Game: Lufia: The Ruins of Lore Author: Athanor Email: Last Update: June 7 2003 Version: 2.01 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /\ /\/\/\/\/\/\ || || /\ //\\ /\/\/\/\/\/\ || || //\\ // \\ || || /\/\ || // \\ ///\/\\\ || ||¯/\/\¯|| ///\/\\\ //¯/\/\¯\\ || ||¯ ¯|| //¯/\/\¯\\ //¯¯ ¯¯\\ || || || //¯¯ ¯¯\\ // \\ || || || // \\ // \\ || || ||// \\ _/\/\_ /\ /\ /¯¯\/¯¯\ |¯\ || /_/\/\_\ ||¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \/ \ \ \ ||\\ || // \\ ||¯¯¯¯¯\ | \ / / / || \\ || || || ||_____/ | / \ / () () \ /\ || \\ || || || ||______/ \ / \ / / \ || \\ || || || |\_ (¯¯¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / || \\ || || || | \_ ¯¯¯¯¯ / \ || \\|| \\_/\/\_// | \_ \ /\/ || \_| \_/\/\_/ | \(c) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Like it? Yes you do yes you do yes you do Athanor's FAQ/Walkthrough to Lufia: The Ruins of Lore ********* Table of Contents ************************************************* 1. Legal Stuff 2. Version History 3. About the game 4. Review of the game 5. Game's basics/Tips 6. Walkthrough 1. Parcelyte, The Beginning 2. Lukie Cave 3. Road to Gruberik 4. Gruberik 5. The Pirate Ship and the Auction 6. Mera Volcano 7. Karnack 8. Tower of Guidance 9. Mt. Ruhie 10. Nazare 11. Old Well 12. Jida Village 13. Old Well Continued 14. Gruberik Revisited 15. Meadow Road 16. Ordens 17. Tower of Dohain 18. Ordens Again 19. Windlands 20. Daros 21. Parcelyte and Gruberik 22. Nimona Mines 23. Gruberik yet another time 24. Jungle Spire 25. Narbick 26. Jungle Spire Again 27. Border Forest 28. Gondarle 29. Land of the Dead 30. Border Forest Again 31. Gratze 32. Gratze Fortress 33. Eristol 34. In the beast's stomach 35. Rangoon Town 36. Eristol - Past 37. Gratze Revisited 38. Karnack 39. Lugwa Tower 40. Tower of Guidance Reopened 41. Nazare 42. Tower of Guidance - Final 7. FAQ 8. The Ancient Cave 9. Jobs Listing 10. Items/Weapons/Armors Lists 11. Cheats, Glitches and Stuff 12. Legal Stuff ********* 1. Legal Stuff **************************************************** This guide is the property of it's author and may not be used in any way without his approval. It may not be copied by any means, in parts or completely. It may not be used on any website, book, magazine or any other form of distribution without the author's permission. All information contained here is the property of it's author. It may not be selled to anyone. However, you may print it and give it to a friend, as long as it is unaltered and you don't make him/her pay. This guide cannot be used without this copyright notice. If you want to use a part of it that's done by someone else, please ask me first, than ask this person. If you want to ask me the permission to use it, email me at "". (c) Copyright 2002 All rights reserved to Vincent Lizotte Websites who can use this FAQ (cause they asked to and got my permission) : - - - - Saw this FAQ or part of it on another website? Either send them hate mails, or notice me at ********* 2. Version History ************************************************ TODAY'S THOUGHT: Well, it hasn't been a while since last update, but a (finally) completed walkthrough is first priority, isn't it? I've also been gathering codes on the boards, and listed the most important and useful. And for all your hunter needs, I've started the charts. Yup, Accessory listing is up. I miss quite some, since I'm not an Ancient Cave old fan. If you find something I haven't, or can fill one of the ???, just send me a quick mail ( -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 2.01 (June 7 2003) File size: 163K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Finished the whole walkthrough - Finished the Jobs Listing - Started the stuff list. Accessory chart is up - Added a whole lot of GameShark codes - Corrected many, many structure problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 2.00 (June 2 2003) File size: 141K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - First update in a damn while, so dramatic I need to change to 2.00 - Removed all the now obsolete stuff - Translated the whole walkthrough and continued up to Eristol - Past - Translated everything else you can think of - Forgot about the Bestiary and the Monster Moves sections. Some pretty good In-Depth FAQs already exist - Started making some Gameshark cheats - Added many little things here and there ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.40 (September 3rd 2002) File size: 128K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Updated on the web - Added some really minor stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.32 (August 20th 2002) File size: 127K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "35. Rangoon Town" - Added a few job's skills ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.31 (August 7th 2002) File size: 115K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "32. Gratze Fortress" - Added a few job's skills - Added "The Alchemists and the Blacksmiths" in the "Cheats, Glitches and Stuff" section - Corrected lots of spelling/grammar errors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.30 (August 3rd 2002) File size: 100K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Updated on the web - Walkthrough up to "29. Land of the Dead" - Added a few job's skills - Added the Chemist to jobs listing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.22 (July 29th 2002) File size: 96K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to the middle of "27. Border Forest" - Added a few job's skills - Added "Job System" (in the "Game's basics/Tips" section) - Added "Installing monsters" (in the "Game's basics/Tips" section) - Changed the Bestiary's layout - Started "The Ancient Cave" section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.21 (July 26th 2002) File size: 85K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "26. Jungle Spire Again" - Added a few job's skills ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.20 (July 22nd 2002) File size: 73K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Updated on the web - Walkthrough up to "21. Nimona Mines" - Added a few job's skills - Added the "Cheats, Glitches and Stuff" section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.12 (July 21st 2002) File size: 63K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "16. Ordens" - Added a few job's skills - Renamed "Monsters/Boss List" to "Bestiary" (sounds cooler) - Added the "Monsters' Moves" section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.11 (July 20th 2002) File size: 52K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "12. Jida Village" - Added the stats modifications for jobs - Added many job's skills - Added an header ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.10 (July 19th 2002) File size: 42K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Updated on the web - Walkthrough up to top of the "8. Tower of Guidance" - Began the "Job Listing" - Stopped using Notepad as the file as become too big, switched to MSWORD2K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.02 (July 18th 2002) File size: 30K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Walkthrough up to "7. Karnack" - Added some more tips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.01 (July 17th 2002) File size: 24K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Took a good old Lufia II map and gave names to the cities (the maps are almost identical) - Decided I won't do the lists until I get an English version (it was almost useless) - Walkthrough up to after "6. Mera Volcano" - "Installed" the "Game's Basics" and "Tips" sections together - Added some really basic tips - Added the "FAQ" - Added the "Websites who can use this FAQ" list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.00 (July 15th 2002) File size: 18,1K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Started the FAQ and published it, so why should it be under 1.00? Is it really necessary to beta-test an ASCII text file? - Walkthrough up to "4. Gruberik" - Did legal stuff - Did Version History (obvious?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* 3. About the game ************************************************* Lufia: The Ruins of Lore is a nice mix of many good concepts. Battles finally return to the good old Speed-Based concept from Lufia I. Monsters from Lufia II are back, but are used in a different way. IP returns, but is yet again used differently. The Ancient Cave is back, but it's been changed so much it doesn't look the same anymore. If you're looking for a long, challenging and wonderful RPG, then get this. It's long enough to keep you busy over 50 hours. I even consider it the best RPG on the GBA for now. So what are you waiting for? Go get it! No wait, if you're here, chances are you already bought it. So be proud of you and read ahead. ********* 4. Review of the game ********************************************* "No time for chit-chat" ********* 5. Game's basics/Tips********************************************** Controls: A Talk, Examine, Accept B Cancel, use weapon in dungeons L Change lead character R Spin without moving Select Open the menu Start Field record Stats: The stats in Lufia: Runes of Silence are a little different from most RPGs. For example, you have no strength. When you level up, your Attack Power increases directly. So if you want to see which of your guys has the highest strength, you need to de-equip them and then compare. HP: Hit Point. They decrease when you get it. When they reach 0, you die. Heal them with a potion or an healing magic. AP: Ability points. Decreases as you use skills/magic. Heal with special items. ATK: Attack Power. Determines your damage. It's basically your base ATK + your weapon's strength. DEF: Defence Power. Reduces enemy's physical damage. It's basically your base DEF + the total of your armors' DEF. AGL: Agility: This determines who attacks when (highest AGI goes first, then second highest,...). Also, characters with high AGI fighting against enemies with low AGL can attack more often than enemies can. Same if monsters got higher AGL. Also, if one of your guys has 50AGL and the other 30AGL, the one with 50AGI might hit 4 times while the one with 30AGI will hit 3 times, as combats are not entirely turned based. INT: Intelligence. This affects your spells effects. The more INT you got, the more effective your spells are. Healing spells do not depend on INT, they always heal just as much. MGR: Magic Resistance. Reduces enemy's magical damage. Job System: The job system in Lufia: Ruins of Lore is a pretty simple one. There are 13 jobs. 6 of them are available in Gruberik, and a seventh one is available in Karnack. The other 4 jobs are hidden around the world and are 2nd grade jobs (see Job's listing for details on how to get them). To be able to use them, you need to master the 1st level job. For example, you can't switch to "Knight" if you haven't mastered the "Swordsman". Jobs are the only way to learn spells and skills. You learn a new skill each time you go up a job level. Job levels are independent of your character's level. You gain job levels by fighting battles and winning EXP. You need a set amount of EXP to reach the next job levels, however there's no way to know this amount. For example, it may take 3 to 5 battles at the beginning of the game to go up the first job level, while fighting monsters later in the game can make you go up the 2-3 first job levels in a single fight. Some jobs are faster to go up in levels, while other are pretty long. As you progress through the job, levels will take longer to get. When you learn the last skill from a job, you Master it. Jobs don't all have the same number of skills. Those with more skills level up faster. Once you gain an ability from a job, it is permanent and can be used with any jobs. You can have a Swordsman use Cinder, but it wouldn't be really powerful, considering the poor INT the fighter has. However, having a Mage use Cinder Slash is handy. Installing Monsters: To install a monster, you need 2 things: a 2 stars or higher monster, and a full IP Bar. To fill your IP bar, you need to take damage in battles. To install, choose the ! from the second battle crossbar. When installed, you will loose control of you character. He and your monster will become one: they will take the next evolution of that monsters. So installing Mousse M will create Mousse L, and installing Mousse L will create Mousse XL. When you install the last form of your monster, you will create a god-like creature. When installed, you will attack automatically, using the monster's attacks and the character's stats. Installing lasts 3 rounds. When uninstalling, your IP Bar will return to 0. Only Eldin, Rami and Torma can catch and install monsters. Tips: - Save as often as you can, this won't damage your GBA (as far as I know). - Doing a Field Record is not actually saving, but is as useful. To do it, press Start and select the first choice. This will record your game exactly as it is when you do it. Use it when you feel your batteries are getting low. To load a field record, select the second save slot in the main menu. When you do a field record, your game automatically quits. When you load your Field Record, it is erased, so you cant use it as a backup save. - Experience is split to everyone alive at the end of a battle, but the number you see is not the split one. That is, if it says you got 30EXP and you have 3 guys alive, they all get 10EXP. - If the enemy's DEF is higher than your ATK, you will likely miss. In this case, buy some better stuff or level up. - Don't go in fights pressing the Fast Forward button (emu users) and hammering A. Without some strategy, even the simplest fight can hurt you bad. What I mean by "Strategy" is not attacking an enemy with only a few HP left using your strongest fighter. - Sometimes waiting to master a job to switch to another is a bad idea. It can be better to switch jobs early on, so you get more skills - Having Eldin and Torma learn Heal is useful; sometimes Rami will run out of AP ********* 6. Walkthrough ***************************************************** ******************************* * 1. Parcelyte, The Beginning * ******************************* Items: Potion x6, 100G, 10G, 5G from making bed In the intro, you see the Eldin's father, Rand, departing somewhere with a stranger. Eldin then surprises a conversation and is worried about is father. Several years later, you wake up, Torma next to you. After the rude wake, listen to your mom, get the clothes (so they WERE naked in bed...) and get out. When the mayor talks about you and Torma ruining is flowers, answer Yes twice. This'll save you 50G. You'll HAVE to pay it later, but losing 50G now is just too much, while later it won't be much. Ok, now we're fully in control. If you go to the church you can save your game. You can also revive dead members, cure poison or remove curses. Now, before heading to the castle, there are a few items to get in town. Go back to your house and break the jar to get a potion. Go upstairs and talk to the jelly. He's an alchemist: they hide around the world. Find them to get recipes you can use at the Blacksmith in Gruberik. Get out and visit the mayor's house (just below your house). In the closet is 100G. Now go to the inn (south a little) and break the pots to get 10G. You can pick a potion in the grass just south of the inn. Now, visit the items shop, but enter from behind. The closet holds a potion (strange music for a mindless item?) You can also make the bed and get 5G. Now slightly north, cut the grass below the mailbox, head through and get the potion. Inside you can get another potion. Now its time to head to the castle. Go west until you reach it. Inside, meet Torma. Name yourself, and choose your color. You'll also get the compendiums. These record everything you ever get. Explore the castle and get a potion. You may also want to go shop now you have Torma. You may wanna get a club and a pot for both. Now, just go back to the castle and into the Lukie Cave ***************** * 2. Lukie Cave * ***************** Items: Potion x2, Sharp Bone, 5G x2, Charred Newt, Cave Disc x2, Earth Fruit Suggested Levels: 1 When you enter the dungeon, go north until you reach a narrow passage and a larger room. Go west to another room. Cut all the grasses and you'll find a Potion and a Sharp Bone (aka 3 bucks). Go back to the large room and go north until you see a man. Cut the grass and talk to him for some tips about enemy movements. In the next room, head north until you see a stone plate and a blocked door. You need a stone to open the door. Exit east to reach the next room. Cut the grass to the north to get 5G and continue west. You'll get trapped. Kill all 3 enemies for the doors to open. Take the eastern exit. There, cut the single grass patch to the north to reveal a switch. However, it doesn't stay pressed when you move out. Go west, take the pot (A) and drop it on the switch. Pass through the door to the west and head north. Cut the grass to get a Charred Newt and open the chest to get the Stone Fragment. Puss the crates to the left (A while holding left) to make it to the next room. From there, head south (next room), south (where the man is) and west to make it back to the stone plate and blocked door. Go to the stone plate and use the stone. Ta-da! The door opens. Now, if you leave the dungeon (only a few rooms south) the door will stay open. Pass through the door and you'll reach the first real puzzle of the game. To get to the stairs, do this: puss the central block north 2 times, cut all 4 grass patches than puss the central block either left or right. Easy? Well... yes :P. Go down the stairs. A guy will rush at you, just don't listen to him. Push the barrel down on the switch (if you push it on a wall and can't get it out, you're an idiot :P Leave the room and come back). Cut the grass patch next to the switch the reveal another switch. Pick the brown jar (the gray ones can be broken with your sword) and put it on the other switch. You may need to spin without moving. To do so, hold R. Go through the door. The 3 chests are empty. Cut any grass patch to reveal a chest containing a Cave Disc. Head to the previous room and go south. Here, you will have to switch guys (press L) and press B to go across the gaps. Once you crossed the first gap, pick the pot and drop it on the switch north. It will make a pole appear to the east. Use it to cross the gap. Go north then west to the next room. Cut the grass patches to the west to reveal another whopping 5G. Go south. Cut the lone grass patch to the west to reveal an Earth fruit. In the only unopened chest is a Cave Disc. Cut all grass patches. One of them houses a potion, another a hole. Fall in it. Down there, follow the path until you come to a wall with vines. Don't go up, this is the way to the exit. Instead, go to the room to the north. Fight the bat to open the door. Make sure you are fully healed before you open the coffin, as its time to fight your first boss. **************** * Boss: Goblin * **************** HP: 145 EXP: 250 GOLD: 100 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 3 Well, you have no other means than regular attacks to beat this guy, so no real strategy applies. If you haven't bought any armors (which is more than likely) he'll deal around 10 damage. Attack all the time and heal when you get low on HP. He can put you to sleep, so be careful. His sleep lasts about 2 rounds. Be sure to have AT LEAST 2 potions. He/It might take some time, but is really easy. **************************************** After the fight, Torma will read some stuff. With this in mind (or not), climb the vines. To exit the dungeon, do this: cross the first gap to the right, cross the other one to the right, northeast to next room, up the stairs, cut the grass patch to the right, puss the block twice, cut the grass south of you, south to next room and continue south until you're out. Once you're out, the guard will escort you to the king. He'll ask you to complete the legend: the words are city, slumber and will open. Congratulations. You are now official hunters. Now lets get outta here. Save, then rest. The next place to go is Gruberik. Go south and leave the town. *********************** * 3. Road to Gruberik * *********************** Items: Potion, Antidote, Field Disc x3, Helm, 10AP Potion, Chopping Board; Suggested Levels: 3 On the first screen there's nothing of interest (except for the ATM sign), so head west until you reach the other. On this screen, head north where there is a lot of flowers and grass. Cut the grass and the last one will reveal a potion. Follow the path west until you see 2 fences with 4 grass patches between. Cut them to access the fenced area. There, cut the 5 grass patches to reveal an Antidote. Get out of the fenced area and follow the path east the north to get to the next screen. There, head north, push the barrel left and throw your whip north on the pole. Cross the gap west, go south and pick the jar, go northmost and drop it on the suspicious-looking rock. This will lower the pole just below you, but raise 2 others. Go south and cross the gap east, north like you did before, and north again. Pushing the barrel on the switch is useless. Head north until you see a fence and 4 grass patches. Cut them to find a Field Disc. Head north across the bridge, east and on to the next screen. *Note: If you continue north and cross the gap west, you will see a cave blocked by spider webs. This is for later.