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The file menu can be accessed at anytime by hitting Right on the D-Pad. I chose not to include the tutorial, since it was optional to the player. **WARNING** This FAQ contains minor spoilers. Read at your own discretion. This FAQ is to appear only on http://www.gamefaqs.com/. If it appears anywhere else, I'm sending Lady after you. Spelling errors I have observed within the game have been corrected by myself. If you have any questions or corrections to report, send it to aneternalenigma at gmail dot com. Please, make it only FAQ related. © "EternalEnigma" Dustin Robinson, 2005-2006. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Version History 1.0.2 - February 21, 2006 - Fixed Some Minor Formatting Issues 1.0.1 - February 15, 2006 - Fixed Some Formatting Issues 1.0 - June 22, 2005 - Finished Main FAQ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Table of Contents A. Item 1. Orb a. Red Orb b. Green Orb c. White Orb d. Blue Orb Fragment e. Blue Orb f. Purple Orb g. Yellow Orb 2. Item a. Vital Star S b. Vital Star L c. Devil Star d. Holy Water 3. Key Item a. Amulet b. Astronomical Board c. Vajura d. Soul of Steel e. Essence of Fighting f. Essence of Technique g. Essence of Intelligence h. Orihalcon Fragment i. Siren's Shriek j. Crystal Skull k. Ignis Fatuus l. Ambrosia m. Stone Mask n. Neo-Generator o. Haywire Neo-Generator p. Orihalcon q. Orihalcon Fragment r. Orihalcon Fragment s. Orihalcon Fragment t. Golden Sun u. Onyx Moonshard v. Samsara B. Enemy 1. Lesser Demons a. 1st Hell: Pride b. 2nd Hell: Envy c. 3rd Hell: Wrath d. 4th Hell: Sloth e. 5th Hell: Greed f. 6th Hell: Gluttony g. 7th Hell: Lust h. 7 Hells i. Abyss j. Hell Vanguard k. Enigma l. Gigapede m. Blood-Goyle n. Arachne o. Dullahan p. Soul Eater q. The Fallen r. Damned Pawn s. Damned Knight t. Damned Bishop u. Damned Rook v. Damned Queen w. Damned King x. Damned Chessmen 2. Boss a. Cerberus b. Agni c. Rudra d. Heart of Leviathan e. Nevan f. Beowulf g. Geryon h. Doppelganger i. Vergil j. Vergil2 k. Vergil3 l. Arkham m. Arkham's Legions n. Lady C. Devil Arms 1. Rebellion a. Rebellion b. Rebellion Combo I c. Rebellion Combo II d. Helm Breaker e. Stinger f. Stinger: Level 2 g. High Time h. Million Stab i. Drive j. Air Hike 2. Cerberus a. Cerberus b. Cerberus Combo I c. Cerberus Combo II d. Swing e. Revolver f. Revolver: Level 2 g. Windmill h. Satellite 3. Agni & Rudra a. Angi & Rudra b. A&R Combo I c. A&R Combo II d. A&R Combo III e. Aerial Cross f. Jet-Stream g. Jet-Stream: Level 2 h. Jet-Stream: Level 3 i. Whirlwind j. Million Slash k. Air Hike 4. Nevan a. Nevan b. Tune-up c. Nevan Combo I d. Nevan Combo II e. Jam Session f. Nevan Combo III g. Air Play h. Reverb Shock i. Reverb Shock: Level 2 j. Bat Rift k. Bat Rift: Level 2 l. Air Raid m. Thunder Bolt n. Vortex 5. Beowulf a. Beowulf b. Beowulf Combo I c. Beowulf Combo II d. Killer Bee e. Straight f. Straight: Level 2 g. Beast Uppercut h. Rising Dragon i. Hyper Fist j. Air Hike D. Guns 1. Ebony & Ivory a. Ebony & Ivory b. Normal Shot 2. Shotgun a. Shotgun b. Normal Shot 3. Artemis a. Artemis b. Normal Shot 4. Spiral a. Spiral b. Normal Shot 5. Kalina Ann a. Kalina Ann b. Normal Shot E. Style 1. Trickster a. Trickster b. Dash c. Wall Hike d. Sky Star e. Double Dash f. Air Trick g. Triple Dash 2. Swordmaster a. Swordmaster b. Prop Shredder c. Aerial Rave d. Sword Pierce e. Dance Macabre f. Crazy Dance g. Flicker h. Crystal i. Million Carats j. Ice Age k. Crossed Swords l. Sky Dance m. Crawler n. Twister o. Tempest p. Slash q. Air Slash r. Feedback s. Crazy Roll t. Distortion u. Zodiac v. The Hammer w. Volcano x. Real Impact y. Tornado 3. Gunslinger a. Gunslinger b. Twosome Time c. Wild Stomp d. Rain Storm e. Charge Shot f. Rapid Shot g. Fireworks h. Charge Shot i. Rapid Shot j. Gun Stinger k. Point Blank l. Multi-lock m. Sphere n. Acid Rain o. Trick Shot p. Sniper q. Reflector r. Hysteric s. Grapple 4. Royal Guard a. Royal Guard b. Block & Charge c. Release d. Air Block e. Air Release f. Ultimate 5. Quicksilver a. Quicksilver b. Time Lag 6. Doppelganger a. Doppelganger b. After-image F. Library 1. Action a. Taunt b. Free Ride c. Pole Play 2. Character a. Dante b. Vergil c. Lady d. Arkham e. Jester f. Sparda g. Leviathan h. The Temen-Ni-Gru \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ A. Item -- Files on the items you have obtained. 