"Metal Gear Solid" FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0 (01/31/2004) Copyright Martin Dale-Hench 2004 (hockeyfox@ameritech.net) .------------------------------. |##########| TABLE OF CONTENTS | '--LIFE------------------------' 01.00 -- The Controls of MGS 02.00 -- The Basics of MGS 03.00 -- Walkthrough 04.00 -- Secrets & Fun Stuff to Do 05.00 -- Codec Frequencies 06.00 -- Rankings 07.00 -- VR Training 08.00 -- Bosses Strategies 09.00 -- Disclaimer/Version History FIND SYSTEM ----------- Just copy and paste the number above (on the Table of Contents) you want to go to. The string must be either the number (10.00 or 06.00) or the sub-header (VR Training or Normal Mode Walkthrough). As for the Bosses, I put it in the bottom so if you need some help, you just move the scroll all of the way to the bottom and move it up a bit to find the section easily. Thanks for using my FAQ, I guess. Explanation: 1. highlight the string 2. Ctrl + C 3. Ctrl + F 4. Ctrl + V 5. Press "Find Next". ============================================================================== ------------------------------- 01.00 THE CONTROLS OF MGS ------------------------------- ============================================================================== Function Control -------- ------- Duck down*/Cancel X Punch/Kick; Tap on Wall/Confirm Circle Shoot weapon; Choke/Throw Square Toggles First Person Mode On/Off Triangle Equip Item L2 Equip Weapon R2 Item Quick Change L1 Weapon Quick Change R1 Codec Call-up Select Pause Start Run/Look around in FPV D-Pad *At first, you will duck down but if you press a direction on the D-Pad while ducking, Solid Snake will get on his tummy and get into the crawl mode. Move your Analog Stick to move as usual. If you're crouching (duck) and you press X again, you will get up. Same thing will happen if you're on the tummy. **Also, Circle is the CONFIRM button for menus and the such while Sq. is the CANCEL button. This differs from most of the games over there, with the Sq. usually the confirmation button. ============================================================================== ------------------------------- 02.00 THE BASICS OF MGS ------------------------------- ============================================================================== MOVING ------ Bah. Just move around with your Analog Pad, but there are some exceptions: mine fields, cameras, soldiers around walls, etc. (Etc. sure makes me look more intelligent... makes those look like they know more while you have no more ideas, heh) At times, you have to walk around slowly or by crawling or by sticking to the wall like butter on bread. Mine fields will explode if you run over the approximation of the sensor so crawl... you'll even PICK it up if you get close enough and you get to use them! If you want to stick to the wall, just walk up to the wall and press to the wall. The camera changes sometimes, to make it easier to look around corners. Press B to tap on the wall to make the soldiers come over and knock them over. MAP/RADAR --------- Perhaps one of the most confusing things about MGS. Actually, it's pretty simple. It makes the game too easy, IMO. I'll summarize it up: NORTH IS ALWAYS UP. WHITE Dot in CENTER: You (Solid Snake) GREEN Cone: Snake's field of vision when you bring the FPV up. RED Dots: Soldiers BLUE Cone: Soldier's relaxed View RED Cone: Soldier's view when alerted YELLOW Cone: Camera's vision YELLOW Blur: With the Mine Detector on, those are mine's sensored areas. Do not come across them running. Crawl! ALERT MODE ---------- For the most part of the game, you're in the Infiltration Mode. While in this mode, you can view the map (not on Hard/Extreme) as usual and the soldiers go around on their normal path. However, if you get spotted by one of the soldiers by SIGHT or SOUND, the mode changes into the ALERT mode. No maps this time and you have to run, run for your freedom. All of the soldiers WILL look for you. You can't get along with the game with this on your ass every minute. So, get out of the room to make it stop or just hide effectively. After a while (the timer goes down on the map thing), the mode switches into the EVASION mode. This time, the soldiers will still look around for you, but not as much. In the Alert mode, soldiers from OTHER room will look for you, but in this mode, only the soldiers IN the room will look for you. Clear enough? Again, after a while, it returns to the original mode, the INFILTRATION mode. One more mode: the JAMMING mode. This only happens when you're in an electronic gridlock. It causes static to your Codec and the map. During this time, you cannot use those items and some other weapons such as Nikita, which has guided missiles. In other words, you cannot use electronic items/ equipment. CODEC ----- Shortly after you master the opening sequence, you will be introduced with a new system, appropriately called CODEC. The mastermind behind it is a lady, Mei Ling. Snake will try to hit her up, but that's not the point.. This system are used to SAVE your progress instead of the standard 'Press Start and Save'. To bring it up, press Select (PSX) and you will see a number in the middle. Press left or right to change the number, the frequency, to the desired one. If you chose the right one, you can contact the said person. However, at some points, you will see a vividly marked red bar with the letters CALL. Press the Codec Button to receive the call. Here's the list of the primitive Codec numbers: Roy Campbell 140.85 Naomi Hunter 140.85 Mei Ling 140.96 Nastasha Romanenko 141.52 Master Miller 141.80 Meryl Silverburgh 140.15 As the story presses on, you learn some more numbers. *coughGreyFoxcough* ITEMS AND WEAPONS ----------------- No, I won't explain you about the simple weapon/item usage... well, maybe I will :p. I just want to make sure you understand how to change the equipment on you. The weapons and items are kept SEPERATELY. The items are sorted on the LEFT, with the weapons on the other side (right). Therefore, you press the L2 TRIGGER for the items menu and the R2 TRIGGER for the weapons. HOLD down the given trigger to view the menu. Now, still holding, press up or down to find the item that you want (inverse controls in this one). Some items are consumable, meaning that you eat/swallow them, so you have to press a button to 'use' it. Just leave the menu open and press O while highlighting the item. Rations are the most popular example. Remember: No main menu, just L2 and R2 triggers! KICK/PUNCH AND CHOKE GRAB ------------------------- It's pretty useful in the beginning when you REALLY need the stealth. Also, in the critical battle later on (actually, two), you will need to use the punch/kick combos that the Square button offers. Just make sure you practice with it bit before going to those battles to get know its range. More importantly, the choke grab. You can still beat the game if you don't know how to do it... but it's important for me to SAY it because it's a bit more complicated. To choke somebody, get behind the clueless soldier (he HAS to be clueless about you! OBLIVIOUS!) and tap Square. Snake will grab him by the neck. Then, tap the Square repeatedly to choke him. Eventually, he will snap the neck. Bye, bye soldier. :) Now you know how to do it! SAVING/CONTINUING ----------------- Like I said in the Codec section, you call Mei Ling to save. That's all. In certain situations (such as some boss battles), you cannot save at all. To continue after dying, just press 'Continue' and proceed from your latest CHECK POINT. I don't know every checkpoint, but that's not the point. That's right, you do not have to reload from your latest save. The saves are for you when you turn on the console again. However, it counts against your final ranking if you continue even though if you don't save. ============================================================================== ------------------------------- 03.00 WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------- ============================================================================== **You see the section headers (life bar)? Well, I thought it would be fun to see the life bar increase as you move on, so I added a # in every new section header. Pointless but whatever. :)** **This walkthrough is for the NORMAL mode, so the items and enemies may differ if you're playing on a different difficulty. .--------. |#| DOCK | '--LIFE--' After a decent cinema of Snake surveying the entrance to the base where he will activate the mission, you see a middle-aged light-colored man talking to one of the soldiers about a man, dubbed as 'he'. Who could it be? You? Perhaps. As Solid Snake finally get on the platform, he receives a call from the Colonel, which are your boss for the mission. He instructs to you how to use the Codec. Now you're ready for the mission that you will never forget. Your mini-mission for this area is to get on the elevator before it goes back up again. Right now, it is up, carrying the mysterious man up to the ground level. You could just wait until a scene occurs, with the sound of the elevator descending, and make a run for the lift. Or... you can test your stealth skills and crack the soldiers' necks. But now, I suggest you to try to scavenge the floor. First, go back into the water (you won't sink, heh) and go to the left to find a RATION. Go back up to the platform again. Crawl under the box or the pipe to find yourself in the main area. Make sure you don't get seen by one of the guards. Just walk by them when they're looking away. Make your way to the right, to the southeast. There's a RATION behind some stuff. If you get seen, just go to the southwestern area, the place where you started and crawl back to the water. Cannot get seen there. :D If you have snapped both soldier's necks, then you're in the clear. All you have to do is to wait for the elevator to come down. Unfortunately, the lift will bring you another treasure: one more soldier. Just wait in one of the corners and let him pass and strike for the lift! If you haven't done anything to the lone soldiers, then tough luck. You have to maneuver yourself through the guys' field of visions to the lift. I'm not sure, but I think if you're in the Alert mode, the elevator won't go up, but that may vary. .------------. |##| HELIPAD | '--LIFE------' Snake gets his underwater apparatus off for the REAL thing. Now, you cannot control Snake for a while. Just sit back and watch as the Colonel calls you again and introduces you to two new ladies, Naomi Hunter (funny dialogue here, "I'll do a strip search on you... XD) and Mei Ling, the save lady. Call her at 140.96 whenever you need to save. Fair enough. Colonel also recommends you to enter the main base/building via an air duct since it's too well-guarded to enter by the door (duh!). After some useful information, you are back in the control of Snake. To get to the other side of the snowy pad, go to the right to THE heliport. be careful it's pretty hard to get through with TWO gigantic headlights, makes it looks like a prison there. :P Go to the right side of the pad and find the southeastern entrance/stairs to the platform. Wait and time yourself with the lights... go to the left and a bit up when the lights cross each other. DO NOT walk on the light, you'll get into the Alert Mode. If so, just run to an untravelled spot and stay there quietly and pray for the best. On the other side of the pad, (yay!) execute some more top-notch stealth to get around. Where to? Well, there's a little cargo truck just north of the pad with a SOCOM inside. So, jump into the back. It's your FIRST gun right there! Very useful when you get the silencer later on... Anyway, stay in the truck until the guard that circles around the truck goes to the northeast, heading south. Then jump off the truck's back and go to the front by the right side. You see, on your map, a yellow cone in the corner to the northwest... Don't worry about it, just go to that direction and a Codec call should come up. That's Colonel again. you don't have to respond, but whatever. Go into the air duct RIGHT BELOW the northwestern camera. Do it by press X (crawl) and press to the direction of the duct. Don't panic if the camera sees you because once you go into the duct, the alert mode is GONE! .-----------------. |###| TANK HANGAR | '--LIFE-----------' Once out of the damned helipad, you're stuck in the ducts like the guy from Shawshawk Redemption. You have to crawl, crawl, and crawl to your next area. You catch yourself gazing at a fork... One goes to the left, another one to the right. If you look to the right, you see a bunch of strange creatures? They're called RATS! LOL. Don't be afraid of them, though. Go up to those rodents and you receive a call. Colonel? Nope... it's Master Miller, one of Snake's old buddies. He introduces himself to the mission and explains to you that rats usually head to the warm areas so let's follow those dirt bags. You will go underwater, but don't worry, just keep going before your O2 runs out. After passing a screen to the left, you find the actual Tank Hangar, your next area! Thanks rats, never thought you would do it... After a few steps, the Codec comes up yet. If you answer it, the Colonel will pop up and commands you to find the cargo elevator to change floors. The lift is just to the north, west of the large shutter. To open it, press Circle on the button to the right of the door. The door should open up. Of course, to get to that point, you'd have to sneak past two guards, but that's pretty simple. I trust that you know how to do it without me baby-sitting you. If you want some items before going down, that's fine. Some of the items are up on the catwalks... Be careful of the cameras that hangs around here, they can give you a disaster if you're too careless. The first door to the left has a Cardboard and a set of Chaff Grenades but you don't have to get them now. The one you should get is on the other side of the catwalk. Avoid the guard and enter the OPEN door to find a small room with a lone camera and one item. Go under the camera when it's not looking and get the item (THERMAL GOOGLES) when the camera is looking the other way. Leave the room and go back to the elevator. In the 'vator, press Square again, while facing the buttons on the southwest corner to make a selection: go down to B1F or B2F. For now, just go to B1F. .----------------. |####| B1F: CELL | '--LIFE----------' Another Codec call incoming: Mei Ling. She abruptly tells you in one line that the DARPA Chief, Donald Anderson is right here, in one of the cells. Hmph. How to get to him? Lets head south, bypassing the locked shutter doors. As you round to the right, you find a ladder and yet another call from the boss. He tells you how to climb a ladder: stand next to it and press the Action Button (Circle... I won't say that a lot soon so learn it and shut it). Go up the ladder to find yet another roller coaster: the ducts. Go left to find a nice, nifty, brand new set of SOCOM bullets. If you press Tri- angle and look down the first screen (to the left, of course), you will witness a guy crapping his ass off, mumbling something about a hot girl. O_o Go back to the original spot and head to the other passage. At the end of that one, it turn left. The first screen has a fairly hot girl doing sit-ups. Strangely enough, she didn't see Snake. Continue on to the last screen down there. Another Codec call! Blah! Either accept it or not. On the last screen, press Y and look down. Ta-da! Mr. Anderson, the DARPA chief is here! Well, this scene is quite lengthy but it is an informative and an entertaining show. You realize that your old nemesis, Metal Gear, has been revived due to the work of the ArmsTech and Anderson's corporation. Due to some villainy, the FOX-HOUND has seized the control of the Presidents of those companies, which are Anderson and Baker. One of the masterminds behind FOX-HOUND has successfully read Anderson's mind and retrieved one of the passwords for Metal Gear Rex. Anderson gives you the Level 1 passcard, the first of many passcards you will get throughout the course of the game. After some more talk (pay attention, this convo is critical!), the guy suddenly dies of heart attack, or so it seems. What now? There's a RATION under the bed, for your information. Wait until the door opens and go out. You see a naked man lying on his head, censored (HAHA!!!), and a gun pointed to the head. Oh well. Snake, without any jolt in his nerves, turns around and recognizes the wielder as a rookie (n00b) and does not get spooked at all. Quite stupidly, the 'soldier' actually has held himself up for others to come up. So, you are greeted with some riflemen and their AK-47s firing at you. Shoot them all, with your new friend, with your trusty SOCOM. The first row is yours to shoot, but the second row... the enraged soldier will do them all. Then just shoot some more people, punish them to hell. When some grenades comes up, quickly go to the door to shield yourself from the explosion. Return to the original position and resume. Occasionally, you might need some Rations or Ammo, so pick the boxes left behind by the damn annoying bastards to even yourself up. After all of them, the girl runs away, leaving you behind. You see a trio of FOX-HOUND members talking about the man cuffed on a strange contraption. Snake has a vision of Psycho Mantis in the background... Hmmm... FINALLY... go down to B2F via the elevator. Damn, I talk too much. .