Info and Credits: May 9 version, 2002. Next update(B path, endings 3,4) - May 12, 2002. This is a simple guide to completing Zettai Zetsumei Toshi. At this time, it is not a translation guide nor a walkthrough, though I may add those later. Compiled by: Nemian( With Help from hgblob and the rest at messageboards. Gameflow: Highway Bridge -> Kagami -> North Kagami -> Fallen Building -> Office District -> Construction Site -> Damaged Building -> Gameflow Break into A, B paths: A Path (Aizawa Mari path) -> Kisaragi Waterway -> Sakura Mutsuki (Aikawa Mari's house) -> Subway -> Waterworks -> Newspaper Area -> Satsuki Park(Ending5 is here) -> Stadium(Chose Ending 1 or 2 here) -> pb Plaza -> Rescue Area -> Shinzaki's office area -> Tidal wave building-> Ending Secrets: Special Room In Waterworks - Chose to go to Aizawa's house. Reach the water works area in under 2 hours and 30 minutes. The gate will be open. Items: 100 yen lighter - Cafe Pet Bottle M - Cafe Magnifying glass - In Kagami, on the ground, next to a bench. Smoke Flare- Next to the water, western most section of Kagami. Gloves - Ambulance in Kagami Bandage - Ambulance in Kagami Crowbar - Back of trailer in Kagami Sunglasses - Konbini in Kagami Juice Packet- Konbini Battery - Konbini Pet Bottle M - Konbini Blue Backpack (3x3x2)- Konbini Juice Can - Konbini Fire Extinguisher - From Aizawa after Konbini Radio - Washroom, North Kagami Black Umbrella - Washroom, North Kagami Bandage - Room with dripping water, collapsed building, Kagami Band-aid - Back of Trailer, Office District Oil Lighter(Zippo) - Back of Trailer, Office District Helmet - Construction site, under Jinnai. 2nd Floor First Aid Kit - Construction site, under Jinnai. 2nd Floor Band-aid - Construction Site, B1F. To the left in the first room after the water pipe 2 First Aid Kits - Same place as the Band-aid above. Yellow Bag(3x3x3) - 7th Floor, Damaged Building, behind lockers. Bandage - With Yellow Bag Band-Aid - With Yellow Bag Office Place? Key - In crawl space, 6th floor of Damaged Building Items for Raft, Easily found in Kisaragi Waterway: Rope Oil Drums Bench wood Tires Paint Can Water Filter - Inside 5 day Bargain Bulding, Sakura Mutsuki Band-aid - With Water Filter Yellow-Lens Sunglasses - In backroom of Bargain Building Hangars - In back room of Bargain Building Gloves - In the office building on the other side of the square from the Bargain Building Lighter Oil - Subway Office First Aid Kit - Subway Office Shoulder Bag (3x3x3) - In Subway, north side of track area. Helmet - Special Room in WaterWorks area. First Aid Kit (3 of them) - Special Room in Waterworks area. First Aid Kit - Near the top of the Pit of Fire Filter - Your boss' room Cowboy Hat - Boss' desk Storage Room Key - Boss' Desk Smoke Flare - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Flashlight - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Band-aids - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Car Jack - Newspaper Area, under a white car. Office Key - Hata's Desk Bandage - Box in Satsuki Park Band-aid - Box in Satsuki Park 6 Bottles of Water - Box in Satsuki Park 2 Pet Bottle L - Trashcans in Satsuki Park Russack - Use Smoke Flare in Park near tree on hill. Helicopter will drop it. Leg Guards - Bullpen in Stadium(near truck) Batter's Helmet - Opposite Bullpen Juice Can - Near wooden boxes, Stadium Catcher's Chestguard - Behind wooden boxes, Stadium Pet Bottle L - On bench next to fountain when being hunted, pb Plaza First Aid Kit - Inside Elevator, pb Plaza. After losing Aizawa Flashlight - pb Plaza Shopping Area, on a bench. Papers: Restaurant Note- First Backpack Konbini Map - Konbini in Kagami Shuto To-o-ki- 7th Issue - Konbini in Kagami Business Card- Dead man in building, after giving him water Hata's Poster - Office District, when raining Shine Building Map - Office District, when raining Some Magazine June 6 Issue - Damaged building, 8th floor. Emergency Escape Route Map - Damaged building, 8th floor. Population Conference 1 - Damaged Building, 6th Floor, immediately after meeting the old couple. Population Conference 2 - Damaged Building, 6th floor, same bookshelf as NaniNani 1. Picture of Old Couple - Damaged Building, 6th Floor, while getting the needed key. Report of Island Survey - Damaged Building, 6th floor, found while getting the key and Picture. NewsPaper, June 20th - Sakura Mutsuki Map of Mutsuki - Opposite of stairs from water, next to bargain building. Some Sales Record - Subway Office Some Newspaper Report3 - Your Bosses Office ID Card - From Your Boss Some Newspaper Report2 - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Some Newspaper Report3 - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Some Newspaper Report4 - Storage Room, Newspaper Building Building Map - Near jack, on bulletin board Some Paper about years - On Front Desk, Hata's building, Newspaper Area Aizawa's Family Photo, circa 1995 - Hata's Desk. Paper - On Desk in Office room, Hata's Building, 12th Floor Memo - Book in Office Room pb Plaza Map - Found between the elevator and the debris you clear away with the fire hose, pb Plaza lobby. Recipes: Light Helmet - Helmet, Flashlight Light Helmet - Light Helmet, Battery Pet Bottle (any size) - Pet Bottle (same size), Juice Packet Battery Change - Flashlight, Battery Oil Lighter - Oil Lighter, Oil Torch (Crowbar) - Bandage, Lighter Oil, Crowbar Torch (Umbrella) - Bandage, Lighter Oil, Umbrella Frame, Umbrella Cap Hand-made Hangar - Bandage, Crowbar, Umbrella Frame Umbrella - Nylon Cloth, Umbrella Frame, Umbrella Cap Compass Locations: 1. Starts 2. On the truck on the highway, after the first helicopter scene 3. Kagami- In a box on the south side, near the dead end with 2 trucks. 4. North Kagami - In the washroom with the radio. Hidden in the south-west corner. 5. Collapsed Building, Kagami. Southern-most pillar after started climbing up. 6. In the Jewelry Shop, Office District. 7. Southeast corner, topmost section of the Construction Site. Only accessible AFTER pulling up the bars for Jinnai. 8. East Wall, Kisaragi Suido. If chosing to go Aizawa's house. 9. Middle of sandbox in park near Aizawa's house. 10. In the flower bushes, west side, behind Aizawa's house. 11. In the subway, after climbing over the train cars. 12. Special Room under subway. A City compass. 13. North Eastern Corner, lowest pipe-ledge, during the pit of flames. 14. Somewhere in the Newspaper Area 15. In the middle of the Helicopter Pad - Top of Hata's building. 16. At foot of tree in Satsuki Park, on the far side of the pond. 17. After the pond drains, next to the 2nd ramp in Satsuki Park. 18. In the stadium floor, inside the green tent. 19. pb Plaza, 2nd floor, next to the bazooka man when he goes up the stairs. Hard to get. 20. In the book shop, pb Plaza. 5 days bargain sign on the floor. 21. Before climbing on chandelier, behind a pillar. Pb Plaza. 22. Somewhere in the resuce center... 23. During tidal wave... 24. On the 18 wheeler sticking out of the water, when searching for Aizawa. 