>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thursday, December 28, 2000 (GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arlen Kwong's a.k.a. Gundam_X <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zero's |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= F * I * N * A * L _____________ /____________/| | __________|| | || | ||______ ____ __ | |/_____/| __ /___/\ /| __ /_/| | ______|| / /| | \ \ | | /\ \ | || | || /_/ | | |\ \ \| | / \ \ | || | || | | | | | \ \ | | / /\ \ \ | || | || | | | | | \ \| | / /__\ \ \ | ||______ | || | | / | | \ | | / ______ \ \ | |______/| |_|| |_|/ |_| \|/ /_/ \_\/ |________|| F * A * N * T * A * S * Y _____________ /____________/| | __________|| | || ____________ _________ | ||______ ____ /___________/| /________/| | |/_____/| __ /___/\ /| |____ ____|| __ | _______|| | ______|| /\ \ | \ \ | | | || /\ \ | ||______ ___ __ | || / \ \ | |\ \ \| | | || / \ \ | |/_____/| /__/ / /\ | || / /\ \ \ | | \ \ | | | || / /\ \ \ |______ || \ \ \ / / / | || / /__\ \ \ | | \ \| | | || / /__\ \ \ ______| || \ \ \/ / / | || / ______ \ \ | | \ | | | || / ______ \ \ /______| || \ \/ / / |_|| /_/ \_\/ |_| \|/ |_|| /_/ \_\/ |________|| \ / / / / / / / / I - V / / / \_\/ _____________________ ______________ ____ ___ ______________ ___ ____________________ ____________________ /_____________/| __ /__/\ ____________ / /\ ___________________ ___________________ |_____ _____|| __ \ \ \ __________ / / / ___________________ _________________________ | || _________ \ \ \ ________ / / / ____________________ _________________________ | || __________ \ \ \ ______ / / / _____________________ _________________________ | || ___________ \ \ \ ____ / / / ______________________ _________________________ | || ____________ \ \ \ __ / / / _______________________ _________________________ | || _____________ \ \ \ / / / ________________________ _________________________ | || ______________ \ \ \/ / / _________________________ _____________________ ____| ||_____ __________ \ \/ / / __________________________ ____________________ /____| |_____/| __________ \ / / ___________________________ ___________________ |______________|| ___________ \__/_/ ____________________________ IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV VI IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV VI IV IV IV STRATEGY GUIDE ----Final Fantasy 4j Strategy Guide----- ***(Version 2.0)*** ---For the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Gameing Console---- +++++Written by Zero and Arlen Kwong+++++ The original unmodified version is written by Arlen Kwong. email: gundam_x@asia.com. It is now being modified by me zero. Contect me by: E-mail: zero_5@juno.com 2nd E-mail: zero0723@yahoo.com ICQ Number: 31358279 AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: zero0723 Contect Arlen Kwong by: E-mail: gundam_x@asia.com This FAQ is best if viewed in Microsoft WordPad. -OR- This FAQ is can be viewed in NotePad too. Also view this FAQ at lest at a 800 by 600 Pixels. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< > < >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< [Legal Information] |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= Gundam_X's and Zero Ultimate and Only Strategy Guide to Final Fantasy 4 |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= Copyright (c) 1999 Arlen Kwong. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Zero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Fantasy 4j is Copyright (c) 1991 SquareSoft, Inc. This Strategy Guide may not be reproduced, duplicated, or modified without my prior consent. All commercial use for profit is prohibited under copyright law. =P If anyone is found breaking any of the copyright(s), I can and will sue that person(s). By reading this Strategy Guide you have agree to these rights. If you see anyone breaking the rules, please e-mail me at zero_5@juno.com. Anyone who help in making the faq is also under this copyright! Please don't copy their work or sell it without telling them. They work very hard on it and they are doing it for FREE, and wise for it to stay that way. ALSO, DO NOT EVER PACK THIS STRATEGY GUIDE WITH ANYTHING ILLEGAL. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ [Version History] - Made a brand NEW and better looking Word Art. - NEW outline to this FAQ. - Made the layout, so you can use the find parts of the faq a lot faster! - Fix some mistakes. - Change "Zero's Introduction" a little. - Added a note on "Game Genie Codes!". - Walk through is updated! Thanks to Dan Lindeblad. - Added "Magic List" (100% done!) - Added my 2nd E-mail it's zero0723@yahoo.com - Fix A WHOLE MESS of spelling mistakes. Sorry for not doing this a long time ago. - Fix and Update "Zero's Introduction". - Fix some names. - Update the word art. - Update "Zero's Credits". - Added "Why name Final Fantasy 4, to 2?". - New design to "Weapon List". - Fix Recommended Levels. - Fix "Weapon List". - Update the walk through - Fix "Weapon List" - Fix some towns names. - Fix the Recommended Level. - Fix gold to gil. - Fix "General and Basic Tips". - Added boss Hp and Weaknesses. - Added to "Game Genie Codes!". - Update the walk through. - Update "Zero's Introduction". - Update Recommended equipment. - Update Item in the Walkthrough. - Update "Zero Credits". - Update the "Where" part in Weapon list now 100% done! - New design to "Item List". - Re-rearranged "Item List". - Added to "Table of Contents". - Added "Town and Shopping List" (Complete). - Added to "Final Party" - Added to "Zero's Introduction". - Added something to the "Game Genie Codes!". - Added "General and Basic Tips". - Change "11 tips before you start" to "11 things to remember before you start". - Fix "Game Genie Codes!". - Fix "Zero's Introduction". - Fix "Item List". - Fix "The Charters". - Update "Zero's Credits". - New design to FAQ. - Rearranged "Item List". - Rearranged "Weapon List". - Fix "Item List". - Fix "Weapon List". - Fix "Game Genie Code!". - Update "Zero's Credits". - Added things to the [Table of Contents]. - Added my ICQ Number (31358279). - Added my AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name (zero0723). - What's for the Future: New design to "Item List". - Final Party (50% done). - Weapon list done. - Added "Where" to Weapon List (1% done, need help!). - Added Best equipment for final party. - Added "The Charters". - Update Zero's Credits. - Fix the Sub-Quest. - Fix Genie Codes. - Fix and change Item list. - Update Zero's Credits. - "Abilities" complete. - Change 10 tips before you start to 11. - Added "Duplicate Weapons or Shields!" - Added "Weapon List" 40% done (finally). - Added "Final Party". (25% done). - Added Item in the Walkthrough(1% done). - Added Recommended equipment(1% done) - What's for the Future: Add Sub-Quest in walkthrough. - What's for the Future: Best equipment for final party. (Now done.) - A lot of things been change by Zero and is being complete by Zero. - Change the recommended Level. - Change some Abilities around. - Change the walkthrough. - Added who should be in the back row or front row. - Complete "Item list". - Added 10 tips before you start. - Added "Game Genie Codes!" - Added "Zero's Credits". - Complete: 60% - - What's New: Correction on Sub-Quest section (how to get Leviathan spell), - Updated Credits section. - What's for the Future: Finished Walkthrough! - Complete: 60% - - What's New: Magic List. - What's for the Future: Finished Walkthrough. < Version .2> - Complete: 40% - What's New: Basic Walkthrough, same as before, improved item list, Complete Sub-Quest List, Complete Ability List - What's for the Future: Magic List, make this guide 100% better, more info! This game is very huge, more enjoyable than other FF games.... < Version .1 > - Complete: 35% - What's New: Basic WalkThrough up to Mt. Ordeals, 90% done Item List, Complete Sub-Quest List, 90% done Ability list. - What's for the Future: A complete Walkthrough, finished item list (Now done.), and weapons (Now done too.) and armors lists. ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> [Table of Contents] - Arlen Kwong's Introduction - Zero's Introduction - 11 things to remember before you start - General and Basic Tips - The Characters - Why name Final Fantasy 4, to 2 I. Basic Walkthrough (Complete up to Mt. Ordeals) II. Final Party (50% done) III. Town and Shopping List - Baron Castle - Town of Baron - Village of Mist (before it got burned) - Village of Mist (after it got burned) - Oasis Village of Kaipo - Damcyan Castle - Fabul - Mysidia - Toroia Castle - Town of Toroia - Village of Agalt - Mithril Town - Castle of Dwarves - Cave of Eblana Basement Floor 2 - Village of Tomera - Phantom World - The Smit Kukuro's Home - Humingways' Home on the Moon IV. Item List -Potions -Ethers -Ailment Cureing Items -Portable Inns -Fire Attacking Items -Blizd Attacking Items -Thunder Attacking Items -Special Items -Magical Items -Summoning Items -Controlling Time Items -One Of A Kind Items -Summon Spells for Rydia -Books -Status Raising Items V. Sub-Quests VI. Abilities VII. Weapon List -Sword -Dark Sword -Ninja Blade -Dagger -Holy Sword -Spear -Arrows -Bows -Whip -Axe -Boomerang -Dart Weapon -Staff -Rod -Instrument -Claw -Mallet VIII. Armor List (not yet implemented) IX. Magic List -SPELLS ( FOR ENDING CHARACTERS ) -SPELL DESCRIPTIONS X. Game Genie Codes! XI. Duplicate Weapon or Shield! XII. Arlen Kwong's Credits XIII. Zero's Credits |<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|> |<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|> [ Arlen Kwong's Introduction ] Welcome to BlueSeed9's Ultimate Strategy Guide to Final Fantasy IV. It's a shame this side of the Pacific never saw what the Japanese public got to see. I'll be a bit brief, but straight-forward, on some of the differences. In Japan, there were two versions of FFVI released-FFVI/Hard-Type, and FFIV/Easy-Type. Hard-Type was for advanced RPG gamers, while Easy-Type was for those that just started out and for your eight-year old brother. Many items were removed, and boss difficulty was toned- down. However, the U.S. Version of FFIV is still based on FFIV/Easy-Type, but they still modified the game for U.S. audiences. They made major changes to the script and took out many things out of FFIV/Easy-Type/Japan. This strategy guide is still very incomplete (very, very, very, VERY incomplete and it is going to be complete by zero). I need people to help me with it. Please, if you can, e-mail me. I plan to make TONS of updates, and there probably never will be a "final" version until I've played the game to death. All references in my guide are the original FF4 names, not the U.S. version names. Hey, FF4/HT gamers out there! I am in real need of people to help finish my Strategy Guide. Please e-mail me if you would like to help me-I can't do this quickly all alone! I'd really like to thank Byblos, since he helped me *immensely* with this Faq. Its really great someone can help me with it, especially since I don't have much time anymore. Anyway, enjoy this update, and with Byblos helping me, more updates to come! Thanks to Brian Lehnert, who corrected me on my Faq. |<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|< |<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|< [ Zero's Introduction ] Hi, and welcome to my faq, you might not now this, but I am the first one, that is writing a faq for Final Fantasy 4 Hard-type. The resin why I am writing a faq for such a old games is because it is NOW in English thanks to J2e Translations. Sorry to say but Arlen Kwong (the real owner of this faq) couldn't or don't have time to update the faq, so I (zero) e-mail him and ask if I can finish, rewrite, add, and change some things to this faq. He said sure, (So I didn't rip anyone off!) so you might see some things change and you might see things by Arlen Kwong or me, zero or even both. There probably will be a "final" version after I've played the game to death or all of you Final Fantasy fans help me out! If anyone would like to change anything, add anything, or put anything I will do it right away. This FAQ is also base on FF4 hard-type and it is now being complete by me, zero. This FAQ is now base on the J2e Translations of FF4 hard-type. J2e Translations is at http://members.aol.com/j2etrans/index.html If J2e don't want their web site in my faq just e-mail me and I will take it off. <><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> [ 11 things to remember before you start ] 1. Remember to stock up on items, before going to an unexplored place. 2. Remember that water type enemy (fish) are week to thunder. 3. Remember that fire type enemy (not too many around) are week to ice and water. 4. Remember that dead type enemy (zombie) are week to fire and holy. 5. Remember that dead type enemy (zombie) are strong to dark. 6. Remember that flying type enemy (birds) are week to arrows and Chain's jump. 7. Try to buy and find the best weapon or armor for all of your party. 8. Try to unequip any ally's weapon and armor, that is going to leave, don't worry I will tell you in the walkthrough. 9. Try not to level up too much, unless he or she is in your final party, don't worry I will tell you in the walkthrough. 10. Don't give your party strange weapon, like this, if you had to buy Rydia (she can equip a lot of things) new equipment, and you can buy her a rod or bow and arrows (the bow and arrows are stronger). What do you buy? Of course you get the rod. Why? you may say, because Rydia is more train with the rod, and if you get her bow and arrows, she will almost always miss the enemy. 11. Always kill the front lines of enemy, because enemy in the back line will take only half damage from your attacks. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [ General and Basic Tips ] "General and Basic Tips" was done by Dingo Jellybean. E-mail bellybutton21@hotmail.com I (zero) change safe to save :-D and edit it a little. You should try to save often. You will never know what lies around the corner. Always try to keep a constant supply of items. Stuff like Cure Potions or Tents and Cabins, because most likely your magic will run dry. You might not always have the best equipment on and sometimes the prices can get fairly steep. You should always stay near a save point or a town and wander around and fight enemies for gil, that way you will not be too far off from your resting point incase enemies give you some trouble. Having trouble against a boss? Having the newest equipment is not always the best choice. If you are fighting against Rubicant and you so happen to have the Fire Brand sword then what good will it do you if you just keep healing him? Also some bosses might not have weaknesses and you will have to start gaining some levels before you fight the boss. Also are your rows properly straightened out? Always place fighters up front and magic users or people with low defense in the back, that way you can have more of a balanced approach when fighting against bosses or enemies. If you can heal outside of battle, you should use your magic instead of your items. Items don't come back after use and you will need gil to buy more items. However magic can be replenished at save points, inns, or using your Ethers. Try not to run from battle too often, incases you'll end up losing a lot of gold. Also enemies that are stronger than you, you'll lose more gold from them if you run away. You might not always lose gold, but do it too often you probably won't have enough to buy yourself the latest armor or even give yourself a good night's rest. Bows and Arrows are weapons that don't lose strength when your in the back row but they have a very low hit percentage. Only Rosa can use aim and successfully attack the target at a higher percentage ratio. Also if the person is left handed then put the bow on the right hand and arrows on the left hand, this way your attack power can be higher than if the bow was on the left hand. Believe it or not but Bows and Arrows can be the most expensive weapons in the game. Simply because you have to buy arrows over and over again because as you can expect arrows don't have unlimited uses, so always try to keep an extra Rod or Staff in your inventory incase you run out of arrows. When ever you see treasure chests, try to save before you look in them or keep your party's HP up. Sometimes there are monsters inside those treasure chests that will take quite a bit of work to defeat. Keep consideration of your magic points. Using your most powerful magic to defeat opponents is not always the best way to end the battle often you won't have enough to replenish your party's HP. Constantly keep your party's HP up. Unless you are a 100% sure you will be able to mop the floor with your enemies then you should always keep a close eye on your HP. Whenever you bring your party member back from a swoon status always have the next available person heal that party member because your party member's HP will not regenerate themselves and the party member only starts out with 15% of their max HP, so unless you have LIFE2 then I suggest you should always have the next available person heal the party member just back from the swoon status so you wouldn't have to risk that party member suffering a blow that would put that person back on swoon status. You can switch weapons during battle. Just go to your Item command and scroll up and you will see the weapon or shield in your left and right hands. Hit A on the weapon you want to replace and go over the weapon in your inventory and press A. Be sure to make your decision quick otherwise an opponent can seriously damage your party members while you were looking for the best weapon, so make sure you have the most suited weapon before you enter battle. When your selecting your magic, the Active Time Battle stops so take your time to decide which magic is best. Also continuously attack your opponent because unlike previous Final Fantasy games you will be attacked even if you are not ready, so make sure you attack quickly. Incase you still need some time to think you can always hit the Start button during battle to pause the game. Keep magic users in the back and fighters in the front, that way your healers won't die so quickly. You can also do this during battle by hitting the control pad left on the command box, but its only for the battle. To make this permanent(or until you decide to change it again) go to your menu screen and hit change. Also you can switch the position of your characters by using the Form command on the Menu Screen. When you get turned into a Toad, Pig, or Mini your states drop and you cannot use magic. To reverse this status effect you can either sleep at an inn, use a Tent or Cabin, use your Heal spell, or you can cast that same status effect spell back on the character that was transformed. For example if a party member was turned into a Mini status you can cast Mini again to change that person back. Always check pots or other things that can carry items besides treasure chests, although most of the things you find are just Potions, you should pick them up anyway because hey, they're free! If this is your first time playing an RPG game or Final Fantasy game for that matter then I suggest you go to the Training Room in the Town of Baron to gather up information about the basics of the game. Learning the basics of the game will help you learn some of the more advance and complex features of the games and also most other RPGs. (This is only for Final Fantasy 4j easy-type and Final Fantasy 2e) Try to keep all weapons you find that normally are not sold at weapons shops, also armors, they can help you out in future battles or when your Bow and Arrow users run out of Arrows and they need a new weapon to use in the middle of battles. Riding Chocobos is a fun way to move across town to town, but if your riding Chocobos enemies can't attack you, so your better off that way right? Wrong. Riding Chocobos mean that you do not gain any expierience points or money from the enemies you would have fought. So when your losing battles or when you do not have enough money for equipment then you will realize that riding chocobos is not a good idea, but however if you are low on life and your magic is out and your cure supplies are gone not to mention Tents and Cabins then it would be a good idea to make it to the next town without fighting any random encounters. If you haven't noticed it, your levels are divided among your party members. Sometimes it might take a long while to gain levels, but there is an easy way to gain expierience quickly. Say you have five party members in your group and Cecil needs to reach level 99. First off you kill the other four party members besides Cecil. Hopefully Cecil is strong enough to fight on his own, then have Cecil fight any random encounters, its best if he fights opponents like the EVIL MASK or BLUE DRAGON. Here just have Cecil win, at first it might seem like a struggle, but Cecil will gain levels 5 times faster than before because his party members' expierience points are given to Cecil because his other party members did not participate in battle. Finally, last but not least talk to everybody in town, you never know what you might expect. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ The Characters ] "The Characters" was done by Dingo Jellybean E-mail bellybutton21@hotmail.com I (zero) just modified it for Final Fantasy 4 Hard-type. |<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|< Cecil |<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<|<| The Dark Knight of Baron and commander of the powerful air force the Red Wings. Baron, the most powerful nation in the world has suddenly gone evil. Cecil committing these acts of unjust crimes he wears the evil and fearsome Dark armor. He attacks the town of Mysidia forcing the people to give up the Crystal of Water, and they willingly agree but not before Cecil's men kills a few mages. Although he wields the Dark Sword and wears the Dark Armor he is in constant remorse with his past sins. Taken away from his rank as Commander of the Red Wings he sets his journey forth towards the unknown lands full of deadly monsters and mystical magic of both good and evil. _____________________ | Command Box: | |---------------------| | Fight | |---------------------| | DWave (DKinght Only)| |---------------------| | White (Paladin Only)| |---------------------| | Cover (Paladin Only)| |---------------------| | Item | |_____________________| NOTE: The DWave is somewhat of a unique attack. Although the hits are considerably weak they do however hit all on opponents. But there is a downside to this, and that's the fact that each time he uses it his HP drops down by about 8-9%. His Cover command is used to cover allies, although he still covers his allies automatically this just allows Cecil to cover the ally even though his ally's HP is nowhere near the danger zone. When Cecil's allies HP are low Cecil will automatically cover his ally from constant attack, so it is important that you equip Cecil with the best piece of armor with the highest Physical Attack defense. However you cannot prevent Cecil from Covering his allies and if his allies are in the back row Cecil will take damage like he was in the back row. Also when Cecil's HP are low he cannot cover because he is too weak to take the hits, but don't rely on Cecil to constantly protect your ally because sometimes an opponent might deal a serious blow that can immediately wound Cecil out of battle so make sure you always keep all your characters' HP out of the Danger Zone. Also Cecil cannot Cover the ally if the ally is attacked by Magic. After Cecil becomes a Paladin he loses the ability to use his DWave. When Cecil does become a Paladin his status are extremely high from those of a DKnight, for example a Level 1 Paladin status' are about 50% higher than those of a level 20 Dark Knight, just to let you know. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Rosa <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The White Mage of Baron and girlfriend of Cecil. She constantly is at the side of Cecil at tough times and often tries to help cheer up her friends as well. As being Cecil's girlfriend she is captured by Golbeze and hopes that Cecil will come for her. She is also an expert at using Bow and Arrows along with using White Magic to heal her allies incase of critical or servere injury. _____________ | Command Box:| |-------------| | Fight | |-------------| | Aim | |-------------| | White | |-------------| | Item | |_____________| NOTE: Whenever you are equipped with a Bow and Arrow make sure you put the Bow on the opposite hand, for example if Rosa is Right handed (she really is :-D) put the Bow on her Left Hand and the arrows on her left hand so that your attack power can significantly increase. This goes the same for all characters liable to use a Bow and Arrow(Cecil, Rosa, Palom, Porom, and Rydia). Whenever you are equipped with both a Bow and Arrow you should always use the aim command (Rosa only). This allows Rosa to have a higher accuracy rate as well as a stronger punch towards her opponent. As you might have guessed it, buying Arrows can get pretty steap because eventually you will have to refill her Arrows as she/he run out. When all of Rosa's Arrow supply is depleted she will have to use her fists to attack or use a staff. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< Cain >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< The Commander of the Dragoon Knights of Baron is a loyal friend of Cecil. While he trains daily to perfect his skills as a Dragoon he still seeks to be one day a true Dragoon Knight. With his kind heart he aids Cecil in his journey to the Town of Mist while losing his Command of the Dragoon Knights. He is constantly under the power of Golbez as he cannot break free of Golbez's constant curse and sometimes has a unknown love for Rosa. _____________ | Command Box:| |-------------| | Fight | |-------------| | Jump | |-------------| | Item | |_____________| NOTE: Cain's Jump attack is probably the single most strongest physical attack in the game. Although he cannot equip Holy Swords he can do serious damage with a Spear. If he is equipped with a Spear he does double the damage of his Fight command. When Cain jumps it takes awhile for him to attack his target and will consume about 1.5 turns as it would normally take to attack regularly. So if your party's HP is low and your fighting against a powerful boss and you need to kill him quick before he kills your party then Jumping is not always the best option. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Rydia +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- When she was just a young child Cain and Cecil accidentally brings forth a Bomb Ring that destroys her hometown. She also loses her mother because Cain and Cecil kills the Mist. Meaning that if the Monster summoned is slayed that means that the Summoner also loses his or her life. She hates Cecil and Cain for what they have done and summons a monster that creates a massive earthquake that swallows up Cain. She is also injured by the occurrence and Cecil brings her to Kaipo to help her heal her wounds. He feels that is the least he can do for all the pain and suffering he has caused her. During his overnight rest Guards from Baron were sent to kill all Summoners by order of the King of Baron(Odin). Cecil reluctantly refuses and attacks and slays the Guards and Rydia realizes that he did not mean to kill his mother or burn her town but she still doesn't forgive him. Later she will become more powerful in her Magic but her HP and Defense remains extremely low throughout the game. ________________________________________________ | Command Box: | |------------------------------------------------| | Fight | |------------------------------------------------| | White (Before visit to Land of Summon Monsters)| |------------------------------------------------| | Black | |------------------------------------------------| | Summon | |------------------------------------------------| | Item | |________________________________________________| NOTE: Rydia will lose her ability to use White Magic after you meet her again in the Underground World. First appeared in the release of Final Fantasy 3 for the Famicom Summon magic is very powerful at times and also there is no defense against it meaning that no Wall will be able to bounce back the attack. Rydia can learn the strongest attack in the game which is METEO when she is at level 60. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Palom :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Being an apprentice he only knows a few spells of Black Magic. He has a boastful mouth and is extremely rude. Instructions from the Elder in Mysidia his job is to spy on Cecil to see if he can live up to his words and if he was to become evil then it was to be his job to destroy Cecil. Although the magic he has are quite elementary they should help Cecil early on. ___________________________________________________________________________ | Command Box: | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fight | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Black | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Twin(Needs his sister Porom to be alive and will take up both their turns)| |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Boast | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Item | |___________________________________________________________________________| NOTE: The Twin attack can only be done by both Palom and Porom. If one of them is critically wounded(dead) then the Magic attack will not work. The Magic attack is unpredictable but there are only two spells they can cast. Comet: 20 MP Each Hundreds of Stars come pouring in on opponents doing critical damage. This attack hits all opponents and it cannot be reflected. Each single hit is stronger than that of Flare and also there is a 1-in-4 chance of this being cast. Flare: 10 MP Each A burst of Nuclear Energy is exploded towards an opponent doing excellent damage. This attack can be reflected however and the single hit is less than a single hit of Comet. The Boast command is used to raise his Magic Power, but this only works during battle. However it raises his Magic power by very little and will need to be used several times before you see any significant results. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-:-:-:-: Porom :-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-:-:-:-: Also being an apprentice she only knows a few spells of White Magic. Just like Palom she was intructed by the Elder to spy on Cecil and if Cecil was to become evil she was ordered to destroy Cecil because of his past sins. She is very polite and often has to remind her brother to behave and although she only knows elemental White Magic she can aid her party by using healing and curing spells that should help Cecil early on. ____________________________________________________________________________ | Command Box: | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fight | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | White | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Twin(Needs her brother Palom to be alive and will take up both their turns)| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tears | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Item | |____________________________________________________________________________| NOTE: The Twin attack can only be done by both Palom and Porom. If one of them is critically wounded(dead) then the Magic attack will not work. The Magic attack is unpredictable but there are only two spells they can cast. Comet: 20 MP Each Hundreds of Stars come pouring in on opponents doing critical damage. This attack hits all opponents and it cannot be reflected. Each single hit is stronger than that of Flare and also there is a 1-in-4 chance of this being cast. Flare: 10 MP Each A burst of Nuclear Energy is exploded towards an opponent doing excellent damage. This attack can be reflected however and the single hit is less than a single hit of Comet. The Tears command is use to run easier. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):): Tellah :):):):):):):):):):):):):):): The legendary Sage of Mysidia swears revenge on the death of his beloved Daughter Anna. At first he blames and attacks Edward and runs off on his own after Anna's last words. Later after his visit on Mt.Ordeals he realizes who the real threat is and who killed his daughter, Golbeze. While at first he only knows basic Black and White magic, but after his encounter with Mt. Ordeals he remembers all the lost magic, but his MP still remains low limiting his uses of high power magic. He also remembers Meteo, and when Meteo is unsealed that means the age of Apocaplypse is near. Also he cannot use Meteo because his MP is too low to cast it. __________________________________ | Command Box: | |----------------------------------| | Fight | |----------------------------------| | White | |----------------------------------| | Black | |----------------------------------| | Remember (Lost after Mt. Ordeals)| |----------------------------------| | Item | |__________________________________| NOTE: After Tellah's encounter with Mt. Ordeals his White and Black magic level will be significantly higher so now he can cast hard hitting spells like Virus or Fire3. :|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|: Gilbert :|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|: The Bard of Damcyan is a complete coward. He cares deeply for Anna as he runs off with Anna towards the castle of Damcyan but however their luck runs out as the Red Wings of Baron attack and demolish the castle of Damcyan and Anna as well is fatally injured. After Anna's death Gilbert joins and helps Cecil find the sunlight to help cure Rosa's high fever. ______________________ | Command Box: | |----------------------| | Fight | |----------------------| | Sing | |----------------------| | Hide | |----------------------| | Show(after Hide only)| |----------------------| | Heal | |----------------------| | Item | |______________________| NOTE: When you use the Sing command the special added effect of the Harp Gilbert is equipped with will try and negatively effect his opponent. Like using negative status effects like Confuse or Sleep. When Gilbert's HP is low he will automatically Hide because like the coward that he is when he is near fatal he will run and hide. But you can still command him but the only command he can use is Show, he will appear in battle however but then quickly run away. Also he will still recive expierience points even though he did not participate in battle, pretty cheap huh! Gilbert's Heal command is not really all that great. At first I thought he can just do it anytime he wants but it will cost you one of your Keal Potions, but he is the only one who can spread potions. The command SING can only be used by Gilbert, Gilbert will sing out a random tune that will have a status effect on the opponent, either being CHARM, SLEEP, MUTE, or CURSE. However it will take a few tries for Gilbert to be successful, and this also is not an attack and will not damage opponents. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cid <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The chief engineer of Baron is the master technician behind the designs and constructions of the Red Wings' air force. However Cid is always optimistic and did not know that his ships were being used for war. He decides he help out the party after he had found out about his ships being used as weapons he had especially designed a high class airship hidden from the King of Baron. Later after sacrificing himself in the underworld he is treated by the Dwarves and helps out the party with enhancements towards the Falchon. ______________ | Command Box: | |--------------| | Fight | |--------------| | Peep | |--------------| | Item | |______________| NOTE: Cid's Peep command allows him to see the enemies' HP or MP and also displays the enemies' weakness if there is one. Also he cannot see bosses' HP and this will not cost Cid any Magic points. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Yang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The expert Monk martial artist is the prince of Fabul with powerful attacks that can easily sway battles in the party's direction. The party first encounters Yang during their trip to Mt. Hobs as Yang was suddenly attacked by Golbeze's minions. Yang easily took care of the minions but the Commander that was leading the minions did not look like he would be taken down easily, but that's when the party decided to help. With Yang's numerous abilities and his lethal attacks its always a good option to keep him in the front rows. _____________ | Command Box:| |-------------| | Fight | |-------------| | Build | |-------------| | Kick | |-------------| | Endur | |-------------| | Item | |_____________| NOTE: Don't bother using the Build Command with Yang. It takes up three turns for him to do an attack that does equal damage as if he wasn't using the Build command. However it does raise your chance of doubling your attack power, but only if you lucky and its pretty rare if that ever happens. Also don't bother using the Endur command either. Although it says his defense is raised it is only raised by one point each time and it takes two turns for him to use it and will leave him open to attack. Also his Kick command will hit all enemies but his overall attack power will be averaged depending on how many enemies there are, so each hit will not result in his normal attack power, so unless there are three or more opponents just use Yang's fight command instead. |<|>|<|>|<|>|<|<|>|<|>|<|>|<| FuuSuuYa |<|>|<|>|<|>|<|<|>|<|>|<|>|<| The Lunarian of the moon possesses powerful magic that can send chills down anyone's spine. He will agree to help Cecil when they meet him on the moon and he will break Golbeze out of the mysterious mind control. He is kind hearted and is a dependable character that you can rely on. _____________ | Command Box:| |-------------| | Fight | |-------------| | White | |-------------| | Black | |-------------| | Item | |_____________| NOTE: FuuSuuYa knows every WHITE and BLACK magic in the book when you acquire him. >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< Edge >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< The prince of Eblan, with an annoying ego he agrees to help the party after the party meets him in the underworld after his defeat at the hands of Rubicant, the fiend of fire. Also his defense rating is not as high as you would like it as a fighter, but he has the ability to equip two swords and can use your weapons as throwing objects. _____________ | Command Box:| |-------------| | Fight | |-------------| | Ninjitsu | |-------------| | Sneak | |-------------| | Throw | |-------------| | Item | |_____________| NOTE: His Ninjitsu command allows him to use 6 types of Magic. He has three elemental spells of Water, Fire, and Lightning, but basically its Water2.5, Fire2.5, and Lit2.5 because the damage done is between a level 2 magic attack and a level 3 magic attack. Also his Smoke command is used to run from battles except of course boss battles. At first it might not seem useful because you can easily run away from enemies, but enemies like EVIL MASK, Behemoth, or Red Dragons you cannot run away from except with the use of Smoke. His Image magic is more of an effect magic. However it will not protect him against magic attacks as you can expect. His Sneak command allows him to steal items from opponents, but he will rarely be successful at stealing and sometimes if he misses he will lose very little HP like about 1-5 HP which should not bother you. His Throw command allows him to throw your weapons at him except for Rods,
Staffs, Bows, Arrows, and Whips. So it might be a good idea not to sell some of 
your more powerful weapons and they should be saved when your fight against hard 
bosses, and also most of the weapons he throw causes critical hits!

