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YMM QM, YMM6 ,M .MM MC EM n@ QW M; .M nzM8 vMM M.i 7M #Mc XIMW iM ;MM E6M tM #M 0W Mi ,M 8;M# EMM MYM tM MM8 UYMM cM 6MM M2M IM . @M 0# @: .M X.;X oi# @@@ vM ,17U 7,;A i@ Ii$. ;#9 c$.7 .YY;Xn .. ... . . . : . ... .: .:,,,...... .; .i : . ; .: ..... ...,: ============================================ Final Fantasy XI Blue Mage FAQ Version 0.9 ============================================ By: typhlosion5555 Copyright 2006 Jorge Gomez This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide may ONLY be posted at: www.gamefaqs.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----Table of Contents---- I. Introduction II. Becoming a Blue Mage 1. Quest: The Road to Aht Urhgan 2. Quest: An Empty Vessel III. Playing as a Blue Mage 1. Learning Blue Magic 2. Damage Dealing 3. Skill Caps A) Skill Information B) Ability Caps 4. Job Traits A) Intimidation Traits B) Clear Mind C) Max HP Boost D) Max MP Boost E) Attack Bonus F) Magic Attack Bonus G) Rapid Shot H) Resist Sleep I) Defense Bonus J) Auto Refresh K) Single-Trait Combos 5. Job Abilities A) Azure Lore B) Burst Affinity C) Chain Affinity 6. Role in Parties 7. Equipment 8. Blue Mage Skillchains 9. Food IV. Blue Magic 1. Blue Magic Points 2. List of Blue Magic 3. Classification V. Subjobs 1. White Mage 2. Ninja 3. Warrior 4. Thief VI. Artifact Armor 1. Immortal's Scimitar 2. Magus Charuqs 3. Magus Shalwar 4. Magus Bazubands 5. Magus Jubbah 6. Magus Keffiyeh VII. FAQ VIII. Credits IX. Version History X. Contact -------------------------------------------- | I. Introduction | -------------------------------------------- This an In-Depth FAQ for Final Fantasy XI, an MMORPG. This FAQ will cover one of the latest jobs released for the game, Blue Mage. Blue Mage or BLU, is probably the most expected job ever since Square Enix announced the FFXI's third expansion pack, Treasures of Aht Urhgan. This FAQ will guide you as a new Blue Mage and also, it will be a compilation of every blue magic and its effectiveness against the various monsters families of Vana'diel. If you're looking for something in particular, let's say, the Blue Magic of Pollen, be sure to use CTRL+F and then input whatever you want to search. That being said, if you want to contribute or you just want to make a comment, please check the Contact section. -------------------------------------------- | II. Becoming a Blue Mage | -------------------------------------------- First and foremost, you cannot access the Blue Mage Quest if you do not have the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion pack. If you do, you will have to complete the quest entitled "The Road to Aht Urhgan" first, so if you haven't done that, follow these steps: ============================================ 1. The Road to Aht Urhgan ============================================ Starting Zone: Lower Jeuno Starting NPC: Faursel (J-8) In-game summary: If you want to ride the mercenary transport ship to Mhaura, you must bring the required items to the Tenshodo. Faursel is located within the Tenshodo, so buy or quest a Tenshodo invite in case you haven't got one already. 1. Talk to Faursel; select the third 'hidden' option (you will notice it's a blank line). This is the only way to actually start the quest. 2. Faursel will now state that you have four different ways of completing the quest. Depending on your level range, one way might be easier than the other. So in turn, the quest will now branch into three different options, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, note that you can complete the quest in any 'difficulty' regardless of your level. 3a. Beginner: You must be really bored if you chose this way to complete the quest. It requires you to gather the subjob quest items from both the Valkurm Dunes and the Buburimu Peninsula Region. Note: I'm aware that you know which monsters drop what item, but it doesn't hurt to have a complete guide now, does it? Anyways... 1) Damselfly Worm: Dropped by Damselflys in the Valkurm Dunes. 2) Crab Apron: Dropped by Snippers in the Valkurm Dunes. 3) Magicked Skull: Dropped by Ghouls in either the Valkurm Dunes (at night), at Gusgen Mines, at Outer Horutoto Ruins or at Buburimu Peninsula (nighttime). 4) Wild Rabbit Tail: Dropped by Mighty Rarabs in the Buburimu Peninsula. 5) Bloody Robe: Dropped by the Bogys in either Valkurm Dunes (at night), Meriphataud Mountains, Pashhow Marshlands, Valkurm Dunes and even Lower Delkfutt's tower. 6) Dhalmel Saliva: Dropped by Bull Dhalmels in the Buburimu Peninsula. Trade all 6 items to Faursel once you've gotten them and continue to step number 4. Soloable at: Level 25 3b. Intermediate: Garrison items galore! You need one from each main beastmen stronghold: 1) Jade Cryptex: Orcish Impalers, Beastriders, Brawlers and Bowshooters in Davoi drop it. 2) Thirteen-knot Quipus: Yagudo Heralds, Drummers and Interrogators in Castle Oztroja drop it. 3) Silver Engraving: Bronze, Silver and Zircon Quadavs in Beadeaux drop it. Trade all 3 items to Faursel once you've gotten them and continue to step number 4. Soloable at: Level 40 3c. Advanced: For many, this will be the fastest and easiest way to gain access to the Aht Urhgan areas. It requires you to get just ONE of the following: 1) Testimony 2) Coffer key from one of the following areas: 1. Temple of Uggalepih 2. Castle Oztroja 3. Beadeaux 4. Davoi 5. Den of Rancor 6. Quicksand Caves 7. Sea Serpent Grotto 3) Alternatively, get the three colored chips from Pso'Xja: 1. Carmine Chip - Dropped by Snow or Frost Lizards 2. Cyan Chip - Gotten from Archaic Chests or Treasure Chests 3. Gray Chip - Dropped by regular Diremites, Diremite Stalkers, Assaulters and Dominators. Trade the coffer key/testimony/colored chips to Faursel once you've gotten it/them and continue to step number 4. Soloable at: Level 70+ for most areas. Quicksand Caves is reccomended if you're going for a coffer key. 3d. The 'Cheap' Way Trade 500,000 gil to Faurel. Bam. Quest completed. Boarding Permit O And you even get a free teleport to Aht Urhgan and Map of Wajaom Woodlands to seal the deal. XD 4. Once you give him the items, you will have to wait till the next Vana'diel day, so zone to Port Jeuno or whatever and just wait. Come back the next [game] day and you will recieve a Boarding Permit from Faurel. This lets you board the new ferry located at Mhaura. So go there. Now. ============================================ 2. An Empty Vessel ============================================ Starting Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate Starting NPC: Waoud (J-10) In-game summary: There is a rare treasure in the "Middle Lands" that Waoud needs someone to obtain for him... Whoopie doo, we're in Aht Urhgan. Now please remember you need to be at least level 30 to start this quest. 