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Starting The Game 08. Basics 09. Job Classes 10. Adv. Job Classes 11. Job Stats 12. Area Conquest 13. Ballista/Dynamis 14. Missions 15. Quests 16. Fame 17. Server Lists 18. Linkshells 19. Craft Guilds/Recipes 20. Magic List 21. Summon List 22. Song List 23. Equipment 24. Weapon Skills 25. Renkeis/Magic Bursts 26. Moghouse 27. Weddings/Marriage 28. Command List 29. Tetra Master 30. Beastiary 31. F.A.Q 32. Special Thanks __________________/___________________________________________________________ /01. / Notes / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / - I will no longer be updating this FAQ. I have not the time nor desire. - This Guide/F.A.Q can be applied to both the PC (Windows) and PS2 Version of the game. - This includes the Rise Of The Zilart and Chains of Promathia expansion packs w/ items/quests, ect. - This Guide/F.A.Q is based on information gathered online and especially from game sites such as Allakazham and Gamespot (I am a GS COmplete Member). __________________/___________________________________________________________ /02. / Introduction / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / I loved every Final Fantasy game I played. This included Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. I also played Final Fantasy X2 but thought it to be a bit girly (Sorry Square, kinda messed up on that one). Square has done an exellent job on all of those and especially FFXI: Online. I'm hooked on it, & on my free time, when I have no internet for a day or not busy, I'll work on this. Please bear with me while It gets better and better. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /03. / Copyright Info / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / This FAQ is copyright (C)2004-2005. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The information is this document is all part of Final Fantasy (R) XI: Online and is property of Square-Enix (TM). FINAL FANTASY, TETRA MASTER and VANA'DIEL are registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. SQUARE ENIX, PLAYONLINE and the PlayOnline logo are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. I am not part of Square-Enix in any way, shape, or form. Sites Allowed To Post This Guide: * http://www.gamefaqs.com * http://www.gamespot.com * http://www.neoseeker.com * http://www.bowcogaming.net For Those Who Want To Post It: Sites From Where I Got Information: * playonline.com * ffxi.allakhazam.com * gamespot.com * gamefaqs.com __________________/___________________________________________________________ /04. / Version History / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / .10 - The first version as of June 1 when I started this. Updates WILL Come. May not be published at this date. .20 - June 28 '04 added the Fame Guide and server list. Also added information on linkshells. .30 - GIANT Updae. Added more traits to jobs like Ninja and Samurai as well as Summoner. Did some spelling fixes and changed a few things. Added Guild lists and a chart on their locations, business hours, and day they close. Hoping to get add recipes for each on the next update. Also added the things you can buy from Bastok with Conquest Points. Also added white mage spell up to level 10. - June 30 2004 .40 - Not much but good enought for a .10 more. I added White Mage spells up to 20, and i also added names and moves of three summons. Sorry about the interval between this and the last update, my internet was busted. The next update might take some time to come, but i promise it will be a behemoth of an Update! July 14 2004 .50 - OK sorry for the wait but the update is finally here. It may be much, it may not depending on how you feel about it but here it is. I added white mage spells up to level 40, it was level 20. I also added all the summons and their special moves and I included the spirit pacts. Finally i added bard songs up to 20. Hope you enjoy the update and watch out for the next one. .525 - Just added www.neoseeker.com to the lists of sites able to use this FAQ and post it on their website. Also, for anyone else that might have e-mailed me, give me sometime to read them, I play FFXI a lot and dont go Online often anymore. Also MSN might mark your emails junk, so give me time to look them over. .60 - Added a bunch of new information. I changed a lot of the abilites and traits changed some incorrect names, changed descriptions and other things of that sort. Added missions for San d'Oria and Bastok. Changed part of the quest to obtain Ninja. I also changed how a few things look, depending on how I thought they looked best. With no internet for a bit, I've had some free time and some of that time goes here! I added Weapon Skills for Axe and Great Axe and I added info and other things about them. Enjoy! .70 - Well, i Havent done much for quite some time but I've checked around and it seems neoseeker has my guide, thats excellent. So on to updates ive made this time: added the rest of the WAR traits, changed Concentrate to Focus on MNK, changed Continual Magic to Chainspell on RDM, added the rest of the WHM traits, specified PLD,THF, DRK, RNG, and BST abilities more. I also added San d'Oria missions until Rank 3 and Windurst Rank 1 Mission 1. I updated the server list aswell. I didnt add more weapon skills, but i changed the interface a bit. Not much new, basically fixing things, but I hope to add a lot on the next update. .80 Sorry for the lack of updates for the last few months. I have neglected to work on the guide but I hope everyone likes this update. Modified the notes section. Modified Copyright information to include 2004-2005, sites that can use my guide, and sites where information is obtained from. Modified How To Use this Guide Section. Modified Character Creation Process section. Modified Basics section and added some keyboard functions for PC players. Modified Job Classes section as well as Advanced Job Classes Section. Changed Dragoon Ability Super Jump to Super Climb. Added Divine Veil Ability to White Mage, some stats unknown to me. Modified Red Mage Chainspell ability, and Convert Duration from End of Battle to Instant. Modiefied Thief Steal and Flee Abilities. Added various Beatmaster Abilities. Modified Ranger Ability Camouflage and Unlimited Shot. Removed incorrect Summoner Ability. Renamed Conflict to Ballista. Added Ballista information for future players as well as current ones. Added a lot of Dynamis Information. Modified Quest Section. Added Atomos to the server list. This update was mostly a modification update for errors but I added a lot of information. Feel free to send me an email so i can add or correct info. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /05. / How To Use This Guide / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / You can search for your topic by pressing CTRL + F on you keyboard at the same time. This will bring up a FIND screen. On this FIND screen type the Section Number of what you want to search for and press enter until you find it, if you do. Or you can search for any word that might be related to the topic area. For example: if you were looking for the Job section and you are interested in Warrior you bring up the find screen, type in Warrior and it will take you everywhere the name comes up and eventually wherever you want to read. You may also find NOTES from time to time. These can mean that it has or will be updated, it was previously changed, or someone helped me out on that part. If you help me on something, and it is appreciated and welcomed, then your name will show up on that part. Thanks in advanced for those of you who help. * My email is available above. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /06. / FFXI Story / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / ---Prologue--- The legend begins as so. The Beginning of everything was with the stone. A long long ago, this beautiful living stone, with its shining of seven colors banished the darkness, filled the world with life, and gave birth to powerful gods. Happiness and light blessed ages continued, and soon the gods have gone to their sleep. The name of the world is Vana'diel. Sometime after, a great tribulation was about to fill this blessed land of Vana'diel. The ancient seal, after resisting dark power for thousands of years, was broken and awakening the endless nightmare. Innocent blood will flow through the great land. The world will be enveloped by fear, sadness, and disparity. However, this does not mean there is no hope... There exists one star, shining brightly even through the nights of the harshest storms. There exists a powerful song, not being vanished by the howls of any beasts. That's right. Proud ones, filled with wisdom, courage and determination... Now, awaken from the dark slumber. Stand now, the legendary heroes. The Crystal Warriors! NOTE: On Allakhazam, you can see a picture of each one in the Beastiary. ---Story--- It all began with a stone, Or so the legend says. In ages past, The sentient jewel, Enormous and beautiful, Banished the darkness. It's many-colored light filled the world with life And brought forth-mighty gods. Bathed in that light, The world entered an age of bliss, Until after a time, The gods fell into slumber. That world was called Vana'diel. - - - In the 863rd year of the Crystal Era, Vana'diel was in the midst of a great war. Faced withthe invasion of the Shadow Lord and his hordes of beast men, the leaders of the enlightened peoples united their forces in desperate alliance. They were the Kingdom of San d'Oria, the Republic of Bastok, the Federation of Windurst, and the Grand Duchy of Jeuno. Together they struggled for survival in battle after battle as chaos engulfed the land. -------------------------- ---History of Vana'deil--- -------------------------- The world of Vana’diel is a crossroads of magic, swords, and technology. It is also a battlefield where those who believe in light face monsters that thrive in darkness. The struggle centers on the control of crystals: sacred stones that are the fundamental source of all creation. The monsters showed no mercy as they laid waste to beautiful towns, ravaged the land, and polluted the streams and rivers of Vana’diel. But the people united to seize victory from the jaws of the beastmen, earning themselves temporary respite from a life-and-death struggle. Twenty years have passed since the people’s great victory. But now, even as the memories of battle have begun to fade, a new evil grows inside Vana’diel... And it hungers for the power of the crystals. ---Ancient Memories--- Long, long ago, an ancient race, descended from the gods, flourished in Vana'diel. They traveled through the sky, extracted gold from stones, and gave birth to grasslands across the world. But one day, they decided to build a pathway to the divine entrance of paradise. Enraged by such a brazen display of insolence, the holy gatekeeper destroyed their path and cast their homes to the bottom of the sea. Shortly thereafter, the goddess Altana awakened and saw the ruin that had had once been Vana'diel. Saddened, She wept five divine tears. When the five tears fell upon the earth, they gave life to the five races of Vana’diel. But the god Promathia saw this from His place in the shadows. Promathia saw fit to condemn Her work, cursing the people with eternal conflict amongst themselves. He created terrible beasts and spread them across the world, commanding them to fight the people of Vana'diel and occupy their minds. Never again would they think to open the door to the gods. ---The Age of Beasts--- The beastmen thrived in the ensuing era of darkness. But the demihuman Galka and Mithra, blessed with bodies powerful enough to resist the advances of the beastmen, grew in number as well. They fought tooth and nail to cast the hordes from their homelands in an age of unending battle and chaos. The Tarutaru race grew weary of the never-ending conflict, and wandered the world in search of peace. After discovering an uncharted continent, they named the land Windurst and settled down to build a brighter future for their kin. Several decades after the Tarutaru’s long journey had come to an end, a young Tarutaru girl lost her way in one of the mysterious towers scattered across the outskirts of Windurst. It was there that the secrets of magic were revealed to her, and this knowledge would spread to her entire race. The Tarutaru worked as one to harness and understand the mysterious power that had been given to them. So began the Great Age of Magic. ---The Age of Magic--- Empowered by their expanding magical abilities, the Tarutaru united themselves as the Federation of Windurst, and worked to drive the hordes of Yagudo beastmen from their lands. The Tarutaru prospered, unified by their knowledge of magic and the solidarity of a new federation. It was a glorious age for their people. But revealed secrets cannot be suppressed, and the knowledge of magic slowly spread to all the people of Vana'diel. Within a short time, other races - and even beastmen - began to employ magic techniques for themselves. Filled with regret, the Tarutaru entered an era of isolation. They closed their borders to all but their