+-----+ +------+ +-+ +-----+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +--+ +------+ +-+ +-+ | ---- | | | | +---+ | | / / \ \ / / | / | +----+ | | | +----+ | | | | | |/ / \ + / |/ | +----+ | | | |\ \ | | | | | | /\ \ / +----+ | | | | | \ \ | | | +---+ | |/\ \ | | +----+ | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-----+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +------+ GENERAL FAQ FOR GRANDIA XTREME Version 1.00 - August 30th, 2007 By: Jeroen "Tricky" Broks +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Index | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Introduction ..................................................... IDXA000 - Characters ....................................................... IDXB001 - Special Moves .................................................... IDXB002 - Combination Moves ................................................ IDXB003 - Mana Eggs ........................................................ IDXB004 - Sound Bites and Carros ........................................... IDXB005 - Geo Gates ........................................................ IDXC000 - Cities ........................................................... IDXD000 - The City Of Locca ................................................ IDXD001 - The City Of Escarree ............................................. IDXD002 - The regular dungeons ............................................. IDXE000 - Land Ruins (Sandworm's Den) ...................................... IDXE001 - Fire Ruins (Inferno Pit) ......................................... IDXE002 - Water Ruins (Tsunami Through) .................................... IDXE003 - Gale Ruins (Whirlwind's Peak) .................................... IDXE004 - Venom Ruins (Illusory Meadow) .................................... IDXE005 - Darkness Ruins (Ancient Factory) ................................. IDXE006 - Light Ruins (Ground Chasm) ....................................... IDXE007 - Corridors ........................................................ IDXF000 - Starry Corridor .................................................. IDXF001 - Evolution Corridor ............................................... IDXF002 - Vortex Corridor .................................................. IDXF003 - Sub-missions ..................................................... IDXG000 - Escarree: Report to Specto ....................................... IDXG001 - Arcadian Attack .................................................. IDXG002 - Escarree: Spying with Diene ...................................... IDXG003 - Escarree: Spying with Lutina ..................................... IDXG004 - Escarree: Quanlee's Arrival ...................................... IDXG005 - A few gaming advices ............................................. IDXH000 - Party recommendations ............................................ IDXH001 - Silly details .................................................... IDXI000 - Copyrights and permissions ....................................... IDXJ001 - Contacting the Author ............................................ IDXJ002 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Introduction | IDXA000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is not a regular walkthrough. Grandia Xtreme is not an RPG you should play just from start to finish. Grandia Xtreme is rather a fighting and technical RPG. Therefore I'm more going to tell about certain aspects of the game. It's not that you just need to level up. You more need to tune out your party members the way you want. Try to unlock moves, set up good skills and work out magic well. The story is more to support the game, but is hardly a serious aspect of the game. The game has only one town one rest and savespot too. There are Geogates to support you, but I go into the deep of that later. It's very rewarding to hang around in dungeons you've been before. You have an endless supply of treasure there. Whenever you reenter a dungeon you'll find all you a new supply of treasures. Going back there (with Geo Gates if you need) is often a good idea. Next of all this game has 4 chapters. Chapter 1 is basically the Land Ruins, Fire Ruins, Water Ruins and Gale Ruins Chapter 2 is the Venom, Dark and Light Ruins all connected with the Starry corridor Chapter 3 is the Evolution Corridor Chapter 4 is the Vortex Corridor (this is the only chapter in which you are allowed to create a party with less than 4 people. Not very wise though, but you are allowed ot). Whenever you reach a new chapter all dungeons you've been before are still available (except the Evolution Corridor), and all regular dungeons have stronger enemies when you reach a new chapter (read higer in level. Not new ones). Also all Geo Gates will close (see Geo Gate section) when you start a new chapter. If it comes to walkthrough part, I only wrote small walkthroughs on the normal dungeons. The sections between them are pretty obvious to figure out. There are a few sub-missions. They are noted seperately. May seem a little chaotic to you, but it's quite easy to figure out. What you do need to know is when I give directions, So when I say left or right I always talk as seen from the eyes of Evann. It can be handy to turn the radar rotation off, so I can easily refer to north and south. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characters | IDXB001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the Land Ruins you can pick 4 party members to take on the next mission. You always HAVE to take Evann. For the rest you are mostly free to pick the others. Evann ===== Why Evann: He's pretty overal. But you always have to take him. Why Not Evann: No really special expertises. Obligated to take: Always Age: 18 Race: Nortis Weapon: Sword Few Quotes: New Move: HU! Victory: "How'd you like that?" "Pretty Good, huh?" Perfect: "Is that all you got?" "You should've thought twice about messing with me!" Carmyne ======== Why Carmyne: She's very quick and has a few moves that can come in handy. Why Not Carmyne: She's not very strong and easily killed. Obligated to take: First time in Land Ruins Age: 31 Race: Nortis Weapon: Saber Few quotes: New move: "Aha!" Victory: "They say every rose has it's thorn, heh heh heh." "Hm-hm-hm, that was pretty fun!" Perfect: "Hey! You'd pay if you put a scar on this pretty face!" "Did you really think you had a chance" Brandol ======= Why Brandol: He's pretty strong and not too slow. He's one of the best characters out there. Why Not Brandol: He sucks with magic. That's only a small issue Obligated to take: First time in Land Ruins and Fire Ruins Age: 38 Race: Nortis Weapon: Large Sword Few Quotes: New Move: "COME ON, COME ON, COME ON!" Victory: "Such a piece of cake" "Be grateful it was ME that did you in!" Perfect: "Hahaha! Is that all you got?" "YEAH BABY! I'm feelin' good!" Victory with dead: "We've got to keep it together, guys" Jaid ==== Why Jaid: The best in magic. Not that magic is really valuable though. Why Not Jaid: He's physically weak Obligated to take: First time in water Ruins Age: 22 Race: Arcadian Weapon: Staff Few quotes: New Move: "Watch and learn!" Victory: "You're a little too weak for the likes of us". Perfect: "We should only fight those worthy!" "A perfectly honorable fight!" Titto ===== Why Titto: He's very fast, can attack three times and is the only character who can steal. In some combination moves he can come in handy. Why Not Titto: He's the weakest of the bunch in all fronts Age: 16 Race: Arcadian Weapons: Knife Few Quotes: New Move: "YAAAAH!" Victory: "Don't underestimate me!" "We won't stop for anybody!" Perfect: "Don't go yet. I can do better!" "YEAH! Way to go!" Ulk === Why Ulk: Simply put he's strong. He has the strongest offense and the best defense. His presence can be of great deal. Why not Ulk: He's the slowest. That can easily be solved though. And he sucks with magic. Age: 50 Race: Hazman Weapons: Axe Few Quotes: New Move: "I see them!" Victory: "My will cannot be swayed! Stand aside!" "I will not take your lives in vain!" Perfect: "Am I taking more lives pointlessly?" Victory with dead: "We musn't be defeated, yet!" "Perhaps we need to rest awhile!" Myam ==== Why Myam: She's quick, can attack at long distance. Has healing as a special move (which can be very handy) and is pretty well balanced in physical and magical abilties. I use her a lot. Why Not Myam: Don't know. Obligated to take: First time in Gale Ruins Age: 16 Race: Hazman Weapons: Bow Few Quotes: New Moved: "I'm figuring it out!" Victory: "YAHOO! We're soooo great!" "There's no way we could lose!" Perfect: "Teehee, you guys are sloppy!" "WOW! Talk about perfect!" Victory with dead: "WOW! What a messy fight! Are you okay?" Lutina ====== Why Lutina: She's very quick. Some of her special moves are killers. Why Not Lutina: Weak with a capital "W". Remark: Lutina is not available in Chapter 1. She will join the party at the start of chapter 2. Age: 18 Rage: Arcadian Weapons: Dagger Few Quotes: New Move: "I'm learnin'" Victory: "Farewell! Rest in peace!" "Your bad luck began with this battle" Perfect: "It's over, let's get movin'" Victory with dead: "I can't believe that took so long" +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Special Moves | IDXB002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Special moves are unique for each character. They require SP to use. Every time you leave a dungeon your SP is reset to 0, but it builds up when you perform normal attacks or receive damage. Every time you use a move you gain 1 experience point on that move, and when you got enough you'll gain a level on that move. These levels are very important. Not only do they make the move stronger, they also make that you need less time to perform them, Even more importantly, having them on a certain level makes you learn a new move when you perform a normal attack. These moves can also be the key to combination moves (on which I get later). ________ | Evann \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | X-Slash | 25 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Volt Spark | 32 | X-Slash Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Thunder Split | 45 | Volt Spark Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Invicible Aura | 36 | Thunder Split Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Sky Dragon Slash | 72 | Aura Level 3, X-Slash Level 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ __________ | Carmyne \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Sonic Sable | 30 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Smash | 22 | Sonic Sable Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Shock Wave | 46 | Smash Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Holy Breath | 32 | Shockwave Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Rosette Slash | 42 | Sonic Sable 5, Smash 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ __________ | Brandol \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Great Devide | 24 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Spinning Slash | 36 | Great Divide Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Victory Roar | 30 | Spinning Slash Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Cyclone Slash | 48 | Spinning Slash Level 4 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Eruption Slash | 44 | Cyclone Slash Lvl 3, Great Divide Lvl 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ _______ | Jaid \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Blaster Bomb | 25 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Nightmare Ball | 18 | Blaster Bomb Level 2 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Fist Burst | 32 | Nightmare Ball Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Titan Fist | 50 | Fist Burst Level 32 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ ________ | Titto \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Aerial Slash | 20 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Get Item | 20 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Disc Cutter | 44 | Aerial Slash Level 4 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Shadow Binder | 25 | Disc Cutter Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Illusion Slash | 38 | Shadow Binder Lv 3, Aerial Slash Lv 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ ______ | Ulk \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Super Penetration | 26 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Spiral Blow | 38 | Super Pen. Lvl 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Yggdrasil Grace | 20 | Spiral Blow Lvl 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Hercules Smash | 56 | Super Pen Lvl 5 (Spiral Blow lv3 ???) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ _______ | Myam \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Spinning Wheel | 28 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Recover All | 35 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Hail Shower | 46 | Spinning wheel lv 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Cheer Up | 24 | Recover All, Level 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Super Frosty Att. | 38 | Spin. Wheel Lv 4, Hail Shower Lv 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lutina \ |==========================================================================| | Move | SP Cost | Requirement | |==========================================================================| | Dragon Rise | 24 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Shockwave Slash | 30 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Spider Net | 28 | - | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Meteor Slash | 45 | Shockwave Slash Level 5 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Dragon Mirage | 36 | Meteor Slash Level 3 | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Combination Moves | IDXB003 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Combination moves are moves in which a character combines his or her powers with another character or even more. In this section I'll get into the deep of this. You can learn a combination move by combining two special moves. If the character you have uses the required move then others my react if they got the required move already. First of all I give a list of combination moves per character and then all combination moves in general. _________ | Evann \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Swallow Smash 18 | Evan: X-Sl. | Myam: SpinW. