Mankind bio and move list for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 By StashMan Version 1.0 Last Updated on: December 7, 1999 ================================== ================= Table of Contents ================= 1.Mankind Bio 2.Mankind's Moves 3.Thanks section 4.Copyright Info =========== Mankind Bio =========== Real name: Mick Foley Height: 6'2" Weight: 287 Pounds Other identities: Dude Love, Cactus Jack, Frank Foley (if you have read the book, you would know what I am talking about for that last one.) Titles held: WWF Title(3), Hardcore Title, Tag Team Title(8) =============== Mankind's Moves =============== Striking Moves -------------- Weak ==== B- Hook Punch B+ D-Pad- Elbow Strike B- Front Kick B+ D-Pad- Front Kick with small Charge C-Down,B- Running Shoulder Block C-Down,A+B- Running Back Elbow Smash Strong ====== B- Side Headbutt B+ D-Pad- Overhand Punch A+ B- Diving Clothesline C-Down,D-Pad+B- Body Press C-Down,D-Pad+A+B- Kitchen Sink Grapple Moves ------------- Front Weak ========== A- Overhand Punch A+Left or Right- Snapmare A+Up- Club to Neck A+Down- Scoop Slam B- Headlock Takedown B+Left or Right- Swinging Neckbreaker B+Up- Suplex B+Down- Piledriver Front Strong ============ A- Russian Leg Sweep A+Left or Right- Headlock with Punch A+Up- Snake Eyes A+Down- Small Package B- DDT B+Left or Right- Double Underhook DDT B+Up- Falling Neckbreaker B+Down- Pulling Piledriver !SPECIAL! Tap Stick- Mandible Claw Back Weak ========= A- Back Drop A+D-Pad- Back Drop B- Forearm Smash B+D-Pad- Forearm Smash Back Strong =========== A- Face Crusher A+D-Pad- Face Crusher B- Back Rake B+D-Pad- Back Rake !SPECIAL! Tap Stick- Shin Breaker Top Rope Moves -------------- Opponent Standing- Double Axe Handle Opponent Standing Outside- Double Axe Handle Opponent Down- Back Elbow Drop Opponent Down Outside- Back Elbow Drop Ground Attacks -------------- Opponent Facing Up ================== B- Elbow Drop C-Down+B- Running Elbow Drop A- Mounted Punches (done at upper body) A- Single Leg Crab (done at lower body) Opponent Facing Down ==================== B- Jumping Leg Drop C-Down+B- Running Stomp A- Rear Naked Choke (done at upper body) A- Knee Stomp (done at lower body) Opponent Sitting ================ B- Hammer Blow (done while sitting all the way down) B- Knee Drop (done while on hands and knees) A- Sleeper Hold (done while sitting all the way down) A- Camel Clutch (done while on hands and knees) Turnbuckle Attacks ------------------ B- Punch B+D-Pad- Front Kick C-Down+B- Running Clothesline C-Down,A+B- Running Body Avalanche Turnbuckle Grapple Moves ------------------------ Front Weak ========== A- Shoulder Thrusts B- 10 Punch Front Strong ============ A- Eye Rake on Ropes B- Foot Choke Back Weak ========= A or B- Forearm Smash Back Strong =========== A or B- Super Back Drop ================ 3.Thanks Section ================ THO, AKI. ASMIK ACE: For making the best wrestling game there is. The World Wrestling Federation: For being the best Professional Wrestling Company there is. ================ 4.Copyright Info ================ This FAQ/Movelist Copyright "StashMan" Josh Naughton, 1999 No one shall reproduce this FAQ/Movelist without written consent from me(