|=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|=
|=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|=

[ Why name Final Fantasy 4, to 2 ]

	As most people know, Final Fantasy 4 was called Final Fantasy 2 in
U.S. Also Final Fantasy 6 was called Final Fantasy 3 in the U.S. Why? 
some ask... well, after playing all the Final Fantasy games out there I
think I have the answer to that question. But first here is a little 
chart to show what Japan Final Fantasy fan have and what the U.S Final 
Fantasy fan have.

     NES       |     SNES      |     PSX       |
Final Fantasy  |Final Fantasy 4|Final Fantasy 7|
Final Fantasy 2|Final Fantasy 5|Final Fantasy 8|
Final Fantasy 3|Final Fantasy 6|Final Fantasy T|

     NES       |     SNES      |     PSX       |
Final Fantasy  |Final Fantasy 2|Final Fantasy 7|
               |Final Fantasy 3|Final Fantasy 8|
               |               |Final Fantasy T|

	As you can see from the chart, the Japan Final Fantasy is a is
a straight line up 1 to 8. Now as you look at the U.S. Final Fantasy 
games they try to make it a straight line up, they even got it to 1 
to 3 but mess up on Final Fantasy 7.


[ Part 1 - Walkthrough ]
	The following is Basic Walkthrough for Final Fantasy IV. There are level
recommendations for each area, as well as boss strategies and who is in the front 
row and back row.

Note: The resin why I (zero) took off the high level recommend is because Cecil will 
go back to level 1 and Cain will leave and come back at a higher level latter and 
all the others are the same they leave and come back stronger.

! Warning:Do not read below as they are a brief summary of the game's !
!        story as it will spoil the game's storyline.                 !













          Baron Castle

    Baron Castle Item
|  Items | Number| Where     |
|BombRing|      1| From King |        
|    Tent|      1| In chest  |
|   Ether|      1| In chest  |
|   Money|    480| In chest  |

        Baron Castle Shopping List

                  Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

          >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> ><
                     Weapon Shop List
          >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< 
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                      Armor Shop List
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

                Population of Baron Castle

                               | Male | Female|
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     2|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|    19|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      3|
                Black Wizard(s)|     3|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    24|      3|
                    Grand Total|______27______|

	After Cecil gets off the airship and into the castle, Beigan takes the
crystal and leads Cecil into King-Baron's Room. Cecil shows distain of
how he does not like to harm the innocent, and even begins to question
the king's honor. The king, in rage, decides to dethrone Cecil as
commander of the Red Wings. Cain tries to defend him, but has the same
fate as Cecil: kill the Phantom Beasts. King Baron gives Cecil a Bomb
Ring to courier to the Town of Myst.
	Here you must go to your room to sleep, but before you do that get the 
three treasures from the guard.

	Now go to Town of Baron. To buy some item. 

    Town of Baron Item
|   Items|Number | Where      |
|  Potion|      3| In the Pots|
|MaidKiss|      1| In the Pots|
|    Tent|      1| In the inn |
|        |       | chest      |
| EyeDrop|      1| In the inn |
|        |       | chest      |
|DwfBread|      1| In the inn |
|        |       | chest      |

              Town of Baron Shopping List

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
           Thunder (Rod)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
             Bandanna|       450 Gil|        225 Gil|
               Kenpou|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|
               Population of Town of Baron

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|      1|
                       Adult(s)|     6|      4|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|     6|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    16|      8|
                    Grand Total|______24______|

Recommended Level: Cecil (10-11), Cain (10-11).

                        | Front row|Back row |
                        |     Cecil|         |
                        |          |Nobody   |
                        |      Cain|         |
                        |          |Nobody   |
                        |    Nobody|         |

Recommended Equipment: Should already be equip.

                    Recommended Equipment 
                  |       |Cecil|Cain |    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |  RHand|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |  LHand|Black|Spear|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Head|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Body|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Arms|Black| Iron|    |

>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
         Cave of Mist
  >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

            Cave of Mist
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|  Potion|      2| 1 in the north-west chest.|
|        |       | another in the east chest.|
|    Tent|      1|       In the middle chest.|
| EyeDrop|      1|        In the north chest.|

	Cecil and Cain venture into the Cave of Mist. There are plenty of items
to pick up, so take the time to do so. Along the way, there will be
messages of someone demanding that Cecil and Cain go back. Ignore her
and keep proceeding. However, finally, you will have to fight a dragon.
This is also a great place to level up, but don't level up too much!
(Rydia's mom)

	Tip: Use Cain jump to kill the enemy here easily.

!BOSS FIGHT!: Mist Dragon (Rydia's mom) HP: 465 Weaknesses: None

The Mist Dragon is an easy boss that most anyone can defeat. First off,
have Cain always Jump, except certen times, which I will explain later. 
Have Cecil constantly using conventional attacks on the Mist Dragon. 
When it turns into a mist, simply stand or guard. This is also a great 
time to heal, if you needvto. If you attack during this time, the Mist 
Dragon will counter. This is when no one should attack during the battle.
Whenever it's out of that form, use the strategies given.

Recommended Level: Cecil (10-11), Cain (10-11).

Recommended Equipment: Should already be equip.

                    Recommended Equipment 
                  |       |Cecil|Cain |    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |  RHand|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |  LHand|Black|Spear|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Head|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Body|Black| Iron|    |
                  |  ----------------------|
                  |   Arms|Black| Iron|    |

        Village of Mist

	Before you go in the village unequip Cain equipment he will be leaveing 
soon. So, go to the village. The Bomb Ring will glow and destroys the town. 
Cain and Cecil goes to Rydia and her mom, Rydia will then say "Mom's dragon die, 
so she did too". Cain and Cecil will conflict briefly, and then you must try 
to force the little girl to come with you. Just stand there and guard. The 
little girl will summon Titan. After the sequence, you will be out on the 
overworld map.
	Cain is now gone and Rydia is hurt, so you can't use her, yet.

            Village of Mist (before it got burned)

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip      3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Dancing(Dagger)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

         Population of Village of Mist (before it got burned)

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|      1|
                       Adult(s)|     3|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     4|      1|
                    Grand Total|______5_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

            Village of Mist (after it got burned)

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
          Dancing(Dagger)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

         Population of Village of Mist (after it got burned)

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     6|   None|
                 Old people (s)|     1|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     8|   None|
                    Grand Total|______8_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

Recommended Level: Cecil (10-12).

Recommended Equipment: Should already be equip.

                 Recommended Equipment 
                    |       |Cecil|
                    |  -----------|
                    |  RHand|Black|
                    |  -----------|
                    |  LHand|Black|
                    |  -----------|
                    |   Head|Black|
                    |  -----------|
                    |   Body|Black|
                    |  -----------|
                    |   Arms|Black|

           Oasis Village of Kaipo 

    Oasis Village of Kaipo
|   Items|Number |       Where        |
|   Ether|      1| In top Pot near the|
|        |       |         Wepon Shop.|

	Take Rydia to the nearest Inn and you don't need to pay for the
	During the night, Cecil will attempt to speak to the girl more often,
and then she will begin to respond. However, soldier will try to fight
you. Just kill everyone, but the commander, and the commander will run away. 
You will learn of the girl's name, Rydia. Stock up on items, and equipment for 
Rydia. Don't forget to sell Chain equipment for some money. After you done 
shopping go to the house in the North-East.
	You should buy 2 staff (give one to Rydia and sell her rod), a Leather
Helmet and a IronRing (the Leather Helmet and IronRing is for you new character).
	After you do that, you will find out that Rosa needs the Light of the 
Desert, and you must pass through the northern caves. Someone will also state 
that an old man is blocking the path, and you must talk to him before you can 
talk to the old man.

         Oasis Village of Kaipo Shopping List

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
           Iron (arrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                Cloth|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

             Population of Oasis Village of Kaipo

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     7|      3|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|     1|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    12|      5|
                    Grand Total|_____17_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

Try not to gain to much level, yet.

Recommended Level: Cecil (10-13), Rydia (3-7)

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Rydia     |
                           |    NoBody|          |
                           |          |NoBody    |
                           |    NoBody|          |

Recommended Equipment: Cecil should already be equipped.

                       For Rydia just buy her a staff and the rest should already 
                       be equipped.             

                    Recommended Equipment 
                  |       |Cecil|  Rydia |    |
                  |  -------------------------|
                  |  RHand|Black|  Staff |    |
                  |  -------------------------|
                  |  LHand|Black|   None |    |
                  |  -------------------------|
                  |   Head|Black| Leather|    |
                  |  -------------------------|
                  |   Body|Black| Leather|    |
                  |  -------------------------|
                  |   Arms|Black|IronRing|    |

          The UnderGround Channel -S

            The UnderGround Channel -S
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|  Potion|      1|         In the east chest.|
|MaidKiss|      1|         In the east chest.|
|    Tent|      1|         In the west chest.|
|Fragment|      1|   In the north-west chest.|
|IronRing|      1|   In the north-east chest.|

	At the beginning of the area, take the treasures and talk to the old
man. He reveal his name is Tella, and he is looking for his daughter,
Anna, who ran away with a Bard. He will join your party. NOW you can level 
up your party, because if you level up with Cecil and Rydia, you will not 
level up Tella. Don't forget to equip Tella with Leather Helmet and IronRing.
Proceed onto getting all the treasures and fighting every battle.

   The UnderGround -S Channel Basement Floor 2
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|  Potion|      1|        In the north chest.|
|   Ether|      1|         In the west chest.|
|  IceRod|      1|        In the north chest.|

	Here in Basement Floor 2 get the Potion in the North chest and the Ether 
in the west chest. Now go to the door on the west. There will be a Save Point 
where Tella will use a tent to heal wounds. Now, fully heal go north for the exit 
out of the save room. Go North and a little east and you should see a chest with a 
IceRod give it to Rydia. Now find the exit to Basement Floor 3.

   The UnderGround Channel -S Basement Floor 3
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|   Money|    580|   In the south-east chest.|
|   Ether|      1|   In the south-west chest.|

	Here in Basement Floor 3, just get the two chests and go to the west exit to,
go to the other part of Basement Floor 2.

 The UnderGround Channel -S Basement Floor 2
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|  Potion|      1|In the chest neat the exit.|
| Feather|      1|   In the south-east chest.|

	Here in Basement Floor 2, it should be taken in that you must find a hidden 
passage to proceed on to get some treasures. When you enter go north for a chest 
holding a Potion. Now go a little north and west for a hidden passage. Work you 
way around it to get the east side of this place. Now go south and get the Feather 
Helmet. Give this to Rydia. Now go  back to the chest with the Potion and exit to 
the north.  

         The UnderGround Channel -N

            The UnderGround Channel -N
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|   Ehter|      1|         In the west chest.|
|  S.Pole|      1|         In the west chest.|
|  Copper|      1|         In the east chest.|
|  Shadow|      1|         In the east chest.|

	Now, you should be in The UnderGround Channel -N, go north and get the Ether 
and S.Pole. Now go east and proceed south to get Copper and a Shadow Sword. Equip 
Cecil with the sword. Now go north and out to the oveworld. Use a tent if necessary, 
and head on to the cave to the west.

         Underground Waterfall

            The UnderGround Waterfall 
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|   Hades|      1|        In the south chest.|
|  Helmet|       |                           |
|   Hades|      1|        In the south chest.|
|Gauntlet|       |                           |

	Here, in the Underground Waterfall there are some new enemy so watch out! 
Go south and fall down the waterfall. Now work your way south and you will see 
two chest. One have a Hades Helmet and the other have the Hades Gauntlet. Now go 
north through the door to exit to the Underground Lake.

             Underground Lake

            Underground Lake
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|   Hades|      1|         In the east chest.|
|   Armor|       |                           |
|  Hermes|       |         In the east chest.|

	Here, just go east to the two chests. One hold the Hades Armor and the other 
hold a Hermes. After you get the treasure chest, go north to fight a boss name

*BOSS FIGHT*: Octomammoth HP: 2350 Weaknesses: Darkness and Thunder

	The Octomammoth is a standard boss no one should have any major
trouble with. Just watch you HPs and keep damaging him. 
	!How to fight! just have Rydia cast Chocobo summon, Tella cast his 
strongest Thunder attack, and Cecil just attack and help with Potion. After the
fight, get out and head to Damcyan Castle.

Recommended Level: Cecil (13-16), Rydia (9-13), Tella (Doesn't matter)

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Rydia     |
                           |    NoBody|          |
                           |          |Tella     |
                           |    NoBody|          |

Recommended Equipment: Cecil, Black should already be equipped the rest you must 

                       Rydia, you must find the IceRod and Feather. The rest 
                       should already be equipped.            
                       Tella, should already be equipped.

                        Recommended Equipment 
                  |       |Cecil |  Rydia |  Tella |
                  |  ------------------------------|
                  |  RHand|Shadow| IceRod |  Staff |
                  |  ------------------------------|
                  |  LHand |Black|  None  |  None  |
                  |  ------------------------------|
                  |   Head| Hades| Feather| Leather|
                  |  ------------------------------|
                  |   Body| Hades| Leather| Leather|
                  |  ------------------------------|
                  |   Arms| Hades|IronRing|IronRing|

>< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< >< ><
             Damcyan Castle
 >< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><

            Damcyan Castle
|   Items|Number |           Where           |
|    Tent|      1| In 2nd floor treasure     |
|        |       | chest.                    |

	As you approach Damcyan Castle, the Red Wings will bomb the place.
Nice view, huh? Anyway, enter the castle and proceed north to the next 
room. Now go North again. In this room get the Tent in the North-East
treasure chest. Now unequip Tella equipment he's leaving soon. :-(
Proceed south and up the stairs.

! Warning:Do not read below as they are a brief summary of the game's !
!         story as it will spoil the game's storyline. This is a big  !
!         part of the story I am going to tell you below!             !

	Tella will then get mad at the bard, Tella and the bard 
will battle each other, the bard refuse to fight, after Tella talks trash
to him, but then Anna tells them to stop. Anna tell her father, Tella, the story, 
why Golbeze bomb the place, to get the Crystal and Anna use her body to protect 
the one she is in love with, the bard Gilbert. 
	Using the last of her energy Anna then tell the truth about the bard 
Gilbert. He really is a prince of Damcyan and had to dress like a bard to see Anna. 
Tella then understand their love for each other and leaves to kill Golbeze, to 
avenge Anna. 
	The bard, Gilbert, say that he will stay here next to Anna, to wait for 
Anna... forever. Rydia then tell Gilbert to get up and be a man, 
(but I say he looks like a girl) and tells him that crying is going to do anything. 
	Rydia then tell her story of her beloved mom death. Then Cecil saps him ask 
"Does Anna really want you to cry like a baby for her?". Next he ask if he 
can help save a friend's life, Rosa. Geilbert joins the party and you get the 
	Use the hovercraft to go  back to Town of Kaipo, South-West of Damcyan Castle   
and to the Antlion's Lair, East of Damcyan Castle.

        Damcyan Castle Shopping List

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                     Armor Shop List
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

            Population of Damcyan Castle

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|     1|      1|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     1|      1|
                    Grand Total|______2_______|

Recommended Level: Cecil (15-17), Rydia (12-13), Gilbert (7-10).

                   _____________________                 _____________________
                  | Front Row|Back Row  |               | Front Row|Back Row  |
                  |---------------------|               |---------------------|
                  |      Ceci|          |               |      Ceci|          |
                  |          |Rydia     |               |          |Rydia     |
                  |    NoBody|          |      OR       |   Gilbert|          |
                  |          |Gilbert   |               |          |NoBody    |
                  |    NoBody|          |               |    NoBody|          |
                  |__________|__________|               |__________|__________|

             Antlion's Lair

	When you go into the lair, you better gain levels for Gilbert.
Get all the treasures you find and then keep heading south. 
Look for a save point and use a tent. Go South and your in 
the lair. Gilbert will approach the Antlion, but it will attack.

*BOSS FIGHT*: Antlion
	Antlion will really pummel you if you don't follow these tips.
First off, keep having Cecil defend himself, use items that attack 
the Antlion, or use potion to help out, Gilbert continually using
Heal Technique, and have Rydia keep casting the summon "Chocobo." When
she's out of MP, don't use an Ether or Ether Dry to gain it back. Simply
have Cecil keep attacking and have Gilbert heal the party with his
respective technique. You should win the battle. 

Note: Before the battle, you may use one Ether to regain MP for Rydia 
or go to the save point to use a tent if your party really needs it.

Recommended Level: Cecil (14-16), Rydia (7-14), Gilbert (7-14).

         _____________________                 _____________________
        | Front Row|Back Row  |               | Front Row|Back Row  |
        |---------------------|               |---------------------|
        |      Ceci|          |               |      Ceci|          |
        |          |Rydia     |               |          |Rydia     |
        |    NoBody|          |   or          |   Gilbert|          |
        |          |Gilbert   |               |          |NoBody    |
        |    NoBody|          |               |    NoBody|          |
        |__________|__________|               |__________|__________|

             Return to Kaipo

	Talk to Rosa and use the Light of the Desert on her. She will be revived
of her fever, and she will join the party the next morning. In the
middle of the night, Gilbert will see an apparition of Anna, and will
have to fight some water hag. Defeat it, and get 800 Exp.! In the
morning, buy your necessary items and equipment and head over to Mt. Hobs. 
You'll need to use the hovercraft to move northeast.
	Try not to gain too much level.

