Gundam Battle Assault 2 Tallgeese III Strategy Guide by Zanetsuken ------------------------------------ Main Menu: 0 0 Updates Section: 0 Chapter 1: The Mobile Suit 0 Chapter 2: The Pilot 0 Chapter 3: The Moves 0 Chapter 4: Tactics and Combo's 0 Chapter 5: Street Mode Quotes 0 Chapter 6: Questions and Answers 0 Chapter 7: Credits 0 ------------------------------------ Updates Section: 3-27-04 Final Version - Updated a Section 1-01-03 Version 1.6 - Updated Copyright - Changed Section Headers. 12-20-02 Version 1.5 - Corrected Grammar - Added Burning Gundam Strategy - Continuing work on the Strategy section. 12-16-02 Version 1.4 - Changed the Format - Added a move I forgot. 11-24-02 - Finished version 1.3 - Made Corrections to names - Added a combo - Added How to acquire Tallgeese - Added a Forward 10-05-02 - Finished Version 1.2 - Fixed Paragraph lines, stupid stuff - Cleaned up Chapters 2 and 3 - Added a New Question 8-25-2002 - Finished Version 1.1 - Added some questions, did some touch up's. - Added some in the Quotes Section. 8-12-2002 - Finished Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Section: How to Acquire Tallgeese III It's very simple how to acquire the Tallgeese III just simply beat hard mode with Wing Gundam Zero Custom and Deathscythe Hell Custom.To unlock in Versus, Time Attack and etc. just beat Tallgeese III 's Street Mode. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Forward: This FAQ was created and finished with the purpose of helping someone in mastering or playing with the Tallgeese III. Even if it's just for a good laugh then I have accomplished my purpose with this FAQ.I hope this FAQ has in someway helped everyone out. March 2004, Yes I Updated, but for the final time. I haven't touched GBA2 in months and will mostly likely never get around to finishing the opponents section Thank You - Zanetsuken ******************************************************* Chapter 1: The Mobile Suit ************************** ******************************************************* Mobile Suit Name: Tallgeese III Model Number: OZ-00MS2B Head height: 17.4 meters Dry Weight: 8.2 tons Generator Output: 3647 kilowatts Thruster Output: 87003 kilograms Armor: Titanium Alloy Armament: Vulcans x2 Beam Saber x2 Heat Rod x1 Mega Cannon x1 Pilot: Preventer Wind/ Zechs Merquise/ Milliardo Peacecraft (same guy) History: Built as the sister Mobile Suit to Treize Khushrenada's Tallgeese II, this version of the Tallgeese is stronger than previous versions. Instead of a Dober Rifle,the Tallgeese III carries a Mega Cannon, also it was the first of the Tallgeese models to carry vulcans and the second Mobile Suit in history to carry a Heat Rod. Due to these new installments the Tallgeese III was not able to participate in the final battle between the Earth Sphere Unified Nation, lead by Trieze, and the White Fang, lead by Milliardo Peacecraft. After the war the Preventers finished the suit and stored it away for emergency use only. One year after the "Eve Wars", Mariemaia Khushrenada declared war on the Earth. Preventer Wind took the Tallgeese III and on a test run against MO-III and took out three enemy transports. However, due to the threat of a colony drop he was forced to stop. After the Gundam Pilots stopped Colony X-18999 from dropping to Earth the Tallgeese III destroyed the main enemy base of MO-III, however the bulk of the enemy force had escaped. The Tallgeese III along with Noin's Taurus Custom engaged the Mariemaia Forces on Earth and destroyed a considerable number of suits, but without killing a single pilot. The Gundams later joined with the duo and they fought together until each Mobile Suit could no longer fight. This is the last time we see the Tallgeese III, it is unknown what happened to it after the final battle. ##################################################### Chapter 2: The Pilot ################################ ##################################################### Zechs Merquise Affiliation: Oz Mobile Suits: Early Production Leo and Tallgeese I Brief History: At the start of the show he fights for Oz and is one of there Ace pilots. Following Heero Yuy's Wing Gundam he fights it with his Leo and ejects sending the Gundam to the bottom of the sea. Later he acquires the Tallgeese and has it repaired. When he first pilots the suit he suffers a heart attack because he can not handle the intensity of the Tallgeese. Later he fights the Wing Gundam in Siberia but can not finish the fight because Heero blows himself up. He rebuilds the Wing Gundam, finds Heero and they fight to settle the score. Later during a battle with the Alliance forces his mask breaks and that is the end of the "Lightning Count".Zechs reappears once in space and fights along side the Alliance forces and saves Lady Une. Milliardo Peacecraft Affiliation: White Fang Leader Mobile Suits: Epyon Brief History: Milliardo is the real name of Zechs Merquise. He joins the White Fang as there leader and then declares war on the Earth. He attacks the Earth with his spacebattleship