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This Faq is made with my hard work and I only better see it on Gamefaqs. If you want to post my Faq on your Site please email me and most likely I will give you permission. If you steal my Faq, well that's like Stealing my Allenby..There WILL be a price to pay. Now that that is out of the way, on to the Faq ***************************************************************************** T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Single technique 3. Double Combo 4. Triple Combo 5. Quad. Combo 6. Credits 7. Contact Information ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 1. Introduction -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Faq is for Grandia Xtreme and it tells you how to get all the combos and I hope it helps all of you out there. Thanks for taken a look at it. ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 2. Single Technique -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Evann-The main character has a little of everything in the technique area X-Slash SP cost 25-Starts off with this technique. Evann jumps up slashing and comes back down slashing in an X pattern. This move will be a lifesaver at times because it has the cancel effect. When the boss is about to pull of a major move use this to save your life. * * * * Spark Volt SP cost 32 How to get this tech. X-Slash level 3 In this Technique Evann charges his word with lighting and stabs it in the ground creating lighting in a small circle around him. I personally don't like this move a waste of my SP. * * * * Thunder Split Sp cost 45 How to get this tech. Spark Volt level 3 In this move Evann charges his sword with lightening, he then throws it at the enemy causing damage in a Line attack. I really like this move for its good at lots of enemies and its quick to pull off at times. * * * * Invincible Aura SP cost 36 How to get this Tech. Thunder Split level 3 level * * * * I love this move. With this move Evann charges energy in his sword and then slams it in the ground creating a barrier around him that makes him invincible. This is a great move only problem is it only is usable by Evann. So when everyone else is dead Evann will still be standing.. Talk about teamwork LOL * * * * Sky Dragon Slash SP cost 72 How to get this tech. X-Slash level 5, Invincible Aura level 3 What can I say this is Evann's BEST move. He throws his sword in the air while it spins around and then he jumps up grabs it and slams it in the ground creating a big problem for all enemies. This tech. Hits all enemies but the SP cost is very high. Only use it when you need to or are just having fun. * * * * Brandol-His techs. Are all about strength. With him in your party you will be your own army. * * * * Great Divide SP cost 24-This is Brandol's first move in which he jumps in the air and hits the enemy cutting them in two. This move has a cancel effect so use it when you need to. * * * * Spinning Slash SP cost 36 How to get this tech. Great Divide level 3 With this move Brandol can hit a whole group of enemies depending on which enemy you target. One of his good moves. * * * * Victory Roar SP cost 30 How to get this tech. Spinning Slash level 3 This move is AWESOME. Brandol yells which then increases ALL party members, attack power that makes your team a killing machine. * * * * Cyclone Slash SP cost 48 How to get this tech. Spinning Slash level 4 In this move Brandol spins around like a tornado damaging all the enemies around him causing wind damage. I really don't like this move since the enemies have to be near you to use it. * * * * Eruption Slash SP cost 44 How to get this tech. Great Divide level 5, Cyclone Slash level 3 This tech. is pretty good. Brandol lights his sword on fire and then leaps in the air cutting the enemy in two and causing a huge explosion. * * * * Carmyne-She is fast but face it she really isn't that strong. I found myself using her only when I had to. * * * * Sonic Sable SP cost 30 In this move Carmyne raises her sword and slashes it down sending a wave of energy towards her enemies and damages all enemies in a line area. * * * * Smash SP cost 22 How to get this tech. Sonic Sable level 3 This is a pretty good tech. Carmyne runs at her enemy and then leaps in the air slamming her sword down on the enemy for okay amount of damage. * * * * Shock Wave SP cost 46 How to get this tech. Smash level 3 This is also another good tech. for carmine. She throws a disc of energy at the enemy and then damages all the enemies in a circle area. * * * * Holy Breath SP cost 32 How to get this tech Shock