Title: Final Fantasy XI Nation Mission Guide/FAQ Author: charjer0 E-mail: charjer@hotmail.com Date: Version: 1.0 ---------- |Contents| ---------- A Brief Explanation of My FAQ Switching Nations How to Start a Mission Skippable Missions Missions Past Rank 5 Why would I want to complete missions? A Note on Positions Terms Bastok Missions San d'Oria Missions Windurst Missions Credits Copyright & Other Stuff ----------------------------- A Brief Explanation of My FAQ ----------------------------- This FAQ/Guide is for the nation's rank missions. More specifically, the missions of the town of Bastok, San d'Oria, and Windurst in Final Fantasy XI. Missions 3-3, 4-1, 5-1, and 5-2 are the same for each country and can be completed by people of any of these three nations together. They will still, however, be given their own spots in each nation's list of missions. You must also be a citizen of the nation to do the nation missions. This guide will not go into quests as this just pertains to missions. Also, some directions will be omitted as you should know where places are located if you're leveling up. ----------------- Switching Nations ----------------- It is possible to switch nations. However, in order to do so, you must first be on no missions for your current nation. Then you must travel to the nation you wish to switch to and pay a certain amount of gil. The gil varies with the nation's standing in conquest. If the nation is in last place, you must pay four thousand gil. If the nation is in second place, the cost is twelve thousand gil. If the nation is first in conquest, you must pay forty thousand gil. You also lose any outpost warps that you've done for your current nation when you switch. Any conquest points earned will be saved along with the rank of your former nation should you want to switch back eventually. ---------------------- How to Start a Mission ---------------------- To start a mission, talk to one of the many mission NPCs found by the gates. They are found close to the NPCs that cast signet on you. Once you get past rank one, you'll need to first raise your rank point bar by either trading crystals to the signet guards or by doing repeatable missions. ------------------ Skippable Missions ------------------ Some missions are skippable. You can skip them by either doing repeatable missions over and over again until you have enough rank points to do the last mission for that particular rank or you can trade crystals to the signet guards to fill up your rank point bar. -------------------- Missions Past Rank 5 -------------------- Here's a little note about the rank missions past rank five. The original release of Final Fantasy XI was just Final Fantasy XI and the missions ended at the Shadow Lord fight. With the release of the Rise of the Zilart expansion, more rank missions were added that included the expansion areas. To do these missions, you would need to have the Rise of the Zilart expansion installed and registered. -------------------------------------- Why would I want to complete missions? -------------------------------------- Every time you gain a rank, you get rewarded with gil. Everyone likes money and that's one of the most difficult things to get in this game. When you get to rank ten, you also get your nation's flag. When you place it in your mog house, it gives you the added effect of conquest points +10%. You get a little more conquest points every time you kill things with signet cast on you and you can use your conquest points to buy certain items that you wouldn't normally be able to purchase otherwise such as a signet staff or the nation's aketon or the more recent experience rings (empress and chariot bands). ------------------- A Note on Positions ------------------- In my Guide/FAQ, I'll use positions, such as G-10 or F-8. This refers to the grid coordinates on your map. The map command /map can be used to bring up your map. If you do not have a map of the area, you'll see "NO MAP" instead. However, your current location will still appear in the upper left of the map in parentheses. ----- Terms ----- Here's a brief explanation of game terms I'll be using in this guide. Aggro: A monster that will attack you while you either stand, sit, or heal in front of it. Invisible: A level 25 spell that makes you invisible. NPC: It stands for non-playable character. You'll find many of these around towns and certain outdoor/dungeon areas. Their names are in green. Sneak: A level 20 spell that removes sound that you make while moving. Zone: Each area is called a zone. When you change from area to another, it's called zoning. --------------- Bastok Missions --------------- Mission #: 1-1 Mission Name: The Zeruhn Report Minimum Level Recommended: 5 Requirements: None Mission Orders: Collect Overseer Makarim's report from the Zeruhn Mines, in the western section of the Bastok Mines District. Deliver said report to Sir Naji, a musketeer stationed near the President's Office. What To Do: You'll need to enter Zeruhn Mines. You can find the zone in Bastok Mines at D-7. Head to H-11 where you'll find the NPC Makarim. Talk to her and she'll give you her report. Now, head back out to Bastok Mines. In case you got lost, the zone is at I-7. Head over to the Metalworks, which can be accessed from Bastok Markets at H-6/7. Go up one of the two elevators and head west to the upper level. Go to the farthest building and you'll find Naji. Talk to him to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 1-2 Mission Name: A Geological Survey Minimum Level Recommended: 15 Requirements: Complete mission 1-1 Mission Orders: Assist Chief Engineer Cid in conducting an analysis of the gaseous emissions in the Dangruf Wadi. Meet with Cid for a more detailed explanation. What To Do: Head over to the Metalworks and ride up one of the elevators. In G-8 are the doors to Cid's Lab. Talk to Cid inside for a cutscene. He'll give you a tester (key item). What you'll need to do is head over to Dangruf Wadi and walk around until the tester changes color. So you'll need to constantly check your key items. Head out to South Gustaberg and go to D-9 to zone into Dangruf Wadi. Make your way to H-9. You'll find a geyser there. Ride up it and go forward a ways. Your tester should have changed. At this point, head back to Cid to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 1-3 Mission Name: Fetichism Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: Complete mission 1-2 Mission Orders: Hunt the Quadav in the Palborough Mines and collect the four parts of a Quadav fetich. What To Do: For this mission, you'll need to go to the Palborough Mines. The zone can be found at K-3 in North Gustaberg. Exit through Port Bastok. You'll need to head to the upper floors and kill greater, veteran, and onyx quadavs. They drop the fetich pieces you need which are the head, arms, legs, and torso. Also, if you have the gil, you can purchase the pieces from the auction house or from a bazaar. Once you have all four pieces, head to Malduc. He's next to Naji, if you remember where he was. Trade Malduc the pieces to complete the mission. Reward: Initial completion: Rank 2, 1,000 gil, rank points Second completion and afterward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 2-1 Mission Name: The Crystal Line Minimum Level Recommended: 15 Requirements: One quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: Find a section of the strange structure on the Konschtat Highlands that drains the energy from crystals. Bring a faded crystal back to Chief Engineer Cid for analysis. What To Do: You'll need a crystal. Next, you'll need to head to the nearest crag. In this case, it'll be the Crag of Dem found in Konschtat Highlands. Head to E-6 in South Gustaberg and zone into North Gustaberg. Then head to E-6 to zone into Konschtat Highlands. Make your way to I-7 where you'll find the telepoint. I recommend that you examine it as it will give you a key item that will allow you to be teleported to the telepoint. Trade your crystal to the telepoint to receive a faded crystal. Now, head back to the Metalworks and trade this to Cid to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 2-2 Mission Name: Wading Beasts Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: Complete mission 2-1 Mission Orders: Procure a lizard egg from monsters in the Dangruf Wadi. Deliver the egg to Senator Alois in the President's Office. What To Do: You'll need to head over to Dangruf Wadi and kill steam lizards. They drop the lizard eggs you need for this mission. They can be found in the northern parts of the Dangruf Wadi zone. Once you have one, head to Senator Alois. He can be found in the President's Building. Trade him the lizard egg to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: Yes Mission #: 2-3 Mission Name: The Emissary Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: Complete mission 2-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Gather information on San d'Oria and Windurst. The Bastokan consulates in those two countries will provide you with a detailed briefing. What To Do: This mission takes you to the two other nations in the world of Vana'diel: San d'Oria and Windurst. It's up to you which nation you visit first. I'll post a walkthrough for both. San d'Oria: Head over to San d'Oria. From Bastok, zone out to South Gustaberg and head to E-6 to zone into North Gustaberg. Then head to E-6 to zone into Konschtat Highlands. Make your way to G-3 to zone to Valkurm Dunes. Make your way to K/L-5, which takes you to the La Theine Plateau. Take this opportunity to visit the Crag of Holla. At D-4, you'll find the zone to West Ronfaure. You can zone into Southern San d'Oria at I-6 or Northern San d'Oria at I-5. The Bastokan consulate can be found at J-9. Head in and talk to the people in the back room. Exit the consulate and head towards the castle to enter Chateau d'Oraguille. Talk to Halver right inside. Now you'll have to head to Ghelsba Outpost. Make your way to the topmost part of Ghelsba Outpost, which would be H-7/8. Find and kill Warchief Vatgit then head back to the Bastokan consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Next, you'll need to head to Windurst. From San d'Oria, head back to Valkurm Dunes and head to the Selbina zone at G-9. Board the ferry there. Exit the port once you reach Mhaura and head to H-6 to zone out to Buburimu Peninsula. You'll need to make your way to D-7, which will take you to Tahrongi Canyon. You might want to take this opportunity to head to the Crag of Mea. Head to H-13 to zone to East Sarutabaruta. Go to G-11, which is the zone into Windurst Woods. The Bastokan consulate is located at E-5 in Port Windurst. Talk to the people in the back room to find out what to do. You'll need to gather some people together to help you kill a dragon and an ahriman. When you've got your people, zone out to West Sarutabaruta and zone into Giddeus at F-8. Make your way to G-12 to zone into Balga's Dais. Make sure that you have level 25 or lower gear before going in as this fight will be capped at level 25. Once everyone's ready, examine the burning circle and select the final rank two mission. You'll view a cutscene. It's recommended to sleep the dragon and kill the ahriman first. Once the ahriman's dead, kill the dragon. When the dragon's dead, you'll view another cutscene and exit the arena. Head back to the consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Windurst: Exit from Bastok to South Gustaberg and head to E-6 to zone into North Gustaberg. Then head to E-6 in North Gustaberg to zone into Konschtat Highlands. Make your way to G-3, zoning into Valkurm Dunes. Head to G-9 to enter Selbina and board the ferry. When it docks in Mhaura, exit out and go to H-6 to zone to Buburimu Peninsula. You'll want to head to D-7 to reach Tahrongi Canyon. You may want to take this opportunity to head to the Crag of Mea. Make your way down to H-13 to zone to East Sarutabaruta. You can enter Windurst Woods at G-11. You'll find the Bastokan consulate in Port Windurst at E-5. Talk to the people in the back room. Exit the consulate and head south to the stairs on the side of the building to find a little Tarutaru NPC there. He'll warp you to Windurst Walls, which is your next destination. You'll end up at J-11 in Windurst Walls. Make your way to H-6 and step into the blue light to zone into Heavens Tower. You'll view a cutscene upon entry. Head to the double doors across the way and inside, speak to Kupipi. Then go back to the Bastokan consul. Your next destination is Giddeus. Exit to West Sarutabaruta and make your way to F-8 to zone into Giddeus. Head to G-8 where you'll find a hole. Fall down. On the bottom map, head to F-7 where you'll find a Yagudo NPC. You'll be told to give him an aspir knife. Your next task is to find Eyy Mon the Ironbreaker and kill him for the aspir knife. Trade it to the Yagudo NPC. Then head back to the Bastokan consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Head back to Mhaura and ride the ferry back to Selbina. Zone out to Valkurm Dunes and head to K/L-5 to zone into La Theine Plateau. Make your way to D-4 to zone into West Ronfaure. You can enter Northern San d'Oria at I-5 and Southern San d'Oria at I-6. The Bastokan consulate is located in Northern San d'Oria at J-9. Talk to the people in the back room. Now you'll have to gather people together to help you kill a dragon and an ahriman. Once you have your people, zone back out to West Ronfaure and head to E-4 to zone into Ghelsba Outpost. Head to the topmost part of Ghelsba Outpost and in H-8, go through the tent. It'll take you through a tunnel that will zone you to Fort Ghelsba. Head to G-7 where you'll find an elevator. Ride it up. Then head to J-8 to zone into Yughott Grotto. Make your way to J-6 to zone into Horlais Peak. Make sure everyone has level 25 or lower equipment as the fight you will be entering will be capped at level 25. Examine the burning circle once everyone's ready and select the final rank two mission. You'll view a cutscene. It's recommended that you sleep the dragon and kill the