longtime friends, the Mithra. And so, a once-proud civilization became more and more out of touch with the rest of the world. ---The Age of Power--- The use of magic brought both happiness and conflict to the other races of Vana’diel. Perhaps the most satisfied were the proud Elvaan, who made their home in the Kingdom of San d'Oria in the northern reaches of the old continent. With the Tarutaru monopoly on magic broken, the Elvaan were able to create powerful orders of knights who feared no adversary. Beastmen strongholds and Tarutaru villages alike fell before the power of the knights of San d'Oria. Within a short time, nearly the entire Quon continent had come under San d’Orian control. But pride comes before the fall. The nation of Bastok, founded by the Hume and Galka races, lay on the southern edge of the Quon continent. Fortified by the growing economic and intelligence-gathering abilities of the Hume race, Bastokan forces crushed the elite San d'Orian knights at the Second Battle of Konschtat. Cutting-edge firearms technology turned the tide of battle and cemented victory for the people of Bastok. This humiliating defeat sent the Kingdom of San d'Oria into an age of internal turmoil and civil war. Piece by piece, territories that the Elvaan had conquered slipped from their grasps. ---The Age of Technology--- The fall of the Kingdom of San d'Oria ushered in an era of prosperity for the Republic of Bastok. Hume tradesmen spread across Vana'diel in an unprecedented era of economic development. Bastok’s fortunes grew as Humes sold products forged from the precious metals and rare ores extracted from their mines. The trend only accelerated with the appearance of the engineering genius named Cid. Ever practical, the Humes set about creating another nation-state: the Grand Duchy of Jeuno. Jeuno had long been a tiny fishing town on an isolated island between the two continents. The construction of great bridges transformed the sleepy village into a teeming metropolis of trade and industry. ---The End of the Age of People--- The one known only as the Shadowlord appeared without warning, and his name remains synonymous with terror to this day. Consumed by hatred of all living things, he enslaved the beastmen and employed them in simultaneous attacks against the nations of Vana'diel. So began the Crystal War. After years of peace and prosperity, the nations fell one after another, unable to halt the relentless onslaught. The nightmare spread across the lands of Vana'diel like hellfire. In response to the seemingly unstoppable beastmen assault, Grand Duke Kam'lanaut of Jeuno convinced the people of San d'Oria, Windurst, and Bastok to unite as the Allied Forces of Altana and defeat the beastmen once and for all. A stalemate ensued for some time. Finally, at the legendary Battle of Jeuno, the Allied Forces of Altana were able to gain the upper hand. They claimed total victory over the beastmen at the merciless Battle of Xarcabard. Finally, the heroes of the five races cornered the Shadowlord in his stronghold of Castle Zvahl, where Volker, champion of Bastok, delivered the final coup de grace. Thus the Crystal War drew to an end, with victory marred by the uncountable corpses scattered throughout the devastated lands and cities of Vana'diel. ---The Dawn of the Age of Adventurers--- Although the war had ended, the long-suffering nations of Vana'diel pledged to maintain their alliance. Each nation built a consulate in their sister countries. The Duchy of Jeuno unveiled enormous airships based on ancient technology, bringing the nations of Vana'diel closer together, and promising a new era of peace and prosperity. Or so the nations of the world had hoped. In reality, the beastmen had regrouped and continued to construct strongholds throughout the world. Although they lacked the organization of previous eras, they launched a new campaign of looting, plundering, and terror against the people of Vana'diel. Still, the three great nations continued to mistrust one another. Rather than dispatching their own forces to deal with the beastmen threat, they began to employ a new generation of independent youth to deal with the situation on an individual level. These stalwart people are called adventurers. They are intrepid souls who follow their own beliefs, moving freely from city to city in spite of their own national allegiances. Truly, it is the dawn of a new era in Vana'diel history. NOTE: Derrived from the opening Cutscene. Also from some guide?????? Email me if you want credit or want me to remove it. Must have proof that its yours. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /07. / Starting The Game / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Lets skip some of the beginning. If you are reading this, you probably already bought and installed the game so lets skip Installation. _______ | Costs | $12.95 Per Month, $1.00 per Additional Character, $1.00 Tetra Master $40.00 Network Adapter, $??.?? Internet Access (Depends on your ISP) Rise Of the Zilart Expansion pack included. Chains Of Promathia expansion pack now 20 US Dollars. Final Fantasy XI, ect. Can be purchased via the Square-Enix Online Shop - http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/shop/ ____________________________ | Character Creation Process | The first step is to choose a race from the eight available options: * Hume - Equivalent of a Human - Male or Female Average with all Charasteristics * Elvaan - Equivalent of an Elf - Male or Female Great Strength and Mind * Tarutaru - Equivalent of a Tiny Elf - Male or Female Great Magic Casters * Mithra - Equivalent of Catwomen - Females Only Great Dexterity Bonuses * Galka - Equivalent of Humanish Bears - Males Only Great Health and Defense Next you choose one of eight faces, each with its own hairstyle and two different colors for it. You will also be asked to pick a height. You can choose from Small, Medium, or Large. After you select all of those, you can pick your starting job. You get six starting choices which dont affect the outcome of the game. Here are your choices: * Warrior * Monk * Black Mage * White Mage * Red Mage * Thief NOTE: Please check the Jobs Section for more information on these. After you select your job, you decide what your Nation will be and can select from the following three: Bastok - Modern City. Humes and Galka live here. San d'Oria - Medieval City. Elvaans live here. Windurst - Tropical City. Tarutaru and Mithrans Live here. Note: Your starting point doesn't depend on your race. You can be a Mithran and live in San d'Oria for example. Note: If you do pick the city for your race, you get one of three rings: Bastokan Ring: HP+3 DEX+1 VIT+1 Windhurstian Ring: MP+3 AGI+1 INT+1 San d'Orian Ring: DEF 2 STR+1 MND+1 NOTE: You can also purchase them at Rank 3 for 4,000(?) Conquest Points. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /08. / Basics / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / __________ | Controls | _ | | - This button (Square) brings up the Menu. _ |X| - The X button is used for selecting things, actions, and talkin to other NPCs or Players. /\ - The Triangle button is used to select the chat log and active Status Ailment icons at the top. () - The circle button cancels actions and goes back in menus. NOTE: Sorry these buttons suck. :D __________ | Movement | L Analog Stick - Moves you around, forward, back, left, or right. R Analog Stick - Nothing L3 - Healing and Lock Onto Targets R3 - First Person View _____ |D Pad| Any direction can select between targets and select between options in menus. _______ | Stats | LV - Your Current Job Level. Upon "Level Up" Your Stats Increase. HP - Current Hitpoints/Health. If you loose it all, you die. MP - Current Mana/Magic Points. If you loose it all, you cant cast magic. NOTE: HP and MP are recovered while Resting. TP - Tactical points. Used for weapon Skills. NOTE: TP decreases while resting. It goes to 0 when you Zone. It goes to 0 when you change your weapon. STR - Your Strength. Determines how much damage you can do. DEX - Dexterity. Determines how accurate attacks are. VIT - Vitality. How much damage you take. The More VIT, the Less Damage. AGI - Agility. How fast your character can move, used for Evasion. INT - Intelligence. More INT deals more damage with Black Magic. MND - Mind. Affects your Magic Defense, Resistance to Abnormalities, and White Magic Strength. CHR - Charisma. Used and needed for Songs, and for Pets. EXP - Experience. Needed to gain levels and not delevel when you die. -----***----Keyboard Functions----***---- Movement & Camera: 7-8-9 4-5-6 1-2-3 - 8 directs your character to move forward. 7 automoves if pressed while moving. 9 zooms in. - 4 directs your character to move left, 6 directs movement to the right. 5 Switches between first person and third person view. - 1 has no known use for me at the moment. 2 moves backwards. 3 also has no known use for me at the moment. The arrow keys also change camera angles. Targeting Players and NPCs: F1: Targets yourself. F2: In party mode, targets 2nd person on the party list(from the top). F3: In party mode, targets 3rd person on the party list. F4: In party mode, targets 4th person on the party list. F5: in party mode, targets 5th person on the party list. F6: In party mode, targets 6th person on the party list. F7: Also targets your character. F8: Targets closests NPC. F9: ??? F10: Also targets your character. F11 & F12: ??? TAB: Alternates between targets. CTRL/ALT + #: Activates a macro from the current macro palette. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /09. / Job Classes / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / _________ | Warrior | Exellent with melee weapons and can use almost every weapon. Very good armor is available to warriors and can tank as well as deal damage. ______ | Monk | Monks are great at Hand-to-Hand combat and gain lots of TP, enabling them to dish out many Weapon Skills. ____________ | Black Mage | The so called Nukers, Black Mages can deal amazing amounts of damage with their spells but they lack defense and have weak armor. ____________ | White Mage | WHM's are loved and welcomed by all. They are needed in every party and there mainly to heal and remove status ailments. __________ | Red Mage | This class has a bit of everything. A RDM can attack with swords, deal some Black Magic, and some White Magic too. They're enfeebling skills are amazing. _______ | Thief | Thiefs are very stealthy, can gain money and items quickly by ways of their job ability Steal. Excellent for big spenders and money hungry players. Dont Steal in real life though. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /10. / Adv. Job Classes / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / These jobs are aqquired later on in the game. They are somewhat better than most original jobs and could do better subbing one job or another. _________ | Paladin | A Paladin has incredible defensive power and can cast White Magic to heal itself and gain more hate. Lacks attack power though. _____________ | Dark Knight | The exact opposite of a Paladin. Immense attack power and casts Black Magic to do even more damage. Lacks defense. ______ | Bard | A Bard is a singer of songs. Can Refesh like a Red Mage can, deal some damage with songs and decrease resistances with threnodies as well as many other things. Great for parties. __________ | Summoner | A Mage with the ability to summon "Avatars" to help fight in battles and occassional back up healer. At high levels they can deal awesome damage via their Blood Pacts and can solo a lot. _____________ |Beast Master | Beast Masters are average fighters with the ability to "Charm" monsters and use them to battle. Excellent at soloing. ________ | Ranger | Rangers deal damage by using their Bows/Crossbows/Guns. Whatever your choice, you will find that parties will love you and your damage will be greater than a DRK in most cases. Very expensive job though. _________ | Samurai | Samurais are similar to monks in one way, they can gather extreme amounts of TP and store it using their Job Traits. Meditate grants SAMs 100TP, in increments of 20 and gives them many chances to dish out their Weapon Skills. _______ | Ninja | Ninja is the preferred sub-job for many jobs because of their Dual Wield ability and Ninjutu spells, mainly Utusemi. NIN can be damage dealers but are preferred as tanks since they dont take much damage if they constantly have Shadows up. _________ | Dragoon | A Dragon Knight. They can call Wyverns to their side and use their cool "Jump" Abilities. They deal great damage and can solo with the aid of their Wyverns. Due to their popularity with Gil-Sellers, they have won sort of a bad reputation. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /11. / Job Stats / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Key ______________________________ |* Main Job only Abilites | |R Recharge Time | |D Duration Time | |Instant Activates Right Away | =============================================================================== WARRIOR Warrior ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 31 HP 36 HP 33 HP 31 HP 27 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 8 STR 9 STR 9 STR 8 STR 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 7 AGI 7 AGI 6 AGI 8 AGI 8 INT 5 INT 5 INT 4 INT 5 INT 7 MND 5 MND 5 MND 6 MND 5 MND 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1242 HP 1514 HP 1363 HP 1242 HP 1016 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 70 STR 75 STR 79 STR 67 STR 62 DEX 61 DEX 61 DEX 58 DEX 75 DEX 61 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 61 AGI 58 AGI 53 AGI 70 AGI 66 INT 48 INT 45 INT 40 INT 48 INT 62 MND 48 MND 48 MND 57 MND 45 MND 45 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Mighty Strikes 1 All physical attacks become Critical Attacks. R:2hrs D:45sec Provoke 5 Taunts the target and makes them focus on you. R:30sec D:End of Battle Berserk 15 Attack Boost, Defense Decrease. R:5min D:3min Defender 25 Defense Boost, Attack Decrease. R:3min D:3min War Cry 35 Increase Attack Of All Party Members. certain area. R:5min D:3min Aggressor 45 Increase Melee Accuracy But Lowers Evasion. R:5min D: 3min _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Defense Bonus 10 Resist Virus 15 Double Attack 25 Attack Bonus 30 Resist Virus 35 Resist Virus 55 Resist Virus 70 =============================================================================== MONK MONK ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 33 HP 38 HP 35 HP 33 HP 29 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 7 STR 8 STR 8 STR 7 STR 6 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 8 VIT 10 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 8 AGI 5 AGI 5 AGI 4 AGI 6 AGI 6 INT 5 INT 5 INT 4 INT 5 INT 7 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1378 HP 1650 HP 1499 HP 1378 HP 1152 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 61 STR 66 STR 70 STR 58 STR 53 DEX 65 DEX 65 DEX 62 DEX 79 DEX 65 VIT 70 VIT 84 VIT 75 VIT 67 VIT 67 AGI 48 AGI 45 AGI 40 AGI 57 AGI 53 INT 44 INT 41 INT 36 INT 44 INT 58 MND 56 MND 56 MND 65 MND 53 MND 53 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Hundred Fists 1 Increased Attack & Decreased Attack Delay. R:2hrs D:1min Boost 5 Attack Power Boost on Next Attack. R:15sec D:3min Dodge 15 Increase Evasion. R:5min D:2min Focus 25 Increase hit ratio. R:5min D:2min Chakra 35 Heal some HP. R:15min D:Instant Chi-Blast 41 Throws an Energy Ball at the Target. R:3min D:Instant Counterstance 45 Increase The Chance of Countering. defense. R:5min D:5min _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Martial Arts 1 Counter 10 HP Boost 15 Martial Arts 16 Martial Arts 31 HP Boost 35 Martial Arts 46 Kick Attacks 51 HP Boost 55 Martial Arts 61 HP Boost 70 Kick Attacks 71 Martial Arts 75 =============================================================================== BLACK MAGE BLACK MAGE ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 25 HP 30 HP 27 HP 25 HP 21 MP 24 MP 18 MP 22 MP 24 MP 30 STR 5 STR 6 STR 6 STR 5 STR 4 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 5 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 5 VIT 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 AGI 6 AGI 8 AGI 8 INT 8 INT 8 INT 7 INT 8 INT 10 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 895 HP 1167 HP 1016 HP 895 HP 669 MP 616 MP 425 MP 540 MP 616 MP 844 STR 48 STR 53 STR 57 STR 45 STR 40 DEX 61 DEX 61 DEX 58 DEX 75 DEX 61 VIT 48 VIT 62 VIT 53 VIT 45 VIT 45 AGI 61 AGI 58 AGI 53 AGI 70 AGI 66 INT 70 INT 67 INT 62 INT 70 INT 84 MND 53 MND 53 MND 62 MND 50 MND 50 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Manafont 1 No MP Needed For Magic Casting. time. R:2hrs D:30sec Elemental Seal 15 Damage Of Casted Magic Increases. R:10min D:End of Battle _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Magic Attack UP 10 Clear Mind 15 Conserve MP 20 Magic Attack UP 30 Clear Mind 30 Clear Mind 45 Magic Attack UP 50 Clear Mind 60 Magic Attack UP 70 Clear Mind 75 =============================================================================== WHITE MAGE WHITE MAGE ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 27 HP 32 HP 29 HP 27 HP 23 MP 22 MP 16 MP 20 MP 22 MP 28 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 5 DEX 5 DEX 5 DEX 7 DEX 5 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 8 MND 8 MND 9 MND 8 MND 8 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 971 HP 1243 HP 1092 HP 971 HP 745 MP 540 MP 349 MP 464 MP 540 MP 768 STR 56 STR 61 STR 65 STR 53 STR 48 DEX 48 DEX 48 DEX 45 DEX 62 DEX 48 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 53 AGI 50 AGI 45 AGI 62 AGI 58 INT 53 INT 50 INT 45 INT 53 INT 67 MND 70 MND 70 MND 79 MND 67 MND 67 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Benediction 1 Heals HP of Party Members In A Close Range. R:2hrs D:Instant Divine Seal 15 Next healing spell will have greater effect. R:10min D:End of Battle Divine Veil ?? With Divine Seal, next status curative spell will become -ga spell(ex: Erase-ga).R:??min D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Magic Defense UP 10 Clear Mind 20 Auto Regen 25 Magic Defense UP 30 Clear Mind 35 Magic Defense UP 50 Clear Mind 50 Clear Mind 65 Magic Defense UP 70 =============================================================================== RED MAGE RED MAGE ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 28 HP 32 HP 30 HP 28 HP 24 MP 20 MP 14 MP 18 MP 20 MP 26 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 7 INT 7 INT 6 INT 7 INT 9 MND 7 MND 7 MND 8 MND 7 MND 7 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1046 HP 1318 HP 1167 HP 1046 HP 820 MP 464 MP 273 MP 388 MP 464 MP 692 STR 56 STR 61 STR 65 STR 53 STR 48 DEX 56 DEX 56 DEX 53 DEX 70 DEX 56 VIT 53 VIT 67 VIT 58 VIT 50 VIT 50 AGI 53 AGI 50 AGI 45 AGI 62 AGI 58 INT 61 INT 58 INT 53 INT 61 INT 75 MND 61 MND 61 MND 70 MND 58 MND 58 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Chainspell 1 Shortens Magic Casting Delay to 0. R:2hrs D:30sec Convert 40 Exchanges HP and MP instantly. R:5min D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Resist Petrify 10 Fast Cast 15 Magic Attack UP 20 Magic Defense UP 25 Resist Petrify 30 Clear Mind 31 Fast Cast 35 Magic Attack UP 40 Magic Defense UP 45 Resist Petrify 50 Clear Mind 53 Fast Cast 55 Resist Petrify 70 Clear Mind 75 =============================================================================== THIEF THIEF ---Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 28 HP 33 HP 30 HP 28 HP 24 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 8 DEX 8 DEX 8 DEX 10 DEX 8 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 7 AGI 7 AGI 6 AGI 8 AGI 8 INT 7 INT 7 INT 6 INT 7 INT 9 MND 5 MND 5 MND 6 MND 5 MND 5 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1046 HP 1318 HP 1167 HP 1046 HP 820 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 56 STR 61 STR 65 STR 53 STR 48 DEX 70 DEX 70 DEX 67 DEX 84 DEX 70 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 65 AGI 62 AGI 57 AGI 74 AGI 70 INT 61 INT 58 INT 53 INT 61 INT 75 MND 44 MND 44 MND 53 MND 41 MND 41 CHR 44 CHR 36 CHR 44 CHR 36 CHR 44 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Perfect Dodge 1 Evades melee attacks for thirty seconds. R:2hrs D:30sec Steal 5 Chance of stealing an item for an enemy. R:5min D:Instant Sneak Attack 15 Increased damage when done behind an enemy. R:1min D:Instant Flee 25 Increased movement speed for a thirty seconds. R:5min D:30sec Trick Attack 30 Increased attack when done behind a party member. R:1min D:Instant Mug 35 Attack that also steals money from the target. R:5min D:Instant Hide 45 The Enemy Cannot Target You For Some Time. R:5min D:30sec-10min(Random) _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Gilfinder 5 Evasion Boost 10 Treasure Hunter 15 Resist Gravity 20 Evasion Boost 30 Resist Gravity 40 Treasure Hunter 45 Evasion Boost 50 Triple Attack 55 Resist Gravity 60 Evasion Bonus 70 Rsist Gravity 75 =============================================================================== PALADIN PALADIN --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 30 HP 35 HP 32 HP 30 HP 26 MP 16 MP 10 MP 14 MP 16 MP 22 STR 7 STR 8 STR 8 STR 7 STR 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 8 VIT 10 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 8 AGI 5 AGI 5 AGI 4 AGI 6 AGI 6 INT 5 INT 5 INT 4 INT 5 INT 7 MND 7 MND 7 MND 8 MND 7 MND 7 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1167 HP 1439 HP 1288 HP 1167 HP 941 MP 312 MP 121 MP 236 MP 312 MP 540 STR 65 STR 70 STR 74 STR 62 STR 57 DEX 53 DEX 53 DEX 50 DEX 67 DEX 53 VIT 70 VIT 84 VIT 75 VIT 67 VIT 67 AGI 44 AGI 41 AGI 36 AGI 53 AGI 49 INT 44 INT 41 INT 36 INT 44 INT 58 MND 61 MND 61 MND 70 MND 58 MND 58 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Invincible 1 Recieve no physical damage for thirty seconds. R:2hrs D:30sec Holy Circle 5 Increases resistance against the Undead. R:5min D:3min Shield Bash 15 Attack with a Shield for a chance to stun the target. R:5min D:Instant Sentinel 30 Increase your Defense. R:5min D:30sec Cover 35 Take damage for party member(has to be behind you.) R:5min D:Instant Rampart 62 Increase your party's Defense. R:5min D:30sec _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Undead Killer 5 Defense Boost 10 Resist Sleep 20 Defense Boost 30 Resist Sleep 40 Defense Boost 50 Resist Sleep 60 Defense Bonus 70 Resist Sleep 75 =============================================================================== DARK KNIGHT DARK KNIGHT --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 30 HP 35 HP 32 HP 30 HP 26 MP 16 MP 10 MP 14 MP 16 MP 22 STR 8 STR 9 STR 9 STR 8 STR 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 7 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 7 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 7 INT 7 INT 6 INT 7 INT 9 MND 5 MND 5 MND 6 MND 5 MND 5 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1167 HP 1439 HP 1288 HP 1167 HP 941 MP 312 MP 121 MP 236 MP 312 MP 540 STR 70 STR 75 STR 79 STR 67 STR 62 DEX 61 DEX 61 DEX 58 DEX 75 DEX 61 VIT 61 VIT 75 VIT 66 VIT 58 VIT 58 AGI 56 AGI 53 AGI 48 AGI 65 AGI 61 INT 61 INT 58 INT 53 INT 61 INT 75 MND 44 MND 44 MND 53 MND 41 MND 41 CHR 44 CHR 36 CHR 44 CHR 36 CHR 44 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Blood Weapon 1 Drain HP Using Physical Attacks. R:2hrs D:30sec Arcane Circle 5 Increases party's defense against Arcana. R:5min D:3min Last Resort 15 Increase Attack But Defense is lowered. R:5min D:30sec Weapon Bash 20 Can hit enemy hard with a two-handed weapon. R:5min D:Instant Souleater 30 HP is consumed and attack increased. R:6min D:1min _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Attack Booost 10 Resist Paralyze 20 Arcana Killer 25 Attack Boost 30 Resist Paralyze 40 Attack Boost 50 Resist Paralyze 60 Attack Bonus 70 Resist Paralyze 75 =============================================================================== BARD BARD --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 28 HP 33 HP 30 HP 28 HP 24 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 5 AGI 5 AGI 4 AGI 6 AGI 6 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1046 HP 1318 HP 1167 HP 1046 HP 820 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 56 STR 61 STR 65 STR 53 STR 48 DEX 56 DEX 56 DEX 53 DEX 70 DEX 56 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 48 AGI 45 AGI 40 AGI 57 AGI 53 INT 56 INT 53 INT 48 INT 56 INT 70 MND 56 MND 56 MND 65 MND 53 MND 53 CHR 65 CHR 57 CHR 65 CHR 57 CHR 65 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Soul Voice 1 The Effects Of Songs Become Greater. R:2hrs D:1min _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Resist Silence 5 Resist Silence 25 Resist Silence 45 Resist Silence 65 =============================================================================== BEASTMASTER BEASTMASTER --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 30 HP 35 HP 32 HP 30 HP 26 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 5 AGI 5 AGI 4 AGI 6 AGI 6 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 8 CHR 7 CHR 8 CHR 7 CHR 8 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1167 HP 1439 HP 1288 HP 1167 HP 941 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 56 STR 61 STR 65 STR 53 STR 48 DEX 61 DEX 61 DEX 58 DEX 75 DEX 61 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 48 AGI 45 AGI 40 AGI 57 AGI 53 INT 53 INT 50 INT 45 INT 53 INT 67 MND 53 MND 53 MND 62 MND 50 MND 50 CHR 70 CHR 62 CHR 70 CHR 62 CHR 70 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Familiar 1 Makes tamed pet stronger and charm lasts longer. R:2hrs D:30min Charm 1 Tame a wild animal to be your pet. R:5min D:5min Fight 1 Command pet to attack selected monster. R: Instant D: N/A Gauge 10 Can detect if a monster is able to be tamed. R:30sec D:Instant Heel 10 Command pet to stop attack and return. R:15sec D:Instant Reward 12 Pet's HP is recovered, but a specific item is required. R:3min D:Instant Stay 15 Command pet to stay in its current position. R:15sec D:Instant Call Beast 23 Allows to summon a pet from a jug/broth. R: ??? D: Instant Sic 25 If the Pet has a special attack, it can be used. R:2min D:Instant Tame 30 Calm a monster so that taming it becomes easier. R:10min D:Instant Leave 35 Releases your pet. R:N/A D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Vermin Killer 10 Resist Slow 15 Bird Killer 20 Amorph Killer 30 Resist Slow 35 Lizard Killer 40 