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cross Break 15 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: BlasB | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lightning Sp. 24 | Evan: ThunSp | Ulk: ??? | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sword Dance 21 | Evan: X-Sl. | Carm: Smash | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shiva Slash 38 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Double Dragon 28 | Evan: ThunSp | Luti: Meteor | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Volt Slash 60 | Evan: SkyDrS | Bran: Erupt | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tripler 21 | Evan: ThunSp | Bran: Divide | Myam: SpWhl | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Southern Crss 28 | Evan: X-Sl | Ulk: Herculs | Myam: HailSh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rapid Fire 18 | Evan: X-Sl | Myam: SpinWh | Luti: Meteor | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Form 26 | Evan: X-Sl | Titt: DiscCt | Jaid: FBurst | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jet Storm 22 | Evan: ThunSp | Carm: Smash | Myam: SpinWh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tri-Crush 32 | Evan: ThunSp | Bran: Erupt | Ulk: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jet Storm 22 | Evan: ThunSp | Carm: Smash | Myam: SpinWh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trpl Blaze S. 20 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: FBurst | Carm: Sonic | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Delta Form. 24 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: Blastr | Luti: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Binding Force 75 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Shadow | Myam: Frosty | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Purple Lightn 30 | Evan: ThunSP | Ulk: Spiral | Titt: Illus. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Carmyne \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sword Dance 21 | Evan: X-Sl. | Carm: Smash | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ice Prison 27 | Myam: HailSh | Carm: ShockW | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rush Thrust 20 | Carm: Smash | Ulk: Penetr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Combin. Alpha 24 | Bran: SpinSl | Carm: SonicS | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ifrit Slash 35 | Carm: Smash | Jaid: FBurst | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jet Storm 22 | Evan: ThunSp | Carm: Smash | Myam: SpinWh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trpl Blaze S. 20 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: FBurst | Carm: Sonic | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Brandol \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sirene Slash 36 | Myam: HailS. | Bran: GDiv. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Volt Slash 60 | Evan: SkyDrS | Bran: Erupt | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Combin. Alpha 24 | Bran: SpinSl | Carm: SonicS | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Super Slasher 17 | Bran: SpinSl | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tripler 21 | Evan: Thunsp | Bran: Divide | Myam: SpWhl | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tri-Crush 32 | Evan: ThunSp | Bran: Erupt | Ulk: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______ | Jaid \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cross Break 15 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: BlasB | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Burst Rondo 25 | Titt: Shadow | Jaid: FBurst | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Form 26 | Evan: X-Sl | Titt: DiscCt | Jaid: FBurst | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trpl Blaze S. 20 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: FBurst | Carm: Sonic | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Delta Form. 24 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: Blastr | Luti: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________ | Titto \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shiva Slash 38 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Slash 22 | Titt: Aerial | Ulk: Herculs | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Shot 25 | Titt: Discct | Myam: SpinWh | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Burst Rondo 25 | Titt: Shadow | Jaid: FBurst | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Super Slasher 17 | Bran: SpinSl | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aero Slash 18 | Luti: DMirag | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Form 26 | Evan: X-Sl | Titt: DiscCt | Jaid: FBurst | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Binding Force 75 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Shadow | Myam: Frosty | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ | Ulk \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lightning Sp. 24 | Evan: ThunSp | Ulk: ??? | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DropletsLife 30 | Myam: Recovr | Ulk: Yggdr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Slash 22 | Titt: Aerial | Ulk: Herculs | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rush Thrust 20 | Carm: Smash | Ulk: Penetr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Southern Crss 28 | Evan: X-Sl | Ulk: Herculs | Myam: HailSh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tri-Crush 32 | Evan: ThunSp | Bran: Erupt | Ulk: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______ | Myam \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Swallow Smash 18 | Evan: X-Sl. | Myam: SpinW. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sirene Slash 36 | Myam: HailS. | Bran: GDiv. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DropletsLife 30 | Myam: Recovr | Ulk: Yggdr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ice Prison 27 | Myam: HailSh | Carm: ShockW | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Shot 25 | Titt: Discct | Myam: SpinWh | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tripler 21 | Evan: Thunsp | Bran: Divide | Myam: SpWhl | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Southern Crss 28 | Evan: X-Sl | Ulk: Herculs | Myam: HailSh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jet Storm 22 | Evan: ThunSp | Carm: Smash | Myam: SpinWh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Binding Force 75 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Shadow | Myam: Frosty | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lutina \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Double Dragon 28 | Evan: ThunSp | Luti: Meteor | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aero Slash 18 | Luti: DMirag | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Delta Form. 24 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: Blastr | Luti: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________________________ | All Combination moves \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Swallow Smash 18 | Evan: X-Sl. | Myam: SpinW. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sirene Slash 36 | Myam: HailS. | Bran: GDiv. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cross Break 15 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: BlasB | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lightning Sp. 24 | Evan: ThunSp | Ulk: ??? | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Droplets Life 30 | Myam: Recovr | Ulk: Yggdr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sword Dance 21 | Evan: X-Sl. | Carm: Smash | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ice Prison 27 | Myam: HailSh | Carm: ShockW | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shiva Slash 38 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Slash 22 | Titt: Aerial | Ulk: Herculs | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Double Dragon 28 | Evan: ThunSp | Luti: Meteor | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rush Thrust 20 | Carm: Smash | Ulk: Penetr. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Volt Slash 60 | Evan: SkyDrS | Bran: Erupt | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Shot 25 | Titt: Discct | Myam: SpinWh | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Burst Rondo 25 | Titt: Shadow | Jaid: FBurst | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Combin. Alpha 24 | Bran: SpinSl | Carm: SonicS | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Super Slasher 17 | Bran: SpinSl | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aero Slash 18 | Luti: DMirag | Titt: Aerial | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tripler 21 | Evan: Thunsp | Bran: Divide | Myam: SpWhl | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Southern Crss 28 | Evan: X-Sl | Ulk: Herculs | Myam: HailSh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Form 26 | Evan: X-Sl | Titt: DiscCt | Jaid: FBurst | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tri-Crush 32 | Evan: ThunSp | Bran: Erupt | Ulk: ??? | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jet Storm 22 | Evan: ThunSp | Carm: Smash | Myam: SpinWh | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trpl Blaze S. 20 | Evan: X-Sl. | Jaid: FBurst | Carm: Sonic | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Binding Force 75 | Evan: ThunSp | Titt: Shadow | Myam: Frosty | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Then one final note about Combination moves. They do seem strong, but using them is in 95% of all cases an act of total stupidity. And I'll explain why. The do take the SP of all characters that take part of the combo. That may seem low, but it a pretty high price if you start calculating. Seperate single special moves do more damage if you count the effect of them together of all combo participating characters. Even more importantly, combos require that all characters that participate in them will have to wait for each other before the combo can be performed. That requires extra time, and when it gets cancelled ALL characters who were about to combo are cancelled. And because the waiting requires extra time the chance for a cancel is great. Combos are the the easiest moves to cancel and the enemy can and WILL use that against you. So my advice is, NEVER to use combo's unless you are 999% sure of what you are doing! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mana Eggs | IDXB004 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Mana Eggs can be equipped in Locca in order to give people spells. You can also "junction" mana eggs in order to create more powerful ones. You got the next types of eggs. Blue - Basic form of Mana Egg Light Blue - Better form of Mana Egg Green - Advanced Mana Egg Black - Created by oposite elements. Cannot be junctioned with other black eggs. Red - Booster kind of eggs. Can only junction with black (and few red) Yellow - Properties unknown. Can only junction with black Here's the list of Mana Eggs that I was able to create. The code that's printed below it can be used with Ctrl-F (Apple-F on MacOS) to find the spells and juntion recipe of that specific egg +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | ??? | ??? | ??? | Astral | ??? | ??? | | | | | MEYA5 | | | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | Boostr | Flare | Wind | Aqua | Stone | Dust | | MERB1 | MEBB2 | MEBB3 | MEBB4 | MEBB5 | MEZB6 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | Decrse | Lava | Heat | Mist | Sand | Burst | | MERC1 | MEBC2 | MEBC3 | MEBC4 | MEBC5 | MEZC5 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | Darkns | Bomb | Thunder | Frost | Leaf | Restore | | MERD1 | MEBD2 | MEBD3 | MEBD4 | MEBD5 | MEZD5 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | ??? | Star | Lightn. | Icicle | Forest | Fairy | | | MELE2 | MELE3 | MELE4 | MELE5 | MEZE6 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | ??? | Volcano | Cyclone | Rainbw | Gravity | Life | | | MELF2 | MELF3 | MELF4 | MELF5 | MEZF6 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ | ??? | Cluster | Photon | Blizrd | Soul | Crown | | | MEGG2 | MEGG3 | MEGG4 | MEGG5 | MEZG6 | +--------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+ Now the spells and recipes for the eggs ============================================================================= | Code | Egg | Color | Spells | Recipes | ============================================================================= | MEYA1 | Astral | Yellow | BOOM! | Restore + Star | | | | | Zap! | | | | | | Crackle | | | | | | Poizn | | | | | | Magic Wall | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MERB1 | Booster | Red | WOW! | Dust + Lava | | | | | Diggin' | Restore + Frost | | | | | Guard Up | Decrease + Darkness | | | | | Speedy | | | | | | Runner | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBB2 | Flare | Blue | Burn | - | | | | | Guard Up | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBB2 | Wind | Blue | Howl | - | | | | | Runner | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBB3 | Aqua | Blue | Heal | - | | | | | Snooze | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBB4 | Stone | Blue | Shake | - | | | | | Diggin' | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZB5 | Dust | Black | Refresh | Flare + Aqua | | | | | Freeze | Wind + Stone | | | | | Evap | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MERC1 | Decrease | Red | Stram | Dust + Mist | | | | | Def-Loss | Burst + Thunder | | | | | Res-Loss | Booster + Darkness | | | | | Cold | | | | | | Freeze! | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBC2 | Lava | Blue | Burn | Flare + Stone | | | | | Burnflame | Flare + Sand | | | | | Def-Loss | Stone + Star | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBC3 | Heat | Blue | Burn | Wind + Flare | | | | | Howl | WInd + LAva | | | | | Howlslash | Flare + Lightning | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBC4 | Mist | Blue | Alheal | Aqua + Wind | | | | | Erebos | Aqua + Heat | | | | | Fade | Wind + Icicle | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBC5 | Sand | Blue | Shake | Stone + Aqua | | | | | Tremor | Stone + Mist | | | | | Evap | Aqua + Forest | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZC6 | Burst | Black | Burnstrike | Lava + Mist | | | | | Howlslash | Heat + Sand | | | | | Tremor | Bomb + Frost | | | | | Erebos | Thunder + Leaf | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MERD1 | Darkness | Red | Snooze | Dust + Forest | | | | | Shhh! | Burst + Sand | | | | | Fiora | Booster + Decrease | | | | | Binder | | | | | | Craze | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBD2 | Bomb | Blue | Burnstrike | Lave + Flare | | | | | BOOM! | Lava + Stone | | | | | WOW! | Flare + Leaf | | | | | Res-Loss | Volcano + Gravity | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBD3 | Thunder | Blue | Zap! | Heat + Wind | | | | | Wham! | Heat + Flare | | | | | Runner | Wind + Bomb | | | | | Stram | Volcano + Cyclone | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBD4 | Frost | Blue | Crackle | Mist + Aqua | | | | | Heal | Mist + Wind | | | | | Healer | Auqa+Thunder | | | | | Freeze | Rainbow + Cyclone | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEBD5 | Leaf | Blue | Poizn | Sand + Stone | | | | | Cure | Sand + Aqua | | | | | Diggin' | Stone + Frost | | | | | Regenera | Rainbow + Gravity | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZD6 | Restore | Black | Absorber | Burst + Booster | | | | | Alheal | Burst + Decrease | | | | | Alhealer | Burst + Darkness | | | | | Cure | | | | | | Regenera | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELE2 | Star | L-Blue | BOOM! | Bomb + Flare | | | | | Meteor Fall | Bomb + Stone | | | | | Refresh | Lava + Heat | | | | | Res-Loss | Lava + Bomb | | | | | Gravity | Lava + Lightning | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELE3 | Lightning | L-Blue | Burnflame | Thunder + Wind | | | | | Zap! | Thunder + Flare | | | | | Blade Zap | Heat + Mist | | | | | Guard Up | Heat + Thunder | | | | | Binder | Heat + Icicle | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELE4 | Icicle | L-Blue | Crackle | Frost + Aqua | | | | | Diamond Dust | Forst + Wind | | | | | Wake | Mist + Sand | | | | | Shhh! | Mist + Frost | | | | | Fiora | Mist + Forest | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELE5 | Forest | L-Blue | Poizn | Leaf + Stone | | | | | Alheal | Leaf + Aqua | | | | | Alhealer | Sand + Lava | | | | | Resurrect | Sand + Leaf | | | | | Craze | Star + Sand | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZE6 | Fairy Egg | Black | Healer | Star + Icicle | | | | | Vanish | Lightning + Forest | | | | | Fader | Volcano + Rainbow | | | | | Snooze | Cyclone + Gravity | | | | | Craze | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELF2 | Volcano | L-Blue | Burn! | Star + Lava | | | | | Burnstrike | Star + Heat | | | | | Hellburner | Star + Bomb | | | | | WOW! | Bomb + Thunder | | | | | Guard Up | Bomb + Cyclone | | | | | Res-Loss | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELF3 | Cyclone | L-Blue | Howl | Lightning + Heat | | | | | Howlslash | Lightning + Mist | | | | | Howlnado | Thunder + Frost | | | | | Runner | Thunder + Lightning | | | | | Wham! | Thunder + Rainbow | | | | | Stram | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELF4 | Rainbow | L-Blue | Heal | Icicle + Mist | | | | | Healer | Icicle + Sand | | | | | Healer+ | Frost + Leaf | | | | | Evap | Frost + Icicle | | | | | Tartarus Rain | Frost + Gravity | | | | | Cold | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MELF5 | Gravity | L-Blue | Shake | Forest + Sand | | | | | Tremor | Forest + Lava | | | | | Quake | Forest + Leaf | | | | | Calm | Leaf + Bomb | | | | | Halvah | Leaf + Volcano | | | | | Gravity | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZF6 | Life | Black | Alhealer+ | Cluster + Blizzard | | | | | Reviva | Photon + Soul | | | | | Evap | | | | | | Erebos | | | | | | Tartarus Rain | | | | | | Regenera | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEGG2 | Cluster | Green | Burnflame | Volcano + Lava | | | | | BOOM! | Volcano + Heat | | | | | Meteor Fall | Volcano + Bomb | | | | | Meteor Stike | Volcano + Star | | | | | Calm | Star + Forest | | | | | Def-Loss | Star + Photon | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEGG3 | Photon | Green | Burnstrike | Cyclone + Heat | | | | | Zap! | Cyclone + Mist | | | | | Zap All | Cyclone + Thunder | | | | | Gad Zap | Lightning + Star | | | | | Wake | Lightning + Cyclone | | | | | Binder | Lightning + Blizzard | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEGG4 | Blizzard | Green | Crackle | Rainbow + Mist | | | | | Crackle Floe | Rainbow + Sand | | | | | Crackle Fang | Rainbow + Frost | | | | | Healer | Icicle + Lightning | | | | | Shhh! | Icicle + Rainbow | | | | | Fiora | Icicle + Soul | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEGG5 | Soul | Green | Alhealer | Gravity + Sand | | | | | Reviva | Gravity + Purify | | | | | Cure | Gravity + Leaf | | | | | Purify | Forest + Icicle | | | | | Speedy | Forest + Gravity | | | | | Craze | Forest + Cluster | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ | MEZG6 | Crown | Black | BOOMOR! | Life + Soul | | | | | Zap All | Life + ??? | | | | | Diamond Dust | | | | | | Healer+ | | | | | | Halvah | | | | | | Curse | | +-------+-------------+---------+------------------+------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sound Bites and Carros | IDXB005 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ With sound bites you can do a subquest with the musicians in the park. I don't understand one bit of it, only that you need Carros and sound bites. Here's a list of the sound bites and the Carros I found Sound Bites ----------- - Halfaway the Aqua Ruins (A1) (Chapter 1) - On a platform in Aqua Ruins (A3) (Chapter 1) - Halfaway first part Land Ruins (Chapter 2) - Near the end of the first part Inferno Pit (Chapter 2) - On a block pushed by fire in the Flame Ruins (Chapter 2) - At the small lake on top of the Gale Ruins (B3) (Chapter 2) - In the corner near the rolling rocks (D1) (Chapter 2) - Floor B10 of Starry Corridor (B4) (Chapter 2) - Somewhere in the Illusory Meadow (C1) (Chapter 2) - On a secret platform in Aqua Ruins (Chapter 2???) - Gale Ruins. Reached by Wheel bridge puzzle (Chapter 2???) - E1, Level 20 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - B1, found at rock Whirlwind Peak (Chapter 4???) - E2, Level 30 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E3, Level 40 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E4, Level 50 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E5, Level 60 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E6, Level 70 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E7, Level 80 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) - E8, Level 90 of Vortex Corridor (Chapter 4) Carros ------ - At the clearing with the small tree in the Land Ruins (Chapter 2) - At the path up, first part of Inferno Pit (Chapter 2) - In the room where you fought the Minotaur as boss before (Chapter 2) - At the end of the path immediatly right from the entrance of the Illusory Meadow (Chapter 3) - Sideway in Venom Ruins (Chapter 3???) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Geo Gates | IDXC000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Evann has the ability to open and use Geo Gates. You find them in closed form in every dungeon. Evann can open them and use them to go back to Locca or to get back into a dungeon. Whenver a new chapter has begun all Geo Gates will be closed but you can reopen them when you go back into the dungeon. Be prepared that the monsters are stronger by then. There are three types of Geo Gates, let's sort them out, shall we? ONE WAY GEOGATES ================ These gates can only be used to return to Locca not to go back into a dungeon. There is one in the Land Ruins and one in nearly all dungeons close to the spot where you gotta fight the boss. FULL GEO GATE ============= These are gates that can be used to go back to Locca and back into the dungeon. SPECIAL GEO GATE ================ You'll only find these in the Vortex Corridor. When you open them you gotta choose. 1 = Return to Locca (the gate will open transport you back and close immediately) 2 = Treasure 3 = Open a gate so that you can get there from Locca (but you cannot return to Locca) 4 = Recover all HP and MP You really gotta think twice on how to use these gates. When you get to the idea to start over the Vortex Corridor or when you open another gate in this place all other Geo Gates will be closed. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cities | IDXD000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two cities in this game. Locca, the standard city and Escarree. Let's get into detail. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The City Of Locca | IDXD001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The city of Locca is where you return after every mission and from where you can start all missions. There are serveral sections here. 7th Force Base Barracks - Armory ================================ Probably the most important section. In here is the manager. When you talk to him you can rest and save and leave town to go on a mission. Command Post ============ There are a few scenario parts here. Other than that, nothing to do here. Item Shop ========= Here you can buy items and equipment. Every time you reach a new chapter or finsished a specific mission you'll find new stuff here. There's also an old man here to holds a storage (also known as Vault). When your inventory is getting full you can store your stuff here for later usage. Diner ===== Some Scenario parts take place here. Also, after some missions you can go here for a meal. During the meal you can hear out three party members (game decides which ones) about the current situation. Park ==== When chapter 2 has begun there are musicians here which who you have a game of sound bites and carros. I never figured it out, so too bad I cannot go into the deep in this FAQ. Sorrya about that. When you figured it out, you may mail me and I will put your story into this FAQ and credit you for your trouble. Railway station =============== At some points you can take the train to Escarree here. Juston's House ============== Mostly Juston is just a jerk telling you nothing but crap. When you reach chapter 4 you can gamble here in order to win prizes you cannot obtain otherwise. Thsoe prizes are very valuable sometimes, but you may need a lot to win them. Magician ======== Here you can equip and junction mana eggs. See for full details the mana egg section Skillman ======== Here you can create skills. You need vellums to create skills and skill books to equip them. You can also sell skills here for points which you can use to buy items you cannot obtain elsewhere. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The City Of Escarree | IDXD002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Escarree is only part of some scenario parts and there are a few sub-missions here. You can walk around here to have some silly conversations. But if the game doesn't require you to be here there's no point in going there. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Regular Dungeons | IDXE000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The regular dungeons are dungeons that are always the same in structure, but every time you leave them and come back a new set of treasures and enemies are there. There's no telling which treasure to find. The enemies here level up as you reach new chapters so it's very interesting to come back here every now and then, especially when you're in a new chapter. All of these dungeons (except the light ruins) end up in a special room called the Spiritual Atrium. The first time you get here you often got to do something here in order to finish this dungeon. In chapter 1 it's the removal of a slab that causes the Elemental Disorder. In chapter 2 something else can have to be done here. After you passed the chapter the dungeons were originally meant for you can come back to these Spirtual Atriums in order to get special treasure. It can be very valuable. When you take on a dungeon in the chapter it was desinged for you'll only meet the boss the first time you play through the dungeon (maybe an exception for the land ruins). When you are in the chapter that comes after it the bosses respawn every time you enter the dungeon. With every dungeon I give up the levels of the enemies per chapter, and the levels of my party when I came through this dungeon the first time. These are no recommendations. Just a referrence, nothing more. I could imagine you like an other party better than what I had :) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Land Ruins (Sandworm's Den) | IDXE001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 1-6 | 16-20 | 36-40 | 48-51 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 1 | Carmyne 2 | Brandol 2 | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Minotaur (Chapter 1 only) | | Giant Soldier (Chapter 2, 3 and 4) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ On your first playthrough the only characters you have aside from Evann are Carmyne and Brandol. So not much choice this time. On your first playthrough of this dungeeon you must first speak to Dienne before you may enter. She's at the HQ. After that enter the ruins and you can start. - = Turn left = Across the bridge turn right = Cross the other bridge = Once on the other side there's a ladder. Go down with it. = Cross the bridge and keep going straight ahead = At the end turn right = Follow the road and go into the gateway to the right = Go through the door = After the door turn left (North) = On the left is a passage that often leads to treasuer. Straight on is the way to go = At the end turn left (West) Now be careful rocks can come from the ceiling and will hurt you if you're hit by them. = Go straight on slowly as close to the left wall as possible = Go around the corner left = Go into the sideway right = Cross the bridges = Go through the gateway that opens = Cross this room and leave through the other doorway = Go into the corridor and go around the corner right = At the end around the corner left = Go up the stairs = Once up turn left (south) = Follow the way slowly and close to the left wall to prevent being hurt = At the end go right = Around the corner left (south) = Go into the room and turn left and leave it through the gateway that opens = Keep going straight on till the end = Turn left = Go down the ladder = Go right and go down the other ladder = Once down turn to the north (handy if you turn of the radar rotation in the configuration) = If you are in chapter 2 you can catch a Carro here. = Go straight on and exit through the giant doorway => Land Ruins 2 - = Go down the ladders = Go to the "isle" in the middle and use the ramp to get on it. = Press the button = Get on the platform to the west and hop over to the other = Leave the platform at the end = Follow the corridor = Cross over the room to the north and enter the corridor at the end = At the end turn right = Push the object at the end = Turn around and go back into the corridor = First way left (south) = Cross the room to the south and go into the corridor at the end = Use the moving platforms to get back on the isle = Now use the north platforms to get to the north door = Exit there => Land Ruins - = Turn left and go into the doorway at the end = Turn left at the crossin = Around the corner right = The floor in the room will collapse = Leave this room to the right = At the end of corridor turn left = First way left = Press the button at the end = Go backAt the end right = First way right = Hop over to the south and go through the door = At the fork go left = At the end go left = You'll come in a hall way. On your first playthrough there's nothing here. When you come back later there's a one-way Geo-Gate here. = Leave the room at the other side = First way right Watch out, rocks will roll and hurt you bad and making you to start over Dodge them by using the side ways = Second way right. In chapter 1 you'll now be locked in and a boss will appear. You cannot leave unless you defeat it. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Minotaur | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Minotaur, Gilled Pawn x4 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Very extremely hard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 8 | N/A | N/A | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 3 | Carmyne 3 | Brandol 4 | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The minotaur is strong, and very dangerous because of his sidekicks. | | getting rid of those can be your first priority cause you won't stand a | | chance as long as they roam the room don't waste your SP on those though | | unless with area moves. As soon as the sidekicks are dead use your | | strongest moves on the Minotaur and try to cancel his Tornado Horm at all | | costs. That move is murder. This is one of the hardest fights in the game | | (Didn't expect that from the first one, did ya) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Leave the room west = Around the corner to the right = At the end to the right = Press the botton at the end (The platform you're on will lower) = Enter the hallway north = When you get here in any other chapter than chapter 1 you'll meet a boss here. If this is chapter one, then no bosses here. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Giant Soldier | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Giant Soldier x2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Impossible unless your protected from paralysis. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 24 | 46 | 57 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 29 | Brandol 28 | Ulk 26 | Myam 30 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Not that their attacks are strong, but they cancel you all the time and | | that sucks. The are pretty slow so that makes it up for it. | | Their bad move is lightning. The damage it deals is not much but it will | | paralyze the entire party and seldom misses. Have your entire party | | protected from paralyses or you're history. When you are protected, this | | battle should be no serious problem. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Leave the room north to get in the Spiritual Atrium. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fire Ruins (Inferno Pit) | IDXE002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 5-8 | 18-20 | 38-40 | 64-66 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 5 | Brandol 5 | Ulk 6 | Myam 5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Mother Crusatacean | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ On your first playthrough here you have to take Brandol with you, no matter if you like it or not. At the start of this place is a Geo Gate. Aside from two other Geo Gates you find later in this dungeon this is your only way out. With that all covered let's get to business shall we? - = Go north = Go up the ladder = Turn right = Go into the path and ignore any sideways. = At the end of the path go north = Go up the ladder = Turn left (west) = At the fork take the right path (in chapter 2 you can find a carro here) = Follow the path and take the way north (In chapter 2 you can find a Sound Bite if you continue east first) = Follow the way north, but watch out for some traps = Exit north => Volcano - Exterior - = Turn right = Follow the path (watch out for traps) = Take the ladder down at the end of the path = From the ladder turn right = When you get on some green tube thing go down on it. +----- BONUS -------------------------------------------------------------+ | = Go up the ladder | | = Go up the other ladder | | = Push the rock | | = Go down the two ladders | | = Go back up the green tube thing | | = The cave is now open. You can go in and claim your prizes (if they | | are there, since you never know that at forehand). | | = Leave the cave and go down the green tube-thing to resume the quest. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Turn left = Go down and ignore all the ladders leading up = Go over the green tube = At the other side take the ladder down and turn left = Go into the green tube = Turn left inside it = At the end to the right = You are in a cave, follow the cave until you get back into the tube. = Back in the tube turn right = At the end left = You see a panel with a switch. Go to it and press the switch = A bridge will appear cross it and enter the tower in the middle => Flame Ruins (Interior) - To the left of here is a Geo Gate. You can use it if you need it to rest and save back in Locca (your SP will be reduced to 0 if you do) = Turn right follow the way to the shining in the center = Stand in the shining and you'll be brought down = Walk north and step on the shining panel = Turn right = Go into the doorway (South-west) = Get over the platforms. They are moving up and down. Time it right. = Go into the corridor east = Go to the shining plate and step on it = Turn left = First way right = Step on the shining panel = Go into the north-east doorway = At the end of the corridor turn right = Go down the stairs and go to the block at the north of this room = Press the button beside it = Go through the doorway you just opened = Push the block at the end of the hall to the left (east) = Push the button on the other side of the block = Go to where to two blocks are now and go through the doorway (When you are in chapter 2 you can not pick up the sound bite on the block) = Go straight ahead and step op the shining panel = Turn left = First way right, and a again first way right = Step on the center isle (all the fire will disappear) = Go straight forward to the north and go into the doorway You cannot pass the fire, don't even try or you'll get hurt. = Go right = Push the block so it blocks the fireblower = Go back to the entrance of this room = No take on the left path = Go into the doorway, follow the corridor and push the other block at the end = Now go back to the entrance = Go straight north from here = Exit north => Fire Ruins, Hall Of Flame - On your first playthrough and in chapter 2, 3 and 4 you'll meet a boss here. When you are not on your first playthrough you'll find here a one-way Geo Gate also. When you go straight north and kill the boss (when it's there) you can enter the Spiritual Atrium. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mother Crustacean | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Mother Crustacean, Left Claw, Right Claw, Baby Crustacean | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Very Hard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 12 | 25 | 45 | 73 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 8 | Brandol 9 | Ulk 9 | Myam 9 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Why does this creature remind me of the Tongue of Valmar from Grandia II? | | First of all, focus everything on the Mother itself and ignore everything | | else. Especially the babies, the mother will only breed new ones. The two | | claws have a combo (and combo's are the easiest moves to cancel). Myam | | can learn two ice moves which can be killers in this fight. I recommend | | not to use combination moves in this fight (in fact I recommend to ignore | | the fact that this game has that feature over the entire game). Just use | | your strongest moves. If you got Brandol and the move Victory Roar then | | use it, it will help a lot. | | And in the end, this battle is most based on pure luck. This monster has | | the bad habit to lauch a large series of attacks on the moments all party | | members are at the start of the gauge. If that happens you will lose the | | fight, no matter how good your preperations are. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ As I said, the way to the Spiritual Atrium is open. On your first playthrough you gotta remove the slab, after chapter 2 has begun this room has treasure. After you've been in the Spiritual Atrium the Geo-Gate back to Locca is at the south of the "boss-room". After your first playthrough, you'll have to report to Diene before you can replay any mission or continue with the next one. There'll be a small sub-mission in Escarree after that. You can take the train to go there. (See sub-missions section for details). +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Water Ruins (Tsunami Through) | IDXE003 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 9-11 | 21-22 | 39-43 | 57-58 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 10 | Brandol 11 | Jaid 7 | Myam 11 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Deava | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When you take on this mission for the first time you got to take Jaid with you whether you like it or not (I didn't). To your left at the entrance is a Geo Gate. That Geo Gate is (along with the other two later on in this mission) your only way out. - I'll start from the Geo Gate = Go straight south until you can go no further (the very end, you may need to steer west to get there) = At the end go west = When you reach the ramp go up with it = Follow the left boundery of this area = When you pass through a small tunnel you see a treasure chest. It's a mimic, it will attack you when you get close to it. = From that mimic go straigh ahead and there'll be a tunnel on the right. Enter it. => Tsunami Through, Ocean Cave - = Go straight ahead = When the road ahead stops go left = You'll find some jellyfishes. Behind it is a cave. Enter it but look out not to be touch by their electric tentacles. = This tunnel will appear to be a dead end but when you go on you'll see a spot marked with an exclamation mark. Stand there and press the circle button and a giant fish will bring you to the other side = Go into the cave and you find a Geo Gate. It's a full Geo Gate so you can safely use it. = From the Geo Gate, take the south-west path (beside the path you came from) = Take the first way to the right = You'll once again have to pass some jelly fishes to hit the tunnel behind them. Don't get touched by their tentacles. = Follow the tunnel and exit west => Tsunami Through - Ocean Temple - = Turn left and follow the way down = At the end of the way down turn right = Go around the building until you find a door. = Enter the building here => Aqua Ruins - Interior - = Go up the stairs either left or right = Take the doorway to the center-room = Take the only open passageway (not counting the way you came from) (There's a red barrier passage beside it) = In this room is a device shining green. Press it so it'll be shining red. = Leave this room and go back to the center room = Now go through the north-east passageway (there's a passage blocked by a green barrier beside it). = In this room is a platform. Stand on it and it will act like an elevator and bring you down = Go into the passage straight before you (You will find the first sound bite here = At the end of the way turn left = Second door left = Press the button at the end of this way = Go back to the center room = Turn right = First door right = In the next room turn right and go through the door = Press the device to that it will shine green = Go through the north-west door = Follow the way (You cannot reach the sound-bite if it's still there) = Now you get in a room with water barriers. I'd need a picture to describe the way to take. In plain text it's impossible. Just make sure the water beams do not hurt you and time it right when the water barriers are on and off. Make your way to the door. (And there are monsters here. Since the water barriers take all your focus away, you get easily ambushed here. Don't know which stupido came up with that silly idea). = When you get to the next device make it shining blue = Go to the center of the ruin +----- BONUS -------------------------------------------------------------+ | This only make sense when you didn't already take the sound bite this | | leads to already. When you already got it. Ignore this BONUS part | | = Turn right | | = First door right | | = Take Sound Bite A3 | | = Go back to the center ruin | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Turn left = First door left (second if you just got Sound Bite A3) door (If the corridor is light purple you're in the right way) = At the end take the elevator down => Aqua Ruins - Energy Conversion Room - If you've been in the Spiritual Atrium before there's a One-Way-Geo Gate here. = Go through the big doors = At the end of the room you can meet the boss on your first playthough or when you get here in Chapter 2, 3 or 4. If the boss it there. Kill it! _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Deava | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Deava, Right Knuckle (round 2), Left Knuckle (Round 2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Medium | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 12 | ??? | 46 | 65 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 12 | Brandol 12 | Jaid 10 | Myam 12 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This fight contains two rounds. In the first round you can only target | | the main body. When it's out of HP it will transform for round 2. | | In round 2 you can target its body parts, but I suggest only to aim for | | the main target. As strategy I can say just use your strongest moves. | | If you have Brandol with you then Victory Roar can be an excellent move | | to start the battle with. If Evann already has Thunder Split then use it | | since this boss is weak to thunder. If you would happen to have taken | | Myam with you then never use her ice attacks like Hail Shower and Super | | Frosty Attack. Those two moves will deal no damage at all to this boss. | | | | I need to note that when round 2 starts that it counts as a new battle | | and that powerups will thus be reset. The boss will also be more | | agressive and come with moves like Ocean wave that hurt you pretty bad. | | spells like Alheal can help, and if you don't have it already then I can | | strongly recommend to have Myam because of her Recover All move. Alas | | this boss is a master with blocking special moves, but that effect is | | only temporary. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Now you can exit north to get into the Spiritual Atrium to complete the mission. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gale Ruins (Whirlwind Peak) | IDXE004 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 13-18 | 21-25 | 40-42 | 39-41 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 14 | Brandol 14 | Ulk 12 | Myam 14 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Bone Mantis | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A few Notes when you are on your first playthrough 1. You got to take Myam, whether you like it or not. 2. This is the final mission of chapter 1. After this mission you'll get one small sub-mission (which immediatly follows up of which you cannot get out) and immediatly after that chapter 2 begins meaning all monsters in the Land, Aqua, Fire and Gale Ruins have been levelled up. So if you still want to visit those levels because you think your levels are too low. Do it now. Let's begin: - = In front of you is a ramp down. Take it down = One down the ramp turn left until you see a small tunnel = Go through that small tunnel (north) = There's another one to the left. Go through it = At the end turn riight = Go north and go up the ramp at the end = On top of the ramp turn left = Follow the way until you get into the remains of a house = You can push the bookshelf aside and maybe you'll find a treasure = Try to push open the door (in stead the whole wall will fall) = Go to the house with the swinging tyre and enter it. = Leave it on the north side and turn to the right = First way left = On the left is a ramp down. Go down there. = On the north-east is a path. Take it = First way right = At the end left = Follow the way and exit north => Ghost Town - Outskirts - On your first playthrough you'll have an automated part here leading you into the the ruins itself. In later playthroughs you can reach the ruins here by just walking into them. - In chapter 2,3 and 4 you may enter through a diffrent entrance than in chapter 1, but the room you start in remains the same. = Leave the room through the south door = Leave the next room through the door on the left (east) = Keep going straight ahead and at the end turn right = Second door right = Look out not to be touched by thouse orange streams and go staight ahead. = At the end of the corridor you'll find a Geo Gate = Turn left if you don't use the Geo Gate, if you just teleported in from the Geo Gate, go straight ahead. = Leave the next room through the door at the north-east = Leave the next room through the door on the left (west) = Go straight a head, but don't touch the moving streams or you'll get hurt. = At the end turn right = Second door right = Go straight ahead, but don't get touched by the streams = At the end press the button and the bridges start turning. = Press the button again to make the lowest one end up at the passage north (straight on) = Go north and exit north => Gale Ruins - Exterior - Lower Level - = Turn right = Take the ladder up at the end of the road = Go back inside => Gale Ruins - Interior 2 - 1st Floor Entrance - = Turn left = Stand on the platform and press the button and you be moved to a diffrent section of these ruins = Turn left = Go through the door = In the corridor keep going straight ahead until you get in the next room = Behind the big stream pillar is a door. Go through it. = In the next room, wait for the moving platform and get onto it. = When you get beside another platform, get onto that one. = That platform leads into a corridor. Get off the platform at the second exit (there's a door here, so not the one with the many monster) = Go through the door, then straight ahead. = Next room, turn right through the door = Go up the stairs and hit the door = Get on the platform press the button for another ride = At the end turn right = Exit through the door => Gale Ruins - Exterior - Middle Level - = Turn right = Enter the building again at the end => Gale Ruins - Interior 2 - 2nd FL Ent - = Go straight ahead = Next room, go through the door at the other side = Press the button at the end and go back to the previous room = Get on the middle platform which will act like an elevator and move you down = Go through the west door = Wait for the moving platform and use it to get onto the middle isle. (If you mess up, you can also use a ladder to get onto the middle isle). = Get on the platform and it will move you up. = Get of the elevator to the left (from Evann's view. Probably right from the camera's view). = Go through the door = Go straight on and outside => Gale Ruins - Exterior - Upper Level - = Turn right = Follow the way and go up the ladder at the end = Turn right = Go up the other ladder = Now you are on the roof. If you are in chapter 2, 3 or 4 there'll be a one-way Geo Gate here. In those chapter you can also find Sound Bite B3 at the small lake (big word for that I suppose) In chapter 1 they both won't be there. = Take the stairs down and go through the door => Gale Ruins - Equipment housing area - Follow the corridor and hit the door at the end => Gale Ruins Great Engin Rm. - = Go straight ahead and the boss will become visible = Go to the boss and kill it. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bone Mantis | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Bone Mantis, Left Arm, Right Arm | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Overall Easy | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 16 | 29 | ?? | 50 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 14 | Brandol 15 | Ulk 13 | Myam 15 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This is one of the easiest bosses of the game. Honestly I did once manage | | to defeat him without even being hurt. Of course, even with this boss | | being easy and with the best techniques that is a rarity, but it IS | | possible. | | | | Its attacks are basically pathetic. His HP are pathetic, and it has not | | annoying sidekicks or two forms. If you would have Carmyne in your party | | and have her Holy Breath unlocked, use it, and the chance is great that | | you don't even have to hear yourself. Otherwise you could take Myam, so | | that you can use "Recover All" if you need. But if you don't have both | | there's no worry either. This game is easy enough to solve otherwise. | | If you got Brandol using Victory Roar, this battle will go even faster. | | If you got Ulk with you, then DON'T use Spiral Blow. It's immune to that. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = Go straight ahead = Exit north to reach the Spiritual Atrium. +----- FIRST TIME PLAY ---------------------------------------------------+ | When you play this dungeon for the first time, the mission doesn't | | exactly end here. When you come back from the Spiritual Atrium just | | walk all the way back and you'll get an intersection which brings you | | to the sub-mission: Acradian Attack | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Venom Ruins (Illusory Meadow) | IDXE005 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 21-25 | 40-45 | 82-83 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 22 | Brandol 20 | Ulk 19 | Myam 23 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Volt Beast | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When you are at your first time in this place you'll need the 4 elemental slabs you from the elemental disorder chapter. They are at a peddestal at the entrance of Starry Corridor. If you missed them I suggest to warp out with a Geo Gate to get them and use the Geo Gate to get back here. When you already took those, or when this is not your first time in this place. Don't bother. - = Go straight ahead = Go left at the roundabout = At the next circle turn right = At the next section with three circles turn right = At the giant roundabout take the north way = Next roundabout left = First way left = At the fork take the way up = Up the hill right = First way right = In the next circle the way north-east (to the west here is a sound bite) = In the next circle take the road on the right = Up the hill North = Turn right = At the end left = Next circle turn left = Exit north => Illusory Meadow 2 - = Turn right = First way left = At the end turn right = At the end left = In the next circles take the road left and watch out for the plant monsters. They are tough. = At the end turn right = Fist way left = Immediatle right = First way left = You are now at the entrance of the ruins. Enter them => Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Park - First of all there's a Geo Gate here. When you are NOT on your first playthrough and still in chapter 2 there's no point in continuing. When you are in your first playthough you have to continue and for that you need the four elemental slabs. If you still don't have them use the Geo Gate and take them from the entrance of Starry Corridor. Use the Slabs on the peddestand and a door will open so you can take on the rest of the ruins. Exit north => Venom Ruins - Interior - = Ignore the gun an go into the road to the right = Push the block with the green diamond to the green circle = Go back to the gun and fire it = Go back to the green diamond and go into the doorway west = When you see a gun go into the way to the right = Push the red diamon to the right (South) = Go back to the gun and fire it = Go back to the red diamond and push it onto the red circle = Push the green diamond onto the green circle = Push the blue diamnon onto the circle then onto the blue panel = Take the south road = First door left = In the next room turn right = In the next room turn right = Press the button on the panel at the end and go back = Next room turn left = Next room turn left again = First way west = Fire the gun = Go to the room with the three diamonds = Once there turn right (East) = First door left = In the next room turn right = In the next room turn right also = Press the button at the end of the way and go back = In the next room turn left = Once again turn left in the next room = At the end go left = Fire the gun and go to the room with the three diamonds = Push the blue diamnd onto the blue circle = A button will appear in the center. Press it. = A large door will open. Exit through it => Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Throne - On your first playthrough and in chapter 3 and 4 you can see the boss it but it's crystallized and cannot do anything. Approach it and nothing will happen. Since it blocks the way to the Spiritual Atrium you cannot continue. Go back and the boss will decrystalize and attack you. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Volt Beast | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Volt Beast, Horn, Left Claw, Right Claw | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Medium, but canbe hard. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 28 | 48 | 90 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 23 | Brandol 20 | Ulk 20 | Myam 24 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This beast has two forms between it changes at will. In vertical form (in | | which it starts the battle you can only hurt it with non-elemental | | attacks. In horizontal form only elemental attacks will do (elemental | | moves will do. You don't need necesarily magic). The attacks of this one | | are, shall we say, very significant. So having a heal egg with spells | | like Alheal are absolutely required. If you don't have them, then for | | God's sake have Myam with you for the move Recover All or Carmyne with | | Holy Breath. If you don't fit in one of these three requirements then | | your chances are nill. As long as you have some healers at the ready, you | | normally should be fine. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to the room (Spiritual Atrium) - On your first playtrough you can obtain an ancient seal here. That completes the mission. Of course when you get here in chapter 3 or 4 you can get treasures here. When you're done here leave. - There's no one-way Geo-Gate here, so we have to go to the Gate at the entrance. Cross the room and exit south => Venom Ruins - Interior - = Turn right = When you reach the gun, turn left = When you reach the green diamond turn left = In the next room exit left => Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Park - On your first playthrough you'll have a little argument with Kroitz. You'll automaticly end up in Locca. If this is not your first playthrough, then who cares, you can get out with the Geo Gate anyway. When you are on your first playthrough you got to take on Spying with Lutina mission first before you can proceed to the next mission (Starry Corridor floor B10-B20) or replay old missions. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Darkness Ruins (Ancient Factory) | IDXE006 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 24-26 | 41-43 | 100-104 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 33 | Brandol 32 | Ulk 29 | Myam 31 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Zenothlee (Chapter 2 and 4) | | Serpent (Chapter 3) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is one of the most interesting places of the game. This is also where level 200 Zenothlee dwells (in chapter 4 that is) and NOT in the Vortex Corridor, as a popular rumor goes. If this is your first playthrough here, then don't worry about that. - = Cross the bridge = Turn left immediately = Turn right at the end = First way to the left = At the end go right = At the end turn right and go up the ladder = Go straight ahead = The road turns right = At the end take the ladder down = Go left = First way left (north) = Go up the ladder = Go down with the elevator = Turn to the right = Follow the way (it's a long way around this place) = At the end take the ladder down = Go straight ahead and take the elevator down = Go to the right = Around the corner to the right = Take up the small ramp and go inside => Darkness Ruins - Factory Interior - This room starts with the Geo Gate. = Turn left = Follow the path down = Go east past the strange device = Leave this room east = Make your way through the big wheels and watch out not to get hit. = Go straight on and an elevator will mve you to the north = Go straight north = Follow the way = Use the switch at the end = Cross the bridge you just created = Follow the way until you get by some strange device with red and green luquids flowing into it. = Pass it either on the left or the right side = At the end go down with the elevator = Go right You'll now be in a room where the strange wheels the Nortis guys use for all their machinery appear to be created. You see them rolling over lines. Getting hit by them will get you hurt = Go straight ahead past the first line (not the second) = Go right and get up the ramp = On top the ramp go left = Follow the way and go through the door = Turn left = Take the door on the right = Cross this room and leave it through the other door = Turn to the right = Take the second door on the right = Cross the room and leave it at the other side = Turn right = Take the door on the left = Follow the way and take the second ramp on the left = Take the door on the west-side of the room. = Pass the strange device on either the left of the right side and leave this room on the west side = Cross this room and leave through the other door = Turn right = Take at the end the door on the left = Cross the room and leave through the other door = Turn left = Follow the corridor = Second door left = Cross the room and leave through the other door = Turn to the left = Take the door on the right = When all the rings are placed step onto the transport and you'll be brought to another section of the factory. = Go up the ladder = Go straight ahead = At the end go right = Exit to the next room => Darkness Ruins - Loading Area - = Take the lane beside the middle chart and take the small ramp down here. Stand in front of the chart and you see five streams with a ball in them. Those are switches. I number them like this 1 2 3 4 5 In this is 1 the closest to the chart. = Now switch over switch #3, #5, #1 = Now board the middle chart and get to the section of the ruins where you got to be. = From here go through the doorway => Darkness Ruins - Cold Lab - Go straight ahead thorugh the door. If you are NOT on your first playthrough you'll find a one-way Geo-Gate here. Now if you go through the big grey door serveral things can happen, pending on your current situation. On your first playthrough Kroitz will lock you in and you'll got to defeat Zenothlee. Don't worry about level 200 stories, that is something is not an issue now. When you are here not on your first playthrough but still in chapter 2 nothing will happen at all and you can proceed freely. When you come here in chapter 3 you'll get to fight a Serpent in order to proceed. When you get here in chapter 4 you'll get the level 200 version of Zenothlee. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zenothlee | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Zenothlee, Crustal x3 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Medium in chap 2, in chap 4 hardest fight in the game. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 32 | N/A | 200 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 33 | Brandol 32 | Ulk 29 | Myam 32 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The gap of difficulty is pretty high between the chapter 2 version and | | chapter 4 version. About 168 levels. | | | | Let's focus on the chapter 2 (level 32) version first shall we. | | In this form Zenothlee is not that hard. It's not super fast and its | | crystal sidekicks do 90% of their actions in combo form, which is rather | | in your advantage. Sometimes however they can place themselves onto a | | character placing them out of the battle for awhile (they can still get | | hurt though). If you got Brandol then using a Victory Roar speeds up this | | battle. When you got Myam, I say not to rely on Recover All. You should | | have the spell Alhealer already which is far more powerful. Super Frosty | | Attack will do. If you got Myam and Ulk together, then it's probably | | wiser to use Alhealer in stead of Droplets of Life. If you took Ulk I say | | the quickest way to go is with Spinning Hurler. If you took Carmyne with | | you then Holy Breath may cause that you don't even have to heal at all. | | If you took either Jaid, Titto or Lutina (I don't recommend to) I guess | | letting them use their strongest attacks will have to do. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Serpent | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Serpent-Center, Serpent-Left, Serpent-Right, Mega Beast x2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Pretty Hard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | N/A | 50 | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 45 | Brandol 44 | Ulk 41 | Myam 45 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The serpent has no main body, but three heads in stead. Removing the | | middle head will kill the serpent. | | | | You must kill the Mega Beasts as well to obtain Victory. | | | | This fight can be hard. The Mega Beasts can put you out of battle with | | a move that makes you unable to move and which hurts you. You can cleans | | things up a little with (I know this sounds odd) Sky Dragon Slash. After | | that focus on one head first before moving on to another. It makes no | | sense to try to take them all on at once. Be also alert for confusion | | spells. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After you defeated either Zenothlee or the Serpent you can proceed to the end of this huge corridor and turn left at the end. Go through the door and use the elevator. From there you can reach the Spiritual Atrium. - When this is your first time here, the mission doesn't end in the Spiritual Atrium. There's a doorway higher up. Exit through there => Darkness Ruins - Evol's Chamber - Evol is not here, but there are 2 things to do here. In the corner Kroitz left the slabs. Pick them up and after htat press the large red button. That completes the mission. You can not go back. There's a one-way Geo Gate now at the entrance of the room where you fought Zenothlee. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Light Ruins (Ground Chasm) | IDXE007 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 32-34 | 42-45 | 72-75 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 39 | Brandol 37 | Ulk 34 | Myam 38 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Colonel Kroitz (First Playthrough only) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is the final regular dungeon. After this only 2 corridor dungeons are left. This dungeon is quite unique. Unlike the other ruins, this one has no Spiritual Atrium. It has also no boss that appears when you get back here, just the boss you meet on your first time here, and after that no more bosses. When this is your first time here, keep in mind that this is the final mission of chapter 2. After this mission chapter 3 will begin immediately powering up all monsters and closing all Geo Gates. Well, that all comes later. Before we get to that, let's first navigate through the ruins, as usual - The first room is a bit messy. I'll try to keep it as short and easy as possible. = Step on the green energy disc = Turn to the right = Follow the way = At the fork go left = Follow the way = At the fork take the left road = Follow the road and cross the bridge = After the bridge turn left = Follow the road and cross the other bridge = After the bridge go right = Follow the road and step on the green energy disc = Step on the other green energy disc = Turn left and follow the road = Step on the green energy disc at the end = Turn right = Follow the road and step on the green energy disc at the end = Step on the purple platform = Go through the big doorway => Light Ruins - Interior 1 - = Turn Left = Follow the corridor and go throug the doorway at the end = Hack the objects until a crystal is revealed. Activate it and an elevator lowers. = Use the elevator = Go straight ahead = In the next room press the botton on the red panel = Go straight ahead = Leave the chest in the next room alone. It's a trap. Just go straight on. = Press the button on the blue panel and go straight ahead = In the next room use the green panel and leave this room to the south = In the next room hack the objects until you see a crystal = Activate the crystal and use the elevator = Just go straight ahead, after the first dark room, first way to the right = Go to the next area => Light Ruins - Interior 2 - This room starts with a Geo Gate. = From the Geo Gate straight ahead till you can go no further = Go to the left = There's a doorway left. Take it = You'll get into a huge elevator. Wait as it go down, and kill the monsters that attack you on the way. When the elevator arrives all monsters in here you didn't kill will disappear. = After the elevator arrived (after a long time) leave it south-west = Follow the corridor = A the end turn left and take the first doorway to the left = Here is another elevator. You know the deal. = When the elevator has arrived leave it north-east = Follow the corridor = At the end turn right and leave the room through the doorway = Wait by the hole for the platform to arrive. = Stand on it to go down = Go East = Exit East => Ground Chasm 2 - = Go straight on and follow the way = At the end left and follow the way = At the end take the ladder down = Turn right and follow the way = At the fork take the south-west path and follow the way = At the end turn left and go up the ladder = Turn left and follow the way = At the end go left = Get on the moving platform, but watch out for the flying missiles. They hurt you and can even knock you off = Take the other moving platform = Now you got two more platforms to choose from. Take the one on the right = Turn to the right and follow the way = Take the moving platform at the end and avoid the missiles = At the end turn right = Second way left at the end right = You'll see a cave. Enter it. => Underground Cavern - When you are NOT on your first playthrough the road ends here. In that case there'll be a one-way Geo Gate. Use it to go back to Locca as there's no point continuing any more. WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH there's still more work to be done here. Go straight ahead until a FMV takes place. After the FMV go straight ahead and be careful not to be touched by those eh.... What the heck are they anyway... Well, just don't let them touch you! Okay? Now your road will be blocked. Another FMV will take place and you'll get into a diffrent section of this place. => Light Ruins - Vestige - = Go straight ahead = At the end left = In the next room go right = Follow the corridor and take the first way left = Stand on the platform to go up = Go north and take the way left at the end = Follow the road and take the ladder at the end => Underground Cavern - You'll see the mess Kroitz left behind and you'll meet Diene. After that walk to the left of the screen until you'll see an overexcited Specto. Kroitz will cover Specto up and a boss fight will start. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Colonel Kroitz | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Col. Kroitz, Crimson, Kroitz Guard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Shouldn't be hard, but can have deadly suprises | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 42 | N/A | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 40 | Brandol 38 | Ulk 35 | Myam 39 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Okay, this battle can be easy, still this isn't the battle to be fooling | | around with. Kroitz has some deadly attacks, and especially his Demon | | slash is dangerous, since it hits all party members. You must have at | | at least two people who can cast Alhealer, Myam's Recover All won't | | suffice any more as healing move. If you got Carmyne I suppose you can | | try Holy Breath. Though I never tried it I doubt it will suffice. You | | really need the alhealer spell or you're very likely not to win this one. | | If you got Brandol, it is really a good idea to start the battle with | | with a Victory Roar. | | | | Lastly use your strongest attack and only aim for Kroitz. Ignore the | | others. When you kill a soldier Kroitz will only call for new ones. If | | you do that (with the power of Victory Roar) this battle will not last | | long. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After this battle you'll have an automated part. When that's finished go straight ahead and go through the door => Light Ruins - Laboratory. - You'll meet Evol. When he stops talking go through the door to Quanlee's Birthplace. There this mission will end. Chapter 2 has now ended. Chapter 3 has now begun this means that all enemies in the ruins have once again powered up and that all Geo Gates have been closed. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Corridor Dungeons | IDXF000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Corridor dungeons are diffrent from regular dungeons. They are completely generated at random, so it's diffrent every time you take them on. So you're on your own when it comes to navigating in a corridor dungeon. The object is always to find the elevator to the next floor. Sometimes there are colored plates in a corridor level. When that's the case you can find four of those. Step on them all and you can open a secret door for treasure. What is nice to know about the corridor dungeons is that unlike regular dungeons the levels of monsters are always the same. They won't increase by reaching a new chapter. However the levels can increase every time you pass a floor with a Geo Gate. Make sure you want to enter a corridor. Once you're in you cannot get out until you reach a floor with a Geo Gate. Also make sure you are ready to advance to the next floor. Once you advanced to the next floor you can never get back to the previous one (when you start a corridor level over the floors are completely gerenated randomly again). +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Starry Corridor | IDXF001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in chapter: 2, 3 and 4 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Floors: 30 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy Levels: | Floor B01-B05: 17-18 | | | Floor B05-B10: 20-21 | | | Floor B10-B15: 24-26 | | | Floor B15-B20: 25-27 | | | Floor B20-B25: 33-36 | | | Floor B25-B30: 33-36 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: None | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Before entering Starry Corridor for the first time you should take the elemental slabs from the ruins of the Elemental Disorder. If you missed it, don't worry, you don't need it in the corridor itself, and you can use a Geo Gate lateron to get it lateron. Starry Corridor is the gateway to the Venom, the Dark and the Light Ruins. At every 5 floors you'll find a Geo Gate. Every 10 floors you'll find a teleporter that can warp you to one of the ruins. You must have completed the ruins such a floor connects to at least once before you can proceed further in Starry Corridor. With that all taken in order, I wish you good luck. P.S. A sound bite can be found on floor B10 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Evolution Corridor | IDXF002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in chapter: 3 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Floors: 16 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy Levels: | Floor 01-05: 38-40 | | | Floor 05-10: 42-44 | | | Floor 10-13: 46-47 (Will not end with a Geo Gate) | | | Floor 13-16: 46-48 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Quanlee | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Evolution Corridor is where Quanlee dwells. It can only be reached by Geo Gate. As in starry corridor the floors here are randomly generated. The first 10 levels are in the same way as the starry corridor so you know what to expect. The other levels are generated in a diffrent way. Easier to navigate through also. There are no side-dungeons connected to the Evolution corridor, so you got a straight way up. There are Geo Gates on floor 5 and 10 And on floor 5, 10 and 13 Quanlee will bother you with some cheap and crappy nonsense. When you reached the top (floor 16) of the evolution corridor you'll have to fight Quanlee. Go to him and the battle will begin. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quanlee | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Form 1: Quanlee, Left Wing, Right Wing | | Form 2: True Quanlee, Right Arm, Left Arm, Force Gear (x4) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Supposed to be hard, but actually easy | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | N/A | Form 1: 50 | N/A | | | | | Form 2: 55 | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 57 | Brandol 57 | Ulk 55 | Myam 58 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quanlee has two forms. Neither of them are impressive, the first form is | | even pathetic. With Brandol and Ulk in your party worked out well you can | | get that one down in so small ammount of turns that Quanlee has hardly | | the time to do anything in return. | | | | Form 2 is a bit harder. | | I advise to leave his sidekicks alone and aim for the main body only. | | If you plan to kill them you could use Sky Dragon Slash, but you need 2 | | of those to get rid of them. If that is wise or stupid is up to your | | judgement. In this form Quanlee can do a lot of attacks since there are | | so many targets but none of them can do truely impressive attacks, only | | the main body has a few killer moves, but when you are healing with | | spells like Alhealer (when if you used Carmyne's Holy Breath) you got | | nothing to fear. | | | | Basically Quanlee is a pushover! | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When you beat Quanlee the game is officially over and you'll get the credits rolling. However the game has an epilogue chapter, which I call chapter 4. You can make a savegame after the scene that comes and when you load it you can start the epilogue chapter. If you do so all Geo Gates will be closed, all enemies in the regular dungeons will level up and you'll be able to take on the Vortex Corridor. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Vortex Corridor | IDXF003 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in chapter: 4 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Floors: 100 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy Levels: | Floor 01-05: 46-51 | Floor 50-55: 70-71 | | | Floor 05-10: 50-54 | Floor 55-60: 74-77 | | | Floor 10-15: 53-57 | Floor 60-65: 70-72 | | | Floor 15-20: 57-59 | Floor 65-70: 74-77 | | | Floor 20-25: 56-60 | Floor 70-75: 77-79 | | | Floor 25-30: 61-62 | Floor 75-80: 81-84 | | | Floor 30-35: 64-68 | Floor 80-85: 83-87 | | | Floor 35-40: 62-65 | Floor 85-90: 84-88 | | | Floor 40-45: 62-65 | Floor 90-95: 89-93 | | | Floor 45-50: 67-69 | Floor 95-99: 94-96 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: None | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Vortex Corridor is 100 floors of pure frustration. And is it worth it to take it on? No! There's nothing down there, and also no impressive boss down there either. Just 100 floors of randomly generated labyrinths is all there is to find here. A popular rumor has it that level 200 Zenothlee is here. Truth is. He's not. You will find him on the place where you fought his weaker version before. At the end of the Darkness Ruins. It is so that you only can claim to have finished the game when you finished the Vortex Corridor. That's the only reason to go down there. The way the mazes are generated is just the same as Starry Corridor, it only looks diffrent, but that's all. The looks may change every 20 levels just to keep you from getting bored. Every 5 levels you'll find a Geo Gate, but the Geo Gates down here are diffrent from the rest of the game. Now you can do a few things with these Exit The Geo Gate will open, bring you back to Locca and close Recover All HP and Magic will be recovered and the Geo Gate will disappear (and reappear when you'd happen to get at this floor again). Entrance Make the Geo Gate so that you can get to that spot from Locca. But you cannot return to Locca with it. (Other Geo Gates you opened for this purpose will close) Item The Geo Gate will transform into an item. If this item is valuable to just crap is something you can never tell unless you try this out. When you choose this the Geo Gate will disappear (and reappear if you'd happen to get on this floor again). Please note that if you enter the Vortex Corridor at Floor 1 all Geo Gates in here will close, so only start over the Vortex Corridor if you got good reason for it. And if you leave the Vortex Corridor you'll always be forced to play at least the last 5 floors again. Another thing is that every 10 levels you'll find a sound bite, starting at floor 20. Mostly to the right of the Geo Gate. With this said, do what you think is right to get through it. The party I used to take it on was: Evann, Brandol, Ulk and Myam as I always do. I went for power as that is what you need. The enemies here have strong defensive capabilities, but if you see fit in other parties, go ahead no one will stop you. You may notice if you played Grandia 1 and 2 that the fights in the Vortex Corridor did copy the music from those two games. It's a funny detail but has no further meaning. Well, in the end you'll reach floor 100. Floor 100 is the same room as where you fought Quanlee before. There's a normal full Geo Gate there and when you go further from that point the game will end. I know you'll be disapointed by the fact that there's no boss here, but I'm afraid that's the way it is. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sub-Missions | IDXG000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sometimes when you finished a mission on your first playthrough of that mission there will be a sub-mission that will have to be done first before you can continue to the next mission or replay an old mission. These are all one-time missions and can't be replayed afterwards. Some of these missions DO INVOLVE FIGHTING. I'll give my levels if that's the case. If I don't give up my levels we're dealing with a mission that does not have any battles. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Escarree: Report to Specto | IDXG001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Occurs: After your first time in the Fire Ruins | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First of all speak to all team memers in Locca Here's where I found them Carmyne - Diner Brandol - Beside the door to the Diner Ulk - At the lake in the park Myam - At the same lake were Ulk is, across the small bridge Titto - In the corridor second floor of the barracks Jaid - Room 202 in the barracks (2nd floor right door) After that you'll be transported to Escarree where you have to seek out Specto. He's in the music hall, that's the green building. Hear him out about everything you can ask him. After that go back to the train to go back to Locca. There you can resume the game with either the next mission or replay of the the old ones. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Arcadian Attack | IDXG002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Occurs: After your first time in the Gale Ruins | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 14-15 | N/A | N/A | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 15 | Brandol 16 | Ulk 14 | Myam 16 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Lutina | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is a one-time mission. You got to do it with the same party as you used in the Gale Ruins. Even though you haven't been in Locca your SP is reduced to 0. Damn. The mission start with a fight. No big deal but the enemies are fast. After this fight the mission starts - = Take on the path between the mountains = Follow the path and kill the Arcadian Soldier that might cross your path. = At the end you'll meet Lutina and her soldiers. Defeat her to finish this sub-mission and chapter 1. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lutina | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Lutina, Arcada Soldier x4 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Pretty Hard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | 16 | N/A | N/A | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 14 | Brandol 16 | Ulk 13 | Myam 15 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lutina is very very annoying. Not only she's fast, she also dodges nearly | | everything and has a few killer moves. That she has 4 soldiers at her | | aid makes matters even worse. Just defeating Lutina is not enough, you | | you must take her soldiers down too. I recommend to go for the soldiers | | first. Bringing them down does happen faster since they dodge less and | | and have less HP. With them out, the rest of the battle is easier, but | | Lutina is capable enough to give you a hard time on her own. | | If you would happen to have Carmyne with Holy Breath, I suppose it could | | work out well here. Since that's not a likely scenario you'd do wise to | | have either Myam for Recover All, or to have a Mana Egg with Alheal | | equipped. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now chapter 1 has ended. All Geo Gates you opened before are closed and the enemies have levelled up. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Escarree: Spying with Diene | IDXG003 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Occurs: At the start of Chapter 2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You start in Escarree. In town is a doorway into the base. Once there the road will be blocked by a soldier. Don't worry, Dienne will talk you out of this. Go to the barracks and talk to the soldier inside. Diene will hear him out (she's sneaky). With that you can go back to Locca. With that chapter 2 has really begun, and you can replay the old missions or go on with the next mission, the first part of Starry Corridor. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Escarree: Spying with Lutina | IDXG004 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Occurs: After your first time in the Venom Ruins | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enemy | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | 20 | N/A | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 24 | Lutina 16 | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When you take the train to Escarree Lutina will insist on going with you. With that you only got Evann and Lutina for this small mission. Go to downtown and enter the base from there. Evann will use Diene's silly "pepper"-excuse to get in. Once there enter the main base (Lutina will break the lock for you). Once inside some scenario will take place making you have to fight the some soldiers. It can be hard since your SP is 0, still you should have no serious trouble winning this fight. After this fight you should go up the ramp in the back to examine the mural there. After that go back to Locca to resume the game. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Escarree: Quanlee's Arrival | IDXG005 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Can be done: At the start of chapter 3 (when you finish the Light Ruins) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 46 | Brandol 45 | Ulk 42 | Myam 46 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: Kroitz | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can not use the train to get to Escaree this time so you'll have to do it by using the world map. Once you enter Escarree you can NOT return to Locca until your business here is finished. Since this place has a boss fight (which ain't easy), make sure you're well prepared. Honestly before we run into Quanlee you need to do some stuff. Frankly I can hardly tell what you should be doing. But I'll fire my best shot. Go to Uptown (you can reach it by going into the station leaving it on the backside). I myself asked all people around. After that I went to the base (which can be easily reaced from Uptown). In the Barracks I spoke to Specto. After that I went do downtown and asked people. After you've spoken to all the people all over Escarree, Kroitz will be in the Uptown region. Talk to him and you'll witness the arrival of Quanlee.. (That guy gives me the creeps I tell ya). There'll be a long talk between Evann and Quanlee (and Kroitz making a fool of himself). When you get control over the game again go to the military base and there to the central facility. There you'll meet Quanlee and he'll summon a new version of Kroitz whom you got to fight. _______ | Boss \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Battle Kroitz | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Targets: Battle Kroitz, Demon Sword Crimson, Kroitz Guard (init x2) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Difficulty: Pretty Hard | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boss: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | | Levels: | N/A | N/A | 45 | N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | My 1T Levels | Evann 46 | Brandol 45 | Ulk 42 | Myam 46 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The basics of this battle are not so much diffrent that the one you | | fought in the Light Ruins. Kroitz is stronger now though, and since you | | always start this battle at 0 SP you got quite a handicap on this one. | | | | Kroitz dodges nearly all attacks. That makes that all you can do is save | | up SP and fire your best moves as soon as you got enough SP to perform | | them. As before it makes no sense to kill the soldiers. Kroitz will only | | summon new ones. His sword is indestructable to targetting it is just | | senseless. The techique is just using your strongest attacks as soon as | | you can (if you want powered up with Victory Roar if you took Brandol | | with you) and have enough healing spells like Alhealer at the read for | | when you get hurt. | | | | What you should know is that Kroitz will upgrade his sword halfaway the | | battle. This will make him even stronger. Watch out for that. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After this fight this sub-quest is over and you'll end up in Locca. From here you can decide wether to take on old missions or to start with the next mission which would be the Evolution Corridor. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A few gaming advices | IDXH001 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Pick your party well. Especially in dungeons were the enemy levels are high the right party is the key to victory - Replay all dungeons as often as you can and re-battle the boss enemies in particular again and again. Since they do respawn every time you enter a dungeon (after completing the chapter the dungeon was desinged for) you can do that unlimmited times, and it's the fastest way to level up. - NEVER USE COMBINATION MOVES! They look tempting but in 99.9% of the cases using them is an act of total stupidity. See my note in the combination move section why. (Hey, Trick. Why did you put a section about them if you think those moves should never be used? Answer: Because my FAQ would be inclomplete without them). - After chapter 1 you have complete freedom in how to pick your party members. I'm sure you figured out by then which are best. Keep using those party members, and don't switch anymore then. That only takes time. - Try to unlock all special moves (single ones, not the combos) as soon as you can. It'll pay off, trust me. - Only buy equipment for the party you plan to take with you on the next mission. It can be too expensive to buy it all, and it's possible the store has better when you return. If that happens you really wasted your money. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Party Recommendations | IDXH002 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Here are a few party types you can have. Tricky's super power party - Evann, Brandol, Ulk, Myam This is the party I ALWAYS prefer. Why? Brandol and Ulk are the two strongest, and especially in chapter 4 batlles can take forever if you don't have the strength they can provide. Those two can also carry most of the skills. It's something many Grandia X players ignore but because of that all the cons those two have (which is the lack of speed only) is so easily covered up. Give them WARP SHOES if you can and have them equipped with skills like DASH, STRENGTH, ASURA SPIRIT and TOUGHNESS and nearly nothing can stop you. In the beginning I use Myam's RECOVER ALL a lot, when I can replace that with ALHEALER Myam is still good as a healer since she's pretty fast (and already higher in level by that time) You know the best choice in my opinion, but as I try to be a profesional I'll try to dig up a few more possibilites and their pros and cons. The Speedy Gonzales Party - Evann, Carmyne/Myam, Titto, Lutina This is by far the fastest you can have. This party can really work out in beating the enemies in speed, which is especially useful when you cancel a lot. But beware. This is also the weakest combination, so a perfect tactical eye is needed or you won't live to see tomorrow. Merlin's Party - Evann, Carmyne, Jaid, Myam When magic is your forte, you can try this party. I personally never use attacking magic in Grandia Xtreme, but if you find proper use for it this is the party with most magic capabilities. When you equip skills with this party, focus on your defenses, because they will suck if you pick this party. Balanced party - Evann, Brando, Jaid, Lutina With this party, power, speed and magic are all represented in one party. If you are not sure what is best you can try this one. Keep in mind that good usage of skills can be essential when you try this party. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Silly Details | IDXI000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Here are some silly details for whoever has an eye for detail. It's not really of concequence for the game, but nice to note. * Ever seen that the Baby Crustacean only lives in the Flame Ruins and is the only one you won't see in other places. Is done for a reason, since they are children of the Flame Ruins' boss Mother Crustacean. * When either Carmyne or Myam claim victory and are standing in their respective victory pose they'll always keep their faces to the camera unless the camera has turned so far that no human being could turn his/her head so far, but if you let the camera turn around then, you'll notice then they turn their head the other way to catch the camera again, once it's in human reach. Myam also does that after battle when somebody else claimed victory. Carmyne doesn't. * When you get in the water ruins in chapter 1 but not on your first playthrough you'll see that the big water bulb in the center room has disappeared. * A cosmetic error. The big water bulb in the centerroom of the Aqua ruins is the same as the one which has the boss inside it. But when you release the boss from the water bulb but do not fight it, but go back to the center room instead the bulb has gone, but so has the boss. When you go back down the boss will be there again. The big disappearing trick. * In chapter 4 the Magician and the Ranger have swapped places. * You'd say the Spiritual Atrium of the Land Ruins is diffrent than the ones in the other rooms. But frankly, it's not. They only raised the floor higher so that some parts have disappeared beneath it and placed in an extra ramp (probably placed there by the Nortis Army). * Ben and his family are all wearing such strange headwear. I gotta say that his wife looks charming with it. * Some headgear you can find in dungeons just look like Justin's silly cap. (I mean Justin from Grandia 1). * Mother Crustacean makes the same sounds as the Valmar's tongue from Grandia II. * Yes, it's true, the voice of Kroitz comes from Mark Hamill also known as Luke Skywalker. (Of course only in the US version, not in the Japanese version). * There's a shortcut elevator in the Light Ruins when you take it on in chapter 3 and 4 (which wasn't there in chapter 2) in which you can avoid the monster elevators. But the way down it takes appears far shorter than that of the 2 monster elevators while you go as deep down. Strange! * The way Myam uses her bow, is one of the first things I was told NOT to do when I took a few archery lessons. (Though you see fantasy archers do it lots of times). * The big wheels of Quanlee power all the machinery of the Nortis, right? Then why still the sounds of engines in the cars, Pike's moped and other machinery? +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | Copyrights and permissions | IDXJ001 | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ This FAQ has been copyrighted by Jeroen Broks aka Tricky, formely known as Tricrokra. This FAQ may be viewed, downloaded and printed for personal use only. It may not be sold, or used as a basis for commercial work. This FAQ may also not be modified. Parts of it may not be copied to your own FAQs without my permission. This FAQ is NOT officially authorized by Enix or GameArts or any other party that is related to Grandia If you want to host this FAQ, it's allowed, if you ask my permission first, permission will be granted assuming that the FAQ stays in this form unmodified, that users can view it FREE OF CHARGE, and that pop-ups have been added to the page that views this FAQ. Sites with permission to host this FAQ: --------------------------------------- GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com Mogolgott http://www.mogolgott.de SuperCheats http://www.supercheats.com Sites banned from hosting this FAQ: ----------------------------------- Neoseeker http://www.neoseeker.com +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | Contacting the author | IDXJ002 | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ Before contacting me, please read carefully. If you want me to answer questions about the game itself please visit this site: http://www.tbbs.nl/QuestionGen.php4 That is my Q&A site where I (or others) will answer all your game questions. If you do, please check if the question you want to ask hasn't been asked before. :) If you want to inquire about me as a person, or when you have anything to say about the FAQ itself, like asking permission to host, got suggestions for this FAQ, something like that please mail it to tric1975@hotmail.com AND PUT [Tric-FAQ] IN THE SUBJECT OR ELSE MY SPAMFILTER MAY REJECT YOU! If you see that I missed things in this FAQ, then in stead of calling me names, you may tip me about that part, or if you want even come up with a complete workout of that part, that I will copy into this FAQ (I may alter your lay-out to make it fit with the rest) and even credit you for your trouble. This also goes for alternate boss techniques. AND NEVER FORGET TO TELL ME WHICH FAQ OF MINE YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I get a lot of mails in which I must guess which FAQ it is we're talking about, and since I'm very busy as a contributor for GameFAQs, and ocasionally other sites, I have quite a lot of FAQs here. So it will help me a lot when I know which FAQ/Game it is you're talking about. :) And one last thing. Below are remarks I got a lot about my FAQs. Some are funny, and some are just plainly too stupid for words. I don't want to be an arrogant bastard or anything, but some of them tire me a lot. So here are those mails with my standard replies: M: Fix your English A: Some people say they hardly hear the diffrence between me and an English speaking fellow. Others say it sucks. Well, I honestly don't care in which category you are. English is NOT my first language. If I spoke my own language you probably couldn't read my FAQs at all. M: You suck in levelling up A: I know. I'm a real RPG player. I don't waste my time hours of levelling up. In my vision that's a sort of cheating. If I wanted to do that, I'd buy a gameshark. That works a lot faster. No offense to those who do believe in that. M: HEY IDIOT! FIX YOUR FAQ! A: Anyone who sends mail like this won't receive a reply. In fact they will be banned from ever mailing me again. I can understand you do not agree with my technique. There are as many as there are people. I can also agree you detected that I made a mistake. Well, I'm human you know. Making mistakes is part of my nature, as much as it's yours. If you detect errors in my FAQ you can tell me about it in a civil way, and I'll fix it if I agree with you. M: I took on the bosses you brant HARD on much lower levels with no problem at all. A: Good for you. M: Are you a man? A woman? How old are you? Where do you live? A: I really got that kind of mails a lot. I don't mind that you know. I was quite amused by such mails actually. Well, my name is Jeroen Broks. I'm not going to give my private adres in this FAQ or anywhere else on the internet, but you may know that I live in the Netherlands, I am a man, and I was born in 1975. So on the moment I started on this version of this FAQ I was 32 years old. M: Fsdasdadasf afsdfasd afdfsaf A: Whatever you say I don't understand it. If you mail me, please only do so in either English or Dutch or if you really need in German. (Be perpared that if you speak German to me, you might get an answer in English, tough). I don't speak any other language. M: May I translate your FAQ into another language? A: If you ask my permission, mostly no problem M: Why is Neoseeker banned from hosting your FAQs? A: Sorry, I ain't gonna answer that one. You have to be satisfied when I tell you that I had VERY GOOD reasons to make that decission. M: You know NOTHING about this game or RPG in general? A: That I know nothing about RPG in general is something you can't say. I spend 80% of my free time in RPG (which is quite a lot, trust me), and I even develop them myself for a hobby. And about this game, trust me when I say that all games I wrote a FAQ about have been played multiple times from start to finish, and after I completed the FAQ the game is played over and over again and again, so I can upgrade the FAQ if I find something new, to make sure my FAQs offer the best you can get. All games I wrote FAQs about are games I'm very devoted to. No exceptions. If I am not sure I know the game, I won't write a FAQ on it. And so far this FAQ. I hope you have good use for it! (c) Copyright 2007, JBC-Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricky)