MMMMMM MMMMMM EEEEEE TTTTTTTTT AAA LLL MMM MMM MMM MMM EEEEEE TTTTTTTTT AAAAA LLL MMM MMMMM MMM EEE TTT AAA AAA LLL MMM MMM MMM EEEEE TTT AAAAAAAAA LLL MMM MMM EEEEE TTT AAAAAAAAA LLL MMM MMM EEE TTT AAA AAA LLL MMM MMM EEEEEE TTT AAA AAA LLLLLLLLL MMM MMM EEEEEE TTT AAA AAA LLLLLLLLL GGGGGG EEEEEE AAA RRRRRRR GGG GGG EEEEEE AAAAA RRR RRR GGG GGG EEE AAA AAA RRR RRR GGG EEEEE AAAAAAAAA RRR RRR GGG GGGGG EEEEE AAAAAAAAA RRRRRRR GGG GGG EEE AAA AAA RRR RRR GGG GGG EEEEEE AAA AAA RRR RRR GGGGGG EEEEEE AAA AAA RRR RRR ####################### S O L I D ###################### Metal Gear Solid For the Gameboy Colour By Paul Keating Section 1 - Copyright Information & Revision History Section 2 - Introduction & Story Section 3 - Controls Section 4 - Maps & Walkthrough Section 5 - Special Stage Information Section 6 - Contact Information SECTION 1 - Copyright Information & Revision History ---------------------------------------------------- Metal Gear & Metal Gear Solid is Copyright 1987 & 2000 belonging to Konami (KCE Japan). All character names, story elements and map layouts are covered by the above copyright. This walkthrough is created by Paul Keating. And the contents that are not covered by the above copyright are owned by me. Do not copy this guide and claim it as your own. Do not modify this FAQ and claim it as your own. If you wish to post this guide on your website you can do so, only if you meet the following conditions: You do not modify the FAQ in any way shape or form, that includes converting this file to another format. You will inform me of where this FAQ can be found. I will add this information to the FAQ. The latest version of this guide can be always be found at: Other locations that have this guide: Revision History ---------------- V2.00 16/07/2000 - Final Version Made some final changes here and there. Added the rest of the special stage information. That's it, this document is finished as far as I am concerned. I may produce a VR guide in the future, but that will be as a seperate document. So here you go and enjoy. V1.02 15/07/2000 - Not Released Added stage 09 information that was missing from previous versions. V1.01 14/07/2000 - Not Released Tidied up some of the grammar in the stage 01 and added a little more help for getting around the guards. Added an additional tip on the line of sight. V1.0 12/07/2000 Removed all maps, with the exception of the smaller maps used to illustrate how to do a certain section. Started a major tidy up of this document. Removed all previous revision history. Most of the changes are a little redundant now. On the next issue I hope to have completed the walkthrough, filling ins some minor gaps here and there. Also several sections need completely re-writing so they make more sense. NOTE: The maps have gone! They will most likely stay gone as well, so please don't email me about them. The reason they are gone is simple. I DO NOT have as muchtime to update them as I would like. I work for 40 hours a week and with travelling makes an additional 10 hours. I have interests other than games as well, like drinking, going the cinema, drinking, watching anime, drinking, reading books, drinking, surfing the internet, drinking, going out with mates, drinking... Did I mention I like to drink. As you can see this puts a severe strain on my time. Also this autumn I plan to go back to college and do that computer science course I started several years ago and never completed. Obviously this will be an even larger strain on my time. If you thought leaving school was then end of your problems, think again! By the way, did I mention I like to drink a little. SECTION 2 - Introduction and Story ---------------------------------- Metal Gear - A mobile weapons platform designed to launch nuclear warheads close to the target with little or no detection Welcome to Metal Gear Solid for the Gameboy Colour. In this game, like the PSX version you take control of Solid Snake, a member of the elite covert operation team Foxhound. After stopping the original Metal Gear several years ago Snake retired. The American government started production of there own Metal Gear. Recently a terrorist organisation has stolen a fully armed, but non-operational Metal Gear. They have also kidnapped scientists and staff to help arm the Metal Gear for full use. Your mission is to rendezvous with a Delta Force squad and take out the stolen Metal Gear. As with all infiltration missions you have to locate your own weapons and supplies. As you can tell from the description above, this is not a conversion of the PSX game but a new game completely. In fact as far as I can tell the events of Metal Gear Solid never happened and this is a sequel to the original Metal Gear on the NES (and very little mention is made to the Metal Gear 2). SECTION 3 - Controls & Playing Guide ------------------------------------ D-Pad - Moves Snake around the screen and controls his movement. B - Fires the equipped weapon. A - Uses the equipped item. Start - Toggles between crouch and stand. Use the crouch to hide in mud or short grass and wheat. Select - This takes you to the item screen. Pressing up and down scrolls through your inventory of Items. Pressing left and right will scroll through the weapons. Pressing start sends you to the codec screen. Pushing against a wall causes Snake to press himself against the wall. While you are pressed against the wall if you move in a direction you will move along the wall. This will allow you to squeeze through area's you wouldn't normally be able to get through (such as the behind the crates in trucks). Also you can see further across the screen by pressing the B button. It will only scroll in the direction you are pushing. Finally tapping the A button will cause snake to knock against the wall. This can be used to distract guards from posts they are guarding. Using the Codec. When you have activated the codec you can press left or right to change the frequency to call at. Pressing down will bring up a list of all the people you can call. Highlight the person you want to call and press A. You start the game with only a fogger and your wits. But as you progress through the various stages you will start to build up an arsenal of weapons and useful items. Weapons ------- 5-7 Handgun - This is the basic weapon you first acquire. It generally takes two shots to take out a guard. Like most of the weapons in the game it makes a noise as it fires which can attract the attention of surrounding guards. You will find a suppresser later in the game which will silence the weapon. This allows you to take out guards one at a time without attracting to much attention. RS Automatic Rifle - This machine gun fires a rapid succession of bullets at a target. A bit more powerful than the handgun, but due to there being no suppresser it can attract unwanted attention. E/M Hand Grenade - This grenade disrupts electronic equipment. This is mainly used for disabling camera's for a short period of time. Hand Grenade - Good old fashioned explosives. Throw at the target and take out a large area of troops. Useful if you are against a large amount of troops, i.e. when you are being pursued. Stun Grenade - When thrown this causes a bright flash. Any soldiers in a certain area will be stunned. Another useful weapon to avoid pursuit. Nikita - Missile launcher. After firing you get control of the missile itself. It will speed up but slow down when you change direction. Get ready to run as it will alert the guards on detonation. Mines - You get these by picking them up from where the enemy has set them. Use the mine detector to locate them on the radar. Works on proximity. Get to close to them and boom. Items ----- Fogger - Replaces the cigarettes in this politically correct day and age. Emits a small amount of smoke. When you stand close to Infrared (I.R. sensors) it will show when they are active or not. Rations - Used to recover health. If you keep the rations equipped while you are playing and loose all your health it will automatically use one, preventing those embarrassing deaths. Keycards - These are used to open certain doors that are normally locked. You need to keep them equipped to use. Boxes - Hide in a box and guards and camera's will generally ignore you (as long as you don't move). Unfortunately it doesn't fool dogs. Gas mask - Used to slow down the effects of gas. It doesn't stop the effects but you can last a lot longer than normal. Can also help you stay under water longer. Thermal goggles - Allows you to see in the dark via thermal images. As an added bonus it also shows you where the infrared beams are Thermal goggles - Allows you to see in the dark as you would normally. Mine Detector - Shows the location of mines on the radar. Vital for your survival in a mine field. Bulletproof vest - Reduces the amount of damage you take and not just from bullets as well. Once you get this you should keep it equipped whenever you aren't using anything else. Enemies ------- Guards - The most common type of enemy. Can either be patrolling, standing on duty or asleep. Easily distracted by sounds. When they are alert though they will chase in a group of three and will continue chasing until the enemy is dead or has disappeared. Early on they will take two bullets to kill, but from level 8 onwards they take three shots to kill. Cameras - There are several types of camera. The first one just simply keeps an eye out and sounds an alarm if it detects any enemies it will sound the alarm. The other type has a machine gun attached to it, so instead of sounding the alarm it will take pot shots at you. Dogs - These animals generally patrol around or sit in certain areas. Has a larger area of detection than the standard guard due to it's better hearing and moves a lot faster. Birds - Not enemies as such, but if you get to close to them they will fly off and this will attract any surrounding enemies. Tips ---- Although there are plenty of weapons and ammo lieing around sometimes it is better to hide than fight. In fact a lot of the time it is better to avoid fighting. Stealth will get you through a lot of the levels. There are certain areas in the game where, when you are being pursued, the guards will stop chasing you and the Alert/Evasion counter resets back to the radar. If you learn where these are you can use them to your advantage. Early on in the game there are plenty of rations lying around so use them if you need them. Having