* On the next screen is a house. Go in. In the first room, break the jars to get a Pot. The man in the other room is looking for someone with a big hammer. Hum... Break the jar to get a Field Disc. Exit the house and continue east. On the next screen, there are 8 grass patches blocking the way north, but they lead to a cave blocked yet again by spider webs. Who's causing all that trouble? We'd better find it and kill it. Continue east until you get to some plants on the wall. Cut them and enter the cave. Inside is a Field Disc. Go back out and follow the path east, north, west. When the path starts going north, continue west and cut the grass next to the well for an Insect Egg (restores 10AP). If you go down the well, you'll find a chest, but it is blocked by a skeleton. Head north to the next screen. Here, if you head east, you'll find a big spider web blocking the path. Instead go north to the next screen. There, go north and cut the plants on the wall until you find the entrance. Inside, you realize this is the "lair of the beast". Go north and prepare to fight... ********************* * Boss: King Spider * ********************* HP: 200 EXP: 365 GOLD: 400 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 4 Still, the only thing you can do is attack, and by now you should be able to do it pretty well. I suggest level 4 but must people should be here at level 5. So it will be quite easy. Even if you didn't bought any armors, he will rarely hit over 10. I used a single potion here. If you have difficulties fighting him, level up once more and you should be able to kill it easy, really easy. **************************************** Now that you whipped some spider's butt, much of the webs are gone. *Note: The 2 caves I stated earlier with webs blocking the way still can't be accessed. There are still webs blocking the way*. Go south twice to leave the cave, and south again until you see the path on the ground. Follow it until you see a single grass patch with some flowers around to the left of the path. Cut it to get a Chopping Board. Continue north until you reach another screen. From here, go north all the way to reach the next town, Gruberik. *Note: From now on, when you leave an area, you will come to a world map. Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to choose an area and press A to zoom there. Once on the area map, choose a location (red is a dungeon, blue is a city) and press A to go there. Press B to return to the world map. Obviously, you can only go to areas you already been.* *************** * 4. Gruberik * *************** Items: 100G x2, 50G, Katyusha, Cloth Tunic, Insect Egg, Antidote, Sanity Pill, Simple Ring x2, Mysterious Pin, Sharp Bone, Field Disc, Potion, Vitamins, Hi-Potion x2 Once in this new town, its time to search stuff. In the south-eastern house, there's a bookcase. Check it twice (you never get bored :P) to get 100G. If you go to the south-western house, you'll find out you can climb on the roof. Do it and jump at the other end. Cut the grass patch to reveal a Katyusha. To get out of there, enter via the back door just below where the grass patch was. Get the Cloth Tunic and push the boxes and go right. One of the kids is an Alchemist. In the closet is an Insect Egg. Talk to the teacher and she'll ask you a question (the answer if 7) Fail it and you'll be stuck at school for the day :( Get out, and go to the northern houses. One of them has a 2 jars on the left. Just below them (not visible) is an Antidote. Careful not to break it! Now, go through the main stairway. Torma will leave you. Go in the bar to the right. Open the closet to get a Sanity Pill. Get out, and go in the big house north. Go upstairs and open the closet to get a Simple Ring that increases does +3DFP. Pretty simple heh?. Now go south and enter Torma's house. After the conversation, Torma will join back. If you open the closet inside, a rat will run out. Now go north to reach the marketplace. On the way is a kid, give him a Charred Newt and he'll give you a Cave Disc. Enter the pub and go upstairs. Open the closet to get a Mysterious Pin. Go in the weapon shop north of the items shop. Go upstairs, push the crate near the shopkeeper and open the second closet for a Sharp Bone. Now, go to the left of the inn (north of weapon shop). There a pot. Break it and collect the Field Disc. Now go in the inn. In the basement (left door) there's 2 closets. They hold a Potion and Vitamins. On the second story, the closet is locked. Exit the inn. Finally, visit the north-eastern house (near the docks) and open the closets to get 50G. You may also want to visit Cashwell's Mansion for a Simple Ring and 100G (from the bookcase). On the docks (to the right of the marketplace) is a Hi-Potion. Now, go back to the marketplace and north to the Hunter's Guild. Just right is the church. Enter the guild and take the door to the right to reach the basement. The closet contains a Hi-Potion. Go back up. The middle door holds a disc shop. You can also do some business with your monsters there. The right door leads to Bandino. He can give you jobs. And I'm talking about REAL jobs, not those mindless skill-teaching jobs. They're about finding an item in the Ancient Cave and surviving the way back. He will give you cash rewards. Now you can go get some jobs. Follow the red carpet to reach the room. There are 6 jobs: the Priest (healing magics), the Mage (support magic), the Swordsman (sword techs), Wizard (offensive magics), Fighter (combat tricks) and Thief (varied). Choose whatever you like, but I'd recommend having both Torma and Eldin learn Heal from the Priest first. Having many healers is always usefull. Exit the Guild and go west until you reach the Ancient Cave. An Alchemist is around here. The cave is closes... Too bad. Just go back to the marketplace. You'll see a girl being stolen by the hunter she hired!. Chase the thief around the marketplace (go south on the main path, then go west, then go near the items shop, go east until you reach the main path, he'll be there, go north until you see him, east towards the dock and finally on the docks) Arrived on the docks, go north to the next screen. There, talk with the 2 guys and return to the basement of the inn. Torma will be there with the girl. He will join you back. Now, she's got a really good way to convince you to help her, no? Guess you don't have much choice. Go back to the pirate ship. Walk near it and Torma will ask if you want to go in. Of course, you want to. ************************************** * 5. The Pirate Ship and the Auction * ************************************** Items: Terror Ball, Antidote, Potion, Wind Fruit In the ship there're no enemies, simply Pirate Guards that will take you out if they spot you. The goal here is to get back the stuff the thief stolen from Rubius. When you enter the ship, first go left where the jar is. Wait until the pirate in front of you is looking away. Quickly pick the jar and drop it anywhere. Open the chest to get a Terror Ball. Now, go right 1 tile, 3 north (watch out for the pirate) and left to get a Antidote. Go back to the stairs you came from and this time go right. Wait for the left pirate to be looking away and for the right one to have passed the corner. Follow him in the back, he won't see you. At the next corner, continue to follow the pirate up some tiles, then go right when the top one is looking away. Around the next pile of stuff you should see 2 other pirates. Use the same strategy to avoid them. You'll see some stairs to the right. Take them down. You'll overhear a conversation between 3 pirates. You'll learn they sold a piece of what you're looking for. When you're back in control, go left until you see the 3rd door. Enter through it and break the jar to reveal a Potion. Continue east and cross while the pirate is looking away. There are 2 treasures: the first one is a Wind Fruit, the other the Gold Shard. You'll automatically be taken outside of the ship. From there, return to the inn's basement. There will be a conversation. You need to buy the stolen stone from the auction house, but you need a membership card. The girl will then present herself. She is Rubius. You'll also hear Eldin's only words: "I'm Eldin". After the conversation, go out. The Ancient Cave is now open, if you wanna go take a look. Now about getting the membership card. Go to the pub. There, you will see Marin dance. Now, go talk to the cool-looking-guy with glasses. He's Cashwell's son. He seems to have a crush on Marin, like everyone else. He wants you to go get a gift for her. What would be nice? A bunch of Pripheas, of course! Head to Parcelyte and talk to the mayor to get some flowers. Depending on what you said at the beginning, they may be free or cost 50G. Return to Gruberik he will ask you to give the flowers to Marin. Now, go upstairs talk to her. Go back downstairs and now he'll want you to give her a love letter. Torma, tired of this nonsense, will leave. Go give the letter to Marin and she will give you the Membership Card. With it you can access the auction. Go to the marketplace and east near the docks. There, you will see a path going north. This is Cashwell's mansion. There, Rubius will meet you and give you 500G to buy the stone. She'll also join your party. Head north and enter the mansion. Now, go downstairs. The auction will begin immediately. Wait 3 times then bid 450G to get the stone as cheap as possible. Outside, Rubius will ask you to come with her to Karnak. Agree, then get out. You won't have Torma for the next while, so make sure to get some good stuff. That bronze armor is really great, you should get it. Doing some Ancient Cave can be a nice way to make some cash, if you need. Now, to get to the next town, we must venture through the mountains. ******************* * 6. Mera Volcano * ******************* Items: Flame Fruit x2, Charred Newt x2, Magic Guard, Iron Beak, Speed Source, Insect Crush, Potion x2, Power Source Suggested Levels: 6 On the first screen there's nothing, so proceed to the next one. Go up a little, then go back west. You'll be back on the previous screen, but above. Cut the grass for a Flame Fruit and a Charred Newt. Go back and north. Go west, north then east to reach a single grass patch. It hides an Antidote. Now go north until you see a cave on the right. Inside, go up the vines and then south to exit. Head north to the next screen. Here, you will see a wall with 4 vines and a cave entrance. The cave leads to nowhere, it's the way down. On the wall, you can see some slightly whiter rocks. These can be climbed just like vines. Vine 1 and 3 lead to nowhere. Vine 2 leads to a cave with a Magic Guard. Vine 4 is the way to go. Climb it up and enter the cave. Go all the way around until you reach the exit. Here you can jump down and reach a cave. Enter it. Push any block and continue to reach an Iron Beak. Go down and then climb up to where you jumped. Climb up and north to next screen. You'll reach a rather smoky area. Go east and up the 3 vines. Cut the grass to get another Flame Fruit. Go down the vines, east and north to the next screen. Go north all the way and get to the next screen. Here, the smoke is gone. Follow the one-way path until you reach 2 skulls. When you get close to them, a boulder will fall, blocking the way. Now there's no turning back. Go north to the next screen. Apparently, the bridge is broken. "We cannot use this bridge". Wow. What a bright girl. Anyway, to continue, cut the grass to the right. There's a hole slightly hidden by the smoke. Fall in it. Be careful with the lava, every single step takes 1HP out of you. In the chest east is an Speed Source. Go north to the next room. Cross the second bridge you see (the 2x2 one) and enter the room and open the chest to get the Insect Crush. Return to the previous room and cross the other bridge (the 1x3 one) then go left to the next room. Here, you will see bridge maze. The goal is to kill all 3 monsters without stepping twice on the same tile to open the door. Be careful, as the combats are back attacks, except the last one. From where you enter the bridge, do this: 2 north, 5 east, 2 south, 2 east, fight, 2 east, 7 north, 2 west, 2 south, 6 east, 5 north, fight, 2 east, 1 north, 2 east, fight, 2 east, north to the next room. Follow the zigzag path to the top of the room, go west, then south. Grab the Potion and continue south. Grab the other Potion and continue to the next room. Here, follow the rock path north. You'll see 3 jellies. Rubius wants you to kill them. Heal and head toward them. ************************** * Boss: Light Essence x3 * ************************** HP: 100 each EXP: 500 each GOLD: 200 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 7 These guys can get annoying. They are 3 and they hit from 3 to 7 if you are at level 7, unless you picked the Bronze Armor. If you get in fully healed, you should be able to kill the first one before having to heal. They should take about 4 hits each. Pretty simple fight. Use a potion when needed and attack continuously and they won't last long. **************************************** After the fight, two jellies will vanish, and the other one will flee. A door will appear. Go through it and through the other. You'll find yourself on the other side of the bridge. Go south to the next screen. Here, cut the lone grass patch to reveal a Charred Newt. Continue south and cut the 5 grass patches to get an Power Source. Head back north and go west. You can go down the wall between the rock and the skull. Do it and go south to the next screen. Go south and FINALLY get off that damned mountain. ************** * 7. Karnack * ************** Items: 10G x4, Dried Meat Welcome to Karnack, the desert town. Apparently the women are being kidnapped. Some say it's a monster, others say it's the gods' will. Wander around and buy new stuff as you like. Slightly west of the entrance are 2 pots and a fainted boy. Break the pots to get 10G and talk to the boy to reveal an Alchemist (Water Ore). You can get some Dried Meat in one of the northern houses. In the elder's house is another 10G. South from the elder's house are another two 10G. We're getting richer by the moment... You can also get the Chemist job here, for 400G. When you're ready, leave the town. Rubius will collapse. You will then be taken to the girl's house. She's Aira, the water seller. After the conversation you'll be back in Karnack. Another girl's been captured. Head north and east to reach another area with the monster. Apparently, everyone is shocked cause he/it can talk. I guess its up to you. **************** * Boss: Goblin * **************** HP: 145 EXP: 250 GOLD: 100 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 3 (no joke) Attack, attack, attack, don't heal, attack, he'll die. It's the same goblin you fought in Parcelyte but you're a lot stronger. Easy fight. **************************************** After the fight, you'll discover the goblin is Sando, the "person" Aira found lying in the desert. He wanted to get yound girl's eyes to fix Aira's blindness. He'll then die... All the captured young girls will be free again. And... Who's that? Rami? Apparently, she too got some hunter's license. Agree to let her come with you. Rami is pretty weak, but has high AGI and INT. She can equip the Katyusha you got in Gruberik. Her field ability is lighting up stuff. Now, when you come back to town, buy whatever you like and go back to Gruberik. (heh, wasn't there a boulder blocking the way?) They got some stuff that's better than what you can get in Karnack, especially the Bronze Armor. Also get a job for Rami, something INT-based. When you're ready, head for the Tower of Guidance. However, now that you have Rami, you may want to go back on Gruberik's road, from the north. There're some stumps you can burn and some stuff to get. From the north entrance, go south one screen, then south slightly. There will be 2 stumps to the west. Burn them and get the Potion. Continue 1 screen south. Slightly to the right is a stump, burn it and get the Earth Sap from the bush. Then continue east, burning every stump in your way and get the 200G. Now go back and down the vines. Keep going until you get near the next screen. Go north, cut the grass and burn the web. Inside is a Magic Source. That's all for now, so you may as well get to the Tower of Guidance. ************************ * 8. Tower of Guidance * ************************ Items: Escape Ball, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Revive, Magic Jar, Tower Disc, Potion, Thin Cape Suggested Levels: 9 In here, Rami will be overly amazed at the Ancient Ruin. By the way, for the rest of the game, if you want to read these Ancient Ruins, just switch to Rubius, that's her field ability. Go north 2 room and switch to Rami. Light the two torches and continue north. In the next room, there's a chest to the right of the stairway that contains an Escape Ball. Go upstairs and step on the platform in the next room. There, go upstairs. This room is a big maze. Go south by pushing the blocks and follow the path until you reach an intersection. Take the first path west. Go north and west to get the Ice Ball. To go further north you need Torma. Return to the entrance and head south (not where the blocks are), east, south and west to get a Fire Ball. Now, return east, north, push, east, south, follow the path to the next room. Step on the switch and proceed north to next room. Here, push the right block twice north, go around it and push it left until it is on the switch. Enter the room. As you enter, the pole raises, blocking the way out. Get the two chests (Revive, Magic Jar). Push the 4 blocks on the 4 switches (actually, you just need to walk on the 4th one) to