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FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Author: Haunter120 Version: Final Console: Playstation Haunter120's E-Mail Address: Haunter150@hotmail.com The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at www.GameFAQs.com. Note To Readers: This guide has lots of spoilers in it to get you through the game easier, please read another guide if you do not want to know the plot of the game. This guide also tries to stay away from anything covered in the instruction manual, such as controls. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= = Disclaimer = = ---------- = =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Major Note: DO NOT STEAL THIS FAQ. PERIOD. IF YOU WANT TO USE IT ON YOUR SITE PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER POSTED BELOW. PLEASE E-MAIL BOTH OF US IF YOU WANT TO USE IT ON YOUR SITE. WE WILL NOT REPLY. ONCE YOU E-MAIL ASKING US IF YOU CAN USE IT ON YOUR SITE THEN YOU CAN USE IT. AGAIN, WE WILL NOT REPLY. Okay, now, here is the disclaimer. DISCLAIMER: This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, Commercial Web Sites. You're also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of "plagiarism", the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one's own without crediting the source. You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can copy the layout though. You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you MUST have permission from us in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal purposes. Remember "You don't have to steal, just ask." - B.O.F.III =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= = Table of Contents = = ----------------- = =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= 1: Characters 2: Walkthrough 3: Fast Track Walkthrough 4: Items 5: Weapons 6: Armors 7: Magic 8: Bestiary 9: Boss Guide 10: Shop List 11: Secrets 12: FAQ For Final Fantasy IV 13: Conclusion 14: Credits 15: E-Mail Policy 16: Version History 17: Copyright Information =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= = 1: Characters = = ------------- = =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= The characters will be listed in order of appearance. ------- -Cecil- ------- Cecil is the main character. He lives in Baron and is commander of the Red Wings until the "fake" King Baron fires him for suspicion of Baron doing evil things. Kain believes him and the king gives them a package to deliver to Mist Village. When they do it opens and Bombs come out to destroy any type of Summon. However, Cecil saves a girl who is summoner before the bombs take her. 1st Class: Dark Knight - This class you start out with in the beginning. It's very good and you'll have good attacks such as Dragon Wave (J only). 2nd Class: Paladin - This is the second class you get and you get it in Mt. Ordeals. It's a well-earned class but starts out extremely, EXTREMELY weak. Once you gain a couple of levels and get a new sword you'll be kicking ass with this class. You also have stuff like White and Cover. ------ -Kain- ------ Another Baron knight who goes with Cecil to deliver the mysterious package to Mist Village. However, he shows his true colors after that and allies with the evil Golbez. He'll be chasing you around until you get to the Tower of Zot, where he is no longer possessed by Golbez after Tellah uses Meteor on him. Class: Dragoon Knight - Well, his weapons are really good. Spears are powerful and two-handed. He also has the Jump Command, which is only useful for bosses since he goes off the screen for a while. His HP is also high. Overall, he's really good. ------- -Rydia- ------- Rydia is a girl that lives in Mist Village that has the power to summon monsters. In the Mist Pass Cecil and Kain kill the Mist Dragon which is Rydia's mother. Rydia gets mad after the package is opened in Mist and very afraid. She attacks Cecil and Kain and summons Titan to get rid of them. But after Kain disappears Cecil takes her to Kaipo and she wakes up and finds out that Cecil is not a bad guy and is helping her. Class: Caller - She has Summon magic that lets you call powerful summons. She also has white magic, but once you enter the Underworld and she rejoins during the fight with Golbez and that magic disappears and she gets Black Magic instead. She is not too good, but not that bad either, as her HP is very low and she'll die quickly. -------- -Tellah- -------- Tellah is a mage who wants to learn the powerful spell Meteo. Cecil and Rydia meet him in the Watery Pass when they need to find the antidote for Rosa in Damcyan. He lost his memory so he forgot all his spells. He learns Meteo and his spells back on top of Mt. Ordeals. He sacrifices himself in the Tower of Zot to save Cecil and Rosa. Class: Wizard - Tellah is a kick-ass party member. He knows a lot of spells and he even has middle-level White Magic! His HP is pretty balanced, too (has about the same amount as Cecil when he joins). However, his attack power and defense power is low, so count on using healing spells. He will gain lots of new spells on Mt. Ordeals. -------- -Edward- -------- Edward is a bard that went with Anna to Damcyan to marry. Tellah, Anna's father, however, is not happy with this and wants to chase them down. Once Damcyan gets bombed by the Red Wings, Anna dies and Edward joins your party to avenge Anna. He leaves your party after the ship is sunk by Leviathan and never comes back. Class: Bard - He has the sing command, which just plain sucks if you don't know how to us it. He is basically useless and dies quickly, with very low HP, attack, defense, and no magic whatsoever. His hide command lets him hide from the battle, which is good when all other party members are dead. Overall, not the greatest character you can pick in your party. ------ -Rosa- ------ After Cecil and Kain go to Mist, she gets scared and follows them, gets attacked, and is treated in Kaipo. You need to find a Sand Ruby to healher. After you do, she joins your party. In Fabul, Golbez kidnaps Rosa and takes her to his place. Cecil once again saves her in the Tower of Zot. Afterwards she is a permanent party member. Class: White Mage - She has good healing magic and is the best healer in the game. She has low HP but good MP and magic statuses. Her HP is higher than Tellah's, although you never use Tellah when she is around. She is a good character to have as she can also equip Bows and use them well. Her Aim Command lets you do critical damage with only Bows, so she is best with them. In fact Rosa is the most useful character in the game as she has lots of healing spells and stays in your party for a long time. FuSoYa may have the same thing but his MP isn't as high and he's only with your party for a very short time. ------ -Yang- ------ Yang is the best fighter in Fabul. He takes a couple of others to train in Mt. Hobs but monsters attack and distract them. Golbez sends the monsters so he can try to snatch the crystal in Fabul while Yang is distracted in Mt. Hobbs. The party meets up with Yang after destroying the Mombomb and he joins. Later, he is mind controlled by Golbez and sent to Baron. The party defeats him there and he goes back to normal. In the Tower of Babel, he sacrifices himself for the party to be able to escape. Class: Fighter - Yang is pretty decent. His attack does NOT increase by equipping new weapons, however you can put on new claws for other things. He also has the Kick Command, which is most likely useless because it only does very few damage to ALL enemies. Overall, he's pretty much an average character. ----------------- -Palom and Porom- ----------------- Palom and Porom are the Magic Twins of Mysidia who join you in the quest to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. They'll stay with you until after you destroy Kainazzo, who starts closing in walls on you but Palom and Porom turn to stone to stop the wall. Later, they return unharmed because the elder purifies them. Class: Palom - Black Mage. Porom - White Mage. They have VERY VERY VERY low HP and die quickly. However they have decent magic, and their Twin attack kicks ass. Twin takes a long time to charge, and if one of the twins dies it fails, but once it does charge it does a high level spell on all of the enemies. They're useful against bosses. ----- -Cid- ----- Cid is a master engineer and an expert at building airships in the town of Baron. Cecil meets him early in the game. Later when Cecil is a Paladin and comes back to Baron to defeat Cagnazzo, Cid joins up with the party. He brings along his secret airship, the Enterprise. You can fly the Enterprise around the world from now on. Once you get to the underworld Cid leaves your party to repair the airship. Then he comes back with it repaired just as Golbez ambushes you in the Tower of Babil. He sacrifices himself to get you out of the underworld. Later, in the Dwarf Castle, he's alive and he upgrades the Falcon so that it can fly over magma, then does it again so it has a drill which lets you get out of the underworld. He never dies in the game. Class: Engineer - Cid isn't that good nor is he that bad. He has a pretty decent amount of HP, but he has barely any magic and his defense is very low. The better weapons you have equipped on him the better his stats are. However, since you don't use him for a long time in the game, he won't be that useful. ------ -Edge- ------ Edge is a born ninja and the prince of Eblan. Rubicant, the Element of Fire, destroyed the kingdom of Eblan and everyone who lived there moved into a cave and started living there. Rubicant also killed the King and Queen of Eblan. Edge gets tired of this and goes to try to kill Rubicant just as your party enters the cave of Eblan. You'll meet Edge getting ransacked by Rubicant so he joins your party after Rosa cures him from Rubicant's swoon. The party meets up with the king and queen in the Tower of Babil, but they were turned into zombies and were forced to die by Dr. Lugae. Afterwards Edge joins your party. Class: Ninja - Edge's HP sucks at first, but gets really good later, a little higher than Rosa's. He starts out with about 790HP... gah... and he joins your party late in the game too. However, he has some nice commands. His Sneak command is almost useless, as he tries to deliver a critical blow to an enemy, and it misses a lot. His Ninja command is pretty good. He has some nice spells such as Flame and Blitz he can do with the Ninja command. His Dart Command lets him throw darts at the enemy - such as Shurikens. Overall, he's an okay character that stays in your party till the end. -------- -FuSoYa- -------- First of all, this name is pretty stupid. Why the heck did they need to capitalize the S and Y? Doesn't make any sense... Anyways, Cecil and the others meet FuSoYa up in the Moon. FuSoYa tells Cecil about his father, also with the same kind of name (KluYa) and how he tried to defeat Zemus. He tells Cecil the whole story on his father and how Cecil's destiny is also to defeat Zemus, more evil than Golbez. Class: Magician - He's good. No really. He starts out with ALL MAGIC. Yep, ALL magic. He also starts out with 1900HP. That's actually not that much, if you think about it... his other stats are okay. Overall, his main strength is the awesome magic he has. Don't use him too much on attacking though. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= = 2: Walkthrough = = -------------- = =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= RED WINGS ASSAULT: The force of Red Wings and their captain, Cecil, which is you, are heading to Mysidia to nab the crystal of Water, which the king of Baron ordered them to get. They get off at Mysidia and tell the elder to hand over the crystal. After that, they get back on the airship and start heading back towards Baron. Cecil wonders why the king is so power mad and wants the crystals so badly. Monsters will attack and Cecil will get rid of them. Then the Airships all dock at Baron. At Baron, Cecil hands the crystal over to Baigan, Captain of the Baron forces. Baigan goes to the throne room and gives the crystal to the king, and Cecil comes in. Cecil asks the king why he wants the crystals so badly, but the king refuses to give him an answer and punishes Cecil for suspicion by expelling him from captain of the Red Wings. The king gives Cecil a package that he wants delivered to the village of Mist. Kain, Cecil's best friend, comes in. After that they leave the throne room and Kain heads right. Follow him and talk to him, then go back outside and meet Rosa. She'll ask what happened. Head to your room (on the left tower) and meet Cid, builder and constructor of the airships. He'll talk to you and leave. Go to your room and take a rest. Once again Cecil starts to wonder why the king wants the crystals so badly. Rosa comes in in the morning. Exit and head to the main hallway, where you'll meet Kain again. He'll help you deliver the package to Mist. Once he joins you, the intro will start. Once again, it says "why does the king want the crystals so badly?" After some slow-moving paragraphs, it switches back to Kain and Cecil on the world map. BARON AREA: Here you'll see two towns and a castle. The two towns are actually the same town, so don't go crazy trying to find the differences. Enter one of them and explore a little. The weapon shop is closed so the only place you can shop at is the item shop. Buy some cures once you have enough money. This is also the point where most of the FF4 GameShark codes will work, since most of them are patched in the beginning. So if you feel like cheating, do it now. Outside of the town, walk around a little and gain levels. There's a chocobo forest (patch of trees) somewhere around the area. You can catch an MP-restoring Chocobo there or a Chocobo you can ride. When riding Chocobos, you'll encounter no enemies at all, but once you get off the Chocobo it runs back to the forest. When you're ready, go northwest of the desert through the mountains and enter the cave. MIST PASS: This dungeon is very easy as it's all actually one big room. There are a few side paths that lead to treasures. The enemies are easy as they're mainly the same ones from outside, with the Larva and SandMoth added in. Keep going until you see the message "Stay back!" now turn right and follow the path. There's really no explanation on how to get through this dungeon since it's so easy. However, on some ROMs (if you're playing this game on a ROM and not the FFC disk) all you will see is fog. Press either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to fix this. Press 6 to get rid of anything you messed up when pressing those buttons. Near the end you'll see another message. Then you'll see another one. Answer "Yes" and a Mist Dragon will appear and attack you. This will be your first boss fight. ======================================================================= D.MIST HP: 450 Gold: 200 Exp: 700 This boss is easy. Have Kain use Jump and Cecil attack. Heal when you're low on health. The dragon will transform itself into mist. When it does this don't attack, because it will counterattack with a pretty powerful spell. Wait till it turns back to the dragon and continue attacking it. ======================================================================= Exit the Mist Cave once you beat the dragon. DESERT AREA: Just head east and enter the village of Mist. MIST VILLAGE: When you enter the package will automatically open (It will say "Package opened" if you're playing FF2. What crappy translation, I hope those guys who translated it aren't the ones who translated the Game Boy FFs, those had HORRIBLE translations). Out of the Package will fly several bombs and put the town on fire. A girl will be crying and Cecil and Kain run up to her. Kain tells you that you should follow the king's orders, but Cecil doesn't agree until Kain tells him that he'll travel with him. Cecil then agrees and the girl attacks. She will summon Titan, which will shred you. You'll wake up by yourself, and Kain is gone. You're in a middle of some forest and the girl that attacked you is also on the ground. Cecil picks her up and you'll have to head for help. DESERT AREA: Head northeast to the village of Kaipo. There are some new enemies here but nothing special. KAIPO TOWN: When you enter, Cecil will go to the inn. The innkeeper will let you stay for free because the girl is hurt. You'll lay her down on the bed and go to sleep. YET AGAIN Cecil wonders why the king of Baron wants the crystals so badly. After this event, a couple of soldiers will come in the room after you. They tell Cecil it's the king's orders to attack you, so you're going to have to fight. ======================================================================= OFFICER AND SOLDIERSx3 HP: 220, 30 Gold: 190, 55 Exp: 400, 160 Don't attack the soldiers first, because if you kill them the Officer will escape, and you won't get his Experience. Attack the Officer first until he's dead, then go after the soldiers. ======================================================================= After killing him, the girl wakes up and realizes that Cecil is not a bad guy. She tells him that her name is Rydia. From now you'll have her in your party for quite a long period of time. When you wake up the next morning, go outside and to the weapon shop. You should have enough money to buy a Bow, and buy about 60 Iron Arrows. Equip the Iron Arrows on Rydia's right hand, and the Bow on the left hand. Rydia's other stuff is pretty up-to-date in Kaipo, so you won't have to worry about buying new armor. Cecil's armor is also basic as of now, and you won't find any new pieces in the Armor or Weapon Shop. Re-stock on items (buy at least 4 Life's and 10 more Cure1's) and go to the northeastern most house in Kaipo. Enter and go to the upper room. You'll find Rosa in the bed. Talk to her and talk to the old and you'll find out that she is very sick and you need the Sand Ruby from the Antlion's cave to cure her. Leave Kaipo now once you're ready. Before going on, gain some levels for Rydia in the desert region. She starts out with tremendously low HP, so gain some levels for her and she'll also learn new spells. After you think you've leveled quite enough, go north into the area surrounded by mountains and into the cave, which is the second dungeon in the game. THE WATER CAVE: Enter and go north and open the chest across the bridge. Then go back near the entrance and follow the path left. There will be a sage blocking your way. Talk to him and he'll tell you his name, Tellah, the legendary sage. He is trying to head back to Damcyan to get his daughter Anna back from a greedy bard who she left with, but he can't because of a monster blocking the way. He'll join your party and now you have a very good party member in your presence! Go north to the cave. This cave will be very long. Follow the path left around this place. Be sure to use Lightning (Lit) attacks on the enemies since they're mostly water based. Once you're on the top part of the cave head north and through the door. Grab all treasures that are in plain view and you know how to get to. At some point you'll get to the Save Point. You'll all go to rest and Rydia will sleep while Tellah tells you more about the monster that's blocking the way to Damcyan kingdom. After you wake up head on north. Get to the exit where Tellah tells you that it leads outside. Go outside and save, then go north and enter the second part of the cave. Jump the waterfall all the way down and head via water up the stairs, don't take the current back down. Cross the bridge to the next room and pass until you see a tentacle in a waterfall. Head all the way down there and once you get near the tentacle Tellah will say it's the monster that he was talking about and it will attack. ======================================================================= OCTOMAMM HP: 2280 Gold: 500 Exp: 1000 This guy has 8 parts to him, and you'll need to attack them one at a time. Cecil should attack, Rydia should heal, and Tellah should use his Lit spell. Each part has about 200-400HP, and the more parts you get rid of the less attacks you will receive from the tentacles. It's pretty easy but make sure Rydia's always alive and even until the end of the battle, because she won't get the Experience from Octomamm if she isn't alive until then. The last part of Octomamm has a slightly bigger number of HPs than the others, so make sure you're ready for some whackin'. ======================================================================= After beating Octomamm, Tellah will finally shut up about the monster and you can pass. DAMCYAN AREA: Go left and up. Once you get to the desert part, the world map will zoom out and the Red Wings will come in and drop bombs on Damcyan. The castle is destroyed and everyone is killed. Run over to Damcyan quickly! DAMCYAN RUINS: Head north when you enter. There are lots of secret passages in this area that lead to treasures, but your main concern is to find Tellah's daughter Anna. Head up to the third floor. You'll find Anna lying on the ground. Tellah will look at her and then the bard, Edward, who Anna went to Damcyan with, comes. Tellah attacks him and in the battle Edward keeps telling him to listen, but Tellah calls him a Spoony Bard (FAMOUS quote, dunno why). Anna will then yell out to stop. She will tell Tellah and Edward that the Red Wings are under command of Golbez now, and he attacked Damcyan for the crystal. His next target is Fabul. Anna will then die. Tellah will leave to avenge Anna's death by himself, so he's out of your party. You'll need to retrieve the Sand Ruby now to cure Rosa. Edward will join your party. OH MY GOD, is he crappy. The worst character in the game. He will tell you that you can use a hovercraft to get to the Antlion's cave. DAMCYAN RUINS AREA: The hovercraft can go through shallow areas (rocks in water) so you can easily make it back to Kaipo by taking the shallow rock path to the west of Damcyan. Go east though, past the rocks, and south. Enter the cave which is the Antlion's Cave. ANTLION CAVE: This cave is fairly easy but the enemies you should watch out for. Head south down the stairs, then go right, and up the stairs to the right and follow the path right, then down. Head all the way down and then left. You will see a small patch of blue in the wall. Touch it to go through a secret passage. Head south until the dead end, then left and north. You'll get out on the left side of the cave. Go right and head down the stairs. Follow the stairs all the way down and you will meet the Antlion. Edward tells you he's tame, but he attacks you anyway. ======================================================================= ANTLION HP: 1500 Gold: 800 Exp: 1500 This guy will seem easy at first since he does less than 20 damage. Since Edward is extremely useless and Rydia is almost (ALMOST) useless, you're gonna have to rely on Cecil here. When you attack Antlion he will always counter attack. However, he counterattacks a random person, doing 30 or so damage. This can be fatal to Edward and Rydia, though. Have Edward defend (parry) and Rydia heal and use the Chocobo summon beforehand. That way the battle should be a piece of cake (or just have Edward use his Hide command). ======================================================================= After beating the Antlion, Edward will ask why the monsters are getting so aggressive these days. Cecil changes the subject by telling him that they must get the Sand Ruby back to Rosa, so you leave. Make your way back through the cave to the surface. DESERT/DAMCYAN AREA: Take the hovercraft back to the Damcyan area