difficulty getting through a certain area? Then try the VR missions. These help teach basic concepts of the game and may help with the area you are having difficulty with. If a guard is on his own and facing away from you, you can sneak up to him close and knock him out by several punches. You can generally get away from them before they wake up. When the guard wakes up he generally tries to find what hit him but gives up after a while. Learn the enemies field of vision. The field of vision is usually directly in front of it, slowly spreading out. Why do you need to know this? Well in some areas there may be two guards facing each other with a gap behind each of them. If you kill one the other will be alerted. Each guard can see each other, but may not see anything beyond that. So you can run in the gap behind the guard and avoid detection. Generally the guards can see from about 1/2 to 3/4 the length of the screen. Bigger is not necessarily better. When you get the Nikita or the RS Assault riffle you may think great, Armageddon here I come. This is not the case. The only weapon, which can be silenced through the use of a suppresser, is the 5-7 handgun. In fact I only ever used the Nikita for certain puzzles and the RS riffle for bosses. Whereas I used the 5-7 on most levels (when I was to lazy to use stealth)! Want a cheap way to avoid the guards when you are being pursued? Get to the exit of one screen to the other. Head through and wait until a guard starts coming through the screen and head back through the exit again. Keep repeating this until the counter reaches 0. SECTION 4 - Walkthrough ----------------------- Stage 01 - The Jungle --------------------- You watch yourself parachuting into the jungle. After listening to the instructions from Campbell and Mei-Ling you automatically move up to the next screen. The first thing you see is a first guard patrolling around a group of trees. He generally patrols in an anti-clockwise direction. Wait until the guard is at the top part of the screen and head through to the right. There is another guard patrolling around here. He also patrols around in an anti-clockwise direction. Head up through the next gap and enter the truck on the left hand side and collect the rations. Leave the truck and go back to the area where you started. Move up the screen, remembering to avoid the guard. This area also has a large group of trees with a guard patrolling around it. The guard patrols in a U pattern. He does not patrol along the top part of the group of trees. Head up through the left-hand passage and onto the next screen. There is a guard immediately above you who patrols in a L pattern (he heads down, then up then left and back again). You want to head up the screen and through a small gap in the trees you will see a L shaped area. There is a guard patrolling here near a crate. This crate contains a 5-7 handgun. To get past this guard and get the gun look at the diagram below: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF |---|FF|--|FF|--| | |--|B |--| W| | C| | |------------| | | | | |--| | |A |---FF---| | |--|FFFFFFFF| D | |-----------| | Wait till the guard reaches point A. He stands there facing the wall (what are they paying them for?) so run around and grab the gun. Then run to point B and press against the wall. When the guard has passed you and is heading to point C run back to where you came from at point D. Run back to where the guard is patrolling in an L pattern. Go down a little, near to where you started and you should see a gap in the trees going to the right. Go through this gap and there is yet another guard patrolling this new area. You can head further to the right where there is a lorry that contains ammo for the 5-7 Handgun (right hand truck). Unless you have used the gun you can ignore it and head up the screen. Keep an eye on the radar, as there is another guard further up, this makes two guards patrolling near to each other. Be careful in avoiding these guards and move up the screen and enter the next screen. First things first, you will notice that there are large areas of wheat scattered around this area. Stepping on this wheat will make a noise and may attract the guard's attention. Also there are pools of mud. Walking through this will make a noise as well. BUT crawling through the wheat and mud means you can avoid detection from the guards. Crawling through the mud will cause you to slowly loose oxygen, so don't spend to long in the mud. Here there are four guards patrolling in various areas of the screen. One of them is asleep in the wheat. Another patrols around the wheat. Further to the right there is a guard patrolling around below a mud pool, with another patrolling around the mud. Make your way up the screen, there is a ration just above the area where the guard is sleeping in the wheat. Head to the next screen. There is a guard patrolling around the wheat field to the left of the screen as you enter. There is another guard standing next to the exit to the next screen and a final guard patrolling the mud pool in the top right corner. You can easily get around the guard at the exit. Watch the radar for the patrolling guard around the mud. When he starts to head to the right crawl through the left-hand mud pool. Head up the screen and you will see a guard standing a little away from the trees. Carry on up and head behind him. You can head up to the next screen. There is a bridge just off centre of the screen. There is a mud pool either side of the bridge. On the left hand side there is a ration. DO NOT go up the left-hand side of the screen. This area is blocked by a slight climb. You will need to crawl up the mud on the right hand side of the screen to avoid detection. There are three guards patrolling on the bridge. They move backwards and forwards stop and check either to the left or right. Crawling through the pool from one end to the other will cause you to lose some oxygen so instead try this; Wait for the guards to start heading to each other, follow them in the mud and when they stop immediately crawl and move up the screen. Once out of the mud stop crawling and head to the exit. You have completed stage 1. Stage 2 - The Bunkers --------------------- You begin the mission outside of a large wall. But before you can get started you will be contacted by the Colonel to tell you that the Delta Force Team you where supposed to be joining up with has been wiped out. You will also be warned that there are security cameras in use in this area. As you head to the right you should notice your first security camera. It is a stationary one fixed to the wall at the top of the screen. Just stay at the bottom of the screen using the crate as cover. Carry on to the right and you will come across a large bush. This bush splits your path to the right. So take the bottom path to the right. You will now see the reason for taking the bottom path. There are two guards standing here and if you had gone running blindly through the top exit you would have been spotted. The top guard doesn't move but the bottom guard patrols this area. Press against the bushes and press the B button to scroll the screen up. Wait for the guard at the top to fall asleep and head to the right. You are now at the left side of the next screen. You loose control here for a minor cut-scene. A guard will open the door at the top of this area, he will then walk to the right. You will regain control after the guard is gone. You will then regain control. Head to the right, following the direction of the guard. You will come across a door in the far right corner, enter the room through this door. When you enter the room you will loose control again and you will watch the guard change shifts with each other. As the other guard leaves the room you will regain control of Snake. The guard is now asleep, there is a suppresser located in the corner. This allows you to take out the guards without attracting to much attention. Leave the room and head back to the door where the first guard left. Welcome to the outer section of the compound. There are two ways you can do this, the long way or the short way. If you want to take the short way head to the left and go through the gate and skip this next section. Otherwise read on. You are now in an area surrounded by crates. These crates will provide plenty of cover for your covert actions. If you head up you will see what looks like a bunker. Outside of this bunker there is a guard patrolling. You have several options here. Time it right and dodge around him. Wait till his back is turned and knock him out. Use your gun with its suppresser. I personally choose to dodge around the guards, so when I refer to dodging around guards you use your own personal preference. NOTE!! As you leave the room and return to the main area there will be a guard immediately to the right of the door where you come out. Don't worry he is not facing you so you can run around and hide behind the crate. You want to head to the right. You will see a gate just to the right of the bunker. It is locked at the moment and requires a L1 Key Card to open it. Remember this location, as it leads to the level exit. Carry on to the right around the fence and some more crates. There is another guard here, so dodge around him. The next another bunker contains some ammunition for the 5-7 Handgun. NOTE! As you leave this room and return to the main are there will be a guard immediately to your right. He won't be looking in your direction so you can dodge him easily enough. There is a gate to the right of the bunker. Go through it and head up the screen. Along the left hand wall is another camera, this one moves along the wall from top to bottom. Don't worry though there is a box to hide behind. Make your way up and there is another gate to go through. The new area has two trucks here, but they are both empty so you can ignore them. But the bunker above the trucks has some rations in it. Head to the left and you will see another guard patrolling this area. There are more trucks and another bunker. There is nothing of interest here though. Carry on to the left and take the exit below the trucks. There is another gate in the fence for you go through. Head down to the bottom left hand of this large corridor. IF YOU TOOK THE SHORT ROUTE CARRY ON HERE. There is another gate down here go through it and carry on to the left. You are now in another Section of the compound. There is a guard patrolling further up the screen. There is also a bunker here but there is nothing in there of interest. So ignore both this and the guard and you should be able to head straight across the bottom of the screen to the left. You can also ignore the truck as there is nothing of interest in it. F| |---------WWW D WWW---| |--- F BBB BBB | F BBB BBB 3 | F BBB | F BBB C | F BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | F BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | F BBB BBB BBB | F BBB BBB 2 BBB | F BBB BBB | F BBB BBB B | F BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB| F BBB BBB A BBBBBBBBBBBBBB| F BBB 1 F BBB FWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Head to the left and you will enter an area that looks just like the map above. There is a guard who patrols this area. As you reach point 1 the guard should be reaching point A. Wait at one until the guard is heading to point B. Make your way to point 2 and hide behind the boxes. The Guard will then make his way to point C you want to hide at point 3. The guard will then start to make his way back to point B. You will want to enter the bunker as there is a new weapon for you there, the RS assault weapon. This is weapon is actually only useful for boss attacks and when you have been spotted. If you attempt to use it to take out a guard the other guards in the area will be attracted to here. When you leave the bunker the guard will be just to the right of you and heading to the right. You can ignore him and head around to the left and down. When you reach the bottom go to the left and then head up the screen to another gate. Go through here and you will enter a new area that is patrolled by three guards. This next area provides little to no cover for you, and to add to this there are three guards patrolling this area. There is a bunker if you head straight up. Head back out and to the bottom left, as there is a large fence that separates this section of the camp from the next. Remember the three guards and just play it safe. When you go through the fence you will notice two armoured personnel carriers (you can't enter these). There is another bunker here. If you enter this bunker you will notice something a little odd about the floor. At certain places there are metal plates on the floor. When you stand on these it will make a noise which can attract the guard. The way to avoid this is to crawl on the floor and it won't make a noise. There are only rations in this bunker, so you should try and judge whether you will need them or not. Just right of the bunker there is a small hole in the fence. You can crawl through this then head to the right. You will now get a mysterious message. There is a survivor from the Delta Force team. This is Sergeant Chris Jenner. She is hiding somewhere in the compound and you should try and meet up with here. She tells you that certain bunkers have an indentation on the west wall. One of these is a secret entrance to the camps sewer system. Unfortunately the one you are after is hidden behind a locked fence so you need to find a keycard first. You will eventually regain control of snake, so go up the screen and head to the left. There is a guard patrolling here, but he is going around a large container so you can dodge around him easily enough. Head to the left. You will come across an area where there is a camera moving left to right. Just use the boxes to hide behind them and head to the left. There is a lorry here and inside this lorry is the L1 Key Card. You could head over to the far right where you haven't been there, but there is nothing of interest. So you can either explore all the areas that where previously unaccessable to you (you can do this on your own) or you can finish this level. Head back to where you first entered the compound. There is a bunker here, and to the right is a gate that is locked. Activate your keycard and you can open the fence. Enter the indentation and then push down. You will be in a room with a ladder in it, climb down and head to the left. The computer will take over and you have completed stage 02. Stage 03 Walkthrough - The Sewers and Tower ------------------------------------------- You will be contacted by Codec as soon as the level starts. The next mission is to meet up with Sergeant Jenner. She is disguised as a guard but is wearing a red hat and has her hair in a ponytail. First things first though, you have to get through the sewers. You are in a small passage, the only way you can go is the left. As the passage opens up you want to head up, but before you reach the crates further up there is a door on the right hand side. In here is ammo for your 5-7 handgun. Head back out and then head up the screen. When you go back out you will see a guard walking up the screen. You can dodge around these guards, just press against the wall and press B, the screen will scroll up and you can keep an eye on the guards, they will start looking around, when they are facing the left you can run past them undetected. Head up the screen. There is a series of large pillars, there are two guards here, one patrolling and one who is having a sleep. The best bet here is to run up to the second pillar and stay at the bottom of it. The patrolling guard will come down the right hand screen, wait facing the right and just shoot him down. Head up, but avoid the puddles as stepping in them will probably wake the guard. There is a ration here just behind the guard. You can either shoot the guard as he sleeps or crawl through the water and avoid waking him up. Once you have the rations you can then head to the right. [Note: If you are being pursued in this room head to the right and when you enter the next screen they will stop pursuing you] A rat will run towards you and then off the screen. Head to the right and the passage will then turn down the screen. There will be a guard sleeping here, but be warned there is also a camera moving up and down. If you stick to the far right you should be able to avoid detection. As you head down you will also come across two guards on the left hand of the screen. You can just ignore them and carry on down the screen or try and dodge around them. If you attempt to dodge around them you will see a door on the left-hand side. In the room are rations. Anyway carry on down and you will enter the next screen. More rats will run towards you. Head down and to the right. There will be a small passageway, take this and you will enter an area with a lot of debris on the floor. Simply run around it and head up the screen and enter the next area. When you enter the next screen there will be a couple of guards talking. Apparently there has been a lot of flooding recently and that it is coming down the sewers. They head into a room, which you can't enter. You will then be shown the wave moving across the screen. You can use the radar to detect whether there is a wave coming as it appears as a line straight across the radar. You can also hear the wave moving towards you. There are a series of ladders along the walls in this section of the sewers. You need to use these to avoid being swept away. Instead of walking you through this section, it is pretty straightforward. Play it safe and climb up each set of ladders, wait for the wave to pass and then climb down. You want to head left (take the bottom left exit, as the upper right leads to a dead end). Then up the screen, then to the right. As you head to the right, you will notice there is a ladder that goes further up than all the other's. This leads to the tower, but ignore this for the time being and carry on to the right. You will come across ammo for your RS assault rifle, carry on to the right (remembering to dodge the waves) and there will be another ladder that leads all the way up the screen. Up here is a cardboard box Y. This can be used to hide in and avoid the attention of the guards. Head back to the other ladder and head up. When you enter the main area the computer will take over and you will enter the tower. Chris Jenner will contact you. She will give you hints as to how she looks. You will then regain control. There are lots of doors that require you to use your key card. I haven't listed them. You can tell which door these are as they have a control panel next to them. If the door still doesn't open it is a level 2 keycard and you haven't got that yet (these will be mentioned in the walkthrough) or it is level 3 keycards and Chris has this card (you don't need it for this stage). Also, dotted around this level, are small sections of the wall you can hide in. These are useful if you are being pursued crawl into this space and, as long as you are not spotted, the guards won't be able to find you. If they do spot you the guards will just shoot at you. You are in a small room, there are no guards so head through the door at the top of the screen and then to the right. There is a guard patrolling this area head to the left and then to the top left corner for some rations. Head down and there is a door here, go through it and you will enter a room with two cameras' moving in opposite directions. Use the boxes and dodge around them to make your way to another door at the bottom of the screen. The next room has a guard patrolling around it, he is easy to get around so make your way to the right where there is another door. In this next room there are a couple of guards, but there is also metal plating around certain areas of the floor. Stepping on the metal plating will attract the attention of one, or both, of the guards. You can either crawl around the floor to reach the door at the right hand side or just attempt to dodge the guards. The next room has several doors scattered around the room. At the upper left corner is a door that leads to some rations. The door at the top requires a different key card. The bottom right hand corner room is filled with gas, and you don't have the gas mask yet. So the only option is the door at the upper right hand corner. There are two guards in this room though. Dodge around them and make your way to the upper right corner. Enter the next room. |--------- ---------| | | | | |-| |-| |-| | |---| |---| |---| | | | |-| |-| |-| | | | | | |-| |-| |-| | | | | | | | | | | |-| |-| |-| | | | | |---------------------| This room looks empty, but you will receive a call telling you that the room has Infrared sensors and crossing them will set the alarms off. Activate the