lower the spikes. If you're stupid and push one of the blocks on a wall and cant get it out, go south of the room and on the holes to "reset" the room. Go back to the previous room. Push down the left block, up the right one, and push it to the right switch. Enter the door and go up the stairs. Here, simply put the 8 blocks on the 8 switches to lower the spikes to the left. Be aware that the 2 monsters will also be released, so I'd recommend keeping the bottom switch last. Go west, than south, and up the stairs. Here, you need to fall in the middle hole, so walk once on the middle crack, then jump in the hole. You'll fall on a switch, in the room just below the stairs you took. Head north, then up the stairs. Down the room is a Tower Disc. Head north to the next room. Here there are 2 switches, but only 1 block. The right switch opens the right door, but it's a trap, with 2 monsters behind the door and nothing else. Put the block on the left switch and enter the door. In here, go south to the next room. Here, there are 3 pots and 4 switches. Grab the 2 north pots and drop the on the bottom switches. Take the remaining pot and drop it on the top-right switch. This will reveal another pot. Put it on the last switch and go through the door. In here there is a Potion to the left. Go up the stairs and down the room to get a Thin Cape. Now head up the many, many stairs and go south to end up outside. Go south, west and up the elevator. Grab the Camu Armor and go down. Continue west and enter the second door. Go up the stairs and south to end up outside again. Go west and up the stairs. Remember this place from the intro (if you looked at it, that is). Apparently, the Shard and Stone are to be used here. Walk to the hole near the yellow statue and open the Special Item Menu, select the stone and the shard. You'll get a puzzle screen. Here, press Start to toggle between translated/untranslated. With L and R, you can rotate the blocks covering the letters. Rotate until you see "When the door is opened" When you press A, you'll place the stone in the hole. Go to the middle of the circle. If nothing happens, you're wrong. If you got it, the screen will fade. Nothing happens, so Eldin checks out the stone. He is shocked (literally) and Rami seems mad. Then you'll wake up in your house in Parcelyte. Rubius will explain stuff about the Tower. You'll also learn about Gratze's intentions, and that Eldin has been cursed back there. We need to go see Rubius' elder to cure him, in Nazare. Torma will join you back. Get him a job and some stuff, then head for the new spot in the Gruberik Area, Mt. Ruhie. However, you may want to go back on Gruberik's road, on the screen right after the blacksmith (if you enter from the north) There you can whip to a big spider web. Burn it and inside is a Revive. **************** * 9. Mt. Ruhie * **************** Items: Escape Ball, Ice Ball x3, Aqua Fruit, Magic Source, Dried Bread, Earth Fruit Smoke Ball, Lak Cheese, Mountain Disc, Sanity Pill, Light Tattoo, Victory Bandanna, 20G Suggested Levels: 10 On the first screen, head north until snow blocks the way. Use Rami's lighter to reveal pots. Break them and head north to the next screen. Here, you will see a flicking shadow. Hmm... Immediately head west and south using the small exit. Follow the path to reach 2 frozen jars, one contains an Escape Ball, the other an Ice Ball. Head back to the previous screen. Here, go north, up the vines and west (if you fall in an invisible hole, press any direction 8 times to get out). Unfreeze the 4 jars and get an Aqua Fruit. Go back to the previous screen. This time go east and on the frozen pond, then north. Thaw the chest to get a Magic Source. Finally, go west to the next screen. Continue east until you see 4 grass patches. Go north until you see a tree, from there go east, follow the path and cut the 5 grass patches to get some Dried Bread. Continue north and thaw the 2 jars (getting to them might take a few tries) and break them to get an Earth Fruit. Jump down and make your way back to the tree. Go west and north to the next screen. Here, Rubius will tell you the way. Don't listen to her and go northeast to cut the 6 grasses and get a Smoke Ball. Now, go back to the entrance and take the upper west path. At the end is a frozen chest with some Lak Cheese. Jump down and go west to the next screen. Here, head north until you see a pole, then use Torma's whip on it. Follow the path and Rubius will be caught by a bird. OH NO! Now you can't read ruins. This is sooooooo bad... Now go west to the next screen. Go west, then north and up the wall using the white stones. Cut the grass up there to get another Ice Ball. Jump down, east, up the wall and north to the next screen. Now what the... A skull? Damn, this thing eats fast! Anyway, thaw the pot around and break it to get a Mountain Disc. The first set of white stone (from where you are) leads to nowhere, the second too, so the third is obviously the way to go. Climb and get to the platform. Whip to the other side, up to the platform, whip across, up to the next platform, and get the Sanity Pill and the Light Tattoo. Climb down, whip across and climb up to the next platform. Climb the rightmost white stones (the middle set goes nowhere) to the next platform, whip across, up to the next platform, whip across, fall down to get a Victory Bandanna (+20 INT, too bad Rami cant equip it), fall down again, make your way back to the spot where you fell down, instead of falling, climb the rocks to the next platform, whip across, and finally make it to the top. Here, heal, and walk west to find Rubius. Walk to her and you'll be attacked by the bird, Elpasar ***************** * Boss: Elpasar * ***************** HP: 475 EXP: 2000 GOLD: 550 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 10 Cast anything fire here. Heal as needed. He can use Ice (which he does using a nice animation), but only deals around 5 damage to everyone. He can also heal for around 5HP. A short fight, provided you have plenty of AP, otherwise it'll be long, but quite easy. **************************************** After the fight, talk to Rubius, and she'll join you back (heh, I didn't even notice she was gone :p) Jump down, climb the white rocks down, jump again and go west. If you went here before, there was a skull blocking the way. Now its gone. Go south, and when the path splits, go west. Cut down the grass to get 20G. Head back north and this time go east. Head south, cut the 8 grass patches to get an Ice Ball. Now continue south to leave this place. ************** * 10. Nazare * ************** Items: 10G from making bed at Inn, Revive, Wind Fruit, Magic Jar, Mysterious Pin In here, first go to the inn's basement. Examine the bed to get 10G from the maid (wow, you got a promotion). Now, go to the weapon/armor shop (north of town). There are 2 chests: the first one is a Revive, the other is a Wind Fruit. Upstairs is a Bishop, you can get this job if you're a master Priest Now go in the basement of the items shop. Open the closet to get a Magic Jar. Now go in the westmost house's basement. To the right is a jar. Inside is a Mysterious Pin. There's also an Alchemist around hidden as a dog, and an old lady who'll trade you a Blue Tea for a Navaroa. Now, go in the temple north of town. Talk to Rubius' father. He'll talk about missing stones and how Eldin's curse may worsen. He'll also think about Eldin being a descendant of the Ancients. Then, a messenger will rush in, saying Gruberik as fallen to Gratze's troops. However the town is locked, so we need to sneak in. Maybe the hobbits know how to. So we need to go to Jida, the hobbit town. Torma wants to go there, and him being the strongest, we'd better listen to him. Now, before you go, I'd like to explain something. A new town doesn't always means better stuff. You might buy something new here and then realize you lost money cause there's something better in Gruberik. Each town got its specialties. Up yet, Gruberik, Karnack and Nazare got good stuff. Parcelyte only has useless crap. So to help you out, here's a list of the best stuff yet for everyone, as well as second choice if you lack cash. - Eldin: Gladius (Nazare, 2400G) or Butterfly Knife (Karnack, 900G) Bronze Plate (Gruberik, 2000G) or Scale Plate (Karnack, 380G) Bark Shield (Karnack, 1200G) or Mini Shield (Gruberik, 800G) Cap (Gruberik, 120G) and Cloth Helm (Karnack, 400G) are as good, you decide Glass Stud (Nazare, 500G) or Simple Ring (Gruberik, 300G) - Torma: Flail (Nazare, 2200G) or Slingshot (Gruberik, 550G) Training Outfit (Nazare, 1500G) or Fur Cape (Nazare, 1200G) Bark Shield (Karnack, 1200G) or Mini Shield (Gruberik, 800G) Turban (Karnack, 4100G) or Pelt Hood (Nazare, 500G) Glass Stud (Nazare, 500G) or Simple Ring (Gruberik, 300G) - Rami: Nazare got many staffs, choose whatever suits you best CoteHardie (Nazare, 5000G) or Toga (Karnack, 700G) Rune Shield (Nazare, 4200G) or Tray (Gruberik, 100G) Katyusha you found in Gruberik should be an ok helm Glass Stud (Nazare, 500G) or Simple Ring (Gruberik, 300G) Now let's find Jida. It's supposed to be close to Gruberik, so let's check the Old Well **************** * 11. Old Well * **************** Items: Moldy Bread x2, Revive, Power Source, Insect Egg, Lizard Shield, Rotten Meat, Jelly Shield, Poison Claw, Poison Needle Suggested Levels: 10 When you enter this area, head north, and enter the well. Go down the ladder, pick the pot and drop it anywhere. Fall in the hole. Here, Rami will be frightened, nevermind her. Go east, across the bridge, down in the water, west, south, get out of the water. Below are 4 jars. One holds a Moldy Bread. Don't eat this. Go north, east, north and get a Revive. Hop across the river, east, down the bridge and east to the next screen. Follow the path, hop across the river, north, across again, inside the pot is an Power Source. Head back across the river, east, hop again, in the water, go east and follow the path to the next screen. Here, take the north stairway and get the Moldy Bread. Now take the other stairway and continue yet again in the water. Head north under the wall and out of the water. Cut the grass to get an Insect Egg. Now break the pots. One of them will make a weird sound. A pole as risen on the other side of the river. Whip across and jump in the waterfall to the east. When you stop, grab the Lizard Shield from the chest and jump in the waterfall again. Go back west and climb the stairs and continue east to the next screen. Here, follow the path until you can whip to the other side. Do it. Cut the plants on the north wall and go through the entrance. Here, cut all grass to reveal some Rotten Meat. Open the chest to get a Jelly Shield. Cross the river and kill all monsters to open the southeast door. Go through it. Go west and in the waterfalls. Get out of the water and continue south to the next screen. Cross the river and head north. Pull the switch and the water will calm down. Cross the river, go south, in the water and continue south to the next room. Here, follow the one-way path until you get a chance to get out of the water. Don't get out. Continue east into the next room. Here, go north when you get a chance and in the next room. In there, you will see a snake attacking someone. Go east, out of the water, heal, talk to the creature and get ready to be attacked by... ******************** * Boss: Ice Lizard * ******************** HP: 450 EXP: 2500 GOLD: 1300 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 10 This guy uses only ice attacks, and is weak against fire. Have your fighters use Cinder Slash and your mage cast Fire. Always kill Lizardmen, they do good damage but die quick. Pretty quick battle. **************************************** After the fight, the creature, apparently someone who fused with a monster but cant go back to normal, will faint. You need to carry it somewhere safe. Now, open the 2 chests north of the room. One contains a Poison Claw, the other a Poison Needle. East of this room is a switch, pull it to stop the waterfalls in the previous room. Exit this room from where you entered and continue to the previous room. Go up the stairs and west. Cross the 2 bridges, up the ladder, whip across, in the water, north under the barrier to the next room. Get out of the water and talk to the hobbit. He says Bau is a pest, still he lets you pass. Seems like they like pests are something... Continue east to reach Jida. ******************** * 12. Jida Village * ******************** Items: 10G x7, Life Source, Hi-Potion When you enter this area, go in the hole to reach the village. Inside, the 2 entrances on the left are a church and an Item shop. Go there and rob the place (7 jars with 10G each). Go to the church to save. Now go to the Chief's Dwelling basement. Talk to the Chief. He loves Bau, though everyone else hates him. Torma will ask a way to get in Gruberik. But you need someone to show the way. The hobbits around are gonna say silly stuff, yet Bau decides to show you the way. He'll join your party. He is quite strong, and pretty fast. He can also use his hammer on the field to blow up stuff. Now that you are "friends" with the hobbits, they'll agree to sell you stuff. In the northern part of town are a weapon shop and a treasure room. You can get a Life Source and a Hi-Potion. Now, we must still get to Gruberik, so get out of town and back to the sewers. ************************** * 13. Old Well Continued * ************************** Items: Wooden Mallet, Life Source, Bitter Cheese, Tail Ring, Dark Fruit, 200G, 30G, Escape Ball, Iron Box, Moldy Bread, Sea Disc, Aqua Fruit, Revive, Insect Egg, Rotten Meat Suggested Levels: 11 As soon as you get out, go in the water and in the waterfall to the west. Make sure you enter it in the southmost tile. You'll get to the previous screen. Here, use Bau's Hammer to stomp the barrels and get the Wooden Mallet, for Bau. Get back in the water, upstairs to next screen, east again, up the stairs. Here, Rami and Torma will get mad because they can't seem to do anything. However, thanks to Bau we are saved. Use his hammer to smash a way through. Cross the bridge, get in the water, go east, south and continue to next room. Here, head south, out of the water and follow the path to the next screen. Cross the bridge and get in water. Go east as soon as possible, break the crack with Bau's hammer and go inside. There you can get a Life Source, a Bitter Cheese and a Tail Ring. Now go back to previous screen and go north until you hit the wall, east, out of water, south and cut the grass/pot to get a Dark Fruit. Now go back in the water and make your way back west and south. Get out of the water and go northwest to next room. Pull the switch. Head back to the previous room, in the water, north and west to next room. Continue until you can go north to next room. Here, go east when you get a chance, out of water and south to next room. Get the 200G from the chest. Head back and continue north. Get out of the water and continue east to next room. Go east and south when you get back in water. Get out, break the jar and get a Dark Fruit. Go back north and get out of the water via the east stairs. Continue north, get back in the water, go west (east is a loooooooong dead end) and get out, cut the 4 grass to reveal 30G. Go back in the water and go south and jump in the waterfall (make sure you enter it on the left tile, otherwise you won't make it. Pick the Escape Ball and go through the door. Hop to the other side of the river and cut all grass to get a Moldy Bread. There's also an Iron Box in the chest. Kill all monsters to open the door in the northwest. Go through. In this room, cross the bridge (just bash the skull with Bau's hammer) and put the 2 pots in the middle of the arrows (not ON the arrows). This opens the door in the northwest. Go through. Here, go east in the water (if you fall in the waterfall, you can get a Sea Disc, a Revive and an Aqua Fruit, but you'll have to go all the way back), go west then north to next room. Here, go north, east, follow the path across the bridge, south and break the jars to get an Insect Egg. Go west, in the waterfall, and take the same path until you see a wall with a big crack. Break it with Bau's hammer. Here, cut ALL grass. Doing so you'll find some Rotten Meat and you'll be able to do next puzzle. Push up once the right crate, than push left the left one. Push the other right as far as you can. Cut the grass, heal and go up the ladder. Here, bash the skull with Bau's Hammer to open a hole. Climb the ladder and go north to face the Shell Snake. ********************* * Boss: Shell Snake * ********************* HP: 700 EXP: 3000 GOLD: 1010 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 11 This boss battle will be long and, depending if you got the latest armors or not, it'll be anywhere between too easy and impossible. If you got Rami in your party, have her use any magic she got, preferably those that lower the enemies stats. Have Bau, Eldin and Torma attack and use their best skills. Its Strike can be from pathetically weak to extremely painful, depending on what you're wearing. Fury is slightly more powerful, but it rarely uses it. This fight was long, but I didn't even need to heal once, cause I invested on armor instead of weapons. **************************************** After the fight, proceed north to the next screen. Bash the skull and go up the ladder. ************************** * 14. Gruberik Revisited * ************************** Items: Wake-Up Call, Potion, Fire Ball, Mountain Disc, 100G You'll be in the Ancient Cave area. Push the barrels and go to the marketplace. You'll be caught by an officer and get in jail. Everyone will get mad at everyone. Then, the kid will set you free, being tired of the gratzean's conquests and all. However, you'll have to escort him to Ordens. He also mentions a secret exit by the item shop, and finally mention his name, Cain. After you are free, leave the antique (if you need to job change, do it now). Save if you wish, then go southeast of the antique to a man with 4 pots around him. Break them to get a Wake-Up Call and a Potion. From there, go south and east to get a Fire Ball from the jar. North of the Weapon/armor shop are 4 grass patches, cut them to get a Mountain Disc. You may wanna check the weapons shop. They got new stuff. You can also go back to Cashwell's manor and in the auction room. There's an alchemist there. Now go south to the city. Near the exit are 4 grasses, one of them as 100G Go at Torma's house (take the path east, then south). Just outside is a rat, talk to it to reveal an Alchemist. Go inside and talk to daddy. Now that you have his "permission", you can get outta here. Go to the marketplace, and below the item shop. Bau will leave you, as he needs to heal. Now go left and leave the town. Go to the Meadow Road near Parcelyte. ******************* * 15. Meadow Road * ******************* Items: Antidote, Insect Egg, Short Sword, Earth Fruit, Mysterious Crest, Potion, Escape Ball, Mysterious Pin x2, Earth Sap, Stun Ball, Revive, Hi-Potion Suggested Levels: 12 As you enter, you will see a big grassy area. You can only enter and exit those where there are marks. Break the jar inside to get an Antidote. Now continue west until you see a man in front of several small trees. Too bad they block the way, that's where we need to go. So let's take the alternate route. Head south to next screen. South is a barrel, but without Bau you can't bash it, so enter the grass where there is the mark and go east, south, west, south out of the grass, south, east to enter the grass again, south, west out of the grass, west, enter