Nintendo 64 Army Men: AIR COMBAT Mission walkthrough V.1.1 --------- This document is (C) Elliott Mahler (KoD e946) 2002. This document may be distributed freely UNCHANGED. I really don't feel like hunting you down and taking action against you, and I'm sure you don't want action against you, so just don't do it. --------- Ok, so you have the game, but no manual? Or can't figure out the missions? You've come to the right place! 1.0 V. History 2.0 The helicopters 3.0 The Co-Pilots 4.0 Enemies 4.1 Bugs 4.2 Tan 4.3 Blue 5.0 Weapons & Other upgrades 6.0 Super weapons 7.0 Controls 8.0 Missions -------- 1.0 Version History You can find the latest version of this guide at: 7/16/2002: Version 1.1: Added a submitted strategy. Proofread and revised, clearing up many things. 5/1/2002: Version 1.0: Created the guide -------- 2.0 The Helicopters Huey They don't tell you this, but this is really the B-212. This is my favorite helicopter, even after the others. When playing 2-player, up until you get the super stallion, I generally have one of the players use the Chinook and the other get this one. Very mobile, great for avoiding those huge bottle rocket missiles. Chinook This helicopter is made to lift. This helicopter is slow, but it goes almost the same speed when carrying something (as opposed to slowing down. I don't really like this helicopter. Stallion A major improvement on both the Chinook and the huey. It moves just a little slower than the huey, but has more armor. Both in a 2-player mission should use this one until you get the apache. Apache Definitely the best helicopter there is. There is more mobility, armor, and weapons. It also introduces a new and cool weapon. -------- 3.0 The Co-pilots Woodstock THis guy specializes in the machine gun. He is the most useful to me, since the machine gun has unlimited ammo. With him, you can take out a tank in just a few seconds. Hardcore He specializes in rockets. I don't know what the advantages are, since I almost never use him, but I think the rockets are more powerful and aim better. Rawhide He sucks. Just don't use him. Felicity She is good for one thing: Napalm. She comes in real handy in the RC car mission. I'm not sure exactly what advantages there are, but I know that napalm does more damage with here aboard. ????? This mystery person is only available after you beat the game. He specializes in all areas, but everything is a bit weaker than if their respective Co-Pilots were there. I don't want to give it away, so just find out yourself. -------- 4.0 Enemies 4.1 Bugs There are several bugs that annoy you throughout the campaigns and are fairly easy to kill. BLACK ANTS: these guys come in masses from anthills nearby. They are usually attracted to donuts or chicken legs, but can attack for any reason. They have to be right next to something to attack it. RED ANTS: these are rare, but annoying. They can sometimes be found attacking with black ants. They shoot a short jet of fire at whatever they are attacking that is equivalent to getting hit by Woodstock's machine gun. OTHER GROUND BUGS: These rarely attack you or your base. I have seen them take down tan foot soldiers before. AIR BUGS: these include dragonflies, bees, and moths; they almost always attack you, and can deal a lot of damage if given the chance. They are fairly easy to kill though. 4.2 Tan enemies RIFLEMEN These guys shoot one shot at a time at you, and don't do very much damage by themselves. They can be killed with a few shots from the machine gun. ROCKET SOLDIERS (non-armored) Same as the riflemen, except they shoot rockets at you, and can do damage to you. ROCKET SOLDIERS (armored) Same as rocket soldiers, except they have "Turtle shells" on their backs, and can only be killed when they are facing you (They turn around to shoot at you) JEEP These are annoying. They have powerful guns, so they shouldn't be ignored. TANK They fire very slowly, but if you are strafing in a circle around them, they will shoot where you will be when it gets out to your line of movement (if you stay along the same path), so remember to change directions constantly when shooting at these. SNOWMOBILE Only found in the later levels, these are just like jeeps except faster, and there are usually hangars creating them throughout the map. ROCKET-THINGIES They look like Hover MLRSes from Tiberian Sun (a mobile SAM launcher) except the rocket thingy is on the front. They fire just like tanks. MINES Found only in one level, these will injure sarge, or the other two people running through the mountains in the level after you get the apache. Only one shot from a machine hun will bring this down GUNBOATS These boats shoot huge bursts of bullets at you that are almost impossible to avoid, but don't do much damage alone, although in large packs they can be devastating. Multi missiles usually do the job if there is more than one boat. CRUISERS Huge ships found only in two levels, these send a barrage of bullets and rockets at you once you come into range. You can stay out of range and kill them by using multi missiles. You just have to be able to see the boat. HELICOPTER They can either be hueys or apaches, but they are always weak. They are found in about half the missions, and there is no real strategy to kill them. Try homing rockets and machine guns at the same time. GUN