Aquan Killer 50 Resist Slow 55 Plant Killer 60 Beast Killer 70 Resist Slow 75 =============================================================================== RANGER RANGER --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 27 HP 32 HP 29 HP 27 HP 23 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 6 STR 7 STR 7 STR 6 STR 5 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 6 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 6 AGI 8 AGI 8 AGI 7 AGI 9 AGI 9 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 971 HP 1243 HP 1092 HP 971 HP 745 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 53 STR 58 STR 62 STR 50 STR 45 DEX 56 DEX 56 DEX 53 DEX 70 DEX 56 VIT 56 VIT 70 VIT 61 VIT 53 VIT 53 AGI 70 AGI 67 AGI 62 AGI 79 AGI 75 INT 53 INT 50 INT 45 INT 53 INT 67 MND 56 MND 56 MND 65 MND 53 MND 53 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 CHR 45 CHR 53 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Eagle Eye Shot 1 Delivers a very strong and accurate Ranged Attack. R:2hrs D:Instant Sharpshot 1 Increases ranged accuracy. R:5min D:1min Scavenge 10 Searches for items under you. R:5min D:Instant Camouflage 20 Makes you harder to detect. Invisiblity R:5min D:Random Barrage 30 Fire shots one after another until one misses the target. R:5min D:Instant Shadowbind 40 Bind a target in place. R:5min D:Random Unlimited Shot 51 Your next ranged attack will not waste ammunition. R:3min D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Alertness 5 Accuracy Boost 10 Rapid Shot 15 Resist Poison 20 Accuracy Boost 30 Resist Poison 40 Accuracy Boost 50 Resist Poison 60 Accuracry Bonus 70 =============================================================================== SAMURAI SAMURAI --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 31 HP 36 HP 33 HP 28 HP 27 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 7 STR 8 STR 8 STR 7 STR 6 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 7 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 7 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 CHR 5 CHR 6 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1242 HP 1514 HP 1363 HP 1242 HP 1016 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 61 STR 66 STR 70 STR 58 STR 53 DEX 61 DEX 61 DEX 58 DEX 75 DEX 61 VIT 61 VIT 75 VIT 66 VIT 58 VIT 58 AGI 53 AGI 50 AGI 45 AGI 62 AGI 58 INT 56 INT 53 INT 48 INT 56 INT 70 MND 56 MND 56 MND 65 MND 53 MND 53 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 CHR 48 CHR 56 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Meikyo Shisui 1 Weapon Skill's TP costs goes to 100. TP increases to 300 instantly.R:2hrs D:30sec Warding Circle 5 Party's Defense against Demons increases. R:5min D:3min Third Eye 15 Next attack will be dodged. R:1min D:Instant Meditate 30 Charges TP gauge. R:1min D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Resist Blind 5 Store TP 10 Resist Blind 25 Store TP 30 Demon Killer 40 Resist Blind 45 Store TP 50 Resist Blind 65 Store TP 70 =============================================================================== DRAGOON DRAGOON --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 30 HP 35 HP 32 HP 30 HP 26 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 7 STR 8 STR 8 STR 7 STR 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 7 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 7 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 5 INT 5 INT 4 INT 5 INT 7 MND 6 MND 6 MND 7 MND 6 MND 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1167 HP 1439 HP 1288 HP 1167 HP 941 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 65 STR 70 STR 74 STR 62 STR 57 DEX 56 DEX 56 DEX 53 DEX 70 DEX 56 VIT 61 VIT 75 VIT 66 VIT 58 VIT 58 AGI 56 AGI 53 AGI 48 AGI 65 AGI 61 INT 48 INT 45 INT 40 INT 48 INT 62 MND 53 MND 53 MND 62 MND 50 MND 50 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 CHR 53 CHR 61 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Call Wyvern 1 Call upon Wyvern for a period of time. R:2hrs D:Until it dies Ancient Circle 5 Party will have extra protection against Dragons. R:5min D:3min Jump 10 Regular Jump attack. R:1.5min D:Instant High Jump 35 Higher Jump attack. R:None D:Instant Super Climb 50 Hate will be lost Instantly. R:None D:Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Attack Boost 10 Dragon Killer 25 Accuracy Up 30 =============================================================================== NINJA NINJA --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 28 HP 33 HP 30 HP 28 HP 24 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 7 STR 8 STR 8 STR 7 STR 6 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 7 DEX 9 DEX 7 VIT 7 VIT 9 VIT 8 VIT 7 VIT 7 AGI 7 AGI 7 AGI 6 AGI 8 AGI 8 INT 6 INT 6 INT 5 INT 6 INT 8 MND 5 MND 5 MND 6 MND 5 MND 5 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 CHR 4 CHR 5 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 1046 HP 1318 HP 1167 HP 1046 HP 820 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 MP 0 STR 61 STR 66 STR 70 STR 56 STR 53 DEX 65 DEX 65 DEX 62 DEX 79 DEX 65 VIT 61 VIT 75 VIT 66 VIT 58 VIT 58 AGI 65 AGI 62 AGI 57 AGI 74 AGI 70 INT 56 INT 53 INT 48 INT 56 INT 70 MND 44 MND 44 MND 53 MND 41 MND 41 CHR 48 CHR 40 CHR 48 CHR 40 CHR 48 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Mijin Gakure 1 Sacrifice Yourself to Damage Target (No EXP Loss) R: 2hrs D: Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ Stealth 5 Resist Bind 10 Dual Wield 10 Dual Wield 25 Resist Bind 30 Dual Wield 45 Resist Bind 50 Dual Wield 65 Resist Bind 70 =============================================================================== SUMMONER SUMMONER --Stats--- At lv 1 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 24 HP 29 HP 26 HP 24 HP 20 MP 26 MP 20 MP 24 MP 26 MP 32 STR 5 STR 6 STR 6 STR 5 STR 4 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 6 DEX 8 DEX 6 VIT 5 VIT 7 VIT 6 VIT 5 VIT 5 AGI 6 AGI 6 AGI 5 AGI 7 AGI 7 INT 7 INT 7 INT 6 INT 7 INT 9 MND 7 MND 7 MND 8 MND 7 MND 7 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 CHR 6 CHR 7 At lv 75 - HUME: GALKA: ELVANN: MITHRA: TARUTARU: HP 820 HP 1092 HP 941 HP 820 HP 594 MP 692 MP 501 MP 616 MP 692 MP 920 STR 48 STR 53 STR 57 STR 45 STR 40 DEX 53 DEX 53 DEX 50 DEX 67 DEX 53 VIT 48 VIT 62 VIT 53 VIT 45 VIT 45 AGI 56 AGI 53 AGI 58 AGI 65 AGI 61 INT 65 INT 62 INT 57 INT 65 INT 79 MND 65 MND 65 MND 74 MND 62 MND 62 CHR 65 CHR 57 CHR 65 CHR 57 CHR 65 ---Abilities And Qualities--- _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Ability Req. Level Effect _______________________________________________________________________________ *Astral Flow 1 Power, Defence, All Resistance up for a Summon. R: 2hrs D: N/A Attack 1 Tell summoned monster to attack a target. R: 10sec D: Instant Dismiss 1 Dismisses summoned monster R: Anytime D: Instant _______________________________________________________________________________ Job Traits Req. Level _______________________________________________________________________________ MP Max Up 10 Clear Mind 15 Resist Slow 20 Auto Refresh 25 Clear Mind 30 MP Max Up 30 Resist Slow 40 Clear Mind 45 MP Max Up 50 Resist Slow 60 Clear MInd 60 MP Max Up 70 Clear Mind 70 =============================================================================== __________________/___________________________________________________________ /12. / Area Conquest / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / What is Conquest? Conquest is a special way of making your Home Nation in control of a specific area. By taking part in Conquest you aid your country in doing something it definately wants to do, take control of all areas and leave the other countries with nothing! While youre at it, you help yourself too. Merchants can sell things from other areas and you can gain points and obtain Conquest items. How do I take part in Conquest? Easy. Go to one of the Guards near an exit out of your Nation and have them put the Signet on you. Then go and fight monsters as you would normally. The Conquest Guards have initials at the ends of their names. ___________ For Bastok:|_________ | I.M. : Iron Musketeer| _______________ For San d'Oria:| |____ T.K. : Temple Knight| R.K : Royal Knight| _____________ For Windurst:| |____ W.W. : War Warlock NOTE: The only difference between Temple and Royal Knights is the Prince they serve, picking either one will not affect your gameplay in any way. NOTE: You can buy the following items for the following prices if you are a citizen of Bastok. If you aren't, and your country is higher than Bastok, you can buy these items, but with more Conquest Points. ==================================== | Bastok Conquest Point List | ==================================== ==================================== | Common Items | ==================================== | Scroll Of Instant Reraise | ==================================== | Scroll of Instant Warp | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 1 - 1000 Points Each | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Knuckles | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Crossbow | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Axe | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Cap | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Mittens | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Leggings | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 2 - 2000 Points Each | ==================================== | Decurion's Hammer | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Harness | ==================================== | Legionnaire's Subligar | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 3 - 4000 Points Each | ==================================== | Centurion's Axe | ==================================== | Republican's Bronze Medal | ==================================== | Centurion's Visor | ==================================== | Centurion's Scale Mail | ==================================== | Centurion's Finger Gauntlets | =================================== | Centurion's Cuisses | =================================== | Centurion's Greaves | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 4 - 8000 Points Each | ==================================== | Junior Musketeer's Tuck | ==================================== | Iron Musketeer's Armet | ==================================== | Iron Musketeer's Gauntlets | ==================================== | Iron Musketeer's Sabatons | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 5 - 16,000 Points Each | ==================================== | Musketeer's Sword | ==================================== | Republican's Iron Medal | ==================================== | Iron Musketeer's Cuirass | ==================================== | Iron Musketeer's Cuisses | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 6 - 24,000 Points Each | ==================================== | Republican Mythril Medal | ==================================== | Republican Army Mantle | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 7 - 32,000 Points | ==================================== | Gold Musketeer's Bolt | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 8 - 40,000 Points | ==================================== | Praefectus's Gloves | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 9 - 48,000 Points Each | ==================================== | Senior Gold Musketeer's Scythe | ==================================== | Senior Gold Musketeer's Rod | ==================================== ==================================== | Rank 10 - ??,??? Points Each | ==================================== | Republican Staff | ==================================== __________________/___________________________________________________________ /13. / Ballista/Dynamis / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Ballista is PvP in Final Fantasy XI. To participate you must complete the following requirements: - You must have a license for it, obtainable from an NPC in your Home Nation. - You Must Be Rank 3 Or higher. - There is no reward for Participating. NPCs For Ballista ================ Excenmille - North San d'Oria (D-9) Invincible Shield - Bastok Metalworks (G-8) ???? - Heaven's Tower (?-?) Signing Up For Ballista: - Talk to Marshal in current Ballista area to enter the match. Signing Up For Point Ranking System: - Players who have not registered will not be considered in the ranking. - After a match, players have 4 Vana’diel hours (about 10 minutes Earth time) to register their results. To view the list, talk to the Marshal in Rulude Gardens near the Mog House. During Ballista, monsters will become invisible and non-targetable to current Ballista players. ----------------*********------------------------------*********---------------- ----------------*********------------------------------*********---------------- Dynamis is a World created by Diabolos in which the Beastmen roam the areas like the players/NPCs would in the regular Vana'Diel. Dynamis can be entered by touching the Trail Markings after the following conditions are met: - Obtain level 65 or higher. - Mission 5-1 Completed. - Travel to Xarcabard for a cutscene. - Examine Trail Markings to obtain Vial of Shrouded Sand. and the trail markings can be found at: - Xarcabard (J-9) - Beaucedine Glacier (F-11) - South San d'Oria - Bastok Mines (K-8) - Windurst Walls (C-12) From Dynamis you can obtain the following: - Ancient Currency - Artifact 2 for various jobs in various areas. - Relic Weapons - Other items. To Enter Dynamis once the conditions are met: - Trade 1,000,000 Gil to Antiquix to obtain a Timeless Hourglass. - Trade Timeless Hourglass to Trail Markings. - Trade Perpetual Hourglass to other people entering. - Then trade Perpetual Hourglass to Trail Markings again to enter. Maximum of 64 People can enter Dynamis. Maximum of 210 minutes inside Dynamis area if extended. Dying in dynamis results in Experience Points loss. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /14. / Missions / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / What are Missions? Missions are Quests that you do for your Nation and not for the people. Whats the difference between a Mission and a Regular Quest? Missions affect the storyline for you and how you play. You obtain certain things from your Nation and are recommended to do them. Especially Rank 5 so you can Obtain the Airship Pass. Do I need to do Missions? No, you dont have to, but it is recommended. ____________ |Mission List| --=Bastok=-- Mission 1-1: The Zeruhn Report Meet Makarim in area (H-11) in the Zeruhn Mines. Return the report to Naji in front of the Presidents Office in the 3rd floor of the Metalworks. Once traded you have completed the first mission. Mission 1-2: A Geological Survey Cid is concerned about Bastoks environmental status. Travel to Dangruf Wadia and step on the Geyser of area (I-8) to test the it. The color will change. Return to Cid and your done. Mission 1-3: Fetichism Quadavs are growing more dangerous in the Palborough Mines. Head there and kill Quadavs for Fetich Head, Fetich Arm, Fetich Legs, and Fetich Torso. You can buy these from the AH. On completement you get Rank 2 and 1000 Gil. [ San d'Oria ] == Rank 1 Mission 1-1: Smash The Orc Scouts Head out to Ronfaure and kill any and all Orcish Fodders for an Orcish Axe. After obtaining it trade it to a Gate Gaurd to finish this mission. Mission 1-2: Bat Hunt Head to King Ranperres Tomb in (I-10) of East Ronfaure. Check the tombstone there and kill Ding Bats for the Orcish Scale Mails and return to a Gate Gaurd to hear theyre request and finish this. Mission 1-3: Save The Children Once you have learned that they have been taken to Ghelsba Outpost from Arnau in the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria head to Ghelsba. IN (G-10) check the hut door and kill the three Orcs. You will obtain a key. Check the door again to release the Children. Head to Sandy to recieve Rank 2 and 1000 Gil. == Rank 2 Mission 2-1: The Rescue Drill One of the soldiers undergoying the drill is missing. Head to the Ordelle's Caves ravine and talk to each soldier, obtaining more information along the way. One soldier will tell you he thinks he entered Ordelle's Caves but is not sure. Enter and search inside the first room fo Ruillont. He will send you back to fetch his sword from one of the soldiers (random). Return his sword then back to Vicorpasse to obtain a certificate which you must return to the gate guard back in San d'Oria. Mission 2-2: The Davoi Report After obtaining the Mission head to (G-12) in Jugner Forest to enter Davoi. Once you enter Davoi, speak to Zantaviat to learn that the report is missing a page. Head to the center of the first area and examine the (!) in (J-8) to obtain the missing page. Talk to Zantaviat once more to obtain the rest of the report and give it to Piuje in the Cathedral to finish the mission. Mission 2-3: Journey Abroad If you decide to go to Bastok first, you can find the Consulate in the top floor of the Metalworks Area in Bastok Markets. Talk to Savae and Riault to learn about Bastok's problem with the Quadavs and what they want you to do. Head to the President's Office and enter the room on your left. Speak with Pius who will send you to Grohm at the Craftman's Eatery. After he is done complaining and explaining the process of obtaining the Mithryl Sand, you will exit the room and be stopped by Lion, a female hume that you will see many times in the future. Now, head to Palborough Mines and take the elvator or the long way up to the second floor. Once there use a Pickaxe on a Mithryl Seam to obtain Mine Gravel. Find the Refiner and give it the Mine Gravel. It will complete a process and then you have to go downstairs and get the new Mithryl Sand. Return it to Savae and move on to Windurst. Head to the Consulate in Windurst Woods and speak with Forine and Maurices who will explain Windurt's problems with the Yagudo. Once done here, head to Heaven's Tower in Windurst Walls. Speak with a taru-taru named Kupipi who will explain more on the subject. She will also give you a key to enter the Burning Circle in (G-12) of Giddeus. Enter it and fight the Dark Dragon. Once you defeat it, go back and speak with Maurices and then to San d'Oria to achieve Rank 3 and 3000G. =========================== If you go to Windurst first head to the Consulate to learn about the treaty signed by Windurst and the Beastmen which involves the delivery of supplies and certain materials including weapons to Yagudos. Maurices is upset because the Yagudo may be supplying Orcs. The taru-taru want to give the Yagudo a magic shield. Marucies wants you to obtain the shield and then return to give them a phony one instead. Head to Heaven's Tower and obtain the shield, then return to Maurices to exchange shields. Head to (F-7) in Giddeus and give the shield to U Zhoumo, an NPC Yagudo. Once this is done, return to Maurices and then onto the Bastok consulate. Then talk to the consuls there who send you to Pius. Speak with him and then he will send you to Grohm. He will tell you about a magic circle in (H-10) of the third floor. Once you step on it you dissappear. Head to (H-10) in the Palborough Mines and examine the circle. Defeat the Dread Dragon and then return to Savae and then to San d'Oria to finish the mission. [ Windurst ] == Rank 1 Mission 1-1: The Horutoto Ruins Experiment Once you recieve the Mission, head to the Orastery and talk to Hakkuru-Rinkuru which tells you about about Minister Ajido-Marujido and how he needs help. The minister is in the most eastern tower of Horutoto Ruins. Head to it and find him. Head to (H-9) and pass the Cracked wall and then head to (I-9). Check the Magic Gizmo and then when you find Ajido, you will notice that he and Apururu, his sister, are arguing. So you learn about your task. Now examine all the Magic Orbs until you find the messed up one and return it to the Orastery. That completes the mission. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /15. / Quests / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / ==================== ----===Bastok===---- ==================== * Guest of Hauteur Client: Powhatan (Steaming Sheep Restaurant, Port Bastok) Reward: Maul, Targe Title Given: None Solution: Kill Garnet Quadavs for a Maul and wear it (lvl 31 White Mage only). Then go talk to the gaurd near the zone from Port Bastok to Bastok Markets. Get a cutscene and a letter to give to Powhatan. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Curse Collector Client: Zon-Fobun (Near Sororo's, Bastok Markets) Reward: Poison Cesti Title Given: None Solution: Go to Beadeaux and examine the Afflictor and the Mute to be cursed and silenced. Then return to Zon-Fobun to get Poison Cesti claws. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Siren's Tear Client: Wahid (South Auction House, Bastok Mines) Reward: 150 Gil Title Given: Tearjerker Solution: Talk to Wahid, then go the Port Bastok and find the bard in the restaurant for more info. Then head to J-8 and J-9 in N. Gustaberg with no weapon equipped to find the ???. Examine it and obtain a Siren's Tear. Return this to Wahid. Note: This Quest Is Repeatable* ================================================================ ================================================================ * Beauty and the Galka Client: Cornelia & Parraggoh (House, Batok Mines) Reward: Bronze Knife, 350 Gil Title Given: None Solution: This quest can be actually be obtained in Warehouse 2 in Port Bastok. Trade the Tenshodo Member 4 Zinc Ores. You can find them on Worms or buy them at the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Welcome to Bastok Client: Powhatan (Steaming Sheep Restaurant, Port Bastok) Reward: Shell Shield, Spatha Title Given: Bastok Welcoming Committee Solution: After you talk to him once, talk to him again for hints. The kill Young Quadavs in Gustaberg to obtain a Shell Shield. Wear it, if you cant, switch jobs, and then talk to the NPCs at the Travel Agency. Watch the cutscene, then return to Powhattan for your reward. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Quadav's Curse Client: Corann (House, Port Bastok) Reward: Bronze Subligar Title Given: None Solution: Kill Quadavs for a Quadav Backplate and trade it to Corann. You can buy these at the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Out of One's Shell Client: Ronan (House, Port Bastok) Reward: Monk's Headgear Title Given: Shell Outer Solution: After you have completed The Quadav's Curse, talk to Ronan to recieve this quest. Kill Quadavs in Beaudeux to get Shell Bugs, also bough in the AH under Fishing. Trade four of them to Ronan and your done. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Hearts of Mythril Client: Elki (Bat's Lair Inn, Bastok Mines) Reward: Sitabaki Title Given: Pursuer Of The Past Solution: Head to J-7 in N. Gustaberg (mini mountain) and examine the center grave there. You'll notice some more words, but right now go talk to Elki for your Sitabaki. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Eleventh's Hour Client: Elki (Bat's Lair Inn, Bastok Mines) Reward: Small Sword Title Given: Pursuer Of Truth Solution: Head to Palborough Mines and examine the Tool Box at H-7 (2nd Floor). Return to Elki and he'll send you on a search for a Galka in Bastok Mines. Find this Galka in the houses to finish this quest. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Shady Business Client: Talib (Tenshodo Warehouse, Port Bastok) Reward: 350 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Kill worms to obtain Zinc Ore. You can also get these at the AH or in Mhaura. ================================================================ ================================================================ * A Foreman's Best Friend Client: Gudav (Construction Site, Port Bastok) Reward: Key Item - Map of Gusgen Mines Title Given: None Solution: First head to the houses near the gate in Bastok Markets to find a young Galka who tells you more about the foreman. You will learn about the foreman's dog. Kill the dogs in Gustaberg (at night) for a rare Dog Collar.(or buy at the AH) Trade this to Gudav and obtain the Gusgen Mines map. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Breaking Stones Client: Horatius (Trader's House, Port Bastok) Reward: 400 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Go to Wadi and search for the ??? at J-5. Obtain a Dangruf Stone and give this to Horatius. *NOTE: This quest is repeatable. *NOTE: I recommend at least level 25 to venture that far in Wadi. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Cold Light of Day Client: Malene (House, Bastok Markets) Reward: 500 Gil Title Given: Crab Crusher Solution: Malene is near the zone to Port Bastok and near the magic shop.Talk to her and then talk to a Galka in Bastok Markets and you will learn that you need to trade a Quus (Fishing/AH) to the ??? behind the lighthouse. Bubbly Bernie will spawn behind you, kill it, and trade the Steam Clock to Malene. *NOTE: This quest is repeatable. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Gourmet Client: Salimah (Trader's Home, Bastok Markets) Reward: 350 Gil Title Given: Mommy's Helper Solution: Salimah will ask for a different ingredient depending on the time of day. Sleepshrooms can be found on Poison Funguars in La Theine, Treant Bulbs can be found on Walking Saplings and Wild Onions can be found on Goblins. Or you can buy them from the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Elvaan Goldsmith Client: Michea (House, Bastok Markets) Reward: 180 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Synthesize a Copper Ingot (or buy one from the AH) and give this to Michea. ================================================================ ================================================================ * A Flash in the Pan Client: Aquillina (House, Bastok Markets) Reward: 100 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Kill worms to obtain Flint Stones. Give four to Aquillina. *NOTE: This quest is repeatable. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Smoke on the Mountain Client: Hungry Wolf (Craftsmen's Eatery, Bastok Metalworks) Reward: 300 Gil Title Given: Hot Dog Solution: Find and talk to Offa to learn how to make Galkan Sausage. Go to the top of the hill at K-9 in S. Gustaberg and find the Goblin camp at the top. You should see a ??? at the center of the campfire. Kill the sheep nearby for some Giant Sheep Meat and trade this to the ???. You must wait an entire game-hour WITHOUT ever leaving S. Gustaberg for the meat to cook. Give the Sausage to Hungry Wolf once it meat is done cooking. You can buy this from the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Stamp Hunt Client: Arawn (Gold Street, Bastok Markets) Reward: Leather Gorget Title Given: Stampeder Solution: Examine the stamp sheet in your key items menu to get hints on the location of the people who will offer you stamps. Once all guards have been found, talk to Arawn again. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Forever to Hold Client: Qiji (Docks, Port Bastok) Reward: 300 Gil Title Given: Qiji's Friend Solution: Talk to the old couple near the water. Qiji wants you to get him a Brass Hairpin (synthesis item or check AHs). Trade it to his wife, Romilda to get a silly cutscene and your reward. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Fallen Comrades Client: Pavvke (House, Bastok Mines) Reward: 550 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Kill Quadavs in the Palbourough Mines to get a Silver Name Tag. Trade this to Pavvke. You can also find lots of these in the armor section at the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Mom, the Adventurer? Client: Nbu Latteh (Gold Street, Bastok Markets) Reward: 100 Gil Title Given: Ringbearer Solution: Make (or buy -- easier and cheap) a Copper Ring and find the young Mitrha in a house in Bastok Mines. Give her the ring and obtain a letter to Nbu Latteh. Talk to Nbu Latteh once you get the letter. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Signpost Marks the Spot Client: Nbu Latteh (Gold Street, Bastok Markets) Reward: Linen Robe Title Given: Treasure Scavenger Solution: Head to G-4/G-5 in the Konschtat Highlands to find a Signpost which you can examine. Get a key item (Painting) and give this to Nbu Latteh's daughter in Bastok Mines. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Past Perfect Client: Evi (Harbor Way, Port Bastok) Reward: Scale Mail Title Given: None Solution: Head to G-8 in the Konschtat Highlands and examine the ??? to find the buried mission orders. Return and talk to Evi to finish up the quest. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Stardust Client: Baldric (Darksteel Forge, Bastok Metalworks) Reward: 300 Gil Title Given: None Solution: Head to Valkurm's beaches and look for a beat-up boat that has marooned on the shores (Siren Sands). During sandy weather, a ??? will appear. Examine it for some Sunsand. Give this to Baldric. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Mean Machine Client: Unlucky Rat (Cermet Factory, Bastok Metalworks) Reward: Warp scroll Title Given: None Solution: Kill slime-type monstes (Shakhrami Maze, Korroloka Tunnel) to get Slime Oil. Trade this to Unlucky Rat for a scroll of Warp. Scroll of Warp, not Scroll Of Instant Warp(Conquest). ================================================================ ================================================================ * Father Figure Client: Michea (House, Bastok Markets0 Reward: Around 2100 Gil? Title Given: ? Solution: Synthesize or buy a Silver Ingot to give to Michea. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Blade of Darkness Client: Gumbah (House, Bastok Mines) Reward: Dark Knight Job Title Given: Solution: Go to Palborough Mines, 2nd Floor, and take the boat at G-5? There will be a cutscene with Zeid. He will give you Chaosbringer. Go to South Gustaberg (or wherever you like) and kill at least 100 monsters. You cannot zone and i suggest you dont switch weapon when your done. (Haven't tried this) Then take a chocobo if you can to Beudeux in the South East corner of the Passhow Marshlands. There will be a small cutscene with Zeid. You can now be a Dark Knight! ================================================================ ================================================================ * Drachenfall Client: Black Mud (Ore Street, Bastok Mines) Reward: 2000 Gil Title Given: Drachenfall Asthetic Solution: Head to Wadi and go to J-3. Use the geyser to get up to the ledge and continue north and you will end up at C-8 in N. Gustaberg.Head to the waterfall to find a spot where you can trade the urn given to you by Black Mud and obtain some water. Give this back to Black Mud for some gil. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Wisdom of Elders Client: Benita (House, Port Bastok) Reward: Traveler's Hat Title Given: None Solution: Talk to Benita and then find her step-mother just outside with Benita's daughter. Talk to the step- mother to learn that Bomb Ash is needed to clear out the clogged chimney. Get some for Benita from AH (Materials --> Smithing). ================================================================ ================================================================ * Groceries Client: Tami (Near Residential Area, Bastok Mines) Reward: Rabbit Mantle Title Given: None Solution: This is actually two quests (one is "hidden"). Get a memo from Tami to give to her husband Zelman in the Zeruhn Mines (I-8). If you examine the memo before you talk to Zelmun, you will also be asked to buy some Meat Jerky for Tami (get some from the inn in Bastok Mines). Return to Tami and talk to her to get 50 gil. Then trade the jerky for another reward. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Bare Bones Client: Degenhard (Near Galkan Bridge, Bastok Markets) Reward: Key Item - Map of Wadi Title Given: None Solution: Kill skeletons and get a Bone Chip to give to Degenhard. Note: This does not appear in the Quests menu until completion.* ================================================================ ================================================================ * Minesweeper Client: Gerbaum (Work Area, Bastok Mines) Reward: 150 Gil Title Given: Zeruhn Sweeper Solution: Kill anything in Zeruhn Mines and get three Pinches of Zeruhn Soot ================================================================ ================================================================ * Buckets of Gold Client: Foss (Firewater Circle, Bastok Markets) Reward: 300 Gil Title Given: Bucket Fisher Solution: Fish either in towns or in small freshwater lakes and streams. Use Worms or Fly Lure and hope for Rusty Buckets. You need to trade five of them. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Brygid, the Stylist Client: Brygid (Gold Street, Bastok Markets) Reward: Gloves Title Given: Brygid Approved Solution: Buy a Robe and a Bronze Subligar and talk to her. Monk would be able to wear it. ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Gustaberg Tour Client: Izabelle (Near Cid's Lab, Metalworks) Reward: 500 Gil Title Given: ? Solutions: Form a party of level 5 or less players and go to Hunting Bear in N. Gustaberg near Drachenfall. Watch the cutscene, answer questions, and your done. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Bite the Dust Client: Yazan (Harbor Way, Port Bastok) Reward: 350 Gil Title Given: Sand Blaster Solution: Head to K-9, L-9 in Valkurm Dunes and kill the Sand Bats to obtain a Sand Bat Fang. You can buy this from the AH. ================================================================ ================================================================ * A Lady's Heart Client: Valah Molkot (Near Residential Area, Port Bastok) Reward: More Mog House Exits Title Given: None Solution: Buy an Amirilis from Upper Jeuno or AH and give this to her. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Dark Legacy Client: Raibaht (Cid's Lab, Metalworks) Reward: Raven Scythe Title Given: ? Solution: Head to the Darkstell Forge and talk to Mighty Fist. He will tell you about the recipe and give you a note. Go to Windurst Waters and talk to Cochal Monchal at the Optistry. Then get a Yagudo Cherry and go to Giddeus. Drop at H-7 and then head down to H-14. Trade the cherry to the ??? and an NM called Huja the Erudite will spawn. Defeat it, talk to the ???, then return to Raibaht. *NOTE: You need to be at least level 40 Dark Knight to start this. *Note: You will need a full party of 55+s or do like i did, 1 PLD level 63 and a WHM lvl 52 and Me DRK 42 at the time. ================================================================ ================================================================ * Ayame and Kaede Client: Ensetsu (House, Port Bastok) Reward: Ninja Job Title Given: Solution: Head to Korroloka tunnel in the Zeruhn Mines. There you need to head to ??? in G-8 (Not Sure). Three Korroloka Leeches will appear. You must defeat all three of them. Then check the ??? again and you will recieve the "odd shaped corral". Then return to Ensetsu and he will ask you to take it to Norg and give it to Ryoma. To get to Norg, get the airship pass to Kazham, then once in Kazham, take a chocobo to the Outpost in Yhutunga Jungle and fall in any hole. Follow the trail to the back of the waterfall. You are now in Sea Serpent Grotto. Head along there to a wall which can open up. Once in here i suggest Sneak(aggro by sound) as it is full of Undead. Follow the trail to reach Norg. Talk to Ryoma straight ahead and then return to Ensetsu. Watch the cutscene and your done. Congrats! ================================================================ ================================================================ * The Discerning Eye (Bastok) Client: Grin (Airship Dock, Port Bastok) Reward: ? Title Given: Discerning Individual Solution: Give the dropped item to the right person. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /16. / Fame / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / In Final Fantasy doing quests isn't something you have to do, just something extra on the side that you can do for fun. By doing quests you earn certain rewards that each quest provides you, and you also gain fame. Fame is a lot of things in FFXI. Depending on your fame, people might say different things to you, they might give you quests that they might not give another, but one thing i love about doing quests somewhere is the way they treat you after doing it. In Bastok for example, and this happens everywhere, I have done many quests so therefore people know my name and know who i am, some do. BY the way, by people i mean the NPCs. When i go to buy something at a store, it is cheaper than it might be for another person who has done less quests, or it might cost even less to someone who has done even more quests than me. ========================= Now onto the different fame groups: ----=>Bastok Fame This only depends on the number of quests you have done in the Bastok area. ----=>San d'Oria Fame Like Bastok this only depends on the number of quests you have done for the San d'Orian citizens. ----=>Windurst Fame This, like San d'Oria and Bastok only depends on the number of quests you have done in this area. ----=>Jeuno Fame Your fame in Jeuno depends on a few things, number of quests done in Bastok, San d'Oria and Windurst. It also depends on the number of quests done in Jeuno itself. ----=>Outlands This fame counts missions done in Selbina, Mhaura, and Rabao - in Valkurm, Buburimu, & West Altepa. ----=>Tenshodo Tenshodo fame is also know as Norg fame. By doing quests for the Tenshodo, you get big discounts on items. For example: Absorb CHR costs 20,000G in the AH, I can get it for 14,000 in a Tenshodo Shop. NOTE: There are Tenshodo in Bastok, Windurst, & San d'Oria, as well as in Norg, the Tenshodo home. ========================= Increasing Your Fame: You can increase your fame in the different areas by doing a few certain quests which are repeatable. These quests are simple and can be done as many times as you like. ========================= In Bastok: I. Trade Treant Bulbs, Wild Onions, or Sleepshrooms in the Gourmet Quest in Bastok Markets. II. Trade Rusty Buckets for the Buckets Of Gold Quest in Bastok Markets. III. Trade Zeruhn Soot for the Minesweeper Quest in Bastok Mines. ========================= In San d'Oria: I. Trade Bat Wings in North San d'Oria for the Fear of the Dark Quest. II. Trade Flint Stones in South San d'Oria for the Starting A Fire Quest. III. Trade Honeys for the Quest The Sweetest Things in South San d'Oria. ========================= In Windurst: I. Trade Beehive Chips in Windurst Woods for the Quest Paying Lip Service. II. Trade Bird Feathers for A Feather In One's Cap Quest in Windurst Waters. III. Trade Crawler Calculus in Windurst Woods for the Creepy Crawlers Quest. ========================= In Jeuno: I. Repeat Community Service in Lower Jeuno. II. Do Quests in the other three Countries. ========================= In Tenshodo: I. Trade Zinc Ores in Port Bastok to a Tenshodo Guy in Warehouse I. II. Do the Ninja Scroll Quests in Norg. III. Do other Tenshodo Quests in the other countries. ========================= In Outlands: I. Trade Cabbages in Selbina at the Sheep Farmer. II. Bring ingredients to the Chef in Mhaura. ========================= __________________/___________________________________________________________ /17. / Server Lists / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Not much to say about servers, epcept that characters are split between them to equally populate the different servers. You can get a specific server by obtaining a