the grass, south, west, south out of the grass, cut the grass patches to get an Insect Egg. Now go west in the grass, south, west, south, west out, north, east, in, north, west, out, north to get a Short Sword. Now go all the way back to the 9 grass patches. Enter the grass via the southeast mark, go east, south, and out. From here go west to the next screen. Here, enter the grass, go west, south, all the way west, north and west, cut the grass to get an Earth Fruit. Go back east, south, east, north, east 1 tile, north, west, south out of the grass. Enter west, then go north, west, north, west, north, west, out. Go west, south, west, in, north, west, north, west, north, west, north, east, out, east in 1 tile, north, east, north, west, north, west, south, west, out. Cut the grass and pick the pot. Fall in the hole. Open the chest to get a Mysterious Crest. A tree will appear. Beat it or not, and get out of this cave. Cut the grass again, and whip across the river. Head north to the next screen. From here, go west to the next screen. When the path splits (north and south) go north and continue to the next screen. Here, go north, in, east all the way, out, cut the grass to get a Potion. Go back in, west 3 tiles, north, west, out, west in, west, south 3 tiles, west, north, east, out. North, in, east, south, east, out. The vines are blocked by a barrel. Push it and go down. Break the pot for an Escape Ball. Head north, then west to next screen. Head east, in, out, and east to get to 4 grass patches. Cut them to get a 2 Mysterious Pins. Go back and this time enter the grass. Go east, south, out, east to next screen. Here, go down the vines, east, north, east, north, east, south, west, south, west pick the pot, east, north, east, north, east, south, drop the pot on the switch, down the vines, cut the grass, push the crate on the switch, climb the vines, north, west, south, west, jump. Go down the vines, west, cut any of the 4 grass patches to reveal a pot. Pick it and go east where there are 4 grass patches and 1 pike. Cut the grass to reveal a switch and place the pot on it. Go down the vines twice and south to next screen. Here, jump down twice, heal and fight... ***************** * Boss: Madeant * ***************** HP: 750 EXP: 4500 GOLD: 1500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 13 It's a tree, it's made from wood, and it burns. Hit it with fire and it won't last long. He can leech around 20HP, and his leaf attack also does 20. **************************************** After the fight, all the small trees will disappear. Cut the grass under where the tree was to get an Earth Sap. Now go east until you reach the next screen. Go east until you reach a grassy part, enter it. Inside is a Stun Ball and a Revive. Get out of the grass, head north, west, cut the grass and west to get a Thornlet. Now go back west to get to the previous area. Here, go south and west to the next screen. Go west all the way but instead of going north go south. Enter the grassy area, go east, south 2 tiles, west, south, east, south, east, out and break the jar to get a Hi-Potion. Get out of the grass and continue south to next screen. Here, follow the path and make it to Ordens. ************** * 16. Ordens * ************** Items: Sleep Ball, Boomerang, Daze Ball, 10G, Lak Cheese, Terror Ball, Blue Tea x3. As you enter the town, go east and cut the 7 grass patches to get a Sleep Ball. Go east to get to the inn, open the closet to the right to get a Boomerang. Up near the beds are 2 jars, break them to get a Daze Ball. To the north of the inn are 2 shops. You can pull a pretty handy trick at the Item Shop: buy 99 Blue Teas for 100G each and sell them for 150G each! The church is north of town, inside are 2 jars, break them to get 10G. Just east of the church, notice the man behind the horse, we'll need him later. Go west from the church to reach 4 grassed with a Lak Cheese. And finally just west of the Weapon shop, behind the fence is a grass with a Terror Ball. Now go in the Mayor's Estate (northeast). Maybe you heard it speaking to townsfolk, but the mayor is giving away her kids to Gratze. As always, Torma is mad, but now he's got a good reason... Now go outside and talk to Cain. Gratze want him. But why do they desperately want the mayor's real son? With that in mind, go check the man stuck behind the horse. He'll mention a tower, an Ancient Ruin. Now go talk to the mayor. She agrees about the tower, but lost the key... Then, the town's watch comes and informs of Gratze's approaching. The mayor asks you to tell her son to hide. So she DOES love him. Kind of. Go talk to Cain. Then go back inside and through the secret passage left. Break the jars to get 3 Blue Teas and The Black Key. Go back and talk to the mayor. Apparently, Hayes, the guy, was a spy from Gratze. He'll steal the key, and mention the only reason this village is still alive is because no one could find the key. Don't tell me. Cant find that key??? Wow these guys are blind or something, or they just hate touching porcelain... Anyway, they got the key, so they unlocked the tower. So let's just get there. *********************** * 17. Tower of Dohain * *********************** Items: Magic Jar, Blood Rod, Iron Fang, Iron Beak, Escape Ball, Hi-Potion, Power Source, Stone Helm, Stone Horn, Stone Plate, Golem Helm Suggested Levels: 13 When you enter the area, head north to get a scene. Too quiet heh? From here, go west then north to find Hayes. He got what he deserved... Continue until you see some stairs. Go up. Here, head south, break the jars to get an Magic Jar. Head north and follow the path until you see a soldier walking by. Go up the stairs, burn the web with Rami's lighter, and proceed in. Inside here, push all the blocks and the switches to make every red cat around the tower disappear (well, they turn into enemies). It isn't much of a challenge (really) so I'll leave it to you. Now go back to the first floor, and this time go northeast. Go down the ladder. Here, if you use your whip on a pole and fall down, you'll restart near the ladder. Pick the pot and drop it on the switch. Follow the path until you see a another pot. Drop it on the left switch. Go back to the beginning of the room, pick the first pot and go back to the second. Drop it on the switch left of it. Now go back near the second pot, and go south to pick a Blood Rod, an Iron Fang and an Iron Beak. The Blood Rod sure is powerful, but it's cursed (cant remove it unless you visit a church) and hurts you with every attack. Exit this room via the entrance. Now head south and follow the way until you reach some stairs. Go up. Here, go south and west to some other stairs. Up there you'll see the soldier once again. Head north, up the stairs and inside. Open the chest to get an Escape Ball. Here, you need to push the blocks on the switches again. This one is a little harder, so here's what to do: push the southeast block west until it is on the south switch, push the northeast west block until it is on the north switch, then push it down so it is in the middle. Push the remaining block on the east side north once, then push it west twice, and south once so it is on the east switch. Go the other side. Push the right block south twice, east once, north once and east once so it is on the west switch. Push the last block east until it is on the north switch. Now all yellow cats are turned into enemies. Go back to the entrance (1st floor) and north to solve the next puzzle. Here's a step-by-step walkthrough: first, you should know the middle switch lowers the poles. Push the top-right block on the middle switch. Push the bottom right one on the east switch. Push the bottom-left block east until it stands on the south switch. Now only 2 blocks remain. Push the right one south twice, east twice than north once so it is on the west switch. Push the last one east until it stands on the north switch. Now all blue cats are gone. Get out of there, down the stairs, south below the cat rows, west to some stairs, go south to some jars, break them for a Hi-Potion. Now go north and up the stairs. Here, simply follow the path to the stairs and go up. Pick the pot and drop it on the switch southwest. This will raise a pole north. Go across, and up the stairs to the west. Go south, break the jars and get the Power Source, then follow the path north to get a Stone Helm. Go back down and burn the web, pick the pot, go north, put it on the switch and hop across. Open the chest to get a Stone Horn. Going down the ladder is only a shortcut to below. Go west, under the roof, if you stay in the middle vertical tile you should hit something near the end. It's a barrel. Push it west, then south on the switch. On your way, pick the Stone Plate from the chest. Go back east and take the other barrel, push it north, east and south on the switch. Now whip south, pick the pot and drop it on the south switch, and use the newly raised pole to whip over the gap. Continue along, whip north when you can and get the Golem Helm, and continue up the stairs. Here, go to the bottom-left block. "Hidden" behind is a crate, push it to the switch southeast. Head north and up the stairs. Here, you will see those soldiers. They got bashed pretty badly. Heal, head up the stairs, north, and try to access the chest. You'll be attacked by the cat statues. ******************** * Boss: Grey Snake * ******************** HP: 750 EXP: 4000 GOLD: 1800 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 14 Hey, wasn't there 3 of them??? Anyway, let's get to it. You can drain his def if you wish, but if you've got a fighter you should've got Chance Hit by now. This move becomes handy from now on and for the rest of the game. If you got nothing of this, just attack and heal with anyone (you taught them all Heal I hope). **************************************** After the fight, open the chest to get the Green Shard. Now get the hell out of here, anyway you want if fine to me. ******************** * 18. Ordens Again * ******************** Items: None Go back to the Mayor and talk to her. You can keep the shard if you give her back the key. Since the door is unlocked, we don't really need it. Now we need to get a ship. Daros may be a good spot. Let's get there. ***************** * 19. Windlands * ***************** Items: Field Disc, Turban, Speed Source, Wind Armor, Dried Milk x3, Wind Fruit, Dog Ears, Insect Edge, Strange Yellow Potion Suggested Levels: 15 On the first screen there's nothing to do, so head to the next one. Here, continue until you see a small fence, take the bottom path to get a Field Disc. Now go back and over the fence and continue until you find arrows on the ground. These move you the way they point. Don't take the first set you see. Continue west and take the second (the one pointing east). Continue east, avoid the green plants, they hurt you, burn the stumps, and get the Turban from the chest. Go back west to the arrows set and jump in it. Continue south, whip to the east, go south and make your way to next screen. Go south, then west when you see the first tree. Break the jars to get a Speed Source. Go back, then continue south and west to next screen. Here, go west, south at the sand patch, east and north when the path splits. Burn any stump then fly to the other side. Go around the arrows until you can whip south. Continue west until you can whip north, then. Now go south between the arrows until you're at the same height than the chest. Go down in the arrows and get the Wind Armor from the chest. Now go back to the path split and south to next screen. Go west, around the big elevated area, north and break the jar to get some Dried Milk. Head north to the next screen. Here, go north, west, then south (on the way you'll see an animal eating a snake). Break the jars to get a Wind Fruit. Head back to the previous screen. This time, go south through the narrow passage, fighting monsters on the way, until next screen. Go north to get some Dog Ears, and then go east and use your whip to avoid the arrows. There is an open space between 2 rows of arrows. Go there and whip south and continue to next screen. Go south and get the Insect Edge from the chest. Head back to the previous screen, in the arrows set north and jump to the other side. From where you stop, simply go east once and north twice. You'll jump to the other side. The party will try to avoid the fight, but of course you'll need to fight, so heal and prepare to fight... **************** * Boss: Dryzan * **************** HP: 750 EXP: 6000 GOLD: 2500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 15 As always, lower his defence a couple of times, attack continuously, and cast magic. Chance Hit, as always, can be deadly, just be lucky. There is no particular strategies here, but always try to keep your HP high as he can cause around 25 damage to the entire party with Wind Storm. He has rather high agility too so be careful, he may get some extra moves or move ahead of you. **************************************** After the fight, continue west and break the jars to get some Dried Milk. Now head south to next screen. Follow the path and get to the next town (don't forget your Dried Milk in the jars at the end, it's good to develop solid bones) ************* * 20. Daros * ************* Items: 10G x5, Earth Fruit, Cave Disc, Hi-Potion, Flame Fruit As you arrive in town, you'll meet Marin. She'll run off. First stop: the inn (or Hotel, if you prefer). Go to the second floor and break the pots to get 10G. Now go north from the inn, inside the ranch and in the house. Break the pot in the top-left and go through the wall. Inside is 10G x2 and an Earth Fruit. Talk to the chicken for an Alchemist. In the northwest of the city are 2 houses. The right one has a jar which holds a Cave Disc. East of town, below the church, is a man who will trade a Dried Milk for a Revive. Inside the Item Shop you may also get a Hi-Potion. Now go north of town to the Casino. First, go to the right and break the 3 jars to get a Flame Fruit. Now, go in the room to the left. Break the jars to get 10G x2. Go back to the casino and up the stairs to the right. Looks like someone is loosing some serious cash. And he's even gambling a legendary artefact, the Dekar Sword. Only Dekar can carry this sword. So this means... Yes, it IS Dekar! So he isn't dead... yet. He's kinda bloody... He's still as stupid as ever though. Marin will save they day though, and he wont lose his sword. Good thing. Oops. A gratzean soldier just spotted us. Better get out, though we all know Dekar could wipe the crap out of 'em. You'll be running all the way to Marin's house. And the pirate is still following. He has a ship... a ship? Could be useful. But he leaves. Anyway, Dekar joins you, and wants to go get a ship from the king of Parcelyte tomorrow, so you'll all rest here. During the night, Eldin will overhear a conversation. Marin wants to chase Dekar, but her mom wont understand the reasons. When you wake up, you may want to adjust your party and add Dekar to it. He is quite strong, but he doesn't have any field ability. He is also pretty slow and terribly dumb. But he has no skills, so no need to be bright, just have him slash everything. Also, if you want the Rogue job, go to the casino. Also, try to get the Cutter Whip for Torma. It hits all enemies. Outside, a kid will talk about an accident in the Nimona Mines northwest of town. We could go save hundreds of lives, but first lets go check for our boat. ****************************** * 21. Parcelyte and Gruberik * ****************************** Go and talk to the king. Too bad, they sent out all their ships. Maybe if we can find a civilian ship. How about a pirate ship? Go to Gruberik's harbors and talk to the pirate. He would let you borrow his ship, but he's out of fuel. A good place to find some? The Nimona Mines! So let's just go save the prisoners and get some fuel there. ******************** * 22. Nimona Mines * ******************** Items: Vitamins, Cave Disc, Googles, Dark Fang, Kukuri, 300G, Wooden Mallet, Headband, Fatal Pick Suggested Levels: 15 When you enter just head north inside the mine. Go northeast and walk to the blocked wall. You'll hear noises from the other side. Go back south and the man will say no one's there. Now try going back there again. He'll get mad after you. So visit the northwest room and talk to everyone. Now go back outside and east. The guy who was blocking the pole moved. Whip across, up the ladder, north, push the right barrel and go in. Get in the wagon, and when you stop go north, west and south to get a some Vitamins. Go back to where you left the wagon and in the other one. When you stop, go down the hole and east to get a Cave Disk. Go back up, in the wagon and north to the next screen. West of this room are some Googles, get them and proceed east to next room. Here, go south until you can whip to the east. Do it, then go east, whip south, trigger. Now, go northeast of the switch (where the track turns) and whip west, whip west again, go north and west to get a Dark Fang. Go back east and whip north, and take the wagon going south. Since you pulled the lever, you'll end up somewhere else. Here, push any of the 4 barrels and pick the pot. Fall in the hole. Here, follow the path and go up the ladder at the other end. Go north, east, around the track and west to get a Kukuri. Now go back and into the wagon. Whip across west, follow the path, up the ladder and north to next room. Here, go west, push one of the crates, down the first ladder, jump down, go west and take the 300G. Jump down and go in the hole southwest. The man says he cant get his explosives because of monsters. Well, monsters don't scare us, so let's get them. So go south, whip over the track and go south. Push the right or left crate to get the Explosives. Go back north, whip across and give the bomb to the man (using the Special Items menu). He'll leave. Head up the ladder and go southeast to next room. Talk to the man and he'll blow up the place (actually, Rami will). Continue to next room. If you haven't realized it, you're back in the first room of the mine. Go in the northwest room. While you where away, they dug through the cave-in. So let's continue to next room. Here, follow the rather simple path to next room, getting a Wooden Mallet on the way. Then continue to next room. Here, take the southeast exit. Take the elevator down and south to next room. Here, follow the path to the wagon, but don't use it. Go over it and push the second crate east. Burn the web, fight the 3 spiders and go in the next room. Talk to the man to rescue him. Go back, push the crate and go in the wagon. Go east and south to next room. Here, there is a kind of bridge you can only walk once on. If you fall, you'll arrive in a room with monsters and a ladder. To make it, do this: From the first bridge tile, go 1 up, 5 east, 1 up (no need to pick the pot), 3 west, 2 up, turn using R to face right and pick the pot, turn using R to face down and drop the pot, 3 up (notice the pole doesn't rises when you step on the switch), go 1 more up then 1 down, notice the pole rose (glitch), turn with R to face up and whip north to next room. Here, push the first barrel left or right and the other up. The man will run off. Go west next room, then southwest to the other. Get in the wagon, and when you stop go back in. when you stop you'll be on the other side of the wagon. Go west, push the crate down and pick the Headband. Go back in the wagon and walk around until you can use your whip on the switch. This will trigger it. Go back in the wagon, and in yet again. Continue to next room, then go across