Disclaimer: These FAQ's may be posted on web sites as long as you give and shinryukami credit.. If you wish to report an Error on this or submit information title it Monster Faq and send it to Firestarter8284@yahoo.com. Content 1. Version 2.Monster Info 3.Codes 1.Version Version 1.5 Changed Format,Added Install Info thx to Dragon User 84 Version 1.4 Add Star info on most monsters Version 1.3 12 New Monsters Version 1.2 Added Install info for 2 monsters Added codes section thanks to BurleyEd Version 1.1 Changes Added 8 monsters Add new evolves 2.Monster Info How to read Monster level (Beginner Advanced Master and Mutant) Number of Monster and type Name of monster Evolves to name +fruit Ip Install into/Uses this attack 003 Monster Level:Beginner Windona Family:Bird Element:Wind 011 Monster Level:Beginner Pug Family:Bird Element:Fire 013 Monster Level:Beginner Pucci Family:Bird Element:Wind 017 Monster Level:Advanced Red Selph Family:Bird Element:Fire 021 Monster Level:Advanced Armored Horse Family:Beast Element:Earth 023 Monster Level:Beginner Newt Family:Beast Element:Water Flame Fruit Lizard Mage Wind Fruit King Lizard Aqua Fruit Lizard Man 025 Monster Level:Mutant Winged Lizard Family:Beast Element:Wind Installs To: Djinn Attack: Blackhole 031 Monster Level:Advanced King Frog Family:Beast Element:Water 035 Monster Level:Master Salamander Family:Beast Element:Fire Wind Fruit Winged Lizard Installs To: Falcon Attack: Giga Flare 037 Monster Level:Beginner Spinner Family:Beast Element:Dark 047 Monster Level:Beginner Bat Family:Beast Element:Wind 048 Monster Level:Beginner Buffalo Family:Beast Element:Earth 052 Monster Level:Beginner Baby Frog Family:Beast Element:Water 056 Monster Level:Beginner Platypus Family:Beast Element:Water 059 Monster Level:Advanced King Lizard Family:Beast Element:Dark 060 Lizardman Family:Beast Element:Water Installs To:Ice Lizard Attack:Ice Storm 061 Monster Level:Advanced Lizard Mage Family:Beast Element:Fire Installs To: Salamander Attack: Firebird 065 Monster Level:Advanced Tarantula Family:Bug Element:Dark Dark Fruit King Spider Installs To: King Spider Attack: Black Storm 067 Monster Level:Advanced Killer Bee Family:Bug Element:Fire 078 Monster Level:Master King Spider Family:Bug Element:Dark Installs To:Saint Attack: Darkbolt 071 Monster Level:Beginner Spider Family:Bug Element:Dark Dark Fruit Tarantula 078 Monster Level:Beginner Beetle Family:Bug Element:Earth Earth Fruit Poison Bug 079 Monster Level:Beginner Puny Moth Family:Bug Element:Dark 080 Monster Level:Beginner Pupa F:Bug E:Dark 081 Monster Level:Advanced Poison Bug Family:Bug Element:Earth 086 Monster Level:Beginner Mosquito Family:Bug Element:Earth 109 Monster Level:Beginner Snail Family:Sea Element:Water 121 Monster Level:Master Cyclops Dragon Family:Dragon Element:Dark Installs to: Ultimate Dragon Attack: Ultra Dark 125 Monster Level:Beginner Mini Dragon Family:Dragon Element:Dark Dark Fruit Wyvern 128 Monster Level:Advanced Wyvern Family:Dragon Element:Dark Dark Fruit Cyclops Dragon 130 Monster Level:Beginner Imp Family:Demon Element:Dark 134 Monster Level:Beginner Goblin Family:Demon Element:Earth 138 Skeleton Family:Demon Element:Dark 151 Bone Golem Family:Demon Element:Earth 180 Monster Level:Master Jelly Lord Family:Object Element:Water 187 Monster Level:Master Neo Jelly Family:Object Element:Water Aqua Fruit Jelly Lord 189 Monster Level:Advanced Blue Jelly Family:Object Element:Water Aqua Fruit Neo Jelly 194 Monster Level:Master Mousse L Family:Object Element:Water 195 Monster Level:Advanced Mousse M Family:Object Element:Water Aqua Fruit Mousse L 196 Monster Level:Beginner Mousse S Family:Object Element:Water Aqua Fruit Mousse M 198 Monster Level:Beginner Red Jelly F:Object E:Water Aqua fruit Blue Jelly Wind Fruit Green Jelly 3.Codes These codes are thanks to BurleyEd who supplied me with the codes DM Skills: (First DM in party, 8 Skill codes at 0203D5E4, 0203D5E6, ... 