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FORMAT This covers several things in a particular format, which is useful to know in order to use the guide. Walkthrough Format: Chapter: (Name) Section: (A,B,C, etc.): Name of place Reccomended Level: Enemies: (name of enemies) Treasures: (If any) Boss: (If any) Boss Format: Name of Boss: Reccomended Level: Weakness: Reward: Attacks: Name Strategy:(how to kill it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii.) TABLE OF CONTENTS i.) Introduction ii.) Format iii.) Table of Contents I.) Game Basics II.) Walkthrough Walkthrough Part 1: The Dark Knight Chapter 1: THE KING'S PAWN: Beggining to Mist Chapter 2: THE LIGHT OF THE DESERT: Kaipo and the Antlion's Nest Chapter 3: FABUL: Mt. Hobs and Fabul Chapter 4: THE TRIAL: Mt. Ordeals Walkthrough Part 2: The Crystals Chapter 1: BARON: Mysidia to Baron Castle Chapter 2: THE CRYSTAL OF EARTH: Mithril to Tower of Zott Chapter 3: DWARVES GALORE: Agalt to Tower of Babil Chapter 4: THE LAST CRYSTAL: Cave of Eblana to the Sealed Cave Walkthrough Part 3: The Final Showdown Chapter 1: THE MAGICAL SHIP AND THE MOON: Adamant Cave to the Giant of Babil Chapter 2: THE LUNAR CORE: Odin and the Lunar Underground III.) Armor IV.) Weapons V.) Magic VI.) Items VII.) Characters VIII.) Secrets/Tricks IX.) Bestiary X.) Credits/Dislcaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.) GAME BASICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Game Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy IV was made for the Super Famicom (SF). The available buttons are A, B, X, Y, Select, Start, L, R, and the control pad (up, down, left, right). A: On the field, pressing A lets you talk to people, read signs, and open treasures. In stores, it lets you select the desired item and change the quantity. In battle, it selects a command. B: Cancels any selected action, closes windows. X: Opens the menu on the world map and in the field. Y: Does nothing. Select: Does nothing. Start: Pauses in Battle L or R: Switches the lead character on the world map or in the field. L and R: Attempts to Run from Battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) The Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------- By hitting X on the map or in the field, you'll open up the menu screen. There are several sub-sections of the menu: Item, Magic, Equip, Status, Form, Change, Config, and Save. 1.) Item: Allows you to use the items that you've acquired. Note that some items can't be used in the field. 2.) Magic: Allows you to use the magic that you've acquired. Note that some items can't be used in the field. 3.) Equip: Allows you to equip weapons, shields, armor, helms, gauntlets, and items. You can only equip two items at a time. 4.) Status: Allows you to view the statistics of your characters: Level, HP, MP, Str., Agil., Vit., Wis., Will, Att., Att.%, Def., Def.%, Magic Def., Magic Def.%, and EXP. 5.) Form: Change the order of the characters. 6.) Change: Switch front and back rows. 7.) Config: Allows you to change the Bat Mode, Bat Speed, Msg Speed, Sound, Control, Cursor, and Color. 8.) Save: Allows you to save your progress. This can only be done on save points or on the world map. You can have up to four saved games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.) Battle System ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles in FFIV are use the ATB. That is, your characters can only act once they are ready (determined by speed), as opposed to the turn based system of the first three Final Fantasy games. In Battle, your characters can defend and switch the rows by pressing right and left on the direction pad (the character's command menu must be present). The battle lasts until one side is completely destroyed or flees, at which point you obtain money (gil) and experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.) Status Ailments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Permanent Status Effects Curse: Base strength and defense are cut in half. Curse is characterized by a black cloud above the cursed character's head. Cured with a Cross or Esuna. Darkness: Attack percentage is cut in half. Dark is characterized by black dots (sunglasses?) over the character's eyes. Cured with an Eyedrop or Esuna. Float: Float grants immunity to Quake, Titan, and damage floors. Float disappears after you exit the room or go up/down the stairs. Floating characters will float up and down with an oval shadow. Mini: Attack, Defense, and Defense% are reduced to 0, while attacks against the character are doubled in effectiveness. The character cannot use Aim, Cover, Dart, or Jump. Miniature characters look like small character=). Cured with Aprentice, Mini, or Esuna. Mute: Prevents the target from casting spells (items and enemy abilities are not considered spells). Mute is characterized by a cartoon dialogue bubble above the character's head. Cured with an EchoHerb or Esuna. Piggy: Prevents casting any spell but Piggy and prevents the use of Aim. A "Piggyed" character looks like a Pig. Cured with Diet Food, Piggy, or Esuna. Poison: The target loses 1 HP per step on the world map or in the field, and a fixed amount (dependent on max HP) per turn in battle. Poisoned characters have purple faces. Cured with an Antidote or Esuna. Toad: Attack, Defense, and Defense% are reduced to 0, while attacks against the character are doubled in effectiveness. This character can only use the magic spell Toad. 'Toaded" characters look like Toads. Cured with a MaidKiss, Toad, or Esuna. Stone: The target cannot move or attack. If the entire party is petrified, your game is over. Petrified characters look grey. Cured with GoldPin or Esuna. Wounded: The target is dead, and appears dead. If the entire party is wounded, your game is over. Cured with FenixDn, Raise, and Arise. 2.) Non-Permanent Conditions Berserk: Allows the target to attack twice as many times with 50% more attack power, but is uncontrollable. Berserk cannot be seen. Blink: Causes enemy attacks to miss frequently, and lasts about 3 attacks. Characters with this status have multiple images of themselves on the battle screen. Confusion: Target makes random attacks (at twice the rate of a normal character). Confused characters have a green ring aroud their head. Confusion is fixed when physical damage is dealt to the character by means of a physical attack. Death Sentence: A timer set at 10 appears above the target's head and counts down to 0, at which point the target dies. Characters with a Death Sentence have a green timer above their head. Haste: Increases the rate at which a character attacks and the chance that Sneak is succesful. Haste cannot be seen. Paralyze: A paralyzed character cannot move or attack. A parlyzed character crouches with two energy beams on either side of him/her. Characters are spontaneously cured of this condition. Petrify: The target is 2/3 stone. No side effects. Reflect: Sets up a field that reflects all black and white magic spells (except Rabur, Meteo, and Quake) and MegaFlare. This field lasts for a limited time. Seizure: Rapid HP loss occurs and cannot be stopped. Seizure cannot be seen. Sleep: The target cannot take action. Sleeping characters look like they are drooling. They are cured at random points during the battle. Slow: The character's attack rate is lowered. Cannot be seen or cured. Stop: The target cannot move or attack and is more vulnerable to attacks (including Sneak). Stop cannot be seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.) Rows ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Final Fantasy IV, your party can consist of up to five characters. They can be aligned in 1 of 2 ways (using the Change command on the Menu, or the Row command in battle; the characters themselves can be moved by using Form). (A) 1 2 3 4 5 (B) 1 2 3 4 5 Characters in the front row are more vulnerable to physical attacks, characters in the back usually have weaker physical attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.) WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER I: THE KING'S PAWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Prologue Recommended Level: Ce:10 Enemies: None Treasures: BombRing, Ether, 480 Gil, Tent Bosses: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the game opens, the Red Wings fleet is flying to Mysidia in order to capture the Water Crystal. The DarkKnight Cecil, the Commander of the Red Wings, is successful in his mission. During the return course, the ship is attacked by a set of monsters. Cecil kills three Float Eyes with a RedFang, then decimates a Zuu with a BlueFang item [the battle scene is there, but you can't control Cecil's actions]. Finally, the ship returns to Baron. Here, Cecil meets Beigan, to whom he reveals his qualms about Baron's latest conquest. Beigan rats him out to the King, and because of this Cecil's command of the Red Wings is revoked. Instead, he is assigned to clean up the Phantom Beasts around Baron. Cain tries to defend Cecil, but ends up joining him. You'll be given the BombRing and told to rest up. You're given control of Cecil at this point. It's a good chance to explore the castle. On Floor 1, hit the switch to gain entrance to the treasure room. Here, snag an Ether, 480 Gil, and a Tent. You can head east to a locked a tower and a courtyard (with a couple of engineers). Head west from the entrance of floor 1 to a courtyard. The western building is a jail where magicians from Mysidia are being held. Head north a little here to talk with Cid, the Chief Engineer of Baron. The barracks are located to the northeast, and Cecil's quarters to the northwest (you're supposed to go to his quarters). Once you reach Cecil's quarters and get in bed, there'll be a medium-long scene with him and Rosa. The next day, Cain joins you and the two of you leave Baron Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) A Journey into the Mist Recommended Level: Ce:11/Ca:11 Enemies: Goblin, Float Eye, Dive Eagle, SwordRat Treasures: Tentx3, EyeDropx2, DwfBread, Potionx4, Copper Timer Bosses: MistDragon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you get on the world map, head for the town of Baron. Go into the inn and examine the swords. This opens up a passage that leads to an EyeDrop, Tent, and DwfBread. Search the pot southeast of the Inn and north of the Inn (lowest) for a Potion a piece. For some more treasure, head to the drains and drop into the river (you can talk to the dancer on the way to see her throw off her clothes). Head all the way to the pond like area in the southeast corner of the town. Search near the mouth of the pond for a Tent, and near the southeast corner for a Copper Timer. Now, head to the items shop and snag 10 Potions. The other area of importance is the training room, which details the basics of the game. The weapons shop is closed, so that's about all that's of importance in Baron for now, though the townspeople may provide interesting dialogue. Now it's time to level up/earn some gil! YES! Since both Cecil and Cain start at level 10, there is really no need to level up more than one level (to Level 11). Just walk around near Baron and use DWave to annihilate all the enemies. Be warned that each time you use DWave, Cecil loses some % of his max HP. For level 10, he loses 7.5%, for level 11 he loses 12.27%, etc. Thus, occasionally you'll have to rest in the Inn, but that's really not a problem. Beware of Sword Rats, which counter with Needle if you don't kill them in one hit. When you're through, head for the Cave of the Mist, northwest of Baron (cross the bridge). Save before you enter. Once inside, head east and go up the stairs. Throughout the cave, you'll hear a voice. It will tell you to go back, but just keep going. Follow the path for a Potion. Get the EyeDrop nearby, to the northeast. Head south, and swing by to grab the Tent near the center of the floor. Now head east again and get the Potion. Now make sure both Cain and Cecil have over 120 HP and head north to the exit. You'll be asked if you're going to continue; say yes. You'll now fight your first boss, the Mist Dragon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MistDragon Recommended Level: Ce:11/Ca:11 Weakness: None Reward: 700 EXP, 200 Gil Attacks: ColdMist, Physical Attack Strategy: Have Cain Jump and Cecil attack. The MistDragon hits for 4-10 damage, while you hit for 20-70 damage-good deal. Halfway through the battle, the Mist Dragon will dissipate (it will turn into mist.) During this period, all attacks will miss, and the MistDragon will counter with ColdMist, which deals around 25-30 damage to both Cain and Cecil. Just wait this period out, or use it to heal (if the MistDragon's 4-10 HP attacks have worn you out...) Eventually it will form the Dragon again, and when it does, destroy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Mist Dragon vanquished, head north and exit the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.) The Village of Mist Recommended Level: Ce:12/Ca:12 Enemies: Goblin, Sand Sahag, Insectus Treasures: None Bosses: Girl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- De-equip Cain, then head east to the village of Mist. Upon entering and walking a bit, the BombRing will begin to glow and explode. Everyone in Mist is killed except Cecil, Cain, and a little girl. The girl is mourning over the death of her mother...the human counterpart of the MistDragon you just killed. Cain will tell you to kill her, but Cecil rejects all ties to Baron (and so does Cain, after he hears Cecil's speech). They try to escape with the girl, but she fights them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Girl Recommended Level: Ce:12/Ca:12 Weakness: None Reward: N/A Attacks: Summon Titan Strategy: Just defend, or attack. She'll summon a Titan that'll deal about 100 damage to everyone, which for some reason ends the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll wake up in a small clearing, the girl unconscious and Cain nowhere to be found... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER II: THE LIGHT OF THE DESERT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Kaipo Recommended Level: Ce:12 Enemies: Goblin, Sand Worm, Flying Eye, Insectus, Sand Sahag, Hand-Leg Treasures: Ether Bosses: General, BaronSoldrx3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your goal is to get the girl to safety, so you'll need to find a town. There is a town in the desert, near an oasis, which is an ideal location, but wait on that. This is a unique EXP-earning opportunity, and I suggest you level Cecil up to at least Lv.13. When that's done, head for the oasis town. Cecil will automatically go to the Inn, where the Innkeeper will say that the rest is free of charge. Although the girl comes to, she refuses to speak with Cecil. During the night, forces from Baron come to kidnap the girl, but Cecil won't give her up so easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- General, BaronSoldrx3 Recommended Level: Ce:13 Weakness: None Reward: 242 Gil, 869 EXP [General killed] or 162 Gil, 472 EXP [General retreats] Attacks: Retreat, Physical Attack Strategy: You have two options for this battle. You can finish off the BaronSoldr, which makes the General retreat, or kill the General and receive nearly twice as much EXP and Gil. I think that it's worth it to kill the General. First, finish off two of three BaronSoldrs, then hack away at the General, using a Potion when necessary. Finally, finish off the remaining BaronSoldr. If you choose to let the General flee, just open the battle up with a DWave and clean up the remaining BaronSoldr, if there is one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rydia, the girl, now joins as a party member. She's very weak, and now's a good time to level her up. But first, it's time to go shopping. First, buy a Leather Helm for your next character. Nothing else is needed, but you can sell all of Cain's old stuff right now. Now, for the weapons. The Rod Rydia carries has an extremely low Attack%, and will almost always miss. However, when used as an item in battle, it deals moderate damage (20-35). The Rod can be used like this unlimited times. However, if you want another cool weapon, go buy the Staff. When used as an item in battle, the Staff removes Poison from the target. With these two weapons, I'm not sure if you need the Bow, as the Bow's limited supply of arrows will leave you weaponless if you don't use them wisely. However, the Rod's physical attack special phases out in a while, so it's a good idea to take the Bow and 40 Iron Arrows along with you. If you do equip a Bow, make sure to put it in Rydia's left hand and put the Iron Arrows in her right hand. Be sure to get the Ether from the northern pot (north of the Weapons shop). That done, spend some time to level Rydia up to level 10. This may take a while, but it's worth it. By Level 10, Rydia will have 8 spells (including Chocb, which she starts with). In addition, she'll be almost as fast as Cecil and have over 100 HP [to 113HP]. When you're done leveling Rydia up, head back to Kaipo. Go to the house to the north of the weapons shop and go to the bed. You'll see that Rosa has been stricken with a fever. The only way to cure this is to get the Light of the Desert [Desert Light] from the Antlion's lair. If you sniffed around in the town, you should know that only the royalty of Damycan can enter that lair. Well, it's a good idea to head for, you guessed it, Damycan! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) The Sea Channel Recommended Level: Ce:14/Ry:10 Enemies: Goblin, Sand Worm, Flying Eye, Insectus, Sand Sahag, Hand-Leg, Gigantoad, Fly Killer, Fang Shell, Sea Pot, Red Marsh, Zombie, Tiny Mage, Alligator, Sahagin Treasures: Potionx3, Maidkiss, Tent, Fragmentx2, Iron Ring, Etherx2, IceRod, 580 gil, S Pole, Shadow Sword, Copper Timer, Hades Helm, Hades Gauntlets, Hades Armor, Hermes Bosses: Octomamoth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head northeast from Kaipo to the Sea Channel, save, and enter. The enemies in here are tougher than anything you've seen so far (i.e., 1-2 blasts of DWave won't instantly kill everything). It's also important to note that since DWave is a shadow elemental attack, it deals little damage to undead targets, like Zombies. For these battles, either cast Fire/Keal on them, or run away. Upon entering, head north for a Potion and Maidkiss. Head west, grab the Tent, and speak to the old man. The man, Tella the Sage, is trying to get to Damycan, but can't get past an eight-legged monster that's guarding the passage there. He joins you in the hope that your combined forces will defeat the beast. Once he joins, give him the Leather Helm you saved from Kaipo. Head east across the bridge for a Fragment, then go into the water and around to get the Iron Ring. Give it to Tella. Now take the exit. Head north here and grab the Potion. Follow the path and get the Ether on the center island. Before entering the next area, feel free to fight around a bit. In the next area, Tella will use a Tent, so you can exhaust your resources right now. When you're done, head to the next area, where Tella will use a Tent. During the night, they'll discuss the Light of the Desert, Rydia, and Tella's daughter, Anna. After exiting the clearing, head west to get the IceRod, which you should give to Rydia. Get 580 gil from the southern chest and another Fragment in the west, and take the northwestern exit. Get another Potion and head northwest into a hidden path. Follow the path until you reach a chest containing the Feather Helm, which you should give to Rydia. You're now in the Underground Channel N-1, the last room of this cave. Get the Ether and SPole in the west, and head east across the bridge. Get the Copper timer and the Shadow Sword to the south of the bridge. Give the Shadow Sword to Cecil (of course), and head through the exit. The Sea Channel merely leads to a small valley on the overworld map. As Tella suggested, you can use a Tent to recover lost HP/MP. Whether you use the tent or not, your next destination is still the cave northwest of the Sea Channel. Once inside the "Underground Waterfall", just get in the water and fall down the waterfall (as the name implies). Grab the Hades Helm and Hades Gauntlets in the south for Cecil (yes, EQUIP THEM), and head through the northern exit. In the "Underground Lake" area, get the Hades Armor and a Hermes from the east. Of course, give the Hades Armor to Cecil. Heal up and head towards the central waterfall to enter your second boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octomamoth Recommended Level: Ce:15/Ry:12/Te:20 Weakness: Thunder, Shadow Reward: 500 gil, 1200 EXP Attacks: Physical Attack Strategy: The Octomamoth attacks with each of its leg pairs, thus allowing it to initially attack 4 times as fast as you. However, each time you deal 300 or so damage to it, the Octomamoth loses a leg or two. Just have Cecil attack, Rydia uses Chocb (deals more damage than Thund, but slightly more expensive) and have Tella use Thund. The beast will go down very quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Octomamoth vanquished, the path to Damycan and the Light of the Desert is wide open. Head north out of the lake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.) Damcyan and the Antlion's Basement Recommended Level: Ce:15/Ry:12/Te:20 Enemies: Goblin, Sand Worm, Hand-Leg, Domo Boy, Adamantium, Lacy, Basilisk, Yellow Jelly Treasures: Feather Helm, CrossBow, Ruby Ring, Antidote, EyeDrop, Gold-pinx2, Fenix Dnx2, Etherx2, Potionx4, Holy Arrowsx20, Iron Arrowsx10, Tentx2, SpidrWebx2, S. Pole, Lamia Harp, Copper Timer, ExitDoor, DesrtLite Bosses: Antlion, Sahagin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you're back on the world map, you can Save. Do so, then head north towards the desert castle of Damycan. Halfway there, you'll see the Red Wings fleet demolish the castle. Hurry to the ruins. When you first enter Damycan, head south one tile and walk around the outside of the caste (east) until you see a small room. Enter it, and talk to the wounded guard. After the guard passes away, hit the switch and follow the passage to obtain a Feather Helm, CrossBow, and Ruby Ring. Now, head downstairs and search all four pots and the six treasure chests. You should get an Antidote, EyeDrop, Gold-pin, Fenix Dn., Ether, Potion, 20 Holy Arrows, and 10 Iron Arrows. When you're finished looting this part of the castle, de-equip Tella and continue through the castle as normal. On the 2nd floor, get the Tent. Keep ascending until you reach a room full of wounded soldiers, and at the center, a girl. During