Marc Henry movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel Version 1.0 Latest Update: December 31, 1999 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Marc Henry Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Marc Henry appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Marc Henry. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Marc Henry Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Marc Henry Former identities, names, nicknames: Marc Henry(WWF, 1996-Current) "Sexual Chocolate" Marc Henry(WWF, 1998-Current) Major Titles Held: WWF European Title Former Ring Escorts: When he teamed with the Godfather in 1999 he had some ho's escort him to the ring, Ivory(WWF, 1999) Debuted in the WWF in 1996. In his first match he defeated Jerry "The King" Lawler at the September 1996 PPV: In Your House: Mind Games. His next match was suppose to be a 8-man elimination match at the Survivor Series, but he got injured, and was on the disabled list for a year. He came back in December 1997, by winning a squash over the Brooklyn Brawler on RAW. He had his old patriotic gimmick when he returned, but in January 1998 he teamed with Ken Shamrock to take on NoD members Rocky Maivia and Faarooq. Shamrock was about to win when he had the Ankle Lock on Maivia, but Henry attacked Shamrock and joined the Nation along with Faarooq, Rocky, D-Lo, and The Godfather. Later on Faarooq left and Owen Hart joined. Owen later "retired" from wrestling and left the Nation, and D-Lo and Henry kicked out Maivia and Godfather in September 1998. Marc Henry scored one of his biggest wins when he defeated Rock at the October 1998 PPV: In Your House: Judgement Day, after some help from D-Lo Brown. Henry and D-Lo started to go into the tag team scene, they lost in a triple threat tag title match against the Headbangers, and champs, The New Age Outlaws at the Survivor Series the next month. By this time Marc Henry was starting to flirt around with other WWF Women Superstars like Chyna, and he gave himself the nickname, "Sexual Chocolate." D-Lo introduced Henry to there new manager, Ivory in early '99. But she didn't seem to help them win the tag belts. They lost to in a title match against champs, Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett at the February 1999 PPV: In Your House, St. Valentine's Day Massacre and they lost in another tag title match to Champs, X-Pac and Kane at the May 1999 PPV: Over the Edge. D-Lo's career started to rise, he was the European and IC champion, and defended both belts against Jeff Jarrett at Summerslam where Henry turned on D-Lo, and costed him the match and his belts, the next day on RAW, Jarrett kept the IC strap, but gave Henry the European belt for helping him win. At the next PPV, Unforgiven, in September, Henry lost the European belt to D-Lo. A couple of weeks later Henry tried getting back together D-Lo, but D-Lo stayed away. Henry has been recently teaming with the Godfather, where they were part of an 8-team Battle Royal at the December PPV, Armageddon. Maybe Henry will finally win some tag team gold with his new partner, and maybe his singles career will flourish as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Marc Henry appeared in WWF Games WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Moves w) Mark Henry • Standing Slap - B (Tap) Chop - D-Pad + B (Tap) Front Kick (Short) - B (Tap) Front Kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) Three Point Stance Charge - B (Hold) Overhand Punch - D-Pad + B (Hold) Standing Clothesline - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Club To Neck - A Knee Lift - A + Left/Right Double Axe Handle - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Headlock Takedown - B Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash - B + Left/Right Suplex - B + Up Falling Powerslam - B + Down (Strong) Russian Leg Sweep - A Gordbuster - A + Left/Right Body Press Slam - A + Up Small Package - A + Down DDT - B Standing Clothesline - B + Left/Right Stall Suplex - B + Up Front Powerslam - B + Down (Special) Bearhug - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back Drop - A Forearm Smash - B (Strong) Sideslam - A Atomic Drop - B (Special) Full Nelson Slam - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Mounted Punches - A (Near Head) Knee Smash - A (Near Feet) Death From Above - B (Face Down) Rear Naked Choke - A (Near Head) Single Leg Crab - A (Near Feet) Stomp - B (Sitting) Sleeper Hold - A Hammer Blow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Hammer Blow - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Chop - B Front Kick - D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - D-Pad + C Down + B Running Body Avalanche - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Shoulder Thrusts - A 10 Punch - B (Front, Strong) Foot Choke - A Big Thump - B (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent Short Kick - B (Weak) Back Toss - A (Tap) Body Press Slam - A (Hold) (Strong) Powerslam - A (Tap) Tilt-a-whirl Sideslam - A (Hold) (Special) Bearhug - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulder Block - C Down + B Running Back Elbow Smash - C Down + A + B Running Clothesline - C Down + D-Pad + B Diving Shoulder Block - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Double Axe Handle - A/B (Special) (On Mat) Body Splash - A/B (Special) • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Rising Clothesline - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to