-------------------. |#####| B2F: ARMORY | '--LIFE-------------' If you came here before meeting Donald Anderson, there would be soldiers here, but if you met him, then no worries here. No guards to look out. However, there are some pits that would kill you if you stepped on it and stood. Keep moving. Now, equip your L1 card and go to the northern row and go to the middle one. If you have the passcard equipped, the door will open. Get the C4 and go out. Time for the southern row of hubs. The middle room is already open, so go in there and grab some SOCOM bullets for free, you'll need it pretty soon. To the left, another room: can be opened with the L1 card. The hidden treasures? Some grenades. Sweet. Now, if you recall what Anderson said about the secret paths in Armory, you would know what to do. If you still don't know... he said some of the walls has a different hue from others, meaning that there is a wall(s) with different colors. Well, on this floor, there's one wall: in the back wall, to the southwest. You can vaguely see it from the normal camera mode, but you can REALLY see it if you're in the first person view. Place a C4 on the wall's base and run, run far away and detonate it (Circle). There's a hole now! Enter. A small, damp hallway... your map's jammed, damn. Guess what? You get to use your C4 here again! Yay! The fake wall this time is on the east wall. Bomb that wall with the unique color. In the next passage, you see two fake doors: on the north side, and the east side. Which to destroy? The side has nothing but a pack of C4 but you don't need now so ignore it and go ahead and bomb the north wall. Equip your SOCOM and enter. -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ REVOLVER OCELOT -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ Ah, your first boss battle commends here. With Kenneth Baker shaking in the middle, surrounded by misty lines connecting to the C4, Revolver Ocelot comes out of nowhere and shows off his impressive gun handling. Alright, this battle has a pretty interesting concept... Ocelot's best weapon is his worst weak- ness. His gun only has 6 bullets, therefore, after 6 shots, he has to reload, wasting precious time. That time is the best, but not only, chance to strike him. Focus your eyes on the open platforms AROUND, not the middle. If you even touch a line connecting to the bombs, you die and fail. Just go around and around, be patient and wait for your chance. Shake your path around a bit too throw off Ocelot's aim. Even if he misses, it can hit you via ritoching off the walls. You have little HP, so you have to be careful. You can chase the cat one way then suddenly turn around and shoot him before he goes the other way! That's one way, but you can just go around and around until he runs out of bullets and hit him standing. Also, don't think about going up to him face-to-face, it's a waste of time if you can just aim him from corner to corner. He is very agile and swift so you cannot waste a chance just for seeing his nose hairs, alright? While he's firing you, you can just **** it all and go up to him and shoot him. You may take damage, but if you have 1 or 2 Rations, an aggressive and quick way is the way to go. Ran out of ammo? There are some boxes in the northern corners and one just by the wires north of Baker. Good luck. *After the battle, the maximum capacity for your SOCOM, Grenades, C4, and whatever else I missed all goes up. Whee. Your HP goes up along with the free re-fill. After the battle, a ninja comes out and slashes off Ocelot's arm, making it one of the most unforgettable scenes in the history of video games. Ocelot yelps and leaves. The C4 has exploded, injuring Baker badly. Snake asks Ninja for his identity but Ninja says this famous line: "I'm like you... I have no name." Ninja goes berserk and disappears. Oh well. Snake comes over to Baker and starts a lengthy conversation about Metal Gear and why it was produced. Good stuff. He also mentions Meryl, the Colonel's daughter, because he gave the passcode to her. He tells you about her Codec but he forgot the number! XD Anyway, take the L2 passcard from him and watch him die. :) You're free again, finally. All those cinemas... Go out and go back to the main Armory. Now that you have the next passcard, you can open one more door in this area. Which one? Bottom right. In that room, you see two red lines. They're traps, invisible lasers. If you touch one of them, the Alert Mode will activate and you don't want that, don't you? Instead, equip your Cigs OR Thermal Goggles on the Items Menu and you see the lasers now! They're around knee-high so drop down and crawl under them to grab the FA-MAS (assault rifle!) and some AMMO! Awesome! Go back up to 1F. (some soldiers are in the armory now so be aware) .------------------------------. |######| TANK HANGAR REVISITED | '--LIFE------------------------' Home sweet home. You probably have no clue where to go so let's call Meryl. Baker didn't tell you the number, but he did remember where it was: the back of the CD case. What CD case? THE CD case, you fool! The Metal Gear Solid CD case! Yeah, THAT one! LOL. Look at the back and you see a picture of a Codec convo between Snake and Meryl. The number? 140.15. Call her up with that number... *sigh* Yet another long blah-blah time. Meryl and Snake flirt about a bit, saying how great Snake is known all over the stealth industry. Meryl eventually grants you the promise of opening the path to Hal Emmerich, the main scientist behind the production of Metal Gear Rex. He probably is the only one who knows how to destroy Metal Gear itself. Like she said, she'll open the door to the next factory, where Hal lurks... the door needs a L5 passcard clearance but she has it. After the conversation, wait around a bit and the door to the north (1F of the Hangar) will open. Enter? Not yet, you have several things to do. First thing: go to the east wall, just next to the big hangar door that Meryl opened for you. It's a L2 door so use your L2 card to open it. You see a guard dozing on the job. Sneak GENTLY past him to pick the SUPPESSOR up. Equip the suppressor and the SOCOM at the same time and they will combine automatically. NOW, you may shoot the guard's brains out before he even knows anything. Go up to 2F via the stairs to the west. Wait until the camera goes left and go under the camera as it goes right. Find the next door, which is another L2 shutter, and pick the CHAFF GRENADE and a CARDBOARD BOX (cool!) up. Go around the horn to the east side. There's a guard. If she's looking away, shoot her with your new silencer SOCOM to shut her up. Go to the far door (a camera lurks in the corner, be aware) and enter the L2 door. The MINE DETECTOR! Yay! There's one more item here: RATION. If you care, there's a ladder at the end of the catwalk leading to a RATION to the left. To the right is a LONG path back to 2F of Helipad. It only has 12 bullets of SOCOM, which is WORTHLESS for the trip unless you're low on ammo but whatever. After all of that, go into the hangar that Meryl opened up for you. Suddenly, you get a Codec call from Meryl stating that there are some lasers that can trigger a trap and certain death. So... equip your Cigs or the Thermal Goggles (if you have it, attained BEFORE you beat Ocelot!) to see the lasers. Walk under them when they're high and use your L2 card to open the back door. .----------------. |#######| CANYON | '--LIFE----------' A mysterious voice calls you out from the Codec. He calls himself Deepthroat, the very same name that caught Nixon in the Watergate scandal. He warns you of a Tank up there and some mines around. Without seeing his face, he leaves. If you have the Mine Detector, equip it RIGHT NOW. Three yellow cones pop out on the map, right front of you. That’s the mines. You can walk around them or crawl on them to PICK them up and you can actually USE them! If you don't have a Mine Detector... just crawl to the north until you get to a cinema. -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ TANK (VULCAN RAVEN) -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ This boss can be hard if you don't know how to beat him PROPERLY. You can beat him the hard way or the not-so-hard way. Okay, I'll start with a step-by-step guide. First, there's a Ration to your left if you need one. Get behind the rock front of you anyway and equip the Chaff Grenades (if you don't have one, then die or re-start and go back OR do it the hard way) and use a Chaff. It will disrupt the cannon of the Tank, which can inflict high damages to your lovable Snake. When the radar's Jamming, RUN to the north and a bit to the left, all of the way to a small column against the wall. Throw another Chaff to continue the Jamming. Now, the machine gun should be firing at you but that's least of your worries. Go up to the Tank's SIDE, the short side. Throw a Grenade at the TOP of the Tank, where the soldier is. Make sure you're still FACING the Tank when you're throwing the Grenade, don't just tap X and run away. It takes time to throw so wait until you're certain that the grenade has gone to the tank. Occasionally, the tank might run over you, but that doesn't do much to your health. If you threw a grenade ONTO the soldier, it will do massive damage, exactly 1/2 of the life bar. If it merely hits the soldier, only 1/4. Throw the grenade AT the revolving platform, with the cap with the soldier sticking out. The hard way? No Chaffs at all. Pretty hard because the cannon has serious stuff inside. One last thing: if you're low on equipment, there's some neat stuff waiting for you to the northeast corner and the north door. Good luck again. After killing the second puppet, Raven comes out and talks to his boss... looks like it's mystery man, Liquid. Looks like Raven let you win, bah. He'll fight you later on, and that time... he will be serious. *Your ammo capacity has increased along with the Rations. Your HP increased along with a free re-fill. Whee. .---------------------------. |########| NUKE BUILDING 1F | '--LIFE---------------------' Your Ration's maximum capacity has gone up to 3, making you even more potent in destroying the FOX-HOUND's members. Go you. Anyway, go on the catwalk to the left for a RATION. Go back and walk down the ramp leading to an ajar hangar door. It won't budge... but it is open, just a bit in the bottom. Press A to crawl under the hangar. You receive a call from Campbell, prohibiting you from using any weapons because of some stupid nuclear warheads that survives right here. Meh. However, don't even try to equip any weapons because the game won't let you to. Be my guest and go ahead, try. Now that you cannot use any weapons, you have to get past the soldiers without killing them (neck snapping is do-able but it takes too much to do it) and pick some items around. To the northeast, under the stairs is some rifle AMMO. Another box of ammo (CHAFF) is to the left of the assault rifle ammo. To the southeast, there's a RATION right in the corner, tucked away. One more AMMO: under the stairs to the west. Simple enough. Now, just walk up the stairs on the west side. Stay on the MIDDLE level, the one between the tiers of steps. Nobody can see you there so don't worry. Wait until the soldier on the top comes and turns around. Let him walk to the right and follow him, but don't get too close. When he goes right of the elevator, dart to the open button and open the elevator!!! Go down to B1F. .-----------------------------. |#########| NUKE BUILDING B1F | '--LIFE-----------------------' This is a fun level, heehee. Why? You'll see. Go left first and equip your new card, L3 passcard. Go into the left-most door to the men's bathroom to find a guy, literally, pissing. Never thought you'd see that in a video game? You can thank Kojima for that. Shoot his brains out because he might disrupt your exit later on, and he might even give you a free pack of SOCOM bullets. You're done with the bathroom for now. Go back to the elevator and enter the L3 door south of it to the main room. Be alarmed... there's a soldier walking around the east side. Wait until he goes down and shoot him from behind before he starts up the alarm. You're all clear!!! Use your L3 card to open the middle- right door for a nifty NIKITA LAUNCHER and some NIKITA AMMO. There's a STUN GRENADE in the NE corner of the main room. Leave the floor to B2F. .------------------------------. |##########| NUKE BUILDING B2F | '--LIFE------------------------' Go down to the L3 door and suddenly, gas fills the compartment! Snake glances over to a small wire... it leads to the northwest. Deepthroat comes over and aid you again, even though you have no idea who he is. He tells you to use a Remote-Controlled Missile to destroy the switchboard to the northwest. Hmm... You got the Nikita? Good and go ahead shoot it to the south. First of all, be patient. You may miss some, you may destroy some, and you may screw up some. No matter what happens, after every Nikita missile, go back to the central room to re-fill your O2 gauge. Your O2 gauge can afford to wait two Nikita controlling but it's not that safe. Now, time for the directions. Go south all of the way to the end and turn left. You might want to shake the missile around a bit to slow it down. Anyway, once it enters the offices, go north. You see two cameras... they has a machine gun deployed into them and they WILL fire it at you. Ignore them and head directly north. (They will hit you if you're too slow) Another camera awaits up there, but you can just bypass it and get no trouble. When you see an end, turn left a bit to see a tiny opening in the glass. Go through that and go left for another opening. You see two items on the floor. If you did, you're in the right room. Hit the northern wall to destroy the switch! Congrats! After re-filling your O2 up again, head back to the gas chambers again. This time, the electrical floor is off. Equip your L3 card and dart to the first door for a RATION. The second door cannot be opened with a L3 card so skip that one... Continue walking down to the third one. The GAS MASK! Now you can stay even longer in the gas! Have it equipped in this damned place whenever you don't need the passcard. Go back out and equip the Mask. Remember the items in the same room as the switch? They are not required but I'll tell you how anyway. Go left on the bottom hallway and you see three cameras with the same machine guns (remember?). What to do? No worries, mate. Just deploy a Chaff Grenade. One of the doors to the right side of the offices can be opened with a L3 card, it has some GRENADES. If you continue on to the switch room, you'll find a RATION and CHAFF GRENADES. Bah. Go to the right at the bottom hallway. Use a Chaff Grenade to disable the camera terrorizing the path. (If you paid attention to the door below that camera, you'd see a bloodstained word saying 'HELP'. Spooky, eh?) Yeah, go through that door. You hear some noises... Hmph. Continue on and you find a death-laden hallway, filled with dead bodies and blood on the walls. O_O A guy suddenly comes out and screams 'It's a GHOST!'. AH-HA! Pick up the FA-MAS AMMO and move on. Guess what? You get to SEE the killer, which is the same ninja that cut off the arm of Ocelot. He, without any action of remorse, hoists a blinding man up in the air with his katana. Fortunately, he didn't even notice Snake one bit. Or maybe he did? Go into the same lab with bravery, will ya? .