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YN$UUUUUUUUOMNM$N$ADD00DAU$MMD000DMOUUAANAONMAMUDD00MNOD0000DMMY UMMNNNNNMMMOUAY2DO$MMMMM$OAYU$O$$$$ADUUOOD$DUMM$$MNNNUONM$OOON$2 %YY0Y0Y20YY2Y2% %$00DD0Y22$+2Y2YYY2$%$$$2+ %YDY2YY0D0$YAOMMNNU% ..+..++.+.. ++.++ .%++..+ +%. .++%+ +%$20D0. FAQ ARCADE 1994 Version: 1.0 released on the 26th of May 2010 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available to GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Stages | G0300 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | XX.) FAQ | GXX00 | | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Point Blank' for the Arcade (also called Gunbullet in Japan), a light-gun shooter released by Namco in 1994. The game was ported to the PSX in 1997 with some extra features not available in arcades. If you spot any errors or have suggestions please feel free to e-mail me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== Controls: ````````` The machine only comes with the gun and it is rather easy to use. There is no reloading and you can shoot at the screen as long as you have bullets. Most of the stages have unlimited bullets and the ones that do not will point that out rather clearly. On the PSX you can calibrate the GunCon for the game and play with a second gun should you have one too, as well as the PSX controller if you are that desperate. There is very little fun in playing with the regular controller. Rules: `````` You start the game with a certain amount of lives. Each stage you play has a criteria you must achieve to advance without a penalty. One life is lost when players do no reach the given quota or shoot an incorrect target, such as the wrong color, civilians and bombs. If you are blue you should only target red targets. The amount of lives lost stacks so you actually lose 10+ if you are really bad. Each game has different target quotas, time limit and bullet amounts. On easier games you will have unlimited bullets and lots of time, even very few targets to get. As you progress to harder difficulties you will have to content with very strict limits and higher quotas, as well as having more bombs & hostages in the field. The last three seconds of the stage will have a loud timer alerting you of the event. This means you should rush to achieve your quote if you have not yet done so in your opinion. Your current achievement is not shown while the level is on-going and you have to keep your own record. Naturally you want to play as well as you can. Some stages get faster as the timer ticks down and if you already achieved your goal it might be wise not to continue shooting as you might hit a bomb or wrong target by mistake. Strategies: ``````````` For rapid fire stages, put your index finger into the trigger and hold it very stiff. Your aiming is secondary at this point. Concentrate at wiggling the finger back and forth as fast as you can, making the shots as fast as possible. Your aim is to shoot kamikaze style. Bonus Stage: ```````````` There are four boxes and you only have one bullet. One box will have an extra life, one nothing at all, another have lots of points or even the life and points together. It is purely based on luck. Score: `````` The score is made up of three parts. HIT The number of hits you make. If you shoot 20 targets then this is 20. Targets are of different value. Hitting something that is unimportant such as the wrong number on the keypad or one of the doctors will result in very little points added to the score. HIT% The amount of hits you make compared to your misses make up this percentage. Your score is determined by the percentage times ten. If you have, for example, a 96% hit ratio then your score is 960. If you get all your shots on target you will achieve a 100% rating and receive 2000 points (Beginner). It is also possible to get more than 100 percent as you can shoot more than one target with one bullet. For example, getting 3 targets will result in a 300% hit ratio and give you 3000 points. Note that the percentage is not reduced for hitting targets such as the numbers on the keypad in the wrong order, as they are not counted as misses. This raises your hits a little but your percentage is still max. QUICKSHOT This is different from game to game. It is the time it takes you to take shot once the target is in sight. Taking a longer aim results in fewer points. As mentioned already, in some games this is more important than others, for example the single-shot categories are big on this score but the others are less so. The total stage score is max between close to 9000 but can go as far as 12000 in some games. =============================================================================== 03.) STAGES G0300 =============================================================================== **************** * Round Target * **************** SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - PALACE ================================== Target: Targets Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 15 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There are colored lights slowly filling up the lines in the palace garden. When it reaches the top the target, or bomb, will appear. All right there is one more thing to mention. When the line it lit, the target/bomb MAY appear. Sometimes the game feels sneaky and leaves the top light burning for a bit until the object pops out. I have noticed most of the targets will not appear until the time has nearly run out so keep on your toes and but do not start shooting randomly either. The Very Hard stage will have the lines lit up within a millisecond as well as multiple bombs appear together. Score: ------ 200 points per target. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - PARACHUTE ===================================== Target: Targets Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 15 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 24 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 30 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 32 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The targets float in with a parachute. As with all the other games you can shoot the parachute and the target will fall down. This is obviously pad in the case of the targets, but good for getting rid of those pesky bombs floating about. The Very Hard level is nearly impossible with the parachutes rapidly swinging around way too much. Not a good one for aiming for a high ratio, rapid yet controlled firing is required instead. Score: ------ 140 points per target, some change for shooting parachutes. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - COLOR SHOOTING RANGE ================================================ Target: Targets Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 15 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 26 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 34 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 38 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The objects on your side will always alternate between one and four. The faster you get rid of the targets in one line-up the faster the next one will show up. I have never seen the single target be a bomb, and with the four there will only be one bomb in the bunch. This is not too bad even on Very Hard. Score: ------ 110 points per target. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - SHUTTER =================================== Target: Targets Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 5 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 10 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 11 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 16 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There is just a tiny shutter in the back of the room which is just enough for a target, and of course bomb, to slide through. The object will move from one side to the other. Naturally on Very Hard the objects will slide really fast, giving no time at all to even think about what you are aiming at. You will often find yourself in the situation of having missed a bomb by "mistake". Score: ------ 400 points per target. ************** * RAPID FIRE * ************** SHOOT THE CAR xx TIMES. ======================= Target: Car Don't Shoot: - Practice: 40 Hits in 12 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 60 Hits in 12 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 65 Hits in 12 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 70 Hits in 12 seconds, unlimited bullets It does not matter where you hit the car, only that you hit it often enough. Things will come flying off and exploding at all sorts of places in due time. The Very Hard mode is a little tight but nothing too special, some people just seem to have a hard time with the rapid triggering. Score: ------ Between 1000 and 5000 points for destroying the car, depending where you hit it. For high points you should try and take out the lights, tires and windows. SHOOT xx BOTTLES OR MORE. ========================= Target: Bottle Don't Shoot: - Practice: 12 Bottles in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Bottles in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 24 Bottles in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 28 Bottles in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Pretty easy this one, you have to combine the rapid firing skill with some basic aiming. What you want to do is sweep across one of the rows and then move on to the next one, ending up on the third row in the end. There are around 50 bottles on the shelf. Score: ------ Roughly 160 points per bottle. SHOOT ALL THE BALLS. ==================== Target: Balls Don't Shoot: - Practice: 2 Large Balls in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 2 Large and 1 Medium Ball in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 3 Large Balls in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 2 Large and 1 Medium Ball in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets There are several sizes for the bouncing balls. The max is very large. One shot will split it into two and another will split those into four small ones. You may think the Very Hard requirement is a mistake, but the small balls actually split into two tiny ones yet again, thus making this a lot harder (as the name applies). Score: ------ 240 points per ball, regardless of size. SHOOT ALL THE BALLS. ==================== Target: Piranha Don't Shoot: - Practice: 15 Piranhas in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 Piranhas in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 30 Piranhas in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 32 Piranhas in 10 seconds, unlimited bullets This a famous stage because it is so hectic. The piranhas will swarm in from the right and keep on coming. Basically you want to go berserk in shooting them fast, it is actually harder to miss something. This strategy does not change as you play harder modes, as the speed of these guys will only be faster. Score: ------ 150 points per piranha. SHOOT THE DRAGON'S HEAD xx TIMES OR MORE. ========================================= Target: Dragon's Head Don't Shoot: - Practice: 16 hits in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 18 hits in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 24 hits in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 28 hits in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets This one is harder than it seems, because the dragon's head is often hidden by its body. You can only hurt the dragon at the head as you might have guessed, and with each hit the tail gets shorter by one block. Towards the end it gets easier to target the head while it is in the background, but this is still a toughie for getting high (or even perfect) hit ratios. If you get this on Very Hard during your game then you are probably going to lose a life. The dragon is so long, thus hiding its head for most of the time and is also going at a very fast pace. Score: ------ 180 points per hit. *************** * SINGLE SHOT * *************** DESTROY THE UFO WITH ONLY 1 SHOT ================================ Target: UFO Don't Shoot: - This is actually easier than it seems. The UFO is generally slow, if not nervous or something, and it can be rapid in moving from one side to the other. What you need to do is simply ignore this fact, it will just make you more nervous to take a shot. On later difficulties the UFO gets smaller and slightly faster. Practice: 1 UFO in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 1 UFO in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 1 UFO in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 1 UFO in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Score: ------ 2001 points for the hit. QS: 0.0 4964 0.2 4874 0.3 4849 1.2 4389 PB: 8965 SHOOT THE FALLING LEAF. ======================= Target: Leaf Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 Leaf in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 1 Leaf in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 1 Leaf in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 1 Leaf in 5 seconds, 1 bullet One leaf will float down from the tree and you have to shoot it. Sounds easy enough, but you only have 1 bullet! The stupid leaf can be really frustrating. You basically have to shoot almost immediately due to the tight time limit. Also note that the leaf DISAPPEARS behind the hill near the bottom, so you really only have three and half seconds to shoot it. The leaf gets smaller and falls slightly faster as you increase in difficulty. Score: ------ 2000 points for the hit. PB: 8982 SHOOT 1 APPLE. ============== Target: Apple Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 Apple in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 1 Apple in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 1 Apple in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 1 Apple in 10 seconds, 1 bullet Become Wilhelm Tell by shooting the apple on top of Dr.Dan or Dr.Don. Instead of a bow gun we will use our trusty GunCon instead. Because you can aim for quite a while and there is no moving target, this is probably the easiest single target game there is. Maybe it is so easy that you will sweat in the fear of embarrassment to