Final Fantasy IV / Solo Cecil Guide Created by: Phil Henry ( April 7, 2004 Version 1.1 (c) Phil Henry 2004 This walkthrough is not to be reproduced or published elsewhere unless permission is granted by the author. Introduction As the name of this guide implies, this is a Solo Cecil Challenge Guide. The idea of this challenge is to beat the entire game of Final Fantasy IV using only Cecil. It sounds tough, even impossible, but it can be done. Now why would anyone try and do this? Well, if you're like me, you get bored of games after beating them a few times. Now, instead of never playing the game again, some people think of challenges or hindrances to make the game harder or to add some more flavor to the game. This is exactly what this challenge is for, to make the game of FFIV last longer. If you're trying this out, then I'm going to assume that you've played through FFIV a few times, so this won't be a step by step walkthrough with lists of treasures or monsters or ways to get out of dungeons. I'll only point out recommended levels, best equipment and boss strategies and the like. Now before we start, here are some little random tips to help out. -Keep Cecil in the back row. Normally, when in the back row, your defense is raised while your attack is lowered, but if all the other characters in the party are KO'd, then Cecil's attack won't be decreased as severely. Also, it's better to have great defense and decent attack, than to have minimal defense with great attack power. -Always keep 99 Cures, and as soon as you can, buy 99 Cure2s. Also, keep a stock of about 10 to 20 Heals. -Sell all your unwanted equipment/items. Since Cecil is your only party member, you won't be needing equipment suited for other characters, sell them. Also, sell all Lifes and Cabins and any other items that require mulitple characters to make full use of. This way, you have much more money for curing items and it leaves a lot more room in your inventory. Also, remember to unequip party members when they first join you. This gives you more money, and it makes it easier to kill them off. -Zombies + Cure = Victory. Now, this only applies to Dark Knight Cecil, but if you're in a fight against undead, use items to win. Only do this in Boss battles, however, because you could easily lose your stock of Cures. -Unless absolutely necessary, refrain from resting at inns. This revives all your KO'd characters so you'll just have to kill them again in the next battle. If you need healing, buy Cures, if you need MP... well, Cecil's magic sucks, you won't need MP, and you'll probably find plenty of Ethers anyways. -Never be afraid to run away. If the enemy is just too much to handle or can't be defeated with regular attacks, run. One battle is not worth being risky over, and Flan style enemies take too long and don't give up enough EXP to matter. -Save repeatedly! I know you hear this a lot, but save every chance you get. On the world map, before heading into a dungeon, on Save Points. Hell, save multiple files if it helps. Having only one character can get you unexpectedly killed, so never wander far without saving. -If all else fails, level up. If the dungeon or boss is simply too hard for you at your current level, spend some time either on the world map, or near a save point and fight monsters. Remember, because you're alone, enemies give up 5x their regular EXP, so if the enemy normally gives your party 5000 EXP, they'll give Cecil 25000 EXP, making for relatively easy levels! Alright, let's start this off!! Chapter 1 - Dark Knight to Paladin Baron Overworld/Mist Cave First of all, unequip Kain of all his equipment and then kill him in the first battle. Do not use him or any other character other then Cecil to attack enemies. After Kain is dead, move Cecil to the back row and level up outside until level 13 or so. Not really needed, but it's a good start. Inside the Mist Cave, collect the chests for potions and then fight the first boss, the Mist Dragon. ********Boss***************** Mist Dragon HP: 465 My Level: 13 Continually attack the Mist Dragon until it turns into mist. When it does, stop attacking, or it'll counter with Cold Mist. Continue attacking once it turns back into a dragon and after a few rounds, it should fall. ***************************** Kaipo Overworld/Water Cavern Before going to Kaipo with Rydia in your arms, take some time to level up if you'd like. Inside the inn, you'll come across 3 Soldiers and a General ********Boss***************** General, Soldiers x3 HP: 221 , 27 each My Level: 16 quickly kill off two of the three soldiers, but leave one alive. Now, concentrate the rest of your attacks on the General. Normally, the General will run away after his soldiers have been defeated, but with one still alive, he'll