0203D5F2) Add 0094(hex) for Address of next DM in party. This is easy using VisualBoyAdvance\Tools\Memory viewer\16-bit\0203D580\Go Value for Skill - Skill Name - AP required - Desc - Target(s) 0000 No Skill 0001 Fireball 0 0002 Smoke Bomb 2 0003 Fire Breath 5 0004 Dragon Breath 8 0005 Mega Blast 10 0006 Eruption 12 0007 Hellfire 20 0008 Whirlwind 0 0009 Twister 2 000A Dive Slash 3 000B Vacuum 8 000C Thaw 5 000D Dragon Fang 8 000E Snowstorm 0 000F Sanctify 10 0010 Ice 5 0011 Lightning 4 0012 Electrify 10 0013 Shock 5 0014 Bolt Storm 12 0015 Black Bolt 7 0016 Black Storm 20 0017 Tremor 8 0018 Avalanche 30 0019 Quake 35 001A Rock Launch 0 001B Crush 8 001C Bubble Bath 1 001D Tidal Wave 15 001E Leeching Mist 5 001F Slash 0 0020 Slash All 3 0021 Frost Slash 6 0022 Cinder Slash 2 0023 Miracle Hit 3 0024 Mod Slash 2 0025 Dragon Slash 2 0026 Earth Slash 10 0027 Vorpal Blade 2 0028 Punch 0 0029 Bomb Toss 0 002A Raging Fist 2 002B Deadly Fist 4 002C Fire Punch 3 002D Inferno Jab 6 002E Knuckler 2 002F Assault 1 0030 Body Rush 0 0031 Bear Charge 0 0032 Twin Strike 0 0033 Risky Hit 3 0034 Rapidfire 0 *** 0035 Flying Attack 0 0036 Fury 3 0037 Megaton Hit 2 0038 Berserker 4 0039 Fatal Blow 6 003A Double Hit 3 003B Charge Up 4 003C Seismic Hit 3 003D Hoof Strike 0 003E Kick 0 003F Chance Hit 2 0040 Giant Stomp 4 0041 Magma Kick 0 0042 Iron Kick 0 0043 Needle Rain 0 0044 Double Needle 0 0045 Twin Slash 0 0046 Relentless 0 0047 OCTO STRIKE 0 Attack with eight legs at once AT 0048 Tail Swipe 4 0049 Bite 0 004A Savage Bite 5 004B Leaf Edge 5 004C Fumble 0 004D Howl 0 004E Smog 0 004F Sandstorm 0 0050 Ink Squirt 0 0051 Shriek 0 0052 Odd Melody 0 0053 Eerie Chorus 0 0054 Baffle Hit 4 0055 Lullaby 0 0056 Alpha Wave 0 0057 Wing Dance 0 0058 Thorn 0 0059 Entangle 0 005A Terror Gaze 0 005B Stun Hit 2 005C Toxic Cloud 0 005D Poison Fumes 2 005E Poison Tail 0 005F Poison Hit 8 0060 Deadly Hit 8 0061 Horrify 4 0062 Ice Breath 3 0063 Evil Flame 4 0064 Dark Breath 2 0065 Magic Drain 0 Absorbs AP from magic or skill hits 1T 0066 Baffle Bite 7 0067 Green Air 6 0068 Enrage 5 0069 Cacophony 0 006A Sap Suds 10 006B Frog Song 0 006C Instinct 0 006D South Wind 0 006E Water Wall 6 006F Cheer 4 0070 Bright Wall 8 0071 Nullify 10 0072 Repose 0 0073 Safe Shell 0 0074 Meditate 8 0075 Alarm Clock 0 0076 Pure Wind 20 0077 Holy Light 8 0078 Photosynthesis 6 0079 Angelic Melody 15 007A Rejuvinate 30 007B Cold Wind 3 007C Purifier 2 007D Copycat 0 007E Splice Attack 20 007F Virus 20 0080 Shared Pain 30 0081 Bribe 0 0082 Imitate 0 0083 Cover 0 0084 Deflect 0 0085 Manipulate 20 0086 LEECH 0 Sucks HP from the target 1T 0087 VAMPIRE 1 Sucks AP from the target 1T 0088 Bug Eater 30 0089 Banish 10 008A Sacrifice 0 008B Reaper 5 008C Reaper Hit 8 008D S.O.S. 0 008E Hide 5 008F Dark Power 2 0090 Light Power 2 0091 Summit 20 0092 Glade 20 0093 Tidepool 20 0094 Poseidon 2 0095 Rumble Roll 0 0096 Scan 1 0097 Pickpocket 0 0098 Search 0 0099 Sonar 0 009A