1. Orb -- A file on Orbs. a. Red Orb -- A magic red stone of crystalized demon blood. Offer it to the gods to earn new power. b. Green Orb -- A magic green stone of cystalized demon essence. It returns lost life power. c. White Orb -- A magic white stone of crystalized devil spirit. It revitalizes lost magic power. d. Blue Orb Fragment -- A fragment of crystalized life force. Four of these combine to form one Blue Orb. e. Blue Orb -- A magic blue stone of crystalized life power. It boosts one's maximum life. f. Purple Orb -- A magic purple stone of crystalized magic. It boosts one's magic power limit. g. Yellow Orb -- A magic yellow stone made through a secret process. It can recall lost souls. 2. Item -- A file on Items. a. Vital Star S -- A spiritual stone made using alchemy. This slightly revitalizes lost life power. b. Vital Star L -- A spiritual stone made using alchemy. This greatly revitalizes lost life power. c. Devil Star -- A spiritual stone made using alchemy. This greatly revitalizes lost magic power. d. Holy Water -- This holy water can fend off demons. It severely damages nearby enemies. 3. Key Item -- A file on Key Items a. Amulet -- A keepsake amulet from Dante's birth-mother. It possesses mysterious power. b. Astronomical Board -- An astronomical device which displays the endless void. Said to be powered by time. c. Vajura -- Model of an ancient weapon used to control lightning. This is merely an ornament. d. Soul of Steel -- The essence of a powerful and fearless soul. Its possessor need not fear hell nor oblivion. e. Essence of Fighting -- The fighting spirit of the ancient ones. Offer this to the goddess to open a new path. f. Essence of Technique -- Masterful techniques of the ancient ones. Offer this to the goddess to open a new path. g. Essence of Intelligence -- Impalpable knowledge of the ancient ones. Offer this to the goddess to open a new path. h. Orihalcon Fragment -- A piece of Orihalcon which grants amazing power. They say it was used as an energy source. i. Siren's Shriek -- The sorrowful shriek of the siren. Calms even the most ferocious of flames. j. Crystal Skull -- An eerie sculpture made of magic crystal. It seems to be a piece of a larger creation. k. Ignis Fatuus -- Souls of those sent to hell for various sins. They are Leviathan's energy source. l. Ambrosia -- Fruit that mankind is forbidden to even touch. It is said to unlock the door to paradise. m. Stone Mask -- A mask of magic stone made by an ancient priest. It is said he who dons it can part rivers. n. Neo-Generator -- A magic artifact able to supply power for an eternity. It is used to power the main bridge. o. Haywire Neo-Generator -- He who holds this broken device is irradiated and their soul is drained in exchange for power. p. Orihalcon -- A perfectly formed piece of Orihalcon. Said to open the door to the Lair of Judgment. q. Orihalcon Fragment -- A mysterious stone used as a power source. It is one fragment that must be made whole to use. r. Orihalcon Fragment -- A mysterious stone used as a power source. It is one fragment that must be made whole to use. s. Orihalcon Fragment -- A mysterious stone used as a power source. It is one fragment that must be made whole to use. t. Golden Sun -- A sculpture etched in the shape of a golden sun. It contrasts the onyx moonshard sculpture. u. Onyx Moonshard -- A sculpture etched in the shape of an onyx moon. It contrats the golden sun sculpture. v. Samsara -- Sculpture symbolizing the time-space continuum. Used to restore order to time-space rifts. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ B. Enemy -- Files on the enemies you have ever seen. 1. Lesser Demons -- A file on Lesser Demons. a. 1st Hell: Pride -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Pride. Sand is the medium he uses to materialize in the Human world. He carries a giant sickle to judge his prey. b. 2nd Hell: Envy -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Envy. Differs from other jailors in the fact that he materializes via a fluid which severely limits his movement c. 3rd Hell: Wrath -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Wrath. He materializes via sand. The massive bomb he carries often obliterates both friend and foe. d. 4th Hell: Sloth -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Sloth. His body is made of sand which he uses to quickly teleport to any nearby location. e. 5th Hell: Greed -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Greed. He is another sand-based hellkeeper. He uses his beloved coffin to call upon his disciples for help. f. 6th Hell: Gluttony -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Gluttony. He is sand-based like other hellkeepers. He fires a high powered sand mist damaging his foes. g. 7th Hell: Lust -- Netherworld jailor who governs souls sent to hell for the sin of Lust. Sand-based jailor who leads confused sheep to hell with his amazing speed and deadly sickle. h. 7 Hells -- Netherworld jailors who are referred to as hellkeepers. They exist to punish their sinner flock but have recently been called to the Human world to hunt even the innocent. i. Abyss -- Lives at the deepest level of the netherworld. During times of war, this high ranking demon knows only victory. His magic-imbued sickle has ended many a hero's life. j. Hell Vanguard -- The god of death who manages dead souls. He is feared even by inhabitants of the netherworld for his wicked nature and fighting prowess. A deadly sand-based demon. k. Enigma -- Basically created from a stone statue. Given life via some unusual high level incantation. This six-legged demon targets foes from afar with his magical bow. l. Gigapede -- Giant creature that made its way into the Human world through a rift in the time-space fabric. Relentlessly strikes down foes with a high voltage attack. m. Blood-goyle -- Blood mixed with magically enchanted stone gave birth to this wretched beast. Multiplies whenever hit by close ranged attacks. Its defense mechanism is weak to modern day weapons. n. Arachne -- Once the soul of a human female, the soul transformed when it reached the outer crust of the netherworld. Uses her tightly spun spider webbing to ensnare her victims. o. Dullahan -- The possessed husk of a knight's suit of armor. Its adamante shell makes it virtually impervious to frontal attack. Its only weak spot is its hindquarters. p. Soul Eater -- Spiritual remnants of the rage of murdered demons have pooled together to create this beast. This creature paralyzes its prey before feasting upon its soul. q. The Fallen -- A demon who fell from grace for lying and decieving its victims. Her beautiful wings close to form an invincible shield. Her open belly is her only weakness. r. Damned Pawn -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The pawn, although weak in strength, is able to win battles with sheer numbers. s. Damned Knight -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The knight has great mobility and jumping ability, which it uses to trample enemies. t. Damned Bishop -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The bishop uses its fearsome magic power in the form of a magic arrow to snipe foes. u. Damned Rook -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The rook, in addition to having high attack power, can produce other chess pieces. v. Damned Queen -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The queen has both great mobility and power. She is regarded as the strongest piece. w. Damned King -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. The pieces themselves move of their own accord. The king, and rightly so, controls all other pieces. Defeat him and the others will fall. x. Damned Chessmen -- Netherworld-crafted chess pieces. Whether the idea of the human version of chess came from these pieces or the other way around is unknown. 2. Boss -- A file on Boss Enemies. a. Cerberus -- The 3-headed feral gatekeeper. Said to have the power to control ice. He grants power to those worthy of it. Those unworthy, meet their doom by his giant fangs. b. Agni -- One of the Twin Demon gatekeepers. Agni has the power to control fire. In essence a sword being swung by a demon host. Searching for an owner worthy of its full power. c. Rudra -- One of the Twin Demon gatekeepers. Rudra has the power to control wind. In essence a sword being swung by a demon host. Searching for an owner worthy of its full power. d. Heart of Leviathan -- Heart of the great beast Leviathan. The heart itself should be considered its own entity. One that will protect itself at all costs. e. Nevan -- One of the demon gatekeepers sealed away by Sparda. She seduces humans down the dark path to hell. Attacks foes with a combination of electricity and bats she controls. f. Beowulf -- Gatekeeper sealed away by Sparda for 2000 years. He