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You'd be surprised at how ignorant and dishonest people can be: Do not use this document on your website without our permission. Do not post it without our name, do not re-edit the text, do not fold it, do not rip it into shreds, do not bend it, crease it, or do anything with it other than encasing it in a valued glass display, and above all, do not distribute this guide for profit! This guide does not withhold any of the plot, and plot references will/should be abound. So I'm warning you now. If you don't want us, you, your friends, this guide, or your mother spoiling this fantastic game for you, don't read this guide! You can bookmark this FAQ and return to it to review some plot elements once you've finished the game. Unless you don't have a problem with FAQs containing a spoiler overload, this FAQ is all you need for the game. It would be common knowledge that that most FAQs would have spoilers, but then again, McDonalds lost millions of dollars to some woman who didn't think the coffee was hot. It's jaw-dropping, we know. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Surprise! You never expected to see a joint FAQ by ATadeo and Adrenaline, did you? Well, did you?! We were, and still are pretty excited about this guide. However, school is impeding our full performance. So you'll have to excuse a few drunk errors. :) This Final Fantasy IV FAQ seals both our ends on doing a guide for the entire FFC collection. It is truly an honor to be working with such a great author (ATadeo). And so, we now present to you our full coverage of the ignition that sparked a revolution of RPG games. Enjoy our Final Fantasy IV guide! That's a command, you know. ~AdrenalineSL Hello everyone! As you may have already known, this would be the first time I'll be teaming up with anyone in doing a guide for a particular game. And I must say that I am very honored and very lucky to have her as my partner in this guide. I've never known such a nice and sweet person before. Apart from that, she definitely has talent in guide writing. Not only does she make the guide complete, she sees to it that every reader will understand what she wants to relay through her guides. Now, that's an excellent writer. Now, onto our Final Fantasy IV guide! ~ATadeo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * So what the heck is the deal with this Final Fantasy hardtype. What's so hard about it? Well, frankly speaking, it isn't hard at all. What they are trying to say is that they've modernized it a bit to fit the more recent Final Fantasy battle systems--the renowned ATB system! That's right, folks, the ATB battle system. _However_, it's not in the sense of harnessing the ATB bar. Basically, the enemies will act on their own and attack your party whether you're ready or not. While it's still leashed to the turn-based type system, it does have that sense of active battle in it. The enemies exchange attacks each time _one of your character acts_. Get it? Not as challenging as it seems, but it sure as hell isn't too easy either. Other than insane, hard-hitting enemies, we are treated to cleverly veiled secrets, intense dungeon navigation, more skills, items and extra goodies we never did fully relish in the original US release. Did we ever get Final Fantasy IV? I don't remember seeing it! In fact, we did except we were endowed with the easy type, and it was announced as Final Fantasy II. For many of you who have played Final Fantasy IX, you'll find that it harks many of the aspects from its great ancestor. Final Fantasy IV-- the phenomenon that started the whole Final Fantasy biz. You'll learn to appreciate a true, quality RPG, my PSX-owning friends! So, let's get you through the mud and kick off! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i. Updates/Revisions I. Game Basics II. Walkthrough III. Equipment List a. Weapons b. Armor c. Shield d. Headgear e. Accessories IV. Magic List a. White Magic b. Black Magic c. Summon Magic V. Item List a. Support Items b. Key Items VI. Bestiary VII. Shop List VIII. Frequently Asked Questions IX. Credits and Acknowlegements -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UPDATES/REVISIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.1 (December 8, 2001) -------------------------------- The second update's here! And the best one yet. Adrenaline here, bringing you more of the guide with some contributions from readers...AND... - Item List added and completed - Shop List added and completed - ASCII art added at the top! ^___^ - Revamped the look of the guide...just a little - Added some FAQs ;) What you see is what you get. We still need the Game Basics part done, which is why you don't see a Roman numerical "I." anywhere. That'll come hopefully, soon. Version 1.0 (November 17, 2001) --------------------------------- Hey, now! Let's celebrate! The first public release of our Final Fantasy IV guide for the Playstation! Yay! In this first release, we've got pretty much everything wrapped around our pinkies. Let's see what we've got done. - Walkthrough completed - Equipment lists completed - Bestiary completed - Magic List completed - Just about everything you see here is completed. What's to come? Lotsa stuff. An item list is currently pending, as well as the Game Basics. We also may give the guide a little face lift for better presentation. We'll be making a lotta updates as we go through with the versions until Final. Aaron is currently preoccupied with other things, so we'll close it off now. Enjoy the first version! | | -+- -+- | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ | | \ II. Game Walkthrough / | | /_________________----------------------------------________________\ | -+-/ \-+- | | \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ AIRSHIP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In the beginning, you'll see Cecil and the Red Wings talk about something that they did. Cecil will then have a flashback as to what happened back at Mysidia. They feel guilty but they can't do anything since it's an order from the King of Baron. After that, the airship will be attacked by 2 sets of monsters but Cecil will be able to defeat them with ease. After those battles, the airship will arrive at Castle Baron. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ BARON \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Inside, you'll meet up with Baigan who will lead you to the King. After a short dialogue, Cecil will come in the throne room and will hand over the crystal to the King. Cecil will make a fuss about what they were ordered to do, but instead of explaining, the King punishes Cecil by letting him do an errand plus he will be relieved of his position as the leader of the Red Wings. Kain will then come in and beg the King to reconsider, but he too will be ordered to join Cecil in the errand. The two are ordered to defeat the beast at the Valley of Mist and deliver the Bomb Ring to Village Mist. After the brief dialogue, you'll be just outside the throne room. Then after a short talk with Kain, you'll be able to control Cecil for the first time. Make your way to 1F. The two stairs on either side lead to a White Magic Lab and a Black Magic Lab. There's a guard stationed on the lower right of the room, and above him is a switch. Flip the switch to gain access to 3 chests. Now, head all the way to the left and use the stairs. Then, keep on moving left (use the stairs that you'll reach) until you meet up with Rosa. After that short talk, go south through the door. Outside, go north and meet up with Cid. After another talk, continue heading straight to the north to the door that is on the tall tower. Go up to the second floor and talk to the maid. She'll tell you that your sheets are ready. Go up to the next floor and use the bed. Cecil will try to take a rest. During the night, Rosa will come in and she will talk to Cecil again about what is happening and about the errand they were told to do. The next morning you'll automatically meet up with Kain and you'll both leave the castle. You'll then see the prologue of the game. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ After the prologue, you'll be on the world map for the first time. This will also be your first chance of saving the game. Open up the menu and then save your game. Your first instinct would be to go to the Village of Mist as directed by the king. After saving, head all the way to the west through the mountain ranges and you'll see a cave. Go inside. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ MIST CAVE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: Potions x2 Enemies: Larva \ \ Tent SandMoth \ \ Eyedrops MistaDragon (Boss) \ \ Recommended Party Level: 10 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ As you enter, you'll notice that the place is full of mist so, take care while navigating through the cave. On the first area, move on through the ladders until someone tells you to go back. After that, get the chest to the north for a Potion. Now, cross the bridge on the right. Right after that bridge, go up the ladder to the north and get the Eyedrops from the chest. Continue to the south of the bridge. Then, get 2 chests on the way for a Tent and a Potion. Continue towards the northeast exit. On the way, Cecil and Kain will hear the mysterious voice once more. This time, tell him that you refuse to go back. You'll then have your first boss battle in the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: MIST DRAGON ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 450 EXP: 350 GIL: 200 Items: none Attacks: Cold Mist, Form Change Since this is the first boss, it will be very very easy. The Mist Dragon has 2 forms. First is the Dragon form and the second one is the Mist Form. In Dragon Form, it will do petty physical attacks. Use Kain's Jump and let Cecil do normal physical attacks. After a while, it will turn into Mist Form. This time, do not attack it in any way. Just wait until it reverts back to dragon form before you attack. If you did attack it in Mist Form, it will retaliate with the Cold Mist that will do more damage to both Cecil and Kain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After beating the Mist Dragon, head on towards the exit to the north. You'll now be back at the world map. Now, head east towards the Village Mist. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ VILLAGE MIST \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Upon entering, Kain and Cecil will be shocked as to what the Bomb Ring is for. It will turn into a couple of Bombs and then it will destroy the entire village. After this turn of events, Cecil and Kain will hear someone. She will tell you that her mom dies because her dragon was killed. It was the dragon, which Kain and Cecil killed back at the cave. Kain and Cecil will have a talk about the situation then they will try to ask the girl to come with them since it isn't safe. She will hesitate and you'll engage in a battle. During the fight, the girl will summon someone (most probably it's Titan) then it will use a powerful attack at you. The battle will end and you'll see the Village get totally destroyed. After that, you'll see Cecil and the girl. After realizing that Kain isn't with them, you'll be automatically brought back to the World Map. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ From your current position, head north a bit and you'll reach the desert. Go to the center of the desert and enter the Town of Kaipo. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KAIPO \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Item/s: Ether1 Upon entering the town, Cecil will bring the girl to the Inn. The Innkeeper will let you stay for free. After letting the girl rest, Cecil will take a nap. Then, during the night, a general and his soldiers will come in and will try to kill the girl by the king's order. But Cecil won't allow it and you'll have to fight them. All you have to do is to use Dark at most twice until all the soldiers vanish. The General will retreat. After that, the girl will thank you and will tell you her name, Rydia. The next morning, you're free to roam around. Talk to people and buy some items. Also, don't forget equipments for Rydia. If you're short on Gil, go out and defeat a couple of monsters to cover the cost. But before leaving, get an Ether1 from one of the jars just above the Weapon Shop. After getting the item, go inside the northeast hut and you'll see Rosa. Talk to her then talk to the old man. He'll tell you that you'll need a Ruby that can be found in the Antlion's Cave. Now, leave Kaipo. Note: In the armor shop, you'll meet up with Namingway. He will offer to change your names for free. Now, head north and you'll see a cave. Enter it. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ WATER CAVERN \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: Potion x3 Notus Enemies: CaveToad Jelly \ \ MaidKiss HrGlass1 EvilShel MadToad \ \ Tent Life Gator Pike \ \ Bomb x2 X-Potion TinyMage \ \ Ether1 x2 Ether2 WaterHag \ \ 580 Gil IronRing Zombie \ \ Ice Rod Feather WaterBug \ \ Hermes Hades x3 Octomamm (Boss) \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WATER CAVERN-SOUTH ******************** Upon entering, go north and get 2 chests for a Potion and a MaidKiss. Now, go back down then head left. Cross the bridge and get the Tent from the chest. Now, talk to the old man. He'll ask for your assistance about something since he recognizes that Cecil is a Dark Knight. He'll tell you that he is on his way to Damcyan. He will also reveal himself as Tellah. There's a monster at the lake ahead and Tellah can't handle it alone. Together, you might be able to defeat it. Tellah will now join the party. After that, go north a bit and get a Bomb from the chest. Now, go through the doorway at the upper left corner. You'll now be in B2F. Here, continue on and go into the water. Just as you enter the water, go left and get a chest here for a Potion. Go back into the water then go south and climb up the ladder. You'll encounter another chest on the way. It contains an Ether1. Continue on until you reach a room. Tellah will tell you that you should rest for a while before the upcoming battle. During the night, Tellah and Cecil will talk more about each other and their business at Damcyan. After that, they will take a rest. The next morning, save your game then exit to the north. Outside, move on and get the IceRod from the chest. Go south into the water again and then enter the door that you'll see at the top of the screen. You'll now be at B3F. At the bridge intersection, go right and get the chests for 580 Gil and a Bomb. Go back to the intersection then head left. Move on and enter the door at the end. You'll be at another part of B2F. Here, just head north, get another Potion from a chest, then exit at the doorway. WATER CAVERN-NORTH ******************** Here, go north. When you are just about to cross the bridge towards the right, go left first and get 2 chests for an Ether1 and a Notus. Now, cross the bridge to the right. Before entering the doorway, go south and get the HrGlass1 and the Dark. Now, go through that doorway. Tellah will tell you that this leads outside and that you must use a Tent if you need it. Outside, use a Tent and then save your game. When you're ready, go inside the other cave opening to the north. WATERFALL *********** Upon entering, go south and you'll go down the waterfall. Below, just follow the path and get the 2 chests to the south for the Hades Helmet and the Hades Gloves. Now, move on until you reach the lake. There, cross the bridge to the right and get 2 more chests for the Hermes and the Hades Armor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: OCTOMAMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1,000 EXP: 400 GIL: 500 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks This battle isn't as hard as you think. First, notice the tentacles of the enemy. Once you inflict around 150-200 damage, they will disappear one at a time. When you defeat the final tentacle (which, by far, has the highest HP), you'll win the battle. To defeat it very easily, use Cecil's normal attack. But make sure you equipped the Dark Sword. Then, Tellah and Rydia should use their strong Bolt Magic. Continue this pattern and you'll definitely win. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that easy battle, go north through the waterfall. You'll now be back at the world map. Save your game at once. From your current position, head north to Damcyan Castle. But before you enter, you'll see another shocking event. Some airships will bomb the castle. After seeing that, go inside the castle. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ DAMCYAN CASTLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Item/s: Tent Inside the castle, make your way up. On the way, you'll encounter a floor with lots of chest. You only get one of them. You'll get a Tent. Move on until Tellah sees Anna. Then suddenly, Tellah sees the Bard. He'll attack him with no remorse. After that, Anna will tell Tellah to stop. She'll tell him that she loves Prince Edward (the Bard). Then, they'll talk about the attack of a certain Golbez from Baron, whom Cecil didn't know of. Then, Anna will die unfortunately. Tellah will be sooo mad. =) He'll leave the party for a while. Then, Edward will also mourn about Anna. Rydia and Cecil will tell him to accept what happened. Then, Cecil will ask him about the Ruby that he needs in order to help Rosa. Edward will tell you that you'll need a hovercraft to go to the Antlion's cave to the east. He'll then join your party and you'll be brought back to the world map. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Now, you'll be on a hovercraft that can go over shallow waters (waters with some rocks). To disembark/ride the hovercraft, just press the X button. From Damcyan, head east through the shallow waters to the Antlion's cave. Save your game outside first before entering. If you need items, just head back to Kaipo by using the shallow waters to the west of Damcyan. Move on to the Antlion's cave. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ANTLION'S CAVE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: Potion x3 Ether1 Enemies: Cream \ \ Silk Web x2 Exit Turtle \ \ Soft HrGlass1 Weeper \ \ Tent Sand Ruby Basilik \ \ Notus Lamia Antlion (Boss) \ \ Life Ether1 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In the first floor, you'll be able to get a lot of treasures. They're scattered all over the place. After getting them, use the path on the right side to reach the door at the bottom. Go in. On the next floor, move on south and get a chest with a Notus. Then, enter the room just to the left of this chest to get Edward's Lamia. Now, leave this room then go left and head up. You'll see another doorway here. Go inside this one and keep on moving until you reach another room. This time, you can save your game. Get the chests in here also for Life, Ether1, and Exit. Now, after saving, return back to the main room where you entered here in the first place. Get the chest which is just above that doorway that leads to the save point for an HrGlass1. Move left and get another chest here for a Silk Web. Now, go all the way to the south and through the doorway. You'll finally reach the Antlion's Nest. Prepare first, then go south to meet the Antlion. Edward will try to take the Sand Ruby but the Antlion will attack. The battle begins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: ANTLION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: ? EXP: 500 GIL: 800 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Counter The Antlion is pretty easy but you must have a Cure Spell or a Potion ready at anytime. First, let's discuss how the Antlion attacks and moves. It does only Normal Physical attacks so magic isn't to be worried of. Now, when you attack the Antlion, by any means whether physical or magical, it will Counter attack with a much powerful physical attack. Therefore, use the most powerful attacks only. Use Cecil's physical attack and Rydia's Chocobo Summon. Then, let Edward do the healing. If your HPs have gone too low, let Rydia help with the healing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, you'll receive the Sand Ruby. You can now save Rosa. So, head all the way back outside to the world map. Use the Hovercraft and head all the way back to Kaipo. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ KAIPO \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Now, head to Rosa and use the Sand Ruby on her. She'll recover from her illness. She'll tell you that Golbez is the new leader of the Red Wings and they are in pursuit of the Crystals around the world. Everyone will agree to go to Fabul, the most-likely destination of Golbez, since 2 crystals are already in the King's hands. Everyone will then have a rest. During the night, you'll see Edward play his harp. But then, he'll be attacked by a Waterhag. You'll then have to fight. During the course of the battle, Anna will appear before Edward. She'll encourage you to fight. After she disappears, take care of the enemy. After winning, Edward will gain a lot of EXPs for the battle. Often enough to gain a level up. The next morning, all's set for the journey to Fabul. Buy some items in the shop at the inn then leave Kaipo. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ From Kaipo, go all the way back to the island where the Antlion's Cave is. From there, go north the east and you'll see some sort of a Mountain Pass. Disembark the Hovercraft and enter. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ MT. HOBBS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: 960 Gil Enemies: Gargoyle Cocatris \ \ Soft GrayBomb Spirit \ \ Potion Skeleton Mom Bomb (Boss) \ \ Tent Spirit \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here, you'll see the Ice Blockade that prevents you from passing through. Rydia will hesitate first since she is traumatized by what happened to her village. But then, Cecil and the gang will encourage her to do it since she is the only one who can. She then casts Fire on the blockade and will learn Fire1. After that, go north and you'll see 2 doors. Use the left door first. In this area, you'll see a Save Point. But get the chests on the right side first for the following: 960 Gil, Soft, Potion, and a Tent. After saving your game, head back to the first area. This time, enter the door on the right. Keep on moving through the summit until the party sees something happening on top. Edward will know that the man is a monk from Fabul. After he defeats the small enemies, he'll fight with the Bomb. The party will then decide to help. Defeat the Mother (Mom) Bomb by using your most powerful techniques. It will explode and will turn into 6 small bombs. After disposing them, the monk will introduce himself as Yang, a monk from Fabul. He'll tell you of the beasts that killed his men then Cecil and the party will offer to help him. Yang will accept and will now join your party. When you regain control, exit through the north door. You'll now be at Mt. Hobs East. Just move along towards the south until you reach the other end of the mountain at the world map. From Mt. Hobs, travel east then head southeast when you see a mountain range. Enter Fabul. \\\\\\\\\\\ FABUL \\\\\\\\\\\ Item/s: Bomb, Notus, Potion, Tent, Hermes, Silk Web, Ether1 Equipment/s: Demon Shield Upon entering, the monks will tell you that the kings requires your presence. Move on inside the castle until the 1st floor. You can check out the Inn and Item shop on the left and the Weapon and Armor shop on the right side. After that, head up to the next floor. Here, you can go south first and do a little exploring. At the west tower, get the Bomb, Notus, and Potion from the chests that you'll encounter. Also, don't forget to talk to Yang's wife at the top. You'll also see Namingway here. At the east Tower, you'll find the bar and a Tent from a chest at the top. After exploring, go inside and meet with the King. The king will then meet up with the party, but he'll have suspicions on everyone. But then, he'll recognize Prince Edward and he will order the fortification of the castle. Cecil, Yang, and Edward will guard at the main gate, while Rosa and Rydia will help the Medics to cure the injured. At the main gate, you'll have to fight soldiers and captains. After that, you'll fight numerous battle until you retreat to the Crystal Room. Finally, someone familiar will come in. It's Kain. Cecil will ask him if he will fight with them. Suddenly, Kain turned his back and challenges Cecil into a one-on-one battle. There's nothing you can do here since Kain is much stronger. After being annihilated, Kain will begin to try and kill Cecil. Then, Rosa and Rydia will come in. Somehow, Kain will be baffled a bit. Suddenly, Golbez finally shows up. He'll capture Rosa and orders Kain to retrieve the crystal. After that, Rydia will Cure everyone. The party will be so depressed. Edward, Rydia, and Yang will encourage Cecil to save Rosa. After that, you'll be able to control the party once more. Head back to the throne room. Here, examine the jar on the left side for a Hermes. Then, step on the round switch at the right side to reveal the door. Follow an invisible path (which is rather easy to) and get the chests there for a Silk Web, Demon Shield, and Ether1. After that, go to the East Tower outside and go to the top where the King takes a rest. He'll tell you to head for the Inn. At the inn, the party will plan on how to rescue Rosa. First, they'll need an airship but they'd have to sneak into Baron to get one. Yang will then offer to ask the king to arrange for a ship since the sea is the best way to sneak in. After that, the party will talk to the King. He will tell Yang to accompany you with the rescue. He will also give Cecil the Death Sword that a Dark Knight once wielded. After that, the King will tell you that a ship will be arranged immediately. When you regain control of your party, make preparations by buying all the items you'll need, then leave the castle. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Outside, head east and board the ship. Yang's wife will be there to say goodbye. After that, the party will be welcomed by the captain of the ship. Then, the ship will sail. You'll see some scenes on the way, but suddenly, something will appear in front of the ship. It's Leviatan. The party can't do anything now and the ship will go into the whirlpool. After that incident, Cecil will be washed away from the whirlpool. You'll be back in the world map alone. From your initial position, head east and enter Mysidia. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MYSIDIA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Remember, this is the first place where Cecil forcefully got the crystal for Baron. If you talk to the Black Mage near the entrance, he'll turn you into a Toad. After that, you can buy some equipments and items if you'd like, then head to the large house to the north. Talk to the elder here. He'll ask you what you are doing here. Cecil will tell him all about what happened and will apologize for what had happened. The elder will then tell you to head first to Mt. Ordeals to denounce the Dark Sword and become a Paladin, Holy Knight. He will ask 2 of his mages to accompany you. Palom and Porom. Both are students but they can help since the Elder trusts them. After the introductions of Palom and Porom, you'll be able to control the party once more. Now, leave Mysidia. At the world map, journey east. It's a long way, but when you see a huge lump of forest, Mt. Ordeals is just in the center of that forest. Go in. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ MT. ORDEALS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: Potion x3 Enemies: Ghoul \ \ Ether1 Lilith \ \ Red Bone \ \ Soul \ \ Milon (boss) \ \ Ghast (boss) \ \ Milon Zombie (boss) \ \ Dark Knight (boss) \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here, move on and you'll see Fire blocking the way. Palom will use his Ice Magic to put it out. After that, you'll see a scene back at Baron. You'll see Rosa, Kain, and Golbez. Golbez will summon Milon of Earth to dispose of Cecil at Mt. Ordeals. After that, Milon will leave for Mt. Ordeals. Kain will then ask Golbez to give him another chance at slaying Cecil. It will be rejected. Back at Mt. Ordeals, you'll be able to control Cecil once more. Head up the mountain and get the chests on the way for 2 Potions. Enter the door at the top. At the next area, move up and you'll meet up with an old friend. It's Tellah. He'll tell you that he seeks Meteo in order to beat Golbez. Cecil will tell him that he ventures here in order to become a Paladin. After the talk, Tellah will once again join the party. Now, move on to the next level. From here, head all the way to the left and get the chest there for a Potion. Then, continue moving and get another chest on top for an Ether1. Go on to the next level. At the summit, Porom will hear noises and blames Palom for it. But he didn't do it. Now, head right and use the save point here. I suggest that you use a Tent right now. After that, move on and you'll finally confront Milon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: MILON ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2,000 EXP: 850 GIL: 2,400 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Bolt1 Milon will be aided by his undead creatures. First, I suggest that you dispose of his aides. Use Fire magic against them. Be careful not to include Milon since he is impervious to Fire. As for Cecil, let him attack Milon alone. His sword is not effective against the undead. After defeating the undead creatures, pummel Milon with Tellah's Bolt1 and Palom's Bolt2. Porom should be the healer so let her use Cure2 on the entire party if needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, I suggest that you save your game back at the save point and use a Tent. After preparing, head to the bridge again. It seems Milon isn't defeated yet. You'll now have to fight his true form. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: MILON ZOMBIE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4,500 EXP: 900 GIL: 2,500 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Bolt1, Poison Although Milon is much stronger and has a higher HP, he is rather an average boss. Use Cecil's Normal attack, Tellah's Bolt1, and Palom's Bolt2. Let Porom cast Cure2 on everyone to prevent them from being KO'd. Your main attack would be Palom so keep him alive and give him enough MP so that he can cast those Bolts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After finally putting an end to the existence of Milon, you're free to move on. Head left and examine the tombstone. Cecil will hear someone who calls him son. Then, Cecil will change form. But then, he has to defeat his darkness in order to atone for his wrong doing. You'll have to battle once more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: DARK KNIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: Unknown EXP: 0 GIL: 0 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Dark During the battle, you'll hear someone. It'll tell you that a Paladin sheathes his sword. So, right after the battle begins, choose Cover and parry. Do not attack the Dark Knight. If your HP goes below 300, use Cure magic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, the light will finally shine upon Cecil. He is know a true Paladin. Then, Tellah will remember all his spells (I was really wondering why a Sage had fewer spells than a student like Palom and Porom), plus Meteo will unlocked. After that, everyone will leave. Now, head back to the save point and save your game. Leave Mt. Ordeals. Head all the way back to Mysidia. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MYSIDIA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here, the people will be amazed to see that you've managed to become a paladin. Now, buy those Paladin Armors at the shop. After that, head to the elder's house. Talk to him and he'll reveal that he sent Palom and Porom to spy on you. After that, the elder will tell you that the inscription on the sword bears tale of an old legend of Mysidia. It will be shown to you. After that, Tellah will talk to the Elder. Then, it's off to Baron. Palom and Porom will accompany you once more, but now as friends. When you regain control of the party, head to the house to the southeast of the elder's house. It's the Devil's Road. You'll then find yourselves at Baron. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ BARON \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Item/s: Potion x3, HrGlass1, Tent Here, wander around first and talk to the people. They will tell you something about what's happening. Then, let's find some items. Search the jar, which is beside the house that is just above the inn for a Potion. Another Potion is also inside a jar beside the Inn by the door. Then, go north and you'll see the dancing girl. Go left from there and into the waterway. Continue until you reach a lake. Search around for an HrGlass1 and a Tent. Now, let's move on. Go to the in and into the bar. Talk to Yang. He'll be different. You'll have to beat him and some of his men. After that, Yang will regain his old self. He will then rejoin the party. Now, you'll be heading for the inn. There, the party will talk about how to get inside the castle. Fortunately, the Baron Key will be with Yang since he was put in command of the guards. After receiving it, you'll regain control of the party. Head out to the town and unlock the west building using the Baron Key. Go inside and you'll find yourselves at the Waterway. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ WATERWAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: HiPotion Enemies: Elecfish \ \ Ether1 x2 Crocdile \ \ ThorRage Hydra \ \ Hermes AquaWorm \ \ HrGlass1 Guard \ \ Piranha \ \ FangShel \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here, move on to the south and get 3 chests for a Hi Potion, Ether1, and ThorRage. Now, follow the path until you reach the next area. Here, you'll have to go into the water. Go right through the wall (there's a path there) and move on. Get the Hermes item from the chest on the small inlet. Then, search around for an HrGlass1 among the chests. Now, go to the upper right area where you will see the exit. Go through to the next level. Here, you'll find another chest to the left. The path to it is just beside the exit. After getting the Ether1, go through the doorway to the north. In the next area, you'll see a door on the left side. Enter it and save your game. Don't forget to use a Tent. After saving, exit the room and head for the upper right exit. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ CASTLE BARON \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: Ether1 x4 Enemies: Baigan (boss) \ \ Life x2 Cagnazzo (boss) \ \ HiPoition x2 \ \ Elixir \ \ Herme x2 \ \ Unihorn x2 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ You'll now be at the outskirts of the castle. To enter it, use the opening at the lower left corner of the castle wall. First, you can take a rest at Cecil's room on the left tower. Now, head for the throne room. On the way, you'll meet up with Baigan. Strangely enough, he will join you. But then, Palom and Porom will sense something. Baigan is a monster! Now you'll have to pulverize this imposter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: BAIGAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5,000 (Left and Right arms: 500 each) EXP: 972 GIL: 3,000 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Wall, Re-Form, Entangle, Haste, Detonate Every once in a while, a tough boss comes along. Baigan is one of them. Here, he has 2 separate arms, which can be killed easily by Level 2 magic. But make sure that you don't use Elemental Magic against Baigan's Body since he is nearly impervious to them. Plus, he can cast wall which will reflect all magic attacks back at your party. The main attack should be Bio. Tellah and Palom can do these attacks. Make sure that he isn't under the Wall spell so that it will count. It will deal hundreds of damage to him. As for Cecil and Yang, physical attacks would do. And for Porom, let her heal the party. Do not concentrate on attacking the arm too since he can restore them back once they're destroyed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that tough battle, I suggest that you head back to Cecil's room and rest since another battle will come. When you're ready, head for the throne room. Talk to the king, but instead, he'll introduce himself as Cagnazzo the Devil of Water. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: CAGNAZZO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5,500 EXP: 1,100 GIL: 4,000 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Haste, Wave He seems to be very hard, yet he is so easy. Use Palom's Bolt2 magic. It will do 1000+ damage. But then, you can easily kill him using Tellah's Bolt3 will deal a tremendously huge 3,000HP damage! Bolt magic will also negate the tsunami attack and remove his barrier. Most probably, you'll have to heal only once. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that easy battle, Cid will be freed. He'll introduce himself as well as the new members of the party. After that, Cid will ask you to follow him towards his new airship. But then, on the next room, Cagnazzo will shrink the room. The walls will crush everyone. But a sad thing will happen. Since the walls keeps on pushing in, Palom and Porom will sacrifice themselves and will willfully turn their bodies into stones to prevent the walls from crushing them. Everyone will be depressed but thankful for the both of them. They promised to get revenge for the 2. Now, Cid will then show you the new airship. It will fly at once, but suddenly, another airship will come and to everyone's surprise, it's Kain. He will tell Cecil of the trade of the Earth Crystal at Troia and Rosa's life. Cecil can't anything other than to head to Troia. From the world map, head north west until you see the castle. It is surrounded by a thick forest and a huge mountain with a waterfall on the west side. You should be able to land on the small space beside the castle. Go inside the castle. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TROIA CASTLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Equipment/s: Twin Harp Inside, head on towards the 8 Clerics who govern Troia. They'll tell you that a Dark Elf stole their crystal and is now residing at the northeast cavern. They will also let you borrow the crystal if you were able to reclaim it. After that, head on to the first floor. Use the left door here and continue until you see the clinic of some sort. You'll finally meet with Edward. He's rather frail so he needs a lot of rest. He will also give you the TwinHarp. After that, leave the castle. You can go to the town first and buy some equipments (especially for Cid) and items. Pack a lot of Potions and Tents for the future. Head out for the world map. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WORLD MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Using the Airship, it would be impossible to land on the island where the cavern is. Your only hope is a chocobo that can fly and can land on forests. From Troia, head all the way to the north until you see a small patch of forest. Go to it and you'll be able to enter the Chocobo Village. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CHOCOBO VILLAGE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In here, you'll see various chocobos running around. To be able to acquire one, which you can ride on, you have to quickly follow them and examine them using the X button. Choose the black chocobos here since they are the only ones which can fly/land on forests. After acquiring a Black chocobo, head to the northeast island where the Elf's cavern is located. Disembark from the chocobo and enter the cavern. Don't worry about the chocobo, it won't run away. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ MAGNETIC CAVERN \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Items to find: HiPotion x2 Enemies: Cave Bat \ \ Unihorn Mage \ \ 2000 Gil VampGirl \ \ Ether1 Ogre \ \ HrGlass1 CaveNaga \ \ Silk Web Dark Elf (boss) \ \ Exit Dark Dragon (boss) \ \ Fairy Claw \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ At the beginning, a magnetic field will emerge and equipping metallic objects will slow your party down. It won't affect your movement but your characters won't be able to attack during battles. Now, head right and get the Hi Potion from the chest. After that, move along to the south and continue until you reach another chest for a Unihorn. Continue to the next area. Here, get the Ether1 from the chest on the left side. On the upper right hand side, you'll be able to see a door. Enter it and get 2000 Gil and an Ether1. Now, leave this room and head left. Move on to the next area. In here, you'll see another door. Enter it and you'll be able to save your game at last! After saving, leave the room. Go south and enter another room. Get the HrGlass1, Silk Web, and Hi Potion from the chest. Leave the room. Move on and on the way, get the Fairy Claw for Yang. Continue to the next area. Here, move north and you'll find another door. It's the Crystal Room. But first, go around to the left and get the Exit from the chest. Luckily, there's another room to the right where you can save your game! I insist that you use a Tent too. Now, head for the Crystal Room. Talk to the dark elf. You'll have to beat him in order to get the crystal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: DARK ELF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3,500 (Dragon form: 4,000) EXP: 1,500 GIL: 5,000 Items: none Attacks: Normal Attacks, Whisper, Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2 Dragon Form: Dragon Breath At first, you'll be no match for the Dark Elf since you cannot use Cecil's sword and the armor's defenses are way too low. Just let the Dark Elf beat you and don't use any Magic attacks yet. Then, Edward will try to help the party by playing the harp. It did! The Dark elf can't control the field anymore and you can now use metallic equipments. Once you regain control of the party, re-equip their most powerful weapons and armors. When ready, attack the Dark Elf. The Dark Elf's magic attacks won't do much damage right now so pummel him! Use physical attacks for Cecil and Yang. Then, let Tellah heal the party. After doing around 3,500 of damage, he'll turn into a dragon! This form is ultra tough! First, remember to change rows if you put Cecil behind. This will double his damage and will now do 1000 HP damage. Tellah should
concentrate with healing. Cid should help Tellah by using items. As for Yang,
physical attacks will do.