-----------------. |###########| LAB | '--LIFE-----------' THE ninja comes up to a wussy scientist, demanding for the appearance of Snake. The ****ing scientist PEED on himself! LOL! You come in time and face the great Ninja. You discover that Ninja has been looking for you... for a fair fight, between you two, the world's most potent battlers. "I will kill you... You will kill me... It makes no difference." -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ CYBORG NINJA -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯ Alrighty... this is a long one. The Ninja does not use any gunnery, just his katana. Does that mean you're going to blow him down with your FA-MAS? Uh, no. Actually, it's impossible that way. His sword is the most lethal thing about him. He can use the sword to deflect any bullets you throw at him with ease. So, restore to the FISTS! Unequip your weapon trigger and walk up to him and attack him with punch/punch/kick combos! He will lunge at you with his sword so be careful, just wait until he goes for you (you should be moving AROUND him) and miss. Lunge at him and attack him with your bare fingers. Do that twice and he'll congratulate you and drops his sword. Hand-to-hand combat! This time, Ninja's defense goes tougher and you have to attack him over and over again to make him go into the next phase. He usually flip-kick to your direction so walk around (not AT Ninja!) to make him miss. When he does the finishing kick, go to him and punch his ass off. Repeat. Sometimes, he'll go up in the air and stomp on the ground. Just go away, it's not worth the trouble. Just stick to counter-attacking him after he does the kicks. The damage is minimal so you have to be patient and stay clam. During this time, you should only use 1 or 2 Rations. When you finally get his HP down to 1/3, he'll congratulate you even further and uses his stealth. What now? Well, you are able to see the sheathed Ninja a bit. When you finally see him, ATTACK! You can't afford to let him attack you, he will do massive damages. he usually hides between cabinets and the hallway on the north side. (The first time he hides, you will be able to see where he hid, but not after) Damage him THREE TIMES while he's in stealth and he will move on. In this mode, Ninja will just walk around SLOWLY, like a proud superhero over a fallen villain. However, if you come up to him, he will use his stealth and disappear to an attacking position and try to attack you. How do you attack him? Just go by him (very close!) and let him disappear ONCE OR TWICE and let him do the punch. When he's punching, go to his side or back and attack! When you get his HP down to NIL, GO AWAY! He will produce an electrical field around him, shielding him from you. You won't be able to attack him with your fists but the guns can. So, use the guns to finish him in that mode. Congrats!!! After the battle, Ninja goes all giddy and thanks you. Solid Snake realizes that he knows him... he's Gray Fox! Unfortunately, the reunion is cut short by Ninja's unstable condition and he warps out. Snake calls Campbell and Naomi about Gray Fox and learns several things. Then, he turns around to the scientist... Hal Emmerich, the man you were looking for! Looks like he was being oblivious about the Rex's true reason for existence. Oh well... Just enjoy the chitchat with Otacon and Meryl. Time to go back to Nuke Building. *Your Ammo and HP has been increased! No Ration upgrade this time, sorry! Free re-fill, too. .------------------------------------------. |############| NUKE BUILDING B2F REVISITED | '--LIFE------------------------------------' Now that you have the L4 passcard, you can open two new rooms on this floor, two more branches from the gas chambers. But only one actually matters: the northwest room. It leads to a corner with a NIGHT VISION GOGGLES, which will GREATLY aid you pretty soon. Grab that and move up to B1F again. .-------------------------------------------. |#############| NUKE BUILDING B1F REVISITED | '--LIFE-------------------------------------' Like before, go left first to kill the guard pissing. Give him his presents: two bullets to the back and receive 12 bullets of SOCOM. Now, go back to the central room and there should be two guards walking around. The left one is Meryl in disguise (yes, that Meryl), but wait... Ignore the guards and use your L4 card to open a door to the left, leading to a new Cardboard Box. Useless, but fun! Heh. Now, wait until the soldier on the right goes out, to the bathroom (or you could take him by yourself, but do it with stealth). When the room's empty, allow yourself to be seen by Meryl and she'll dart to the Women's Bathroom. *IMPORTANT NOTE!* If you chase after her and get there within 5 seconds after she goes in, you'll catch her in her UNDERWEAR! Sexy beast, mamachita! If not, then you just find her in standard army outfit. Bah. Anyway, in the bathroom, go to the last toilet stall and Meryl will catch you sleeping... then you two talk about being a soldier, how hard it is to be a hero, etc... blah. She finally gives you what you need: the L5 passcard. Now you can enter the Commander's Room, to the north! Awesome stuff. Follow Meryl out of the room to the Commander's Room (to the north, by the Men's bathroom). .---------------------------------. |##############| COMMANDER'S ROOM | '--LIFE---------------------------' Suddenly, Meryl slumps down and yells out some crap. A migraine? No... Psycho Mantis! After a while, she states that she's fine but when she introduces you to the entrance of the Room, she said that 'the Commander is waiting for you'. What Commander? Enter the room to find out! There's nothing here... Strange. Walk around the desk and go to the direction of the door and Meryl will walk around and points her gun at you! What the...? Meryl goes all romantic on you, trying to beat your wang off or whatever. o_O Campbell commands you to knock her out without using any weapon. Do so by unequipping and punching her several times until she's knocked out. The blur that comes and go ever since finally meets you in person: Psycho Mantis. He will attempt to read your memory by reading the ACTUAL memory card. If you have saved often, he will say so. If you have died a lot, he will say so. If you're using a Dreamcast to play this game, he will say that your memory is clean since it's the only thing on the memory card, right? It's a interesting cutscene, methinks. If you have a Jump Pack, he will shake it, making it look like it's moving. Meh. If you're playing on a Playstation and have a SotN (Symphony of Night) save in the card, he will say that you like Castlevania. One of the most shocking moments in history for some gamers. -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯- PSYCHO MANTIS -.¯-.¯-.¯-.¯- Awesome concept here. Psycho Mantis can read your every move, so he has a head start on everything. You could try to shoot him over and over but you probably could only hit him once, if any. Psycho Mantis will manipulate the furniture around the room and throw it all over the room. If you're not careful enough, some of them WILL hit you. I easily found a solution in avoiding those damned chairs and its buddies: crawl. All of them will go overhead, no problem for you. =P But you still haven't found out how to attack or even damage Mantis yet? Hmph. If you tried long enough, Campbell will call you over and tell you to use a different controller. What does it mean? It just means you should use a DIFFERENT SLOT FOR YOUR CONTROLLER! Yeah, either move your controller to the other slot (Slot B) or if you have two controllers, use the other controller (must be on slot B, second from left). Psycho Mantis cannot read your moves that way and will fall for your gun foray! After you have removed about 1/2 of his HP, he will restore to the Meryl method to throw you off. Again, punch combo her to KO her out again for good (for this battle, not for life!). Mantis will become more difficult to hit, transporting to different places, throwing some black stuff at you (can't really say what). This is the hardest part right here. You have run around and around and wait for your chance to hit Mantis. When there's a good chance, shoot fast! He only offers you a very little time to react. After 3 or 4 hits in this phase, he will go to the center of the room and bring out his old friends: the chairs and pictures. Kneel down to avoid them and stand up to fire when you can. Keep hitting him and avoiding his attacks until he's on the stairway to heaven (or in this case, hell). I told you, this one has an awesome concept, fabulous. After the critical battle, Campbell thanks you for saving his niece. Watch as the psycho lectures a touching tale. He despised people so he wanted to kill as many people he could, but he saw something different in Snake... and respected him. According to him, Snake and Meryl are meant to be together. o_O Psycho helps you as his final breath goes away... *Your HP goes up along with Ration and Ammo supply. Re-fill? Nah, sorry. Even Meryl doesn't get one. :( Go through the newly formed opening to find another door flanked by some AMMO and a RATION. Time to move on! .----------------------. |###############| CAVE | '--LIFE----------------' Gah. I hate the 'half-wolves' that reside in the arctic part of the cave. Follow Meryl to the north snowy passage. The path is blocked by a rock, so crawl under it. Now, there are some wolves around here so run FAST!!! Go north to a darker portion of the cave and go right and follow it to the south. When you reach a dead end, you must be getting sweaty from the wolves breathing under your nose. Yeah, I know the fuckin' feeling. So, quickly go to the right and crawl down to find a hole (you should be in the southeast-most part of the snowy part) to a dry, solid ground! YAY! You find Meryl, teasing about your 'knowledge' of dogs. Meh. Grab the RATION if needed. Go into the L5 door. .--------------------------------------. |################| UNDERGROUND PASSAGE | '--LIFE--------------------------------' Meryl, with her new-found ability she derived from Psycho Mantis (yah, right), senses the danger of landmines around here. She shows the safe way around the mines. Follow her or die. No, I'm just kidding... You can just memorize her steps or use your Thermal Goggles to see them (it just works, don't ask me) or just crawl your sad, lazy ass over to the sexy beast. As you and Meryl resume talking, a bull-eye from a sniper comes up on your screen. After aiming for Snake himself, it switches to Meryl. BAM, BAM... BAM! Snake, unable to get Meryl out of the way, retreats to a corner. What to do, what to do? The Colonel tells you, in time, to get a Sniper Rifle. Make use of your new L5 card... Oh god... Oh yeah, yeah go back to the Cave. .--------------------------------------. |#################| PSG-1 AND DIAZEPAM | '--LIFE--------------------------------' Back in the Cave of the Wolves, go under the tunnel to enter the wolf pen. Run, run, and run to the south wall for the tunnel back to the southern passage. I HATE, HATE, HATE, and HATE this DAMN CAVE!!!! *jumps around like a scared girl with eyes closed* Go through the Commander's Room (I salute you, Mantis) and back to Nuke Building B1F. Don't go anywhere now... Just shoot the pissing guard again and enter the central room. The room you should go in is to the southwest because it's the only L5 door that you haven't entered around here. Mind the guard to the right and enter that room for some AMMO and the true treasure, the DIAZEPAM!!! You have 3 out of 6 Diazepam... Where's the other 3? Oh, it's right here, but it has to appear again. It will when you return from the PSG-1 hunting. Go up the lift to 1F of Nuke Building. Leave to the south (crawl under the hangar door) and grab the RATION from the catwalk to the left and enter the Minefield. Now, there's some cameras around here so don't just stand there and let them fire at you. Equip your Mine Detector while you're at it. Looks like somebody pitted in a LOT more Mines this time around. Ugh. Evil do-ers! Crawl over the Mines to pick them up, if you want to. Back in the Tank Hangar, you find out that there are no laser-traps in the hangar room thingy anymore! Thank god, I mean it. Use the elevator to go down to B2F: Armory. Back in B2F... Use your silenced SOCOM to kill unsuspecting guards around to make your journey a bit safer and FUN!!! MUAHAHA! Eh, just pick up some of the items from each cubicle. When you enter the top left room, turn on your Thermal Goggles or smoke up some Cigs to see some lasers blocking three rewards. The barrels make it out-of-shape to crawl through, but you're going to do it anyway because you're Solid Snake and you work alone. BE CAREFUL! Gently tilt Snake through the lasers to grab the PSG-1 and its AMMO!!! YAY! Time to save Meryl! Crawl SLOWLY out of the top left cubicle's lasers and collect all of the items from this floor. If you're interested, you can get a Camera if you go to the L4 door to the right of Ocelot's room (where you fought him). Be warned, though, of some machine guns. IMO, it's not worth it if you're going through it for the first time but you can if you want to. Return to the elevator and go back to the Minefield, dodging the cameras and the claymores. Back in the Nuke Building, go back to B1F and do the usual thing: shoot the pisser and go to the central room. Now, go to the southwest room again for one final trio of Diazepam. Now you have 6, more than enough to kill Sniper Wolf who cast some villainy to Meryl. (*whisper* it's used to relax your nerves while shooting a sniper rifle, in case you didn't know yet *whisper*) Go into the Cave via the Commander's Room yet again. Yes, you get pet the wolves again! How fun... Back in the Underground Passage, prepare for your next boss battle. .--------------------------------------------------. |##################| UNDERGROUND PASSAGE REVISITED | '--LIFE--------------------------------------------' -.¯-.¯-.¯-. SNIPER WOLF -.¯-.¯-.¯-. No 'entertaining' cinema this time, as you have already seen it. Well, if you have already gotten the Sniper Rifle before you go to this passage, you will see the fateful and gory scene. I kinda like it, actually. War is hell, eh? Anyway, the objective here is simple: find a good spot and fire away. It's the battle of accuracy rather than wit/wisdom (Mantis) or speed (Ocelot) or combat (Ninja). The best spots would be right next to the back corners, on the back wall OR left/right of the indent in the wall (where Snake used to hide from Wolf after Meryl got shot). This way, Sniper Wolf has to hit YOUR HEAD instead of the entire body, cutting down the size of the target. Once you equip the PSG-1, the aim cursor will come up so make sure you're facing DIRECTLY to the north to cut down the time to arrange your aim, you know. Sniper Wolf can hit you 2-3 times before you even see her through the rifle if you're not being careful. Find her in the second floor of the tower and STICK with her. DO NOT get up or anything except if you get hit and your aim goes all of the way to the left or right. Find her (you can spot her behind walls if you see her cold breath sticking out) and use a Diazepam pill to stay calm. When she comes out (or she already is), hit her swiftly. She doesn't need long to find you, believe me. You should have 4 Rations for this battle, making this battle an cinch to go through. She needs six hits to go down... Yep, all the same, no changing strategies (like Ninja) or anything. After the battle, you realize that the body of Meryl is gone... What the hell? Head up and grab some AMMO from crevasses and some AMMO and a RATION on 2F and under the stairs and on behind a post in 1F. Go to the door to the right. Alas! Sniper Wolf has blindsided you and shows you her sexiness (O_O I want her... drool...) and knocks you out, literally. :( .-------------------------------------. |###################| TORTURE CHAMBER | '--LIFE-------------------------------' Waken up by some voices, Snake inadvertently over-hears the conversation: looks like the evil side of FOX-HOUND still is willing to fire the nuclear missiles. Liquid Snake surprisingly calls you 'brother', but it is pretty accurate concerning the last name of yours and his. After talking about
politics and Ninja, Liquid receives a call from Raven and leaves to his aid.
Sniper Wolf seduces you even further (O_O) and goes out. Now it's just you
and that son of a gun, Ocelot. After some actual, decent talk, Ocelot stops
the playing and starts to get serious. You have to play a 'game': the torture.