fogger. You can tell where the sensors actually are as there a series of small holes in the wall. As you walk towards these you will see red lines appear. If you cross these, the alarm will go off. Make your way around the room, the door is at the top of the screen. The diagram above shows the layout of the infrared beams. The next room is empty. Head through the door and you will be in a large room. There is only one guard, but a camera is guarding the left-hand passage. The easy way to do this is to hide behind the crate and as he heads back to the central corridor you can easily shoot him. Head down the central corridor, you can then head to the right. There is another camera moving up and down. Hide behind the crate and then head up the passage. Collect the crate and you will now have the gas mask. Head back to the room with that is filled with gas. Enter this room and equip the gas mask as you go through the room it will fill up with gas. The room is a little bit of a maze so make your way around to the exit in the far right of the screen. You will enter another gas filled room. This is another maze but there is also a guard in here. There are two doors, one at the top of the screen and one to the right. The one at the top of the screen is locked and needs the L2 Keycard. The one at the right leads to a large room. In here is another guard, but also in the far-left corner is the L2 keycard. Once you get this head back to the left and then head back to the door that was locked in this room. Head up and back to where you got the gas mask. You can open the door now. Head down and around and you will be at the lift. Press A next to the door and the lift will appear. Enter the lift then press A in front of the up arrow. The lift will then make its way up to the second floor. Leave the lift and head up and through the door on the left. There are two guards, but they are walking up the screen, so run behind them. Enter the door on the left-hand side of the room and there is 5-7 ammo. Head back and down the screen. The next room is another maze. There is a door on the right hand of the screen but this requires a L3 Keycard. So head down, left, up, right then down. You now have a choice of heading either left or right. If you head to the left it leads to a door that requires the L3 keycard. So head to the right. You will come across a door on the left-hand side of the screen. Ignore this and carry on down and to the right. Here you will find a room that has 5-7 ammo, RS ammo and rations. Head back to the door you ignored earlier. This room is filled with Infrared sensors. Unlike the previous time the sensors are timed and some go on and off faster than others. There are several doors in here, two on the left-hand wall and one at the top of the screen. The top left door is locked and requires a L3 Keycard. The bottom left door leads to another room, there is a door here that requires a L3 keycard. So take the door at the top of the screen. [Tip: The room at the top of the screen is another that stops soldiers pursuing you so if you don't want to waste your time dodging through the sensors just run straight up the screen and enter the door at the top.] The next room is empty so enter the door on the left hand side. There are two guards in here. DO NOT SHOOT THE GUARD WITH THE RED HAT. That is Chris. Take out the other guard and then head over to Chris. Congratulations you have completed stage 03. Stage 04 - Leaving the Tower ---------------------------- Chris explains that there is one scientist left, the creator of the Metal Gear. Your next mission is to rescue him. First you have to follow Chris around as she opens the various L3 doors. First Chris leaves the room through a door to the right. Head down. There is a guard patrolling around a large pillar. Head around to the far side of the pillar and hide behind it. The guard will walk down the left hand side of the pillar and you will be on the right hand side. As he walks down you should head up the screen. Don't run straight around as there is a camera running from left to right across the top of the screen. If you have timed it right it should be going past the passage at the top of the screen. As it heads to the left you want to run up and then to the right. Before running to the door there is another guard here. Again if you have timed it right he should be at the bottom of the passage and heading to the left. You should then run to the right and through the door. You are now back in the room with all the infrared sensors (from stage 03). Make your way to the right where there is now an open door in the upper right hand corner. Entering this room brings you to a room with three cameras in it. These camera's are different from all the others you have encountered so far. The camera's are armed with machine guns. So instead of setting the alarm off they take pot shots at you. In the bottom centre of the screen are 3 EM grenades. After getting these head to the right and out of the door. You are back in the large room that acts a little like a maze. Make your way around the room. To the door at the upper right corner (not the door at the top of the screen). This leads to the room that had the lift in it. Enter the lift and head back down to floor 1. Come out of the lift and up through the door and then head through the door to the left. Go through the door at the bottom of the screen and you will be back at the smaller infrared sensor room. Make your way back to the door on the left hand wall and you will be back at the area where got the gasmask from. Head back to the door at the left hand side. You then need to head through the door at the top of the screen. After entering here you will meet up with Chris again. Chris will tell you that the scientist is in the barracks, but she is going to investigate the power plant as it is large enough to house the Metal Gear. After she has left you want to head to the right. You will come across a series of crates with a guard patrolling below them. Dodge around the guard and through the crates. There are some rations in the bottom right corner of this screen. Head up and around some more crates, keeping an eye on the camera. Head to the right. The next screen shows a guard using a computer on the right hand side to open a series of doors. He will leave and shut the doors behind him. Before trying the computers for your self, head into the lorry to get some grenades. The order you use the computers in is a bit awkward. Every time you complete the game the layout seems to change. You will now be in kennels. Fortunately here all the dogs are locked up. There is a bird here that will fly off if you get to close to it. Head to the left as there is nothing to worry about in this screen. The next screen will have more kennels in them, but this time they are open and the dogs are loose somewhere. Head to the left avoiding the bird, otherwise this will wake up the soldier that is sleeping in the corner. Head up the screen to the next area. There are three passageways here. As you enter the screen you will see a dog walking down the right hand passage. As it reaches the bottom it will then head across to the right and then back up the central passageway. There is a second dog coming down the right hand side. Wait for it to head back up the central passage, when it is halfway up you should run to the right and then up the right-hand passage. At the top there are 4 grenades. Head to the left a little and then up the centre. Head to the right and up. The next room has a guard in it, head straight to the right and then up. There is some 5-7 ammo here. Head to the left. There is another guard patrolling from left to right here. When he is heading to the right follow him and head up the alcove in the centre of the passage. Then as the guard heads back to the left you can come back out and carry on to the right and then up. Here you have a choice of two directions to go. You will need to go in both directions anyway, but head to the right first as this is the shortest route. The next screen is empty except for two trucks. The left truck has 4 grenades and rations in it. The right truck has 4 grenades in it. After getting these bits and pieces you should head up the screen. As you enter there will be a boomerang flying across the screen. This can draw attention to where you are, so you are best to keep moving. There are 4 dogs in this area. There are some more grenades in here. Head up and around, you will eventually come to a passage way to the left, go through there. There is a computer next to a door. Use the computer and it opens the door. Unfortunately the door is on the other side of a barrier. Head back to where you had to make the decision of which direction to go. Head across the maze. There are 3 dogs patrolling around here. Just keep dodging around and try to avoid detection. Remember that the dogs will stop chasing you as you leave the screen. The next screen has lots of crows on this area. Try to head around and avoid the crows. There are also 3 guards here, which is why you should try to be careful. Make your way up the screen. The next section has more dogs in it, head up and to the right. In this area there are some more rations. Head to the right. Use the computer and then go through the door. There are 12 grenades here as well as some more rations. Head through the door at the top of the screen. The next screen is empty except a boomerang will be thrown at you. Welcome to the first boss fight. Slasher Hawk - He runs across the top of the screen where you can't reach him. He will run left to right and then stop to throw a boomerang at you. Use your grenades to attack him. As his energy reaches the half way point his hawk will join in the attack, also he will start using two boomerangs every now and then. Just carry on dodging the boomerangs and throwing the grenades at him. Stage 04 Complete Stage 05 - Barracks ------------------- You start inside the barracks, in front of the lift. Did you remember to get the box on stage 03? You didn't? Well ignore the lift for the time being and head to the left. In here is a guard patrolling around. He is reasonably easy to get around so head into the first door and pick up the box. Now head back to the lift shaft. OK you have the box (or you got it on stage 03) then use the lift and head to level 2. Head around and up to the top of the screen. You will see that there are two conveyor belts