miss...!? The apple gets smaller as your player higher difficulty levels. Score: ------ 2000 points for the hit. 345 for hitting Dr.Dan or Dr.Don. PB: 8949 SHOOT ALL 3 BALLS WITH ONLY 1 SHOT. =================================== Target: Ball Don't Shoot: - Practice: 3 Balls in 12 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 3 Balls in 12 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 3 Balls in 12 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 3 Balls in 12 seconds, 1 bullet You only have one shot so you have to wait until the balls bounce and line up correctly. Score: ------ 3000 for hitting all three in one shot. 500 for hitting the big ball, 1000 for hitting the medium one and 1500 for the smallest ball. PB: 8954 SHOOT THE FALLING BOTTLE. ========================= Target: Bottle Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 Bottle in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 1 Bottle in 4 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 1 Bottle in 4 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 1 Bottle in 3 seconds, 1 bullet The bottle only falls if you take too long to spot and shoot it. The easier the level the higher up it is, and the bottle also gets smaller later on. Score: ------ 5000 for hitting the bottle. 10 for hitting Dr.Dan or Dr.Don. PB: 8859 AIM AND SHOOT TARGETS TO GET xx PTS OR MORE. ============================================ Target: Points Don't Shoot: - Practice: 30 Points in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Beginner: 60 Points in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Advanced: 120 Points in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Very Hard: 250 Points in 5 seconds, 1 bullet Dr.Dan or Dr.Don will run towards you with a target. The ground has numbers on it which correspond for the points you will get where you hit the target. So if he is standing at the back you would get 500 points but the very front only 10. The score goes from 500 to 250, 120, 60, 30, 10 and finally the good doctor will take a dive into the pool, i.e. 0. Surprisingly the doc will always run at the same speed through all the difficulty levels. Score: ------ 5000 for the target if you passed, 100 if you failed by getting 10 points, 300 if you failed by getting 30 points, 600 if you failed by getting 60 points and 1200 if you failed by getting 120 points. PB: 11879 ***************** * SHOT GROUPING * ***************** AIM FOR THE CENTER OF THE TARGET! SCORE xxx PTS. OR MORE. - STATIONARY ====================================================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 400 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Beginner: 480 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Advanced: 520 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Very Hard: 540 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets The target has different areas that yield different points. The outer ring is worth 50 points, the inner one of that is 60 points and then the ring around the center is 80 points. There are two sections worth 100 points per shot, one representing the head and one the center of the target. A good calibrated GunCon is a must to get your six shots on target. The higher the difficulty the further away is the target. Score: ------ Ten times the target worth, for example 600 points is worth 6000, shooting 360 points is 3600 regardless if you made the quota or not. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - SLIDING TARGETS =========================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 10 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 18 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 22 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 25 Targets in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The targets will slide in from the side and flip over so you can shoot them. Towards the end the targets will come in faster and faster, unless you play on Very Hard which already starts out ultra fast to begin with. Score: ------ 500 points per target. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. TRY NOT TO MISS (row) ========================================= Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 15 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 35 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 38 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets The targets are lined up in a row and you should always aim for the first one. You can miss and hit another one in the back, but the best strategy is to pull the trigger fast as you strafe across to the side, whichever way the targets slant towards. The goal is to not miss a single one because else it is over. The tricky part is knowing when the row ends so you do not shoot into thin air while you empty it out. There are a total of 38 targets lined up and you can shoot all them with ease, even on the hardest difficulty level, with time to spare. One of the easier stages in the game. Score: ------ 150 points per target. SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. - SHOOTING RANGE ========================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 18 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 22 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 24 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets These are 24 gun range targets which flip sideways, making them unshootable for the time being. Between one and four targets will shot its front whereas you want to destroy them. If you miss then you will probably get another chance later but time is running short. The will start flipping faster as the clock winds down. Score: ------ 240 points per target. AIM FOR THE CENTER OF THE TARGET! SCORE xxx PTS. OR MORE. - MOVING ================================================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 380 Points in 8 seconds, 6 bullets Beginner: 460 Points in 8 seconds, 6 bullets Advanced: 500 Points in 8 seconds, 6 bullets Very Hard: 520 Points in 5 seconds, 6 bullets The target has different areas that yield different points. The outer ring is worth 50 points, the inner one of that is 60 points and then the ring around the center is 80 points. There are two sections worth 100 points per shot, one representing the head and one the center of the target. A good calibrated GunCon is a must to get your six shots on target. The higher the difficulty the faster the target moves along. Score: ------ Ten times the target worth, for example 600 points is worth 6000, shooting 360 points is 3600 regardless if you made the quota or not. AIM FOR ALL THE BLINK MARK. SCORE xxx POINTS OR MORE. ===================================================== Target: Cow Don't Shoot: - Practice: 380 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Beginner: 460 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Advanced: 480 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets Very Hard: 520 Points in 10 seconds, 6 bullets The cow target has different areas that yield different points. Some are 50 and some are 60 points. There is one blink mark section worth 100 points per