This is a bio movelist for... _________ ______ ________ | | | | | / | |____| |______| / | | | | | / |________ | | | | /_________ _______________________________________________________________________ For Wrestlemania 2000 for Nintendo 64 Version 1.0 by The Game ( Last updated 2/9/00 _______________________________________________________________________ Contnets --------------- I. Bio II. Other US games Chaz has been in. III. Movelist IV. Thanks and praise _______________________________________________________________________ I. Bio Height: 6'0 Weight: 242lbs Finisher: Mosh Pit One of the members of The Headbangers Chaz has worked his way trough tough situations such as his girl friend Mariana. Chaz stood by her side while she was in the World Wrestling Federation but she started to turn on Chaz. Making it look like she was being beat up by Chaz. This all started cause I think Mariana was kissing Meat (Shawn Stasiak) and Terri Runnels got really mad at Meat and slaped him right in the face. Well later that night Chaz talked to Mariana and told her the realationship is over. Mariana didn't want Chaz to leave her so she started to make it like she was being beaten up. One night on Smackdown Trasher, the other member of The Headbangers, told the officers that he had proof that Chaz was not beating up Mariana. He showed a clip from GTV and showed them that Mariana was putting in make up the whole time and Mariana got arrested and thats how the Headbangers got back together. While The Headbangers have been together they haven't had that many good matches, i mean who do you thinks going to win against The Haedbanger and The Mean Street Posse Hmmmmmmmm. But anyway you look at it this team is one of the best in the World Wrestling Federation. _______________________________________________________________________ II. Other US games Chaz has been in WWF Wrestlemania 2000 (Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color) _______________________________________________________________________ III. Movelist Standing --------------------------- Chop- Tap B Flipping Dropkick- Hold B Elbow Strike- D-Pad+B Overhand Punch- D-Pad+B (Hold) Front Kick- B Front Kick (Long)- D-Pad+B Roundhouse Kick- A+B Front Grapple --------------------------- Weak-------- Overhand Punch- A Strong Headbutt- D-Up+A Club To Neck- D-Left Or D-Right+A Snapmare- D-Down+A Arm Wrench With Elbow Smash- B Suplex- D-Up+B Tiger Scissors- D-Left Or D-Right+B Jaw Breaker- D-Down+B Strong------ Headlock With Punch- A Hopping Rolling Clutch Pin- D-Up+A Russian Leg Sweep- D-Left Or D-Right+A Small Package- D-Down+A Atomic Drop- B Huricanranna Pin- D-Up+B Trusting Shoulder Breaker- D-Left Or D-Right+B Powerbomb Pin- D-Down+B Special----- Jump Swinging DDT- Tap Analogue Stick Rear Grapple --------------------------- Weak-------- Back Drop- A Forearm Smash- B Strong------ School Boy- A Heel Kick- B Special----- Reverse DVD- Tap Analogue Stick Irish Whip On opponent --------------------------- High Flipping Dropkick- B Weak-------- Back Body Drop- Tap A Body Press Drop- Hold A Strong------ Headscissor Takedown- Tap A Hurracanrana- Hold A Special----- Jump Swinging DDT- Tap Analogue Stick Running At Opponent --------------------------- Diving Shoulder Block- C-Down+A+B High Flipping Dropkick- D-Pad+C-Down+A+B Running Shoulder Block- C-Down+B Thump- D-Pad+C-Down+B Opponent In Turnbuckle -------------------------- Chop- B Front Kick- D-Pad+B Thump- D-Pad+C-Down+B Running Back Elbow Smash- D-Pad+C-Down+A+B Weak-------- Shoulder Trusts- A 10 Punch- B Strong------ Frankenstiener- A High Kick- B Back Weak--- Forearm Smash- A Or B Back Strong- Super Back Drop- A Or B Opponent On Mat ------------------------- Face Up----- Mount Punches- A (By Head) Knee Smash- A (By Feet) Leg Drop- B Face Down--- Mahistrol Cradel- A (By Head) Knee Stomp- A (By Feet) Stomp- B Sitting----- Sleeper Hold- A Hammer Blow- B Kneeling---- Camel Clutch- A Hammer Blow- B On Turnbuckle ------------------------- Standing---- Flying Clothesline- A Or B Thump (Special)- A Or B On Mat------ Mosh Pit- A Or B Frog Splash (Special)- A Or B Recovering Attack ------------------------- Drokick- Hold R And B Roll- Hold R And L (Note: To do these moves hold the buttons above while rising of the mat.) _______________________________________________________________________ IV. Thanks and Praise THQ/JAKKS/AKI/ASMIK- For making WWF Wrestlemania 2000 the beat Wrestling game ever. World Wrestling Federation (WWF) is the best federation in the world. That's all but still more to come. This text is copyright 2000 and should not be used in any mags, or websites except without permission. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________