on the floor. Good, to use these conveyor belts you need to hide in the box and move onto the belt. At the moment this is the ONLY way you can use the belts. Also as you use the belts you will come across what look like small rooms. These are generally located where conveyor belts meet and split of in different directions. Notice the coloured indicators on these junctions? Well depending on what colour box you have will dictate which direction you go in. So match the colour to go in that direction. If you don't match the colour then you are returned to the beginning of the conveyor belt. OK then, at the moment you only have the yellow box so use it and step on the top conveyor belt. Because you only have the one box, just let it take you where it wants to go. Eventually you will hit a lift. These lifts are different than the ones you are used to. They are simply areas on the floor which will take you down a level when you are in the box. BTW don't bother trying standing on these areas and then entering the box, it will only operate when a box is placed on it by the conveyor belt. So when you hit the lift you will be taken down a level (L1). In here you will find a red box. Get on the conveyor belt at the bottom of the screen and let it take you to another lift, which takes you down a level (B1). In this room there are some hand-grenades in the bottom left corner. Head to the right. There is a guard patrolling in this area. You can hide behind the crates. It is just as easy to knock out the guard as it is to shoot them. Several punches and its lights out! When he is unconscious run, as when he wakes up he will come looking for you. Head to the right and you will come across a door along the top wall. In this room are some E/M grenades. Carry on to the right. *** N O T E *** This next section you will be coming back to several times as you progress through the game. Instead of retyping this next section time and time again I will just tell you to get to the B1 lift. *** E N D O F N O T E *** You will now be at a passage that runs up and down the right hand side of the screen. You want to head down and take the next left passage. Be warned that there is a camera scrolling from top to bottom. Just use the crates to dodge around it. Follow the passage to the left. Part way across is a passage that leads down. This has metal flooring and there is a guard patrolling this area. You can simply carry on to the left (avoiding detection, obviously). In the corner of the screen there are some stun grenades. Head down and then to the right. Part way across you will see the other end of the passageway that has metal grating on it and the patrolling guard. Just avoid detection and continue to the right. The passage wil then head down and back to the left, whith the exit to the next screen there. Just don't run straight away as there is a camere patrolling the top part of this wall. Time it right and you can carry on down. You are now in the lift room. Head to the right to get to the lift as there is patrolling guard on the left hand side. Use the lift and head back to L2. Use the conveyor belt and this time you have the red box to play with as well. You want to use them in the following order: Yellow = Y, Red = R, Blue = B (OK you haven't got it yet). Y Y Y Y R This should take into a new room. Equip the gas mask and head down the ladder you are now back in L1. This next room is filled with, as if you haven't guessed, gas. The bottom half of the screen is filled with crates. There is a guard patrolling (he starts on the right hand side) and on the left hand side is the L3 Keycard. Get the card and dodge around the guard, using the 5-7 to take him out. Equip the keycard and head out of the door on the right hand side of the screen. You are in the room just to the right of the lift. There is a camera along the wall, as well as crates to hide behind. Also watch out for the guard. Head down and back to the left. Use the lift and head back to L2. Use the conveyor belt yet again, this time in this order: Yellow = Y, Red = R, Blue = B (OK you haven't got it yet). Y Y Y R Y R Yet again you are in another new area. Use the L3 keycard to open the door. This area has a large amount of crates with a guard patrolling around here. In the top right corner there are some rations. Head to the left and avoid the other guard. Head down and then use the conveyor belt (colour doesn't matter here). This will take you down a level (L1). Head to the left and collect the blue box. Use the conveyor belt, which will take you down to B1. Follow the path around, collecting the stun grenades. Head up to the left hand passage and then follow the instructions above to return to the B1 lift. Use the lift and head back to L2. Use the conveyor belt in this order: Yellow = Y, Red = R, Blue = B Y B Y B Y You are in another new area. This room is one large maze of crates with several guards. First head to the left. When you get as far as you can to the left head up the screen and back to the right. Continue to the far right, avoiding the guards. When you get as far as you can head down, ignoring the door on the right hand side and use the conveyor belt at the bottom of the screen. Use the blue box which will take you to the right, then use the red box to carry on to the right. This will take you down a level. In this room there are some Thermal Goggles. Head to the right. Use the conveyor belt to go down another level, crawl around the sleeping guard, collecting the crate and then heading to the left. Head down and take the second left passage, follow the instructions above to get you to the B1 basement. Head back to L2. Use the conveyor belt to head back to the maze room, make your way to the door on right hand side and go through the door. Put on the thermal goggles. Not only do they let you see in the dark, they can also show you infrared beams. So dodge around the beams and head to the right. Go through the door and continue to the right and down the stairs. You are now back on Level 1, but in a new area. Head to the left, dodging around the cameras, there are two one on the top and bottom wall. Use the crates to dodge around and continue to the left. Head down and dodge around the two guards, the head right to the first door you come across. Go through the door and dodge around the guard to the next door at the top. When you enter, you will start talking to Jimmy. He will tell you that he needs blowing out of prison. When you have finished head down and back to the the main corridor. Continue to the right and go through the door. In here you will find some C4. Head back the way you came. You want to return to the large maze. Use the conveyor belt with the blue box on the conveyor belt and after the next machine and change to a red box. This will take you down a level. In this room you want to use the C4 against the left wall and detonate it. You have completed stage 05 Stage 06 - Black Out -------------------- You will now find that the power has been cut and everywhere is black. Fortunately enough you are wearing your thermal goggles. None of the lifts work and all the conveyor belts are stopped. Finally your radar is jammed. On the other hand you can walk on the conveyor belts. Head to the left and Jimmy will tell you where to go. Head to the right until you come to the conveyor belt. Step on this and head down and drop down the hole in the floor. You are now in the room with the sleeping guard and metal floor. Crawl around him and head to the left, collecting the stun grenades on the way. You are now back in the basement, use the instructions from stage 05 to head back to the lift shaft. Unfortunately you can't use the lifts so head to the left and carry on to the door, avoiding the guard. When you get to the door use the L3 keycard and head through, you will need to switch back to the thermal goggles so that you can see what you are doing. Collect the E/M grenades. Head up the ladder. Use the keycard again and head up. If you didn't collect one before there is another assault rifle, otherwise it will just be ammo. Head to the right and through the next door. Dodge around the guard and carry on to the right. You are now in the L1 lift room. Head to the right and carry on to the right, dodging around the guard. Head up and use the keycard to open the next door. You are in the gas filled room, head up the screen avoiding the guard and climb the ladder. You should be able to avoid having to use the gas mask. Start walking on the conveyor belt. Head to the left crawl through the machine and carry on to the left to the next machine, crawl through this and head up as you are halfway through and you will be able to get a suppresser from here. IF you already have one you can get ?????. Go back to the machine and carry on to the left. Head up and then right. At the next machine head up and you will be in the room with all the boxes again. Head to the left, part way across Chris will contact you. When she finishes head to the left and walk on the conveyor belt. Head left and carry on down, through the machine, down and drop through the hole. You are in your first new area. In the bottom right corner are some rations. Head back and take the top right corner. You will go down some stairs. Dodge around the infrared beams to the right hand side of the room. Here there are two doors. The upper one leads to some rations and the bottom one leads to some night vision goggles. Head back through the IR room and back up the stairs. Equip the night vision goggles and you will be able to see normally now. Head to the right and then use the conveyor belt. Head down , to the right and continue to the right through the machine and then up. Drop through the hole head up and go through the door. Prepare for the next boss fight. Marionette Owl - You will need either the IR goggles or Night Vision. The night vision goggles are preferable as you can actually see which are the marionettes and which is Owl. Ignore the marionettes and attack him with the assault rifle. The marionettes will throw knives every now and then and Owl will use a flash grenade, blinding you for a while. I can't offer any real tips for this just keep shooting and he will go down eventually. You have completed Stage 06 Stage 07 - Locate Metal Gear ---------------------------- You now have to try and stop the Metal Gear. Head to the right and you will see a bank of computers next to a series of five doors, similar