the unfolding scene, Tella will attack Gilbert, the bard with whom his daughter, Anna, eloped. Anna interrupts the fight, telling Tella that she loves Gilbert, who is really the Prince of Damcyan. Gilbert will reveal that Anna shielded him from arrows during the Red Wing attack. Acknowledging that Gilbert must be special to Anna to warrant such an act, Tella vows revenge on Golbleze, the new commander of the Red Wings, and leaves the party. In his place, Gilbert joins to help you find the Light of the Desert. He brings a Hovercraft with him. This vehicle will let you cross over shallow rocks in the sea (it's the only way to reach the Antlion's Basement). With the hovercraft in hand, head east over the shallows and south until you see a cave entrance. Save, and enter. On the 1st floor, grab the Potion and SpidrWeb, then head south to get a Tent and another Potion. Head back northeast for yet another Potion and a Gold-pin Now take the exit to floor 2. Here, grab the S. Pole in the southeast corner and go through the door. Get the Lamia Harp and give it to Gilbert (his attack is actually decent with it). Head back to the main area of Floor 2, and go grab the Copper Timer and Spidr Web from the Northeast and Northwest corners, respectively. That done, take the northern exit back to floor 1. Enter the save room and loot the Fenix Dn, Ether, and ExitDoor from here. If you want to save, go ahead, a boss fight is coming up. Now head back to Floor 2 and this time, take the southern exit to the Antlion's Nest. Here, heal up and walk straight into the center. Gilbert will tell everyone that the Antlion is tame, and then goes for the Light of the Desert. To everyone's dismay, the Antlion attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antlion Recommended Level: Ce:16/Ry:14/Gi:12 Weakness: None Reward: 500 gil, 1500 EXP Attacks: Physical Attack, Counter Strategy: The Antlion attacks do 1 damage. However, each time the Antlion's physically attacked, it Counters on a random character for 25-35 damage. You want to avoid this, and the simplest way to do so is this: Have Cecil attack, Rydia cast Chocb, and Gilbert hide. Whenever the Antlion counters, he'll either hit Rydia or Cecil, who have more HP than Gilbert. When Rydia's HP are low, have Cecil use a Potion on here. An easy, easy boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Antlion dead, the DesrtLite (Light of the Desert) is yours. Head out of the cave and take the Hovercraft back to Kaipo. Head straight for Rosa's room, and use the DesrtLite on her. She'll come to, and reveal some information about Golbleze. Apparently, he is the one who is telling the King to capture the 4 crystals: the Fire Crystal of Damcyan, Wind Crystal of Fabul, Water Crystal of Mysidia, and the Earth Crystal of Toroia. After the dialogue, she tells you to go to Fabul and joins the party. After the scene, everyone goes to sleep. During the night, however, Gilbert wakes up and starts singing to Anna. His song is interrupted by a Sahagin's attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahagin Recommended Level: Gi:12 Weakness: None Reward: 100 gil, 800 EXP Attacks: Physical Attack Strategy: This is a story based fight, and it won't conclude until Anna finishes talking to Gilbert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, stock up on Potions and Iron Arrows. Give Rosa the Crossbow and the spare Feather Helm. Now it's time to beat the Red Wings to Fabul. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER III: FABUL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Mt. Hobs Recommended Level: Ce:16/Ry:14/Ro:10/Gi:12 Enemies: Skeleton, Spirit, Gargolye, Cokatrice, Pain Bomb, Bomb, Domo Boy Treasures: Tent, Potion, Gold-pin, 960 gil, Holy Arrowsx10 Bosses: MotherBomb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mount Hobs is northeast of the Antlion Basement. Head there on your Hovercraft, save, and enter. Place everyone but Cecil in the back row. You won't be able to go very far, since the path up the mountain has been frozen over. Rydia hates Fire, and thus can't melt it. However, after some friendly persuasion, she learns Fire and melts the ice. Now, head northwest. This ledge contains a save point and chests containing a Tent, Potion, Gold-pin, and 960 gil. Take it all, save/rest, then head back to the first screen. This time, take the northeastern path and follow it. Grab the 10 Holy Arrows, then turn north. You should find a monk battling some beasts. The screen switches to the monk beating the crap out of some Domo Boys, then being attacked by a larger foe. This time, Cecil and the crew join in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MotherBomb Recommended Level: Ce:16/Ry:15/Ro:12/Gi:13/Ya:10 Weakness: None Reward: 543 gil, 2415 EXP Attacks: Physical Attack, Explode Strategy: At first, the Mother Bomb is small, but still deals decent damage. Have Rydia summon Chocb, while everyone else attacks. Soon, the MotherBomb will become huge, but still use the same strategy. Soon, it will say EXPLODE!!!. Immediately heal your characters with Rydia, Rosa, and Gilbert, because the Explode attack takes off 60-80 damage off everyone. Once the MotherBomb explodes, you'll be up against 3 Bombs and 3 PainBombs. Use Rydia, Rosa, and Gilbert to Heal, and have Cecil use DWave and Yang Kick. Clean up the remnants the next turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The monk will introduce himself as Yang. He'll join your party in an attempt to save Fabul from Baron. Give him a Leather Helm, then head off the mountain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) Fabul Castle Recommended Level: Ce:16/Ry:15/Ro:12/Gi:13/Ya:10 Enemies: Gatlinger, Domo Boy Treasures: Hermes, Demom Shield, Ether, SpidrWeb, Death Sword, Tent, Berserk, ZeusRage, Potion, S.Pole, Fragment. Bosses: Dragon Kn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use a Tent and Save once you exit Mount Hobs, since you're probably weak after the boss fight. Now head east through the valley towards Fabul Castle (it's located on a lake). Save, then enter. Walk past the guards and head for the weapons/armor shop. Buy a Demon Helm, Demon Gauntlet, and Demon Armor for Cecil, and sell his Hades equipment. Also buy the Thunder and Ice Claws for Yang. Now, head to the Inn and rest. De-equip Rosa, and give her Feather Helm to Yang. Now head to the King's chamber and discuss the plan of defense. It's decided that Yang, Cecil, and Gilbert will fight at the front lines, while Rosa and Rydia will act as medics. At right about this time, the Baron invasion starts. Battle 1. Captain, BaronMarinx2 Reward: 352 gil, 1398 EXP [With Captain] or 200 gil, 798 EXP [Just BaronMarins] Much like the fight in Kaipo, you can choose to kill the BaronMarins, letting the Captain retreat, or you can kill the Captain as well, getting over twice the EXP. The RedWings begin to bombard Fabul, so you're forced to retreat inside the castle. Here, you'll fight your second battle. Battle 2. Lacy, Domo Boy, Sahagin Reward: 128 gil, 477 EXP Very straight forward battle. Just attack everyone |=) Battle 3. Captain, BaronMarinx2 Reward: 352 gil, 1398 EXP [With Captain] or 200 gil, 798 EXP [Just BaronMarins] This is the same as Battle 1. Battle 4. Gargoyle Reward: 90 gil, 315 EXP Just a normal enemy fight. Battle 5. Lacy, Domo Boy, Sahagin Reward: 128 gil, 477 EXP Same as Battle 2. Battle 6. Captain, BaronMarinx2 Reward: 352 gil, 1398 EXP [With Captain] or 200 gil, 798 EXP [Just BaronMarins] This is the same as Battles 1 and 3. After the sixth fight, a familiar figure arrives, Cain. He challenges Cecil to a one-one duel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Kn. [Cain] Recommended Level: Ce:17 Weakness: None Reward: N/A Attacks: Jump Strategy: Although you may think this to be a fair fight [until you see Cain's HP!], Cain is actually pretty much invincible. He'll use Jump for three turns, and then the battle is over (and Cecil beaten). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Cecil defeated, Cain's master, Golbleze arrives, kidnaps Rosa, and orders Cain to get the Wind Crystal. Cain complies, and the three exit, leaving Gilbert, Yang, Rydia, and Cecil behind. The group vows to defeat Golbleze, regain the Crystal, and rescue Rosa. You need to go to the Inn, but first, there's some treasure to get. In the throne room, examine the western pot for a Hermes. Then, step on the eastern switch to open a passage. Follow it for a SpidrWeb, Ether, and Demon Shield [Give the shield to Cecil]. Now, head to the Inn. There, Cecil reveals his plan: to get a ship to sneak into Baron. Yang agrees to ask King Fabul for a ship the next day. You'll appear in King Fabul's room, where the King will agree to lend your group a ship He'll also give Cecil the Deathbringer sword [listed as Death]. Take it, and then grab the Tent from the chest. Head to Floor 2 and search the pot for a Berserk. Exit and head to the left tower. Search the pots and chests for a ZeusRage, S. Pole, Potion, and Fragment. Now that you've looted Fabul Castle, you're almost ready to set sail. First, de-equip everyone but Cecil, then head east to the docks. The ship sails off and the voyage is relatively comfortable; however, halfway through, the ship is attacked by Leviathan. Cecil wakes up, with Rydia, Gilbert, and Yang nowhere to be found... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER IV: THE TRIAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Mt. Ordeals Recommended Level: Ce:18 Enemies: Gatlinger, Domo Boy, Zuu, Cockatrice, Spirit, Soul, Revenenant, Ghoul, Skeleton, Bloody Bones Treasures: Potionx2, Etherx2, Cloth, Legend Bosses: Scarmiglion(1) and Skullnants, Scarmiglion(2), Dark Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're now on a small peninsula, only a few paces from a town. If you are less than level 18, I suggest walking around for a bit and leveling up. Your new Death sword defeats the Zuu enemies in one hit, and the Dark Wave attack is much more powerful as well. When you're done leveling up, head for the town, Mysidia. All of the denizens are hostile; one black wizard will turn you into a toad, and one dancer will turn you into a pig. Talk to them again in order to be healed. Head for the Elder's house, the large house to the north of the town. The Elder tells you that if you wish to defeat Golbleze, you must give up the Dark Sword and become a Paladin. To do this, you must climb Mt. Ordeals, a feat that has never been accomplished. In order to help you accomplish the feat, the Elder asks two training magicians, Palom and Porom, to join you. Although not very strong, their black and white magic, respectively, will be a great asset. Head for the armor store, and buy Gaea Robes, Triangle Helms, and Silver Rings for both Palom and Porom. Also, buy an extra Triangle Helm and Silver Ring for your next character. Now, head for the weapons shop and buy a Cross Bow, 50-80 Holy Arrows, a FlameRod, and Healing Staff. Give the FlameRod to Palom and the CrossBow/Holy Arrows to Porom. It's also a good idea to buy a Tent or 2. When all of this is done, head back to the store and buy all the Light equipment you can afford. Put Palom and Porom in the back row. Now, fight around until Palom and Porom are level 12 or 13. Now that you're ready, it's time to head for Mt. Ordeals. Mt. Ordeals is located to the east of Mysidia (a fair distance). You'll see the power of the Death sword, if you haven't already, on the way there |=) Anyway, once you enter Mt. Ordeals, you'll see a wall of fire blocking your path. Luckily, Palom can cool the fire down. Right at this time, Golbleze summons his minion, the Earth Emperor Scarmiglione, to kill Cecil off. After the brief interlude, you regain control of your characters. Get the two Potions, then head north onto the 3rd Station. Here, you'll meet Tella, who readily joins you. Give him the Silver Ring, Triangle Helm, and Healing Staff. Now head north onto the 7th Station. Here, get two Ethers and continue onwards to the summit. You'll probably want to save and rest. As you walk across the bridge, Scarmiglion attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarmiglione and Skullnantx4 Recommended Level: Ce:19/Pa:14/Po:14/Te:21 Weakness: Skullnants-Fire, Keal Reward: 2400 gil, 3400 EXP Attacks: Drain, Thunder Strategy: The Skullnants start off by casting Drain on members of your party, then start attacking. Scarmiglion himself does very little unless he is directly attacked, or the Skullnants are dead. Have Porom and Tella use Keal2 on all the enemies, and Palom use Fire2 on all the enemies. Once the Skullnants are dead, have Palom use Fire2, Tella use the FlameRod, and Cecil/Porom attack/cure when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediately after the battle, head back to the save point and use a Tent. Now, switch Cecil to the back row, and everyone else to the front. Now, cross the bridge. Just as you near the other side, Scarmiglione attacks, again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarmiglione Recommended Level: Ce:19/Pa:15/Po:15/Te:21 Weakness: Fire, Keal Reward: 2500 gil, 3600 EXP Attacks: "Breathe in the Gas", Physical Attack (poisons) Strategy: Hopefully, you healed up for this battle. Since this a "Back Attack", Cecil will now be in the front row, while everyone else is in the back. Have Cecil attack (Barehanded) or use Potions, since his Death sword is useless against Scarmiglion. Tella and Porom should cast Keal2 on Scarmiglion, while Palom casts Fire2. Scarmiglion counters some attacks by saying "Breathe in the gas", then using a gas attack which doesn't cause any damage. I have no idea what this does...Anyway, if Palom, Porom, or Tella run out of MP, have them use their item. That is, Tella can Cure and hurt Scarmiglion with the Healing Staff, and the Flame Rod/Holy Arrows work very well against the Earth Emperor as well. Eventually, he'll die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Scarmiglion is gone for good. Head to the tablet and talk to it. You'll be teleported to the Hall of Mirrors. Here, Cecil will become a Paladin and must defeat his past. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Knight Recommended Level: Ce:1 Weakness: None Reward: N/A Attacks: DWave Strategy: Now Cecil is Lv.1 Paladin, but he's still a lot stronger than your Lv.19 or Lv.20 Dark Knight. Anyway, just defend in this battle and eventually it will be over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that Cecil's past has been destroyed, and the stain removed from his soul, Cecil legally becomes a Paladin. At the same time, Tella remembers all of his lost spells AND learns Meteo, thus giving him every black/white magic spell but Holy. Now, to rescue Rosa... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART II: THE CRYSTALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER I: BARON ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) The Devil's Road Recommended Level: Ce:1/Pa:15/Po:15/Te:21 Enemies: Gatlinger, Domo Boy, Zuu, Cockatrice Treasures: Baron Key Bosses: BaronGuardx2, Monk ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecil is now a level 1 Paladin, meaning that he can level up like crazy. While climbing down Mt. Ordeals, he'll gain up to 5 levels a fight, then slowly fade off. Head back to Mysidia, and talk to the Elder. After a long speech, he'll unseal the Devil Road, so that you can return to Baron. Level Cecil up to at least Level 10, then get him a Light Shield, Light Helm, Gauntlet, and Knight Armor. Now, head to Baron via the Devil Road. In Baron, you'll learn that Cid has been imprisoned for speaking out against the King, who has been acting very strangely and cruelly as of late. Head for the Inn, and make sure your HP and MP are full. Now, talk to the Monk, Yang, at the bar. He orders his soldiers to attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BaronGuardx2 Recommended Level: Ce:10/Pa:16/Po:16/Te:22 Weakness: None Reward: N/A Attacks: Mini, Physical Attack Strategy: If you attack the BaronGaurds physically, they will counter with Mini, then attack for a lot of damage (200+). Instead, have Cecil defend, Palom and Porom use Twin, and Tella use the Healing Staff to heal the party. If any of the guards survive the Twin attack, finish them off with Cecil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Yang himself attacks you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monk Recommended Level: Ce:10/Pa:16/Po:16/Te:22 Weakness: None Reward: N/A Attacks: Kick Strategy: Have Cecil attack, Palom use Fire2, Tella use Fire3, and Porom cast Keal2 after Yang's kick. The Monk should die after three turns of this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once defeated, Yang regains control of himself and joins the party. He brings along the Baron Key, which Cecil speculates will help the party rescue Cid and get the Airship. After resting at the inn, unlock the weapons/armor store, and buy Yang 2 Thunder Claws and Palom a Thunder Rod. Also, buy Yang a Silver Ring, and a Kenpou Robe. Now, it's advisable to level up your characters until Palom reaches level 23. At that point, he has Bio and Quake, which are useful for defeating an upcoming boss. When you are ready, head to the locked building on the western side of town and unlock it with the Baron Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) The Ancient Waterway/Baron Castle Recommended Level: Ce:15/Pa:19/Po:19/Te:24/Ya:20 Enemies: Alligator, GigasGator, Fang Shell, Deathtanet, Splasher, ThundrFish, BloodWorm, Hydra, BaronGuard Treasures: HiPotionx3, Etherx6, ZeusRage, Copper Timer, SpidrWeb, Hermesx3, Ancient Sword, Berserkx2, FenixDnx2, Unicornx2, Tent, Elixir Bosses: Beigan [Right Arm and Left Arm], Caignozzio ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the "Ancient Waterway", head south to snag a HiPotion, Ether, and ZeusRage. Take the northeast exit to Basement Floor 3. Here, navigate the maze of secret passages [very simples, start by going south] and get a Copper Timer, SpidrWeb, and Hermes. Take the northeast exit to Basement Floor 2. Here, get the Ether and head for Basement Floor 1. Go into the small room, a Save Room, and walk through the east wall(near the north corner) to get the Ancient Sword. It's not as powerful as the Legend Sword, so don't equip it as of yet. Anyway, save, then head out of the basement. Follow the water path to get into Baron's courtyard, then head for Cecil's room (top of the tower) and rest. Head back into the courtyard and follow the eastern path (through the compound). You'll run into Beigan, Commander of the Guards. Apparently, he's the only survivor of a rescue attempt on Cid. He joins the party, but the twins quickly smell a trap. Beigan is just another pawn, it seems... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beigan, Right Arm, Left Arm Recommended Level: Ce:17/Pa:23/Po:23/Te:26/Ya:20 Weakness: None Reward:3000 gil, 4840 EXP Attacks: Wreathe, Haste, BlodSuck, Reflct, Physical Attack Strategy: If you use magic on Beigan, he counters by casting reflect on himself. To counter that, you need to make your first magic attack count. First, take out the Right Arm with attacks or magic. Then, have Palom cast Bio or Quake (preferably Quake) on Beigan. While Yang and Cecil attack Beigan, have Tella cast Reflect on himself, and have him and Palom cast Fire2/Fire3 or Thund2/Thund3 on Tella, reflecting it onto Beigan. This will work once guaranteed (i.e. Reflect withstands two casts). Then, wait a turn, and cast Fire3/Thund3 on Beigan so he puts back up the reflection. By this time, Tella is out of MP, so have him use the Healing Staff everyone turn to cure the party. Beigan will go down eventually, but this is no doubt the toughest battle yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Beigan defeated, head back to Cecil's room and rest. Head back to the room where you fought Beigan, but this time, take the right staircase and follow it to the next room. If you remember, this is the door once guarded as Baron's treasure room. Inside, take 2 Ethers, 2 Unicorns, and 2 Fenix Dns. Now, exit the treasure room into the east courtyard, and head into the formerly inaccessible tower. This floor holds 2 Hermes and 2 Berserks. Go up the stairs, and get the two HiPotions. Go up one more flight of stairs, and check the pots for an Ether and the chests for a Tent and an Ether. Now, head back to the first floor and this time go into the basement. Search the pot for an Elixir, and then head back into the room where you faced Beigan, and follow the path to the throne room. Here, you'll meet King Baron again, but apparently, he is none other than the Emperor of Water, Caignozzio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caignozzio Recommended Level: Ce:17/Pa:23/Po:23/Te:26/Ya:20 Weakness: Thunder Reward: 4000 gil, 5000 EXP Attacks: Tsunami, 'Securing Defense System', Physical Attack Strategy: Have Cecil and Yang (who has 2 Thunder Claws, right?) attack, Tella cast Thund3, Palom cast Thund2, and Porom attack. This will either kill it or critically wound it, causing it to 'Secure' its defense system. However, it will still use Tsunami on you, which you should heal with Keal2. Finish him off by using the exact same attacks with same people the next chance you have. He takes 1-3 turns to kill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Caignozzio dies, Cid appears. He says his Enterprise Airship is hidden right here in Baron, and he says he'll lead you to it. Upon exiting the throne room, however, Caignozzio will cause the walls to move, crushing everything inside if they are not stopped. Palom and Porom turn themselves to Stone to stop the walls, and cannot be revived (for now). Now there's even more reason to hate Golbleze, right? There's a brief interlude in which Cain suggests that Golbleze uses Cecil to get the Earth Crystal of Toroia, by promising to kill Rosa if the crystal is not traded. Just as the Enterprise takes off, Cain's airship intercepts it and delivers the message. You have no choice...you have to get the Earth Crystal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER II: THE CRYSTAL OF EARTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the plot requires you to go to Toroia, there are several optional locations to which you may want to head. If you just want to forward the plot, skip to section D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Mithril Recommended Level: Ce:17/Te:26/Ya:21/Ci:20
Enemies: DethBeauty, Twin Snake, Hell Needle, Wood Eyes, Cait Sith 
Treasures: 5000 gil, Mithril Knife, Mithril Staff 
Bosses: None 
The town of Mithril is south of Fabul, located on a small island.  
