F I N A L F A N T A S Y XI NPC Guide JonnyRam 2003 v1.1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Contents I. Changing title II. Checking fame III. Watching past event scenes IV. Buying a world pass V. Changing allegiance VI. Buying a linkshell VII. Buying the starting armour VIII. Buying maps IX. Lucky Roll X. The Vana'diel Weather Link Shell XI. Credits revision history: v1.1. Added new NPCs (Oct 21 patch) - event NPCs and Lucky Roll NPCs v1.0. First draft - complete list of NPCs ___ I. Changing title _________________________________________________________ The following NPCs allow you to change your title. You can change your title to any title you have previously gotten from completing a quest, mission, or defeating a Notorious Monster, by paying a fee based on the level of the title. The price currently rangers from 100gil for easy quest titles to 2000gil for HNM titles. Also, the titles available vary from location to location. Bastok (Port) | I-7 | Tuh Almobankha Jeuno (Lower) | I-8 | Tuh Almobankha Kazham | G-7 | Eron-Tomaron Norg | G-7 | Quntsu-Nointsu Mhaura | I-8 | Willah Maratahya Rabao | G-8 | Shupah Mujuuk San d'Oria (South) | K-6 | Moozo-Koozo Selbina | I-9 | Yulon-Polon Windurst (Walls) | H-10 | Burute-Sorute ___ II. Checking fame _________________________________________________________ The following NPCs will tell you how famous you are within the area. This is useful for checking whether you have enough fame to receive a certain quest. Bastok (Port) | E-6 | Flaco Jeuno (Lower) | H-8 | Mendi Kazham | I-11 | Ney Hiparujah Norg | H-8 | Vaultimand Rabao | G-9 | Waylea San d'Oria (South) | K-6 | Namonutice Windurst (Waters) | F-10 | Zabirego-Hajigo ___ III. Watching past event scenes ___________________________________________ Scattered around Vana'diel are a number of bards who will let you watch cut scenes for events you have already completed. You need to pay them. Bastok (Market) | I-8 | Lamepaue Bastok (Metalworks) | I-8 | Taulluque Bastok (Mines) | I-9 | Gorvik Bastok (Port) | D-7 | Dalba Jeuno (Gardens) | G-9 | Archanne Jeuno (Lower) | G-9 | Geuhbe Jeuno (Port) | F-8 | Dohhel Jeuno (Upper) | F-7 | Tinjue Kazham | F-8 | Beyzen Norg | H-9 | Colleraie Rabao | E-8 | Zungutt San d'Oria (Castle) | I-9 | Chaloutte San d'Oria (North) | J-10 | Jufaue San d'Oria (South) | H-8 | Gizel Windurst (Port) | B-5 | Tonule Windurst (Tower) | | Mashua Windurst (Walls) | D-6 | Juvillie Windurst (Waters) | F-5 | Dienger Windurst (Woods) | J-10 | Bozack ___ IV. Buying a world pass ___________________________________________________ World passes can be given to friends so they can start a character on the same server as you. These are the NPCs that sell world passes. Once a world pass has been bought, it can be used by six people and is valid for seven days. Price varies depending on the current population of the server. Bastok (Port) | J-6 | Kachada San d'Oria (Port) | J-10 | Ambleon Windurst (Tower) | | Gamimi ___ V. Changing allegiance ____________________________________________________ You can change allegiance, i.e. the country you are fighting for. Pay 10000gil to the relevant NPC and your country will change, you will lose your rank but you will keep your conquest points. Useful for people who want to play the game completely, experiencing all the mission events, or for people who want to get better conquest rewards. Bastok (Metalworks) | J-8 | Mythily San d'Oria (North) | C-9 | Beriphaule Windurst (Tower) | | Rakano-Marukano ___ VI. Buying a linkshell ____________________________________________________ The following NPCs sell linkshells. These are used to make groups of people who can all communicate on the same channel. After buying a linkshell, it can be given a name and a colour of your choice. Bastok (Port) | E-7 | Ilita San d'Oria (South) | E-8 | Paunelie Windurst (Port) | H-9 | Khel Pahlhama ___ VII. Buying the starting armour ___________________________________________ Chances are, if you run out of space in your moghouse, you may want to discard the free armour you get when you start the game, to save space. If you want to buy it again later, you can acquire it for a small price from the following NPCs. Hume and Galka armour: Bastok (Mines) | K-8 | Proud Beard Elvaan armour: San d'Oria (North) | F-3 | Arachagnon Tarutaru and Mithra armour: Windurst (Port) | E-7 | Kucha Malkobhi ___ VIII. Buying maps _________________________________________________________ The following NPCs sell maps for dungeons and areas nearby. Prices vary from 100gil to the early region maps (e.g. Bastok, San d'Oria etc) to 3000gil for the harder dungeon maps (e.g. Eldieme, Oztroya etc). Bear in mind, there are a lot of maps that can only be received from quests, as well. Bastok (Market) | H-9 | Karine Bastok (Port) | J-7 | Rex Jeuno (Lower) | H-7 | Promurouve Jeuno (Upper) | H-6 | Rusese Mhaura | H-6 | Ludwig Rabao | K-7 | Ashu Bolkhomo San d'Oria (North) | I-8 | Elesca San d'Oria (South) | G-10 | Violitte Selbina | I-7 | Lombaria Windurst (Port) | G-9 | Mhoji Roccoruh Windurst (Woods) | H-11 | Pehki Machumaht ___ IX. Lucky Roll ____________________________________________________________ Lucky Roll is a gambling game held in Rabao and Norg. You can play once each Vana'diel day. You pay 100gil to enter, and then you roll a dice. The number (1-6) is added to a running total that is calculated from other players' rolls. When the total reaches 400, the counter resets and the player that pushed it to 400 (or beyond) gets a 10,000gil payout. If it lands on 400 exactly, there is an additional prize. The two NPCs are connected, so your roll is added to a single total shared between Norg and Rabao. Norg | H-8 | Repat Rabao | H-7 | Mileon ___ X. The Vana'diel Weather Linkshell ________________________________________ Vana'diel has its very own Linkshell of weather forecasters. You can ask them for weather forecasts for the next three days. This is particularly useful for the Summoner quest, where you need to subject a stone to different types of weather. Here are the members. Bastok (Market) | H-10 | Svana Bastok (Mines) | I-9 | Mariadok Bastok (Port) | J-11 | Fo Mocorho Jeuno (Lower) | F-11 | Shashan-Mishan Jeuno (Port) | K-8 | Leffquen Jeuno (Upper) | G-6 | Appollonia Kazham | G-7 | Tcinono Mhaura | H-9 | Pekuku Norg | H-9 | Shidzue Rabao | F-8 | Amaja-Kumaja San d'Oria (South) | J-8 | Maleme Selbina | H-9 | Wachiwi Windurst (Port) | M-7 | Eya Bhithroh Windurst (Waters) | F-8 | Furan-Furin Windurst (Woods) | K-12 | Mushuhi-Metahi ___ XI. Credits _______________________________________________________________ This FAQ was started by JonnyRam in October 2003 and the latest version is 1.1. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to jonnyram@yahoo.com. Much of the information can be found on eLeMeN - the FFXI Database in Japanese at http://www5.plala.or.jp/SQR/ff11-index.html - and was contributed by a number of people on Japanese message boards. The latest version of this FAQ should be available at GameFAQs. Please make sure to check there for the latest update if you downloaded this elsewhere. _______________________________________________________________________________