to the one you previously encountered. Instead of opening all five doors you want to open all but doors 2 & 4 (1 being the top door and 5 being the bottom). Using computers 1 and 3 should do this. Then just walk up and the other doors will open as you touch them. Head to the left and enter the truck. In here there are some rations and the mine detector. You should equip the mine detector as you will need it. Leave the truck and head up the screen. On the next screen there are no guards. Instead there are mines everywhere. Using the mine detector you can try and plot the safest route through the maze. Crawl and you will pick up the mines. Head up the screen and you will eventually reach the top. Enter the next screen and you will encounter the mercenary leader, Viper. Don't worry about having to fight him though. Instead he fires the Metal Gear and launches a barrage of mortar fire at you. You now have to head back down avoiding both the mortar and mines. The easiest way to do this is to keep to the left as there is a minimum of mines here. The real problem is that all the mines have been reset. Make your way to the bottom of the screen. Stage 07 Complete. Stage 08 - The Power Station Part 1 ----------------------------------- Your mission here is to destroy the generator of the power station. But for this you need to locate something a bit more powerful than what you currently have in your arsenal. Also the guards are a little better equipped, it now takes 3 shots You start in a room with a door at the bottom and crates at the top. Unfortunately you don't have a keycard for the door below so you need to squeeze through the crates (and you are going to be doing a lot of squeezing in this level). Then head through the door and you will be in a lift room. Use the lift and head to the basement. Once in the basement go down and through the door. The scene will cut to two guards who talk about the level flooding and there being puddles of water every where. Also a lot of the puddles are electrified due to this being the generator. So this means you may attract the attention of any guards as you walk around or zap yourself. So be careful. After the guards have finished talking you will regain control. Head to the left and then and take the passage between the puddles down. The left-hand puddle is ok but the right hand one is electrified. It won't do any damage but stun you for a couple of seconds. Continue down to the next screen. The next screen requires either speed or stealth depending on how confident you feel. Head to the right hand side of the screen and then go down through the puddle. Head back to the left and down until you come to what looks like an old-fashioned computer terminal. There is a guard here, but if you are trying for speed he should be facing away from you so head down. You should carry on down until you are below a wall marked C-4 (the only wall around here). There is another guard here, but again he should be facing away from you so run around, but watch out there are traps in the floor. The traps have white markings around them, so if you run over them and don't stop on them you shouldn't have any problems. There is an air-duct in the top right hand corner of this area. Crawl into the duct and crawl to the T-junction. You want to carry on to the left and you should come out in an area marked A-4. Head to the left and down. There is a guard patrolling here that will come and investigate if you make to much noise. Time it right and you can dodge around him. There are some Nikita Missiles in the top right corner, but you need to find the Nikita itself first. Head to the bottom right corner and go through the door. There is another guard patrolling in here, but if you head straight to the right and go through the door he won't even see you. In here there is a guard sleeping. You are surrounded by metal flooring so crawl to the right and get the L4 keycard. Once you have this head back to the lift shaft and go up to L2. Here the level looks like this: |-----------| | | | |-----| | | | | | | |-|l|-| | --- | C | --------| |-| | |C| | | | |-| | - | - | |-----| The C indicates where the cameras are located. As you can see you can't just head left and down to the door. So run around the lift shaft so you come down on the right hand side of the cameras and they won't see you. Carry on down and head to the left and through the door. The next room is a real maze. To navigate the passages you have to press against the wall to make your way around. At certain intervals there are small gaps that allow you change direction. Press against the top wall and head left until you reach the gap. Then head down. You will be in a large open area. Hug the crate along the right hand-side and head down until the next gap. Head left and get to another gap. Head down and then through the door. The next room has guards in it, one sleeping and one patrolling. There is a metal floor immediately below you. The easiest thing to do is head down and to the right with no thought of stealth. You will leave this area before they even get a chance to investigate. As you continue to head right you will come across several trap doors some RS ammo and more trap doors. Once past this you will be near some crates and a patrolling guard. Head to the top right corner where there is an airduct. Head into the duct. Follow the duct around and you will come out by a door. Enter the door and get a bulletproof vest and some C4. You are probably best equipping the vest when you aren't using anything else. Head out and back through the duct. When you come out of the duct dodge around the guard and head to the left (this time above the crates) and then up. There is some more wall hugging to do. Press against the left-hand wall and head up until you reach a gap. Hug the top wall and head right to the next gap. Hug the right hand wall and head down to the next gap. Hug the bottom wall and head left for some distance until you reach the next gap. Hug the right hand wall and head up. At the next gap hug up and head right. You are now in an open area. In the upper right corner there are some chaff grenades. Head to the bottom left of this open area, hug the bottom and head to the left to the next gap. Hug the left and head up. You should then go through the door on the right. There is a guard patrolling around a large set of crates. In the top left corner is the Nikita and in the top right are some more missiles for it. Once you have these, head to the right. You should now be standing in front an electrified floor. Use the Nikita to destroy the panel (you should be able to figure out the route yourself). Once the panel is destroyed head to the right and Chris will contact you. The guards will be aware of your presence but never seem to get to the area where you are. Wait for the timer to reach zero. There are some guards now in this area who may not want to leave. Just head back to the left and then immediately re-enter this room. Head back to the lift shaft and head back to L1. Head to the left and down. You can see the next panel you need to destroy just to the right of you. Use the Nikita, there are some Gun Camera's that may destroy the missile, but after a couple of attempts you should be able to destroy the panel. Once the electrified floor is disarmed head down (remember the guards will be alerted to your presence). A chaff grenade will be handy, as there is a camera and a gun camera. Carry on down and then to the right. Don't go up as this will just take you into an area full of gun cameras and there is no reason to go here. Head down instead. There are some more traps on the floor and there is a guard patrolling this area. There are some grenades in the bottom right hand corner. Carry on to the bottom left hand corner. Use the air vent in the next area and when you reach the T junction head down and you will reach a new area. Get the two sets of Nikita missiles and destroy the panel in the top area of the room. It is vital you destroy this as you will only have to come back here later. Head back to the vent and when you reach the T junction in the vent head up instead. You will then come to another junction. Head to the left. You will be in a small maze. Ignore the door at the top as you don't have the right keycard for it yet. Top left corner is some more missiles for the Nikita. Head to the door at the bottom left corner and head down. You will be in a small area, there is some 5-7 ammo to the right and a large hole to the left. Use the Nikita to destroy the panel you can see just below you. You can figure the route for the missile your self. Just bear in mind that there are more gun cameras here ready to destroy the missile if they get within a certain range. Hugging the wall helps to avoid detection. Once the panel is destroyed, wait out the timer that has alerted the guards (they never seem to come down to this room). Then when it is safe you should head up and through the door on the right-hand side. Use another chaff grenade to make life easy for you. Along the left hand side is some C4 and RS ammo. Head to the bottom right corner and go through the door. Head up and use a chaff grenade to dodge the camera. Carry on up and through the door. Head up and collect some grenades. Dodge the guard and head through the door at the top. Welcome to the next boss Fire Bison - Bison carries a flame-thrower and has several attack patterns depending on how close you are to him. At close range he has a sweeping flame attack where he swings the flame in a 90 degree arc. At middle range he has a flame attack in one single direction. At long range he bombards the area with flames, you can see where the flames will land by the shadows. You have several attack options open to you. Use the Nikita. Remember to attack him from behind otherwise he will destroy the missile when he sees it. Use RS or 5-7, you don't have to get to close to him, but you need a clear line of fire. Finally use the grenades. You need to get close to him, but not as accurate a shot. When he eventually goes down you have completed stage 08. Congratulations. Stage 09 - The Power Station Part 2 ----------------------------------- Here your mission is to destroy the turbine, so use the lift and head to the basement. From here you have two choices the long and safe route or the short but dangerous route. The short route - head through the door at the bottom of the screen and equip the gas mask. Head to the left and down. You will notice that there is a guard patrolling around to the right of you. Carry on down, then to the right and back up. You can sneak up behind the guard and knock him out. Carry on right and then down. Head back to the left and out of the door. The long route - head to the top left corner and you will see that there is an airduct. Crawl into the airduct and follow it around. When you come out you will be next to the door. Head to the left and then down. Head right a little and then down, there is [?? will add later??]