After that battle, get the Earth Crystal. Now leave the room and use an Exit.
At the world map, ride on the Black Chocobo again.  It will bring you back to
the Chocobo Village. Leave then head to Castle Troia.


Item/s: Bacchus, HiPotion x4, Remedy x2, Ether1 x4, Ether2 x2, Ag Apple, Echo
Note x2, Ice Arrows x2, Bolt Arrows, Fire  Arrows x2, Great Bow, Elixir, Tent
Equipment/s: Ruby Ring x2

Show the crystal to the clerics. They will amazed as you got it from the elf.
Then, Kain's voice will be heard. He'll order Cecil to board the ship and
he'll lead Cecil to Rosa. Talk to the Clerics first and one of them will tell
you that you're free to get the treasures at the basement. So, go to the 1st
floor and use the door on the right. Move on until the basement. You'll see 3
ladders. First, enter the center ladder. Get the Bacchus. Now, go down the
left ladder among the 3. Talk to the woman and tell her that you are given
permission. Go around the wall and into the other ladder. Below, you'll see a
haven of treasure chests. Now get the following (from the lower left chest,
counter-clockwise): HiPotion1, Remedy, Ether1, Ether2, Ag Apple, Echo Note,
Ice Arrows x2, Bolt Arrows, Fire Arrows x2, Great Bow, Echo Note, Elixir,
Ether2, Ether1, Remedy, HiPotion.  After  that treasure gathering, go back to
the 3 ladders and go down the right one. Here, step on the switch. The
leftmost door will open.  Get 2 Tents.  Then get 2 HiPotions, 2 Ether1, and 2
Ruby Rings. After all of that, leave Troia Castle.

Now, board your airship.  Kain tells Cecil  that Rosa is in the tower of Zot.
You'll then follow Kain's ship.

\ TOWER OF ZOT  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\      Items to find: Flame Sword        Enemies: EpeeGirl                  \
\                     Flame Armor                 Slime                     \
\                     Flame Shield                SwordMan                  \
\                     Gaia                        Ice Liz                   \
\                     Wizard                      Ice Beast                 \
\                     HellClaw                    Gremlin                   \
\                                                 Carapace                  \
\                                                 Centaur                   \
\                                                 Puppet                    \
\                                                 Marion                    \
\                                                 Magus Sisters (boss)      \
\                                                 Valvalis (boss)           \

Here, you'll hear the voice of Golbez.  He'll tell you that you have to go to
him at the top of the tower in order to save Rosa and trade for the crystal.
In the first floor, the door is on the upper right corner. Beware of the
enemies here. They're strong, yet they can be defeated by certain elements.
Here on the second floor, the exit is on the left side. At the 3rd floor, the
exit is just above the door where you entered from. All you have to do in
order to reach it is to go around to the right. At the fourth floor, it would
be rather difficult. There are a couple of doors here. 3 on the top and one
to the right. The leftmost among the 3 on top will lead you to a stone, which
when you examine it, you'll receive a flame. Go back to the 4th floor and use
the right door at the bottom side. At the 5th floor, go south and enter the
door that you'll see. Finally, it's a save point.  Use a tent then save, then
leave the room. He left and try to enter the other door. Suddenly, 3 girls
aptly names  Magus sisters, will appear before you.  They will  tell you that
they are servants of the Devil of the Wind, Valvalis.

HP:    Sandy: 3,100 Cindy: 4,000 Mindy: 3,200
EXP:   3,125
GIL:   15,000
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Wall, Delta Attack, Charm, Slow, Berserk, Blot2,
Fire2, Ice2

These 3 will be very difficult if you don't know what to do. First, notice
that Cindy (the one in the center) will cast reflect on herself then the
other 2 will cast attack magic on her that will be reflected to your party.
Therefore, use Cecil and Yang to pummel her with physical attacks. It's
important to finish her off first since she can revive Sandy or Mindy when
they get KO'd. After finally beating Cindy, be more careful since Sandy/Mindy
will do their special attacks at you. Use every strong attack in your
arsenal. Beat Sandy first since she's more dangerous. Then, pick on the
little girl. =)

After that tough battle, go to the  save point again  and  use a Tent.  After
saving, leave the room and enter the other door on the left. At the 6th
floor, you'll finally meet Kain and Golbez.  Tellah will now take revenge for
Anna. He will have a duel with Golbez.  At first, Tellah will use Level 2 and
3 magic attacks. Since they don't work, he'll finally use Meteo.
Surprisingly, Golbez is defeated. He is very weak now and somehow, he said
something very puzzling ("what's going..."). Seems like he is also under a
spell. Due to the use of Meteo, Tellah will die. Cecil will also swear
revenge for both him and Anna. After that, talk to Kain. He'll tell you that
Rosa is in the other room. There, Rosa will finally be saved. After the
reunion, Cecil and Rosa will tell Kain to join them in their fight. Rosa and
Kain will now join the party  once more.  Now, when you try to leave, a voice
will be heard again. It's Valvalis, the Devil of the Wind.

HP:    7,000
EXP:   1,800
GIL:   5,500
Items: none
Attacks: Glare, Wind, Transform

Valvalis can either be easy or impossible to beat. She will always try to
change into Tornado form and if she does, she'll do an attack, which cuts of
90%-95% of your character's life plus she'll cast gradual petrify. In order
to prevent her from being in the Tornado form, use Kain's Jump attack. She'll
revert back to normal. During that time, let her taste some of Cecil and
Yang's physical attacks. Remember that their normal attacks won't be
effective against the Tornado form of Valvalis.

After that tough battle, Valvalis will try to destroy the building with her.
Fortunately, Rosa will cast the  Exit spell and she  will bring everybody to
Cecil's room back in Baron.


There, Kain will tell everyone that Golbez doesn't have all the crystals yet.
He only has half of them since there are still Dark Crystals (which is
another set) in the underworld. He will give the magma key to Cecil which
incidentally, opens up the underworld passage. Unfortunately, Kain doesn't
know where the entrance to the underworld is. Cid tells everyone that they
can fly the airship around the world to find it. After that, everyone will
take a rest. The next morning, leave Baron and board the airship. From Baron,
go south and you'll reach a small island with a mountain range in the center
and a small town. Enter it.


Here, you can buy new equipments and some items.  After that, you can talk to
everyone here. Then, examine the well at the center of the town and use the
Magma Key. An earthquake will occur. Leave Agart and you'll see the mountain
open up. Leave Agart and board the airship. Fly over the hole and press the X


Here, you'll find yourselves  in the  center of a fearsome battle between the
Red Wings and a group of Tanks!? Cid will try to push through but the airship
will be severely hit. After that, you'll be on the underworld map beside a
castle. Prepare your party then enter the castle.


Item/s: HrGlass2, Elixir x2, Ether2, Strength, Dwarf, HiPotion

Here, talk to the  dwarves at the entrance  and  they will tell you that King
Giott rules this castle. Now, move on and meet up with King Giott. He'll tell
you that the Red Wings already got 2 crystals. They're having trouble
fighting the Red Wings since they are airborne and are hard to hit using
tanks. He'll ask for your help with airships. Cid will then head back and fix
the airship with a little help from the dwarves. He will leave the party for
now. After that, Yang will sense a presence behind the king. Yang and the
party will go after it. On the other side, you'll see dancing dolls. After a
while, they will  tell you that they love to kill and will kill you as a gift
to Golbez. You'll then have to fight them.

HP:    (Cal: 1,000 each) (Brina: 600 each) (Calbrina: 4,500)
EXP:   4,750
GIL:   8,500
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Hold, Glance

This battle will be hard. First, you'll have to deal with 6 dolls. Try to
defeat them and they will change into Calbrina. In this form, it will attack
with very strong attack so try your best to destroy this form. Unfortunately,
they will split into 6 once more. After beating this second group of 6 dolls,
they will transform into Calbrina once more. This time, use everything you've
got to defeat this one. After destroying Calbrina for the second time, the
fight will be over.

After the battle, Golbez will appear once more. This time, he'll tell you the
reason why he is collecting the crystals. It is to activate the Tower of
Babil that leads to the moon.  It seems that the moon has an incomprehensible
power. Then, Golbez will attack the party.

HP:    5,000
EXP:   7,500
GIL:   11,000
Items: none
Attacks: Fire2, Bolt2, Ice2

At first, you'll be helpless against him. One by one, the party will be KO'd
by Golbez' summon. Then, when all seems lost, a Mist Dragon will appear and
will destroy Golbez' summon. It's Rydia! When she appears, use her Summons to
take care of Golbez. Most likely, Cecil will be the only one left alive so
use him to either attack or heal Rydia.

Everyone will then thank Rydia for helping them out. Rydia will tell you that
she was swallowed by Leviathan and was taken to the Land of Summons. The time
there is faster, and that explains why Rydia grew up. After that, Golbez will
still be alive. His hands will get hold of the crystal, then it will
disappear. Back at the throne room, King Giott will tell you that the final
crystal is in a Sealed Cave to the southwest. But first, get the items around
the castle. In the right tower, you'll get an HrGlass2, Elixir, Ether2,
Strength, and Dwarf. At the left tower, you'll get a HiPotion. When you're
ready, head to the basement and talk to the dwarf beside the bookshelf. He'll
open a path for you. It's the underground path that will lead you to Tower of
Babil. At the 2nd basement, get the 3 Cabins in the chests on the right side.
Move on and you'll reach the Dwarven Base. Examine the Water of Life here
that will restore your HP and MP. Then, move on to the underworld.


From your current position, head all the way to the left then go north at the
end. You should see the tanks of the dwarves creating a diversion for you so
that you could enter the Tower of Babil discretely. Now, keep on moving and
enter the Tower.

\ TOWER OF BABIL  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\      Items to find: Ice Arrow x2      Enemies: Alert     Dr. Lugae (boss) \
\                     Ether1                     Medusa    Balnab (boss)    \
\                     HiPotion x2                FlameMan  Lugaborg (boss)  \
\                     Life                       FlameDog                   \
\                     Bandanna                   Chimera                    \
\                     Ice Spear                  Naga                       \
\                     Ice Brand                  Stoneman                   \
\                     Cat Claw                   Tofu                       \
\                     Ice Armor                  EvilDoll                   \
\                     Ice Shiel                  Egg                        \

In the first area, go  left and  get 2 sets of Ice Arrows. On the right side,
get the Ether1.  Go through the door at the center. At the 2nd floor, get the
Bandanna to your left.  At  the south  portion  of this  floor, you'll see a
couple of doors.  The bottom door will have a chest that contains monsters.
But after defeating  them, you'll net  the  Ice Spear for Kain.  On the right
door, you'll find another chest.  This time, you'll have to beat the monsters
to get the Ice Brand for Cecil. Now, enter the top door (among the 3).

At the 3rd floor, examine the chest to your right for a Cat Claw.  Then, head
for the right wall and get the HiPotion. At the bottom wall, get a Life. Now,
go around to the left and enter the door on the left side. At the 4th floor,
enter the next door on the left for a save point. After saving, leave the
room and head north. Then, head right into another room. Beat the monster
inside this chest and you'll receive the Ice Armor. Outside, go south and
you'll see 2 adjacent rooms. Go inside the one on the left for the Ice
Shield. Leave this room. Don't bother entering the door on the right. Now, go
extreme north and go to the upper left over the bridge. At the 5th floor,
head all  the way to  the right (past the stairs) and get the HiPotion.  From
here, go north and you'll see a door.  Enter it.  Move on until you reach the
7th floor.

In here, go  right  and into the save point room.  Use a Tent or a Cabin then
leave the room. Outside, go south.  Get the Ether2 on the left side then move
on until you reach the 8th floor. Here, you'll meet up with a certain
Rubicant and a Doctor.  After Rubicant leaves, the  Doctor will notice Cecil.
Seems he's been working behind Golbez and Rubicant.  His name is Lugae and he
is determined to protect the tower. You'll then have to fight with him.

HP:    (Lugae: 2,500) (Balnab: 5,000) (Balnab-Z: 2,800)
EXP:   none
GIL:   none
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Physical Attack, Detonate

This will be pretty easy. Just keep on attacking Balnab using Kain's Jump,
Cecil and Yang's normal attacks. Let Rydia use any magic and have Rosa heal
the entire party. After beating Balnab, Lugae will ride on Balnab. It will
have stronger attacks to heal frequently. At the end, it will use the
Detonate action to destroy itself and damage one of your characters greatly.

After the battle, Lugae will be mad at you. But then, it's time to get
serious. He'll transform in to another form.

HP:    9,200
EXP:   2,020
GIL:   4,000
Items: Tower Key
Attacks: Gas, Poison, Heal

This time, it has a higher HP. Also, it will inflict Poison on everyone in
the party. Strangely enough, Lugaborg will also heal the party from Poison.
Remember, Balnab even attacked Lugae? Now, use your most powerful attacks
against it and you'll be ok. Heal frequently and avoid having one of your
party members die.

After that battle, Lugae will tell you that Rubicant already has the crystals
and has brought them to the overworld. As for the Dwarves, the cannons will
be enough to obliterate them. Cecil and the party will then shove off to stop
the cannons. When you regain control of the party, head back to the 7th floor
and save your game.  Then, go  to the 5th floor and go up the stairs that you
passed a while ago. Use the Tower Key on the door and then enter. Beat the
Imps inside. As their final attack, they'll destroy the controls for the
cannons. The unthinkable will happen again. This time, Yang will sacrifice
himself to destroy the cannons.  After that terrible  tragedy, go all the way
down to the 1st floor of the tower.  Here, Golbez will stop you.  Just as you
fall, Cid will catch you with the airship. But then, the Red Wings will still
be able to catch up with you. Again, Cid will do the unthinkable. He'll
sacrifice himself too so that the opening will be sealed and you'll be able
to get out. After that incident, the party will be at the overworld map. Head
to Baron at once. It's to the north.


Here, go to the  east tower  and  you'll see 2 men outside.  Talk to them and
they will tell you that Cid ordered them to do something. You'll then see
them work some things for the airship. After the modifications, you'll now be
able to carry along the Hovercraft. Just stay on top of it and press X to
lift it. After that, in the world map, head for Damcyan and go a little bit
to the east.  That's the last place where we left our hovercraft. Get it then
head for the Tower of Babil which now visible.  Notice that there is a castle
to the southeast of it.  Drop the hovercraft  there then head a little bit to
the west (through the shallow waters) and enter Eblan Cave.


Item/s: Vampire

In  the first  area, go  south and  go to the lower  right area  and  get the
Vampire.  Then, use the lower left ladder.  At the next area, you'll see some
people.  They're the people of Eblan.  You can buy items, weapons, and armor
here. You can also take a rest and talk to the people.  You'll then know that
their prince is  in the Tower of Babil to  avenge his  parents. After knowing
that, head for the Tower of Babil.

\ PASS OF BABIL  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\     Items to find: Ether1             Enemies: Mad Ogre                   \
\                    Tent                        Black Cat                  \
\                    HiPotion x5                 Balloon                    \
\                    Kamikaze                    Grudger                    \
\                    Shuriken                    Lamia                      \
\                    Cabin                       BladeMan                   \
\                    Silk Web                    Sorcerer                   \
\                    HrGlass2 x2                 King Eblan (boss)          \
\                    Life x2                     Queen Eblan (boss)         \
\                    Unihorn                     Rubicant (boss)            \
\                    Succubus                                               \
\                    82000 Gil                                              \
\                    Ogre Axe                                               \

Before the tower proper, you'll need to get past this area. Now, in the first
area, get the Ether1 from the chest to your right then move on. Get the chest
to the north for a Tent. Then, go south (you'll notice a passage which is
semi-hidden) and get a HiPotion. Go north again and move on to the next area.
Here, go north and get the Kamikaze. Then go south. There are chests to the
right but you think you can't reach it. Just pass through the wall and you'll
find yourself on the other side. Get the Shuriken here. Now, head back to the
left then go south towards the next area.