and head west with it, onto the shallows, and follow them south to the desert area with Kaipo in it. Get off near Kaipo and enter. KAIPO TOWN: Go to the northeastern house and talk to Rosa. Give the SandRuby to Rosa and she'll be healed. She'll tell Cecil that she followed him after the Mist Village incident and ended up being attacked. Afterwards, she will join your party and everyone will rest. At night, Edward heads outside near the oasis and plays his harp. However, a monster attacks him. ======================================================================= WATERHAG HP: 99999 Gold: 100 Exp: 800 Although it's a simple Water Hag, Edward is too much of a pussy to defeat it. Just keep attacking it and healing until Anna's shadow appears. She will stay in the background as you fight the Water Hag. Just attack the Water Hag a couple of more times and Anna will say something, then the Water Hag dies. You will gain 800 Exp, which results in lots of levels for Edward, but he's still a pussy. ======================================================================= Anna's image will fade away and Edward will go back to the inn. In the dawn, the party wakes up and is about to head to Fabul. To get to Fabul, you need to cross Mt. Hobs, east of the Antlion's Cave. Go outside and get on your hovercraft. Go back to Damcyan via east shallows, then go right to the shallows that you took to the Antlion's cave. At the junction, go right instead of down, and dock near the big mountain pass. Then enter it. MT. HOBS: Head up and you will see ice blocking the way. Rosa tells Rydia to cast the spell of Fire but Rydia says she hates fire. Cecil reminds Edward and Rosa that fire burned her village. But everyone stands up for her and she still does. Now she has this spell as permanent. Go north and left, up the stairs, and you will see a cave north of you and a cave east. Go to the one north of you and head left and down to the save point. Save and head down to find 4 treasure chests which contain some low-level items. Take them all and go back to the first screen. Now take the east cave and follow the path when you see a karate man and monsters surrounding him. The karate man, Yang, will take care of a bunch of Imp Captains that surround him with his Kick attack. After this, the big bomb attacks. Your party decides to help him. ======================================================================= MOMBOMB HP: 7000 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 This thing you cannot defeat, but you need to attack it. It has some damaging attacks which can do about 100 damage to a character - very dangerous to Rydia and Edward. Have Rydia summon Chocobo and Rosa heal, while Yang and Cecil do their regular attack. Take out half it's HP and after a while it'll turn big and a message "Exploding..." will appear. Immediately make sure you have over 100HP healed for each turn, because the Mombomb will do about 90 damage to each character with the explosion. After it does explode, 3 Gray Bombs and 3 Bombs come out. They're hard, believe it or not. Use Yang's kick and heal up, since they can also explode, causing about 80 damage to one character. ======================================================================= After the battle Yang will thank you for helping him and Cecil tells him that Fabul is about to be attacked. Yang figures out that when they were training at Mt. Hobs the monsters attacked the karate men to distract them while Golbez gets the crystal. Yang will join up and you have to hurry to Fabul. Just go north and exit Mt. Hobs. FABUL AREA: Head east a little ways and follow the path south, then east, and enter the big castle. FABUL: Go forward and into the castle. There are three paths here. One left, one right, and one forward. The left one leads to the inn and item shop, and I suggest you go there to restock on items and rest after the battle in Mt. Hobbs. The right one leads to the weapon shop. There is nothing much new there except some element claws for Yang and new armors for Cecil. Buy the armor for Cecil and go back to the central hallway. Go north and up the stairs, then forward through the door. Talk to the king and he'll say that Cecil, Yang, and Edward should protect the castle while Rosa and Rydia stay in the room. You'll be sent to the front lines, and the enemy will attack. You'll fight 2 fighters and a general first. Just have Edward die and have Yang and Cecil do their normal attack. You'll find out there are too much so you'll be falling back while many enemies will be attacking you. They're all pretty easy. Once you back out to the throne room the king will tell one of the martial artists to lock the door. The guy opens the door instead and reveals that he's really a monster. You'll fight him and then one more fight. Then you'll be sent to the crystal room and Edward falls down (I was hoping he'd die) and you'll have to fight another batch of enemies, and finally go into the crystal room. After looking at the crystal, Kain comes in. Cecil finds out that Kain is alive but Kain wants to kill Cecil. Looks like Golbez is mind- controlling him! Cecil and Kain will enter a fight. You can't beat this, just have Kain keep attacking you until you get down to less than 80HP. The fight will then be over and Golbez comes in. He tells Kain to get the crystal and Kain goes to retrieve it. Then he takes Rosa hostage. After those events, Fabul is still safe but the crystal is taken. Go to the right tower and upstairs, then talk to the king. He will give you a Black Sword. Equip it on Cecil then go back down to the inn. Rest up and the next day you will need to attack Baron to retrieve the crystals. A ship is ready so you will need to go get it. Exit Fabul and head east. SHIP: Yang will say goodbye to his wife as you all board the ship. It will then start moving. You'll see it going to Baron and near the middle it shifts to what's happening in the ship. Edward seems to be sad about something. It goes back to the world map and a whirlpool appears in the water. The ship will start to get sucked in and a big monster appears out of the whirlpool. The captain says it's Leviathan and the legends about the sea god are true. After that the ship will get sucked in the whirlpool. BEACH/MYSIDIA AREA: Cecil will wake up all by himself on a mysterious beach. Once you get control of yourself, walk east to the town. MYSIDIA: Yep, it's Mysidia, the water crystal town that your robbed in the very beginning of the game. If you talk to anyone, they'll remember you and turn you into mini. This can be fatal, so use a heal to replenish yourself. There is an item shop and weapon shop here too, but they sell magic stuff and nothing for Cecil. Go north to the big house and talk to the elder. Cecil will tell him that he is apologizing for the attack earlier and that the king forced him to do it, but the elder says no apologies and tells Cecil that if he wants to overcome his evil he needs to go to Mt. Ordeals and become a paladin. Cecil agrees because he doesn't want to be a Dark Knight anymore. The elder gives Cecil Porom and Palom, two twins that know lots of magic. Palom knows black magic and Porom knows white. They'll join your party after a big introduction, and you'll have 2 new party members. Go back outside and buy some stuff in the weapon and armor shops for Palom and Porom since they have pretty crappy equipment. They also have low HP, so you'll need to protect them often. Once you're ready, exit Mysidia. MYSIDIA AREA: Just follow the path east; no junctions are here. Once you get to the forested circle, enter the big mountain in the middle. MT. ORDEALS: In the beginning just go left and there will be fire blocking the way. If you were stupid enough not to stop at Mysidia and talk to the elder, then you have to go back. Palom and Porom will use Ice on the fire and get rid of it. It will then shift to what's happening in Golbez's Tower. Rosa is tied up and Kain is guarding her. Golbez calls Milon, the element of Earth, to his aid. He tells Milon that Cecil is getting ready to become a paladin and Milon needs to stop him before he does. Milon agrees and goes to find Cecil. Kain asks why Golbez didn't give him the mission and gave Milon the mission instead but Golbez tells Kain to shut up. Follow the path after that to the third station, then just go through. You'll meet a familiar face... Tellah! He's searching for his lots magic here too, and decides to come with you here. He's still the same as you left him back in Damcyan though. Just go into the cave to the next station and follow through. Once you get to the last screen, there will be save point to the right. You'll hear hissing noises. Porom will tell Palom to shut up but Palom says it's not him. Save, and head for the bridge. You'll meet Milon now, the one that was creating all those noises. ======================================================================= MILON, GHASTx4 HP: 2500 Gold: 3300 Exp: 3800 This can be pretty tough. You always do 1 damage to the Ghasts so it figures that you have to kill them another way. Keep Palom and Porom protected and select "Twin". Make sure they don't die while loading the twin magic! They will release it doing a very powerful random spell on all enemies. This should kill all the Ghasts and damage Milon greatly. After that Milon can really annoy you because of hit Lightning attack three times in a row. Just have Cecil attack and Tellah heal while Palom and Porom are either dead or charge up for another twin attack. ======================================================================= After the battle, immediately go back and save. Then cross the bridge again. Milon's not dead! ======================================================================= MILON Z HP: 3000 Gold: 3000 Exp: 4000 Although it's a back attack, this battle is actually easier than the last. Milon Z does a lot of poison spells, and sometimes over 110HP of damage, but he isn't as hard as the last battle with Milon. If you're poisoned, don't heal it, just keep on fighting. Palom and Porom should use Twin, Tellah should heal and Cecil should attack. Cecil should deliver 300 damage each turn if he has the Black Sword so it should be cake. This battle is not too hard so don't worry. ======================================================================= Milon Z falls off the cliff finally and you'll need to enter the grave that's right near you. Once you enter it, Cecil will gain the power of the Paladin and his image will change. But the image in the mirror is still the dark knight and you need to defeat it, only with Cecil. ======================================================================= DARK KNIGHT HP: 99999 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 This may seem easy since now you're a Paladin, but you can't defeat the dark knight. He will keep on using Dragon Wave on you, which does about 100 HP of damage. You have a lot of HP, but since Cecil's sword sucks ass, just defend. Attack a couple of times to progress, then the message will change and the dark knight will disappear. ======================================================================= You will hear your father's voice and it will fade. Tellah then memorizes his old magic. Palon and Porom try to tell you something but Tellah tells you to get a move on. With Tellah's new magic, you're unstoppable! Head back all the way to Mysidia. MYSIDIA: Go talk to the elder. Now you can talk to the villagers and they will congratulate you. Once you talk to the elder he will meet Tellah and can help you get to Baron. Palom and Porom decide to go with you, however. So you'll be stuck with 4 party members for now. Go to the village and go to the northeastern house. Enter and take the teleporter. It leads all the way to Baron. BARON TOWN: You'll get off in a house in the town. The door lock opens so you can use this teleporter to head to Mysidia anytime you like. The weapon shop is still closed, so restock on items and go to the Inn. Instead of resting, go north to the bar and talk to the karate man sitting with the two guards. It's Yang! Talk to him, but he gets Baron Guards to attack you! ======================================================================= GUARDx2 HP: 400 Gold: 500 Exp: 720 These two are TOUGH! They don't have very much HP but they have the Size attack that reduces your size to mini, very dangerous! They also attack, doing 250HP, which is definitely fatal to Palom and Porom. Hopefully you can beat this battle fast. Use Tellah's very powerful magic and you should be able to kill them in one or two hits. ======================================================================= Then Yang suddenly attacks you. ======================================================================= YANG HP: 2000 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 This battle would've been easier if the two guards didn't wear you down so much. Yang taunts and kicks, doing 100 damage to all. I think he also punches, never saw him though. This battle isn't too hard, so stay healed. ======================================================================= You'll find out that Yang has been mind-controlled by Golbez but you freed him. He tells you that Rydia has been swallowed by Leviathan and Edward just disappeared (I hope he dies...). Then you all go to the inn room and Yang has the Baron Key. With it you can sneak into the castle using an old waterway. Exit the inn, re-stock on items, and head to the weapon/armor shop. You can open the door using the Baron Key. There's really nothing new there to buy. Go to the door at the well west of the stairs and use the Baron Key to enter it, then go downstairs. BARON UNDERPASS: This dungeon is an old waterway that leads from Baron town to Baron Castle. Follow the path, go right, down for treasures, up, cross the bridges and follow the path, then go to the next screen. Get in the water here and look for hidden passages (there's a patch of blue on the walls. That's the hidden passages). Go right through the hidden passage, then right again through the second hidden passage. Go down, get on the island for the treasure chest, go back down and find the hidden passage south, go right, up climbing the waterfalls, the to the next screen. Follow the path, find the hidden path near the end to the left for the treasure chest. Then go to the door to the next screen. Here, go to the left door and inside. Save and rest at the save point there, then go back to the junction and go right and follow the path up. Go to the next screen. You'll appear in Baron Castle at the moat, go left, down, right, and into the passage to get inside Baron Castle. Go up the tower to Cecil's room and rest there. Then go into the door and get to the main hallway of Baron Castle. Don't worry; there are no enemies in the place. You'll meet Baigan in the main hallway. He'll join your party to go take on the king of Baron. As you're going, Palom and Porom smell monster scent. Baigan isn't on your side! ======================================================================= BAIGAN HP: 3500 Gold: 3000 Exp: 4830 LEFT ARM HP: 300 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 RIGHT ARM HP: 300 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 This can be tough. The arms can do powerful stuff on you, or cast Wall on Baigan. This can be dangerous. If you kill the arms, Baigan will immediately use Recover to get them all back, so you're gonna have to be quick here. Get Tellah to use Lit3 on Baigan quickly before Wall is cast. Cecil should attack Baigan while Yang do whatever you want him to do and Palom and Porom do Twin. ======================================================================= After beating Baigan, Palom and Porom tell Cecil to be careful, then you get control of Cecil again. Go north through the door. There will be another boss coming up, but you don't need to save, you'll see why. Get to the throne room and talk to the king. He tells you about the real Baron king, and then he reveals himself - Cagnazzo the water element. ======================================================================= CAGNAZZO HP: 5000 Gold: 4000 Exp: 5500 This is the easiest boss in the game. No doubt about it, even though he's an element. He is MEANT to be easy. His wave attack only does 100 damage to the whole party. All you have to do here is Tellah's Lit3 anytime. This does 3000+ damage to him. Do it again and he's dead. Don't be afraid when he's surrounded by a wave, it just means he'll be doing his wave attack next turn. ======================================================================= After beating Kainazzo, Cid comes in the room. Cecil introduces everyone and it appears that Kainazzo is still alive and will use the walls to block you in! As you're running the walls close in. Palom and Porom say they're goodbyes and turn to Stone!!! They block the walls with their stone spell. Tellah tries to cure them but it doesn't work... great loss. MAJOR SPOILER Palom and Porom are "dead" (turned to stone forever) and you can't use them again. MAJOR SPOILER The scene will switch back to Golbez's place. Kain gives Golbez the idea of having Cecil getting the crystal for Golbez in exchange for Rosa. Golbez says that's a good idea and Kain decides to be the messenger. Back at Baron Castle Cid leads you to the airship Enterprise, which is underground. It will rise and Cid will tell you the controls. Now you have your own airship! But... an enemy airship is coming! But they have a surrender flag with them. It's Kain and a couple of monsters. Kain tells Cecil to get the Troia crystal in exchange for Rosa. Cecil tries to talk but Kain interrupts again. Then his airship leaves. Now you can go anywhere in the overworld using your airship Enetrprise! You now can go Troia, but make a quick stop at Mist and check it out. I thought it was burned down... anyway you can also go to Agart, south of Baron. There's nothing to do there now and their equipment sucks though. Go to Troia, west of Damcyan. Land your airship in the grass right near the town and go in the castle. TROIA: Go forward two screens and talk to all the clerics, then go to the left passage and outside. Go south and enter the door. There is a wounded person in bed, it's Edward! Damn it, he's alive! Not like you would use him now anyways. Talk to him and you'll learn that the Crystal of Earth has been taken by the Dark Elf. He gives you the Twin Harp to go the Magnetic Cave, where the Dark Elf resides. In the Magnetic Cave anything metallic will paralyze you un-curable through the whole cave. It will paralyze Cid and Cecil completely since their weapons are made of metal, BUT it won't paralyze Tellah and Yang, UNLESS they have any armor made of metal equipped. So un-equip all their armor that's made of metal before going in. TROIA AREA: To get to the Magnetic Cave, you will need a Black Chocobo. Go north of the town and into the small forest patch - that's the Chocobo village. Just mash on the action button while walking around a Black Chocobo and you will catch you, enabling you to use it. The Black Chocobo flies, but it can't fly over mountains. It can only land on forests, so the island east of the Troian Chocobo village has the Magnetic Cave. Before going there, go southwest of the southern coast of Troia. You should come across a couple of islands. Land in the forest near the town and enter the town. SILVERA/MYTHRIL VILLAGE: This town is full of weird creatures and minimized people. There isn't much to do here yet, but you gotta see their weapons and armor! Their stuff is all Silver/Mythril, so it's metal and can't be used in the Magnetic Cave. Still - buy all you can, this stuff can really boost your status up high. The item shop only sells Heals, though. When you get back on the Black Chocobo, it takes you back to the Toroian Chocobo Village. Just catch another one and fly to the Cave of Magnes. MAGNET CAVE: In the Magnetic Cave anything metallic will paralyze you un-curable through the whole cave. It will paralyze Cid and Cecil completely since their weapons are made of metal, BUT it won't paralyze Tellah and Yang, UNLESS they have any armor made of metal equipped. So un-equip all their armor that's made of metal before going in. Go right until you get to the bridge junction, go down, and follow the path to the stairs. Here, go up all the way, then the path left to the next level. Here, there is a door to a save point, use it and go down, then into the door for some treasures. After that, exit the treasure room and cross the Bridge left, then go up. Enter the door, and follow the path. Once you come to the next save point, save, then go to where the torches line up. Follow them to the end and enter the door. This is the crystal room, and the Dark Elf guards the Crystal of Earth. He'll attack you. ======================================================================= DARK ELF HP: 99999 Gold: 0 Exp: 0 This is unbeatable. He'll do an array of different spells on you. After he does Weak, the scene goes to Toroia where Edward is. He'll know that you're in trouble and tries to get his harp. Once he does, he'll play it and the music comes to the cave via Twin Harp. The metallic barrier is now gone. BTW, Dark Elf looks kinda like Astos from FF1, doesn't he? ======================================================================= You can walk around, and you're recovered. Talk to the Dark Elf and you'll fight. ======================================================================= DARK ELF HP: 3000 Gold: 5000 Exp: 7500 He isn't too hard as his spells do jack now. Just attack him a couple of times and he'll turn into a dragon. This battle is a little harder, but persevere. Use Tellah's Lit3 and everyone else should attack. He doesn't have a lot of powerful spells so this battle isn't something I would call major. ======================================================================= Once you beat him, you'll get the Crystal of Earth. Use Tellah's Exit magic to bring you back to the surface. Get on the Black Chocobo and it will take you back to the Chocobo village. If you're too lazy to walk to Toroia, catch another Chocobo and take it to Toroia. Once you get to Toroia Castle, go to Edward's room. He'll congratulate you and Tellah will thank him this time. Now go to the room with the Clerics and they will find out you have the crystal. Then, you will hear Kain from outside telling you to get on your airship with the crystal. Get out of Toroia and get on the airship. Once on the Airship, the Red Wings airship comes to you. Kain will ask for the crystal, but Cecil wants to see Rosa. Kain takes the crystal and sends Cecil and his group to the Tower of Zot - Golbez's hideout. You will hear Golbez's voice and he'll tell you to get to the top of the tower for Rosa. TOWER OF ZOT: Once you control Cecil, go the treasure chest and get the Fire Armor. This armor is strong against anything except for Fire, so don't equip it because there are a lot of fire monsters roaming around the Tower. Got up the stairs to the next screen. You will see a chest in plain
view, but it contains a Flame Dog monster. Beat it for a Fire Sword. 
Keep on going to the next floor, which has a door there too. Make your 
way to the door and you will be in a place that has three doors in the 
center and one door on the far right. All the doors in the center lead 
to treasure chests, but the one on the far right lets you continue. In 
this floor there are two doors, the center one leads to the save point 
so be sure to save, because hard bosses are coming up. Use a tent, then 
exit the save room and go left and up. Valvalis's Magus Sisters appear 
and will attack you.