the 2 others. You'll reach a room with a man and 4 barrels. Push the lone barrel south to destroy the 4 barrels. Pick the pot and fall in the hole. Burn the web north and enter. Try to turn on the machine, but nothing happens cause there's no fuel. Go back south and in the water. Make your way to the other side and next room. Push the northwest crate east, go up and get the Pump Fuel. Go back to the pump and use the fuel. Now the water's gone. Go in the entrance where the water was. Go around and get a Fatal Pick. Go back and whip across. Get in the wagon and go east to next room. Go down the elevator, and in the opening. Here, follow the path and burn the first web you see. Continue along until you see some explosives. Go north, east and south, push the crate to the web you burnt, and push it on the switch. Go back to where the other crate was, and the pike will be lowered. Push the crate west, and use Torma's whip on the switch. The barrels near the explosives are now gone. Go pick 'em up. Also, go north and talk to the man to rescue him. Now get out of the crystal area. Go back west and up the elevator and west to next room. Here, jump in the wagon, go north and west, whip across, then go south to next room. Take the ladder to the east and east to next room. Give the bomb to the man there. Give him the explosives and go to next room. Go up the elevator and north to next room. You may use an Escape Ball, Escape or get out the hard way. If you choose that, backtrack your way through the mines and outside. Talk to the miner. If you did talk to the pirate in Gruberik, he will join you. So now you can go back all the way through the mines (yay...) and get some coal. So go back in the mine, and follow these direction (NR: Next Room): north, west, north, NR, north, west, NR, west, north, east, north, NR, north, east, NR, southwest, NR, take the elevator down, south, NR, south, west, NR, down the ladder, north, NR, north, whip, in the cart, NR, down the elevator, up the ladder west, burn the web and enter. Go down the stairs northeast and go south. The miner will clear the way, then leave. Go south and follow the path to get the Ship Fuel from the chest. Now leave the mines and head for Gruberik. ********************************* * 23. Gruberik yet another time * ********************************* Here, when you enter the marketplace, you'll see Bau. People are on him because he's a monster... Of course, you'll come and scare them away. Bau says he only causes trouble wherever he goes. Torma will say he should fight back, but Rami thinks he shouldn't. Yet again, they'll get mad at each other. Bau will run off. Go to the docks and talk to the pirate. When you're about to board, Bau will come. He'll join the party. The ship will leave. When it ship stops, you'll be on the lower island of the Triangle Peninsula. Get out of the dock to get to the forest. However, since you now have a permanent Bau, you may wanna head to Mt. Ruhie - west. Go northwest to some poles. Bash them and continue on the lake to find a Navaroa. Another place of interest is the Mera Volcano - east. Make your way to the 3rd screen, north until you see 3 chimneys on the left, go through and break the crack. Inside you'll get the game's 2nd fighting theme, which is rather nice (sometimes I think it should have been the main...). Enemies are also rather though, but you can catch a Blue Core, which may have a cheap 8 HP, but an amazing 500 DEF. Be careful, cause there's lots of them here. A great place to level though. So just follow the path and head outside. Cut all grass for a Flame Fruit and a Fire Armor. ******************** * 24. Jungle Spire * ******************** Items: Insect Egg, 10G x2, Large Egg, Mountain Disc, Wild Berry, Earth Sap, Insect Cover, Earth Fruit, Francesca, Thornlet, Power Source, Rose Seed, Revive Suggested Levels: 16 When you enter the place, follow the path until you see a pretty tall tree and a path split. Continue east, cut the grass and get the Insect Egg. Go back to the tall tree and this time go west to next screen. Go north, cut the 5 grass patches to get 10G. Go north and down the first vine you see. Break the cocoon to get a Large Egg. Go back the entrance, use Bau's hammer on the rocks west, and continue west to next screen. Here, go west and climb the 4th vine. Continue west until you reach a part where there's a pole and a stump. Burn the stump and fall. Break the cocoon to get a Wild Berry. Jump down, get the Mountain Disc and make your way back to the stump. This time use Bau's hammer on the pole. Whip north twice and get to next screen. Here, follow the path until the split, go east and get the Earth Sap and an Insect Cover from the first 2 cocoons. The other one releases monsters. Now continue west to next screen. Here, go south and cut the 5 grass to get a Earth Fruit. Now continue west and fall in the hole. Hit the left pole with Bau's hammer (the other ones release monsters) and jump in the hole. Go south and out. Go west, up the vines, up again, east and get the Francesca from the chest. Now head west to next screen. Go south, down the vines and continue west to pick the Thornlet. Go back east and up the vines, and this time go west. You can get 10G from the grass. The last grass patch to the west also holds a Power Source. Now cut all the grass to find a hole. Jump in it. Here go west and north all the way. Cut the 5 grasses to get a Rose Seed. Go back south and west to next screen. Kill the tree, go up, cut the 5 grasses to get a Revive, and continue west, fight another tree, heal, and go west to fight a boss. ********************** * Boss: King Creeper * ********************** HP: 1000 EXP: 7000 GOLD: 2800 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 17 If you chose a 4 fighter party (Rami out), you may need to call Rami in a few times to heal, because even Eldin and Torma as healer won't be enough if they only know Heal. When it attacks, it can either attack you normally, or attack and attempt to confuse you. This is really painful. He can also Heal Plus, but you should be dealing more than 100 damage per round. Fire seems to work well. **************************************** After the fight, go south, down the vines, east and south to next screen. Continue south to reach Narbick. *************** * 25. Narbick * *************** Items: 10G x4, Sacred Fruit, Hell Armor for making bed, 100G, Magic Jar, Strange Blue Potion From the entrance, go north and cut the 5 grasses to get 10G x2. The house to the left is where you can get the Brawler job. Close to the inn is a pot. Break it to get a Sacred Fruit. On the second floor of the inn is an Alchemist (in the right bed). In the house just right of the church, there's another bed for you to make. But this time your reward is an Hell Armor (it says Bark Tapa, but its really an Hell Armor, and it's cursed). Examining the bookcase here leads to a fight... The shop sells Zircon stuff, which is extremely powerful, but expensive. In the northwest part of town (where the graves are), cut the 3 grasses to get 2x10G and 100G. By the way, those 3 graves are those of the 3 girls which helped at the end of Lufia II. In the northeast part of town is a house with a pot next to it. Inside the pot is a Magic Jar. Now go in the Elder's house. Inside the closet here is some Pure Water. Now go down the stairs. Maybe you heard it around town, but Rand, your father, is here! He'll explain about Ragule giving him the Royal Ring, which leads to an island that sank in the ocean long ago. However, Ragule took back the ring. You'll also learn about the fate of Eristol. He'll also mention 2 stones: one in the forest by here, and the other in Eristol. However, to get to Eristol we'll need the ring. Rand will also give you the Cloud Stone. When you think the conversation is over, Rubius will bring back Eldin's curse (I'm sure you all forgot about it...) Rand will seem to hide something about being an Ancient's descendant. So now head back to the forest, using the west entrance. ************************** * 26. Jungle Spire Again * ************************** Items: Large Egg x2, Cotehardie, Bark Helm, Bark Tapa, Escape Ball, Bark Shield, Rose Seed, Heavy Tunic, Flame Fruit x2, Revive, Hi-Potion, Antennae, Mysterious Crest, Dark Fruit Suggested Levels: 17 Here, go north to next screen, north, up the vines (this is where you fought the boss) and west to next screen. Go north, break the cocoons and get the Large Egg, head back and west, up the stairs, go through the building until you get out, north and examine the big face. (on the way is a dog, it's an alchemist) So now you must wait until night. The mouth will open, and you'll go in. Go north and fall down (and it's a HELL long way back up). Go south to get outside. Follow the path until you can go north and get a Cotehardie. Continue west, bash the pole, whip across and go north to next screen. Go north, then east and cut the 3 grasses to get a Bark Helm. Now, go back west, bash the pole, whip across, continue until you reach 3 grasses, get the Bark Tapa, then continue north to next screen. Head north all the way and light the 1st torch (heal before the forced back attack, it can be tough). Now go back south and east across the river, then continue east to next screen. Here, follow the path until you come to 4 grass patches. Cut them to get an Escape Ball. Continue along the path and up the vines to next screen. Light the 2nd torch, and climb the vines west until you make it to next screen. Go down, whip east, either jump down or climb the vines down, cut the 4 grasses to get a Shield, go down the vines east (cutting the grasses south makes a monster appear), and make it to next screen. Go west, over the hole are 5 grasses, cut them to get a Rose Seed. Fall in the hole. Open the chest to get a Heavy Tunic. Go back out. Go west, and do not walk in the mud, as you may fall down to the cave you just went. Instead, use your whip to the westmost pole, and cut all cocoons north to get a Flame Fruit. Whip east, then north on to where you were before, east again, then walk east on the last non-mud tile, go north and cut the grass for a Revive. Whip south, go south, cut the grass and get the Hi-Potion. Go east to next screen. Here, head north all the way and cut the cocoon the get a Large Egg. Go back south, ignore the hole as there's nothing of interest in, and go east. If you follow the cliffside, you shouldn't fall down. Go north, cut the grass and get a Flame Fruit, then continue north and fall in the hole. Open the chest southeast to get an Antennae. Now get out of the cave and go east, following the cliffside. You'll get to a dead end. From the middle wall leaves, go 3 south and 2 east. You'll fall down. Go talk to the monster to fight it. *************** * Boss: Demon * *************** HP: 900 EXP: 9000 GOLD: 3200 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 17 He drains HP as his main attack (about 40), and uses Dark Breath, which may confuse, stun and poison everyone. He may also Destroy you, which is a One-Hit KO. The goal here is to finish him quick. He dies pretty fast, but is dangerous if you stick with him too long. **************************************** Now that you killed this guy, go up the western vines and light the 3rd torch. Go back northwest and jump down. Go all the way back to previous screen. Go west, north, whip north, go west, whip west, whip west again, go south, whip east, go south, fall in the hole. Go west and south, and get the Mysterious Crest from the chest. Head back out. Go north a little, whip west, whip west again, whip north and go north to next screen. Here, light the final torch and fall down. Go west to next screen. Go west, bash the pole, whip across, and to next screen. Go north, east across the river, north, climb the vines, go west, cut the grass to get a Dark Fruit. Jump down and go west under the waterfall. Go inside. Go north, push the block any side and enter. If you did light all 4 torches, there'll be a chest. Open it to get the Wind Stone. Your job here is done, so get out the way you entered, or just cast exit, though you'll have to walk the forest part again. Now, let's finally head for Gratze and search for the Royal Ring. ********************* * 27. Border Forest * ********************* Items: Dark Fruit, Forest Disc, Dark Tattoo, Zombie Killer, Sleep Rod, Life Source, Wild Berry, Earth Sap, Hell Scythe Suggested Levels: 18 Now there should be a new area available on the world map. It's on the east continent. Go there, and select the only place available. You'll be at a dock. Go west to next screen, and enter the building. Look at how the cleric is blocking the way to the closet. Now go out and west to enter the forest. Just follow the path to next screen. You'll see a ghost, follow him south to next screen. Here, you'll see him again. Cut the 4 grasses south to get a Dark Fruit, and continue south to next screen. Here, you realize it's always the same screen again and again, so instead go north to previous screen. This time there are monsters. Go east to next screen. Here, you'll meet the priest from the dock's building. If he's here, he can't block the way, no? Go back to the docks and inside the building. Open the closet to get some Holy Water. Now make your way back to the priest and talk to him. He says to go to the graves and banish the spirit. So whip across, follow the path, open the chest to get a Forest Disc. Now go south all the way to reach a chest with a Dark Tattoo. Go back north a bit, and go east, up the cliff, north across the acid pond (walk in the grass so you wont take any damage), and continue to next screen. Here, walk all the way on the rock path, whip south, whip south again, whip east, fall down, go east, north, east, south, up and get the Zombie Killer from the chest. Now go back to the rock path, whip your way to where you fell down, and instead of falling whip east. Whip north and continue to next screen. Now, after this acid bath, it would not be a bad idea to heal. Go east and watch the scene of the ghost vanishing in front of the tomb. Walk to the tomb and use the Holy Water. This will make the spirit appear. ********************* * Boss: Demon Steed * ********************* HP: 1050 EXP: 9800 GOLD: 3800 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 19 I strongly advise using Rami for this fight, so toss anyone else. Usually a monster or Torma. First, know he takes little to no damage from ice, but water seems to hit him pretty bad. If you want, go for Level2 spells, they hit more but cost a lot more. Now for your 3 other guys, have them attack. Draining his DEF with Rami could not be bad. Beware of his Cinder Slash, it can hurt bad. Try to always keep you HP high **************************************** Now that he is dead, the curse on this forest is gone. Go back to where it kept looping. There, go south and you'll reach the place where you looped. Follow the path south and FINALLY you'll reach a new area. Here, take the left path, and burn the stump you will see to the left. Go up the vines west, go west and burn the other stump. This will make 3 monsters appear. Kill them, and continue west to get a Sleep Rod. Now head back east to where you burnt the first stump, and continue south. You'll see a pole and a log blocking the way, so continue southeast. Follow the path until you come to 2 stumps. Burn them to get a Life Source. Continue west a little, and when you have the choice of going west or north, go west and follow the path to get a Wild Berry. Go back to the junction, and go north, then east. Whip south over the log and get an Earth Sap. Bash the pole you just whipped on, and whip back north. This time go northwest until you reach next screen. Here, you'll notice the music is different. It's that gratzean militaristic theme. Go west, burn the 4 stumps to find an Hell Scythe. Go north and the guards will shoot at you, refusing to let you pass. Dekar wants to bash in, but Rami decides to sneak instead. Now go north (heh, I thought they would shoot...) and west near the castle's wall. The screen will fade, and you will see through some trees. Follow the path through and, when you come out, go west to reach Gondarle. **************** * 28. Gondarle * **************** Items: Dried Meat, Moldy Bread x3 Everyone here are ghosts, restless because of Gratze's actions. The inside of building is rather strange too. It's as if Gratze took the time to kill every single table and bed and make it a ghost. Anyway, enter the first house you see, and go to the right of the bed. Break the jar to get some Dried Meat. Now continue going left and enter the next house. Open the closet to get a Moldy Bread. The guy here sells weapons/armors. Make sure you buy the Restrain Chain for Torma since he doesn't have any Zircon stuff. You may also want to get the Silk Toga and Holy CAP for Rami and Gold Bracelets for everyone, but don't buy anything else, there's better stuff in Narvick. West of this house is the inn, go inside and open the closet for another Moldy Bread. North of the inn is the items shop, enter it from the left and open the closet to get yet another Moldy Bread. East of the items shop is the church. Now go north between the items shop and the church to reach the graveyard. Fall in the hole to reach the Land of the Dead. ************************ * 29. Land of the Dead * ************************ Items: Killer Armor, Charred Newt x2, Revive, Life Source, Antidote, Dark Chains, Dark Armor x2, Magic Jar, Clothes, Moldy Bread x2, Magical Bikini, Rotten Meat x2, Dark Crystal, Mind Sources x2, Demon Helm, Tail Ring Suggested Levels: 19 Go west and through the door. Go north and light the 2 candlesticks. Proceed north to next room. Follow the path (don't go in the acid) and head north to next room. Fall down anywhere and get the Killer Armor near the coffin. The armor is cursed, so don't equip it, even if the DFP is good. The curse is pretty bad, you take 100 damage when its your turn, no matter what you do. Beware, as walking on some places may release skeletons. Go south and up the ladder. Break the 3 jars to get 2x Charred Newt and a Revive. Go north to get back to the room you fell. Back here, light all 5 candlesticks and proceed through the opening north. Head north and break the jars in the northeast corner to get a Life Source. Proceed west through the wall to next room. Go west and break the 3 jars to get an Antidote and Dark Chains. Head north and break the cracked wall with Bau's hammer. Head through to next room. Here, walk to the door. It's the Storage Room. Break the jars to get a Dark Armor. Head back west, push the left crate up twice, bash the barrel, push the crate over it up twice, bash the barrel and go upstairs. Here, there's a lot of doors, but most are locked. Go north and up the stairs, west, and enter the westmost door. Break the lone jar to the left to get some Clothes. Head back out and this time go east and south to enter the southeast door. Break the jars to get a Magic Jar. Head back and enter the eastmost door. Open the closet to get a Room Key. This key opens the second level's center door (just west of where you are). Go in front of the door and use the key. The door will unlock. Proceed through. Here you'll see a ghost searching for her pendant. Read the diary on the table and leave. Head down the stairs and the door will mysteriously open. Don't complain and go in. Head through the first door north. Break the 5 jars to the left to get a Moldy Bread and a Magical Bikini. Read the diary on the table. Head out, go west and north to next room. Follow the path to get outside. Follow the one-way