         Oasis Village of Kaipo Shopping List

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

              >< <> >< <> >< >< <> >< <> ><
                    Item Shop List
              <> >< <> >< >< <> >< <> >< <>

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

              >< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><
                     Weapon Shop List
                >< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< ><
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
            Iron (arrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|

              >< >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><
                    Armor Shop List
                >< >< >< ><>< >< >< >< ><
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                Cloth|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

             Population of Oasis Village of Kaipo

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     7|      3|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|     1|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    12|      5|
                    Grand Total|_____17_______|

Recommended Level: Cecil (15-17), Rydia (7-14), Gilbert (7-14), Rosa (7-10)

                          | Front Row|Back Row  |
                          |      Ceci|          |
                          |          |Rosa      |
                          |   Gilbert|          |
                          |          |Rydia     |
                          |    NoBody|          |

          Mt. Hobs

	After Rosa having conflicts with Rydia, Rydia will finally cast
"Fire" and get it, to move the path of ice. When you enter the mountain, 
first go to the left door. Get the treasures there and use a tent, if necessary.
Save and then go to the door on the right at the beginning. 
	You will find Yang, a monk, who is battling some monsters. 
Head on towards Yang. You and him will battle together. The MotherBomb 
isn't too hard, but then she will explode into some other bombs. Make 
sure you have high Hp, since the mini-bombs will explode and can damage you. 
Afterwards, after some conversation, head out of the mountain eastward to 
Fabul Castle, you can also stay and level up (not too much though). You should 
also make a copy of Yang weapon. (Read the Part 10, Duplicate Weapon or Shield)

	How to fight the bombs, have Gilbert help heal, and Rosa should cast Keal. 
Rydia cast Chocobo summon, and Cecil attack. Cecil should also use Dwave on the 

Recommended Level: Cecil (15-18), Rydia (8-14), Gilbert (8-14), 
                   Rosa (8-11), Yang (10-12).

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Rosa      |
                           |      Yang|          |
                           |          |Rydia     |
                           |   Gilbert|          |

         Fabul Castle

	Enter Fabul Castle, and purchase the items you need, if you need to.
Rest in an Inn if necessary, then you can go shopping for Cecil (New set of 
equipment here, for Cecil) and Yang. Next unequip all of Rosa equipment. 
Then talk to the king. He's in his throne room (keep heading north). After a 
sequence, you will have to do battle with monsters. It's basically watching 
a sequence and doing battle, and since the battles are pretty easy, you should 
have no trouble fighting. 
	After all the fights, Cain will come and try to kill
Cecil. Golbeze will take the Crystal and kidnap Rosa. After all the
sequences, head to the Inn, and you will automatically get a free night.
The next day, explore the castle, take the treasures. In the king's
room, step on the circle on the northeastern part of the room to open a
door. Go through there, and keep walking to find 3 treasures. Talk to
the king in his bedroom, and take his treasure. He will tell you to go
take the ship to Baron. Get out of the castle and unequip everone but Cecil. 
Go to the east, and walk on the boat. There will be a sequence, and Leviathan 
will swallow up the ship, including the passengers. Cecil will wake up, but alone.

           Fabul Shopping List

Inn: 100 Gil a night.

                       Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|  
              |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>                \   
                    Armor Shop List                        \The Weapon and Armor 
              |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>                 /Shop are together  
____________________________________________________    / 
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |  /
----------------------------------------------------- /
       Demon (Helmet)|       980 Gil|        490 Gil|/
        Demon (Armor)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
     Demon (Gauntlet)|       800 Gil|        400 Gil|
                  Population of Fabul

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     2|      2|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|    15|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      1|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    22|      6|
                    Grand Total|______28______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

Recommended Levels: Cecil (18-20)

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Nobody    |
                           |    NoBody|          |
                           |          |NoBody    |
                           |    NoBody|          |

             Town of Mysadia

	Welcome to the Town of Mysadia, the place where everyone hates you
because you killed their friends for the Crystal. Anyway, gain ONE
level before you enter the next town. When you talk to people, you
will notice they hate. Don't ever talk to the girl that dances, because
she will turn you into a pig. Well, buy and sell the items you need and don't, 
and then head to the house north most. Talk to the elders, and they will tell you
that you must go to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin (So they will like you). 
Palom and Porom (the -spy-) will join your party as well.

          Mysidia Shopping List

Inn: 200 Gil a night.

                       Item Shop List
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            EchoHerb|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|

                      Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                  IceRod|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
                FlameRod|       380 Gil|        190 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                CrossBow|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
            Holy (Arrow)|        20 Gil|         10 Gil|

                      Armor Shop List
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
    Triangle (Helmet)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Gaea (Clothes)|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|
       Light (Shield)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Light (Helmet)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Light (Armor)|     8,000 Gil|      4,000 Gil|
             Gauntlet|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|

                    Population of Mysidia

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      9|
                Black Wizard(s)|    12|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    13|     10|
                    Grand Total|______23______|

	Try not to gain too much level.

Recommended Levels: Cecil (19-21), Palom (4-8), Porom (4-8).

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Palom     |
                           |    NoBody|          |
                           |          |Porom     |
                           |    NoBody|          |

               Mt. Ordeals

	Welcome to Mt. Ordeals, where your test of a true warrior will take
place. There is nothing really hard about this place, since it IS fairly
linear. However, you should collect treasures and really try to gain some
level ups with Palom and Porom. Their Hp are not high at all, and they
can easily be defeated by players good enough. Gain their Hp so they
won't DIE as soon as someone attacks them. 
	Anyway, as you proceed, Tella will join your party, since he was 
drawn to the mountain in search of Meteo. 
	Once Tella join, go back to Town of Mysadia and buy the best equipment 
for Tella (Palom and Porom, if haven't already). If you want to, you can also 
buy a set of Paladin equipment for Cecil for latter use. On the way, you shouldn't 
try to gain TOO many levels with Cecil, since you'll be busted down to Level 1 
again when he becomes a Paladin. 
	So, you will soon encounter a Save Point. SAVE! Now, go on the bridge and 
you will have to fight Scarmiglione.
Tip, if you are fighting a dead enemy, and Cecil is still a DKnight, 
go to Item and unequip his sword. His hand is stronger then his dark 
sword on dead enemy.

*BOSS FIGHT*: Scarmiglione
	Scarmiglione is an easy boss, even with all his minions. First off, have
Palom and Porom use their twin attacks. Next, have Tella use any Fire spell on
the enemies. Have Cecil use his good `ol  attacks. After he dies
with his minions, go back to the Save Point, use a Tent and Save. As you are
getting off the bridge you will be confronted again by Scarmiglione, this
time in a zombie-like form.

*BOSS FIGHT*: Scarmiglione 2
	Well, this fight is a harder version of the original fight. Have Tella
use his best magic, and heal, have the twins Twin, and have Cecil attack.
You really have to watch your Hp, they can drop if you're not careful. 
After the battle, heal Cecil and unequip everything he has, and walk into 
the "structure". Watch the show and prepare for the hardest battle in the 
whole game! (sarcasm)

Note:Before battle go to menu and press A on Change you should now have two
     back row and three Front row. When you go in battle with Scarmiglion 2,
     you will be attack form the back.

*BOSS FIGHT*: Dark Knight Cecil
	This is really simple. Just keep on guarding and the battle will end on
it's own. Watch the show, then exit Mt. Ordeals. Make sure you finish a
battle before you leave, Cecil will gain about 6 levels after one fight!
Also equip, Cecil with the Paladin equipment you should have.

Recommended Levels: Cecil (19-21, Paladin), Palom (7-12), Porom (7-12), 
                    Tella (24).

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |          |Palom     |
                           |     Cecil|          |
                           |          |Tella     |
                           |    NoBody|          |
                           |          |Porom     |

Note, go to menu and hit A on Change to get 3 Back row and 2 Front Row


Below part is written by Dan Lindeblad

E-Mail: 	valor_007@hotmail.com

AIM:		Valor52


Note to reader: Sorry I (zero) get the item list for the next part of the 
                walk through latter.

               Back to Mysidia

	Now that Cecil’s a Paladin and Tella’s got more magic than Siegfried and 
Roy, you’re probably eager to get out there and kick Golbeze’s posterior end.  
But first, you’ve got to go back to Baron and knock some sense into the king.  
Head back to Mysidia and talk to the Elder, and he’ll open Devil’s Road for you.  
Before you go, be sure to get some new armor for Cecil and anyone else who needs it.  
Once you’re all decked up, go to Devil’s Road and before you can say Meteo you’ll be 
in the town of Baron.  I tell ya, it’s the only way to travel.

            Town of Baron

	Go to the inn and you’ll find your friendly neighborhood fighting monk Yang 
sitting at the bar with two guards.  Talk to him and you’ll get a not so friendly 
greeting:  he wants to rearrange your face (like it was your fault he almost died. Sheesh!).  
Give his henchmen a sound thrashing and then he’ll attack you by himself.  Be on your guard, 
though, because for some reason his Kick attack works pretty well against you (But once he 
joins you, it’ll suck all over again.  How fair is that?)  Once you’ve beaten some sense 
into him (literally), he’ll join your party.  Plus he has the Baron key, which opens the 
Weapon/Armor shop and the Ancient Waterway.  Why they trusted Yang with that we’ll never 
	Unless you unequipped Yang’s claws before that unpleasant experience on the boat, 
you’ll have to buy him some new gear.  Grab him a Thunder Claw at the Weapons Shop, and 
if you can afford it, get him the Kenpo suit.  Also be sure to stock up on potions and 
the like before you head into the Ancient Waterway.
	The entrance to the Ancient Waterway is the locked door in the west side of 
town.  Use the Baron Key to open it and go down the stairs.  Be careful down here; 
the monsters can get annoying.  I suggest you have Tella and Porom cast Thund2 on the 
aquatic creatures, except the Thundfish, and have the rest attack and heal when necessary.

            Ancient Waterway

	Basement 1 is pretty straightforward.  Go south as far as you can and get the 
treasures, head east to the stairway.  
	Basement 2 is a bit tricky.  There are a bunch of hidden passages in the walls,  
so try not to get too lost.  First head south into a secret passage that leads southwest.  
Just follow the wall and you should end up in a clearing that has a treasure chest.  
Once you’ve gotten the goods, go south again into another passage and head east to 
another chest.  Just to the right of the chest is another (yes, another) passage that 
will take you south to a clearing.  In the top part of the clearing is another passage 
that will take you to a large clearing with a treasure chest in the middle on a little 
island of rock.  After you get your stuff, go to the right and find four stones next 
to the wall.  Guess what?  ANOTHER SECRET PASSAGE!  Go right through the wall and up 
the stairs.  Glad that’s over with? So am I.
	From here on it’s easy sailing.  Just head north to the stairway, but before 
you go up,  take one really small secret passage to get the chest in the wall to the 
left.  It shouldn’t be too hard to find.
	Good so far? This is the last floor before the Castle.  Go inside the door 
and go around the save point to an opening in the wall.  This is the last secret 
passage, I swear!  You’ll find the Ancient Sword, which is pretty much worthless 
right now.  Rest and save.  Go out the door (duh) and go right to the staircase.

              Baron Castle

	You’ll end up at the back of Baron castle.  Go left all the way and down all 
the way, and to your right you’ll see a little doorway.  Now that you’re in, use the 
door to your right and make your way to the throne room.  Before you get there, 
Beigan will stop you.  He says he wants to join your cause and will join you.  For 
about ten seconds.  Before you can take two steps, Palom and Porom accuse Beigan of 
being a monster.  Figures.  Yes, Beigan is a monster, and a goofy looking one at that .  
	There are three parts to Beigan: the main body and his two arms.  For those 
of you who’ve played FF6, this should sound familiar (and for those of you who haven’t, 
FOR SHAME!) To start off with, have Tella cast Protc and Shell on the group, then nail 
Beigan’s main body with a level 3 spell(I’m not sure what works best on him).  Right 
after that, Beigan will cast Reflect, so ease off for a bit.  Have Cecil and Yang 
attack steadily, with Cecil healing every now and then if he needs to.  Palom should 
do her thing with Keal2, and, if you want to do what I did, have Porom boast about 
five times or so before he does anything.  This way his attacks will do significantly 
more damage.  Fire2 works well on the arms, but Beigan will just regenerate them, so 
don’t worry about them too much.  Every three or four turns you should have Tella or 
Porom use an attack spell on the main body.  Keep the pressure on and soon he’ll be 
dead.  Once the main body’s gone, the arms shouldn’t be a problem.
	Before you move on, be sure to heal everybody’s life and magic, cause you’ve 
got another boss battle coming up.  Head to the throne room and you’ll meet Caignazzo, 
the Emperor of Water.  Don’t let his tough looking exterior fool you; this guy is a 
PUSHOVER!!  This battle is just an elementary RPG rule:  Water is weak against Thunder.  
And Tella has Thund3, the strongest Thunder spell.  If you take more than three rounds 
with this guy, then there’s nothing I can do to help you.  Three shots of Thund3, and 
this guy is done like dinner.  It makes you wonder why he even bothered to try.

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< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

[ Part 2 - Final Party ]

Recommended Levels: Cecil (60 and up) Rosa (60 and up) Cain (60 and up)
                    Rydia (60 and up) Edge (60 and up)

	                      Your final party is 

                           | Front Row|Back Row  |
                           |      Ceci|          |
                           |          |Rosa      |
                           |      Cain|          |
                           |          |Rydia     |
                           |      Edge|          |

                             ***Best Equipment*** 
             |       |  Cecil |  Rosa  |  Cain  |  Rydia |  Edge  |
             |  -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|
             |  RHand|Ragnarok| Artemis|  Dragon|  Dragon|Masamune|
             |  -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|
             |  LHand| Crystal| Artemis|    Holy|    None|Masamune|
             |  -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|
             |   Head|   Glass|   Glass|   Glass|   Glass|   Glass|
             |  -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|
             |   Body| Adamant| Menerva|  Dragon| Menerva|   Genji|
             |  -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|
             |   Arms|  Cystal| Crystal| Crystal| Crystal| Crystal|

               ****Note on the weapons:****

Cecil: In LHand, Crystal is the Crystal Shield.
       In Arms, Crystal is the Crystal Ring, not the Crystal Gauntlet.

Rosa: In RHand Artemis is the Artemis Arrows.
      In LHand Artemis is the Artemis Bow.
      In Arms Crystal is the Crystal Ring.

Cain: In RHand Dragon is the Dragon Shield.
      In Arms, Crystal is the Crystal Ring, not the Crystal Gauntlet.

Rydia: In RHand Dragon, is the Dragon Whip.
       In LHand None , is nothing.
       In Arms Crystal, is the Crystal Ring.

Edge: In RHand and LHand you need to Duplicate the Masamune to get two.
      In Arms Crystal, it the Crystal Ring, not the Cystal Gauntlet.


   [ Part 3 - Town and Shopping List ]

              Baron Castle

Inn: None.

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                      Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

                     Population of Baron Castle

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     2|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|    19|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      3|
                Black Wizard(s)|     3|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    24|      3|
                    Grand Total|______27______|

        Town of Baron

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                     Item Shop List
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
           Thunder (Rod)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
             Bandanna|       450 Gil|        225 Gil|
               Kenpou|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|

        Population of Town of Baron

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|      1|
                       Adult(s)|     6|      4|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|     6|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    16|      8|
                    Grand Total|______24______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

          Village of Mist (before it got burned)

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Dancing (Dager)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

  Population of Village of Mist (before it got burned)

                              | Male | Fmeale |
                           Kids|  None|      1|
                       Adult(s)|     3|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     4|      1|
                    Grand Total|______5_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

          Village of Mist (after it got burned)

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                      Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Dancing (Dager)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

   Population of Village of Mist (after it got burned)

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     6|   None|
                 Old people (s)|     1|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     8|   None|
                    Grand Total|______8_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

         Oasis Village of Kaipo

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                      Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
            Iron (Arrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                Cloth|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

           Population of Oasis Village of Kaipo

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     7|      3|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|     1|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    12|      5|
                    Grand Total|_____17_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

             Damcyan Castle

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

        Population of Damcyan Castle

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|     1|      1|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     1|      1|
                    Grand Total|______2_______|


Inn: 100 Gil a night.

