F I N A L F A N T A S Y XI Magic List JonnyRam 2003 v0.9 _______________________________________________________________________________ Contents I. Introduction II. White magic III. Black magic IV. Songs V. Ninjutsu VI. Summon magic VII. Credits Revision history v0.9 - everything except summon magic listed. Includes newly added Sleepga and Sleepga II. ___ I. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ This guide aims to list all the magic available in Final Fantasy XI. The term "magic" includes any skill listed under than "Magic List" menu. So far this consists of: - White magic (usable by white mage, red mage and paladin) - Black magic (usable by black mage, red mage and dark knight) - Songs (usable by bard) - Ninjutsu (usable by ninja) - Summon magic (usable by summoner) Throughout this guide, the following abbreviations are used: element: LI light WI wind IC ice EA earth DA dark WA water FI fire TH thunder magic skill: rcv - recovery hly - holy wkn - weakening ele - elemental drk - dark str - strengthening The element type is important when trying to perform magic bursts. If magic is cast, of the right element, to coincide with a skillchain, its strength is increased and the result is a Magic Burst. This works with status spells, songs and ninjutsu as well as with regular elemental attacking magic. ___ II. White magic ___________________________________________________________ | WHM | RDM | PLD | cast | where to get | mp | ele | skl | delay | effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 8 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure target HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dia | 3 | 1 | - | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 7 | LI | wkn | 5s | target gradual DEF down + LI dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paralyze | 4 | 6 | - | 3s | Amethyst Quadav / Yagudo Acolyte | 6 | IC | wkn | 10s | paralyze target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barstone | - | 5 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | WI | str | 10s | incr earth DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barstonra | 5 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | WI | str | 10s | incr earth DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banish | 5 | - | 7 | 4s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 15 | LI | hly | 20s | light damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poisona | 6 | - | - | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 8 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure poison status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barsleep | - | 7 | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 7 | LI | str | 10s | incr sleep resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barsleepra | 7 | - | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 14 | LI | str | 10s | incr sleep resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect | 7 | 7 | 10 | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 9 | LI | str | 5s | incr physical DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protectra | 7 | - | - | 3s | Amethyst Quadav, Yagudo Acolyte | 9 | LI | str | 15s | incr physical DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barwater | - | 9 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | TH | str | 10s | incr water DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barwatera | 9 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | TH | str | 10s | incr water DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paralyna | 9 | - | - | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 12 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure paralysis status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquaveil | 10 | 12 | - | 5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 12 | WA | str | 10s | lower chance of magic interruption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barpoison | - | 10 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 9 | TH | str | 10s | incr poison resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barpoisonra | 10 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 18 | TH | str | 10s | incr poison resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure II | 11 | 14 | 17 | 2.5s | Home cities: 2nd+, Selbina | 24 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure target HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barparalyze | - | 12 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 11 | FI | str | 10s | incr paralysis resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barparalyzra | 12 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 22 | FI | str | 10s | incr paralysis resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow | 13 | 13 | - | 2s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 1st | 15 | EA | wkn | 20s | incr delay between target's ATK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baraero | - | 13 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | IC | str | 10s | incr wind DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baraera | 13 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | IC | str | 10s | incr wind DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blindna | 14 | - | - | 3s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 16 | LI | rcv | 10s | cure blind status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence | 15 | 18 | - | 3s | Goblin Leecher | 16 | IC | wkn | 10s | stop target casting magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deodorize | 15 | 15 | - | 2s | Goblin Leecher | 10 | WI | str | 8s | avoid detection by smell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banishga | 15 | - | - | 5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 41 | LI | hly | 30s | light damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curega | 16 | - | - | 4.