Wave level 3 This is a pretty good tech. it will save you some magic points since with this carmyne casts a spell on the entire party which causes them to regenerate at a pretty good rate. * * * * Rosette Slash SP cost 42 How to get this tech. Sonic Sable level 5, Smash level 5 This is her best tech. She runs forward slashing the enemy and then jumps back and slashes them again causing major damage and rose petals to shoot out. * * * * Jaid- His techs are about a mixture of strength and elements. I use him almost all the time and I recommend that you use him to. * * * * Blaster Bomb SP cost 25 Jaids first tech. Where he charges his weapon and then runs at the enemy and smashes them with it causing an explosion. Good move since it has a Cancel effect on the enemy. A nice lifesaver at times. * * * * Nightmare Ball SP cost 18 How to get this tech. Blaster Bomb level 2 This move is really a waste of time. Jaid shoots bubbles out of his weapon hoping to put the enemies to sleep. It has a fan area of attack and most of the time it won't even work. It does cause a LITTLE amount of damage but still I would avoid using it. * * * * Fist Burst SP cost 32 How to get this tech. Nightmare Ball level 3 This is my favorite move of Jaids. He charges his fist with the fire element and then fires it at the enemy causing fire damage while hitting them up to around 8 times. Highly recommend you using this move. * * * * Titan Fist SP cost 50 How to get this tech. Fist Burst level 3 This is also another good move of Jaids where he slams his fist into the ground, which then causes a huge fist to strike the enemies and hurt all enemies and a circle area. * * * * Jolt Knuckle Sp cost 64 How to get this tech. Blaster Bomb level 4, Fist Burst level 4 With this move Jaid charges his fist with lightening and slams it into the ground. I really don't use this move since it only hurts the enemies AROUND Jaid. * * * * Titto- Titto is not very good at strength but he is the ONLY character that can steal so you will want him in your team. He has good speed so he can usually steal before your team kills the enemy. * * * * Aerial Slash Sp cost 20- This is Titto's first tech. He runs and then leaps in the air slamming his knife on the enemy. This is good since it has a cancel effect. Use when you must. * * * * Get Item SP cost 20- Titto runs at the enemy and attempts to steal an item from the enemy. I find it easier to steal from the enemy when the skill is maxed out. Use it when you want to try your luck at getting a rare item from an enemy. * * * * Disc Cutter SP cost 44 How to get this tech. Aerial Slash level 4 Not a strong attack, but then again none of his techs are. Titto throws his knife like a boomerang and damages the enemies in a line pattern. * * * * Shadow Binder SP cost 25 How to get this tech. Disc Cutter level 3 With this tech. Titto throws light at the enemy that damages them and attempts to paralyze them. It will effect the enemies in a circle pattern. This move I found is usually a waste since the damage sucks and it usually WILL NOT paralyze the enemy. * * * * Illusion Slash SP cost 38 How to get this tech. Aerial Slash level 5, Shadow Binder level 3 This is Titto's "ultimate" technique. It's his last tech. but the damage really isn't that great. Titto runs around the enemy and creates a blur effect around the enemy, Titto then slashes the enemy 4 times and the blur disappears revealing 4 Tittos who then leap in the air slamming their knifes on the enemy. Use it is you want. I usually just steal then have him attack regularly. * * * * Myam- A chick with a bow. She is pretty good and pretty fast. Her techs are a mix of a little of this and a little of that. Mainly Ice. * * * * Spinning Wheel SP cost 28- This is Myam's First tech. She leaps in the air creating a tire of herself and damages the enemies in a line effect. Good tech. since it has the cancel effect. * * * * Recover All SP cost 35-This is an Okay tech. where Myam heals all the characters by a small amount. Use it when you really need to, like when you don't have any healing items or healing magic. * * * * Hail Shower SP cost 46 How to get this tech. Spinning Wheel level 3 This is very good against fire type enemies. Myam charges her arrow with ice and then launches the arrow in the air, the arrow then shatters and fires ice arrows at the enemies in a circle pattern. Probably her best move when you have a group of enemies. * * * * Cheer Up SP cost 24 How to get this tech. Recover All level 5 This move is a waste of time and SP. With this move Myam causes stars to circle her and then the