In here, get a Cabin and 2 HiPotions.  Go south  and get the lone chest for a
Silk Web. Now, get the 3 chests on the lower right for 2 Life and an
HrGlass2. Continue north to the next area. In here, enter the door on your
immediate right and save your game. Use a Tent or a Cabin if necessary (most
likely you'll only need a Tent). After that, leave the save room and go
north. You'll see Rubicant and another person. He'll introduce himself as
Edge, the prince of Eblan. He will have a duel with Rubicant. In this battle,
just watch Rubicant take care of Edge. After that, Rubicant will leave and
the party will talk to Edge. It will take some convincing before he joins the
party. 2 Babes is all it takes. =) He will now join your party. Remember that
Edge is a Ninja and Ninjas have very useful skills such as his high speed
rating and the ability to equip 2 weapons at a time. After that, move forward
to the next area.

Here, go north  and you'll find  yourselves at  a dead end.  Watch closely as
Edge uses his ninja skills that will allow you to pass through.  On the other
side, get the chest on the immediate left for a Unihorn.  After that, move on
past the door that you'll see, and get the HrGlass2 from the chest at the
end. Now, enter the door you just passed through.  In the next floor, move on
until you see a ladder that leads south. Go down and get the chest for an
Ogre Axe, but you'll have to defeat the monsters inside first. After that, go
up again and move on to the left. Move on again until you reach the next

At the next floor, go right past the  door on the right and get the Succubus.
Then, go back to the left and enter the door. At the next floor, go right and
move on and get the chest on the way for an Ashura Knife. You can equip it
for Edge. After that, move on towards the next area. Here, go right and
you'll see 2 doors. Enter the one on the left and save your game again. Don't
forget to use a Tent or a Cabin. After that, leave the room and enter the
next door on the right. Move on until you reach the 5th floor. Here, go to
the extreme left and get the chest at the end for a whopping 82,000 gil. Now,
enter the door  at the center.  But before you do, you'll see  King and Queen
Eblan here. They will attack the party.

HP:    7,000 each
EXP:   0
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Fire1, Fire2

This fight will be easy. Just concentrate attack on Queen Eblan and once you
do 7,000 damage, they will both regain consciousness. You'll see some
dialogue between them and edge. Finally, they will say their farewell to
their son and the tragic fight will be over.

After that scene, Rubicant  will appear.  Edge's anger will awaken his hidden
abilities, Flood and Blitz. Then, you'll have to do battle with Rubicant.
When you regain control, do not heal your HP and MP.  Talk to Rubicant and he
will give you a fair fight by healing your HP and MP. The tough battle

HP:    32,300!
EXP:   3,600
GIL:   7,000
Items: none
Attacks: Fire2, Scorch

Now that's a huge HP rating! But don't worry. Cecil's normal attacks will do
at least 2,000 damage and Kain's Jump will do an astounding 5,000 damage to
Rubicant. Just let the 2 attack and have Edge support them. Rydia and Rosa
should be the healers for the party. You basically just have to watch out for
the scorch attack since it does at least 1,700 damage to a single party
member. You just can't afford to lost either Cecil or Kain here.

After the battle, you'll see Edge's  men  come in.  They will try to help but
Edge and the party already defeated Rubicant. Now, Move on to the crystal
room. You're almost there, but surprisingly, there's a trap that will drop
you to the floors below. Just move on and get 2 HiPotions (one on each floor)
until you reach a new airship. The party then decides to use it. At the
underworld, disembark first and save your game.  Now, notice  that you cannot
pass through the hot lava around the underworld. The only place to go?
Dwarven castle.


Here, talk to King Giott. He'll give you the Necklace that is the key to open
the Sealed Cave.  Now, you can talk to the dwarves in this room and they will
tell you of some things you can do. Go to sealed cave, go to Land of Summons,
talk to the airship fellow (Cid), and go to Tomra near the Sealed Cave. Now,
go down to the floor where the Fat Chocobo is. You can store some items there
if you want. After that, head left into the infirmary and talk to Cid. He's
all right. He will then lend you a hand once more. You'll then see him modify
the airship you got from the tower.  After that, Cid will rest again. Head to
the underworld and fly the modified airship.


From the Dwarven Castle,  head southwest and you'll see a small town inside a
short mountain range.  Take note that you can now fly over the lava. The town
is Tomra. The place the dwarves in the castle are talking about.


Item/s: ThorRage, Bomb, 2000 Gil, Ether2, Notus, Bestiary

In here, instead of Rally-ho, they  say Lali-ho!.  They  seem to be separated
from their civilized counterparts at the Dwarven castle.  But they sell the
best equipments to  this point so buy  those diamond equipments.  That 82,000
gil from the Tower of Babil is really useful.  After buying, enter  the house
at the northwest corner of the town. Get the ThorRage, Bomb, 2000 Gil, and an
Ether 2. In 2 of the jars, you can find a Notus and a Bestiary.  Also, one of
the dwarves in town will tell you  about the  Land of Summons which is to the
northwest of Tomra. After that, leave the town. Directly to the northwest of
Tomra, you'll find the Sealed Cave where you should go next to move on in the
story. But then, if you move further to the northwest, you'll see another
cave. Enter the Cave of Summons.

\ CAVE OF SUMMONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\     Items to find: HiPotion x3       Enemies: Hooligan                    \
\                    Life x2                    Clapper                     \
\                    Cabin                      Conjurer                    \
\                    Bestiary x2                Fiend                       \
\                    Ether1                     Red Eye                     \
\                    Elixir                     Warrior                     \
\                    Ether2                     Arachne                     \
\                    Rat Tail                   Warrior                     \
\                    5000 Gil                                               \
\                    6000 Gil                                               \
\                    Defense Sword                                          \
\                    Venom Axe                                              \
\                    Kikuichi                                               \

In here, you'll see orange circle panels and  when  you step on them, it will
decrease your life a little bit. To beat the enemies easily, use Rydia's all-
powerful Mist Dragon Summon. In the first floor, get the chest on the lower
right corner for a HiPotion. At the upper right corner, get the Life. Use the
stairs on the leftmost area to reach the next floor. At the second floor,
there's a Cabin inside the chest on the upper left corner and a HiPotion in
the lower right corner. Use the stairs on the upper right corner to go to the
next floor. At the 3rd floor, get the Life and the Bestiary. Move on until
you reach the B4. Here, you'll see the inhabitants of the Land of summons
already. Clockwise from the teleporter, you'll be able to get Ether1,
Bestiary, Rat Tail, 5000 Gil, 6000 Gil. Now, use the other teleporter. But
first, go right past the teleporter and through the wall. You'll get an
extremely powerful sword for Cecil inside a chest with monsters. The Defense
Sword.  Then, you'll see a path on the right side (to the right of the chest
with the Life) where you  can pass through the wall to reach the chests that
you cannot  reach on  the left side.  You can get a HiPotion, VenomAxe and a
Kikuichi from the 3 chests.

\ LAND OF SUMMONS  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\     Items to find: Bestiary        Enemies: Asura (boss)                  \
\                    Life                     Leviatan (boss)               \

You can talk to t he inhabitants  here.  I suggest  that you buy the powerful
equipments here. If you want to take a rest, unfortunately, you can't find an
inn here. But there is a save point in the house at the upper left area of
the village. Get the Bestiary and the Life here. After that, head for the
library (below  the house  with the save point), and head  down  to the royal
chamber. Speak to the Queen and you'll have to prove yourself to her first.

HP:    31,800
EXP:   4,000
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Cure3, Life1, Armor, Normal Attacks

Asura is very very hard considering that she has a very high HP rating. The
problem that will arise during the battle is when she casts Cure3 on herself.
The only way to counter it is to cast wall on her. But you can only use Wall
when Rosa is at Level 37. To defeat her, Kain should use Jump, Cecil and Edge
should use normal physical attacks. Rosa should be the healer. And Rydia
should use the Mist Dragon Summon (always keep her HP at maximum for max

After the battle with Asura, Rydia can now summon her at will.  Then, you can
now talk to the old man beside Asura. Accept the challenge, but beware, he is
much stronger than Asura since he is...

HP:    50,900
EXP:   14,000
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Big Wave, Ice2

Now this is tough. Do not engage him if you're not ready yet. Level 45 and
above is recommended for this battle. The Big Wave attack will cause 1900+
damage to ALL of your characters, therefore lower levels are not capable of
beating Leviatan. You just use the same pattern that you used against Asura.
But this time, be a little more patient since he has more HPs than Asura
herself. He's the King of the summons anyway.

After that ultra tough battle, Rydia will learn how to summon Leviatan. After
that, let's move on with the story.  Go back to the  underworld  map and head
for the Sealed Cave to the southeast of the Cave of Summons.

\  SEALED CAVE  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\     Items to find: Ether1 x3            Enemies: Screamer                 \
\                    Bestiary                      Mantcore                 \
\                    HiPotion x2                   HugeNaga                 \
\                    StarVeil x2                   TrapDoor                 \
\                    Life x2                       VampLady                 \
\                    Elixir                        Were Bat                 \
\                    Fuma                          Yellow D                 \
\                    MuteBell                      EvilWall (boss)          \
\                    Ether2                                                 \
\                    X-Potion                                               \
\                    Kotetsu x2                                             \
\                    Light Sword                                            \
\                    Ninja Helmet                                           \

Inside, use the necklace on the door. Go in. At the first level, go south and
examine the door. You'll have to fight it. Use Rydia's Mist Summon to
pulverize the monster. After that, go inside and take the Kotetsu and the
Ether1. Exit the room. Get the chest a little bit to the southwest from here
for a Bestiary. Move on to the northwest and beat another door that turns
into a monster. Go in and take the Ether1 and the HiPotion inside. Now, there
will be 2 door to the north.  Don't beat them as there's nothing behind them.
Use the lower right exit.

At the second floor, go south first  and get the StarVeil.  Go back up then
head right. Get the Life from the chest. Move north and you'll see a couple
of doors. Let's start from the right. The rightmost door has nothing behind
it. The next door has a Light Sword inside. At the third door, get the
Elixir, Starveil and the Fuma. The fourth door is empty. Then, on the fifth
door, you'll finally be able to use a Cabin and Save your game. At the next
door, you'll find another Kotetsu and a Ninja Helmet. After that, go to the
southern door and you'll reach the next area.

Here, get the Ether1 from the chest.  At the next area, get  the Life and the
HiPotion. In here, don't be confused. There's a monster door at the left side
but there isn't anything behind it. Just go south towards the 3rd Floor.
Here, get the MuteBell at the extreme right then go down the rope in the
center. The door here (beside the Mutebell) is empty. Below, go right, beat
the door and enter it. Get the Ether2 and the X-Potion inside. Leave and then
head left. Move on until you reach another save point. Use another Cabin or a
Tent, whichever is more necessary. After that, go south to the next area.
From here, just move on until you reach the Crystal Room. Get the Dark
Crystal here. Now, try to leave the cave. On the way, a rumble will occur and
a wall will move and attack the party.

HP:    25,500
EXP:   4,600
GIL:   8,000
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Physical attacks

Your main goal here is to kill the Evil Wall as fast as possible. Once it
reaches your party, you'll receive tons of damage and eventually get KO'd.
Use only the most powerful attacks at the wall and don't worry about the
physical attacks it does since they are petty and can't damage much. Rydia's
Mist Dragon is, again, very useful in this match. Just keep her HP always at

After that battle, return to the  save point and save your game.  Now, return
all the way back to the entrance. Then, Golbez will summon Kain and he will
seize the crystal from you.  It seems Golbez was successful in his plan. From
here, return back to the Dwarven Castle.


Here, talk to King Giott.  It  seems impossible to stop Golbez now. But then,
Giott will tell you about the Mysidian Legend about the Whale.  You now have
to go back to Mysidia in the Overworld. But you can't go there since the
passage is sealed and  you can't  use Babil either.  Again, Cid  comes to the
rescue.  He'll attach a drill to the Falcon so that you can just dig through.
After that, Cid will get tired again. After the scene, exit to the underworld
map and board the fully equipped airship.  Go north to where the passage used
to be (with a small crater) and  you'll see  the airship  bust through to the
other side. At the world map, head left and go to Mysidia.


The elder will meet up with you and tells you go with  them at the tower.  On
top, they will pray for the Mysidian Legend to come true and it did. The
Lunar Whale will appear before them and that there's someone waiting for
Cecil and the party on the moon. After that, head for the world map and board
the Lunar Whale.


You can do a couple of things  inside the Lunar Whale.  First, if you examine
the crystal, you can travel to the moon. If you examine the control panel to
the north of the crystal, you can control the ship. To the south, there are a
couple of customized beds that will completely restore your HP and MP. And
don't forget that the Fat Chocobo is also inside this ship should you wish to
store your excess items and equipments.  After preparing, examine the crystal
and head for the moon.


In here, the most  prominent place  you'll see that  you have to go to is the
palace of crystal.  It can be easily  located on the  moon but the problem is
how to  reach the cave  entrance at the bottom of the tower.  First, remember
that the Lunar Whale can only land on clear grounds, therefore you cannot
land directly at the cave. To reach the crystal tower, you'll have to go
through a series of pathways.  To the left of  the palace, you'll see another
cave.  Let's head there first.  Land the Lunar  Whale on the  mountain and go
down the makeshift ladder and then enter the cave.


Item/s: Stardust, Moon Veil, Au apple

Inside, go right and get the Au Apple after defeating the monsters inside the
chest. Then, go north and get 2 chests on the upper right corner for a
Stardust and a Moonveil.  Move on to the next screen.  You'll be  back at the
moon map now. Go right to the next cave and go in. It's a straightforward
from this point on. Just keep on moving until you reach the Crystal Palace.


Inside, of you go left, you'll see a crystal chest. If you examine it, you'll
fight Red Giants with lots and lots of HP. They only attack with physical
attacks and petrification but be sure to finish them off as quickly as you
can. They give off a good amount of EXP and Gil. On the right side, you'll be
able to use a panel that will restore your MP. Now go to the center and
you'll meet FuSoYa, the guardian of the Lunarians.  FuSoYa will tell you of
their planet and their  escape from extinction.  He'll also introduce someone
named Zemus, who wants to  annihilate all  humans by  collecting the crystals
and restoring the Tower of Babil. After that, he will tell you of his friend,
Kluya, who once went to earth and fell in love with an earthling. And then,
the revelation that Kluya and his wife have 2 children, one of which is Cecil
himself. The other one is still unknown as of now.  After that, Zemus must be
stopped therefore, FuSoYa  will join you to the Tower of Babil. Tremendously,
FuSoYa  has a  complete library  of White and  Black Magic.  After that, when
you're ready, go back to the Lunar Whale and go back to Earth.


Upon arrival, it seems  that  you're too late.  The Giant of Babil is brought
forth and is starting to wreak havoc. After all seems lots, someone attacks
the Giant. It's the dwarves! And they have Yang! Then, airships will arrive
to help. It's Cid and the rest of the Red Wings. To everyone's surprise,
Edward is also back. On the other ship, you'll see the elder of Mysidia with
Palom and Porom. They have been restored! Cecil will thank everyone. Then,
FuSoYa will tell them that it's time to enter the Giant. They have to destroy
its core in order to defeat it completely.  Cid will  then use his airship to
bring Cecil and the party inside the mouth.

\  GIANT OF BABIL  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\      Items to find: Shuriken      Enemies: Beamer                         \
\                     HiPotion               MacGiant                       \
\                     Ether1                 Machine                        \
\                     Alert                  Last Arm                       \
\                     Ag Apple               HorseMan                       \
\                     Somadrop               Searcher                       \
\                                            Elements (boss)                \
\                                            CPU (boss)                     \

Inside, just keep on moving until  you reach the Chest.  Here, get a treasure
chest on your left for a Shuriken.  Move on and  get another chest on the way
for a HiPotion (near the rotating gears). Then, move on and get the Ether1,
Yoichi Bow (Upper right) and the Alert (in the center) on the way.  Continue.
You'll reach the stomach.

In here, go north immediately and get  the Ag Apple.  Then, go to the extreme
right then go up and get the SomaDrop. Move on until you reach the passage.
Here, move on and get an Elixir from a chest after defeating the enemy
inside. Continue and you'll be able to reach a  save point.  Use a Cabin then
save your game. When you're ready, move on to the next area.  In here, beware
of the Mech Dragon. It can cut 20% of your life each turn.  Now, move forward
and you'll meet up with familiar characters. Milon, Cagnazzo, Valvalis, and
of course, Rubicant, the four fiends. Before the battle, Rubicant will
restore your HP and MP so don't worry about the  damage you got from the Mech

HP:    Total of 65,000
EXP:   15,625
GIL:   10,000
Items: none
Attacks: Various Attacks (same as what they used to)

This battle will be tough if you don't know what to do. Just remember that
you'll have to fight them all, one by one. The hardest so far is still
Valvalis since her wind attacks will put everyone in critical HP. Just use
the most powerful attacks especially Rydia and FuSoYa's summon and magic
attacks. They're forefronts and don't let either one of them get KO'd.