                     Item Shop List
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|  
              :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-                \   
                    Armor Shop List                        \The Weapon and Armor 
              :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-                 /Shop are together  
____________________________________________________    / 
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |  /
----------------------------------------------------- /
       Demon (Helmet)|       980 Gil|        490 Gil|/
        Demon (Armor)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
     Demon (Gauntlet)|       800 Gil|        400 Gil|

             Population of Fabul

                              | Male | Fmale |
                           Kids|     1|   None|
                       Adult(s)|     2|      2|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|    15|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      1|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    22|      6|
                    Grand Total|______28______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.


Inn: 200 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            EchoHerd|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                  IceRod|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
                FlameRod|       380 Gil|        190 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                CrossBow|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
            Holy (Arrow)|        20 Gil|         10 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
    Triangle (Helmet)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Gaea (Clothes)|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|
       Light (Shield)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Light (Helmet)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Light (Armor)|     8,000 Gil|      4,000 Gil|
             Gauntlet|      3000 Gil|       1500 Gil|

            Population of Mysidia

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|      9|
                Black Wizard(s)|    12|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    13|     10|
                    Grand Total|______23______|

              Toroia Castle

Inn: None.

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

        Population of Toroia Castle 

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|      1|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|     8|      4|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|      8|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     8|     13|
                    Grand Total|______21______|

           Town of Toroia

Inn: 400 Gil a night.

                  Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                  Mallet|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
                GreatBow|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
            Fire (Arrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
             Ice (Arrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
             Lit (Arrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|

                 Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
     Feather (Helmet)|       330 Gil|        165 Gil|
      Cloth (Clothes)|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             RubyRing|     1,000 Gil|        500 Gil|

         Population of Town of Toroia

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|      2|
                       Adult(s)|    11|     10|
                 Old people (s)|     3|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      7|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    16|     21|
                    Grand Total|______37______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.
      Town of Toroia also have 7 Black Chocobos, but they can't fly.

            Village of Agalt

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                   Spear|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
                Boomrang|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
                CrossBow|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
            Iron (Arrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|
            Holy (Arrow)|        20 Gil|         10 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
        Iron (Shield)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
        Iron (Helmet)|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
         Iron (Armor)|       600 Gil|        300 Gil|
      Iron (Gauntlet)|       130 Gil|         65 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

      Population of Village of Agalt

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     2|      2|
                       Adult(s)|     7|      2|
                 Old people (s)|     3|      2|
                     Scholar(s)|     2|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    13|      9|
                    Grand Total|______21______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

              Mithril Town

Inn: 500 Gil a night.

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                    Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
         Mithril (Staff)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
         Mithril (Dager)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
        Mithril (Mallet)|     8,000 Gil|      4,000 Gil|
         Mithril (Sword)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Mithril (Shield)|     1,000 Gil|        500 Gil|
     Mithril (Helmet)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
      Mithril (Armor)|    17,000 Gil|      8,500 Gil|
   Mithril (Gauntlet)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|

        Population of Mithril Town

                              | Male | Female |
                        Mini(s)|     6|   None|
                        Frog(s)|     4|   None|
                         Pig(s)|     4|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    15|      0|
                    Grand Total|______15______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male. The Minis, Frogs, and Pigs
      are not all male, I not even sure if there is even a sex between them.

           Castle of Dwarves

Inn: 600 Gil a night.

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
             Dwarf (Axe)|    15,000 Gil|      7,500 Gil|
                GreatBow|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
        Darkness (Arrow)|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
           Flame (Sword)|    14,000 Gil|      7,000 Gil|
           Flame (Spear)|    11,000 Gil|      5,500 Gil|

                      Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
       Flame (Shield)|     1,250 Gil|        625 Gil|
        Flame (Armor)|    30,000 Gil|     15,000 Gil|
      Priest (Helmet)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
     Priest (Clothes)|     1,200 Gil|        600 Gil|
          Rune (Ring)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|

           Population of Castle of Dawarves 

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|     1|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dwarve(s)|    40|      4|
                    Princess(s)|  None|      1|
                        King(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    43|      5|
                     Grand Total|______48______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.
      Also in Castle of Dwarves, there is a Chubby Chocobo.

     Cave of Eblana Basement Floor 2

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            EchoHerb|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
               Cross|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
           Power (Staff)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
        Icebrand (Sword)|    26,000 Gil|     13,000 Gil|
        Blizzard (Spear)|    21,000 Gil|     10,500 Gil|
     Kunai (Ninja Sword)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
                Boomrang|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
            Killer (Bow)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
          Poison (Arrow)|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
         Ice (Shield)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
          Ice (Armor)|    35,000 Gil|     17,500 Gil|
      Black (Clothes)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|

       Population of Cave of Eblana Basment Floor 2

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|     1|      2|
                       Adult(s)|     3|      2|
                 Old people (s)|     2|      1|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|    10|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    17|      5|
                    Grand Total|______22______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

           Village of Tomera

Inn: 600 Gil a night.

                      Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
    Ashura (Ninja Sword)|     7,000 Gil|      3,500 Gil|
            Chain (Whip)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|
        OgreKiller (Axe)|    45,000 Gil|     22,500 Gil|
            Killer (Bow)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
            Mute (Arrow)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Diamond (Shield)|    15,000 Gil|      7,500 Gil|
     Diamond (Helmet)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
      Diamond (Armor)|    40,000 Gil|     20,000 Gil|
   Diamond (Gauntlet)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|
    GoldBand (Helmet)|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
       Diamond (Ring)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|

      Population of Village of Tomera 

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                     Scholar(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dwarve(s)|    14|      1|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    15|      1|
                    Grand Total|______16______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

             Phantom World 

Inn: 1200 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List #1

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Item Shop List #2

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            EchoHerb|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
               Cross|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
            Chain (Whip)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|
         Electric (Whip)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
   Kotetsu (Ninja Sword)|    11,000 Gil|      5,500 Gil|
             Fairy (Rod)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|
          Energy (Staff)|     7,000 Gil|      3,500 Gil|
           Angel (Arrow)|       110 Gil|         55 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
       Aegis (Shield)|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
      Light (Clothes)|    30,000 Gil|     15,000 Gil|

         Population of Phantom Wolrd

                              | Male | Female |
                 *Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                        King(s)|     1|   None|
                       Queen(s)|  None|      1|
                       *Bomb(s)|     3|   None|
                    *Chocobo(s)|     4|   None|
                     *Goblin(s)|    24|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    33|      1|
                    Grand Total|______34______|

* The Nameingway, Bombs, Chocobos and Goblins are not all male, 
  I not even sure if there is even a sex between them.

Note: On Goblins I not sure if they are Goblins, if someone know
       what or who they are, E-mail me.

         The Smit Kukuro's Home

Inn: None.

                     Item Shop List

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                Shuriken|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
                HellWind|    50,000 Gil|     25,000 Gil|          
          Yoichi (Arrow)|       140 Gil|         70 Gil|

                     Armor Shop List

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

          Population of The Smit Kukuro's Home

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|     1|   None|
                    Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dwarve(s)|     2|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|     3|   None|
                     Grand Total|______3______|

         Humingways' Home on the Moon

Inn: None.
              >< >< >< >< ><  >< >< >< >< ><
                       Item Shop List
                >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            HiPotion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
               Ether|    10,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
            EtherDry|    50,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
              Elixir|   100,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
     Monsters (Book)|       980 Gil|        490 Gil|      
             Whistle|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|  

              >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
                     Weapon Shop List
                >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

              >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
                      Armor Shop List
                >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

  >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
        Population of Humingways' Home on the Moon
>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

                              | Male | Female |
                           Kids|  None|   None|
                       Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                 Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                    Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                        Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                      Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                     Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                  Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                   Humingway(s)|    12|   None|
                      Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                    Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                        King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Female Population|    12|   None|
                    Grand Total|______12______|

Note: Numingways I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.


[ Part 4 - Item List ]

Items added to the list by Byblos are marked by a *

Again, thanks to Byblos for the updated info!

The rest was done by Zero and Arlen Kwong.


          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
    Potion|                                                 Restore some Hp.|
 Hi-Potion|                                                 Restore more Hp.|
  X-Potion|                                                  Restore all Hp.|


          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
     Ether|                                                 Restore some Mp.|
 Ether Dry|                                                 Restore more Mp.|

   Ailment Cureing Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
  Medicine|                                                Cure ALL Ailment.|
  Antidote|                                           Cure "Poison" Ailment.|
  Aprntice|                                             Cure "Mini" Ailment.|
  MaidKiss|                                             Cure "Frog" Ailment.|
  Gold Pin|                                            Cure "Stone" Ailment.|
  Eye Drop|                                         Cure "Darkness" Ailment.|
     Cross|                                            Cure "Curse" Ailment.|
 Slim Food|                                            Cure "Piggy" Ailment.|
  AlmClock|                                   Wakes up everyone, from sleep.|
   Unicorn|        Use in battle, cure any thing that go away after balttle,|
          |                                  (Sleep, Stop,ete.) on all ally.|

       Portable Inns

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
      Tent|              Like a portable inn, use at saves and on overworld.|
          |                                      Restore some Mp and all Hp.|
   Cottage|              Like a portable inn, use at saves and on overworld.|
          |                                           Restore all Mp and Hp.|

     Fire Attacking Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
  Fragment|                     Flame attack on target, sames as Fire spell.|
  RightArm|                Flame attack on all target, sames as Fire2 spell.|
  Red-Fang|                            Very strong Fire attack on all enemy.|

    Blizd Attacking Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
   S. Pole|                     Blizd attack on target, same as Blizd spell.|
   N. Pole|           Stronger Blizd attack on target, same as Blizd2 spell.|
   Wh.Fang|                             Very strong Ice attack on all enemy.|

  Thunder Attacking Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
 Zeus Rage|                 Thunder attack on target, same as Thunder spell.|
  God Rage|       Stronger Thunder attack on target, same as Thunder2 spell.|
  BlueFang|                         Very strong Thunder attack on all enemy.|

        Special Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
    Elixer|                                           Restore all Mp and Hp.|
  DwfBread|                           See entire map; use only on overworld.|
  FenixDwn|                                  Revive fallen (DEAD) character.|
    Beserk|            Raises skills 10%, but target becomes uncontrollable.|
   Whisker|                                                 Kill some enemy.|
    Spirit|                    User hp=hp damage to an enemy, user then die.|
  ExitDoor|                                               Exit to overworld.|

         Magical Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
  EarthDrm|                                                      Cast quake.|
SilencBell|                                               Silenc all enemys.|
  Stardust|                        Cast Comet, same as Porom and Palom twin,|
          |                                           but right on the spot.|
     Scape|                  Cast blink on user, make user harder to be hit.|
      Moon|                        User cast reflect spells, on him/herself.|
     Light|                                             Cast reflect spells.|
  VampFang|               Drain enemy's Hp to user, don't use on dead enemy.|
          |                                             Same as Drain spell.|
LilithKiss|                   Drain enemy's Mp to user. Same as Aspir spell.|

       Summoning Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
     Alarm|                              Summons an enemy, use in Item list.|
  Vegtable|                       Summon Big Chocobo, use in Chocobo forest.|
   Whistle|                   Summon Big Chocobo any time, use in Item list.|

    Controling Time Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
    Copper|                                                     Stop target.|
    Silver|                                  Stop target longer than Copper.|
    Golden|                                  Stop target longer than Silver.|
    Hermes|                                             Makes target faster.|
Spider Web|                                               Target slows down.|

    One Of A Kind Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
    Desert|                                       Cure Rosa's fever with it.|
     Light|                                                                 |
    *Earth|                                            Golbeze wants it.....|
 (crystal)|                                                                 |
  DkMatter|              Holding it, you can reduce the damage Zeromus does.|
          |                                 To get it steal it from Zeromus.|
  *Crystal|             Given to you by Golbeze, used to "unmask" Zeromus...|
          |                                             so you can kill him.|
      Pass|                  A pass to let you go in and see a show in town.|
  BombRing|                                Use to burn down Village of Mist.|
      Luka|                            Use to open a door in Tower of Babil.|
    Lugeie|                 Use to opean a door to get the Darkness crystal.|
     Magma|                                    Use to go to the under world.|
    Echoer|                                   A Item that Gilbert gives you,| 
          |                                     use to help kill Dark Dwarf.|
  Darkness|                                            Golbeze wants it.....|
 (crystal)|                                                                 |
   RatTail|                Trade it for Adamant. Trade Adamant for Excalbur.|
  PinkTail|                                    Trade it for Adamant (Armor).|
   Adamant|                                           Trade it for Excalbur.|
    FryPan|            Get it form Yang's Wife. Use it to wake up Yang. Then| 
          |                                            trade it for Cleaver.|

   Summon Spells for Rydia

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
  MindFlay|                                     Rydia get Mind summon spell.|
  Cocktric|                                    Rydia get Cockt summon spell.|
      Bomb|                                     Rydia get Bomb summon spell.|
    Goblin|                                   Rydia get Goblin summon spell.|

  >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
   Knowlge|                       Book of knowlge, cast random summon spell.|
  Monsters|                Book of monster, show a monster or boss weekness.|
  PornoMag|                                Like you don't know what this is?|

     Status Raising Items

          |                                                                 |
Item Name |                        Effect                                   |
  SomaDrop|                           Odd-looking sanke, max MP go up by 10.|
    Silver|                              A silver apple, max HP go up by 50.|
     Apple|                                                                 |
    Golden|                             A golden apple, max HP go up by 100.|
     Apple|                                                                 |


[ Part 5 - Sub-Quests ]

     I.  Acquire the Cleaver/Acquire Slyph

	There is a way to revive Yang after his death at the Babil Tower! Go to
that one cave inside the underground that is not required to complete
the game with (not the Land of the Summoned Monsters). You must go down
a few levels, and you will find Yang. Anyways, talk to him.
	After talking to Yang, talk to his wife in Fabul castle. She will 
give you a pan. Go back to Yang and talk to him. After hitting him with 
the pan, go back to Yang wife and give her the pan for the Cleaver.

           II.  Acquire the Summon spell Odin

	To do this you must have acquired the went to Land of the Summoned 
Monsters. Now, go to Baron Castle and enter the basement. Go in there, 
and the King of Baron will be there. He will give you the summon when you 
beat him. Use the Silver Spoon to help defeat him.
Have everyone cast their most powerful magic, have Cecil attack, and 
have Cain keep jumping. You can always come back latter.

        III.  Land of the Summoned Monsters

	Go to the underworld and go to the cave northwest of the one 
where Cain turns on you ^_^. Anyway, Rydia will mention this where she 
was when the Leviathan swallowed her. Have Rosa cast "Float" on everyone. 
Now, keep going and go onto some warp step. You'll get there. There are some
shops, and there are two monsters you can battle: Asura and Leviathan.

         IV.  Acquire "Asura" Summon spell

	There will be a place where you can battle Asura, the Queen of the Land
of the Summoned Monsters. It is in that town. Anyway, she will say she
will help you if you are worthy enough. You MUST have the "Reflect" or
"Wall" spell with you. Asura will fight you, and she will immediately
cast "Protesu" on herself, making physical attacks do next to nothing.
This will be one long battle. I recommend everyone being at at least
Level 40-60, or your battle will be really tough. Cast "Reflect" on her
so her healing will heal you instead. Defeat her, and Rydia will learn

         V.  Acquire "Leviathan" Summon spell

	After defeating Asura, you will have the oppurtunity to fight the king.
His battle is not necessarily harder, but I really don't remember what
the battle was like. He is susecpitble to Fire, but strong against
Blizzard and very week to bolt. Win the battle and acqire Leviathan! 
He will also give you permission to fight the Bahamut summoners on the Moon.

          VI.  Acquire "Bahamut" Summon spell

	After acquire the Bahamut permission, go on the Moon. There will be a
cave where the Bahamut summoners are. Defeat them and acquire Bahamut.
Anyway, you should do this with FuuSuuYa in your party. Since Bahamut
will cast the spell that kills everyone in the party, you must cast
"Reflect" or "Wall" on as many people as possible. When you do this, it
will bounce off people and hit the summoner, causing him to die. You'll
gain the "Bahamut" Summon spell.

                   VII.  Tail Item

	When you are on the Moon , there will be some enemies that will give you
a Tail. When you get one, go back down onto earth and see the man that
sells tails. He'll give you a strange rock item.
	There is a also a rat tail in the Land of the Summoned Monsters.

