Gundam Battle Assault 2 "Psyco Gundam Mk. III" Character Guide Version 0.5 By Kai Shiden Contents i ------------------------ Version History ii ------------------------ Legal Stuff iii ------------------------ Psyco Gundam's Movelist iv ------------------------ Combos v ------------------------ Random Notes vi ------------------------ Contact Information vii ------------------------ Special Thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i - Version History 0.5 - First version. Actually, this is my first FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii - Legal Stuff This document copyright (c)2002 Christopher D. "Kai Shiden" Burkhart. This may not be released in any way, shape, or form anywhere without proper WRITTEN consent of the author. This includes websites, magazines, newsletters, etc. Only the following websites are allowed to host this guide: GameFAQs Alkaiser's Pad (my site) Any other site hosting this guide will be asked to remove it. Proper measures will be taken if said site(s) refuse(s) to comply. The information in this guide (as well as the guide itself) may not be taken, manipulated, changed, mangled, and pooped on to appear as if it isn't my work. I mean, it's pretty obvious, right? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii - Psyco Gundam's moves This is the good part. Most of the stuff is obvious and unchanged from Gundam: The Battle Master 2 / Gundam Battle Assault. Legend: U - Up D - Down L - Left R - Right S - Square T - Triangle X - X / Cross O - Circle P - Punch K - Kick U - Unblockable 2B - Two buttons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra / Skill Attacks One-Two Punch ------------------------------------------------------- S, S - Well, not really an Extra Attack, but you get a different animation when you press S twice: Psyco Gundam will deliver a punch with its right arm, then throws a punch with its left arm. Hammer Down ------------------------------------------------ D + T (in air) - I haven't found a real use for this except for descending quickly. If it hits, the impact will knock the Psyco Gundam up and back a little, possibly for a combo opportunity... if it were a teeny bit faster. Special Attacks Shoulder-Mounted Beam Cannons ------------------ D, F + P (S - 60, T - 100) - Very useful when you're getting pummeled. Since the Psyco Gundam mk. III is built like a brick ****house, you can still move while being attacked. Punish them with a 10-shot barrage. This attackis also useful for games of keep-away. Each discharge uses 10 "ammunition" charges; S fires 6 discharges, while T fires 10. Quote - Announcer: "Shot down!" Beam Saber ------------------------------------------------ (U) F, D, B + P - Look at the size of this sucker! One good swipe will hit for 5 times. VERY useful against the Neue Ziel and the Byg-Zam, as well as the Devil (Dark) Gundam and another Psyco Gundam. Quote - Announcer: "You can't defend!" Grab ------------------------------------------------------------- D, B + P - This is one devastating move. If it connects, the hapless opponent will kiss the Psyco Gundam's knee and get sent flying. This takes off over half of a life bar. I haven't found a use for this against Huge-class characters, thus, IT IS ONLY USEFUL AGAINST NORMAL-SIZED MS. Quote - Announcer: "You're a goner now!" Uppercut ------------------------------------------------------ F, D, F + P - Another devastating move. One clean Uppercut attack against a normal-sized MS will hit four times, wiping out one life bar. Quote - Announcer: "You're a goner now!" Super Attack Mega Scattering Beam Gun ---------------------------------------- D, F + 2B - A great attack against Mobile Armors and those who try jumping in, but fall a little short. The MSBG will fire from bottom to top, so more often than not, you'll miss some attacks. If all of the beams hit, either a) you were fighting the Neue Ziel / Byg-Zam, b) you got pretty lucky, or c) you can actually manage to get all of the beams to hit (including the tippity top one). Quote - Announcer: "Destroy him!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv - Combos I haven't found any real combos yet, so this may remain blank for a while. If you have any combos, feel free to e-mail them to me at the address below, with the subject "Psyco Gundam FAQ: Combos" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v - Random Notes Well, I don't know why I wrote a FAQ for a boss character, really. But whatever floats peoples' boats, right? The Psyco Gundam mk. III is an original MS: It has appeared in Gundam: the Battle Master II / Gundam Battle Assault and, to my knowledge, Gundam: the Battle Master. I believe it's a boss character, but I'm not too sure; I didn't really play GBM2/GBA all that much (playing as only Hiiro Yui turned me away from GBA, and I can't find GBM2 anywhere). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi - Contact Information E-mail: (please use the subject "Psyco Gundam FAQ" if e-mailing about the FAQ; otherwise, I trash it) ICQ: 91971991 AIM: FrozenShade13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii - Special Thanks Thanks to the folks in the Super Robot Wars Genesis forums, including (but not limited to) Mafty, Hikaru Ichijo, Kaiser99, Shuu, Alenby, alfimy, and especially admin Daba Myrod for creating a great community. Big thanks to `Straya and the Shuffle Alliance forums, for helping me instill some faith into this game. I'll bet my Gundam Rose can beat yours, `Straya. ;) Thanks to my dad, for putting up with my **** for quite a while. Thanks to Natsume, for developing this game. Thanks to Bandai, for releasing this game and eventually stealing $50 from me when I buy the Master Grade Gundam Spiegel model next month. Thanks to whoever dubbed Domon's voice in Gundam Battle Assault 2, for giving me dub-filled nightmares. Just kidding. Thanks to CJayC, for hosting this on GameFAQs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document end. See you, Space Cowboy.