After that long battle, return back to  the save point  and use a  Cabin and
save your game. Now, go back and enter the Giant's Core. You'll have to beat
it in order to destroy the giant.

HP:    Core (25,000), Attacker and Defender (3,500 each)
EXP:   15,625
GIL:   10,333
Items: none
Attacks: Cure3, Beam, Globe99

First, you must know what the attacker and defender does. The Defender will
restore the HP of the Core so you must kill it first. Then, concentrate your
attack on the core. The attacker will do most of the damage to your party so
heal every turn. If the attacker and defender is destroyed, the Core will
regain them after a short while. If you attack the core in anyway during this
state (without both the attacker and the defender), you'll prompt it to
attack with its Globe99 ability. What is Globe99? Well, it will only do 9999
damage to everyone. Big deal (duh). So, let the attacker live so prevent this
disaster. Take care in using summons. Use them only when an arm, or both, is

After the giant has  been destroyed, Golbez will come in.  Then, FuSoYa  will
free Golbez from Zemus' control. They'll all be shocked to know that Golbez
is Cecil's brother all along. After that, Golbez and FuSoYa goes ahead to
beat up Zemus. After they leave, the giant starts to fumble down. Kain will
appear and will lead help them escape. Back at the Lunar Whale, Kain will
tell everyone that he is responsible and is to be killed if he would be
controlled once more. Then, Cecil will tell Rosa and Rydia to leave since
it's very dangerous. Both of them will leave angrily. After that, you'll go
to the moon. Just before the 3 leaves the Lunar Whale, Rosa and Rydia
surprisingly hid and stayed inside the Lunar Whale.  Cecil can't do anything
now except to let the 2 join in.  Now, head all the way back to the Crystal
Palace.  Inside, go to the room behind the room where you saw FuSoYa for the
first time.  You may talk to the crystal if you want to. After that, use the
center panel and the crystals will lead you to the core.

\ MOON'S CORE  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\    Items to find: Blizzard             Enemies: Breath                    \
\                   X-Potion                      EvilMask                  \
\                   Inferno                       King-Ryu                  \
\                   Cabin                         PinkPuff                  \
\                   Elixir                        Mind                      \
\                   Whistle                       Tricker                   \
\                   FireLash                      Veteran                   \
\                   Dragon Shield                 White Dragon (boss)       \
\                   Dragon Helmet                 Wyvern (boss)             \
\                   Dragon Armor                  Plague (boss)             \
\                   Dragon Gloves                 Lunasaurs (boss)          \
\                   Artemis Arrows x2             Ogopogo (boss)            \
\                   Stardust Rod                  Zeromus (boss)            \
\                   Crystal Shield                                          \
\                   Protect Gloves                                          \
\                   Crystal Armor                                           \
\                   Crystal Gloves                                          \
\                   Crystal Helmet                                          \
\                   Fuma Shuriken x4                                        \
\                   Minerva Robe                                            \

Item/s: Blizzard, X-Potion, Inferno, Cabin, Elixir, Whistle
Equipment/s: FireLash, Dragon Shield, Dragon Helmet, Dragon Armor, Dragon
Gloves, Artemis Arrows x2, Stardust Rod, Crystal Shield, Protect Gloves,
Crystal Armor Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helmet, Fuma Shuriken x4, Minerva Robe

In the first area, just go south and move on to the next area. In here,
you'll see a chest, there's a path to it (hidden) on the right side. You'll
be able to get Rydia's FireLash. Now, go back to the right then head north.
Move on and get the Dragon Shield at the extreme upper left. After that,
enter the door on the left of this chest.

In level B3, go south and you'll see the door. Go further to the south and go
right, through a hidden path that will lead you to the Dragon Helmet, Dragon
Armor, and Dragon Gloves. After getting those equipments, go back and enter
the door to reach B4. At level B4, go right past the ladders and get the
Artemis Arrows. Go left and use the ladders. Move south and go on to the next

In here, get the Blizzard at the upper right corner.  Then, get  the X-Potion
on the left side.  Move on to the next area. You'll  be back in B4 but you'll
be on a different area. Here, get  the chest  on the left for a Stardust Rod.
You have to beat the Behemoth first though.  Move on.  At the  next area, get
the chest on the left for a Crystal shield. You'll have to defeat 2 tough
dragons in order to get it. Then, move on to the next area.

In here, just move on and get the  Protect Gloves  on the way.  Remember that
the paths are hidden. Now, at the right side, you can either go north or
south. Go south first and get the Crystal Armor. After getting the armor, go
back. Go north this time. At the next area, go right first and get the
Crystal Gloves.  Go left and move on until you reach a room.  Inside, get the
White Robe on the left side. Go north to the next area.

In here, go left and get the Crystal Helmet.  Go right onto the next room and
get an Inferno. Leave this small room then go south to the next area. At
level B6, get the Artemis Arrows and the Fuma Shuriken. Then, you'll see 2
ladders to the south. Go down the left one first and get the Cabin. After
that, use the other ladder and move on again to the next area. Here, get the
Minerva Robe at the upper left side. Then, exit through the upper right door.
In this area, you'll see 3 doors to the south. Enter the leftmost one.
Finally, it's a save point. Don't hesitate to use a Cabin now. After that, go
to the next door on the right. Before you'll be able to get the spear, you'll
have to defeat Plague.

HP:    ?
EXP:   ?
GIL:   ?
Items: none
Attacks: Doom, Haste

I'm still looking for a way to defeat this monster. But if you need help, you
can look at these alternatives for now.

Alternate strategies:

Beat up your own characters. If you kill off a character and then revive
them, Plague casts Doom again, resetting the timer for everyone. If you like,
you can enter battle with four dead characters and revive one every time the
timer gets low, and when everyone is alive, start attacking them to kill them
off again. I just beat Plague using this method.

Thanks to Xythar Darkmoon for this strategy.

After that ultra tough battle, go back  and save  your game once more.  Use a
Cabin then go inside the room to the right of the room where you got the
Spear.  Just before  you approach the 2 chests, you'll be  attacked by 2

HP:    23,500 each
EXP:   11,800
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Fire, Recover, Bio, Wall

These 2 Lunasaurs have tremendous attack power. Their Fire and Bio attacks
will deal thousands of damage to your party. All you need to do here is to
use Rydia's most powerful summon (Mist if you have high HP), Rosa should be
the healer, Edge and Cecil use normal attacks and Kain should Jump.

After beating the 2 Lunasaurs, get the 2 Ribbons.  It will  boost the magical
ability of the wearer at the expense of the defense. After that, return to
the save point and use a cabin. After that, go out and go right (past the 2
doors) and go north. Go down the ladder there and enter the door. At the next
area, head right and just continue on along the path. Get another Fuma
Shuriken at the left side. Move on and you'll see a sword at the lower right
area. If you examine it, you'll have to fight Ogopogo in order to acquire the
Masamune sword.

HP:    50,000
EXP:   30,500
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Big Wave, Blaze, Normal Attacks

He's such a cheat. Ogopogo will use Big Wave not once, but twice in a row.
This often happens and the result would be 4000+ HP damage to everyone! The
only thing to do is to battle him only if you're ready (let's say at around
Level 80+). Also, use the most powerful attacks of your party members and
have Rosa heal the party every turn.

After  beating Ogopogo, you'll  acquire the  Masamune sword for Edge. Then, I
suggest that you go back and save your game. After that, move on until you
reach the area next to where you fought Ogopogo. In here, you'll be able to
get an Elixir at the right side. Move on and get the Whistle on the way. Move
on to the next area. Here, get 2 Fumas. From here on, move on until you reach
Golbez and FuSoYa.

You'll see  them attack  the body of  Zemus. They will perform the W Meteo,
which is a more powerful version of the normal Meteo, like what Tellah did
earlier in the game. After that, it seems that Zemus is finally dead. After a
short reunion, a new entity will arise. Zeromus, the incarnation of Zemus'
hatred. Golbez and FuSoYa will try again to beat Zeromus but this time,
Zeromus is impervious to Meteo. They will try to use the crystal but it will
not work and Zeromus will put an end to the 2. Then, you'll see the people on
top of the Mysidian Tower. They will each give their prayers to you.

Back at the moon, the prayers will be heard and Cecil will stand up. Golbez
will give him the crystal. Thus, the final battle begins.

HP:    121,000
EXP:   0
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Bio, Big Bang, Flare, Black Hole, Meteo

At the start of the battle, Palom and Porom will give your party life, Edward
and Tellah will give you strength, Cid and Yang will give you Vitality,
finally Golbez and FuSoYa will give strength to Cecil. The final battle is
about to start.

First, use the Crystal so that Zeromus will reveal himself. Once Zeromus
reveals his true form, pull no punches. Use Rydia's strongest summon, Edge
and Cecil should attack physically, Kain should jump, and for every turn, let
Rosa cast Cure4 on everyone. This will be a long battle so be patient. Also,
don't hesitate to use strong items such as Elixirs as you won't be needed
them after this battle anymore. Just remember that the Big Bang Attack and
Flare will do great damage to your party. Bio and Meteo will only damage you
a little. As for the Black Hole, it will remove all positive spells in your
party (like Haste and Armor). Good Luck!


After that long and exhausting battle  with Zeromus, he  is finally defeated.
FuSoYa will congratulate each and everyone of you.  Golbez will then talk to
Cecil. Golbez and FuSoYa will then say their goodbyes to the party. Cecil
finally talks to Golbez as a brother.  After that, you'll  see the  epilogue.
Then, you'll see a scene with the elder of Mysidia with Palom and Porom.
Palom will be  punished for being irresponsible. Then, you'll see Edge in his
throne room. The old man will try to teach him some manners. But all Edge
thinks of is Rydia ^_^  Then, you'll see Rydia with Leviatan and Asura at the
Land of Summons.  After that, you'll see Yang as the new king of Fabul.  Even
though he is a king, he is still inclined to training.  The next scenes would
be Edward thinking about Anna and the Dwarves at the Dwarven Castle. Giott
will tell you that Cecil and Rosa will be the King and Queen of Baron.  After
that, you'll see an unmasked Kain (facing away anyway) at Mt. Ordeals. Then,
the observers will see something  happening to the moon.  You'll then see the
moon break away from its orbit from the earth.  Back to the earth, you'll see
Cecil and Rosa. Cecil will somehow hear his brother. Then the crowning
ceremony will begin. One by one, Cecil's friends will come in (some are
naughty). After that you'll see a new FMV. Then, the credits will roll up
just like the epilogue. Congratulations! You've finished Final Fantasy IV!
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed the game and the guide.


 |                                                                         |
-+-                                                                       -+-
 | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ |
 |  \                        III.  Equipment List                       /  |
 |  /_________________----------------------------------________________\  |
-+-/                                                                     \-+-
 |                                                                         |

                          |      W E A P O N S      |
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The weapons have been alphabetized and are not arranged according to the type
of weapon. That tidbit is included within the analysis of each weapon. You
may see several of the same names, but they are different types of weapons
and range in power, value and character use. The blanks in "Location" are
intended only because I've  forgotten  where I found them. I couldn't find it
on the numerous pages I had this info. on. :) My bad. I'm hoping you can help
me? Kudasai?


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +35
Added Status:  Curse
Location:      Baron Waterways
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Confuse
Location:      Land of Summons, Sylvan Cave
Price:         110


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Cave Eblan, Tomra, Underworld
Price:         3000


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +75
Added Status:  None
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +80
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Steal from Karys
Price:         N/A


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +32
Added Status:  None
Location:      Tomra, Tower of Babil (Overworld)
Price:         7000


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +80
Added Status:  Berserk
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Whip
Character/s:   Rydia
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Lightning
Location:      Land of Summons
Price:         10000


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +88
Added Status:  HP Absorb
Location:      Eblan Castle
Price:         N/A


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +45
Added Status:  Absorb HP
Location:      Cave Eblan
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +15
Added Status:  Bolt
Location:      Troia, Troia Castle, Sylvan Cave
Price:         30


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Lightning
Location:      Baron, Fabul
Price:         550


Type:          Boomerang
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Agart
Price:         3000


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +3
Added Status:  None
Location:      Kaipo, Agart
Price:         10


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Sleep
Location:      Tower of Babil (Underworld), Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Whip
Character/s:   Rydia
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Paralyze
Location:      Tomra, Land of Summons
Price:         6000


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +15
Added Status:  Piggy
Location:      Village of Mist
Price:         N/A


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Mysidia, Agart, Damcyan Castle
Price:         700


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +8
Added Status:  None
Location:      Baron Shop, Mysidia Shop
Price:         480


Type:          Dagger
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Attack:        +28
Added Status:  None
Location:      Village of Mist
Price:         5000


Type:          Dark Sword
Character/s:   Dark Knight Cecil
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  Shadow
Location:      Water Cavern
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  Darkness
Location:      Dwarven Castle
Price:         40


Type:          Dark Sword
Character/s:   Dark Knight Cecil
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Shadow (Instant Death)
Location:      Fabul
Price:         N/A


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +105
Added Status:  Defense up
Location:      Cave of Summons
Price:         N/A


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +99
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Moon's Core(?)
Price:         N/A


Type:          Harp
Character/s:   Edward
Attack:        +8
Added Status:  Sleep
Location:      Default
Price:         N/A


Type:          Axe
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +62
Added Status:  None
Location:      Dwarven Castle
Price:         15000


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +50
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Confuse
Location:      Magnetic Cavern
Price:         N/A


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Confuse
Location:      Land of Summons, Sylvan Cave
Price:         5000


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +15
Added Status:  Fire
Location:      Troia, Troia Castle
Price:         30


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Fire
Location:      Baron, Fabul
Price:         350


Type:          Whip
Character/s:   Rydia
Attack:        +50
Added Status:  Paralyze, Fire
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +66
Added Status:  Fire
Location:      Dwarven Castle
Price:         11,000


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +65
Added Status:  Fire
Location:      Dwarven Castle, Tower of Zot
Price:         14,000


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +7
Added Status:  Fire
Location:      Mysidia Shop
Price:         380


Type:          Boomerang
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Throw Item
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +80
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Kokkol's Smithy, Sealed Cave
Price:         50000

Special Note:  Item is to be used as a Throw Item.


Type:          Hammer
Character/s:   Cid
Attack:        +65
Added Status:  None
Location:      Tower of Zot
Price:         N/A


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +77
Added Status:  Gradual Petrify
Location:      Steal from a Gorgon
Price:         N/A


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Troia, Troia Castle
Price:         2000


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +92
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Default
Price:         N/A


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Poison
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +10
Added Status:  Holy
Location:      Mysidia, Agart, Damcyan Castle, Mt. Hobs
Price:         20


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +109
Added Status:  Holy
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +15
Added Status:  Ice
Location:      Troia, Troia Castle, Underworld
Price:         30


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +75
Added Status:  Ice
Location:      Cave Eblan, Tower of Babil (Underworld)
Price:         26,000


Type:          Claw
Character/s:   Edge, Yang
Attack:        +0
Added Status:  Ice
Location:      Baron, Fabul
Price:         450


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +5
Added Status:  Ice
Location:      Bought in Mysidia
Price:         220


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +77
Added Status:  Ice
Location:      Cave Elban, Tower of Babil (Underworld)
Price:         21,000


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +5
Added Status:  None
Location:      Damcyan Castle
Price:         N/A


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +48
Added Status:  None
Price:         N/A


Type:          Dagger
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +255
Added Status:  Projectiles
Price:         3000

Special Note:  This is Edge's Throw weapon.