path until you can get in. Break every jars and one of them will hold the Mirror Key. Go back to the previous building and back to previous room. Go south and west and enter the door. Break the 3 jars north to get a Rotten Meat. Break the other one to the right to get a Moldy Bread. Head north through the door. You'll be locked inside. Go north and break the 8 jars to get a Rotten Meat. Now, to continue, you need to kill all enemies in this room. This may take some time. When they're all dead, proceed north to next room. Go north and up the stairs. Read the diary. Head to the southwest corner of the room, break the jar and get the Dark Crystal. Head back down the stairs, south to next room, south again, and yet another time south. Now head east and enter the eastmost door. Go east, south, west until you reach 4 jars, break them to get 2 Mind Sources. Now get out of this room from where you entered, go west and south to get back to the main hallway. Go up the stairs, west and south and unlock the southwest door. As it said, it's the Mirror Room. Watch the scene, fight, head west and read the diary on the table, south and break the jars to get a Dark Armor, and continue through the broken mirror. Go west (watch out, you can fall down) and you'll reach a pillar. Whip the other side and break the pots to get a Demon Helm (cursed). Fall down the rightmost hole to get to a room filled with jars. Break them all to get a Soldier Shield, which is actually a Special Item. Push the crate south and get out of this room. Go north, down the stairs and west to find a statue without any shield. Go in front of it, use the shield in proceed in. Go west, break the jar and get the Storage Key. Explore the room and read the diary on the dining table. Southeast is a Tail Ring in a jar. Now exit the room. Go east and go down the stairs from where you first entered this place. Bash the barrel, push the crate south, go east and unlock the door. Here, navigate through until you reach the closet protected by 2 barrels, break them and open the closet to get the Memorial Pendant. Exit this room and go back to the main hallway. Go up the stairs and into the central door. Heal, and use the pendant on the bed to fight... *********************** * Boss: Girl's Spirit * *********************** HP: 1580 EXP: 10000 GOLD: 4400 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 19 Have Rami take anyone's place and drain her DFP 2-3 times, then switch her for a 4th fighter, as her magic is less powerful than the fighters attacks. Her Black Storm spell hits everyone and causes 30-40 damage, so be prepared. So does her Haunting spell. If you followed my advice and got Eldin and Torma the Heal spell, use it to heal, or else you'll need to get Rami to heal. She can also attempt to poison everyone, which can be pretty dangerous, as you'll loose around 10HP per round. Having someone who knows Heal Plus is almost critical for this fight. I had a pretty hard time killing her at lvl19 but it is possible. **************************************** After the fight, you will see "her love" coming back to her. She'll hand a shard, though Eldin doesn't seems too happy to "Acquire the White Shard". You'll end up outside, the mansion gone... Now go south to get back to the city. There's nothing left here, except dogs. However, by cutting all the grass around, you can find 9x 10G. Also, there's a rat by a tombstone which is an Alchemist. Saving at the church would not be a bad idea either. Now go in any other town and rest at an inn. *************************** * 30. Border Forest Again * *************************** Items: 10G x9, Pure Water, Speed Source, Magic Source, Sacred Fruit, Escape Ball, Blood Chain, Rotten Meat, Dark Fruit Suggested Levels: 20 When you're ready, head back to the mansion and go north. You'll reach the forest. Go north, cut the grass to get some Pure Water. Continue east to next screen. Go south and cut the grass to get a Speed Source. Go north and when the path splits, go west, heal and follow the path until you reach the border. There, you'll need to fight 2 guards. ********************** * Boss: Commander x2 * ********************** HP: 700 each EXP: 12000 each GOLD: 3800 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 20 Do not underestimate these. They can hit for 40-50 or hit the hole party for around 25. Don't start with Rami in your party, but you may need to call her to heal the party. In the beginning of the fight, using attacks that hit everyone, such as Slash All or RapidFire, can be useful. **************************************** After the fight, you're free to travel back and forth through the border. No go back north and west and continue until you reach next screen. Head north until you reach 3 stumps, burn them to get a Magic Source. Go north and follow the path west. You'll reach a riverside. Continue north to next screen. Here, you should hear the sound of a waterfall. Follow the path until you reach a river with a pole. Whip over the river and follow the path to get a Sacred Fruit from the chest. Head back across the river, go north and whip across again. Go west to next screen. Here, follow the path. You'll see an opening in the trees, ignore it for now and continue east. Go up the cliff, north and you'll see another path going in the trees, use it and you'll see through the trees. Go north and cut the grass to get an Escape Ball. Continue east through the trees, and you'll see a grass patch surrounded by some rocks. Use Bau's hammer to break the rocks and cut the grass to reveal a hole. Fall down. Pick the Blood Chain in the upper left corner. The enemies here, Green Core, have a high DFP but very low HP. They also give lots of EXP (2525 each). They can easily be killed by Rami using Frost. When you're ready, bash the skeleton with Bau's hammer to reveal an exit. In the next room fall down the hole. When you land, you'll hear the sound of a gate. Bash the 5 skeleton heads to reveal a Rotten Meat. Go west, south, cut the 5 grass to get a Dark Fruit. Now head west and kill every enemies. You'll hear the same gate sound. Go back to where you fell, pick the pot and drop it on the switch west (under a grass). Go up the vines twice and get out of the cave. Go west to next screen. Go north, heal, talk to the guards to fight them. *Note: Before fighting the guards, you can leave this place to come to the world map and go sleep at an inn then come back* ******************* * Boss: Guards x2 * ******************* HP: 700 each EXP: 12000 each GOLD: 3800 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 20 Do not underestimate these. They can hit for 40-50 or hit the hole party for around 25. Don't start with Rami in your party, but you may need to call her to heal the party. In the beginning of the fight, using attacks that hit everyone, such as Slash All or RapidFire, can be useful. **************************************** After the fight, go north to Gratze ************** * 31. Gratze * ************** Items: Dark Fruit, Life Source, Mind Source, Estoc, Bronze Armor This place is actually a town, but a rather mazy one, so I'll guide you through. When you enter, you'll see 2 soldiers. The paths east and west are dead ends, so continue north. When you can go west, do it, then go north (continuing west is a dead end) and into the building you see. This is the prison. Now go back to the main way, north a bit and go east. When you reach the crossing, go south and enter the building. There are 3 chests, 2 empty and the other one has a Dark Fruit. Go out, and return to the main way. Go north and inside the building, north all the way and out. Go north past the flags and go east all the way to the building. This is the Inn. The chest contains a Life Source. Now go out and west to the main way. This time go west and down the ladder. This is a Disc and Item shop. Talk to the old woman and tell her she needs a Wake-Up Call and you'll get a free Mind Source. Now go back and north. The building there is a Weapon/Armor shop. The Metal Mail and the Spiked Helm for Bau and the Erinite Helm for Torma are worth getting. Now go east and down the stairs then north. Follow the path and enter the building. Inside is a chest containing an Estoc. Exit the building and continue west. Enter the first door you see. Go to the right and open the closet to get a Bronze Armor. Now, continue west down the stairs, go south a bit and down the stairs east, and enter the building north. *********************** * 32. Gratze Fortress * *********************** Items: Iron Box, Escape Ball, Long Sword, Tower Disc, Main Gauche, Lantern Shield, Power Ring, Angelic Ring, Power Source, Hell Armor, Fire Ore Suggested Levels: 21 When you enter, go north and fight 2 other guards. ********************** * Boss: Commander x2 * ********************** HP: 700 each EXP: 12000 each GOLD: 3800 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 20 Do not underestimate these. They can hit for 40-50 or hit the hole party for around 25. Don't start with Rami in your party, but you may need to call her to heal the party. In the beginning of the fight, using attacks that hit everyone, such as Slash All or RapidFire, can be useful. **************************************** After the fight, go north and travel through several screens (there's only 1 way to go) until you reach some guards. You'll notice a different battle theme. Cool, isn't it? Better than the real... From the guards, east is a pure dead end, so fight them (yup, twice) and go north to next screen. Here, go north and fight some higher-graded guards then climb the ladder. Follow the path through some screens and when you get the choice of continuing south or going east, continue south until you can climb down, do so, then go east and north. At the junction, go west to get an Iron Box and east to get an Escape Ball. Go back south and west and on the pipe. Return to the junction and this time go east. Follow the path across a few screens and when you get a north/south choice, go north until you can climb down and get the Long Sword. Go back to the crossing and go south. Follow the pipe until you can climb down, walk a bit around and get on another pipe, follow it until you can climb down, fight the guards and go in. Use the right elevator (the left one goes nowhere). Go east and get out. Here, if you go south, you'll see an electric barrier. Go east and hit the brown wire (2nd one) thrice with your sword and the barrier will disappear. Go south to next room. Go south, east, open the chest to get a Tower Disc. You'll have the choice of continuing north or going on the pipe. Go north to next screen. Go north and get the Main Gauche and the Lantern Shield. Go back to previous screen and climb on the pipe. Follow it until you come to a crossing, continue south to another crossing. Go west a bit, down the ladder, north and get the Power Ring and the Angelic Ring. Go back on the pipe, and this time go south. You'll reach a smoky area. Get down the pipe, south, up on another pipe, and follow it to next screen. Here, get down, follow the path east, get on the other pipe, follow it until you can get off, whip across, go on the other pipe and follow it until you can get off. Get inside and cut the brown wire (9 hits). Go back on the pipe, follow it until you can get down, jump down and follow the pipe west until you can get off. Follow the path until you reach another foggy area. Here, follow the easy path until you reach the other screen. Kill the guard and proceed upstairs. Go north to next room. Step on the platform to reach the other side, then use the other platform. When you stop, get back on the platform but from the left side. This way you'll reach the chest, which contains a Power Source. Get back north and next room. 2 elevators, use the right one. Go to next room. Go south to next room, then again to next. Go east and get the Hell Armor. Go back 2 rooms. Go northeast, then east to next room. You'll fight some guards, and the last one will run away, stepping on some invisible platforms. To get past the hole, go to the left of the room, 1 tile before the hole, and do this: 3 south, 4 east, 3 south. Go through the door. To cross here, from the entrance, do this: 3 north, 5 east, 3 north, 6 west and 3 north. Go through the door. Here, there are 3 doors. The first one some Fire Ore, the second one wires (cut the 3rd wire) and the third door enemies. Once you cut the wire, go east and south to next room. Whip on the east pole and go east to next room. Go north, kill the 2 guards and proceed upstairs. Follow the path and talk to the guard to fight him. ********************** * Boss: Commander x2 * ********************** HP: 700 each EXP: 12000 each GOLD: 3800 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 20 Do not underestimate these (well, now you can begin to). They can hit for 40-50 or hit the hole party for around 25. Don't start with Rami in your party, but you may need to call her to heal the party. In the beginning of the fight, using attacks that hit everyone, such as Slash All or RapidFire, can be useful. **************************************** After the fight, go through the door. You'll see the "King of Gratze". Push his throne and fall down. Pick the Royal Ring from the chest, and exit the way you want. You'll be on the ship. Throw the Royal Ring in the water and Eristol will appear. *************** * 33. Eristol * *************** Items: Sea Disc x2, Water Armor Suggested Levels: 21 Here, simply go north and enter the building. You'll find some inscriptions on the walls around here. Read them if you wish. Go left, upstairs (the inscription here is an alchemist!) and exit. Outside, follow the path until you reach the ground. East is another building, go upstairs and read the inscriptions. Rubius will think about something... Now just go north to the Labyrinth of Eristol. Go north and downstairs. Go south, down the stairs twice and west. Push the block and proceed. Here, you'll need to walk and swim in the water. Read the stone plate with the Rubius and the door will open. Go east and get in the water, head north, out via the ladder and get the Sea Disc from the chest. Go back south, west and out, follow the path until you can go back in water (not via the ladder, but via the stairs) and continue north. Get out using the ladder and whip across on the pillar. Go north and the door will open. Go through. Go north, step on the platform, and go north down the stairs. Go south (not in the water) and go east in the water. Go south, west, out, south to next room. Whip west, step on the platform, step on the bottom-left one, get back on the platform but walking north, step on the other platform walking south, go east and step on the final one. Go west to next room. Go east, get in the water, go south to next room, get out of the water, get on the stone bridge, go south, east, south until you cant go anymore, west, south and get off. Head to the next room. Go east in the water, east, out, south, push the block, west and downstairs. Go west and north to get out of the water and to reach the next room. Go north, up the stairs and east to get the Sea Disc. Go back downstairs and in the water. Swim east, north, ignore the ladder, and go west to next room. Go through the next rooms until you reach one with a crack on the wall. Break it with Bau's hammer to continue. Climb the ladder and get the Water Armor. Go back to the room with the ladder I told you to ignore. Climb it and enter the right door. Go east, step on the platform and open the chest to get the Maze Key. Go back to previous room and climb the ladder to the left. Enter the room. Go north and use the Maze Key on the door. It'll open. Go on through. Read the plate. If we proceed we'll be a sacrifice... hmmm. So continue downstairs. Go west, downstairs and north. You'll see a opening with a crack left. Bang it and go on. Go west then south to reach the next room. Here you'll see the Time Portal. Before going in it though, you may want to go south and exit the area (don't worry you can come back quickly via the map) and go sleep, save and restock. But before going through the warp, there's something we can do. You can wait later if you wish, as it involves fighting a boss. But I'll tell it here. Go back to the room with the crack left of an opening (2 rooms before the portal). Enter the opening. Go north to next room. Continue north and in the water. Go in the 2nd lion's mouth. Here go in the 3rd. This time go through the right one. Here you'll see a fish. Just go fight it. ********************** * Boss: Proto Kraken * ********************** HP: 1060 EXP: 15000 GOLD: 4500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 22 Begin with a SlashAll or a RapidFire to get rid of both Drill Shells around it. I guess lighting wouldn't be bad either. Its tidal wave attack may hit between 30-45, but he wont get a chance to use it often. It can Heal Plus, and it's just plain useless since you'll be dealing more than 100 damage. It may also lower your def, which isn't really a problem since it'll die fast. Don't bother casting stats spell either, the battle is way too short. It's a rather easy fight overall. **************************************** Now head through the door and get the Blue Shard. Then either cast Exit or head back to the portal area. When you're ready, jump in the portal. ****************************** * 34. In the beast's stomach * ****************************** Items: Hi-Magic, Revive, Life Source, Hi-Potion, Core Mail, Void Disc, Insect Egg x3, Rotten Meat, Muscle Ring, Wedding Bouquet, Meat Cube, Antennae, Earth Ore Suggested Levels: 22 Oh great! We've just been eaten alive by a/the beast. We need to get out. When you're back in control, go north, climb the nerve, and hit the "pillar" with Eldin's sword. Enter the "door". Cut the bubbles to get a Hi-Magic. Now follow the path north, going down the nerve, cutting the bubbles east to get a Revive. Fall in the hole in the middle of the room to get to the floor below. You'll be in a room with acid. In each corner is a platform. Southeast is an Life Source, southwest holds a Hi-Potion, northeast is the way back to previous floor, and northwest is the way to go. Walk through the breach to reach next room. Here, you'll find some Anticores. They are so fast that even if you surprise them they'll attack first. Go north, in the tunnel, follow the path until you reach a pillar similar to the one you saw at the beginning. Ignore it for now and continue south to next room. To open the door, kill all 3 enemies. This room also contains an Core Mail. Now go back to the pillar and hit it 4 times. Cross the bridge and continue to next room. Go west, down the nerve, whip all the way east (or walk if you dare), get the Void Disc from the bubbles and go north and up to next room. Here, walk around, without falling down, cutting the bubbles and you should get an Insect Egg, a Rotten Meat and a Muscle Ring. Now fall in the northeast hole. Go north in the opening. Cutting the bubbles, you should find an Insect Egg and a Wedding Bouquet (what the...). Now go back to the previous room. Fall down. Go east, cut the bubbles and get the Meat Cube. Now go west, north and up to another room. Go south and you'll be back in the room with holes. Fall in the first hole you see on the west. Go north in the opening and get the Antennae. Go back up to the hole room like you just did. Now fall in the southwest hole. Go north in the opening. You'll reach a room where you can only walk left or right (good ol' 2D). Hit the pillar and the room will turn upside down. Hit the right pillar and go through the door. Go