ahriman first. Once the ahriman is dead, kill the dragon. When you win, you'll view a cutscene and be exited from the arena. Head back to the consulate to complete this leg of the mission. When you've completed your tasks at the other two nations, return to Bastok and head to Naji in the Metalworks to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 3, 3,000 gil, Adventurer's Certificate (key item), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 3-1 Mission Name: The Four Musketeers Minimum Level Recommended: 30 Requirements: One quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: You are to join a surprise attack on the Quadav stronghold in Beadeaux. See Iron Eater in the President's Office for details. What To Do: Iron Eater can be found in the Metalworks, past Naji. Talk to him for a cutscene. Your next destination is Beadeaux. From Konschtat Highlands, head to K-4 to zone into Pashhow Marshlands. You'll find the zone to Beadeaux at K-11. You may want to be careful if you still get aggro in this area. Your task is to eliminate twenty copper quadavs. If at any time you have to zone, your count will continue from where you left off. Also, the more people you have with you on this mission, the easier it will be. The counter will be twenty copper quadavs for everyone, not each person. Once you've reached your twenty kills, zone back out to Pashhow Marshlands. Then head back to Bastok to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 3-2 Mission Name: To the Forsaken Mines Minimum Level Recommended: 40 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1 Mission Orders: Bring back a rare ore from the Gusgen Mines on the Konschtat Highlands. First ask Davyad, an adventurer residing in the Mines district, how he acquired a load of the ore. What To Do: Head over to the mines district and find Davyad in one of the homes near the Alchemy guild. Your next task is to get some hare meat. The auction house or bazaars would be your best bet, or you can try killing the rodents in Palborough Mines or Dangruf Wadi. Once you have your hare meat, head to Konschtat Highlands to make your way to L-7 to zone into the Gusgen Mines. You may want to have some high level help here as everything aggroes to sound here and the undead also aggro to low HP regardless of whether you have sneak on or not. Head to J-7 where you'll find a pond and a ??? point. Trade your hare meat with the ??? point to spawn an NM pugil named Blind Moby. Kill it and it will drop a chunk of glocolite. Take this back to Bastok and trade it to a mission NPC to complete this mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: Yes Mission #: 3-3 Mission Name: Jeuno Minimum Level Recommended: 45 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: You are to be sent to work for the Embassy of Bastok in Jeuno. First obtain a letter of recommendation from the Presidential Aide, Sir Lucius. What To Do: South of the President's Office is the Presidential Aide's Office. Head inside that building and speak to Lucius. He'll give you a letter to give to the people at the Bastokan Embassy in Jeuno. Now, you'll have to make your way over to Jeuno. Head to K-4 in Konschtat Highlands to zone into Pashhow Marshlands. Make your way to L-4 to enter Rolanberry Fields. The zone to Lower Jeuno can be found in K-4. Head up to Ru'Lude Gardens and speak to the people in the Bastokan Embassy. Your next destination is Delkfutt's Tower on Qufim Island. You'll need sneak and invisible for the entire climb up if you're lower than level 50. If you have someone helping you who's done the mission before, have them lead you up, otherwise, here's some directions. There are monsters in the tower that will aggro to magic. Zone out to Qufim Island from Port Jeuno. You'll find the entrance to Lower Delkfutt's Tower at F-6. This the first floor. Head to F-6, going counterclockwise from the entrance to reach some stairs to the second floor. Then head to J-9 to get to the stairs to the third floor. In G-6, you'll find a teleporter. Use it. You're now in Middle Delkfutt's Tower. Head to the stairs in I-7 to the fifth floor. Some paths are blocked, so you'll have to take a roundabout path. On the fifth floor, head to H-9 to the sixth floor, then head to the teleporter in F-10. You're now on the seventh floor. Go straight north to the stairs and go up to the eighth floor. Head east and go up the stairs to the ninth floor. Make your way south and go down the stairs back down to the eighth floor. Go west, watch out for the hole, and go up the stairs to go back up to the ninth floor. Then head to the teleporter in F-6. You've reached the tenth floor and Upper Delkfutt's Tower. Go to H-7 where you'll find a cermet door. Go through. You're looking for a different colored gigas named Porphyrion. He drops six Delkfutt keys every time he's killed and repops every fifteen minutes. Keep this in mind if you're doing this in an alliance. Once you have your key, trade it to the elevator in H-8 and take the stairs all the way down. Head through the door. You're now back on the first floor of the tower on the basement level. Head to L-9 and trade the key to the cermet door there for a cutscene. You can find the exit to the first floor in F-8. Head back to the Bastokan Embassy to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 4, 5,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 4-1 Mission Name: Magicite Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Capture the three magicites in Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja to prevent the Shadow Lord's return. What To Do: This mission begins at the Bastokan Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens. Talk to the people in there to receive an Archducal Audience Permit (key item). Head over to the Palace and examine the doors for a cutscene. At this point, you'll need to finish a few quests and cutscenes to progress any further in the mission. First, head to Upper Jeuno. Find Baudin in G-7 and talk to him. He'll ask for some coeurl meat. You can go out and kill coeurls, or, if you have the money, you can purchase one from the auction house. Trade it to Baudin and he'll give you a Crest of Davoi (key item). Next, head to I-8 in Upper Jeuno and talk to Paya-Sabya for a cutscene. Then head down to Lower Jeuno. Enter Muckvix's Junk Shop in H-9. Head to the back room and talk to Muckvix for a cutscene. When it's finished, he'll give you a Yagudo torch (key item). You'll now have to enter the Tenshodo Headquarters, which requires you to be a Tenshodo member. If you aren't one yet, you better go get an invite. I'm not going to tell you how to become one because that's a quest and this guide will only pertain to quests that coincide with missions. Head to the very back into Aldo's Room and talk to Aldo for a cutscene. When it's done, he'll give you a silver bell (key item). You should also have a coruscant rosary (key item) and a black matinee necklace (key item) from doing the two quests Mysteries of Beadeaux I & II. Now that you're all set, it's time to head out. Davoi: Head to H-7 where you'll find a wall of dark arts. Examine it to go through to Monastic Cavern. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Beadeaux: Head to H-7 to go down to the lower map. At the intersection you come to, head east to zone into Qulun Dome. Head in and examine the door to open it. You have to be really close to it. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Castle Oztroja: Head to I-8 where you'll find the trap door and levers. One of them will open the door and the other will open the trap door. They change every Vana'diel day. Head through and at J-8, the map changes. From here, head to G-7 to another map. Head north to I-7 to yet another map. Finally, make your way to H-9 where you'll find two torches and two Yagudo. If you're by yourself, make sure they face away before attempting to examine the torch. You have to be facing a certain way and be extremely close to them to light it. Once you're through, head west to the brass door. Go through and zone into the Altar Room. You'll view a cutscene upon entry if this is your last magicite to visit. Once it's done, head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Go back to Ru'Lude Gardens and examine the doors to the audience chamber for a cutscene. Then head back to the Bastokan Embassy and talk to everyone in there. Reward: Rank 5, 10,000 gil, rank points, Airship Pass (key item) If you already have the Airship Pass, you'll receive 20,000 gil instead. Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-1 Mission Name: Darkness Rising Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: You are to head north to a place called Fei'Yin on the Beaucedine Glacier. Naji will show you in. What To Do: Head to the President's Office and speak to Karst for a cutscene. You'll be entering a fight with a level 50 cap, so make sure you have the appropriate equipment. Once you have your party together, head over to Beaucedine Glacier. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head over to East Ronfaure and zone into Ranguemont Pass at K-4. At F-10, talk to the NPC behind the contraption and he'll open the door for you. Once through, head to L-4 to zone out to Beaucedine Glacier. If you are lower than level 55, you'll will get aggro here. You'll need to head to Fei'Yin and the path is a long and roundabout one. The zone is at J-4. Fei'Yin has numerous undead and things that aggro to magic. You'll want to make your way to K-8 where you'll find a cermet gate. Go through that to zone into Qu'Bia Arena. Examine the burning circle there and enter the fight once everyone's ready. You'll be up against a whole bunch of skeletons. If you have a bard with you, they'll make the fight easier as undead have a higher resistance to sleep than lullaby. Your target will be the larger skeleton as once he's dead, the fight will be over. When you're done there, head back to Bastok to finish the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-2 Mission Name: Xarcabard, Land of Truths Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 5-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: You must go to Castle Zvahl in Xarcabard. The President himself will brief you in his office. What To Do: If you're lower than level 72, you'll need to bring some silent oil and prism powder to make this mission move faster as you will be walking through Xarcabard, Castle Zvahl Baileys, and Castle Zvahl Keep. You'll be encountering demons and each type of beastmen in the castle. Once you have your party together, head over to Xarcabard. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head to F-6 in Beaucedine Glacier to zone into Xarcabard. Take this opportunity to get the Vahzl telepoint. It's located in H-8. Head west to E-7/8 to zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys. At G-8 you'll come to an intersection. Head south, go down the stairs and head to F-8 to the next map. Go south again and go up the stairs at either H-9 or I-9. Head west and go down the stairs in G-9. Follow the path until you come to an intersection at H-9. Head north, then west. Head north at the next intersection you come to. Then east at the next intersection and go up the stairs. Then head west and up the long flight of stairs to zone into Castle Zvahl Keep. Head in and go north to H-7 to the gate. If someone is level 72 or higher, have that person be the designated door opener. Head north to the next gate. Right past that gate, to the immediate west is an ore door. Head through that and straight west through the next one. Turn north and head through the next one. Go west, then north to the long flight of stairs up. Then make your way to F-8 to the next map. Head straight to the machine you see. It's a teleporter. Take them until you've ridden all four. The last will send you to I-7 on the next map. Go to G-7 to find an ore door. Go through to zone into the Throne Room. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against the Shadow Lord. This fight has two parts to it. For the first part, the Shadow Lord has two forms. In one form, he's immune to magic. In the other form, he's immune to physical attacks. Once you beat his first form, you'll be given about thirty seconds before he starts attacking again. In the second part, he'll do nothing but an AoE attack called Implosion. Once you've beaten him, you'll view a long cutscene. Head back to Bastok to finish the mission. Reward: Rank 6, 20,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-1 Mission Name: Return of the Talekeeper Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: A new Talekeeper is rumored to have appeared among the Galka. Speak to Medicine Eagle, the Mines District guard on post near the entrance to Ore Street, for further details. What To Do: You can find Medicine Eagle in Bastok Mines at G-5. Talk to him for a cutscene. Next, zone into Zeruhn Mines and talk to Drake Fang at H-6 for another cutscene. You'll now have to head to Western Altepa Desert. If you don't have the Altepa telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head to H-7 and talk to Lasthenes in order to go through the gate. Follow the path to zone into Korroloka Tunnel. If you're above level 50, you can just run straight through to the other end and out to Eastern Altepa Desert. Take this opportunity to get the Altepa telepoint crystal in G-6. Then head to I-6 to zone to Western Altepa Desert. If you're lower than level 70, head north to Rabao and rent a chocobo. Bring your party/alliance to G-8 in Western Altepa Desert where you'll find a ??? point. Go ahead and clear the area to gain TP and when everyone's ready, examine the ??? to pop two NM manticores named Eastern Sphinx and Western Sphinx. Sleep one if you need to. They have regular manticore moves such as riddle (max mp down), deadly hold, and a couple of others, one that adds choke. When they're both dead, examine the ??? to get an Altepa moonpebble (key item). Head back to Bastok Mines and talk to Tall Mountain in J-7 for a cutscene. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-2 Mission Name: The Pirates' Cove Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 6-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: You are being sent to Norg as an emissary of Bastok. Meet Sir Naji in front of the President's Office for a full briefing. What To Do: Talk to Naji for a cutscene. Next, you'll need to head to Norg. Make your way to Jeuno and board the airship to Kazham. If you don't have a Kazham airship pass yet, I suggest you get one. Once in Kazham, rent a chocobo (it's faster, trust me) and make your way down to G-11. Fall down one of the holes closer to the west of that small area and go behind the waterfall in F-11. Follow that tunnel and at the end, dismount from your chocobo and zone into Sea Serpent Grotto. If you're lower than level 50, you'll need sneak the entire way. Follow the right wall to H-6 where you'll appear to be at a dead end. Target the wall and you'll target a blank spot. Examine it to open a hidden door and go through. Follow the right wall again to zone into Norg. If you pass by some pillars with torches on them, you're going the right way. Head up the stairs and enter the door all the way at the end and speak to Gilgamesh. Now, you'll need to get some adaman ore. You'll need one for every six people. So, if you're going with a full alliance with everyone currently on this mission, you'll need three adaman ore. You'll also need sneak and invisible in the next area you'll be going to. Things also aggro magic in there. If you don't have the Yhoat telepoint crystal, I recommend getting it now. If you're still in Norg, rent a chocobo and make your way back towards Kazham. Aim for G-6. Head east to H-6 where you'll find a hole. Drop down and head to I-8 to zone to Yhoator Jungle. The Yhoat telepoint crystal can be found in F-9. When you're done with that, head to the east entrance to Ifrit's Cauldron in I-6. Get sneak and invisible up and head in. At J-8, you'll come to an intersection. Head south and follow the right wall all the way to H-7 where you'll find a ??? point. When everyone's ready, trade an adaman ore to spawn two NMs: a bomb and a lizard. Magma and Salamandar respectively. Your target is Magma as it drops six frag rocks, which is the item you need. Salamandar is just a distraction. If you're doing this with a full alliance with everyone currently on the mission, you'll have to do multiple trades. There's a five minute wait after the last monster was killed. Take the frag rock you got and head back to Norg and trade it to Gilgamesh. Then head back to Naji in the Metalworks to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 7, 40,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-1 Mission Name: The Final Image Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: You are to investigate the Zilart ruins of Ro'Maeve. Chief Engineer Cid has more details. What To Do: Talk to Cid and make sure he asks you to retrieve some cermet for him from Ro'Maeve. To prepare, you'll need silent oils because all the weapons in Ro'Maeve aggro to sound and everything aggroes to magic. When you've got your party/alliance together, make your way over to Ro'Maeve. The fastest way would be from Jeuno. Rent a chocobo from Port Jeuno and head to K-11 in Sauromugue Champaign to zone to Meriphataud Mountains. The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah zone is at L-4. From there, head to F-5 to zone into Ro'Maeve. You'll need to find a ??? point. There's one in M-8, but this is for something else. So, go around the zone until you find a different ??? point. When everyone's ready, examine it to pop two NM golems. When they're both dead, examine the ??? again to obtain the key item. Head back to Cid to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-2 Mission Name: On My Way Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 7-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: A search has begun for information regarding the whereabouts of the missing Galkan elder, Werei. The president will brief you on the details of this mission. What To Do: Speak to Karst in the President's building. Then head over to Port Bastok. You're looking for Hilda in the Steaming Sheep Restaurant. Your next destination is Palborough Mines. Get your party together because you'll be entering an uncapped fight against four quadavs. Make sure you have a sleeper in your party. Head to I-8 in Palborough Mines where you can ride the elevator to the top floor. Make your way to H-10 to zone into Waughroon Shrine. When you're ready, examine the burning circle to enter the fight. Have your sleeper go in and sleep everything. Sleepga II or horde lullaby is recommended. Kill them in this order: Soulsaver, Knightslayer, Slaughterer, Graniteskin. Once they're dead, you'll view a cutscene and be put out of the arena, close to the where the elevator is. Head back to Karst for a cutscene. He'll give you a letter. Head over to Bastok Mines and talk to Gumbah inside a house in J-7 for another cutscene. Reward: Rank 8, 60,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-1 Mission Name: The Chains that Bind Us Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: The president has ordered a full-scale investigation of Zepwell Island. You are to travel to the Quicksand Caves located in the central Altepa Desert. Report to Iron Eater for a briefing. What To Do: Talk to Karst in the President's building, then talk to Iron Eater right outside the door. To prepare, you'll need some echo drops and silent oil if you can't cast sneak. Gather together your party or alliance and head to the G-5 entrance to Quicksand Caves in Western Altepa Desert. Sneak up and head to the pressure plate in H-8. To activate it, have one galka, two humes/elvaans/mithras, or three tarutarus stand on it to open the door. Go through and head south to H-10 where you'll find another pressure plate. Stand on it again to open the door. You'll find another door in G-11 that leads to a small room where you'll find the ??? point needed for this mission. You might want to clear the small hallway of the sand tarantulas first. Upon examination of the ??? point, three NM anticans will spawn. They can be sneak popped and if you have a summoner in your party/alliance, you can find them one at a time. Once they're dead sneak up and go into the room and examine the ??? for a cutscene. Now, either escape out or walk out. You'll have to head to the D-12 entrance to Quicksand Caves in Western Altepa Desert. It's accessible through a tunnel in C-11. Head to K-8 and go east to another map. Make your way over to G-8 where you'll find a pressure plate. Activate it and go through the door. You'll find a ??? point inside. Examine it for a cutscene. When you're done here, head back to Iron Eater in the Metalworks to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-2 Mission Name: Jeuno Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 8-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: You are to investigate the Kuftal Tunnel which connects Zepwell Island with Cape Terrigan. Zeruhn Mines guard Drake Fang will provide you with further details. What To Do: Zone into Zeruhn Mines and speak to Drake Fang for a cutscene. Get together a party or alliance and head over to H-4 in Western Altepa Desert to zone into Kuftal Tunnel. Head in and go past the lizards to find a ??? point. Examine it. Now, have one person with a ranged attack go down right below the ??? point where you'll find another ??? point. Examine that to pop three NM ghosts. You'll only need to kill the one named Gordov's Ghost, but if you kill it fast enough, you can kill all three. You might want to clear out the robber crabs and haunts at the bottom first to get TP and to make a clean pull. If, while you're fighting Gordov's Ghost and the other two despawn, you're still okay as long as Gordov's Ghost is still alive. When it's dead, sneak up and go down to the bottom ??? and examine it for a cutscene. Head back and talk to Drake Fang for a very long cutscene. Reward: Rank 9, 80,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-1 Mission Name: The Salt of the Earth Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: You have been assigned to an investigation in the Vollbow Region. Speak with Senator Alois for further details. What To Do: Talk to Senator Alois for a cutscene, then head over to Rabao. Head to G-6 to find Dancing Wolf. Speak with him. Now get together your alliance. Your next destination will be Gustav Tunnel. You can reach Gustav Tunnel from Valkurm Dunes. Head to C-6 to enter a tunnel. Go through that to the hidden beach. Go down to B-8 to zone into Gustav Tunnel. Go down to G-9 to get to the second map. At this point you'll need sneak and invisible. Make your way to G/H-7. This is where you'll be camping. The ??? point is at G-6 in the small pond there. If you can kill things fast enough, you can kill everything north of where you're camping and pop it after everything's dead. Or you can have a sleeper on the mission sneak up and dodge the monsters that aggro by sight. Have him/her pop the NM ooze and sleep it, sneak back up, and run back to the alliance. Now for the ooze. At first, you'll be fighting a Gigaplasm. When it dies, it'll split into two mascroplasms. When each macroplasm dies, they'll both split into two microplasms. When each microplasms die, they'll both split into two nanoplasms. That's a total of fifteen monsters you'll be fighting. So be sure you have multiple sleepers in your alliance. Once they're all dead, put sneak and invisible up and head to the ??? point. Examine it to get the miraclesalt (key item). Head back to Rabao and talk to Dancing Wolf again, then go to the Metalworks and talk to Senator Alois to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-2 Mission Name: Where Two Paths Converge Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Complete mission 9-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: An adventurer has been attacked while on an investigation to Xarcabard--and the attacker is said to be none other than the Dark Knight, Zeid! Report to the President's Office for a briefing on the situation at hand. What To Do: Talk to Iron Eater for a cutscene. Now gather together your party and head to the Throne Room. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against Zeid. He's got all the Dark Knight's job abilities and weapon skills as well as an AoE that puts people to sleep in the move's radius. He can also summon two monsters called Shadow of Rage, but they can be killed easily by any black mage's tier III -ga spell. When Zeid gets to 50% health, the fighting stops momentarily and Volker joins the battle. If Volker dies, you automatically lose, so have a dedicated healer on him. When the fight's over, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to Iron Eater in the Metalworks to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 10, 10,000 gil, rank points, Bastokan Flag (furniture) Repeatable: No Skippable: No ------------------- San d'Oria Missions ------------------- Mission #: 1-1 Mission Name: Smash the Orcish Scouts Minimum Level Recommended: 5 Requirements: None Mission Orders: Hunt Orcs lurking outside San d'Oria and bring back one of their axes. What To Do: Head out to East or West Ronfaure and kill Orcish Fodders until one of them drops an Orcish axe. Trade this to any mission NPC to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 1-2 Mission Name: Bat Hunt Minimum Level Recommended: 12 Requirements: Complete mission 1-1 Mission Orders: Exterminate bats from King Ranperre's Tomb, and bring back proof of your deeds. What To Do: You'll need to head to King Ranperre's Tomb for this mission. Exit out to East Ronfaure and head to H-11, which will zone you into King Ranperre's Tomb. Make your way to H/I-10 where you'll find a tombstone. Examine it for a cutscene. Now you'll need to kill bats until one drops an Orcish scale mail. Take this back to any mission NPC to complete the mission. If you're repeating this mission, the mission NPC will ask you to bring back a bat fang. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 1-3 Mission Name: Save the Children Minimum Level Recommended: 15 Requirements: Complete mission 1-2 Mission Orders: Rescue the children held captive in the Orcish camp in Ghelsba Outpost. What To Do: Head to the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria and speak to Arnau for a cutscene. Now, zone out to West Ronfaure and zone into Ghelsba Outpost at G-4. At F-10, there's a hut with a targetable door. This is your destination. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against three orcs, so if you have friends who can help you, that would be to your advantage. Once they're dead, you'll view a cutscene. You'll also receive an Orcish hut key (key item). Examine the hut door for another cutscene. Return to a mission NPC to complete the mission. Reward: Initial completion: Rank 2, 1,000 gil, rank points Second completion and afterward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 2-1 Mission Name: The Rescue Drill Minimum Level Recommended: 15 Requirements: Have a quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: Participate in the Temple Knights' rescue drill out on La Theine Plateau. What To Do: Zone out to West Ronfaure and head to F-12 to zone out to La Theine Plateau. At F-6 on the eastern side of the ravine, you'll find an NPC. Follow the path of NPCs down and talk to each one. Then zone into Ordelles' Caves. Head in to the first large room. Past the water hiding behind a stalagmite is an NPC named Ruillont. Talk to him then head back out and talk to each NPC until one gives you a bronze sword. Head back to Ruillont once you get it and trade it to him. Then head back out to La Theine Plateau and look for Vicorpasse. Speak to him and he'll give you a rescue training certificate (key item). Head back to San d'Oria to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 2-2 Mission Name: The Davoi Report Minimum Level Recommended: 25 Requirements: Complete mission 2-1 Mission Orders: Retrieve the latest scouting report from the Temple Knight scouts somewhere in Davoi. What To Do: You'll need to head over to Davoi. Head to M-8 in La Theine Plateau to zone into Jugner Forest. Now make your way to G-12 to zone into Davoi. Right at the zone, you'll see an NPC hiding behind a tree. Talk to him and he'll ask you retrieve the last page of the report. Head down to J-8 on the south part of the lake and you'll find an ! point. Examine it to receive the last page. Go back to Zantaviat (the NPC hiding behind the tree) and he'll give you the Temple Knights' Davoi report (key item). Head back to a mission NPC. They'll tell you that Prince Pieuje is in the Cathedral. Head to the cathedral and go up the stairs all the way to the top floor. Examine the Papal Chambers door there for a cutscene. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 2-3 Mission Name: Journey Abroad Minimum Level Recommended: 25 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Visit the faraway nations of Bastok and Windurst and receive official recognition as an adventurer. What To Do: Head to Chateau d'Oraguille and speak to Halver. Now you'll have to travel to the other two nations. It doesn't matter which one you go to first. I'll post a walkthrough for both. Bastok: Head to I-12 in La Theine Plateau to zone to Valkurm Dunes and make your way to the Konschtat Highlands at M-11. Be sure to head to the Crag of Dem while you're here. Go to I-12 to zone to North Gustaberg and head south to E-12 to zone to South Gustaberg. The zone to Bastok Markets is at J-7. Make your way to the Metalworks and ride the elevator up. Head to the outdoor area and you'll find the San d'Orian consulate at I-9. Talk to the people inside. Then head to the President's building and speak to Pius. Purchase a few pickaxes and head to Palborough Mines. Exit through Port Bastok and head to K-3 in North Gustaberg to zone into Palborough Mines. At I-8 you'll find an elevator which will take you to the top floor. You'll be able to find mythril seams in I-9 and J-9. When you have some mine gravel, head to I-6 where you'll find a refiner. Trade the mine gravel to the door and pull the lever. Then head over to the left side of it and fall down to the bottom. Get the mythril sand out and take this back to Pius. Talk to the people in your consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Now head back to Valkurm Dunes and head to G-9 to zone into Selbina. Board the ferry and ride it to Mhaura. Zone out to Buburimu Peninsula and head to D-7 to zone to Tahrongi Canyon. Be sure to head to the Crag of Mea while you're here. You'll want to head to H-13 which will zone you to East Sarutabaruta. Zone into Windurst Woods at G-11 and you'll find the San d'Orian consulate at F-10. Talk to the people inside. They'll send you to Heavens Tower. Head over to Windurst Walls and make your way to H-6. Step on the blue light to zone into Heavens Tower. You'll view a cutscene as you enter. Head through the doors on the opposite side and talk to everyone inside. You'll now need to gather together some people to help you kill a dragon and an ahriman. The fight you'll be entering will be capped at level 25, so make sure you have the appropriate equipment. Zone out to West Sarutabaruta and zone into Giddeus at F-8. Head to G-12 to zone into Balga's Dais. Examine the burning circle when everyone's ready. When you're in the fight after viewing the cutscene, head on in. It's recommended to sleep the dragon while first and kill the ahriman. Once the ahriman is dead, kill the dragon. When the dragon dies, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to the San d'Orian consulate in Windurst Woods to complete this leg of the mission. Windurst: Head to I-12 in La Theine Plateau to zone into Valkurm Dunes. Then zone into Selbina at G-9 and board the ferry to Mhaura. When you reach Mhaura, zone out to Buburimu Peninsula and head to D-7 to zone to Tahrongi Canyon. Take this opportunity to head to the Crag of Mea. H-13 will take you to East Sarutabaruta and you can zone into Windurst Woods at G-11. You'll find the San d'Orian consulate at F-10. Talk to the people inside. They'll send you to Heavens Tower. Head to Windurst Walls and make your way to H-6. Step into the blue light to be transported into Heavens Tower. Go through the double doors across the way and speak to Kupipi. She'll give you a shield offering (key item). Next, zone out to West Sarutabaruta and enter Giddeus at F-8. You'll need to head to the lower map and look for a Yagudo named Zhuu Buxu the Silent. Kill him for a parana shield. Once you have one, make your way to F-7 on the same map to find a Yagudo NPC. Talk to him to give him the shield offering. Now go back and kill Zhuu Buxu the Silent again. He takes fifteen minutes to respawn. You should now have two parana shields. Take these back to the San d'Orian consulate and trade both of them to the ambassador to complete this leg of the mission. Now, head back to Valkurm Dunes and head to M-11 to zone to Konschtat Highlands. Be sure to stop by the Crag of Dem while you're here. Make your way to I-12 to zone to North Gustaberg and head south to E-12 to get to South Gustaberg. You can enter Bastok Markets at J-7. Make your way to the Metalworks district and ride the elevators up. Head east to the outdoor area and you'll find the San d'Orian consulate at I-9. Talk to everyone inside. Next, head to the President's building and talk to Pius. You'll be sent over to Grohm, who can be found in the craftmen's eatery in G-9. You'll now have to find some people to help you because you'll be entering a fight capped at level 25 against a dragon and an ahriman, so make sure you have the appropriate equipment. Once you have your party together, head out to North Gustaberg through Port Bastok and enter Palborough Mines at K-3. Ride up the elevator at I-8 to the top floor and zone into Waughroon Shrine at H-10. When everyone's ready, check the burning circle there to enter the fight. You'll view a cutscene upon entry. When everyone's in the arena, head on in. It's recommended to sleep the dragon and kill the ahriman first. Once the ahriman is dead, kill the dragon. Once they're both dead, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to the San d'Orian consulate in the Metalworks to complete this leg of the mission. Whichever path you choose to do, once you're finished in both nations, head back to San d'Oria and speak to a mission NPC. They will send you to Halver, so head to Chateau d'Oraguille and speak to him to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 3, 3,000 gil, Adventurer's certificate (key item), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 3-1 Mission Name: Infiltrate Davoi Minimum Level Recommended: 45 Requirements: Have a quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: The scout in Davoi needs the help of an adventurer. What To Do: Enter Chateau d'Oraguille and head to Prince Trion's room in H-7. Examine his door for a cutscene. Now, head to Davoi and zone in for another cutscene. You're looking for an NPC named Quericond. He walks between G-7 and H-7. Talk to him and he'll give you the Royal Knights' Davoi report (key item). Head back to Prince Trion's room to complete the mission. If you are repeating the mission, the objective is different. Instead of talking to Quericond, you'll have to speak to Zantaviat right inside the zone hiding behind a tree. He'll ask you to retrieve codes the Orcs leave for each other. You can find them at ! points at J-7, K-7, and L-8. They'll each give you a key item. Head back to Zantaviat once you have the three key items. Then head back to a mission NPC back in San d'Oria to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 3-2 Mission Name: The Crystal Spring Minimum Level Recommended: 45 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1 Mission Orders: Catch a crystal bass from Crystwater Spring, located on the eastern edge of Jugner Forest. What To Do: You'll be asked for a crystal bass. You can fish this up from the far eastern lake in Jugner Forest using a carbon or composite fishing rod with insect paste if you have enough fishing skill. Otherwise, your best bet would be to purchase one from the auction house. Trade it to any mission NPC and you'll be told to head to the castle. Zone into Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene. Then, head to F-7 and speak to Chalvatot for another cutscene. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 3-3 Mission Name: Appointment to Jeuno Minimum Level Recommended: 45 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Head to the Embassy of San d'Oria in Jeuno to fill your appointed post. What To Do: Head to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to him. Go past him and examine the doors to the audience chamber for a cutscene. Now, you'll have to head to Jeuno. Head over to Jugner Forest and zone to L-4 to zone to Batallia Downs. You can enter Upper Jeuno at L-9. Head up to Ru'Lude Gardens and speak to the people in the San d'Orian Embassy. Your next destination is Delkfutt's Tower on Qufim Island. You'll need sneak and invisible for the entire climb up if you're lower than level 50. If you have someone helping you who's done the mission before, have them lead you up, otherwise, here's some directions. There are monsters in the tower that will aggro to magic. Zone out to Qufim Island from Port Jeuno. You'll find the entrance to Lower Delkfutt's Tower at F-6. This the first floor. Head to F-6, going counterclockwise from the entrance to reach some stairs to the second floor. Then head to J-9 to get to the stairs to the third floor. In G-6, you'll find a teleporter. Use it. You're now in Middle Delkfutt's Tower. Head to the stairs in I-7 to the fifth floor. Some paths are blocked, so you'll have to take a roundabout path. On the fifth floor, head to H-9 to the sixth floor, then head to the teleporter in F-10. You're now on the seventh floor. Go straight north to the stairs and go up to the eighth floor. Head east and go up the stairs to the ninth floor. Make your way south and go down the stairs back down to the eighth floor. Go west, watch out for the hole, and go up the stairs to go back up to the ninth floor. Then head to the teleporter in F-6. You've reached the tenth floor and Upper Delkfutt's Tower. Go to H-7 where you'll find a cermet door. Go through. You're looking for a different colored gigas named Porphyrion. He drops six Delkfutt keys every time he's killed and repops every fifteen minutes. Keep this in mind if you're doing this in an alliance. Once you have your key, trade it to the elevator in H-8 and take the stairs all the way down. Head through the door. You're now back on the first floor of the tower on the basement level. Head to M-8 and trade the key to the cermet door there for a cutscene. You can find the exit to the first floor in F-8. Head back to the San d'orian Embassy to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 4, 5,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 4-1 Mission Name: Magicite Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Seize the three types of magicite in Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja to prevent the Shadow Lord's return. What To Do: This mission begins at the San d'Orian Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens. Talk to the people in there to receive an Archducal Audience Permit (key item). Head over to the Palace and examine the doors for a cutscene. At this point, you'll need to finish a few quests and cutscenes to progress any further in the mission. First, head to Upper Jeuno. Find Baudin in G-7 and talk to him. He'll ask for some coeurl meat. You can go out and kill coeurls, or, if you have the money, you can purchase one from the auction house. Trade it to Baudin and he'll give you a Crest of Davoi (key item). Next, head to I-8 in Upper Jeuno and talk to Paya-Sabya for a cutscene. Then head down to Lower Jeuno. Enter Muckvix's Junk Shop in H-9. Head to the back room and talk to Muckvix for a cutscene. When it's finished, he'll give you a Yagudo torch (key item). You'll now have to enter the Tenshodo Headquarters, which requires you to be a Tenshodo member. If you aren't one yet, you better go get an invite. I'm not going to tell you how to become one because that's a quest and this guide will only pertain to quests that coincide with missions. Head to the very back into Aldo's Room and talk to Aldo for a cutscene. When it's done, he'll give you a silver bell (key item). You should also have a coruscant rosary (key item) and a black matinee necklace (key item) from doing the two quests Mysteries of Beadeaux I & II. Now that you're all set, it's time to head out. Davoi: Head to H-7 where you'll find a wall of dark arts. Examine it to go through to Monastic Cavern. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Beadeaux: Head to H-7 to go down to the lower map. At the intersection you come to, head east to zone into Qulun Dome. Head in and examine the door to open it. You have to be really close to it. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Castle Oztroja: Head to I-8 where you'll find the trap door and levers. One of them will open the door and the other will open the trap door. They change every Vana'diel day. Head through and at J-8, the map changes. From here, head to G-7 to another map. Head north to I-7 to yet another map. Finally, make your way to H-9 where you'll find two torches and two Yagudo. If you're by yourself, make sure they face away before attempting to examine the torch. You have to be facing a certain way and be extremely close to them to light it. Once you're through, head west to the brass door. Go through and zone into the Altar Room. You'll view a cutscene upon entry if this is your last magicite to visit. Once it's done, head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Go back to Ru'Lude Gardens and examine the doors to the audience chamber for a cutscene. Then head back to the San d'Orian Embassy and talk to everyone in there. Reward: Rank 5, 10,000 gil, rank points, Airship Pass (key item) If you already have the Airship Pass, you'll receive 20,000 gil instead. Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-1 Mission Name: The Ruins of Fei'Yin Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: This mission involves traveling to Fei'Yin, located on the Beaucedine Glacier. Visit Chateau d'Oraguille to learn more. What To Do: Zone into Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene, then get the mission from a gate guard. Then head back to the castle and speak to Halver for a key item. You'll be entering a fight with a level 50 cap, so make sure you have the appropriate equipment. Once you have your party together, head over to Beaucedine Glacier. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head over to East Ronfaure and zone into Ranguemont Pass at K-4. At F-10, talk to the NPC behind the contraption and he'll open the door for you. Once through, head to L-4 to zone out to Beaucedine Glacier. If you are lower than level 55, you'll will get aggro here. You'll need to head to Fei'Yin and the path is a long and roundabout one. The zone is at J-4. Fei'Yin has numerous undead and things that aggro to magic. You'll want to make your way to K-8 where you'll find a cermet gate. Go through that to zone into Qu'Bia Arena. Examine the burning circle there and enter the fight once everyone's ready. You'll be up against a whole bunch of skeletons. If you have a bard with you, they'll make the fight easier as undead have a higher resistance to sleep than lullaby. Your target will be the larger skeleton as once he's dead, the fight will be over. When you're done there, head back to San d'Oria to finish the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-2 Mission Name: The Shadow Lord Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 5-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Head to castle Zvahl in Xarcabard. Visit Chateau d'Oraguille to learn more. What To Do: Zone into Chateau d'Oraguille and speak to Halver. He'll tell you to speak to Prince Trion. Head over to his room and examine his room door for a cutscene. If you're lower than level 72, you'll need to bring some silent oil and prism powder to make this mission move faster as you will be walking through Xarcabard, Castle Zvahl Baileys, and Castle Zvahl Keep. You'll be encountering demons and each type of beastmen in the castle. Once you have your party together, head over to Xarcabard. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head to F-6 in Beaucedine Glacier to zone into Xarcabard. Take this opportunity to get the Vahzl telepoint. It's located in H-8. Head west to E-7/8 to zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys. At G-8 you'll come to an intersection. Head south, go down the stairs and head to F-8 to the next map. Go south again and go up the stairs at either H-9 or I-9. Head west and go down the stairs in G-9. Follow the path until you come to an intersection at H-9. Head north, then west. Head north at the next intersection you come to. Then east at the next intersection and go up the stairs. Then head west and up the long flight of stairs to zone into Castle Zvahl Keep. Head in and go north to H-7 to the gate. If someone is level 72 or higher, have that person be the designated door opener. Head north to the next gate. Right past that gate, to the immediate west is an ore door. Head through that and straight west through the next one. Turn north and head through the next one. Go west, then north to the long flight of stairs up. Then make your way to F-8 to the next map. Head straight to the machine you see. It's a teleporter. Take them until you've ridden all four. The last will send you to I-7 on the next map. Go to G-7 to find an ore door. Go through to zone into the Throne Room. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against the Shadow Lord. This fight has two parts to it. For the first part, the Shadow Lord has two forms. In one form, he's immune to magic. In the other form, he's immune to physical attacks. Once you beat his first form, you'll be given about thirty seconds before he starts attacking again. In the second part, he'll do nothing but an AoE attack called Implosion. Once you've beaten him, you'll view a long cutscene. Head back to San d'Oria to finish the mission. Reward: Rank 6, 20,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-1 Mission Name: Leaute's Last Wishes Minimum Level Recommended: 60 Requirements: Half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: This mission involves the late Queen Leaute. Visit Monarlais Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille to learn more. What To Do: Enter Chateau d'Oraguille and speak to Halver. Then examine the doors to the audience chamber behind him for a cutscene. Now find some people to help you that are high leveled. You'll be heading over to Western Altepa Desert. If you don't have the Altepa telepoint crystal yet, you'll have to walk. Enter Zeruhn Mines and head to Lasthenes. Talk to him to get through the gate. Zone into Korroloka Tunnel. You should be at or above level 50 by now, so just run straight through and zone out to Eastern Altepa Desert. Take this opportunity to get the Altepa telepoint crystal at G-6. Head to I-6 to zone into Western Altepa Desert. If you need a chocobo, head straight north to Rabao and rent one there. You'll be heading to the oasis in G-7. You may want to kill the cactuars around the area so they won't link unless you have a summoner with you. When you're ready, examine the dreamrose to pop an NM cactuar named Sabotender Enamorado. It does all the cactuar moves. Be careful when it gets below 30% health as it starts to use 1000 Needles more often. When it's dead, examine the dreamrose to get a key item. Head back to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille. He'll point you over to the garden. Head that way and you'll view a cutscene. Select yes when prompted. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-2 Mission Name: Ranperre's Final Rest Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 6-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Prince Trion seeks an adventurer. Find the prince in his chamber to learn more. What To Do: Visit Prince Trion in his room in Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene. Then you'll need to find a few high level people to help you with this next part. Head to King Ranperre's Tomb and make your way to H-8 where you'll find a heavy oak door. You'll be fighting three NM skeletons. The good news is you don't need to fight all three and you can sneak pop them. Skeletons don't link, so you can pull them one at a time. If while you're fighting one and the others depop, you'll still get credit as long as the one you're fighting is still alive before the others depop. Once you're done killing however many it was you've killed, examine the heavy oak door for a cutscene. You'll receive an Ancient San d'Orian book (key item). Take this to any mission NPC. You'll now have to wait until midnight JST has passed. Once it has, talk to a mission NPC and then head back to the heavy oak door in King Ranperre's Tomb for a cutscene. Head back to San d'Oria to finish the mission. Reward: Rank 7, 40,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-1 Mission Name: Prestige of the Papsque Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: The papsque has requested an adventurer of renown. Speak to His Holiness in the cathedral. His chambers lie upstairs. What To Do: Head over to the Papsque's Chambers and examine the door for a cutscene. Now find a few high level friends who can help. You'll be fighting an NM orc named Marauder Dvogzog. Make sure you have a way to sneak yourself and enter Chateau d'Oraguille. Go to I-8 to zone into Bostaunieu Oubliette. Head to E-7/8 where you'll find a sewer lid. Sneak yourself, then talk to the NPC to let him let you go down to the bottom level. Once down, follow the right wall all the way to E-10 to zone back out to West Ronfaure. You can have everyone else meet you at this position if you want. People on the mission need to stay up on the ledge, however. Once you're ready, examine the ??? to pop the NM orc. Watch out for Hundred Fists. Once it's dead, examine the ??? again and you'll receive an Ancient San d'Orian tome (key item). Head back to the Papsque's chambers for a cutscene. Then head over to a mission NPC. You'll be told to head to the garden. So, enter Chateau d'Oraguille and make your way to the garden for a cutscene. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-2 Mission Name: The Secret Weapon Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 7-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Reports from Ghelsba indicate that the Orcs in Yughott Grotto are up to something. Investigate, but speak of this to no one. What To Do: You'll be entering an uncapped burning circle fight in Horlais Peak. So when putting together your party, make sure you get people who can enter the fight. Make sure you have a tank, healer, and sleeper. You'll be fighting three orcs and two orcish warmachines. When you're ready, head over to Horlais Peak and examine the burning circle to enter the fight. Have your sleeper head in and sleep everything and have your tank pick which one to fight first. When they're all dead, head back to San d'Oria to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 8, 60,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-1 Mission Name: Coming of Age Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: Princess Claidie will soon celebrate her coming-of-age, and the court in d'Oraguille needs help with the ceremonies. Speak to Monarlais Halver and offer your assistance. What To Do: Zone into Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene. Then talk to Halver. Now get together a party or alliance, bring some echo drops, and head over to Eastern Altepa Desert. Enter Quicksand Caves at G-9. Head over to E-11, fall down the sinkhole, turn south, and follow the left wall down to F-14 where you'll find some water and a point labeled fountain of kings. You might want to kill everything in the room first so you don't get aggroed during the fight and to build TP. When you're ready, put sneak up and examine the fountain of kings to pop two NM sea monks named Honor and Valor. Honor is the smaller of the two and casts silencega and paralyzega. Valor is the bigger one and uses Hundred Fists. Once they're dead, examine the fountain of kings to receive some drops of amnio (key item). Head back to Halver to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-2 Mission Name: Lightbringer Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 8-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Royaulais Destin himself has summoned you for a vital mission. Seek audience with His Majesty in Chateau d'Oraguille immediately. What To Do: After you complete mission 8-1, you'll have to wait for midnight JST to pass before this mission becomes available. Once you have the mission, enter Chateau d'Oraguille and examine the doors to the audience chamber for a cutscene. When it's done, head to the Royal Knights' Quarters and speak to Rahal. He'll give you a crystal dowser (key item). Now, get together your party/alliance. You'll be heading to the Temple of Uggalepih. If you don't have the Yhoat telepoint crystal yet, you'll have to take the long way. Head to Port Jeuno and take the airship to Kazham. When you arrive in Kazham, rent a chocobo. Head to the Yhoator Jungle zone in I-8. You can find the Yhoat telepoint crystal in F-9. Make your way to the Temple of Uggalepih zone at J-11. If anyone is lower than level 70 on the first two maps, they will get aggroed. Your first order of business is first get a prelate key. It drops from Tonberry Stabbers. Once you have one, from the entrance, follow the right wall all the way to F-5, which zones you back out to Yhoator Jungle. Follow the left wall to zone back into the Temple of Uggalepih. Head down to the wooden gate at H-9 and go through. Go down to J-10 where you'll find a granite door guarded by a doll named temple guardian. You'll need to kill the temple guardian to open the granite door. Once through, head up the stairs directly above the door where you'll find another door. Be careful of the NM doll Manipulator because it aggroes to magic. Trade the prelate key to the door to open it. You can open it from the opposite side in case anyone didn't make it. Head south and at G-10, you'll find the first of four rooms. From west to east, I'll number them rooms one through four. You'll want to clear the hall and things inside the room first. Then go into rooms one, three, and four and examine the ??? points in those room for three key items. Room four has two ??? points, so make sure you get a key item. When you're ready, examine the door to room two to pop two NM dolls named Nio-A and Nio-Hum. Once they're dead, examine the door to room two again for a cutscene. It may take numerous examinations. Then head back to the audience chamber in Chateau d'Oraguille to complete this mission. Reward: Rank 9, 80,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-1 Mission Name: Breaking Barriers Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: Darkness looms over San d'Oria. Report to the Audience Chamber in Chateau d'Oraguille for further details. What To Do: Examine the doors to the audience chamber in Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene. You'll have to head to three locations. The first two can be done solo. Your first stop is the Valley of Sorrows. In Western Altepa Desert you'll want to enter Kuftal Tunnel at H-4. You'll need sneak for the entire trip through Kuftal Tunnel, unless Guivre, an NM wyvern, is out. Then you'll need sneak and invisible. From the entrance of Kuftal Tunnel, head to J-6 to the next map. Then make your way north to G-3 to zone to Cape Teriggan. You'll want to make your way northeast around the mountains to the I-8 entrance to Valley of