HP: 2500 (Sandy), 4000 (Cindy), 2000 (Mindy)
Gold: 15000
Exp: 15000

These three are tough. Sandy will cast Wall on Cindy, Cindy will help 
out Mindy, and Mindy will use an attack on a character. Afterwards they 
do a Delta Attack, which is actually a powerful spell like Fire3 or 
OF ZOT EQUIPPED!!! If you do, any fire attacks will do double damage on 
you. Have Tellah use Lit3 to try to kill the sister without Wall first. 
Mainly, aim for Cindy first, because she will be a definite threat when 
alone or when one sister is dead. Sandy likes to cast Wall on a sister 
and then cast a spell on her to reflect on a random character in your 
party. Since Sandy casts Wall, kill her first so she doesn't do it 
again. Once she is dead wait for any enemy with Wall to have the Wall 
disappear and attack Cindy. Do not let Cindy live last or second. If 
you do, she will fully revive Sandy and Mindy. Kill Cindy then attack 

They will all mumble about the Delta Attack not working and then they 
will die. Go back to save, and then proceed to the room past where you 
fought the sisters. Go up and you will see Kain and Golbez. Golbez 
tricks you and he won't give you Rosa, but this time he won't get away 
so easily. Tellah attacks him to try to avenge Anna.

HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

You can't control this battle. Read the messages and watch as Tellah's 
spells don't do anything to Golbez. Golbez will mock Tellah but Tellah 
decides to use Meteo. Cecil will tell him it will kill him but Tellah 
tells him that he would give his life away to kill Golbez. He will then 
use Meteo and Golbez falls.

The Meteo knocked Kain out, but killed Tellah. Cecil attacks Golbez but 
Golbez counterattacks and critically wounds Cecil, then escapes with 
the crystals, and Cecil, Yang, and Cid hear Tellah's last words because 
he dies.

Tellah dies

After the events, talk to Kain, who is lying down on the ground. He 
will wake up and come to his senses that he was controlled by Golbez 
and is no longer controlled because Meteo knocked him out. He will then 
join your party again and you need to hurry for Rosa! In the next room, 
you see Rosa, Cecil quickly saves her before the big blade hits her. 
Rosa finds Kain back to normal and now you need to escape before the 
tower is destroyed! But just as you're going back Valvalis, third 
element and element of Wind, attacks you.

HP: 6000
Gold: 5500
Exp: 9500

This battle is tough! You have Kain replacing Tellah and you also have 
Rosa, who DID gain some levels and now has 699HP. Valvalis is tough, 
first she will do some hard attacking on you, so make sure you preserve 
Rosa's turns for later and use healing items. The real problem is the 
fact that she will turn into a tornado and do some really hurtful 
attacks on you. Her Storm attack will drop you down to HP below 100 and 
her Ray attack will start to petrify you. Make sure you use some Heals 
before you are fully petrified and do Rosa's healing before it's too 
late. To stop Valvalis from doing the bad attacks and being in a 
tornado, you will need to have Kain Jump. Preserve his turns until she 
turns into a tornado and then have him quickly Jump. When she is back 
to her normal form immediately do your best since you don't have any 
Black Magic. Hits from Cecil and Kain will do a lot as well as Yang's. 
Cid will do okay, and Rosa should only heal.

After beating her she will take the whole tower with you but Rosa will 
use Exit and teleport to Baron Castle. Everyone is alright here and 
Kain tells everyone that Golbez is now searching for the underground 
crystals which are known as the Dark Crystals. Kain gives Cecil the 
Magma Key he got from Golbez when he was under his control. It is used 
to get to the underworld, but you won't know where to use it. Cecil 
says they can't go anywhere because the Enterprise sunk with Zot, but 
Cid uses a Remote Control to bring the Enterprise back. Now with 5 
party members exit Baron Castle and get on the Enterprise.

Go directly south of Baron via Enterprise to the town of Agart. There 
is nothing much to see here except for the big well in the middle. 
Enter the temple and use the Magma key on the well. It will show the 
world map and the mountain near Agart opening revealing a hole into the 
darkness. This leads to the underworld. When you enter, however, you 
won't be able to return up to the main world in a while. So make sure 
you're ready and have visited Silvera before going down there. To get 
down there you just need to go to the black part and land.

The Enterprise will be moving somewhere until you see the Red Wings 
coming to attack you, but some Dwarf Tanks appear on the left side and 
attack the Red Wings. The Enterprise gets caught in the middle and 
crashes down on the ground away from the battle.

You will be near a castle, so save and go into it.

The dwarves say "Lali-ho!" which is one annoying phrase in my opinion. 
In FF9 they say "Rally-ho!" quit making fun of dwarves, you Square 
people. Don't you know that dwarves live outside the Milky Way galaxy? 
Oh wait, those dwarves are stars... whatever, nevermind.

Just go on forward here. Keep on going and get to the throne room. You 
will meet Giott, the King of the Dwarves. Talk to him and you'll learn 
that he has the last crystal hidden behind his throne. Cid will say 
that he will go back to the surface to try to fix the Enterprise, and 
Giott will comment on what weird stuff they have up there. Cid leaves 
your party now. However, Yang suspects something in the room, and 
you'll see something jump up in the room behind Giott. Anyways, he 
opens the door there. Once you enter, you'll see puppets jumping 
around. There are 6 of them and they call themselves the Cals and 

HP: 600 (Cal) 350 (Brena)
Gold: 500 (each)
Exp: 1200 (each)

These guys are easy. All you need to do is destroy a couple of them. 
Just have Cecil and Kain target one Cal, while Rosa attacks the Brenas 
and Yang kicks. After a while, they'll all transport into one big 
creature known as the Calbrena!

HP: 5000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 19000

This battle is pretty hard. Calbrena uses some powerful attacks, 
including a Confusion attack, which can really get your party members 
off-hand. Use Yang to attack a party member so they won't be confused 
anymore, or have Calbrena do the job, but it does about 300 damage, so 
make sure you have enough HP. Have Kain Jump all the time and Rosa 
heal. You need to beat this battle quickly or Calbrena will make short 
work of you. Also Calbrena can turn back to the puppets if it runs out 
of power.

After beating them, Golbez appears. He also attacks you.

HP: 2400, 820
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

Golbez will first do a powerful attack, which will paralyze all your 
party members. Then he will summon his Call Monster Shadow, which will 
do an instant kill on your party members. Shadow will take out all 
until Cecil is left, but then the Mist Dragon (remember?) appears and 
takes out Shadow. Rydia comes and helps you out! You only have Rydia 
and Cecil alive, and don't waste time trying to get the others back to 
life. Chances are Golbez will kill off Rydia, but you need to get 
Golbez's HP away too. This can be hard, after all that with Calbrena. 
If you do have the time, revive Kain and get him to Jump on Golbez, 
otherwise, have Rydia summon to get Golbez away from you.

After beating him, everyone will thank Rydia for saving them, but 
Golbez's hand grabs the crystal and disappears. Rydia says she was 
swallowed by Leviathan and sent to the Land of Summoned Monsters where 
she got the Call powers.

Back in the throne room Giott says that there is one more crystal left 
in the Sealed Cave, and that all the crystals are in the Tower of 
Babil. Giott gives the idea of going to the Tower of Babil and 
retrieving all the crystals while Golbez is searching for the last one 
in the Sealed Cave.

Exit the throne room south and go left this time to the left tower. Go 
downstairs to the shops. In the weapon shop, buy the new spear for Kain 
and the Dwarf Axe for Cecil. Then buy all the armors needed, but not 
the Fire Armors. Go downstairs and talk to the dwarf near the bookcase. 
He will open the secret door for you. Go through it to the cave, then 
just go southwest and exit there. There are no enemies here so don't 

Not much to do here. Talk to the dwarves and buy whatever you need. 
Heal up at the water pot for free and exit.

Just go north and then follow the path west. You might want to gain 
levels here a bit if you want. Once you see tanks shooting at a big 
tower you'll know that it's your destination. As you're approaching the 
Tower of Babil you'll be stopped to see how much more the tanks will 
shoot. Go up to the entrance and enter.

Once you enter, cross the bridge and go to the middle door. The enemies 
in this place are pretty hard so if I were you I would en-equip any 
elemental equipment, especially Fire elemental equipment. In the next 
screen, go down all the way and right. You'll pass a door. Inside is a 
treasure chest with a Blizzard Spear. This spear is VERY essential for 
Kain especially later on, but it's guarded by an Alert. Alerts summon 
other creatures to do the job for them. Kill it quickly before it 
summons too many creatures. Pick up the Blizzard spear and equip it on 
Kain. Then exit this room and go right. On the right corner you'll see 
another door, which leads to another treasure chest guarded by an 
Alert. I forgot what's in this chest, but it's probably more Ice 
equipment. Exit this room and go left, then up, to enter the last door 
onto the next floor. On this floor, go all the way to the right into 
the door. Search the two treasure chests then exit go left. On the next 
floor, you'll see many doors. All treasure chests around here are 
usually guarded by Alerts. One of the room has a save point. Save, then 
exit and go right, crossing the bridge. You can go to the door on the 
top right here to get an Ice Shield from yet another Alert. After that, 
cross the bridge on the top side of the floor and go upstairs again. On 
the next floor, head down all the way, then right. Go up to the chest 
if you want money. Otherwise go right. The door in the top middle is 
locked for now so you have no business there yet. So go right and up to 
the next floor. On the next floor, all you need to do is go to the door 
left from you. On the next floor, go right to a door with a Save point. 
Save, then exit and head to the other door which leads to the next 
floor. Just go left till you see Dr. Lugae and Rubicant. Rubicant 
teleports away to Eblan and Dr. Lugae will be happy that he's the only 
one in the Tower of Babil and now he owns it. When he turns around and 
sees you he attacks you with himself and his robot Balnab.

HP: 3000, 3000, 3200
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This fight is very easy. All you have to do is attack the Frankenstein-
looking robot and kill him first. Balnab will get an error and attack 
Dr. Lugae, but then he will attack you. Just attack Balnab, then go for 
Lugae. Attack him for a bit and he will get on Balnab and control him, 
making Balnab-Z. This guy can do up to 400HP of damage to one 
character, so heal and attack. Don't waste too much in this battle, 
though, you have another one coming up.

After the fight, Dr. Lugae attacks you again!

HP: 6000
Gold: 4000
Exp: 15000

At the beginning he will transform into a zombie-type monster. That 
doesn't mean you can simply kill it though. He will do lots of poison 
attacks and can use a gas attack, then a fire attack which does double 
damage to the ones that are affected by the gas. Have Cecil attack and 
Kain Jump, while Rosa cures and Rydia calls anyone. Yang should also 
attacks. This fight can be tough, but you should be prepared.

After the fight, Dr. Lugae says the Super Cannon will fire soon and 
destroy the Dwarves, then he dies, dropping the Tower Key. You now need 
to stop the Super Cannon. Do not go north, as it leads to a dead-end 
for now. Instead, backtrack all the way to the floor with the center 
door which was locked. Use the tower key to open it. Inside you will 
fight 3 Dark Imps. Kill them, then they will get ready to fire the 
cannon. However, Yang decides to stop them and hold them. Cecil says he 
will die but Yang says he's wishing safety to everyone, especially his 
wife. Then you run out as the room explodes and Yang dies.

Now you need to exit the Tower of Babil. Notice how you can't use Exit? 
Yep, you have to get back down there... just head back down to the 
first floor to the bridge. Once on the bridge, you hear Golbez's voice 
and the bridge collapses!

Just as you're falling to Magma, the Enterprise comes to save you. It's 
Cid! He asks who Rydia is and Cecil tells him the whole story, then he 
asks where is Yang, but Cecil tells him the bad news. Suddenly, a Red 
Wings airship appears behind you and starts chasing you! The Enterprise 
turns on it's power engines to go faster, but the Red Wings Airship has 
been modified and just won't give up. Cid then makes up a plan to blow 
a hole on the ceiling of the underworld for you to get through to the 
over world so the underworld path closes and the Red Wings airship gets 
trapped inside, but Cecil tells him it's not a good idea to sacrifice 
himself. Cid says it's for the good of everyone and does it anyway. He 
jumps off the airship with the bomb, then blows it up, making a hole in 
the wall.

Everyone is startled off the loss of Cid, but like every other death in 
the game, they get over it eventually. Now it shows the hole in the 
Agart Mountains and the Enterprise gets through it before it closes up. 
You won't be able to return to the underworld for a while now.

Go north of Agart to Baron Castle. Enter and go the right side, where 
you see two weirdly dressed guys. Talk to them and they tell you 
they're Cid's co-workers and will attach a hook to the Enterprise so 
you can carry your old hovercraft to different places. Watch as they do 
different things to the Enterprise. Once they're done, you'll now be 
able to use your hook.

Go northeast to where Mt. Hobbs is. That's where your hovercraft should 
be. Have the Enterprise fly above the hovercraft and press the action 
button. This will hook up the hovercraft to the Enterprise so you can 
carry it anywhere. Notice how you see many shallows around the world? 
Well, now you can bring the hovercraft there and use it to cross the 
shallows. Take it to the Eblan island first. It's the one with the big 
tower rising out of the darkness (Tower of Babil). Land the hovercraft 
near the Eblan ruins, then land the Enterprise. You can go to the Eblan 
Ruins if you want, but it's optional and doesn't have very good 
treasures. Instead, use the hovercraft to cross the shallows west of 
Eblan Ruins and enter the cave.

Just go down and left to the southwest corner of the cave and enter 
that part. There isn't much to see in this room, though. In the second 
room, you'll find a town. This is the place of all the Eblan survivors 
and where they live. Go to the item shop and stock up on items, then go 
to the weapon and armor shop and buy new equipment if needed. You'll 
learn about the destruction of Eblan and how the people came to live in 
this cave. Enter the northern-most door to continue deeper into the 
cave. Here you'll see many wounded guards saying that the Prince of 
Eblan went to challenge Rubicant by himself. Just go on forward north 
to the next room. In this room, just go on and make sure not to miss 
the Shuriken, because that's pretty useful for later, even though no 
one can use it for now. In the next room, there are many hidden 
passages but you won't have to go through most of them unless you want 
treasures. You will find many wounded guards around and they all talk 
about the Prince going to fight Rubicant alone. Just go through, then 
go forward to the next room with the save point. Just follow the lone 
path and go right, up, and left and you will see Prince Edge getting 
ready to fight Rubicant. A battle will start and you won't be able to 
control it. Edge uses Flame on Rubicant but Rubicant then uses Glare 
and knocks Edge out. Then you will come and help but Rubicant escaped. 
Rosa heals Edge and he thanks you. You are also going to destroy 
Rubicant and get the crystals so Edge joins you. He has the Throw 
Command, which is what that Shuriken was for. Believe me, it can do 
quite a lot of damage. Anyway, go up the stairs and you'll come to the 
other part of the Tower of Babil.

Go up the stairs to the very top and face the wall. Edge uses his ninja 
techniques to get through along with you. You now have Edge as your 
front party member. Get the chest at the top, then go to the door on 
the other side. Go forward in this room and you will see a chest in the 
middle which takes a while to get to. If you open the chest you will 
fight monsters, but get an Ogre Axe in return. After getting it, go 
back up and left to the next door. On the next floor just grab the 
chest containing some money and continue to the next door. On the next 
floor, cross the bridges. You can find a Middle Blade for Edge in this 
area. Be sure to equip it because it's (of course) better than Edge's 
Short Blades. Cross the bridge to the left to the next door. On the 
next floor, you will see a warper in plain view. It looks just like the 
warper in the other Tower of Babil, but you can't use this one either. 
Go right, enter the door to a Save Point. Use a tent and save, then 
exit the room. Go to the door on the right to the next floor. In this 
place, proceed left and just as you go to the center the king Eblan and 
Queen Eblan appear. Edge is happy to see them, but they attack you.

HP: 99999, 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

You can't beat this battle. Just keep attacking King Eblan. Edge will 
keep asking what happened but they don't respond. Their attacks are 
weak, doing less than 100 HP of damage, so don't worry about healing. A 
while into the fight something happens to K. Eblan and Q. Eblan and 
they are transformed into their human form but are still inside the 
monster. They tell you they will die soon because they were possessed. 
Wait a while and Edge will beg but K. Eblan dies, then Q. Eblan.

After the fight, Rubicant appears. Edge blames Rubicant for everything 
but Rubicant says Dr. Lugae turned King and Queen Eblan into monsters. 
After that Edge learns two new attacks. Go back to the save point and 
save, but don't use a Tent unless you're going to gain levels around 
the place. If you're not, don't use a Tent and go back to Rubicant.

Go left of the main bridge to Rubicant to the chest which contains A 
LOT of money.

Rubicant wants a fair fight, so he will restore all your HP and MP once 
you talk to him, then you will have to fight him.

HP: 21000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 25000

First before the fight you want to make sure you have the Blizzard 
Spear equipped on Kain, since it will lots of damage on Rubicant. 
Second, even though he is a Fire Element, Ice Armor won't matter much 
in here since his threat doesn't come from fire attacks. Always have 
Kain Jump, because this will do about 3500HP of damage when his cloak 
is closed and about 5000 when it's closed. When his cloak is open, get 
ready to have someone die, because his Glare attack will do over 2000HP 
of damage and definitely kill a person. Edge should use his Ninja Flood 
attack while Rosa heals, Cecil attacks, and Rydia uses the Virus 
attack. He isn't too hard, but stay on your toes.

After beating him he says you're worthy and dies. After that, the Eblan 
chamberlain comes over to get Edge back, but Edge says no because he 
wants to stay with the group. The chamberlain leaves him alone and 
leaves. Now Edge will be in your party for a while! Proceed into the 
crystal room.

In here, just go forward and you'll fall in a trapdoor, falling down to 
the very bottom of the tower. Looks like all of that was done for 
nothing, huh?

Just find the doors and proceed through. Go up into the next room, and 
then into the next. Most of the treasures aren't so good so pick them 
up when they're on your way but not if they're in some nook far away 
from the path. In the next room go forward and in the room just proceed 

In the next room, there will be an abandoned Red Wings airship. The 
party doesn't want to use it but Edge does so they can get out of the 
freaking tower. He names it the Falcon and everyone gets on.

With your new airship, you can go back to the Dwarf Castle. However, 
you can't travel over magma. So head back to the Dwarf Castle and 

Just go and talk to King Giott. Everyone will tell him that they 
couldn't get the crystal so the only option now is to get the crystal 
of the Sealed Cave before Golbez does. Giott tells his daughter Luca to 
give them the key to the Sealed Cave. Then he tells them that the cave 
is southwest on a different island in the underworld. But you can't 
travel over magma... so what should you do?

Go to the left side of the Dwarf Castle and head downstairs into the 
room where the hidden passage to the Dwarf Base is. Go into the 
hospital (left of the bookcases) and a familiar person will be laying 
in bed... its Cid! Talk to him and he says he's okay. After Cecil tells 
him the bad news, he immediately gets out of the bed and goes to 
upgrade the Falcon, but the Dwarves won't let him go because he's 
injured, but he escapes them and they follow.

Watch as Cid and the two dwarves upgrade the airship. After that the 
Falcon will be done and Cid will go back to bed to sleep. Exit the 
Dwarf Castle and get on the airship.

Head south past the magma until you get to an island. There is a town 
between mountains. Land your airship and enter it.

This is an optional place but you really need to check it out. It's big 
and has some of the best equipment for sale in the game. So buy it if 
you have enough money and gain some levels around the area so you get 
the money to buy the Diamond Equipment. Also buy the Ogre Axe because 
it's very good up to this point. Make note of this place later because 
you'll need to return here if you're planning on getting the Excalibur 

Now head west of Tomra and a little north. There is a cave surrounded 
by mountains. That's the Sealed Cave. Land The Falcon and enter it.