World Pass from someone already in that Server. Here is the Server List: 1. Bahamut 2. Shiva 3. Titan 4. Ramuh 5. Phoenix 6. Carbuncle 7. Fenrir 8. Sylph 9. Valefor 10. Alexander 11. Leviathan 12. Odin 13. Ifrit 14. Diabolos 15. Caitsith 16. Quetzalcoatl 17. Siren 18. Gilgamesh 19. Ragnarok 20. Pandemonium 21. Kujata 22. Bismark 23. Seraph 24. Lakshmi 25. Asura 26. Midgardsormr 27. Fairy 28. Remora 29. Hades 30. Atomos* * Square also has its own Test Server, Atomos. __________________/___________________________________________________________ /18. / Linkshells / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Linkshells are clans or groups. The leader or other people, i will explain in a bit may invite anyone, even if they are already in a Linkshell. To start a Linkshell you must have 8.000 Gil handy as this is what it costs. You can buy them from certain people. *In a future update i will add their locations. Once you have started your Linkshell you can give it a name and the color that it will be represented by. You can choose from their colors or form your own. As a leader, you can distribute Linkpears or Linksacks. -Linkpearl holders have no control over the LS, cannot invite, or kick. -Pearlsack holders can distribute pearls and can kick out members who do not have a pearlsack. As a leader, you can also kick anyone out of the LS. To equip a LS, you must first recive a Linkpearl, then go to: Menu => Linkshell = > Select Linkpear/sack and Equip To recieve a pearlsack, you must first get a linkpearl, then the leader can go to his LS menu, select your name, and give you one. You can hold as many Linkpearls and Pearlsacks as your inventory can carry, and can save them in your MH. You cannot sell or trade a Pearlsack or Linksack. If you are a Linksack holder, you may also change the message displayed when you Log In, or change LS. To change the message type /lsmes then type your message after it. For example: /lsmes Thank you for joining my Linkshell! __________________/___________________________________________________________ /19. / Craft Guilds/Recipes / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / ================================ Smithing ================================ Smithing uses metals to make armor pieces and weapons. With ores you can also make Ingots and with both or one you can make Sheets. You use these items combined with many others sometimes not so many to make items, weapons, armor. ================================ Goldsmithing ================================ Goldsmithing uses stones and metals to make jewelry such as Earrings, Rings, Necklaces and other items. Goldsmithing is easily the most expensive craft. ================================ Boneworking ================================ Using dead mob bones and such a bone worker makes Earrings, Rings, Necklaces, and some armor and weapons like the Bone Scythe for level 53 DRKs. ================================ Carpenter ================================ A good thing to have for this craft is a hatchet. You would want to go logging a lot, save money on your materials and therefore use your Carpentry skills to make expensive furniture. ================================ Alchemy ================================ Being an Alchemist, you can make lots of potions to heal MP/HP whatever. You can also make Bullets and some arrows. Perfect for Rangers. ================================ Tanning ================================ A tanner uses Skins and materials like leather to make armors. For a tanner, Goldsmithing, Blacksmithing, and Weaving Skills are reccommended. ================================ Weaver ================================ Weavers use cloth and such materials to make Robes and mostly armors for Mages, and also for other job classes that use light equipment. ================================ Culinarian - Windurst ================================ If theres one thing i like about this Guild is that you dont need any other skills from any other Guild to be good here. Just cook away. ================================================================ Guild | Locations | Open Hours | Closed ================================================================ | | | Smithing | Metalworks, Bastok | 8:00-23:00 | Water | North San d'Oria | | | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Goldsmithing | Bastok Markets | 8:00-23:00 | Ice | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Boneworker | Windurst Woods | 8:00-23:00 | Wind | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Carpentry | North San d'Oria | 6:00-21:00 | Fire | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Alchemy | Bastok Mines | 8:00-23:00 | Light | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Tanning | South San d'Oria | 3:00-18:00 | Ice | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Weaver | Windurst Woods | 6:00-21:00 | Fire | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ | | | Culinarian | Windurst Waters | 5:00-20:00 | Dark | | | ================================================================ ================================================================ __________________/___________________________________________________________ /20. / Magic List / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / =========================================================================== | White Mage Spell/Level | Skill | Effect | =========================================================================== | Cure - 1 | Healing | Heals up to 30 HP on a target. | =========================================================================== | Dia - 3 | Enfeebling | Lowers defense of target and | | | | deals light damage. | =========================================================================== | Paralyze - 4 | Enfeebling | Paralyzes the target for some | | | | time. | =========================================================================== | Banish - 5 | Divine | Inflics holy damage on target. | =========================================================================== | Barstonra - 5 | Enhancing | Increases the earth resistance | | | | of the party members. | =========================================================================== | Poisona - 6 | Healing | Cures Poison ailment. | =========================================================================== | Barsleepra - 7 | Enhancing | Increases party's resistance | | | | to sleep spells. | =========================================================================== | Protectra - 7 | Enhancing | Increases party's physical | | | | defense by a bit. | =========================================================================== | Protect - 7 | Enhancing | Increases target's physical | | | | defense. | =========================================================================== | Barwatera - 9 | Healing | Increases party's defense | | | | against water attacks. | =========================================================================== | Paralyna - 9 | Healing | Cures a target's paralysis. | =========================================================================== | Aquaveil - 10 | Enhancing | Avoids Casting Interruptions. | =========================================================================== | Barpoisonra - 10 | None | Increases Party's Resistance | | | | Against Poison. | =========================================================================== =========================================================================== | Cure II - 11 | Healing | Heals Up to 90 HP on target. | =========================================================================== | Barparalyzra -12 | Enhancing | Increases Party's Resistance | | | | against Paralysis. | =========================================================================== | Slow - 13 | Enfeebling | Slows Target. | =========================================================================== | Baraera - 13 | Enhancing | Increases Party's Resistance | | | | against wind. | =========================================================================== | Blindna - 14 | Healing | Cures Blindness. | =========================================================================== | Deodorize - 15 | Enhancing | Target cannot be aggroed by | | | | scent. | =========================================================================== | Banishga - 15 | Divine | Area Of Effect Holy Damage. | =========================================================================== | Silence - 15 | Enfeebling | Target Cannot Cast Spells. | =========================================================================== | Curaga - 16 | Healing | Area Of Effect Cure on Party. | =========================================================================== | Shell - 17 | Enhancing | Increase Targets's Magic DEF. | =========================================================================== | Shellra - 17 | Enhancing | Increase Party's Magic DEF. | =========================================================================== | Barfira - 17 | Enhancing | Increases Party's defense | | | | against fire attacks. | =========================================================================== | Diaga - 18 | Enfeebling | Inflicts Light Damage and | | | | decreases defence. AoE. | =========================================================================== | Barblindra - 18 | Enhancing | Increases Party's Defense | | | | against darkness. | =========================================================================== | Silena - 19 | Healing | Cures Silence. | =========================================================================== | Blink - 19 | Enhancing | Creates Shadow Images that take| | | | damage for you. | =========================================================================== =========================================================================== | Sneak - 20 | Enhancing | Target Cannot Be Aggroed by | | | | sound. | =========================================================================== | Cure III - 21 | Healing | Heals up to 180 HP on target. | =========================================================================== | Barblizzara - 21 | Enhancing | Raises Party's Resistance | | | | against Ice. | =========================================================================== | Regen - 21 | Enhancing | Gradually restores targets HP. | =========================================================================== | Barsilencera - 23 | Enhancing | Enhances resistance against | | | | silence of party members. | =========================================================================== | Raise - 25 | Healing | Revives KO'd target. | =========================================================================== | Barthundra - 25 | Enhancing | Raises resistance of thunder | | | | on party members. | =========================================================================== | Invisible - 25 | Enhancing | Target cannot be aggroed by | | | | sight. | =========================================================================== | Protect II - 27 | Enhancing | Raises Target's defense. | =========================================================================== | Protectra II - 27 | Enhancing | Raises Party's Defense. | =========================================================================== | Stoneskin - 28 | Enhancing | Reduces damage you take. | =========================================================================== | Cursna - 29 | Healing | Cures Cursed target. | =========================================================================== | Banish II - 30 | Divine | Deals Light damage on target. | =========================================================================== =========================================================================== | Curaga II - 31 | Healing | Restores HP of party members | | | | in range. | =========================================================================== | Erase - 32 | Enhancing | Removes one status ailment. | =========================================================================== | Reraise - 33 | Healing | Grants you the effect of Raise | | | | when KO'd. | =========================================================================== | Viruna - 34 | Healing | Removes Diseased status. | =========================================================================== | Dia II - 36 | Enfeeble | Deals light damage and reduces | | | | target's defense. | =========================================================================== | Teleport Holla - 36 | Enhancing | Teleports party members with | | | | Holla gate crystal to Holla. | =========================================================================== | Teleport Dem - 36 | Enhancing | Teleports party members with | | | | Dem gate crystal to Dem. | =========================================================================== | Teleport Mea - 36 | Enhancing | Teleports party members with | | | | Mea gate crystal to Mea. | =========================================================================== | Shell II - 37 | Enhancing | Enhances targets magic defense.| =========================================================================== | Shellra II - 37 | Enhancing | Enhances party's magic defense.