shot, this is where you are aiming at. The two areas surrounding said section are still worth 80 points so it is not too bad to miss, getting the arms or head are bad misses. The higher the difficulty the further the target is away. Score: ------ Ten times the target worth, for example 600 points is worth 6000, shooting 360 points is 3600 regardless if you made the quota or not. SHOOT x FLASHING CANS OR MORE. ============================== Target: Flashing Can Don't Shoot: Non-flashing Can Practice: 5 Cans in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 7 Cans in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 8 Cans in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 8 Cans in 12 seconds, unlimited bullets 11 cans are lined up and they have a light in front of them. When the light is lit (i.e. flashing) you should shoot it immediately. If you keep on hitting the cans correctly the game will be over before the twenty seconds are up, on Very Hard you have to be even quicker to get those eight cans. Score: ------ 500 points per flashing can (0 for a non-flashing one). SHOOT x CLAY TARGETS OR MORE. ============================= Target: Plate Don't Shoot: - Practice: 5 Plates in 20 seconds, 20 bullets Beginner: 6 Plates in 20 seconds, 20 bullets Advanced: 6 Plates in 20 seconds, 20 bullets Very Hard: 6 Plates in 12 seconds, 20 bullets This is one of the oldest arcade games in the world, and Point Blank would not be a light-gun shooting game without it. Your bullets are limited but for your own prestige you may want to get single hits without misses. As you increase difficulty, the plates will decrease in size and fly faster as well. However, I found Very Hard is not much of an insane challenge it normally throws at you. A hint is that getting the first few plates is always easier and the later ones shoot through the screen too quickly. If you already have your quote by then it does not matter too much. Score: ------ 500 points per plate. ****************************** * PROTECTING DR.DON & DR.DAN * ****************************** PROTECT DR.DAN AND DR.DON FROM THE HUNGRY PIRANHAS ================================================== Target: Piranha Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets All you have to do is shoot the piranhas before they attach themselves onto your designated Doctor. Should they do so, the will slowly slide down the rope and eventually falling into the water, which means failing this stage. Shooting the Doctor also makes him slide down, so do not! Of course you COULD shoot your opponent's Doctor if you are in an mean mood or something. During the time they are not currently being gnawed on they will also start climbing back up the rope. Overall this is pretty easy, the only thing you need to watch out for are the bombs that are being thrown in with the swarm of fish. Score: ------ 150 points per piranha. PROTECT DR.DAN AND DR.DON FROM THE VOLCANO'S HOT LAVA ===================================================== Target: Lava Rock Don't Shoot: - Practice: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Simply aim for the lava rocks flying towards the screen. If there are more than you think you can handle, concentrate on the ones about to hit your Doctor. On lower difficulty levels you can actually get away with not shooting anything, as they really need to hit him directly to cause the failure of this stage. Score: ------ 120 points per lava rock. SHOOT THE VULTURES. CATCH x HOSTAGES IN BOAT OF YOUR COLOR ========================================================== Target: Vulture Don't Shoot: - Practice: 5 Persons in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 8 Persons in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 12 Persons in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 15 Persons in 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The lifeboat will be rocking back and forth so timing is not too hard. The vultures also do not go away and will eventually settle near the water surface to make this even easier. Just make sure you get these people into your boat, not the opponents'. Later on the vultures will fly much faster, and the boat float around quicker too. Score: ------ 290 points per person. SHOOT THE TANK TO PROTECT DR.DAN AND DR.DON =========================================== Target: Tank Don't Shoot: - Practice: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The tanks only shoot when the reach the very front, and then you still have a short moment to destroy them as they pop up. The tanks move faster as you increase the difficulty, and there are more and more. Score: ------ 130 points per tank. PROTECT DR.DAN AND DR.DON FROM THE HOT TORCHES ============================================== Target: Torch Don't Shoot: - Practice: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Flaming hot torches will pop up from both sides, and their difficulty is mainly the strange pattern they fly. Difficulty ramps up the amount of torches flying in. Score: ------ 120 points per torch. PROTECT DR.DAN AND DR.DON FROM THE HUNGRY VULTURES ================================================== Target: Torch Don't Shoot: - Practice: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Vultures will fly in from the side and aim directly at the balloon your doctor is hanging on. You can shoot it all you want, he will not fall down. The vultures will start to fly much faster as you raise the difficulty. Score: ------ 180 points per vulture. ******************* * CRIMINAL TARGET * ******************* SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (HALLWAY) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 12 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 16 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 17 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 19 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets This takes place in the hallway of a bar or something. You will zoom across and people will appear from both sides (rooms). Sometimes they are civilians so you should watch before shooting. At the end of the hall is the piano bar itself, and there will be a boss with a civilian hostage. Aim carefully as you take this guy out too. You tend to have at least 5-6 seconds for a good shot. There are a total of 20 criminals including the boss at the end. Score: ------ 260 points per criminal, 500 for the boss. SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (WAREHOUSE) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 7 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 18 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 26 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 32 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets This is a dark warehouse, shooting will light it up for a second though. You should still make out the gangsters without it, especially the guys that pop up just in front of you! There are VERY few civilians in this part. Score: ------ 190 per criminal. SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (CAR LOT) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 15 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 28 