Just go north and open the door using the Luca Key. Then continue 
through the door. In this cave, most closed doors are Trapdoors. You 
will know it when you try to go through a door but it won't 
automatically open. They'll search and then kill a party member 
instantly. They can also summon monsters, so kill them quickly. You 
will need to defeat most Trapdoors in order to pass through.

In the room after the entrance room, follow the path down and get the 
treasure chest. The door in the cliff is a Trapdoor, defeat it and 
enter the room for equipment for Edge. Then exit that room and head 
left. There's another Trapdoor here and in order to continue you need 
to defeat it. After beating it head into the real door and go to the 
next room. In the next room, head left and into the door at the end. 
They're all Trapdoors here. Enter the room and go through this small 
room. In the next room go down for a chest, otherwise continue up. Then 
you will see many doors above you. If you don't feel like fighting or 
getting treasures then just pass all these doors all the way to the 
left, and then head down. Otherwise note the second, fourth, and fifth 
doors because they have treasures. Anyways, after passing the doors go 
down and defeat the Trapdoor there, then proceed. In this room just go 
left and open the treasure chest near you. In the next room, go right. 
If you go left you'll encounter a Trapdoor but you get no treasures for 
defeating it. Anyways go right and then head down, avoiding the door 
near you. Take the rope down. Once you go down just find the passage 
leading down and enter it. In the next room there's a save point. Save 
and use a Tent because the next boss is very tough. After saving go 
down and follow the path to the next room. This room is very 
straightforward so follow the ropes and avoid all the others that lead 
to the pits. Once you get to the next room just go up and enter the 
room at the top. This is the crystal room so get to the center and grab 
the crystal. Then make sure you're ready because a boss fight is coming 
up. Exit the crystal room and follow the path down until the ground 
starts shaking. Cecil says that a trap has been set and a wall will 
close in on the party. You will need to defeat the wall.

HP: 19000
Gold: 8000
Exp: 23000

In this fight there's a practical limit. The Evilwall will continuously 
move closer to you until it gets very close. Then it will start using a 
Crush attack very fast. It will instantly kill a party member with no 
defense. Before that the wall will just attack your party members (it's 
very fast) doing about 300-400 damage. Make sure you heal with Rosa all 
the time because you always want to keep your characters alive for this 
battle. Have Kain Jump and Cecil attack. Have Rydia use Lit-3 and if 
she doesn't have that have her either summon or use Lit-2. If you've 
been to the Land of Summoned Monsters have her summon Leviathan too. 
Have Rosa heal and Edge throw his collected Shurikens, but if he has 
none then just use his Ninja attack. Do not waste time healing half-
petrified characters. Wait till their whole body is petrified and use 
Heal. Once the wall gets close it will start crushing your party 
members one-by-one. Do not try to revive them. Just go all-out on the 
wall when it gets close. Don't waste turns doing anything else but your 
strongest attacks when it gets close. Hopefully you're lucky and you'll 
defeat the wall before it has the time to crush your characters.

After the battle the party will say that it was a weak trap. Now 
continue out of the cave. You can't use Exit because there will be 
another event in the cave. So hopefully you know the path and don't get 
into any Trapdoors. When you're at the place where you opened the door, 
you'll hear Golbez's voice calling out for Kain. He will mind control 
Kain again. Kain will snatch the crystal from Cecil and run off. Looks 
like he betrayed you again... Now that Golbez has all the crystals he 
can go to the Moon! Wow... he could've just went over to NASA and asked 
them to take him to the Moon.

Once you exit the cave you'll need to head back to the Dwarf Castle. Go 
in and talk to Giott. He will say that the only way to the get to the 
Moon is to find the Big Whale. The legend of the Big Whale resides in 
Mysidia so you'll need to go there. But you can't since there is no way 
to get above.

Cid shows up again. He tells you that he can build a drill on the 
Falcon that will let you travel above by drilling a hole on the ceiling 
of the underworld. Once again you'll see Cid and dwarves working on the 
airship. Once it's complete Cid will faint. You will be back in the 
infirmary and Cid wakes up. He tells the party to go up there and stop 
Golbez. Now go outside and get in the Falcon.

To get to the surface, fly top the top right corner of the underworld 
where you see a small hole. Press the action button while you're in the 
airship and you'll fly back to the surface. Long time no see!

Just head over to Mysidia and land your airship there. Go inside the 
town and the elder will be there and he'll be saying that he's been 
waiting for you. Now everyone will go up into the tower and will pray 
for the Big Whale to come out. After a while it comes out of the sea. 
Now just exit Mysidia and enter the Big Whale.

This airship is huge from the outside! Inside, it isn't that big. But 
you can explore the inside. In the middle there is the Crystal of 
Flight. Examining it will take you to the Moon's surface. The computer 
on the top center will let you pilot the Big Whale either on the 
overworld or Moon. The Big Whale is much slower than the other two 
airships you have. If you go down from the Flight Crystal you can find 
little tubes. Enter them and you will rest, recovering all HP/MP/status 
effects, and it's free! If you go down you'll find a Fat Chocobo (so it 
was buried with the Big Whale too?) that stores items for you. You 
won't need Carrots anymore now that you have a Fat Chocobo in your 
ship. Once you're done examining everything just go to the Moon. 
Otherwise take flight and explore the overworld once again and do any 
side quests you haven't done yet. I recommend you use either the 
Enterprise or Falcon for the other side-quests because the Big Whale 
can't travel underground and the other two airships have special 
features and are much faster!

Anyways just go to the Moon.

The Moon is extremely small so you'll be looping around each time you 
fly any direction too much. There is also a separate dungeon to explore 
that is surrounded by mountains. It is the Bahamut's Cave and is 
optional. You may want to visit it later because you can get a very 
powerful summon from that place. For now, find the big blue crystal 
thing in the middle of the Moon. This is where you'll need to go but 
you can't just land right in front of it. The Big Whale can't land on 
the craters. Look for a small landing spot on the west part of the Moon 
hills and land there. It is near a cave that you need to enter. Get off 
the Big Whale and enter the cave.

If you go right you'll find a chest that has some monsters in it. 
Defeat them for the item, then go back left and up. Now go right all 
the way and grab the chest, then go left and up and exit.

Just follow the path here to the next cave.

This is very straightforward and you'll have no trouble here at all. 
Just follow the path and exit.

Now you're near the Crystal Palace so to get there you'll need to enter 
the cave just below it. NOTE: Before entering it, make sure you're done 
with everything in the overworld of the main world for now, because you 
won't be able to return to the world and explore it until you go 
through a dungeon and face some bosses there.

Continue up and you'll hear a voice. A Lunarian called FuSoYa will 
appear. He will tell Cecil about the Big Whale, built by KluYa, 
FuSoYa's brother. It was made to travel to the Earth, or the planet 
where Cecil is from (for those of you who are still confused, the Earth 
in this game is the place with Baron, Toroia, Fabul, etc.). KluYa 
traveled to the Earth and came back to the Moon to destroy the evil 
Zemus. Zemus is an evil being controlling Golbez(!) So Golbez isn't 
behind all this! Another cliche (FF8 copied this game, I guess). FuSoYa 
will then tell you about how KluYa chose his two sons to destroy Zemus 
after his failure. One of those sons is actually Cecil! Cecil is amazed 
about this and finds out that Zemus is collecting the crystals to 
awaken the Giant of Babel. The Giant of Babel will destroy all of Earth 
when awakened. Since it was awakened before KluYa built the Big Whale 
so he can travel from the Moon to the Earth and destroy it. Cecil also 
finds out why the light in Mt. Ordeals was calling for him. FuSoYa then 
joins the party and tells them to hurry back to Earth before the Giant 
is awakened. FuSoYa has all the black magic and white magic, so he'll 
be your best friend for now. You can check the room behind the throne 
to see the crystals, but they won't do anything now.

Exit the palace and make your way through the Lunar Paths back to the 
Big Whale. Get in and make sure everything is ready for now. Fly 
wherever you need to on the moon surface. Once you're done, touch the 
crystal to get back to the overworld.

When you get back, something's weird going on... the Giant of Bab-il is 
awakened! Watch as it gets out of the tower and starts smashing 
everything in its way (looks like a toy figurine). But all of a sudden, 
tanks appear and starts shooting the giant! The tanks are piloted by 
King Giott and his dwarves. One of them has Yang! He's alive! Then, 
airships come to help. Cid pilots the main force. If you think that's 
enough retaliation, keep watching. Two more airships pop up. One of 
them is Mysidian, and Palom and Porom are alive! The elder cured their 
petrification. The other airship has Edward and the Troians. Meanwhile 
at the Big Whale FuSoYa says that the core needs to be destroyed inside 
the giant or all damage will be repaired. Cecil calls Cid and he takes 
them to the giant.

Once you enter you will not be able to return, so you'll need to go 
through this dungeon first.

To get through the dungeon simply follow the path through it.

Save at the save point area then head north through the door. Here, 
make sure everything is ready and go forward. The elements appear 
again! All four of them right in front of you. They tell you that Zemus 
breathed life into them then they attack you.

HP: 18000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 27000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 24000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 26000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

This battle will NOT be easy. You will fight all 4 elements in the 
order shown above. Once you defeat one, another one comes out. And yes, 
they are tougher versions of the elements you've fought before. Make 
sure you're at least around Level 50 for all characters (except maybe 
FuSoYa). Put Cecil and Rosa in the front while everyone else in the 
back. You first need to fight Milon Z. His attacks are fast and brutal. 
Have FuSoYa cast Fire3 and Edge cast Flame, while Rydia casts Fire3. DO 
all Fire3s do mostly 9999 damage. If you cast them all at the same 
time, Milon Z will probably die after FuSoYa and Rydia cast Fire3 and 
turn into Rubicant, while Edge uses Flame to heal Rubicant. Ok, 
nevermind. Have FuSoYa and Rydia cast Fire3 and that's all. Milon can 
do 500 damage on a single character and he's also fast, plus he can 
curse your characters. Once you kill him you'll fight Rubicant. He 
likes to use Fire3 and Glare at the same time on all characters. This 
won't do too much damage though, just make sure Rosa's alive and if 
she's dead have FuSoYa heal instead while Edge and Rydia concentrate on 
offense. Have Rydia use Ice3 and Edge use Flood. FuSoYa should also use 
Ice3. After Rubicant dies you'll fight Cagnazzo. This time he's not 
easy, as he has some very damaging attacks and his wave attack does 
more. Like always, have Rosa or FuSoYa heal while Edge uses Blitz and 
Rydia uses Lit3. Also FuSoYa can use Lit3 if you don't need healing and 
are using Rosa. Cecil should use Ethers on characters that are running 
out of MP otherwise just attack. After beating Cagnazzo you'll finally 
fight Valvalis. She is hard. She can start petrifying your characters 
and do Weak, which will reduce your characters' HP to two digits. Have 
FuSoYa and Rosa pound on healing especially on characters that are 
victims to Weak, and avoid all characters that have started their 
petrifying status, because it'll more to get them fully petrified. Use 
Lit3 on Valvalis for lots of damage damage on Edge's Blitz. This should 
do lots of damage on Valvalis. Just make sure to keep your back row 
characters alive.

After that frustratingly huge battle, the Elements will fully die and 
you should go back and save. Once you're done, heal up and head back to 
the Lung room where you fought the Elements. Proceed north to the CPU 
room. A big orb is in the middle and it's the CPU. You'll need to 
defeat it otherwise all damage will be repaired on the Giant of Bab-il.

HP: 21000
Gold: 10000
Exp: 15000

HP: 2000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 2000
Gold: 360
Exp: 360

It's been long since you've heard this boss music, eh? Unless you took 
the side-quests... Anyway this fight can be tricky. The CPU will cast 
Wall on itself all the time, meaning you shouldn't use magic on it 
otherwise it'll be reflected back to you. As long as the Defender is 
present, it will heal the CPU 2000 damage every 10 seconds. The 
Attacker will use an attack called Maser that will do around 300 damage 
on all your characters. However, do not kill both the Attacker and 
Defender. Killing them both gets the CPU in a fury, and it will do an 
attack called Globe99, which instantly kills a party member. It will do 
it twice or thrice, then revive both the Attacker and Defender and stop 
doing the attack. So it seems impossible to kill this guy... actually, 
no. You can kill off the Attacker and leave the Defender there, or vice 
versa. The CPU only does Globe99 if the others aren't there. I strongly 
recommend killing the Defender and leaving the Attacker present because 
the Defender will heal the CPU a lot. The Maser attack can be painful, 
but is easily cured by either FuSoYa's or Rosa's Cure4 on all 
characters. Leave the Attacker alive and ONLY -ATTACK- THE CPU! It 
always casts Wall on itself so magic will be reflected back to the 
party. Have Rosa Aim and Cecil attack, same with Edge. FuSoYa should 
concentrate on healing while Rydia does something like using Ethers on 
party members with low MP or something. It's gonna take a long time 
killing the CPU since you can only attack, but it's not that hard, just 
long. You can also risk doing a Wall on a party member and casting a 
very strong spell on that member, reflecting that spell on the CPU. 
It's very risky, since it can reflect towards the Attacker instead 
making the CPU use Globe99 again. Make sure you have at least 4 party 
members alive in this battle. Once again, it isn't too hard, just takes 
a long ass time.

After destroying the CPU, Golbez comes out from the top and tells 
everyone that the plan has been foiled. FuSoYa comes to Golbez and 
tells him to look at himself and uses a spell so Golbez regains his 
memory. Then, Golbez realizes that he was being controlled by Zemus all 
this time and that... Cecil is his brother. Remember when FuSoYa told 
you that KluYa had two sons? Well, Golbez is the other one and he was 
easier to control for Zemus than Cecil. FuSoYa and Golbez disappear 
away to go battle Zemus and the Giant starts falling. Kain, who is no 
longer under mind control, comes out and helps the party out back to 
the Big Whale.

Kain is no longer under mind control and tells Cecil that they need to 
go to the Moon's core to destroy Zemus. Cecil tells Rosa and Rydia to 
exit the Big Whale because they can't come because they will get hurt. 
Rosa and Rydia get mad because they don't want to leave but Cecil, 
Edge, and Kain make them. So they exit with a few leftover comments and 
Cecil, Edge, and Kain start up the Big Whale to the moon.

Once they get to the moon, Cecil, Edge, and Kain try to exit, but Rosa 
and Rydia come out! They were hiding in the escape pod. So finally 
Cecil decided to take them both and you now have the ultimate fighting 
group, and your last one, too.

Now you need to head to the final dungeon, located at the Crystal 
Palace. Land near the first Lunar Path and make sure everything is 
ready. Then enter.

There's nothing new here at all. Just go through them both. For more 
info, scroll up to the section when you first get to the Moon and look 
at the Lunar Path section.

Make your way to the Crystal Palace.

Head to the center area and go through. Once you're in the next room, 
you'll see many crystals. Make your way to the center area and the 
crystals will take you the final dungeon - the Lunar Core.

When you reach the first save point go left through the hidden passage 
and onto the portal, when you see the door in front of you enter it.

Here you will see a treasure chest up top which contains a life staff, 
to get it you must defeat 2 Warlocks and 2 Karys. After the battle grab 
the staff and go to the left and enter the portal. In here go down and 
enter the door. You should see a sword in this room, go up to it and 
get ready for a boss fight.

White Dragon:
HP: 32,700
Gold: 0
Exp: 55,000

If you read any strategy guide for FF4 on the net it will tell you to 
cast Float on the entire party, and this guide is no different; make 
sure you cast float on your party or they will die before you can blink 
your eyes due to the devastating attack GaiaRage.

Have Rydia summon, have Edge and Cecil attack, and have Kain Jump. Heal 
when needed.

After the fight you will get a strong item for Edge called the 
Murasame, equip it on him immediately. Now go to the entrance of the 
Lunar Core.

Now go to the upper right hand corner and enter the hidden passage. 
Continue along to find a chest guarded by 2 Redgiants, inside the chest 
contains a Ninja Robe for Edge. Now go back around and down into the 
next room. Through the hidden passage on the left there is an item for 
Rydia called the Firelash. Equip it. On the top left is a Dragon Shield 
for Kain. Collect the Dragon Helmet, Armor, and Gauntlet at the bottom 
of the room and go through the door in the middle.

In this room grab the 10 Artemis Arrows at the bottom of this room 
there is an Elixir. Now go into the right and down into the next room.

In the upper right hand section of this room there is an X-Potion for 
the taking, now go to the left and grab another X-Potion.

Now go to the next room, the treasure chest guarded by a Behemoth in 
this room contains a Stardust Rod. Now go to the right and into the 
next room.

In this room you will see a sword. DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!!! Instead have 
everyone equipped with the best items and open the chest on the lower 
left hand corner of the room. This fight is insanely tough. Have Rosa 
attack with the Artemis arrows and Kain jump. After this insanely hard 
battle you will be wonderfully rewarded with a Crystal Shield, equip it 
immediately and heal your party.

In this room go to the upper right hand corner of the room of the room 
and grab a Protect Ring. In this area go to the right and pick up the 
Crystal Armor which is guarded by a Bhemoth. Now go back into the main 
room and go up. You will see a treasure chest to the right, this chest 
is guarded by 2 Red Dragons, after the fight open the chest and receive 
a pair of Crystal Gauntlets.

After the fight go left into the next room, to the left is a White Robe 
for Rosa to the right is a Crystal Helmet guarded by a Warlock and a 
Dragon Fossil. 

Now go to the left and get the Cabin. In the next room grab the Artemis 
Arrows and the Fuma Darts.

In the next room search the room for items and move onto the right. Now 
go down and enter the first door. You finally reached a save point. 
MAKE SURE YOU SAVE. You are about 30-45 minutes away from defeating the 
game, so make sure you save, the bosses and enemies don't get easier.

Now go to the right and touch the lance in the middle. A very hard boss 
fight will now be triggered.

HP: 33,333
Gold: 550
Exp: 31108

Have Rosa use Fast on Cecil and Edge, have Cecil and Edge attack 
normally, have Rydia summon, and have Kain jump. To reset the timer 
kill off one of your characters and then revive them.

After the battle the party you will recieve the HolyLnce, equip it and 
return to the save point. Now go to the right and you will see 2 
treasure chests, 2 Dragon Lunars will now attack you.

HP: 23,000(each)
Gold: 0
Exp: 29500

Have Rosa be the healer, and attack with Cecil and Edge, have Kain 
jump, and have Rydia summon. Try not to use magic other then summons, 
they use some harsh counter attacks that recover 2,000 health +.

Now return back to the save point, make sure you save your game, and 

Now go forward, you will be in the Moon's Core, pick up a Ninja Dart, 
travel along the bottom to fight a tough boss, defeat him and receive 
the Masamune.

HP: 50,000
Gold: 0
Exp: 61,000

Be prepared for Bigwave which will easily kill off some of your 
characters. Have Edge dart some swords and attack, have Cecil attack, 
have Rosa heal and use Holy (thanks to Dingo Jellybean for this tip), 
have Kain jump, and have Rydia summon.

After the tough battle go back to the save point to heal and save your 
game. Now continue past the room where you defeated the Ogopogo. At the 
bottom of this room there is an Elixer. Keep continuing down, at the 
bottom of this room you will find a whistle. Keep continuing onward to 
find the next portal.

In the bottom right hand corner of this room you will find a Fuma dart. 
To the left of it is another Fuma dart. No go to the bottom right hand 
corner and into the next area. 

In this area run away from all the enemies, from this area continue to 
the next room. Here you will witness a scene where FuSoYa and Golbez 
are fending off Zemus by themselves.

(Please take note that this is pretty much a little cutscene.)

