Meitantei Conan ~Nerawareta Tantei~ FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.1 By D Conan Copyright 2003 Last Updated: August 3, 2003 ****************************************************************************** NOTE: This FAQ contains Shift-JIS Characters, so you will need a CJK Viewer to view all the Japanese writing. For example, NJWIN Viewer or NJ Communicator from ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents ----------------------- 1.Legal Information 2.Version 3.Characters & Story of Conan 4.Controls 5.FAQ/Walkthrough(puzzle) 6.Endings 7.Riddle Cards Solutions (complete 100) 8.Picture album ============================================================================== 1)Legal Information ============================================================================== Blah, Blah, anyone is going to read the Legal Information ^^;; Anyway, you know what usually goes here...just follow it. ============================================================================== 2)Version ============================================================================== Again, who cares ^^; (you can call this version 3.1416 for all I care ^^) I'll update when new informations arise. ============================================================================== 3)Characters & Story of Conan ============================================================================== What?! You don't know the story of Detective Conan & the characters... Go read the manga, watch the anime, the OVA, & the movies ^^ I am assuming that most people who play Conan games are already fans of the series ^_^ ============================================================================== 4)Controls ============================================================================== Control Pad - Move cursor A Button - Jump/Confirm selection B Button - Run/Cancel selection L Button - crouch down R Button - use gadgets Start Button - check the surrounding (move with control pad) Select Button - menu ============================================================================== 5)FAQ/Walkthrough(puzzle) ============================================================================== This game consists of 6 scenarios in total. The last scenario (6) will only be unlocked when all 100 riddle cards have been collected. Most of the time this game is surprisingly I am not going to write out a full walkthrough, instead I am just going to point out the solutions to some of the tougher puzzles. (Most of the game is action based, very easy, I doubt there's going to be anyone who needs help with it.) Scenario 1: ----------- Number puzzle: Your goal here is to arrange the 8 numbers so that they look like this 1234 5678 Solution- Just follow the command below (U=UP, D=Down, L=Left, R=Right, A= button A) D,D,D,R,R,U,R,R,R,A R,R,D,D,D,A,U,U,L,A L,D,D,A,D,R,A,D,A,L A,U,U,R,U,U,R,U,U Scenario 2: ----------- Light the 9 circle puzzle: (there's 2 of them in this level) Your goal here is to light up all the 9 circles. I am going to number the circles like this: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8| |9| 1st puzzle solution- From the above numbering step in the following order 1,7,9,3,5 2nd puzzle solution- From the above numbering step in the following order 3,5,8 ****************************************************************************** Riddle card word puzzle: The riddle asks- If in 1 year you climb 20 steps and fell down 10 steps, with this, how many year will it take to climb a 100 steps pyramid? Riddle Solution- 9 years You need to enter きゅうねん (kyuunen) Scenario 3 & 4: --------------- No hard puzzle in these 2 scenarios, don't think people will have trouble completing these 2 scenes. Scenario 5: ----------- No hard puzzle here too. The last puzzle where you need to diffuse the bomb is actually very easy. Just move the Green switches so in the end the left & right sides connects. (It's random, so no point to write out a solution) Once you complete scenario 5, sit back and enjoy the "ending"....or is it?!!! (Read the Ending section below) Now go collect all the 100 Riddle cards!!!...which will unlock the true final scenario...Scenario 6!!! ****************************************************************************** NOTE: You'll get 68 Riddle Cards from scenario 1-5 (if you haven't, you