Final Fantasy 4 Magic FAQ Version 2.0 (1/4/2001) by Bob the Almighty ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I.) Date/Version History II.) Intro III.) Ramblings of an Idiot IV.) Spell Descriptions V.) Spell List for Final Party VI.) Disclaimer VII.) Credits/Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.) DATE/VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 Another patch another update. =) In October 2000, J2E ( released their final version of their FF4 Hard-type translation. Some of the names have been changed to their more 'traditional' FF names (that is 'Cure' instead of 'Keal'), so I figured that I might as well make an update. I'll keep both translation versions names for those of you still playing the original patch. I also changed the layout a bit. In the first version I had the 'Spell list for the ending characters' section BEFORE the 'Spell Description' part, which didn't make sense when you looked read it. Also the FAQ more than *doubled* in size! How the heck that happened is beyond me... Version 1.0 (September 27,1999) I created this FAQ. As of 9/27/99, it had a complete listing of magic for the final class (Cecil, Cain, Edge, Rosa, and Rydia), and a complete of all spells (white, black, ninjitsu, and summon). it had the levels in which the final party learned their spells, or where they learned their spells. Finally, for added comfort, I included the American version spell names and the MP each spell costs...I think it's pretty complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.) INTRO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ was written for one of my favorite games of all time, if not my favorite game of all time....Final Fantasy IV. We, the Western World, probably know this game as Final Fantasy II, because Square of America released it as Final Fantasy II. But in reality, it was the forth installment of the series. Anyway, Square did a crappy job of translating it, but luckily, a translation group known as J2e got a copy of the original Japanese version and did a wonderful job of translating it. Anyway this FAQ is mainly about Final Fantasy IV's magic system. Those of you familiar with Final Fantasy II probably noticed some of the spell names are different and the levels which you receive them are higher too (this makes for a more challenging game). So I wrote this FAQ to list the J2e's translated spell names, as well as the required level to learn the spell, since they are a bit higher than what you may be used too. I wrote this FAQ myself, it's not much I know, but it did require effort (not a lot though), so please don't steal from it. I do not care if you post it on your site or whatever, but please keep it unchanged. I could care less if you download it and change it, just don't upload a revised version. Send email to me or ICQ me (both found below), I gladly accept comments, question, corrections, and flames. Also, please do not sell this FAQ for money, because I wrote it, not you. It's worth noting that this document is best viewed with Notepad at a 800 x 600 resolution. It's also worth noting that I'm not very good when it comes to writing FAQs, so if there's one of those damn long-ass scroll bars at the bottom of the file, just use the 'Word Wrap' option in Notepad to get it to look right. Legal Stuff... This FAQ Final Fantasy 2/4 email- ICQ- 39079420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III.) RAMBLINGS OF AN IDIOT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow... hard to believe it's been over a year since I first wrote this - you got it, I'm going to ramble on for a bit about a bunch of crap that most people could less about. You wouldn't believe how many people I have met through this FAQ (and how many FF4 questions at that!) and I can honestly say every email and ICQ message has been both positive and encouraging. I've had a blast talking to all you FF4 fans out there. I know my FAQ may not be the best looking FAQ on the net, no fancy little ASCII art or anything, but I'm honestly surprised about all the 'Great FAQ you got there Bob!' or 'I found your FF4 Magic FAQ to be real helpful.' Anyway, I'm done rambling now. I wanted to say thanks to everyone who emailed or sent me an ICQ message - all which have been positive - and I've even made some good friends along the way (shoobydoowap I'm looking in your direction). And now on with the Magic FAQ..