TOWER These shoot bursts of three pairs of bullets at you, shooting similar to the tanks, but faster, and the bullets move slower. These are pretty easy to kill if you strafe. CIGARETTES ON WHEELS I'm not joking, that's what they look like. They shoot colored bursts of light at you rather quickly, but they fire at where you WERE when they fired, not where you will be when it gets to you. They make a strange sound, too. ROCKET JACKS These look like bottle rockets strapped to jacks. The rockets, unfortunately, can home in on you and do a LOT of damage if they hit you. They are found in most levels, and the launchers, not the rockets, can be taken out with machine gun, if they are on the very edge of the screen. If you hear the same noise as from the cigarettes on wheels, then strafe left, then right quickly. If the rocket is circling you, then you are doing it right. You still have to strafe one way when it's on one side of you and go the other way when it's on the other side until the rocket blows up. One good thing, though, they fire even slower than tanks. And finally... TAN RC CARS These cars are invincible and are found in only one level. They shoot one missile at you at a time, with pretty good accuracy. The only way to kill them is to destroy the controller box-thing somewhere in the area. The best way to do this is with napalm. 4.3 Blue enemies Most blues are just like tan but are carrying something. They are ALWAYS carrying something. RIFLEMAN Just like tan riflemen, but usually carrying an armor upgrade. JEEP Just like the tan jeep, only not as common and usually carrying rockets of some sort. TANK Only seen once, on the train level, this guy doesn't carry a specific thing. BLUE RC CAR Not found as often as tan's RC cars, these CAN be destroyed, but fire 2 rockets at the same time instead of one. They always carry flares and napalm. SPRINKLER Pretty annoying, these shoot drops of water around that can damage you and are hard to avoid. Try to take these out from as far away as possible. -------- 5.0 Weapons and Upgrades These are spinning cubes with various pictures on them, defining the different upgrades. They have various designs and colors on them, designating what they are. The designs are as follows: GREEN WITH A SHIELD An armor package, will repair all or some of your damage, depending on which and where. LIGHT BLUE WITH A HELICOPTER ON IT (the helicopter looks like a fish from a distance) This one will enhance your speed for a short amount of time. PURPLE WITH A SHIELD WITH AN ARROW IN IT This will make you invincible until the blue circles surrounding you go away RED WITH A BROKEN SHIELD Gives you armor piercing ammo until the yellow circles surrounding you go away. With this, you can kill a tank in just a couple hits! YELLOW WITH A SINGLE ROCKET This contains a varying number of regular rockets. These are strong and can be aimed, but aren't guided. They are great for buildings and stationary objects. YELLOW WITH A ROCKET AND RED CROSSHAIRS THis contains guided missiles. They are weaker than unguided, but can follow a target until it hits, or the missile blows up. There will be red crosshairs on whatever the rocket will try to destroy at that time. BROWN (ish) WITH A FLAME This is napalm :) It looks cool, and is great for buildings and groups of enemies. DARK BROWN WITH A FLARE This summons paratroopers with bombs strapped to them to the ground, where they blow up anything near them. YELLOW WITH THREE SMALL ROCKETS The multi missiles are awesome. For some reason, you can only take out cruisers with multi missiles. These cruisers appear the same level as multi missiles do. Multi missiles will branch off and hit as many targets as possible (if there are two nearby, two will go for each, if there are four targets nearby, one will go for each) these are great for taking out gunboats and groups. There is one weapon that there is no box for, but you get it in the later levels of the game. All I will tell you is that it is awesome, but severely limited so use it sparingly. -------- 6.0 Super Weapons The Silver Tank You get this tank in the 4th level to aide you. It can rapidly fire several guided missiles, and is great by itself. Stop and let the tank go right under you, then fly over an enemy base that right in between another enemy base. The tank will take out the base you flew over while you take out the farther one! The UFO This guy allows you to leave your n64 unattended and still win the mission you get it in. This guy will fly a short distance away to kill any nearby enemies, but won't go too far. The Teddy Bear The bear is very powerful, but walks too slow to be very useful. -------- 7.0 Controls **BASIC** Joystick/Control Pad up--Forward Joystick/Control Pad down--Reverse Joystick/Control Pad right--Turn right Joystick/Control Pad left--Turn left L/C-Left--Strafe left R/C-Right--Strafe right C-Up--Toggle map C-Down--Rotate special weapons Z--Machine gun A--Fire special weapon B--Lower/raise winch Start--Pause **ADVANCED** Joystick/Control Pad up--Forward Joystick/Control Pad down--Reverse Joystick/Control Pad right--Turn right Joystick/Control Pad left--Turn left L/Z--Strafe left R--Strafe right C-Up--Toggle map C-Left--Rotate special weapons A/C-Right--Machine gun B--Fire special weapon C-Down--Lower/raise winch Start--Pause **BLACK