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 60 | LI | rcv | 10s | cure party HP in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enthunder | - | 16 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | TH | str | 10s | adds thunder to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell | 17 | 17 | 20 | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 18 | LI | str | 5s | incr magic DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellra | 17 | - | - | 3s | Lwr Jeuno (Creepstix) | 18 | LI | str | 15s | incr magic DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barfire | - | 17 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | WA | str | 10s | incr fire DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barfira | 17 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | WA | str | 10s | incr fire DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diaga | 18 | 15 | - | 1.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 1st | 12 | LI | wkn | 6s | area gradual DEF down + LI dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enstone | - | 18 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | EA | str | 10s | adds earth to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barblind | - | 18 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 13 | LI | str | 10s | incr blind resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barblindra | 18 | - | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 26 | LI | str | 10s | incr blind resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silena | 19 | - | - | 1s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 24 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure silent status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blink | 19 | 23 | - | 6s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 20 | WI | str | 10s | evade physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sneak | 20 | 20 | - | 3s | Goblin Leecher | 12 | WI | str | 10s | avoid detection by sound ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enaero | - | 20 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | WI | str | 10s | adds wind to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure III | 21 | 26 | 30 | 2.5s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 46 | LI | rcv | 5.5s | cure target HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barblizzard | - | 21 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | FI | str | 10s | incr IC DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barblizzara | 21 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | FI | str | 10s | incr IC DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regen | 21 | 21 | - | ?s | Bogard monster, Mhaura | 15 | LI | str | ?s | target recovers HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enblizzard | - | 22 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | IC | str | 10s | adds ice to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barsilence | - | 23 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 15 | IC | str | 10s | incr silence resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barsilencera | 23 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 30 | IC | str | 10s | incr silence resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enfire | - | 24 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | FI | str | 10s | adds fire to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisible | 25 | 25 | - | 3s | Goblin Leecher | 15 | WI | str | 10s | avoid detection by sight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barthunder | - | 25 | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 6 | EA | str | 10s | incr TH DEF (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barthundra | 25 | - | - | 0.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 12 | EA | str | 10s | incr TH DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise | 25 | 38 | 75 | 15s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 150 | LI | rcv | 60s | raise fallen ally ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enwater | - | 27 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 12 | WA | str | 10s | adds water to weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect II | 27 | 27 | 30 | 1.25s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 28 | LI | str | 5.25s | incr physical DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protectra II | 27 | - | - | 3.75s | Lwr Jeuno (Creepstix) | 28 | LI | str | 16s | incr physical DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stoneskin | 28 | 34 | - | 7s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 1st | 29 | EA | str | 10s | nullify two physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursna | 29 | - | - | 3s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 30 | LI | rcv | 10s | cure cursed status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banish II | 30 | - | 34 | 4.25s | WIN wtr:2nd+, Selbina | 57 | LI | hly | 21s | light damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curega II | 31 | - | - | 4.75s | Selbina, Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 120 | LI | rcv | 10.2s | cure party HP in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erase | 32 | - | - | 2.5s | BCNM: Star Orb | 18 | LI | str | 15s | remove a magic effect from pt.mem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reraise | 33 | - | - | 8s | Topaz Quadav, Yagudo High Priest | 150 | LI | rcv | 60s | enable self-raise in case of death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx | - | 33 | - | 3s | BCNM: Star Orb | ?? | LI | str | 10s | reduce physical dmg taken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viruna | 34 | - | - | 1s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 48 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure sick status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dia II | 36 | 31 | - | 1.5s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 59 | LI | wkn | 6s | target gradual DEF down + LI dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Dem | 36 | - | - | 20s | BAS quest "Altana's Sorrow" | 75 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Crag of Dem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Holla | 36 | - | - | 20s | SAN quest "Healing the Land" | 75 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Crag of Holla ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Mea | 36 | - | - | 20s | WIN quest "Acting in Good Faith" | 75 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Crag of Mea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell II | 37 | 37 | 40 | 