HP: 10,000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

Pretty much the 2 cast some pretty useless magic, then they kill the 
thing with White Meteo.

After some very interesting scenes you will now have to fight the final 
boss of the game, good luck!

HP: 133,333

Use the Crystal to make Zeromus change forms. If you don't do this you 
will miss everytime.

Have Cecil attack, have Rosa cast Holy and Heal, have Rydia summon 
Bahamut, have Edge dart the Knife and Holy Lances, and have Kain jump. 

Watch out for Big Bang, and make sure to heal! The battle will 
eventually end.

This battle isn't that hard at all, it just takes a very very very very 
very very very very long time.

CONGRATULATIONS! You've just defeated Final Fantasy IV!

=                       3: Fast Track Walkthrough                     =
=                       -------------------------                     =

If you have no time checking the big walkthrough above and you need 
precise helping on where to go, check out the short walkthrough below! 
It doesn't have all the "go left" or "go this way" instructions in the 
dungeons, but if you're stuck at some point, use this:

*: This means that the place is a town.
**: A simple dungeon.
***: A harder dungeon.
****: A hard and complex dungeon.
None: Something else.

Baron Castle:
-Talk to Baigan, then the king.
-Talk to Kain.
-Go to your room and meet Rosa and Cid along the way.
-Go to sleep.
-Meet Kain in the central hall and exit Baron.

Mist Cave**:
-Go through.
-Fight the Mist D.

Mist Village*:
-Open the package.
-Watch as Rydia summons Titan. Then Kain leaves.
-Talk to Rydia.

World Map:
-Go to the center of the desert to Kaipo.

-Go to the inn.
-Rest, defeat the Baron guards.
-Let Rydia join.
-Go to the top-right house.
-Talk to the old man and Rosa.
-Exit Kaipo.

World Map:
-Go north into the valley and enter the cave.

Water Cave****:
-Go left and talk to Tellah.
-Go through to the save point.
-Exit the cave at the north exit, go north.
-Jump the waterfall.
-Defeat Octomamm.
-Exit through the Octomamm path.

World Map:
-Go north, watch Damcyan being destroyed.
-Go over to Damcyan.

-Go to the throne room.
-Talk to Anna, then Edward. Watch the events.
-"You spoony bard!"
-Tellah leaves; Edward joins.
-Go to the world map and use the hovercraft.

World Map:
-Ride the hovercraft east via the shallows.
-Enter the Antlion's Cave.

Antlion Cave**:
-Go through.
-Find Antlion and defeat him.
-Get the Sand Ruby and exit the cave.

World Map:
-Go west of Damcyan through the shallows via hovercraft and into the 
-Enter Kaipo.

-Go to the top-right house.
-Talk to Rosa and use the SandRuby.
-Rest up.
-Watch as Edward goes outside to play the harp.
-Fight thee Water Hag.
-Next day, exit Kaipo.

World Map:
-Go east of the Damcyan area via hovercraft. Go through the shallows to 
the mountain.
-Exit the hovercraft at the mountain and enter.

Mt. Hobs**:
-Follow the path.
-Melt the ice.
-Go to the left path, grab the treasures.
-Go to the right path, follow.
-Meet Yang.
-Fight the monsters.
-Defeat Mombomb and the other bombs.

World Map:
-Head east to Fabul.

-Visit the shops.
-Talk to the king.
-Fight the attacking forces.
-Get to the crystal room.
-Meet Kain.
-Lose Rosa.
-Talk to the king in his room, rest.
-Go to the port east of Fabul.

World Map:
-Go east to the port.
-Board the ship.

-Watch the events.
-Get swallowed by Leviatan.

-Exit, go to Mysidia to the east.

-Don't talk to anyone.
-Go to the big building, talk to the elder, get Palom and Porom to join 
-Exit and make sure everything's ready.

World Map:
-Go east and follow the path.
-Enter Mt. Ordeals.

Mt. Ordeals***:
-Get rid of the flames.
-Watch the Golbez event.
-Go through.
-Meet Tellah.
-Find Milon, fight him.
-Go across the bridge, fight Milon Z.
-Go into the Paladin Room.
-Fight the Dark Knight.
-Regain Tellah's magic.
-Exit Mt. Ordeals.

World Map:
-Head back to Mysidia.

-Talk to the elder.
-Go to the portal house on the right.
-Teleport to Baron.

-Go to the inn.
-Talk to Yang, fight the Guards.
-Fight Yang.
-Go to the door on the left beneath the stairs, enter.

Baron Sewer***:
-Go through.
-Watch for hidden passage with blue patches on the walls.
-Enter Baron Castle.

Baron Castle:
-Go to your room and rest.
-Go to the main hall.
-Talk to Baigan, then fight him.
-Go north, talk to the king.
-Defeat Cagnazzo.
-Meet Cid.
-Watch as Palom and Porom block the walls.
-Watch the Golbez event.
-Get the Enterprise.

World Map:
-Meet the Red Wings airship and learn about your next mission.
-Head to Troia.

Troia Castle:
-Talk to the clerics.
-Go to the left room.
-Talk to Edward.

World Map:
-Walk north of Toroia to the Chocobo forest.
-Catch a Black Chocobo.
-Fly it to the northeast island (northeast of the Troia island).
-Enter the cave.

-Go through.
-You can't use metallic equipment here.
-Get to the Dark Elf.
-Fight and lose.
-Watch the Edward scene.
-Defeat the Dark Elf.
-Get the crystal.

World Map:
-Take the Black Chocobo to Troia castle.

Troia Castle:
-Talk to Edward.
-Go talk to the clerics.
-Go outside, get on the Enterprise.
-Get to the Tower of Zot.

Zot Tower****:
-Go through to the upper levels.
-Grab the elemental equipment in treasure boxes.
-Save near the next boss.
-Fight the three sisters.
-Go back and save.
-Go through the guarded door, meet Golbez.
-Watch as Tellah risks his life to kill Golbez.
-Talk to Kain.
-Go through the door and save Rosa.
-Try to leave and fight Valvalis.
-Teleport to Baron Castle, get the Magma key.
-Exit Baron Castle.

World Map:
-Go south of Baron area to an island that has Agart town on it.

-Go to the well.
-Use the Magma Key when examining the well to open the Underworld.
-Enter the hole.

-Get shot down.
-Enter the Dwarf Castle.

Dwarf Castle*:
-Go forward.
-Talk to King Giott.
-Go into the crystal room.
-Fight Calbrena.
-Fight Golbez and Shadow.
-Get Rydia's help.
-Talk to King Giott.
-Explore the castle.
-Go to the bottom level and have the dwarf open the door for you.
-Go through this part and grab all the treasures.

Dwarf Base*:
-Explore and talk to the dwarves.
-Leave at the southwest exit.

-Follow the path north.
-Enter the Tower of Babil.

Tower of Babil****:
-Go past the bridge.
-Go through Babil Tower.
-Go past the main locked door.
-Go upstairs.
-Keep going, save at the point.
-Find Dr. Lugae and Rubicant.
-Fight Dr. Lugae and Balnab.
-Fight Lugaborg.
-Get the key.
-Go back to the main door.
-Open it, watch the scenes.
-Leave the Tower of Babil.
-Escape from the Red Wings airship.
-Watch the scene and exit the Underworld.

World Map:
-Head to Baron Castle.

Baron Castle:
-Go to the east side.
-Talk to the guys dressed in blue.
-Get the airship upgrade.

World Map:
-Go to the west Mt. Hobs entrance.
-Go above the hovercraft, hook it up.
-Go to the continent with the Tower of Babil sticking out.
-Leave the hovercraft there, then land the airship.
-Take the hovercraft past the southwest shallows of the continent.
-Enter the cave.

Eblan Cave***:
-Go south.
-Enter the town.
-Talk to everyone, buy stuff.
-Keep going through, through one of the doors.
-Talk to the fallen guards.
-Find Edge and Rubicant.
-Get Edge to join you.
-Go through.
-Enter the Tower of Babil again.

Tower of Babil****:
-Go through the wall with Edge.
-Keep going.
-Save at the save point.
-Fight K. Eblan and Q. Eblan.
-Get to Rubicant, fight him.
-Talk to the chamberlain.
-Go into the crystal room.
-Fall down.
-Go through.
-Find the airship.
-Ride it out of the Tower of Babil.

-Go to the Dwarf Castle.

Dwarf Castle*:
-Talk to Giott.
-Go to the infirmary near the Dwarf Base entrance (in the Dwarf 
-Talk to Cid.
-Watch a new upgrade to the Falcon.
-Ride the airship.

-Go south to Tomra if you want new weapons or armor.
-Go west of Tomra into the cave surrounded by mountains.

Sealed Cave***:
-Use the Luca Key to open the door.
-Go through.
-Watch out for Trapdoors that lead to nothing.
-Save at the save point.
-Go into the crystal room.
-Grab the Darkness Crystal.
-Exit the room and fight the Evilwall.
-Leave the Sealed Cave (can't use Exit).
-Golbez mind controls Kain and he betrays you near the entrance and you 
lose the crystal.

-Go back to the Dwarf Castle.

Dwarf Castle*:
-Talk to Giott.
-Go inside Falcon.

-Go to Mysidia.

-Talk to the elder.

-Go to the Big Whale.

Big Whale:
-Board the Big Whale and head to the Moon's Surface.

Moon's Surface:
-Find the crystal, you can't enter it yet, but you will need to know 
where it is.

Lunar Path**:
-Follow the path.

Crystal Palace**:
-Find the crystal.

Moon's Surface:
-Enter the Big Whale.

Big Whale:
-Touch the crystal to return to the overworld.

The Giant of Babil****:
-You will automatically be sent here.
-Enter the dungeon.
-Follow path.
-Kill elements.
-Go to lung room.
-Kill CPU, Attacker, and Defender.

Big Whale:
-After you complete Babil you will be sent to the Big Whale.
-Land at the Lunar Path.

Lunar Path**:
-Head to the Central Moon.

Central Moon:
-Head to the Crystal Palace.

Crystal Palace:
-Head to Lunar Core.

Lunar Core*****:
-Fight the White Dragon.
-Go to the Lance.
-Fight Plague.
-Fight Lunasaurs.
-Keep going and fight Opogogo.
-Watch the cutscene.
-Fight Zeromus.
-Credits role.

Congratulations! You have just beaten Final Fantasy IV!

=                                4: Items                             =
=                                --------                             =

-Regular Items-

Effect: Heals HP
Location: Shops
Use: Anywhere
Will heal a small amount of HP to a party member. Most of these are 
found in shops, but they are actually useful only to characters such as 
Rydia and Edward, who you find early in the game. They're still useful 
to other character early in the game, but you may want to buy Hi-
Potions for them instead.

Effect: Heals HP
Location: Shops
Use: Anywhere
This Cure item restores more HP than the Potion but is still not very 
useful. By the time you find them in shops most of your characters' HP 
will be big, and Hi-Potion will restore less than half of their HP 
amount. Still, buy these to use to heal your character MULTIPLE times 
outside of battle.

Effect: Heals HP
Location: Treasure Chests/Stolen/dropped item
Use: Anywhere
These are not sold in shops, but restore more HP than the potions and 
Hi-Potions. Still, these should only be sued outside of battle because 
they don't restore much HP either. They can't be sold, but YOU can sell 

Effect: Heals MP
Location: Shops
Use: Anywhere
They cost A LOT of money (1000Gil) and are available practically all 
the time in any shop. Once you get Tellah and Rosa stock up on these at 
your local shop. They restore about 50MP and are quite useful early in 
the game.

Effect: Heals MP
Location: Treasure Chests/Stolen/dropped item
Use: Anywhere
Ether2 is much better than Ether1 and restores about 100-120MP to a 
character. It is almost useless, no offense. It's only useful in a big 
and epic battle, but outside of battle - no. Two Ethers can give you 
100MP while Ether2 is like wasting 20 Ethers since it's rare and isn't 

Effect: Heals any Status Abnormality
Location: Shops
Use: Anywhere
This is pretty useful. It's not only cheap, but heals every single 
status effect. Sure, not many enemies cause bad statuses, but you may 
get yourself caught in a petrifying countdown. Any status effect is 
cured except for faint (swoon).

Effect: Revives Swoon Character
Location: Shops
Use: Anywhere
What the hell is up with all these crappy, VERY crappy, healing items? 
Sure, this revives a character from swoon status (AKA faint) but with 
only 10% FRIGGIN' HP! What's worse is using it in battle. Sure, someone 
will be revived, but the enemy has a tendency to go after that 
character. Save these up only after battle, and don't use them in 
battle. Use Life spells in battle instead.

Effect: Heals whole party at save point or world map
Location: Shops
Use: Save point/world map only
Buy a lot of Tents. Usually, a save point is right behind a boss in a 
cave/dungeon/whatever. You can use these to recover your HP/MP at the 
save point if you're wounded and can't go on. However, these will not 
revive dead character and doesn't fully restore HP/MP. Still, these are 
good throughout the first three-fourths of the game.

Effect: Heals whole party at save point or world map
Location: Treasure chests/stolen/dropped items
Use: Save Point/world map only
Cabins are better than Tents, but are hard to find. They restore ALL 
HP/MP, ALL status effects, AND swoon characters. But ONLY on a save 
point, just like a Tent. These are rare, but not really worth wasting 
too much of these since you can just revive your characters with Life 
and then use a Tent instead of a Cabin.

Effect: Heals a character completely HP/MP wise
Location: Shops (rare)/Treasure Chests
Use: Anywhere
This item is very good, and is one of the best items in the game. It 
will restore ALL HP/MP to one character. I don't recall any shop that 
has this item, but someone told me they sell it in shops. Although 
maybe I forgot. This item does not heal any status effects including 
death. Use this item only in battles when your characters' stats are 

Effect: Calls a Fat Chocobo that stores items for you
Location: Chocobo Forest
Use: ?
Okay, first of all, I never bothered to mess with Chocobos in this 
game. Except for the time I needed to get to Cave Magnes, I avoided 
Chocobo Forests. This item summons a Fat Chocobo where there's a fat 
Chocobo to store items for you. Since I never used it I don't know 
where. Once you get the Big Whale there's a Fat Chocobo in the south 
room that stores items for you, though.

Effect: Calls a Fat Chocobo that stores items for you
Location: Lunar Core
Use: Area Maps (not World Maps)
This item calls a Fat Chocobo anywhere but the world map to come and 
store items for you. It's different than the Carrot because you can 
call it in dungeons and store items you won't need in the dungeon. 
Still, the Big Whale Fat Chocobo beats this one.

-Key Items-

Effect: Summons Bombs at Mist
Location: Baron
Use: Mist
The King gives Cecil and Kain this so they will take it to Mist. In 
mist it spreads bombs around the village and then Kain disappears and 
Rydia joins. For more information on the storyline, check the 

Effect: Cures Rosa
Location: Antlion Cave
Use: Kaipo
After Cecil finds Rosa in Kaipo wounded, he goes with Rydia to Damcyan 
and Antlion's Cave to find the SandRuby. They meet Tellah in the cave 
leading to Damcyan and then Damcyan gets bombed by the Red Wings. 
Afterwards Tellah leaves and Edward joins you to the Antlion's Cave. 
The Antlion, who appears to be tame, attacks the party but they manage 
to defeat it and obtain the SandRuby. They take it back to Rosa and 
cure her. For more information on the storyline, check the WALKTHROUGH 

Baron Key
Effect: Opens doors in Baron Town
Location: Baron Town
Use: Baron Town
After Cecil, Tellah, Palom and Porom enter Baron, you'll need to go to 
the bar. They'll meet up with Yang, who is mind-controlled by Golbez. 
He attacks them so you'll have to fight him. After beating him, he 
loses the mind barrier and joins up with the Baron Key, which he finds 
on the floor of the inn room. This item opens up any locked door in the 
town of Baron. You'll need to use it go through the sewer to Baron 
Castle. You can also use it to enter the locked Weapons/Armor shop in 
Baron Town.

Effect: Lets you call Edward from far away
Location: Toroia
Use: Cave Magnes
The wounded Edward in Toroia gives this item to you. After Cecil and 
the party head to Cave Magnes and get beaten up by the DarkElf, the 
TwinHarp reacts to Edward and he plays the harp, which travels to the 
Magnes cave via the TwinHarp and destroys the DarkElf's metal barrier, 
revealing his weakness.

Magma Key
Effect: Lets you open the way to the underworld
Location: Baron Castle
Use: Agart Well
After Golbez loses mind control of Kain and the Zot tower sinks into 
the ground, the party warps back to Cecil's room in Baron's Castle via 
Rosa's exit. Kain gives Cecil the Magma Key and joins up, too. He tells 
Cecil that the Magma Key is used to open the underworld, but doesn't 
know where to use it. Golbez gave Kain the key while he was in mind 
control. With the key, go to Agart and to the well, and then drop the 
key there. The mountains near Agart open up and reveal the passage to 
the underworld.

Luca Key
Effect: Opens the Sealed Cave
Location: Dwarf Castle
Use: Sealed Cave
After the party escaped the Tower of Babil with their new airship, the 
Falcon, there is nowhere else to go except the Dwarf Castle. In there, 
Cid remodels the Falcon so it can fly over Magma and Giott tells his 
daughter Luca to give Cecil the key to the Sealed Cave, where the final 
underworld crystal is hidden. She does that and you'll need to head to 
the Sealed Cave, where this item is used.

Rat's Tail
Effect: Gets you the Adamant Ore which gets you the Excalibur Sword
Location: Land of Summoned Monsters
Use: Silvera Mine
After beating Leviathan, you will acquire this item. It is used to get 
you the Adamant Ore. Go to the Silvera Mine southeast of Silvera on the 
island (hook up the hovercraft and bring it to the island with Silvera, 
then use the hovercraft to get to the mine). Go inside and give the 
Rat's Tail to the mini-guy. He'll give you the Adamant Ore. With this, 
go to Tomra and give it to the blacksmith, along with the Legend sword. 
Come back to the town later and speak to the blacksmith and you will 
get the Excalibur sword.

Pink Tail
Effect: Gets you the other ore which is made into the Adaman Armor
Location: Level B5 of Moon's Core
Use: Silvera Mine
I never got this item, because I'm not a crazed lunatic. See, this item 
is VERY hard to get. On Level B5, you encounter Pink Puffs (RARE 
encounter, BTW). Sometimes when you beat them, you will receive this 
item. There's about a 1-96 chance you'll get this item after beating a 
Pink Puff. With this, go to the mine and exchange it for the other 
Adamant Ore, then go to Tomra and give it to the blacksmith. You'll get 
the Adamant Armor, the best armor in the game, after doing that. Don't 
try going for this item. It'll take you a couple of hours. Unless 
you're just gaining money and EXP from the rare Pink Puffs and run into 
this by trial and error, don't try going for it. I'm warning you 
(unless you're lucky and manage to get it on your first Pink Puff 

=                               5: Weapons                            =
=                               ----------                            =

A huge thank you goes to McFadanDaMan for supplying the following 
weapons list.


Name of Sword: Shadow Sword
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Silence magic randomly each time you get a hit 
on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: You have it when you start the game.

Name of Sword: Darkness Sword
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Silence magic randomly each time you get a hit 
on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Cave before the Waterfall in the Water Cavern.

Name of Sword: Death Sword
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Death magic randomly each time you get a hit 
on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: The King of Fabul will give it to you.

Name of Sword: Legend Sword
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It can be exchanged for Legendary Sword Excalibur.
Acquired By: Initially equipped by Paladin.

Name of Sword: Ancient Sword
Attack Power: 37
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This weapon can be used as a dart.
Acquired By: Found at the Waterfall during the Raid on Baron.

