Walkthrough/FAQ by __________________ | /* . _ | / |/ | /\ //_ |/ |\ |/ \/ \_||\ __________________ - GameArts xXXXXXXXXXXXx xXXXXXXXXXx - Enix XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%% %%% %%%X%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%XXX %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%% %%%X%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %%%% %%%X%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%% XXXXX%%%%%% %%% XXXXXX%%%%% %%%% %%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%%XXXX%%%% %%%X%%%XX %%%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%%XXXX%%%%X%%%X%%%X %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%XXXX%%%%X%%%X%%% %% %%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%% %%%XXXX%%%%X%%%X%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%% %%%XXXX%%%%X%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% X%%%%%XX%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%XXX%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%%XXXX%%%X%%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%%%%XXXXXX%%%X%%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% % %%%%XXXxxXXX%%%X%%% %%% %%%%% %%%% XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXx %%%% %%%%%%%%% XXXXXXXX xXXXXXXXXXx %%%% %%%%%%% XXXXXXXX xXXXXXXXXX%%%%% %%%%%xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxx XXXXXXXX xx xXXXXXXX%%%%% xxXX%%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxXXX XXXXXXXX%%% xXXXXxx % xxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXfXXXXXX%XXXX xXXXX xXXXXXXXx XXXXXx xXXXXXXXx ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ ___ XXXXXXXXx xXXXXXXXx | | \ | | \ / | | XXXXXXXXXXXx xXXXXXXx | |__| |--- | \/ | |--- xXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx xxXXXXXXx | | \ |___ | | |___ xxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game: Grandia Xtreme (English release) Players: 1 Genre: RPG (Dungeon Crawler) Platform: PlayStation 2 (PS2) FAQ: Complete Walkthrough/FAQ Format: Plain Text, Courier New (Size: 10), 76 characters per line. Author: KingK E-mail: kamangren(at)yahoo(dot)com Version: 1.3 (2004-02-11) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SEARCH ENGINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. REVISION HISTORY..............................................SEC01 II. INTRODUCTION.................................................SEC02 III. GAME TUTORIAL...............................................SEC03 LET'S GET EXTREME!..................................SUB01 PREPARING FOR ADVENTURE.............................SUB02 MAGIC AND SKILLS....................................SUB03 BATTLES.............................................SUB04 IV. PLAYABLE CHARACTERS..........................................SEC04 EVANN...............................................SUB05 BRANDOL.............................................SUB06 CARMYNE.............................................SUB07 ULK.................................................SUB08 TITTO...............................................SUB09 MYAM................................................SUB10 JAID................................................SUB11 LUTINA..............................................SUB12 V. COMBINATION MOVES.............................................SEC05 DOUBLE COMBOS.......................................SUB13 TRIPLE COMBOS.......................................SUB14 QUADRUPLE COMBOS....................................SUB15 VI. SKILLS.......................................................SEC06 C-RANK SKILLS.......................................SUB16 B-RANK SKILLS.......................................SUB17 A-RANK SKILLS.......................................SUB18 S-RANK SKILLS.......................................SUB19 VII. MANA EGGS...................................................SEC07 MANA EGG LIST.......................................SUB20 MAGIC LIST..........................................SUB21 VIII. WALKTHROUGH................................................SEC08 BOOST LEVEL 1.......................................SUB22 BOOST LEVEL 2.......................................SUB23 BOOST LEVEL 3.......................................SUB24 IX. BESTIARY.....................................................SEC09 MONSTER LIST........................................SUB25 X. COMPLETE ITEM LIST............................................SEC10 WEAPONS.............................................SUB26 GEAR................................................SUB27 ITEMS...............................................SUB28 RARE ITEMS..........................................SUB29 XI. SIDEQUESTS...................................................SEC11 CRASH HEADS.........................................SUB30 THE SPIRIT SEARCH...................................SUB31 JUSTON GAMBLE.......................................SUB32 VORTEX CORRIDOR (BONUS DUNGEON).....................SUB33 LUCKY MINKS MADNESS.................................SUB34 LEVEL 200 ZENOTHLEE.................................SUB35 NEW-----> MAIASIS ITEMS.......................................SUB36 XII. GENERAL FAQ.................................................SEC12 XIII. CREDITS....................................................SEC13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ I. REVISION HISTORY (SEC01) ============================================================================ - Version 0.1 (2003-07-01): Finished primary version of the FAQ. Four elemental dungeons are complete. A lot more to come... - Version 0.2 (2003-07-12): Starry Corridor Levels 1-10 and the Illusory Meadow along with Venom Ruins are completed. Added the Limited Book skill book (how the hell did I miss that?! Thanks Karen). Added more monsters/items. Also added the Triple and Quadruple Combination moves thus finishing section V. A lot more info on the Crash Heads also from Karen. Added more info regarding the Spirit equipment thanks to Buster. Small tipos here and there. - Version 0.3 (2003-07-18): Starry Corridor Levels 11-20 are complete along with the Darkness Ruins. Added the B-Rank skills. Extended the FAQ section. Also check out contributed info about the Devil Chest from the magicalhappyman, it's important!. More monsters in the Bestiary section. Buster makes his comeback in this version with even more info on the Spirit equipment. Small corrections here and there. - Version 0.4 (2003-08-01): Whew... where to begin? This is a big update. Well first of all, Starry Corridor Levels 21-30 are complete along with the Light Ruins. Added Boost Level 2. Most of the sections were revised and rewritten, added the FAQ sub sections for most of the sections. The only section that was left intact is the Mana Egg section, sorry but I have major plans for that one in a future updates. Also added the A-Rank Skill list. Fixed a lot of bugs and errors, added more contributed stuff. You might have noticed the new ASCII art, yeah I've changed the old one--I hope you'll like new one. I also began the Rare Item listing. As a side note: 'Carro' Concert is now known as 'Crash Heads' and 'FAQ' section was renamed to 'General FAQ'. - Version 0.5 (2003-09-03): For now I just started the Juston Gamble and corrected some minor tipos. But the next update will be version 1.0. It will include completed walkthrough, rewritten Mana Egg section and anything that I might think of adding. So stay sharp and thank you for waiting. - Version 1.0 (2003-11-08): Evolution Corridor and Boost Level 3 are finally complete. Finished the Mana Egg section at last. Shortened table of contents for better viewing, made some other layout changes. Added more info to the sidequest section mainly the Lucky Minks part and the Juston Gamble. Fixed some tipos here and there. Now that the walkthrough part is complete I'll have more time to work on those sidequests. - Version 1.1 (2003-12-08): Started the Vortex Corridor sidequest. Finished the Lucky Minks sidequest. Added even more contributions. Started Accessories, Restoration and Battle items listing. Removed tables. Started the Level 200 Zenothlee sidequest. Began the S-Rank skill listing. - Version 1.2 (2004-01-07): Added even MORE contributions. Finished the Crash Heads sidequest and Skills section thanks to Ramiro Ngafoe. Changed the formating of the Bestiary. Added a bunch of descriptions to the lists thanks a number of contributors. Spellchecked. Oh and also, Happy New Year!! =D - Version 1.3 (2004-02-11): Added a lot of info to the Bestiary section and rewrote some things. Big thanks to GreatSkaori he was the one who finally contributed to the Bestiary section. Ramiro Ngafoe informed me of a money making trick, interesting way to get some cash quickly. Check it out in the FAQ section. Also added a lot of items to the Complete Item List. I have also decided to add the Search Engine feature to my FAQ. I have added a new sidequest section called MAIASIS Items. It deals with items that can be sold to a shop to get new items. Check it out! Also note that the Single Moves were moved to section IV. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ II. INTRODUCTION (SEC02) ============================================================================ Hi. This is once again a FAQ by me KingK. This time it's for Grandia Xtreme. Grandia Xtreme is the next installment in Grandia series since Grandia II. However Grandia Xtreme is not Grandia III, it is a dungeon crawler with entirely independant world and story, although the game system is based on Grandia II it has improved graphics along with gameplay and also magic and skills became much more realistic and beautiful. Rather than concentrating on the story developers decided that it's time for players to feel the taste of battle. And thatýs what this game is mostly all about--fighting countless battles, building up your characters and hunting for items. Surprisingly it was released pretty much at the same time in Japan as Grandia II, January 2002. However the Western players, along with us, Europeans had to wait a bit to play this game. It was scheduled to be released worldwide September 2002. So as always Japan gets all good stuff before anyone else. In my opinion the whole game became more dynamic and fun to play. It's really for Grandia series fans. Yes the story of this game pulls back a bit compared to its predecessors but other than that Grandia Xtreme excels in pretty much every other aspect, even graphically. Although it's not story-based it is still very enjoyable game. You'll find a lot of things to do, and yes there _is_ a story in this game! With Enix in the party the games system got really boosted. Grandia Xtreme has all the classical Grandia features and adds a lot more to explore! Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ is my property and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You have acquired only the right to use this FAQ and you don't have any other rights, express or implied, in the FAQ other than those specified in this Disclaimer. You shouldn't remove anything from this FAQ. You strictly are not allowed to sell or rent it. Don't edit, plagiarize, transform or translate this FAQ into other languages, convert into .HTML .DOC or any other format except .TXT. You cannot execute nothing of the above except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by myself. In no event shall I be liable for any damage consisting of direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or any kind of physical or mental harm arising from the use of or inability to use my FAQ. All of the names, items, characters and all other parts of these games are trademarks of their respectful owners. Webmasters ~~~~~~~~~~ To post my FAQs on your website you have to: 1) Respect everything stated in the above Disclaimer. 2) Never charge people for them. 3) Never change or add anything to the FAQs. 4) Update my FAQs by yourself. 5) Send me the name of the site. If you can't be bothered updating my them from GameFaqs then don't you even bother contacting me! I don't care who you are and I don't care how big your site is (it's still not as big as GameFaqs) if you can't agree with the terms above then get lost! If I find you plagiarized my FAQ then I swear I will take legal actions against you. I will find your ass. I will sue your ass. Your ass will burn in hell. Period. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFaqs. Also the following sites have permission to display my FAQ: GameFaqs : http://www.gamefaqs.com GameSpot : http://www.gamespot.com IGN FAQs : http://faqs.ign.com Neoseeker : http://www.neoseeker.com CheatsDe : http://www.cheats.de GameNotOver : http://www.gamenotover.com Contacting Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do send mails stating something I missed, contributions, suggestions and so on. You will be fully credited. Mails with an appropriate subject. Do send polite letters. Good language is preferred but not necessary, at least try to keep spelling mistakes to a minimum. Do send alert mails if you found my FAQ plagiarized. Don't swear or send rude or offensive e-mails, don't send hate mails, flames and so on. Continue to be annoying and I will ban your address so you could never pester me again. Don't like may FAQ? I don't care! Take it somewhere else! Don't send viruses. Do not send me any attachments, I will not open any executables, except if I know you well. Don't send duplicate mails. I'm not a retard, one letter is enough. Don't send things that are not related to games. I will try to respond ASAP but be patient and wait. If you send any of the Don'ts then they will be deleted on sight. Don't be inpatient or overdemanding. Thank you. I will only accept/reply letters in ENGLISH, RUSSIAN and LITHUANIAN. Like my FAQ? Rate it! To check my other work on GameFaqs follow this URL: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/28023.html ------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This FAQ has spoilers. Don't read further if you don't want to get spoiled. That's your warning. Don't blame me if you get spoiled! 'Guides are just another name for spoilers, because when someone helps you out on ANYTHING, that SPOILS the fun of discovering it yourself.' - Dingo Jellybean ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ III. GAME TUTORIAL (SEC03) ============================================================================ OK now the Tutorial is for those who are new to the Grandia series or for those who want to refresh their knowledge and learn all the new things in Grandia Xtreme. Let's get EXTREME! was done by me and it concentrates on some new features in Grandia series and things that have changed. The rest is the in-game tutorial which does a great job explaining the basics of GX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LET'S GET EXTREME! (SUB01) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - There will be more than 4 characters in the game at any point given. And you'll be able switch between them. Evann, as the main hero, will always be in the party. This differs from previous Grandia games because there you had 4 characters max. - Grandia Xtreme has a mapping system, which is very helpful in the game. All the monsters and all treasures are marked! Press the [Square] button to zoom-in and zoom-out. - Geo Points are special points of energy for travelling from dungeon to town and vise versa. There are 2 kinds of Geo Points: Full Geo Points which can be used as many times as you want, and the One-time Geo Points which have to be reactivated after each use. They are not Save Points! To save see below. - You can only save your progress in the Armory inside the town and after some key points in the story. You _cannot_ save in dungeons. You can only use the Geo Points to travel back to town and then save there in the Armory. There are no Save Points in Grandia Xtreme. - There are 3 ways the battle can begin: In normal mode it starts normally while the Surprise mode puts enemies before your characters and they'll act quicker. To Forestall enemies you'll have to press and hold the X button. That way Evann will be ready for action and the battle will never be surprised. No matter where the enemy came from the battle should be Forestalled or at least normal. - The Xtreme indicator on the lower-right of the screen shows whether there is an very strong enemy nearby. If there is the meter begins to flicker. This is useful if you're not using map. - Now you can _combine_ Mana Eggs to create more powerful ones! For more info on Mana Eggs check the Mana Eggs section. - Skills now grow on their own, after participating in battle. You don't need to collect and distribute skill points among the skills to level then up. To learn more about skills look up the 'Magic & Skills' section of the Tutorial. - The items in dungeons are now randomly generated. They will be randomized should you try to redo the dungeon. Monsters will be revived as well. So using the Geo Point to heal or drop some items in town will automatically reset-to-defaults the whole dungeon and randomize all the items! Some items/chests may not appear at all when you redo the dungeon! - You can get a bonus experience after combat. There are 4 situations: Excellent : If no one endured damage during combat, magical or physical then each character gets bonus experience. Finished by Moves : The character one who killed the last fiend by a Move gets bonus Skill experience. Finished by Feat : When characters kill the last foe by a combo the group gets bonus Skill experience after battle. MVP : The character who did the most damage and was the most useful overall gets bonus experience. (????) - Each time you enter a dungeon your SP will reset to 0. SP will restore once you endure damage or attack/defend. - You can store items which you don't need in the Item Shop. The amount of items you can carry is limited. - Characters now can perform combos in collision using their Special Moves to inflict more damage upon the enemy. To learn more about combos check the 'Combination Moves' section. - Chatting with your friends while you eat has _not_ been deleted. You'll be able to do this in the Diner. - Classical PS RPG in-game soft reset can be used in Grandia Xtreme: hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and then press START + SELECT. - There are secret areas. Keep your eyes open! A simple wall may be in fact a hidden room with a chest/Mana Egg/enemy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING FOR ADVENTURE (SUB02) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Select ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to the Armory Manager. Select 'Character & Slot Select' Confirm members choice: Use directional buttons to select members other than Evann, then use the circle button to confirm the change. After changing members, check their slot assignment and rearrange if necessary. Slot System ~~~~~~~~~~~ Each character is allotted six personal slots in the status area in their own personal info screens. Personal slots include 'Mana Egg Slots' and 'Skill Book Slots'. Equip the character with as many Mana Eggs and Skill Books as the slots allow. Each character has varying strengths and weaknesses for each skill. Slots can only be changed at the Armory, Magic or Skill Shop, but not during an adventure. Magic & Skills Equipping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use magic once a Mana Egg has been set to a slot. To equip Mana Eggs, select 'Equip Mana Egg' in the Slot Assignment Screen. Select the Mana Egg to be equipped. A Skill Book is needed to equip skills. Select 'Equip Skill Book' and the desired book. After Skill Books are equipped, select 'Equip Skill' and choose the desired skill. Different skill ranks are set in Skill Books. Even if you have a skill, you cannot use it without the right book. Recovering & Saving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Armory Manager when you return. You can select 'Rest' to recover all HP, MP, and Disorders. Caution: You can only 'Save' by talking to the Armory Manager inside the Armory. You cannot save anywhere else! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC AND SKILLS (SUB03) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana Egg Junction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The magic and MPs in each Mana Egg varies depending on the type of Egg. You can create a more powerful Mana Egg by combining two different Mana Eggs into one. Combined Mana Egg may have an extra effect called 'SF'. Skills ~~~~~~ Skills are assigned to personal slots. By equipping skills to Skill Books, you can create various effects. Skill Books are for managing skills. You cannot obtain a skill until you equip a Skill Book. Skill Books can be customized with your skill preferences. Caution: Like other slots, skills can only be equipped at the Armory, Magic or Skill Shop. Skill Creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a dungeon, if you pick up a Vellum, make sure to take it to the Skill Shop. It can be made into a skill. Until the skill is created, you won't know what kind of skill it is. If it turns out you have too many duplicate skills or skills you don't want, you can trade them at the Skill Shop. Skill Growth ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skills can be developed by earning skill experience points from winning battles. Depending on the enemy, the type of experience points you get varies. Fight as many types of enemies as possible. If there is space in Skill Books, fill it with the skills you want to have strengthened. Experience points you get in battles are only good for skills that have been equipped to the Skill Book. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLES (SUB04) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Action - Battle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies and allies in battles are shown as icons on the IP Gauge (bottom right). Read action turns then enter commands. 'Combo' is the basic attack. 'Critical' lowers the enemy's IP and may also 'Cancel' the enemy’s attack. Use Defend or Evade for unavoidable attacks to reduce overall damage. This is the key to staying alive. SP attack & Magic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SP Attacks consume 'SP', which increases as the battle progresses. It is a powerful attack. The more you use SP Attacks, the higher your skill level gets. As you become more powerful, the time an action takes gets shorter, which makes SP Attacks easier to use. Depending on battle conditions, SP Attacks can change into very powerful JT Attacks, so use your allies in battle. Casting magic spells use up MP from Mana Eggs. Remember that Each Mana Egg has its own MP. Status Disorder & E-Resist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When getting a Status Disorder (poison, paralysis, etc.) a battle can change. To prevent it use items, skills, or magic. Elemental Resist is a resistance against elements such as Fire or Wind, which reduces Magic or SP Attack damage. Monsters may also have Elemental Resist which makes your Magic or SP Attack ineffective. Try using anti-element spells or SP Attacks to defeat these monsters. Be aware of your enemy's weaknesses. Bonus Points ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consecutive attacks inflict extra damage and increase Combo Bonuses. Those who do well in battles get more experience points or skill points as a bonus! ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ IV. PLAYABLE CHARACTERS (SEC04) ============================================================================ At any point given there will be more than 4 characters and you'll be able to switch the party members in the Armory. This is a new feature for the Grandia series, before Grandia Xtreme the party was decided for you. Evann will always stay in the party. You'll get everyone pretty early in the game, and then a bit later Lutina will join. Don't worry she won't be at level 1. A few words about the voices. Pretty much every plot character in Grandia Xtreme has his done by a person and here are a few interesting examples: Evann the main hero of the game has the voice of Dean Cain the Superman while Lutina was voiced by singer Lisa Loeb. And here comes the best part, the everyones favorite bastard Kroitz was voiced by Mark Hamill himself, yep you've heard me right Luke Skywalker is Kroitz! Ha! Didn't see that coming?! Well I guess it is pointless to ponder on the matter of female weight in Grandia Xtreme. So instead I have replaced their weight with their measurements, yeah I know--I'm a creepy perve ~_^. Oi! NOTICE: Unlike combos to progress in the single moves you only need to meet the requirements. For example to learn Evann's Spark Volt you need X Slash level 3, so once you get it to level 3 the next time you choose combo command you'll learn the Spark Volt, 100% guaranteed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVANN (SUB05) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Evann Voice of : Dean Cain Gender : Male Age : 18 Height : 5' 7'' Weight : 62 kg. Occupation : Geo Ranger Weapon : Sword Exp. cap : 80 million exp. Origin : Nortis The main character of this story, Evann is a cocky kid who still shows traces of his bad days. He is quick to pick a fight and tends to act recklessly. When he gets excited in a conversation, he often gets others excited as well. He hates to work, but after his father death, he has been trying to start over. He is a 'Geo Ranger' with the ability to teleport a party in and out of dungeons using the flow of Elemental Spirits. However, he is inexperienced and unsure of his abilities. Advantages : Pure potential, strong warrior by default but can become proficient in magic, speed etc. Has strong moves and overall good stats. Disadvantages : You can never remove him from the party. Likes to rant a lot. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - X Slash ~~~~~~~ Description: Big double slash. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 4 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 25 Move range: Single Enemy - Spark Volt ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Power of Geo Stream. (Bolt) Magic attack. Effect Level: 5 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: X Slash Lv 3 SP needed: 32 Move range: Around Self - Thunder Split ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Shockwave from sword. (Bolt). Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Spark Volt Lv 3 SP needed: 45 Move range: Enemy Line - Invincible Aura ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Barrier from attacks. Invalidates certain damage. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Thunder Split Lv 3 SP needed: 36 Move range: Own - Sky Dragon Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate sword attack. Effect Level: 9 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: X Slash Lv 5 & Invincible Aura Lv 3 SP needed: 72 Move range: All Enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRANDOL (SUB06) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Brandol Voice of : ???? Gender : Male Age : 38 Height : 6' 2'' Weight : 95 kg. Occupation : 2nd Master Sergeant of the Nortis Military Exp. cap : 72 million exp. Weapon : Broad Sword Origin : Nortis Brandol is an experienced Master Sergeant in the Nortis Army. He can operate almost any vehicle, from tanks to trucks. Just by looking at him, it is apparent that he is a well-built soldier who stands out and would rather be on the front lines. He believes that the ends justify the means, and will lash out at anyone, even senior officers when dissatisfied. He looks tough, but those who know him see a lively person who smiles easily. He is not good with women and often gets turned down. Advantages : Physically strong. Has useful moves. 5 Skill Book slots. Disadvantages : Speed is below average. Poor magic capabilities. Eats a lot. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Great Divide ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Jump slash. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 5 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Spinning Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Huge swing of sword. Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: Great Divide Lv 3 SP needed: 36 Move range: Around Self - Victory Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Courageous was cry. Improves Attack. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Spinning Slash Lv 3 SP needed: 30 Move range: All Allies - Cyclone Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Power of cyclone. (Wind). Effect Level: 7 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Spinning Slash Lv 4 SP needed: 48 Move range: Around Self - Eruption Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Land-penetrating slash. (Bomb). Effect Level: 10 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Cyclone Slash Lv 3 & Great Divide Lv 5 SP needed: 44 Move range: Single Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARMYNE (SUB07) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Carmyne Voice of : ???? Gender : Female Age : 31 Height : 5' 7'' Measurements : 90/58/89 cm Occupation : 1st Master Sergeant of the Nortis Military Exp. cap : 68 million exp. Weapon : Saber Origin : Nortis A beautiful body wrapped in an army uniform, she is a Master Sergeant in the Nortis Army. She pays close attention to fashion and accessories. She loves life and does not care for strict rules, so she does not fit well into the army lifestyle. She is pretty lazy and likes to have other people doing things for her. She gets angry if someone does not listen to her, but she pays good attention to details and takes care of people. Brandol says, 'She's trouble'. Advantages : Good speed. Above average magic capabilities. Disadvantages : Poor moves. Physically rather weak. She thinks she's young. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Sonic Sable ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Whirlwinds from slash. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 4 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 30 Move range: Enemy Line - Smash ~~~~~ Description: Close-range attack. Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: Sonic Sable Lv 3 SP needed: 22 Move range: Single Enemy - Shock Wave ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Shockwave from sword. Effect Level: 7 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Smash Lv 3 SP needed: 46 Move range: Around Enemy - Holy Breath ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Will of replenishing. Restores HP for limited period. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Shock Wave Lv 3 SP needed: 32 Move range: All Allies - Rosette Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Seductive dance of roses. Effect Level: 10 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Sonic Sable Lv 5 & Smash LV 5 SP needed: 42 Move range: Single Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULK (SUB08) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Ulk Voice of : ???? Gender : Male Age : 50 Height : 6' 6'' Weight : 130 kg. Occupation : Spirit Warrior of the Hazma Exp. cap : 76 million exp. Weapon : Axe Origin : Hazma Ulk is one of the demi-humans called 'the people of Hazma' who live at one with nature. He does not say much but does what needs to be done. He normally stands with his arms folded without saying a word, but when he is angry, he can become boisterous. He thought that the Elemental Disorder was a natural disaster, but when he learned from the Nortis that it was artificially created, he joined their operation. Although he rarely smiles, people find that he is a very kind person once they get to know him. Advantages : Pretty much the strongest character around. 