25. In the storage room, Newspaper Building. After getting key from boss. 26. e 27. e 28. e 29. e 30. e 31. e 32. e 33. e 34. e 35. e Voice Data Locations: 1. Strange Woman, Newspaper Area, Part A(giving gift) 2. Strange Woman, Newspaper Area, Part B (happy) 3. e(mpty) 4. e 5. e 6. e 7. e 8. e 9. Shinzaki and Hata Talk 10. Hata talks to...? 11. Newspaper Building on Fire, while inside(Aizawa only path) 12. e 13. Talking about the discovery made in Hata's office while in Satsuki Park 14. After showing the voice recording to your boss in Satsuki Park(Aizawa only path) 15. e 16. Talking about Jinnai in Satsuki Park 17. Saving your boss in Satsuki Park(Aizawa only path) 18. e 19. Meeting Jinnai and Natsumi in front of the Stadium(Aizawa only path) 20. e 21. e 22. e 23. e 24. Talking about boss with Jinnai 25. Discussing plans about Stadium 26. e 27. Running away with Aizawa(Aizawa only path) 28. Saving Aizawa, in pb Plaza(Aizawa only Path) 29. Aizawa Calling you, pb Plaza(Aizawa only Path) 30. Short chat after defeating helicopter, pb Plaza(Aizawa only Path) 31. e 32. e 33. e 34. e 35. e 36. Boss calling you, rescue center (Aizawa only Path) 37. Talking with boss, rescue center (Aizawa only path) 38. Talking with Natsumi, rescue center (Aizawa only path) 39. e 40. e 41. e 42. Being told to hurry by boss, rescue center 43. e 44. Island control Center, Jinnai and Shinzaki talk. 45. Island control Center, Everyone talks, only if enter office(Aizawa only path) 46. Island control center, everyone talks 47. Island control center, Hata arrives at the office 48. Island Control Center, Aizawa talks to Shinzaki (Aizawa only path) 49. Pak Building, during tidal wave, Jinnai issues a warning 50. Pak Building, rescuing Aizawa while being shot (Aizawa only path) 51. e 52. Pak Building, Aizawa shouts Jinnai's name (Aizawa only path) 53. e 54. Pak Building, Jinnai talks after being shot 55. e 56. e 57. e 58. e QUESTIONS GUIDE: Section Question/Choice Leads toward? After Rescuing Aizawa Tell truth or not? ? Go to Konbini with Aizawa N/A ? Enter Jewelry Shop with Aizawa N/A ? Strange woman in Jewelry Shop1 Heal,Give Item, Nothing Heal - Emerald Ring, Give Item - Diamond Ring Strange woman in Jewelry Shop2 Leave/Speak To Gift? Ladders with Aizawa Her First/You first/Why? She can only go first If you give her an umbrella? Have 2/Like Rain/Might get a cold If given, get a special picture... Give the picture to the old couple N/A ? When leaving the old couple Yes/No ? When the Damaged building Falls Help Aizawa? ? Which way to go? Aizawa House/Jinnai 5(Aizawa) 4,6(Jinnai) What Color use for raft? Red/Blue/Flames/Flowers ? After Raft ride... Don't worry/Make me feel bad ? If you call her after moving bus... Go by first names/not ? Climb Ladder while Aizawa is inside N/A ? Under The subway, the waterworks, if fast Enter the room /not ? When asked to rest while Carrying Boss Yes/Just a little/I'm OK ? Boatman Are you alone/Have someone 1, 2(Save Boss); 5, 6(Alone) Go with who in the stadium Aizawa/Natsumi? 1 (Aizawa); 2 (Natsumi) In pb Plaza... Act as decoy/Together? ? About something yes/ ? ? Record Hatta in Toilet N/A 1 At Shinzaki's office enter or not? 1,2(Enter); 3,4(not enter??) The point of many of these questions is unknown. Maybe just to add to the realism of the game? In Ending 1: Both Shinzaki and Hata die, Jinnai dies. Natsumi and your boss survive. You think about writing the events of the island. Go with Aizawa Mari in Stadium. In Ending 2: Is the same as Ending 1, but replace Aizawa with Natsumi. In Ending 3:? In Ending 4:? In Ending 5: You leave Aizawa and your boss behind.....You're mean. In Ending 6: Same as Ending 5, but replace Aizawa with Natsumi. In Ending 7: In Natsumi's scenario, leave her and go on the helicopter.