1.25s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 37 | LI | str | 5.25s | incr magic DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellra II | 37 | - | - | 3.75s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 37 | LI | str | 16s | incr magic DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Yhoat | 38 | - | - | 20s | KZ quest "Young Rauteinot's Agony" | 100 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Yhoator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Altep | 38 | - | - | 20s | RB quest "Ancient Lithograph" | 100 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Altepa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stona | 39 | - | - | 1s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 40 | LI | rcv | 5s | cure stone status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barvirus | - | 39 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 25 | WA | str | 10s | incr sickness resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barvira | 39 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 50 | WA | str | 10s | incr sickness resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banishga II | 40 | - | - | 5.25s | Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 120 | LI | hly | 31s | light damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haste | 40 | 48 | - | 3s | WIN wtr:1st, Selbina | 40 | WI | str | 20s | reduce delay between target's ATK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure IV | 41 | 48 | 55 | 2.75s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 88 | LI | rcv | 5.75s | cure target HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refresh | - | 41 | - | 5s | BCNM: Star Orb | 40 | LI | str | 18s | target recovers MP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport-Vazhl | 42 | - | - | 20s | SAN quest "Sorcery of the North" | 100 | LI | str | 10s | teleport party to Vazhl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barpetrify | - | 43 | - | 2.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 20 | WI | str | 10s | incr petrify resistance (self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barpetra | 43 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 40 | WI | str | 10s | incr petrify resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regen II | 44 | - | - | 4.5s | Mhaura | 36 | LI | str | 16s | target recovers HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect III | 47 | 47 | 50 | 1.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Hasim) | 46 | LI | str | 5.5s | incr physical DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protectra III | 47 | - | - | 4.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 46 | LI | str | 17s | incr physical DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy | 50 | - | 55 | 0.75s | Selbina, Lwr Jeuno (Susu) | 100 | LI | hly | 60s | light damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curega III | 51 | - | - | 5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 180 | LI | rcv | 10.5s | cure party HP in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise II | 56 | - | - | 20s | BCNM: Moon Orb (Pal), Yag.H.Pr. | 200 | LI | rcv | 60s | raise fallen ally ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell III | 57 | 57 | 60 | 1.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 56 | LI | str | 5.5s | incr magic DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellra III | 57 | - | - | 4.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 56 | LI | str | 17s | incr magic DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reraise II | 60 | - | - | 8s | Hellish Weapon | 175 | LI | rcv | 60s | enable self-raise in case of death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure V | 61 | 73 | 80 | 2.5s | Gob.Alch., Yag.H.Pr., Coral Sah. | 135 | LI | rcv | 10s | cure target HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect IV | 63 | 63 | 70 | 1.75s | WIN wtr, Rabao | 65 | LI | str | 5.75s | incr physical DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protectra IV | 63 | - | - | 5.25s | WIN wtr, Rabao | 65 | LI | str | 18s | incr physical DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regen III | 66 | - | - | 5s | Gob.Alch., Yag.H.Pr., Coral Sah. | 64 | LI | str | 20s | target recovers HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell IV | 68 | 68 | - | 1.75s | Ruby Quadav, Magic Pot | 75 | LI | str | 5.75s | incr magic DEF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellra IV | 68 | - | - | 5.25s | Gob.Alch., Yag.H.Pr., Coral Sah. | 75 | LI | str | 18s | incr magic DEF (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise III | 70 | - | - | 20s | Za' Dha Adamantking, BCNM | 250 | LI | rcv | 60s | raise fallen ally ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ III. Black magic __________________________________________________________ | BLM | RDM | DRK | cast | where to get | mp | ele | skl | delay | effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone | 1 | 4 | 5 | 1.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 9 | EA | ele | 6.5s | earth damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison | 3 | 5 | 6 | 1s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 5 | WA | wkn | 5s | target loses HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind | 4 | 8 | - | 2s | Home cities: 1st, Amber Quadav | 5 | DA | wkn | 10s | make target blind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water | 5 | 9 | 11 | 1.75s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 13 | WA | ele | 7.75s | water damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bind | 7 | 11 | 20 | 2s | Orc.Mesm., Amber Quad., Yag.Scribe | 5 | IC | wkn | 40s | bind target in place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aero | 9 | 14 | 17 | 2s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 18 | WI | ele | 9s | wind damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bio | 10 | 10 | 15 | 1.