Everything in the town is miniature, piggied, or toaded.  Search the grass 
in the east for a Mithril Staff, the northeast for a Mithril Knife, and 
north of the weapons/armor shop for 5000 gil.  Head for the weapons/armor 
store, and sell the Mithril Knife and Mithril Knife.  Buy the Mithril 
Sword and Mallet for Cecil and Cid, then head for the armor shop.  Here, 
buy Mithril Armor, Mithril Shields, Mithril Helms, and Mithril Gauntlets 
for Cecil and Cid.  If you want to gain money fast, duplicate the Ancient 
Sword (see tricks section to learn how to duplicate).  Once you're decked 
out, leave the town of Mithril (short place, eh?) and head for Mist. 
B.) Mist 
Recommended Level: Ce:17/Te:26/Ya:21/Ci:20 
Enemies: Sand Sahag, Goblin, Flying Eye, Insectus 
Treasures: Fragmentx3, Goldband Helm, Cloth, Ruby Ring 
Bosses: None 
Mist has been rebuilt, and though there is basically nothing good to buy, 
there is some treasure you may like to pick up.  First off, get a Fragment 
from the northeast, and 2 more Fragments in the enclosed eastern clearing 
(take a secret passage).  Now, head to the northeastern house and walk 
through the fireplace to a treasure room.  Loot a Goldband Helm, Cloth, 
and Ruby Ring. 
C.) Eblana 
Recommended Level: Ce:25/Te:26/Ya:25/Ci:25 
Enemies: IronDress, BlackLix, Rudra, RudranBaby, Flame Dog, Molz 
Treasures: Whisker, Hermes, Exit Door, Etherx3, Cottagex2, Blood Spear, 
Silver Timer, Silver Apple, Beserk, 10000 gil, Mute Arrowsx10, Spirit, 
Slumber Sword, HiPotion, MaidKiss, Gold-pin, Unicorn, AlmClock 
Bosses: None 
Located to the south of Baron is Eblana Castle (now in ruins).  The 
enemies that guard the treasure here are pretty tough, and the enemies on 
the world map pose a good opportunity to level up.  Before seriously 
challenging Eblana, I would wait till everyone but Tella is level 27.  To 
easily gain levels, just kill of Tella and then fight for over 1000 EXP a 
When you're ready, head for the castle.  Take the Right Tower first.  On 
the first floor, take the Whisker from the western chest, and head to 
floor 2.  Grab the Hermes from the easternmost pot, an Ether and Exit Door 
from the western chests.  Snag the Cottage from the accessible eastern 
chest, then heal up and take the northeastern passage to reach the other 
Battle 1. Lamia, Kuarx2 
Don't physically attack the Kuars, or they will counter with Blaster, 
which kills one of your characters.  Instead, have Cid, Yang, and Cecil 
attack the Lamia while Tella casts Fire3.  Now finish off the Kuars.  
You'll get a Blood Spear for your efforts. 
That accomplished, head back out of Eblana and rest up.  Now return to the 
2nd floor of the right tower and fall down the hole.  Grab the Silver 
Timer and head south into "Under Eblana Castle".  Grab two Ethers from the 
western chests.  Now, put everyone but Cecil in the back row, and open the 
eastern chest. 
Battle 2. Brsrk.Ogrex3 
Have Cecil "cover" Tella, while Cid and Yang pound on the Brsrk.Ogre in 
the front row.  Tella should cast Tornado on the middle ogre, allowing 
Yang, Cid, or Cecil to finish him off.  Tella's second Tornado always 
fails, so waste it on the front row ogre (keep pounding this guy).  
Finally, have Tella Tornado the final ogre, and have on of your guys 
finish off.  Your reward is a Silver Apple. 
Follow the path to the world map, where you should rest and save.  Fix 
your Rows!!!  Now, tackle Eblana's Left Tower.  Go up the stairs and get 
the Beserk (lower northwest pot), 10000 gil, and 10 Mute Arrows.  Now head 
southwest to the 1st floor to get a Spirit.  Head back to the entrance of 
the Left Tower, but instead of exiting, take a secret passage to the east 
(immediately in front of the exit).  Follow this path and open the 
treasure chest. 
Battle 3. SteelGolem, SkullJarx4 
Reward: 909 Gil, 1752 EXP 
Have Tella use Fire3 on all the opponents, while Cecil, Cid, and Yang 
attack the SteelGolem.  The next time Tella can cast magic, have him use 
Blizrd3 on the Golem.  You'll get a Slumber Sword for your feat. 
Now, head for the main area of Eblana.  On the first floor, snag the 
HiPotion, then head up to the King's Room (ignore the treasure on Floor 2 
for now).  There are secret passages on both sides of the King's Room: the 
east one leads to a MaidKiss, Gold-pin, and Cottage; the west one leads to 
a Unicorn and AlmClock.  Finally, you're done in Eblana =) 
D.) Toroia and the Cave of Power 
Recommended Level: Ce:25/Te:26/Ya:25/Ci:25 
Enemies: DethBeauty, Twin Snake, Hell Needle, Wood Eyes, Cait Sith, Ogre, 
Face Bat, DracuLady, MindFlayer 
Treasures: Scape, EtherDryx3, RubyRingx2, Tentx2, Echoer, Veggie, 
HiPotionx6, Unicorn, Etherx7, 3000 gil, SpidrWeb, Copper Timer, Fairy 
Claw, Exit Door, Earth Crystal, Elixir, Silver Apple, Medicinex2, 
EchoHerbx2, FireArrowsx20, LitArrowsx10, IceArrowsx10, GreatBow, Beserk 
Bosses: Dark Elf 
Fly to Baron and buy a Kenpou Robe for everyone who doesn't have one and a 
Bandana for Cid.  Now, fly to Mysidia and buy a Triangle Helm for Cecil, 
and about 90 Holy Arrows.  Finally, fly northeast of Baron to Toroia. 
Enter the town first.  Get into the water and follow the trail towards a 
patch of grass.  Here you can get 1000gil, an Ether, an EtherDry, and a 
Scape.  Now head for the weapons shop and buy a Great Bow for Cecil and 
Cid, and 90 Fire Arrows.  Give Cecil a GreatBow with Fire Arrows and Cid a 
GreatBow with Holy Arrows.  Also buy two Ruby Rings.  If you want, you can 
head to the pub and buy a Pass for 10000 gil.  However, you get no items 
from the ensuing sequence, and I suggest you don't waste your money.  With 
that done, save and head for the castle. 
Toroia is a peaceful nation governed by eight clerics who watch over the 
Earth Crystal  Before talking to them, loot the castle |=).  Go through 
the eastern door to arrive at the vault.  Take the middle stairs for a 
Beserk, then take the eastern staircase for 2 Tents, 2 RubyRings, 2 
HiPotions, and 2 Ethers.  Now, head back to the courtyard and take the 
western door.  Follow it to find...Gilbert!  After the reunion, Gilbert 
will give your party the Echoer item, and go to rest.  NOW you can talk 
with the Clerics. Apparently, the Dark Elf has stolen the Earth Crystal, 
and if you get it back, Toroia will loan it to you.  You'll also learn 
that since the Dark Elf is weak to metallic attacks, he has created a 
magnetic field in his lair which nullifies metallic objects. 
Now walk northeast of Toroia until you reach the Chocobo forest.  Grab the 
Veggie in the southeast corner, and use it to summon the Chubby Chocobo in 
the southwest corner.  Give the fat Chocobo everything you won't need, 
like Fragments etc.  Now, equip your characters as follows: 
Cecil: Fire Arrows, GreatBow, Triangle Helm, Kenpou Robe, Ruby Ring 
Tella: Healing Staff, Nothing, Triangle Helm, Kenpou Robe, Ruby Ring 
Cid: Holy Arrows, GreatBow, Bandana, Kenpou Robe, Ruby Ring 
Yang: Thunder Claw, Thunder Claw, Bandana, Kenpou Robe, Ruby Ring 
*Make sure to keep your metallic equipment ready as well* 
Put Yang in the front row everyone else in the back.  Now snag a Black 
Chocobo and fly east towards the Cave of Power.  Land, save, and enter. 
Head east for a HiPotion, then follow the southward path.  Grab the 
Unicorn and exit to the southwest.  On Floor 2, grab the Ether to the west 
and then take the northeastern door to collect another Ether and 2000 gil. 
 Now exit to the northwest.  On Floor 3, you can save/rest, then take the 
southern door for a SpidrWeb, HiPotion, and Copper Timer.  Now take the 
northeastern door for a Fairy Claw (give this to Yang) and the exit.  The 
fourth floor is fairly straightforward.  You can save/rest to the east, 
then grab the Exit Door to the west and enter the Crystal Room.  Walk up 
and challenge the Dark Elf. 
Dark Elf 
Recommended Level: Ce:26/Te:26/Ya:26/Ci:27 
Weakness: Holy 
Reward: None 
Attacks: Fire2/Thund2/Blizrd2 Combo, Tornado, Physical Attack 
Strategy: You cannot win this fight, so don't try. 
After the fight, Gilbert will sing a song which can be heard through the 
Echoer.  The song disrupts the magnetic field, allowing you to equip real 
weapons and armor.  So, put everyone but Tella in the front row and give 
them their original weapons/armors.  However, have Cecil use the Legend 
Sword and Cid still use the Holy Arrows/GreatBow.  Now the boss is a piece 
of cake. 
Dark Elf/DarkDragon 
Recommended Level: Ce:26/Te:26/Ya:26/Ci:27 
Weakness: Holy 
Reward: 5000 gil, 6000 EXP 
Attacks: Fire2/Thund2/Blizrd2 Combo, Tornado, Physical Attack 
Strategy: This fight is obscenely easy.  Have everyone attack and Tella 
heal when necessary.  Cecil's attacks should do 1200-1500 damage a pop.  
Once the Dark Elf loses a lot of HP, he morphs into the DarkDragon, which 
is basically the same monster.  Just kill him... 
Now take the Earth Crystal, and either walk out of the Cave or cast exit. 
I walked, easy EXP/Gil.  When you return to Toroia, head for the crystal 
room, and Cain's voice will tell you to follow him on the airship.  First 
talk to the clerics, then go talk to Gilbert, then go to the vault and take 
the western stairs. Get past the guard and into the treasury, where you 
can loot 2 Medicines, 2 Ethers, 2 EtherDry, 2 HiPotions, 2 EchoHerbs, an 
Elixir, 20 Fire Arrows, 10 Lit Arrows, 10 Ice Arrows, a GreatBow, and a 
Silver Apple.  Make sure to keep a GreatBow in your inventory, alongside a 
Triangle Helm. Now, head to your airship.  You'll be lead into a high-tech 
facility, the Tower of Zott. 
E.) Tower of Zott 
Recommended Level: Ce:27/Te:27/Ya:27/Ci:27 
Enemies: P.Baravois, CentaurKn, Marionette, Marion, Blizlizrd, BlackKn, 
Prankstr, BreezBeast, Lady Guard, SorcerLady 
Treasures: Flame Armor, Flame Sword, Earth Hammer, HellClaw, Priest Robe, 
Flame Shield, Magma Stone 
Bosses: Magus Sisters [Dog,Mag,Rag], Valvalicia 
On the first floor, be sure to get the Flame Armor from the northwest (but 
don't equip it yet).  Now take the northeastern exit to Floor 2.  Here, 
bust open the chest for a fight with a FlameDog.  The guy is an easy kill 
and gives you a Flame Sword.  Equip the Sword and the Armor from earlier 
on Cecil.  Now take the northwestern exit to Floor 3.  This floor has no 
treasure, so just follow the winding path to the northwestern exit.  Floor 
4 itself has no treasures, but it has paths to Floor 5, which is 
generously endowed with the stuff.  Take the western door for a HellClaw 
(give this to Yang), and a Flame Shield (to Cecil).  Take the center door 
for a Priest Robe (to Tella).  Finally, take the eastern door for an Earth 
Hammer (to Cid).  Now, follow the path to the eastern exit.  On the main 
portion of Floor 5, go into the save room and rest up.  Now head to the 
stairs and challenge the Magus Sisters. 
Dog (Tall), Mag(Fat), Rag(Short) 
Recommended Level: Ce:28/Te:26/Ya:28/Ci:27 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 9000 gil, 7500 EXP 
Attacks: Reflect, Thund2, Fire2, Blizd2 
Strategy: Another easy fight.  Have Cecil, Yang, and Cid attack Mag while 
Tella casts Bio on Dog and Rag.  The Delta Attack is pretty weak (only 
200), so you don't necessarily need to heal.  Once Mag is dead, kill Rag, 
then Dog. 
Head back and save/rest.  De-equip Tella completely, then head to Floor 6. 
 Here you'll give the Earth Crystal to Golbleze, who then tries to escape. 
 Tella intercepts him.  During the automatic fight, Tella tries to cast 
Fire3, Blizd3, Thund3, and Bio on Golbleze, all of which fails.  Finally, 
he uses Meteo, defeating Golbleze, but killing Tella.  Golbleze still 
manages to escape, but his control of Cain is dispelled.  Once you regain 
control of your characters, talk to Cain and he will open the door for 
you.  Once you save Rosa, a long dialogue takes place.  Once you regain 
control of your characters, equip Rosa with Fire Arrows, GreatBow, 
Triangle Helm, Priest Robe, and Silver Ring.  Cain's Blood Spear is NOT 
RECCOMENDED for the upcoming boss fight.  When you're done attempt to 
leave the room.  You're blocked by Valvalicia, Empress of Wind! 
Recommended Level: Ce:28/Ca:30/Ci:28/Ro:28/Ya:28 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 5500 gil, 7200 EXP 
Attacks: Tornado, FingerTip, Physical Attack 
Strategy: Have Cecil, Cid, and Yang attack.  Cain should always Jump, 
because this is the only way to break Valvalicia's whirlwind form.  Rosa 
should stand by to Esuna FingerTip victims and Keal2 Cecil (if he is 
Tornadoed or is weak). 
Rosa will teleport you out of Zott and back to Baron.  Here, Cain will 
reveal that there are four more Crystals which Golbleze has yet to find, 
the Crystals of Darkness.  He gives you the Magma Stone, and tells you 
that the Crystals are located underground.  But where to begin your 
A.) Agalt: Gateway to the Underworld 
Recommended Level: Ce:28/Ca:30/Ci:28/Ro:29/Ya:28 
Enemies: K. Aouki, K. Yoshi, H. Natuda, MagmaTurtl, GoblinCap., BlackLiz, 
Treasures: N.Pole, Beserkx2, HiPotion, Bl.Belt Robe, Etherx2, Elixirx2, 
Dwarf Axe, Power Ring, Silver Timer, PornoMag, Veggiex3, Cottagex3 
Bosses: CalcoBrena, Golbleze 
Head for the town of Agalt, east of Eblana.  If you have yet to visit 
Mithril, Mist, and Eblana, look back at Part II Chapter II Sections A-C 
for information.  At Agalt, you can get a N.Pole to the west.  Since there 
is nothing else of importance here, walk up to the well and use the Magma 
item to open a passage to the underworld.  Make sure you have Mithril 
Armor for Cain and Cecil (Flame is useless underground).  Save, then head 
inside via the airship.  You'll be caught in z battle, and the airship 
will crash. De-equip Cid, then head into the castle and straight up to the 
King's room. Cid will leave to repair the Airship.  Yang notices that 
there are monsters behind the King's throne, in the crystal room.  You're 
sent to investigate.  It turn out to be nothing other than Calcobrena, a 
killer doll. 
Calco, Brena, CalcoBrena 
Recommended Level: Ce:28/Ca:30/Ro:29/Ya:28 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 6500 gil, 15000 EXP 
Attacks: Pupil, Physical Attack 
Strategy: This battle is really easy.  Kill off all the Brenas (pink 
dolls) and most of the Calcos (blue dolls) for CalcoBrena to appear.  Have 
Cain Jump and everyone else attack. 
Immediately after the fight, Golbleze appears to challenge you. 
Recommended Level: Ce:28/Ca:30/Ci:28/Ro:28/Ya:28 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 11000 gil, 15000 EXP 
Attacks: CursAura, Summon, BlkFang (ShadowDrgn) 
Strategy: As the battle opens, all your attacks will miss.  After a while, 
Golbleze will use CursAura, then summon a ShadowDrgn.  The beast will use 
BlkFang to kill everyone but Cecil.  However, a Mist dragon appears to 
kill the ShadowDrgn in the nick of time.  Rydia also appears, and the 
fight really begins.  Have Cecil attack and Rydia cast Bio on Gobleze.  
The King of the Emperors should die in two rounds of this. 
Golbleze manages to get the crystal and escape, but at least you're in one 
piece. The Dwarven King, Jiott, suggests a raid on the Tower of Babil 
while Golbleze is away looking for the final crystal...sounds like a plan! 
First, loot the castle of all treasure.  Take the western staircase to 
reach the Item Shop/Inn.  Search the pt for 5000 gil.  Now take the 
western staircase to a room full of pots.  One of them contains a Beserk. 
Go up the next flight of stairs.  Here get the western chest for a 
HiPotion, and follow the secret path for a Black Belt Robe, Ether, and 
Elixir.  Exit the left tower and proceed to the right tower.  Get the 
Dwarf Axe (give it to Cecil, for now).  Take the central stairs to another 
pot room (sounds fishy?).  There's another Beserk here, if you like.  Go 
upstairs, and get the Power Ring, Silver Timer, Elixir, and Ether.  Now 
to the ground floor and take the eastern stairs to the Armory. 
As I've already said, Flame Armor is useless underground.  So ignore all 
of the Flame Armor/Weaponry.  Be sure to get a Rune Ring for Yang, Rydia, 
and Rosa, a Priest Hat for Rydia and Rosa, and a Priest Robe for Rydia. 
For weapons, Darkness Arrows should be sufficient (buy 270, 90/archer + 90 
spare).  Now head in-between the two counters and into the LaliHo pub.  
There's a secret passage to the direct east of the entrance; take it to 
the Development Room.  Here you can talk to the various programmers for the 
game.  You'll occasionally run into monsters, which can't be defeated or 
are automatically defeated.  Ignore them, and take the stairs to a 
bedroom.  Search the left part of the bookshelf for a PornoMag.  That's 
about all that's here, so head back up to the Armory. 
From the Armory, take the northwestern staircase.  Search the pots you 
find for three Veggies, then talk to the Chubby Chocobo (if you wish).  
Head west back to the Inn, and buy some HiPotions(180 should do).  Now 
head back into the Chubby Chocobo are and talk to the dwarf standing near 
the wall. He'll open a pathway to Basement Floor 2.  Traverse the paths 
(there are 3 Cottages to the east) to the Dwarven Military Base.  Head 
outside, save, and continue east, then north towards the Tower of Babil. 