west, fall down twice, go east, hit the pillar, fall down, go west, hit the pillar, go west, hit the pillar, go west and through the door. Heal, cut the bubbles and the last one will reveal the Parasitic Cell. ************************ * Boss: Parasitic Cell * ************************ HP: 1250 EXP: 20100 GOLD: 500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 23 This guy is strong. However, it dies easily. I don't know what took me, but I putted Rami in. It can hit you all for around 50 and poison you at the same time. And Virus just kills anyone under 50HP (poor Rami...) I just had Eldin use Fury (hits twice) and Bau attack. It has no element, so I just had Rami cast whatever I wanted, though most of the time she was healing, and most of the time it was herself. **************************************** After the fight, go through the door. Hit the pillars, whip across, whip across again and go through the opening. Go west and through the door. Follow the path and climb the middle nerve. Get the Earth Ore and go back down. Go west and cut the bubbles to get an Insect Egg. Climb the left nerve to next room. Climb again and you'll reach Rangoon Town. ******************** * 35. Rangoon Town * ******************** Items: 10G x4, Golden Cloak, Honey Stone After the scene, let's explore a little. Directly north is the Item Shop. Northwest are 2 pots containing 10G each. The northwest house is the Inn. Northwest of it is a core, it's an alchemist. Now go back to the Item Shop. East are 2 pots with another 10G x2. Northeast is the Weapon Shop. In the closet is a Golden Cloak. The shop sells lots of weapons for Bau, so if you can't afford a Zircon Axe at Narbick you may wanna pick something. Now go southeast of town and enter the door. Talk to the man. He'll mention Bau is a Wild Fencer. He'll also tell you a way to Eristol. Now he wants you to go gather his laks. So go upstairs, get the Honey Stone from the closet, get out and get in the hole. Ok, this is a pretty quick dungeon, just 1 room and 3 laks to get. First go southwest and get the first lak. Go down the nerve and get the other. Now go east and get the last. Get out (no, Escape doesn't works. Don't even try) Go back and talk to the man. Use the ladder and get out. Climb down the awfully long ladder and you'll reach the map. It's only a zoomed-in view, you cannot zoom out. So go to Eristol. ********************** * 36. Eristol - Past * ********************** Items: Wind Fruit, Power Source, Revive, Magic Source, Hi-Magic, Aqua Fruit, Mind Source, Meat Cube, Solid Milk, Magic Source, Sea King Helm, Surf Staff, Pure Water, Sacred Fruit, Revive, Healing Disc Suggested Levels: 23 When you enter you can either rush to the Labyrinth or wander around aimlessly. Your choice. At the inn west of town is a Wind Fruit. The bookcase beside the closet also holds an "alchemist". The Weapon/Armor shop has nothing much interesting if you bought the Zircon stuff, but you may want to get some cheap stuff if you didn't bought it all. Now the house just west of the shops holds another "Alchemist". The house northwest is a church, you might consider saving. Also break the pots for a Power Source. In the house northeast you can get a Revive. The elder also says you look like his daughter. Upstairs is a Magic Source and a Hi-Magic. Now go north to the Labyrinth. Here follow the same path as last time until you reach the 9 jars. Get the Aqua Fruit then continue west next room. Read the plate and proceed. You'll realize it's the same dungeon as before, but the water is somewhat lower. Get in the water, west, out with the ladder, ignore it and continue north through the door door. Get the Mind Source and go back to the ladder you ignored. Go down and next room. Get out and north to next room. Break the crack on the wall and proceed. Break the right crack, then continue to get a Meat Cube. Go back, break the left one, any of the 2 above, again and get the Solid Milk. Go back 2 "rooms" and break the leftmost crack. Continue and get the Magic Source. Go back previous room and fall down the middle hole. Go up the ladder and follow the path south until the junction. Go west and enter the first door. Press the switch, then continue west to another door. Get the Sea King Helm. Now go back to the junction and south to next room. Get in the water and go southeast in the opening. Follow the path to next room. Go west, cross the bridge, and go south next room. Here simply follow the path to next room. Whip across, then north next room. Get in the water and up the ladder. Push the crate, skip the ladder, push the other crate and go through the door. Get the Surf Staff, Pure Water, Sacred Fruit and Revive. Now go back and up the ladders and next room. Go north and through the door. Go south, down the ladders and in the opening west. Follow the path until you reach the same boss you fought before (or should I say, after?) Well, don't stand there, go fight it! **************** * Boss: Kraken * **************** HP: 1480 EXP: 15000 GOLD: 4500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 23 It's the same boss you fought last time, but a little beefed up. Use the same strats: begin with a SlashAll or a RapidFire to get rid of both See Giants around it, then plague it with lighting. Its attacks are kinda more powerful than before, and it may hit for around 50 with its Tsunami. So be careful, heal and use what's most powerful. **************************************** Now go through the door and get the Sea Stone. Now, if you followed everything right, you should have 4 shards and 4 stones. Break the crack and get the Healing Disc. The ladder leads to a beast area, but there's nothing there now. So go back to the ladders, climb them up and go west, down, break the crack and go through. Follow the path to the Time Portal. Nice, now we can go back to the present! But as soon as you appear, a pirate says Gratze as taken away everyone from Gruberik. But strangely, if you head for Gruberik, there're still people there... Anyway, head for Gratze. ************************ * 37. Gratze Revisited * ************************ Items: Crystal Robe, Revival Armor, Stun Gun, Pure Water, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, 100G Go north to the city. It seems like Parcelyte attacked. There are lots of dead soldiers around. Anyway just head back to the fortress. Here just take the same route as you did before. When you reach the pipe, get on and follow it to the junction. Go south and down, east and into the prison. There you'll meet... yup, Cashwell and his son. Torma's not sure what to do, so he asks Eldin, which doesn't say a word, but Torma seem happy anyway. So just go east to the last jail. Seems like Marin's there. Dekar cant seem to do anything, so lets find the "Jail Key". So now go back to the entrance. Oh, a guard... Ain't gonna tell you AGAIN how to do it, should be a joke by now. Just some easy exp. After the fight he'll run off. Chase him around. Outside you'll see him on the pipe. Just go back to the junction and go east all the way to the other junction, south and down. Go west and back on. You'll see the soldier again. Go inside, up the right elevator and out. Cut the wire and go south. Follow the path (the new chest is a Faux Chest so ignore it), go up the ladder and continue. Go south at both junctions. From now on it's pretty much the same as before. You'll eventually see Tappa (remember him from the beginning? You know, the only blue guard) He killed the gratze guy for you. Just continue same way you did last time. Go back to the first room with invisible platforms. This time fall down. Go southeast. You'll see the soldier. Follow him. However, before going inside, go right and get the Crystal Robe, the Revival Armor and the Stun Gun. Now go in. Here you'll find lots of guards. You can go straight to the one behind the bottom bed, or kill everyone else. I'd do it cause they give 24000 exp and aren't really tougher than normal enemies. After you fought the right guard, pick the Jail Key. Now you may consider Escaping, since it's faster than walking all the way back. So get back to the prison. Open the doors using the Key to get some nice treasures (Pure Water, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, crappy 100G from that crappy Cashwell). Also, in the cell with the pirate, bash the skellies to reach the Music Box. This is part of Bandino's Jobs. Check the Stuff section for more info. When you unlock Marin, Dekar will leave you... Now just get out and you'll be back at Parcelyte. She said to meet up at the church, so head there. You'll see everyone you saved. Save yourself and get out of town. Head for Karnack. *************** * 38. Karnack * *************** Items: Mind Source, Life Source, Dark Fruit The landscape kinda change. Now they're in rainy season. Around town you'll hear a new tower has appeared in the desert, though im sure you noticed it already on the map. The shop got new stuff, you may wanna check it out. East of town is a fish, its an alchemist. Near the tent where the Chemist lives are some jars, break them for a Mind Source and a Life Source. Also, there's a Dark Fruit in the jars west. Now, when you feel ready, head for Lugwa Tower ******************* * 39. Lugwa Tower * ******************* Items: Bolt Shield, Wind Shield, Magic Source, Life Source, Strong Disc, Terror Ball, Escape Ball, Sacred Fruit, Pure Water, Wind Fruit, Nectar, Rainbow Veil Suggested Levels: 24 Once here just go right and get the Bolt Shield. Now go left all the way and through the small door. Go north and down the ladder, then get the Wind Shield. Get downstairs and bash the skeleton heads to eventually get a Magic Source. Also, you can get a Life Source from the eastmost jar. Pull the switch around, then go north and pull the other switch. Sand will rain all over the place (hope you got the stuff first). Anyway head north. Take the Blue Flame and head back to the Tower's entrance. Go north and in. Neo Goblins around here come in group of 3 and can drop Power Sources. I almost get one every fight! Its worth trying. Break the pot north for a Strong Disc. Go up the left stairs. Go south and east for a Terror Ball. Head back to the 1st floor and up the right stairs. Go south then north. Break the skulls and proceed northwest to a chest. It's actually an alchemist! Now head back south all the way and go east. Break the crack and go downstairs. Get the Gold Flame then go back upstairs. Head west and upstairs. Go west and navigate the simple maze to reach 3 jars. Get the Escape Ball and head back to the stairs. This time go east and east at the split to eventually get a Sacred Fruit. Head back and go west and in the room. Step on the switch. The invisible platforms will show themselves, and you'll have to remember where they are. Footsteps on the visible ones may help you guide your way. In case you got problems, do this: from the switch, go 2 west, 4 north, 2 east, 1 south, 2 east, 2 north, 1 east, 2 north, 1 west, 1 north, 2 west, 2 south, 3 west, 1 south, 2 west, 2 south, 2 west, 4 north, 3 east, 1 north and upstairs. Get the Pure water from the chest. Go west and get the Nectar. Go east a little and south to next room. Get the White Flame and head back. Continue east a little and get the Holy Edge. Head back to the stairs and east and break the pot for a Wind Fruit. Now go up the stairs. Follow the path to next screen. You'll be pretty high, though I don't remember climbing that much... Now go up that spiral tower. You need to go in at some points so you can reach the statues. Examine them with Rubius, then head for the other one. Eventually, you'll stop looping and get sent to a new statue. Go and examine it. The path will reveal itself. Go up to the pad and you'll reach a new place. Climb the ladder, get the Rainbow Veil from the chest. Put the flames at the correct place, White being Peace, Blue Life and Gold Prosperity. Now a monster will appear. Fight it. *********************** * Boss: Dark Guardian * *********************** HP: 1800 EXP: 27000 GOLD: 4500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 25 This boss ain't tough, he's just SO DAMN ANNOYING. He heals itself for 360! Just use whatever you got and hope he attacks instead, since his attacks are nothing to fear. Maybe 40-50 max damage. He can also Mind Blast, which is bad. And that's about all. **************************************** After the fight, you'll get a song... As Rubius said, let's head for the Tower of Guidance. ********************************** * 40. Tower of Guidance Reopened * ********************************** Items: Silver Sword, Silver Rod, Silver Plate, Escape Ball, Rune Rapier, Holy Shield, Miracle, Revival Armor, Bright Armor, Feathered Cap Suggested Levels: 25 As you go north you'll realize the doors are open. Continue and when you reach the big wide room check the northwest wall. Break the crack and get the Silver Sword and Silver Rod. Now continue like you did last time until you reach the maze room. Push the blocks south and continue to reach a pole. Whip across and go south to next room. Go upstairs and get the Silver Plate. Continue east and upstairs. Pull the switch, whip across and whip on the switch to reach next room. Get the Escape Ball east (the room there is where you come back if you fall down) and continue north. Push the middle pillar right as much as possible, go south of it, whip, push it up as much as you can, push the other pillar left, then push the first one down on the switch. Continue pushing the last one left. Go back south and whip to get the Rune Rapier. Now you need to exit the room and do the same process, except this time go through the door. Here break the crack. Go north, push the right block, then the one above, push the other up, the next left, the other south and finally the last one right to get the Holy Shield. Now go back to previous room and follow the path to next room. Go southeast, up the stairs and fall down. Go north and get the Miracle and Revival Armor. Go south and upstairs. Make your way back to the room where you fell. Go west, whip, whip north. Push the pillar left, then the other right once. Whip north and east. Go around and whip south, where the first pillar you saw was. You wont see it, but still hang on it. Get the Bright Armor. Whip north, push the pillar, push the west pillar on the switch corridor, go back a little and whip west. Push the pillar up on the switch. Now get to next room. Oh no! A dead end! Nah, not really, just bash with Bau and proceed. Now you'll meet with the path you took at the beginning of the game (maybe you recognize this room). Go north and downstairs. Break the crack and get the Feathered Cap. Go back 2 rooms and this time go south to next room. Same old gimmick, proceed. Now make your way to the top of the tower. Now for the stone placement. Use the Gold Shard on the Moon Stone in the lowerleft hole ("When the door is opened"). Use the White Shard on the Cloud Stone in the upperleft hole ("That which is sealed in"). Use the Blue Shard on the Sea Stone in the lowerright hole ("The White Lands and Blue Depths"). Use the Green Shard on the Wind Stone in the upperright hole ("Shall be freed once again"). Now step on the circle. The screen should fade and you'll get to hear the prophecy. Suddenly, soldiers approach. You'll get your first sight at Ragule (woha). You'll try to surround it, but fail miserably. Now fight "his minions". ************************** * Boss: Monster Crony x2 * ************************** HP: 900 each EXP: 16000 each GOLD: 6850 each SUGGESTED LEVELS: 26 I swear, I saw 3 of them! Anyway, 2 is enough. They're pretty strong, with Slashes around 50. They can also lower the def of everyone, just don't care and keep attacking, it'll simply increase their damage by about 10. With only 900HP, they die pretty fast to some hitall skills, so use them and you should be fine. **************************************** After the fight, Rubius will kick some sense into all of you. If we are to kill Ragule, we need to free the other beast half, which is in... Nazare! So to beat Ragule we'll make someone super-powerful using the other half. And that someone is Eldin. Seems fine to me. Even if there is a big risk involved... So now Escape and get to Nazare. ************** * 41. Nazare * ************** Items: Whatever you forgot before Suggested Levels: 26 Weird, Nazare's not there anymore. Let's just go through Mt. Ruhie again. Go north and talk to the guard. Fight them and proceed. Then go through the exact same way you did before. When you get near the exit, a soldier will throw a dragon at you. *************************** * Boss: Serpentine Dragon * *************************** HP: 1600 EXP: 27000 GOLD: 4500 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 26 My he's so cute... However, he can hit Deadly Hit you for about 40-50 and affect you with Deadly Poison. Depending on how your health goes, it may be better to cure it or not. Sometimes just Healing Plus or Hi-Potioning is better. And if you got Heal All then just don't care about the poison. Just be prepared to heal a lot. **************************************** Yup, the guy will run. You can ignore him or fight (aren't side quests wonderful?). Then continue to Nazare. However, you may want to head to Gruberik first to heal and save. Seems Gratze's already here. Careful, you may get in a fight. So rush to the temple and see the Elder. Remember that inner chamber that was blocked before? Now head in. You'll see the beast and a girl. The girl is Rubius' twin sister. She's the seal. Now Rubius will break the seal. Oh. The beast as awakened. Too bad. ******************** * Boss: Beast Half * ******************** HP: 1700 EXP: 32000 GOLD: 30000 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 26 His Fire Breath hurts for around 50-60, and so does his Meteor Rain. So heal a lot. I usually waited for 2 attacks from him, then Healed All. Fury is just as helpful as ever. Just waste your AP, and heal a lot. **************************************** So now Eldin gained the power of the beast. He doesn't looks much stronger to me... So head out of town, and make sure you save. ********************************* * 42. Tower of Guidance - Final * ********************************* Items: Miracle x3, Ancient Shield, Strong Disc, Ancient Sword, Hi-Magic x2, Ancient Helmet Suggested Levels: 26 No. It's not a joke. You need to climb up that crap AGAIN!!! So read above if you're not sure where to go. When you finally reach the summit, step on the circle. Here just read what's written on all the arches (8 of them). The text is kinda hard to read, but do it anyway. Now go and examine the portal. This is it. The final dungeon. Get both Miracles and continue to next screen. Follow the one way path, going down then up some stairs and to next screen. Wow. There are a lot of stairs here. To lowerright one is a dead end, so take the upperright ones. Go up the left stairs, up again, north and follow the path to an Ancient Shield. Now go back to the stairs and this time go east and north to next room. Follow the rather one-way path until you meet a tree, go south and get the Strong Disc. Go back to the tree, and go west and upstairs to next room. Go up the first stairs. Go up the upperright stairs and follow the path. Step on the elevator and get the Ancient Sword. Now go back to where you had the choice of many stairs, and go down the lowerright stairs. Follow the path, up the elevator and through the small arch. Go around the room, cutting stuff and getting the Miracle, the 2 Hi-Magic the Ancient Helmet. Go north of the room and south in the hole... Go