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 22 | DA | drk | 5s | target gradual ATK down + DA dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaze Spikes | 10 | 20 | - | 3s | WIN quest "Know One's Onion" | 5 | FI | str | 10s | wrap self in fire spike armour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain | 12 | - | 10 | 3s | SAN quest "The Rumor" | 21 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy HP (except Undead) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire | 13 | 19 | 23 | 2.25s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 24 | FI | ele | 10.2s | fire damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonega | 15 | - | - | 2.5s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 37 | EA | ele | 11s | earth damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shock | 16 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 25 | TH | ele | 10s | target gradual MND down + TH dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warp | 17 | - | - | 4s | BAS quest "Mean Machine" | 100 | DA | str | 10s | warp self back to home point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard | 17 | 24 | 29 | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 30 | IC | ele | 11.5s | ice damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasp | 18 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 25 | EA | ele | 10s | target gradual DEX down + EA dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waterga | 19 | - | - | 2.75s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 47 | WA | ele | 12.2s | water damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Spikes | 20 | 40 | - | 3s | Phantom on ship, BCNM: Star Orb | 5 | IC | str | 10s | wrap self in ice spike armour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep | 20 | 25 | 30 | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt: 2nd+ | 19 | DA | wkn | 30s | puts enemy to sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choke | 20 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 25 | WI | ele | 10s | target gradual VIT down + WI dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder | 21 | 29 | 35 | 3s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 37 | TH | ele | 13s | thunder damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gravity | - | 21 | - | 1.5s | Wendigo (Gusgen etc) | 24 | EA | wkn | 60s | cast heavy on enemy, slows motion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frost | 22 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 25 | IC | ele | 10s | target gradual AGI down + IC dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeroga | 23 | - | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 57 | WI | ele | 13.5s | wind damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burn | 24 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 25 | FI | ele | 10s | target gradual INT down + FI dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poisonga | 24 | - | 26 | 2s | WIN wtr: 1st, Selbina | 44 | WA | wkn | 10s | targets in area lose HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aspir | 25 | - | 20 | 3s | WIN quest "Making the Grade" | 10 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy MP (except Undead) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tractor | 25 | - | 32 | 3s | Scythe-carrying Wight (Gusgen etc) | 26 | DA | drk | 10s | move dead body to your position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone II | 26 | 35 | 42 | 3.25s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 43 | EA | ele | 14.5s | earth damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drown | 27 | - | - | 2.5s | SAN pt, BAS mkt, WIN pt | 25 | WA | ele | 10s | target gradual STR down + WA dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firaga | 28 | - | - | 3.5s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 71 | FI | ele | 15.2s | fire damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escape | 29 | - | - | 15s | Banshee (Gusgen etc) | 125 | LI | str | 60s | warp party members out of dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water II | 30 | 40 | 48 | 3.5s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 51 | WA | ele | 15.7s | water damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shock Spikes | 30 | 60 | - | 3s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 5 | TH | str | 10s | wrap self in thunder spike armour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleepga | 31 | - | - | ?s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | ? | DA | drk | ?s | put enemies in area to sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-MND | - | - | 31 | 4s | Norg, BAS Tenshoudo, DRK monsters | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy MND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dispel | - | 32 | - | 3s | WIN wtr, Rabao | 25 | DA | wkn | 10s | remove one enemy's magic status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzaga | 32 | - | - | 3.75s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 82 | IC | ele | 16.5s | ice damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-CHR | - | - | 33 | 4s | Norg, BAS Tenshoudo | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy CHR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aero II | 34 | 45 | 54 | 3.75s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 59 | WI | ele | 17s | wind damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bio II | 35 | 36 | 40 | 1.5s | WIN wtr: 1st, Selbina | 66 | DA | drk | 5s | target gradual ATK down + DA dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-VIT | - | - | 35 | 4s | Orcish Beastrider + DRK monsters | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy VIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thundaga | 36 | - | - | 4s | WIN wtr: 2nd+, Selbina | 95 | TH | ele | 17.7s | thunder damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-AGI | - | - | 37 | 4s | Orcish Beastrider + DRK monsters | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy AGI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire II | 38 | 50 | 60 | 4.25s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 68 | FI | ele | 18.5s | fire damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-INT | - | - | 39 | 4s | Orcish Beastrider + DRK monsters | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy INT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonega II | 40 | - | - | 4.25s | Orcish Hexspinner | 109 | EA | ele | 19s | earth damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warp II | 40 | - | - | 5s | WIN quest "Curses, foiled a-Golem" | 150 | DA | str | 10s | warp PT member back to home point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep II | 41 | 46 | 56 | 3s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 29 | DA | wkn | 30s | puts enemy to sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-DEX | - | - | 41 | 4s | Duke Haborym, Ct.Bifrons (Zvahl) | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy DEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard II | 42 | 55 | 66 | 4.5s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 77 | IC | ele | 19.7s | ice damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison II | 43 | 46 | 46 | 1s | WIN wtr: 1st, Selbina | 38 | WA | wkn | 5s | target loses HP gradually ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-STR | - | - | 43 | 4s | BCNM: Star Orb | 33 | DA | drk | 60s | absorb enemy STR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waterga II | 44 | - | - | 4.5s | Sapphire Quadav (Beadeaux etc) | 123 | WA | ele | 20.2s | water damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder II | 46 | 60 | 72 | 4.75s | WIN wtr, Selbina | 86 | TH | ele | 21s | thunder damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeroga II | 48 | - | - | 5s | Yagudo Prelate (Oztroya) | 138 | WI | ele | 21.7s | wind damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeze | 50 | - | - | 17.7s | Haunt (Eldieme) | 307 | IC | ele | 41.5s | ice damage + weaken against FI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone III | 51 | 66 | 79 | 5.25s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 92 | EA | ele | 22.5s | earth damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tornado | 52 | - | - | 18s | Yagudo Prelate (Oztroya) | 322 | WI | ele | 42.2s | wind damage + weaken against IC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firaga II | 53 | - | - | 5.25s | Dread Demon (Zvahl) | 158 | FI | ele | 23.2s | fire damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quake | 54 | - | - | 18.2s | Orcish Hexspinner | 337 | EA | ele | 42.7s | earth damage + weaken against WI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water III | 55 | 67 | - | 5.5s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 98 | WA | ele | 24s | water damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleepga II | 56 | - | - | ?s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | ? | DA | drk | ?s | put enemies in area to sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burst | 56 | - | - | 18.5s | Beadeaux Treasure Coffer | 352 | TH | ele | 43.2s | thunder damage + weaken against EA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzaga II | 57 | - | - | 5.5s | Haunt (Eldieme) | 175 | IC | ele | 24.5s | ice damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flood | 58 | - | - | 18.7s | Sapphire Quadav (Beadeaux etc) | 368 | WA | ele | 43.7s | water damage + weaken against TH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aero III | 59 | 69 | - | 5.75s | Lwr Jeuno (Taza) | 106 | WI | ele | 25.2s | wind damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flare | 60 | - | - | 19s | Dread Demon (Zvahl) | 383 | FI | ele | 44.5s | fire damage + weaken against WA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thundaga II | 61 | - | - | 6s | Tonberry Maledictor (Uggalepih) | 193 | TH | ele | 26s | thunder damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire III | 62 | 81 | 97 | 6s | Dodomeki, Mindgazer | 113 | FI | ele | 26.5s | fire damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonega III | 63 | - | - | 6.25s | Antican Praetor, Antican Quaestor | 211 | EA | ele | 27.2s | earth damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard III | 64 | 86 | 103 | 6.25s | Doom Mage, Mindcraver (Torai.) | 120 | IC | ele | 27.7s | ice damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waterga III | 65 | - | - | 6.5s | Sozu Bliberry | 231 | WA | ele | 28.5s | water damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder III | 66 | - | - | 6.75s | Tonberry Maledictor / Imprecator | 128 | TH | ele | 29.2s | thunder damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeroga III | 67 | - | - | 6.75s | Baron Vapula (Zvahl NM) | 252 | WI | ele | 29.7s | wind damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone IV | 68 | - | - | 7s | Antican Praetor, Antican Quaestor | 138 | EA | ele | 30.7s | earth damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firaga III | 69 | - | - | 7.25s | Marquis Amon (Zvahl NM) | 277 | FI | ele | 31.5s | fire damage to enemies in area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water IV | 70 | - | - | 7.25s | Sozu Bliberry, Tonberry Pontifex | 144 | WA | ele | 32s | water damage to enemy target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ IV. Songs _________________________________________________________________ Songs require no MP to be played, and they cannot be interrupted by enemy attack like normal spells are. However, they have a much longer cast time. In the case of area songs, the area is large when you use a string instrument, but the effect is stronger when you use a wind instrument to play. If voice is used, the effect is weak and the area is small. BRD | Song name | ele | where to get lv | | sec | effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | Knight's Minne | EA | SAN sth (Chocobo stall) | | 8 | raise defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | Valors Minuet | FI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | raise attack (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | Army's Paeon | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | regen HP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | Foe Requiem | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | Herb Pastoral | TH | WIN wds (Music store) | | 8 | increase poison resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | Light Threnody | DA | SAN sth (in front of Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy light resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | Sword Madrigal | TH | SAN nth (inn) | | 8 | raise accuracy (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | Dark Threnody | LI | BAS mkt (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy dark resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | Sheepfoe Mambo | WI | Selbina | | 8 | raise