stand his ground until you can defeat him. He has a lot more HP than the soldiers and some of the time you'll miss, so you might need to use a Cure or two in this battle. After the General falls, take out the last soldier. Killing the General along with the other soldiers will net you an additional 400 EXP. ***************************** After the battle, you'll be fully rested with a new party member, Rydia. Unequip her and take the little girl out to the desert and kill her. This shouldn't be too hard since her Max HP is 30. Once again, move Cecil to back row. Inside the Water Cavern are enemies called WaterBugs. These have about 200 EXP, but they often run away, so defeat them before attacking other enemies. Run away from any Jellies you see because they can't be defeated easily without magic. Shortly after entering the cavern, you'll meet Tellah, an old man. Unequip him and kill him. Wow, a little girl and an old man were killed because of you, heroic, huh? Search the treasure chests on the North side of the cavern to obtain Cecil's Darkness Sword. Leave the cavern, save, and then enter the next section. The next few chests hold Cecil's Darkness Armor, Helm, Shield, and Gauntlet, so be sure to get these for the next boss, Octomamm. ********Boss***************** Octomamm HP: about 1500 (???) My Level: 20 Easy battle without any real catches. Attack repeatedly and Octomamm's tentacles should start disapearing one by one. Each time one is destroyed, Octomamm's attack power is lowered, so the less tentacles, the safer you are. He should fall when there's about three tentacles left. ***************************** Damcyan/Antlion Cave Save outside the Water Cavern and watch Damcyan get blown up. After Tellah leaves and Edward joins, unequip and kill him. If you're in need of healing, use the hovercraft to go back to Kaipo to buy Cures, don't bother using the healing pot in Damcyan because that just revives your fallen comrades. Normally, the Antlion Cave is complicated to navigate, but that's only if you attempt to get all the chests. There's nothing useful in any of the chests in this cave, so just head directly to the boss' lair. ********Boss***************** Antlion HP: 1100 My Level: 24 The Antlion has relatively weak attack power, but it'll counter attack with a needle attack that'll do more damage. Simply attack until it falls. You shouldn't need to use a Cure, unless your HP level isn't very high. ***************************** Mt. Hobs/Fabul Head back to Kaipo and give the SandRuby to Rosa. During the night, you'll have to fight a battle using Edward. This should be the ONLY battle where you can use a character other than Cecil. In the morning, unequip Rosa and kill her, Rydia and Edward in the next battle. Using the hovercraft, head to Mt. Hobs. Be careful of GrayBombs, they will detonate if their HP falls too low, damaging Cecil, so try to defeat them quickly. Skeletons, though undead, shouldn't pose too much of a problem to you. Climb up the mountain to find Yang and the next Boss. ********Boss***************** Mom Bomb HP: ???? My Level: 27 This is the first of several boss battles that require you to kill off a character before actually defeating the boss. Kill Yang right away, which may take a few turns because of his high HP. Attack the Mom Bomb until she explodes, which will damage Cecil and leave three Bombs and three GrayBombs. Defeat each of the three Bombs before attacking any of the Gray- Bombs. After that, attempt to take out as many GrayBombs as possible, but one or two will probably explode anyways. If your HP is below 50, use a Cure before attaking the GrayBombs. Thankfully, this battle is worth a truckload of EXP. ***************************** On the other side of Mt. Hobs, heal Cecil as you see fit, and walk east to Fabul, levelling up along the way. By now you've probably noticed that it doesn't take Cecil very long to gain levels. Save outside of Fabul and then head in. ********Boss***************** Captain, Fighters x2 HP: 320 , 65 each My Level: 33 This is basically a tougher version of the General, Soldier battle back in Kaipo. Use the same strategy as before and make sure to kill the Captain, because he's worth 1000 EXP. You'll fight this battle three times before encountering Kain ***************************** ********Boss***************** Kain HP: ???? My Level: 34 You can't win this battle, boohoo. ***************************** After the fights, search around Fabul castle to collect Cecil's Black shield. The King will also give you a Black Sword, which can randomly kill enemies. Hoorah. Mysidia/Mt. Ordeals After getting Porom and Palom, unequip them and kill them. Now before going yo Mt. Ordeals, buy the Paladin equipment in the Mysidian store. You can't equip them now, but once