You have to press the Circle (PSX) or B (DC) button repeatedly in a VERY, VERY
fast manner and you have to do it for a long, long time if you want to beat
the dirty mind of Ocelot. However, you do not have to do it at all. You
may submit out if you want (Select on PSX; D-Pad Down on DC) but Meryl will
die. Here's several ways to cheat (sorry, auto-fire won't work): get a smooth
cloth (silk?) and put it over the B button/Circle Button and line your
knuckles over the button and swipe it up and down. Your knuckles should be
able to hit the button 3 or 4 times in a swipe. That's a good way... One
other way: Get a pen that can flick the ink out and in. Using the back (the
flicker or whatever you call it), smash it on the button over and over again.
Each hit could account for 2 hits but it doesn't always work. The knuckle
method works better since it is pretty accurate and works. It might burn your
skin out, though, heh.

What if you beat it all (3 trials)? In the ending, after you beat the game,
Meryl will leave the chaos with you instead of someone else (won't spoil it
for you). If you lose, that someone will go with you and Meryl will stay
behind and die. Boo-hoo. The ending's pretty same either way anyway.

And yes, it is VERY hard to win it all... I've found that either knuckles or
fingers work... you might try the fingers if you can't win. Ocelot will put
you away either way.

|####################| MEDI ROOM |

Guess what, you're in a ******* cell now. What's more, the smelling DARPA
Chief is here, too! Ah damn... how do you get out? There's a soldier guarding
the door. You're empty-handed, you can't break out of the screens. 
Miraculously, the soldier gets a cramp (bad food or something) and leaves to
crap. Seizing this opportunity, Otacon comes over and gives you some food and
ketchup despite getting strangled by Snake. After some discussion, Otacon
leaves before the soldier comes back. Now, you CAN escape! How?

- Use the ketchup while lying down and it will break under your body, making
  a stain on the floor underneath you. When the soldier sees you, he will
  assume the worst: you have stabbed yourself or something, so he will open
  the door and see what's up. Wait until he opens the door and come up to you.
  Get up and punch him out or throw him. He has to be knocked out... After
  doing so, you're free!

- When the guard's not looking (or before he comes back from the toilets),
  crawl under the bed and wait there. The guy will get worried sick and comes
  into the room to look for you. He will look under the bed so you have to get
  up before he sees you and punch his lights out.

- *sigh* If you sucked SO badly... Ninja will come out and help you yet again!
  How pathetic.

Once out of the room, use the L6 card that Otacon just gave you to enter the
Torture Chamber again. Pick up the box to return to your original condition
(clothes and equipment and all). Throw a Chaff Grenade to stun the camera
and evade into the door.

|#####################| GOING TO THE COMMUNICATION TOWER |

As you get out of the prison area, you may or may not recognize the area...
it's B1F of the Tank Hangar, otherwise known as 'Cell'. This very floor is the
one where you found the DARPA chief (well, he was actually Decoy Octopus, the
real one was seen in the cell with you). Looks like someone here knew that you
were coming out because there are two sentry cameras here. No worries, mate,
just throw another Chaff Grenade and open the elevator door and go up to 1F,
Tank Hangar

TANK HANGAR: Nothing happening here, but if you want some extra ammo and crap,
make a detour back to B2F for some leftovers. Anyway, go through the hangar
door to the snowfield.

SNOWFIELD: Yup, the mines and sentry cameras are still around here. :( Take
your Mine Detector out and crawl over them or whatever. Mind the cameras, too.

NUKE BUILDING: Again, head for the elevator and go down to B1F and around to
the Commander's Room (where you fought Mantis) and go back to the Cave.

CAVE: The wolves are still here, but you can actually bypass them... Strangely
enough, the napkin that Otacon gave you is from Sniper Wolf so if you equip
it, it will make the wolves think you're the woman herself. So no more biting
and teasing around anymore! :)

UNDERGROUND PASSAGE: No mines now so don't worry. After getting to the blood-
bath where Meryl got shot, Snake recalls the event and receives a Codec call.
Listen to what Campbell has to say and continue on. Several items await among
the gaps in the walls and the construction. Enter the door where Sniper Wolf
stopped you to finally move on! Whew!

|######################| COMMUNICATION TOWER A |

We're finally here! You must feel like you're just INCHING closer to the end,
but I assure you, you're a lot closer to the finish line than you think! Pick
up the FA-MAS BULLETS and SOCOM AMMO. Before going into the next door, equip
your FA-MAS and tap the A button ONCE. Then, hold it down! If you did it
correctly, you should get up from the crawl position. Don't let go, though.
Keep holding it down. Now you can enter (hold that A!) the door. Suddenly, the
camera overhead catches you (can't avoid it) and it sets off the tower-wide
alert, bringing dozens of soldiers after you. Ugh. Just pick up the boxes 
(ROPE and CHAFF GRENADES) and RUN!!!!!!!!!!! Go into the next door and you
find yourself enclosed within a GIGANTIC tower. Yep, that's the Comm. Tower A.
At the base of the tower, there's some line of boxes with a RATION and some
AMMO but for the sake of your HP, I don't recommend going there unless you
severely need some FA-MAS ammo.

Time for the run up! With your FA-MAS equipped and holding down A, you can
shoot while RUNNING! So whenever you go up a new set of stairs, you tap the
fire button and if Snake points the gun upwards, you'll know that there's a
guard up ahead. If this happens, keep firing to kill the guard. If Snake
just points the gun straight (parallel to ground), then there's nobody up.
There will, undoubtedly, some idiots following you but ignore them, just
worry about the ones that block your path. After about 20 flights of stairs,
you finally get to the top. When you do, kill everyone and you're all clear!
No one will get from the bottom to top for you! YAY!!! One more thing: you
should equip your Ration so whenever the HP goes low, the CPU AI will cure it
up for you automatically. Pretty neat, eh? If you're wondering about the door
with the L6 security lock on it, forget about it. It's barriered to the other
side so just ignore it and keep running upwards.

At the top, grab the RATION and go up the ladder. Congrats, you've completed
the arguably toughest part of the game!!!

|#######################| COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF |

Use your L6 card to enter the door to the roof. Snake spots a door on the
separate roof. Let's go and figure out what to do! After getting to the other
side, a foray or missiles come over and shakes the solid ground by blistering
the dish around. Who was that?!?! Your half-brother, Liquid Snake, of course.
He's on a helicopter called Hind and you have absolutely nothing that can be
used to stop him so follow Snake's instructions and use the rope on the edge
to jump down!

Colonel calls you over to show you how to rappel. It is, really, pretty simple
if you just press A and push the directional pad to the desired location. The
Hind will be constantly fire at you but it won't damage you much. The cold air
will damage you but so what? You have some Rations, IF it hits you several
times. Just press A every time you hit the wall and press the direction left
or right and you should be alright. 

|########################| WALKWAY |

You're safe and the Hind's gone! Nobody can stop the great Solid Snake, whoo!
Grab the C4 and a Ration and packs of ammo to hit it off. The door behind you
are covered with ice so you can't go into it... yet! Use a C4 to blow the ice
off and there ya go! That door leads to Comm. Tower A, the one that you had to
run upwards. At the base, there's some ammo and a Ration for you if you need.
Now, about the walkway itself, if you walk several steps onto the pathway,
some bullets will hit you. You can't see the bastards that are making your
life harder! Here's an idea... use your PSG-1 to snipe them down! They are
quite far but if you keep yourself at the edge of the pathway, you can hit
them all without getting hit if you shoot the bullets (3 each person) in
rapid succession. Interesting concept, I guess. After killing all three, go
ahead and walk on the path like you should. The Hind with Liquid still inside
will come up but ignore it and grab the Ration before going into the next

Grab the STINGER and its AMMO, and you're all ready to battle the heli and
Liquid himself! Go into the next door to get to the...

|#########################| COMMUNICATION TOWER B |

Pretty easy to trek through this one, despite the preceding tower where you
get to know more than just a several soldiers. Whee. If you opt to go to the
south first, you find a broken (or it seems?) down elevator and a dead end.
So, go to the only remaining path and go down until you see a gap in the
stairs, uncrossable. :( What to do? I guess we ought go back up. Back at the
original level, go for the elevator again. You hear some noises... what is
that?! Bah, it's only the pee geek, Otacon. Now what? LOVE?!?! Oh my god, he
get all of the way to love. *shrugs* Just listen the conversation about love
on the battlefield. So stupid and boring :P After a while, Otacon leaves with
the promise of fixing the elevator for you. 

The elevator won't be fixed in time, so go to the right to find a path going
up (this was blocked before but now...? What the...). Be alarmed, there are
four groups of cameras on the way, so use your Chaff Grenades to avoid them.
You can see him if you press Y and look up. After bypassing the cameras, you
find the top floor of Comm. Tower B. Walk around the room to get some STINGER
AMMO and FA-MAS AMMO and, of course, a RATION. Go up the ladder.

|##########################| COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF BATTLE |


After taunting you some, Liquid disappears for a battle. With who? You, of
course. Brother versus brother. Unlike the past encounter, you have a potent
weapon for shooting down airborne enemies: the Stinger. Acquired recently, it
can single-handedly defeat the hovering villain. Well, it has to be since it's
the ONLY way to do so. So, equip your Stinger immediately and press Right on
your D-Pad to quick-change it (R1 on PSX). Now, look at your map. There must
be a small pink/purple (seems to change sometimes) dot flying around the
tower. Obviously, that symbolizes Liquid and his damned chopper. Makes sense.
Now, all you have to do is shoot Liquid down with a series of successful hits
with your Stinger. However, the array of weapons that Hind carries can be
dangerous. He will constantly fire at you with his machine gun and sometimes
missiles, but that rarely occurs. You could just stand there and find the
thing in the dark and shoot it down, open for targeting practice. I recommend
you to hide in the space between the door (you entered) and the barrier in the
middle of the roof. Watch the radar/map and wait for the helicopter to come
into your vision. Be ready with your Stinger at that time and lock on and
fire away!!! Of course, this may be not the best choice because you're still a
sitting duck waiting for someone to come and shoot you. So, adjust your 
position when the helicopter moves around. Sometimes the chopper will go under
the ground level (of the roof) but you can still see it by looking through
the Stinger's vision. The Stinger will be able to detect it with its metal
detector or something. Keep following the cursor (should be three of them:
front, middle, and the tail end) until it comes into your vision as the real
thing and fire! You have to be in the right position though, remember that.
After firing it, de-equip the Stinger and hide! The Hind will probably fire
at you soonly after. Use the barriers to shield yourself from the gunfire.
Move around the barrier if needed, of course. After a few hits, Liquid will
get flustered and scream "EAT THIS!" and shoot a missile. Go by the door and
wait for the metal crap to explode and fall down. No worries, mate. Just
continue hitting the Hind the same way as before. Keep going until his HP is
no longer visible. This time, he will still be standing (floating, whatever)
and fire one more missile. That missile will hit the barrier next to the door
so step away from that one. The Hind will go down along with Liquid. Finally.

Otacon calls you over and tells that the elevator is working again, but he
didn't fix it. Strange. Go back into the Communication Tower B.