1. Okay, go to the second floor of the Aht Urhgan Whitegate and locate Waoud. Talk to him for a cut-scene; choose to "Gaze away". 2. Waoud will pose 10 questions. Note that the answers you must choose are somewhat random for each character. Each question will have 3 possible options. These options will determine the fate of your character as a BLU. Note that if you fail to answer 'correctly' you will need to wait another Vana'diel day. According to somepage.com, 2-2-3-3-2-1-2-1-2-2 seems to work for many people. If you answer correctly, continue to step 3, if not, try again after waiting one game day. You'll know once you get it because Waoud says "Sky, Flame, Gale, Stone, and Spring. I see all five serpent symbols... This sign heralds a turning point in your destiny". 3. Talk to Waoud again until he mentions one of the following: 3.1 The treasure I would have you seek is a jewel. It is said to glow with a bluish tint and be found near the bank of a certain river. You must get the Siren's Tear from the river in Gustaberg, remember to check the ??? there without any weapons equipped, or else you won't be able to get it. Once you have the item, continue to step #4. 3.2 The treasure I would have you seek is a pinch of golden sand. It is said to glow with the light of the sun and be found only on a certain beach. Get the Sunsand either from the Auction House or from the boat in Valkurm Dunes during a sandstorm. Once you have the item, continue to step #4. 3.3 The treasure I would have you seek is a precious stone. It is said to be as red as blood and found in a land of geysers. Get the Dangruf Stone from, quite obviously, Dangruf Wadi. Once you have the item, continue to step #4. 4. If you get it in less than one Vana'diel day, wait till it's 0:00 again, or else it won't work. Waoud will then send you to Aydeewa Subterrane. So exit through town to the Bhaflau Thickets (Buy the map with if you haven't already). Note: Sneak is needed, sub WHM or RDM or buy some oils. Note#2: Don't drop the requested item yet. 5. Once you arrive there, exit at G-7 to get to Aydeewa Subterrane. 6. Beware of the Aydeewa Diremites, they aggro to sound. Go straight here and drop down as soon as you see a ledge, after that, take the next left and go down the slope, while getting down a ramp at H-9. Once you get there, enter the pool for a cut-scene WITH THE REQUESTED ITEM IN YOUR INVENTORY! 7. Answer positively to everything you get asked, unless you would like to repeat everything again >_>. If you did everything correctly, you'll be back at the Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Congratulations! You can know play as a blue mage! And so the real guide begins... -------------------------------------------- | III. Playing as a Blue Mage | -------------------------------------------- In Final Fantasy V, the Blue Mage job was first introduced, and it has become one of the most popular FF jobs ever since. BLU (in FFXI) has the ability to learn diverse enemy abilites in order to become stronger. Also, in order to prevent people from Power-Leveling, S-E added Job Traits and Status Enhancements for most of the magic, so you better stop leveling and hunt for more abilities! ============================================ 1. Learning Blue Magic ============================================ In order to learn Blue Magic, your main job must be set to BLU. You CANNOT learn magic if you use BLU as a sub. Once you kill a monster which used a LEARNABLE magic during the fight, you have a chance of learning Blue Magic, please note that it is not guaranteed, but it is said that the stronger the mob, the higher the probability of learning magic (i.e. Easy Prey mobs have a lower % than Tough mobs). You can kill Too Weak mobs to learn their abilites as long as they use it. Contrary to what people initially thought, it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to miss Blue Magic at a certain level, you can just go back to, let's say, Sarutabaruta in order to learn Wild Oats from Tiny Mandragoras (as long as you don't kill them first, haha). It is also possible for you to learn magic that you can't use yet. Example: I learned Coccoon at level 6, Coccoon is a level 8 ability. It is possible to learn Blue Magic that is up to 10 levels above one's level, I learned Blood Drain at level 12 (and Blood Drain is a level 20 magic). Contrary to popular belief, Azure Lore does NOT help you learn Blue Magic, so do not even try to waste your 2-hours on a Crawler just because you're getting desperate. ============================================ 2. Damage Dealing ============================================ There are two types of Blue Magic; Physical and Magical. Physical seems to be enhanced by STR whereas Magical is influenced by both MND (Pollen) or INT (-breath attacks). Early on (Level 5-10) you should depend entirely on Foot Kick to deal damage. "Wait! I used Foot Kick against a Mandragora and the DMG sucks!" Similar to the Elemental Compass, BLUs have to rely on the Creatures weaknesses and strengths chart (like BSTs). All of the mobs in