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV.) SPELL DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Magic Name | Description | MP Cost | Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire | fire-based attack (weak) | 5 | Single/All - allies/enemies Fire 2 | fire-based attack (average) | 15 | Single/All - allies/enemies Fire 3 | fire-based attack (strong) | 30 | Single/All - allies/enemies Ice | ice-based attack (weak) | 5 | Single/All - allies/enemies Ice 2 | ice-based attack (average) | 15 | Single/All - allies/enemies Ice 3 | ice-based attack (strong) | 30 | Single/All - allies/enemies Bolt | lightning-based attack (weak) | 5 | Single/All - allies/enemies Bolt 2 | lightning-based attack (average) | 15 | Single/All - allies/enemies Bolt 3 | lightning-based attack (strong) | 30 | Single/All - allies/enemies Poison | poison-based attack (weak); target | 2 | Single/All - allies/enemies | slowly loses HP | | Bio | poison-based attack (average); target | 20 | Single/All - allies/enemies | swiftly loses HP | | Quake | earth-based attack (strong) | 30 | All - enemies Break | attempts instant death on target | 15 | Single/All - allies/enemies Tornado | reduces target's HP to single digits | 20 | Single - ally/enemy Sleep | induces sleep on target | 12 | Single/All - allies/enemies Stop | makes the target unable to use actions | 15 | Single - ally/enemy Piggy | changes to/from pig status | 1 | Single/All - allies/enemies Toad | changes to/from toad status | 7 | Single/All - allies/enemies Dejon | warp to the previous floor of a dungeon| 4 | All - allies Drain | caster absorbs target's HP | 18 | Single - ally/enemy Osmose | caster absorbs target's MP | 0 | Single - ally/enemy Death | induces instant death on target | 35 | Single - ally/enemy Flare | non-elemental attack (extreme) | 50 | Single - ally/enemy Meteo | non-elemental attack (extreme) | 99 | All - enemies White Magic Name | Description | MP Cost | Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cure | restores HP/damages undead (ghetto) | 3 | Single/All - allies/enemies Cure 2 | restores HP/damages undead (average) | 9 | Single/All - allies/enemies Cure 3 | restores HP/damages undead (strong) | 18 | Single/All - allies/enemies Cure 4 | restores HP (max)/damages undead | 40 | Single/All - allies/enemies | (extreme) | | Life | restores live to fallen character | 8 | Single - ally/enemy Life 2 | restores live plus full HP to fallen | 52 | Single - ally/enemy | character | | Esuna | removes negative status effects | 20 | Single - ally/enemy Dispel | removes positive status effects | 12 | Single - ally/enemy Reflect | reflects almost any magic back to | 30 | Single - ally/enemy | other party | | Libra | check out target's vital stats; | 1 | Single - ally/enemy | HP/MP/weakness | | Blink | creates multiple images on target, | 8 | Single - ally/enemy | making it difficult to hit | | Levitate| allows target(s) to float, protects | 8 | Single/All - allies | from poison floors and Quake magic | | Protect | raises defense against physical attacks| 9 | Single - ally/enemy Shell | raises defense against magical attacks | 10 | Single - ally/enemy Minimum | changes to/from midget status | 6 | Berserk | induces berserk status (higher damage | 18 | Single - ally/enemy | from attacks, but loss of control) | | Confuse | induces confusion status (unable to | 10 | Single - ally/enemy | determine allies from enemies) | | Silence | induces mute status (unable to cast | 6 | Single - ally/enemy | magic or use magical abilities) | | Slow | induces slow status (a lower reaction | 14 | Single - ally/enemy | time) | | Haste | induces haste status (a higher reaction| 25 | Single - ally/enemy | time) | | Hold | induces hold status (target is stopped)| 5 | Single - ally/enemy Sight | brings up world map | 2 | ---------------------------- Teleport| warp out of dungeons/towns to world map| 10 | All - allies | /escape from battle | | Holy | holy-based attack (extreme) | 46 | Single - ally/enemy Ninjutsu Name | Description | MP Cost | Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Katon | fire-based attack (average/strong) | 15 | All - enemies Suiton | water-based attack (average/strong) | 20 | All - enemies Raijin | lightning-based attack (average/strong)| 25 | All - enemies Needles | induces blind status | 5 | Single - ally/enemy Image | creates multiple images on target, | 6 | Single - self (caster) | making it difficult to hit | | Smoke | causes smoke screen, allowing for easy | 10 | All - allies | retreat from battle | | Summon Name | Description | MP Cost | Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin | Goblin Punch (non-elemental attack, | 1 | Single - enemy | weak) | | Cocktric | Stone Beak (instant death) | 15 | Single - enemy Flayer | Mind Blast (non-elemental attack, | 18 | Single - enemy | weak-average) | | Bomb | Self-Destruct (damage dealt is equal | 10 | Single - enemy | to caster's current HP) | | *Ashura | Asura (a. Cure 3) | 50 | All - allies | (b. Life) | | | (c. Protect) | | Sylph | Wind's Whisper (enemies HP is | 25 | Single - enemy | absorbed and given to the party) | | Chocobo | Chocobo Kick (non-elemental damage, | 7 | Single - enemy | weak) | | *Mist | Mist Breath (non-elemental damage, | 20 | All - enemies | weak-average) | | Titan | Anger of the Land (earth-based | 40 | All - enemies | attack, average-strong) | | Shiva | Snowstorm (ice based attack, average) | 30 | All - enemies Ramuh | Judgement Bolt (lighting-based attack,| 30 | All - enemies | average) | | Ifrit | Hellfire (fire based attack, average) | 30 | All - enemies Leviathan| Tsunami (water based attack, strong) | 50 | All - enemies Odin | Zantetsuken (instant death) | 45 | All - enemies Bahamut | Mega Flare (non-elemental attack, | 60 | All - enemies | strong-extreme) | | * Thanks to Russ ( for Ashura's skills and confirming that Mist IS non-elemental damage, which I had thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V.) SPELL LIST FOR FINAL PARTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Format: There will be three spell column names. The first is for the latest J2E Patch (the '2000 Edition'), the second for their original patch (which is over two years old I might say, so if you're still using it, you might want to update, hehe), and the third and final spell column name is for the FF2 US SNES cart. The MP column tells you how much a specific spell costs and the Level/Location column tells you when you acquire the spell. Rydia ( Black Magic ) FFIV-A Name | FFIV-B Name | FFII Name | MP Cost | Level/Location ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ice | Blizrd | Ice 1 | 5 | Lv 2 Bolt | Thund | Lit 1 | 5 | Lv 5 Sleep | Sleep | Sleep | 15 | Lv 8 Poison | Pois | Venom | 2 | Lv 10 Dejon | Dejon | Warp | 4 | Lv 12 Toad | Toad | Toad | 7 | Lv 13 Stop | Stop | Stop | 12 | Lv 15 Fire | Fire | Fire 1 | 5 | Mt. Hobs Piggy | Piggy | Piggy | 1 | Lv 20 Fire 2 | Fire 2 | Fire 2 | 15 | Rydia - Adult Ice 2 | Blizd 2 | Ice 2 | 15 | Rydia - Adult Bolt 2 | Thund 2 | Lit 2 | 15 | Rydia - Adult Bio | Bio | Virus | 20 | Lv. 26 Osmose | Aspir | Psych | 0 | Lv. 32 Drain | Drain | Drain | 18 | Lv. 36 Ice 3 | Blizd 3 | Ice 3 | 30 | Lv. 39 Fire 3 | Fire 3 | Fire 3 | 30 | Lv. 42 Bolt 3 | Thund 3 | Lit 3 | 30 | Lv. 45 Quake | Quake | Quake | 30 | Lv. 47 Break | Break | Stone | 15 | Lv. 49 Tornado | Tornd | Weak | 25 | Lv. 51 Death | Death | Fatal | 35 | Lv. 52 Flare | Flare | Nuke | 50 | Lv. 55 Meteo | Meteo | Meteo | 99 | Lv. 60 Rydia ( Summon Magic ) FFIV-A Name | FFIV-B Name | FFII Name | MP Cost | Level/Location ---------------------------------------------------------------- Golbin | Goblin | Imp | 1 | Randomly won after fight | | | | from 'Goblin' type enemies Cocktric | Cockt | Cockt | 15 | Dummied item (must use a | | | | Game Genie code) Flayer | Mind | Mind | 18 | Win after fight from 'Mage' | | | | enemies in Cave of Power Bomb | Bomb | Bomb | 20 | Randomly won after fight | | | | from 'Bomb' type enemies *Ashura | Asura | Asura | 50 | Phantom World (underground) Sylph | Sylph | Sylph | 25 | Sylphian Cave (underground) Chocobo | Chocb | Chocb | 7 | Start Mist | Dragn | Mist | 20 | Rydia - Adult Titan | Titan | Titan | 40 | Rydia - Adult Shiva | Shiva | Shiva | 30 | Rydia - Adult Ramuh | Ramuh | Indra | 30 | Rydia - Adult Ifrit | Ifrit | Jinn | 30 | Rydia - Adult *Leviathan | Levia | Levia | 50 | Phantom World (underground) *Odin | Odin | Odin | 45 | Castle of Baron (after | | | | visiting Phantom World) *Bahamut | Baham | Baham | 60 | Cave of Bahamut (moon) *You must defeat the Phantom Beast in battle before Rydia can summon the Phantom Beast in battle. Rosa ( White Magic ) FFIV-A Name | FFIV-B Name | FFII Name | MP Cost | Level/Location ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cure | Keal | Cure 1 | 3 | Start Hold | Hold | Hold | 5 | Start Libra | Rabur | Peep | 1 | Start Slow | Slow | Slow | 6 | Start Sight | Sight | Sight | 2 | Start Life | Raise | Life 1 | 8 | Lv. 11 Protect | Protc | M.I.A. | 9 | Lv. 12 Cure 2 | Keal 2 | Cure 2 | 9 | Lv. 13 Silence | Silnce | Mute | 6 | Lv. 15 Esuna | Esuna | Heal | 20 | Lv. 18 Berserk | Bersk | Bersk | 18 | Lv. 20 Teleport | Telep | Exit | 10 | Tower of Zott Blink | Blink | Blink | 8 | Lv. 23 Confuse | Conf | Charm | 10 | Lv. 24 Shell | Shell | M.I.A. | 10 | Lv. 29 Cure 3 | Keal 3 | Cure 3 | 18 | Lv. 30 Minimum | Mini | Size | 6 | Lv. 30 Dispel | Displ | M.I.A. | 12 | Lv. 31 Haste | Haste | Fast | 25 | Lv. 33 Levitate | Levita | Float | 8 | Lv. 35 Reflect | Rflct | Wall | 30 | Lv. 36 Cure 4 | Keal 4 | Cure 4 | 40 | Lv. 38 Life 2 | Arise | Life 2 | 52 | Lv. 45 Holy | Holy | White | 46 | Lv. 55 *spells listed with an M.I.A. under the FFII Name column stands for Missing In Action....they do not appear in FFII* Cecil ( White Magic ) FFIV-A Name | FFIV-B Name | FFII Name | MP Cost | Level/Location ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cure | Keal | Cure 1 | 3 | Mt. Ordeal Sight | Sight | Sight | 2 | Lv. 3 Libra | Rabur | Peep | 1 | Lv. 8 Cure 2 | Keal 2 | Cure 2 | 9 | Lv. 15 Teleport | Telep | Exit | 10 | Lv. 19 Esuna | Esuna | Heal | 20 | Lv. 25 Edge ( Ninjutsu ) FFIV-A Name | FFIV-B Name | FFII Name | MP Cost | Level/Location ---------------------------------------------------------------- Katon | Katon | Flame | 15 | Start Suiton | Siton | Flood | 20 | Tower of Babil Raijin | Rajin | Blitz | 25 | Tower of Babil Needles | Kagsh | Pin | 5 | Lv. 27 Smoke | Kemur | Smoke | 10 | Lv. 33 Image | Bushn | Image | 6 | Lv. 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI.) DISCLAIMER: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I made this FAQ 100% by MYSELF....I played through the game and kept a record of when everyone learned a spell (at what level). Then I played through it AGAIN to verify this. I used by old SNES copy of Final Fantasy 2 to compare spell names, which I had to play through also because my saved games were erased. I did this out of love for the game and the excellent J2e Translation of it. I thought other fans would like it, so please obey the copyright notice. I have NO PROBLEM if you post it on your page. If you would like to use any of the information provided in this document in your own FAQ or website, please contact me first, but feel free to post the game - in it's entirety and unaltered - on your site if you wish... no need to ask. And please do not sell this for money, I did it for free and I want it to remain free for other fans. Thank you, Bob the Almighty Email and ICQ: email- ICQ- 39079420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII.) CREDITS/THANKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squaresoft ( - Well, they made and game and stuff, so mad props to them, or something. J2E Translations (www.j2etranslations) - These awesome dudes translation the original version of FF4 into English! It goes without saying that these dudes kick ass.... CJayC and GameFAQs ( - Well, Game FAQs *DID* post my original version, this one too, and since CJayC owns Game FAQs, I should thank him too. Zero ( - He's currently working on a *MASSIVE* FF4 Hard-type walkthrough. He also let me contribute my FF4 Magic FAQ information to his behemoth - and still growing - guide. Russ ( - He provided me with some information regarding two of Rydia's summons: Ashura and Mist. Finally, I'd like to say thanks too all the countless of people that congratulated me over the past year and a half (almost) and to *YOU* for reading this far.... most people don't even bother with it, but not you. =) (I know, that last part was cheesy, but hey, what are you going to do?)