anxiously awaits his chance at revenge. His overwhelming strength and light attacks make him a force to fear. g. Geryon -- Once a horse of legend ridden by countless heroes, ingesting demonsoul essence darkened his once bright soul. Has the ability to control time on a limited scale. h. Doppelganger -- Demon that takes the same shape of his foes. His ability is produced by refracting light in various directions. Due to this, he is essentially a demon composed of shadow. i. Vergil -- Dante's half-man, half-demon twin brother. Wields a keepsake sword from his father but won't touch guns as he doesn't view them as weapons of a true warrior. j. Vergil2 -- Absorbing Beowulf's light power has given birth to a new stronger Vergil. Now in addition to Vergil's amazing sword skill, he has mixed in some new martial art moves. k. Vergil3 -- After obtaining the force edge, the symbol of Sparda, Vergil is complete. The only way to compete with such an awesome foe is to believe in oneself and one's weapons. l. Arkham -- Transformed into a gruesome beast after obtaining Sparda's power. His form was not born of Sparda's inherited power, but rather from the darkness that lies deep in his heart. m. Arkham's Legions -- A swarm of demons generated from Arkham's body. These non-intelligent demons serve one purpose: to damage foes by exploding on impact with them. n. Lady -- Female devil hunter that seems to block Dante's every move. With little training and even less power, her most helpful weapon is her belief that what she is doing is right. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ C. Devil Arms -- Files on the Devil Arms you have obtained. 1. Rebellion -- A file on Rebellion. a. Rebellion -- A keepsake sword from Dante's father. Dante's blood has awakened the blade's true power. b. Rebellion Combo I -- A quick 3-hit combo (Triangle, Triangle, Triangle). c. Rebellion Combo II -- 5 part combo which knocks nearby enemies before slashing down on foes directly in front of you (Triangle, pause Triangle, Trangle). d. Helm Breaker -- A devastating overhead attack with enough power to shatter even the sturdiest of manmade armored helms or demonic skull bones (Press Triangle in mid-air). e. Stinger -- A high speed lunge attack towards the enemy that skewers them through the center (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). f. Stinger: Level 2 -- A powered up version of the classic original. Level 2 does more damage and has even greater range (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). g. High Time -- Lunge forward and slice the enemy upward into the sky (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). h. Million Stab -- Quickly stab the enemy with blinding speed creating enough momentum to blast them backward (Repeatedly press Triangle while executing a type II combo). i. Drive -- A lightning quick sword swing that sends a powerful shockwave towards enemies (Hold down Triangle then release). j. Air Hike -- By concentrating magical energy into the area under your feet, you are able to perform a double jump to reach higher, more strategic locations (Press X in mid-air). 2. Cerberus -- A file on Cerberus. a. Cerberus -- A weapon of 3 interlocking rods, infused with the elemental power of ice. b. Cerberus Combo I -- A lightning quick combo that rapidly deals damage to nearby foes (Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle). c. Cerberus Combo II -- A complex, multi-hit combo that knocks back nearby enemies then hits foes directly in front of you with a focused attack (Triangle, Triangle, pause Triangle, Triangle). d. Swing -- Whirl in mid-air slicing any nearby enemies with split-second speed (Press Triangle in mid-air). e. Revolver -- Spin violently in mid-air before crashing into the enemy, doing large impact damage (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). f. Revolver: Level 2 -- An enhanced version of Revolver with increased spiral velocity (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). g. Windmill -- Spin the nunchucks around in a propeller-like motion to rapidly slice into the enemy (Hold down R1 + back on the left analog stick + press Triangle). h. Satellite -- Spin your nunchucks around your body, devastating all enemies around you (Repeatedly press Triangle while executing a type II combo). 