Vana'diel can be classified into 3 different chains. Chain one: Plantoids > Beasts > Lizards > Vermin > Loop So for example, if you use Wild Oats (Mandragora ability - Plantoid based) against a Dhalmel (Beast) you would have a higher chance of succesfully hitting the enemy with your Blue Magic, it will also deal more damage. Chain two: Aquans > Amorphs (Hecteye, Slime, Flan, Kraken) > Birds > Loop Example: Screwdriver will deal less damage against Birds and it is likely to be resisted at lower levels. Chain three: Demons <-> Dragons Both are effective against each other. Chain four: Undead <-> Arcana (dolls, golems, bombs, cardians, weapons) Both are effective against each other. Please make sure to have this chart somewhere nearby, as it can make the difference between heavy resistance and uber damage :P. This chart also has an impact on Job Traits. Yes, it's that important. ============================================ 3. Skill Caps ============================================ Blue Mages naturally excel at weilding swords and obviously at casting blue magic. This section will provide with information regarding a BLU's Skill in several weapons and stats. --------------------- A) Skill Information --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Skill | Skill Rank | Cap at Lv. 1| Cap at Lv. 37 | Cap at Lv. 75 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword A- 6 114 269 Club B- 5 109 240 Evasion C+ 5 105 230 Parrying D 4 101 210 ---------------- B) Ability Caps ---------------- The damage dealt by your abilites as a BLU will increase as you become stronger. However, some of these abilites have a cap. For example: -Pollen has a soft cap of 35 HP. ============================================ 4. Job Traits ============================================ By themselves, Blue Mages have no Job Traits. However, when equipping certain blue magic, Blue Mages will gain traits such as Beast Killer or Auto Regen. Due to the complexity of these traits, they can be divided in several sub-categories in order to classify them better. ---------------------- A) Intimidation Traits ---------------------- Strangely enough, the Killer effects are related to the Monster Weaknesses and Strengths chart. Remember how Plantoids have an advantage against Beasts? Well, if you equip two Plantoids Abilities such as Wild Oats and Sprout Smack, you will automically 'have' the Beast Killer Job Trait. Here's a list of the current known 'Killer' traits. Description: Remember that "Killer" traits will make monsters of that particular family feel intimidated. This is great if you are soloing/farming a specific type of monster and want it to stop attacking once in a while. ---------------------------------------------------- |Lv.| Trait | Spells Needed | |----------------------------------------------------| | 4 Beast Killer Wild Oats, Sprout Smack | |20 Lizard Killer Foot Kick, Claw Cyclone | |34 Undead Killer Smite of Rage, Bludgeon | |44 Plantoid Killer Power Attack, Mandibular Bite | |60 Arcana Killer Dimensional Death, Terror Touch | ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- B) Clear Mind -------------- Description: Clear Mind will let you recover more MP while healing. Normally, one recovers 12 MP while healing, then 13, and so on. Each Clear Mind trait will let you recover 3 additional MP, so if you have Clear Mind III on your Blue Mage, you'll be able so start recovering MP at 21 per tick (12+(3*3)). There are some spells than, when equipped together, will let a blue mage earn the 'Clear Mind' job trait. In the following list, for every two spells that are equipped, the Clear Mind Trait will either appear for the first time in your job traits list, or level up (i.e. Clear Mind II and so on.). Can first be obtained at: Lv. 24 -Poison Breath -Soporific -Venom Shell -Awful Eye -Filamented Hold -Maelstrom -Feather Tickle -Sandspray -Warm Up -Lowing ---------------- C) Max HP Boost ---------------- Description: Raises your maximum amount of HP by 30. Good if you're soloing or tanking something for a mission. As with Clear Mind, equip two spells in order to gain this trait. There is no way to get Max HP Boost II considering there are only three spells usable for this trait anyways. Can be obtained at: Lv. 62 -Flying Hip Press -Body Slam -Frypan ---------------- D) Max MP Boost ---------------- Description: Raises your maximum amount of MP by 10. Not a lot, but something nice to have. Same as Max HP Boost, equip two spells of the following list in order to get the trait. Likewise, there is no way to get Max MP Boost II considering there are only three spells in the list. Can be obtained at: Lv. 40 -Metallic Body -Mysterious Light -Hecatomb Wave ---------------- E) Attack Bonus ---------------- Description: Raises your attack by 10 points. Guess what? Pick two of the following spells in order to gain this trait. Unlike Max MP or HP boost, you can equip more than 1 set of this trait. It is not known whether or not having more than 1 set (2 spells) of this trait enhances it. Can first be obtained at: Lv. 38 -Battle Dance -Uppercut -Death Scissors -Spinal Cleave -Temporal Shift --------------------- F) Magic Attack Bonus --------------------- Description: Increases damage dealt by magic by 20%. Also enhances magical weapon skills, such as Red Lotus Blade (but now it's nerfed AM I RITE?) Works exactly the same as Attack bonus. You know the drill, pick two of the following spells in order to gain this trait. It is possible to equip more than 1 set of this trait. However it is not known whether or not having more than 1 set (2 spells) of this trait enhances it. Can first be obtained at: Lv. 32 -Cursed Sphere -Sound Blast -Eyes on Me -Memento Mori -Heat Breath -Reactor Cool -------------- G) Rapid Shot -------------- Description: Ocassionaly reduces Ranged Attack delay. The only 'possible' use I can see to this is the recent inclusion of chakram weapons usable by Blue Mages. So, I