battle thinking, "Crap, I'm at low health, have no potions, and only have one character." It didn't matter. Swordsman Eldin only took 1 from Fireball, and Fire Breath only did 5. Hack (or cast Ice spells) away until they die, using a Potion if you need to. --- 4. Karnack --- Goblin 151-172 HP 250 XP 100 G Levels - Eldin 8 Same as before, but it's a one-on-one. No effort - you didn't think they'd give you a hard boss in a place you couldn't save, did you? --- 5. Mt. Ruhie --- Elpasar 470-494 HP 2000 XP 550 G Levels - Eldin 10, Torma 9, Rami 11, Shadowfly 15, Crab 16. This wasn't too hard. I had Eldin and Torma as Swordsmen and Rami as a Chemist. Since I had survived it in the A. Cave already, it was cake with five things to draw on. Cinder Slash away, as it's the best use of your AP you'll probably have available for single monsters at this point. --- 6. Old Well --- Ice Lizard 409-429 HP 2500 XP 1300 G Abilities - S.O.S. (0 AP) Snowstorm (0 AP), Frost (8 AP) Levels - Eldin 10, Torma 9, Rami 11, Shadowfly 15, Crab 16 This wasn't hard at all. Two Swordsmen, and they both had Cinder Slash. Since this thing's weak to Fire, it went down quickly. The monsters he calls with SOS are nothing worse than what's already in the Well, and the Ice damage isn't bad. --- 7. Old Well - Path to Gruberik --- Shell Snake 713-742 HP 3000 XP 1010 G Levels - Eldin 11, Torma 10, Rami 12, Dark Fly 16, Crab 16 I definitely recommend that you have a formation of Eldin / Rami / Torma / ? for this fight, along with the best armor you can get for Eldin and Torma. Fury can really mess you up. I had my Shadow Fly upgraded to a Dark Fly by this point, and fully equipped with claw, armor and ring. It helped a lot. Cinder Slash it, if you've got Swordsmen. I don't think it's got any elemental affinities, so just hit it with whatever your best spells are if you've got mages. Have Rami Potion things or heal things every round if you need to - chances are her damage is going to be pretty worthless in this battle anyway. --- 8. Meadow Road --- Madeant (in previous Lufias, "Mad Ent.") 704-738 HP 4500 XP 1500 G Abilities - Leaf Slash, Leech Levels - Eldin 12, Torma 11, Dark Fly 16, Crab 17 Ugh. The battle itself isn't hard, but if you're unlucky with the Sleep spell, like I was, you could get hurt pretty badly on the way. Leaf Slash does a constant 20 damage to everyone in the party, so make sure you keep your HP up on everyone. You'll probably have to sacrifice two people's turns to do it, making this a fairly drawn-out fight, but it's worth it to survive. --- 9. Tower of Dohain --- Earth Viper 705-751 HP 4000 XP 1800 G Levels - Eldin 13, Torma 12, Rami 13, Vampire Fly 16 I finally gave in and made Rami a Wizard for this one. Blaze did 50+ damage a shot, so I used it, with the traditional Cinder Slash as backup. Used a Vitamin on my monster, and its damage soared. The Vampire Fly only took about 4 damage per hit, as opposed to the 30 my people were taking. Every round I had either Torma or Eldin use a potion, depending on whose AP was lower at the time. Not a worrisome fight. --- 10. Windlands --- Dryzan 683-740 HP ? XP ? G Levels - Eldin 14, Torma 13, Procyon 25, Vampire Fly 16 Vitamins and physical attacks did him in. The only worry is Wind Slash, which hits everyone. Since there's an equipment upgrade available before this field, I suggest you take advantage of it to get your MGR and DEF up for this fight. --- 11. Path to Narvick --- King Creeper 1000 HP 7000 XP 2800 G Levels - Eldin 32, Torma 16, Dekar 16, Bau 13 UGH. This guy loves to use Confuse. Bring wards against it, and lots of them. He also uses Heal Plus for 100 HP per shot, and can use a physical attack. However, he usually chooses to use Mind Blast, so you'd better be prepared. --- 12. Temple Ruins (Narvick) --- Demon 900 HP 9000 XP 3200 G Levels - Eldin 32, Torma 16, Dekar 16, Rami 16 He loves using Dark Breath, which has a chance to add three negative statuses. The only one I can confirm as of now is Paralysis, as it's the only one I've been hit by. He doesn't have much health (though he can Leech), so