B.) The Tower of Babil 
Recommended Level: Ce:31/Ry:30/Ca:30/Ro:30/Ya:29 
Enemies: MagmaTurtl, GoblinCap., BlackLiz, Flame Dog, Marionette, Fake 
Puppet, Eyes, Medusa, N.Pole 
Treasures: Ice Arrowsx20, Ether, Gr.Beret, Blizzard Spear, IceBrand Sword, 
CatClaw, HiPotion, FenixDn 
Bosses: Doctor and Balnaba, Lugeie 
Head west for a set of ten Ice Arrows, then head south for 10 more.  Head 
to the western corner of the room for an Ether, then take the exit to 
Floor 2.  Grab the Gr.Beret west of the entrance and give to either Rydia 
or Rosa.  Head for the western room, and bust open the treasure chest for 
a Blizzard Spear.  You'll have to fight an Eyes to get it, however.  This 
Eyes summons SteelGolems when attacked, but if Yang still has the 
FairyClaw, that shouldn't be a problem.  Give the Blizzard Spear to Cain, 
then head to the northeastern door.  Here the treasure chest contains an 
IceBrand and is guarded by an Eyes that summons a Chimera.  Bust them both 
up and give the IceBrand Sword to Cecil.  Now take the central exit to 
Floor 3.  Grab the CatClaw west of the entrance, and a HiPotion to the 
southeast.  Take the door on the eastern side to Floor 4.  Grab the Killer 
Bow west of the entrance and give it to Rosa.  There's also a S.Pole to 
the east, but it's not necessarily worth it.  Head back to Floor 3 and 
head to the western side.  Grab the FenixDn and then head for the second 
part of Floor 4.  To the west is a save room (which you probably don't 
need), to the east lies some treasure rooms.  Head east across the bridge 
and loot the southern and northern rooms for an Ice Shield and Ice Armor 
respectively, for Cecil.  Both are guarded by Eyes.  Now head west across 
the other bridge and on to Floor 5.  There's a N.Pole east of the entrance 
that you don't need, so instead head southeast and grab a HiPotion, then 
swing to the northeastern exit.  Traverse Floor 6 and head onto Floor 7, 
then head east and rest/save.  There's an EtherDry to southwest which you 
should get.  When you're done, head for Floor 8.  Make sure you are ready, 
then head for the central platform.  You'll see a man named Lugeie 
talking to Rubicante, who warps out.  After exchanging insults with Cain, 
Lugeie attacks. 
Doctor and Balnaba/Fusedmecha  
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:31/Ro:30/Ya:30 
Weakness: None 
Reward: None 
Attacks: Physical Attack 
Strategy: This battle is easy.  Have Cecil and Yang attack Balnaba while 
Cain Jumps on him.  Rydia should cast Bio on Balnaba, and Rosa should 
Berserk Cecil and Yang.  If you can pull this off fast enough, then Lugeie 
won't have time to form Fusedmecha (which is basically a powered-up 
Without further ado... 
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:31/Ro:30/Ya:30 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 4000 gil, 10100 EXP, Lugeie Key 
Attacks: SleepGas (Counter), PoisnGas, Laser, Beam, Medic, FlameThrwr, 
Physical Attack 
Strategy: This battle is fairly difficult.  Cecil and Yang should attack, 
while Cain Jumps, Rydia uses Bio or Ifrit or Titan, and Rosa stand by to 
heal or cast Berserk on the attackers.  Lugeie's Laser attack is deadly if 
he uses it on Rydia or Rosa, as it can rack up to 1500 damage, so watch 
out!  After 5 or so turns, he'll use Medic to cure the Poison status he 
inflicted on you with Poison Gas. 
Lugeie will inform you that all the Dwarves will be killed by the Giant 
Gun of Babil before he croaks.  Remember that locked door on Floor 5?  
Well, that's where the Gigantic Cannon is.  So head back to Floor 5.  
Before heading for the locked door, de-equip Yang.  Now use the Lugeie Key 
to open the door and head to the Giant Cannon room.  Here you'll face off 
with three Goblin Caps.  After butchering them, Yang stays behind to 
detonate the Cannon.  After that's done, head out of the Tower of Babil.  
At the exit, Golbleze appears and seals off the Tower, but Cid appears in 
the nick of time to save you.  As you fly off, a Red Wing airship pursues 
you.  Alas, the Enterprise isn't fast enough to outrun the Red Wing, so 
Cid sacrifices himself to distract the ship and seal your exit.  Damn, 
that's two friends out...Cid's last words to you are to head for Baron, so 
that's where you should go. 
A.) Cave of Eblana 
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:31/Ro:30 
Enemies: Face Bat, Bloody Bat, Skull Jar, Bloody Bone, SteelGolem, 
BlackLiz, Armadilo, IronDress 
Treasures: Shurikenx2, Medicine, VampFang, Ether, Tent, HiPotionx3, 
Cottage, Elixirx2, SpidrWeb, Silver Timer, FenixDnx2, Gold-pin, EtherDry, 
Blood Sword, Spirit 
Bosses: None 
At Baron Castle, talk to the engineers, who will install a hook on your 
airship  With this hook, you can carry around the Hovercraft, thus 
allowing you to reach the Cave Of Eblana.  Before heading for Eblana 
though, swing by Mt. Hobs to pick up your hovercraft, and then head to 
Toroia.  Buy a lot of Ice Arrows here, they'll be very useful in the 
upcoming scenario.  Now, head for Eblana and use the Hovercraft to reach 
the cave west of Eblana. 
Grab the treasure east of the entrance for a Shuriken.  Take the secret 
passage east for a Medicine, then continue east for a Vamp.Fang.  Now head 
to Basement Floor 2.  This is where all the residents of Eblana have been 
hiding, so expect no enemy encounters here.  Buy Ice Armor and an Ice 
Shield for Cain and a Black Robe for Rydia.  If you need to, rest, then 
sniff around for information.  You'll learn that the Prince of Eblana has 
gone off to help dig a tunnel towards the Tower of Babil.  When you're 
done, head for the exit and the Passage to Babil. 
Get an Ether to the east of the entrance, and a Tent to the north.  Follow 
the secret passage beneath the fallen soldier to a HiPotion. Exit the room 
and grab a Shuriken and Spirit as you continue towards the exit.  This 
next area is full of treasure; be sure to get the Cottage, 2 HiPotions, 
and 2 Elixirs in this area (the Elixirs are sealed off by a hidden passage 
near the other chests).  Head southeast and grab a SpidrWeb, Silver Timer, 
and 2 FenixDn.  Now take the northern exit.  To the north is a save-point, 
but first grab the Gold-pin to the northwest.  Now head north, where 
you'll see Edge, Prince of Eblana, battle Rubicante, Emperor of Fire.  Of 
course, Edge loses, and you have to save heal him up.  After acting tough, 
he joins you.  Head west for an EtherDry, then return to the save point. 
Here, take a secret passage in the northeast for a Blood Sword.  The Sword 
is guarded by two SteelGolems, who are rather easily defeated.  Now rest, 
and head north to the Tower of Babil. 
B.) Tower of Babil 
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:31/Ro:30/Ed:25 
Enemies: Brsk.Ogre, Remedy Bomb, Kuar, Mystery Egg, Ice Warrior, Sorcerer, 
MithrilGolem, MthrLamia, Lamia 
Treasures: Unicorn, Silver Timer, OgrKiller Axe, Lilith Kiss, Ashura 
Katana, 82000 gil, HiPotionx2, Luka Key 
Bosses: K. Eblana and Q. Eblana, Rubicante 
Head north until you reach a dead end, where Edge will help you pass 
through the wall.  Grab the Unicorn then head south.  If you want, you can 
grab a Silver Timer northeast of the exit.  On Basement Floor 2, head for 
the central platform.  The chest contains the powerful OgrKiller Axe, but 
is guarded by 4 Brsk. Ogres.  If you are up to the fight, go ahead and 
snatch the Axe.  Head for the third floor.  Here, grab a Lilith Kiss to 
the east, then take the door to the fourth floor.  Follow the path east, 
grabbing the Ashura Katana for Edge on the way to the exit.  You'll return 
to a part of the third floor which you've never visited.  There's a save 
room to the west, the exit is the other door.  On floor 5, head west and 
grab 82000 gil, then head for the middle platform.  Here you'll encounter 
the King and Queen of Eblana. 
K. Eblana and Q. Eblana 
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:32/Ro:31/Ed:25 
Weakness: None 
Reward: None 
Attacks: Fire2, Fire 
Strategy: You cannot win this battle, so I suggest that you don't even 
try.  Just defend while the battle progresses.  Eventually, the King and 
Queen will regain their senses and sacrifice themselves. 
Rubicante will show up and apologize for Lugeie's experiments on the King 
and Queen, but Edge is blinded by rage.  He learns two new spells as he 
challenges Rubicante.  Rubicante will heal you before the fight starts, so 
there is no point in healing yourself, just charge in. 
Recommended Level: Ce:32/Ry:31/Ca:32/Ro:31/Ed:25 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 7000 gil, 18000 EXP 
Attacks: Fire2, FlameDgn, Physical Attack (2) 
Strategy: When Rubicante's cape is closed, he is impervious to most magic 
attacks.  Only when his cape is open is he vulnerable to Ice.  It's best 
to be safe and stray away from using Ice and Shiva spells.  Instead, have 
Cecil and Edge attack, Cain Jump, Rydia cast Bio, and Rosa attack/heal.  
Cain's attack will do anywhere from 4500-6000 damage, Cecil's will do 
about 2500.  The only enemy attack to watch out for is FlameDgn, which 
will hit for 2500.  Immediately revive and cure the victim, and this fight 
will be easy. 
After Rubicante croaks, the Chamberlain of Eblana shows up.  He tells Edge 
that his duty is with the people of Eblana, but Edge wants to help fight 
Golbleze with your group.  The Chamberlain agrees and leaves, while your 
group heads north for the Crystal Room.  However, after taking two steps 
here, you'll fall into another area of the tower.  Get the HiPotion to the 
north and head for Floor 6.  Here you can grab another HiPotion.  Now head 
for the airship docks, where you'll find the new model Red Wing (which 
Edge calls the Falcon).  Edge uses it to escape the Tower.  Head for the 
Dwarf Castle.  Talk to King Jiott, who'll give you the Luka Key to the 
Sealed Cave (where the last crystal is).  Now, you may have heard from the 
other Dwarves that they found an old airship engineer who is resting in 
the hospital.  I think we all know that it's Cid |=).  Head to the 
hospital (take the northeastern stairs at the inn, then the first door) 
and talk to Cid.  After a confrontation between him and Edge, the airship 
will be fixed to fly over lava.  The plot requires you to head for the 
Sealed Cave, but I do it differently, and I recommend that you do as well. 
C.) The Phantom World 
Recommended Level: Ce:33/Ry:32/Ca:32/Ro:36/Ed:30 
Enemies: HellFlapper, Creeselion, Blood Flwr, Undrgrnder, Satanite, 
Treasures: Zeus Rage, S.Pole, Fragment, 13000 gil, Monstersx3, 
EtherDryx2, HiPotionx2, FenixDnx2, Etherx2, Cottage, Defender Sword, 
Poison Axe, Kikuichi Katana, Yoichi Bow, Yoichi Arrowsx10, Elixir, Rat 
Bosses: Ashura, Leviathan 
First thing's first, head for Tomera, south of the Dwarf Castle.  Here's a 
list of what you should buy: 
Cecil: Diamond Shield, Diamond Armor, Diamond Helm, Diamond Gauntlet 
Rydia: Goldband Helm 
Cain: Diamond Shield, Diamond Armor, Diamond Helm, Diamond Gauntlet 
Rosa: Goldband Helm 
Edge: Ashura Katana, Diamond Ring 
Price: 191000 gil (!) 
Now that you're docked out in the new equipment, head for the town to the 
northwest house in Tomera.  Here loot a Zeus Rage, S.Pole, Fragment, 2000 
gil, Monsters, and an EtherDry (check all the pots and treasures).  Now, 
the next dungeon requires Levita and Reflect, which means Rosa must be at 
least Level 36.  How to accomplish this?  Kill of everyone but Cecil, 
Cain, and Rosa, then fight outside Tomera.  Kill almost all the enemies, 
then kill of Cain and Cecil, so only Rosa gets experience (and up to 13k). 
After the battle, revive Cain and Cecil and repeat.  This may take time, 
but it works.  I also recommend bringing Edge up to level 30 or so.  Now, 
head for the Cave to Phantom World on an island northwest of Tomera. 
Once you're inside the cave, cast Levita on everyone.  Head southeast for 
a HiPotion, then north for a FenixDn.  From the FenixDn, head west through 
the wall to get an Ether.  Now take the western exit to Basement Floor 2.  
Cast Levita on everyone again, then head north of the entrance for a 
Cottage.  Now head to Basement Floor 3. Again, cast Levita on everyone.  
Now head south for a Fenix Dn, then southeast for a Monsters.  Now take the 
secret passage north towards an isolated chest.  Make sure everyone's 
ready, then bust it open to face 5 Satanites.  They can be tough; have 
Cain Jump, Cecil attack, Rydia casts Titan, Rosa heal, and Edge cast 
Raijin.  You're reward is the powerful Defender sword for Cecil.  Now 
follow the secret passage all the way to the southwest, where you'll find a 
HiPotion, Poison Axe, and a Kikuichi Katana (give this to Edge).  Finally 
head towards the grey portal in this room. 
You won't have to fight annoying random battles anymore.  Head northwest 
for an Ether, then north and around the area for Monsters, 5000 gil, and 
6000 gil.  North of the 6000 gil treasure chest is a small balcony that is 
shadowed off, walk onto it to be transported to a secret treasure area. 
Here you can get 10 Yoichi Arrows, a Yoichi Bow, an Elixir, and an 
EtherDry.  Return to BF4 and walk onto the grey portal.  Once you are 
warped, step back on it to warp back and get the RatTail.  Now warp to the 
Phantom World (again).  The northwest house has a FenixDn, Monsters, and a 
Save Point.  I suggest you rest at the Inn.  At the weapon store, buy a 
Kotetsu Katana for Edge, an Electric Whip for Rydia, and Angel Arrows for 
Rosa.  At the Armor Store, buy an Aegis Shield for Cecil and a Light Robe 
for Rosa and Rydia. Now, head for the library (it has a Chocobo in front 
of it).  Read all the books here, the provide information that will be 
useful later.  On the bottom floor, warp into the core of the Phantom 
World. Talk to Queen Ashura and challenge her to a fight. 
Recommended Level: Ce:33/Ry:32/Ca:32/Ro:36/Ed:30 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 20000 EXP, Ashura Summon 
Attacks: Keal3, Protc, Raise, Physical Attack 
Strategy: As soon as you can, have Rosa cast Reflect on Ashura.  This will 
ensure that Ashura's endless Keal, Protect, and Raise spells only affect 
you.  Now, have everyone attack Ashura {Rydia using Titan), but do it 
wisely.  Ashura's counterattack is pretty strong, so if you think it can 
kill your characters, either have Rosa cast Keal3 or wait for Ashura to do 
it. Protecting your own characters isn't a bad idea either.  Just keep 
hammering away, it's a LONG fight. 
Now that Ashura has been defeated, King Leviathan is open to challenge. 
However, it's wise to rest, heal, and save before trying him.  When you're 
ready, talk to him and say "yes". 
Recommended Level: Ce:33/Ry:32/Ca:32/Ro:36/Ed:30 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 28000 EXP, Leviathan Summon 
Attacks: Big Wave, Blizd2 
Strategy: Leviathan opens up with a Big Wave attack, which deals 250-500 
damage to everyone, then casts Blizd2 and sporadically uses Big Wave. 
Oddly, his Blizd2 is much more lethal than his Big Wave attack.  Anyway, 
have Cecil attack, Rydia cast Bio/Ramuh, Cain Jump, Rosa cast 
Keal3(every turn is safe->you should have the MP), and Edge use Raijin. It 
will take time, but Leviathan will die and you'll be relatively unharmed. 
With Leviathan's powers at hand, you're done here.  After resting, buy 
some EchoHerbs (30 or so), then head for a cave to the far northwest of 
the Underworld. 
D.) The Cave of the Sylphs 
Recommended Level: Ce:35/Ry:32/Ca:34/Ro:36/Ed:30 
Enemies: Toady Toad, ToadyWitch, Molbo, Mammon, Dream Evil, Undrgrnder 
Treasures: Angel Arrowsx10, Monstersx2, Maidkissx3, HiPotionx2, Fairy Rod, 
Spirit, 6000 gil, Medicine, Exit Door, Etherx2, Red Fang, Wh. Fang, 
BlueFang, Medusa Arrowsx10, Avenger Sword, Engetsu Boomerang, ElvenBow, 
Cottage, MageMash Knife, Lit Arrowsx10, Fire Arrowsx10, Ice Arrowsx10, 
Elixir, CatClaw, HellClaw 
Bosses: None 
Upon entering the cave, cast Levita on everyone.  Now head east for 10 
Angel Arrows and a Monsters.  Head south to Basement Floor 2.  Cast Levita 
on everyone.  Here, take the stairs northwest of the entrance to Basement 
Floor 3.  Cast Levita on everyone.  Head north for a MaidKiss and a 
HiPotion.  Now take the secret passage below these chests to a Fairy Rod.  
Now head back to the entrance to BF3, and at the foot of the stairs head 
east, north, and up the stairs.  Cast Levita on everyone.  Back on BF2, 
head east, south, then grab a Spirit, 3000 gil, a Medicine, and another 
2000 gil. Now head south to get a Monsters, ExitDoor, MaidKiss, another 
MaidKiss, and an Ether.  Now drop down to BF3, cast Levita on everyone, 
and head east onto the warp.  Cast Levita on everyone.  You'll end up in a 
rather secluded area of BF3 with six guarded treasures. The northwest 
treasure contains a RedFang guarded by 6 Dream Evils.  Blast them with 
Leviathan for an easy win.  The central north chest contains a Wh.Fang, 
again guarded by 6 Dream Evils.  Use the same tactic.  Finally, the 
northeastern chest contains a BlueFang guarded by...right, 6 more Dream 
Evils.  Just blast them again.  Now tackle the southeast treasure chest, 
which contains 10 Medusa Arrows, guarded by 2 Undrgrnders.  One hit from 
Cecil, Edge, or Cain will kill them, so this fight is easy |=).  The 
central south chest contains an Avenger Sword guarded by 4 Molbols.  This 
is a tricky fight, since BadBreth can be devastating.  If Rydia still 
stands, have her use Leviathan for massive damage, then clean up the 
remnants.  If not, bring her back using Esuna (use Rosa or Cecil). 
Finally, open the southwestern chest for an Engetsu Boomerang guarded by 2 
Mammons and 2 Moblors.  Leviathan the hell out of them, and give the 
Engetsu Boomerang to Edge.  Now take the warp back to the underworld map 
and rest. 
When you're ready, re-enter the cave.  Cast Levita on everyone. Head back 
to BF2, cast Levita on everyone, and this time take the southern 
staircase.  Cast Levita on everyone.  Back on BF1, head northeast through 
a secret passage to snag the ElvenBow, then head to the northwest corner 
for 1000 gil and a Cottage. Now take the southwestern exit to another 
portion of BF2.  Cast Levita on everyone.  From here, head northeast 
through a passage towards a secluded chest containing the MageMash Knife.  