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 32 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets This is some kind of car lot, although it could just be some shady neighborhood with barrels and abandoned cars. There are VERY few civilians in this part and the camera only moves very slowly. Score: ------ 150 per criminal. SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (APARTMENT BUILDINGS) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 10 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 15 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 22 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 26 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Your view is very far away from the windows where the criminals can be spotted. It is not easy to get this level done well. Score: ------ 200 per criminal, you also get some minor points (51?) for shooting the glass. That means that if they were behind glass, you get even more as a bonus. SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (WINDOWS) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 10 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 24 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 32 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 35 Criminals, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Your main view is just 3x4 windows which are of medium zoom. There are plenty of civilians in this one, be careful. The camera tilts down at a pretty steady rate to make this slightly more difficult. The goons pop up in multiples at the same time, thus you should shoot in bursts. Score: ------ 100 per criminal, you also get some minor points (51?) for shooting the glass. That means that if they were behind glass, you get even more as a bonus. SHOOT 1 CRIMINAL. ================= Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 1 Criminal, 8 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 1 Criminal, 6 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 1 Criminal, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 1 Criminal, 3 seconds, unlimited bullets This is a zebra crossing with a huge amount of civilians standing around. There is only one criminal hiding among them, and he will twitch for a short time to give away his location should you still not have found him. This feature is not available for 'Very Hard' as the time would already have run out before moving. Score: ------ 500 for shooting the lone criminal. SHOOT xx CRIMINALS OR MORE. (ZEBRA CROSSING) =========================== Target: Criminals Don't Shoot: Civilians Practice: 20 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 22 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 24 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 26 Criminals, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There are some crazy pedestrians running across, it is not too easy to avoid them all. What is even more crazy, however, is how these criminals manage to pop up out of nowhere. Nevertheless, this is a rapid level so get shooting. Score: ------ 100 per criminal. **************** * COLOR TARGET * **************** SHOOT x OR MORE TARGETS OF YOUR COLOR (Pop-Up) ===================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: Bomb, Wrong Target Practice: 5 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 10 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 15 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 18 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There are three slots that will have an object pop up, either a target or a bomb. Your aim to go for your target color. At the start it may look like they will come in threes but actually some of them change faster than the rest. This stage goes really fast later on so do not worry about the quota. Score: ------ 300 per target. SHOOT x OR MORE DUCKS OF YOUR COLOR (Lake) =================================== Target: Bird Don't Shoot: Bomb, Wrong Bird Practice: 5 Bird(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 16 Bird(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 22 Bird(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 24 Bird(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Birds (ducks) will either fly in from the side and diagonally across the screen or swim in from one of the rows. The swimmers tend to be slower and easier to aim for but once the objects cross path it gets a little hectic to aim well. Score: ------ 170 per bird. SHOOT x OR MORE TARGETS OF YOUR COLOR (Stationary) ===================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: Bomb, Wrong Target Practice: 5 Target(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 8 Target(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 11 Target(s), 4 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 10 Target(s), 3 seconds, unlimited bullets You only have five seconds to quickly take out as many red targets as you can without hitting the wrong ones or bombs. Score: ------ 460 per target. SHOOT x OR MORE TARGETS OF YOUR COLOR (Flipping) ===================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: Wrong Target Practice: 20 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 32 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 35 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets In this game all the targets are yours, as long as you wait for them to flip over to the correct color. This is actually sweet for multiplayer as you steal the other person's upcoming targets. Score: ------ 100 per target. SHOOT ALL TARGETS OF YOUR COLOR =============================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: Wrong Target Practice: 30 Target(s), 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 30 Target(s), 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 30 Target(s), 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 38 Target(s), 10 seconds, unlimited bullets The targets are very small but speed is more important. I do not seen any difference between Practice, Beginner and Advance, and the Very Hard mode is only a slight step up with several targets covering others. Score: ------ 200 per target. SHOOT x OR MORE TARGETS OF YOUR COLOR (Bouncing) ===================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: Wrong Target Practice: 10 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 10 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 12 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 16 Target(s), 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The targets will drop from the top of the screen and bounce to the sides. The targets are difficult to get when they cross path with the other color. Score: ------ 220 per target. SHOOT x OR MORE DUCKS OF YOUR COLOR (Air) =================================== Target: Bird Don't Shoot: Wrong Bird Practice: 3 Bird(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 4 Bird(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 5 Bird(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 6 Bird(s), 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Like skeet shooting but with a lot more