3. Agni & Rudra -- A file on Agni & Rudra. a. Agni & Rudra -- Blades with serrated edges that hurl forth fire and tornado-like gusts. b. A&R Combo I -- Slash all nearby enemies with one high-speed attack (Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle). c. A&R Combo II -- A 5 part attack focusing on damaging enemies standing directly in front of you (Triangle, pause Triangle, Triangle). d. A&R Combo III -- A devastating combo that slashed enemies with blinding fast sword swings (Triangle, pause Triangle, pause Triangle). e. Aerial Cross -- Channel a massive energy vortex by locking your swords in the form of an X while in mid-are and then thrust that power onto nearby enemies (press Triangle in mid-air). f. Jet-Stream -- Slash through enemies with increased speed (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). g. Jet-Stream: Level 2 -- Slash through multiple enemies with increased speed in this powered- up version of Jet-Stream (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). h. Jet-Stream: Level 3 -- Link several attacks into one ultimate combo string with this maxed- out Jet-Stream attack (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). i. Whirlwind -- By spinning at supersonic speeds, your two swords slash through enemies with the power of fire and wind (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). j. Million Slash -- Quickly string your twin swords around for a multi-hit attack (Repeatedly press Triangle while executing a type III combo). k. Air Hike -- By concentrating magical energy into the area under your feet, you are able to perform a double jump to reach higher, more strategic locations (Press X in mid-air). 4. Nevan -- A file on Nevan. a. Nevan -- Dante can control bats by jamming on this curious guitar. Its sickle attack is deadly. b. Tune-up -- Special stance used to link into certain combo attacks (Press Triangle while on the ground). c. Nevan Combo I -- Attack surrounding enemies with a flurry of bats and powerful lightning (Keep the left analog stick neutral and press Triangle while in Tune-up mode). d. Nevan Combo II -- Attack the enemy using multiple bat strikes (Tap left on the left analog stick and press Triangle while in Tune-up mode). e. Jam Session -- Pick your guitar with blinding speeded, summoning a massive horde of blood-thirsty bats to attack enemies (Repeatedly press Triangle while executing a type II combo). f. Nevan Combo III -- Attack enemies with successive high-energy lightning blasts (Tap right on the left analog stick and press Triangle while in Tune-up mode). g. Air Play -- Jam on your guitar while in mid-air to summon a swarm of blood- thirsty bats (Press Triangle in mid-air). h. Reverb Shock -- Charge at the enemy and hit them with a powerful electric attack (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). i. Reverb Shock: Level 2 -- Fire an electric attack in conjunction with summoning a horde of bats to damage the enemy (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). j. Bat Rift -- Swing your guitar in a massive arc pattern, slashing a nearby enemy (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). k. Bat Rift: Level 2 -- Knock the enemy into the air, then summon a storm of blood-thirsty bats, which do additional damage via a homing attack (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). l. Air Raid -- After transforming into Demon form, you can spread out your ultra- powerful demon wings to float in the air for a limited time (Press R1 + X in mid-air). m. Thunder Bolt -- Cook the enemy with electrified arrows while floating in the air (Press Square while performing an Air Raid). n. Vortex -- Perform a charge spin-attack from the air while in free-floating form (Press Triangle while performing an Air Raid). 5. Beowulf -- A file on Beowulf. a. Beowulf -- Flash gauntlets and greaves. This set boosts Dante's attack and speed making him a powerhouse. b. Beowulf Combo I -- Tri-level attack that ends by kicking the enemy into the air (Triangle, Triangle, Triangle). c. Beowulf Combo II -- Rapidly kick the enemy before knocking them to the ground with a powerful axe kick (Triangle, Triangle, pause Triangle, Triangle). d. Killer Bee -- A downward kick performed in mid-air that pierces an enemy with supersonic speed (Press Triangle in mid-air). e. Straight -- Quickly get within close range of the enemy and then hammer them with a powerful punch fueled by pure rage (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Triangle). f. Straight: Level 2 -- An enhanced version of the original Straight, with a more power infused punch (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). g. Beast Uppercut -- Lunge forward and punch the enemy upward into the sky. Extra attacks can be tacked on while the enemy is hopelessly floating in the air (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle). h. Rising Dragon -- Rise up into the air as you knock the enemy upward with the power of a dragon (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Triangle, Triangle). i. Hyper Fist -- Throw a barrage of blinding past punches at the enemy (Repeatedly press Triangle while executing a type II combo). j. Air Hike -- By concentrating magical energy into the area under your feet, you are able to perform a double jump to reach higher, more strategic locations (Press X in mid-air). \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ D. Guns -- Files on the guns you have obtained. 1. Ebony & Ivory -- A file on Ebony & Ivory. a. Ebony & Ivory -- Dante's personally designed handguns made for rapid fire action. b. Normal Shot -- Press Square while on the ground or in mid-air. 2. Shotgun -- A file on Shotgun. a. Shotgun -- A hunting shotgun that is very powerful at close range. b. Normal Shot -- Press Square while on the ground or in mid-air. 3. Artemis -- A file on Artemis. a. Artemis -- A gun of the demon world that discharges arrows concentrated with demon energy. b. Normal Shot -- Press Square while on the ground or in mid-air. 4. Spiral -- A file on Spiral. a. Spiral -- A large rifle that fires high penetration-type bullets. b. Normal Shot -- Press Square while on the ground. 5. Kalina Ann -- A file on Kalina Ann. a. Kalina Ann -- A gun with Lady's mother's name etched into the handle. It has various uses. b. Normal Shot -- Press Square while on the ground. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ E. Style -- Files on the styles you have obtained. 1. Trickster -- A file on Trickster Style. a. Trickster -- Style that allows the player to avoid enemy attacks using special evasive movements. b. Dash -- A quick burst of speed propels the player forward. This technique helps get the player out of tight situations (Hold the left analog stick in any direction + Circle). c. Wall Hike -- Run up walls to avoid enemy attacks (When near a wall, hold the left analog stick toward the wall + Circle). d. Sky Star -- A quick aerial dash that propels you forward through the air (While in mid-air, hold the left analog stick in any direction + Circle). e. Double Dash -- Perform the Dash maneuver two times in rapid succession (Press Circle while dashing). f. Air Trick -- Disappear in the blink of an eye, then reappear above the enemy ready to strike (Hold R1, then press Circle while holding the left analog stick in the direction of the enemy). g. Triple Dash -- Perform the Dash maneuver three times in rapid succession (Press Circle while executing a Double Dash). 2. Swordmaster -- A file on Swordmaster Style. a. Swordmaster -- Style in which player can master different swords and maximize each sword's power. b. Prop Shredder -- Spin your sword at high speeds to slice and dice the enemy to bits (Press Circle while on the ground). c. Aerial Rave -- Perform a multiple sword strike combo in mid-air doing major damage to the enemy (Press Circle in mid-air). d. Sword Pierce -- Hurl your sword at the enemy, skewering them with it (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). e. Dance Macabre -- Fire off a massive number of sword slashes at breakneck speeds to obliterate the enemy (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle then rapidly press Circle). f. Crazy Dance -- Plant your sword into the ground and spin around it, kicking all enemies in the immediate vicinity (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Dance Macabre move). g. Flicker -- Whirl your nunchucks around to hit multiple enemies in the immediate vicinity (Press Circle while on the ground or in mid-air). h. Crystal -- Thrust your nunchucks into the grounds surface to sprout huge ice pillars in your surrounding vicinity (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). i. Million Carats -- Slam your nunchucks into the ground to create a huge glacier (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Crystal). j. Ice Age -- Creates a large ice mass that encases the