Tear Gas 0 009B Blunt Hit 1 009C Escape 0 009D Entrap 8 009E Regenerate 8 009F Beast Eater 30 00A0 Bird Eater 30 00A1 Demon Eater 30 00A2 Tongue Hold 6 00A3 Frighten 4 00A4 Spark 0 00A5 Douse 0 00A6 Strike 0 00A7 Tackle 5 00A8 Rising Sun 0 Attack with brilliant light AE 00A9 Might Wall 0 Nullifies enemy attacks for a turn AA 00AA Wind Storm 0 Attack using strong winds AE 00AB Tornado 0 A giant whirlwind attack AE 00AC Illusion 0 Target hits its allies for a turn 1T 00AD Mind Blast 0 Confuses by scrambling brainwaves 1T 00AE Mega Burst 0 A giant, powerful explosion 1T 00AF Whiteout 0 A powerful, freezing wind AE 00B0 Giga Flare 0 Floods the area in a sea of fire AE 00B1 Prominence 0 An incinerating solar flare AE 00B2 Giga Burst 0 Tears the fabric of space AE 00B3 GigaPunch 0 Jump up and land giant punch 1T 00B4 Vacuum Wave 0 A fierce vacuum-blade assault AE 00B5 Giant Rift 0 Tears the earth's plates apart AE 00B6 Meteor 0 A crushing meteor attack 1T 00B7 Meteor Rain 0 A shower of meteors rains down AE 00B8 Energy Bolt 0 A powerful lightning strike 1T 00B9 Summon Demon 0 Summon a demon from hell 1T 00BA Ultra Fire 0 The most powerful fire attack AE 00BB Ultra Dark 0 The most powerful dark attack AE 00BC Ultra Wind 0 The most powerful wind attack AE 00BD Ultra Bolt 0 The most powerful lightning attack AE 00BE Ultra Freeze 0 The most powerful ice attack AE 00BF Dark Rift 0 Distorts Apace for heavy damage AE 00C0 Big Bang 0 An immense, destructive explosion AE 00C1 Grand Cross 0 A giant blast from the heavens AE 00C2 Annihilate 0 Disrupts the time-space continum AE 00C3 Bolt Sword 0 Attack with a sword of lightning 1T 00C4 Tempest 0 Streaks of lightning rain down AE 00C5 Flame Sword 0 Attack with a sword of fire 1T 00C6 Black Hole 0 Absorbs a magic effect of 80 HP 1T 00C7 Star Burst 0 A massive gas explosion AE 00C8 Corrosion 0 Eats at foes from the inside out AE 00C9 Tsunami 0 A giant, crushing tidal wave AE 00CA Ice Scourge 0 Turns the surroundings into ice AE 00CB Dark Gate 0 Calls demons through an evil gate AE 00CC Dark Bolt 0 Strikes foes with dark energy AE 00CD Hell Slash 0 The ultimate slash. May paralyze 1T 00CE Tremor Step 0 A ground-shaking dance attack AE 00CF MIRACLE 0 Light that restores 100 AP or full HP 1T 00D0 Haunting 0 Mysterious forces come to attack AE 00D1 Betrayal 0 Cancels monster insertion ... ouch! 00D2 Fire Punch 0 does not work 00D3 Infernal Jab 0 does not work 00D4 Fixed Damage 0 does not work 00D5 Fixed Damage 0 does not work 00D6 Absorb 0 does not work 00D7 Recovery 0 does not work 00D8 Recovery 0 does not work 00D9 Vampire 0 does not work 00DA Paralysis 0 does not work 00DB Death 0 does not work 00DC Confusion 0 does not work 00DD Flash 5 An electric shock attack 1T 00DE Bolt 10 00DF Thunder 24 00E0 Cinder 3 00E1 Blaze 6 00E2 Firebird 30 00E3 Squall 4 00E4 Whirlpool 7 00E5 Flood 22 00E6 Frost 8 00E7 Blizzard 12 00E8 Ice Storm 32 00E9 Destroy 4 00EA Obliterate 8 00EB Banishment 25 00EC Divine Ray 38 00ED Explode 12 00EE Blast 15 00EF Sunder 33 00F0 Heal 3 00F1 Heal Plus 8 00F2 Heal Full 16 00F3 HEAL ALL 40 00F4 Antidote 2 00F5 Rally 20 00F6 Valor 39 00F7 Awaken 4 00F8 Release 2 00F9 Defrost 5 00FA Soothe 5 00FB Doze 3 00FC Sleep 4 00FD Enfeeble 5 00FE Mute 5 00FF Silence 8 0100 Confuse 3 0101 ABSORB 3 Drains AP from the target 1T 0102 Feint 4 Raises the target's AGL 1T 0103 Empower 5 0104 Protect 5 0105 Fortify 8 0106 Mirror 8 0107 Shield 4 0108 Escape 3