Cecil becomes a Paladin, these will be his only armor for the road back down. Make your way to the base of Mt. Ordeals, save, and head in. A lot of the monsters on Mt. Ordeals are undead, meaning Cecil will most likely have a hard timeinflicting any damage, so run from battles here. Don't worry about your level, because you'll be at Level 1 in a few minutes. Kill Tellah when he joins and continue up to the save point and fight Milon. ********Boss***************** Milon, Ghast x4 HP: 3500 , 200 each My Level: 39 First off, you'd better have a few Cure2s with you. If not, this battle just got a lot longer. Hopefully, you have 4 Cure2s, if not, hopefully you have a bunch of Cures. Use Cures and Cure2s against the Ghasts to heal them to death. One Cure2 should work, while 5 or so Cures will beat them. After they're gone, concentrate your normal attacks on Milon, who will counter with Bolt spells. Use any Cures if needed and continue to attack. He should fall before long. ***************************** Go back and save. Now, before moving to the other end of the bridge, move Cecil to the front row. You'll then fight Milon Z. ********Boss***************** Milon Z HP: 3523 My Level: 39 Milon Z attacks you from behind, so Cecil should start off in the back row. There aren't any tricks like the last battle, so continually attacks until Milon Z falls and cure if needed. ***************************** Again, head back to the Save Point to save. Inside the cave, Cecil will become a Level 1 Paladin with 600 HP. He'll also have to fight his Dark Side. ********Boss***************** Dark Knight HP: ??? My Level: 1 Just sit there. Don't attack for about three rounds and you'll win. Hoorah. I've heard that you CAN actually defeat him, but there's no real sense in trying. ***************************** Now, you can start heading back down to Mysidia. Cecil will be gaining levels almost every battle. By the time you reach Mysidia, you should be atleast at level 20 with more than 1000 HP. Congratulations, you've become a Paladin with only Cecil! Chapter 2 - From Baron to the Underground Baron/Baron Waterways Get to Baron via Devil's Roda, leave and save. Head into the inn to find Yang. ********Boss***************** Guard x2 HP: 280 My Level: 23 These guys require a bit of luck to defeat. They should take you only two hits to defeat, but they can counter your attacks with Mini, which will lower your defense to 1. Mini has about a 50/50 chance of hitting you. If it does, pray that you'll dodge the next wave of attacks. Hit again while your Minied and you'll be cured by the guard. Hopefully Mini will miss you the first time so you can atleast take out one of the Guards. It's much easier to survive when there's only one Guard, even if you're Minied. ***************************** ********Boss***************** Yang HP: ??? My Level: 23 Cure yourself if the battle with the two Guards left you weak, then attack, attack, attack. There's nothing really special to this battle and you should win as long as you got the chance to heal at the beginning. ***************************** After the battle, Yang joins and you get to rest at the inn for free. You alos get the Baron Key which allows the party to gain access to the Baron Waterways. Enemies here have a lot more HP then you might be used to seeing, so enemies might take three hits or so to defeat. Aquaworms, however, have over 600 HP, so they may need 6 hits to take down, but don't worry, as long as Cecil remains in the back row, he should be alright, and with his new White Magic, you can easily cure more than ever outside of battle. Enemies here also yield a lot of EXP, so take your time to level up near the Save Point. You're going to want to be near level 30 for Kainazzo. Don't forget to collect Cecil's Ancient Sword. Don't equip it, it's not as powerful as Legend, but you can always sell it. Once you make it through to the castle, Baigan will greet you and then soon attack. ********Boss***************** Baigan, Right Arm, Left Arm HP: 4444 , 444 , 444 My Level: 27 Don't waste your time defeating the two arms because Baigan can simply regenerate them. However, you might want to take out one of them, just so Baigan can't go three times in a row. Focus your attacks on Baigan's body and it will easily fall. With the body gone, defeat the two arms and you've won. ***************************** As soon as the battle's over, head back to the Waterways and save. This next battle will be difficult and will greatly depend on how much damage you can inflict. Try to be as close to level 30 as your patience will allow. Inside the throne room, you will be attacked by the second elemental fiend, Kainazzo! ********Boss***************** Kainazzo HP: 5312 My Level: 30 *NOTE* The following strategy is