stars go up and land on an ally causing them to attack a little faster. Don't use it unless you are..well BORED. * * * * Super Frosty Attack SP cost 38 How to get this tech. Spinning Wheel level 4, Hail Shower level 3 With this move Myam charges her body with ice and rolls at the enemy hitting them once then leaping in the air and slamming on the enemy again causing more damage. Best against enemies weak against fire. * * * * Ulk-This guys is so freaking slow. And he is all about strength. Since he is so slow I really don't use him. * * * * Super Penetration SP cost 26- This is Ulk's first tech. where he runs at the enemy and then leaps up and slams his axe into the ground damaging one enemy. This is a good tech. Since it has a cancel affect. * * * * Spiral Blow SP cost 38 How to get this tech. Super Penetration level 2 This move is pretty good, Ulk pulls his axe back and then unleashes a whirl of wind at the enemies damaging enemies in a line pattern. * * * * Yggdrasil Grace SP cost 20 How to get this tech. Spiral Blow level 3 This move is really USELESS and a major waste of SP. Ulk castes a spell that cures all status ailments on all the characters. Don't use it unless you are looking for a let down. * * * * Hercules Smash SP cost 56 How to get this tech. Super Penetration level 4 Ulk jumps in the air and slams his axe into the ground damaging the enemies around him. This move is really a waste since it only hurts the enemies around him boring. * * * * Spinning Hurler Sp cost 46 How to get this tech. Spiral Blow level 4, Hercules Smash level 3 This move is AWESOME. Ulk stabs his foe with his axe and then spins them around and launches them into the air. When they fall they are going get some major damage. No matter how big the foe he WILL pick them up. Use it when you want to deliver some punishment. * * * * Lutina- My favorite character cause she is hot and deadly and very fast. My advice use her at ALL times when you get her. * * * * Dragon Rise SP cost 24- With this move Lutina slashes her enemy three times and then jumps in the air slicing her enemy for the fourth time. Great move since it has the cancel effect. * * * * Shockwave Slash SP cost 20- Lutina spins around slashing her enemies several times but only hurting the enemies around her. Use it only when you are surrounded. * * * * Spider Net SP cost 28- This is pretty good in where Lutina shoots out a spider web and most of the time freezes the enemies in a line pattern for several turns. By the time it wears off they will be long dead. * * * * Meteor Slash SP cost 45 How to get this tech. Shockwave Slash level 5 This is also one of Lutina's good techs. Where she forms energy around herself and then unleashes it at her enemies in a fan pattern damaging them twice. Pretty good if you ask me. * * * * Dragon Mirage SP cost 36 How to get this tech. Dragon Rise level 5, Meteor Slash level 3 Lutina creates 2 clones of herself that surround the enemy. All 3 Lutinas attack several times and then leap in the air for the final slash. Causes GREAT damage and is just plain freaking awesome to use. When you use this you WILL NOT be disappointed. ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 3. Double Techniques =- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well that's it for the single character techs. Now its time to get to the double combos Evann-Brandol * * * * Volt Slash SP cost 60 How to get this tech. Sky Dragon Slash and Eruption Slash Evann charges up and unleashes lighting onto Brandol. Brandol then performs his own version of Sky Dragon Slash damaging all enemies with lighting type damage. * * * * Evann-Carmyne Sword Dance SP cost 21 How to get this tech. X-Slash and Smash Not very good, Evann and Carmyne attack the enemy several times totaling 6 hits worth of damage. It has a cancel effect so that is also good. * * * * Evann-Jaid Cross Break SP cost 15 How to get this tech. X-Slash and Blaster Bomb Evann and Jaid attack causing critical damage and canceling the enemies turn. This is really a waste of SP.I only used it once to get it. * * * * Evann-Titto Shiva Slash SP cost 38 How to get this tech. Thunder Split and Aerial Slash This is actually pretty good. Evann Charges up with lighting and unleashes it onto Titto whom then performs his aerial slash with lighting element and SOMETIMES paralyzing his foe. * * * * Evann-Ulk Lighting Split So cost 24 How to get this tech. Thunder Split and Spiral Blow Kind of a waste of time but with this Evann strikes the enemy several times and then Ulk follows with a critical attack which then causes the cancel