player, making them impervious to all attacks (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle). k. Crossed Swords -- Quickly lacerate your enemies with this X-style sword slash (Press Circle while on the ground). l. Sky Dance -- Swing both swords in mid-air, chopping through unsuspecting foes (Press Circle in mid-air). m. Crawler -- Attack far-away enemies by plunging your swords into the ground to roll out a large carpet of flame in their direction (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). n. Twister -- Quickly spin out dual sword slashes, creating a heat vortex burning everything in the general vicinity (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle). o. Tempest -- Spin upward on an enemy while twirling your dual swords, generating a flame vortex burning everything in its path (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Twister move). p. Slash -- Attack enemies with the bladed section of your ultra-rockin' guitar (Press Circle while on the ground). q. Air Slash -- Attack enemies from mid-air with the reaper guitar in this aerial version of the classic Slash maneuver (Press Circle in mid-air). r. Feedback -- Whirl your guitar around your body to hit any enemy in the immediate vicinity (Hold down R1 + forward on the left analog stick + press Circle). s. Crazy Roll -- Generate electricity while rocking forward into unsuspecting enemies (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Feedback move). t. Distortion -- Master the awesome power of nature by attacking enemies with a barrage of bats coupled with blasts of lightning (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle). u. Zodiac -- Pummel the enemy with charged energy released from your fingertips (Press Circle while on the ground). v. The Hammer -- Focus your might into a double-fisted haymaker that smashes enemies into the ground upon connection (Press Circle in mid-air). w. Volcano -- Slam the ground with your fist to create a small super-nova that tears through enemies unfortunate enough to get in its path (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). x. Real Impact -- A highly-focused one hit power attack that inflicts incredible damage to any enemy (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle). y. Tornado -- Knock the enemy into the sky then follow by kicking hundreds of times at lightning speeds (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Real Impact move). 3. Gunslinger -- A file on Gunslinger Style. a. Gunslinger -- Style in which player can master different guns and maximize each gun's technique. b. Twosome Time -- Fire your guns simultaneously in any chosen direction (Hold the left analog stick in any direction + Circle). c. Wild Stomp -- Plant a foot down on an enemy that has been knocked over and hold them in place while you riddle off a barrage of bullets, then kick away their battered body (Repeatedly press Circle near a downed enemy). d. Rain Storm -- Rain hundreds of bullets down upon unsuspecting foes that lie waiting below you (Press Circle in mid-air). e. Charge Shot -- Focus energy for a brief time then fire off a super-charged magically imbued burst (Hold down Square then release). f. Rapid Shot -- Quickly click off shots, resulting in a large number of bullets being fired in a short amount of time (Repeatedly press Square). g. Fireworks -- Spin your shotgun around your body like a set of nunchucks, randomly blasting nearby enemies (Press Circle while on the ground or in mid- air.) h. Charge Shot -- Focus energy for a brief time then fire off a super-charged magically imbued burst (Hold down Square then release). i. Rapid Shot -- Quickly click off shots, resulting in a large number of bullets being fired in a short amount of time (Repeatedly press Square). j. Gun Stinger -- Ferociously ram your shotgun into an enemy and pull the trigger to hit them with a concentrated burst of buckshot (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). k. Point Blank -- Fire off a shotgun round while standing right next to an enemy, doing maximum damage (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Gun Stinger move). l. Multi-lock -- Lock on to a single enemy on the screen and then fire a wave of searing lasers to light them up (Hold Circle to charge then release to fire multiple beams into a single enemy). m. Sphere -- Fire out charged laser energy in the form of a giant