Sorrows. Here you'll need sneak for the raptors and invisible for everything else. Head to I-8 where you'll find a ??? point. Don't fall off the ledge or you'll have to walk back around. Examine the ??? to obtain a figure of Titan (key item). Your next stop is Xarcabard. You'll find the ??? point in G-7 in the middle of a bunch of firs. Examine it to get a figure of Garuda (key item). Your last stop is the small island to the south of Batallia Downs. You'll need a party/alliance for this one. Enter The Eldieme Necropolis at I-10 of Batallia Downs. Head to the intersection at H-9. If the door is closed, have one person head to the switch at H-8. You'll want to head to G-9. There's another switch there to allow the first switch person into the same room as everyone else. Once everyone's together, fall down the middle grave to another map. Head east to yet another map and head to J-9 to zone back out to Batallia Downs. You should now be on the tiny island. You may want to kill the NM treant Ahtu so he doesn't aggro anyone in the middle of fighting. Look for a ??? point on the southeastern part of the island and when everyone's ready, examine it to pop two NM greater birds named Suparna and Suparna Fledgling. The Fledgling will use Benediction, so try to keep it away from Suparna. They both can also use bard songs. When they're both dead, examine the ??? point for a long cutscene. When it's done, you'll receive a figure of Leviathan (key item). Head back to the audience chamber in Chateau d'Oraguille to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-2 Mission Name: The Heir to the Light Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Complete mission 9-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: The Rites of Succession will be held at the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria. You are to report there for guard duty. What To Do: Zone into Northern San d'Oria from Southern San d'Oria for a cutscene. Then zone into Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene. Your next destination is Qu'Bia Arena. You'll be entering an uncapped burning circle fight, so you'll want to build your party with people who are able to enter the fight with you. Be sure to get a tank, healer, refresher, and sleeper. These are the jobs you need to get to make this fight easier. When you're ready, head to Fei'Yin and enter to view a cutscene. Head to Qu'Bia Arena and examine the burning circle when you're ready. There are two parts to this fight. For the first part, you'll be up against a bunch of orcs and an orcish warmachine. Have your sleeper go in and sleep everything and have your tank pick which one to attack. For the second part, Prince Trion will join you in a fight against three Orcs: a PLD, BLM, and DRK. Again, have your sleeper go in and sleep everything and fight whichever one Trion attacks. When they're all dead, you'll view a cutscene. Zone into Northern San d'Oria from Southern San d'Oria to view a cutscene, then head to the audience chamber in Chateau d'Oraguille for another cutscene. Next, head to King Ranperre's Tomb and head to the heavy oak door in H-8. Examine it for another cutscene. Now, go and speak to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille for another cutscene. Finally, zone into Southern San d'Oria for one final cutscene. Reward: Rank 10, 100,000 gil, San d'Orian Flag (furniture), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No ----------------- Windurst Missions ----------------- Mission #: 1-1 Mission Name: The Horutoto Ruins Experiment Minimum Level Recommended: 10 Requirements: None Mission Orders: The Minister of the Orastery is conducting an experiment in the eastern magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins, located in East Sarutabaruta. Inquire at the Orastery first, then go assist him. What To Do: Head to the Orastery in Port Windurst in E-7. Talk to Hakkuru- Rinkuru on the stage for a cutscene. Then zone out to East Sarutabaruta and head to the tower in J-7 and enter it to zone into the Inner Horutoto Ruins. Head south to H-9 and target the wall there until you target a point named cracked wall. Examine it to open it and go through. Head down to I-10 where you'll find a magical gizmo. Examine it for a cutscene. Your next task is to go back to the large room and examine the six ancient magical gizmos until you receive a cracked mana orb (key item). Head back to Hakkuru-Rinkuru to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 1-2 Mission Name: The Heart of the Matter Minimum Level Recommended: 10 Requirements: Complete mission 1-1 Mission Orders: Assist the Manustery in the creation of Cardians. You must go to the southeastern magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins in East Sarutabaruta, and energize the mana orbs that serve as the hearts of the Cardians. Inquire at the Manustery first for details. What To Do: Head to Windurst Woods and enter the Manustery in H-9 to speak to Apururu. Zone out to East Sarutabaruta and head to the tower in J-11. Speak to the tarutaru right in front of the stairs for a key item then zone into the Outer Horutoto Ruins. Head down and you'll need to examine all six ancient magical gizmos. There's one in each corner as well as two hidden behind cracked walls on the north and south walls. Once you've examine all six, head through the cracked wall on the east wall and examine the magical gizmo there for a cutscene. Now, you'll have to go back to each ancient magical gizmo and examine them. Then exit for a cutscene. Head back to Apururu to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 1-3 Mission Name: The Price of Peace Minimum Level Recommended: 15 Requirements: Complete mission 1-2 Mission Orders: Receive two bags of food offerings from the Rhinostery, and deliver one bag to each of the Yagudo who stand by the altars of offerings in Giddeus. Don't forget to report back to the Rhinostery after completing the mission. What To Do: Head to the Rhinostery in Windurst Waters. Windurst Waters has two maps and the Rhinostery is located on the southern map. Head to J-9 and you'll find Leepe-Hoppe on the roof. Talk to him for a cutscene. You'll receive a food offering (key item) and a drink offering (key item). Zone out to West Sarutabaruta and enter Giddeus at F-8. You'll find the two Yagudo NPCs at G-7 and H-7. Talk to them both to deliver both offerings. Then head back to Leepe-Hoppe for a cutscene and then talk to a mission NPC to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 2, 1,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 2-1 Mission Name: Lost for Words Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: One quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: There are reports that the Cat Burglar has her paws on a "Book of the Gods," a restricted book that was lost twenty years ago. Assist the Optistery in investigating the reports, and attempt to retrieve the priceless, but dangerous, tome. What To Do: Head to the northern map of Windurst Waters and enter the Orastery at G-8 to talk to Tosuka-Porika for a cutscene. Next, head to J-3 in Windurst Woods to talk to Nanaa Mihgo. She'll give you a lapis monocle (key item). Next, you'll have to head to the Maze of Shakhrami. To get there, zone out to East Sarutabaruta and head to J-4 to zone to Tahrongi Canyon. You'll find the zone to the Maze of Shakhrami at K-5. You may need sneak and invisible here if you're lower than level 25. From the entrance, head to G-6 and take the eastern path to the next map. In the next room you come to, you'll find a bunch of fossile rocks that are targetable points. Examine them until one gives you a lapis coral (key item). Head back to Nanaa Mihgo for a cutscene. She'll give you a hideout key (key item). Now, zone out to East Sarutabaruta and enter the tower at J-7 and enter the Inner Horutoto Ruins. Head to the room in G-8 and go through the cracked wall on the northern part of the room to the next map. Then head over to G-8 on this map to find a mahogany door. Examine it for a cutscene. Now, head to Windurst Walls and head to the House of the Hero in G-3. Examine the door for a cutscene. Then head to Tosuka-Porika in the Optistery to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 2-2 Mission Name: A Testing Time Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: Complete mission 2-1 Mission Orders: Assist the Aurastery's School of Magic in the selection of the venue for their next skills test. They want you to record the number of monsters you can hunt at a specific area, in a set number of days, to fairly standardize their skills test. What To Do: This is a timed mission, so make sure you have a way to get back to Windurst quickly. Head to the Aurastery in L-6 and enter to speak to Moreno-Toeno. Talk to him for a cutscene. He'll give you a "Creature Counter" magic doll (key item). Make your way to Tahrongi Canyon and kill roughly about 30 monsters in less than one earth hour. Then you'll need to head back to Moreno-Toeno within the same hour before the hour is up to complete the mission. If you're repeating this mission, you'll be asked to head to Buburimu Peninsula and you'll be given two earth hours to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: Yes Mission #: 2-3 Mission Name: The Three Kingdoms Minimum Level Recommended: 20 Requirements: Complete mission 2-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Determine the state of affairs in San d'Oria and Bastok, and render assistance on behalf of Heavens Tower. Inquire at our consulate in each country for more information. Traveling by ship from Mhaura to Selbina is recommended. What To Do: Head to Kupipi inside Heavens Tower and talk to her for a cutscene. You'll now have to head to the other two nations. The order in which you visit them doesn't matter. I'll place the walkthrough for both paths in here. San d'Oria: Head to K-8 in Tahrongi Canyon to zone into Buburimu Peninsula. Head to I-9 to zone into Mhaura. Catch the ferry to Selbina and exit out to Valkurm Dunes once you get there. Make your way to L-6 to reach La Theine Plateau and head to D-4, which will take you to West Ronfaure. Enter Northern San d'Oria in I-5 and head to the Windurstian consulate in H-9. Talk to the people in the back room . They'll send you to Halver. Enter Chateau d'Oraguille and he can be found right inside. Your next destination is Ghelsba Outpost. Go back out to West Ronfaure and enter Ghelsba Outpost at H-7, you'll find Warchief Vatgit. Kill it, then go back to the Windurstian consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Head back to Valkurm Dunes and make your way to the Konschtat Highlands zone at M-11. Head south to I-12 to zone to North Gustaberg. Go south to E-12 to South Gustaberg and enter Bastok Markets at J-7. Head to the Metalworks and you'll find the Windurstian consulate at I-7. They'll send you to Pius. He's in the President's building. He in turn will send you to Grohm, who can be found in the craftmen's eatery. Now get together a party. You'll be entering a fight capped at level 25, so make sure you bring the appropriate equipment. Once you have your party together, head out to North Gustaberg through the exit in Port Bastok. Zone into the Palborough Mines at K-3. Head to the elevator in I-8 and ride it up to the third floor. Then head to H-10 to zone into Waughroon Shrine. When everyone' ready, examine the burning circle to enter the fight. Once everyone's ready, head in. It's recommended to sleep the dragon while you kill the ahriman first. Once the ahriman is dead, kill the dragon. When they're both dead, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to the consulate to finish this leg of the mission. Bastok: Head to K-8 in Tahrongi Canyon to zone into Buburimu Peninsula. Head to I-9 to zone into Mhaura. Catch the ferry to Selbina and exit out to Valkurm Dunes once you get there. Make your way to the Konschtat Highlands zone at M-11. Head south to I-12 to zone to North Gustaberg. Go south to E-12 to South Gustaberg and enter Bastok Markets at J-7. Head to the Metalworks and you can find the Windurstian consulate in I-7. Talk to the people in there. They'll send you to Pius, who can be found in the President's building. Now you'll have to grab a few pickaxes and head over to Palborough Mines. Exit to North Gustaberg through the exit in Port Bastok and zone into Palborough Mines at K-3. Ride the elevator in I-8 to the top floor. You're looking for a mythril seam, which can usually be found in I-9. Mine it for some mine gravel, then take that to the refiner in I-6. Trade it with the door and pull the lever. Then head down to the level right below you and retrieve the mythril sand. Take this back to the consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Head back to Valkurm Dunes and make your way to the La Theine Plateau zone at L-6. Head to D-4, which will take you to West Ronfaure. Enter Northern San d'Oria in I-5 and head to the Windurstian consulate in H-9. Talk to the people in the back room . They'll send you to talk to Halver. Enter Chateau d'Oraguille and you'll find him right inside. Talk to him, then get together a party. You'll be entering a fight capped at level 25, so make sure you bring the appropriate equipment. Once you're ready, head back out to West Ronfaure and enter Ghelsba Outpost at E-4. Make your way to the top of Ghelsba Outpost and at H-8, enter the tent. It'll take you to a tunnel that zones you to Fort Ghelsba. In Fort Ghelsba, head to H-7 where you'll find an elevator. Ride it up and make your way to J-8 and enter Yughott Grotto. Zone into Horlais Peak at J-6 and examine the burning circle when everyone's ready to enter the fight. Once everyone's has entered, head up. It's recommended to sleep dragon while you kill the ahriman first. Once the ahriman is dead, kill the dragon. Once they're both dead, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to the consulate to complete this leg of the mission. Once you're done with the tasks in both nations, head back to Kupipi in Heavens Tower to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 