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  None
Location:      Land of Summons, Sealed Cave
Price:         11000


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +25
Added Status:  None
Location:      Cave Eblan
Price:         4000


Type:          Harp
Character/s:   Edward
Attack:        +18
Added Status:  Confuse
Location:      Antlion Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Holy Sword
Character/s:   Paladin
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Holy
Location:      Default
Price:         N/A


Type:          Holy Sword
Character/s:   Paladin
Attack:        +99
Added Status:  Holy
Location:      Sealed Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +13
Added Status:  HP Absorb
Location:      Steal from a Lilith
Price:         N/A


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +36
Added Status:  None
Location:      Land of Summons
Price:         7000


Type:          Dagger
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Attack:        +35
Added Status:  Silence
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  None
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +1
Added Status:  Petrify
Location:      Sylvan Cave
Price:         N/A


Type:          Ninja Sword
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  None
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +35
Added Status:  Silence
Location:      Tomra, Eblan Castle
Price:         100


Type:          Dagger
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  None
Location:      Mythril Village
Price:         3000


Type:          Hammer
Character/s:   Cid
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  None
Location:      Mythril Village
Price:         8000


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +50
Added Status:  None
Location:      Mythril Village
Price:         6000


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +12
Added Status:  None
Location:      Mythril Village
Price:         4000


Type:          Axe
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +80
Added Status:  None
Location:      Tomra, Tower of Babil (Overworld)
Price:         45000


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Poison
Location:      Cave Eblan
Price:         70


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +30
Added Status:  Berserk
Location:      Cave Eblan
Price:         2000


Type:          Holy Sword
Character/s:   Paladin
Attack:        +200
Added Status:  Holy
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +3
Added Status:  None
Location:      Kaipo, Agart
Price:         100


Type:          Axe
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +100
Added Status:  None
Location:      Defeat 2 Red Giants(?)
Price:         N/A


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +48
Added Status:  None
Location:      Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Whip
Character/s:   Rydia
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  Paralyze
Location:      Steal from Blue Dragon
Price:         N/A


Type:          Dark Sword
Character/s:   Dark Knight Cecil
Attack:        +10
Added Status:  Shadow
Location:      Dark Knight's Default weapon
Price:         N/A


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +10
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Kaipo, Agart
Price:         220


Type:          Throw Item
Character/s:   Edge
Attack:        +40
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Kokkol's Smithy, Cave Eblan, Giant of Babil
Price:         20000

Special Note:  Item is to be used as a Throw Item.


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +52
Added Status:  Silence
Location:      Giant of Babil
Price:         N/A


Type:          Knight Sword
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  Sleep
Location:      Eblan Castle
Price:         N/A


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +9
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Agart
Price:         60


Type:          Staff
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, FuSoYa, Porom
Attack:        +4
Added Status:  None
Location:      Kaipo, Agart
Price:         160


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +45
Added Status:  None
Location:      Lunar Path, Moon's Core
Price:         N/A


Type:          Rod
Character/s:   Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Attack:        +10
Added Status:  Lightning
Location:      Baron
Price:         700


Type:          Axe
Character/s:   Paladin, Kain
Attack:        +95
Added Status:  Poison
Location:      Cave of Summons
Price:         N/A


Type:          Whip
Character/s:   Rydia
Attack:        +20
Added Status:  Paralyze
Location:      Village of Mist, Land of Summons
Price:         3000


Type:          Spear
Character/s:   Kain
Attack:        +55
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Default
Price:         N/A


Type:          Hammer
Character/s:   Cid
Attack:        +45
Added Status:  None
Location:      Troia
Price:         80


Type:          Arrow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +50
Added Status:  None
Location:      Kokkol's Smithy, Cave of Summons, Giant of Babil
Price:         140


Type:          Bow
Character/s:   Paladin, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Porom, FuSoYa
Attack:        +60
Added Status:  Projectiles
Location:      Cave of Summons
Price:         N/A


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Again, in alphabetical order, but I'm not a perfectionist nor do I profess to
be one. So I'm bound to have a good number of inaccuracies.  Protects
generally means what the armor is resistant against. Are we all clear on that
little thing? Perfect.


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +100
Mg. Defense:  +20
Effect:       +5 to all stats
Location:     Adamant Grotto (Trade PinkTail)
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Silence
Location:     Buy from Village of Mist
Price:        700


Character/s:  Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +8
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Cave Eblan
Price:        10000


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +10
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Dwarven Castle
Price:        14000


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Kaipo, Troia
Price:        50


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +25
Mg. Defense:  +10
Protects:     Poison, Darkness, Paralyze, Mini, Toad
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +9
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Fabul
Price:        3000


Character/s:  Paladin, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +19
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 Bolt damage
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        40000


Character/s:  Paladin, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +23
Mg. Defense:  +8
Protects:     Aborbs Fire, Bolt and Ice damage by 1/2
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Cecil as Paladin, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +13
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 Ice damage
Location:     Buy from Dwarven Castle; Tower of Zot
Price:        30000


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Gradual Petrify
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        500


Character/s:  Paladin, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +21
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Bahamut's Cave
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +7
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Water Cavern
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Cecil as Paladin, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +17
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 Fire damage
Location:     Buy from Cave Eblan; Tower of Babil (Underworld)
Price:        35000


Character/s:  Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Agart
Price:        600


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Baron
Price:        4000


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Kaipo, Troia
Price:        200


Character/s:  Rosa, Rydia, Porom
Defense:      +20
Mg. Defense:  +5
Protects:     Paralyze
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Cecil as Paladin, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +13
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     Sleep
Location:     Buy from Mythril Village
Price:        17000


Character/s:  Edge
Defense:      +24
Mg. Defense:  +13
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        64000


Character/s:  Cecil as Paladin
Defense:      +11
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        8000


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +15
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Dropped by Behemoth
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone except the Dark Knight
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Sleep
Location:     Village of Mist
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Default
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +12
Mg. Defense:  +9
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 Bolt damage
Location:     Buy from Land of Summons
Price:        30000


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa
Defense:      +18
Mg. Defense:  +10
Protects:     Darkness
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +5
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Dwarven Castle; Tower of Zot
Price:        1200


                          |      S H I E L D S      |
*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*

Again, in alphabetical order, but I'm not a perfectionist nor do I profess to
be one. So I'm bound to have a good number of inaccuracies.  Protects
generally means what the armor is resistant against. Are we all clear on that
little thing? Perfect.


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Petrify
Location:     Buy from Land of Summons
Price:        20000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +7
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Fabul
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 of Lightning-based attacks
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        15000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +6
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 of Lightning, Ice & Fire attacks
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 of Ice-based damage
Location:     Buy from Dwarven Castle; Tower of Zot
Price:        1250


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Bahamut's Cave
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 of Fire-based damage
Location:     Buy from Cave Eblan; Tower of Babil (underworld)
Price:        10000


Character/s:  Paladin, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Agart
Price:        100


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Mythril Village
Price:        1000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        700


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Nothing
Location:     Default
Price:        N/A


                          |     H E A D G E A R     |
*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*

Protects generally means what the armor is resistant against.


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom, Edge
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     N/A
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +12
Mg. Defense:  +8
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 fire, lightning & ice attacks
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +6
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Fabul
Price:        980


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +9
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        10000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +11
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 fire, lightning & ice attacks
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Troia; Water Cavern; Damcyan Castle
Price:        330


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Edge, Kain
Defense:      +10
Mg. Defense:  +6
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Bahamut's Cave
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +30
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     All status effects
Location:     Dropped by EvilMask
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Water Cavern
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     Confuse
Location:     Buy from Baron
Price:        450


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Agart,
Price:        150


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +1
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Kaipo, Troia
Price:        100


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +5
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        700


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +8
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Mythril Village
Price:        3000


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Sleep
Location:     Sealed Cave
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +7
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        4000


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +9
Mg. Defense:  +12
Protects:     All status effects
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Default
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Females
Defense:      +7
Mg. Defense:  +10
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 lightning elemental
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        20000


Character/s:  Paladin, Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Dwarven Castle
Price:        2000


                          |  A C C E S S O R I E S  |
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Protects generally means what the armor is resistant against.


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +10
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +20
Mg. Defense:  +12
Protects:     Paralyze, Sleep, Confuse
Location:     Dropped by Red Dragon
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +0
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Absorbs ice, lightning & fire attacks
Location:     Get from Ghouls or Spirits
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Fabul
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +7
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 lightning damage
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        5000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +9
Mg. Defense:  +7
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 lightning, ice & fire damage
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +8
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Bahamut's Cave
Price:        N/A

Character/s:  Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom, Yang, Edward, Edge
Defense:      +6
Mg. Defense:  +8
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 lightning damage
Location:     Buy from Tomra
Price:        4000


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Water Cavern
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Agart
Price:        130


Character/s:  Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom, Yang, Edward
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Kaipo, Agart
Price:        100


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Cid
Defense:      +6
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Mythril Village
Price:        2000


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil
Defense:      +5
Mg. Defense:  +1
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Mysidia
Price:        3000


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +10
Mg. Defense:  +12
Protects:     Absorbs 1/2 fire, ice & lightning damage
Location:     Moon's Core
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Everyone
Defense:      +0
Mg. Defense:  +3
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Troia; Damcyan Castle; Village of Mist
Price:        1000


Character/s:  Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom, Yang, Edward, Edge
Defense:      +3
Mg. Defense:  +8
Protects:     Silence
Location:     Buy from Dwarven Castle
Price:        2000


Character/s:  Dark Knight
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Default
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Rosa, Rydia, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Palom, Yang, Edward, Edge
Defense:      +4
Mg. Defense:  +4
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Buy from Baron, Mysidia
Price:        650


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Cid, Kain, Rydia
Defense:      +2
Mg. Defense:  +2
Protects:     N/A
Location:     Dwarven Castle
Price:        N/A


Character/s:  Paladin Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edge, Yang
Defense:      +10
Mg. Defense:  +0
Protects:     Mini
Location:     Dropped by RedBones
Price:        N/A


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 |  \                          IV.  Magic List                          /  |
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Magic plays a major role in the game (as well as other RPGs) since this is
where you actually use the elements in the game. Some enemies are affected by
magic and some aren't even dazed by magic. The Magic List will be categorized
according to the type of magic. And within each category, everything will be
in alphabetical order.

                          |   W H I T E  M A G I C  |
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MP Cost:      9
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Increases the physical defense of the character


MP Cost:      19
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Disables control of that enemy. He/she will attack continuously


MP Cost:      10
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Charms an enemy into fighting for you


MP Cost:      3
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Restores a few amounts of HP


MP Cost:      9
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Restores a medium amount of HP


MP Cost:      18
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Restores a large amount of HP


MP Cost:      40
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Restore a very large amount of HP


MP Cost:      12
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Removes status increasing magic on a character/enemy


MP Cost:      20
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Removes all bad status effects on your character


MP Cost:      10
Type:         Support
Description:  Magically transports party outside the dungeon


MP Cost:      8
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Levitates the character and thus, nullifies Earth damage


MP Cost:      25
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Decreases the amount of the Time Bar fills so that your
              character will take his turn faster.


MP Cost:      8
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Revives a member who is KO'd and restores a few amounts of HP


MP Cost:      52
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Revives a member who is KO'd and restores HP to the max


MP Cost:      6
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Makes the enemy little and thus making minimal damage


MP Cost:      6
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Disables magic using ability of that character/enemy


MP Cost:      1
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Determines the enemy's HP and weak/strong points


MP Cost:      10
Type:         Curative Magic
Description:  Temporarily increases magical defense


MP Cost:      14
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Slows down the time bar of the enemy


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Support Magic
Description:  Temporarily increases both physical and magical defense


                          |  B L A C K  M A G I C   |
*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*


MP Cost:      5
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Lightning
Description:  Lunges a thunderbolt onto the enemy


MP Cost:      15
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Lightning
Description:  More powerful version of Bolt1


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Lightning
Description:  Extreme Lightning Damage onto the enemy


MP Cost:      18
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Drains/Steals HP from the enemy


MP Cost:      5
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Fire
Description:  Blasts Fire onto the enemy


MP Cost:      15
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Fire
Description:  More powerful version of Fire1


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Fire
Description:  Extreme Fire Damage onto the enemy


MP Cost:      5
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Ice
Description:  Hurls ice onto the enemy


MP Cost:      15
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Ice
Description:  More powerful version of Ice1


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Ice
Description:  Extreme Ice Damage onto the enemy


MP Cost:      1
Type:         Status Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Turns an enemy into a pig making both its defense and offense
              very low


MP Cost:      0
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Drains/Steals MP from the enemy


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Offensive Magic
Element:      Earth
Description:  a very damaging earth-based attack


MP Cost:      12
Type:         Status Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Makes an enemy sleep and thus, disabling it to move/act


MP Cost:      15
Type:         Status Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Stops the time bar of the enemy. This will disable the enemy's


MP Cost:      7
Type:         Status Magic
Element:      none
Description:  Turns the enemy into a toad, which minimizes physical attacks


                          | S U M M O N  M A G I C  |
*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*


MP Cost:      50
Type:         Magical
Element:      none
Acquirement:  Defeat Asura at the Land of Summons
Description:  Asura has 2 kinds of abilities. First, she may heal your entire
              party for a huge amount HP. Second, she'll cast life on all
              of your party members.


MP Cost:      7
Type:         Physical
Element:      none
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Chocobo will unleash a devastating kick attack on the enemy


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Magical
Element:      Fire
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Ifrit hurls huge amounts of fire blasts onto the enemy


MP Cost:      50
Type:         Magical
Element:      Water
Acquirement:  Defeat Leviathan at the Land of Summons
Description:  Leviathan will crush the enemies with his tidal waves


MP Cost:      20
Type:         Magical/Physical
Element:      Gravity
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Mist damages the enemy according to Rydia's maximum HP. The
              higher the Max HP is, the higher the damage.


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Magical
Element:      Lightning
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Ramuh will unleash powerful bolts of electricity on the enemy


MP Cost:      30
Type:         Magical
Element:      Ice
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Shiva attacks with a hail of ice


MP Cost:      40
Type:         Magical
Element:      Earth
Acquirement:  Automatically learned by Rydia
Description:  Titan will unleash a powerful quake attack


                               OTHER SUMMONS

A big thank you goes to Arthur for contributing this information.

Odin can be found if you go back to the first city in the game(Baron). If you
search carefully, you can find a hidden throne room. The real king (killed
and replaced by the impostor earlier) will appear and say that he is now
Odin. He will challenge you and will appear in your summon list if you beat
him. A note here: kill him quick or his sword attack will surface and wipe
your whole crew in one slice, if they do not have an HP above 5000.

Bethemoth is in a cave on the moon seperate to the other caves. If you
venture far in enough, (killing some familiar side bosses if you finished the
game) you will find him with his two servants.  He will challenge you, and
you will aquire him if you beat him. Do this quick, because he uses Mega
Flare when he gets to 0, which kills you immediately if you do not cast
Reflect. You should do this for FuSoYa (if you still have him) and Rydia.
Then Leviathan and Flare him to death. His Mega Flare is easily the most
powerful summon in the game.

If you search the Underworld, you will find another cave that will befuddle
you really much.  Its floors are similar to the Summon Cave, But you can
avoid damage (which you failed to find) by casting Levita, (which also gets
rid of the annoying spider's ground attacks that won't reach you with
Levita). Also, if you can cast Toad on the Toady Witch, she cannot tell them
to attack, leaving you to kill all of them easily, which you have to do
quickly before the Toady Witch can turn back.  Recasting Float occassionaly,
you will eventually find the Glyphs, who are caring for Yang. :) Exit the
cave, and go back to Yang's home.  His wife, finding out about Yang, gives
you a pan. Heading back to the cave, you walk up to Yang and WHANG! OUCH! He
wakes, but cannot join you, so you get the Glyph summon instead.  Head back
to Yang's wife to get the Kitchen Knife, Cleaver. This awesome Dart does 9999

Four more items can be found to gain Summon spells. The Bomb summon comes
from all Bomb family monsters, Goblin from all Imp family members, Mind item,
which comes from Mages, and Cockatric, which is found from all Cockatrice

 |                                                                         |
-+-                                                                       -+-
 | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ |
 |  \                           V.  Item List                           /  |
 |  /_________________----------------------------------________________\  |
-+-/                                                                     \-+-
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Any items you find or enemies drop, will be added to the item inventory. Most
items have a maximum capacity of 99. Any additional items cannot be picked
up, bought or reaped. If you want to rid yourself of this inconvenience,
visit Fat Chocobo and he'll store items for you in his big tub of lard. Each
time you summon him, a Gyashly green is used.  If you're short  of that item,
the Fat Chocobo will not roll--er, come to your aid.