**Health re-fill and Ration/Ammo capacity increased!**

|###########################| COMMUNICATION TOWER B REVISITED |

The machine-gun probes are still here so throw a Chaff Grenade for every squad
to protect yourself. Once at the elevator, press the button to call it up. Go
into the lift and go down to 1F. Midway through the entertaining ride, Otacon
screws up the fun and calls you. He recalls the missing stealth suits and
tells you all about it and figured that the stolen camos are on the guys that
are in the SAME ELEVATOR WITH YOU! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! By the way, the face that
Otacon gave you scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it! Yuk. 

Anyway, you got yourself a decent fight. Equip your FA-MAS and leave your
Ration on so it can heal you up without your aid. You can see the invisible
enemies a bit so mow them down with your FA-MAS. They are actually tougher
than a standard wimpy guard so you have to shoot them with 2 or 3 forays of
bullets. Tough, but nothing you can't handle. You WILL get damaged, but all
you can do is to make it fast to minimize the damage. The guys usually run
around screaming so use that as your advantage by moving to a corner and
shoot them all, like a pulse moving right to left and back. 

After the damned mini-war, get on 1F and walk around for several items,
including a RATION. Open the door in the southeast corner to find a tiny room
with a sentry camera. Throw a Chaff and pick up the items and enter the next
door. Two cameras are here so throw one final Chaff to run past 'em for some
extra AMMO and one more door...

|############################| SNOWFIELD |

If it's not too late (before any cutscenes), go right to the corner to find a
RATION. Now head north and Snake will get shot by some sniper. Who? Otacon
calls Snake yet again and after some talk, Otacon realizes that it's Sniper 
Wolf again! Well, who else? :P Sniper Wolf comes into the Codec screen and
invites you to a battle. 


Go to the southeastern corner again for another RATION! If it's full, then get
it later. Now, there are two ways in winning this battle: Nikita and Diazepam/
PSG-1 combo. The latter one should be familiar with you, since you used this
method to defeat her in the past. You could lay next to the tree to the left
and snipe the Wolf once and move to another location or just stay there and
shoot and shoot over and over. If you have some Diazepam, it should be a 
breeze once you find and track down Wolf. Wolf can be annoying if you're
behind in the count, with Wolf knowing where you are without getting found
out. Find her and STAY with her. Follow her around and shoot whenever you 
have the chance. The Cigs works if you don't have any more Diazepam. The
second method? Nikita. You can find an indent in the back wall and shoot one
and pray that Sniper Wolf doesn't hit you at all. Now, after you've shot a
missile, press Y to switch into the missile's FPV and find Wolf's body (marked
as two squares). She's standing on some little hill so you can't head to her
directly because the missile will crash into a flat wall. So, go on either
side for a smooth slant to fly upwards. Now you can get to the Wolf's height.
Follow her around and hit her feet to damage her! It works pretty good as long
you don't get hit. 

**HP increased and re-fill**

If you're victorious, walk north to discover a blood-covered lady breathing
viciously. Snake will kneel down and listen to Sniper Wolf with honor and
respect. Wolf was a Kurd, terrorized all of her life by the battlefield where
she was born. She was rescued by Saladin, a.k.a. Big Boss, and trained to be
a great sniper. She realizes that she wasn't looking for people to kill...
she was looking for someone to defeat her, make her life complete. Well, she
got it and she has Solid Snake to thank! She requests one final wish: to be 
killed right there. Otacon comes over, whining and bitching, but it all ends
up with Snake shooting Sniper Wolf to hell.

After the inspiring scene, you may look around the snowfield for some rooms.
Most of them are guarded by some cameras so use Chaff Grenades for every room
with those cameras (open the door and check the map for cameras in the room).
There's a Cardboard Box to find, a TON of ammo, a ration, a pack of Diazepam
(you don't need it anymore! o_O;), and some grenades. In the northeastern
room, there are no cameras but there's some mines waiting to surprise you so
crawl over that place to avoid getting hit. The northern room has a L7 lock
so ignore it. Go to the northwestern room as your final trip because it leads
to the stairs to... 


|#############################| BLAST FURANCE |

Walking down the stairs, you realize that this place is underground, the
very destination that you were looking for! Remember, Metal Gear is supposed
to be found at an 'underground base'. Well, here we are, under the ground 
level! Duh! :P This place is heated but meh, it won't do anything to you.
The guard that lurks around the entrance will move past the barrier to the
right so stand behind it and wait for the soldier to go down and left onto
the bottom walkway. Shoot him down with some silenced SOCOM bullets. Go on
that walkway and you find a dead end. Well, no, it's not a dead end! There is
a tiny path on the left side that you can smitty on. Stick to the wall and
inch towards the small indent in the wall. The catch: there's a moving slab
that moves around above the proximity of the path that you're tiptoeing right
now. So, whenever the boulder thingy comes over to you, you press A to duck,
and make sure you still have the directional pad to the left, to the wall so
you don't fall down to the BOILING LAVA! ARGHHHH! A lot of newbies have this
problem so don't be a n00b and fall! :P Have patience and continue when the
rock goes across. Of course, to move, you have to be standing so press A
again to get up.

God... I made a fuss over a tiny, simple thing like that! Ugh. That's my 
hobby, I guess. Anyway, continue walking around to find some items hidden
under some stairs. Mind the soldiers, there are plenty of them so be careful.
If one ever sees you, just dart to the northeastern corner and equip your
L6 card, if you haven't yet, to open the door up there and enter. The guards
will leave you alone by that time. :) You'll be back, don't worry.

|##############################| CARGO ELEVATOR |

Search the sides of the room to find some cleverly hidden FA-MAS and SOCOM
AMMO. Then, go on the elevator (or wait for it to come up) and press the panel
on the right. The elevator will head downwards, the intended direction. 
Suddenly, a scene occurs with several thugs clad in black finds you and fuses
a battle with you. Ugh. Remember the OTHER elevator battle, the one before the
Sniper Wolf's death? Yeah, the one with 4 stealth! The soldiers right here
has the same, if not more, endurance for bullets as they. So, get your FA-MAS
ready and shoot them down. They need about 4 or 5 trips to the ground before
they will blink and disappear. Ugh, indeed. There isn't much I can tell you
what to do because if you're here, then you must have made it through that
damned stealth. Same concept. You could use a Stun Grenade to help you out...
Just an idea.

After landing, throw a Chaff Grenade because there's a camera with a machine
gun nearby. Go to the next room to find the next elevator. Pick the AMMO to 
the right before pushing the button on the panel to go further down. Some
ravens will come out... could this be a foreshadow for a battle? Perhaps, my
friend. The birds won't hurt you so don't go crazy and run around for no
reason. Master Miller will call you over on Codec and tell you a secret about
Naomi: she lied about her family. Eh, who cares? We have to worry about Metal
gear Rex, right? Yeah!

Pick up various AMMO and a RATION behind some crates on both sides. Use your
L6 card to enter the cargo door up north.

|###############################| WAREHOUSE |

HOLY SHIT! Look at the SIZE of that BAZOOKA! Sweet Moses... I just peed my
pants, I think. That's Vulcan Raven, just in case you didn't know. He does
some fancy black magic and stuns Solid Snake and casts some 'death order' on
him. Bah. Let's PWN him and his Nevermore flying fiends!!!


My god.. there are so many different ways to damage/defeat him that it's not
even funny. Here's the list of the BEST ones:

-C4 (put down and wait for him to get over it and detonate it manually)
-Claymore (just put down and go, equip Mine Detector to know where you put it
 down tho)
-Stinger (must have him in your sights. dangerous, but quick damage)
-Nikita (can fire from anywhere, perhaps the best one)

The room here has a ton of barriers so use them as your advantage instead of
allowing them to hinder you. Raven's sight is the largest one of all (minus
Rex, as you will see) so you have to stay diagonally away from him, not
vertical or horizontal except if there's a barrier(s) between you two. You 
could put the Claymores down at strategic positions, such as intersections or
corners. Fire some Nikita missiles and press Y to get a better view but you
don't have to do the FPV thing, just guide it overhead. Try to hit him at the
BACK or the SIDE because once he sees it, it will fire at it with his machine
gun, exploding it before it reaches him. Hmph. Stinger missiles works well if
you're behind Raven's back. Just equip, lock-on, fire and run away. Easy said
and easy done. C4? Bah. You have to watch his every step until he's over it
and you have to manually detonate it. Not good at all. Claymores will do. 
Be careful, the Raven can damage you big time so have your Rations READY every
second. The momentum can turn around in a heartbeat if you're careless. 

Basically, if you have enough Claymores, you can just put it everywhere and 
watch the fireworks. Muahaha. Well, that's what I did!

After the battle, the valiant Snake prowls over Raven and watches as the
dying body blurts out some wise words and a riddle. The ravens themselves come
over to the body and eats it. Farewell, my buddy. And thanks for the L7 card!

Master Miller calls you again and Campbell interrupts! Ah damn. Master Miller
tells him and you about Naomi anyway. Looks like she's going to get arrested!
How dramatic! Heh. Use your L7 card to open the door to...

|################################| WAREHOUSE NTH |

Pick the CHAFF GRENADES right away and use one. Believe me, there are a TON of
sentry cameras here so you have to use one. There must be about 10 of them! :P
Using only one will do, tho. Run down the hall, hopping over the trap/pits. 
Run around the path to the left and open the door. That's it. :)

|#################################| UNDERGROUND BASE |

ALAS! My dear Rex... we have finally met. Go to the right to find a ladder
going up, closer to the head of Rex. Otacon will call you over several times
during your ascend up the Gear about his progress of hacking the password
system. *heehee, hacker!* Just keep going and pick up some items and finding
the ladders until you're on the top tier. There's a guard nearby so wait until
he's fairly close by and shoot him down with your silenced SOCOM or just stay
far away and kill him with the PSG-1. Your choice. After killing the idiot,
go to the southern wall and walk up the mini-stairs to find Ocelot and
Liquid talking. Snake eavesdrops and learns about the true intentions of
Metal Gear and FoxDie, a disease that has spread among the FOX-HOUND. Liquid
and Ocelot discusses their plan of using a missile to destroy a remote Chinese
town to get the response from Washington, which they desperately need. Otacon,
once again, calls you over and tells you how to use the PAL Key. To use it,
you have to insert it while it's at the room temperature, and then sub-zero
(or just cold), and finally ultra-hot. 3 Keys in one! Neat-o! Unlucky, Liquid
catches you on his monitor and Ocelot shoots a bullet at your direction, which
sends the PAL key flying to 1F of the base! Boo-hoo... :(

Liquid laughs and triggers an base-wide alarm that will send a ton of soldiers
flying for you. Ah damn. Just backtrack to 1F of this very room for the PAL 
key. Actually, there aren't that many people coming for you. Just equip your
FA-MAS and fire at oncoming guards and head for the ladders. Once you hit the
second floor of this place, the alarm's gone. Continue downwards, to 1F.

Searching for the PAL key... It's actually pretty simple. Just equip your mine
detector and walk around the catwalks and look at your map and find two TINY
white dots. One of them is a bomb and the other one is a PAL key itself. Which
one is which? You got to find out. Go into the sewers, toward the dot and
crawl to pick it up. If it's a bomb, THROW IT AWAY!!! Before it kills you!
If it's the PAL key... then you're all right! Head up, back to 3F. Sometimes
the Key is in a rat so wait for it to throw it away (up? :P). 

Back at 3F: kill the guard again and enter the room where Liquid and Ocelot
was in (they're gone now... wonder where they went?). Throw a Chaff Grenade
before any of the cameras sees you and equip the PAL Key and insert it (press
B on DC or Circle on PSX) on the left computer. 1 down, 2 to go! Now, just
STAY THERE! Throw another Chaff because if a camera sees you, it's all over.
Gas will over-take you! So, after the Chaff takes effect, head out and go
down to 1F again.

Yes, get the hell out of here, to the NTH hallway. Throw another Chaff to
disable the you-know-what and go back to the Warehouse, where you fought

|##################################| FREEZING THE PAL KEY |

Why are you here? To freeze the PAL key, of course! To freeze it, equip the
key and just stand there for a few minutes. How do you know when it's frozen?
When you bring the item menu (L trigger) and display the PAL key, the picture
thingy for the key should be blue. When it is, DE-EQUIP IT!!! If you equip it
when you're out of the colder area, it will revert into the original 
temperature and you don't want it, right? So, with it frozen, de-equip it and
head back to the Underground Base. Yes, do the whole ritual all over again
(throw a Chaff, get into the Base, go up to 3F, kill the bastard, throw a
Chaff again to enter the room). 