north, upstairs and north to find Ragule. As he attempts to kill you all, Eldin steps forward and stops the whatever he threw. Before you know it, you're in for a boss. **************** * Boss: Ragule * **************** HP: 2240 EXP: 0 GOLD: 0 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 28+ Judging from the music you know this isn't the last battle. Anyway, this guy is not that tough if you unleash all you have. The problem is, right after this fight, you'll jump in a new, final one before even having time to heal. So when he's about to die try to bring your AP up a bit. Ok now for the actual fight. Double Hit can kill you, even at full health sometimes, so take care. Heal whenever you get it. If its Starburst then Heal All. Miracle Hit is not really to be feared, but you may consider healing. Just remember to refill as much as possible before the last hit. **************************************** After the fight, Odin will talk about he reappearing through the body of his descendant... ****************** * Boss: Goldiark * ****************** HP: 8000 (!) EXP: 32767 GOLD: 30000 SUGGESTED LEVELS: 28+ Ok, there's a REALLY cheap way to finish this guy. And that is drain all his AP, as most his moves need some, and he only has 500. So he'll stand there most of the time, doing nothing. The best way is with Rune Rings. When attacked you'll counter with an AP draining move. However, there's also the hard way. He can Mind Blast you, which never been good and will never be. He got some HitAll spells, so counter with Heal All. It'll be a long fight. You got Miracles, don't forget. Use them when you're out of AP so you can heal even more. Install your monster as soon as possible, before it dies. **************************************** Alright, ending time. I wont spoil it for you. So goodnight all, hope you had a nice time. ********* 7. FAQ ************************************************************ This FAQ is divided in 3 sections: Monsters, Battle/Levels/Jobs/Equipment and Other. If you got any questions, just send them to -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MONSTERS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q: How do I get rid of a monster I caught? A: Go to the Hunter's Guild in Gruberik. There they can store monsters for you. Q: How do I know if my monster is ready to evolve? How do I do it? A: Check the Monster screen. There'll be "CAN EVOLVE" under the exp to next level if it can. Then feed it a fruit, usually the same element as the monster. However, sometimes different fruits will open different evolution paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BATTLES/LEVELS/JOBS/EQUIPMENT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q: How do I know what level I am in a job? A: Check the Status screen and press A to see your levels Q: What's the best way to make quick, dirty money? A: Buy 99 Blue Tea from Ordens' item shop for 100G each. You can sell them at the same place for 150G each! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OTHERS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q: In the Ancient Cave, why are some shrines doing a "cancel" sound? A: That's because your current job cant use these shrines. For example, Swordsman can use Ogre Rocks, but Mage cannot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* 8. The Ancient Cave *********************************************** The Ancient Cave is back, and in a slightly different version than before. As the levels are random, I cannot make a complete guide. However, here are some basic tips to help you. ------ BASICS ------ You can find the Ancient Cave in Gruberik, west of the Marketplace. You can access if after the Auction event. Only Eldin can enter, and brings his DM inside. Entering the cave at the beginning of the game can be risky, but terribly rewarding. With only 1 character inside, you will end up with several extra levels, and some good stuff to equip or sell. To get out, you need to find some Providence. It's pretty rare, and all depends on luck whether you find some or not. You can find it on the 1st level sometimes, will some other you'll reach the 40th floor without getting one. If you die, you lose everything you found (items and gold), all the EXP you got, including new skills, and everything you brought with you. ---- TIPS ---- - Always save before entering the Ancient Cave, in case you get killed and don't wanna lose your stuff. - You can only bring 10 items in the cave, plus your equipment. You can bring as many of the 10 items you choose. So if you choose to bring potions, try to bring 99 of them. - You can only use items, magic and equip you character at the beginning of a level. - You can also use items and magic in a battle, if you happen to get into one. - There are no roaming enemies, you can only get battles in chests are other good-thingies holders - Don't waste your time cutting grass - Once you enter a new room, you cannot go back to the previous, so make sure its cleared. - Monsters get tougher as you progress through the cave, but rewards also become better. ------- SHRINES ------- As you venture through the cave you may find something strange, a kind of suspicious object. It may be a skull, a light ball, anything strange. These are shrines, they can give you benefits, but beware, some have nasty effects. I wont go on detailing them, there're some good ancient cave faqs at Just go get one. ********* 9. Jobs Listing *************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Priest -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+0%, AP+30% ATK-10%, DFP-10%, AGI+0%, INT+10%, MGR+10% Average stats gain/loss: +4.5% Level 1 Ability: Heal(3AP): Heals 30HP Level 2 Ability: Antidote(2AP): Cures Poison Level 3 Ability: Awaken(2AP): Wakes up the target Level 4 Ability: Release(2AP): Cures paralysis Level 5 Ability: Heal Plus(8AP): Heals 100HP Level 6 Ability: Banishment(25AP): Holy elemental attack hits all ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bishop -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+0%, AP+30% ATK-10%, DFP-10%, AGI+0%, INT+10%, MGR+10% Average stats gain/loss: +4.5% Level 1 Ability: Soothe(5AP): Cures a burn Level 2 Ability: Divine Ray(38AP): Stronger holy elemental attack hits all Level 3 Ability: Defrost(5AP): Cures a freeze Level 4 Ability: Rally(20AP): Revives with 25% HP Level 5 Ability: Heal All(40AP): Heals all HP on all allies Level 6 Ability: Valor(30AP): Revives with full HP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Swordsman -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+25%,AP-40%,ATK+30%,DFP-30%,AGI-30%,INT-15%,MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: -10% Level 1 Ability: Cinder Slash(2AP): Attacks normally then casts Cinder Level 2 Ability: Deflect(0AP): Deflects some attacks on a random enemy Level 3 Ability: Frost Attack(6AP): Attacks normally then casts Frost Level 4 Ability: Slash All(3AP): Normal damage, but hits every enemies Level 5 Ability: Vorpal Blade(2AP): Deals critical damage to armoured enemies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Knight -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+15%, AP-30%, ATK+20%, DFP+15%, AGI+20%, INT-10%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: +2.8% Level 1 Ability: Blunt Hit(1AP): Kills an ally for the remainder of the battle. He is brought back to life with 1HP after the battle Level 2 Ability: Dragon Slash(2AP): Deals critical damage to dragons Level 3 Ability: Horrify(4AP): An attack which also causes fear Level 4 Ability: Earth-Slash(10AP): Earth-elemental slash that hits all enemies Level 5 Ability: Miracle Hit(3AP): Stronger attack that heals 50HP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Fighter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+15%, AP-30%, ATK+20%, DFP+15%, AGI+20%, INT-10%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: +2.8% Level 1 Ability: Kuckler(2AP): A slightly stronger physical attack Level 2 Ability: Risky Hit(3AP): A Slash All that hurts the user Level 3 Ability: Cover(0AP): Covers an ally under 20HP Level 4 Ability: Chance Hit(2AP): Damage anywhere from 20 to 200 damage Level 5 Ability: Raging Fist(2AP): Double knuckle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brawler -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+15%, AP-30%, ATK+20%, DFP+15%, AGI+20%, INT-10%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: +2.8% Level 1 Ability: Fatal Blow(6AP): Critical damage, but low hit rate Level 2 Ability: Sacrifice(0AP): Does 999 damage but kills you Level 3 Ability: Fury(2AP): Attacks twice Level 4 Ability: Shared Pain(30AP): Take user's current HP + target's current HP, divide by 2 and damage both by this amount Level 5 Ability: Regenerate(8AP): Heals a target by half his max HP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thief -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+0%, AP-20%, ATK+0%, DFP-10%, AGI+25%, INT+0%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: -2% Level 1 Ability: Pickpocket(0AP): Steals money and items Level 2 Ability: Escape(3AP): Gets you out of dungeons Level 3 Ability: Fumble(2AP): Enemy cannot attack for 1 turn Level 4 Ability: Sonar(0AP): Tells the number of treasures left in the area Level 5 Ability: Cold Wind(3AP): Cures a burn, only used in battle Level 6 Ability: Scan(1AP): Reveals target's HP, AP and element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rogue -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+0%, AP-20%, ATK+0%, DFP-10%, AGI+25%, INT+0%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: -2% Level 1 Ability: Rapidfire(0AP): Hits all enemies and raises AGI by 10% for each monster hit. Level 2 Ability: Smog(0AP): Lowers enemies' hit rate Level 3 Ability: Shared Pain(30AP): Take user's current HP + target's current HP, divide by 2 and damage both by this amount Level 4 Ability: Magic Drain(0AP): Gain the AP cost of attacks used against you Level 5 Ability: Bribe(0AP): For 1000G, you'll have a new friend fighting for you ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mage -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP-30%, AP+40%, ATK-30%, DFP-20%, AGI+0%, INT+20%, MGR+10% Average stats gain/loss: -1.5% Level 1 Ability: Enfeeble(5AP): Reduces target's DEF by 20 Level 2 Ability: Flash(5AP): Lighting elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 3 Ability: Feint(4AP): Increases target's AGI by 20% Level 4 Ability: Fortify(8AP): Increases target's DFP by 33% Level 5 Ability: Sleep(4AP): Attempts to put to sleep all enemies Level 6 Ability: Shield(4AP): Increases target's MGR by 20% Level 7 Ability: Bolt(10AP): Stronger lighting elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 8 Ability: Silence(10AP): Attempts to stop all enemies from using magic Level 9 Ability: Mirror(8AP): Reflects magic cast on the target Level10 Ability: Absorb(3AP): Drains target's AP Level11 Ability: Thunder(24AP): Strongest lighting elemental attack hits 1 enemy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wizard -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP-30%, AP+40%, ATK-20%, DFP-20%, AGI+0%, INT+20%, MGR+10% Average stats gain/loss: 0% Level 1 Ability: Cinder(3AP): Fire elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 2 Ability: Frost(8AP): Ice elemental attack hits all Level 3 Ability: Squall(4AP): Water elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 4 Ability: Blaze(6AP): Stronger fire elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 5 Ability: Blizzard(12AP): Stronger ice elemental attack hits all Level 6 Ability: Destroy(4AP): Instant death on 1 enemy Level 7 Ability: Explode(12AP): Explosions hit all enemies Level 8 Ability: Whirlpool(7AP): Stronger water elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level 9 Ability: Blast(15AP): Stronger explosions hit all Level10 Ability: Flood(22AP): Strongest water elemental attack hits 1 enemy Level11 Ability: Firebird(30AP): Strongest fire elemental attack hits all Level12 Ability: Ice Storm(32AP): Strongest ice elemental attack hits all Level13 Ability: Obliterate(8AP): Instant death on 1 enemy, better hit rate Level14 Ability: Sunder(33AP): Strongest explosions hit all ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chemist -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stats Modifications: HP+0%, AP-10%, ATK+0%, DFP+0%, AGI+30%, INT+0%, MGR-10% Average stats gain/loss: 1.4% Level 1 Ability: Toxic Cloud(0AP): Attempts to poison all enemies Level 2 Ability: Tear Gas(0AP): Stops enemy movements in dungeons Level 3 Ability: Imitate(30AP): Copy target's skills to your skills sheet Level 4 Ability: Poison Fumes(2AP): Attempts to deadly poison all enemies Level 5 Ability: Virus(20AP): Kills every enemies under 50HP Level 6 Ability: Manipulate(20AP): Forces an enemy to attack for you ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* 10. Items/Weapons/Armors List ************************************* /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | ACCESSORIES | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ID | NAME | LOCATION | EFFECT | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 001 | Simple Ring | Gruberik | DEF+3 | | 002 | Glass Stud | Nazare | DEF+5 | | 003 | Glass Bracelet | ??? | DEF+5 | | 004 | Gold Bracelet | Gondarle | DEF+10 | | 005 | ????????????????????? | | 006 | Tail Ring | Old Well | DEF+25 | | 007 | Dark Tattoo | Border Forest | ATK+15 DEF+5 | | 008 | ????????????????????? | | 009 | Angelic Ring | Gratze Fortress | DEF+5 AGL+10 | | 010 | Dark Crystal | Land of the Dead | ????? | | 011 | Light Tattoo | Mt. Ruhie | ????? | | 012 | Power Ring | Gratze Fortress | ATK+5 DEF+10 | | 013 | Muscle Ring | Beast Stomach | ATK+10 | | 014 | ????????????????????? | | 015 | ????????????????????? | | 016 | Dark Chains | Land of the Dead | DEF+30 | | 017 | ????????????????????? | | 018 | ????????????????????? | | 019 | Sonic Ring | ??? | DEF+10 AGL+30 | | 020 | Body Paint | ??? | DEF+5 | | 021 | ????????????????????? | | 022 | ????????????????????? | | 023 | ????????????????????? | | 024 | ????????????????????? | | 025 | Protect Ring | Blacksmiths | DEF+100 | | 026 | Witch Ring | Blacksmiths | DEF+20 INT+80 | | 027 | Cinder Ring | Blacksmiths | ATK+20 DEF+20 | | 028 | Squall Ring | Blacksmiths | DEF+30 | | 029 | Frost Ring | Blacksmiths | DEF+20 AGL+20 | | 030 | Flash Ring | Blacksmiths | ??? | | 031 | Rune Ring | Blacksmiths | DEF+50 | | 032 | ????????????????????? | | 033 | ????????????????????? | | 034 | ????????????????????? | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ********* 11. Cheats, Glitches and Stuff ************************************ ------ CHEATS ------ - Gameshark cheats (huge thanks go to BurleyEd for making all of these) master code (must be on for codes to work) E3692E5E B1B3B047 D6026C92 6DAAF51F max/inf gold (99,999,999) FE8A251C 716F9E5C 99 Sacred Fruits 745C4C46 509B2831 99 Dark Fruits FE30ED57 EB86F833 99 Earth Fruits 980F6A2C 68597919 99 Wind Fruits E429BD1C FB45A1E7 99 Flame Fruits 728B1594 3EAB1B28 99 Aqua Fruits 1BD3791E 06067B07 99 Life Sources 0818FACA 601DB699 99 Magic Sources 9BBC034F 491C8122 99 Power Sources CFE62DE3 DAE4C6D2 99 Speed Sources 79F8B70E 8CB05747 99 Mind Sources 695FB4E1 17C6A22D 1 Providence B8550180 0AB06401 99 Ex-Magic 3258103C 8E63F298 15 Gaia Swords 68F941BE 2894C67B 15 Advent Swords CBC98710 497A1E68 15 Kappa Spears 6377AF0A 7FBB6C2A 15 Adamant Axes 9A9ED879 161642BE 15 Ice Boomerangs 0AC748F5 409E2AAB 15 Phoenix Staffs D1DB63BA C4D25CEA 15 IceMaiden Blades 2A7B6BF2 2CFFFB53 15 Lucina Armors 0D794EB0 4A57DC41 15 Egg Rings BC166D82 B17EE60D 15 Rune Rings 30E64DA2 2E3FC66D Octo Strike for Eldin 9138857D 28C77880 -------- GLITCHES -------- - In Narbick, if you have a mastered Fighter, talk to the man in the west house from the left. He'll move to let you pass, but he'll move under you. You can now walk through him. - Sometimes when your stats are high and you level up, your stats may go down. There have been reports of people losing 150 of a stat in a single level! ----- STUFF ----- - The Alchemists and the Blacksmith: Alchemists can be seen around the world, hiding in something that shouldn't be there (like a red jelly in Eldin's house or a rat in a city filled with dogs). When you talk to them, they will show themselves, and give you a recipe you can use at the blacksmith in Gruberik (building with a sword on it in the southeast of the marketplace). Recipes also need items, and some cost cash. Using these blacksmith, you can get special items or upgrade those you have. ITEM ALCHEMIST'S LOCATION INGREDIENTS Fortune Ring Eristol Past, west of shops Light Ore, 3000G Water Ore Karnack Iris Water, Crystal Fire Ore Cashwell's manor, Gruberik Fire Sand, Iris Water Earth Ore ??? Wind Ore ??? Dark Ore Around Torma's house, Gruberik Dark Ruby, Black Water Bright Ore Nazare Bright Gem, Star Quartz Squall Ring Marin's house, Daron Water Ore, 150G Cinder Ring Ancient Cave Area, Gruberik Fire Ore, 150G Frost Ring ??? Flash Ring Old Well Entrance Earth Ore, 150G Protect Ring Eristol Present, written on a wall Bright Gem Witch Ring Gondarle, After the mansion event 150G, Dark Ruby Rune Ring Eldin's House, Parcelyte Sacred Branch, 150G Egg Ring Rangoon Town 150G, Egg Dragon Fang Hi-Magic School, Gruberik Hi-Potion, Magic Jar Ex-Magic Eristol Past, bookcase at inn Magic Jar, Ex-Potion Nectar Karnack, rainy season Wild Berry, Ex-Potion Ex-Potion Narbick Forest, Big Face area Hi-Potion, Iris Water Revive Narbick, 2nd floor of inn Bright Ore, Hi-Potion Miracle Lugwa Tower, 2nd floor Bright Ore, Dark Ore - Road to Gruberik's blacksmith There's another blacksmith about halfway on the road to Gruberik. Once you have Bau, you can bring items to him and you can smith them. Just switch to Bau and hammer it. Midway through you can choose to keep the item or continue hammering. ITEM FIRST RESULT HAMMER A BIT MORE TO GET Arcane Rod Silver Rod -breaks- Miracle Plate - Bandino's Jobs: At the Hunter's Guild, you can get jobs from Bandino. They're about finding stuff in the Ancient Cave. However, some can also be obtained outside the cave. When you return, you'll receive a cash reward. ITEM TO GET REWARD Iris Water 100G Crystal 300G Dark Ruby 500G Bright Gem 600G Fire Sand 700G Bitter Cheese 800G Rotten Meat 1000G Music Box Get in Gratze Fortress, Prison, 2000G Rose Seed 3000G Navaroa 3500G Meat Cube 4000G Egg Dragon Fang 5000G When you get the Music Box, you'll get a nice reference to Lufia II. - Infinite sources Tired of levelling up? Want to try something new? Hunt these monsters, as they drop sources. Life Source: Tower of Guidance, dropped by Spinner Magic Source: ??? Power Source: Neo Goblins, Lugwa Tower Speed Source: Mera Volcano, dropped by Pucci Mind Source: ??? ********* 12. Legal Stuff **************************************************** Again, the legal stuff, cause many people expect it to be at the end. This guide is the property of it's author and may not be used in any way without his approval. It may not be copied by any means, in parts or completely. It may not be used on any website, book, magazine or any other form of distribution without the author's permission. All information contained here is the property of it's author. It may not be selled to anyone. However, you may print it and give it to a friend, as long as it is unaltered and you don't make him/her pay. This guide cannot be used without this copyright notice. If you want to use a part of it that's done by someone else, please ask me first, than ask this person. If you want to ask me the permission to use it, email me at "". (c) Copyright 2002 All rights reserved to Vincent Lizotte