birds. These ducks are all over the place and it often takes a miracle to get the one you are aiming for. Luckily the quota is rather low, thus try to not get penalties. Score: ------ 500 per bird. ******************* * VARIETY STAGE 1 * ******************* SHOOT x SKELETONS OR MORE ========================= Target: Skeleton Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 12 Skeletons, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Skeletons, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 24 Skeletons, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 22 Skeletons, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Skeleton will pop out of the graves, gravestones and the caskets. There will be bombs here and there and everything is dark so spotting them is a little tough but worst is that the skull on the bomb makes it hard to distinguish in the heat of the moment. The skeletons bounce up first and then descend slowly. The Very Hard stage does not sound so far but there are just so many bombs and you need to hit almost every skeleton that appears. Score: ------ 220 per skeleton. FIND THE MATCHING TARGET. SHOOT x OR MORE. (Mixed) ========================================== Target: Sample Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 5 Targets, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 8 Targets, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 10 Targets, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 11 Targets, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets There is a clearly marked sample at the top of the screen. You have to hit the one that matches to this from the objects below. This is made harder by certain animals looking very similar, such as the elephant and rhino, rabbit and swan and the whale looks very much like a bomb as well as the pig. You only have a short time to find your target else it disappears and a new set arrives. In the worst case you will hit a target in the next set if you are too slow. The good is that there is no penalty for hitting the wrong target. Compared to the other mode which is almost identical, here you have several different other objects and the other mode all has the same for the non-target object. Score: ------ 380 per match. SHOOT THE BEEHIVE AND HIT xx OR MORE BEES ========================================= Target: Beehive, Bee Don't Shoot: - Practice: 6 Bees, 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 16 Bees, 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 18 Bees, 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 Bees, 10 seconds, unlimited bullets You first have to shoot a beehive to enrage the bees. They will pop out and take over the screen. The beehive does not count as a target! Shoot the bees and then another beehive if you need more of them on the screen. The bees disappear if you do not shoot them soon so get those first, even though it is very easy to reach a low quota by having tons of them on screen at the same time. Score: ------ 150 per beehive, 240 per bee. SHOOT x OCTOPUSES OR MORE ========================= Target: Octopus Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 15 Octopuses, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 Octopuses, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 30 Octopuses, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 34 Octopuses, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Octopuses pop out from the jars and return back into it. Their best place to hit them is a the top of the jump as they will be slower. There are also bombs placed within these jars once in a while. As a joke you can shoot the crab for quite a lot of points but it will eventually run away. Score: ------ 130 per octopus, 301 per crab. SHOOT x POTS OR MORE ==================== Target: Pots Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 7 Pots, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 9 Pots, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 11 Pots, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 13 Pots, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Basically this is wack-a-mole where several bears (moles?) pop out of the holes and have an item on their heads. One of these items is the pot you want to shoot and the rest are either fruit or a bomb. You only want to shoot the pot and before the animal pops back into the hole. Score: ------ 130 per pot FIND THE MATCHING TARGET. SHOOT x OR MORE. (Group) ========================================== Target: Sample Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 5 Targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 8 Targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 10 Targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 11 Targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There is a clearly marked sample at the top of the screen. You have to hit the one that matches to this from the objects below. This is made harder by certain animals looking very similar, such as the elephant and rhino, rabbit and swan and the whale looks very much like a bomb as well as the pig. You only have a short time to find your target else it disappears and a new set arrives. In the worst case you will hit a target in the next set if you are too slow. The good is that there is no penalty for hitting the wrong target. Compared to the other mode which is almost identical, here you have all non- target objects as the same whereas the other mode mixed targets. Score: ------ 380 per target SHOOT ALL OF THE MATCHING TARGETS. ================================== Target: Sample Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: All Targets, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: All Targets, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: All Targets, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: All Targets, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets There is a clearly marked sample at the top of the screen. You have to hit all the ones that match to this from the objects below. This is made harder by certain animals looking very similar, such as the elephant and rhino, rabbit and swan and the whale looks very much like a bomb as well as the pig. You only have a short time to find all your targets. The good is that there is no penalty for hitting the wrong target. Compared to the other mode which is almost identical, here you have all non- target objects as the same whereas the other mode mixed targets. Score: ------ 380 per target, 95 for the wrong animal ******************* * VARIETY STAGE 2 * ******************* SHOOT EACH METEORITE BEFORE THEY REACH THE EARTH ================================================ Target: Meteorite Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 25 seconds, unlimited bullets The title gives this one away. There are many meteorites hailing down on earth and you have to shoot them before impact. The earth is at the bottom of the screen. With each difficulty level there will be more meteorites, faster meteorites as well as more bombs flying across. Sometimes the bombs stay on the screen long as they move very slowly. When a meteorite explodes it will