        VIII.  Acquire Cecil's "Excalibur" Sword

	To do this, you must first have gotten the strange rock Item from the man that
trades for Tails. Anyway, go back into the underworld and talk to the 
depressed man who wants to build something. He will upgrade your Legend
Paladin sword in an Excalibur Sword!

    IX.  Acquire the Crystal Armor and Crystal Sword

	On the final Moon cave where the boss is, you'll find out that there are 
the Crystal Sword and Armor there. There is a hidden bridge that you
must find out by trial and error somewhere on the cave. It's on a lower
level than the final Save Point, that's all I remember. I believe you 
may have to fight some boss to acquire them.

  X.  Acquire the extra Moon items, weapons, and armor

	To do this, there are plenty of items, weapons, and armor located on the
moon that are guarded by enemies. However, when you get them, they can
certainly help you. Get them all!


[ Part 6 - Ability List ]

     Cecil (Dark Knight)

Dark Wave-1/8 Hp lose to do damage to your Opponent

      Cecil (Paladin)

Protect-Take damage for an ally.

Magic-Cast White Magic

       Cain (Dragoon)

Jump-Chain Jump and is out of danger for one turn, then lands
     on your enemy and does 2x the damage

       Rydia (Summoner)

Summon-Cast a Summon spell

White-Cast White Magic (lost after swallowed by Leviathan)

Black-Cast Black Magic

        Gilbert (Bard)

Sing-Sing to an opponent

Hide-Hide from the opposition

Heal-Use Potion to Heal ally's Hp

      Rosa (White Wizard)

Magic-Cast White Magic

Aim-Aim a perfect Bow and Arrow Shot (Use this, don't use Fight)

Pray-Pray to the Gods for "Keal" spell (doesn't work every time)

         Tella (Sage)

Black-Cast Black Magic

White-Cast White Magic

Remember-Try to remember a forgotten spell (Lost after Mt. Ordeals)

           Yang (Monk) 

Gather-Yang will does 2x the damage, but takes some time to do 
       (Not as good as Cain Jump) 

Endure-Yang cast "Protesu" on himself.

Kick-Fire kick, hit all enemy (good on a group of enemy, 3 and up.)

      Palom (Black Wizard)

Black-Cast Black Magic

Brag-Boost Magic Attack Power

Twin- Palom and Porom combine their powers for some cool magic spells 
      (very strong, but slow)

     Porom (White Wizard)

White-Cast White Magic

Tears-Cry to your enemies for sympathy (let you run easier)

Twin- Palom and Porom combine their powers for some cool magic spells 
      (very strong, but slow)

       Cid (Engineer)

Peep-Look at enemy weakness.

   FuuSuuYa (Lunarian)

White-Cast White Magic

Black-Cast Black Magic

Spirit-Regenerates ally's HP Gradually

        Edge (Ninja)

Ninjitsu-Cast Ninjitsu spell

Dart - Throw item

Sneak - Steal Item from enemy

      Golbeze (Lunarian)   

Fight-Attack an Enemy

Note: Golbeze is only accessible by Game Genie, and even then, the code
is very glitchy.


< Part 7 - Weapon List >

Thank you, Dingo Jellybean for you help, with this weapon list.

E-mail         bellybutton21@hotmail.com

|                              Legend                                  |
|                                                                      |
|* = in "Use By", mean best used by                                    |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|*D* = in "Special", mean it can be Dart by Edge                       |
|                                                                      |


Note: In the Use By, I only put in the names Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Cain 
      or Edge that can use them, because they are in your final party.



Swords are powerful and quick.

Use By: Cain, or *Cecil*
  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
 Ancient|    35| 80%| *D*                        | Found at Ancient    |
        |      |    |                            | WaterWay during Raid| 
        |      |    |                            | on Baron            |
   Blood|    43| 40%| Drain enemy hp to user.    | Found in passages to|
        |      |    | Defenss - 3 *D*            | Tower of Babil      |
 Mithril|    50| 85%|                            | Purchase for 6000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
 Slumber|    55| 85%| *D* Random effect of Sleep | Found in Eblana     |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | castle, near Tower  |
        |      |    |                            | of Babil            |
   Flame|    65| 88%| Has the effect of FIRE2    | Buy for 14000 GOLD  |
        |      |    | with each attack. Go in    | in Underworld       |
        |      |    | item and go to Flame       |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
IceBrand|    75| 88%| Has the effect of Blizd2   | Buy for 26000 GOLD  |
        |      |    | with each attack. Go in    | in Underworld       |
        |      |    | item and go to IceBrand    |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
  Medusa|    77| 80%| Random effect of Stone with| Stolen or won from  |
        |      |    | each successful hit *D*    | battle against Black| 
        |      |    |                            | Liz.                |
 Avenger|    82| 95%| Two handed sword *D*       | Found in Cave of    |
        |      |    | Holder, skills is raises by| Sylphs              |
        |      |    | 10%, but holder becomes    |                     |
        |      |    | Berserks.                  |                     |
Defender|   105| 92%| Defenss + 7 *D*            | Found in Cave to    |
        |      |    |                            | Phantom World       |

>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
          Dark Sword
  >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Swords are powerful and quick.

Use By: *Cecil*

Note: Only Cecil use it when he is a Dark Knight a.k.a DKnight

                               DARK SWORDS
  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where           |
   Black|    10| 80%|Casts SILENCE randomly with | Cecil start with     |
        |      |    |        each successful hit | it                   |
  Shadow|    20| 85%| Casts SILENCE randomly with| Cave before Waterfall|
        |      |    | each successful hit        |(before the fight with|
        |      |    |                            |Octomammoth)          |
   Death|    31| 90%| Random Death with each     | Cecil get it in      |
        |      |    | successful hit             | Fabul Castle         |

<> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <>
        Ninja Blade
>< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> ><

Only Edge can equip these swords. Ninjas do not know how to use shields, 
that means they have lower defense than Paladins and Dragoons, but they 
can equip a weapon in each hand.

Use By: *Edge*

                           NINJA BLADES
  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
   Kunai|    25| 90%| *D*                        | Edge start with     |
        |      |    |                            | it purchased for    |
        |      |    |                            | 4,000 gil           |
  Ashura|    32| 90%| *D*                        | Purchased for 7,000 |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
 Kotetsu|    40| 90%| *D*                        | Purchase for 11,000 |
        |      |    |                            | gil found in Passage|
        |      |    |                            | to Babil            |
Kikuichi|    49| 95%| *D*                        | Found in Sealed Cave|
Murasame|    56| 95%| *D*                        | After the Defeat of |
        |      |    |                            | Wh. Dragon in Moon's|
        |      |    |                            | Core                |
Masamune|    65| 99%| *D*                        | After the defeat of |
        |      |    |                            | Tidarithian in      |
        |      |    |                            | Moon's Core         |


Knives are low in attack power but they have a high hit percentage rate 
and they have certain effects.

Use By: *Cecil*, Rydia, *Cain* or *Edge*

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
 Mithril|    20| 99%| *D* Effective against      | Purchase for 3000   |
        |      |    | undead                     | gil                 |
 Dancing|    28| 44%| *D* Random status effect?  | Purchase for 5000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
Assassin|    30| 95%| *D* Random effect of       | Found in Underworld |
        |      |    | Wounded with each          |                     |
        |      |    | successful hit             |                     |
MageMach|    35| 77%| *D* Random effect of       | Found in Underworld |
        |      |    | Silence with each          |                     |
        |      |    | successful hit             |                     |

          Holy Sword

Use By: *Cecil*

                             HOLY SWORDS
  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
  Legend|    40| 99%|  Becomes Excalbur          | Cecil get it        |
        |      |    |                            | when he become a    |
        |      |    |                            | Paladin             |
   Light|    99| 99%| Works well against undead  | Found in Sealed Cave|
        |      |    | *D*                        |                     |
Excalbur|   162|100%| Works well against undead  | Trade Adamant and   |
        |      |    | *D*                        | Legend for it       |
Ragnarok|   233|110%| D+7 Strongest Weapon,      | Defeating Dk.       |
        |      |    | powerful against all       | Bahamut in the      |
        |      |    |                            | Moon's Core         |


The unique thing about spears is when the Cain jumps the attack power 
is doubled. Also when you JUMP you will always score a hit.

Use By: *Cain*

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
   Spear|     9| 75%|                            | Cain start with it, |
        |      |    |                            | purchased for 60 gil|
    Wind|    55| 80%| Wind element spear, Strong | Cain come back      |
        |      |    | versus flying opponents    | with it.            |
   Flame|    66| 80%| Has the effect of Fire2    | Purchased for 11,000|
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | gil                 |
Blizzard|    77| 80%| Has the effect of Blizd2   | Purchased for 21,000|
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | gil, Found in Tower |
        |      |    |                            | of Babil            |
   Blood|    85| 40%| Drain enemy hp to user     | Found in Castle of  |
        |      |    | Defenss - 5                | Eblana              |
 Gungnir|    92| 75%| Defenss + 7 *D*            | Cain come back      |
        |      |    |                            | again, with it      |
  Dragon|    99| 99%| Strong on dragons *D*      | Found in Moon's Core|
    Holy|   109|100%| Holy element spear strong  | After the defeat of |
        |      |    | against undead casts weak  | Plague              |
        |      |    | version of Holy. Go in     |                     |
        |      |    | item and go to Holy and    |                     |
        |      |    | press A two times. It must |                     |
        |      |    | be equip to be use. *D*    |                     |


Well obviously you will need something to shoot with when you have a bow, 
and what not better weapons than Arrows. Arrows as you can expect have no 
hit rate percentage because you cannot use these as weapons, nor can a Bow 
be used without an arrow.

Use By: Cecil, Rydia, or *Rosa* 

Note: Attack Power and Hit% Various, because of the bow. I use a Artemis bow 
      to test the arrows

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
  Medusa|    29|  0%| Add "Stone" Ailment to     | Found in Sylph Cave |
        |      |    | enemy                      |                     |
    Iron|    33|  0%|                            | Purchase for 10 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
    Holy|    35|  0%| Holy element arrows        | Purchase for 20 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
    Fire|    43|  0%| Fire element arrows        | Purchase for 30 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
     Ice|    43|  0%| Ice element arrows         | Purchase for 30 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
     Lit|    43|  0%| Bolt element arrows        | Purchase for 30 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
Darkness|    48|  0%| Fill enemy with darkness   | Purchase for 40 gil |
        |      |    |                            | each                |
  Poison|    58|  0%| Add "Poison" Ailment to    | Purchase for 70 gil |
        |      |    | enemy Defenss +5           | each                |
    Mute|    63|  0%| Add "Mute" Ailment to enemy| Purchase for 100 gil|
        |      |    |                            | each                |
   Angel|    68|  0%| Causes Confusion           | Purchase for 110 gil|
        |      |    |                            | each                |
  Yoichi|    78|  0%|                            | Found in Phantom    |
        |      |    |                            | World               |
Artemis |   103|  0%| The best arrows, if pair   | Stolen off          |
        |      |    | with Artemis Bow Defenss +5| MoonGodess          |


Bows have low hit percentage rates and the only person who can 
connect with the hits a 100% of the time is Rosa by using her 
Aim command. Bows are not very strong in strength however, but
you can raise the attack power by putting the Bow in the 
opposite hand that the person is normally using. For example 
say Rosa is right handed, that means you would put the Bow on 
her left hand, just think about it. Would you be able to launch 
a arrow with full force if the bow was on your main hand and 
your arrow on your opposite hand?

Use By: Cecil, Rydia, or *Rosa*

Note: Attack Power Various, because of the Arrows. I (zero) use a Artemis 
      arrows to test the bows.

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
     Bow|    63| 30%|                            | Purchase for 220 gil|
CrossBow|    68| 35%|                            | Purchase for 700 gil|
GreatBow|    73| 40%|                            | Purchase for 2000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
  Killer|    82| 55%|                            | Purchase for 3000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
ElvenBow|    86| 60%|                            | Found in the Cave of|
        |      |    |                            | Sylphs in Underworld|
  Yoichi|    78| 70%|                            | Found in Sealed Cave|
        |      |    |                            | in the Underworld   |
 Artemis|   103| 88%| The best bow, if pair      | Dropped by          |
        |      |    | with Artemis Arrows Defenss| MoonGodess          |
        |      |    | +5                         |                     |


Whips are very long in length and therefor they still have the same attack power 
in the back row than in the front row. So whoever is equipped with a Whip, 
mainly Rydia then keep her in the back row. All whips have the ability to 
paralyze your opponent.

Use By: *Rydia*

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
    Whip|    20| 95%|                            | Rydia start with    |
        |      |    |                            | it                  |
   Chain|    30| 80%|                            | Purchase for 6000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
Electric|    40| 85%| Bolt element whip          | Purchase for 10,000 |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
FireBute|    51| 90%| Fire element whip          | Found in Moon Core  |
  Dragon|    56| 95%| Stronger if use on dragons | Dropped by Blue     |
        |      |    |                            | Dragon              |


Axes are very powerful early on, but they tend to weigh a lot and that means the 
character who is equipped with the axe will have trouble connecting most of the 

Use By: *Cecil*

   Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where         |
  HandAxe|    35| 65%|                            | Found in Valvalicia|
         |      |    |                            | Tower              |
    Dwarf|    63| 70%|                            | Purchase at Dwarf  |
         |      |    |                            | Castle for 15000   |
         |      |    |                            | gil                |
OgreKillr|    80| 70%| Very effective against     | Found in Tower Of  |
         |      |    | Giants                     | Babil              |
   Poison|    95| 75%| Add "Poison" Ailment to    | Found in Cave To   |
         |      |    | enemy                      | Phantom World      |
  RuneAxe|   100| 65%|                            | Dropped by         |
         |      |    |                            | DemonSoldr?        |


Use By: *Edge*

 Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where           |
Bomrang|    20| 75%|                            | Purchase for 3000 gil|
Engetsu|    40| 90%|                            | Found in Sylph Cave  |

         Dart Weapon

Darts can only be used by Edge in his Dart command. Some of the weapons 
in the game are rather weak, but when used as a Dart they can become twice 
as powerful. However once you throw that item you cannot bring it back again. 
Not just Boomerangs or Stars can be used as Darts but Swords, Daggers, 
Ninja Swords, and Spears can be used as well. Also take note that the Attack 
power of the other weapons changes. For example an strong sword has a 105
attack power rating, but when throw the attack power can be 106 or higher.

Dart By: *Edge*

Note: You can not equip the dart weapon. The
      way I got the attack power for the 
      Shuriken and HellWind was that I use
      Game Genie Codes.

                             DART WEAPONS
  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
Shuriken|    40| 99%| *D*                        | Purchase for 20000  |
        |      |    |                            | gil each            |
HellWind|    83| 99%| *D*                        | Purchase for 50000  |
        |      |    |                            | gil each            |
 Cleaver|  none|100%| Strongest Dart Weapon      | Get it from         |
        |      |    |                            | Yang's wife         |

<> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> ><
>< <> >< <> >< <> >< <> >< <>

Staffs are also low in attack power as well and they also possess extremely 
low hit percentage rate. Staffs are mainly used with White Magic and can be 
used on the party to heal wounded members.

Use By: *Rosa* *Rydia* (Kid)

Note: The staff is use by a lot of people. Rydia can use it 
      before she get swallowed by Leviathan.       

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
   Staff|     4| 25%|                            | Purchase for 160 gil|
 Healing|     8| 30%| Heal ally, go in item      | Buy it in Town      |
        |      |    | and go to Healing staff    | of Mysadia          |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  | Purchase for 480 gil|
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
        |      |    | Effective against undead   |                     |
Mithrill|    12| 35%| Effective against undead   | Purchase for 4000   |
        |      |    |                            | gil                 |
   Power|    32| 44%| Random effect of Bersk with| Purchase for 2000   |
        |      |    | each successful hit        | gil                 |
  Energy|    36| 55%|                            | FuSoYa starts with  |
        |      |    |                            | it                  |
    Sage|    48| 65%| Use as item to cast Raise  | Found in Moon Core  |
 Silence|    52| 70%| Add "Scilence" Ailment to  | Found in Giant of   |
        |      |    | enemy                      | Babil               |

  >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><
>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Rods are not very powerful overall, but they can be used as items when 
times of need calls for it. Also Rods have extremely low hit percentages 
and don't be surprised to find the person equipped with a Rod missing 
practically every hit. Rods, when used as items are mainly used as black 
magics. When you attack with Rods they can have the elementary effect of 
a certain element depending on which you are equipped, but when used as 
an item they can cast spells like Blizd2, Fire2, or Thnd2.

