=============================================================================== F I N A L F A N T A S Y I X H A T E J U G G L I N G G U I D E / F A Q =============================================================================== by Uteki. v.1.0 This is my first and quite possibly my only submitted guide. This guide was written to provide information to the people playing Final Fantasy XI. The job of controlling hate is not restricted to the tanks, and I wrote this guide to clarify that. ============= C H A N G E S ============= 1.3 Minor corrections 1.2 PLD, BRD skill ratings fixed a bit. Provoke comment added. New Links section. 1.1 Bah! Some corrections. Credit added at the end of the document. 1.0 Hopefully the only version of this guide needed. =============== C O N T E N T S =============== I. Legal/Disclaimers II. Frequently Asked Questions III. Warrior (WAR) IV. Monk (MNK) V. White Mage (WHM) VI. Black Mage (BLM) VII. Red Mage (RDM) VIII. Thief (THF) IX. Paladin (PLD) X. Dark Knight (DRK) XI. Beastmaster (BST) XII. Ranger (RNG) XIII. Bard (BRD) XIV. Summoner (SMN) XV. Samurai (SAM) XVI. Ninja (NIN) XVII. Dragoon (DRG) XVIII. Closing Comments/Thanks XIX. Links =================== I. Legal/Disclamers =================== This Guide/Faq is Copyrighted 2004 by Uteki and is permitted for display on any other site as long as credit is due. This guide was created for informational purposes only. You may not sell or reproduce this guide without permission from the author. You may use this guide for your non-commercial entertainment purposes. If there are any errors in this guide or if you would like to contribute information, please e-mail j(at)soycal(dot)com with a subject line and content that is actually comprehensible. I will of course give full credit for the information submitted. I am not aware of the actual numbers and formulas in calculating hate. Character classes and the Final Fantasy trademarks are property of Square Enix. ============================== II. Frequently Asked Questions ============================== Q: What is hate? A: Hate (Enmity) determines the focus of an enemy's attack. Q: Why would I want to gain hate? A: If your role in the PT is the "tank", then you will want to gain as much hate as possible. If you are somehow in a situation where you do not want another PT member to be taking damage, then the same thing applies. This is usually the case for a secondary tank when the main tank fails. Q: Why would I want to become the "tank"? A: If you have a reasonably high defense and the ability to gain and keep hate, you may be asked to be the "tank" for the Party (PT). Having a tank allows the PT's healing class to have an easier time healing, and Bards who rely on area effects will have an easier time keeping these effects running. If the tank has the highest defense of the whole PT (usually the case for a WAR or PLD), then every attack made by the enemy is less damaging to the PT in whole. Having an enemy hit a PT member with low defense isn't as effective. Q: I am an agility and evasion-based melee class. Shouldn't I be tanking? A: Evasion is severely hampered against tougher enemies and generally you have much lower defense than the defensive classes. You will be taking most hits from an enemy, and you will be hit hard. Evasion-based classes also don't have many hate-gain skills as a tank. Q: Why would I want to lessen my own hate or shed hate? A: If you have low defense (usually the case for mage-type characters), then having an enemy attack you instead of a character with high defense is not good party dynamics. Why take 80 damage when your PLD buddy can take 20 from the same attacK? Remember, think of your PT as a whole. Q: So try to keep the hate on the melee and off of the casters, right? A: This is to a certain extent. There are low-defense, high-damage melee classes who generally only have slightly higher defense than a caster. Q: What happens if there are multiple enemies that the PT is fighting? A: If there is a secondary tank in the PT, it is usually a good idea for that member to act as a main tank for the extra enemy. This does not mean that you have to completely disengage the enemy the rest of the PT is fighting. A good tip is to have the second enemy be put to sleep while the secondary tank uses the Provoke ability every 30 seconds on this enemy while still engaging the first. (/ja "Provoke" ) Q: Is there a passive way to gain/lose hate? A: There are +/- Enmity pieces of equipment available in the game. Q: What is the rest of this document about? A: The rest of the document outlines Skills and tactics to gain/lose hate based on class. This also applies to subjobs, ie. PLD/WAR would make a great hate- collector. Note: Skills that do not change hate will not be mentioned in this guide. Now that that's done, let's move on to that section. ============ III. Warrior ============ General: Warrior is a flexible job, but is generally geared towards defense. Because of this, Warriors are usually asked to be the main tank of the PT. Abilities: NOTE! Hate gain is listed on the side