Warrior Guide Final Fantasy XI Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Mac Cunningham (Macstorm) sirmacstorm(at)hotmail(dot)com FFXI Server: Titan Character: Zeidome (Formally Domie) Linkshell: NightlyEliteSE Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* I. Copyright II. Version History III. Reason for this FAQ IV. Stats V. Job Abilities & Traits VI. Roles VII. Job Combos VIII. Weapon Ratings IX. AF Stats X. AF Quests XI. Credits & Sources I. Copyright ******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Mac Cunningham. This FAQ is for private and personal use only and in no way should be sold. I give permission to download and print this document. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Final Fantasy is registered trademark of Square-Enix. Sites with permission --------------------- www.gamefaqs.com www.nightly.net/ff A couple other sites, that I can't recall the name If you wish to post this FAQ on another site, please contact me - sirmacstorm(at)hotmail(dot)com Know that I might not respond as soon as you would like, so please be patient. II. Version History ******************************************************************************* -Version 0.1- (1-12-2004) Beginning Structure and information -Version 0.2- (2-18-2004) Added AF Equipment Stats -Version 0.211- (3-9-2004) Fixed War Cry Duration -Version 1.0 - (11-3-2004) Added AF Quests -Version 1.1 - (4-27-2006) New Job Updates and Other Minor Updates III. Reasons for this FAQ ******************************************************************************* The main reason that I felt this FAQ was needed was that Warrior is a very flexible job class, and a lot of people that are interested in the job need a source of information about stats, roles to play, and usefulness of job combos. Warriors are usually one of the most prevalent jobs around and due to the fact that not every party will need multiple tanks, a Warrior should learn to adapt and be flexible in order to get into parties that would otherwise pass them over. A Warrior with the right support jobs (after level 18 support job quest has been completed) can be one of the most flexible jobs in the game aside from Red Mage. Though other jobs will be specialized in one area such as healer or damage dealing a Warrior can offer a slightly lower quality, though still useful alternative. A Warrior will usually not do as much damage as a Dark Knight or Black Mage, but they can do a fair amount of damage while serving other roles. On top of that Warrior can use almost any weapon type in the game. (not katanas or giant katanas) VI. Stats ******************************************************************************* Level 1 Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hume Galka Mithra Elvaan Tarutaru HP 31 36 31 33 27 MP 0 0 0 0 0 STR 8 9 8 9 7 DEX 7 7 9 7 7 VIT 6 8 6 7 6 AGI 7 7 8 6 8 INT 5 5 5 4 7 MND 5 5 5 6 5 CHR 6 5 5 6 6 Level 30 Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hume Galka Mithra Elvaan Tarutaru HP 477 569 477 508 386 MP 0 0 0 0 0 STR 32 34 30 36 28 DEX 28 28 34 26 28 VIT 26 32 24 28 24 AGI 28 26 32 24 30 INT 22 20 22 18 28 MND 22 22 20 26 20 CHR 24 20 20 24 24 Level 70 Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hume Galka Mithra Elvaan Tarutaru HP 1157 1409 1157 1268 946 MP 0 0 0 0 0 STR 66 70 62 74 58 DEX 58 58 70 54 58 VIT 54 66 50 58 50 AGI 58 54 66 50 62 INT 46 42 46 38 58 MND 46 46 42 54 42 CHR 50 42 42 50 50 V. Job Abilities & Traits ******************************************************************************* Ability Level Duration Interval Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mighty Strikes 1 0:00:45 2:00:00 All attack are critical Provoke 5 N/A 0:00:30 Gains enemy's aggression Berserk 15 0:03:00 0:05:00 Boosts attack, lowers defense Defender 25 0:03:00 0:03:00 Boosts defense, lowers attack War Cry 35 0:00:30 0:05:00 Gives attack boost to party Aggressor 45 0:03:00 0:05:00 Boosts accuracy,lowers evasion Passive Trait Level Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defense Bonus 10 Added bonus to defense Resist Virus 15 Can resist some virus status effects Double Attack 25 Occasionally attack twice in one turn Attack Bonus 30 Added bonus to attack Resist Virus 35 Additional resistance to virus effects VI. Roles ******************************************************************************* A Warrior is usually given the role of tank, but this does not always have to be the case. The Warrior skill Provoke is useful, but nothing stops a Warrior from playing another role in a party provided that a tank is present. Tank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The