OPS** C-Up--Forward C-down--Reverse C-right--Turn right C-left--Turn left L--Strafe left R/Z--Strafe right B--Toggle map Joystick/Control Pad left--Rotate special weapons A/Joystick/Control Pad up--Machine gun Joystick/Control Pad right--Fire special weapon Joystick/Control Pad down--Lower/raise winch -------- 8.0 The Missions Level 1: Woodstock, Huey Don't let go of the machine gun button at all. Just pick up the plastic and fly to the portal, without stopping. Just remember, strafe to avoid tank fire. Level 2: Woodstock, Huey Fly straight to the tan base through the back area. This is by the large loop that the blue cars make. Kill everything, and then go out opposite the way you came. You will see the back to the blue base, so go in there and do the same thing. Just ignore the cars; you will be done before three get through. Level 3: Woodstock, Huey Kill everyone at the base, and then clear off the tracks. There are cigarettes on wheels and rocket jacks everywhere, so watch out. After clearing out the tracks, put the battery on the thingy by the train. Fly above the train, using the huge objects blocking the train as an opportunity to go ahead a little bit. Level 4: Woodstock, Huey There is no strategy, just try to get the tank shooting a different base than you are if you want to speed it up. Just go in and shoot, strafing all the time. Level 5: Woodstock, Chinook Drop an item on each of the bug boxes. Drop an object, and then go to the next base. Do this until all five bug boxes are open. Go back and clean up what the bugs missed. Level 6: Hardcore, Chinook First thing, take the round gray object and drop it in the tan base. Fly onto the blanket and pick up the other gray thing, and drop it into the REAR of the nearby tan base (not the one you just came from). Fly out into the field and kill the blue tank. Pick up the invincibility box and take out the rocket jacks in the field, and then kill the fireworks box. Finally, take the leg of chicken and put it in the rear of the last base. Level 7: Woodstock, Chinook Just drop cherry bombs on all the anthills until they stop coming, then go to the north base and take out the biggest hangar. Pick up the UFO and fly it to the portal. Level 8: Woodstock, Chinook Just fly to the front of one base, and go do something else for 10 minutes. When you come back, circle the map and take out all the tan buildings. Level 9: Woodstock, Stallion Fly to one pond at a time and kill the boats. Also, fly to the outside and take out all the cruisers on the right side of the map. If you have enough time, do the right side too. After this, pick up the scientists and sarge. Fly back to the base QUICKLY because there will be magnifying glass beams following you. Level 10: Woodstock, Stallion Fly to the blanket, watching out for rocket jacks. Clear off the blanket, then head down the stream. This area is COVERED with rocket jacks, so watch out. After you have cleared out the steam, fly back to the blanket and pick up at green crayon. Fly back and drop the crayon in the machine. Level 11: Woodstock, Stallion Fly to the bear and take out the enemy helicopter, then fly down to the fence, taking out all the rocket jacks as you go. There are a LOT of enemies in this level. As soon as you reach the fence, turn back, without blowing up the fence. Hover near the bear, protecting it. When the bear gets to the fence, wait before destroying it. Some helicopters will come, so kill them. Destroy the fence, and then prepare for some gunboats to emerge from the metal tube right there. Fly ahead and take out the three cigarettes, then even farther to destroy the cruiser. It gets easier after this, just keep your eyes open. The only surprise is a cruiser pops up from the tube right by the end of the mission. Level 12: Woodstock, Stallion No help is need for this level. Just make the sure the bear can keep up. Level 13: Woodstock, Stallion The tan RC cars are invincible so don't try to kill them. The blue ones aren't, though, so go ahead with them. As soon as you get to the sandbox, make a hard right and fly until you see a radio. Hit it with napalm, staying as close to the side of the sandbox as you can. This will kill all the cars in the area. Fly through to the next area, and take out the rocket jack on the hopscotch thingy. Fly where it was and pelt the radio with multi missiles. Fly to the next area, where you will see a green base. I you have done it right, you shouldn't have died yet. Fly straight in and napalm the entire base. Level 14: Woodstock, Stallion Avoid tank fire at all costs, because there aren't many life upgrades in this level. There are several sprinklers, so watch out for them. Every once in a while after you return an item, tan helicopters will attack the green base. There are several cigarettes on wheels, and a couple bottle rockets to block you also. Mission 15: No strategies from me... Sent in by Mission 15-If there is 1 player, immediately go west (from the map) then protect Sarge. Then help the others. Check the map frequently. If someone's moving, check, if no ones moving, someone is under attack. Level 16: No strategies, so please e-mail me some. -------- 9.0 Contact Info If you have a question, suggestion, or strategy, please e-mail it to me at! I am constantly looking for ways to make this guide better. Thanks!