| =========================================================================== | Teleport Yhoat - 38 | Enhancing | Teleports Party Members with | | | | Yhoat gate crystal to Yhoat. | =========================================================================== | Teleport Altep - 38 | Enhancing | Teleports Party Members with | | | | Altep gate crystal to Altep. | =========================================================================== | Stona - 39 | Healing | Removes petrifications. | =========================================================================== | Barvira - 39 | Enhancing | Raises party's resistance | | | | against Virus. | =========================================================================== | Banishga II - 40 | Divine | Deals light damage to foes in | | | | range. | =========================================================================== | Haste - 40 | Enhancing | Raises target's attack speed. | =========================================================================== __________________/___________________________________________________________ /21. / Summon List / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / ============================================================================ | Summon Name | MP Cost | Special Moves | Special Moves | ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Carbuncle | 5 | Healing Ruby | Poison Nails | ============================================================================ | Shining Ruby | Glittering Ruby | ============================ =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================ =============================================== | Shiva | 7 | Axe Kick | Blizzard II | ============================================================================ | Frost Armor | Sleepga | =============================================== | Double Slap | | ============================ =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Ramuh | 7 | Shock Strike | Thunder II | ============================================================================ | Thunder Spark | Rolling Thunder | =============================================== | Lightning Armor | | ============================ =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Ifrit | 7 | Punch | Fire II | ============================================================================ | Burning Strike | Double Punch | =============================================== | Crimson Howl | | ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Titan | 7 | Rock Throw | Stone II | ============================================================================ | Rock Buster | Megalith Throw | =============================================== | Earthen Ward | | ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Leviathan | 7 | Barracuda Dive | Water II | ============================================================================ | Tail Whip | Spring Water | ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ | Garuda | 7 | Claw | Aero II | ============================================================================ | Aerial Armor | Whispering Wind | =============================================== | Hastega | | =============================================== ============================== | Spirit Name | MP Cost | ============================== | Air Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== | Fire Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== | Ice Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== | Water Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== | Light Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== | Dark Spirit | 10 MP | ============================== __________________/___________________________________________________________ /22. / Song List / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / NOTE: All with an asterisk(*) work for party members/monsters in range. ============================================================================== | Song Name | Level | Element | Effect | ============================================================================== | Knight's Minne | 1 | Light | Enhances partys defense.* | ============================================================================== | Valor Minuet | 3 | Light | Enhances party's attack.* | ============================================================================== | Army's Paeon | 5 | Light | Gradually recovers partys HP. * | ============================================================================== | Foe Requiem | 7 | Light | Deals sonic damage to enemies. | ============================================================================== | Herb Pastoral | 9 | Light | Enhances resistance against poison | | | | | for party members.* | ============================================================================== | Light Threnody | 10 | Dark | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | light. | ============================================================================== ============================================================================== | Sword Madrigal | 11 | Light | Increases Melee Accuracy.* | ============================================================================== | Dark Threnody | 12 | Light | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | darkness. | ============================================================================== | Sheepfoe Mambo | 13 | Light | Enhances evasion.* | ============================================================================== | Earth Threnody | 14 | Wind | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | earth. | ============================================================================== | Armys Paeon II | 15 | Light | Gradually recovers partys HP.* | ============================================================================== | Water Threnody | 16 | Thunder | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | water. | ============================================================================== | Foe Lullaby | 16 | Dark | Puts an enemy to sleep. | ============================================================================== | Foe Requiem II | 17 | Light | Deals sonic damage to enemies. | ============================================================================== | Wind Threnody | 18 | Ice | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | wind. | ============================================================================== | Scop's Opperetta | 19 | Light | Enhances resistance against silence.| ============================================================================== | Fire Threnody | 20 | Water | Reduces enemies resistance against | | | | | fire. | ============================================================================== __________________/___________________________________________________________ /23. / Equipment / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / Coming, just not now. ^^ __________________/___________________________________________________________ /24. / Weapon Skills / >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/___________________________________________________________/ / _____________________________________________________________________________ /=============================================================================\ |----------------------------- Axe Weapon Skills -----------------------------| ============================================================================= | Name | Skill LVL | TP Effect | Elemental Attributes | ============================================================================= | Raging Axe | 10 | Added Damage | Air / Lightning | ============================================================================= | Smash Axe | 40 | Stun + Duration | Ice/Water | ============================================================================= | Gale Axe | 70 | Choke + Duration | Air | ============================================================================= | Avalanche Axe | 100 | Added Damage | Earth/LIghtning | ============================================================================= | Spinning Axe | 150 | Added Damage | Fire/Earth/Lightning | ============================================================================= | Rampage | 175 | Chance of Critical | Earth | ============================================================================= | Calamity | 200 | Added Damage | Earth/Lightning | ============================================================================= | Mistral Axe | 225 | Added Damage | Ultimate Fusion | ============================================================================= | Decimation | 240 | Hit Accuracy | Ultimate Fusion/Water | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | Weapon Skill | Effect(s) | ============================================================================= | Raging Axe | Two attacks with bonus damage based on TP. | ============================================================================= | Smash Axe | Two attacks with Stun effect, duration is based on TP | ============================================================================= | Gale Axe | One attack with Choke effect, weakens against ice. | ============================================================================= | Avalanche Axe | One attack with bonus damage based on TP. | ============================================================================= | Spinning Axe | Area of Effect attack, area covered based on TP. | ============================================================================= | Rampage | Five attacks that can critical for added damage. | ============================================================================= | Calamity | One attack, damage is multiplied by three. | ============================================================================= | Mistral Axe | One attack, damage varies by TP. | ============================================================================= | Decimation | Three attacks, damage varies by TP. | ============================================================================= ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* _____________________________________________________________________________ /=============================================================================\ |-------------------------- Great Axe Weapon Skills --------------------------| ============================================================================= | Name | Skill LVL | TP Effect | Elemental Attributes | ============================================================================= | Shield Break | 10 | Effect Duration | Lightning | ============================================================================= | Iron Tempest | 40 | Added Damage | Earth | ============================================================================= | Sturmwind | 70 | Added Damage | Water/Earth | ============================================================================= | Armor Break | 100 | Effect Duration | Lightning | ============================================================================= | Keen Edge | 150 | Chance of Critical | Dark | ============================================================================= | Weapon Break | 175 | Effect Duration | Lightning | ============================================================================= | Raging Rush | 200 | Added Damage | Ice/Water | ============================================================================= | Full Break | 225 | Effect Duration | Ultimate Distortion | ============================================================================= | Steel Cyclone | 240 | Added Damage | Ultimate Distortion/Air | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | Weapon Skill | Effect(s) | ============================================================================= | Shield Break | One attack, lowers evasion, 1:30m @ 100 TP, 2:00 @ 200 TP, | | | 2:30 @ 300 TP. | ============================================================================= | Iron Tempest | One attack, damage varies by TP. | ============================================================================= | Sturmwind | Two attacks, damage varies by TP. | ============================================================================= | Armor Break | One attack, lowers defense, duration same as Shield Break. | ============================================================================= | Keen Edge | One attack, can critical or can miss. | ============================================================================= | Weapon Break | One attack, lowers attack, duration same as Shield Break. | ============================================================================= | Raging Rush | Three attacks, damage varies by TP. | ============================================================================= | Full Break | One attack, lowers attack, accuracy, evasion, & defense. | | | Duration same as Shield Break. | ============================================================================= | Steel Cyclone | One Area Of Effect attack. | ============================================================================= ******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************