Back in the control room, insert the cold PAL key (yes, you can equip it now)
into the middle laptop. Two down, one to go! Throw another Chaff to get out

|###################################| BURNING THE PAL KEY |

*sigh* Make another encounter to the Warehouse. You should know what to do by
now. Once at the Warehouse, be aware: there are two soldiers probing the 
grounds this time. Use your radar to evade them to the other side, to the 
Cargo Elevator. Looks like the ravens are still here, bah. The spirit, indeed,
are watching you and I. Push the button to go wild... I mean, go up. On the
way, Miller will talk to you about FoxDie and Campbell will pop up to inform
you about Naomi's arrest. :( After the ride, go left (mind the camera... Chaff
time!) to the next lift. Nothing happening on this ride. Darn. Enter the Blast

Yep, do the same routine you did with the PAL key in the Warehouse. Equip the
key and let it heat up and check the key a few times to see if it has been
heated and de-equip it. There's still some guards around here so go down to a
door leading to a small room with some broken pipes and items. The steam that
the pipes release can damage you so sneak past them when they're gone for the
items. You can wait here until the key is fully heated up since no guards
will pass by around here. Kinda like your secret spot. :) 

De-equip the key and go all of the way back to the Underground Base yet again.
This trip back is your FINAL one. You're about 45 minutes to the end of the
game! Excited yet? By the way, when you're riding the second lift down... you
will hear a rather interesting conversation between Snake and Naomi, who has
somehow found a Codec headset to talk to you. Naomi has joined the FOX-HOUND
just to kill... you! Her brother is Gray Fox, the Ninja that you fought with!
Interesting! Naomi gets taken away... unfortunately. Just as she was getting
sexier. >_> 

At the Underground Base (again), go up to 3F and into the Command Center (or
Control, or Crapping or whatever you want to call it) and throw a Chaff for
your sake again. Insert the heated key into the far right laptop. Ooo.. what
will happen?! 

|####################################| METAL GEAR! |

!!!!! What happened? You ACTIVATED Rex instead of deactivating it? Oh man, 
you fool! Don't worry, it was meant to be. :P Miller calls you over and thanks
you out of the blue. Turns out that he was LIQUID SNAKE all along... using you
as a tool to re-activate Metal Gear Rex. Interesting. Liquid summons death on
you by releasing the gas in the center and shutting the door. Now what? Equip
your MASK right away and call Otacon for some help. He will gladly try to hack
the door open (with his 1337 hacker skillz, not physically! :P). After a few
seconds, the door will open. Go out and you spot Liquid Snake darting past!
Follow him to the head of Rex!

Liquid will stop just before Rex and denounce you as a fool... a foolish
but superior brother. He explains everything to you, about Big Boss and his
sons, "Les enfants terribles". Solid Snake got the superior genes whilst
Liquid got the inferiority. Liquid vowed revenge on Big Boss but Solid got
him before Liquid could do it. Therefore, he made a new vow: to surpass Big
Boss as the head of the world, to out-success him! Liquid gets into the Gear
and prepares to destroy you!


This is a time-consuming and weary boss. It will take a lot out of your energy
in the real world, not Solid Snake. You have to constantly move around and
move until you have a great spot to shoot the Rex's only weakness. Let's start
with some basic knowledge. The weapon to use: the Stinger (the ONLY ONE!). The
weak spot: the pod that's Liquid sitting in. Where? On the Rex's left side, a
circular/spherical 'eye'. You have to target (lock on) the pod and fire, of
course. Now, the Rex is GIGANTIC and its vision will baffle you. You have to
figure a way to make him lose you. Probably the only way is to waddle through
legs, trying to avoid his range of vision (shown on radar). When the vision
bar is red, that means that he knows where you are (the proximity) so move!
If it's blue then it's in the 'relaxed' mode but it may move sometimes. This
time is the best time to shoot a missile at the pod. Shoot it from the left
side, where the way to the Liquid is obstacle-free. You may need a few tries
to figure his moves a bit. Just head toward the legs and try to avoid getting
seen. Try to guess his next move, because if you're right, it'll give you a 
head start and an easy hit. If wrong, then you might not get hit anyway if
you move around fast enough. Long and grueling. When the Rex has only a sliver
of his HP left, just get to the middle of the room and fire a missile to
finish him off instead of trying to avoid his vision. Saves you some time, ha.
(For a fast first hit, just wait right there with your Stinger as the battle
starts and wait for the lock-on to initiate (looking at the pod) and fire!)
Now, about the attacks of Rex... he will use the machine gun if you're front
of him. Missiles will be used when you're in his vision but far away. You DO
NOT want this to happen because it hits you hard and it's hard to dodge.
He has a pulse blue cannon and he uses it often - when you're below him, in
his vision. He will occasionally stomp a leg. This happens when you're below
him. If it connects (hits you directly), it's an automatic death. 

The preceding paragraph is a joke - you can beat him if you have enough Chaff
Grenades! Aye, it disables even the toughest weapon ever! Disable Rex with
some Chaffs and fire away! MUAHAHAHA! Of course, you only resort to this
method if you have ENOUGH Chaffs! If not, use the method above. :(

After shooting the final missile, Liquid goes ahead to try to destroy for once
and for all. Gray Fox comes out of nowhere and battles the 'glorious' weapon
by himself, his bare hand. It all ends with Gray Fox destroying the pod with
just one arm left. (Where did he get that cannon?) Anyway, I won't spoil what
Gray Fox told you, just watch the cinema. After everything, you fight Rex once

MG - REX 2

Uh... yeah. Him again. Whoo-pee. Luckily, this time, it's EASIER! The target
this time is the front center since the pod to the left is destroyed. Thus,
the vision Liquid have is further in the body of Rex, giving you more room to
run around without getting seen. Again, just run around the leg and wait for
him to stop moving and fire at the middle (mouth or face). Repeat until dead.
Remember, the target is in the center, giving you more space to hide. If you
can beat the previous version of Rex, this one should be no problem.


Solid Snake falls back in recoil of the destruction of Rex. The mission is
complete. Or is it? Let's watch the scene to find out. You learn a LOT about
Liquid's intentions and basically everything else in this scene. Enjoy!

Back at Rex's roof, Liquid shows you Meryl, nearly dead (if not dead) and
challenges you to one final fight. You have no choice to fight this honorable
brother and defeat him under 2 minutes and 30 seconds.


It's a fistfight. Pure hands. No rations, no guns, no obstacles, no tricks,
no mommies. Just go up to Liquid and attack him with your potent punch/kick
combo. Midway through the fight, Liquid will start to charge at you. Run
around him, that should make him miss. Sometimes he will look like he's
ready to attack you, prepared to release his wrath. Just run past him and out
to draw him into attacking and counter that with your own attacks. This battle
might take you a few tries if you're new to this game. Just be patient and
quick at the same time... you don't have a lot of time. 

Liquid will fall off and die! Whee. What you see next depends on whether you
made through the torture that Ocelot gave you (3 trials completed) or not
(submitted). If you quit, Meryl will die and Otacon persuades you to get out
of here. If you defeated the dirty mind of Ocelot, Meryl and you will be
reunited, fleeing.

Either way, Snake grabs the suit and heads to the garage. 

|#####################################| THE GREAT ESCAPE! |

Meryl/Otacon will run for the car.... You just get the RATION next to the
stairs and run to the vehicle. (Another RATION just tucked away in the lower
left corner, too ;) ) Once Meryl/Otacon gets in, you can get in and
use the machine gun to fire at enemies that will try to stop you. Don't fire
at the enemies, tho... just point the thing at the barrels. Blow it up and
the driver will go through the new opening. Time to move on... 

On the next stop, you have to blow up both barrels, one on each side to move
further. Therefore, just ignore the guards and aim at the barrels. You will
get damaged, nothing you can do.

The next stop... just kill all three bastards and the driver will burst 
through the gate. Ugh. Why couldn't he/she do it before I had to kill them 
all? Same thing would happen, no difference! :P

Finally, guess who rose from the dead to chase you down? That's right: Mr.
Liquid Snake himself! He'll drive around and around to hunt you down before
you can get too far. Just concentrate on hitting him because that's all you
do before getting to the end and finishing it all. Liquid is armed with a
gun so you might get hit several times, but do you best to hit him before he
fires anything. After seeing the light, Otacon revs it up and gets out of the
Shadow Moses! 

|######################################| THE ENDING |

Huh? You thought I was going to reveal the spoils of the ending? Nope, you
watch it. If you never beat the game, then you deserve to NOT watch it. If
you did, then you deserve it. By the way, Otacon will be with you if you
failed the torture. Otherwise, Meryl is with you. It’s a good ending, so just
enjoy it.

After the credits, you will hear Ocelot talking to Mr. President. Then, you
see your ranking and the statistics for your playtime. Save if you wish,
and I recommend you to do so because you can get the said item (Stealth or
Bandanna) in your next game, right off the bat.

                       04.00 SECRETS & FUN STUFF TO DO

  Stealth and Bandanna
See below.

  Beat the Game Once and...
Well, it depends. If you MADE it all of the way through the torture chamber
without submitting, you get the Meryl ending and her Bandanna on your next
game. If you DID NOT MAKE it (submitted), then you get to watch your soul
mate (Otacon) in the ending humping your ass and get his Stealth in your next
game. To load from your previous save, just go to 'Load Game' and select the
file that you saved on after you beat the game. Simple enough.

  Beat the Game Twice and...
You get to see Solid Snake in a Tuxedo! Hehe. Also, Ninja will switch to a
red suit instead of his usual suit: blue. 

  Meryl in her Underwear
A fun one! Heehee. You remember when you go over to the ladies' bathroom to
meet Meryl? Let her see you and, after she darts for the bathroom, follow her
QUICKLY and go to the rear stall in the bathroom. If you did it within 5
seconds (I think), you should see Meryl without any pants on. You get an ass
close-up, too! All in pristine Dreamcast graphics!

  Shy Meryl
Just keep looking at her (like in the Cave before she gets... you know, or
maybe in the Commander's Room) and she will get embarrassed and say "What?"
or something to that extent, I can't remember.

  Slapping Bitch Meryl
Another Meryl extra! Kojima must've liked her! Again, with her following you,
hit her with a jab and Snake will freeze (you can't control him!) and get 
slapped by Meryl! I cracked up when I did that!

  Meryl Exercising in her Underwear
Just go to the ducts where you have to go down to the DARPA Chief, but before
you drop to his room. Instead, go to the screen just before that DARPA guy.
Look down and you should see Meryl doing some sit-ups. Look down several more
times and you should see the same thing... but no clothes! Yay.

To get it, advance in the game until you have the L4 card (but before you beat
Hind-D, I think) and go back to Armory B2F in the Tank Hangar building. Go to
the back of the Armory, to the halls where Ocelot lurked. Now, don't enter
the cubicle where you fought Ocelot. Instead, go to the right to the dead end.
Now, you should recognize that the wall has a different hue, meaning that it
is kinda 'fake, so bomb it up with a C4. In the next hall, there's several
sentry cameras waiting to PWN your ass so throw a Chaff Grenade and go to the
second door (L4) and enter. Another group of sentries are around here so throw
another Chaff if needed. Grab the lone crate: the CAMERA! If you want more 
info, check the Playstation MGS FAQs for a detailed explanation for the 
Camera's purpose.

  Making Mei Ling Angry
Hilarious. Just call her on Codec several times (like 10 or something) without
saving. Just watch her reaction. ^_^

  Ration Auto-Use
I mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again. To let the Rations
use up automatically, without you worrying about the Life Bar all by yourself,
just leave the Ration item on the screen (equip) and play! Whenever your HP
goes down to zero, the Ration (if you have one) will fill it back up without
your input! Neat for tough bosses when you're all zoned in.

  Fire your FA-MAS while running
A must-know if you're having trouble in the Communication Tower A. Press R2 to
bring the Weapon Menu up and highlight FA-MAS, but before you release the R2
trigger, hold down X and HOLD IT DOWN! Now, release the trigger and keep
holding the damn button. Move around and press Circle. You'll find out that you
can fire the gun while running! Saves your health by a bunch.

                           05.00 CODEC FREQUENCIES
                          |        EVASION     __ |
                          |   ..  -.--__. _ ¯  .  |
                          |    -_¯ ..  - --   __ -|
                          |       __  ---  .    . |
                          |   CODEC FREQUENCIES   |
                          |         05.00         |

Roy Campbell (Colonel) -------- 140.85 -------------- Provides you with some
Naomi Hunter ------------------ 140.85 -------------- general information.

Mei Ling ---------------------- 140.96 -------------- Saves your game.

Nastasha Romanenko ------------ 141.52 -------------- Gives you info about 

Master Miller ----------------- 141.80 -------------- Some tips can be given
                                                      to you, but not much

Meryl Silverburgh ------------- 140.15 -------------- Bah. Probably just there
                                                      for you to flirt with.

Deepthroat -------------------- 140.48 -------------- Just wait. He will call
                                                      you. You don't call him.

Hal Emmerich (Otacon) --------- 141.12 -------------- Call him whenever you
                                                      need help.

                               06.00 RANKINGS
Those are the possible rankings that you can receive after you beat the game.
Almost everything you do during the course of the game will affect your final
ranking. The best one would be the infamous Big Boss ranking. Try to get it,
perhaps one of the proudest moments in your life when you get it!

      EASY              NORMAL              HARD              EXTREME
      ----              ------              ----              -------
BEST  Hound             Doberman            Fox               Big Boss 
| 2|  Pigeon            Falcon              Hawk              Eagle
| 3|  Piranha           Shark               Jaws              Orca
| 4|  Pig               Elephant            Mammoth           Whale
| 5|  Cat               Deer                Zebra             Hippopotamus
| 6|  Koala             Capybara            Sloth             Giant Panda
| 7|  Chicken           Mouse               Rabbit            Ostrich
| 8|  Puma              Leopard             Panther           Jaguar
| 9|  Komodo            Dragon              Iguana            Crocodile
|10|  Mongoose          Hyena               Jackal            Tasmanian Devil
|11|  Spider            Tarantula           Centipede         Scorpion
WORST Flying Squirrel   Bat                 Flying Fox        Night Fox

To get the BEST ranking, you got to:

-Complete the game less than 3 hours
-Use no or 1 Ration
-Get seen by the guards less than 5 times (remember, some times you HAVE to
 get seen!)
-Kill less than 25 guards
-No Deaths/Continues

In other words: Purely flawless.