make a large dust cloud and it often makes it difficult to target a nearby one soon afterwards. Score: 110 per meteorite SHOOT xx NINJAS OR MORE. (Outdoors) ======================== Target: Ninjas Don't Shoot: - Practice: 28 Ninjas, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 42 Ninjas, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 48 Ninjas, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 52 Ninjas, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets This is one of the more famous levels. Unlike the indoor level the ninjas pass by the area and are out in the open for quite sometime, although some do appear at a single spot only to vanish again soon. You have to be quick to catch them and the more difficult stage requires so many that missing a handful is already pretty bad for chances to pass it. Score: 120 per ninja SHOOT xx NINJAS OR MORE. (Indoors) ======================== Target: Ninjas Don't Shoot: - Practice: 18 Ninjas, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Ninjas, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 25 Ninjas, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 20 Ninjas, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets This is one of the more famous levels. Unlike the outdoor level, here the ninjas will pop up at various locations and then quickly disappear again - truly ninja style. You have to be quick to catch them and the more difficult stage requires so many that missing a handful is already pretty bad for chances to pass it. There are some sneaky ones behind the window you should pay special attention to. The hardest difficulty has less ninjas to shoot but they also move at lightning speed - or ninja speed if you prefer. Score: 120 per ninja BURST x MONSTERS OR MORE. ========================= Target: Monster Don't Shoot: - Practice: 4 Monsters, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 5 Monsters, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 6 Monsters, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 7 Monsters, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The inflatable monsters will be catapulted out from the side like clay pigeons. You have to shoot them several times (3?) until the explode. Sometimes they get shot out pretty fast but overall this is not too hard. Try to get the first few well so the later ones are not that necessary to shoot down when the game gives you the screwballs. Score: 100 per hit, 400 for bursting a monster (i.e. 3x100 + 400 = 700 per monster) SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. TRY NOT TO MISS (moving target) ========================================= Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 15 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 25 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 30 Targets in 15 seconds, unlimited bullets A target will pop up somewhere on the range and you cannot miss it else the level is over instantly. Once it is destroyed another one will pop up at another location. Score: ------ 100 points per target. SHOOT THE FLY ========================================= Target: Fly Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 Fly in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 1 Fly in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 1 Fly in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 1 Fly in 5 seconds, unlimited bullets The target is obvious but shooting is actually tough even on the easiest level. You have unlimited bullets and the stuff around the room is actually very good for driving your points up but you want to try and actually get the fly too. The harder the difficulty the smaller the fly will be and it will also buzz around much quicker. Score: ------ 2000 points for the fly, various points for stuff around the room. ******************* * VARIETY STAGE 3 * ******************* IN ORDER SHOOT THE NUMBERS FROM x TO xx. ======================================== Target: Numbers Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 to 16, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 1 to 16, 14 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 1 to 16, 10 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 1 to 16, 10 seconds, 16 bullets There are numbers assorted like a keycode pad, just not in order. You have to
find the correct order and start shooting them. It starts from 1 and goes up to whatever the difficulty of the game. The numbers are usually grouped together with the same color. For example, 1 through 4 will be the same color, then 5 through 8. If you shoot the wrong number it will be grayed out for a short while and you cannot shoot it again until it returns to clear. Hard mode only gives you enough bullets for a perfect run. Score: 250 per digit SHOOT x BLOCKS OR MORE IN PAIRS. ================================ Target: Block Don't Shoot: - Practice: 8 blocks, 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 16 blocks, 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 20 blocks, 15 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 24 blocks, 15 seconds, unlimited bullets There are pairs you have to shoot together and if you shoot the wrong one then it will be grayed out for a second. One pair already counts for two blocks. Score: 200 per block TYPE THE SAME 3-LETTER WORD. TYPE x OR MORE. ============================================ Target: Word Don't Shoot: - Practice: 1 word, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 2 words, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 4 words, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 6 words, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Shoot the keyboard to type the displayed word. It is rather easy to understand that I think. Once you finish a word the next will appear. Shooting the wrong letter does nothing. Score: 165 per letter SHOOT x BANK NOTES OR MORE. =========================== Target: Bank Note Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 20 bank notes, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 25 bank notes, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 30 bank notes, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 35 bank notes, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Bank notes float down from the sky and you want to shoot them. They can be a little hard to target but otherwise this is a no-brainer. The green papers do not count as money. Score: 150 per bank note, 30 per window (no points for the green papers) SHOOT x TARGETS OR MORE IN ORDER. ================================= Target: Target Don't Shoot: Wrong Target Practice: 30 targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 35 targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 40 targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 43 targets, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets There are three targets with numbers on them from 1 to 3. You have to shoot the one with a 1 first and then 2 and finally 3. Makes sense, right? If you play alone then you will only see your color pop up else you will also have some of the opponents once in a while. The targets only refresh when all