from 0-5 *'s. Do note some abilities do not gain hate from using the ability, but give higher hate due to a passive ability. * Healing: Sitting down adds a small amount of hate over time. This applies to every class and will not be repeated for the rest of the guide. - Time: Waiting without action will slowly decrease your hate value. This also applies to all classes and will not be repeated. * Physical attacks: All normal attacks gain a small amount of hate. This line applies to all melee and will not be repeated for the remainder of the guide. *** Renkei (Skillchain) and Weapon Skills: When performing a renkei that the targetted enemy is weak to, this tends to contribute to extra damage, which in turn adds hate. This again applies to all melee and will not be repeated for the other melee classes. ** Mighty Strikes: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability causes all attacks made by the WAR to become Critical Hits. This gains far more hate than normal strikes. **** Provoke: (Level: 5) (Timer: 0:00:30) This is usually a misunderstood ability. Many of the newer WAR characters use this ability as a means to taunt an enemy off of someone else. Provoke adds a VERYlarge, set amount of hate to the enemy and nothing more. For this reason, it is recommended to use Provoke as soon as the Recast Timer runs out for the whole duration of the battle, providing you are the main tank. Do remember that the hate gained from Provoke decreases over time. ** Berserk: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:05:00) This causes your physical attack to become higher, but weakens your defense. Generally, Berserk is a bad idea for Warriors who are the main tank, due to the loss of defense points. However, this does allow a WAR to gain more hate because of higher normal damage. Use your best judgment on this ability. Berserk itself does not add hate. Defender: (Level: 25) (Timer: 0:03:00) This is the opposite ability of Berserk. It increases defense, while lowering physical attack. This is generally a good choice when you are the main tank. *** Warcry: (Level: 35) (Timer: 0:05:00) This ability boosts your PT members' attack points while also adding a small amount of hate. Whether or not you are the main tank, this ability doesn't hurt to be cast often. Aggressor: (Level: 45) (Timer: 0:05:00) This ability increases accuracy but decreases your own evasion. You can add hate by constant physical attacks but if you are the main tank, losing the small amount of evasion may not be worth it. Use your best judgment. ======== IV. Monk ======== General: Monks make a good tank in early levels, espeically when equipped with a WAR subjob, but become a low-defense, high-damage class very quickly. Abilities: **** Hundred Fists: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability causes your Delay between attacks to become next to nothing. Because of this constant damage over time, it starts building up a lot of hate. * Boost: (Level: 5) (Timer: 0:00:15) Adds a small amount of Atk for the next attack. The hate acquired is small. Chakra: (Level: 35) (Timer: 0:15:00) This ability restores HP based on VIT. The amount of hate gain is very small even with a high HP heal and can be used safely. ** Chi Blast: (Level: 41) (Timer: 0:03:00) This launches an instant extra chi attack. The damage varies and can gain a lot of hate depending on damage. ============= V. White Mage ============= General: White Mages have extremely low defense but the ability to gain an enormous amount of hate. In general, the higher amount of HP you heal at once, the more hate you gain. Using the lowest Cure spell vs. the damage the PT receives constantly gains less hate than waiting for the chance to use a higher level Cure spell to gain a lot of HP at once. Abilities: *****Benediction: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This is an instant spell to heal a large chunk of HP for all PT members in range. Sadly, this ability is normally used as a suicide ability due to its enormous hate gain. However, there are many ways around this. If the main tank has gained a higher hate rating than the WHM did for the duration of the battle, then using this ability is a tad less riskier. *** Divine Seal: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:10:00) This causes your next Cure spell to go beyond the point limit of a normal Cure and heal twice the amount of HP than it normally does. Depending on how you use this, it has the potential to add a significant amount of hate. *** Healing spells: Restores HP to selected PT member. The higher level Cure, the more hate gained. **** Curaga spells: Restores HP to PT members within range. This has the potential to gain a huge amount of hate, depending on how much total HP was restored for the PT. This is more of an after-battle HP recovery spell and should only be used in emergencies during battle. * Enfeeble spells: This line of magic weakens an enemy and gains little hate, therefore making them a good choice for the beginning of a battle. * Divine damage spells: Since these spells inflict damage