strictly for the SNES version. In the hard type, Kainazzo (Kagnazzo in hard type.) heals for much more but not as often. The following strategy hasn't been tested for the Hardtype yet. This guy can be a real pain. At first he won't do much except Big Wave. You should be doing a good amount of damage to him, so you might be wondering why I think this guy's hard. When he's about half way dead, Kainazzo will retreat into his shell and up his defense and heal himself for exactly 400 HP. He will then come out of his shell and continue to use Big Wave. Under regular cirumstances, this guy would be dead in three hits of Bolt 3, but since we've only got Cecil, we have to whittle away at his HP. With his defense gone up, you'll be doing about 200-300 HP. Unless you can easily do 300+ damage to him at this point, reset and level up, because every second time you hit Kainazzo, he retreats into his shell and heals for another 400 HP. If you're doing more than 300 HP damage to him on a regular basis, he can't heal himself as much and will soon fall. ***************************** After the battle, Porom and Palom will leave and Cid will join. You know the dril by now, unequip and kill him. After a short story scene, you will gain the use of the airship. Make sure you visit the town of Argat to buy the Silver Armor! Troia/Magnetic Cavern Make your way to the Kingdom of Troia and learn about the stolen Earth Crystal. Before heading off to the Magnetic Cavern, take some time to level up if you'd like. Some battles will give you 5000 EXP, so leveling isn't hard at all here. Be careful of Panthers, their Bluster attack causes instant death if you're not careful. When you're ready, equip Cecil with non-metallic equipment and a Great Bow with Ice arrows. You should be able to take care of pretty much anything in the cavern except for the powerful Ogres. Run from any battle with more than three Cave Bats. The battles are simply too long with only one character. Save at the Save Point and attack the Dark Elf. The first battle cannot be won so let yourslef die and watch the scene. Now cure yourself and equip Cecil with his strongest equipment. Attack the Dark Elf again. ********Boss***************** Dark Elf/Dark Dragon HP: ????/3500 My Level: 36 This time around, the Dark Elf's triple elemental attack will do very little, so continue attacking regularly. After a bit of damage, the Elf will transform into the more difficult Dark Dragon. It's normal attacks are weak, but it can cast a pretty nasty Dark Breath attack. Cure when he uses this, and continue attacking. As long as he doesn't use Dark Breath too much, he shouldn't be too hard. ***************************** After the battle, leave the cavern and make your way back to Troia. You will then be transported to the Tower of Zot. Tower of Zot None of the enemies here should present much of a problem for Cecil, so battle your way until the second floor. There's a chest with an extremely useful weapon here. Battle the FlameDog and you will win Cecil's Flame Sword, which is particularly useful against the Ice creatures found in this tower. As you gat nearer to the top, you will be confronted by the Magus Sisters. ********Boss***************** Sandy, Cindy, Mindy HP: 2591, 4599, 2590 My Level: 39 These three girls like to work together to attack Cecil with level 2 spells. They shouldn't do too much damage as long as you they don't cast Fire 2 while you're wearing the Flame Armor. Anyway, take out the center one first, since she can use Cure and Life magic. After she goes down, take out the small one, since she'll be concentrating magic spells against you. After those two are taken care of, the last one, Sandy should go down without much of a fight. ***************************** Go back and Save. Continue up and you will lose Tellah, but gain Rosa and Kain. Unequip them as soon as you can so you can kill them off a lot easier during the upcoming fight against Valvalis. ********Boss***************** Valvalis HP: 8636 My Level: 39 Valvalis will begin the fight normally attacking the group. Help her out by attacking Rosa and Kain until they die. Once you hit Valvalis, she will wrap herself up in a tornado, upping her defense a bit. When she does this, she will continue the battle with a certain pattern. First she will attack you physically for about 1-5 damage. Woopee. Then she will cast Glare, which will start to petrify Cecil. If Cecil is hit with Glare four times, he will be fully petrified and you will lose this battle. After that, she will cast Wind, which, if succesful, will bring Cecil to single digit HP. The trick to this is to conduct a sort of pattern like she has. When she casts Wind, heal with Cure, don't waste your MP on Cure2. She will attack, so you do the same. She will cast