effect. * * * * Evann-Myam Swallow Smash SP cost 18 How to get this tech. X-Slash and Spinning Wheel Another tech. that is a waste of time. Evann attacks the enemy once and then Myam attacks 6 times. Don't use unless you have no other choice. * * * * Evann-Lutina SP cost 28 How to get this tech. Thunder Split and Meteor Slash This tech isn't really great. Evann and Lutina attack for a total of 8 times causing some good damage and adding the cancel effect. * * * * Lutina-Carmyne Sp cost 48 Sacred Beam How to get this tech. Shock Wave and Shockwave Slash Lutina and Carmyne combine their powers to form a powerful beam of energy that hits all the enemies. This is actually pretty good. But I don't keep Carmyne in my party so i've only used it several times. * * * * Lutina-Jaid Sp cost 24 Dancing Attack How to get this tech. Titan fist and Dragon rise This is a waste of my time and SP Lutina and Jaid attack for a total of 6 hits. You have better things to use your SP on. * * * * Lutina-Titto Sp cost 16 Aero Slash How to get this tech. Dragon Rise and Aerial Slash Lutina and Titto attack for a total of 5 times causing wind damage. This really isn't that great but what can you expect from someone as weak as Titto. * * * * Lutina-Myam SP cost 52 Freezing Dust How to get this tech. Shockwave Slash and Hail Shower Myam charges up with ice and Lutina uses this to her advantage because Lutina then attacks all enemies with Blizzard type damage. Use it when you are against enemies who are weak against ice type. This is not a waste. * * * * Carmyne-Jaid SP cost 35 Ifrit Slash How to get this Tech. Smash and Fist Burst Jaid Ignites Carmyn's sword with fire where she then slams the sword into some unlucky foe, also adding cancel. For Carmyne this attack is actually pretty damn good. * * * * Carmyne-Ulk SP cost 20 Rush Thrust How to get this tech. Smash and Super Penetration Carmyne and Ulk attack several times on some unlucky foe also adding the cancel effect. Kind of a waste of time. Use it if you feel like it. * * * * Carmyne-Myam SP cost 27 Ice Prison How to get this tech. Shock Wave and Hail Shower Both Carmyne and Myam attack some foe for a total of 7 hits also adding the cancel effect. Another move that is sort of a waste of time and SP. * * * * Brandol-Carmyne SP cost 24 Combination Alpha How to get this tech. Spinning Slash and Sonic Sable Both Brandol and Carmyne attack for a total of 8 hits if I remember right. This also adds the cancel effect. It is semi-useful. * * * * Brandol-Jaid SP cost 20 Fire Slash How to get this tech. Smash and Fist Burst Brandol and Jaid attack the enemy for a total of 4 hits. This is a major waste since it does NOT add cancel. Very boring. But for 20 SP what are you going to expect, the end of the world * * * * Brandol-Titto SP cost 17 Super Slasher How to get this tech. Spinning Slash and Aerial Slash Brandol and Titto attack for a total of 5 hits. It adds the cancel effect so again it is semi useful. The SP cost is very low so I guess it is worth it. * * * * Brandol-Ulk SP cost 32 Double Impact How to get this tech. Eruption slash and Super Penetration Brandol and Ulk rush at the enemy performing several critical attacks on the enemies. Waste of SP since it doesn't even add freaking cancel effect. * * * * Brandol-Myam SP cost 36 Sirine Slash How to get this tech. Great Divide and Hail Shower Myam starts off by charging Brandol with some nice icy power where he uses this to perform a blizzard Great Divide on some unlucky enemy causing nice damage and adding the cancel effect. * * * * Jaid-Titto SP cost 25 Burst Rondo How to get this tech. Fist Burst and Shadow Binder With this tech. Jaid and Titto attack for a total of 7 times causing some good damage and adding the cancel effect. * * * * Jaid-Ulk SP cost 55 Flame Tornado How to get this tech. Fist Burst and Hercules Smash Jaid charges up and then unleashes some firepower onto Ulk and then Ulk performs a Fire Hercules Smash damaging the enemies in the area around him. * * * * Titto-Ulk SP cost 22 Twin Slash How to get this tech. Aerial Slash and Hercules Smash Titto and Ulk attack several times causing critical damage and adding the cancel effect. This tech kind of sucks like a lot of the others. But the SP cost is low so use it if you want. * * * * Titto-Myam SP cost 25 Twin Shot How to get this tech. Disc Cutter and Spinning Wheel Myam and Titto both attack their foe for a total of a 10 hit combo and also adding the cancel effect. This is pretty good for the 2 characters that perform this attack. Use it when you want. * * * * Ulk-Myam SP cost 30 Droplets of Life How to get this tech. Yggdrasil Grace and Recover All This is actually very good IF you have Ulk and Myam in your party. You will get a serene scene while both characters heal you and cure all the status ailments. Use if when you are backed into a corner and need healing fast. ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 4. Triple Techniques =- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well that's it for the double combos. I will now begin the triple combos. Evann-Brandol-Carmyne * * * * SP cost 99 (WHAT? THAT'S FREAKING HIGH ISN'T IT) Divine Dragon Slash How to get this tech. Sky Dragon Slash, Eruption Slash, Rosette Slash This move is freaking Awesome I tell you. All 3 characters join together to perform Evann's Sky Dragon Slash but a lot more powerful. The SP cost is Freaking INSANE though. On a side note I have found it easier to learn this move when all 3 characters have mastered their final technique. * * * * Evann-Brandol-Jaid SP cost 25 Explosion Smash How to get this tech. X-Slash, Great Divide, and Titan Fist Each character charges up with the fire element and attacks the enemy for a total of 9 hits. Very good against enemies who are weak against fire. And the SP usage isn't bad at all. * * * * Evann-Brandol-Titto SP cost 19 Dancing Sword Slash How to get this tech. X-Slash, Spinning slash, and Disc cutter All 3 characters join together to perform a 7 hit combo. It is an okay attack but it should have the cancel effect to make it better. * * * * Evann-Brandol-Ulk SP cost 32 Tri-Crush How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Eruption Slash, and Hercules Smash Each character attacks the enemy ONCE causing the cancel effect. If I wanted this crap I would just use each characters First tech. cause I would be dealing a lot more damage that way. * * * * Evann-Brandol-Myam SP cost 21 Tripler How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Great Divide, and Spinning Wheel The characters combine their strength to attack the enemy for a total of 9 hits and also adding the cancel effect. Now this is pretty good and good damage and the SP cost is reasonable. * * * * Evann-Carmyne-Jaid SP cost 20 Triple Blaze Smash How to get this tech. X-Slash, Sonic Sable, and Fist Burst Each character charges their weapon with fire and then attacks the enemy for a total of 3 hits..WOOHOOO..not. but for 20 SP again what are you expecting. * * * * Evann-Carmyne-Myam SP cost 22 Jet Storm How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Smash, and Spinning Wheel. Carmyne starts this move and then Myam jumps in, finally Evann jumps in and finishes the attack. The total attack number is 6.For 22 Sp it isn't that bad. But I got better things to waste my SP on. * * * * Evann-Carmyne-Lutina Sp cost 35 Fast Dance Whirl How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Rosette Slash, and Meteor Slash Now this is pretty good and the SP usage is bearable. Each character attacks for a total number of 12 hits and it cancels the foe's attack. That's what I'm talking about. * * * * Evann-Jaid-Titto SP cost 26 Phoenix Formation How to get this tech. X-Slash, Fist Burst, and Disc Cutter For the SP usage this is an okay attack. Jaid attacks with a critical blow, Titto follows behind him with 6 hits with his blade, and finally Evann jumps in with a critical blow. I wish this had the cancel effect and then I might use it more. * * * * Evann-Jaid-Ulk SP cost 55 Big Bang Hammer How to get this tech. Spark Volt, Titan Fist, and Hercules Smash Jaid charges up with fire (flame on oh yeah) and attacks the enemies with it while Evann and Ulk finish by smashing their weapons into the ground attack enemies. Pretty good tech. SP is okay also. * * * * Evann-Jaid-Lutina SP cost 24 Delta Formation How to get this tech. X-Slash, Blaster Bomb, and Meteor Slash Another simple combo. Each character attacks the enemy causing a total number of 9 hits on the enemy. This is also good tech. and the SP is very good. Use it when you can pull it off. * * * * Evann-Titto-Ulk Sp cost 30 Purple Lighting How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Hercules Smash, and Illusion Slash This is pretty good reminds me of Ryudo's Purple lighting. Each character attacks and causes a good amount of damage and adding cancel. SP is again bearable so use it when you have all 3 in your party. * * * * Evann-Titto-Myam Sp cost 75 Binding Force How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Shadow Binder, and Super Frosty Attack OKAY THIS IS BULL, the SP cost is to freaking high and it isn't worth it. The enemy is surrounded but the 3 characters