directly, they can generate a small amount of hate. ** Magic Bursts: When using the elemental spell corresponding to the renkei's element, the spell cast will score additional damage. This applies to all classes that use direct-damage spells and will not be repeated for the other mage classes. *** Teleport spells: These spells teleport all PT members within range to a specific Crag, providing the PT members have the appropriate crystal Key Item. If used during battle, they have the tendency to attract the enemy. * Healing status ailment spells: These cure the target status ailment, and generates a tiny amount of hate. * Enhancement spells: These spells add stats to a targetted PT member. If used during battle on the enemy's target, a very small amount of hate is added. ============== VI. Black Mage ============== General: Black Mages aren't meant to take damage, just like the White Mage. Unfortunately those mages who fire spells constantly can rack up hate very very quickly. Generally, it is a good idea to only use spells the monster is weak to while taking a few seconds break in-between casts. Abilities: **** Manafont: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability temporariliy reduces the cost of all spells to 0 MP. This causes most BLMs to spam as many spells possible during the duration of the ability, potentially causing huge chunks of hate. Wise BLMs will learn to hold back a little bit even when using this ability. You also cannot be interrupted during cast except stun type skills. ** Elemental Seal: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:10:00) If using a direct damage spell after this ability, the spell scores full damage. If using an enfeebling spell, the accuracy of this spell is enhanced. *** Elemental spells: These spells deal direct damage to the enemy and have good hate-gain potential. **** Ancient Elemental spells: These spells have long cast times but deal a huge chunk of damage, making them horrid spells to cast in the beginning or middle of the battle. * Enfeeble spells: (see WHM's Enfeeble line) ** Dark spells: This line of magic usually decreases enemy HP gradually and decreases a certain attribute. Note: Dark and Enfeeble are different types of magic. *** Escape, Warp spells: These spells transport the PT or a member elsewhere, and when used during battle have a tendency to attract the enemy. ============= VII. Red Mage ============= General: Red Mages are masters of Enhancement and Enfeebling magic and their spell repertoire includes some WHM and BLM spells as well. The RDM has little hate gain compared to the other classes, which could be a good or bad thing. Abilities: *** Chainspell: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability allows spells to temporarily have no recast timer. Depending on which spells are chain- cast, this ability has the potential to gain some hate. Chainspell is a great ability to use in case of an emergency, when recast timers favor the enemy. **** Convert: (Level: 40) (Timer: 0:10:00) This switches your HP and MP values and is void if your MP is 0. While this ability doesn't gain hate directly, it can cause monsters around to agro you from low HP if you used Convert with low MP (ie. Most Undead type monsters initiate battle depending on the amount of HP you have left). ** Elemental spells: (see BLM's Elemental line) The hate rating is lower in the RDM's case because of the lower damage output. * Enfeeble spells: (see WHM's Enfeeble line) ** Dark spells: (see BLM's Dark line) ** Healing spells: (see WHM's line) * Enhancing spells: En-elemental spells add elemental damage to the RDM's normal attack, adding a miniscule amount of hate per strike. =========== VIII. Thief =========== General: Thieves have the unique ability to gain hate quickly and transfer the hate onto another PT member. They become invaluable to PTs that have a difficult time keeping the enemy on the main tank. Abilities: * Steal: (Level: 5) (Timer: 0:05:00) This gives the Thief a chance to steal an enemy's item. This attracts a bit of attention. **** Sneak AttacK: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:01:00) The next attack the Thief deals automatically scores a critical hit and extra damage based on DEX. This attack is not only strong on its own but some Weapon Skills stack with it! This skill is also stackable with Trick Attack. The catch is that the attack must be made directly behind an enemy. -----Trick AttacK: (Level: 30) (Timer: 0:01:00) The next attack the Thief deals is enhanced and causes the hate achieved by attack to instead become added to the hate of the person the Thief is standing behind. In special situations, combining Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, and a Weapon Skill will transfer an enormous amount of hate to the target of the Trick Attack. This strategy is extremely useful for keeping hate on one person and even more effective if used at the end of a renkei. * Mug: (Level: 35) (Timer: 0:05:00) This steals extra gil from enemies that carry gil to begin with. Stealing from an enemy tends to irritate