guess if you're skilling up Throwing or something, you should give this trait a shot (no pun intended). Pick 2. You know the rest. Can be obtained at: Lv. 38 -Feather Storm -Jet Stream -Hydro Shot ---------------- H) Resist Sleep ---------------- Description: Increases resistance against sleep (WOOT! <_<) Useless. Totally worthless. Could work for Ballista, though. As always, pick two of the following spells in order to get the trait (not that you need it anyways >_>). I know you're dying to hear this... there's no way to get Resist Sleep II! OMG! What will you do? >_> Can be obtained at: Lv. 58 -Pollen -Magic Fruit -Yawn ----------------- I) Defense Bonus ----------------- Description: Increases Defense by 10 points. Pick any two spells from the list. It is not known wheter or not having more than one set equipped will help the efficiency of this trait. Can be obtained at: Lv. 40 -Grand Slam -Terror Touch -Saline Coat -Vertical Cleave ---------------- J) Auto Refresh ---------------- Description: Gradually restores MP (1 per 3 secs). Ah, Auto-Refresh. This one's a little trickier. The spells used to get this job trait have hidden points in their .dats. If you equip any set of spells and the total adds up to 8 points or more, you'll get the trait. Can be first obtained at: Lv. 58 ----------------------------------------- | Spell | Auto-Refresh Points| ----------------------------------------- Stinking Gas 1 Frightful Roar 2 Self-Destruct 2 Cold Wave 1 Light of Penance 2 Voracious Trunk 3 Actinic Burst 4 Plasma Charge 4 ---------------------- K) Single-Trait Combos ---------------------- There is no other way to earn some traits than to equip two specific spells. Here's a list of the traits that are 'unique' to two spells. ---------------------------------------------------- |Lv.| Trait | Spells Needed | |----------------------------------------------------| |16 Auto-Regen Sheep Song, Healing Breeze | |50 Mag. Def. Bonus Magnetite Cloud, Ice Break | |68 Conserve MP Chaotic Eye, Firespit | |69 Evasion Bonus Screwdriver, Hysteric Barrage | |69 Store TP Sickle Slash, Tail Slap | |72 Accuracy Bonus Frenetic Rip, Disseverment | ---------------------------------------------------- Auto-Regen Description: Gradually restores HP (1 per 3 secs). Magic Defense Bonus Description: Improves defense against magic spells. Conserve MP Occasionally reduces spells' MP cost. Evasion Bonus Description: Improves chance of evading physical attacks. Store TP Description: Gain 10% more TP while attacking. Accuracy Bonus Description: Increases the accuracy of physical attacks. ============================================ 5. Job Abilities ============================================ Weird, BLU's Job Abilities are in alphabetical order O.o, what's next, something called Delta Strike? ------------- A) Azure Lore ------------- Available at: Level 1 Recast Time: 2 hours 0 minutes Duration: 30 seconds Description: Enhances the effect of blue magic. Azure lore is BLU's 2-hours, it can cause some heavy damage if the party is in danger, just make sure you have MP before you use it. No, contrary to what your LS/ you might think, it does not help you learn spells faster. Don't even try it. >_> ----------------- B) Burst Affinity ----------------- Available at: Level 25 Recast Time: 2 Minutes Duration: 30 seconds Description: Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Burst Affinity (or BA, for short), will help you deal some pretty nice damage if your party has a decent Skillchain setup. Just make sure to macro it with INT equipment right before you cast your magical blue spell. ----------------- C) Chain Affinity ----------------- Available at: Level 40 Recast Time: 2 Minutes Duration: 30 seconds Description: Makes it possible for your next "physical" blue magic spell to be used in a skillchain. Effect varies with TP. Just like BA, Chain Affinity (or CA) will let you become even more useful in parties. It is possible to create a self-skillchain if you have 100% TP and your CA timer is ready. Since you will be using physical blue spells for this, make sure you macro some STR rings before you decide to skillchain. For more information about Blue Magic and Skillchains, please check section 8 of this part of the guide entitled: "Blue Mage Skillchains" ============================================ 6. Role in Parties ============================================ ============================================ 7. Equipment ============================================ ============================================ 8. Blue Mage Skillchains ============================================ ============================================ 9. Food ============================================ -------------------------------------------- | IV. Blue Magic | -------------------------------------------- Quite obviously, without Blue Magic, a Blue Mage will be completely worthless. So, instead of exping like there's no tomorrow, please take your time and hunt all those abilities! It will be better in the long run, especially if you get abilities _before_ you can use them. ============================================ 1. Blue Magic Points ============================================ As soon as you start playing Blue Mage, you will only have 10 'Blue Magic Points', this points limit the number of spells you can have equipped at any given time. Be careful because once you change your Blue Magic spells, you'll be unable to cast any Blue Magic for 1 minute. Every 10 levels, the maximum Blue Magic Points that you can have will increase, as seen in the following chart: --------------------------------------- |Level | B.P. | Max. Equippable Spells | --------------------------------------- 1-10 10 6 11-20 15 8 21-30 20 10 31-40 25 12 41-50 30 14 51-60 35 16 61-70 40 18 71-75 45 20 So at level 75, you will be able to equip a maximum of 20 spells, with 45 Blue Magic Points available to use. ============================================ 