                          | S U P P O R T  I T E M S|
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   Ag Apple                  Increases HP by 50                      Single
   Alarm                     Cures Sleep status                      Single
   Alert                     Go to battle immediately
   Antidote         40G      Cures Poison status                     Single
   Au Apple                  Increases HP by 100                     Single
   Bacchus                   Causes Berserk to enemy                 Single
   Bestiary                  Displays enemy weaknesses               Single
   Big Bomb                  Fire damage to enemies                  All
   Blizzard                  Ice damage to opponents                 All
   Bomb                      Fire damage to enemies, Bomb Summon     All
   Boreas                    Fierce ice damage to opponents          All
   Cabin           500G      Restores HP/MP and status ailments      All
   Cocatris                  Teach Summoner to summon Cocatris       Single
   Coffin                    Instantly Kos a single opponent         Single
   Cross           100G      Cures Curse status                      Single
   Diet Food       100G      Cures Pig status                        Single
   Echo Note        50G      Cures Silence Status                    Single
   Elixir      100,000G      Recuperates HP/MP                       Single
   Ether1       10,000G      Restores a small amount of MP           Single
   Ether2       50,000G      Restores a moderate amount of MP        Single
   Exit                      Transport out of dungeons               All
   Eyedrops         30G      Cures Darkness status                   Single
   GaiaDrum                  Earth elemental damage to enemies       All
   Grimoire                  Randomly summons a summon creature
   Gyashl           50G      Summon Fat Chocobo
   Hermes                    Casts Haste on character                Single
   HiPotion        150G      Restores a moderate amount of HP        Single
   HrGlass1                  Freezes enemies in place                All
   HrGlass2                  More effective than HrGlass1            All
   HrGlass3                  Freezes enemies for a very long time    All
   Illusion                  Creates a clone                         Single
   Imp                       Teach summoner to summon Imp            Single
   Inferno                   Major fire damage to all enemies        All
   Kamikaze                  Draws HP from character to damage foe   Single
   Life            100G      Revives a fallen party member           Single
   LitStorm                  Lightning elemental damage to enemies   All
   Mage                      Teach summoner to summon Mage           Single
   MaidKiss         60G      Cures Toad status                       Single
   Mallet           80G      Cures Mini status                       Single
   MoonVeil                  Puts up a Reflect wall                  Single
   MuteBell                  Casts Silence on enemies                Single
   Notus                     Ice damage to enemies                   All
   Potion           30G      Restores a small amount of HP           Single
   Remedy         5000G      Cures all status ailments               Single
   Silk Web                  Freezes an enemy in place               Single
   Soft            400G      Cures Pertrified status                 Single
   SomaDrop                  Increases MP by 10                      Single
   StarVeil                  Puts up a stronger Reflect wall         Single
   Succubus                  Absorbs enemy MP and restores MP        Single
   Tent            100G      Restores some HP/MP and status effects  All
   ThorRage                  Lightning elemental damage to enemies   All
   Vampire                   Absorbs enemy HP and restores HP        Single
   Whistle      20,000G      Call Fat Chocobo from anywhere
   X-Potion                  Restores at least 3/4 of lost HP        Single
   ZeusRage                  Major lightning damage to opponents     All

                          |     K E Y  I T E M S    |
*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*¯*_*

     Adamant        Trade Rat Tail to get this. This rare stone helps you get
                    the Excalibur sword.
     Baron Key      Used to enter the Baron Waterways and open Baron shops.
     Bomb Ring      The king gives Cecil this to take to the Village of Mist.
     Crystal        Helps break Zermus' immunity to attacks.
     Earth Crystal  Given to Golbez at the Tower of Zot.
     Magma Key      Opens the entrance to the underworld.
     Pink Tail      Stolen from a Pink Puff (rare chance).  Trade this for an
                    Adamant Armor at the Adamant Grotto.
     Rat Tail       Trade this for the the piece of Adamant.
     SandRuby       Special ruby used to cure Rydia's desert fever.
     Twin Harp      Used to communicate between party members from a distance

 |                                                                         |
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 |  \                           VI.  Bestiary                           /  |
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 |                                                                         |

                          |  E N E M Y  B E A S T S |
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The statistics listed here  are  the individual distributions among the party
members; they are not the total amount given. The format follows loosely to
ATadeo's FF9 guide. It's easy to comprehend, I'm sure. Also note that the
bosses will not be included here, but will be in the following section.  With
that said, happy looking.


HP:  1425       DEF: 0         GIL: 380
ATK: 112        EXP: 2008

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  3650       DEF: 3         GIL: 585
ATK: 102        EXP: 4388

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  325        DEF: 4         GIL: 194
ATK: 58         EXP: 1555

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Use magic attacks against it.


HP:  638        DEF: 0         GIL: 219
ATK: 42         EXP: 690

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  697        DEF: 4         GIL: 315
ATK: 72         EXP: 2459

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Projectiles

Special Notes:  Casting Ice on it causes it to detonate itself.


HP:  90         DEF: 2         GIL: 30
ATK: 15         EXP: 110

Location/s:     Antlion Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  3000       DEF: 4         GIL: 890
ATK: 88         EXP: 3199

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  23000      DEF: 4         GIL: 65000
ATK: 154        EXP: 57000

Location/s:     Bahamut Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Its physical attacks hurt a lot.


HP:  593        DEF: 3         GIL: 345
ATK: 72         EXP: 2758

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  792        DEF: 4         GIL: 43
ATK: 64         EXP: 1298

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  1050       DEF: 4         GIL: 211
ATK: 76         EXP: 2559

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  15000      DEF: 4         GIL: 40200
ATK: 144        EXP: 36000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None
Special Item/s: Dragon Spear


HP:  55         DEF: 2         GIL: 76
ATK: 19         EXP: 361

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  40000      DEF: 0         GIL: 50000
ATK: 154        EXP: 60000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None


HP:  440        DEF: 2         GIL: 210
ATK: 24         EXP: 650

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Troia
Weakness:       None


HP:  700        DEF: 4         GIL: 224
ATK: 72         EXP: 920

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  334        DEF: 3         GIL: 151
ATK: 42         EXP: 598

Location/s:     Magnetic Cavern
Weakness:       Projectiles


HP:  285        DEF: 3         GIL: 201
ATK: 40         EXP: 800

Location/s:     Magnetic Cave
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  47         DEF: 2         GIL: 24
ATK: 11         EXP: 89

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  380        DEF: 2         GIL: 172
ATK: 58         EXP: 860

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       None


HP:  655        DEF: 5         GIL: 342
ATK: 76         EXP: 2714

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None


HP:  700        DEF: 3         GIL: 225
ATK: 80         EXP: 1708

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Ice, Lightning and Fire attacks heals it.


HP:  7600       DEF: 4         GIL: 900
ATK: 124        EXP: 7777

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  149        DEF: 1         GIL: 82
ATK: 24         EXP: 275

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       Projectiles


HP:  3600       DEF: 5         GIL: 475
ATK: 104        EXP: 3688

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  1855       DEF: 4         GIL: 538
ATK: 100        EXP: 3437

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       None


HP:  55         DEF: 254       GIL: 33
ATK: 16         EXP: 144

Location/s:     Antlion Cave
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  292        DEF: 2         GIL: 218
ATK: 38         EXP: 660

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Lightning; Ice


HP:  199        DEF: 0         GIL: 45
ATK: 56         EXP: 1930

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None


HP:  3900       DEF: 3         GIL: 525
ATK: 104        EXP: 5041

Location/s:     Sylvan Cave
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  18         DEF: 0         GIL: 5
ATK: 21         EXP: 40

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Baron
Weakness:       None


HP:  ---        DEF: ---       GIL: ---
ATK: ---        EXP: ---

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Monster stats unknown.


HP:  284        DEF: 2         GIL: 214
ATK: 40         EXP: 640

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Projectiles


HP:  425        DEF: 3         GIL: 200
ATK: 60         EXP: 1050

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       None


HP:  388        DEF: 3         GIL: 269
ATK: 64         EXP: 1408

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  37000      DEF: 4         GIL: 65000
ATK: 128        EXP: 50000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Sometimes, it casts the Wall spell to defend against magic.


HP:  58         DEF: 1         GIL: 28
ATK: 11         EXP: 101

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  380        DEF: 2         GIL: 262
ATK: 42         EXP: 1030

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  3480       DEF: 5         GIL: 650
ATK: 102        EXP: 6388

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  1221       DEF: 3         GIL: 244
ATK: 68         EXP: 1700

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  579        DEF: 4         GIL: 300
ATK: 76         EXP: 1700

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Ice

Special Notes:  Fire attacks heals him.


HP:  20         DEF: 0         GIL: 9
ATK: 20         EXP: 42

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Baron and Kaipo


HP:  160        DEF: 2         GIL: 90
ATK: 28         EXP: 315

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  175        DEF: 2         GIL: 95
ATK: 28         EXP: 236

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Lightning, Ice


HP:  221        DEF: 2         GIL: 80
ATK: 26         EXP: 398

Location/s:     Kaipo
Weakness:       None


HP:  2800       DEF: 4         GIL: 362
ATK: 100        EXP: 3141

Location/s:     Sylvan Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  222        DEF: 3         GIL: 179
ATK: 32         EXP: 505

Location/s:     Mt. Ordeals
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  439        DEF: 3         GIL: 262
ATK: 56         EXP: 1977

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  7500       DEF: 4         GIL: 19000
ATK: 124        EXP: 25000

Location/s:     Bahamut Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  1580       DEF: 4         GIL: 510
ATK: 100        EXP: 2837

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       Projectiles; Fire


HP:  2550       DEF: 4         GIL: 240
ATK: 134        EXP: 3003

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None


HP:  111        DEF: 18        GIL: 105
ATK: 36         EXP: 445

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       None


HP:  410        DEF: 3         GIL: 275
ATK: 56         EXP: 1221

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  1820       DEF: 4         GIL: 630
ATK: 108        EXP: 2644

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       Lightning

Special Notes:  Casting Fire on it causes it to detonate.


HP:  1400        DEF: 4         GIL: 149
ATK: 76          EXP: 2459

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Holy

Special Notes:  Casting Bolt spells heals it.


HP:  280        DEF: 2         GIL: 710
ATK: 40         EXP: 230

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       None


HP:  2200       DEF: 5         GIL: 484
ATK: 108        EXP: 4088

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  3500       DEF: 5         GIL: 1220
ATK: 126        EXP: 9699

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  695        DEF: 4         GIL: 253
ATK: 60         EXP: 1504

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  It escapes from battle frequently.


HP:  1480       DEF: 3         GIL: 238
ATK: 88         EXP: 3582

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  257        DEF: 2         GIL: 209
ATK: 44         EXP: 670

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  520        DEF: 3         GIL: 276
ATK: 64         EXP: 1441

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  480        DEF: 2         GIL: 289
ATK: 62         EXP: 1331

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  6          DEF: 0         GIL: 5
ATK: 19         EXP: 28

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Baron
Weakness:       None


HP:  37         DEF: 0         GIL: 40
ATK: 15         EXP: 184

Location/s:     Antlion Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  100        DEF: 4         GIL: 233
ATK: 74         EXP: 1077

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       None


HP:  35         DEF: 254       GIL: 36
ATK: 15         EXP: 134

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  1700       DEF: 5         GIL: 1560
ATK: 116        EXP: 6999

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       None


HP:  4000       DEF: 3         GIL: 3500
ATK: 122        EXP: 13000

Location/s:     Bahamut Cave
Weakness:       None
Special Item/s: Artemis Bow


HP:  8200       DEF: 54        GIL: 23000
ATK: 128        EXP: 30000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None


HP:  1200       DEF: 4         GIL: 143
ATK: 72         EXP: 2059

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  28         DEF: 1         GIL: 8
ATK: 20         EXP: 49

Location/s:     Mist Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  3580       DEF: 5         GIL: 338
ATK: 128        EXP: 8703

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  466        DEF: 3         GIL: 262
ATK: 46         EXP: 2703

Location/s:     Mt. Ordeals
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  10000      DEF: 4         GIL: 1500
ATK: 128        EXP: 31000

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  4900       DEF: 3         GIL: 985
ATK: 118        EXP: 7999

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  2000       DEF: 4         GIL: 270
ATK: 86         EXP: 2359

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  59         DEF: 1         GIL: 34
ATK: 13         EXP: 127

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  300        DEF: 3         GIL: 232
ATK: 44         EXP: 1000

Location/s:     Magnetic Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Highly resistant to magical attacks.


HP:  4200       DEF: 3         GIL: 458
ATK: 112        EXP: 5641

Location/s:     Sylvan Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Uses attacks that inflict various status effects.


HP:  3400       DEF: 3         GIL: 1200
ATK: 114        EXP: 28000

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  473        DEF: 3         GIL: 195
ATK: 56         EXP: 1000

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       None


HP:  18000      DEF: 4         GIL: 2550
ATK: 138        EXP: 41400

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       Lightning

Special Notes:  Like the Bomb, it will commit suicide when HP is low.


HP:  490        DEF: 4         GIL: 225
ATK: 64         EXP: 1208

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Be careful of her Glare attack. It petrifies you.


HP:  20000      DEF: 254       GIL: 50000
ATK: 130        EXP: 65000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Has very high defense. Physical attacks are ineffective.


HP:  980        DEF: 5         GIL: 1100
ATK: 102        EXP: 3237

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       None


HP:  320        DEF: 4         GIL: 150
ATK: 66         EXP: 1118

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Tongue attack induces Sleep effect.


HP:  115        DEF: 2         GIL: 53
ATK: 28         EXP: 335

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Fabul
Weakness:       None


HP:  865        DEF: 2         GIL: 240
ATK: 60         EXP: 800

Location/s:     Magnetic Cave
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  342        DEF: 2         GIL: 252
ATK: 50         EXP: 820

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Troia
Weakness:       None

Special Note: Do NOT let him use his Bluster counterattack.


HP:  65         DEF: 1         GIL: 30
ATK: 11         EXP: 119

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  20000      DEF: 5         GIL: 55555
ATK: 154        EXP: 10000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None
Special Item/s: PinkTail


HP:  180        DEF: 2         GIL: 145
ATK: 31         EXP: 430

Location/s:     Baron Waterways
Weakness:       Lightning; Ice


HP:  2600       DEF: 5         GIL: 1850
ATK: 120        EXP: 7999

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       None


HP:  1357       DEF: 255       GIL: 1300
ATK: 116        EXP: 3044

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       Ice

Special Notes:  Highly resistant to physical attacks.


HP:  256        DEF: 3         GIL: 180
ATK: 56         EXP: 800

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  108        DEF: 0         GIL: 222
ATK: 46         EXP: 700

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Troia
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  210        DEF: 3         GIL: 169
ATK: 34         EXP: 315

Location/s:     Mt. Ordeals
Weakness:       Holy; Fire


HP:  2400       DEF: 4         GIL: 465
ATK: 100        EXP: 3444

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       Projectiles


HP:  14000      DEF: 4         GIL: 7000
ATK: 122        EXP: 18500

Location/s:     Bahamut Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  7000       DEF: 5         GIL: 310
ATK: 120        EXP: 6303

Location/s:     Lunar Path
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  250        DEF: 1         GIL: 186
ATK: 36         EXP: 575

Location/s:     Mt. Ordeals
Weakness:       Holy; Fire


HP:  900        DEF: 14        GIL: 312
ATK: 74         EXP: 3114

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None


HP:  500        DEF: 3         GIL: 150
ATK: 66         EXP: 1404

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       Projectiles

Special Notes:  Highly immune to magical attacks. Use physical attacks.


HP:  50         DEF: 2         GIL: 81
ATK: 60         EXP: 1004

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       None


HP:  986        DEF: 3         GIL: 39
ATK: 72         EXP: 2822

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       None


HP:  20         DEF: 0         GIL: 17
ATK: 20         EXP: 70

Location/s:     Desert area surrounding Kaipo
Weakness:       None


HP:  40         DEF: 2         GIL: 18
ATK: 21         EXP: 74

Location/s:     Mist Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  60         DEF: 3         GIL: 20
ATK: 11         EXP: 79
Location/s:     Desert area surrounding Kaipo
Weakness:       None


HP:  75         DEF: 2         GIL: 22
ATK: 16         EXP: 82

Location/s:     Desert area surrounding Kaipo
Weakness:       None


HP:  1400       DEF: 4         GIL: 205
ATK: 90         EXP: 3082

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  5500       DEF: 4         GIL: 900
ATK: 138        EXP: 15004

Location/s:     Giant of Babil
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  135        DEF: 2         GIL: 126
ATK: 26         EXP: 238

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  740        DEF: 3         GIL: 116
ATK: 75         EXP: 1577

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  105        DEF: 254       GIL: 50
ATK: 52         EXP: 750

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Fire

Special Notes:  Use magic attacks against it.


HP:  27         DEF: 0         GIL: 54
ATK: 20         EXP: 157

Location/s:     Kaipo
Weakness:       None


HP:  1000       DEF: 4         GIL: 272
ATK: 82         EXP: 2359

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None


HP:  200        DEF: 3         GIL: 165
ATK: 28         EXP: 460

Location/s:     Mt. Ordeals
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  86         DEF: 1         GIL: 122
ATK: 24         EXP: 278

Location/s:     Mt. Hobs
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  1950       DEF: 4         GIL: 445
ATK: 86         EXP: 703

Location/s:     Eblan area
Weakness:       None


HP:  398        DEF: 3         GIL: 220
ATK: 40         EXP: 700

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Troia
Weakness:       None


HP:  2560       DEF: 4         GIL: 238
ATK: 84         EXP: 2908

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  360        DEF: 2         GIL: 175
ATK: 64         EXP: 840

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       Holy; Fire


HP:  30         DEF: 0         GIL: 13
ATK: 21         EXP: 66

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Baron
Weakness:       None


HP:  69         DEF: 2         GIL: 63
ATK: 19         EXP: 132

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       None


HP:  600        DEF: 5         GIL: 335
ATK: 19         EXP: 1841

Location/s:     Sylvan Cave
Weakness:       Ice


HP:  2960       DEF: 4         GIL: 598
ATK: 98         EXP: 3441

Location/s:     Sylvan Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Is usually accompanied by several TinyToads.