them. =========== IX. Paladin =========== General: A well-equipped PLD/WAR is the ideal tank, though some WAR/ variants can do almost as well. Not only does the Paladin have the best natural defense, but they are stocked with a good amount of enmity-gaining abilities to ensure that the overall damage the PT takes is to a minimum. Abilities: *****Invincible: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability taunts the enemy into attacking the PLD while the PLD turns invincible to all physical attacks. Oddly enough, the skill does add an enormous amount of hate. * Shield Bash: (Level: 15) (Timer 0:05:00) The PLD slams an equipped shield into the enemy, causing a chance to interrupt the enemy's current action. Not only does this add hate, but it has the ability to prevent a fatal enemy skill. * Sentinel: (Level: 30) (Timer: 0:05:00) This increases the defense value the Paladin has. Though it doesn't contribute much to hate, it allows the Paladin to minimize damage taken. Cover: (Level: 35) (Timer: 0:05:00) This skill allows a Paladin to take damage for the target of Cover. Though it doesn't add hate, it minimizes damage taken by the PT in whole. The person covered must stand behind the Paladin. * Rampart: (Level: 62) (Timer: 0:05:00) This is similar to the Warcry ability but instead increases the PT's defense. *** Healing spells: (see WHM Healing line) While the WHM prefer using the lowest healing spells possible, the Paladin wants to do the opposite for maximum hate gain. It is a good idea to plan out a healing strategy with the group's healer. ** Divine spells: (see WHM Divine line) ** Flash spell: Though WHM can use this spell, Flash is intended for helping a Paladin gain hate. This spell temporarily blinds the enemy, causing much frustration. ============== X. Dark Knight ============== General: The Dark Knight may look like a heavy-armor class like the Paladin. Though they have a good amount of defense initially, with the DRK abilities turned on, Dark Knights can have lower defense than the mage classes! Beware! A Dark Knight can be a good tank's best friend or a bad tank's worst nightmare. Abilities: Blood Weapon: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) For a limited amount of time, every attack made will restore HP back to the Dark Knight. This doesn't add any hate aside from the power of the attacks. *** Last Resort: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:05:00) This ability is similar to Berserk, but also adds hate. It is best used when you need that slight attack bonus, as a last resort. * Weapon Bash: (Level: 20) (Timer: 0:05:00) The DRK's two-handed weapon comes crushing down on the enemy, with a chance to interrupt the enemy's current action. This skill is best used as an emergency. **** Soul Eater: (Level: 30) (Timer: 0:06:00) This allows a DRK to use HP in order to greatly enhance attacks. This causes normal attacks to become much stronger than usual, causing much more hate. * Elemental spells: (see BLM's Elemental line) * Enfeebling spells: (see WHM's Enfeeble line) ** Dark spells: (see BLM's Dark line) The Dark Knight has some unique Dark spells in their repertoire. The Absorb-stat skills will frustrate enemies. =============== XI. Beastmaster =============== General: Beastmasters are unique because they are not usually PT play classes. However in the case of PT, the pet usually generates the hate from attacking, depending on the master's actions. Abilities: * Familiar: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability beefs up the BST's pet and allows for a 30 minute Charm time. The ability alone does not add hate, but the pet's additional strength does. ** Reward: (Level: 12) (Timer: 0:03:00) Using an item, the Beastmaster is allowed to restore some HP to the pet. This counts as a healing spell. * Pet commands: The Beastmaster isn't always protected by the pet. Enemies are clever enough to eye the master of the pet suspiciously. =========== XII. Ranger =========== General: Some classes sacrifice defense for damage. Some sacrifice MP. The Ranger sacrifices gil for bullets and arrows used to take the enemy down. Due to their high damage, Rangers can gain hate pretty easily. Abilities: *** Eagle Eye Shot: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) The Ranger powers up a single shot that pierces the enemy between the eyes. The huge damage adds greatly to hate. * Sharpshot: (Level: 1) (Timer: 0:05:00) Increased accuracy means more high and constant damage. ** Barrage: (Level: 30) (Timer: 0:05:00) This skill allows the Ranger to use a multi-shot attack for fast damage. * Shadowbind: (Level: 40) (Timer: 0:05:00) This skill blinds the enemy temporarily, causing mild hate. ========== XIII. Bard ========== General: Bards are made to deliver multiple song effects that enhance the PT's attributes or inflict damage-over-time spells onto enemies. They normally can play all of their songs without causing a lot of trouble. Abilities: ** Soul Voice: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability strengthens the effects of the Bard's songs for