key to being a good tank is to control hate. This means that you will need to provoke and inform any other party members will provoke when they do and do not need to use provoke. (I can't count the number of times that I've had one second left until I could provoke again, and a lighter Warrior used provoke and was heavily damage or sometimes killed.) You need to know that the mages that are healing you are going to draw a lot of hate with those spells. If your party is fighting something tougher than normal, then you will notice the enemy trying to go after the mages a lot more often than you can use provoke. In this case, you need to do two things: make sure that the healer(s) are far enough away that if the monster does go after them, you will be able to provoke before they can do any damage; also you need to create a macro that lets your party know how long until you can provoke again in order to let the lighter Warriors know when they should do an emergency provoke. Damage Dealer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you enter a party with a tank in place (PAL or another WAR) you can enjoy being a damage dealer and only tank as an emergency backup. Your role in this case is to hit hard and often. You should take time to see what weapons others in the party are using and find the right skill chain combinations to use and the order in which to use them. This role can be quite fun for a Warrior that has been a tank through most of the lower levels and would like another role in a party. VII. Job Combos ******************************************************************************* Warrior is a fair job on its own, but it truly comes alive with a support job or as a support job. Most people tend to think Warrior is better as a support job, but it can be just as useful and fun as a main job with the right job attached. Though not every job is good as a support for Warrior, I'll give the possible good aspects of each combination. Support Jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monk ----------- With Monk as a support job you will obtain Boost and Counter at low levels. These will be useful in melee combat as a damage dealer. As a tank, the high HP and VIT of a Monk will be useful as will Dodge. Monk has some of the most useful tank enhancing abilities and stats. Thief ----------- Other than helping to bring in gil and loot, you will become very damaging once you can use Sneak Attack and Trick Attack. These two skills used together and during a skill chain can become very painful to enemies in your way. Though you will not have Trick Attack until level 60 if you are using Thief as a support job, it will still be very handy, and the Warrior's strength will be a wonderful bonus. Red Mage ----------- Now this job will not be really useful, but as a Tarutaru this will have a little better MP and magic stats to use minor spells to assist in rare moments of need. White Mage ----------- This support is useful during soloing times. It does not really fit well into a party. The Warrior should never be relied on for healing. As a White Mage you will be able to solo a little bit safer than with other jobs. Black Mage ----------- This would be a similar to a Dark Knight, but nowhere near as effective. I can see this being useful in area you need to get through solo without being attacked. This would allow you to attempt to bind an enemy and escape. As with the other mage job, this is not ideal. Paladin ----------- You can tank and tank well. Unlike a Paladin though, you can be a little more damaging. You will have a better selection of weapons and most of the armor options of a Paladin, without being restricted to being a tank. You will get the defense bonuses of a Paladin, though at higher levels. The major loss over using Paladin as a main job is the loss of the hate control through magic and your two hour. You will not grab as much hate with Mighty Strikes and all the provokes you can do as you would with Invincibility. Dark Knight ----------- With this combo, you will gain minor black magic spells. The biggest plus will be your attack bonuses you will receive from the Dark Knight support. You will not do as much damage as a full blown Dark Knight, but you will be able to live longer with better defense. I have heard from some that Last Resort draws a lot of hate, so this can help you if you need to draw more hate that you have been. Beastmaster ----------- Beastmaster is best used as a main job, but using it as a support can be fun and sometimes useful. It is not recommended that you ever use this job in an experience