pound away. --- 13. Forest to Gratze --- Demon Steed 1050 HP 9800 XP 3800 G Levels - Eldin 32, Torma 17, Rami 16, Dekar 17 Poor guy. All he has are single target physical attacks and spells. Pound him into submission with Cinder Slash, Fury, or Rapidfire. --- 14. Land of the Dead --- Girl's Spirit 1480 HP 10000 XP 4400 G Levels - Eldin 33, Torma 17, Rami 17, No Core 17 Abilities - Dark Storm (20 AP, dark attack on all), Haunting (0 AP, attack on all) Dark Storm is her main thing - she'll use it every round until she runs out of AP. Expect to take 30-40 damage per person, and prepare for it if you can. Cinder Slash works well, as she seems to be weak to fire. If you have a Wizard, go for it with Blaze, as it's the best damage for the cost. --- 15. Gratze --- Commander x2 700 HP 24000 XP 7600 G Slash and Slash All are what you see from these boys; they're not very tough. Low HP means that Chance Hit will serve well if you have someone doing low physical damage normally. --- 16. Gratzean Fortress - Beginning --- Commander x2 See above. --- 17. Gratzean Fortress - End --- Commander x2 See above. --- 18. Flooded Labyrinth --- Proto Kraken, Drill Shell x2 Proto Kraken - 1050 HP Drill Shell - <60 HP 15882 XP 4500 G Abilities - Tidal Wave, Bubble Bath, Heal Plus. Levels - Eldin 35, Torma 20, Rami 20, Gold Core 24 Tidal Wave and Bubble Bath are both Water damage to all your characters. Both are free for him to use, so it's all a matter of luck as to which he uses. He can also heal himself with Heal Plus, but by now you should be easily able to outdo that. Keep yourself healed up and pound away. As a side note, this monster guards the Green Shard. --- 19. In the Belly of the Beast --- Parasitic Cell 1250 HP 20100 XP 500 G Abilities - Poison Hit, Shock Levels - Eldin 38, Torma 24, Rami 24, Gold Core 26 This thing can lay down some serious damage if you're not prepared. He uses Poison Hit, which does physical damage plus a chance to inflict Deadly Poison (20 HP / round damage). In addition, he also has Shock, a lightning hit on a single person. Poison Hit is the main threat here, as the damage is pretty bad if you're not at a high level or high DEF. Hopefully you have either an area heal or multiple people with cure spells by now. --- 20. Flooded Labyrinth II --- Kraken, Sea Giant x2 Kraken - 1480 HP Sea Giant - 120 HP 27160 XP 6402 G Abilities - Strike, Tsunami Levels - Eldin 39, Torma 26, Rami 25, Gold Core 28 He's got a water attack on all, just like the last major water boss, but it's not all that painful. Strike should be nothing to you by now - pound him with attacks and lightning elemental (Mage) skills. As a side note, this creature guards the Sea Stone. --- 21. Gratze - Jail --- Commander x2 *yawn* --- 22. Lugwa Tower --- Dark Guardian 1800 HP 27000 XP 4500 G Levels - Eldin 40, Torma 27, Rami 26, Gold Core 29 Abilities - Slash, Mind Blast As his name implies, this guy's Dark elemental. Fry him with light spells and physical attacks. Miracle Hit / Heal as needed. Watch out for Confusion again. --- 23. Tower of Guidance --- Monster Crony x2 900 HP 32000 XP 13700 G Levels - Eldin 41, Torma 27, Rami 27, Gold Core 29 Abilities - Slash, Dark Breath, Sap (defense down) These guys can be easy or really hard depending on your luck. Dark Breath is the main thing they can do to hurt you - it's the same triple status attack you saw before. Their other main way of dealing damage is first Sapping your defense down, then using the old standby Slash. If your defense gets down too far, counter it with a Fortify - you may want to do one pre-emptively just to keep damage down. Luckily, they don't have much health; a couple Furies and Rapidfires should take them down. --- 24. Mt. Ruhie --- Commander x2 You know the drill. --- 25. Mt. Ruhie --- Serpentine Dragon 1600 HP 30000 XP 11000 G Levels - Eldin 41, Torma 28, Rami 28, Gold Core 30 Abilities - Dragon Breath, Deadly Hit (adds Deadly Poison), Ultra Dark What's that? A monster with Dragon in the title? It's time for that little-used, often-forgotten Dragon Slash! Ultra Dark and Dragon Breath will probably