I don't know the requirements other than the first one, but if you really want
to know everything about this chart, go to the Secrets FAQ on the MGS board,
I think that FAQ must have some kind of information concerning this sort of
thing. If not, don't e-mail me about it because I honestly don't know.

                              07.00 VR TRAINING

VR Training: It's just an extra feature for your enjoyment and it can be used
to hone your skills before you even play the actual presentation. I'm just
going to give you a brief summary of each level and tell you how to unlock
each unique feature.

Also, since your memory card is full with 200 (or 198) blocks of MGS main game
save, you are unable to save your progress on the same memory card, but you
can save on a separate memory card, I believe. Sorry, dude.

How to unlock: By default, just go to the screen and it's there.

Objective: Get to the end point without getting seen. No time limit

Level 1- Just dart to the second indent and wait for the soldier to pass and
         go into the end point.

Level 2- Go up to the upper left corner and wait for the closest guard to
         walk downwards and go to the opposite corner for the finish line.

Level 3- You could crawl through the holes, but if you hold the D-Pad to the
         left when the mission start and head to the first guard, you can
         press X to throw him over before he even sees you. For the second
         one, it is timed that if you kept going (non-stop, flawless) after
         throwing the first guy one, you can throw him when he's looking away.
         Of course, you could crawl...

Level 4- Several ways. One is waiting for the bottom soldier to turn around
         and throw him over and head to the exit. Another one is going the
         long way- the northern passage then the eastern one. Your choice.
         Making noises (Square on the wall) doesn't work so effectively here.

Level 5- Just crawl all of the way up the middle. Sleeping guards here, haha.

Level 6- Cameras here... Run underneath them to avoid getting seen. Simple

Level 7- In this one, you are supposed to crawl when the guard's not looking.
         BUT, you can avoid the job by waiting for the guards to move on and
         fly to either side and throw one of the guards out and head for the
         exit! Heehee.
Level 8- Bah. Snow here. Wait for the first guard to look away and run past
         one of his intersections. He will spot the footprints so keep going.
         Wait for the second one to look away and dart yet again. Wait for him
         to see the footprints and let him walk off-course and head up to the

Level 9- SO simple. Just tap on the wall and go around the path
         that's not occupied by the foolish soldier. Do it for both of the

Level 10- Looks complex, but it's rather easy. Go to the left and walk behind
          the barrier to avoid the spotlights. Wait for the camera to look
          away and get to the lower wall below it. Wait for the soldier to
          come and go. When he goes away, make sure the camera's isn't looking
          right at the desired path (to the ramp at the back). If not, go for 
          the exit! If so, then wait for your next chance.

How to unlock: Beat every level in the Training Mode.

Objective: Beat the levels successfully (without getting seen). With time 
           limit. Getting on the rankings is not required.

Level 1- The 'safe' way: Get into the first cubicle and wait for the guard
(20 sec) to come and go, then knocking him down. The 'fast' way: Head directly
         to the SECOND cubicle and wait for him to pass. The REAL 'fast' way:
         just go to the guard and press Square (throw) on him before he turns. My
         Best time: 4:24 Seconds.

Level 2- The bottom guard is worthless, the top one is the one that you want 
(25 sec) to knock down. So... just head up and track him down. After he's
         down, just go to the exit, don't worry about the oncoming guard.
         Best time: 6.98. Got the record by 0.02!

Level 3- No crawling here. You can, but for the record? Pffft. Just, after NO
(30 sec) wait at all, go to the guards and knock them over. Must be no pause
         at all. The mission is programmed for you to do that. However, the
         second guard may be a bit late in turning around so you might get
         caught sometimes in your run. Best time: 13:10.

Level 4- A toughie. But my method works. Wait for the middle guard to move to
(40 sec) the turn above your starting point and knock 'im down before he looks
         down! Perfection is needed here, do not come up to him a bit early,
         not too late. Best time: 8:60.

Level 5- So ridiculously simple. Just pick either solid ground (left or right)
(30 sec) all of the way to the back. No guard can see you that way. However,
         you must start right away or the timing screws up and you get caught. 
         To get the record, just walk directly to the exit after you go beyond
         the second guard, and I mean, yes, walk over the 'loud' floor 
         (bright green). Best time: 7:81.

Level 6- Ah, another camera one. Go under the north camera first and go under
(45 sec) the next camera to the north (facing up) and under the ANOTHER north-
         ern camera (facing to the right). An easy record. My best time: 6:80.

Level 7- Ooo... A TOUGHIE! The only weak points that those guards have is in 
(30 sec) the MIDDLE of the area. They can't see the VERY middle of the room,
         like the spot you're standing on. So, when they turn away (they all
         do it at the same time), go around the block to the next middle 
         space. Repeat until you reach the goal. Might need a few tries.
         My Best Time: 8:99. I swear to god, I did break the record by one
         friggin' nanosecond. I swear...

Level 8- Uhhh... I don't know how to get the Record, but I did get the 2nd 
(25 sec) place so whatever. Go up and run past the first guard's back and
         continue running past the second. Nobody will see you in time (just
         don't run past them too closely). Stop just after the third block
         (in the middle). Wait until the third guard looks away (doesn't take
         long) and come up to his side and throw him over to clear your path
         to the exit. My best time: 8:86.

Level 9- I honestly don't know how to get under 15 seconds, man... (for the
(60 sec) record). I got the first guard solved, but I think my techniques for
         the second pair needs changing. To get past the first guard, just
         go to the wall opposite the indent southeast of the guard. Tap on it
         and head to that indent I was talking about and wait for the guard to
         come to the same latitude as you and head up. Tap on the left wall
         and hide in the missing part of the wall (SE corner) and go up when
         the guard comes. Wait until the other guard looks away and go for the
         exit. Best time: 22:30.  I think I have to time myself so that I can
         throw one of the pair and get to the exit unseen. I'm not sure.

Level 10- Remember the Training Mode version of this level? You go up the left
(50 sec)  side. This time, you go up the RIGHT side. Go to the lower right
          corner made up by walls, just below the ramp guarded by a soldier.
          He will turn around briefly and glance. Time yourself so that when
          he glances and looks back to his original view, you go up the ramp
          and throws him over. The time should be low, about 5 seconds, after
          you do this stuff. If so, QUICKLY, NON-STOP, go up to the camera and
          go under it and head directly to the rear ramp to the finish! Yay!
          My best time: 10:72.

How to unlock: Beat every level in Time Attack Mode, records not included.

Objective: Kill all enemies to make the goal appear and touch it to conquer.

Level 1- Bah. You know what to do. Just shoot from afar.
(5 ammo)
(15 sec)
(1 foe)

Level 2- Be careful, there's only 20 bullets for you. So, waste only FIVE 
(20 ammo)bullets per guard. Now, wait for the bottom guard to come down
(40 sec) and shoot him to hell (remember, FIVE!). One of the other guards
(4 foes) will hear the fall and come over. Shoot him when he comes to the
         crime scene and stops. You should be in the same position as before,
         just left of the path that goes up and down. Now, go to the up and
         down path and wait for the third guard to come. Yep, kill him once
         he arrives. The fourth guard won't hear anything so kill him when
         he's looking away, of course.

Level 3- This... is... stupid. You have to crawl through the tunnels and pop
(15 ammo)behind the guards and kill them. Go down the first tunnel and head
(40 sec) straight, ignore the branch going left. Stand up when you're out and
(3 foes) kill the guards (2). Go under the next tunnel (to the right) and
         repeat. Lame, ugh.

Level 4- Hard to get the fast time, that's all. Wait for the left guard to 
(25 ammo)get into Snake's sight and shoot him down. One of the guards will
(45 sec) hear the body fall and examine the mysterious noise out. Shoot him
(5 foes) when he comes, of course. When two are down, take down the upper 
         guard. The next two? It's all yours. Doesn't matter. The bottom one
         is safer to do first, IMO.

Level 5- Just stay back and pick one of the guards to shoot. Waste 5 bullets 
(20 ammo)on said person and one of the guards will come over to the corpse.
(40 sec) Kill him next. Repeat with the other side. Pretty simple.
(4 foes)

Level 6- Go up and under the camera. Wait for the guard just left to you to 
(15 ammo)descend down. Shoot him with 5 bullets. Go left and kill the guard 
(40 sec) beyond the wall. One more guard remains: where and how to kill him
(3 foes) is up to you, depending on how fast you killed those people.

Level 7- Ouch. SIX people here, waiting to be wasted within thirty seconds. 
(30 ammo)The true problem is not the number. It's which you take out first.
(30 sec) After that, it's all smooth. So... which one? The left one, the
(6 foes) closest one. Turn left and kill him right away and move a bit to left
         and turn around 180 degrees and take down the approaching guard to
         the right. After that, just kill whoever comes to your vision, that's
         all. All you have to do is kill them quickly, because you only have
         30 seconds to do it all.

Level 8- An interesting one. The first choice to kill is the SECOND guard, not
(20 ammo)the first. It's right front of Solid Snake, only not in the TV. You
(40 sec) should be able to see him on the radar. Shoot him down with your 
(4 foes) SOCOM. The first guard will hear the fall and go to the dead body.
         Stay there, still. Wait until he has his back to you and bam! As for
         the next guards... Just kill the closest one and let the farther
         fool come over. You know what to do.

Level 9- A simple one. You see the first guard, tucked away in an indent? Go
(30 ammo)by him (not past) and stand 2 or 3 blocks below him, and stand by
(60 sec) the right wall and wait for the upper guards to come. Kill the first
(6 foes) guard that comes down. You have to aim the guards manually, though.
         Anyway, after killing your first victim, two guards will come down.
         Kill the RIGHT one. Then you can kill the left one. The guard that
         was hidden comes out to inspect the damage. Blow him off and head
         north, to the final guards. Just tap on a wall and run south, out
         of their vision and shoot the guard that came out from afar. The
         second one will come. You know what to do.

Level 10- Okay... here we go. Go to the left and wait for the guard to walk
(30 ammo) past the block and shoot him down. If you did it when he's still in
(80 sec)  his highest point, the guard north of him will come down. If he's
(5 foes)  walking down, the guard to the far right may come down. Either way,
          kill the incoming guard. Mind the spotlights, too. Then... go to the
          ramp on the right side and kill the guard on the end if there is
          one. There are two more guards around here. One is on the stairs. Use
          your stealth abilities to ambush him and kill him. I killed him
          when he's coming down, with Snake aiming upwards. If you see a guard
          all of the way to the left, you have to kill him by yourself... Good
          luck. When there's no more enemies left, go up the right stairs and
          down the hall to a corner with a sleeping guard. Shoot his sleepy
          ass to the moon and return to the stairs for the final exit.

How to unlock: Beat every level in the Gun Shooting Mode. It is listed under
               the Gun Shooting Mode's Menu not the VR Training Menu.

Objective: Just beat the Gun Shooting Mode as fast you can. The times are
           cumulative, so every level counts in your final time total.

Nothing I can say, good luck. The levels are already explained in the Gun
Shooting Mode.

                           08.00 BOSSES STRATEGIES


Ah, your first boss battle commends here. With Kenneth Baker shaking in the
middle, surrounded by misty lines connecting to the C4, Revolver Ocelot comes
out of nowhere and shows off his impressive gun handling. Alright, this battle
has a pretty interesting concept... Ocelot's best weapon is his worst weak-
ness. His gun only has 6 bullets, therefore, after 6 shots, he has to reload,
wasting precious time. That time is the best, but not only, chance to strike
him. Focus your eyes on the open platforms AROUND, not the middle. If you even
touch a line connecting to the bombs, you die and fail. Just go around and
around, be patient and wait for your chance. Shake your path around a bit to
throw off Ocelot's aim. Even if he misses, it can hit you via ritoching off
the walls. You have little HP, so you have to be careful. You can chase the
cat one way then suddenly turn around and shoot him before he goes the other
way! That's one way, but you can just go around and around until he runs out
of bullets and hit him standing. Also, don't think about going up to him 
face-to-face, it's a waste of time if you can just aim him from corner to
corner. He is very agile and swift so you cannot waste a chance just for
seeing his nose hairs, alright? While he's firing you, you can just **** it
all and go up to him and shoot him. You may take damage, but if you have 1
or 2 Rations, an aggressive and quick way is the way to go. Ran out of ammo?
There are some boxes in the northern corners and one just by the wires north
of Baker. Good luck.


This boss can be hard if you don't know how to beat him PROPERLY. You can beat
him the hard way or the not-so-hard way. Okay, I'll start with a step-by-step
guide. First, there's a Ration to your left if you need one. Get behind the
rock front of you anyway and equip the Chaff Grenades (if you don't have one,
then die or re-start and go back OR do it the hard way) and use a Chaff. It
will disrupt the cannon of the Tank, which can inflict high damages to your
lovable Snake. When the radar's Jamming, RUN to the north and a bit to the
left, all of the way to a small column against the wall. Throw another Chaff
to continue the Jamming. Now, the machine gun should be firing at you but
that's least of your worries. Go up to the Tank's SIDE, the short side.
Throw a Grenade at the TOP of the Tank, where the soldier is. Make sure you're
still FACING the Tank when you're throwing the Grenade, don't just tap X and
run away. It takes time to throw so wait until you're certain that the grenade
has gone to the tank. Occasionally, the tank might run over you, but that 
doesn't do much to your health. If you threw a grenade ONTO the soldier, it
will do massive damage, exactly 1/2 of the life bar. If it merely hits the
soldier, only 1/4. Throw the grenade AT the revolving platform, with the
cap with the soldier sticking out. The hard way? No Chaffs at all. Pretty
hard because the cannon has serious stuff inside. One last thing: if you're
low on equipment, there's some neat stuff waiting for you to the northeast
corner and the north door. Good luck again.


