Ken Shamrock movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel Version 1.0 Latest Update: January 15, 2000 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Ken Shamrock Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Ken Shamrock appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Ken Shamrock. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Ken Shamrock Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Ken Shamrock Former identities, names, nicknames: Ken Shamrock(UFC, 199?-1997, WWF, 1997-Current) Major Titles Held: UFC Championship(2), WWF Intercontanental, WWF Tag Title with Big Boss Man Former Ring Escorts: None Shamrock hailed from the Octagon from UFC, he won the UFC yearly championship twice(not sure). One of his most interesting feuds in the UFC was with Dan "The Beast" Severn, they fought twice and are tied with 1 win apiece. Shamrock made his first first appearences in the WWF, in March 1997, in a crowd, at a RAW broadcast. In an interview with Ken later on in the show, Steve Austin poked at Shamrock a little. Shamrock, was announced referee for the Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart "I Quit" match at Wrestlemania 13, a couple of weeks later on RAW Shamrock was doing commentary during the Aldo Montoya vs. Billy Gunn match, Billy Gunn won with a submission, and challenged Shamrock to a match afterwords, and Shamrock accepted this impromptu, unofficial WWF match, within 30-40 seconds Gunn was tapping out to Ken's Ankle lock. Shamrock reffed his WM 13 match fairly, declaring Bret the winner after Austin passed out, but Bret continued punishing Austin, and Shamrock responed with a belly-to-back suplex on Bret. Shamrock would then shortly thereafter announced that he was going to wrestle in the WWF, and won his first, official WWF match at May 1997 PPV: In Your House: Canadian Stampede, against Vader. Shamrock then went on a roll, defeating many opponents, and feuding with the Nation of Domination. He defeated "The Rock" Rocky Maivia, for the IC belt twice in 1998, but both times had the decision reversed on him, the first time he won, at the January Royal Rumble, Rocky nailed Jen with Brass Knuckles, and hid the Knuckles in Ken's tights, Ken kicked out of a pin, and won the match with a belly-to-belly suplex, but Rocky told the ref Ken nailed him with knuckles, and the ref found them and reversed the decision. The second time at Wrestlemania 14, Ken won by submission with the Ankle Lock, but wouldn't let go, and therefore the decision was reversed. Ken Shamrock then teamed up temporarily with Faarooq and Steve Blackman for a couple of months, and won a triple tag team match against the Nation, at the April 1998 PPV: In Your House: Unforgiven. Shamrock then feuded with Owen Hart and they fought in 2 unique PPV contests, Owen won the first match by submission in the "Hart's family Dungeon Match" where it was recorded at Owen's home for the July 1998: In Your House: fully Loaded PPV, but Shamrock won the next contest against Owen at Summerslam '98 in the first ever Lion's Den match. Dan Severn was brought into the WWF in March 1998 and Shamrock formed another alliance with Blackman and Severn, but that didn't work out too well, and the team ended up beating each other up, and the long awaited Shamrock-Severn 3 bout took place on an episode of RAW, but a couple of minutes into the contest, the late Owen Hart interfered and the bout was ruled a no contest. Around this time the IC belt was stripped from Hunter Hearst Helmsley because he didn't defend the belt within 30 days due to injury, and a one-night 8 man tournament on RAW took place in October, Shamrock was determined to win the title, and did in the finals against X-Pac, where he had him in the Ankle Lock for over a minute. Shamrock was in the One Night 13 man tournament for the vacant belt at the Survivor Series, he won in the first round against Goldust, but lost in the second round against The Rock. The next day on RAW, Shamrock joined the Corporation with the McMahon faily and other wrestlers, with Corporation help from Shawn Michaels, Shamrock and the Big Boss Man, won the tag staps from the New Age Outlaws on a December episode of RAW. They held onto them for a month and a half until they lost them to Jeff Jarret and the late Owen Hart on a January episode of RAW with help from a black skin colored Blue Blazer(The Rock confirmed it was Koko B. Ware, on a episode