2. List of Blue Magic ============================================ As mentioned above, there are two kinds of Blue Magic; Physical and Magical. I'm well aware that I butchered most of the spell descriptions, but I feel some of them were just too long and just wouldn't fit to make this chart easier to use. That's why I used the following abbreviations: ----------------------------------------------- | Blue Magic Chart Taxonomy and Abbreviations | ----------------------------------------------- | AoE : Area of Effect | | BP : Blue [Magic] Points | | Crit. varies with TP : Chance of critical hit | | varies with TP. | | Paral. : Paralysis | Weak: Weakeaned status | ----------------------------------------------- Key Point: -Remember you can learn Blue Magic up to 10 levels above you. Without further ado, here's the list of blue magic, sorted by level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Monster | | Stat | MP | Spell | |Lv| Spell | Family |BP| Bonus |used| Description | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1| Pollen | Bee |1 | CHR+1 HP+5 | 8 |Restores HP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1| Sandspin | Worm |2 | VIT+1 | 10 |Earth damage AoE. | | | | | | | |Accuracy Down | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1| Foot Kick | Rabbit |2 | AGI+1 | 5 |Deals critical damage. | | | | | | | |Crit. varies with TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4|Power Attack | Beetle |1 | MND+1 | 5 |Deals critical damage. | | | | | | | |Crit. varies with TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4| Wild Oats |Mandragora|3 | CHR+1 HP+10| 9 |VIT Down | | | | | | | |Duration varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4|Sprout Smack | Sapling |2 | MND+1 | 5 |Slow Effect | | | | | | | |Duration varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8| Coccoon | Crawler |1 | VIT+3 | 10 |Enhances Defense. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8|Metallic Body | Crab |1 | Nothing | 19 |Absorbs a certain amount | | | | | | | |of damage. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8|Queasyshroom | Funguar |2 | HP-5 MP+5 | 20 |Additional Effect:Poison | | | | | | | |Duration varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |12|Battle Dance | Orc |3 | DEX+2 | 12 |AoE. DEX Down | | | | | | | |Duration varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |12|Head Butt | Quadav |3 | DEX+2 | 12 |Damage varies with TP | | | | | | | |Additional Effect:Stun | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |12|Feather Storm | Yagudo |3 | CHR+2 HP+5 | 12 |Additional Effect:Poison | | | | | | | |Chance varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |16| Helldive | Bird |2 | CHR+1 HP+5 | 16 |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |16|Healing Breeze| Dhalmel |4 | CHR+2 MP+10| 55 |Restores HP for party | | | | | | | |members within AoE. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |16| Sheep Song | Sheep |2 | CHR+1 HP+5 | 22 |Puts all enemies within | | | | | | | |range to sleep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |18| Bludgeon | Cardian |2 | STR+1 | 16 |Delivers a 3x attack. | | | | | | | |Accuracy varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |18| Cursed Sphere| Fly |2 | MND+1 | 36 |Deals water damage to | | | | | | | |enemies within AoE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |18| Blastbomb |Warmachine|2 | STR+1 | 36 |Deals fire damage to | | | | | | | |enemies within AoE. Bind. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |20| Blood Drain | Giant Bat|2 | HP-5 MP+5 | 10 |Steals an enemy's HP. | | | | | | | |Ineffective against undead| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |20| Claw Cyclone | Tiger |2 | VIT+1 | 24 |Damages enemies within AoE| | | | | | | |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |24| Soporific | Flytrap |4 | HP-5 MP+5 | 38 |Puts all enemies within | | | | | | | |range to sleep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |26| Screwdriver | Pugil |3 |VIT+1 CHR+1 | 21 |Deals critical damage. | | | | | | HP+10 | |Crit. varies with TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |28| Bomb Toss | Goblin |3 | STR+2 | 42 |Throws a bomb at an enemy | | | | | | | |Deals an AoE fire damage. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |30| Grand Slam | Gigas |2 | INT+1 | 24 |Delivers an area attack | | | | | | | |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |32| Sound Blast |Cockatrice|1 | Nothing | 25 |Lowers Intelligence of | | | | | | | |enemies within range | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |32| Chaotic Eye | Coeurl |2 | AGI+1 | 13 |Silences an enemy. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |34| Death Ray | Hecteyes |2 | HP-5 MP+5 | 49 |Deals dark damage to an | | | | | | | |enemy | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |34| Smite of Rage| Evil |3 | AGI+3 | 28 |Damage varies with TP. | | | | Weapon | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |36| Digest | Slime |2 | HP-5 MP+5 | 20 |Steals an enemy's HP | | | | | | | |Ineffective against undead| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |36| Pinecone Bomb| Treant |2 | STR+1 | 48 |Additional effect: Sleep | | | | | | | |Duration varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |38| Jet Stream | Batx3 |4 | DEX+2 | 25 |Delivers a 3x attack | | | | | | | |Accuracy varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |38| Uppercut | Goobbue |3 | STR+2 DEX+1| 31 |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |40|Mysterious |Magic Pot |4 | AGI+3 | 73 |Deals wind damage AoE. | | | Light | | | | |Additional effect: Weight | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |40|Terror Touch | Ghost |3 | HP-5 MP+10 | 62 |Weakens Attacks. | | | | | | | |Accuracy varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |42| Venom Shell | Uragnite |3 | MND+2 | 86 |Poisons enemies within AoE| | | | | | | |and