Use By: *Rydia*

Note: The Rod can be use by a lot of people, not just Rydia.

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
     Rod|     3| 30%|                            | Purchase for 100 gil|
  IceRod|     5| 30%| Cast Ice, go in item       | Found in Underground|
        |      |    | and go to IceRod           | Waterfall, or       |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  | purchase for 220 gil|
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
FlameRod|     7| 35%| Cast Fire, go in item      | Purchase for 380 gil|
        |      |    | and go to FlameRod         |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
 Thunder|    10| 40%| Cast Thunder, go in item   | Purchase for 700 gil|
        |      |    | and go to Thunder rod      |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
  Lilith|    13| 40%| Cast Aspir, go in item     | Dropped by Lilith?  |
        |      |    | and go to Lilith rod       |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
Apparite|    15| 40%| Cast Piggy, go in item     | Only by Game Genie? |
        |      |    | and go to Apparite rod     |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |
   Fairy|    30| 50%| Random effect of Confusion | Found in underworld |
        |      |    | with successful hit        | Purchase for 5000   |
        |      |    |                            | Gil                 |
StarDust|    45| 60%| Cast comet, go in item     | Found in Moon Core  |
        |      |    | and go to StarDust rod     |                     |
        |      |    | and press A two times. It  |                     |
        |      |    | must be equip to be use.   |                     |


Although it may be a little odd, Insterment are attack weapons. Insterment 
have a high hit percentage rate however and they are fairly strong early on 
and only Gilbert can equip these Harps.

Use By: *Gilbert*

Note: If Gilbert equip an insterment, he can sing. 
      (Sing isn't all that great)

 Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where           |
Dreamer|     8| 80%| Random effect of Sleep with| Gilbert strat        |
       |      |    | each successful hit        | with it.             |
  Lamia|    18| 85%| Random effect of Charm     | Found in Antlion's   |
       |      |    | with each successful hit   | Lair                 |


Claw induce negative status effects towards varying opponents, 
however that negative status effect will not always come out even 
though the opponent is weak against it.

Use By: *Yang*

Note: Only Yang can equip claws, even with Game Genie
      Codes. If someone else equip any claw, with Game 
      Genie Codes. The attack power will be 0 or 1!

  Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where          |
FireClaw|    21| 80%| Has the effect of Fire1    | Yang start with     |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | it or Purchase for  |
        |      |    |                            | 350 gil             |
 IceClaw|    21| 80%| Has the effect of Blizrd   | Purchase for 450    |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | gil                 |
  Tunder|    21| 80%| Has the effect of Thund    | Purchase for 550    |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | gil                 |
   Fairy|    21| 60%| Random effect of Confusion | Found in Cave of    |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | Power               |
HellClaw|    21| 90%| Random effect of Poison    | Found in Valvalicia |
        |      |    | with each successful hit   | Tower or in Sylph   |
        |      |    |                            | Cave                |
 CatClaw|    23| 99%| Random effect of Sleep with| Found in Tower of   |
        |      |    | each successful hit        | Babil or in Sylph   |
        |      |    |                            | Cave                |


Mallet can only be equipped on the Cid, and they are quite powerful 
however and they all work effectively against machines.
However they contain no special attribute though.

Use By: *Cid*

Note: Cid use two hand to equip a Mallet.

 Name  |Attack|Hit%|          Special           |      Where           |
 Mallet|    45| 80%|                           | Cid start with        |
       |      |    |                           | it.                   |
Mithril|    55| 85%|                           | Purchase for 8000 gil |
  Earth|    66| 90%|                           | Found in Valvalicia's |
       |      |    |                           | Tower                 |

|=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|= |=|=
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< Part 9 - Magic List >

The Magic List was done by Bob the Almighty. 
I just edit it a little. Most of the work was done by
Bob the Almighty.

Also, I must give many thanks to Bob the Almighty, he been a BIG help.

Legal Stuff...
This Part of the FAQ is Copyright (c) 1999 Bob The Almighty.
E-mail: bob_the_almighty@hotmail.com     
ICQ: 39079420

	Bob The Almighty created this FAQ. As of 9/27/99, it had a complete 
listing of magic for the final class (Cecil, Cain, Edge, Rosa, and Rydia), 
and a complete of all spells (white, black, ninjitsu, and simmon).

The lastest version of the "Magic List" can be found at 


    RYDIA ( black magic )

|Spell    | FFII Name  |MP|   Level/Location                |
| Blizrd  | Ice 1      | 5|   Lv 2                          |
| Thund   | Lit 1      | 5|   Lv 5                          |
| Sleep   | Sleep      |15|   Lv 8                          |
| Pois    | Venom      | 2|   Lv 10                         |
| Dejon   | Warp       | 4|   Lv 12                         |
| Toad    | Toad       | 7|   Lv 13                         |
| Stop    | Stop       |12|   Lv 15                         |
| Fire    | Fire 1     | 5|   Mt. Hobs                      |
| Piggy   | Piggy      | 1|   Lv 20                         |
| Fire 2  | Fire 2     |15|   Rydia-2nd form                |
| Blizd 2 | Ice 2      |15|   Rydia-2nd form                |
| Thund 2 | Lit 2      |15|   Rydia-2nd form                |
| Bio     | Virus      |20|   Lv. 26                        |
| Aspir   | Psych      | 0|   Lv. 32                        |
| Drain   | Drain      |18|   Lv. 36                        |
| Blizd 3 | Ice 3      |30|   Lv. 39                        |
| Fire 3  | Fire 3     |30|   Lv. 42                        |
| Thund 3 | Lit 3      |30|   Lv. 45                        |
| Quake   | Quake      |30|   Lv. 47                        |
| Break   | Stone      |15|   Lv. 49                        |
| Tornd   | Weak       |25|   Lv. 51                        |
| Death   | Fatal      |35|   Lv. 52                        |
| Flare   | Nuke       |50|   Lv. 55                        |
| Meteo   | Meteo      |99|   Lv. 60                        |

    RYDIA ( summon magic )

Spell      | FFII Name |MP|    Level/Location                                      |
| Goblin   | Imp       | 1|    Anywhere that has goblin enemies, win after battle  |
| Cockt    | Cockt     |15|    Anywhere that has bird enemies, win after battle    |
| Mind     | Mind      |18|    Anywhere that has mage enemies, win after battle    |
| Bomb     | Bomb      |20|    Anywhere that has Bomb enemies, win after battle    |
| Asura    | Asura     |50|    Land of Summoned Monsters (underground)             |
| Sylph    | Sylph     |25|    Sylphian Cave (underground)                         |
| Chocb    | Chocb     | 7|    Rydia start with it                                 |
| Dragn    | Mist      |20|    Rydia-2nd form                                      |
| Titan    | Titan     |40|    Rydia-2nd form                                      |
| Shiva    | Shiva     |30|    Rydia-2nd form                                      |
| Ramuh    | Indra     |30|    Rydia-2nd form                                      |
| Ifrit    | Jinn      |30|    Rydia-2nd form                                      |
| Levia    | Levia     |50|    Land of Summoned Monsters (underground)             |
| Odin     | Odin      |45|    Castle of Baron                                     |
|          |           |  |    (after visiting Land of Summoned Monsters)          |
| Baham    | Baham     |60|    Cave of Bahamut (moon)                              |

Note: For Baham, Levia, Dragn, Odin, and Asura you must fight them in order for 
      Rydia to get their summon power. 

       ROSA ( White ) 

Spell    | FFII Name |MP|    Level/Location                           |
| Keal   | Cure 1    | 3|    Start                                    |
| Hold   | Hold      | 5|    Start                                    |
| Rabur  | Peep      | 1|    Start                                    |
| Slow   | Slow      | 6|    Start                                    |
| Sight  | Sight     | 2|    Start                                    |
| Raise  | Life 1    | 8|    Lv. 11                                   |
| Protc  | M.I.A.    | 9|    Lv. 12                                   |
| Keal 2 | Cure 2    | 9|    Lv. 13                                   |
| Silnce | Mute      | 6|    Lv. 15                                   |
| Esuna  | Heal      |20|    Lv. 18                                   |
| Bersk  | Bersk     |18|    Lv. 20                                   |
| Telep  | Exit      |10|    Tower of Zott (2nd time you get Rosa)    |
| Blink  | Blink     | 8|    Lv. 23                                   |
| Conf   | Charm     |10|    Lv. 24                                   |
| Shell  | M.I.A.    |10|    Lv. 29                                   |
| Keal 3 | Cure 3    |18|    Lv. 30                                   |
| Mini   | Size      | 6|    Lv. 30                                   |
| Displ  | M.I.A.    |12|    Lv. 31                                   |
| Haste  | Fast      |25|    Lv. 33                                   |
| Levita | Float     | 8|    Lv. 35                                   |
| Rflct  | Wall      |30|    Lv. 36                                   |
| Keal 4 | Cure 4    |40|    Lv. 38                                   |
| Arise  | Life 2    |52|    Lv. 45                                   |
| Holy   | White     |46|    Lv. 55                                   |

*spells listed with an M.I.A. under the FFII Name column stands for
 Missing In Action....they do not appear in FFII*

        CECIL ( White )

Spell     | FFII Name |MP|    Level/Location      |
| Keal    | Cure 1    | 3|    Mt. Ordeal          |
| Sight   | Sight     | 2|    Lv. 3               |
| Rabur   | Peep      | 1|    Lv. 8               |
| Keal 2  | Cure 2    | 9|    Lv. 15              |
| Telep   | Warp      |10|    Lv. 19              |
| Esuna   | Heal      |20|    Lv. 25              |

       EDGE ( Ninjitsu )

Spell    | FFII Name |MP|  Level/Location         |
| Katon  | Flame     |15|  Start                  |
| Siton  | Flood     |20|  Tower of Babil         |
| Rajin  | Blitz     |25|  Tower of Babil         |
| Kagsh  | Pin       | 5|  Lv. 27                 |
| Kemur  | Smoke     |10|  Lv. 33                 |
| Bushn  | Image     | 6|  Lv. 38                 |


          Black Magic

  SPELL   | DESCRIPTIONS                                                      |
| Fire    | Fire based attack (weak)                                          |
| Fire 2  | Fire based attack (average)                                       |
| Fire 3  | Fire based attack (strong)                                        |
| Blizrd  | Ice based attack (weak)                                           |
| Blizd 2 | Ice based attacl (average)                                        |
| Blizd 3 | Ice based attack (strong)                                         |
| Thund   | Lighting based attack (weak)                                      |
| Thud 2  | lighting based attack (average)                                   |
| Thund 3 | Lighting based attack (strong)                                    |
| Pois    | Poison based attack (weak)                                        |
| Bio     | Poison based attack (strong)                                      |
| Quake   | Earth based attack (strong)                                       |
| Break   | Earth based attack (storng); instant death                        |
| Tornd   | Wind based attack (strong); reduces target's HP to single digits  |
| Sleep   | Induces sleep on target                                           |
| Stop    | Makes the target unable to use actions                            |
| Piggy   | Changes target to/from pig status                                 |
| Toad    | Changes target to/from toad status                                |
| Dejon   | Warp to the previous floor of a dungen                            |
| Drain   | Caster absorbs target's HP                                        |
| Apsir   | Caster absorbs target's MP                                        |
| Death   | Induces instant death on target                                   |
| Flare   | Non-elemental attack (strong as Hell)                             |
| Meteo   | Ultimate black magic, non-emental attack on all enemies (stronger |
|         | than hell)                                                        |

          White Magic

SPELL     | DESCRIPTIONS                                                     |
| Keal    | Restores target's HP/damages undead (weak)                       |
| Keal 2  | Restores target's HP/damages undead (average)                    |
| Keal 3  | Restores target's HP/damages undead (storng)                     |
| Keal 4  | Restores target's HP (max) /damages undead (strongest)           |
| Raise   | Restores live to fallen character                                |
| Arise   | Restores live plus full HP to fallen character                   |
| Esuna   | Removes negative status effects                                  |
| Displ   | Removes positive status effects                                  |
| Rlfct   | Reflects almost any magic back to caster                         |
| Rabir   | Check out target's vital stats; HP/MP/weakness                   |
| Blink   | Creates multiple images on target, making it difficult to hit    |
| Levita  | Allows target(s) to float, protects from poison floors and Quake |
|         | magic                                                            |
| Protc   | Raises defense against physical attacks                          |
| Shell   | Raises defense against magical attacks                           |
| Mini    | Changes target to/from midget status                             |
| Bersk   | Induces bersk status (higher damage from attacks, but loss of    |
|         | control)                                                         |
| Conf    | Induces confusion status (unable to determine allies from        |
|         | enemies)                                                         |
| Silnce  | Induces mute status (unable to cast magic or use magical         |
|         | abilities)                                                       |
| Slow    | Induces slow status  (a lower reaction time)                     |
| Haste   | Induces haste status (a higher reaction time)                    |
| Hold    | Induces hold status (target is stopped)                          |
| Sight   | Brings up world map                                              |
| Telep   | Warp out of dungens to the world map                             |
| Holy    | Holy based attack (strongest white magic)                        |


SPELL   | DESCRIPTIONS                                                   |
| Katon | Fire based attack (strong)                                     |
| Siton | Water based attack (strong)                                    |
| Rajin | Lighting based attack (strong)                                 |
| Kagsh | Induces blind status                                           |
| Bushn | Creates multiple images on target, making it difficult to hit  |
| Kemur | Causes smoke screen, allowing for easy retreat from battle     |


SPELL   | DESCRIPTIONS                                              |
| Goblin  | Punch (non-emental attack, weak)                        |
| Cockt   | Stone Beak (earth based attack, instant death)          |
| Mind    | Mind Blast (non-emental attack, weak-average)           |
| Bomb    | Destruct (damage dealt =caster's current HP)            |
| Asura   | Asura (A. Keal 3 is cast on all allies)                 |
|         |       (B. Keal 4 is cast on all allies)                 |
|         |       (C. Raise is cast on all allies)                  |
|         |       (D. Blink is cast on all allies)                  |
| Sylph   | Whisper (enemies HP is absorbed and given to the party) |
| Chocb   | Kick (non-emental damage, weak)                         |
| Dragn   | Mist Breath (non-emental damage [????], weak-average)   |
| Titan   | Anger (earth based attack, average-strong)              |
| Shiva   | Snow Storm (ice based attack, average)                  |
| Ramuh   | Judgement (lighting based attack, average)              |
| Ifrit   | Hellfire (fire based attack, average)                   |
| Levia   | Tsunami (water based attack, strong)                    |
| Odin    | Iron Sword (instant death)                              |
| Baham   | Mega Flare (non-emental attack, best and strongest      |
|         | summon)                                                 |

Bob The Almighty NOTE: 

    I made this FAQ 100% by MYSELF....I played through 
    the game and kept a record of when everyone learned a spell (at what 
    level). Then I played throught it AGAIN to verify this. 

I used by old SNES copy of Final Fantasy 2 to compare spell names, which 
I had to play through also because my saved games were erased. I did this 
out of love for the game and the excelent J2e Translation of it. I thought 
other fans would like it, so please obey the copyright notice. I have NO 
PROBLEM if you post it on your page. I don't even care if copy and paste 
certain sections into your own FAQ or Walkthrough, as long as the orginal 
copyright is still there giving me crdeit and a link to GameFAQs to this 
file or some other remark that indicates that this is NOT your own work 
(ie, the following is an excert from the Final Fantasy IV Magic FAQ by 
Bob the Almighty, which can be found in its entire at GameFAQS....or 
something to that effect). And please do not sell this for money, I did 
it for free and I want it to remain free for other fans. 

                                                      Thank you, 
                                                         Bob the Almighty

E-mail: bob_the_almighty@hotmail.com     
ICQ: 39079420

Zero's Note:

I must also give my thanks to Bob the Almighty again for being a great 
help to me. I must say he did a super job on the magic list. Good luck 
and I wise for you to have many more faq up, thanks again to 
Bob the Almighty. So to everyone else please obey the copyright notice!
Just by obeying the copyright notice, you are giving me and 
Bob the Almighty, all the thanks we need.


< Part 10 - Game Genie Codes! >

Created by: Aerostar (Aerostar13@aol.com)
Date: 8/10/98

	These codes are for the JAPANESE version of FF4, "hard
type".  Aerostar (Aerostar13@aol.com) used the ROM address conversion 
technique to compare the Japanese and American games and adjusted some
of the codes to the new memory addresses:

If Aerostar don't want the Game Genie codes in this faq, E-mail me.