three are gone and thus you want to be quick to eliminate them. Score: 100 per target SHOOT x PLATES OR MORE. ======================= Target: Plates Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 15 plates, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 20 plates, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 23 plates, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 25 plates, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets This is basically a target range with plates instead of, well, targets. They will zoom in from the ceiling and then swoop to the back of the wall. Shooting them there is harder as they appear smaller then. There are also bombs hanging from these cranes. When the arm reaches the back it will slowly disappear into a hole in the ceiling along with the plate/bomb. As time goes by the arms will move faster. Score: 200 per target SHOOT x BIRDS OR MORE. ====================== Target: Bird Don't Shoot: Bomb Practice: 20 birds, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 30 birds, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 44 birds, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 48 birds, 25 seconds, unlimited bullets All of these doors have the possibility of a bird popping out chirping. That is your queue to shoot it. The bird will stay out for only a short while before disappearing again. The harder you play the more birds will pop out at the same time or disappear quicker. Score: 120 per target ************* * 3D Target * ************* SHOOT THE HELICOPTER xx TIMES. ============================== Target: Helicopter Don't Shoot: - Practice: 40 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 45 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 50 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 60 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The helicopter is a large target and it will fly around the screen. Simply go trigger happy to destroy it. Score: 100 per hit SHOOT THE CAR xx TIMES. ======================= Target: Car Don't Shoot: - Practice: 40 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 45 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 50 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 60 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The car is a large target and it will drive around the screen. Simply go trigger happy to destroy it. Score: 100 per hit SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. ========================= Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 12 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 13 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 14 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 15 hits, 20 seconds, unlimited bullets The 3D target will rotate and move around the area and you should hit the targets, obviously. When all targets on a cube have been destroyed it will explode and another one is sent in. Getting the last target is most often the time-waster here. The cube can also get painfully small later on. Score: 300 per target SHOOT xx TARGETS OR MORE. TRY NOT TO MISS. ========================================== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Practice: 6 hits, 20 seconds, 6 bullets Beginner: 6 hits, 20 seconds, 6 bullets Advanced: 6 hits, 20 seconds, 6 bullets Very Hard: 6 hits, 20 seconds, 6 bullets The 3D target will rotate and you should hit the targets, obviously. You have to carefully aim each shot as you only have enough bullets for each target but there is plenty of time to make this a fair challenge. The cube can also get painfully small later on. The "try not to miss" advice is actually what you MUST NOT do at all else the level will just stop. Score: 300 per target SHOOT x BALLOONS OR MORE. ========================= Target: Balloon Don't Shoot: - Practice: 8 balloons, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Beginner: 10 balloons, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Advanced: 13 balloons, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets Very Hard: 15 balloons, 5 seconds, unlimited bullets You are what appears to be on a trampoline and will rise into the air and closer to the balloons up in the air. The best place to target the balloons is at the top of the jump but you want to get them before that already since the time is very limited. Some balloons are lower and you will actually jump past them so you can try and get some strategy into this by only targeting what is best at different times of the jump. On the other hand there is really not so much time to think about this but take it as some advanced tip. Score: 500 per balloon LAST STAGE ========== Target: Target Don't Shoot: - Shoot as many targets as you can, you do not have to hit any required amount. The more you get, the bigger your firework, and there is also an added bonus for getting all. Arcade vs PSX ````````````` The following things have been added in the Playstation version: * Training Mode * Special Stages * Party Play * Quest Mode The new stages differ from the old ones but the core gameplay is still the same. Quest Mode has you running around an island doing battles which are all stages from the main game. =============================================================================== XX.) FAQ GXX00 =============================================================================== Q: Why don't you have more QuickShot scoring in your list? A: Because I only took some samples and in most levels there is not much extra strategy for this and will probably be random or unimportant. This is mainly a huge factor for the single-shot challenges. Q: What is this "PB" in the score? A: That is my personal best but actually I took these randomly while writing the guide. I left them in there for possibly future expansion one day. Q: Why don't you cover the PSX's Quest Mode? A: Simply because it's really easy to beat this yourself and also because that should be some in-depth guide. I have seen a couple of incomplete ones which should get you started. Q: There are some stages missing from the main part of your guide! A: It is possible, they appear randomly when you play and I might have not come across it or thought it might be one I have covered already. If you have the information then I am willing to add it, or at least give me a clue of what the missing level is like so I can look for it next time I get around playing it. Q: Is the PSX up to par with the Arcade game? A: Overall, yes, and the extra stages and challenges surely make up for the investment in not just the game but the actual gun. The main downside is that calibrating that thing is often frustrating and unless you manage to get that done superb then the rest of the game will suffer. The arcade game will always be calibrated perfectly as you do not unplug it from the machine. In short, Arcade game has the better controller but the game can be enjoyed on the PSX almost the same. =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 Complete (26th of May 2010) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Namco for the game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=