gradually reduces HP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |42| MP Drainkiss | Leech |4 | MP+5 | 20 |Steals an enemy's MP. | | | | | | | |Ineffective against undead| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |44|Mandibular | Antlion |2 | INT+1 | 38 |Damage varies with TP | | | Bite | | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |44| Blitzstrahl | Doll |4 | DEX+3 | 70 |Deals lightning damage | | | | | | | |to an enemy. Stun effect | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |44| Stinking Gas | Doomed |2 | AGI+1 | 37 |Deals AoE wind damage that| | | | | | | |lowers VIT and reduces HP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |46|Magnetite | Antica |3 | VIT+2 | 86 |Deals AoE earth damage | | | Cloud | | | | |Additional effect: Weight | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |46| Geist Wall | Eft |3 | HP-5 MP+10 | 35 |Removes one beneficial | | | | | | | |magical effect (AoE) | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |46| Awful Eye | Bugard |2 | MND+1 | 32 |Deals water AoE that | | | | | | | |lowers STR and reduces HP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |48| Sickle Slash | Spider |4 | HP-5 MP+15 | 41 |Deals critical damage | | | | | | | |Crit. varies with TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |48| Blood Saber | Skeleton |2 | HP-5 MP+5 | 25 |AoE HP steal | | | | | | | |Ineffective against undead| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |48| Refuelling | Cluster |4 | AGI+2 | 29 |Increase attack speed | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |48| Jettaura |Hippogryph|4 | MP+15 | 37 |Enemies within AoE are | | | | | | | |frozen with fear. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |50|Frightful Roar| Taurus |3 | AGI+2 | 46 |Weakens defense for | | | | | | | |enemies within range. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |50| Ice Break | Golem |3 | INT+1 | 142|Deals AoE ice damage | | | | | | | |Additional effect: Bind. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |50|Self-Destruct | Bomb |3 | STR+2 | 100|Heavy AoE damage. | | | | | | | |Affects caster with Weak. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |52|Filamented | Diremite |3 | VIT+1 | 38 |Reduces attack speed | | | Hold | | | | |of enemies within AoE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |52| Cold Wave | Snoll |1 | INT-1 | 37 |Deals ice damage that low | | | | | | | |AGI and HP within AoE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |54| Hecatomb Wave| Demon |3 | AGI+1 | 116|Deals AoE wind damage | | | | | | | |Additional effect: Blind | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |54|Radiant Breath| Wyvern |4 | CHR+1 HP+15| 116|Deals AoE light damage | | | | | | | |Add. eff.:Slow and Silence| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |56|Feather |Giant Bird|2 | Nothing | 29 |Enhances evasion. | | | Barrier | | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |58|Flying Hip | Bugbear |3 | AGI+1 | 125|Deals wind damage to | | | Press | | | | |enemies within range | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |58| Light of | Tonberry |5 | CHR+1 HP+15| 53 |Reduces an enemy's TP | | | Penance | | | | |Add. effect:Blind and Bind| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |58| Magic Fruit | Opo-opo |3 | Nothing | 72 |Restores HP for the target| | | | | | | |party member. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |60|Death Scissors| Scorpion |5 |MND+2 CHR+2 | 51 |Damage varies with TP. | | | | | | HP+5 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |60|Dimensional | Shadow |5 | DEX+1 CHR+1| 48 |Damage varies with TP. | | | Death | | | HP+5 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |61|Eyes on Me | Ahriman |4 | HP-5 MP+15 | 112|Deals dark damage to an | | | | | | | |enemy. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |61|Maelstrom | Sea Monk |5 | Nothing | 162|Deals AoE water damage. | | | | | | | |Additional effect:STR down| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |61|Bad Breath | Morbol |5 |INT+2 MND+2 | 212|Deals earth AoE & inflicts| | | | | | | |multiple status ailments | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |62|Body Slam | Dragon |4 | VIT+1 MP+5 | 74 |Delivers an area attack | | | | | | | |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |62|Memento Mori | Corse |4 | INT+1 | 46 |Enhances Magic Attack | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |62|1000 Needles |Sabotender|5 | VIT+3 AGI+3| 350|Shoots multiple needles at| | | | | | | |enemies within range. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |63|Spinal Cleave | Qutrub |4 | VIT+2 INT+1| 61 |Accuracy varies with TP | | | | | | MND+1 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |63|Frenetic Rip | Imp |3 | INT+1 | 61 |Delivers a 3x attack. | | | | | | | |Damage varies with TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |63|Frypan | Moblin |3 | DEX+2 | 65 |AoE Attack. Stun effect. | | | | | | | |Accuracy varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |63|Hydro Shot | Sahagin |3 | MND+2 | 55 |Additional effect: Enmity | | | | | | | |down. Chance varies w/TP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |64|Feather Tickle| Colibri |2 | AGI+1 | 48 |Reduces an enemy's TP.bbb | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |64|Yawn | Apkallu |3 | CHR+1 HP+5 | 55 |Puts all enemies within | | | | | | | |range to sleep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |64|Voracious | Marid |4 | AGI+2 | 72 |Steals one beneficial | | | Trunk | | | | |effect from an enemy. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |65|Infrasonics | Lizard |4 | INT+1 | 42 |Lowers evasion of enemies | | | | | | | |within a fan-shaped area. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |66|Frost Breath | Raptor |3 | INT+2 | 136|Deals AoE ice damage | | | | | | | |Additional effect: Paral. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |66|Sandspray | Qiqirn |2 | VIT+1 | 43 |Blinds enemies within a | | | | | | | |fan-shaped area. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |67|Enervation | Troll |5 | HP-5 MP+5 | 48 |Lowers defense and mag. | | | | | | | |defense (AoE). | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |67|Diamondhide | Troll |3 | VIT+1 | 99 |AoE Stoneskin. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |68|Warm-Up |Mamool Ja |4 | VIT+1 | 59 |Enhances accuracy and | | | | | | | |evasion. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |68|Firespit |Mamool Ja |5 | STR+3 | 121|Deals fire damage to an | | | | | | | |enemy. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |69|Tail Slap | Lamiae |4 | MND+2 | 77 |AoE attack. Stun effect | | | | | | | |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |69|Hysteric | Lamiae |5 | DEX+2 AGI+1| 61 |Delivers a 5x attack | | | Barrage | | | | |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |70|Amplification |Black |3 | HP-5 MP+5 | 48 |Enhances magic attack and | | | |Pudding | | | |magic defense. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |70|Cannonball | Wamoura |3 | STR+1 DEX+1| 66 |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |71|Lowing | Buffalo |2 | HP-5 | 66 |AoE disease that prevents | | | | | | | |recovery of HP and MP. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |71|Heat Breath | Manticore|4 | STR+3 | 169|Fan-shaped area fire | | | | | | | |damage. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |72|Saline Coat | Xzomit |3 | VIT+2 AGI+2| 66 |Enhances magic defense | | | | | | MP+10 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |73|Ram Charge | Ram |4 | HP+5 | 79 |Damage varies with TP | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |73|Temporal Shift| Hpmemde |5 | HP+10 MP+15| 48 |Enemies within range are | | | | | | | |prevented from acting. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |74|Actinic Burst | Ghrah |4 | CHR+2 HP+20| 24 |Greatly lowers accuracy | | | | | | | |of enemies within range | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |74|Reactor Cool | Zdei |5 | INT+3 MND+3| 28 |Enhances defense and gives| | | | | | | |the effect of Ice Spikes. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |75|Plasma Charge | Phuabo |5 | STR+3 DEX+3| 24 |Gives the effect of | | | | | | | |Shock Spikes. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |75|Vertical | Euvhi |3 | VIT+1 HP-5 | 86 |Damage varies with TP | | | Cleave| | | MP+5 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================ 3. Classification ============================================ Here's a chart to easily locate which spell is physical and which one is magical. Remember that physical spells will be mostly enhanced by STR and magical by INT (or MND if it's a defensive spell). Magical spells can be bursted after level 25 and physical spells can be part of a skillchain starting level 40. CTRL+F will let you find the desired spell quicker. ________________ ______________ __/ Physical Spells\_______________________/Magical Spells\__________ | Foot Kick Sandspin | | Power Attack Pollen | | Sprout Smack Metallic Body | | Wild Oats Coccoon | | Queasyshroom Healing Breeze | | Battle Dance Sheep Song | | Head Butt Cursed Sphere | | Featherstorm Blastbomb | | Helldive Blood Drain | | Bludgeon Soporific | | Claw Cyclone Poison Breath | | Screwdriver Bomb Toss | | Grand Slam Sound Blast | | Smite of Rage Chaotic Eye | | Pinecone Bomb Death Ray | | Jet Stream Digest | | Uppercut Mysterious Light | | Terror Touch Venom Shell | | Mandibular Bite MP Drainkiss | | Sickle Slash Blitzstrahl | | Death Scissors Stinking Gas | | Dimensional Death Magnetite Cloud | | Body Slam Geist Wall | | Spinal Cleave Awful Eye | | Frenetic Rip Blood Saber | | Frypan Refueling | | Hydro Shot Jettaura | | Tails Slap Frightful Roar | | Hysteric Barrage Ice Break | | Cannonball Self-Destruct | | Disseverment Filamented Hold | | Ram Charge Cold Wave | | Vertical Cleave Hecatomb Wave | | Radiant Breath | | Feather Barrier | | Flying Hip Press | | Light of Penance | | Magic Fruit | | Eyes On Me | | Maelstrom | | Bad Breath | | Memento Mori | | 1000 Needles | | Feather Tickle | | Yawn | | Voracious Trunk | | Infrasonics | | Frost Breath | | Sandspray | | Enervation | | Diamondhide | | Warm-Up | | Firespit | | Amplification | | Lowing | | Heat Breath | | Saline Coat | | Temporal Shift | | Actinic Burst | | Reactor Cool | | Plasma Charge | --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- | V. Subjobs | -------------------------------------------- So what are the _real_ viable subjobs for Blue Mages? Let's take a look at some of the options... ============================================ 1. White Mage ============================================ Seeing how Blue Mages need MP in order to deal damage, White Mage is a fairly obvious choice, as it gives you many support spells and altogether is a great subjob at any level depending on your party setup. Pros: -Increases MP. -Healing magic used to support other party members. -Divine Seal works with curative spells such as Pollen and Magic Fruit. Cons: -With both a RDM and a WHM in the party post 40, it may be best to sub thief for SA+Physical Spell. ============================================ 2. Ninja ============================================ I've seen some Blue Mages sub this in order to equip swords that boost accuracy and Dual-wielding is nice for TP build, but note that you will still have to rest in order to regen MP. Pros: -Dual Wield -Utsusemi spells for survival (used best when solo). Cons: -Its potential is only fully achieved while soloing. ============================================ 3. Warrior ============================================ This will work best at lower levels. Coccoon and Metallic Body will help you act as a tank since you have Provoke. Later on, Defender seems to also help tanking. Do not abuse it