a certain duration. If coupled with strong Paeon songs, this can generate mild hate over time. * Paeon songs: HP regen songs will make the enemy think twice over who to take down first. * Requiem songs: These songs slowly decrease the enemy's HP and can add a small amount of hate over time. * Threnody songs: These songs decrease an enemy's resistance to a certain element. While not generating much hate on its own, this has the ability to add devastating damage to the right elemental spell fired by a mage. * Magic Finale: This song erases a beneficial effect the enemy has. * Battlefield Elegy: This song reduces enemy attack speed. *** Lullaby: This skill puts an enemy to sleep and generates a lot of hate. If you're hate rating is currently low and would like to take a chance at interrupting an attack randomly, then use it or save it for an add. ============= XIV. Summoner ============= General: Summoners are somewhat similar to the Beastmaster in the fact that they control pets. Summoners, however, consume their own MP to keep Avatars on the field. Abilities: Astral Flow: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This delivers a massive attack which adds hate to the pet. * Pet commands: (see Beastmaster's Pet Commands) =========== XV. Samurai =========== General: The Samurai has medium damage, armor, and good evasion. What makes them special though is the high TP gain. They can gain hate through constant usage of Weapon SKills. Abilities: *** Meikyo Shisui: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) This ability gives the Samurai 300 TP automatically and lowers the TP cost of Weapon Skills to 100 for the duration of this skill. If the Samurai uses all three Weapon Skills during this time, a good amount of hate is gained. ========== XVI. Ninja ========== General: Ninjas are the best tanks based on evasion, but have a hard time gaining the hate to become an efficient tank due to the lack of hate-generating skills. Ninjas also consume powders in order to activate their skills, making this a costly class to play. Abilities: Mijin Gakure: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) The Ninja sacrifices his or her life to deal a huge amount of damage to the enemy. (No EXP is lost in this process) This ability erases all hate you caused to the enemy because... well... you're dead. Utsusemi Ninjutsu: While not adding hate, this skill summons shadow images that completely absorb one attack per shadow, helping the Ninja tank. * Elemental Ninjutsu: These skills deal a bit of damage and turns the enemy weak to another element. * Kurayami Ninjutsu: This skill temporarily blinds an enemy, making the Ninja even harder to hit. * Hojo Ninjutsu: This skill reduces enemy attack speed, making the Ninja... even harder to hit again. * Dokumori Ninjutsu: This skill reduces enemy HP over time, causing small hate to build up over time. * Jubaku Ninjutsu: This skill paralyzes an enemy, randomly preventing attacks which makes the Ninja... (you guessed it!) even harder to hit! ============= XVII. Dragoon ============= General: The Dragoon is a unique pet master, dividing overall damage between him/herself and his/her Wyvern. This helps the Dragoon keep hate low, which is beneficial due to the Dragoon's low defense. Abilities: * Call Wyvern: (Level: 1) (Timer: 2:00:00) While not directly adding hate, the Wyvern can generate its own hate through attacks and special skills. * Jump: (Level: 15) (Timer: 0:01:30) This adds an additional jumping attack which is safe to use normally without adding too much hate. * High Jump: (Level: 35) (Timer: 0:03:00) The same thing applies to this jump attack as the regular Jump. Super Jump: (Level: 50) (Timer: 0:05:00) This skill temporarily removes the Dragoon from the battle, erasing all hate the Dragoon has gained. This skill is most widely used after a damaging slew of Jumps and Weapon Skills to erase hate. ============================== XVIII. Closing Comments/Thanks ============================== I hope this guide has proven to be mostly informational to hate-controlling purposes. Again, this guide is not perfect but gives a good idea on how to add or subtract hate. If by any chance one of the skills listed is completely incorrect, please feel free to e-mail me at the address listed at the beginning of the document. Uteki is not my in-game name, nor will I ever reveal my in-game name or server that I play on. I will not admit in-game to writing this guide. Thank you to my friend Gary for proof-reading this guide. Thank you to Digidude @ Pandemonium for a Dragoon job level correction. Thanks to (anonymous until name is given) for more information on PLD skills. Thank you Square Enix for creating this addicting game. ========== XIX. Links ========== http://woys.hp.infoseek.co.jp/forNA.html : I found this from a friend. It's a good read, and gave me two pieces of information I did not know. ^^ =============================================================================== E N D O F D O C U M E N T ===============================================================================