hurt quite a bit, so favor MGR over DEF for this battle, and if you have any equipment with resistance to dark, use it. He's got more health than most of the other things you've fought, but a couple Dragon Slashers should be able to make quick work of him. --- 26. Mt. Ruhie --- Commander x2 These guys still haven't learned. --- 27. Nazare --- Beast Half 1700 HP 32000 XP 30000 G Abilities - Fire Breath Levels - Eldin 41, Torma 29, Rami 28, Gold Core 30 I never saw him do anything but Fire Breath. Up your magic resistance as much as you can via equipment and items; if you have any fire resisting equipment, by all means, put it on. With increased MGR, you should be fine. Miracle Hit and Heal Plus should be more than enough to keep you alive. --- 28. Ancient Shrine --- Ragule 2240 HP 0 XP 0 G Abilities - Star Burst, Double Hit, Miracle Hit, Vacuum Wave Levels - Eldin 42, Torma 30, Rami 29, Gold Core 31 Fury makes short work of this guy. Double Hit may hurt, but Heal Plus will overcome it. Star Burst and Vacuum Wave may require group healing - note your limits and use Heal All when you have to. Conserve your MP, because you will NOT have time to heal up before the next boss. I advise keeping track of this one's HP and trying to get your MP back to full or near full before finishing him off. --- 29. Final Boss --- Goldiark 8000 HP 32767 XP (note that this, (2^15) - 1, is the highest number the game can support) 32000 G (why? It's the final boss...) Abilities - Meteor Rain, Double Hit, Miracle Hit, Heal Plus, Mind Blast, Big Bang Levels - Eldin 42, Torma 30, Rami 29, Gold Core 31 Well then. Just from that list of abilities, you can see that this guy's not going to be fun. Meteor Rain and Big Bang are both area magic attacks that you'll need to be able to heal quickly after. Double Hit will hurt - raise your defense before he can use it, if it's low. And, as always, Confusion can rip you apart if it hits the wrong character. Make sure Eldin has the Ancient Sword and Ancient Shield, both found along the way in the final dungeon - they make him a lot tougher. The best way I've found to take him out involves everyone wearing a Rune Ring. That way, whenever he does anything to you, he gets his AP drained away. After surviving a few rounds, he'll be completely unable to act! Fire away with whatever you have at that point. If you're not going to cheap out with Rune Rings, Fury is HIGHLY recommended for this one. Boost your attack power as much as possible on your main attacker, and unload with it. The multiple hits give that much more chance for criticals, and that's needed on a boss that has this much health. And before you even think about it - Shared Pain won't work. Not only is the damage cap 999, but Shared Pain will just flat out miss this boss every time. I imagine the game balancers thought of that and nipped it in the bud. --- E. Conclusion --- This FAQ was written by myself, Aaron 'falcon815' Bolner, and was submitted to It may be downloaded and kept as a personal guide if you so desire. If you would like to use it on your webspace, please contact me and tell me where you will be placing it, and I will make the decision on whether you may or not. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES may this guide be used for profit. Currently, only is allowed to host this guide. I am not affiliated with Taito or Atlus USA - I simply enjoyed this game enough to put some work into it. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Please contact me if you feel you have something to contribute. I am in particular looking for skillsets of enemies (including names of skills, effects, and AP costs) and narrowing down the HP range of the enemies I have listed. You will be given full credit in an upcoming Credits section to be placed at the end of the guide, using a name or nickname of your choice, and contact information, if you so desire. Thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for running the wonderful GameFAQs site, and for allowing this guide to be posted on it. Copyright Aaron 'falcon815' Bolner, 2003 apb 05/26/2003