Name of Sword: Blood Sword
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 40
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It drains HP from an opponent with each sucessful 
Acquired By: It is found in the Tower of Bab-il.

Name of Sword: Mythril Sword
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword does great against Spirit enemies.
Acquired By: Weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Sleep Sword
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Casts Sleep magic randomly each time you get a hit 
on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Found in castle of Eblan.

Name of Sword: Flame Brand
Attack Power: 65
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Regular attack w/added bonus of Fire 2. Use it as 
item to
cast Fire 2.
Acquired By: Steal from flame dog, or weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Ice Brand
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Pakadin
Special Attribute: Regular attack w/added bonus of Ice 2. Use it as an 
item to
cast Ice 2.
Acquired By: Weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Gorgon Sword
Attack Power: 77
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Casts Stone magic randomly each time you get a hit 
on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Steal from a Black Lizard to get it, you can also win it 
in battle
from them.

Name of Sword: Avenger Sword
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: The sword casts Berserk magic on the equipped 
Acquired By: Found in Case of Sylph.

Name of Sword: Light Sword
Attack Power: 99
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword works super well against the undead.
Acquired By: It is found in the Locked Cave of the Monsters.

Name of Sword: Defense Sword
Attack Power: 105
Defensive Power: 2
Magic Defensive Power: 1
Hit Percentage: 92
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword will raise the defensive power of the 
Acquired By: It is found in the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Sword: Excalibur
Attack Power: 166
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It works well against the undead.
Acquired By: Exchange the Adamant Ore with the weapon kepper southeast 
in the

Name of Sword: Ragnarok
Attack Power: 200
Hit Percentage: 110
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This is by far the strongest sword in the game. It 
strong attacks against everyone.
Acquired By: Defeating the Wyvern in the Moon's Core.


Name of Spear: Spear
Attack Power: 9
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Spear: Wind Spear
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It works well against flying opponents.
Acquired By: Initially equipped during trip to Tower of Zot.

Name of Spear: Fire Spear
Attack Power: 66
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 2 with each successful hit.
Acquired By: Buy it in a weapon shop or steal it from the Flameguard 

Name of Spear: Ice Spear
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 2 with each successful hit.
Acquired By: Buy it in a weapon shot or get it in the Tower of Bab-il.

Name of Spear: Blood Spear
Attack Power: 88
Hit Percentage: 50
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It drains the opponent's Hit Points with each 
Acquired By: Located in Castle of Eblan.

Name of Spear: Gungnir Spear
Attack Power: 92
Defensive Power: 7
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: Increases the defensive power of the equipped 
Acquired By: It is initially equipped after the destruction of the 

Name of Spear: Dragon Spear
Attack Power: 99
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is found in the Moon's Core.

Name of Spear: Holy Lance
Attack Power: 109
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It is strong against undead monsters, and it casts a 
version of White magic with each successful hit.
Acquired By: You receive it after beating Plague.


Name of Blade: Kunai
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Blade: Ashura
Attack Power: 32
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Blade: Kotestu
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: Purchase for 11,000 gold, or find Rubicant to win it.

Name of Blade: Kikuichi
Attack Power: 48
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By:  It is located in the Locked Cave.

Name of Blade: Murasame
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: You can get this from the Pale Dim in the Moon's Core.

Name of Blade: Masamune
Attack Power: 60
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can get this from the Ogopogo in the Moon's Core.


----With claws, it multiplies the attack power of your other equipped

Name of Claw: Fire Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Fire 2 with each hit you pull off 
with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop.

Name of Claw: Ice Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Ice 2 with each hit you pull off 
with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop. 

Name of Claw: Bolt Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Bolt 2 with each hit you pull off 
with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop. 

Name of Claw: Fairy Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 60
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Confusion with each hit you pull 
off with
it on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Dark Elf's cave.

Name of Claw: Hell Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Poison with each hit you pull off 
with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Zot.

Name of Claw: Cat Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Sleep with each hit you pull off 
with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Bab-il.


Name of Rod: Rod
Attack Power: 3
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Rod: Ice Rod
Attack Power: 5
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 1 with each successful hit. It also can 
be used
as an item.
Acquired By: It can be found in the Waterfall Cave, or purchased in a 

Name of Rod: Flame Rod
Attack Power: 7
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 1 with each successful hit. It also 
can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapon shop.

Name of Rod: Thunder Rod
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 40
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Bolt 1 with each successful hit. It also 
can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapon shop.

Name of Rod: Change Rod
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 45
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Toad or Pig randomly with each hit you pull 
on an
enemy. It also can be used as an item.
Acquired By: It is on as soon as you leave the Land of Summoned 

Name of Rod: Charm Rod
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 50
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Confusion with each successful hit. It also 
can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Rod: Fairy Rod
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It can be used as an item to cast a weak version of 
Acquired By: It is located on the Moon's Core.

Name of Rod: Silence Rod
Attack Power: 52
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It is effective against Mages.
Acquired By: It is located in the Crystal Palace.


Name of Staff: Staff
Attack Power: 4
Hit Percentage: 25
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Staff: Cure Staff
Attack Power: 8
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It cures enemies except the undead.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Mythril Staff
Attack Power: 12
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It is very good against undead enemies. 
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Power Staff
Attack Power: 32
Hit Percentage: 44
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Berserk magic with each hit you 
land on an
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Lunar Staff
Attack Power: 36
Hit Percentage: 55
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: You can use it as an item.
Acquired By: You start the game with it after the Land of Summoned 

Name of Staff: Life Staff
Attack Power: 38
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Life 1 magic with each hit you 
land on the
target. It can also be used as an item to cast Life 1.
Acquired By: It is located on the Moon.

Name of Staff: Sage Staff
Attack Power: 48
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: Location unknown.

Name of Staff: Silence Staff
Attack Power: 54
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Silence magic with each hit you 
land on
the enemy.
Acquired By: It is found in the Giant of Bab-il.


Name of Hammer: Wooden Staff 
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start the game with it.

Name of Hammer: Mythril Staff
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Hammer: Gaia Staff
Attack Power: 65
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is found in the Tower of Zot.


Name of Knife: Mythril Dagger
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It is effective against spirits and the undead. 
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapon shop.

Name of Knife: Dancing Dagger
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 44
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It causes a random status effect with each 
successful hit
you land on the enemy.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapon shop.

Name of Knife: Assassin
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Swoon magic with each hit it lands 
on an
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Knife: Mute Knife
Attack Power: 36
Hit Percentage: 77
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Silence magic with each hit it 
lands on an
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Knife: Knife
Attack Power: 255
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: No one
Special Attribute: It can only be thrown, works well vs. aerial 
Acquired By: Get it from Yang's wife.


Name of Bow: Short Bow
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Cross Bow
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Great Bow
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Archer Bow
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 55
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Elven Bow
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 60
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Cave of Slyph in the underworld.

Name of Bow: Yoichi Bow
Attack Power: 60
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Locked Cave of the underworld.

Name of Bow: Artemis Bow
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It works very well against Dragons.
Acquired By: You can steal it from a Kary or Warlock on the Moon.


Name of Arrows: Medusa Arrows
Attack Power: 1
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: Added bonus of Petrify.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Brass Arrows
Attack Power: 3
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Holy Arrows
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: They are very effective against undead monsters.
Acquired By: They can be found in Mt. Ordeals.

Name of Arrows: Fire Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 1 with each successful hit on an 
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Ice Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 1 with each successful hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Bolt Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Bolt 1 with each successful hit on an 
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Darkness Arrows
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Curse magic randomly with each successful 
hit on an
Acquired By: They are located in the Underworld.

Name of Arrows: Poison Arrows
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Poison magic randomly with each successful 
hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Mute Arrows
Attack Power: 35
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Silence magic randomly with each successful 
hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Angel Arrows
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Confuse magic with each successful hit on 
an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Yoichi Arrows
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop. They can also be 
found in
the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Arrows: Artemis Arrows
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: They work very well against Dragons.
Acquired By: They can be stolen from the Kary on the moon.


Name of Axe: Hand Axe
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Zot.

Name of Axe: Dwarf Axe
Attack Power: 62
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in the Dwarf Castle.

Name of Axe: Ogre Axe
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It is very effective against giants.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Axe: Poison Axe
Attack Power: 95
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Poison magic randomly each time you land a 
hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Axe: Rune Axe
Attack Power: 102
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Swoon randomly each time you land a hit on 
an enemy.
Acquired By: You have to defeat two Red Giants, and the second one 
drops it.


Name of Whip: Whip
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a 
hit on an
Acquired By: You start off with it.

Name of Whip: Chain Whip
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a 
hit on an
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Whip: Blitz Whip
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a 
hit on an
enemy. It also casts Bolt 2 each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Whip: Fire Lash
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a 
hit on an
enemy. It also casts Fire 3 each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located on the moon.

Name of Whip: Serpent Whip
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Paralyze magic randomly each time you land 
a hit on
an enemy. It
Acquired By: It is located on the Crystal Palace.

Name of Whip: Dragon Whip
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It works very well against dragons, it casts Hold 
randomly each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: Win a battle against two Blue Dragons.

=                              6: Armors                              =
=                              ---------                              =

Another thank you goes to McFadanDaMan for supplying this list as well. 
As you can tell we would be screwed without him.


Name of Shield: Iron Shield
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Nothing.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 100 G.

Name of Shield: Shadow Shield
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is effective against Undead attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 200 G.

Name of Shield: Demon Shield
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is effective against Undead attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 400 G.

Name of Shield: Paladin Shield
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: Nothing.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 700 G.

Name of Shield: Ice Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Strong against Ice attacks, weak against Fire 
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 10000 G, located in Tower of 

Name of Shield: Flame Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Strong against Fire attacks, weak against Ice 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1250G, located in Tower of 

Name of Shield: Mythril Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1000G.

Name of Shield: Aegis Shield
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Petrify attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 20,000G.

Name of Shield: Diamond Shield
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Kain, Cid, Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 15,000G.

Name of Shield: Genji Shield
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Bahamut Cave.

Name of Shield: Dragon Shield
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It does 1/2 damage against Fire attacks, Ice 
attacks, and
Bolt attacks.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Shield: Crystal Shield
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.


Name of Helmet: Leather
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Initially equipped, or buy it at an armor shop for 100 

Name of Helmet: Headband
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 450 gil.

Name of Helmet: Feather
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 330 gil.

Name of Helmet: Iron
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 150 gil.

Name of Helmet: Bandanna
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Magus
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped By: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 700 gil.

Name of Helmet: Shadow
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Hades
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Ninja
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It protects the wearer against Sleep.
Acquired By: None

Name of Helmet: Wizard
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped By: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 2000 G.

Name of Helmet: Demon
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 980 G.

Name of Helmet: Tiara
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 10
Equipped By: Rosa/Rydia/Porom
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 20,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Paladin
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 4,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Mythril
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 3,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Diamond
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 10,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Ribbon
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It prevents all status attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Floor B7F of the Moon Core, fight Lunasaurs.

Name of Helmet: Genji
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 6
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Bahamut Cave

Name of Helmet: Dragon
Defense: 11
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice, Fire, and Bolt attacks, 
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core.

Name of Helmet: Crystal
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 8
Equipped By: Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice, Fire, and Bolt attacks, 
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core. 

Name of Helmet: Glass
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It protects against all status effects.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core, win it from an Evil Mask.


Name of Armor: Prisoner
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Sleep magic.
Acquired By: It is initally equipped.

Name of Armor: Clothes
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 50 G.

Name of Armor: Bard
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against the Silence status effect.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 700 G.

Name of Armor: Leather
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 200 G.

Name of Armor: Kenpo
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 4000 G.

Name of Armor: Gaia Gear
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against the Petrify status effect.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 500 G.

Name of Armor: Iron
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 600 G.

Name of Armor: Shadow
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Antlion's Den.

Name of Armor: Wizard
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1200 G.

Name of Armor: Hades
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It is located in the Water Cavern.

Name of Armor: Black
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 10,000 G.

Name of Armor: Demon
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in armor shop for 3,000 G.

Name of Armor: Black Belt
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 14,000 G.

Name of Armor: Paladin
Defense: 11
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 8,000 G.

Name of Armor: Sorcerer
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 9
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting the damage 
in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 30,000 G.

Name of Armor: Flame
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice attacks, cutting the damage 
in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 30,000 G. Also located in 
Tower of Zot.

Name of Armor: Mythril
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Kain, Cecil, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 17,000 G. 

Name of Armor: Power Vest
Defense: 15
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Win them from a Behemoth in Bahamut Cave or Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Ice Armor
Defense: 17
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against fire attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 35,000 G.

Name of Armor: White
Defense: 18
Magic Defense: 10
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against Darkness attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Diamond
Defense: 19
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 40,000 G.

Name of Armor: Minerva
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Porom
Special Attribute: It protects against Paralyze attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Genji
Defense: 21
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Bahamut's Cave.

Name of Armor: Dragon
Defense: 23
Magic Defense: 8 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Ice, and Fire attacks, 
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Ninja
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 13 
Equipped by: Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased in an armor shop for 64,000 G.

Name of Armor: Crystal
Defense: 25
Magic Defense: 10 
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against all status effects. 
Acquired By: Located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Adamant
Defense: 100
Magic Defense: 20
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: All stats increase by 15.
Acquired By: Get the Pink Tail and give it to the Tail Collector.

-Arm Gear-

Name of Arm Gear: Ruby Ring
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 3 
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against the Pig status.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Cursed Ring
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 0 
Equipped by: Everyone
Special Attribute: Benefits Dark Knight, hurts everyone else, it 
absorbs every
magical attack.
Acquired By: Win it from a Spirit.

Name of Arm Gear: Strength Bracelet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 2 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Rydia, Yang, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 760 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Shadow Gauntlet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0 
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is strong against undead attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 260 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Iron Gauntlet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0 
Equipped by: Cid, Kain, Cid, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 130 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Iron Ring
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 2 
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 100 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Hades Gauntlet
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2 
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is strong against darkness attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 320 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Rune Gauntlet
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 8 
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against Silence attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 2000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Demon Gauntlet
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 0 
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 800 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Silver Gauntlet
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 4 
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 650 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Paladin Gauntlet
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1 
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None 
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 3000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Gold Ring
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 8 
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edward, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 4000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Mythril Gauntlet
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 2 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 2000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Diamond Gauntlet
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 3 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in 
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 5000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Genji Gauntlet
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 3 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It is located in Bahamut's Cave.

Name of Arm Gear: Dragon Gauntlet
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 7 
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Fire, and Ice attacks, 
damage in half.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Crystal Gauntlet
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 7 
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None 
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Zeus Gauntlet
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Rydia, Yang, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against the Mini status effect.
Acquired By: Win it from a Skeleton.

Name of Arm Gear: Protect Ring
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 3 
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Fire, and Ice attacks, 
damage in half.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Crystal Ring
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 12 
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Confuse, Paralyze, and Sleep 
Acquired By: It is won from 2 Fatal Eyes.

=                              7: Magic                               =
=                              --------                               =

Again, another thanks goes out to McFaanDaMan for supplying this list 
as well.

-White Magic-

----Used by: Porom, Rosa, Foo-so-ya, Tella, Paladian Cecil, Rydia----

Name: Cure
Magic Points Used: 3
Description: Low level cure spell. Heals a decent amount, not too much.

Name: Hold
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: It holds a target still so they will be vulnerable to any 

Name: Scan
Magic Points Used: 1
Description: Like Scan magic, you can check out how much Hit Points and
weakness an enemy has.

Name: Slow
Magic Points Used: 14
Description: This magic will make the enemy you target go slower.

Name: Sight
Magic Points Used: 2
Description: This magic allows you to see the world map. 

Name: Cure 2
Magic Points Used: 9
Description: This is a medium level cure spell.

Name: Life 1
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: It brings an enemy back to life.

Name: Shell
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: It protects against enemy magical attacks.

Name: Armor
Magic Points Used: 9
Description: It protects against enemy physical attacks.

Name: Mute
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: It prevents the targeted enemy from using a magical 

Name: Esuna
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: It cures status ailments.

Name: Dispel
Magic Points Used: 12
Description: It removes benedicial status conditions.

Name: Berserk
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: Every time this person turn comes, he/she will attack, at 
increased attack power.

Name: Exit
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: This is used to escape a Cave or dungeon. Does not work in 
a town.

Name: Blink
Magic Points Used: 8
Description: It makes a character able to evade easier.

Name: Charm
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: This makes one of your opponents an ally.

Name: Cure 3
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: This is a high level cure spell.

Name: Mini
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: This causes a enemy to shrink to a smaller size, 
decreasing its
statistics severely.

Name: Haste
Magic Points Used: 25
Description: This increases the target's speed rating.

Name: Float
Magic Points Used: 8
Description: It allows your characters to hover in the air.

Name: Wall
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: It makes a protective barrier than protects against most 
kinds of

Name: Cure 4
Magic Points Used: 40
Description: It completely heals all the character's HP. Max HP 

Name: Life 2
Magic Points Used: 52
Description: It brings a character back to life and restores all their 

Name: Holy
Magic Points Used: 46
Description: Offensive white magic that causes holy based damage.

-Black Magic-

----Used by: Tellah, Foo-soo-ya, Rydia, Palom----

Name: Ice 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level ice attack that does minor damage.

Name: Bolt 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level lightning attack that does minor 

Name: Sleep
Magic Points Used: 12
Description: This puts the selected enemy to sleep.

Name: Fire 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level fire attack that does minor damage.

Name: Venom
Magic Points Used: 2
Description: This spell attacks the selected enemy with poison.

Name: Toad
Magic Points Used: 7
Description: This spell turns the targeted enemy into a toad.

Name: Warp
Magic Points Used: 4
Description: This magic allows you to move to the previous room in a 

Name: Stop
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This spell causes the targeted enemy to stop.

Name: Piggy
Magic Points Used: 1
Description: This spell turns the targeted enemy into a pig.

Name: Fire 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level fire spell that causes moderate 

Name: Ice 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level ice spell that causes moderate 

Name: Bolt 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level thunder spell that causes moderate 

Name: Bio
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: This spell causes non elemental damage and gradually 
reduces HP. Of the poison variety.

Name: Psych
Magic Points Used: 0
Description: This spell steals MP from one target and gives the MP to 

Name: Drain
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: This spell steals HP from one target and gives the HP to 

Name: Ice 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level ice spell that causes tons of damage.

Name: Fire 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level fire spell that causes tons of 

Name: Bolt 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level thunder spell that causes tons of 

Name: Quake
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is an earth elemental damage attack, it causes the 
ground to

Name: BStone
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This spell causes the enemy to turn to stone.

Name: Wind
Magic Points Used: 20
Description:  This spell places the targeted enemy in a near fatal 

Name: Death
Magic Points Used: 35
Description: If this spell is successful, it will instantly kill the 

Name: Flare
Magic Points Used: 50
Description: This spell shoots off big ass flames from the sky, causing 
amounts of damage.

Name: Meteo
Magic Points Used: 99
Description: This attack can hit several times for huge amounts of 

-Call Magic-

----Used by: Rydia----

Name: Chocobo
Magic Points Used: 7
Attack: Chocobo Kick
Description: A big ass chocobo comes out of nowhere and super kicks an 
Gained When: Rydia first joins your party.