  All codes below were tested by me and it should work fine.
        But you still use the codes at your owen risk!

         00CF-A469     The Gunslinger Code (original by Gunslinger)         

                       This also let you go through all the Item in 
                       Final Fantasy 4 Hard-type. 
                       To go through all
                       the Item in Final Fantasy 4. 

                       Put the Game Genie Code in. 

                       Next, go to your Item List, in menu.
                       Now with the Game Genie Code on
                       you should be able to use any Item as much
                       as you want, but not in battle! 

                       Now if you use any Item (Potion, Hi-Potion,
                       X-Potion Ether, Ether Dry, ete.) in the Item 
                       list on the middle guy or girl the first Item in
                       the Item list will change, repeat as much as 
                       you want to go through all of Final Fantasy 4 
                       Hard-Type Items. (Now, you know how I did the
                       "Item List" and "Weapon List")
         0CC3-0F64     Walk through walls. A.K.A WTW
                                           (original by Café Eblana)         
         E3A5-64D0     All characters can equip any weapon or any armor!
                                           (original by aerostar13@aol.com)         
         31EE-646D     Go into a town and talk to a person.  You will
                       get into a battle, and your sole party member will be
                       Golbez (Level 50, HP 2943/2943, MP 180/180).  His battle
                       menu is just "Fight", but you can change it using other
                       codes (try giving him "Twin"!).
                                           (original by lasy@concentric.net)         

!NOTE! All the codes below were never tested by me and I can't say it works! 
       Try the codes at your owe risk! Please don't e-mail me if they don't 
       work, e-mail the the web site or the people who made them!

Also please e-mail if any of the codes work. It would really help a lot!

The following codes remain the same for the Japaneseversion of Final Fantasy
4 Hard-type:         

  Enemy spells (xx6D-6F63)

  Character change code (xx67-0D02)

Created by: Enef4 (enef4@aol.com) 


                It makes Kain invinsible when he jumps to strike an enemy - 
                makes him a secret character. But remember to turn on effects 
                or if an enemy uses a spell the game will freeze. 




               When they use a white magic spell they start flashing but turn 
               off effects or game will freeze: Warning! Retreat and you will 
               see two dark knights on the moon. 



              A person in your party or an enemy dies when they use any form 
              of magic. Also when Cecil uses magic to cure he disappears and 
              becomes a dark knight on the screen, makes him secret character, 
              and from there follow the instructions for making a secret 
              character like turning off effects and all that. 



              This code was very weird! Cecil uses magic and turns himself 
              into a dark knight. Then he can do dummy and floats in the air, 
              and then follow instructions for making secret character. 





              It makes Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge invinsible when walking 
              and is just a tiny little dot on a battle, they can't do 

    Character Change Codes

The process for using each code is the same, unless noted otherwise. Here is 
what to do: 

1. Go in a battle with the Game Genie's effects off, then turn them on after 
   battle starts. 

2. Have one character use an item or spell, and they will glitch. 

3. Run from the battle, and go to your menu screen. 

4. Heal any status ailments of the new charcter, cure them, and revive them if 

5. Test the new character! Make sure you turn the effects off before you test. 

Some important things to remember when using: 

1. Do not save games with new characters over your prized saved game! Make a 
   separate saved game slot for wierd saved games. 

2. Don't replace Cecil. You need him to finish the game. 

3. If a code doesn't work, don't fret. Try it on a different character and see. 
   Or, you may need to complete more of the game first. If 
   you haven't even met a person first, the code will almost definitly not work. 
   I.E., the FuSoYa code won't work in the beginning of the game. You need to 
   have had him in a battle first. That brings us to the next topic... 

When Codes Start Working

This is when we THINK the codes start working. If you find that one of these 
doesn't work, e-mail either SirGarland@aol.com or Strato508@aol.com. 

Cecil: From the begining of the game 

Kain: First time he fights 

Rydia: When you are attacked by the Titan and herself 

Rosa: First time she fights 

Tellah: First time he fights 

Edward: After the fight against Tellah 

Yang: When Yang is fighting the MomBomb 

Palom: First time he fights 

Porom: First time she fights 

Cid: First time he fights 

Older Rydia: First time you see her? We're not sure about this. The game may 
             think of Young Rydia and Older Rydia as 2 different charatcers, 
             but it might not matter. 

Golbez: You must beat the game first 

Edge: When you see him fighting Rubincante 

FuSoYa: First fight he is in. 

(NOTE: Some codes may not work because of different verisons of FF2, 
Game Genie, and the SNES control deck.) 

(Editor's note: MANY of these codes do not work on 
this patch! Maybe it has something to do with the patch; I dunno. *^_^*)



"Character Copy Code" 

                This changes whoever uses it into the person at the top 
                of the list of people. 


"Erases a character permanently". 

                There are MANY of these but this is one. 

"FuSoYa Code!" 

               This code gives you FuSoYa, and that is a PERFECT 
               FuSoYa. Almost NONE of these codes give you a perfect character. 
               You may have to use his magic a few times before it starts 
               working good. 

"A Dark Knight named Rydia".

               You get a Dark Knight that is named Rydia, 
               his attack in battle is Recall. 

"Kain the Dark Knight". 

               Uses the Dark Knight body and Kain's menu.

"Eraser/Invincibility Code".

               This code will Erase a character, however, 
               it does not kill them or erase them right away!!! It will take 
               away their Stats, but they are still alive for the ONE battle 
               that they are in. How is this useful??? Well, do this little 
               trick and you will see! Go into the final battle 
               against Zeromus. Before you use the crystal, use this trick on 
               everyone EXCEPT Cecil. You have to keep someone alive, or you 
               will perish. Then, have Cecil use the crystal. Now, Zeromus can 
               attack anyone and only do damage to Cecil! You have about a 5 
               times better chance to beat Zeromus now!!! 


               This is definitly unusual. It has a Dk. Knight's 
               stats, Rosa's commands, equipped with all DesertLites, and it 
               looks like Anna in battle and a pig on the map! Try this one out! 

"Gives you Palom"

               Palom only have one battle command which doesn't seem 
               to do much.

"Kain the Dark Knight!" 

               You can get the Dark Knight Cecil in your party 
               with this code. He will be named Kain and he has Kain's menu. 
               You can see Cecil Jump!!! 

"Kain the Dark Knight 2!" 


               This is the same as above, only the Dark Knight has better stats. 

"Dark Knight Cid!" 

               This allows the Dark Knight to be named Cid and use 
               Cid's commands (Peep, Fight, Item) The stats for the Dark Knight
               are: 14 STR, 0 AGIL, 14 VIT, 0 WIS, 14 WILL, 3 ATTACK, 24 DEFENSE,
               148 MAG DEFENSE. 

"Perfect Copy of Rosa!" 

               This code will allow you to obtain a Carbon 
               Copy of what Rosa is at your point in the game. This can be used 
               to configure your own party to fight Zeromus. 

"Perfect Copy of Kain!" 
               This code will allow you to obtain a Carbon 
               Copy of what Kain is at your point in the game. This can be used
               to configure your own party to fight Zeromus. 

"Weird Kain" 

               This will give you Kain with the stats of 1 HP, 1 MP, 
               Level 0, STR 0, AGIL 56, VIT 1, WIS 0, WILL 0, ATTACK 0, DEFENSE 
               0, MAG DEFENSE 8, Equipped with: Right Hand: 4 Head: Dummy Commands: 
               Fight (Normal), Second Command is the command that was 2nd in the 
               one you changed (Does a VERY weird thing. Sometimes it will glitch 
               however so be careful. It seems to erase a whole row of enemies and 
               then revive a whole row.) Third Command is the 3rd command in 
               the person who you changed (Casts ICE 1 on anything), Fourth Command 
               is OUR (This will glitch every time, I think it was taken out of the
               game.), and the Fifth Command is Fight (Normal Fighting). Use the 
               second command on yourself to kill most of the enemies. 

"Yang the Dark Knight!"

               Stats: Str 1, AGIL 76, VIT 0 (Not sure if it is 
               0, my notes aren't very clear for this code.), WIS 99, WILL 1, 
               ATTACK 43, DEFENSE 65, MAGIC DEFENSE 12, Equipped with Right Hand: 
               Fire Claw75, Left Hand 2, Head: Wooden Hammer, Arms, Crystal Ring. 
               Commands Fight Kick (Try this one out!!!!!!!!!!! It is like the Dark
               Wave attack that the clone uses in the stance he has, except, Cecil 
               is air Borne!!!!) and item. 

"Kain with Imp Call".

               Get a Kain with the Imp Call spell equipped for 
               head. Unequip it and then change the character back with a "Perfect" 
               code and you have the Imp Call spell. The Kain isn't really that 
               great any way. 

"Young Rydia Code!" 

               This code gives you Young Rydia!!!!!!!!!! The game 
               will recognize her as Rydia. However, has the commands for Golbeze 
               (OUR, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight) so you can't have a good Young Rydia 
               and an old Rydia in your party..... yet. 


               This code seems to erase a character from your party, however, 
               the character still appears in battle and in the status screen. 
               However, you can not use the character in battle, and the cursor 
               in the status screen skips over the guy. You can use this guy as 
               a Human Shield if you want the guy to absorb attacks. 

"Dark Knight with Crystal Sword!"

               Get a Dark Knight equipped with a Ragnarok. You can use this at 
               the beginning of the game. Unequip him and you can equip your 
               paladin with the Ragnarok when you first get him. Change the guy 
               back who you took it from and you will have a normal party again. 

"Tella Code!"

              This code allows you to get Tella. This Tellah is HARDLY 
              perfect, but at least you can now play him after he died. Stats are:
              0 STR, 3AGIL, 0WIS, 0 WILL, p52 HP, 1280 MP, 0 ATTACK, 100 DEFENSE, 
              0 MDEF, HEAD Charm Claw, Body Rune Axe, either character Garbage or 
              Tella for the name in battle. Because of his low Agility, he almost
              never comes up in battle. Stats look like Gilbert. He is VERY Glitchy. 


"Dark Knight/Paladin!"

              On menu and in battle and on map, name is Cecil, 
              and has all the commands of a Paladin. He's not perfect, but pretty 
              cool to see defend others as a D.Knight. 

"A Bard named Kain".

              Commands are Kains, get to see Gilbert Jump. He's 
              equiped with Trash Cans on Head and Arms...LEAVE THE ONE ON HIS 

"A D.Knight named Palom".

              Commands are Fight, Black, Twin, Item. He has 
              no Black spells but he may gain some later . If you use Twin, he 
              and Cecil will cast a twin spell and they will be in Cecil's 
              stance for Dark Wave. He is also equiped with Trash Cans, again 

"A D.Knight named Tella". 

              Commands are Fight, White, Black, Item. He 
              has no spells but he may learn some later . Again, leave the Trash 
              Can on his arms because it's very powerfull. 

"A Bard named Palom".

              Commands are Fight, Black, Twin, Item. He has no 
              Black spells but he may gain some later . If you use Twin, he and 
              Cecil will cast a Twin spell; Cecil will be in his D. Wave stance 
              and Gilbert will be in his Heal stance. Also, he's got a Crystal 
              on his head and Diamond armor. 

"A young caller named Rydia". 

              Commands are Fight, Black, White, Call, 
              and Item. Rydia is an exact copy of Rydia at that point. She's
              equiped with 2 Shadow armors, 1 power armor, 1 Heroine armor,
              and a Black glove...good stuff. 
              (EDITOR'S NOTE: This code may only work with some versions or 
              only if you currently have young Rydia in your party. When I used
              with an older Rydia, I had strange results. A Dark Knight named 
              Anna, who had a Pig map picture, had Porom's name in the battle 
              screen, and looked like the previous Anna code. 

"Rydia as a Bard!"

              Commands are that of a Bard. Equipped with alot of good stuff. 

"A Green Pig the size of a normal character, in battle".

              His name is Golbeze. Commands are Fight, Dart, Sneak, Ninja, 
              and Item. Un-equip the Dummy he's wearing, and use 1 of them its
              got a really cool effect. 


"Perfect Edge"


"A Better Golbeze!"

              This code is better than the other Golbeze code. In 
              this, Golbeze has a Fight and Item command, can use Black and 
              White magic (Not in battle, only on menu. He doesn't have any 
              White Magic, but maybe he can learn some.) Under his Black Magic 
              screen he has a couple normal spells, a couple weird ones, but he 
              also has Cure 4 and Life 2, which you CAN use. He comes at level
              45, and it equipped with a spear, so it actually looks like he is 
              fighting, not just fists. 

"Dr. Lugeie?" 

              This code is wierd. You get a guy who is a "Fight It", at 
              level 0, is L/R both equippable, has Black; White; and Call magic 
              (although he knows no spells), and looks like Dr. Lugeie on the
              map screen! 


NOTE: These codes affect the person underneath the person who uses the potion or 

Lots of different varieties of Cecil (Don't ask - it's weird -use 
repeatedly with differnent guys) 


"Turns the character into a Dark Knight"


"Turns the character into a Dragoon"


ALL Material in this section is (C) Copyright 1996, Game Genie 
Code Creators Club. All material may not be reproduced, without
being fully creditted or without the prior written permission 
of the club.

All Game Genie Codes came form http://www.videogamesource.com/genie 
This site is the best place for Game Genie Codes. They make their own
Game Genie Codes!  


< Part 11 - Duplicate Weapon or Shield >

	Go in to battle and press A on a empty space, next, go up to the 
items you are holding, and press A on the weapon or shield. Finish the 
battle or run. Next go to the equip screen and equip the weapon or 
shield, you should see a "2" next to it, then unequip, and reequip, 
and you should have two of that weapon or shield. This doesn't work for 

                      Duplicate 255 Weapon or Shield

	Equip Cecil with arrows in his right hand and a bow in his left hand. 
Go into battle, and go to item. Press A on the arrows he has equip and put them 
in an empty space. Without leaving the window, Hit A on the Avenger sword and 
move up and hit A on the bow you had equipped. It should auto-leave the item 
window, and his commands will disappear. Do NOT have anyone else do anything!
	After Cecil has kill all the enemies, go to menu, press A on EQUIP and 
you should be in the equip screen. Now you should see the Avenger in his left 
hand and a number in his right hand. Unequip the Avenger, and equip whatever 
weapon or shield you want duplicated in his good hand (where the number is). 
De-equip, then re-equip. There your done. 


< Part 12 - Arlen Kwong's Credits >

Excalibur Guy, Master of the Walkthrough  BlueSeed9@aol.com
Byblos, the Final Fantasy GOD	            Byblos16@aol.com
Brian Lehnert                             Metal_Hawk@hotmail.com

Special Thanks to:
SquareSoft - for creating FFIV
Brandon Nieto - for introducing me to FFIV
Alex Tuvell - for beating the game, and telling me what happened


MageWolf - Thank for giving me a VERY detail,     megawolf@twu.net
           map of where the Porno Mag is.

Simon H. - Great friend.                           best78@juno.com

Keven U. - Great friend.

Vu C. - Great friend.                            azngang@hotmail.com

Dan Orner - Thanks for the help.               omegaonyx@geocities.com


                       ****Special Thanks to:****

All the emulator, romz and translations web site.

Snes9x - The best emulator around, keep up the great work.


Zsnes - The fastest emulator around, keep up the great work. 


SquareSoft - The number one maker in RPG and 3D games, 
             which I soon hope to work for.

Aerostar - If you never made those Game Genie Codes, I would
           never had finish the Weapon, and Item list.


The Game Genie Code Creators Club a.k.a. GGCCC - The best place for 
                                                Game Genie Codes.

                                    They also create their own Game Genie


GameSages - The best place for codes. 


GameFAQs - The best place for all game faqs.


J2e Translations - If you guys never translated Final Fantasy 4, I would
                   never had played it.


Bob the Almighty - Thanks, for the great Magic List and for putting up 
                   with me, when you had to e-mail, me a lest 5 e-mails!!
                   Thanks a bunch man.
                                                ICQ number 39079420

Dan Lindeblad - Thanks, you have real were a big help with the walk through.
                Also, you have a great written skills. Hope we can do more
                updates together.

                                                     Aim: Valor52

Erick L. - A very old and great friend.

Allen L. - A very good friend.

Howard C. - A very good friend.

Dingo Jellybean - Thank you for your help.      bellybutton21@hotmail.com

Joe N. - A very good friend.                     Joker_187@hotmail.com

Thach D. - My oldest, dearest, and best friend.   comillenium@yahoo.com