Libra. Treize and the World Nation Forces attack Libra as well as the Gundam Pilots and the Maganac Corp. He finds Heero's Wing Zero and they begin there final battle in which Milliardo is defeated. The last time we see him is when the one armed Epyon takes out the power core of Libra's subsection... Preventer Wind Affiliation: Preventer Agent Mobile Suit: Tallgeese III Brief History: After Mariemaia Khushrenada declares war on the Earth Sphere Unified Nation, Zechs reappears and offers his services as a agent. He is accepted and heads to space with the mobile suit Tallgeese III. The Tallgeese III engages the enemy at MO-III and destroys three transports in quick succession. After some time,Wind destroys MO-III and joins with his fellow agent and love interest Noin. They head to earth to fight the Mariemaia soldiers trying to make it to where Relena is being held.Wind and Noin hold there own but get overwhelmed by enemy mobile suits. However the Gundams appear and they five of them fight together. Eventually,the Preventers and Gundams run out of power and are forced to retreat. Wing Zero Custom then shows up and takes out the shelter shield however Wing Zero is destroyed. The last time we see Wind is when he and Noin go to Mars for a terraforming project. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter III: The Moves ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ((( Basic Attack Moves ))) Strong Punch - Triangle Tallgeese brings it's arms down in a hammer blow. Weak Punch - Square A quick Jab with the Heat Rod/Shield. Strong Kick - Circle Left Kick that propels you toward the enemy. Weak Kick - X A quick with the right leg. ++++ Aerial Basic Moves ++++ ~~~Strong Punch - Triangle Tallgeese uppercuts with the Heat Rod. ~~~Weak Punch - Square Weak Jab with the Tallgeese Shield. ~~~Strong Kick - Circle Basic Kick in the Air. ~~~Weak Kick - X Tallgeese descends at a angle with a kick. ((( Advanced Ground Moves ))) ~~~Heat Rod - Down, Back + Square/Triangle Tallgeese attacks with a heated Heat Rod. ~~~Mega Cannon Shot - Down, Front + Square Fires a weak single shot from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 35 ~~~Mega Cannon Barrage - Down, Front + Triangle Fires three weak shots from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 105 ~~~Mega Cannon Plus Shot - Down, Front + X Fires a powerful single shot from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 35 ~~~Mega Cannon Plus Barrage - Down, Front + Circle Fires three powerful shots from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 105 ~~~Beam Saber Slash - Front, Down, Back + Triangle Tallgeese brings it's Beam Saber in a down arc while accelerating at the enemy. Notes: The Tallgeese has the fastest and longest beam saber in the game, use it wisely. ~~~Flying Tackle - Front, Down, Front + Punch Tallgeese rams it's knee into the opponent. ~~~Repelling Barrage - Front, Down, Front + Kick Tallgeese leaps at the enemy, jumps off and fires a three Mega Cannon shots. ++++ Advanced Aerial Attacks ++++ ---Mega Cannon Shot - Down, Front + Square Fires a weak single shot from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 35 ---Mega Cannon Barrage - Down, Front + Triangle Fires three weak shots from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 105 ---Mega Cannon Plus Shot - Down, Front + X Fires a powerful single shot from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 35 ---Mega Cannon Plus Barrage - Down, Front + Circle Fires three powerful shots from the Mega Cannon. Energy Consumed: 105 ---Hammer Knuckle - Front, Down,Back + Triangle Tallgeese curls in and lands on the enemy. **** Special Attack **** Full Powered Mega Cannon - Hold Down, Front and any two buttons. Tallgeese opens up it's Mega Cannon and lets the enemy have a full powered shot. Number of times useable: 3 ******************************** Chapter IV: Tactics and Combo's ******************************** This Section contains Strategies and Combo's. All Strategies are based on a level 9 enemy suit and a level 4 Tallgeese. (((((Future Colony Era Suits))))) +++++++++++++++ Burning Gundam (God Gundam) +++++++++++++++ Most Deadly Attack: Burning Finger Most Often Used Attack: Strategy: Domon Kashuu's Burning Gundam is no pushover. Burning Gundam is a fast suit hits for decent damage. Burning Gundam has no long range attacks except Sekiha Tenkyoken and Vulcans. Stay at a distance because Burning Gundam executes it's attacks faster than the Tallgeese. Domon loves using a basic hit combo, somtimes followed by Burning Finger or Burning Finger Sword. If he is getting two close to you use the O Button attack, or down O to hit him and then fly to the other side of screen. Also the Flying Tackle Move has a good chance of knocking Domon back or flying over him. Another of Domon's favorite attacks is a down slide, followed by a powered down slide and he ends it with Tenkyoken. One last thing, Burning Finger Sword has very short range, if he tries to use it back off and nail him. (( In