This Is A Bio And Movelist For... ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ | | | |____| | | | |___| |\ | | |____| | \ | |____ | | | | \ | |_______ | | | \ __|__ _____| | | | | \/ | | _______________________________________________________________________ For Wrestlemania 2000 For Nintendo 64 Version 1.0 By The Game ( Last Updated 1/ /00 _______________________________________________________________________ Contents -------------- I. Bio On Christan II. Other US Games Christan Has Been In III. Movelist IV. Thanks And Praise _______________________________________________________________________ I. Bio On Christan Height: 5'10 Weight: 215lbs Finisher: The Implaer Coming Trough The Crowed With His Brother Christan He Is Another High Risk Taker In The WWF. Edge And Christan Has Put On Some Very Good Shows But The Only One That Really Stands Out In At No Mercy, Christan And Edge v.s The Hardy Boys Which Everybody Thinks Was The Best Ever Tag Team Match Of The Year But What Can You Expect When Your Going For Terri And Some Money Theses 2 Went At All night As Christan Took Most Of All The Hight Flying Moves But After All Said And Done After All They've Been Trough The Hardy Boys Won. I'm sure Christan Won't Want to Do Any Of Those Matches Again For A While Cause He's Still To This Day Have A Lot Of Bruises On His Body. _______________________________________________________________________ II. Other US Games Christan Has been In WWF Attitude (Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, Dreamcast) WWF Wrestlemania 2000 (Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color) _______________________________________________________________________ III. Movelist Standing --------------- Chop- Tap B Diving Clothesline- Hold B Elbow Strike- D-Pad+B Overhand Punch- D-Pad+B (Hold) Front Kick- B Front Kick (Long)- D-Pad+B Fliping Dropkick- A+B Front Grapple --------------- Weak-------- Elbow Strike- A Elbow To Back Of Head- D-Up+A Arm Drag- D-Left Or D-Right+A Scoop Slam- D-down+A Headlock Takedown- B Suplex- D-Up+B Arm Wrench with Elbow Smash- D-Left Or D-Right+B Piledriver- D-Down+B Strong------ Shoulder Trusts- A Belly To Belly Suplex- D-Up+A Sambo Suplex- D-Left Or D-Right+A Small Package- D-Down+A DDT- B Hurracanrana With Pin- D-Up+B Climb Up Wheel Kick- D-Left Or D-Right+B Northern Light Suplex- D-Down+B Special----- Powerbomb With Pin- Tap Analog Stick Rear Grapple --------------- Weak-------- Bcak Drop- A Pendulum Back breaker- B Strong------ School Boy- A Diving Reverse DDT- B Special----- Implaler- Tap Analog Stick Irish Whip On Opponent ------------------------ Back Elbow- B Weak-------- Hip Toss- Tap A Hurracanrana- Hold A Strong------ Powerslam- Tap A Headscissor Takedown- Hold A Special----- Powerbomb With Pin- Tap Analog Stick Running At Opponenet ------------------------ Running Jumping elbow Smash- C-Down+A+B Jumping Calf Kick- D-Pad+C-Down+A+B Running shoulder Block- C-Down+B Punning Spin Wheel Kick- D-Pad+C-Down+B Opponent In Turnbuckle ------------------------- Chop- B Front Kick- D-Pad+B Jumping Body Splash- D-Pad+C-Down+B Running Clothesline- D-Pad+C-Down+A+B Weak-------- Shoulder Trusts- A High Kick- B Strong------ Tornado DDT- A Frankenstiener- B Back, Weak-- Forearm Smash- A Or B Back, Strong--- Super Back drop- A Or B Opponent On Mat -------------------- Face Up----- Choke Hold- A (By Head) Side Leg Lock- A (By Feet) Jumping Double Knee Drop- B Face Down--- Rear Naked Choke- A (By Head) Half Crab- A (By Feet) Stomp- B Sitting----- Sleeper Hold- A Hammer Blow- B Kneeling---- Camel Clutch- A Knee Drop- B On Turnbuckle ----------------- Standing---- Missle Dropkick- A Or B Flying Body Press- A Or B (Special) On Mat------ Frog Splash- A Or B Elbow Drop- A Or B (Special) Recovering attack ------------------- Wheel Kick- Hold R And B Roll- Hold R And L (Note: To Do These Moves Hold The Buttons Above While Rising Off The Mat) _______________________________________________________________________ IV. Tanks And Praise THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik- For Making WWF Wrestlemania 2000 The Best Wrestling Game Ever. World Wrestling Federation (WWF) Is The Best Federation Ever. That's All From The Game But Still More To Come. Questions?Comments?Complaints? E-mail Me At This Is A Text Copyright 2000 And Should Not be Used in Any Mags, Or Websites Except For Without Permission. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________