Name: Mist 
Magic Points Used: 20
Attack: Mist Breath
Description: A dragon shoots out water based mist at an enemy.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Titan
Magic Points Used: 40
Attack: Anger of the Land
Description: It shoots off a earth based attack at enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Shiva
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Ice Storm
Description: Shiva will come out and shoot ice at all enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Ramuh
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Lightning of Justice
Description: Indra will come out and shoot lightning at the enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Ifrit
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Hellfire
Description: Ifrit will come in and use strong fire magic against the 
Gained When: Level up

Name: Sylph
Magic Points Used: 25
Attack: Whisper of the Wind
Description: It regains HP and puts up a barrier around you.
Gained When: Found in the Sylvan Cave.

Name: Odin
Magic Points Used: 45
Attack: Zantetsuken
Description: Kills an enemy instantly, but he just shows up sometimes.
Gained When: Found in the basement of Baron Castle.

Name: Asura
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Asura
Description: Summons energy and attacks enemies and heals HP.
Gained When: Kill Asura in the Land of the Summoned Monsters.

Name: Leviathan
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Tsunami
Description: A big tidal wave gushes over the enemies, causing damage.
Gained When: Kill Leviathan in the Land of the Summoned Monsters.

Name: Bahamut
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Megaflare
Description: This causes a crapload of non elemental damage to all 
Gained When: Found in the cave on the moon, defeat Bahamut to get it.

Name: Goblin
Magic Points Used: 1
Attack: Goblin Punch
Description: Weak attack, works like the Chocobo Kick.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Goblin.

Name: Bomb
Magic Points Used: 10
Attack: Self Destruct
Description: Kill an enemy, sacrifice yourself.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Bomb. 

Name: Mage
Magic Points Used: 18
Attack: Mindblast
Description: Gain MP from enemies.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Mind Flayer.

Name: Cockatrice
Magic Points Used: 15
Attack: Stone Beak
Description: It turns enemies to stone.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Cockatrice.

-Ninja Magic-

----Used by: Edge----

Name: Flame
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a fire attack.

Name: Flood
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: This is a flood attack.

Name: Blitz
Magic Points Used: 25
Description: This is a lightning attack.

Name: Pin
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is used to paraylze the enemy.

Name: Smoke
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: You can use this to escape from a battle very easily, 

Name: Image
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: With this, invading attacks become easier.

=                             8: Bestiary                             =
=                             -----------                             =

Here are the monsters, I put them in the order they appear in.

* Monsters with this symbol by their name is marked as a boss fight.

Float Eye
HP: 20
Gold: 10
Exp: 40

Sword Rat
HP: 30
Gold: 20
Exp: 70

HP: 5
Gold: 10
Exp: 20

HP: 22
Gold: 10
Exp: 50

HP: 26
Gold: 15
Exp: 50

HP: 34
Gold: 20
Exp: 80

Mist Dragon*:
HP: 450
Gold: 200
Exp: 700

HP: 60
Gold: 25
Exp: 80

HP: 21
Gold: 20
Exp: 80

HP: 220
Gold: 190
Exp: 400

HP: 30
Gold: 55
Exp: 160

Evil Shel:
HP: 58
Gold: 30
Exp: 110

HP: 40
Gold: 35
Exp: 120

HP: 65
Gold: 35
Exp: 120

Cave Toad:
HP: 44
Gold: 25
Exp: 90

HP: 2280
Gold: 500
Exp: 1000

Water Bug:
HP: 110
Gold: 65
Exp: 230

HP: 35
Gold: 35
Exp: 140

HP: 75
Gold: 25
Exp: 88

HP: 150
Gold: 45
Exp: 240

HP: 150
Gold: 80
Exp: 240

Imp Captain:
HP: 39
Gold: 20
Exp: 189

HP: 55
Gold: 35
Exp: 150

HP: 100
Gold: 30
Exp: 120

HP: 90
Gold: 40
Exp: 140

HP: 1500
Gold: 800
Exp: 1500

HP: 99999
Gold: 100
Exp: 800

HP: 50
Gold: 125
Exp: 240

HP: 50
Gold: 125
Exp: 290

HP: 100
Gold: 120
Exp: 280

HP: 160
Gold: 100
Exp: 320

Red Bone:
HP: 170
Gold: 170
Exp: 320

HP: 7000 (blows up)
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 50
Gold: 80
Exp: 370

HP: 100
Gold: 105
Exp: 450

HP: 110
Gold: 145
Exp: 370

HP: 65
Gold: 100
Exp: 410

HP: 320
Gold: 155
Exp: 608

HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 940
Gold: 700
Exp: 740

Tiny Mage:
HP: 60
Gold: 100
Exp: 260

HP: 320
Gold: 365
Exp: 2770

HP: 150
Gold: 165
Exp: 510

HP: 120
Gold: 180
Exp: 579

HP: 100
Gold: 160
Exp: 479

HP: 160
Gold: 190
Exp: 679

HP: 170
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 2500
Gold: 3300
Exp: 3800

Milon Z*:
HP: 3000
Gold: 3000
Exp: 4000

Dark Knight (Cecil)*:
HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 400
Gold: 500
Exp: 720

HP: 2000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 290
Gold: 300
Exp: 870

HP: 200
Gold: 230
Exp: 650

HP: 105
Gold: 145
Exp: 460

Aqua Worm:
HP: 638
Gold: 350
Exp: 1200

Fang Shel:
HP: 300
Gold: 350
Exp: 1050

HP: 200
Gold: 230
Exp: 680

HP: 3500
Gold: 3000
Exp: 4830

HP: 300
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 300
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 5000
Gold: 4000
Exp: 5500

Cave Bat:
HP: 150
Gold: 155
Exp: 630

HP: 300
Gold: 220
Exp: 1270

HP: 250
Gold: 195
Exp: 810

HP: 285
Gold: 255
Exp: 820

HP: 860
Gold: 240
Exp: 1100

HP: 90
Gold: 225
Exp: 760

Cave Naga:
HP: 255
Gold: 205
Exp: 748

HP: 500
Gold: 235
Exp: 1100

HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 3000
Gold: 5000
Exp: 6000

HP: 260
Gold: 150
Exp: 909

HP: 50
Gold: 50
Exp: 750

Ice Liz:
HP: 400
Gold: 290
Exp: 1500

Ice Beast:
HP: 445
Gold: 280
Exp: 1570

HP: 370
Gold: 220
Exp: 571

HP: 380
Gold: 175
Exp: 1000

Flame Dog:
HP: 1221
Gold: 245
Exp: 1280

HP: 390
Gold: 210
Exp: 1258

HP: 385
Gold: 275
Exp: 1445

HP: 700
Gold: 230
Exp: 1350

HP: 300
Gold: 270
Exp: 1400

HP: 475
Gold: 190
Exp: 1150

HP: 300
Gold: 310
Exp: 1672

HP: 320
Gold: 180
Exp: 1100

HP: 2000
Gold: 5000
Exp: 5000

HP: 4000
Gold: 5000
Exp: 5000

HP: 2500
Gold: 5000
Exp: 5000

HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 6000
Gold: 5500
Exp: 9500

Black Lizard:
HP: 700
Gold: 45
Exp: 1300

HP: 300
Gold: 195
Exp: 1600

HP: 400
Gold: 235
Exp: 1700

HP: 600
Gold: 500
Exp: 1250

HP: 350
Gold: 500
Exp: 1250

HP: 5000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 19000

HP: 820
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 1400
Gold: 380
Exp: 2100

HP: 595
Gold: 300
Exp: 2160

HP: 2000
Gold: 240
Exp: 2950

HP: 100
Gold: 25
Exp: 1050

HP: 1000
Gold: 250
Exp: 1120

Dr. Lugae*:
HP: 3000
Gold: None
Exp: None

HP: 3000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 6000
Gold: 4000
Exp: 15000

Dark Imp:
HP: 200
Gold: 150
Exp: 1350

HP: 1020
Gold: 150
Exp: 1400

HP: 75
Gold: 85
Exp: 1020

HP: 100
Gold: 235
Exp: 1100

HP: 570
Gold: 205
Exp: 1510

Giant Bat:
HP: 400
Gold: 385
Exp: 1280

Mad Ogre:
HP: 1700
Gold: 270
Exp: 2370

HP: 2000
Gold: 445
Exp: 2100

HP: 600
Gold: 315
Exp: 2500

HP: 1200
Gold: 1110
Exp: 2050

HP: 750
Gold: 120
Exp: 1580

HP: 1400
Gold: 150
Exp: 2465

Black Cat:
HP: 630
Gold: 345
Exp: 2800

King Eblan*:
HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

Queen Eblan*:
HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 21000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 25000

HP: 960
Gold: 275
Exp: 2300

HP: 2300
Gold: 385
Exp: 3700

HP: 1060
Gold: 215
Exp: 2600

HP: 850
Gold: 315
Exp: 3200

HP: 800
Gold: 40
Exp: 2830

HP: 2000
Gold: 460
Exp: 11400

HP: 575
Gold: 350
Exp: 2800

HP: 3000
Gold: 600
Exp: 3500

HP: 1200
Gold: 365
Exp: 3700

Queen Lamia:
HP: 1120
Gold: 250
Exp: 2900

HP: 350
Gold: 35
Exp: 1210

Red Eye:
HP: 2006
Gold: 465
Exp: 3500

HP: 400
Gold: 335
Exp: 1850

Dark Tree:
HP: 1800
Gold: 525
Exp: 5550

HP: 3500
Gold: 585
Exp: 4400

HP: 1900
Gold: 435
Exp: 4000

HP: 3000
Gold: 650
Exp: 6400

HP: 2400
Gold: 575
Exp: 4300

HP: 3000
Gold: 465
Exp: 3600

HP: 1200
Gold: 240
Exp: 3600

HP: 7000
Gold: 900
Exp: 9000

HP: 22000
Gold: 0
Exp: 20000

HP: 38000
Gold: 0
Exp: 28000

HP: 2500
Gold: 190
Exp: 4666

HP: 900
Gold: 360 
Exp: 2050

HP: 1000
Gold: 200
Exp: 3100

HP: 5000
Gold: 4500
Exp: 31000

Evil Wall*:
HP: 19000
Gold: 8000
Exp: 23000

HP: 22000
Gold: 0
Exp: 18000

HP: 1200
Gold: 1200
Exp: 3050

HP: 845
Gold: 630
Exp: 2650

HP: 2200
Gold: 1850
Exp: 8100

HP: 1670
Gold: 1560
Exp: 7200

Red Worm:
HP: 7000
Gold: 310
Exp: 7350

Moon Cell:
HP: 1000
Gold: 1100
Exp: 3300

HP: 2800
Gold: 2500
Exp: 13100

HP: 4300
Gold: 2400
Exp: 17300

Red Giant:
HP: 12000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 18900

HP: 16000 (all three)
Gold: 65000
Exp: 59000

HP: 37000
Gold: 55000
Exp: 78000

HP: 8600
Gold: 1500
Exp: 31000

HP: 3000
Gold: 1220
Exp: 9900

HP: 1700
Gold: 900
Exp: 3250

D Machine:
HP: 16000
Gold: 2600
Exp: 42000

Milon Z* (Elements):
HP: 18000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 27000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 24000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 26000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15625

HP: 21000
Gold: 10000
Exp: 15000

HP: 2000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 2000
Gold: 360
Exp: 360

D. Fossil:
HP: 10000
Gold: 6000
Exp: 15100

Fatal Eye:
HP: 25000
Gold: 65000
Exp: 40000

HP: 8500
Gold: 23000
Exp: 30000

HP: 12000
Gold: 10700
Exp: 21000

Pink Puff:
HP: 10000
Gold: 55555
Exp: 10000

Pale Dim*:
HP: 28000
Gold: 0
Exp: 59000

Red Dragon*:
HP: 16000
Gold: 60000
Exp: 52000

Blue Dragon*:
HP: 16000
Gold: 40000
Exp: 39000

HP: 30000
Gold: 600
Exp: 31200 

HP: 16000
Gold: 0
Exp: 50000

HP: 30000
Gold: 0
Exp: 65500

HP: 36000
Gold: 0
Exp: 61500

HP: 10,000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 107,700
Gold: 0
Exp: 0 

=                            9: Boss Guide                            =
=                            -------------                            =

-Location Guide-

D. Mist:
Location: Mist Cave
Difficulty: 1/5

Location: Water Cavern
Difficulty: 2/5

Location: Antlion Den
Difficulty: 1.5/5

Location: Mt. Hobs
Difficulty: 2.5/5

Location: Mt. Ordeals
Difficulty: 2.5/5

Milon Z:
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Difficulty: 2/5

Guard x2:
Location: Baron Town
Difficulty: 4/5

Location: Baron Town
Difficulty: 1.5/5

Location: Baron Castle
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Baron Castle
Difficulty: 0.5/5

Dark Elf/Dragon:
Location: Magnetic Cave
Difficulty: 2/5

Magus Sisters:
Location: Tower of Zot
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Tower of Zot
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Dwarf Crystal Room
Difficulty: 3/5

Location: Dwarf Crystal Room
Difficulty: 2/5

Dr. Lugae/Balnab:
Location: Tower of Babil
Difficulty: 1.5/5

Location: Tower of Babil
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Tower of Babil
Difficulty: 3/5

Location: Sealed Cave
Difficulty: 4.5/5

Location: Giant of Babil
Difficulty: 4/5

Location: Giant of Babil
Difficulty: 2.5/5
Location: Bahamut Cave
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Bahamut Cave
Difficulty: 4.5/5

Location: Cave of Summons
Difficulty: 2/5

Location: Cave of Summons
Difficulty: 4/5

Pale Dim:
Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 3/5

Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 5/5

Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 4.5/5

Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 4.5/5

Location: Lunar Sub.
Difficulty: 5/5

-Strategy Guide-

HP: 450
Gold: 200
Exp: 700

This boss is easy. Have Kain use Jump and Cecil attack. Heal when 
you're low on health. The dragon will transform itself into mist. When 
it does this don't attack, because it will counterattack with a pretty 
powerful spell. Wait till it turns back to the dragon and continue 
attacking it.

HP: 220, 30
Gold: 190, 55
Exp: 400, 160

Don't attack the soldiers first, because if you kill them the Officer 
will escape, and you won't get his Experience. Attack the Officer first 
until he's dead, then go after the soldiers.

HP: 2280
Gold: 500
Exp: 1000

This guy has 8 parts to him, and you'll need to attack them one at a 
time. Cecil should attack, Rydia should heal, and Tellah should use hit 
Lit spell. Each part has about 200-400HP, and the more parts you get 
rid of the less attacks you will receive from the tentacles. It's 
pretty easy but make sure Rydia's always alive and even until the end 
of the battle, because she won't get the Experience from Octomamm if 
she isn't alive until then.  The last part of Octomamm has a slightly 
bigger number of HPs than the others, so make sure you're ready for 
some whackin'.

HP: 1500
Gold: 800
Exp: 1500

This guy will seem easy at first since he does less than 20 damage. 
Since Edward is extremely useless and Rydia is almost (ALMOST) useless, 
you're gonna have to rely on Cecil here. When you attack Antlion he 
will always counter attack. However, he counterattacks a random person, 
doing 30 or so damage. This can fatal to Edward and Rydia, though. Have 
Edward defend (parry) and Rydia heal and use the Chocobo summon 
beforehand. That way the battle should be a piece of cake (or just have 
Edward use his Hide command).

HP: 7000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This thing you cannot defeat, but you need to attack it. It has some 
damaging attacks which can do about 100 damage to a character - very 
dangerous to Rydia and Edward. Have Rydia summon Chocobo and Rosa heal, 
while Yang and Cecil do their regular attack. Take out half it's HP and 
after a while it'll turn big and a message "Exploding..." will appear. 
Immediately make sure you have over 100HP healed for each turn, because 
the Mombomb will do about 90 damage to each character with the 
explosion. After it does explode, 3 Gray Bombs and 3 Bombs come out. 
They're hard, believe it or not. Use Yang's kick and heal up, since 
they can also explode, causing about 80 damage to one character.

HP: 2500
Gold: 3300
Exp: 3800

This can be pretty tough. You always do 1 damage to the Ghasts so it 
figures that you have to kill them another way. Keep Palom and Porom 
protected and select "Twin". Make sure they don't die while loading the 
twin magic! They will release it doing a very powerful random spell on 
all enemies. This should kill all the Ghasts and damage Milon greatly. 
After that Milon can really annoy you because of hit Lightning attack 
three times in a row. Just have Cecil attack and Tellah heal while 
Palom and Porom are either dead or charge up for another twin attack.

HP: 3000
Gold: 3000
Exp: 4000

Although it's a back attack, this battle is actually easier than the 
last. Milon Z does a lot of poison spells, and sometimes over 110HP of 
damage, but he isn't as hard as the last battle with Milon. If you're 
poisoned, don't heal it, just keep on fighting. Palom and Porom should 
use Twin, Tellah should heal and Cecil should attack. Cecil should 
deliver 300 damage each turn if he has the Black Sword so it should be 
cake. This battle is not too hard so don't worry.

HP: 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This may seem easy since now you're a Paladin, but you can't defeat the 
dark knight. He will keep on using Dragon Wave on you, which does about 
100 HP of damage. You have a lot of HP, but since Cecil's sword sucks 
ass, just defend. Attack a couple of times to progress, then the 
message will change and the dark knight will disappear.

HP: 400
Gold: 500
Exp: 720

These two are TOUGH! They don't have very much HP but they have the 
Size attack that reduces your size to mini, very dangerous! They also 
attack, doing 250HP, which is definitely fatal to Palom and Porom. 
Hopefully you can beat this battle fast. Use Tellah's very powerful 
magic and you should be able to kill them in one or two hits.

HP: 2000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This battle would've been easier if the two guards didn't wear you down 
so much. Yang taunts and kicks, doing 100 damage to all. I think he 
also punches, never saw him though. This battle isn't too hard, so stay 

HP: 3500
Gold: 3000
Exp: 4830

HP: 300
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 300
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This can be tough. The arms can do powerful stuff on you, or cast Wall 
on Baigan. This can be dangerous. If you kill the arms, Baigan will 
immediately use Recover to get them all back, so you're gonna have to 
be quick here. Get Tellah to use Lit3 on Baigan quickly before Wall is 
cast. Cecil should attack Baigan while Yang do whatever you want him to 
do and Palom and Porom do Twin. 

HP: 5000
Gold: 4000
Exp: 5500

This is the easiest boss in the game. No doubt about it, even though 
he's an element. He is MEANT to be easy. His wave attack only does 100 
damage to the whole party. All you have to do here is Tellah's Lit3 
anytime. This does 3000+ damage to him. Do it again and he's dead. 
Don't be afraid when he's surrounded by a wave, it just means he'll be 
doing his wave attack next turn.

DARK ELF (after TwinHarp)
HP: 3000
Gold: 5000
Exp: 7500

He isn't too hard as his spells do jack now. Just attack him a couple 
of times and he'll turn into a dragon. This battle is a little harder, 
but persevere. Use Tellah's Lit3 and everyone else should attack. He 
doesn't have a lot of powerful spells so this battle isn't something I 
would call major.

HP: 2500 (Sandy), 4000 (Cindy), 2000 (Mindy)
Gold: 15000
Exp: 15000

These three are tough. Sandy will cast Wall on Cindy, Cindy will help 
out Mindy, and Mindy will use an attack on a character. Afterwards they 
do a Delta Attack, which is actually a powerful spell like Fire3 or 
OF ZOT EQUIPPED!!! If you do, any fire attacks will do double damage on 
you. Have Tellah use Lit3 to try to kill the sister without Wall first. 
Mainly, aim for Cindy first, because she will be a definite threat when 
alone. Sandy likes to cast Wall on a sister and then cast a spell on 
her to reflect on a random character in your party. Since Sandy casts 
Wall, kill her first so she doesn't do it again. Once she is dead wait 
for any enemy with Wall to have the Wall disappear and attack Cindy. Do 
not let Cindy live last. If you do, she will fully revive Sandy and 
Mindy. Kill Cindy then attack Mindy.