party. The only real use that I have seen with this job is the ability to charm a monster when something goes wrong. This could be when you get linking monsters attacking you or are trying to get a party through a dangerous area. Other than those situations, it is best to keep a Beastmaster as a main job. Bard ----------- People do not usually look for a Warrior with Bard support. Bard, like mage jobs, is much better as a main. That does not mean that you could not be somewhat useful at higher levels with Bard support. You will only be able to keep up one effect at a time, but just having someone that can boost the whole party's defense or let them regain HP is useful in some cases. Ranger ----------- You will not have access to the damage done by Rangers using it as a support job, but you will gain access to some useful abilities. As a Warrior with Ranger support, you will be able to obtain better accuracy and ranged accuracy. You will also have access to the Wide Scan abilities in order to find that certain monster that you've been looking for. Using Ranger as a support only offers useful abilities and increased accuracy, if you want to deal massive damage use it as a main job. Summoner ----------- Well what can you really say here? A summoner will either be useful as a main job or help to boost MP for other mage jobs. The only real fun part about this would be the shock factor of being a Warrior and being able to summon a weak Shiva to your side...if only for a few seconds. Ninja ----------- This job combo will allow you to deal more damage at once with the dual wield ability or allow you to tank with Utsusemi: Ichi absorbing damage. Dual wield is also very useful for allow you to boost your weapon skill levels by using two weapons at once. The only other major bonuses you will get will be in terms of agility. Samurai ----------- This support is one of the best for a Warrior. With this combo, you will gain TP at a higher rate beginning once your Samurai support is at level 10. Third eye will be useful for avoiding one attack, helping out tanks and damage dealers alike. Along with the Double Attack ability of a Warrior to help boost TP, this job will be deadly. Dragoon ----------- With the loss of the wyvern when using Dragoon as a support job, it is not nearly as useful as other jobs can be. You will obtain Jump and eventually High Jump. Though these skills are fun to use, they are not beneficial enough to become worth the effort of using this job as a support. Dragoons are fun to use, but they are much more useful as a main job. Corsair ----------- Coming Soon... Blue Mage ----------- With this sub, you will be limited by your lack of MP as a Warrior. Blue Mages obtain some very useful skills for tanking, but it is very limited as a support job. Puppetmaster ----------- Coming Soon... VIII. Weapon Ratings ******************************************************************************* Weapon ratings are to determine what weapons jobs are best at using. It shows you that even though you can equip a staff or fight hand-to-hand, that it might not be the best option. Weapon rating have a lot to do with your skill cap for certain weapons and how fast your skills will increase. You should also take into account that if you are not going to stay as a Warrior what weapon your future job will use in order to maximize your skills. Weapons Rating -------------------- Great Axe A+ Axe A- Great Sword B+ Scythe B+ Sword B Staff B Dagger B- Polearm B- Club B- Hand-to-Hand D Other -------------------- Archery D Marksmanship D Throwing D IX. AF Stats ******************************************************************************* AF1 - Razor Axe / Axe (Must be level 40 WAR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 40, DMG 31, Delay 276, STR +2, DEX +2 AF2 - Fighter's Calliga / Feet (Must be level 50 WAR & have AF1 done) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 52, DEF 14, HP +12, AGI +3, double attack effective, hate +1 AF3 - Fighter's Lorica / Body (Must be level 50 WAR & have AF1 done) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv 60, Def 47, HP +20, VIT +5, fire resistance +10, hate +8 AF - Fighter's Mufflers / Hands (Must be level 50 WAR & have AF1 done) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv 54, Def 16, HP +13, STR +4, shield skill +10, hate +3 AF - Fighter's Mask / Head (Must have obtained AF4 quest) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv 56, Def 24, HP +15, DEX +3, INT +1, hate +1 AF - Fighter's Cuisses / Legs (Must have obtained AF4 quest) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lv 58, Def 34, HP +15, Accuracy +3, AGI +3, hate +2 When fully equiped with AF, a Warrior will obtain the following bonuses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DMG 31 Def 135 HP +75 STR +6 DEX +5 VIT +5 AGI +6 INT +1 hate +15 Accuracy +3 fire resistance +10 shield skill +10 double attack boost XI. AF Quests ******************************************************************************* AF1 - Razor Axe / 1-H Axe -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Bastok Mines (Phara J-9) REQUIREMENTS: Must be a level 40+ Warrior DETAILS: After talking with Phara you will need to go to K-9 of Davoi. Once there, you will have to search for the "Tent Flap" and example it to spawn 2 NM Orcs (Gavotvut and Barakbok). Once they are dead, examine the "Tent Flap" again to get a key item. Return and talk to Phara for another key item. Then wait one game day and go to J-8 of Metalworks and talk with Naji. He will give you the Razor Axe. AF2 - Fighter's Calliga / Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where: Bastok Mines (Phara J-9) Requirements: Must be a level 50+ Warrior and have completed AF1 Details: After talking with Phara again you will need to go to H-6 of Bastok Mines to talk with Deidogg. After that you must head to Palborough Mines' third floor G-10 to locate a "???" spot. When you examine that spot the Quadav NM Nickel'Ghu Nestfender will spawn, you will need lots of help to defeat him. Upon defeating him you must lot for and obtain the Rare/EX Item Quadav Egg. After getting the Egg, head to Castle Oztroja and head to H-9 on the third floor. Once there, find a pool of water with a leech-type mob called Yagudo Parasite. Kill these until you obtain a Parasite Skin. Take both of these and trade them to Deidogg and he will give you the Fighter's Calliga AF3 - Fighter's Lorica / Body -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Bastok Mines (Deidogg H-6) REQUIREMENTS: Must have completed AF2 and waited a game day DETAILS: Talk to Deidogg, then just a short distances away find and talk to Detzo. After talking to Detzo talk to Deidogg again and find and trade him a "Ginger Cookie." After that, get a powerful group together to fight 3 NM Goblins at K-9 of Behemoth's Dominion. You will have to find and examine the "???" spot there to spawn the Gobus. Doglix is a WHM and will most likely use Benediction, so take him down first. Picklix is a THF and Moxnix is a RNG. Once they are down, zone for a cutscene and the Fighter's Lorica. AF Dark Spark - Fighter's Mufflers / Hands -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Upper Jeuno (Guslam H-8) REQUIREMENTS: Must be a level 50+ Warrior and have completed AF1 DETAILS: You must speak with Guslam to start the quest. Once you have, get a group together to hunt a coffer key in Eldieme Necropolis. The most commonly fought coffer key droppers are Tomb Mages and Tomb Warriors. If you can find a map, go to the Hume Bones sight. They are near there. When you get your coffer key, you will then have to locate a coffer to obtain a key item. Return and speak to Guslam, then afterward talk to and pay 1000gil to Yin Pocanakhu at J-7 of Lower Jeuno. Head to Port Jeuno and examine the "???" near H-8 for a cutscene. You will then have to head to Castle Zvahl Baileys to a Torch at F-8. Examining a Torch will spawn the NM Bomb Dark Spark. Kill it and touch the SAME Torch for a key item. Then return to Port Jeuno's "???" and examine it again for another cutscene and the Fighter's Mufflers. AF - Fighter's Mask / Head -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Upper Jeuno (Guslam H-8) REQUIREMENTS: Must have started AF Dark Spark quest DETAILS: Get a group together to hunt a coffer key in Crawler's Nest. The most commonly fought coffer key droppers are Helm Beetles, but Crawler Hunters, Knight Crawlers and Wespes drop them also. Once you have your key find a coffer and open it for your Fighter's Mask. AF - Fighter's Cuisses / Legs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Upper Jeuno (Guslam H-8) REQUIREMENTS: Must have started AF Dark Spark quest DETAILS: Get a group together to hunt a coffer key in Castle Zvahl Baileys. The coffer key droppers are Arch Demons, Doom Demons and Blood Demons. Once you have your key find a coffer and open it for your Fighter's Cuisses. XI. Credits & Sources ***************************************************************************** Thank to: Square-Enix Playonline.com Brady Games http://www.all-final.com/ff11/skill_chart.htm (for the weapon ratings) http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~nhart/Status_calculator.htm (for that stats) All the Nightly Elite!