of "Off the Record," but WWF officials confirmed it was D-Lo Brown under the mask.) Shamrock feuded with Billy Gunn and defended his belt against him at the 1999's Royal Rumble, and defended it successfully, but at the next PPV in February, he defended it against Val Venis with Billy Gunn as the ref, Val won the belt that night after a fast count from Gunn. Ken got a rematch for the IC belt at the next PPV, WM 15, in a 4 Corner Elimination match between Val Venis, Goldust, and new champ, Road Dogg. Shamrock got eliminated after a double countout after brawling to long outside the ring with Val Venis. Shamrock left the Corporation in April '99 after he didn't like the way Shane McMahon was bossing everyone around and went on his own again. He was in the co-main event at the April 1999 PPV: In Your House: Backlash, where he lost to the Undertaker, Shamrock also joined a new stable called, "The Union," with former Corporation members, Test, Big Show, and Mankind. They won a 4-on-4 elimination match between themselves and Corporate Ministry members, Faarooq, Bradshaw, Viscera, and Big Boss Man at the May Over the Edge PPV, but a couple of weeks after that the Union vanished, and they all went their seperate ways. Shamrock's latest WWF feud was with Chris Jericho, where Jericho got the best of Shamrock on a couple of occasions, the Thursday before their scheduled September PPV match at Unforgiven they faced each other in an First Blood match on Smackdown where Jericho won, but Shamrock got injured in this match and didn't make it to the PPV match. Shamrock has been cleared to wrestle with the WWF and is still with the WWF, but wants to make a temporary return to the UFC in the Octagon, but nothing is confirmed yet and we'll have to see what Ken Shamrock decides in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Ken Shamrock appeared in WWF Games WWF Warzone(N64, PSX, GB) WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast, GB Color) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64, GB Color) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Moves l) Ken Shamrock • Standing Body Punch - B (Tap) Elbow Strike - D-Pad + B (Tap) Front Kick (Short) - B (Tap) Middle Kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) Standing Clothesline - B (Hold) Overhand Punch - D-Pad + B (Hold) Muay Thai Roundhouse - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Knee Lift - A Snapmare - A + Left/Right Fireman Carry - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Alternating Knee Strikes - B Arm Wrench/Hook Kick - B + Left/Right Snap Suplex - B + Up Russian Leg Sweep - B + Down (Strong) DDT - A Northern Lights Suplex - A + Left/Right Snake Eyes - A + Up Small Package - A + Down Guillotine Choke With Scissors - B Belly To Back Suplex - B + Left/Right Hurracanrana Pin - B + Up Rolling Leg Lock - B + Down (Special) Fisherman Suplex - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back Drop - A Pendulum Back Breaker - B (Strong) Jumping HH Pin - A German Suplex Pin - B (Special) Jumping Armbar - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Armbar - A (Near Head) Side Leg Lock - A (Near Feet) Soccer Kick - B (Face Down) Rear Naked Choke - A (Near Head) Ankle Lock Submission Hold - A (Near Feet) Knee Drop - B (Sitting) Sleeper Hold - A Hammer Blow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Knee Drop - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Front Kick - B Middle Kick - D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - D-Pad + C Down + B High Flipping Dropkick - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Shoulder Thrusts - A High Kick - B (Front, Strong) Superplex - A Knee Strikes - B (Special) Belly To Belly Suplex - Analogue Stick (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent High Flipping Dropkick - B (Weak) Powerslam - A (Tap) Scissor Sweep - A (Hold) (Strong) Hurracanrana - A (Tap) Reverse Armbar - A (Hold) (Special) Fisherman Suplex - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulder Block - C Down + B Jumping Back Elbow Attack - C Down + A + B Running Spinning Heel Kick - C Down + D-Pad + B Running Toe Kick - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Double Axe Handle - A/B Missile Dropkick - A/B (Special) (On Mat) Back Elbow Drop - A/B Knee Drop - A/B (Special) • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Jumping Wheel Kick - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to