5 Skill Book slots. Has some nice moves. Disadvantages : Pretty much the slowest character around. very poor magic user. Weird habit of standing with his arms folded without saying a word. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Super Penetration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Destructive driver. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 26 Move range: Single Enemy - Spiral Blow ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Strong spiral of ax. (Wind). Effect Level: 7 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: Super Penetration Lv 2 SP needed: 38 Move range: Enemy Line - Yggdrasil Grace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Healing power of trees. Cures all Status disorders. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Spiral Blow Lv 3 SP needed: 20 Move range: All Allies - Hercules Smash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: All-out power move. Effect Level: 8 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Super Penetration Lv 4 SP needed: 56 Move range: Around Self - Spinning Hurler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Pierce and throw. Effect Level: 12 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Spiral Blow Lv 4 & Hercules Smash Lv 3 SP needed: 46 Move range: One Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITTO (SUB09) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Titto Voice of : ???? Gender : Male Age : 16 Height : 5' 3'' Weight : 53 kg. Occupation : Combat Thief Exp. cap : 64 million exp. Weapon : Knife Origin : Arcadia Titto is Arcadian and the youngest member of the party. He appears shy and restless. He doesn't speak much and looks into people's eyes as if he were staring into their hearts. When he is alone or with people he knows, he acts cheerful and energetic, but when he is with unfamiliar people, he rarely speaks and hides behind Jaid. He often worries about the bad relationship between Nortis and Arcada. Advantages : The only character who can steal items from monsters. Fast character. 3-hit long range combo. Good magic. Useful moves. Disadvantages : Physically weak. The *only* character that can steal items. Pacifist, looks as if he is constantly bullied around. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Aerial Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Aerial assault. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 4 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 20 Move range: Single Enemy - Get Item ~~~~~~~~ Description: Quick hands of thievery. Steals items. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 20 Move range: Single Enemy - Disk Cutter ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Disk blade hurler. Effect Level: 5 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Aerial Slash Lv 4 SP needed: 44 Move range: Enemy Line - Shadow Binder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Mysterious paralysis. Paralysis. Effect Level: 2 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Disk Cutter Lv 3 SP needed: 25 Move range: Enemy Circle - Illusion Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Attack with alter ego. Effect Level: 9 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Aerial Slash Lv 5 & Shadow Binder LV 3 SP needed: 38 Move range: Single Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MYAM (SUB10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Myam Voice of : ???? Gender : Female Age : 16 Height : 5' 5'' Measurements : 82/57/85 cm Occupation : Hazma Archer Exp. cap : 72 million exp. Weapon : Bow Origin : Hazma Myam is one of the people of Hazma, who live in the forest and are famous for their agility. She is impulsive and gets bored easily. She is confused by theories and logic, so she prefers not to think about them. If she finds something interesting, she tends to get very excited. Because of her cute and starry-eye looks, she appears as if she's always daydreaming. However, she has a strong desire to help people who are tormented by the elemental Disorder. Advantages : Long range combo. Nice speed. Ok magic. Disadvantages : Physically weak. Moves get rather useless later in the game. Pretends to be stupid. Runs like a dog! Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Spinning Wheel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Spinning tackle. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 3 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 28 Move range: Enemy Line - Recover All ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Encouragement to heal. Restores HP. Effect: Small. Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 35 Move range: All Allies - Hail Shower ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Shower of ice arrows. (Blizzard). Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Spinning Wheel Lv 3 SP needed: 46 Move range: Enemy Circle - Cheer Up ~~~~~~~~ Description: Cheer up to speed up. Increases IP. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Recover All Lv 5 SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Ally - Super Frosty Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Tackle covered with ice. (Blizzard). Effect Level: 9 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Spinning Wheel Lv 4 & Hail Shower Lv 3 SP needed: 38 Move range: Single Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAID (SUB11) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Jaid Voice of : ???? Gender : Male Age : 22 Height : 5' 10'' Weight : 68 kg. Occupation : Battle Mage Exp. cap : 76 million exp. Weapon : Battle Staff Origin : Arcadia Jaid, an Arcadian knight of honor and oath, is handsome and hot-blooded. He doesn't recognize his own arrogance because it stems from his pride in the legends and history of Arcada. He looks after Titto, who only trusts him. However, Jiad feels frustrated, and has a strong distrust for the Nortis. Advantages : Pretty much the best magic user. Can go melee if he needs to. Disadvantages : Scrawny moves. Physical damage and speed can get rather low if not attended to. Snobbish geek. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Blaster Bomb ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Energy blasting wand. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 4 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 25 Move range: Single Enemy - Nightmare Ball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Foam of drowsiness. (Aqua). Magic attack:Sleep Effect Level: 1 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: Blaster Bomb Lv 2 SP needed: 18 Move range: Fan - Fist Burst ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Engulfing flame. (Fire) Magic attack. Effect Level: 7 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Nightmare Ball Lv 3 SP needed: 32 Move range: Single Enemy - Titan Fist ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Wrath of divine fist. Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Fist Burst Lv 3 SP needed: 50 Move range: Enemy Circle - Jolt Knuckle ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Fist of tremor. Magic attack. Effect Level: 8 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Blaster Bomb Lv 4 & Fist Burst Lv 4 SP needed: 64 Move range: Around Self ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUTINA (SUB12) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Lutina Voice of : Lisa Loeb Gender : Female Age : 18 Height : 5' 7'' Measurements : 85/60/86 cm Occupation : Elite Commanding Officer of the Arcadia Military Exp. cap : 78 million exp. (????) Weapon : Dagger Origin : Arcadia Lutina is the commanding officer of an elite Arcadian unit. She excels in martial arts and is an expert in secret weapons. She is a dangerous woman and could be classified as a 'lethal weapon'. She has lived her life fighting the boundary disputs between the various territories under the shadow of the Elemental Disorder, and cannot understand peaceful life as a normal person. She believes that she can survive on her own without any help from anyone. she is rather hard to approach and appears to have no feelings, except when she flies off the handle at Evann for his bad posture. Advantages : Pretty much the fastest character around. Fastest long-range critical. Ok magic capabilities. Very useful moves. Has shockwave Slash. My favorite character ;). Disadvantages : Physical damage can get rather low if not attended to. Joins your party quite late in the game. Feels affection for Evann but doesn't tell him. Single Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Dragon Rise ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Rapid multiple slashes. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 4 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Shockwave Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Shockwave jolts area. Effect Level: 5 Maximum Lvl: ******* (7) Requirements: None SP needed: 30 Move range: Around Self - Spider Net ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Net to slow down foes. Stops enemy movement. Effect Level: None Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: None SP needed: 28 Move range: Enemy Fan - Meteor Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Hurls fighting spirit. Effect Level: 6 Maximum Lvl: ***** (5) Requirements: Shockwave Slash LV 5 SP needed: 45 Move range: Enemy Fan - Dragon Mirage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Attack with mirage. Effect Level: 10 Maximum Lvl: *** (3) Requirements: Dragon Rise Lv 5 & Meteor Slash Lv 3 SP needed: 36 Move range: Single Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I miss anyone? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I kick Evann out of my party? A: No. Never. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are there any hidden characters? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will someone leave my party at some point in the game? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Lutina? Who are you talking about? A: Lutina is the last character who will join the party after Boost Level 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the maximum level a character can have? A: 250. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ V. COMBINATION MOVES (SEC05) ============================================================================ In Grandia Xtreme characters can perform moves in a collision with other characters. They can perform double, triple and quadruple combos. Before you can learn new combination moves you'll first have to learn the required single moves (maxed out preferably) and characters involved in the combo must participate in battle. Each character needs to have the required SP for the combo. If you just can't seem to learn a certain combo then check your moves, maybe you don't have the required single character moves or if you have then try to level them up a bit. However, most of the time it's because one of your characters doesn't have the SP needed for the combination. To boost up your chances of learning a combo equip the Foreboding skill, try to equip every character partaking in the combination with this skill (maxed out). That way when the combo is available for learning a flashing line will appear between characters. When that happens select the [Move] command and choose the correct single move required for the combination. Watch the effect level; the higher it is the more damage your move will deal. Moves with no effect level are usually healing, restoring or status inflicting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE COMBINATIONS (SUB13) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a total of 24 double combination moves. Most of these are single enemy and have cancel effect, but some are really powerful all-enemies combos. - Volt Slash ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Electric discharge. (Bolt). Paralysis. Effect Level: 15 Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Evann + Brandol Required Moves: Sky Dragon Slash + Eruption Slash SP needed: 60 Move range: All Enemies - Sword Dance ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Rhythmic 6-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 8 Combo Lvl: ***** (5) Characters: Evann + Carmyne Required Moves: X-Slash + Smash SP needed: 21 Move range: Single Enemy - Cross Break ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Critical 2-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 7 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Jaid Required Moves: X-Slash + Blaster Bomb SP needed: 15 Move range: Single Enemy - Shiva Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Electrocuting lightning. (Bolt). Paralysis. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 18 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Titto Required Moves: Thunder Split + Aerial Slash SP needed: 38 Move range: Single Enemy - Lighting Split ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: thunderous 5-hit Combo. (Bolt). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 9 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Ulk Required Moves: Thunder Split + Spiral Blow SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Swallow Smash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Smashing 7-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 7 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Myam Required Moves: X-Slash + Spinning Wheel SP needed: 18 Move range: Single Enemy - Double Dragon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Orchestrated 8-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Lutina Required Moves: Thunder Split + Meteor Slash SP needed: 28 Move range: Single Enemy - Combination Alpha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Trusting partners' 8-hit. cancel effect. Effect Level: 9 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Brandol + Carmyne Required Moves: Spinning Slash + Sonic Sable SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Fire Slash ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Fire-spewing 4-hit Combo. (Fire). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 7 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Brandol + Jaid Required Moves: Great Divide + Fist Burst SP needed: 20 Move range: Single Enemy - Super Slasher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Swordsmen's 5-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 7 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Brandol + Titto Required Moves: Spinning Slash + Aerial Slash SP needed: 17 Move range: Single Enemy - Double Impact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Major pummelling 2-hit. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Brandol + Ulk Required Moves: Eruption Slash + Super Penetration SP needed: 32 Move range: Single Enemy - Sirine Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Cage of ice. Cancel effect. (Blizzard). Effect Level: 18 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Brandol + Myam Required Moves: Great Divide + Hail Shower SP needed: 36 Move range: Single Enemy - Ifrit Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Engulfing flame. (Fire). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 18 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Carmyne + Jaid Required Moves: Smash + Fist Burst SP needed: 35 Move range: Single Enemy - Rush Thrust ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Rapid fire 6-hit thrusts. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 8 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Carmyne + Ulk Required Moves: Smash + Super Penetration SP needed: 20 Move range: Single Enemy - Ice Prison ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Icebreaker 7-hit Combo. (Blizzard). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Carmyne + Myam Required Moves: Shock Wave + Hail Shower SP needed: 27 Move range: Single Enemy - Sacred Beam ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Penetrating sacred light. Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Carmyne + Lutina Required Moves: Shock Wave + Shockwave Slash SP needed: 48 Move range: All Enemies - Burst Rondo ~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Burning spirit 8-hit Combo. (Fire). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Jaid + Titto Required Moves: Fist Burst + Shadow Binder SP needed: 25 Move range: Single Enemy - Flame Tornado ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Scorching inferno. (Fire). Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Jaid + Ulk Required Moves: Fist Burst + Hercules Smash SP needed: 55 Move range: All Enemies - Dancing Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Dancing 6-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 8 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Jaid + Lutina Required Moves: Titan Fist + Dragon Rise SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Twin Slash ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: 2-level 2-hit Combo. Effect Level: 8 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Titto + Ulk Required Moves: Aerial Slash + Hercules Smash SP needed: 22 Move range: Single Enemy - Twin Shot ~~~~~~~~~ Description: Double 5-hit Combos. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Titto + Myam Required Moves: Disk Cutter + Spinning Wheel SP needed: 25 Move range: Single Enemy - Aero Slash ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Sky-ripping 5-hit Combo. (Wind). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 8 Combo Lvl: ***** (5) Characters: Titto + Lutina Required Moves: Aerial Slash + Dragon Rise SP needed: 16 Move range: Single Enemy - Droplets of Life ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Healing power of forest. Restore HP. Heals disorders. Effect Level: None Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Ulk + Myam Required Moves: Yggdrasil Grace + Recover All SP needed: 30 Move range: All Allies - Freezing Dust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Chilling effect of ice. (Blizzard). Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Myam + Lutina Required Moves: Hail Shoer + Shockwave Slash SP needed: 52 Move range: All Enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIPLE COMBINATIONS (SUB14) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a total of 19 triple combination moves, 16 of which involve Evann. These triple combos should be your prime assault weapon against strong enemies and Bosses. You'll find combos like Divine Dragon Slash, Photon Shower and Armageddon very useful, especially later in the game. - Divine Dragon Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate Geo power. Effect Level: 30 Combo Lvl: * (1) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Carmyne Required Moves: Sky Dragon Slash + Eruption Slash + Rosette Slash SP needed: 99 Move range: All Enemies - Explosion Smash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Explosive 9-hit Combo. (Bomb). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 14 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Jaid Required Moves: X-Slash + Great Divide + Titan Fist SP needed: 25 Move range: Single Enemy - Dancing Sword Slash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Mixture of 7 attacks. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Titto Required Moves: X-Slash + Spinning Slash + Disk Cutter SP needed: 19 Move range: Single Enemy - Tri-Crush ~~~~~~~~~ Description: Critical 3-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 20 Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Ulk Required Moves: Thunder Split + Eruption Slash + Hercules Smash SP needed: 32 Move range: Single Enemy - Tripler ~~~~~~~ Description: Synchronized 9-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Myam Required Moves: Thunder Split + Great Divide + Spinning Wheel SP needed: 21 Move range: Single Enemy - Triple Blaze Smash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Burst of flame 3-hit. (Fire). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Carmyne + Jaid Required Moves: X-Slash + Sonic Sable + Fist Burst SP needed: 20 Move range: Single Enemy - Jet Storm ~~~~~~~~~ Description: Bone-breaking 6-hit. (Wind). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 12 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Carmyne + Myam Required Moves: Thunder Split + Smash + Spinning Wheel SP needed: 22 Move range: Single Enemy - Fast Dance Whirl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: No-gap 12-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 20 Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Evann + Carmyne + Lutina Required Moves: Thunder Split + Rosette Slash + Meteor Slash SP needed: 35 Move range: Single Enemy - Phoenix Formation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Sandwiching 8-hit Combo. (Fire). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 15 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Jaid + Titto Required Moves: X-Slash + Fist Burst + Disk Cutter SP needed: 26 Move range: Single Enemy - Big Bang Hammer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate fire power. (Fire). Effect Level: 16 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Jiad + Ulk Required Moves: Spark Volt + Titan Fist + Hercules Smash SP needed: 55 Move range: All Enemies - Delta Formation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Delta-form 9-hit Combo. Effect Level: 14 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Jiad + Lutina Required Moves: X-Slash + Blaster Bomb + Meteor Smash SP needed: 24 Move range: Single Enemy - Purple Lighting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Bolt-charged 3-hit Combo. (Bolt). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 20 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Titto + Ulk Required Moves: Thunder Split + Illusion Slash + Hercules Smash SP needed: 30 Move range: Single Enemy - Binding Force ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate restraint. Shock effect. Effect Level: None Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Evann + Titto + Myam Required Moves: Thunder Split + Shadow Binder + Super Frosty Attack SP needed: 75 Move range: Single Enemy - Photon Shower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate photon power. Effect Level: 16 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Titto + Lutina Required Moves: Spark Volt + Disk Cutter + Meteor Slash SP needed: 50 Move range: All Enemies - Southern Cross ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Soul-breaking 6-hit Combo. (Blizzard). Cancel effect. Effect Level: 15 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Ulk + Myam Required Moves: X-Slash + Hercules Smash + Hail Shower SP needed: 28 Move range: Single Enemy - Rapid Fire ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Lightning fast 6-hit Combo. Cancel effect. Effect Level: 10 Combo Lvl: **** (4) Characters: Evann + Myam + Lutina Required Moves: X-Slash + Spinning Wheel + Meteor Slash SP needed: 18 Move range: Single Enemy - Armageddon ~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Ultimate destruction. Effect Level: 24 Combo Lvl: * (1) Characters: Brandol + Jaid + Ulk Required Moves: Eruption Slash + Jolt Knuckle + Spinning Hurler SP needed: 80 Move range: All Enemies - Star Twinkle ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Stars improve all status. Improves all Status. Effect Level: None Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Carmyne + Myam + Lutina Required Moves: Holy Breath + Cheer Up + Meteor Slash SP needed: 45 Move range: All Allies - Requiem Force ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Deteriorates foes' status. All Status down. Effect Level: 5 Combo Lvl: ** (2) Characters: Jaid + Titto + Lutina Required Moves: Jolt Knuckle + Shadow Binder + Spider Net SP needed: 60 Move range: All Enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUADRUPLE COMBINATIONS (SUB15) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As far as quadruples go there are only 2 of them and Jaid is the character that has no four-way tech. I believe that these quadruples have more disadvantages than advantages really. Although you could try finishing a Boss or a powerful enemy using one of the quadruples, that way everyone in your party will get bonus skill experience after battle. - Quadruple Combo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Perfect 16-hit Combo. Effect Level: 28 Combo Lvl: * (1) Characters: Evann + Brandol + Carmyne + Ulk Required Moves: Sky Dragon Slash + Eruption Slash + Rosette Slash + + Spinning hurler SP needed: 35 Move range: Single Enemy - Gatling Spike ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Super rapid fire 18-hit. Effect Level: 26 Combo Lvl: *** (3) Characters: Evann + Titto + Myam + Lutina Required Moves: Thunder Split + Disk Cutter + Hail Shower + Meteor Slash SP needed: 32 Move range: Single Enemy Well that concludes the Quadruple Moves and wraps up this section. Combination moves are not that necessary but if you use them with skill your battles will be much easier. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are there any hidden combos/moves? A: No. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any characters without double combos? A: No. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any characters without triple combos? A: No. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any characters without quadruple combos? A: Yes, Jaid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are these combos/moves required to beat the game? A: No. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I have learned the [move] and [move] and [move] but I still can't seem to learn that [triple combo]! A: Unlike single moves triple, double and quadruple combos do not have a 100% chance of learning. Equip a couple of maxed out Foreboding skills and wait until the IP gauge begins to flash. When that happens use one of the required single moves and that's it! You have just learned the desired combo! ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================================================================== VI. SKILLS (SEC06) =========================================================================== In Grandia Xtreme Skill Books are empty and you'll have to insert skills to actually use them in combat. There is a wide range of skills to choose from and there are 4 ranks of them: C, B, A and S ranks. To learn new skills you'll have to seek out special Vellums in dungeons. When you find one take it to a Skill Shop to reveal what skill it is. In the same way you'll have to look for Skill Books in dungeons. After you have found and equipped the Skill Book and identified the skill you can equip characters with skills. Choose a character and equip the skill into the Skill Book. After that skills can be used in combat. Each monster can give Mental, Physical, Combat or Special experience. This experience is needed to level-up your skills. Skills will level-up only if they are equipped by a character. Fight more battles to learn skill experience. The more stars (levels) the skill has the more effective it is. Remember: equipping only the Skill Book is not enough, you have to put skills into the Skill Book. Vellums ~~~~~~~ There are 10 kinds of Vellums that can be found in dungeons. Those are: Combat Vellum : 1 C-Rank Combat Skill Mental Vellum : 1 C-Rank Mental Skill Physical Vellum : 1 C-Rank Physical Skill Secret Vellum : 1 C-Rank Special Skill Battle Vellum : 1 B-Rank Combat Skill Psyche Vellum : 1 B-Rank Mental Skill Corporal Vellum : 1 B-Rank Physical Skill High Vellum : 1 A-Rank Combat, Physical or Mental Skill Coverted Vellum : 1 A-Rank Special Skill Ultimate Vellum : Any 1 S-Rank Skill You can't use plain vellums. First you have to create a skill. Creating a skill costs G. Different types of skills require different amounts of G: Combat Vellum : 100G Mental Vellum : 100G Physical Vellum : 100G Secret Vellum : 100G Battle Vellum : 250G Psyche Vellum : 250G Corporal Vellum : 250G High Vellum : 600G Coverted Vellum : 600G Ultimate Vellum : 1000G Skills are divided by rank. Each rank has its own maximum skill level (those yellow stars). The higher the level the more valueble/efficient the skill becomes. When you reach the maximum skill level that skill becomes maxed and cannot be leveled-up anymore. The higher the skill rank the lower the maximum level. Well you can't have the best S-Rank skills at level 7 now can you? C-Rank: Max Level ******* (7) B-Rank: Max Level ***** (5) A-Rank: Max Level *** (3) S-Rank: Max Level * (1) The skill levels are very important actually. In some cases It determines the possibility of executing that skill or the effective power of the skill. How? Well if you look at some of the skill descriptions it may say that chance of executing is 'Level x X%'. Make no mistake, not your character level, but the level of the skill multiplied by X%. Skill will take effect only if it has at least 1 level. As with the Skill Books, the further you are in the game the higher Vellums you find. NOTICE: Most of the skills (like Iron Guard and Asura Spirit for example) are stackable. So it is a good idea to have more than one skill equiped. Skill Books ~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 7 different Skill Books. Explore the dungeon to find Skill Books. The further you are in the game the better Skill Books you find. Each can equip different type and number of skills: Beginner Book : Equips 1 C-Rank Skill Novice Book : Equips 2 C-Rank Skills Extra Book : Equips 3 C-Rank Skills Advanced Book : Equips 1 B-Rank Skill Expert Book : Equips 2 B-Rank Skills Master Book : Equips 1 A-Rank Skill Limited Book : Equips 1 Any-Rank Skill Selling Skills and Skill Books ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can sell Skills and Skill Books at Skillman's shop. Here is a lowdown on the value of the different level skills for the item exchange. Alright, first off the value of the mental, combat, and physical skills are all the same, while the special skills are worth double. This is a simple table showing the selling rates: x______________ _______________ _______________ ________________x | C - RANK | B - RANK | A - RANK | S - RANK | x__________|______________|_______________|_______________|________________| | | Min Lvl: 10P | Min Lvl: 30G | Min Lvl: 60G | Min Lvl: 200G | | MENTAL | Max Lvl: 80P | Max Lvl: 150G | Max Lvl: 240G | Max Lvl: 400G | |__________|______________|_______________|_______________|________________| | | Min Lvl: 10P | Min Lvl: 30G | Min Lvl: 60G | Min Lvl: 200G | | COMBAT | Max Lvl: 80P | Max Lvl: 150G | Max Lvl: 240G | Max Lvl: 400G | |__________|______________|_______________|_______________|________________| | | Min Lvl: 10G | Min Lvl: 30G | Min Lvl: 60G | Min Lvl: 200G | | PHYSICAL | Max Lvl: 80G | Max Lvl: 150G | Max Lvl: 240G | Max Lvl: 400G | |__________|______________|_______________|_______________|________________| | | Min Lvl: 20G | Min Lvl: 60G | Min Lvl: 120G | Min Lvl: 400G | | SPECIAL | Max Lvl: 160G| Max Lvl: 300G | Max Lvl: 480G | Max Lvl: 800G | |__________|______________|_______________|_______________|________________| x x The value of the books are the same as how many 'G' it takes to create a skill from that level. Ex: Beginner Book is 100 pts and it takes 100G to make a C-rank skill. Novice Book is 200 pts, it equips 2 C-Rank skills and it takes 200G to create 2 C-Rank skills and so on: Beginner Book : 100 pts Novice Book : 200 pts Extra Book : 300 pts Advanced Book : 250 pts Expert Book : 500 pts Master Book : 600 pts Limited Book : 1000 pts When you have accumulated enough Points from selling skills or books you can buy various items/eggs from the Skillman. He has various items and mana eggs also he has the Spirit Helm which costs 48000 Points. You can buy any item as many times as you want as long