Progress)) - Combo's - Up-Close and Personal Combo: Beam Saber, Heat Rod,Beam Saber Mega Barrage Combo: Repelling Barrage, Mega Cannon Plus %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Chapter V: Street Mode Quotes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Selection Screen: "For you who have forgotten to fight" Street Mode Title: " Peace Craft" == Zechs vs Wu Fei You Win: Wu Fei: I can't even deliver Justice! How pathetic! You Lose: Wu Fei: I hope your ready. == Zechs vs Trowa You Lose: Trowa: We are a Bunch of fools. You Win: Zechs: We need you now. Don't waste your lives. Trowa: You...need us? == Zechs vs Judau You Lose: Judau: We must defeat them! You Win: Zechs: Leave me alone! === Zechs vs Quatre You Win: Quatre: Weakness...My weakness invites evil. Zechs: Such a young kid in a combat... is this the sign of the times? You Lose: Quatre: I told you, I didn't want a fight! == Zechs vs Duo: You Lose: Duo: Aha, it turned out to be better than I thought. You Win: Duo: Hurry up and finish me off! === Treize vs Zechs: Before Battle: Zechs: Treize, I can never be your friend. Treize: That's to bad. It's sad we live in such times. You Lose: Treize: How could you be Zechs Merquise? You Win: Zechs: Another Place, another time, we could have been best friends. Treize: Things do not always go as you wish. ===== Heero vs Zechs: Before Battle: Heero: I'll kill you. Zechs: Come on. Pray that this fight will prove something. You Lose: Heero: I will absolutely follow my orders. You Win: Heero: I don't understand. Is there peace at the end of battle? Zechs: After our battles, people must have courage to attain paece. === Valdor vs Zechs: Before Battle: Zechs: "Is that really the Hydra Gundam?" Valdor: "There are so many Unexpected things in this world. What you see before you is reality." You Lose: Valdor: Hydra Gundam - Perfect! You Win: Zechs: "No we don't have to fight anymore. The world does not need us anymore". =============== Ending: My Mission is finished. I will leave the rest to the next generation. =============== ============= Special Quote: MEGA CANNON!!! ============= ********************** Quotes in Versus Mode: ********************** Win againist Treize:"Treize, I can no longer be your friend" --Enemy List for Street Mode: Battle 1: WuFei - Altron "Nataku" Battle 2: Trowa - Heavyarms Custom Battle 3: Judau - Full Armor Double Zeta Gundam Battle 4: Quatre - Sandrock Custom Battle 5: Duo - Deathscythe Hell Custom Battle 6: Treize - Epyon Battle 7: Heero - Wing Zero Custom Battle 8: Valdor - Hydra Gundam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter VI: Questions and Answers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Question: Why the Tallgeese III? Why not the GP-02A or Nu Gundam? Answer: I have always liked the Tallgeese line of MS due to there cool looks and because the way Treize handled the upgraded Tallgeese II. Question: Which do you perfer UC or AC Gundam? Answer: Both, my current favorite is the Movie version of MSG followed by Wing. Question: Why do you prefer the Tallgeese in the game? Answer: I like it's handeling as a short range fighter not to mention for the Mobile Armors i can withdraw and hammer them to death with long range attacks.Also it's Beam Saber is a the longest and the quickest to use giving it a nice little boost. However I have discovered that I am better with the Sandrock than I am with Tallgeese III. Question: Is this your first FAQ? Answer: In actuallilty no.I made one for Sailor Moon Another Story and it was turned down.I had one for Mobile Suit Gundam Zeonic Front but i felt it was lacking and had CjayC remove it. Question: How do I get in touch with you? Answer: E-mail me at, if you have questions, or would like to submit combo's or strategies then please feel free to do so. Question: I have a combo that I would like to submit what should I do? Answer: Simply E-mail me the combo, your user name, and i will put it in the FAQ with full credit given. Question: Who do you think is better the Red Comet,Char Aznable or the Lightning Count,Zechs Merquise? Answer: Zechs Merquise. I really do not like either of them, but Zechs has the Epyon and Tallgeese I and III. While Char has a Pink Zaku II and chases underage girls. I think the answer is clear. ======================================================== Chapter VII: Credits =================================== ======================================================== This is the end of the FAQ, below is copyright materials and thanks. Stats for the Tallgeese III were obtained from the Endless Waltz DVD, made by Bandai, Sunrise. --Thanks to: CjayC- Hosting this FAQ. Tenchi No Yuro - For pointing out that i forgot Tallgeese's Flying Tackle. --Copyright Stuff: Mobile Suit Gundam - Is property of Bandai/ Sotsu/ Sunrise and several other people and companies. This FAQ is copyrighted 2002-2004 to Robert Lynn (Zanetsuken) and can not be reproduced without permission. Any copyright of this FAQ without my consent is a Federal Offense and is punishable by law.