The treasure is guarded by 6 ToadyToads and a Toady Witch.  Use Shiva and 
physical attacks to butcher them.  Now take the middle staircase to 
another portion of the ground floor.  Cast Levita on everyone.  Grab a 
HiPotion, Ether, 10 Lit Arrows, 10 Fire Arrows, and 10 Ice Arrows before 
heading back to BF2.  Cast Levita on everyone.  On BF2, take the 
northernmost staircase to BF3.  Cast Levita on everyone.  West of the 
entrance is an Elixir.  After getting it, follow the path to a small 
house.  Here you can get a CatClaw and HellClaw, as well as meet Yang, who 
is unconscious. The Sylphs won't help you, so head upstairs and warp out 
of the cave.  Rest, then head for the Sealed Cave directly northwest of 
E.) The Sealed Cave 
Recommended Level: Ce:36/Ry:33/Ca:36/Ro:38/Ed:32 
Enemies: Marid, NagaRusher, EvilHead, Miss Vamp 
Treasures: Monsters, Etherx3, Kotetsu Katanax2, HiPotionx2, Light 
Curtainx2, FenixDnx2, Light Sword, Elixir, Hellwind, DarkHood, SilenceBell, 
EtherDry, X-Potion, Darkness 
Bosses: Assault Doorx15, Demon Wall 
Upon entering, use the Luka Key to open the door and head for Basement 
Floor 1.  here, head southeast for a Monsters, then head for the door 
north of here.  You're in for a surprise; all doors in the Sealed Cave are 
actually semi-boss creatures! 
Recommended Level: Ce:36/Ry:33/Ca:36/Ro:38/Ed:32 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 4500 gil, 30000 EXP 
Attacks: Target, Dimentn9 
Strategy: AssultDoors start off by casting Target on a party member, then 
using Dimemnt9 on that member to kill him or her.  However, Dimentn9 can 
be reflected, so a fairly easy strategy to beat this boss is to have Rosa 
stand by and Reflect immediately after the AssultDoor casts Target.  
However, since the AssultDoor is faster than Rosa, Rosa can only block his 
second attack. 
Behind this AssultDoor you'll get an Ether and a Kotetsu Katana.  Now head 
northwest to face off with AssultDoor #2.  Behind this door lies an Ether 
and HiPotion.  There are two more AssultDoors here, both of which lead to 
empty rooms.  However, they are easy EXP if you want to kill them.  Either 
way, head southwest to Basement Floor 2.  Here, head south for a Light 
Curtain, then west for a FenixDn.  Head north, and you'll see a wall with 
5 doors.  AssultDoor#5 is the easternmost door here, and it leads to 
nothing.  Again, it's easy EXP.  AssultDoor#6 leads to a Light Sword (but 
you should have the Defender Sword from the Cave to Phantom World).  
Door#7 leads to an Elixir, a Hellwind, and a Light Curtain.  Door#8 leads 
to nothing (EXP?), but Door#9 leads to a save point.  Door#10 leads to a 
DarkHood for Edge and another Kotetsu Katana.  Finally, head southwest, 
where door #11 leads to an Ether and a staircase to Basement Floor 3.  
Here, pick up a Fenix Dn and a HiPotion.  The door here, #12, is empty.  
Head south, then east to get a SilenceBell in the main area of BF3.  The 
13th door is empty as well, so ignore it.  Now head down the rope and go 
east to door #14.  Bust it open for an EtherDry and an X-Potion.  Now head 
through the southwestern stairs and save.  In Basement Floor 4 there is a 
save point and a path to Basement Floor 5.  In BF5, kill the last 
AssultDoor, #15, for entrance into the Crystal Room.  Snatch the Crystal 
of Darkness and head back outside, only to be attacked by a DemonWall. 
Demon Wall 
Recommended Level: Ce:37/Ry:35/Ca:39/Ro:40/Ed:33 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 8000 gil, 23000 EXP 
Attacks: CrashDwn, StoneGaze, Physical Attack 
Strategy: Provided that you've gone to the Phantom World and the Cave of 
the Sylphs, this fight should not be hard.  The wall advances, and after 
awhile it kills one party member and then restarts its advance.  However, I 
killed it before it could even kill 1 of my members.  Just have Cain Jump, 
Cecil and Edge attack, Rydia use Leviathan, and Rosa use Keal3 or Haste.  
The boss should die quickly. 
Now use Rydia to Degon you to the entrance, where you should de-equip Cain 
and then exit.  Golbleze will regain control of Cain, who steals the 
Darkness Crystal and leaves with Gobleze...the path to the moon is open! 
Head to the Dwarf Castle, where Cid will attach a drill to the Falcon, 
allowing you to go back to the surface (and thus to Mysidia, where King 
Jiott tells you to go).  With the Falcon, head to the hole to the 
northeast of the underworld and ascend back to the overworld. 
A.) The Excalbiur and the Cleaver 
Recommended Level: Ce:37/Ry:35/Ro:40/Ed:33 
Enemies: Toady Toad, ToadyWitch, Molbo, Mammon, Dream Evil, Undrgrnder 
Treasures: FryPan, Adamant, Cleaver, Excalbur 
Bosses: None 
In the overworld, head to Fabul and talk to Yang's wife.  She'll give you 
the Frying Pan of Love to wake him up with.  With that in hand, head back 
to Eblana and get on the Enterprise.  Take it and the Hovercraft to the 
island with Mithril, and ride the Hovercraft to the small cave southeast 
of it.  In this Adamant Cave, give the Rat Tail to the man in exchange for 
an Adamant.  Now get on the Falcon and head back to the Underworld.  This 
time head to Smith Kukoro's House in the southeast corner.  Here, use the 
Adamant on the man upstairs, and he'll say he can refine your Legend 
Sword.  Now head back to the Cave of the Sylphs and retrace your path to 
Yang.  Use a FryPan on him to wake him up.  He wants to join, but can't, 
so the Sylphs decide to help you in his stead (i.e. you gain the Sylph 
summon).  Now head back to Fabul again and talk to Yang's wife.  Use the 
FryPan, and she'll give you the Kitchen Knife, Cleaver, in exchange.  This 
is the most powerful dart in the game; it always does 9999 damage!  Now 
head for Mysidia. 
Upon entering Mysidia, everyone will begin to pray for the prophecy to 
come true.  Eventually, the Magical Ship will surface out of the ocean and 
land next to Mysidia.  If you talk to the Crystal of Flight on this ship, 
you'll go to the moon.  But first, head back to Kukoro's house in the 
Underworld to get the Excalbur sword.  Now you can head for the moon. 
B.) The Home of the Lunarians 
Recommended Level: Ce:37/Ry:35/Ro:40/Ed:33 
Enemies: Eucaryote, Luna Virus, Prokaryote, Abyss Worm, P. Bavarois, White 
Moose, Bl. Pudding, Remedy Bomb, Dk. Grenade 
Treasures: Golden Apple, Moon Curtain, Stardust 
Bosses: None 
On the moon, land the Magical Ship northwest of the Crystal Palace and 
walk into the Lunar Underground Pass (the cave).  Head east and bust open 
the treasure chest for a fight with 2 Eucaryotes and 2 Prokaryotes.  Use 
Leviathan and physical attacks to wipe them out for a Golden Apple.  Now 
head northeast to grab a Moon Curtain and Stardust. Now exit the cave and 
follow the path towards the next area of the Lunar Underground Pass.  
There are no treasures here, so just follow the path towards the exit and 
head towards the Crystal Place (Home of the Lunarians).  One inside, head 
to the left and right tiles to the restore your power, then head up front. 
 You'll meet FuSoYa, the Lunarian, who'll explain about the history of the 
Moon and the Blue Planet.   He also tells you that KluYa, a Lunarian, is 
Cecil's father, and that Golbleze is merely a pawn for a much stronger 
Lunarian foe.  He joins you in order to stop Golbleze from reaching the 
Moon.  With FuSoYa in hand, head outside, save, and head back inside.  In 
front of the HP recovery tile (to the west), hit A to open a fight with 2 
DemonSoldrs that use StoneGaze (instead of their powerful physical 
attacks).  Kill of one and cripple the other, then kill of everyone but 
one of your characters (I left Rydia alive) to net them 37000 EXP (!).  
Now, head back to the Magical Ship. 
C.) Cave of the Phantom God and the Humingway Cave 
Recommended Level: Ce:40/Ry:41/Fu:50/Ro:44/Ed:38 
Enemies: DarkWizard, MoonGoddess, DemonSoldr, SkullDragn, SlvrDragn 
Treasures: Genji Gauntlet, Genji Shield, Genji Armor, Genji Helm 
Bosses: Behemothx3, Bahamut 
Fly the Magical ship to the circular ledge surrounding a small cave, land, 
and enter the cave.  Head south for a Genji Gauntlet, which you should 
give to Cecil.  Head east, then take a secret passage to the Genji Shield 
(for Cecil).  Now take the southern exit to Basement Floor 2.  Here, head 
northwest for a set of Genji Armor (for...Cecil) and northeast for a Genji 
Helm (guess who?).  Before heading across the bridge, heal up.  As you 
walk across the bridge you'll face a Behemoth. 
Recommended Level: Ce:40/Ry:41/Fu:50/Ro:44/Ed:38 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 65000 gil, 57000 EXP 
Attacks: Maelstrm, Counterattack 
Strategy: Have Edge use Bushn on Cecil and himself, and have them attack.  
FuSoYa should cast Flare, Rosa should cast Keal3, and Rydia should do 
nothing.  If you use Meteo or Holy on the Behemoth, he'll counter with 
Maelstrm, which you don't want.  Just make sure that your HP is high and 
you'll win. 
Exit to Basement Floor 3 and follow the southern path.  You'll run into 
another Behemoth.  Kill it as you did above, and continue.  In the central 
area, you'll face the last Behemoth in this cave.  Now heal up and talk to 
the two attendants, then the God, who reveals himself to be Bahamut. 
Recommended Level: Ce:42/Ry:42/Fu:50/Ro:44/Ed:38 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 35000 EXP, Bahamut Summon 
Attacks: M.Flare 
Strategy: Have Cecil attack, Rydia use Leviathan, FuSoya cast Reflect on 
himself, Rosa cast Reflect on Rydia, and Edge Dart Kotetsus, Kikiuchis, 
and Excalburs.  After Bahamut counts down to 0, he'll kill everyone except 
those who have Reflect; they will reflect the MegaFlare back for 9999 
damage.  Now have Rydia use Leviathan and FuSoYa use Flare until Bahamut 
Exit the cave, rest, and fly to the Humingway Cave southeast of the 
Palace.  One of the Humingways sells powerful recovery items, such as 
Elixirs, Ethers, and EtherDrys.  Buy 270 HiPotions and 20 Ethers, as well 
as 10-20 Cottages and 1 Whistle.  Now head back to the Magical Ship and 
talk to the Crystal of Flight. 
On the Blue Planet, you'll see the birth of the Giant of Babil, which 
begins to shoot at nonexistent objects.  King Jiott, Yang, Cid, 
Palom&Porom, and Gilbert all show up and distract the Giant.  This allows 
Cid to drop your team into the mouth of the mechanical monstrosity. 
D.) The Giant of Babil 
Recommended Level: Ce:40/Ry:41/Fu:50/Ro:44/Ed:38 
Enemies: Searcher, MachSolder, MachCannon, IronSolder, GiantSolder, 
Treasures: Shuriken, HiPotion, Ether, Alarm, Silver Apple, Soma Drop, 
Bosses: 4 Emperors, Control Sys/Attack Sys/Defense Sys 
*In this dungeon you'll probably run into enemies called Searchers.  There 
are two great uses for these enemies: 
(1) Steal Alarms, priceless items in the quest for the elusive Pink Tail 
(and thus the Adamant Armor).  Have FuSoYa and Rosa Haste Edge and Slow 
the enemy, then kill off everyone except Edge and have him steal 
repeatedly from the Searcher (you can get more than 1 Alarm per fight, the 
max I've gotten is 26/fight).  Then revive everyone and prepare for part 
(2) Gain EXP: Each time you hit a Searcher it summons a monster.  Once you 
kill the monster, hit the Searcher again for it summon the same monster 
again.  You can repeat this to gain TONS of EXP. in one battle (over 
900000).  This is best when the Searcher summons GiantSoldrs.* 
You start in the Giant's Head.  Drop down into the Giant's Neck, and again 
into the Giant's Chest.  Southwest of the entrance is a Shuriken.  Follow 
the path south for a HiPotion and an Ether, then head northeast for 10 
Yoichi Arrows.  Finally sing by the center for an Alarm and then drop to 
the Giant's Stomach.  Take the west path for a Silver Apple (use it on 
Edge), then head east for a SomaDrop (use it Rydia).  Take the 
northwestern exit to the Passage Inside Giant.  Head west for an Elixir 
guarded by a Last Arm robot.  The Last Arm will target it's enemy, then 
use ElecWall, which incapacitates the target.  Finish him off fast.  Now 
head for the save point in this area and save.  If you haven't built lots 
of levels via the trick yet, I suggest you do right now. I did it until 
Cecil was Lv. 56, Rydia Lv. 59, Rosa Lv. 55, and Edge Lv. 54.  If you wish 
to do it continuously, stop once your characters reach Lv. 70, since at 
this threshold, there's a chance that stats will DECREASE with level ups. 
Anyway, when you're ready head north and go up to the passage to a room 
aptly titled: Inside the Giant.  Continue the northern path until you run 
into...the 4 Emperors!  That's right: Scarmiglione, Caignozzio, 
Valvalicia, and Rubicante are back.  Rubicante restores your HP/MP shortly 
before the ambush. 
4 Emperors 
Recommended Level: Ce:56/Ry:59/Fu:51/Ro:55/Ed:54 
Weakness: (1) Scarmiglione: Fire, Holy  (2) Rubicante: Ice 
(3) Caignozzio: Thunder  (4) Valvalicia: Holy 
Reward: 10000 gil, 61000 EXP 
Attacks: Fire2, Fire3, FlameDgn, Big Wave, Maelstrm, Fingertip, Physical 
Strategy: Provided you leveled up, this fight is EXTREMELY easy. 
Scarmiglione: Have Cecil attack, Rydia and FuSoYa cast Fire3, Rosa cast Holy, 
and Edge cast Katon. 
Rubicante: Have Cecil attack, Rydia use Bahamut, FuSoYa use Bahamut, Rosa 
attack, and Edge attack. 
Caignozzio: Have Cecil attack, Rydia and FuSoYa use Thnd3, Rosa attack, 
and Edge use Raijin. 
Valvalicia: Have Cecil attack, Rydia use Bahamut, FuSoYa use Holy, Rosa 
heal, and Edge attack. 
After eliminating the Four Emperors, head back to the Passage Inside Giant 
and save/rest.  Now head back up to "Inside the Giant" and continue to the 
Giant's Lung.  The party will find the Control System, which is escorted 
by a Defense and Attack System. 
Control Sys, Attack Sys, Defense Sys 
Recommended Level: Ce:56/Ry:59/Fu:51/Ro:55/Ed:54 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 10000 gil, 50000 EXP 
Attacks: Heal, Reflect, Laser, Num199, Regen 
Strategy: Provided you leveled up, this fight is also EXTREMELY easy, if 
you follow a specific strategy.  If you kill off the Defense and Attack 
Systems, the Control System will kill of two of your characters by using 
Num199 twice and then revive the fallen systems with Regen.  Thus, you 
must leave at least one of the systems alive, and that is preferably the 
Attack System, whose weak Laser attack is a joke.  So have everyone attack 
the Defense System, then the Control System, then the Attack System for an 
easy win. 
With the Giant halted, a furious Gobleze will arrive.  FuSoYa recognizes 
him and releases him from his hypnosis.  Golbleze reveals that he's 
Cecil's brother, then swears revenge on Zemus and leaves with FuSoYa for 
the moon.  Shortly after their departure, the Giant begins to crumble, 
leaving the party with no escape.  Luckily for them, Cain shows up and 
rescues the team.   
In the Magical Ship, Cain says that he will fight Zemus, provided that he 
is killed if he ever turns traitor again.  Edge, Cecil, and Cain then set 
off for the Moon, telling Rosa and Rydia to stay behind.  Once they reach 
the Moon, however, Rosa and Rydia join again.  Now it's time to kill 
Zemus.  On a side note, if you followed my leveling up advice, Cain will 
be above Lv. 70 upon his return, in addition to having all Genji equipment 
and a Gungnir Spear, making him VERY powerful |=) 
A.) Odin and the Underworld 
Recommended Level: Ce:56/Ry:59/Ca:73/Ro:55/Ed:54 
Enemies: None 
Treasures: None 
Bosses: Odin 
Head back to the Blue Planet and Baron Castle.  Head for the east tower of 
the castle, and then south into a formerly sealed off area.  Continue 
south into the King's Room.  Here you'll run into King Baron, now 
possessed by the Phantom Beast Odin. 
Recommended Level: Ce:56/Ry:59/Ca:73/Ro:55/Ed:54 
Weakness: Thunder 
Reward: 18000 EXP, Odin Summon 
Attacks: IronSwd, Physical Attack 
Strategy: This fight can be tricky.  You have about one minute to defeat 
Odin before he uses an IronSwd attack, dealing 4000-5000 damage to 
everyone (Cain will survive if his levels are in the 70s).  Thus, you must 
defeat him before that happens.  Have Cecil attack, Rydia use Thnd3, Cain 
Jump, Rosa attack, and Edge use Raijin.  Repeat this strategy and Odin 
should die within a minute. 
Now you have the power of Odin (YES!) |=)  Head for the Blacksmith's House 
via the Falcon (it's in the underworld) and buy 180 Yoichi Arrows for 
Rosa.  Now head to the Dwarf Castle and use the Chubby Chocobo to store 
all the useless items you might have.  Finally, head back to the Magical 
Ship and thus to the Moon. 
B.) The Lunar Underground 
Recommended Level: Ce:56/Ry:59/Ca:73/Ro:55/Ed:54 
Enemies: Dark Wizard, MoonGoddess, SlvrDragon, DemonSoldr, SkullDragon, 
GoldDragon, Zombiesaur, Allemagne, Rilmander, Behemoth, Red Dragon, Blue 
Dragon, Phase, ZemusBreath, ZemusMind 
Treasures: Dark Gear, Sage Staff, Murasame Katana, FireBute Whip, Dragon 
Shield, Dragon Helm, Dragon Armor, Dragon Gauntlet, Artemis Arrowsx20, 
Elixir, Wh. Fang, X Potion, Stardust Rod, Crystal Shield, Defense Ringx2, 
Crystal Armor, Crystal Gauntlet, White Robe, Crystal Helm, Red Fang, 
Hellwindx2, Cottage, Menerva Robe, Holy Lance, Ribbonx2, Golden Apple, 
Ragnarok Sword, Masamune Katana 
Bosses: Wh. Dragon, Plague, Lunasaurusx2, Dk.Bahamut, Tidarithian, Zeromus 
Head for the Home of the Lunarians again and rest up with the restoration 
tiles.  Then head for the crystal room and talk to the crystals.  You'll 
learn that Zemus's seal is broken and that powerful Lunarian weapons are 
hidden in the Core.  Now step on the tile to be warped to Lunar 
Underground 1. 
Head northeast through a secret passage and work your way southeast by 
following the path.  Bust open the chest for a fight with 2 DemonSoldrs. 
Cast Bahamut on them and clean them up with attacks for a Dark Gear for 
Edge.  Head back to the central area, but this time take the secret 
passage on the western side and step on the portal.  Head up the stairs to 
Lunar Underground 2.  Open the treasure chest for a fight with 2 
MoonGoddesses and 2 Dark Wizard.  Call Bahamut for an easy win and a Sage 
Staff.  Take the next warp and head up to Lunar Underground 3.  Heal up, 
cast Levita on everyone, then speak to the floating katana.  A message 
will appear: "Those who desire to wield this katana will suffer in eternal 
darkness." The Wh. Dragon now attacks. 
Wh. Dragon 
Recommended Level: Ce:57/Ry:59/Ca:73/Ro:56/Ed:55 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 55000 EXP, Murasame Katana 
Attacks: Quake, Maelstrm, Slow [Counterattack], Physical Attack 
Strategy: Have Cecil and Edge attack, Rydia summon Bahamut, Cain Jump, and 
Rosa attack/Heal/Haste.  The Wh. Dragon counters physical attacks with his 
Slow spell, in addition to a barrage of strong physical attacks, Quake, 
and the all powerful Maesltrm spell.  Still, the Wh. Dragon is relatively 
easy if you keep Rosa as a healer. 