as you have enough Points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKILL LIST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-RANK SKILLS (SUB16) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-Rank skills appear a lot during the first part of the game when exploring the elemental dungeons. And later some of the C-Rank skills will come in handy, like Iron Guard and Coercion. _________________ __________________________________________________________ SKILL DESCRIPTION _________________ __________________________________________________________ Combat Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abandonment Improves evasion rate (Level x 10%). Counterattack Attacks after evading (Level x 15%). Defensive Decreases IP damage (Level x 10%). Diver More damage to aquatics and floating beings (Level x 10%). Exorcist More damage to undead and Devils (Level x 10%). Forrester More damage to plants, insects and reptiles (Level x 10%). Grappler More damage to humans and minerals (Level x 10%). Hunter More damage to birds, beasts and dragons (Level x 10%). Physical Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dash Improves speed (Level x 3%). Iron Guard No effect from damage less than Level x 10%. Intelligence Improves intelligence (Level x 3%). Mentality Improves mentality (Level x 3%). Mighty Guard Improves defence if defending (Level x 10%). Quick Feet Improves escape success ratio (in %) (Level x 10%). Strength Improves strength (Level x 3%). Toughness Improves vitality (Level x 3%). Mental Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Block Counter Resists Counter effects (Level 15%). Foreboding Displays hints for Combo moves (Level x 15%). Morale Boost Extends Status increase (Level x 25%). Mystic Chant More power to Water & Forest (Level x 5%). NorthWind Chant More power to Wind & Blizzard (Level x 5%). Observation Predicts foes' moves (Level x 10%). Quakeblast Chant More power to Land & Bomb (Level x 5%). ZapFire Chant More power to Fire & Bolt (Level x 5%). Special Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coercion Captures fleeing monsters (Level x 10%). Miracle Balance Defeted enemy may drop more gold (Level x 2%). Speed Increases agility (Level x 3%). _________________ __________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-RANK SKILLS (SUB17) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find the B-Rank skills mostly in the Starry Corridor and while exploring dungeons there. In my opinion C-Rank skills are more effective in the long run. Or you could wait a bit till you can get your hands on those A and S rank skill later. _________________ __________________________________________________________ SKILL DESCRIPTION _________________ __________________________________________________________ Combat Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full-Body Blow More IP damage for Critical. Level x 1000P. Maximize Item More power to items in battle. Level x 10%. Pirates Ring Enemy may drop more gold. Only if enemy's defeated. Level x2%. Skilled Item Use Less time needed for using items. Level x 20%. Unassailable Covers weak spots in attack. Level x 15%. Physical Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firm Stance Continue moving even if hit. Level x 30%. Life Up Increases Max. HP. Level x 8%. Prayer Restores HP by defending. Level x 80P. Repel Deflects damage. Level x 20%. SP Up Increases Max. SP. Level x 10%. Mental Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Immunity Resists Illnes Paralysis & Poison. Success rate: 30% 55% 70% 85% 100% for each level. Life Blessing Resists sudden death. Success rate: 30% 55% 70% 85% 100% for each level. Lustration Resists Sleep Confusion & Curse. Success rate: 30% 55% 70% 85% 100% for each level. Meditate Restores SP by defending. Level x 5P. Psycho-Shield Resist Stop Sap Moves & Magic. Success rate: 30% 55% 70% 85% 100% for each level. Special Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Berserk Uncontrollable anger strikes. Higher probability as level advances. Super Reflex Defends against damage quickly. Level x 15%. Thief Trick Enemy may drop better items. Only if enemy's defeated. Level x2%. _________________ __________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-RANK SKILLS (SUB18) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not to many of A-Rank skills, but they are very usefull especially combat skills. You can get these skills mostly at the end of Starry Corridor and in the Light Ruins. _________________ __________________________________________________________ SKILL DESCRIPTION _________________ __________________________________________________________ Combat Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asura Spirit More hits for Combo. Level x 1. Triple Attack More hits for Critical. Level x 1. Versatile More damage to all species. Level x 10%. Physical Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decoy Become enemy target. Level x 25%. Full Potential Improves all parameters. Level x 4%. Tactics Eye Adds IP before battle. Level x 1000P. Mental Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magical Esoteric Adds Cancel effect on magic. Level x 1500P. Effective on single-target magic spells. Status Guard Resists Status disorders. Success rate: 50% 75% and 100% for each level. Wizardry Chant Strengthens all magic spells. Adds 10% to each level. Special Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fighting Spirit Speeds up SP restoration. Level x 20%. Hercules Power Adds IP damage to Combo. Level x 500P. Hero's Energy Revives from immobility. Level x 20%. _________________ __________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- S-RANK SKILLS (SUB19) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills of the S-Rank will start appearing only after you beat the game. Your best chance of getting them is the Vortex Corridor. These are some of the best skills. _________________ __________________________________________________________ SKILL DESCRIPTION _________________ __________________________________________________________ Combat Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Circle Attack Critical becomes Area attack. Line Attack Critical becomes Line attack. Physical Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full Armor No limitations on armor. Enables equipping of armor that cannot be equipped otherwise. Mana Charge Absorb MP from magic attacks. Mental Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guard Breaker Nulifies equipment. Mana Egg Master Repeated magic uses. Effective only if each mana egg shares the same magic spell. Special Skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build Up Increase all status before battle. Hero's Spirit 2x experience earned in battle. Strong Will Invalidates cancel effects. _________________ __________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I steal Vellums from monsters? A: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I steal Skill Books from monsters? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a limit to how many Skills I can carry? A: You can carry no more than 100 skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a limit to how many Skill Books I can carry? A: You can carry no more than 24 Skill Books. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any hidden Vellums or Skill Books? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How many Skill Book slots does each character have? A: Evann : 3 Slots Brandol : 5 Slots Carmyne : 4 Slots Jaid : 2 Slots Titto : 4 Slots Ulk : 5 Slots Myam : 2 Slots Lutina : 3 Slots ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I increase Skill Book slots somehow? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When do those Limited Books start appearing? A: As far as I know they appear after you beat the game. You might find them earlier but your chances are very slim. After Boost Level 3 they can be found pretty much in any dungeon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I find skills of a specific rank? A: C-Rank: You'll get plenty of those in the elemental ruins. B-Rank: You can actually get these pretty early in the elemental ruins but you'll start using them only at the end of the elemental ruins and at the start of the Starry Corridor. A-Rank: Skills and Books for this rank will apear more in the late levels of the Starry Corridor and in Venom Ruins, Darkness Ruins and Light Ruins. S-Rank: These skills can only be found and used after you finish the game and continue playing. You can get those skills in the Vortex Corridor (bonus dungeon). ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ VII. MANA EGGS (SEC07) ============================================================================ First of all, I'd like to thank Meta Tinara for helping me with this section and letting me use some of the info from his own guide. If you want a quality in depth guide about Mana Eggs then check out his guide on GameFaqs. General Situation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Grandia Xtreme you can collect Mana Eggs, buy them, have more then 1 of the same type and most importantly now you can combine them to get more powerful ones! This is one of the most important new features that Grandia Xtreme has. The Mana Egg system got a lot more flexible. Each Mana Egg has its own MP and it cannot exceed 999. Getting Started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To manage your Mana Eggs you'll have to visit the Magician Shop. Talk to the shop owner and you'll have a number of options. Choose 'Check Junction Recipe', you'll notice a simple 4x5 grid. This is your starting table with 4 primary elemental eggs Flame, Wind, Aqua & Stone (you should already have at least one of each). Using (combining) those eggs will eventually lead you to higher level Mana Eggs. Mana Eggs are scattered troughout dungeons. Sometimes they can be found inside trasure chests. Mana Eggs can only be bought from the Skillman, in the Skillman's shop for special points. NOTICE: The maximum egg level that you can find in a dungeon is level 4. And level 4 eggs can only be found after Boost Level 3, that is after you beat the game. Don't let no blind retard fool you, THE MAXIMUM EGG LEVEL THAT YOU CAN FIND IS 4! If you want to get eggs above level 4 then you'll have to junction them. Junction System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You take one egg and combine it with another one to get a new egg. Not all eggs can be combined with each other, Dust and Burst eggs, for example, can not be combined. Usually the resulting egg is a better with more MP, SF