and they try to bind it into place with and energy triangle. * * * * Evann-Titto-Lutina SP cost 50 Photon Shower How to get this tech. Spark Volt, Disc Cutter, and Meteor Slash I love this technique. SP is reasonable and it is very good. This move is best used against those damn lucky Minks. If you are going Mink Hunting use this tech. it hits for 40+ times and most of the time it will kill those damn minks. USE IT AT ALL COST when you run into them. * * * * Evann-Ulk-Myam SP cost 28 Southern Cross How to get this tech. X-Slash, Hercules smash, and Hail Shower This move starts off with Myam attacking 4 times followed by Evann and Ulk with a critical attack. SP is low so it is worth it in my opinion. * * * * Evann-Myam-Lutina Sp cost 18 Rapid Fire How to get this tech. X-Slash, Spinning Wheel, and Meteor Slash This move is actually pretty good especially for the low SP cost. Evann attacks followed by Myam and then Lutina. Nothing better then having to fine girls covering your back huh. * * * * Brandol-Jaid-Ulk SP cost 80 Armageddon How to get this tech. Eruption Slash, Jolt Knuckle, and Spinning Hurler This attack is freaking awesome and powerful. For the devastation this causes the SP is worth it. All 3 characters charge up with energy and unleash it onto all the unlucky foes on the screen. * * * * Carmyne-Myam-Lutina SP cost 45 Star Twinkle How to get this tech. Holy Breath, Cheer Up, and Meteor Slash With this move all the girls call upon the power of heaven and increase everyone's stats like attack and defense and etc. For the SP cost I HIGHLY recommend using this IF you actually have all three characters in your party. * * * * Jaid-Titto-Lutina Sp cost 60 Requiem Force How to get this tech. Jolt Knuckle, Shadow Binder, and Spider Net Each character gets into a pattern that forms a star formation. They cause very little damage but decrease all the enemy's stats like attack, defense, etc. * * * * That does it for the Triple Combo now for the Final portion ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 5. Quad Combos =- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Evann-Brandol-Carmyne-Ulk Sp cost 35 Quadruple Combo How to get this tech. Sky Dragon Slash, Eruption Slash, Rosette Slash, and Spinning hurler Okay this is insane, the damage is freaking awesome no question about it. And the SP is so damn low. Each character attacks their selected foe for a total of 4 hits per foe and adding the cancel effect. What were they thinking when they made the SP so low for this move. Guess it's making up for the high costing piece of crap techs. Huh * * * * Evann-Titto-Myam-Lutina SP cost 32 Gatling Spike How to get this tech. Thunder Split, Disc Cutter, Hail Shower, and Meteor Slash Wooo this is what I am talking about AGAIN. Sp is so damn low its great. Another make up I guess YEAH. Lutina starts up with a critical hit and then Myam and Titto attack for eight strikes and then Evann finished like the hero he is with a critical blow. USE this move all the time since the SP is so damn low. ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 6. Credits =- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I would like to give a SPECIAL thanks to TestaALT who helped with putting this in the right format. Without his help I probably never would have gotten this formatted right. Thanks again. ***************************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 7. Contact Information =- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well that's it for this Faq and I hope I have helped someone out. It took 3 times through the game to write this since I have been so busy with other games. I use the Combos more then I use magic. Remember combos are your best friend. If I have missed ANYTHING at all please get a hold of me and I will add whatever I missed and give you full credit. Grandia Xtreme is one of my all time favorite games and I hope it is yours to. Take care everyone and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. Well I am off to play through the game one more time. I am thinking about making and armor guide but I would need A LOT of help. If you would like to help me get started in this project get a hold of me through either AIM or Email. If it is through email but the subject as something along the lines of grandia and I will get right back to you. My contact info is at the top but I will post it again Email: ssj4goku@bsc.net AIM: RayearthEagle GameFaqs handle; Allenbys Knight My real name is Michael but call me Mike or AK, which everyone calls me for my love towards Allenby. Take care bye