HP:  298        DEF: 254       GIL: 384
ATK: 66         EXP: 1008

Location/s:     Tower of Babil
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Highly resistant to physical attacks.


HP:  435        DEF: 3         GIL: 234
ATK: 70         EXP: 1666

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       Fire; Ice


HP:  5000       DEF: 3         GIL: 4500
ATK: 88         EXP: 30000

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Its Portal/Dimension attack instantly kills the inflicted.


HP:  370        DEF: 2         GIL: 32
ATK: 62         EXP: 1204

Location/s:     Underworld
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  335        DEF: 1         GIL: 148
ATK: 52         EXP: 687

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Troia
Weakness:       Fire; Ice


HP:  12000      DEF: 3         GIL: 10700
ATK: 174        EXP: 20000

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  190        DEF: 1         GIL: 46
ATK: 20         EXP: 234

Location/s:     Antlion Cave
Weakness:       Fire; Ice


HP:  270        DEF: 2         GIL: 195
ATK: 38         EXP: 810

Location/s:     Magnetic Cave
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  2375       DEF: 4         GIL: 188
ATK: 88         EXP: 3582

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  25000      DEF: 5         GIL: 65200
ATK: 144        EXP: 33333

Location/s:     Moon's Core
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  Watch for its Doom attack. It can cause instant Death.


HP:  5100      DEF: 5         GIL: 2400
ATK: 80        EXP: 17003

Location/s:     Bahamut Cave
Weakness:       None


HP:  2900       DEF: 4         GIL: 575
ATK: 104        EXP: 4288

Location/s:     Cave of Summons
Weakness:       None


HP:  125        DEF: 3         GIL: 79
ATK: 16         EXP: 225

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  64         DEF: 0         GIL: 38
ATK: 18         EXP: 136

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Lightning


HP:  130        DEF: 2         GIL: 42
ATK: 18         EXP: 157

Location/s:     Antlion Cave
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  1014       DEF: 3         GIL: 355
ATK: 94         EXP: 2306

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       Fire


HP:  350        DEF: 2         GIL: 329
ATK: 50         EXP: 1551

Location/s:     Tower of Zot
Weakness:       None


HP:  3100       DEF: 4         GIL: 1500
ATK: 108        EXP: 28000

Location/s:     Sealed Cave
Weakness:       None

Special Notes:  It counterattacks with Bolts.


HP:  52         DEF: 2         GIL: 31
ATK: 13         EXP: 112

Location/s:     Water Cavern
Weakness:       Holy


HP:  941        DEF: 0         GIL: 489
ATK: 32         EXP: 432

Location/s:     Overworld surrounding Mysidia
Weakness:       None


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While these could be found within the walkthrough, the information found here
is more accurate since I scanned them personally.


HP:  1100       DEF: 3         GIL: 800
ATK: 11         EXP: 500

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Counter


HP:  31,005     DEF: 3         GIL: 0
ATK: 134        EXP: 4000

Items: none
Attacks: Cure3, Life1, Armor, Normal Attacks


HP:  4444       DEF: 1         GIL: 3000
ATK: 58         EXP: 972

Arm HP:   500
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Wall, Re-Form, Entangle, Haste, Detonate


HP:  5500       DEF: 2         GIL: 4000
ATK: 44         EXP: 1100

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Haste, Wave


HP:    (Cal: 1,000 each) (Brina: 600 each) (Calbrina: 4,500)
EXP:   4,750
GIL:   8,500
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Hold, Glance


Core                                   Attacker
HP: 30,000    DEF: 4    ATK: 174       HP: 3000     DEF: 5    ATK: 116

HP: 3000      DEF: 5    ATK: 116

EXP:   15,625
GIL:   10,333
Items: none
Attacks: Cure3, Beam, Globe99


HP:  3927       DEF: 1         GIL: 5000
ATK: 94         EXP: 6000

Items: non
Attacks: Dragon Breath


HP:  23890     DEF: 0         GIL: 5000
ATK: 18        EXP: 1500

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Whisper, Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2


HP:  ??         DEF: ??        GIL: 0
ATK: ??         EXP: 0

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Dark


HP:    (Lugae: 2,500) (Balnab: 5,000) (Balnab-Z: 2,800)
EXP:   0
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Physical Attack, Detonate


HP:    Total of 65,000
EXP:   15,625
GIL:   10,000

Items: none
Attacks: Various Attacks (same as what they used to)


HP:  28,000     DEF: 3         GIL: 8000
ATK: 84         EXP: 4600

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Physical attacks


HP:  5000       DEF: 0         GIL: 11000
ATK: 86         EXP: 7500

Items: none
Attacks: Fire2, Bolt2, Ice2


HP:  14000 (both)DEF: 2         GIL: 0
ATK: 87          EXP: 0

Items: none
Attacks: Fire1, Fire2


HP:  50,001     DEF: 5         GIL: 0
ATK: 174        EXP: 14000

Items: none
Attacks: Big Wave, Ice2


HP:  9321       DEF: 1         GIL: 4000
ATK: 86         EXP: 2020

Items: Tower Key
Attacks: Gas, Poison, Heal


HP:  23,000     DEF: 4         GIL: 0
ATK: 144        EXP: 11,800

Items: none
Attacks: Fire, Recover, Bio, Wall


HP:  2000       DEF: 1         GIL: 2000
ATK: 19         EXP: 3200

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Bolt1


HP:  4500       DEF: 1         GIL: 2500
ATK: 46         EXP: 900

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Bolt1, Poison


HP:  450        DEF: 5         GIL: 200
ATK: 16         EXP: 350

Items: none
Attacks: Cold Mist, Form Change


HP:  1000       DEF: 0         GIL: 500
ATK: 22         EXP: 400

Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks


HP:  50,000     DEF: 4         GIL: 0
ATK: 150        EXP: 30,500

Items: none
Attacks: Big Wave, Blaze, Normal Attacks


HP:  ??         DEF: ??        GIL: 550
ATK: ??         EXP: 31,108

Items: none
Attacks: Doom, Haste


HP:  34000      DEF: 3         GIL: 7000
ATK: 88         EXP: 3600

Items: none
Attacks: Fire2, Scorch


Sandy                                     Cindy
HP:  2591    DEF: 1    ATK: 30            HP:  4599    DEF: 2    ATK: 36

HP:  2590    DEF: 1    ATK: 30

EXP:   3,125
GIL:   15,000
Items: none
Attacks: Normal Attacks, Wall, Delta Attack, Charm, Slow, Berserk, Blot2,
Fire2, Ice2


HP:  8636       DEF: 0         GIL: 5500
ATK: 88         EXP: 1800

Items: none
Attacks: Glare, Wind, Transform


HP:    121,000
EXP:   0
GIL:   0
Items: none
Attacks: Bio, Big Bang, Flare, Black Hole, Meteor


 |                                                                         |
-+-                                                                       -+-
 | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ |
 |  \                          VII.  Shop List                          /  |
 |  /_________________----------------------------------________________\  |
-+-/                                                                     \-+-
 |                                                                         |

Here's a good tip from Arthur: before you get to a point where you lose
someone, someone leaves, or when Cecil becomes a Paladin, disarm them. You do
not get their stuff back, and if you sell the stuff, you can get more
equipment. This really helps when you want the expensive Paladin equipment
back at the town.

Town of Baron:

  Potion                30G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Thunder Rod          700G
  Cure Staff           480G
  FireClaw             350G
  IceClaw              450G
  BoltClaw             550G
  Headband             450G
  Kenpo (Body)        4000G
  Silver (Arm)         650G


  Potion                30G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Rod                  100G
  Staff                160G
  ShortBow             220G
  Brass Arrow           10G
  Leather Helm         100G
  Clothes               50G
  Leather Armor        200G
  IronRing             100G


  Potion                30G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Gysahl                50G
  FireClaw             350G
  IceClaw              450G
  BoltClaw             550G
  Demon Helm           980G
  Demon Armor         3000G
  Demon Gauntlets      800G


  Potion                30G
  HiPotion             150G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  EchoNote              50G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Cabin                500G
  IceRod               220G
  FlameRod             380G
  Cure Staff           480G
  Crossbow             700G
  Holy Arrow            20G
  Magus Helm           700G
  GaiaGear             500G
  Silver Gauntlets     650G
  Paladin Shield       700G
  Paladin Helm        4000G
  Paladin Armor       8000G
  Paladin Gauntlets   3000G

Village of Mist:

  Whip                3000G
  Dancing Dagger      5000G
  Bard                  70G


  Potion                30G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Rod                  100G
  Staff                160G
  Spear                 60G
  Boomrang            3000G
  ShortBow             220G
  Crossbow             700G
  Brass Arrow           10G
  Holy Arrow            20G
  Iron Shield          100G
  Iron Helm            150G
  Iron Armor           600G
  Iron Gauntlets       130G
  IronRing             100G


  Potion                30G
  Life                 100G
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Tent                 100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Wooden Hammer         80G
  GreatBow            2000G
  Fire Arrow            30G
  Ice Arrow             30G
  Bolt Arrow            30G
  Leather Helm         100G
  Feather Helm         330G
  Clothes               50G
  Leather Armor        200G
  RubyRing            1000G

Troia (Inside Pub):

  Pass               10000G

Mythril Village:

  MaidKiss              60G
  Mallet                80G
  DietFood             100G
  Mythril Staff       4000G
  Mythril Knife       3000G
  Mythril Hammer      8000G
  Mythril Sword       6000G
  Mythril Shield      1000G
  Mythril Helm        3000G
  Mythril Armor      17000G
  Mythril Gauntlets   2000G

Dwarven Castle:

Items (Dwarf 1)
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Mallet                80G
  DietFood             100G
  EchoNote              50G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Cross                100G
Items (Dwarf 2)
  Life                 100G
  Potion                30G
  HiPotion             150G
  Tent                 100G
  Cabin                500G
  EagleEye             100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Remedy              5000G
  Dwarf Axe          15000G
  GreatBow            2000G
  Darkness Arrow        40G
  Flame Sword        14000G
  Fire Spear         11000G
  Flame Shield        1250G
  Flame Armor        30000G
  Wizard Hat          2000G
  Wizard Robe         1200G
  Rune Gloves         2000G

Cave Eblan:

  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Mallet                80G
  DietFood             100G
  EchoNote              50G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Cross                100G
  Power Staff         2000G
  IceBrand           26000G
  Ice Spear          21000G
  Kunai               4000G
  Boomrang            3000G
  Archer Bow          3000G
  Poison Arrow          70G
  Ice Shield         10000G
  Ice Armor          35000G
  Black Robe         10000G

Kokkol's Smithy:

  Shruriken          20000G
  Fuma               50000G
  Yoichi Arrow         140G


Items (Dwarf 1)
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Mallet                80G
  DietFood             100G
  EchoNote              50G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Cross                100G
Items (Dwarf 2)
  Life                 100G
  Potion                30G
  HiPotion             150G
  Tent                 100G
  Cabin                500G
  EagleEye             100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Remedy              5000G
  Ashura              7000G
  Chain               6000G
  Ogre Axe           45000G
  Archer Bow          3000G
  Mute Arrow           100G

Land of Summons:

Items (Chocobo 1)
  Soft                 400G
  MaidKiss              60G
  Mallet                80G
  DietFood             100G
  EchoNote              50G
  Eyedrops              30G
  Antidote              40G
  Cross                100G
Items (Chocobo 2)
  Life                 100G
  Potion                30G
  HiPotion             150G
  Tent                 100G
  Cabin                500G
  EagleEye             100G
  Gysahl                50G
  Remedy              5000G
  Whip                3000G
  Chain               6000G
  Blitz              10000G
  Kotetsu            11000G
  Fairy Rod           5000G
  Lunar Staff         7000G
  Angel Arrow          110G
  Aegis Shield       20000G
  Sorceror Robe      30000G

Hummingway Home:

  HiPotion             150G
  Life                 100G
  Ether1             10000G
  Ether2             50000G
  Elixir            100000G
  Cabin                500G
  Bestiary             980G
  Whistle            20000G

 |                                                                         |
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 | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ |
 |  \                           VIII.  F.A.Q.                           /  |
 |  /_________________----------------------------------________________\  |
-+-/                                                                     \-+-
 |                                                                         |

In this section, we'll focus on user e-mail questions and since this is the
first version of the guide, we'll still wait for user e-mails. You may
contact us through our e-mails, which are written on top of this document.

 Q: How long did this guide take the both of you to do?

 A: Well, ever since we agreed to combine our abilities to create this guide,
    progress has been going extremely slow. It took us over 20 e-mails back
    and forth for ideas and whatnot.  This started back at the end of August.
    This guide finally saw the limelight on  November 17, so  technically, it
    took about 2 and a half months.

 Q: Can I use this guide on my site?

 A: In most joint FAQs I've done (Adrenaline), I was in charge of allowing
    webmasters to host this guide on their sites. Since I'm working with a
    more experienced writer who've probably had trouble with sites in the
    past like I have, I'm implementing a new rule. The rule dictates that you
    must ask for and confirm both of our permissions BEFORE posting it on
    your site! It's not so hard.

 Q: Where can this FAQ be found?

 A: Currently:
    IGN FAQs 


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 | \__________________----------------------------------_________________/ |
 |  \                   IX.  Credits & Acknowledgements                 /  |
 |  /_________________----------------------------------________________\  |
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 |                                                                         |

Special Thanks:

- We would both like to thank the Square localization team for porting these
two classic RPGs so that we could enjoy what the Japanese once did and still

- Square for being one of the best RPG producers around. We'll soon see FF10
which we will both be writing for, I think.

- Sincere thanks to CJayC for publishing our work. Without him, you may even
think to fork up 15 bucks for the OSG! *gasp*

- Xythar Darkmoon for the Plague boss strategy.

- Arthur for the extra summons we missed.

Aaron's Thanks:

- First of all, I'd like to commend AdrenalineSL for such an excellent work.
I'm very very happy to work with her in this guide and she deserves more
credit than me. Thanks again.

- Thanks again to Squaresoft for finally bringing this classic RPG game onto
the Playstation Console.

- Special Thanks goes out to CjayC once more for commending him on his
efforts in making GameFAQs the best Gaming site out there on the web. Without
GameFAQs, we wouldn't be here for you.

Adrenaline's Thanks:

Of course, Aaron, for taking the time to work with me on this project.  Nice
work all around, pip. Just about...almost 14 months ago, I e-mailed him to
sought help from his expertise about my FAQs. I couldn't get them on the net.
Not really knowing that he receives daily masses of mail, I was selfish
(well, not really. Just unaware) and went ahead to ask him to help me. Little
did I know, he really did. In fact, more than I could ever give back. He took
some time aside and formatted so that it would be accepted by CJayC. While
the FAQ he fixed never got posted, he urged me to use another program that he
uses for his own FAQs. I thanked him and went on with my life.

A few months later, I came back with a guide I had wanted to submit. So I
recalled Aaron's advice and used the program to type my FAQ. Another few
weeks flew by. I submitted it and went out. Days later, I checked my mail for
fun and received a mail from Neoseeker about my FAQs. Strange. I checked
GameFAQs, and there it was! My FAQ all newly posted! So, that's how my
"career" (as I'd like to call it) in FAQ writing started, but it  didn't kick
off until early April. I'm boring you with this story about how much I owe to
Aaron. Making this FAQ with him and putting my efforts would at least show
some appreciation for all  his help throughout  the months of my "career". So
again, thanks a lot, Aaron!  I'm sure many of you were awed by his FF9 guide!

- Dingo Jellybean's FFIV guide for a confirmation of some monster stats.

- Um, anyone else who likes to see their name here.

Until the next FAQ, see ya cowgamer...

                               MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!

                        Final Fantasy IV, Chronicles(tm)
             is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

                      Playstation(tm) and its accessories
      are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

                    The Final Fantasy IV Walkthrough/FAQ
                             Copyright 2001-2002
                                November 2001
                          AdrenalineSL & "A" Tadeo