King of Fighters 98... April 28, 1999 ver. 1 King --Table of contents-- 1. Intro 2. Gaming Info 3. Extra Info 4. Credits ------------------------------- 1. I created this faq-info on King because I had time to burn and it seemed to me that someone should make one for King. For the newly introduced fans of KOF series King is a girl. Don't think about this faq-info as the key to your success in your "CAREER", as many fanatics puts it, as KOF master. This faq-info will however increase your ability to use King like you never used before, unless you already have done so and it might broaden your view in using other characters as well. You might be a better player and could use King better than I and if you are please enlighten me. Share your wisdom with the world. Any Character at all. Even though it's 99 KOF98 will go strong until the last moment when 99 comes out... with endings... please... with endings that make sense. 2. Let's start with basic moves for the beginners out there if they are still out there. A = Weak Punch B = Weak Kick C = Strong Punch D = Strong Kick Jumping A = A short ranged punch in air weak in damage (rarely used) rating * Jumping B = A short ranged kick in air same as above sucks!!! rating * Jumping C = It's a short ranged air attack but a great combo starter rating *** Jumping D = It's medium ranged air attack, can start combo but need timing rating *** Crouching A = A jab while crouching short range but has speed rating ** Crouching B = A short ranged kick, same as above pretty useful rating ** Crouching C = Medium ranged quite useful rating *** Crouching D = Short ranged, knocks opponent down if it hits because of it's short range (It is the shortest ranged trip) short as Goro's rating ** Close A = A jab same as crouching A but done while standing rating ** Close B = Not as good rating * Close C = Right Hook short ranged don't like too much rating ** *Normal C = Straight punch rating ** Close D = Double kick good combo starter one of her better attacks rating **** *Normal D = A high kick rating *** CDattack = Knocks opponent down. A spin kick rating *** Extra ... fwdn D = It's her slide kick, it has its usefulness. Use it to trick people using its long range rating **** * normal meaning not too close Special Moves qcf = quarter circle forward qcb = quarter circle backward hcf = half circle forward hcb = half circle backward dp = dragon punch motion (fw, dn, dnfw) rdp = reverse dp (bk, dn, bkdn) Venom Strike qcf B/D Fire Ball --- B is slower than D Double Strike qcf 2x B/D Two fire balls Surprise Rose dp A/C At close range, she kicks opponent in air and kicks down on opponent --- A & C differ in their range Mirage Kick hcb A/C She turns and kicks opponent several times Trap Shot dp B/D A flip kick and then she kicks you. 13 hits. difference between B & D ? Tornado Kick hcb B/D Spin kicks several times in air --- B & D differ in amount of kicks in air DMs and SDMs --Use it wisely-- Don't know what either of them are called but here are the motions qcf, hcb B/D She rolls back and leaps towards the opponent. This is a great DM because it psychs out the opponent. Use this super move when you see your opponent jump towards you to start a combo. If you time it right you will dodge the jump attack and hit them with your DM use B. Using D can cause her to jump over the opponent DM stands for desperation move and SDM is for super DM. The difference between B/D is the distance and the height of the leap that she does. You can also use this super to leap over fire balls and beat your opponent. SDM does more hits then DM ... qcb 2x B/D This DM requires you to be close to the opponent. When executed she does something similar to Trap Shot if it does not hurt your opponent (i.e. if it does not touch or your opponent has blocked) thats all she's going to do, but if it hits she will do a rising kick upwards SDM is the same thing but she does more Trap Shot like kicks and more hits on the rising kick. You can use this SDM to your advantage. By charging up (A+B+C) and doing your super. If your opponent gets hit, good for you, they lose more than 50% of their life bar. If they block ... you are screwed but an unsuspecting player may let go of the block after only one Trap Shot like kick and get hit by the rest of the attack. Combos All the below combos can be done after jump C or D D (two hits) dnfw D D (two hits) Venom Strike or Double Strike D (two hits) Tornado Kick with D for max hits D (two hits) Mirage Kick after mirage kick you have a few choices 1. dnfw D 2. Venom or Double Strike 3. Surprise Rose 4. Tornado Kick 5. Trap Shot 6. Block attack or retreat The reasons for these choices are because after Mirage Kick your opponent recovers as soon as you do. Try your luck Very risky! Your choices should vary with what your opponent does. D (one hit) Trap Shot. you can manage trap shot with D (two hits) but not likely and not recommanded D (one hit) Surprise Rose note: MAY not lift your opponent to air if jump C or D is added D (two hits) qcb 2x B/D works better with one hit Juggle Condition: must be done in the corner D (one hit) Surprise Rose with A. (not C) and before they fall, Tornado Kick them back up. The combos above does not have to start with D but using D makes it easier. 97 had better juggles with King. Even a 28 hit 100% juggle combo. Not too hard to pull off but requires skill with the stick... joy stick that is. 3. King has two special starting scenes before the battle. Many people already know this but just in case you don't King vs. Joe King meets up with Joe. Joe turns around. Joe takes out championship belt. Joe wears championship belt. Joe laughs. King covers her face with hand and shakes her head. King vs. Ryo King meets up with Ryo. Ryo looks disturbed. Ryo scratches his head. Dandruff falls down***. King tries to look cute and tries to show sign of affection towards Ryo before beating him up. For Joe, after she beats him up she should be able to pick up his belt and take it as a winning pose** For Ryo, after she beats the living crap out of him (living crap? eee uuu) she should fire her fire balls at him ripping his shirt and saying something in the extent of "Remember 3 years ago? How you did this to me you punk?" of course even if they make this come true it will be said in Japanese ** ** It would be better this way. Instead of just beginning special starts they should have special finishes for each who wins battle. *** If you could actually see his dandruff you need to see a doctor... NOW! 4. Credits First, NEO GEO/SNK for making the game Second, for the 3 places that had had the game... for a while at least. Only one of them still has the game. An old machine with crappy controls Third, for the people who provided the videos with combos. You really can learn alot from them. And the people who support the game it self. If you are a person who can influence the people making this game please tell them to make a good story line with ending this time and special finishes as well as special starting scene. Does anyone issue challanges? I'm a bit rusty due to lack of playing the game but I can still provide a good challange... I hope. If you are interested send me e-mail Challanges in greater Toronto area in Canada the country above U.S. (United States) in North - America, in the northern hemisphere, on earth.... etc.... Any questions and Comments greatly appreciated -----King and other characters mentioned are trademarks SNK.----- *You may use this faq-info any way you want to, BUT give credit to me and ask permission before publishing this. I will most likely say yes but I want to know if you are. This faq-info may never be used as money making project or whatever.* ** if you disagree with anything I mentioned in this faq-info Keep it to your self ** (This Document Copyright 1999 Billy Kim)