. Head back up and to the right. Here you will see the turbine and the colonel will get in touch with you and you will tell him that you can't destroy the turbine. Instead you will have to bring the power plant down instead. |-----| | |-|| | | || | -----| | | | | |----------| You need to locate four pillars that look like the diagram to the left. You need to plant the C4 in the cut away corner. Don't worry about using up all your C4. You can only plant it on the pillars, in the cut away section. Head up and collect some C4. Just next to where you picked up the C4 is a pillar with a cut away section. This is the first of the pillars you need to plant C4 on. Plant the C4 and then return to the lift shaft and head back up a level. Once you are back up a level take the door on the right hand door. This leads to the stage where you battled with Bison. Head down through the door at the bottom of the room. Now make your way to the next door at the bottom of the screen, but DO NOT go through it. The next pillar is just right of this. Plant some C4 and then go through the door. Head through the door and then go down, dodge around the cameras and when you get to the bottom of this screen head to the left and enter the next screen. Make your way up, avoiding the gun cameras and go through the door at the top of the screen. Make your way up again and go through the air duct. When you get to the T-Junction go down and when you come out of the duct you will see the next pillar. Plant the C4 and return to the duct. Return to the T-Junction and then go to the right. When you come out of the duct head to the right. When you enter the next screen head up, dodging the guard and avoding the traps. You are now in the first area where you had to destroy one of the panels with the Nikita. Use a e/m grenade and head past all the cameras to where the lift is. Use the lift and return to the basement. You are now in the flooded area of the level again (from the previous stage) make your way down to the next screen and head to the air duct in the bottom right corner of the screen. Remember that there are two guards in this area and that there are some traps just by the air duct. When you come out the other end of the air duct head down and around, remember there is another guard in here. When you get to the door, don't go through it, instead head up and you will find the last pillar that needs destroying. Plant some C4 and the colonel will contact you, telling you to get clear. Unfortunately you go no more than a few steps when the colonel contacts you again, telling you that they have to destroy the C4 with you still in the building. When the C4 is detonated, you will notice small fires all over the place. Also debris is falling everywhere. Get hit or touch either of these and you will take some damage. The aim is to return to where you started stage 08. Fortunately enough you aren't to far away. Return to the lift and head up to L1. When you get out head to the left and then down through the door and past a couple of crates. When you get near the door the stage will finish. Congratulations! You have just completed stage 09. Stage 10 - Destroy Metal Gear Part 1 ------------------------------------ You are now back outside the power plant. Head back to where you met Viper on stage 07. The minefield is still active so be careful. When you reach the screen where Viper was in his gunship you will find some rations in the bottom left corner, then continue to the left. You are now in the area where all the artillery was firing. Just make your way up the screen, as you go collecting the 3 sets of grenades and the rations, you are probably going to need them in a minute. Head up to the next screen. You will see some one who looks like Chris enter a Gunship. Welcome to the next boss fight. Gunship - The gunship will fly of, and then return to attack you. It has several attack patterns. The most common one and the one where you will do the most damage is when it is flying across the top, left or right hand side. When it is flying in this pattern it will attack with the chain gun, the bullets will follow you. This can be difficult to dodge. You should use grenades to attack when it is flying like this. Also it will take of and start launching missiles at you, these are easier to dodge than the bullets, but you can't do any damage to the Gunship when it is flying around like this. If you run out of grenades more will appear in the top left or right corner. When the gunship is destroyed head to the left and you will have completed the stage. Congratulations! Stage 11 - Destroy Metal Gear Part 2 ------------------------------------ Now the fun really begins. You start in a small room with a door at the top and a door to the left. To start with you want to go through the door at the top. Before doing anything else there is some RS ammo to the left of where you are and there is a room just up the screen which contains 4 sets of Nikita Missiles. Once you have loaded up on weaponry head back out of the small room and to the left a little. You will see a camera running up and down the right hand wall and just to the left is a small gap between a crate and the wall. Squeeze through this and head to the left. Once you are out head up the screen and then to the left. |--------------- | | -- --- | G -- || -- | --- || || || | || || || | --- || || || | | || || || | This diagram is a map of the area you should now be in. As you can see there is a series of three crates and just to the left of the last crate is a guard who is always facing up the screen. This makes sneaking around him difficult, but not impossible. Head to the left of the crate that sticks out the most, the middle one. Crawl down between the last two crates and when you reach the bottom you can come out behind the guard. You can then head through the passage without attracting the attention of the guard. Head down the stairs and then you will need to use the Nikita to destroy a panel powering the electric floor. Once you have destroyed the panel head back to where you started. Go through the left-hand door. Immediately head up and knock out the guard, then carry on up and then to the left. You then want to head down between the wall and the first crate you come across then head immediately to the left (keeping as close to the bottom wall as possible). Carry on to the left and then down the stairs. The electrified floor has been deactivated here so you should run to the left, then up and back to the right. Go through the door and then head to the right. There is another door so head down through here and when you reach the hole in the floor face the right and use the Nikita. You want to destroy another panel further up the screen. What you want to watch out for are the gun cameras. When you reach this area you want to get the missile to fly diagonally through this area. If you can position it just right you will be able to destroy the control panel with little or no problem. Once it is destroyed you want to return back to where you started and then return to the area with the moving camera. Squeeze between the crates again and head up. This time you want to head to the right instead of the left. First you need to squeeze between some more crates. Time it correctly otherwise the camera will see you leave this and sound the alarm. Head to the right and you will see some crates and there is a guard patrolling this area. Time it right and head down to the right. Go down the stairs and you will see that the electrified floor has been deactivated in this area. Go through the door and then to the left. Head up and to the left, then carry on up. Head left and then down. Plant some C4 and destroy that part of the wall. Collect the rations and the L5 keycard. Destroy the panel with the Nikita and then return to the area where you used the Nikita for the second time. When you get to the hole continue down and then to the right. Go up the stairs, through the door and use the lift. You will be taken down to B50. Here you will see a guard take an unusual path to a door on the far left side of the room. If you equip the mine detector you can see the reason why. You can try to follow his path but it is far easier to just crawl to the left, staying at the bottom of the screen as there is only one mine there. When you reach the C4 you can stand up and walk to the door. Once there head down and then through the door. Here there is a set of double doors and below the last door is a sleeping guard. Just walk past him and you will be able to leave without waking him up. So head through the door on the right. This is another of those Infrared rooms. If you get detected in this room, no guards come running, the doors are locked and the room fills with gas. So equip you're thermal goggles and if you have any the E/M grenades. Make your way to the left and you will see a moving camera. Again the same applies, if it sees you, you get gassed. So use the E/M grenades and make it to the door on the left-hand side of the screen. Once through the door you are in a room with two guards, both very alert. You need to make it to the door at the top left corner of the screen. The easiest way is to run up to the top, just below where the guard stops. Equip the keycard and then run behind the guard as he heads to the left. Knock him out and carry on to the left. The door should open before the other guard comes to investigate. Head up slightly and you will see that there is a camera moving up and down. Use the crate to dodge around it. Remember this area as you need to head back here later. So head up, remembering to avoid detection by the camera. Go through the door to the right. You will need your night-vision goggles and C4. The room has infrared beams so make your way around and head up. You will see an area where the wall has been blown out. Head through here. Don't worry about