Glare. If you haven't been hit with Glare atleast twice, attack. If you're afraid of being petrified, use a Heal, or cast it. Continue this pattern until she finally falls. This battle sucked when I didn't know what to do... ***************************** Kain will then hand over the Magma Key and you're free to leave the Tower. Fly south of Baron to a village named Argat. Inside is a well. Drop the Magma Key in and a huge hole will appear in the nearby mountains. Inside is the Underground... Chapter 3 - Underground to the Final Battle Dwarven Castle/Tower of Bab-il Enter the Dwarven Castle and meet King Giott. You will lose Cid for a while. Inside the crystalk room, Calbrina attacks. ********Boss***************** Calbrina HP: 5315 My Level: 43 The battle will begin with a fight against six dolls. Destroy as many as you can, until they combine into one huge doll, the Calbrina. This is one boss that doesn't require strategy at all. Simply attack, heal until it dies. ***************************** ********Boss***************** Golbez, Shadow HP: ????, ???? My Level: 43 Golbez will begin the fight with Hold Gas and Cecil will be paralyzed. He will then summon a serpentine monster, Shadow. Normally, Shadow will cast Demolish until all characters except Cecil are KO'd, but since Cecil is the only one alive, the battle will skip to a sequence in which you get Rydia back in the party. Shadow will be destroyed and the fight will continue normally. Defeat Rydia, before attacking Golbez. Golbez can cast some pretty powerful magic, but Cecil should be able to take him out without much trouble. ***************************** After the fight, wander about the castle, collecting items and stocking up on any needed items. Exit through the basement and make your way to the Tower of Bab-il. Again, none of the enemies in the tower should cause too much trouble for Cecil. Another powerful weapon, the Ice Brand, is found on the second floor. This weapon is stronger than the Flame Sword and is Ice Elemental, so most of the enemies in the tower are weak against it. Stonemen normally have incredibly high attack power, but since we're at a much higher level than normal, they shouldn't do much more than a normal enemy. They also give 3000 EXP EACH!! So hope you get into a few fights with them. As usual, run away from Tofus, since they're Flan type enemies and cannot be harmed easily by weapons. On the seventh floor, you will find the tower's second Save Point. Save and start leveling up. The next boss can be extremely difficult, and a lot of luck is required to beat him because the damage he inflicts on you can be very random. At about level 50 or so, when your HP is near 3200, save and continue up to meet Dr. Lugae. ********Boss***************** Dr. Lugae, Balnab, Balnab-Z HP: 4700, 4700, 4400 My Level: 51 Attack either the Doc or his robot until one is defeated. Quickly afterwards, the Balnab (or Balnab-Z, depending on who you defeated) will explode, doing 1500-3500 HP of damage to you. That was the easy part. Here comes the hard part. ***************************** ********Boss***************** Lugaborg HP: 9000 My Level: 51 Dr. Lugae will transform into this freaky skeleton thing and will poison Cecil. Don't bother healing it. Lugaborg will "attack" you with three different moves. A Heal spell , a 2nd level spell (300-800 HP), and a damaging beam attack (800-1800 HP). Because of the amount of damage that Lugaborg can inflict, don't bother healing. Cecil's magic isn't nearly strong enough to help him out here. If you have a few extra Elixers, you could use them, but they're probably more needed for some upcoming battles. If all this wasn't bad enough, Lugaborg will counter attack Cecil by putting him to sleep. This has a 50/50 chance of hitting, but because of the damage you're taking, being inflicted once could mean doom. Simply attack and pray that the counter doesn't work. This battle may take several frustrating tries before you emerge victoriously. ***************************** Head back down to floor 5 and enter the once locked door. Fight off the group of Dark Imps and you'll lose Yang. Outside, head to Baron and upgrade the Enterprise and pick up the hovecraft. Bring it near a mountain range with the Tower of Bab-il poking out. Climb into the hovercraft and enter Cave Eblan. Make your way through the cave to a small underground village. Stock up if needed and continue along the cave passages. Pretty soon you'll meet up with Edge fighting Rubicant, the last of the four elemental fiends. After Edge embarassingly gets his ass whipped, he'll join. Kill him. Continue through to the second half of the Tower of Bab-il. Climb up the tower ignoring treasures, only one of them are useful. On the 5th floor is a chest with 82000 GP! Continue