After the battle you'll receive the Murasame Katana for Edge.  Definitely 
equip it (you can equip 2 if you feel like duplicating), then cast 
Teleport and rest up.  When you're ready, re-enter the Lunar Underground. 
From the entrance, head south and up the stairs to Lunar Underground 2. 
Here take the secret passage west for a FireBute Whip (for Rydia), then 
head northeast for a Dragon Shield (for Cain).  Now head north to Lunar 
Underground 3.  Take the southeastern secret passage to get a Dragon Helm 
(equip it on Cain and give his Genji Helm to Edge) and follow the path for 
Dragon Armor and a Dragon Gauntlet for Cain.  Now head to the stairwell 
north of the secret passage and on to Lunar Underground 4. 
Head east for 10 Artemis Arrows, then go down the stairs and west into the 
door.  Snatch the Elixir, then go back east and down the stairs again.  
Take the door and head northeast for a Wh. Fang.  Then head southeast for 
an XPotion and exit to the south.  Southwest of the entrance is a chest 
guarded by a Behemoth.  Kill it for a Stardust Rod.  Now head southwest to 
Lunar Underground 5. 
The treasure chest contains a Crystal Shield for Cecil, but is guarded by 
a Red Dragon and a Blue Dragon.  Have Cecil and Edge attack, Rosa Cure, 
Rydia summon Bahamut, and Cain Jump.  Give the shield to Cecil and then 
take a door.  Head northeast and grab the Defense Ring, which you should 
give to Rydia, Rosa, or Edge.  Now head south out of the room, heal up, 
and grab the treasure on the ledge.  After killing a Behemoth, you'll get 
the Crystal Armor for Cecil.  Head back inside and go up the steps.  The 
chest east of the entrance is guarded by 2 RedDragons and holds a Crystal 
Gauntlet for Cecil. After butchering them, head west and inside the door.  
Inside, grab the White Robe for Rosa and head north.  Head west for a 
Crystal Helm (give this to Cecil), then head east into the room shaped 
like an L.  This is the famous (infamous?) PudPrinces Room, where you can 
obtain Pink Tails for the Adamant Armor.  For now, just grab the Red Fang 
and head south into Lunar Underground 6. 
Head east for a Hellwind and west for 10 Artemis Arrows.  Take the western 
stairs for a Cottage, then take the eastern stairs and head in the door 
(NOTE: There is a secret path leading to the Ragnarok Sword in this area, 
but I recommend you rest up before pursuing it). Inside the door, head 
northwest and bust open the chest for a fight with a DarkWizard and 3 Moon 
Goddesses.  Pick up the Menerva Robe for Rydia when you win.  Now head 
north to Lunar Underground 7. 
The first door here is a much needed and warranted save point; rest up 
with a Cottage here.  Now head east to the 2nd door and enter.  Walk up to 
the spear and a voice will say "Death to all who seek this holy spear!".  
Plague attacks. 
Recommended Level: Ce:58/Ry:61/Ca:74/Ro:56/Ed:57 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 550 gil, 31005 EXP, Holy Lance 
Attacks: Death(2) (all), Haste 
Strategy:  Plague opens up by casting Death(2) on the party, giving you 
roughly 10 seconds to kill this foe.  He then randomly casts Haste on your 
characters.  Have Cecil and Edge attack (Edge can also Dart weapons), 
Rydia summon Bahamut, Cain Jump, and Rosa attack with Artemis Arrows.  
Once the timer hits 0, repeatedly press A so that none of your characters 
will die and the fight can still be won. 
Give the Holy Lance to Cain, then head back and rest up.  Now take the 3rd 
door.  Before you can proceed very far a voice will say "You shall not 
obtain the Holy protection of these Ribbons!", followed by an attack by 2 
Recommended Level: Ce:58/Ry:61/Ca:74/Ro:58/Ed:57 
Weakness: Fire 
Reward: 59000 EXP 
Attacks: Flame, Reflect, Heal, Bio, BadBreth, Physical Attack 
Strategy:  This fight can be tricky.  If you summon Bahamut, the 
Lunasauruses will counter by Healing themselves.  If you attack them, they 
cast Reflect and then begin a barrage of Bio spells.  In addition, they 
can BadBreth the party!  However, there is a way to easily defeat them.  
As the battle starts out, have Rosa cast Reflect on herself, Rydia, and 
one other character, while Rydia casts Fire3 on a Lunasaurus.  Nobody else 
should act.  After 3 turns or so, the Lunasauruses will use BadBreth.  
This will Reflect back on them, giving them nearly every status ailment!  
Now just pound away at them with no restraint. 
Open the chests for 2 Ribbons (for Rydia and Rosa).  Now head back and 
rest up.  Duplicate a few Excalibur Swords [if you want the upcoming fight 
to be easy].  Remember that secret path I mentioned a while ago?  Well, 
Dejon back to Lunar Underground 6 and take the eastern stairs to the area 
with the Cottage.  Now walk over the invisible bridge in this area and 
take a secret passage in the wall to reach a secluded area of Lunar 
Underground 6.  Grab the Golden Apple southwest of the entrance and use it 
on Edge. Now head east and warp to another part of LU6.  Again, head north 
and teleport to part of Lunar Underground 5.  Here, head north and bust 
open the chest to fight a Behemoth.  After killing it, give the Defense 
Ring you win to either Rydia, Rosa, or Edge.  Continue north to teleport 
to a save room.  Rest up, then out of the room and northeast towards a 
sword. A voice will say "Lord Zemus hates the power of this sword.  It 
shall not be released." shortly before the Dk.Bahamut attacks. 
Recommended Level: Ce:58/Ry:61/Ca:74/Ro:58/Ed:57 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 64000 EXP, Ragnarok Sword 
Attacks: M.Flare, Reflect, Flare 
Strategy: Dk.Bahamut opens with a M.Flare attack, then casts Reflect and 
Flares the party.  However, if you use Bahamut on him, he'll counter with 
another M.Flare, which you don't want!  Have Cecil attack, Rydia attack, 
Cain Jump, Rosa Heal/attack with Artemis Arrows, and Edge attack.  
This fight will last a while, but fortunately Dk.Bahamut's Flares aren't 
that strong. 
For your troubles, you get the powerful Ragnarok Sword for Cecil.  Equip 
it, then Dejon back to the secret passage in LU6 and return to the save 
point in LU7.  Rest up, save, then head east, north, down the stairs, and 
through the door into the Crystal Floors.  Head down the first flight of 
stairs and then west for a Hellwind.  Then head southeast and talk to the 
katana.  A voice will say "Did you actually think that people from the 
Blue Planet would be able to use this...Masamune!?" shortly before 
Tidarithian attacks. 
Recommended Level: Ce:59/Ry:61/Ca:74/Ro:58/Ed:58 
Weakness: None 
Reward: 61000 EXP, Masamune Katana 
Attacks: BigWave, Wall, Blaze, Physical Attack 
Strategy: Tidarithian opens with 2 Big Wave attacks, then starts attacking 
or using Blaze on the party.  If you use thunder spells on him, he'll 
counter with Wall, which reduces your HP to single digits, SO DON'T USE 
THUNDER MAGIC!  Have Cecil attack, Rydia summon Bahamut, Cain Jump, Rosa 
Keal3/4 every round, and have Edge attack.  This boss will 
be easy if you keep your HP high enough to withstand Big Waves. 
Give the Masamune Katana to Edge, then head back to the save point in LU7. 
Rest up and save.  Use the Whistle and retrieve good, throwable weapons 
like the Avenger and Defender.  The final boss can be very challenging...I 
suggest you try to beat him now, and if you lose, you should level up 3,4, 
or 5 levels and try again. 
Head back to the Crystal Floors.  On the 2nd Floor of this area, grab the 
Elixir to the northeast and the Whistle in the south. Now teleport to the 
3rd Floor. Here, get a Hellwind in the east and west corners of the area, 
then teleport to the 4th floor.  There is no treasure beyond this point, 
so only come here if you want to beat the game.  Follow the path to the 
portal and warp to the 5th and final floor.  Heal up, then head north. 
You'll see FuSoYa and Golbleze fighting Zemus.  They pull off a W.Meteo 
(double Meteo) which kills the fiend.  However, the spirit of hatred, 
Zeromus, shows up and quickly defeats the two.  Back on the Blue Planet, 
all the characters pray for your safety, and Cecil is able to recover long 
enough to get the Crystal (which dispels Zeromus' protection).  Now the 
final battle begins. 
Recommended Level: Ce:60/Ry:62/Ca:75/Ro:60/Ed:59 
Attacks: Big Bang, Flare, Bio, Bl.Hole, Meteo, Wall 
Big Bang: Very powerful attack, causes rapid HP loss 
Flare: Counterattack to magic attacks on him 
Bio: Counterattack to magic attacks on him 
Bl. Hole: Nullifies all magical barriers 
Meteo: Hits 2-3 characters for 1500-2000 damage 
Wall: Reduces HP to single digits 
Strategy: During the first part of the battle, all the playable characters 
in the game (and Golbeze) show up to heal the party.  Once you regain 
control of your characters, have Rosa Haste Edge and have Edge Sneak 
Zeromus.  After a few turns, you should get the DkMatter item, which 
reduces the damage of BigBang, Zeromus massive attack.  Now, have Cecil 
use the Crystal on Zeromus to reveal his true form.  Wait a few second, 
then unload your attacks like this: 
Cecil: Attack with the Ragnarok. 
Rydia: Cast Flare, summon Bahamut. 
Cain: Jump with the Holy Lance. 
Rosa: Keal 4 every round, Holy if you think you can risk it. 
Edge: Dart the Cleaver, Excalibur, Avenger, Defender, etc. 
Don't bother with setting up Shells etc., as the Black Hole will just eat 
them up.  Just keep curing and throwing your best attacks his way and 
you'll eventually win.  This is a pretty tough fight, one of the hardest 
in the game. 
Sit back and watch a well-earned and pretty good ending. 
III.) Armor 
Name: Iron Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 1 
Def%: 20% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 100 
Location: Bought in Agalt 
Name: Black Shield 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 1 
Def%: 22% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Holy elemental defense 
Price: 200 
Location: Initial Equipment 
Name: Demon Shield 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 24% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Holy elemental defense 
Price: 700 
Location: Found in Fabul 
Name: Light Shield 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 24% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Will +3 
Price: 700 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Mithril Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 3 
Def%: 26% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: None 
Price: 1000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Flame Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 3 
Def%: 28% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Strong versus Ice based attacks 
Price: 1250 
Location: Bought in Dwarf Castle 
Name: Ice Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 3 
Def%: 30% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Strong versus Fire based attacks 
Price: 10000 
Location: Bought in Cave of Eblana 
Name: Diamond Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 4 
Def%: 32% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 3% 
Effect: Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 15000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Aegis Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 4 
Def%: 34% 
MagDef: 5 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: Wis.+3, Prevenst Petrification 
Price: 20000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Genji Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 5 
Def%: 36% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in the Cave of the Phantom God BF1 
Name: Dragon Shield 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 6 
Def%: 38% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 5% 
Effect: Strong against all elementals 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 2 
Name: Crystal Shield 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 7 
Def%: 40% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 6 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 
Name: Leather Helm 
Users: Everyone except DkKn 
Defence: 1 
Def%: -5% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: None 
Price: 100 
Location: Bought in Kaipo/Torioa 
Name: Bandana 
Users: Everyone 
Defence: 1 
Def%: 1% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%:: 1% 
Effect: Str.+5, Prevents Confusion 
Price: 450 
Location: Bought in Baron 
Name: Feather Helm 
Users: Everyone except DkKn 
Defence: 2 
Def%: -4% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 3% 
Effect: None 
Price: 330 
Location: Bought in Torioa 
Name: Triangle Helm 
Users: Black Wiz., Paladin, Sage, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 3 
Def%: -3% 
MagDef: 5 
MagDef%: 6% 
Effect: Wis.+3, Will+3 
Price: 700 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Iron Helm 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 3 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%:: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 150 
Location: Bought in Agalt 
Name: Black Helm 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 4 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Holy elemental defense 
Price: 360 
Location: Initial Equipment 
Name: Hades Helm 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 5 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Holy elemental defense 
Price: 360 
Location: Found in the Underground Waterfall 
Name: Priest Hat 
Users: Lunarian, Paladin, Summoner, White Wizard 
Defence: 5 
Def%: -2% 
MagDef: 7 
MagDef%: 8 
Effect: Will +5 
Price: 2000 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Demon Helm 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 6 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Holy elemental defense 
Price: 980 
Location: Bought in Fabul 
Name: Green Beret 
Users: All 
Defence: 6 
Def%: 2% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1 
Effect: Str.+5, Vit.+5 
Price: 1000 
Location: Found in the Tower of Babil Floor 2 
Name: Light Helm 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 7 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Will +3 
Price: 4000 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: GoldBand Helm 
Users: Summoner, Wh.Wiz 
Defence: 7 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 10 
MagDef%: 10% 
Effect: Wis.+10, Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 20000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: DarkHood 
Users: All 
Defence: 7 
Def%: 4% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Str.+3, Agil.+3, Vit.+3, Prevents Sleep 
Price: 2000 
Location: Found in the Sealed Cave BF2 
Name: Mithril 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 8 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: None 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Diamond Helm 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 9 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 10000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Ribbon 
Users: All 
Defence: 9 
Def%: 2% 
MagDef: 12 
MagDef%: 12% 
Effect: Prevents Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Mini, Piggy, Toad, 
Mute, and Stone(any degree) 
Price: 10 
Location: Defeat Lunasaurusx2 in Lunar Underground 7 
Name: Genji Helm 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin 
Defence: 10 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 6 
MagDef%: 3% 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Cave of the Phantom God BF2 
Name: Dragon Helm 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 11 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 7 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: Strong against all elements 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 3 
Name: Crystal Helm 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 12 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 8 
MagDef%: 5% 
Effect: Strong against all elements 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 
Name: Glass Helm 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 30 
Def%: Makes 99% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 30000 
Location: Won from Phase (RARE) 
Name: Black Armor 
User: DkKn 
Defence: 5 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 1100 
Location: Initial Equipment 
Name: Demon Armor 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 9 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in Fabul 
Name: Hades Armor 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 7 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 2000 
Location: Found in the Underground Lake 
Name: Knight Armor 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 11 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Will +3 
Price: 8000 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Mithril Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Paladin 
Defence: 13 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: None 
Price: 17000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Flame Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 15 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Ice elemental defense 
Price: 30000 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Ice Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 17 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Fire elemental defense 
Price: 35000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblana 
Name: Diamond Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 19 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 2 
Effect: Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 40000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Genji Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin 
Defence: 21 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Cave of the Phantom God BF2 
Name: Dragon Armor 
Users:Dragon Kn., Paladin  
Defence: 23 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 8 
MagDef%: 5% 
Effect: Strong against all elements 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 3 
Name: Crystal Armor 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 25 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 10 
MagDef%: 6% 
Effect: Will +3, Prevents Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Mini, Piggy, Toad, 
Mute, and Stone(any degree) 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 
Name: Adamant Armor 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defense: 107 
Def%: Makes it 99% 
MagDef: 20 
MagDef%: 16% 
Effect: Str.+15, Agl.+15, Vit.+15, Wis.+15, Will+15, +2X Attack, Att.+6, 
+1X Defense, +2X Magic Defense, Prevents all status effects but KO. 
Price: 10 
Location: Made in Kokkol's Smithy 
Name: Cloth Robe 
Users: Everyone but DkKn 
Defence: 1 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 50 
Location: Bought in Kaipo/Toroia 
Name: Convict Robe 
Users: All 
Defence: 1 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 70 
Location: Cid's initial equipment, Rosa's equipment after Tower of Zott 
Name: Poet Robe 
Users: Everyone but DkKn 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Prevents Mute status 
Price: 70 
Location: Bought in Mist 
Name: Leather Robe 
Users: Everyone but DkKn 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: None 
Price: 200 
Location: Bought in Kaipo/Torioa 
Name: Gaea Robe 
Users: Black Wiz., Lunarian, Paladin, Sage, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 3 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 3% 
Effect: None 
Price: 500 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Kenpou Robe 
Users: All 
Defence: 5 
Def%: 10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Str.+3 
Price: 4000 
Location: Bought in Baron 
Name: Priest Robe 
Users: Black Wiz., Lunarian, Paladin, Sage, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 5 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 5 
MagDef%: 5% 
Effect: Will +5 
Price: 1200 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Black Robe 
Users: Lunarian, Summoner 
Defence: 8 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 7 
MagDef%: 7% 
Effect: +5 Wis 
Price: 10000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblana 
Name: Light Robe 
Users: Monk 
Defence: 12 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 9 
MagDef%: 9% 
Effect: Will +5, Wis.+5, Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 30000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Black Belt Robe 
Users: Dragon Kn., Lunarian, Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 12 
Def%: 20% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Str.+5, Vit.+5 
Price: 14000 
Location: Found in the Dwarven Castle 
Name: Power Robe 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 5 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Str.+15 
Price: 4000 
Location: Won from Behemoth 
Name: White Robe 
Users: Paladin, White Wiz. 
Defence: 18 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 10 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense, Will +5 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 
Name: Menerva Robe 
Users: Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 18 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 10 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense, Will +15 
Price: 40000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 6, Won from MoonGodess 
Name: Dark Gear 
Users: Ninja 
Defence: 24 
Def%: 10% 
MagDef: 10 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: Agil.+3 
Price: 64000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 1 
Name: Ruby Ring 
Users: Everyone but DkKn 
Defence: 0 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Prevents Piggy 
Price: 1000 
Location: Bought in Toroia 
Name: Iron Ring 
Users:  Bard, Black Wiz., Dragon Kn., Monk, Ninja, Sage, Summoner 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 1 
Effect: None 
Price: 100 
Location: Bought in Kaipo/Agalt 
Name: Power Ring 
Users: Dragon Kn., Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Summoner 
Defence: 2 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: Str.+5 
Price: 760 
Location: Found in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Silver Ring 
Users: Black Wiz., Monk, Ninja, Sage, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 4 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 4 
MagDef%: 4% 
Effect: None 
Price: 650 
Location: Bought in Mysidia/Baron 
Name: Rune Ring 
Users: Lunarian, Monk, Ninja, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 5 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 8 
MagDef%: 9 
Effect: Wis.+3, Will +3, Prevents Mute 
Price: 2000 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Diamond Ring 
Users: Lunarian, Ninja, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 6 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 8 
MagDef%: 6 
Effect: Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 4000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Defense Ring 
Users: Dragon Kn., Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, White Wiz. 
Defence: 10 
Def%: 5% 
MagDef: 12 
MagDef%: 10 
Effect: Strong against all elements, Vit.+15 
Price: 6000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 (2 Rings, 2 parts of LU5) 
Name: Crystal Ring 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin, Ninja, White Wiz., Summoner 
Defence: 20 
Def%: 5% 
MagDef: 12 
MagDef%: 10 
Effect: AGl.+5, +1X Attack, +1X Defense, +1X Magic Defense 
Price: 6000 
Location: Won from Red Dragon (RARE) 
Name: Iron Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Ninja, Paladin 
Defence: 2 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 130 
Location: Bought in Agalt 
Name: Black Gauntlet 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 2 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 260 
Location: Initial Equipment 
Name: Hades Gauntlet 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 3 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 520 
Location: Found in the Underground Waterfall 
Name: Demon Gauntlet 
Users: DkKn 
Defence: 4 
Def%: 0% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0% 
Effect: Shadow elemental defense 
Price: 800 
Location: Bought in Fabul 
Name: Gauntlet 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 5 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 1 
MagDef%: 1% 
Effect: Will +3 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Mithril Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Engineer, Ninja, Paladin 
Defence: 6 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 2 
MagDef%: 2% 
Effect: None 
Price: 2000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Diamond Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 7 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 3 
MagDef%: 3 
Effect: Thunder elemental defense 
Price: 5000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Genji Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 8 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 5 
MagDef%: 3 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Cave of the Phantom God BF1 
Name: Dragon Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin 
Defence: 9 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 6 
MagDef%: 3 
Effect: Strong against all elements 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 3 
Name: Crystal Gauntlet 
Users: Paladin 
Defence: 10 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 7 
MagDef%: 4 
Effect: Will +3 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 5 
Name: Giant Gauntlet 
Users: Dragon Kn., Paladin, Ninja, Summoner 
Defence: 15 
Def%: -10% 
MagDef: 0 
MagDef%: 0 
Effect: Str.+10, Vit.+10, +3Att, +1XAtt, 0 M.Def 
Price: 10 
Location: Won from SteelGolem (RARE) 
III.) Weapons 
Arrows can be used by Cecil, Cid, Porom, Palom, Rosa, and Rydia. 
