Fatal Fury:Wild Ambition FAQ/Movelist for Mr. Karate, v.0.2 by Kevin Eav Disclaimer: This document and contents, including wording, grammar, and punctuation are copyright Kevin Eav. Mr. Karate, Fatal Fury:Wild Ambition, and any other names or unique identifiers used within this document are copyright SNK. This document is free for distribution provided that it is unaltered in any form--in name, author identification, or actual document content. This is primarily to be a movelist for Mr. Karate, the first available hidden character (of two) in the game Fatal Fury:Wild Ambition. I will discuss the properties of his attacks, and perhaps some general strategy; I will not provide any sort of character information initially. It is to be a relatively short document, however, I may expand it in further versions. I will also not be including the common moves--dashing, counterattacking, and the like, because those may be found in Andrew Seyoon Park's excellent general FAQ for this game, found at www.gamefaqs.com. Version History 0.2 6/27/99 -- Added combos, corrected some info, changed some layout. 0.1 6/26/99 -- Put down beginning information, basic information. Legend: ub u uf ub--Up-back u--Up uf--Up-forward b n f b--Back n--Neutral f--Forward db d df db--Down-back d--Down df--Down-forward qcf -- Quarter-Circle Forward (d, df, f) qcb -- Quarter-Circle Back (d, db, b) hcf -- Half-Circle Forward (b, db, d, df, f) hcb -- Half-Circle Back (f, df, d, db, b) dp -- 'Dragon Punch' (f, d, df) rdp -- Reverse 'Dragon Punch' (b, d, db) 'Back' and 'Forward' are relative to the direction your fighter is facing. P refers to the Punch button, K to the Kick button, and S to the Special button. Counterattack: A rising elbow uppercut, similar to Tsugumi's d, df, f+P. Front Throw: Takuma grabs the opponent, flips them over and lands with his shoulder in their sternum, then flips away. Back Throw: Mr. Karate pushes the opponent forward then punches them in the kidney, knocking them down. Command Attacks --------------- Axe Kick f+K Takuma brings his foot up, then slams it downward. The axe kick is a two-hit attack, and the second attack is an overhead. Roundhouse Kick After Axe Kick, C Takuma follows up the axe kick with a hard roundhouse kick. Step-in Shin Smash df+K Takuma takes a quick step then smashes his foot down on the opponent's shin. Oniguruma f+C As in KoF'98, Takuma lunges forward with a hard punch. Unlike KoF, Takuma does not knock down and he performs two hits. Back Spin Kick db+C Takuma suddenly spins, lunging forward with a high back spinning kick. Similar to his close standing D, but not angled as high. Uppercut df+C Takuma strikes with a hard standing uppercut. This attack will launch the opponent. Special Attacks --------------- Ko-oh-ken qcf+P or S Hits: 1/1 Damage: 20 (or 30) Takuma's favorite fireball. The P version travels slowly and reaches half-screen; the S version is faster and travels 2/3rds of the screen. If the opponent is hit by the 'explosion' of the Ko-oh-ken, they get knocked down and take an additional 10 damage points for a total of 30. Dragon Punch(No, not really) dp+P or S Hits: 2/3 Damage: 50/70 This is probably the strangest that SNK could have done--giving Mr. 'Kyokugenryu Needs No Uppercut' an... you guessed it, uppercut. It seems to be a pretty standard uppercut, good for air-defense. Hienshippukyaku qcf+K, repeat Hits: 2 (max) Damage: 39 (one hit)/50 (both hits) SNK retuned the Hienshippukyaku pretty heavily in this game. No longer does it fly straight and fast like the Hienshippukyaku of yore; now it's a rising kick that can be followed up with a second kick after the first. It isn't a combo tool any longer. Zanretsuken f, b, f+P Hits: 21 Damage: 55 Another old standby, SNK decided to take the KoF'98 command for this attack. As before, Takuma launches a series of fast fists; an opponent caught in this will be subjected to a series of punches, then will be uppercutted and then punched away. Mouko Burai Gan qcb+S Hits: 1 Damage: 30 (31 as counter) Takuma pauses, then throws a hard straight punch that will knock the opponent down. If, however, they attack while Takuma is in his reared-back pose, he'll hit them with the punch (which will be surrounded with a blue glow), then turn away, crossing his arms as they're blown backwards by an explosion. Kyokugenryuu Punch Dance rdp+P Hits: 5 Damage: 58 Unlike the usual punch dance attacks, this one starts with an overhead elbow, then goes into a series of attacks ending in an uppercut that knocks down. Good damage, and must be blocked high. Air Ko-oh-Ken in air, qcf+S Hits: 1 Damage: 20 Borrowing from Ryo's old bag, Takuma sends a fireball down at a 45-degree angle. Somewhat slow, and of limited use IMO, but still handy to have. Haohshokoken (Super Power) f, hcf+K+S (air) db+K+S (fake) Hits: 1 Damage: 122 The old standby. It moves fairly quickly and hits hard. And, now, it can be done in midair. Ryuko Ranbu (Overdrive Power) qcf, hcb+S Hits: 22 Damage: 180 Takuma pauses as the Overdrive lightning flash shows, then lunges forward (a considerably smaller distance than ever before) and, if he hits his opponent, goes into a long rush-combo, ending with the usual Haohshokoken. Combos ------ All of these combos can be preceded with a jump-in attack for an extra hit on the meter/extra damage. P ->P ->P ->P ->P (Rush: 5) P ->*K ->S (Rush: 3) ->d+S (Rush: 3) ->df+S (Rush: 3) ->dp+P/S (Rush: 4/5) ->qcf+K x2 (Rush: 4) ->f, b, f+P (Rush: 23) d+P ->*d+K ->qcf+K x2 (Rush: 4) ->dp+P/S (Rush: 4/5) *S ->*S ->S (Rush: 3/4) ->qcf+P/S (Rush: 2/3) ->dp+P/S (Rush:3/4/5) ->qcf+K x2 (Rush: 3/4) ->f, b, f+P (Rush: 22/23) ->qcf, hcb+S (Rush: 23/24) *--These are the 'interruptible' attacks; follow the arrows underneath for the appropriate commands. In the case of the S->S->S chain, the slashes indicate interruption on the first or second hit, and/or strength of the move involved (i.e. dp+P/S, Rush: 3/4/5; 3 hits interrupted at the first S, with dp+P, 4 hits with dp+S, 4 hits, interrupted on the second S with dp+P, 5 hits interrupted at the second S with dp+S.)