can always go back and look for them) The other 32 Riddle Cards will be obtained from playing the mini-games. (8 mini-games, 4 difficulty levels...4X8=32) total 68+32=100 cards ****************************************************************************** Scenario 6: ----------- Light the 9 circle puzzle: (yes it's back, and it's a killer one ^^;) Your goal here now is to light up the circles so that they spell out the word "HELP" I am going to number the circles like this: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8| |9| puzzle solution- From the above numbering step in the following order H=2,8,5,5,8,2 E=4,3,9,9,3,4 L=2,6,8,4,5,1,9,7,5 5,7,9,1,5,4,8,6,2 P=4,3 ============================================================================== 6)Endings ============================================================================== There're actually 3 endings to this game: I label them as "Crap Ending", "Bad Ending", "Good Ending" The Riddle Cards determines what ending you'll get 1. Beat the game at scenario 5 (Crap Ending) Just like what I called's...., nothing's solved, nothing's explained 2. Beat the game at scenario 6 with 100 cards, but haven't solved them all (Bad Ending) Short end, you found out who's behind it, but with nothing explained... 3. Beat the game at scenario 6 with 101 cards (Good Ending) When you solved all 100 riddles, the 101st card will appear!!! With that final card, you'll be able to open the locked door in scenario 6... Now just sit back and enjoy the real ending!!! Very long, with everything explained. (Remember to finish watching the credits too, there's more story after it ^^) ============================================================================== 7)Riddle Cards Solutions (complete 100) ============================================================================== I think this is what most people who read this FAQ want!! ^^ The solutions to the 100 Riddles! If you know Japanese, I really suggest trying them yourself...they are really fun!!! The riddles are the only thing in this game that provides a challenge...the game itself was just way too easy. Note: All the solutions are correct, I have checked and double checked!! So if you got an error make sure you entered correctly, check to see if you got ゃやゅゆょよ mixed up or missing an ー Any email or complains regarding the Riddle card solutions will be ignored, since they are all right. 100 Riddle Solutions ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1=あやとり 2=さん 3=くに 4=はち 5=さんせい 6=ほんもの 7=ろく 8=ぽりす 9=はる 10=きゅうねん 11=れいんこーと 12=ようかん 13=かなぶん 14=ふらいぱん 15=はっか 16=ごじ 17=ひとたば 18=ご 19=みかん 20=おす 21=しろ 22=そばや 23=えれべーたー 24=ゆぶね 25=いるか 26=かもしか 27=ごだい 28=むしぱん 29=しりとり 30=おーとばい 31=しんりん 32=ことり 33=かんでんち 34=ちゅーりっぷ 35=しかご 36=ひつじ 37=こんちゅう 38=らん 39=きゅうしゅう 40=くち 41=はねつき 42=いた 43=しま 44=てん 45=くまもとけん 46=すすき 47=まる 48=いし 49=たぬきうどん 50=け 51=りんご 52=がちょう 53=ぱぱいや 54=えんじん 55=もっきん 56=じゅうい 57=ばら 58=からす 59=よえん 60=すぴーど 61=しろ 62=もも 63=せんすいかん 64=みれど 65=かたぐるま 66=ひとつ 67=さっかー 68=たまご 69=きゅうばん 70=と 71=いち 72=おとこのこ 73=きゅうかんちょう 74=しど 75=とらんぷ 76=すずめ 77=おおきい 78=きょうかい 79=とら 80=ひる 81=こんぶ 82=たいや 83=ひょう 84=きかんしゃ 85=ほうき 86=くるみ 87=くれよん 88=ようなし 89=からみついた 90=しゃーぷぺんしる 91=ふく 92=いとうさん 93=かんがるー 94=すいか 95=こうべ 96=あかまつ 97=ろくにん 98=とり 99=ひのき 100=そら ============================================================================== 8)Picture album ============================================================================== Throughout the game you will also be able to find and collect pictures (from scenario 1-6). Even though I've got the album completed...but I didn't kept track of where I got them^^; (so maybe in the next update I may add their locations...) Anyway, just remember, you CAN walk through walls!!! (It's not a bug.) Inside those secret passages you can find many of the pictures! =============================================================================== Special Thanks =============================================================================== A few friends and myself for playing this game like crazy to get all 100 riddles solved ^^;; =============================================================================== Contact Info =============================================================================== Gamefaqs ID: D Conan E-Mail: Feel free to contact me with suggestions, or if you just want to talk about Conan ^^