HP: 6000
Gold: 5500
Exp: 9500

This battle is tough! You have Kain replacing Tellah and you also have 
Rosa, who DID gain some levels and now has 699HP. Valvalis is tough, 
first she will do some hard attacking on you, so make sure you preserve 
Rosa's turns for later and use healing items. The real problem is the 
fact that she will turn into a tornado and do some really hurtful 
attacks on you. Her Weak attack will drop you down to HP below 100 and 
her Ray attack will start to petrify you. Make sure you use some Heals 
before you are fully petrified and do Rosa's healing before it's too 
late. To stop Valvalis from doing the bad attacks and being in a 
tornado, you will need to have Kain Jump. Preserve his turns until she 
turns into a tornado and then have him quickly Jump. When she is back 
to her normal form immediately do your best since you don't have any 
Black Magic. Hits from Cecil and Kain will do a lot as well as Yang's. 
Cid will do okay, and Rosa should only heal.

HP: 600 (Cal) 350 (Brena)
Gold: 500 (each)
Exp: 1200 (each)

These guys are easy. All you need to do is destroy a couple of them. 
Just have Cecil and Kain target one Cal, while Rosa attacks the Brenas 
and Yang kicks. After a while, they'll all transport into one big 
creature known as the Calbrena!

HP: 5000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 19000

This battle is pretty hard. Calbrena uses some powerful attacks, 
including a Confusion attack, which can really get your party members 
off-hand. Use Yang to attack a party member so they won't be confused 
anymore, or have Calbrena do the job, but it does about 300 damage, so 
make sure you have enough HP. Have Kain Jump all the time and Rosa 
heal. You need to beat this battle quickly or Calbrena will make short 
work of you.

HP: 2400, 820
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

Golbez will first do a powerful attack, which will paralyze all your 
party members. Then he will summon his Call Monster Shadow, which will 
do an instant kill on your party members. Shadow will take out all 
until Cecil is left, but then the Mist Dragon (remember?) appears and 
takes out Shadow. Rydia comes and helps you out! You only have Rydia 
and Cecil alive, and don't waste time trying to get the others back to 
life. Chances are Golbez will kill off Rydia, but you need to get 
Golbez's HP away too. This can be hard, after all that with Calbrena. 
If you do have the time, revive Kain and get him to Jump on Golbez, 
otherwise, have Rydia summon to get Golbez away from you.

HP: 3000, 3000, 3200
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

This fight is very easy. All you have to do is attack the Frankenstein-
looking robot and kill him first. Balnab will get an error and attack 
Dr. Lugae, but then he will attack you. Just attack Balnab, then go for 
Lugae. Attack him for a bit and he will get on Balnab and control him, 
making Balnab-Z. This guy can do up to 400HP of damage to one 
character, so heal and attack. Don't waste too much in this battle, 
though, you have another one coming up.

HP: 6000
Gold: 4000
Exp: 15000

At the beginning he will transform into a zombie-type monster. That 
doesn't mean you can simply kill it though. He will do lots of poison 
attacks and can use a gas attack, then a fire attack which does double 
damage to the ones that are affected by the gas. Have Cecil attack and 
Kain Jump, while Rosa cures and Rydia calls anyone. Yang should also 
attacks. This fight can be tough, but you should be prepared.

HP: 99999, 99999
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

You can't beat this battle. Just keep attacking King Eblan. Edge will 
keep asking what happened but they don't respond. Their attacks are 
weak, doing less than 100 HP of damage, so don't worry about healing. A 
while into the fight something happens to K. Eblan and Q. Eblan and 
they are transformed into their human form but are still inside the 
monster. They tell you they will die soon because they were possessed. 
Wait a while and Edge will beg but K. Eblan dies, then Q. Eblan.

HP: 21000
Gold: 7000
Exp: 25000

First before the fight you want to make sure you have the Blizzard 
Spear equipped on Kain, since it will lots of damage on Rubicant. 
Second, even though he is a Fire Element, Ice Armor won't matter much 
in here since his threat doesn't come from fire attacks. Always have 
Kain Jump, because this will do about 3500HP of damage when his cloak 
is closed and about 5000 when it's closed. When his cloak is open, get 
ready to have someone die, because his Glare attack will do over 2000HP 
of damage and definitely kill a person. Edge should use his Ninja Flood 
attack while Rosa heals, Cecil attacks, and Rydia uses the Virus 
attack. He isn't too hard, but stay on your toes.

HP: 19000
Gold: 8000
Exp: 23000

In this fight there's a practical limit. The Evilwall will continuously 
move closer to you until it gets very close. Then it will start using a 
Crush attack very fast. It will instantly kill a party member with no 
defense. Before that the wall will just attack your party members (it's 
very fast) doing about 300-400 damage. Make sure you heal with Rosa all 
the time because you always want to keep your characters alive for this 
battle. Have Kain Jump and Cecil attack. Have Rydia use Lit-3 and if 
she doesn't have that have her either summon or use Lit-2. If you've 
been to the Land of Summoned Monsters have her summon Leviathan too. 
Have Rosa heal and Edge throw his collected Shurikens, but if he has 
none then just use his Ninja attack. Do not waste time healing half-
petrified characters. Wait till their whole body is petrified and use 
Heal. Once the wall gets close it will start crushing your party 
members one-by-one. Do not try to revive them. Just go all-out on the 
wall when it gets close. Don't waste turns doing anything else but your 
strongest attacks when it gets close. Hopefully you're lucky and you'll 
defeat the wall before it has the time to crush your characters.

Milon Z:
HP: 18000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 27000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 24000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

HP: 26000
Gold: 2500
Exp: 15000

This battle will NOT be easy. You will fight all 4 elements in the 
order shown above. Once you defeat one, another one comes out. And yes, 
they are tougher versions of the elements you've fought before. Make 
sure you're at least around Level 50 for all characters (except maybe 
FuSoYa). Put Cecil and Rosa in the front while everyone else in the 
back. You first need to fight Milon Z. His attacks are fast and brutal. 
Have FuSoYa cast Fire3 and Edge cast Flame, while Rydia casts Fire3. DO 
all Fire3s do mostly 9999 damage. If you cast them all at the same 
time, Milon Z will probably die after FuSoYa and Rydia cast Fire3 and 
turn into Rubicant, while Edge uses Flame to heal Rubicant. Ok, 
nevermind. Have FuSoYa and Rydia cast Fire3 and that's all. Milon can 
do 500 damage on a single character and he's also fast, plus he can 
curse your characters. Once you kill him you'll fight Rubicant. He 
likes to use Fire3 and Glare at the same time on all characters. This 
won't do too much damage though, just make sure Rosa's alive and if 
she's dead have FuSoYa heal instead while Edge and Rydia concentrate on 
offense. Have Rydia use Ice3 and Edge use Flood. FuSoYa should also use 
Ice3. After Rubicant dies you'll fight Cagnazzo. This time he's not 
easy, as he has some very damaging attacks and his wave attack does 
more. Like always, have Rosa or FuSoYa heal while Edge uses Blitz and 
Rydia uses Lit3. Also FuSoYa can use Lit3 if you don't need healing and 
are using Rosa. Cecil should use Ethers on characters that are running 
out of MP otherwise just attack. After beating Cagnazzo you'll finally 
fight Valvalis. She is hard. She can start petrifying your characters 
and do Weak which will reduce your characters' HP to two digits. Have 
FuSoYa and Rosa pound on healing especially on characters that are 
victims to Weak, and avoid all characters that have started their 
petrifying status, because it'll more to get them fully petrified. Use 
Lit3 on Valvalis for lots of damage damage on Edge's Blitz. This should 
do lots of damage on Valvalis. Just make sure to keep your back row 
characters alive.

HP: 21000
Gold: 10000
Exp: 15000

HP: 2000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

HP: 2000
Gold: 360
Exp: 360

It's been long since you've heard this boss music eh? Unless you took 
the side-quests... anyway this fight can be tricky. The CPU will cast 
Wall on itself all the time, meaning you shouldn't use magic on it 
otherwise it'll be reflected back to you. As long as the Defender is 
present, it will heal the CPU 2000 damage every 10 seconds. The 
Attacker will use an attack called Maser that will do around 300 damage 
on all your characters. However, do not kill both the Attacker and 
Defender. Killing them both gets the CPU in a fury, and it will do an 
attack called Globe99, which instantly kills a party member. It will do 
it twice or thrice, then revive both the Attacker and Defender. So it 
seems impossible to kill this guy... actually, no. You can kill off the 
Attacker and leave the Defender there, or vice versa. I strongly 
recommend killing the Defender and leaving the Attacker present because 
the Defender will heal the CPU a lot. The Maser attack can be painful, 
but is easily cured by either FuSoYa's or Rosa's Cure4 on all 
characters. Leave the Attacker alive and ONLY ATTACK THE CPU! It always 
casts Wall on itself so magic will be reflected back to the party. Have 
Rosa Aim and Cecil attack, same with Edge. FuSoYa should concentrate on 
healing while Rydia does something like using Ethers on party members 
with low MP or something. It's gonna take a long time killing the CPU 
since you can only attack, but it's not that hard, just long. You can 
also risk doing a Wall on a party member and casting a very strong 
spell on that member, reflecting that spell on the CPU. It's very 
risky, since it can reflect towards the Attacker instead making the CPU 
use Globe99 again. Make sure you have at least 4 party members alive in 
this battle. Once again, it isn't too hard, just takes a long ass time.

White Dragon:
HP: 32,700
Gold: 0
Exp: 55,000

If you read any strategy guide for FF4 on the net it will tell you to 
cast Float on the entire party, and this guide is no different; make 
sure you cast float on your party or they will die before you can blink 
your eyes due to the devastating attack GaiaRage.

Have Rydia summon, have Edge and Cecil attack, and have Kain Jump. Heal 
when needed.

HP: 33,333
Gold: 550
Exp: 31108

Have Rosa use Fast on Cecil and Edge, have Cecil and Edge attack 
normally, have Rydia summon, and have Kain jump. To reset the timer 
kill off one of your characters and then revive them.

HP: 23,000(each)
Gold: 0
Exp: 29500

Have Rosa be the healer, and attack with Cecil and Edge, have Kain 
jump, and have Rydia summon. Try not to use magic other then summons, 
they use some harsh counter attacks that recover 2,000 health +.

HP: 50,000
Gold: 0
Exp: 61,000

Be prepared for Bigwave which will easily kill off some of your 
characters. Have Edge dart some swords and attack, have Cecil attack, 
have Rosa heal and use Holy (thanks to Dingo Jellybean for this tip), 
have Kain jump, and have Rydia summon.

HP: 10,000
Gold: 0
Exp: 0

Pretty much the 2 cast some pretty useless magic, then they kill the 
thing with White Meteo.

HP: 133,333

Use the Crystal to make Zeromus change forms. If you don't do this you 
will miss everytime.

Have Cecil attack, have Rosa cast Holy and Heal, have Rydia summon 
Bahamut, have Edge dart the Knife and Holy Lances, and have Kain jump. 

Watch out for Big Bang, and make sure to heal! The battle will 
eventually end.

This battle isn't that hard at all, it just takes a very very very very 
very very very very long time.

=                             10: Shop List                           =
=                             -------------                           =

Again, thanks to McFadanDaMan for supplying this list as well.

-Baron Village - 1st Visit-


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil

Leather Helmet - 100 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil

-Fabul Castle-


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Claw - 550 gil
Demon Helmet - 980 gil
Demon Armor - 3000 gil
Demon Arm - 800 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Hi Potion - 150 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil


Ice Rod - 220 gil
Flame Rod - 380 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Magus Hat - 700 gil
Gaia Gear - 500 gil
Silver Arm - 650 gil
Paladin Shield - 700 gil
Paladin Helmet - 4000 gil
Paladin Armor - 8000 gil
Paladin Arm - 3000 gil

-Baron Village - 2nd Visit-


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Thunder Rod - 700 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Cloaw - 550 gil


Headband - 450 gil
Kenpo - 4000 gil
Silver Gauntlets - 650 gil

-Village of Mist-


Whip - 3000 gil
Dancing Dagger - 5000 gil


Bard - 70 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Spear - 60 gil
Boomerang - 3000 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Iron Shield - 100 gil
Iron Helmet - 150 gil
Iron Armor - 600 gil
Iron Gauntlets - 130 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Wooden Hammer - 800 gil
Great Bow - 2000 gil
Fire Arrows - 30 gil
Ice Arrows - 30 gil
Bolt Arrows - 30 gil


Leather Hat - 100 gil
Feather Hat - 330 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Ruby Ring - 1000 gil

-Cave Eblan-


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil


Power Staff - 2000 gil
Ice Brand - 26000 gil
Ice Spear - 21000 gil
Kunai - 4000 gil
Boomerang - 3000 gil
Archer Bow - 3000 gil
Archer Arrows - 70 gil


Ice Shield - 10000 gil
Ice Armor - 35000 gil
Black Robe - 10000 gil

-Dwarven Castle-


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil 
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Dwarf Axe - 15000 gil
Great Bow - 2000 gil
Darkness Arrow - 40 gil
Flame Sword - 14000 gil
Fire Spear - 11000 gil


Flame Shield - 1250 gil
Flame Armor - 30000 gil
Wizard Hat - 2000 gil
Wizard Robe - 1200 gil
Rune Gloves - 2000 gil



Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil 
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Ashura - 7000 gil
Chain - 6000 gil
Ogre Axe - 45000 gil
Archer Bow - 3000 gil
Mute Arrows - 100 gil

Diamond Shield - 15000 gil
Diamond Helmet - 10000 gil
Diamond Armor - 40000 gil
Diamond Gauntlets - 5000 gil
Tiara - 20000 gil
Gold Ring - 4000 gil

-Land of Summons-


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil 
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Whip - 3000 gil
Chain Whip - 6000 gil
Blitz - 10000 gil
Kotetsu - 11000 gil
Fairy Rod - 5000 gil
Lunar Staff - 7000 gil
Angel Arrows - 110 gil


Aegis Shield - 20000 gil
Sorcerer Robe - 30000 gil

-Kokkol's Smithy-


Shruiken - 20000 gil
Fuma - 50000 gil
Yoichi Arrows - 140 gil

-Hummingway Home-


Hi Potion - 150 gil
Life - 100 gil
Ether 1 - 10000 gil
Ether 2 - 50000 gil
Elixir - 100000 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Bestiary - 980 gil
Whistle - 20000 gil

=                              11: Secrets                            =
=                              -----------                            =

Item Duplication Trick (Thank you to Dingo Jellybean!)

1: Enter battle with a weapon in your left or right hand.

2: Here enter battle.

3: When the battle starts, go to an empty slot in your item box hit "A"

4: Select a weapon or shield with the "A" button and put it in a empty 

5: Finish the battle or run away, it doesn't matter.

6: After the battle select the weapon or shield that you put in the 
empty slot and put it back in the CHARACTER'S HANDS YOU SELECTED FROM.

7: Here you will see two of the same weapon or shield in your 
character's hand. Now click that weapon or shield again and put it in 
an empty slot.

8: Now click on that SAME WEAPON OR SHIELD again and put it back in 
your character's hand. Now you have the same weapon in the character's 
hand, and the other duplicate in your inventory!

We don't know any more codes or secrets for FF4, if you know any please 
send us them at SPop6@aol.com.

=                      12: FAQ For Final Fantasy IV                   =
=                      ----------------------------                   =

Q: Where the heck can I find this game?

A: Buy Final Fantasy Chronicles.

Q: What level does Rosa get Holy?

A: 49

Q: How long does it really take to save this game when I'm playing the 
PSX version of it?

A: About 45 seconds to one minute.

Q: In the PSX version are there loading times before and after each 
battle like Chrono Trigger?

A: Nope.

=                             13: Conclusion                          =
=                             --------------                          =

Haunter120 started this FF4 guide quite a while ago, and did a fine job 
of coming near to completion, but reasons beyond his control made him 
quit this guide, now I Pop (yes, my name is pop... stop laughing it's 
just an alias) have taken over the guide and have given it a major face 
lift, with this FF4 guide near completion I estimate it will take about 
a month to complete it and call it a finalized guide. 

Please note that even though Haunter120 is not writing this guide 
anymore, he is still taking e-mails about the guide. Well, thanks again 
for reading this guide, and happy gaming.

=                              14: Credits                            =
=                              -----------                            =

We would like to thank the following people for there help:

CJayC - CJayC@GameFAQs.com 
Posting our FAQs on GameFAQs.

Dingo Jellybean - DingoJellybean@AsianAvenue.com 
He helped us a lot on some Walkthrough stuff and taught us the basics 
of writing long FAQs like this.

McFaddanDaMan - PsychoPenguin24@aol.com 
Without his help this guide would not exist, he supplied a lot of the 
tables. Thanks a lot McFaddan! Make sure to visit his guide as well, 
his guide is located at GameFAQs.

FAQs for FF4: I'd like to thank everyone who wrote nice FAQs for Final 
Fantasy IV. Make sure to check out McFadanDaMan's guide at the 
following URL.

=                          15: E-mail Policy                          =
=                          -----------------                          =

Please read through the FAQ before sending either of us e-mails. If the 
question you sent us is in the guide it will only result in having your 
e-mail address blocked and that current e-mail ignored. Please don't 
send hate mails, chain letters, or spam either, this will result in 
having your e-mail address blocked.

Haunter120's E-mail Address: Haunter150@hotmail.com

=                         16: Version History                         =
=                         -------------------                         =

Version: .1 - 6/2/01
The release of this FAQ, lots of information up and about half of the 
FAQ is completed.

Version: .2 - 1/6/02
Major reformatting done.

Version: .3 - 2/18/02
Just updating to let you know we're still alive and still writing, 
normal updates will resume on February 20, 2002.

Version: .4 - 2/19/02
Grammatical errors fixed, again, actual updates will resume tomorrow. 

Version: .5 - 3/1/02
Sorry about not updating on February 20, 2002, but I just didn't have 
the time. I fixed some errors in this update. Expect a decent sized 
update in a few days.

Version: .6 - 3/11/02
Finals are finally over and I can finally devote some time to this 
guide. Start expecting some major update. I fixed some misinformation 
and some grammar and spelling mistakes.

Version: .7 - 3/14/02
Added some bosses. I also updated a few minor mistakes.

Version: .8 - 3/15/02
Okay readers, you're going to have to wait a little while for any 
updates to this guide. I playing through FF4 again. Please wait about a 
month before the guide starts having any progress. I'm very sorry for 
this huge delay, but if you want accurate information for both titles 
then you're just going to have to wait. Thanks for your patience. 
Hopefully after I play through the game again I will actually be able 
to deliver those big updates I promised.

Version: .9 - 3/16/02
I have finally finished the guide, I played through the ending and was 
able to complete everything. Tomorrow will be the final update to this 

Version: Final - 3/24/02
Added e-mail addresses to the credits section and fixed some grammar 
and spelling mistakes. This will be the final update to this guide. 

=                       17: Copyright Information                     =
=                       -------------------------                     =

This FAQ is Copyright (c)2001-2002 Haunter120. This FAQ is for private 
and personal use only. It may be used on any site as long as it is not 
used for profit, put on an appropriate site (no adult sites), you do 
not alter this FAQ, and you keep up with the current version. If you 
break any of these rules then you are committing a copyright violation. 
Please e-mail both of us before you put this FAQ on a site.