along the path to fight Edge's parents, the king and queen. Well, it's not really a fight, just sit there and listen to them praddle on about their petty troubles and they'll die. Continue on the path and save when you can. You will then fight Rubicant. ********Boss***************** Rubicant HP: 34,000 (????) My Level: 56 Just to piss us off, this bastard revives all of the party with full HP. Great. Don't have Cecil attack any party members, just concentrate on using Cure2 to keep him at full life while Rydia targets level 3 spells at people. Rubicant will probably help out using Scorch. After that dirty deed is done, attack with everything you got, he has lots of HP to take out. Hopefully, you have the IceBrand still equipped. If so, Cecil's attack power will sky rocket. DO NOT attack while his cloak is up, or else Cecil will end up healing him. If he seems to be staying in his cloak, switch weapons and continue attacking (not with the Flame Sword, though!). Switch back to the IceBrand when he comes out. After a while, he will finally admit defeat. ***************************** After you gain the Falcon and leave the Tower, go back to the Dwarven Castle and you'll get King Giott's daughter's necklace, which will let you into the Sealed Cave. Visit Cid downstairs and he'll modify the Falcon. Head south west to a small cave. This is the Sealed Cave. The Sealed Cave ***NOTE*** Some people have been emailing me about the trick using Rydia to skip the Sealed Cave. I honestly didn't think I'd need to put this, but using this trick requires the use of Rydia, thereby defeating the purpose of a SOLO CECIL GAME!! Doing this trick is cheating and you've lost the challenge. For shame.... ********** This is probably the most boring part of the Cecil SCC. There are two extremely difficult enemies in the Sealed Cave. Both of which you innevitably have to fight. One is the TrapDoor. These things have 5000 HP and will continously cast Death spells that always hit. The only way to survive is to hit the door for 5000HP before its second turn. Very hard, because you will be hitting for about 1500 to 2000 HP per hit. You must level up to about LV 75 to be able to attack twice before the door can. Also, you must be able to deal atleast 2500HP per hit. You heard right, LV 75!! That'll take a while. Level up directly outside the cave. Some battles can be worth 16000 EXP here. So, you finally defeated the TrapDoor, huh? Well, continue leveling up. The boss of the Sealed Cave is the EvilWall. If you played this game before, than you know how tough this guy can be. Now that you're doing it solo, you'll need all the levels you can get. Continue leveling up outside until about LV 85. That's right, 85!. I was able to beat him at LV 84, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. Before actually attempting the EvilWall, visit the Cave of Summons to gain Cecil's most powerful sword up to this point, the Defense Sword. Also, make your way to the Land of Summons so you can pick up the Rat Tail. This will help in getting the Excalibur, Cecil's second most powerful sword. Go into the cave, taking out TrapDoors and make your way to the EvilWall. Good luck. ********Boss***************** EvilWall HP: 25,000 My Level: 84 No strategy. Just attack, attack, attack. If your agility is high, you might be able to squeeze in 6-7 hits before he kills you. At LV 85, your attacks should do about 2800-3400 HP per hit. If you still can't beat him at this high a level, slow the Battle Speed down in the Config menu. Hopefully, you'll see that beautiful purple haze. Now, jump for joy. If anyone beat the EvilWall at a lower level, please tell me. It would be nice to beat this guy without leveling up insanely. ***************************** Leave the cave and Kain will leave the party. Get back to the Dwarven castle and Cid will upgrade the Falcon so you can go the upper world. Visit the Mysidians and gain access to the Lunar Whale. Inside, touch the crystal and you'll rocket away to the moon. The Moon/Giant of Bab-il Find a place to land the Lunar Whale near one of the caves around the big palace. Follow the paths of caves to the Crystal Palace. Inside, you'll meet FuSoYa, who will join you. Kill the old man and make your way back to the Lunar Whale. Touch the crystal again to fly back to Earth. You will find yourself inside the Giant of Bab-il. The enemies here are rehashed Tower of Bab-il enemies. Because of your godly level, don't be afraid to fight any of them. MacGiants may take a few hits but are worth an amazing amount of EXP, so don't hesitate to fight these guys. Find your way up to the top and save at the Save Point. Even with all those new found levels, this boss still has what it takes to rip you apart easily. ********Boss***************** The