the evasion meter. Whilst you are in this central room guards won't come in. But bare in mind that if you enter one of the rooms of off this one you will find guards willing to hunt you down. So be careful. First head through the door and crawl under the table to get some Nikita Missiles. Watch out for the gun camera. Head back out and then go up to the dead end and plant some C4. When you have destroyed the wall head through the door. Head up the screen, avoiding the guard. Head to the right and duck under the desk to get some more C4. Continue to the right and then head down through the door. Plant some C4 on the wall immediately to the right and then some more against the wall you can now reach. Once again go through the door. If you head up to and to the right you can enter a new room and get some C4. This means dodging two guards. If you aren't as bothered head down to where there are some lockers and head to the left. Blow out the wall on the left and collect the E/M grenades. Head down to the dead end (don't leave the screen as there is nothing here to collect and you can't blow out any of the walls). Blow out the wall and then head down. Further down there is a door so go through it. Head up and to the right and you will come across a door. Head through it and use the Nikita to destroy the panel and collect the L6 key card. Head back and carry onto the right and then down. Carry on down and you will be in the room with the infrared goggles. So head back to the room where you first entered that dark room. When you get back there you want to head to the far left where there is a door. Go through the door and use the lift. This will take you down to B98. As you leave the lift you will be on a catwalk suspended above the metal gear. Head down and enter the room on the left. In here is a guard, but also lots of ammo. Head back out and then head to the right. Here there is another room with another guard and more ammo. Head up and use the lift. This takes you down to B99. Knock out the guard and then head into the next room. Here there is a sleeping guard and lots more ammo. Head back out and head to the far left. Enter the room and use the lift. This takes you down to B100. Head to the left and go through the door. Then head up through the next door and collect more ammo. Head back to the lift room and head to the right. When you get near the door the room shakes. When you enter the area where Metal Gear should be you will find that it is gone. Head up the main drive at the top of the screen and carry on up until you see the door on the right hand side. Go through here and then up through the next door. Prepare for your next boss fight. Viper - The room is made up of Vipers main weapon, a laser grid. All the small pillars you see are where the lasers are emitted from. Viper activates the laser grid and it forms random grids, so sometimes you can run halfway across the screen and others you may only be able to move a couple of paces. Also he activates explosives in the floor. You will see them and then have a couple of seconds to get away from it before they blow up. Basically make your way around to Viper, avoiding both the lasers and the explosives and shoot at Viper. He soon goes down. Additional Hint: I haven't yet had a chance to check this but apparently you can actually crawl under the lasers that appear. So you have destroyed the mercenary leader, that's it then? Not quite there is one job left for you to do! Stage 12 - Destroy Metal Gear Part 3 ------------------------------------ At last you have to face the might Metal Gear. Collect all the ammo in this room and then head up. You will be on a main drive. There is plenty of ammo here as well so collect it all, as you are going to need it. When you get to the top, but before you enter equip your bulletproof vest and the C4. Get ready to phase the final boss. Metal Gear Phase 1. You have now met up with the cause of all these problems, the General and the Metal Gear. But before you can do any damage to the body you need to cripple it. So you need to take out the feet. You can use either the C4 or the mines. The mines are a bit dangerous (I did more damage to myself than I did to the metal gear) so instead use the C4. You will start running down the screen. As you run down you will see a shadow, which represents one of Metal Gears feat. It will move around the screen but then fix in one position. This is roughly the area that you want to plant the C4. When the foot lands detonate the C4. It will take six hits to destroy. Get into a pattern and it will go down easily. Metal Gear Phase 2. Now that the metal gear is crippled you have to take out the rest of it. Well it can't move so it must be easy. Well not quite. Before the battle starts you are shown three points of Metal Gear. The first point are twin guns, the second post are gun posts and the last point launches missiles. At the beginning you only need to worry about the guns. These are the only firing points. After a while two drones appear and move all over the screen. Don't worry to much about these as they only take pot shots at you. The key to defeating Metal Gear is taking care of things in order. You need to destroy the gun posts first. The gun posts are the second target you are shown and there is one either side of Metal Gear. You can only damage the gun post when it is active, i.e. firing at you. To do this hit the machine gun with a grenade (first target you are shown) and the gun post will retaliate by raising and taking several shots at you. Use either grenades or nikita missiles on it. Eventually it will go down, so start on the opposite side. When both are destroyed the missile barrage will start. Whenever you hit the machine guns the missiles will launch at you. You should move to an open area where you can dodge the missiles. There are usually around 6-8 missiles per barrage. Just keep focusing on the machine gun (only choose one) after a while, when Metal Gears energy reaches about 1/4, all of the other attacks will stop and Metal Gear will start attacking with a flame thrower from the mouth area. Just dodge the flames, which attack in a three streams, and lob grenades at the mouth area. Eventually Metal Gear will go down. It will be close, especially seeing as it will take nearly all of your grenades and nikita missiles to take it down. Congratulations you have defeated Metal Gear and the game! Well not quite, but stage 12 is now complete. Stage 13 - Black Arts Viper, the Final Showdown. ------------------------------------------------ After the Generals confession you will then be met by Viper, who isn't as dead as you first thought. He actually isn't as difficult to defeat as his earlier incarnation. You have 90 seconds to kill him. The only problem is that every time you hit him he uses a flash grenade and disappears. The trick is this; if you are on the left hand side of the lift when you shoot him he will use the flash grenade and then head to the right hand side of the lift. Use your assault rifle and he should be no problem, especially after beating Metal Gear. Congratulations, you have just beaten Metal Gear Solid. Don't turn off until after the credits have run, you will get a new game mode. Section 5 - Special Stage Information ------------------------------------- Upon completion of the main game you will be given access to Special Stage missions. Basically this is advanced VR training using the maps of the various stages to perform different tasks. Below is a list of what the special stage missions are. Stage 01 -------- Mission 1: Complete stage 1 in 45 seconds Mission 2: Locate 4 hidden fox hound emblems Mission 3: Complete the mission in reverse order Stage 02 -------- Mission 01 - Clear stage without being spotted. Mission 02 - All the guards are on red alert, meet their attacks head on. Mission 03 - Meet Mei Ling at the front of the main gates to Gualades Stage 03 -------- Mission 01 - Complete the stage in less than 2500 metres (1 step = 1 metre) Mission 02 - Locate all the fox-hound patches Mission 03 - Complete level without taking any damage Stage 04 -------- Mission 01 - Complete the stage in under 470 seconds Mission 02 - Complete the stage without being spotted Mission 03 - There is a bomb attached to you. It will detonate if you stand still for more than 1 second. Complete the stage without detonating the bomb. Stage 05 -------- Mission 01 - Complete the stage in less than 2500 metres (1 step = 1 metre) Mission 02 - Complete level without taking any damage Mission 03 - Clear all 14 sorting units Stage 06 -------- Mission 01 - Complete the stage in under 470 seconds Mission 02 - Complete the stage without being spotted Mission 03 - The level is haunted by ghosts. Destroy all the ghosts on the level. The only way to spot the ghosts is by not wearing night vision or infrared goggles. Stage 07 -------- Mission 01 - Complete the stage in under 70 seconds Mission 02 - Complete the stage without taking any damage Mission 03 - Survive 60 seconds against the barrage of field artillery Stage 08 -------- Mission 01 - Clear stage in under 750 seconds Mission 02 - Locate all the fox-hound patches Mission 03 - Defeat Bison using only landmines Stage 09 -------- Mission 01 - Clear the stage without being discovered Mission 02 - Destroy the powerplant using an alternative method. Follow Campbell's instructions. Mission 03 - Destroy the powerplant using an alternative method. Follow Campbell's instructions. Stage 10 -------- Mission 01 - Clear stage in under 180 seconds Mission 02 - There is a bomb attached to you. You can not stand still for more than one second. Mission 03 - Try something different from what Snake experienced (Donkey Kong Level) Stage 11 -------- Mission 01 - Complete stage in less than 2500 metres Mission 02 - Complete stage with out being spotted Mission 03 - Beat Viper using only grenades Stage 12 -------- Mission 01 - Complete stage in less than 250 seconds Mission 02 - Complete stage in less than 600 metres Mission 03 - Destroy Metal Gear using only C4 Stage 13 -------- Mission 01 - Defeat Viper without taking any damage Mission 02 - There is a bomb attached to you. You can not stand still for more than one second. Mission 03 - Defeat Viper using only grenades Section 6 - Contact Information ------------------------------- Any comments, alcohol, money, alcohol then send them to Did you now I like to drink a little. Until next time, hasta la vista!