Name: Iron 
Attack: 5 
Hit%: -20% 
Effect: None 
Price: 10 
Location: Bought in Kaipo 
Name: Holy 
Attack: 15 
Hit%: -15% 
Effect: None 
Price: 20 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Lit 
Attack: 15 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: None 
Price: 30 
Location: Bought in Toroia 
Name: Fire 
Attack: 15 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: None 
Price: 30 
Location: Bought in Toroia 
Name: Darkness 
Attack: 20 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: Cause Darkness 
Price: 40 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: Poison 
Attack: 30 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Cause Poison 
Price: 70  
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblana 
Name: Mute 
Attack: 35 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: 4x Damage against Mage type enemies 
Price: 100 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Angel 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: 4x Damage against Giants 
Price: 110 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Yoichi 
Attack: 50 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: None 
Price: 140 
Location: Bought in Kukoro's House 
Name: Artemis 
Attack: 75 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: 4x Damage against dragons 
Price: 200 
Location: Stolen from MoonGoddesses 
Axes are used by Paladins and Dragon Knights. 
Name: Dwarf Axe 
Attack: 64 
Hit%: 19% 
Effect: +3 Def, -1% Magic Defense, -5 Agil, -5 Will, -5 Wis. 
Price: 15000 
Location: Bought and found in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: OgreKiller Axe 
Attack: 80 
Hit%: 19% 
Effect: 4x Damage against Ogres 
Price: 45000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Poison Axe 
Attack: 95 
Hit%: 19% 
Effect: Requires 2 Hands to use 
Price: 94000 
Location: Found in the Cave to the Phantom World Floor 3 
Name: Rune Axe 
Attack: 100 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: Requires 2 Hands to use 
Price: 123000 
Location: Won from GiantSoldrs or DemonSoldrs (RARE) 
Boomerangs are used by Edge. 
Name: Boomrang 
Attack: 20 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Air elemental attack 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblana 
Name: Engetsu 
Attack: 35 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: Air elemental attack 
Price: 9000 
Location: Found in the Cave of the Sylphs BF3 
Bows can be used by Cecil, Cid, Porom, Palom, Rosa, and Rydia. 
Name: Bow 
Attack: -10 
Hit%: -20% 
Effect: None 
Price: 220 
Location: Bought in Kaipo 
Name: CrossBow 
Attack: -5 
Hit%: -15% 
Effect: None 
Price: 700 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: GreatBow 
Attack: 3 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: Str.+3 
Price: 1000 
Location: Bought in Toroia 
Name: Killer Bow 
Attack: 5 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Str.+3 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Elven Bow 
Attack: 5 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: Wis.+5, 4x Damage against mage type enemies 
Price: 5000 
Location: Found in the Cave of the Sylphs BF1 
Name: Yoichi Bow 
Attack: 11 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: Str.+5 
Price: 10000 
Location: Found in Phantom World Floor 4 
Name: Artemis Bow 
Attack: 27 
Hit%: 20% 
Effect: Str.+10, Agl.+10, Vit.+10, Wis.-10, Will-10, +2X Attack, Def.+5, 
+2X Defense, +3% Magic Def% 
Price: 19000 
Location: Won from MoonGodesses (RARE) 
Claws are used by Edge and Yang. 
Name: Fire Claw 
Attack: 0 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Fire elemental attack 
Price: 350 
Location: Yang 
Name: Ice Claw 
Attack: 0 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Ice elemental attack 
Price: 450 
Location: Bought in Fabul 
Name: Thunder Claw 
Attack: 0 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Thunder elemental attack 
Price: 550 
Location: Bought in Fabul 
Name: Fairy Claw 
Attack: 0 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Increased attack against Giant enemies 
Price: 600 
Location: Found in the Cave of Power 
Name: HellClaw 
Attack: 0 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Causes Posion 
Price: 650 
Location: Found in the Tower of Zot 
Name: Cat Claw 
Attack: 2 
Hit%: 2% 
Effect: +1x Att., Causes Sleep 
Price: 700 
Location: Found in the Tower of Babil Floor 3 
------->DARK SWORDS<------- 
Dark Swords are used by Cecil, when he is a Dark Knight. 
Name: Black 
Attack: 10 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Has a Shadow elemental attack 
Price: 700 
Location: Initial Equipment 
Name: Shadow 
Attack: 20 
Hit%: 35% 
Effect: Has a Shadow elemental attack 
Price: 1200 
Location: Found in Underground Channel N-1 
Name: Death 
Attack: 31 
Hit%: 70% 
Effect: +3 Def, +3xAttack, Shadow elemental attack, Causes Death 
Price: 2000 
Location: Gift from King Fabul 
Hammers are used by Cid. 
Name: Mallet 
Attack: 45 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: 2 Handed weapon 
Price: 60 
Location: Bought in Toroia, Initial 
Name: Mithril 
Attack: 55 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: 4x Damage against spirits, 2 Handed weapon 
Price: 8000 
Location: Bought in Mithril. 
Name: Earth 
Attack: 65 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect:  2 Handed weapon, Casts Quake when used as an item in battle 
Price: 100 
Location: Found in the Tower of Zott Floor 5 
Harps are used by Gilbert. 
Name: Dreamer Harp 
Attack: 8 
Hit%: 35% 
Effect: Puts enemies to sleep 
Price: 480 
Location: Initial 
Name: Lamia Harp 
Attack: 18 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Causes Confusion 
Price: 1200 
Location: Antlion Basement Floor 2 
------->HOLY SWORDS<------- 
Holy swords are used by Cecil as a Paladin. 
Name: Legend 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 99% 
Effect: Will +3, Holy elemental attack 
Price: N/A 
Location: Recieved at Mt. Ordeals 
Name: Light 
Attack: 100 
Hit%: 50% 
Effect: Str.+3, Will+3, Holy elemental attack 
Price: 42000 
Location: Found in the Sealed Cave BF2 
Name: Excalbur 
Attack: 162 
Hit%: 50% 
Effect: Str.+10, Holy elemental attack 
Price: 80000 
Location: Made in Kukoro's House with the Adamant and Legend 
Name: Ragnarok 
Attack: 200 
Hit%: 50% 
Effect: Str.+15, Vit.+15, Will+15, Holy elemental attack 
Price: 10000 
Location: Defeat Wyvern in Lunar Underground 5 
Katanas are used by Edge. 
Name: Kunai 
Attack: 25 
Hit%: 40% 
Price: 4000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblanaa, Initial 
Name: Ashura 
Attack: 32 
Hit%: 40% 
Price: 7000 
Location: Bought in Tomera 
Name: Kotetsu 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 40% 
Price: 11000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Kikuichi 
Attack: 49 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Str.+5 
Price: 18000 
Location: Found in Phantom World Floor 3 
Name: Murasame 
Attack: 56 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Str.+5, Vit.+5, Wis.+5, Agil.-5, Will-5 
Price: 22000 
Location: Defeat White D. in Lunar Underground 3 
Name: Masamune 
Attack: 65 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Agil.+3, Use in battle as an item to cast Haste 
Price: 23000 
Location: Defeat Ogopogo in Lunar Underground 7 
Knives are used by Cecil, Cain, Rydia, and Edge. 
Name: Mithril 
Attack: 20 
Hit%: 45% 
Effect: 4x Damage against spirits 
Price: 3000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Dancing 
Attack: 28 
Hit%: 44% 
Effect: Use as an item in battle to cause physical damage to the target 
Price: 5000 
Location: Bought in Mist 
Name: MageMash 
Attack: 35 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: Wis.+5, 4x Damage against mage-type enemies, Causes Mute 
Price: 13000 
Location: Found in the Cave of the Sylphs BF2 
Rods are used by Palom, Rydia, FuSoYa, and Tella. 
Name: Rod 
Attack: 3 
Hit%: -10% 
Effect: Physical attack to target when used as an item in battle 
Price: 100 
Location: Rydia, Bought in Kaipo 
Name: IceRod 
Attack: 5 
Hit%: -5% 
Effect: Casts Ice1 when used as an item in battle 
Price: 280 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: FlameRod 
Attack: 7 
Hit%: -5% 
Effect: Casts Fire1 when used as an item in battle 
Price: 380 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Thunder 
Attack: 10 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Casts Bolt1 when used as an item in battle 
Price: 700 
Location: Bought in Baron 
Name: Apparite 
Attack: 15 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Wis +3, Casts Piggy when used as an item in battle 
Price: 1250 
Location: Found in Mist 
Name: Fairy Rod 
Attack: 30 
Hit%: 5% 
Effect: +10 Wis. 
Price: 5000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Stardust Rod 
Attack: 45 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: +15 Wis., Use in battle as an item to cast Comet 
Price: 11000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 4 
Staffs are used by Cecil, Tella, Rosa, Porom, and FuSoYa 
Name: Staff 
Attack: 4 
Hit%: -5% 
Effect: Removes Poison from the target when used as an item in battle 
Price: 120 
Location: Bought in Kaipo 
Name: Healing Staff 
Attack: 8 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Casts Cure1 when used as an item in battle 
Price: 460 
Location: Bought in Mysidia 
Name: Mithril Staff 
Attack: 12 
Hit%: 5% 
Effect: Will+3, 4x Damage against the Undead, Use as an item to cast Esuna 
Price: 4000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Power Staff 
Attack: 32 
Hit%: 45% 
Effect: Str.+10 
Price: 2000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblana 
Name: Energy Staff 
Attack: 36 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: Will +10, use in battle to cast Dispel 
Price: 7000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: Sage Staff 
Attack: 50 
Hit%: 15% 
Effect: Use in battle as an item to cast Life1 
Price: 22000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 2 
Name: Silence Staff 
Attack: 52 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: Will+10, +1% Magic Def%, Use in battle as an item to cast Mute 
Price: 15000 
Location: Won from Marionette (RARE) 
Spears are used by Cain. 
Name: Spear 
Attack: 8 
Hit%: 50% 
Effect: None 
Price: 60 
Location: Bought in Agalt 
Name: Wind 
Attack: 55 
Hit%: 30% 
Price: 7000 
Location: Cain's initial equipment [Tower of Zott] 
Name: Blizzard 
Attack: 77 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Ice elemental attack 
Price: 21000 
Location: Bought in the Cave of Eblanaa 
Name: Blood 
Attack: 85 
Hit%: -28% 
Effect: -5 Def, -2% M.Def  Drains HP  
Price: 130 
Location: Found in Eblana's Right Tower, Floor 2 
Name: Gungnir 
Attack: 92 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Vit.+15 
Price: 100000 
Location: Cain's initial equipment (final) 
Name: Dragon 
Attack: 99 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: 4x Damage against Dragons 
Price: 50 
Location: Won from Red D. (RARE) 
Name: Holy 
Attack: 109 
Hit%: 40% 
Effect: Holy elemental attack, use in battle as an item to cast Holy 
Price: 100000 
Location: Defeat Plague in Lunar Underground 7 
Swords are used by Cecil (Paladin) and Cain. 
Name: Ancient 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 27% 
Effect: None 
Price: 19000 
Location: Found in the Ancient Waterway Basement Floor 1 
Name: Blood 
Attack: 43 
Hit%: 0 
Effect: -5 Str, Agil, Vit, Wis, Will, -1X Att., -1x Magic Defense, -2% 
Price: 13000 
Location: Found in the Passage to Babil 
Name: Mithril 
Attack: 50 
Hit%: 30 
Effect: 4x Damage against spirits 
Price: 6000 
Location: Bought in Mithril 
Name: Slumber 
Attack: 55 
Hit%: 27% 
Effect: Causes Sleep 
Price: 26000 
Location: Found in Eblana Castle 
Name: Flame 
Attack: 65 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Fire elemental attack 
Price: 14000 
Location: Bought in the Dwarf Castle 
Name: IceBrand 
Attack: 75 
Hit%: 30% 
Effect: Ice elemental attack 
Price: 26000 
Location: Bought in Cave of Eblana 
Name: Medusa 
Attack: 77 
Hit%: 17% 
Effect: Can Petrify the enemey 
Price: 34000 
Location: Won from Black Liz. (RARE) 
Name: Avenger 
Attack: 83 
Hit%: 50% 
Effect: 2 Handed Sword, automatically Berserked, Holy elemental attack 
Price: 10 
Location: Found in the Cave of the Sylphs BF3 
Name: Defender 
Attack: 105 
Hit%: 48 
Effect: +15 Vit 
Price: 57000 
Location: Found in the Cave to the Phantom World Floor 3 
Whips are used by Summoners. 
Name: Whip 
Attack: 20 
Hit%: 0% 
Effect: Induces paralysis 
Price: 3000 
Location: Rydia 
Name: Chain Whip 
Attack: 30 
Hit%: 5% 
Effect: Induces paralysis 
Price: 6000 
Location: Bought in Tomera/Phantom World 
Name: Electric Whip 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 10% 
Effect: Lighting elemental attack, Induces paralysis 
Price: 10000 
Location: Bought in the Phantom World 
Name: FireBute Whip 
Attack: 40 
Hit%: 15% 
Effect: Fire elemental attack, Induces paralysis 
Price: 16000 
Location: Found in Lunar Underground 2 
Name: Dragon Whip 
Attack: 31000 
Hit%: 25% 
Effect: Str.+5, Agl.+5, Vit.+5, Wis.+5, Will+5, +1X Attack, Def.+3, 4x 
Damage against dragons, Induces paralysis 
Price: 123000 
Location: Won from Blue Dragon (RARE) 
Darts are thrown by Ninjas. 
Mithril Knife   
Kunai Katana 
Dancing Knife 
MageMash Knife 
Ancient Sword 
Blood Sword 
Kikiuchi Katana 
Slumber Sword 
Murasame Katana 
Masamune Katana 
Avenger Sword 
Blood Spear 
Gungnir Spear 
Light Sword 
Defender Sword 
Holy Spear 
Excalibur Sword 
A.) Black Magic 
NAME       EFFECT                                    MP COST   TARGETS 
Aspir      Steals target's MP                          0      Single 
Bio        Strong Poison attack                        20     Single/All 
Break      Causes Stone                                15     Single/All 
Death      Causes Death                                35     Single 
Dejon      Warps to the previous floor you visited     4      All allies 
Drain      Steals target's HP                          18     Single 
Fire       Weak Fire elemental attack                  5      Single/All 
Fire 2     Medium Fire elemental attack                15     Single/All 
Fire 3     Strong Fire elemental attack                30     Single/All 
Flare      Massive Non-Elemental attack                50     Single 
Blizzard   Weak Ice elemental attack                   5      Single/All 
Blizzard 2 Medium Ice elemental attack                 15     Single/All 
Blizzard 3 Strong Ice elemental attack                 30     Single/All 
Meteo      Massive damage to all enemies               99     All enemies 
Piggy      Causes/Removes Pig                          1      Single/All 
Poison     Weak Poison attack, causes slow HP loss     2      Single/All 
Quake      Strong Earth elemental attack               30     All enemies 
Sleep      Causes Sleep                                12     Single/All 
Stop       Prohibits action                            15     Single 
Thunder    Weak Thunder elemental attack               5      Single/All 
Thunder 2  Medium Thunder elemental attack             15     Single/All 
Thunder 3  Strong Thunder elemental attack             30     Single/All 
Toad       Causes/Removes Toad                         7      Single/All 
Tornado    Reduces target's HP to 1-9                  20     Single 
B.) White Magic 
NAME       EFFECT                                    MP COST   TARGETS 
Arise      Revies the target with full HP              52     Single 
Blink      Increases evade rate                        8      Single 
Berserk    Causes Berserk status                       18     Single 
Confuse    Causes Confusion status                     10     Single 
Dispel     Removes status augmentations                12     Single 
Esuna      Removes status ailments                     20     Single 
Haste      Increases the target's agility              25     Single 
Hold       Causes Hold status                          5      Single 
Holy       Powerful Holy attack                        46     Single 
Keal       Restores a little HP                        3      Single/All 
Keal 2     Restores more HP                            9      Single/All 
Keal 3     Strong HP restoration                       18     Single/All 
Keal 4     Very strong HP restoration                  40     Single/All 
Levitate   Causes Float status                         8      Single/All 
Life       Revives a wounded character                 8      Single 
Minimum    Causes Mini status                          6      Single 
Protect    Raises defense                              9      Single 
Rabur      Shows enemies HP and Weakness               1      Single 
Reflect    Causes Reflect status                       30     Single 
Shell      Raises magic defense                        9      Single 
Silence    Causes Mute status                          6      Single 
Slow       Lowers the target's agility                 14     Single 
Sight      Allows you to see further on the map        2      N/A 
Teleport   Warp out of dungeons, escape from battle    10     All allies 
C.) Summon Magic 
NAME       EFFECT                                    MP COST   TARGETS* 
Asura      Ashura: Keal3, Life, or Protect              50     All allies 
Bahamut    Mega Flare: Very powerful version of Flare   60     All 
Bomb       Detonate: Damage dealt = Rydia's HP          10     Single 
Chocobo    Kick: Non Elemental attack                   7      Single 
Cockatris  Stone Beak: Petrifies the enemy              15     Single 
Dragon     Mist Breath: Non Elemental attack**          20     All 
Ifrit      Hellfire: Fire elemental attack              30     All 
Leviathan  Tsunami: Powerful water attack               50     All 
Mage       Mind Blast:  None elemental attack           18     Single 
Odin       IronSword: Instant death to all enemies      45     All 
Ramuh      Judgement: Thunder elemental attack          30     All 
Shiva      SnowStorm: Ice elemental attack              30     All 
Sylph      Whisper: Drains enemy HP to the party        25     Single 
Titan      Anger: Stron Earth elemental attack          40     All 
*Unless otherwise specified, all Summons target the enemy. 