Four Elemental Fiends HP: 28,000 each My Level: 87 Good ol' Rubicant will, once again, revive the entire party. Hoorah. This battle is a four part fight against each of the fiends that you've fought earlier in the game. They will always appear in the same order; Milon, Rubicant, Kainazzo, and finally, Valvalis. Destroy your allies before attacking Milon. Thankfully, Milon is the easiest of them all, so you can easily concentrate on your allies before actually starting the fight. Attack Milon, and heal if your HP gets low. Milon is weak, so you may not have to heal yet. After Milon is down, Rubicant will appear, starting the most difficult phase of the fight. Rubicant follows a pattern, Fire, Fire2, Fire3, and Scorch. Fire and Fire2 aren't that bad, but Fire3 and Scorch will easily do more than 1000 HP damage to you. Attack until your HP gets low, and then use an Elixer to fully recover. You may not like that, but there's no other way to survive the constant onslaught of Fire spells. After you defeat Rubicant, Kainazzo will take his place. Kainazzo will attack three or four times and then cast Big Wave which can do roughly 1800 HP Damage. Keep your HP above 2000 and attack until he dies, use any Elixers you may need after each Big Wave. Valvalis will then appear to start the final phase of this grueling battle. Valvalis will do the same pattern that she used in her first fight, except, for some reason, her Glare attack NEVER worked on me. Basically, if you made it here, consider yourself victorious. Follow the Valvalis strategy earlier in the walkthrough to finish off the four fiends once and for all. Tough one, eh? I had to use 3 Elixers to make it out alive... Consider yourself lucky if you used less. ***************************** Go back and Save. Heal up if you need to, and continue to the Core of the Giant. ********Boss***************** CPU, Attacker, Defender HP: 30,000, 3000, 3000 My Level: 88 The Defender will heal the CPU for 3000 HP every round, so take it out first. The Attacker will use its Maser attack to take off 10% of your Max HP every round. Do not defeat it until the CPU is gone. Doing so will cause it to use Globe199, an instant death attack. Instead concentrate your attacks on the CPU, which only casts Wall on itself. You should be able to destroy the CPU within ten rounds, after that, destroy the Attacker. ***************************** FuSoYa will then leave and Kain will rejoin. Once inside the Falcon, travel to the Underground to a house in the south, where a blacksmith named Kokkol lives. Give him the Adamant and he will create the Excalibur! This is Cecil's second strongest sword and should allow him to do more than 4000 HP damage in a physical attack! Leave and head back to the Lunar Whale and travel back to the moon. Make your way to the Crystal Palace and visit the Crystal Room. In the middle, you will be transported to the center of the moon; the Final Dungeon. Chapter 4 - The Center of the Moon. Before attempting to finish the game, buy 99 Cures, 99 Cure2s and about 40 Heals, just in case. With the rest of your money, Find the Hummingway Cave that's located on the moon. It's found south of the Palace. Inside, there is a man who can sell you Elixers! They're 50,000 GP each, but what else are you going to do with your money? Buy as many as you can. When you feel that you're ready, enter the Final Dungeon. Enemies here will give you Uber-amounts of EXP, so you should easily reach level 95+ before getting to Zeromus. Most of the enemies can be defeated rather easily, with the exception of King-Ryu and Veteran. King-Ryu can counter with a paralyze attack and will more than likely destroy you. Veterans will always begin a battle with Count. You won't be able to kill them in time before the counter runs to 0, so just cast Exit as soon as you can. Be careful of groups of Karys. Normally, they're a cinch, but they can cast Stone if the battle drags on too long. Remember to open up the chests that you see. Inside are the Crystal Equipment, which will raise Cecil's Defense to godly levels. Make your way carefully to Floor 7, where the Final Save Point lies. Save and backtrack up to Floor 6. To the left, with a treasure chest is a hidden path that leads to a boss that guards the Crystal Sword (Ragnarok). This is Cecil's most powerful sword, so be sure to get it. Make sure you're at full life and attack the boss guarding it, the Wyvern. ********Boss***************** Wyvern HP: 60,000 My Level: 93 Wyvern will always start this fight with MegaFire, which will do a hell of a lot of damage on you. After that, the Wyvern gets pretty easy. Attack it until it dies. The rest of its attacks are weak. His physical attack will do less than 100 HP, and even its Flare should only do about 500. If