SSX TRICKY: ZOE QUOTE GUIDE by Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather FINAL VERSION Initial Version Completed: May 25, 2002 Current Version Completed: July 10 ,2002 ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== JOIN THE FEATHERGUIDES E-MAIL LIST: To be the first to know when my new and updated guides are released, join the FeatherGuides E-mail List. Go to for information about the list and to subscribe for free. ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== CONTENTS Spacing and Length Permissions Introduction Being Passed Big Air Character Select Crash/Fall Land Trick Lose Passing Others Post-event Pre-event Win Contact Information ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== SPACING AND LENGTH For optimum readability, this driving guide should be viewed/printed using a monowidth font, such as Courier. Check for font setting by making sure the numbers and letters below line up: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ============================================== PERMISSIONS Permission is hereby granted for a user to download and/or print out a copy of this driving guide for personal use. However, due to the extreme length, printing this driving guide may not be such a good idea. This driving guide may only be posted on: FeatherGuides,,,,,,, RedCoupe,,,, The Cheat Empire,,,, Games Domain, Gameguru,,,,,, and Please contact me for permission to post elsewhere on the Internet. Should anyone wish to translate this driving guide into other languages, please contact me for permission(s) and provide me with a copy when complete. Remember: Plagiarism in ANY form is NOT tolerated!!!!! ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== INTRODUCTION This guide came about somewhat through a consensus on the SSX Tricky (PS2) Message Board on GameFAQs ( that some of us who played the game a lot should write quote guides for the various characters. I volunteered to write quote guides for both Zoe and Psymon; here is the guide for Zoe :-) Note that the quotes in the Passes section are often prefaced with "Hey <>!" ============================================== BEING PASSED Big whoop! Don't order the champagne yet! Excuse you! Have fun while you can! I can respect that! I'll be returning that favor! I'm comin' with you! Make it a race! No! No! No! No! ============================================== BIG AIR Ah, beautiful! Ah, I can LIVE up here! Air royale! Beau-ti-ful! Gorgeous! Gravity is my friend! Hello down there! Look ma, no hands! Loverly! Milk it! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Makin' it last! Oh yeah! That's good! So, so, so scenic! Tasty! ============================================== CHARACTER SELECT Attitude, check! Adrenaline, check! Babe <>, check! Dirt or snow, I'm the girl to go! Do you know what you're getting into? You sure you wanna go there? ============================================== CRASH/FALL A little help here... Come on, Zoe! Down but not out! Hey what the...!?!?! Hey, don't throw dirt on me yet! I feel a need to bleed... I just KNOW this is gonna hurt! I gotta regroup! Ker...plunk! Little dancing birdies... Oh man! One minor step for stupidkind! Ouch! Owie owie owie ow...! Shoulda turned on the hottub! That won't happen again! The plain truth is I plain SUCK! This is gonna leave a scar! This'll cost me! What am I doing!?! Who moved the mountain? Yaaard saaale... Yeow! Yikes! <> <> I kind of liked that. ============================================== LAND TRICK Clear a path! I can do this all day! Jacked up, pumped up, and perfect! Legendary stuff! Nail down the lid! Put out that fire! Somethin' ta write home about! Stand back and clap! Stuck it! Stuck it good! Tens across the board! That feels waaay too good! That's why I'm here! Too hot ta handle! Well kick my butt! Woo, baby! Line up to touch me! Zoe has left the planet! Zoe! Sing it loud! Zoe, you are amazing! Zoooe! Let me hear ya! ============================================== LOSE Aw... That doesn't cut it, girl! Blame it on late nights! ============================================== PASSING OTHERS Are you stuck in reverse or what!?! Don't lose sight o' me! Hope this isn't your day job! Just passing! See ya soon! Self-esteem check! Sucks to be you! Think of me as a pace car! You are so predictable! ============================================== POST-EVENT Cheaters sometimes prosper! Eh, knock it off!!! SOMEBODY out there's a little testy! ============================================== PRE-EVENT Ah, Snowdream! Nothin' I like better than a good shortcut!!! Ah, you're hot! Altitude and attitudeĊ  I dig this course! Canadians certainly do this nature thing well! I am too fast to live and too young to die! I hope someone remembered to put a quarter in! I like this course - a good time to be had by all! Joey Ramone, this one's for you! Mmm, you look mighty fine in those pants! Too bad they didn't make this course a little CHALLENGING!!! Winter in Hawaii never looked so good! <> ============================================== WIN Doesn't get any better! Head ta toe EXCELLENT!!! Oh yeah! Girls rule! This one's for you, Joey! ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== CONTACT INFORMATION For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc., or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via PayPal ( using the above e-mail address. To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2 game guides, please visit FeatherGuides ( The latest version will always be immediately available at FeatherGuides, while other Web sites may lag behind by several days in their regularly-scheduled posting updates. ============================================== ============================================== ==============================================