evasion (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | Earth Threnody | WI | WIN wtr (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy earth resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Army's Paeon II | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | regen HP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | Water Threnody | TH | Upr Jeuno (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy water resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | Foe's Lullaby | DA | Yagudo Piper | | 2 | put enemy to sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | Foe Requiem II | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | Wind Threnody | IC | Upr Jeuno (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy wind resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | Scop's Operetta | IC | Valeriano Troupe | | 8 | raise defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | Fire Threnody | WA | WIN wtr (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy fire resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | Knight's Minne II | EA | SAN sth (Chocobo stall) | | 8 | raise defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | Enchanting Etude | LI | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise CHR (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | Ice Threnody | FI | BAS mkt (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy ice resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | Valors Minuet II | FI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | raise attack (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | Spirited Etude | IC | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise MND (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | Lightning Threnody | EA | BAS mkt (Tool store) | | 2 | decrease enemy light resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | Mage's Ballad | LI | SAN quest "Party knowledge: Mid-level" | | 8 | regen MP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | Learned Etude | WA | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise INT (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | Horde Lullaby | DA | Yagudo Drummer | | 2 | put enemies to sleep (area) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | Quick Etude | WI | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise AGI (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | Advancing March | TH | Valeriano Troupe | | 8 | reduce attack delay (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | Vivacious Etude | EA | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise VIT (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | Hunter's Prelude | TH | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 4 | raise long range accuracy (single target) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | Dextrous Etude | TH | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise DEX (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | Magic Finale | LI | Yagudo Drummer | | 2 | remove one of enemy's good statuses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | Fowl Aubade | LI | Valeriano Troupe | | 8 | increase sleep resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | Sinewy Etude | FI | WIN wds (nick-nack store), Prt Jeuno | | 8 | raise STR (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | Army's Paeon III | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | regen HP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | Light Carol | DA | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise light defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | Foe Requiem III | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | Earth Carol | WI | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise earth defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | Battlefield Elegy | EA | SAN sth (Weapon shop) | | 2 | increase enemy's attack delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Water Carol | TH | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise water defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | Knight's Minne III | EA | SAN sth (Chocobo stall) | | 8 | raise defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | Wind Carol | IC | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise wind defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | Valors Minuet III | FI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | raise attack (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | Fire Carol | WA | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise fire defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | Army's Paeon IV | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 8 | regen HP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | Ice Carol | FI | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise ice defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | Foe Requiem IV | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | Lightning Carol | EA | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise lightning defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | Goblin Gavotte | FI | Lwr Jeuno (Junkshop) | | 8 | increase bind resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | Dark Carol | LI | Lwr Jeuno (Bar) | | 8 | raise dark defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | Blade Madrigal | TH | Yagudo Lutenist | | 8 | raise accuracy (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | Dragonfoe Mambo | WI | Yagudo Lutenist | | 8 | raise evasion (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 | Golden Capriccio | WI | Yagudo Chanter | | 8 | increase petrify resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | Mage's Ballad II | LI | Zvahl Treasure Coffer | | 8 | regen MP gradually (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | Fantasia of Light | LI | Yagudo Conductor | | 8 | increase blind resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | Foe Requiem V | LI | Yagudo Chanter | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | Carnage Elegy | EA | Yagudo Chanter | | 2 | increase enemy's attack delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | March of Glory | TH | Yagudo Conductor | | 8 | reduce attack delay (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | Knight's Minne IV | EA | Yagudo Conductor | | 8 | raise defense (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | Bewitching Etude | LI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 4 | increase target's CHR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | Valors Minuet IV | FI | Yagudo Conductor | | 8 | raise attack (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | Logical Etude | IC | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 4 | increase target's MND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 | Sage Etude | WA | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 4 | increase target's INT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | Foe Requiem VI | LI | Yagudo Conductor | | 2 | gradual damage to enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 | Swift Etude | WI | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 4 | increase target's AGI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 | Puppet's Operetta | WA | Valeriano Troupe | | 8 | increase silence resistance (party) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 | Vital Etude | EA | BAS mkt (Music Instrument store) | | 4 | increase target's VIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ V. Ninjutsu _______________________________________________________________ Ninjutsu are learned from a scroll. The details of how to obtain these scrolls are detailed in the far right column. However, to actually use ninjutsu, you must use an item. These are sold in bags in Auction Houses and some shops, and can be made by yourself if you know the ingredients and have the right skills. The items needed are listed underneath the name of the jutsu. NIN | Ninjutsu | ele | cast | where to get lv | jutsu item | | delay | effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | Tonka: Ichi | WI | 4s | Norg Quest: "Occupied Warehouse" | oshidaribukuro | | 30s | become invisible (1 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | Utsusemi: Ichi | WI | 4s | Norg Quest: "Sahagin's Treasure" | shihyou | | 30s | evade two enemy attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Katon: Ichi | FI | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | uchitake | | 30s | FI attack + WA resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Hyouton: Ichi | IC | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | tsurara | | 30s | IC attack + FI resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Huton: Ichi | WI | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | koumoriougi | | 30s | WI attack + IC resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Doton: Ichi | EA | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | tetsuryou | | 30s | EA attack + WI resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Raiton: Ichi | TH | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | hiraishin | | 30s | TH attack + EA resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Suiton: Ichi | WA | 4s | Tenshoudo (Bastok/Jeuno/Norg) | mizuteppou | | 30s | WA attack + TH resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | Kurayami: Ichi | DA | 4s | Norg Quest: "Shining Sabriga" | saireiran | | 30s | cause enemy to go blind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | Hojyou: Ichi | EA | 4s | Norg Quest: "First Class Sake" | kaginawa | | 30s | increase enemy's attack delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | Dokusei: Ichi | WA | 4s | Norg Quest: "Shining Leggings" | chuudoku | | 30s | cause enemy to get poisoned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | Jyubaku: Ichi | IC | 4s | Norg Quest: "Sodden Secret Scroll" | norosatsu | | 30s | cause enemy to be paralyzed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | Tonka: Ni | WI | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin | oshidaribukuro | | 45s | become invisible (3 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | Utsusemi: Ni | WI | 1.5s | BCNM: Star Orb | shihyou | | 45s | evade three enemy attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Katon: Ni | FI | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | uchitake | | 45s | FI attack + WA resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Hyouton: Ni | IC | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | tsurara | | 45s | IC attack + FI resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Huton: Ni | WI | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | koumoriougi | | 45s | WI attack + IC resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Doton: Ni | EA | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | tetsuryou | | 45s | EA attack + WI resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Raiton: Ni | TH | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | hiraishin | | 45s | TH attack + EA resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | Suiton: Ni | WA | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin / Conquistador | mizuteppou | | 45s | WA attack + TH resistance down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | Kurayami: Ni | DA | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin | saireiran | | 45s | cause enemy to go blind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | Hojyou: Ni | EA | 1.5s | Yagudo Assassin | kaginawa | | 45s | increase enemy's attack delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ VI. Summon magic __________________________________________________________ This section is still being compiled. In the meantime, please refer to SKhosla's Summoner FAQ for full details. ___ VII. Credits ______________________________________________________________ This FAQ was started by JonnyRam in October 2003 and the latest version is 0.9. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to jonnyram@yahoo.com. Information was contributed by a number of people on Japanese message boards, as well as in-game research and translation by myself. Also, thanks to users on GameFAQs for official English names of the songs and spells, especially MotoFoxKDX1. The latest version of this FAQ should be available at GameFAQs. Please make sure to check there for the latest update if you downloaded this elsewhere. _______________________________________________________________________________