he starts to charge up for another MegaFire, make sure you have more HP than it can take off. You should have no difficulty whatsoever with him. Pat yourself on the back and take your prize. ***************************** Woot! Now you have Cecil's Ultimate Weapon! With it, Cecil will have no problem doing 5000+ HP with a regular attack. To top off the goodness, all Undead enemies will receive 9999 damage! Save at the Save Point and continue onward to the Center of the Moon. When you get nearer to your destination, you will constantly run into Red Dragons, Blue Dragons and Behemoths. Normally, these are probably the most difficult enemies in the game, but now there just easy. Behemoths will more than likely miss with counters, and even if they do hit, it'll be for maybe 10 HP. Both Dragons can do about 100 HP with their breath attacls, which isn't a big deal. A battle against two dragons will get you almost 100,000 EXP!!!! Anyway, down at the center o' the moon, you will finally face the Final Boss, Zeromus. At this point you should be equipped with the following: Crystal Sword (Ragnarok) Crystal Shield Crystal Helm Crystal Armor Protect Ring With all this, you shouldn't have trouble beating the game ********Final Boss***************** Zeromus HP: ?????? My Level: 95 Before using the Crystal on Zeromus, kill off all your characters. With that done, attack Zeromus with the Crystal you received from Golbez to start the final battle. Zeromus will more than likely open up with Big Bang, his ultimate move. This'll do about 1500-2000HP damage. He doesn't use it very much, though. He will usually either attack with Flare/Bio doing very little damage or will use Black Hole, which does no damage. After a bit, he will use Big Bang again. Use an Elixer everytime your HP gets below 3000. Keep this up, hopefully you have atleast 3 Elixers or so and you should see him die. Congratulations, you've just beaten Final Fantasy IV with only Cecil! *********************************** Thank you for reading the walkthrough. I hope it was informative and helped you get through any troubles you may have had. Please Email me if you have any comments, questions, boss strategies or complaints. ( FAQ *********** Q. Your Boss HP Values are a little off. Why? A. I played this SCC on the Super NES version of FFIV, but since I don't have a list of Boss HP for that version, I used the Boss HP from the Chronicles version for PSX. Most of the values came straight from Brady Games' FFIV Guide. If a boss HP value is wrong and you know what it is, please email me. Q. I'm at your recommended level, but I still can't beat this boss/dungeon. A. My recommended levels from Paladin Cecil till the Sealed Cave are mostly from memory, so they might be off by a few. If you're still having trouble, set the Battle Speed to the slowest speed in the Config. Q. You left out parts of the game, such as the Sylvan Cave, Weapon Guardians, Leviathan, etc. A. This walkthrough follows anything that will help Cecil in defeating the game. Doing the Land of Summons, Bahamut, or any of the other Lunar Weapon Guardians wouldn't help Cecil become any more stronger than before. So, any side quests that don't directly benefit Cecil will not appear in this guide. Q. Is it possible to do an SCC with anyone else? A. Yes. Though Cecil's is probably the easiest to complete, the other four characters (Kain, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge) can be done. I've never heard of anyone finishing a Rosa SCC, so I'm not technically sure if it can be done or not, but I know of the others. So far ,I've only completed the Cecil SCC. When I finish others, I'll write guides for those as well. Q. Why don't you skip the Sealed Cave with the Rydia Trick? A. Obviously, the Rydia trick means using Rydia. This a SOLO CECIL GAME, Meaning you CAN'T use any other character than Cecil. I really didn't think I would have had to put this here, but I've been getting way too many emails about it. Come on, people!! ******* This walkthrough is copyright 2004 to Phil Henry. Any use of this walkthrough for profitable or commercial use is prohibited. Feel free to distribute it between friends or for personal use. Only the website have permission to use this walkthrough. If you'd like to post my Walkthrough on your site, just ask. I'll probably say yes. Any misuse of this walkthrough will result in legal actions. I'd like to thank the following people... SquareSoft - For creating one of the best Final Fantasy games Brady Games - For boss HP and names. Jeff "CJayC" Veasey - For creating GameFAQs, the BEST site for game help. Also, thanks to him for putting up this Walkthrough! Shaun Lynn - For spotting some areas that I needed to specify, such as the Panther's Bluster Attack. (c) Phil Henry 2004