Bradshaw movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel Version 1.0 Latest Update: December 15, 1999 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Bradshaw Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Bradshaw appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Bradshaw. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Bradshaw Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Former identities, names, nicknames: Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw(WWF, 1996), Blackjack Bradshaw(WWF, 1997-1998), Bradshaw(WWF, 1998- Current) Major Titles Held: WWF Tag Title(2) with Faarooq(2) Former Ring Escorts: Uncle Zebekiah(WWF, 1996), The Jackyl(WWF, 1998) Bradshaw debuted on a March 1996 episode of RAW with a rough Texan redneck gimmick. He came out with a robe garmet, and his manager, Uncle Zebekiah. After all his matches he'd brand his opponents with his initials. He beat Hakushi in his debut match. His first PPV match was at the September 1996 PPV: In Your House: Mind Games where he lost a Carribean Strap Match to Savio Vega. On a December 1996 episode of RAW Justin Bradshaw and Zebkiah faced "The Real Double J" Jesse Jammes in a handicap match. Zebekiah goffed up and Zeb and Bradshaw lost the match. After the match, Bradshaw turned on Zebikiah and beat him up. Bradshaw disappeared off the scene for a few months then on a February 1997 match on WWF Superstars the team of the New Blackjacks debuted, which consisted of Barry Windham and Justin Bradshaw, but changed there names to Blackjack Bradshaw and Blackjack Windham. Bradshaw made his Wrestlemania debut at Wrestlemania 13 in March 1997, in a 4 corner tag team elimination match between the New Blackjacks, Headbangers, Doug Furnas & Phillip Lafon, and the Godwinns. The Blackjacks were eliminated in it and the Headbangers ended up winning the match. The New BJ's were brought in as heels, but turned into faces and teamed with Headbangers to face the New Age Outlaws and the Godwinns at Survivor Series in an elimination match, but they lost and the Outlaws were the survivors of there team. The day after the Royal Rumble in January 1998, Bradshaw faced Jeff Jarrett for the NWA North American Title. A couple of weeks earlier Barry Windham lost in a NWA NA title match to Jarrett, and Windham came out with Windham for support, and Windham then turned on Bradshaw by costing him the much. Bradshaw faced Jarret again for the NWA NA title at the February '98 In Your House PPV, but Windham interfered again and gave Bradshaw a DQ win. The next day on RAW Bradshaw defeated Windham with a rollup. In his second Wrestlemania at WM 14 in March 1998, Bradshaw teamed with Chainz in a 15 team Battle Royal, but Windham came out during the match and eliminated Chainz. Bradshaw had a pretty good summer of '98 in the WWF. He teamed up with Taka Michinoku for several matches against Kaeintai. Plus, he had a big upset by beating Vader in a fall counts anywhere match at the September PPV, In Your House: Breakdown. Things then started to go downhill for Bradshaw, as he started to lose many of his matches, and after an October episode of Heat where he lost to a debuting Steven Regal, The Jackyl then came up to console Bradshaw after the match. The Jackyl did the same to Faarooq after he lost a match to the Godfather a few weeks earlier. Later in November, Faarooq and Bradshaw came out and did random beatings on episodes of RAW, with the Jackyl by there side. Both guys were completely gimmick changed and both started to sport black pants and body tattoos of werid symbols. The team were dubbed the Acolytes. In December, The Jackyl's contract expired and he went to sign with ECW. The Acolytes resurfaced in January 1999 and were members of the Ministry of Darkness, with the Undertaker as there leader. The Acolytes started to dominate the tag team ranks, and won the tag team belts from Kane & X-Pac on an May 1999 episode of RAW, with help from Shane McMahon. They lost the belts a month later to the Hardy Boyz in June, but regained them a month later at the July PPV: Fully Loaded, and lost them in early August to Kane & X-Pac. The Ministry disappeared, and the Acolytes went on there own still dominating the tag team ranks, they won a 7-tag team elimination match at Summerslam, and beat the Dudley Boyz at the September PPV: Unforgiven, and still are on a roll. More tag team gold shots are definately in the future for the Acolytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Bradshaw appeared in WWF Games WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Moves • Standing Elbow Strike - B (Tap) Chop - D-Pad + B (Tap) Front Kick (Short) - B (Tap) Front Kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) Big Boot - B (Hold) Overhand Punch - D-Pad + B (Hold) Standing Clothesline - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Overhand Punch - A Eye Rake - A + Left/Right Club to neck - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Headlock Takedown - B Swinging Neckbreaker - B + Left/Right Suplex - B + Up Piledriver - B + Down (Strong) Russian Leg Sweep - A Fallaway Slam - A + Left/Right Chop Down - A + Up Small Package - A + Down DDT - B Standing Clothesline - B + Left/Right Manhattan Drop - B + Up Snap Powerbomb - B + Down (Special) Strong Lariat/Clothesline from Hell - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back Drop - A Pendulum Back Breaker - B (Strong) Pump Handle Suplex - A Full Nelson Slam - B (Special) Tiger Suplex - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Mounted Position Punching - A (Near Head) Single Leg Crab - A (Near Feet) Elbow Drop - B (Face Down) Rear Naked Choke - A (Near Head) Reverse Achilles Lock - A (Near Feet) Stomp - B (Sitting) Sleeperhold - A Hammer Blow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Hammer Blow - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Front Kick - B Chop - D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - D-Pad + C Down + B Running Knee Lift - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Shoulder Thrusts - A 10 Punch - B (Front, Strong) Multiple Clothesline - A Knee Strikes - B (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent Short Kick - B (Weak) Shoulder Back Toss - A Body Press Drop - D-Pad + A (Strong) Powerslam - A Spinebuster - D-Pad + A (Special) None - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulder Block - C Down + B Diving Shoulder Block - C Down + A + B Clothesline from Hell - C Down + D-Pad + B Running high Front Kick - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Flying Clothesline - A/B Flying Clothesline - A/B (Special) (On Mat) Back Elbow Drop - A/B • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Rising Clothesline - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to