Alrighty... this is a long one. The Ninja does not use any gunnery, just his
katana. Does that mean you're going to blow him down with your FA-MAS? Uh, no.
Actually, it's impossible that way. His sword is the most lethal thing about
him. He can use the sword to deflect any bullets you throw at him with ease.
So, restore to the FISTS! Unequip your weapon trigger and walk up to him and
attack him with punch/punch/kick combos! He will lunge at you with his sword
so be careful, just wait until he goes for you (you should be moving AROUND
him) and miss. Lunge at him and attack him with your bare fingers. Do that
twice and he'll congratulate you and drops his sword. Hand-to-hand combat!
This time, Ninja's defense goes tougher and you have to attack him over and
over again to make him go into the next phase. He usually flip-kick to your
direction so walk around (not AT Ninja!) to make him miss. When he does the
finishing kick, go to him and punch his ass off. Repeat. Sometimes, he'll go
up in the air and stomp on the ground. Just go away, it's not worth the 
trouble. Just stick to counter-attacking him after he does the kicks. The
damage is minimal so you have to be patient and stay clam. During this time,
you should only use 1 or 2 Rations. When you finally get his HP down to 1/3,
he'll congratulate you even further and uses his stealth. What now? Well,
you are able to see the sheathed Ninja a bit. When you finally see him, 
ATTACK! You can't afford to let him attack you, he will do massive damages.
he usually hides between cabinets and the hallway on the north side. (The first
time he hides, you will be able to see where he hid, but not after) Damage him
THREE TIMES while he's in stealth and he will move on. In this mode, Ninja
will just walk around SLOWLY, like a proud superhero over a fallen villain.
However, if you come up to him, he will use his stealth and disappear to an
attacking position and try to attack you. How do you attack him? Just go by
him (very close!) and let him disappear ONCE OR TWICE and let him do the
punch. When he's punching, go to his side or back and attack! When you get
his HP down to NIL, GO AWAY! He will produce an electrical field around him,
shielding him from you. You won't be able to attack him with your fists but
the guns can. So, use the guns to finish him in that mode. Congrats!!!


Awesome concept here. Psycho Mantis can read your every move, so he has a
head start on everything. You could try to shoot him over and over but you
probably could only hit him once, if any. Psycho Mantis will manipulate the
furniture around the room and throw it all over the room. If you're not careful
enough, some of them WILL hit you. I easily found a solution in avoiding those
damned chairs and its buddies: crawl. All of them will go overhead, no problem
for you. =P But you still haven't found out how to attack or even damage Mantis
yet? Hmph. If you tried long enough, Campbell will call you over and tell you
to use a different controller. What does it mean? It just means you should use
a DIFFERENT SLOT FOR YOUR CONTROLLER! Yeah, either move your controller to the
other slot (Slot B) or if you have two controllers, use the other controller
(must be on slot B, second from left). Psycho Mantis cannot read your moves
that way and will fall for your gun foray! After you have removed about 1/2
of his HP, he will restore to the Meryl method to throw you off. Again, punch
combo her to KO her out again for good (for this battle, not for life!).
Mantis will become more difficult to hit, transporting to different places,
throwing some black stuff at you (can't really say what). This is the hardest
part right here. You have run around and around and wait for your chance to
hit Mantis. When there's a good chance, shoot fast! He only offers you a very
little time to react. After 3 or 4 hits in this phase, he will go to the
center of the room and bring out his old friends: the chairs and pictures.
Kneel down to avoid them and stand up to fire when you can. Keep hitting him
and avoiding his attacks until he's on the stairway to heaven (or in this 
case, hell). I told you, this one has an awesome concept, fabulous.


No 'entertaining' cinema this time, as you have already seen it. Well, if you
have already gotten the Sniper Rifle before you go to this passage, you will
see the fateful and gory scene. I kinda like it, actually. War is hell, eh?
Anyway, the objective here is simple: find a good spot and fire away. It's the
battle of accuracy rather than wit/wisdom (Mantis) or speed (Ocelot) or combat
(Ninja). The best spots would be right next to the back corners, on the back
wall OR left/right of the indent in the wall (where Snake used to hide from
Wolf after Meryl got shot). This way, Sniper Wolf has to hit YOUR HEAD instead
of the entire body, cutting down the size of the target. Once you equip the
PSG-1, the aim cursor will come up so make sure you're facing DIRECTLY to the
north to cut down the time to arrange your aim, you know. Sniper Wolf can hit
you 2-3 times before you even see her through the rifle if you're not being
careful. Find her in the second floor of the tower and STICK with her. DO NOT
get up or anything except if you get hit and your aim goes all of the way to
the left or right. Find her (you can spot her behind walls if you see her cold
breath sticking out) and use a Diazepam pill to stay calm. When she comes out
(or she already is), hit her swiftly. She doesn't need long to find you,
believe me. You should have 4 Rations for this battle, making this battle an
cinch to go through. She needs six hits to go down... Yep, all the same, no
changing strategies (like Ninja) or anything. 


After taunting you some, Liquid disappears for a battle. With who? You, of
course. Brother versus brother. Unlike the past encounter, you have a potent
weapon for shooting down airborne enemies: the Stinger. Acquired recently, it
can single-handedly defeat the hovering villain. Well, it has to be since it's
the ONLY way to do so. So, equip your Stinger immediately and press Right on
your D-Pad to quick-change it (R1 on PSX). Now, look at your map. There must
be a small pink/purple (seems to change sometimes) dot flying around the
tower. Obviously, that symbolizes Liquid and his damned chopper. Makes sense.
Now, all you have to do is shoot Liquid down with a series of successful hits
with your Stinger. However, the array of weapons that Hind carries can be
dangerous. He will constantly fire at you with his machine gun and sometimes
missiles, but that rarely occurs. You could just stand there and find the
thing in the dark and shoot it down, open for targeting practice. I recommend
you to hide in the space between the door (you entered) and the barrier in the
middle of the roof. Watch the radar/map and wait for the helicopter to come
into your vision. Be ready with your Stinger at that time and lock on and
fire away!!! Of course, this may be not the best choice because you're still a
sitting duck waiting for someone to come and shoot you. So, adjust your 
position when the helicopter moves around. Sometimes the chopper will go under
the ground level (of the roof) but you can still see it by looking through
the Stinger's vision. The Stinger will be able to detect it with its metal
detector or something. Keep following the cursor (should be three of them:
front, middle, and the tail end) until it comes into your vision as the real
thing and fire! You have to be in the right position though, remember that.
After firing it, de-equip the Stinger and hide! The Hind will probably fire
at you soonly after. Use the barriers to shield yourself from the gunfire.
Move around the barrier if needed, of course. After a few hits, Liquid will
get flustered and scream "EAT THIS!" and shoot a missile. Go by the door and
wait for the metal crap to explode and fall down. No worries, mate. Just
continue hitting the Hind the same way as before. Keep going until his HP is
no longer visible. This time, he will still be standing (floating, whatever)
and fire one more missile. That missile will hit the barrier next to the door
so step away from that one. The Hind will go down along with Liquid. Finally.


Go to the southeastern corner again for another RATION! If it's full, then get
it later. Now, there are two ways in winning this battle: Nikita and Diazepam/
PSG-1 combo. The latter one should be familiar with you, since you used this
method to defeat her in the past. You could lay next to the tree to the left
and snipe the Wolf once and move to another location or just stay there and
shoot and shoot over and over. If you have some Diazepam, it should be a 
breeze once you find and track down Wolf. Wolf can be annoying if you're
behind in the count, with Wolf knowing where you are without getting found
out. Find her and STAY with her. Follow her around and shoot whenever you 
have the chance. The Cigs works if you don't have any more Diazepam. The
second method? Nikita. You can find an indent in the back wall and shoot one
and pray that Sniper Wolf doesn't hit you at all. Now, after you've shot a
missile, press Y to switch into the missile's FPV and find Wolf's body (marked
as two squares). She's standing on some little hill so you can't head to her
directly because the missile will crash into a flat wall. So, go on either
side for a smooth slant to fly upwards. Now you can get to the Wolf's height.
Follow her around and hit her feet to damage her! It works pretty good as long
you don't get hit. 


My god.. there are so many different ways to damage/defeat him that it's not
even funny. Here's the list of the BEST ones:

-C4 (put down and wait for him to get over it and detonate it manually)
-Claymore (just put down and go, equip Mine Detector to know where you put it
 down tho)
-Stinger (must have him in your sights. dangerous, but quick damage)
-Nikita (can fire from anywhere, perhaps the best one)

The room here has a ton of barriers so use them as your advantage instead of
allowing them to hinder you. Raven's sight is the largest one of all (minus
Rex, as you will see) so you have to stay diagonally away from him, not
vertical or horizontal except if there's a barrier(s) between you two. You 
could put the Claymores down at strategic positions, such as intersections or
corners. Fire some Nikita missiles and press Y to get a better view but you
don't have to do the FPV thing, just guide it overhead. Try to hit him at the
BACK or the SIDE because once he sees it, it will fire at it with his machine
gun, exploding it before it reaches him. Hmph. Stinger missiles works well if
you're behind Raven's back. Just equip, lock-on, fire and run away. Easy said
and easy done. C4? Bah. You have to watch his every step until he's over it
and you have to manually detonate it. Not good at all. Claymores will do. 
Be careful, the Raven can damage you big time so have your Rations READY every
second. The momentum can turn around in a heartbeat if you're careless. 

Basically, if you have enough Claymores, you can just put it everywhere and 
watch the fireworks. Muahaha. Well, that's what I did!


This is a time-consuming and weary boss. It will take a lot out of your energy
in the real world, not Solid Snake. You have to constantly move around and
move until you have a great spot to shoot the Rex's only weakness. Let's start
with some basic knowledge. The weapon to use: the Stinger (the ONLY ONE!). The
weak spot: the pod that's Liquid sitting in. Where? On the Rex's left side, a
circular/spherical 'eye'. You have to target (lock on) the pod and fire, of
course. Now, the Rex is GIGANTIC and its vision will baffle you. You have to
figure a way to make him lose you. Probably the only way is to waddle through
legs, trying to avoid his range of vision (shown on radar). When the vision
bar is red, that means that he knows where you are (the proximity) so move!
If it's blue then it's in the 'relaxed' mode but it may move sometimes. This
time is the best time to shoot a missile at the pod. Shoot it from the left
side, where the way to the Liquid is obstacle-free. You may need a few tries
to figure his moves a bit. Just head toward the legs and try to avoid getting
seen. Try to guess his next move, because if you're right, it'll give you a 
head start and an easy hit. If wrong, then you might not get hit anyway if
you move around fast enough. Long and grueling. When the Rex has only a sliver
of his HP left, just get to the middle of the room and fire a missile to
finish him off instead of trying to avoid his vision. Saves you some time, ha.
(For a fast first hit, just wait right there with your Stinger as the battle
starts and wait for the lock-on to initiate (looking at the pod) and fire!)
Now, about the attacks of Rex... he will use the machine gun if you're front
of him. Missiles will be used when you're in his vision but far away. You DO
NOT want this to happen because it hits you hard and it's hard to dodge.
He has a pulse blue cannon and he uses it often - when you're below him, in
his vision. He will occasionally stomp a leg. This happens when you're below
him. If it connects (hits you directly), it's an automatic death. 

The preceding paragraph is a joke - you can beat him if you have enough Chaff
Grenades! Aye, it disables even the toughest weapon ever! Disable Rex with
some Chaffs and fire away! MUAHAHAHA! Of course, you only resort to this
method if you have ENOUGH Chaffs! If not, use the method above. :(

MG - REX 2

Uh... yeah. Him again. Whoo-pee. Luckily, this time, it's EASIER! The target
this time is the front center since the pod to the left is destroyed. Thus,
the vision Liquid have is further in the body of Rex, giving you more room to
run around without getting seen. Again, just run around the leg and wait for
him to stop moving and fire at the middle (mouth or face). Repeat until dead.
Remember, the target is in the center, giving you more space to hide. If you
can beat the previous version of Rex, this one should be no problem.



It's a fistfight. Pure hands. No rations, no guns, no obstacles, no tricks,
no mommies. Just go up to Liquid and attack him with your potent punch/kick
combo. Midway through the fight, Liquid will start to charge at you. Run
around him, that should make him miss. Sometimes he will look like he's
ready to attack you, prepared to release his wrath. Just run past him and out
to draw him into attacking and counter that with your own attacks. This battle
might take you a few tries if you're new to this game. Just be patient and
quick at the same time... you don't have a lot of time. 

                       09.00 DISCLAIMER/VERSION HISTORY

Actually, I don't give a shit about your site. The only sites that can use
this guide: www.gamefaqs.com, faqs.ign.com, and www.neoseeker.com. Why?
Just because.

Version 1.0--All done. :) Thought about adding an Items and a Weapon section,
(1/31/04)    but decided that it's not necessary, nobody would ever use them.

Thanks to:


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Copyright Martin Dale-Hench 2004