orb (Hold down R1 + forward on the left analog stick + press Circle). n. Acid Rain -- Shoot multiple laser beams into the heavens which come raining down on enemies with increased ferocity (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Sphere move). o. Trick Shot -- Ricochet bullets off surrounding walls to hit multiple enemies (Press Circle while on the ground). p. Sniper -- Target in on an enemy's weak spot and then fire a high-damage piercing shot at them (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). q. Reflector -- Intentionally fire a bullet that ricochets off nearby surfaces, picking up speed and then impacting into an enemy doing maximum damage (Repeatedly press Circle while executing the Sniper move). r. Hysteric -- Fire a huge barrage of mini-missles at the enemy (Press Circle while on the ground). s. Grapple -- Launches the bayonet blade at the enemy, impaling them (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). 4. Royal Guard -- A file on Royal Guard Style. a. Royal Guard -- Minimizing the damage of an enemy attack, this style allows the player to maneuver into a more strategic position. b. Block & Charge -- Block incoming attacks, slowly building up your anger and adrenaline (Press Circle while on the ground). c. Release -- Release pent-up anger charged from blocked enemy attacks to do major damage (Hold down R1 + forward on left analog stick + press Circle). d. Air Block -- Block in mid-air (Press Circle in mid-air). e. Air Release -- Perform a release in mid-air (Hold R1, then press Circle while holding the left analog stick in the direction of the enemy). f. Ultimate -- Block enemy attacks and convert the block energy into life power for yourself (Hold down R1 + back on left analog stick + press Circle). 5. Quicksilver -- A file on Quicksilver Style. a. Quicksilver -- Time-controlling style in which the player can move at lightning quick speeds. b. Time Lag -- Send out a dimensional time-rift wave that slows down your enemies while giving you ultra-high speed (Press R1 + Circle). 6. Doppelganger -- A file on Dopperganger Style. a. Doppelganger -- Style that allows the player to control shadows, effectively creating copies of himself to assist in the battle. b. After-image -- Initiate a dimensional time-rift causing a second shadow of yourself to appear. Also, while in Doppelganger mode, you will constantly consume DT energy (Press R1 + Circle). \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ F. Library 1. Action -- A file on Action. a. Taunt -- Taunt the enemy (Press Select while on the ground). b. Free Ride -- Jump on a ground enemy to lock your feet in a surfing stance on top of them. Only works on certain enemies. c. Pole Play -- Spin around a pole, kicking any enemies lurking in the nearby vicinity (Press Triangle when near a pole). 2. Character -- A file on characters a. Dante -- A demon hunter born of the union between the legendary dark knight Sparda and his human bride, he uses his keepsake sword and dual handguns to crush his enemies...After having some fun with them. b. Vergil -- He is Dante's twin brother. Ever-so-skillfully weilding the Yamato sword, a keepsake from his father, his sword speed is said to be so fast that it appears invisible to the human eye. c. Lady -- While being a human female and therefore born of weak flesh and blood, she has made devil-hunting her life's work. She hates all demons and wants to destroy them all. d. Arkham -- A mystery man who accompanies Vergil. He seems to have a profound knowledge of the magic arts and Demon World. His motives are unknown. e. Jester -- A mysterious inhabitant of the tower. While seeming to offer advice to Dante on one hand, he also takes steps to prevent the devil hunter from reaching his goal. f. Sparda -- The legendary dark knight who defeated the Devil-king some 2000 years ago. When sealing the netherworld, sensing his power had grown too strong, he intentionally seals himself in as well. g. Leviathan -- A biological weapon of sorts created by the Devil-king. It, like the tower, was sealed away by Sparda but freed by someone as of late. It's body is a gateway to the hell of jealousy. h. The Temen-Ni-Gru -- A holy tower constructed by disciples of the demon clan. Originally sealed by Sparda deep underground, Arkham and Vergil have rematerialized it in the present day. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\