however, since there are other subjobs that work better in the mid-high levels. Pros: -Tank @ low levels. -Provoke -Double Attack Cons: -Mostly useless subjob at higher levels. ============================================ 4. Thief ============================================ Sneak Attack helps your Blue Magic a lot to deal more damage. Pros: -SATA -Flee Cons: -The increased evasion does not make a real difference when soloing. -------------------------------------------- | VI. Artifact Armor | -------------------------------------------- In the July 24th - 2006 update, Square-Enix released the Artifact Armor for the advanced jobs that came out with the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion pack -Corsair, Blue Mage and Puppetmaster-, the quests that must be completed are a little different from the other jobs' AF quests. Here's a list of the Blue Mage's Artifact Armor. Coming soon: AF quests. ============================================ 1. Immortal's Scimitar ============================================ Stats: Lv. 40 Rare/Ex Damage: 26 Delay: 236 DPS (Damage per Second): 6.61 TP Per Hit: 6.3% MP+10 STR+1 INT+1 ============================================ 2. Magus Charuqs ============================================ Stats: Lv. 52 Rare/Ex Slot: Feet Defense: 13 HP +13 MP +13 Evasion Skill +10 Enmity -3 ============================================ 3. Magus Shalwar ============================================ Stats: Lv. 54 Rare/Ex Defense: 33 HP +20 VIT+3 AGI+3 Spell Interruption Rate -10% ============================================ 4. Magus Bazubands ============================================ Stats: Lv. 56 Rare/Ex Defense: 16 MP +15 Parrying Skill +10 Increases Chance to Learn Blue Magic ============================================ 5. Magus Jubbah ============================================ Stats: Lv.58 Rare/Ex Defense: 44 HP +12 MP +12 STR+3 DEX+3 Blue Magic Skill +15 ============================================ 6. Magus Keffiyeh ============================================ Stats: Lv. 60 Rare/Ex Defense: 23 MP +20 INT+3 MND+3 Enhances Monster Correlation Effects -------------------------------------------- | VII. FAQ | -------------------------------------------- 1. Do I need Treasures of Aht Urhgan in order to unlock Blue Mage? Yes. 2. Help! Waoud isn't letting me start the quest! What should I do? You need to be level 30 in order to start the quest. Also, if you failed to answer his questions once, make sure you wait for the next Vana'diel day (and change zones) in order to talk with him again. 3. I have a level 30 job and I can't trigger the quest!!! What can I do?! You must be on a level 30+ job when you're talking with him. No, the game doesn't care if you have a level 75 PLD if you're talking to Waoud as a level 5 THF. 4. I went to Aydeewa Subterrane but I can't finish the quest! What happened? You dropped the item Waoud asked for, didn't you? Now you have to start all over again. 5. What server are you on? What's your character name? Seriously, does it make a difference? >_> If you really want to know, just check the Contact section and mail me. I'll be happy to send a reply; but no, I won't post it here in the guide. 6. OMG! There are no Sheeps at higher levels!! Is it possible for me to miss Sheep Song? It is impossible for you to miss blue magic. If you DID forget to grab it once you should've, you could always return to that place and grab it from "Too Weak" monsters; it will be harder, though. 7. I'm a Galka, will the MP penalty make a big difference while playing as BLU? Absolutely not, you might find differences at first, but once you are able to equip Astral Rings and MP+ equipment, you'll see that your damage output will be the same as that of other races, and thanks to the colossal STR of Galkas, physical blue magic will help you even those Tarutarus with their insane MP =). 8. ZOMG You're lying! Azure Lore helps you learn spells faster! Why are you against it? It's been _confirmed_ that Azure Lore will NOT help you learn Blue Magic faster. If you got the spell while using your 2 hours, it was just a coincidence, that's it. 9. Can I learn Poison Breath from a Crawler/Lizard instead of a Hound? No, each monster family is programmed to give one specific Blue Magic. Crawlers already give Coccoon and Lizards give Infrasonics, so no. -------------------------------------------- | VIII. Credits | -------------------------------------------- -CJayC: For creating Gamefaqs. -somepage.com: For enlightening me a lot XD. Excellent FFXI site. -FFXI Encyclopedia: The FFXI version of Wiki. Great site. -Square-Enix: >_> I don't know whether to thank them this time or to blame for getting me hooked to this addicting game. Hah! -ASCII Generator: I'm not good at RL drawing, much less at ASCII Art, so this excellent software helps my FAQs look nice :P. -Eiteen: For being one of my oldest (and nicest) friends in FFXI ;) -Rokusho: You're a great person altogether! Thanks for all the serious advise you've given me! Seriously, I will never be able to thank you enough =D. -------------------------------------------- | IX. Version History | -------------------------------------------- 0.8 July 26th 2006: First release of the FAQ. Much work needs to be done. 0.9 August 9th 2006:Second release. Completed several sections that were missing in the first release such as Job Traits and the list of Blue Magic. Added some Frequently Asked Questions and fixed some typos. Feedback is appreciated. Guide is nowhere close to completion, but I'm getting there =). Also, changed logo due to some uh... issues... -------------------------------------------- | X. Contact | -------------------------------------------- Have any questions? Comments? Do you want to contribute? I will do my best to answer your questions, so be patient! In any case, contact me at: jorgom[at]gmail.com with the subject: Final Fantasy XI: Blue Mage |Copyright 2006| Jorge Gomez End of Document