**Mist Breath damage increases with Rydia's HP (????) 
D.) Ninja Magic 
NAME       EFFECT                                    MP COST   TARGETS 
Bushn      Increases evade rate                         6      Caster 
Kagsh      Causes Darkness status                       5      Single 
Katon      Fire elemental attack                        15     All enemies 
Kemur      Easy escape from battle                      10     All allies 
Raijin     Thunder elemental attack                     25     All enemies 
Suiton     Water elemental attack                       20     All enemies 
E.) Twin Magic 
NAME       EFFECT                                    MP COST   TARGETS 
Flare      Powerful non-elemental attack                10      Single 
Comet      Weaker version of Meteo                      20      All 
F.) Songs 
NAME       EFFECT                                    
Lure       Causes Confusion 
Sleep      Causes Sleep 
Curse      Causes Curse 
G.) Magic Learning List 
NAME           LEVEL 
Blizzard         2 
Keal (Caller)    3 
Sight (Caller)   4 
Thunder          5 
Hold (Caller)    7 
Sleep            8 
Poison           10 
Dejon            12 
Toad             13 
Stop             15 
Fire           Mt. Hobs 
Piggy            20 
Blizzard 2    Initial as Summoner 
Fire 2        Initial as Summoner 
Thunder 2     Initial as Summoner 
Bio              26 
Aspir            32 
Drain            36 
Blizzard 3       30 
Fire 3           42 
Thunder 3        45 
Quake            47 
Break            49 
Tornado          51 
Death            52 
Flare            55 
Meteo            60 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Hold           Initial 
Rabur          Initial 
Slow           Initial 
Sight          Initial 
Raise            11 
Protect          12 
Keal 2           13 
Silence          15 
Esuna            18 
Berserk          20 
Teleport       Tower of Zott 
Blink            23 
Confuse          24 
Shell            29 
Keal 3           30 
Minimum          30 
Dispel           31 
Haste            33 
Levitate         35 
Reflect          36 
Keal 4           38 
Arise            45 
Holy             55 
NAME           LEVEL 
Blizzard       Initial 
Fire           Initial 
Thunder        Initial 
Sleep          Initial 
Poison         Initial 
Blizzard 2       11 
Piggy            11 
Fire 2           12 
Thunder 2        13 
Stop             14 
Bio              19 
Toad             22 
Quake            23 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Hold           Initial 
Rabur          Initial 
Slow           Initial 
Sight          Initial 
Raise            11 
Protect          12 
Keal 2           13 
Silence          15 
Berserk          18 
Teleport         19 
Esuna            20 
Blink            23 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Sight            3 
Rabur            8 
Keal 2           15 
Teleport         19 
Esuna            25 
NAME           LEVEL 
Katon          Initial 
Suiton         Tower of Babil 
Raijin         Tower of Babil 
Kagsh          27 
Kemur          33 
Bushn          38 
------->OFFENSIVE ITEMS<------- 
Price: 1000 
Effect: Causes fire damage. 
Location: Water Cavern, Fabul, Mist, Phantom World, Bomb enemies 
Price: ???? 
Effect: Stronger version of Fragment. 
Location: ???? 
South Pole 
Price: 100 
Effect: Causes Ice damage. 
Location: Water Cavern, Antlion's Basement, Fabul Castle, Phantom World 
North Pole 
Price: 500 
Effect: Stronger version of South Pole. 
Location: Agalt, Tower of Babil 
Zeus Rage 
Price: 100 
Effect: Causes bolt damage 
Location: Fabul Castle, Ancient Waterway, Phantom World 
Gods Rage 
Price: 900 
Effect: Stronger version of Zeus Rage. 
Location: Steal from MachDragon 
Price: 1000 
Effect: Casts Comet. 
Location: Lunar Path 
Red Fang 
Price: 100 
Effect: Extremely powerful fire attack 
Location: Cave of the Sylphs, Lunar Underground 
White Fang 
Price: 100 
Effect: Extremely powerful ice attack 
Location: Cave of the Sylphs, Lunar Underground 
Blue Fang 
Price: 100 
Effect: Extremely powerful thunder attack 
Location: Cave of the Sylphs, Lunar Underground 
Earth Drum 
Price: 500 
Effect: Causes an earthquake to damage enemies. (Same as the black magic 
spell Quake) 
Location: ???? 
Knowledge Book 
Price: 10 
Effect: Calls a random summoned creature. 
Location: ???? 
Price: 1000 
Effect: Kills the enemy instantly. (Same as the black magic Death) 
Location: Eblana Castle 
Copper Timer 
Price: 100 
Effect: Stops times for enemies. 
Location: Baron, Watrer Cavern, Antlion Basement, Ancient Waterway, 
Cave of Power 
Silver Timer 
Price: 500 
Effect: Stronger version of Copper Timer. 
Location: Eblana Castle, Agalt, Cave of Eblana, Tower of Babil 
Gold Timer 
Price: ???? 
Effect: Stronger version of Silver Timer. 
Location: ???? 
Spider Web 
Price: 100 
Effect: Hinders enemy's mobility. (Same effect as the white magic spell 
Location: Antlion's Basement, Fabul Castle, Ancient Waterway, Magnetic 
Cavern, Cave of Eblana 
Silence Bell 
Price: 100 
Effect: Silences the enemies.  (Same effect as the white magic spell Mute) 
Location: Sealed Cave 
Price: 980 
Effect: Casts Rabur, works on all enemies. 
Location: Bought in the Hummingway Cave 
Price: 200 
Effect: Raises agility (Same effect as white magic spell Haste) 
Location: Water Cavern, Fabul, Ancient Waterway, Baron Castle, Eblana 
Price: 200 
Effect: Berserks the target so he/she attacks powerfully but 
uncontrollably.  Same effect as the white magic spell Bersk. 
Location: Fabul, Toroia Castle, Eblana Castle, Dwarf Castle 
Price: 10 
Effect: Sacrifices the user's HP to damage the eney by that same amount. 
Location: Mt. Hobs, Mt. Ordeals, Eblana Castle, Cave of Eblana, Cave of the 
Price: 50 
Effect: Restores HP by absorbing target's HP. (Same effect as the black 
magic spell Drain) 
Location: Cave of Eblana 
Lilith Kiss 
Price: 200 
Effect: Restores MP by absorbing the target's MP. (Same effect as the black 
magic spell Aspir) 
Location: Tower of Babil 
Price: 200 
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon a Bomb 
Location: Won from Bombs, Gray Bombs, Balloons, or Grenades (RARE) 
Price: 100 
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon a Goblin 
Location: Won from Imps, Dark Imps,Imp Cap., or Trickers (RARE) 
Price: 300 
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon Cocakatris 
Location: Won from Cocatris enemies on Mt. Hobs, Mt. Ordeals (RARE) 
Price: 400 
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon the Mage 
Location: Won from Mages in the Cave of Power (RARE) 
------->DEFENSIVE ITEMS<------- 
Price: 50 
Effect: Allows you dodge attacks by creating your double.  Same effect as 
the white magic spell Blink. 
Location: Toroia 
Light Curtain 
Price: 1000 
Effect: Reflects enemy magic.  (Stronger than the white magic spell Wall) 
Location: Sealed Cave 
Moon Curtain 
Price: 2000 
Effect: Stronger version of Light Curtain. 
Location: Lunar Path 
------->RECOVERY ITEMS<------- 
Price: 30 
Effect: Restores some HP. 
Location: Bought at the Item shop 
Price: 150 
Effect: Stronger version of Potion. 
Location: Bought at the Item shop 
Price: ???? 
Effect: Stronger version of HiPotion. 
Location: Sealed Cave, Lunar Underground 
Price: 10000 
Effect: Restores some MP. 
Location: Bought at Hummingway Cave 
Price: 50000 
Effect: Stronger version of Ether. 
Location: Bought at Hummingway Cave 
Price: 100000 
Effect: Completely restores HP and MP. 
Location: Bought at Hummingway Cave 
Price: 100 
Effect: Restores some HP and MP.  Cures all bad status effects except KO. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 500 
Effect: Completely restores some HP and MP.  Cures all bad status effects. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 100 
Effect: Cures KO and restores minimal HP and MP.  Cures all bad status 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 60 
Effect: Cures Toad. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 400 
Effect: Cures Stone. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 80 
Effect: Cures Mini. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 100 
Effect: Cures Piggy. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 50 
Effect: Cures Silence. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 30 
Effect: Cures Blind. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 40 
Effect: Cures Poison. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 100 
Effect: Cures Curse. 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 5000 
Effect: Cures all bad status effects except KO.  (Same effect as the white 
magic spell Esuna) 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 10 
Effect: Wakes up those who have fallen asleep during battle (cures Sleep) 
Location: Eblana Castle 
Price: 10 
Effect: Immediately cures bad status effects that would immediately 
dissappear after battle. 
Location: Baron Castle, Eblana Castle, Cave of Power, Tower of Babil 
------->OTHER ITEMS<------- 
Price: 180 
Effect: Warps you out of dungeons to the surface. 
Price: 100 
Effect: Zooms out the screen to provide a view of your surroundings. (Same 
effect as the white magic spell Sight) 
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 50 
Effect: Calls Chubby Chocobo.  
Location: Bought at the Item Shop 
Price: 20000 
Effect: Allows you to call Chubby Chocobo from anywhere except during battle. 
Location: Bought at Cave of the Hummingways 
Silver Apple 
Price: 100 
Effect: Raises maximum HP by 50 points. 
Location: Eblana, Toroia, Giant of Babil 
Gold Apple 
Price: 1000 
Effect: Raises maximum HP by 100 points. 
Location: Lunar Path, Lunar Underground 
Price: 10 
Effect: Raises maximum MP by 10 points. 
Location: Kukoro's Smithy, Giant of Babil 
Price: 100 
Effect: Alerts enemies to your presence and pulls you straight into battle. 
Location: Steal from Searchers 
------->SPECIAL ITEMS<------- 
Description: Give to Kukoro to make the Excalbur or Adamant Armor. 
Location: Adamant Grotto 
Description: Unlocks doors in Baron. 
Location: Yang 
Description: Package for the village of Mist. 
Location: Baron 
Description: Reveals the true form of evil. 
Location: Golbez 
Dark Crystal 
Description: The Crystal of Darkness (could you have guessed?) 
Location: Sealed Cave 
Description: Offers protection from BigBang 
Location: Stolen from Zeromus 
Earth Crystal 
Description: Toroia's Crystal, stolen by the Dark Elf. 
Location: Cave of Power 
Magma Rock 
Description: Key to the Underworld. 
Location: Cain 
Luka Key 
Description: Key to the Sealed Cave. 
Location: Luka 
Frying Pan 
Description: A frying pan that can wake Yang up. 
Location: Fabul 
Description: Pass to the Toroia pub (10000 gil) 
Location: Toroia 
Pink Tail 
Description: A rare tail, trade it with the Adamant collector. 
Location: Dropped by Pink Puffs. 
Rat Tail 
Description: A rare tail, trade it with the Adamant collector. 
Location: Phantom World 
Description: The cure for desert fever. 
Location: Antlion's Nest 
Description: Guess. 
Location: Developer's Room 
Lugeie Key 
Description: Opens doors in the Tower of Babil. 
Location: Tower of Babil 
Description: A Harp that can echo its twin's music. 
Location: Toroia 
Dark Knight/Paladin 
Weapons: Dark Swords (DK), Swords (PA), Holy Swords (PA), Bows/Arrows 
(PA), Staffs (PA) 
Special Commands: 
DWave-A shadow attack that deals damage to all enemies by taking some of 
Cecil's HP (DK) 
White- Casts White magic spells (PA) 
Cover- Protects an ally from enemy attack (PA) 
Dragon Knight 
Weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords 
Special Commands: 
Jump-Avoid attacks by jumping into the air.  Upon landing, causes double 
damage to target. 
Weapons: Rods, Staffs, Bows/Arows, Whips (Adult) 
Special Commands: 
White- Casts White magic spells (Young) 
Black- Casts Black magic spells 
Call- Calls summon beasts 
Weapons: Rods, Staffs 
Special Commands: 
White- Casts White magic spells 
Black- Casts Black magic spells 
Recall- Casts a random Black or White magic spell 
Weapons: Harps 
Special Commands: 
Sing- Causes various status Descriptions by playing the harp (not gauranteed) 
Hide/Show- Allows him to escape temporarily from battle or return to it 
Heal- Restores HP of all allies by using Potion in the inventory 
Wh. Wiz 
Weapons: Bows/Arrows, Staffs 
Special Commands: 
White- Cast White magic spells 
Pray- Prays to the heavens to cast Cure1 without consuming MP (may fail) 
Aim- Raises the Hit% of the bow and arrows. 
Weapons: Claws 
Special Commands: 
Build- Inflicts double damage 
Kick- Damages all enemies 
Endur- Increases defensive power 
Weapons: Rods, Bows/Arrows 
Special Commands: 
Black- Casts Black magic speels 
Twin- Cast powerful magic with Porom 
Boast- Temporarily raises the wisdom stat 
Wh. Wiz 
Weapons: Staffs, Bows/Arrows  
Special Commands: 
White- Casts White magic speels 
Twin- Cast powerful magic with Palom 
Tears- Surprises enemeis and makes it easier to escape 
Weapons: Hammers, Bows/Arrows 
Special Commands:  
Peep- Same as White magic spell Scan 
Weapons: Katanas, Boomerangs 
Battle Commands: 
Dart- Throws weapons with 100% Hit% 
Sneak- Steals enemy items (may fail) 
Ninja- Casts Ninja magic 
Weapons: Staffs, Rods, Bows/Arrows 
Special Commands: 
White- Casts White magic spells 
Black- Casts Black magic spells 
Spirit- Gradually restores the HP of the party for a certain amount of 
time.  FuSoYa cannot act during this period. 
NAME           LEVEL 
Blizzard         2 
Keal (Caller)    3 
Sight (Caller)   4 
Thunder          5 
Hold (Caller)    7 
Sleep            8 
Poison           10 
Dejon            12 
Toad             13 
Stop             15 
Fire           Mt. Hobs 
Piggy            20 
Blizzard 2    Initial as Summoner 
Fire 2        Initial as Summoner 
Thunder 2     Initial as Summoner 
Bio              26 
Aspir            32 
Drain            36 
Blizzard 3       30 
Fire 3           42 
Thunder 3        45 
Quake            47 
Break            49 
Tornado          51 
Death            52 
Flare            55 
Meteo            60 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Hold           Initial 
Rabur          Initial 
Slow           Initial 
Sight          Initial 
Raise            11 
Protect          12 
Keal 2           13 
Silence          15 
Esuna            18 
Berserk          20 
Teleport       Tower of Zott 
Blink            23 
Confuse          24 
Shell            29 
Keal 3           30 
Minimum          30 
Dispel           31 
Haste            33 
Levitate         35 
Reflect          36 
Keal 4           38 
Arise            45 
Holy             55 
NAME           LEVEL 
Blizzard       Initial 
Fire           Initial 
Thunder        Initial 
Sleep          Initial 
Poison         Initial 
Blizzard 2       11 
Piggy            11 
Fire 2           12 
Thunder 2        13 
Stop             14 
Bio              19 
Toad             22 
Quake            23 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Hold           Initial 
Rabur          Initial 
Slow           Initial 
Sight          Initial 
Raise            11 
Protect          12 
Keal 2           13 
Silence          15 
Berserk          18 
Teleport         19 
Esuna            20 
Blink            23 
NAME           LEVEL 
Keal           Initial 
Sight            3 
Rabur            8 
Keal 2           15 
Teleport         19 
Esuna            25 
NAME           LEVEL 
Katon          Initial 
Suiton         Tower of Babil 
Raijin         Tower of Babil 
Kagsh          27 
Kemur          33 
Bushn          38 
Giant Gauntlet:  Won randomly from SteelGolem in Cave of Eblana. Cain, Rosa, 
Cecil, and Edge can use it. 
Adamant Armor: Use Alerts in the L-Shaped room in Lunar Underground 5 to 
summon PinkPuffs. There is a 1/64 chance that, if they drop items, they 
will drop a PinkTail. Take this tail to the Adamant Grotto for Adamant, 
then head for Kukoro's house to get the Adamant Armor, the best armor in 
the game.  Cecil, Cain, Edge, Rosa, and Rydia can use it. 
Crystal Ring: Won randomly from Red D.s in the Lunar Underground. Cecil, 
Edge, Cain, Rosa, and Rydia can use it. 
Glass Helm: Won randomly from EvilMasks in the Lunar Underground. Cecil, 
Edge, Cain, Rosa, and Rydia can use it. 
Power Robe: Won randomly from Behemoths in the Lunar Underground/Cave Bahamut. 
Cecil, Edge, Cain, Rosa, and Rydia can use it. 
Rune Axe: Won randomly from GiantSoldrines or DemonSoldrs in the Giant of Babil 
or Lunar Underground/Cave Bahamut respectively. 
Artemis Bow: Won randomly from Karys in Cave Bahamut or Lunar Underground. 
Dragon Whip: Won randomly from Blue D.s in the Lunar Underground. 
Dragon Spear: Won randomly from Red D.s in the Lunar Underground.  Not as 
strong as the HolyLnce, but is very effective against Dragons. 
Silence Staff: Won randomly from Conjurers and Marions. 
Medusa Sword: Won randomly from Black Lix. in the Underworld. 
To duplicate weapons and shields, get into a battle.  When the character 
with the desired equipment's turn comes around, select item, scroll down 
to a blank space, select it, and scroll up to the weapon/shield you want 
to duplicate.  Now run away from battle.  Equip the weapon/shield and 
there should be a 2 next to it.  De-equip it, and re-equip it again.  Now, 
one will be equipped and another will be in your inventory. 
To equip stolen items, make sure that the desired character gets their 
turn right after Edge does.  Have him sneak the item, then have the 
character equip it on their turn.  You could thus get Rydia, for example, 
a Mithril Shield by stealing from MagmaTurtl. 
Enemies often use abilities to enhance their attack.  Below is a list of 
these abilites and what they do (note: Black/White Magic spells were not 
2xPhA: Hits two targets with one physical attack 
Alarm: Summon a monster to aid in the fight 
BadBreth: Gives all status ailments to multiple allies 
Beam: Laser attack to one ally 
Big Bang: Very powerful attack, causes rapid HP loss 
BigWave: Powerful water attack to all allies 
Blaster: Causes Paralysis/Wounded status to one ally 
Blaze: Powerful fire attack to 1,2,3,4, or 5 allies 
Bl.Fang: Kills one ally 
Bl. Hole: Nullifies all magical barriers 
BlodSuck: Causes gradual HP loss, weak attack 
"Breathe in the Gas": Causes Poisoned status to all allies 
ColdMist: Ice attack to all allies 
ColdSnap: Ice attack that causes Darkness to one ally 
"Come Dance": Berserks one or more allies 
CrashDwn: Kills one ally 
CursAura: Paralyzes the party 
Curse: Curses one ally 
Death(2): Gives the target(s) 10 seconds to live 
Destruct: Sacrifices all HP to deliver a Fire attack to one ally 
Digest: Weak attack, causes HP loss to one target 
Dimentn9: Kills one ally 
ElecWall: Induces paralyis 
Explode: Split into smaller monsters, deals some damage to party 
Flame: Moderate fire attack to 1,2,3,4, or 5 allies 
FlameDgn: Powerful Fire attack to one/all allies 
FlameThrwr: Weak fire attack to all allies 
FingerTip: Causes gradual petrification to one ally 
Heater: Fire attack to all alies 
IronSwrd: Powerful physical attack to all allies 
Laser: Laser attack to all allies 
Lit Flash: Lightning attack to one ally 
Lure: Confuses one ally 
Maelstrm: Reduces all allies' HP to single digits 
MegaFlare: Powerful Flare attack to two or more allies 
Medic: Removes all allies status ailments 
MindBlst: Physical attack, can cause paralysis 
Needle: Physical attack 
Num199: 9999 damage to one ally 
PoisnGas: Causes Poisoned status to all allies 
Pollen: Causes rapid HP loss to all allies, weak attack 
Pupil: Confuses one ally 
Regen: Revives the target with full HP 
SleepGas: Causes Sleep status to all allies 
SnowStrm: Ice attack to all allies 
StonGaze: Causes gradual petrification to one ally 
Summon: Summon a monster to aid in the fight 
Tsunami: Powerful water attack to all allies 
Wall: HP reduced to single digits 
Wreathe: Induces paralysis 
Ben Siron : His handbook is an excellent source 
of information, helped to complete the Enemy Abilities and Armor lists. 
Dan Orner : The trick of stealing DkMatter from 
Zeromus.  He also has a very good FFIV FAQ on gamefaqs.com. 
Squaresoft: For making an excellent game. 
Disclaimer: This guide is copyright 2001 Amar Kishan, and Final 
Fantasy IV is copyright 1991 Squaresoft.  This guide is not official. Do 
not distribute or upload at all without my permission.  This guide cannot 
be reproduced in any way without my permission.