3, 3,000 gil, Adventurer's Certificate (key item), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 3-1 Mission Name: To Each His Own Right Minimum Level Recommended: 25 Requirements: One quarter filled rank point bar Mission Orders: On the command of Smih Lafihna, captain of the Sibyl Guards, you are requested to track down the Minister of the Orastery, Ajido-Marujido, and discover his true intentions. Inquire at the Orastery if you lose track of him. What To Do: Head to Heavens Tower and talk to Kupipi. She'll give you a Starway Stairway bauble (key item). Go through the blue glowing door and go all the way up to the top floor and speak to Rhy Epocan for a cutscene. You can use the glowing light to get back down to the first floor quicker. Now head to Port Windurst and talk to Hakkuru-Rinkuru in the Orastery. Your next stop is Castle Oztroja. Head to G-4 in Tahrongi Canyon to zone into Meriphataud Mountains. Then zone into Castle Oztroja at K-8. You'll want to head to the trap door at I-8 and fall down through the door. You'll view a cutscene. Then head back to Rhy Epocan to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 3-2 Mission Name: Written in the Stars Minimum Level Recommended: 30 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1 Mission Orders: On the command of Zubaba, the head lady-in-waiting, you are to journey beneath the central magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins. There, you are to report to the facility managed by Heavens Tower, which protects the talisman that seals Castle Zvahl. Render whatever assistance is necessary. What To Do: Enter Heavens Tower and head up to the second floor and speak to Zubaba. You'll view a cutscene and receive a Charm of light (key item). Now, you'll need to find a white mage, black mage, and red mage to help you open the three mage gate in the Inner Horutoto Ruins. Exit out to East Sarutabaruta and enter the tower at J-7 to enter the Inner Horutoto Ruins. Head to the room in G-8 and go through the cracked wall in the north wall to the next map. Make your way to E-10 and go through the door. Head straight west and go through the cracked wall to the next map. In H-9 you'll find the three mage gate. Have the three mages stand on their corresponding color to open the gate. Once through, head through the "wall" in H-8 to the next map. Find the gate of light and examine it for a cutscene. Once you're done, head back to Zubaba to complete the mission. If you're repeating this mission or doing it once you're past rank five, you'll instead need to kill wendigos near the gate of light for three rusty daggers. Trade these to Zubaba to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: Yes Skippable: No Mission #: 3-3 Mission Name: A New Journey Minimum Level Recommended: 45 Requirements: Complete mission 3-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: As requested by the Star Sibyl, you are to render service at the Embassy of Windurst in Jeuno. Great responsibility and tact are required. What To Do: Head to the top floor of Heavens Tower and examine the vestal chambers door for a cutscene. Now, you'll have to head to Jeuno. Make your way to Meriphataud Mountains and head to D-4 to zone to Sauromugue Champaign. Head to E-6 to zone into Port Jeuno. Head up to Ru'Lude Gardens where you'll find the embassy. Talk to the people inside. Your next destination is Delkfutt's Tower, which is found on Qufim Island. You'll need sneak and invisible for the entire climb up if you're lower than level 50. If you have someone helping you who's done the mission before, have them lead you up, otherwise, here's some directions. There are monsters in the tower that will aggro to magic. Zone out to Qufim Island from Port Jeuno. You'll find the entrance to Lower Delkfutt's Tower at F-6. This the first floor. Head to F-6, going counterclockwise from the entrance to reach some stairs to the second floor. Then head to J-9 to get to the stairs to the third floor. In G-6, you'll find a teleporter. Use it. You're now in Middle Delkfutt's Tower. Head to the stairs in I-7 to the fifth floor. Some paths are blocked, so you'll have to take a roundabout path. On the fifth floor, head to H-9 to the sixth floor, then head to the teleporter in F-10. You're now on the seventh floor. Go straight north to the stairs and go up to the eighth floor. Head east and go up the stairs to the ninth floor. Make your way south and go down the stairs back down to the eighth floor. Go west, watch out for the hole, and go up the stairs to go back up to the ninth floor. Then head to the teleporter in F-6. You've reached the tenth floor and Upper Delkfutt's Tower. Go to H-7 where you'll find a cermet door. Go through. You're looking for a different colored gigas named Porphyrion. He drops six Delkfutt keys every time he's killed and repops every fifteen minutes. Keep this in mind if you're doing this in an alliance. Once you have your key, trade it to the elevator in H-8 and take the stairs all the way down. Head through the door. You're now back on the first floor of the tower on the basement level. Head to M-7 and trade the key to the cermet door there for a cutscene. You can find the exit to the first floor in F-8. Head back to the Windurstian Embassy to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 4, 5,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 4-1 Mission Name: Magicite Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Confiscate the three kinds of magicite in Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja to prevent the resurrection of the Shadow Lord. What To Do: This mission begins at the Windurstian Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens. Talk to the people in there to receive an Archducal Audience Permit (key item). Head over to the Palace and examine the doors for a cutscene. At this point, you'll need to finish a few quests and cutscenes to progress any further in the mission. First, head to Upper Jeuno. Find Baudin in G-7 and talk to him. He'll ask for some coeurl meat. You can go out and kill coeurls, or, if you have the money, you can purchase one from the auction house. Trade it to Baudin and he'll give you a Crest of Davoi (key item). Next, head to I-8 in Upper Jeuno and talk to Paya-Sabya for a cutscene. Then head down to Lower Jeuno. Enter Muckvix's Junk Shop in H-9. Head to the back room and talk to Muckvix for a cutscene. When it's finished, he'll give you a Yagudo torch (key item). You'll now have to enter the Tenshodo Headquarters, which requires you to be a Tenshodo member. If you aren't one yet, you better go get an invite. I'm not going to tell you how to become one because that's a quest and this guide will only pertain to quests that coincide with missions. Head to the very back into Aldo's Room and talk to Aldo for a cutscene. When it's done, he'll give you a silver bell (key item). You should also have a coruscant rosary (key item) and a black matinee necklace (key item) from doing the two quests Mysteries of Beadeaux I & II. Now that you're all set, it's time to head out. Davoi: Head to H-7 where you'll find a wall of dark arts. Examine it to go through to Monastic Cavern. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Beadeaux: Head to H-7 to go down to the lower map. At the intersection you come to, head east to zone into Qulun Dome. Head in and examine the door to open it. You have to be really close to it. Head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Castle Oztroja: Head to I-8 where you'll find the trap door and levers. One of them will open the door and the other will open the trap door. They change every Vana'diel day. Head through and at J-8, the map changes. From here, head to G-7 to another map. Head north to I-7 to yet another map. Finally, make your way to H-9 where you'll find two torches and two Yagudo. If you're by yourself, make sure they face away before attempting to examine the torch. You have to be facing a certain way and be extremely close to them to light it. Once you're through, head west to the brass door. Go through and zone into the Altar Room. You'll view a cutscene upon entry if this is your last magicite to visit. Once it's done, head all the way in and examine the magicite for a cutscene. Go back to Ru'Lude Gardens and examine the doors to the audience chamber for a cutscene. Then head back to the Windurstian Embassy and talk to everyone in there. Reward: Rank 5, 10,000 gil, rank points, Airship Pass (key item) If you already have the Airship Pass, you'll receive 20,000 gil instead. Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-1 Mission Name: The Final Seal Minimum Level Recommended: 50 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: On the Star Sibyl's command, you are to head north to the ruins of Fei'Yin, somewhere on the Beaucedine Glacier. There, you are to confirm whether the final seal is doing its job. What To Do: Examine the vestal chambers door for a cutscene. You'll be entering a fight with a level 50 cap, so make sure you have the appropriate equipment. Once you have your party together, head over to Beaucedine Glacier. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head over to East Ronfaure and zone into Ranguemont Pass at K-4. At F-10, talk to the NPC behind the contraption and he'll open the door for you. Once through, head to L-4 to zone out to Beaucedine Glacier. If you are lower than level 55, you'll will get aggro here. You'll need to head to Fei'Yin and the path is a long and roundabout one. The zone is at J-4. Fei'Yin has numerous undead and things that aggro to magic. You'll want to make your way to K-8 where you'll find a cermet gate. Go through that to zone into Qu'Bia Arena. Examine the burning circle there and enter the fight once everyone's ready. You'll be up against a whole bunch of skeletons. If you have a bard with you, they'll make the fight easier as undead have a higher resistance to sleep than lullaby. Your target will be the larger skeleton as once he's dead, the fight will be over. When you're done there, head back to Windurst to finish the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 5-2 Mission Name: The Shadow Awaits Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 5-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: As written in the stars and interpreted by the Star Sibyl, you are destined to journey to Castle Zvahl, which towers over Xarcabard, the end of the known lands. There, you are to witness what fate has in store for our world. What To Do: Head to the vestal chambers door and examine it for a cutscene. If you're lower than level 72, you'll need to bring some silent oil and prism powder to make this mission move faster as you will be walking through Xarcabard, Castle Zvahl Baileys, and Castle Zvahl Keep. You'll be encountering demons and each type of beastmen in the castle. Once you have your party together, head over to Xarcabard. If you don't have the Vahzl telepoint crystal, you'll have to walk. Head to F-6 in Beaucedine Glacier to zone into Xarcabard. Take this opportunity to get the Vahzl telepoint. It's located in H-8. Head west to E-7/8 to zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys. At G-8 you'll come to an intersection. Head south, go down the stairs and head to F-8 to the next map. Go south again and go up the stairs at either H-9 or I-9. Head west and go down the stairs in G-9. Follow the path until you come to an intersection at H-9. Head north, then west. Head north at the next intersection you come to. Then east at the next intersection and go up the stairs. Then head west and up the long flight of stairs to zone into Castle Zvahl Keep. Head in and go north to H-7 to the gate. If someone is level 72 or higher, have that person be the designated door opener. Head north to the next gate. Right past that gate, to the immediate west is an ore door. Head through that and straight west through the next one. Turn north and head through the next one. Go west, then north to the long flight of stairs up. Then make your way to F-8 to the next map. Head straight to the machine you see. It's a teleporter. Take them until you've ridden all four. The last will send you to I-7 on the next map. Go to G-7 to find an ore door. Go through to zone into the Throne Room. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against the Shadow Lord. This fight has two parts to it. For the first part, the Shadow Lord has two forms. In one form, he's immune to magic. In the other form, he's immune to physical attacks. Once you beat his first form, you'll be given about thirty seconds before he starts attacking again. In the second part, he'll do nothing but an AoE attack called Implosion. Once you've beaten him, you'll view a long cutscene. Head back to San d'Oria to finish the mission. Reward: Rank 6, 20,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-1 Mission Name: Full Moon Fountain Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: At the request of the Orastery, you are to go to the southwestern magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins, located in West Sarutabaruta. Deep within you will find a laboratory, where you are ordered to switch on the magical gizmo. What To Do: Head to Port Windurst and talk to Hakkuru-Rinkuru inside the Orastery for a cutscene. Now get together a few high levels to help you with the next part. It helps if you have a summoner or someone who can sub summoner. Zone out to West Sarutabaruta and enter the tower at F-11 to enter the Outer Horutoto Ruins. Head to I-8 and in the go through the cracked wall in the east wall. Head straight east and go through the next cracked wall. You'll be in a small room with the ten cardians and the magical gizmo. Put sneak up and examine the magical gizmo to pop four Jack cardians. You can pull them one at a time with an avatar. Once they're dead, examine the magical gizmo for a cutscene. Head back to Hakkuru-Rinkuru again. Now, you'll have to head to the Full Moon Fountain. Head to the three mage gate and enter the Toraimarai Canal. If you're lower than level 70, you'll need sneak for the entire trip. Go down the stairs at H-7 and go south, then west, then south again and go back up the stairs. Then make your way to F-8 where you'll find a door. Go through and zone into the Full Moon Fountain for a cutscene to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 6-2 Mission Name: Saintly Invitation Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Complete mission 6-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: A mission issued by Heavens Tower. In reply to the Yagudo Holy One's invitation, you are to compete and triumph at the contest held at Balga's Dais deep within Giddeus. What To Do: Head to the vestal chambers door and examine it for a cutscene. Get together a party and head to Giddeus. You'll be entering an uncapped fight against four Yagudo. Head to G-12 in Giddeus to zone into Balga's Dais. When you're ready, examine the burning circle to enter the fight. It's recommended to sleep them all first, so having someone with Sleepga II or Horde Lullaby would be good. Kill them in this order: Gentle (WHM), Profound (SMN), Bloodfaced (SAM), and Poisonmist (NIN). Fight the white mage away from the rest because when Benediction is used, it'll wake up the rest of the Yagudo and keep the summoner's avatar slept. Also, be careful of Mijin Gakure. Your next stop is Castle Oztroja. Head to the top floor and kill flagellants until a judgment key drops. Then enter the brass door. You can open it by examining any of the torches in one of the four rooms. You'll now need to examine the brass statue inside and enter the three passwords. They change daily and you can find a list on any FFXI site. Once you fall down the door, you'll have to make your way north to the brass door. There's an HNM there named the Yagudo High Priest that you need to get past. If you make it to the brass door with no aggro, trade your judgment key to it and go in. Talk to the Yagudo NPC inside. Then head back to Windurst to complete the mission. door with no aggro, trade your Reward: Rank 7, 40,000 gil, Ashura Necklace (level 54), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-1 Mission Name: The Sixth Ministry Minimum Level Recommended: 65 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: At the request of the Optistery, you ar to find former minister Karaha-Baruha's laboratory in Toraimarai Canal, and delve deeper into the mystery of the Book of the Gods. What To Do: Head to the Optistery on the north map of Windurst Waters and talk to Tosuka-Porika for a cutscene. He'll give you an optistery ring (key item). Your next destination is Toraimarai Canal, so get some high level friends to help you with this part. Head to Toraimarai Canal and make your way to G-8 of the second map. If you're lower than level 70, you'll need sneak for the entire trip. Once you get there, you'll need to kill four slimes named hinge oil. Once they're all dead, the marble door to the west up the stairs will become unlocked. Go through it to enter the small laboratory. You'll find many Tome of Magic points. Check each until you get a cutscene. Head back to Tosuka-Porika to complete the mission. Reward: Blank Book of the Gods (key item), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 7-2 Mission Name: Awakening of the Gods Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 7-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: Rhinostery minister Rukususu has traveled to Elshimo to investigate the facts concerning Iru-Kuiru, a research from thirty years past. The Rhinostery has asked you to bring Minister Rukususu back for her own safety. What To Do: Head to the Rhinostery on the southern map of Windurst Waters and talk to Leepe-Hoppe on the roof. Then speak to Kerutoto inside the Rhinostery. Next, head to Kazham. Close to where you exit the airship area, you'll find Vanono. Talk to her. Then head to the Mihgo residence and speak to Romaa Mihgo. Next, you'll need a few people to help you with the next part. Rent a chocobo and head to I-8 in Yuhtunga Jungle to zone into Yhoator Jungle. If you don't have the Yhoat telepoint crystal, take this opportunity to get it. It's located at F-9. Head to the Temple of Uggalepih zone at J-11. If you're lower than level 70, you'll need invisible for the entire trip through the temple. From the entrance, follow the left wall and head to K-3 to zone back out to Yhoator Jungle. Then follow the right wall to zone back into the Temple of Uggalepih. On this map, level 75s will get aggroed. You'll want to make your way to the room at J-9 where you'll find the NM tonberry named Bonze Marberry. He drops two cursed keys every time he dies. Everyone on this mission will need one. He takes fifteen minutes to repop after he dies, so keep this in mind if doing this with a large group. Once you have your key, head to J-6 and use your key on the door there for a cutscene. Once it's done, head back to Leepe-Hoppe to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 8, 60,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-1 Mission Name: Vain Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: At the request of the Aurastery, you are to discover the whereabouts of their former minister who fled from his duties several years ago. What To Do: Head over the Aurastery on the north map of the Windurst Waters and speak to Moreno-Toeno for a cutscene. He'll give you a "Star Seeker" (key item). Your next stop is Ro'Maeve. Head over to Meriphataud Mountains and zone into the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah at L-4. Then head to F-5 to zone into Ro'Maeve. You'll need sneak for the entire trip. Everything here aggroes to magic, so you'll probably want to bring some silent oil. Make your way to Qu'Hau Springs at H-6 and examine the spring for a cutscene. Your next destination is Davoi. You'll need to gather together an alliance for this next part. Enter Davoi and head to H-11 to zone into Monastic Cavern. You'll need invisible for the whole trip through Monastic Cavern. Head to I-8 to zone back out to Davoi. You'll now be on the little island in the middle of the map. Make your way up to the house and you'll need to kill the NM orc named Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk. He drops two cursed wands every time he's killed. He repops about every fifteen minutes, so keep this in mind if you're doing this with a large group of people in this mission. Once you have your wand, head over to Sedal-Godjal in J-8. Talk to him until he says something about a cursed wand. Then trade him the wand for a cutscene. When it's done, head back to Moreno-Toeno in the Aurastery in Windurst Waters to complete the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 8-2 Mission Name: The Jester Who'd Be King Minimum Level Recommended: 70 Requirements: Complete mission 8-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: The time for the Dark Dungeon jailbreak is at hand! At the request of the Manustery, you are to collect the ministry rings from al five ministers. What To Do: Head to the Manustery in Windurst Woods and talk to Apururu for a cutscene. She'll give you the Manustery ring (key item). You'll now have to gather the other four rings. Head to the north map of Windurst Waters and enter the Optistery. Talk to Tosuka-Porika for a cutscene. He'll give you the Optistery ring (key item). Next head to Davoi. Make your way to the central island and speak to Sedal-Godjal. He'll give you the Aurastery ring (key item). The next stop is Fei'Yin. Head to G-9 to get to the lower level. Head to F-6 and check the cermet gates for a cutscene. You'll get the Rhinostery ring (key item). Now, head back to Apururu. She'll direct you to Kupipi, so head to Heavens Tower and talk to her for a cutscene. Get together a few high levels to help you with the next part. Zone out to West Sarutabaruta and head to the tower in F-4 to enter the Outer Horutoto Ruins. Head to the room in I-6 and go through the cracked wall in the east wall to the next map. Head to G-8 where you'll find another cracked wall. Put sneak up. It helps if you have a summoner or someone who can sub summoner. Examining the cracked wall makes two NM cardians pop. You can pull them one at a time with an avatar. Once they're dead, examine the cracked wall for a cutscene. When it's done, you'll get the Orastery ring (key item). Head back to Apururu for a cutscene. She'll send you over to Shantotto. Head over to Windurst Walls and enter her manor and talk to her for a cutscene. She'll give you a glove of perpetual twilight (key item). Go back to Apururu for another cutscene. Now, zone out to East Sarutabaruta and enter the tower in J-7 to enter the Inner Horutoto Ruins. Head past the three mage gate and look for the gate of darkness. It's in the same area as the wendigos that drop the rusty daggers. Examine the gate for a cutscene. Then head back to Apururu to complete the mission. Reward: Rank 9, 80,000 gil, rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-1 Mission Name: Doll of the Dead Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Have a half filled rank point bar Mission Orders: The Orastery Minister has awoken and the Bearer of Darkness once again terrorizes Heavens Tower. At the request of the Manustery you are to speak with a person imprisoned within the Boyahda Tree and discover the truth behind the doll of the dead. What To Do: Talk to Apururu in the Manustery in Windurst Woods for a cutscene. Then zone into Heavens Tower for a cutscene. When it's done, head to the top floor and examine the vestal chambers door for another cutscene. Then head back to Apururu for another cutscene. Next, get a few high level people together and head to the Boyahda Tree. The zone to the Boyahda Tree is at K-12 in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. Everything you'll be passing in the Boyahda Tree aggroes to sound, so you'll need sneak for most of your trip. You'll first have to kill elder goobue until they drop a clump of goobue humus. Then, head to the first map and make your way to F-4 where you'll find a solitary mandragora warden NPC there. Talk to it and it'll say it wants something. Trade it the goobue humus for a cutscene. Go through each selection until you've gone through each at least once. Head back to Apururu for a cutscene. You'll be told to head to the Full Moon Fountain. Zone into the Full Moon Fountain to view a cutscene that completes the mission. Reward: Rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No Mission #: 9-2 Mission Name: Moon Reading Minimum Level Recommended: 73 Requirements: Complete mission 9-1, have a full rank point bar Mission Orders: To lure the Bearer of Darkness to the Full Moon Fountain, you must collect the three verses of the ancient people. As her guiding star, the Star Sibyl is counting on you to help her decide the path for Windurst's future. The fate of Windurst rests upon your shoulders! What To Do: Head to the vestal chambers door on the top floor of Heavens Tower for a cutscene. You'll be sent to retrieve three verses. One from Ro'Maeve, Chamber of Oracles, and the Temple of Uggalepih. Head to Ro'Maeve and make your way to Qu'Hau Springs. Examine the springs for a cutscene. You'll receive the Ancient verse of Ro'Maeve (key item). Now you'll need a few friends to help you with the next area. Head to the D-12 entrance of Quicksand Caves in Western Altepa Desert. You'll need sneak for the entire trip. Follow the left wall to a door. Use the pressure plate to open it. Go through and follow left wall again to another door and pressure plate. Head through the door and go straight to a drop. Drop down and follow the left wall to the Chamber of Oracles. Zone in to view a cutscene. When it's done you'll receive the Ancient verse of Altepa (key item). Your last stop is the Temple of Uggalepih. You'll need to kill Tonberry cutters for an Uggalepih key. Once you get one, you'll need to head to the next map. From the main entrance, follow the right wall to zone back out to Yhoator Jungle. Follow the left wall back into the Temple of Uggalepih. Head to E-8 where you'll find a granite door. Trade your key to the door to open it. It can also be opened from the inside. Head into the room and examine the ??? point there for a cutscene. When it's done, you'll receive the Ancient verse of Uggalepih (key item). When you've collected all three verses, head back to the vestal chambers door and examine it for a cutscene. Your next destination is an uncapped fight in the Full Moon Fountain. You'll have to put together a party of people who can enter the fight with you. Once you have, make your way to the Full Moon Fountain. Make sure you have a tank, healer, and sleeper at the very least. Examine the moon spiral once you're ready to enter the fight. There's two parts to this fight. For the first part, you'll be up against four ace cardians. Sleep them all, then kill them in this order: Batons (BLM), Coins (RDM), Swords (PLD), and Cups (WHM). After you kill the paladin, keep the white mage slept if you need to recover mp. For the second part of the fight, Ajido-Marujido joins the fight. If he dies, you automatically lose, so keep a healer on him. You'll be fighting a manticore and a wyvern. Ajido-Marujido will choose whichever one to fight first, so make sure you assist him. Kite whichever one you're not fighting. When they're both dead, you'll view a cutscene. Head back to Heavens Tower and examine the vestal chambers door for a cutscene. Then check it one more time for one final cutscene. Reward: Rank 10, 100,000 gil, Windurstian flag (furnishing), rank points Repeatable: No Skippable: No ------- Credits ------- Square-Enix, for creating Final Fantasy XI Online. GameFAQs, for posting my FAQ. The hundreds of thousands of people across the world who play this MMORPG. ----------------------- Copyright & Other Stuff ----------------------- Final Fantasy XI Nation Mission Guide/FAQ © 2006 Final Fantasy XI © 2003-2006 Square-Enix, Inc. Disclaimer: This FAQ shall not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the creator.