and so on. But that's not always true. Most of the Mana Eggs exist as elements, and must be kept to their element to get the most powerful eggs, that is Chaos, Holy and Ether: Flare -> Lava -> Bomb -> Star -> Volcano -> Cluster Wind -> Heat -> Thunder -> Lightning -> Cyclone -> Photon Aqua -> Mist -> Frost -> Icicle -> Rainbow -> Blizzard Stone -> Sand -> Leaf -> Forest -> Gravity -> Soul Cluster, Photon and Blizzard then lead to their respective Level 9 Eggs (excluding Soul). Cluster -> Ether Photon -> Chaos Blizzard -> Holy And the Soul Egg is used to get the Crown Egg, which then can be junctioned with Calamity, Dragon or Fenrir eggs to get a Level 9 Egg. There is a total of 42 different Mana Eggs to be combined and your 4x5 grid will eventually expand to 6x7 grid. Like this: x___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________x | lv9| lv8| lv7| lv7| lv8| lv9| | HOLY | FENRIR | PROTECT | ASTRAL | DRAGON | CHAOS | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv4| lv1| lv1| lv1| lv1| lv0| | BOOSTER | FLARE | WIND | AQUA | STONE | DUST | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv4| lv2| lv2| lv2| lv2| lv3| | DECREASE | LAVA | HEAT | MIST | SAND | BURST | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv4| lv3| lv3| lv3| lv3| lv6| | DARKNESS | BOMB | THUNDER | FROST | LEAF | RESTORE | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv7| lv4| lv4| lv4| lv4| lv5| | VOID | STAR | LIGHTNING | ICICLE | FOREST | FAIRY | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv8| lv5| lv5| lv5| lv5| lv7| | CALAMITY | VOLCANO | CYCLONE | RAINBOW | GRAVITY | LIFE | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| | lv9| lv6| lv6| lv6| lv6| lv8| | ETHER | CLUSTER | PHOTON | BLIZZARD | SOUL | CROWN | |___________|____________|____________|____________|___________|___________| x x Mana Eggs are divided by levels and usually higher level means better egg: [ Lvl 0 ] : Dust [ Lvl 1 ] : Flare, Aqua, Wind, Stone [ Lvl 2 ] : Lava, Heat, Sand, Mist [ Lvl 3 ] : Thunder, Frost, Leaf, Bomb, Burst [ Lvl 4 ] : Forest, Booster, Decreass, Darkness, Star, Lightning, Icicle [ Lvl 5 ] : Volcano, Cyclone, Rainbow, Gravity, Fairy [ Lvl 6 ] : Cluster, Photon, Blizzard, Soul, Restore [ Lvl 7 ] : Life, Astral, Protect, Void [ Lvl 8 ] : Crown, Calamity, Dragon, Fenrir [ Lvl 9 ] : Chaos, Ether, Holy Sometimes when you combine eggs letters may appear with the resulting egg. Those are Special Forces. SF (Special Force) indicates a magical power-up element. Also a Mana Egg(s) may have a yellow floating star with it. If it has then when you use that egg for combinations the chance that resulting egg will have SF will increase. One magic can have no more than 5 different Special Forces. There are six varieties of SF: [ Mp ] : MP consumption decreases. [ P ] : Power rises, or Effect Time extends. [ H ] : Offensive spell hit count increases. [ W ] : Spell area of effect range extends. [ S ] : Time to activate spell decreases. [ Ip ] : Offensive spell IP damage climbs. The below Mana Egg List has only the junction formulas that the game itself suggests. Of course, there are a lot more combinations. To check them all browse through JungleJims Mana Egg guide. Also you should note that when you combine 2 identical eggs the result will be the same egg with increased MP. But if you junction different eggs then MP is determined by the 'MP compatibility factor' (MPC) which was discovered by JungleJim. So to view all of the combinations and full MPC chart check out his Mana Egg guide on GameFaqs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANA EGG LIST (SUB20) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 0 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of dust. Level: 0 Mainly Support Magic: Refresh, Freeze!, Evap Junction: Flare Egg + Aqua Egg Wind Egg + Stone Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 1 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aqua Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of water. Level: 1 Water Magic: Heal, Snooze Junction: Aqua Egg + Aqua Egg Flare Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of fire. Level: 1 Fire Magic: Burn!, Guard Up Junction: Flare Egg + Flare Egg Wind Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of wind. Level: 1 Wind Magic: Howl, Runner Junction: Wind Egg + Wind Egg Stone Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of stone. Level: 1 Land Magic: Shake, Diggin' Junction: Stone Egg + Stone Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 2 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lava Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of lava. Level: 2 Fire & Land Magic: Burn!, Burnflame, Def-Loss Junction: Flare Egg + Stone Egg Flare Egg + Sand Egg Stone Egg + Star Egg Sand Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of sand. Level: 2 Water & Land Magic: Shake, Tremor, Evap Junction: Stone Egg + Aqua Egg Stone Egg + Mist Egg Aqua Egg + Forest Egg Heat Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of heat. Level: 2 Fire & Wind Magic: Howl, Howlslash, Burn! Junction: Wind Egg + Flare Egg Wind Egg + Lava Egg Flare Egg + Lightning Egg Mist Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of mist. Level: 2 Water & Wind Magic: Alheal, Erebos, Fader Junction: Aqua Egg + Wind Egg Aqua Egg + Heat Egg Wind Egg + Icicle Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 3 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of bomb. Level: 3 Fire & Bomb Magic: BOOM!, WOW!, Res-Loss, Burnstrike Junction: Lava Egg + Flare Egg Lava Egg + Stone Egg Flare Egg + Leaf Egg Volcano Egg + Gravity Egg Thunder Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of thunder. Level: 3 Wind & Bolt Magic: Zap!, Stram, Runner, Wham! Junction: Heat Egg + Wind Egg Heat Egg + Flare Egg Wind Egg + Bomb Egg Volcano Egg + Cyclone Egg Frost Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of frost. Level: 3 Water & Blizzard Magic: Crackle, Heal, Healer, Freeze! Junction: Mist Egg + Aqua Egg Mist Egg + Wind Egg Aqua Egg + Thunder Egg Rainbow Egg + Cyclone Egg Leaf Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of leaves. Level: 3 Land & Forest Magic: Poizn, Cure, Diggin', Regenera Junction: Sand Egg + Stone Egg Sand Egg + Aqua Egg Stone Egg + Frost Egg Rainbow Egg + Gravity Egg Burst Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of burst. Level: 3 Mainly Attack Magic: Burnstrike, Erebos, Howlslash, Tremor Junction: Lava Egg + Mist Egg Heat Egg + Sand Egg Bomb Egg + Frost Egg Thunder Egg + Leaf Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 4 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of forest. Level: 4 Water & Forest Magic: Alheal, Alhealer, Resurrect, Poizn, Craze Junction: Leaf Egg + Stone Egg Leaf Egg + Aqua Egg Sand Egg + Lava Egg Sand Egg + Leaf Egg Sand Egg + Star Egg Star Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of star. Level: 4 Land & Bomb Magic: BOOM!, Meteor Fall, Res-Loss, Refresh, Gravity Junction: Bomb Egg + Flare Egg Bomb Egg + Stone Egg Lava Egg + Heat Egg Lava Egg + Bomb Egg Lava Egg + Lightning Egg Lightning Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of lightning. Level: 4 Fire & Bolt Magic: Zap!, Blade Zap!, Binder, Burnflame, Guard up Junction: Thunder Egg + Wind Egg Thunder Egg + Flare Egg Heat Egg + Mist Egg Heat Egg + Thunder Egg Heat Egg + Icicle Egg Icicle Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of icicle. Level: 4 Wind & Blizzard Magic: Crackle, Diamond Dust, Wake, Shhh!, Fiora Junction: Frost Egg + Aqua Egg Frost Egg + Wind Egg Mist Egg + Sand Egg Mist Egg + Frost Egg Mist Egg + Forest Egg Booster Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Increases abilities. Level: 4 Mainly Support Magic: WOW!, Diggin', Guard Up, Speedy, Runner Junction: Dust Egg + Lava Egg Restore Egg + Frost Egg Decrease Egg + Darkness Egg Decrease Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decreases abilities. Level: 4 Mainly Support Magic: Stram, Def-Loss, Res-Loss, Cold, Freeze! Junction: Dust Egg + Mist Egg Burst Egg + Thunder Egg Booster Egg + Darkness Egg Darkness Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Governs power of darkness. Level: 4 Mainly Support Magic: Snooze, Shhh!, Fiora, Binder, Craze Junction: Dust Egg + Forest Egg Burst Egg + Sand Egg Booster Egg + Decrease Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 5 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volcano Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of volcano. Level: 5 Mainly Fire Magic: Burn!, Burnstrike, WOW!, Hellburner, Guard up, Res-Loss Junction: Star Egg + Lava Egg Star Egg + Heat Egg Bomb Egg + Thunder Egg Bomb Egg + Star Egg Bomb Egg + Cyclone Egg Cyclone Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of cyclone. Level: 5 Mainly Wind Magic: Howl, Howlslash, Runner, Howlnado, Wham!, Stram Junction: Lightning Egg + Heat Egg Lightning Egg + Mist Egg Thunder Egg + Frost Egg Thunder Egg + Lightning Egg Thunder Egg + Rainbow Egg Rainbow Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of rainbow. Level: 5 Mainly Water Magic: Heal, Healer, Healer+, Evap, Tartarus Rain, Cold Junction: Icicle Egg + Mist Egg Icicle Egg + Sand Egg Frost Egg + Leaf Egg Frost Egg + Icicle Egg Frost Egg + Gravity Egg Gravity Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of gravity. Level: 5 Mainly Land Magic: Shake, Tremor, Quake, Calm, Halvah, Gravity Junction: Forest Egg + Sand Egg Forest Egg + Lava Egg Leaf Egg + Bomb Egg Leaf Egg + Forest Egg Leaf Egg + Volcano Egg Fairy Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Capricious fairy resides. Level: 5 Mainly Support Magic: Healer, Snooze, Craze, Fader, Vanish Junction: Star Egg + Icicle Egg Lightning Egg + Forest Egg Volcano Egg + Rainbow Egg Cyclone Egg + Gravity Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 6 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of cluster. Level: 6 Mainly Bomb Magic: Meteor Fall, Burnflame, Calm, Meteor Strike, BOOM!, Def-Loss Junction: Volcano Egg + Lava Egg Volcano Egg + Heat Egg Volcano Egg + Bomb Egg Star Egg + Forest Egg Star Egg + Volcano Egg Star Egg + Photon Egg Photon Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of photon. Level: 6 Mainly Bolt Magic: Zap!, Zap All, Gad Zap, Burnstrike, Wake, Binder Junction: Cyclone Egg + Heat Egg Cyclone Egg + Mist Egg Cyclone Egg + Thunder Egg Lightning Egg + Star Egg Lightning Egg + Cyclone Egg Lightning Egg + Blizzard Egg Blizzard Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of blizzard. Level: 6 Mainly Blizzard Magic: Crackle, Healer, Shhh!, Fiora, Crackle Floe, Crackle Fang Junction: Rainbow Egg + Mist Egg Rainbow Egg + Sand Egg Rainbow Egg + Frost Egg Icicle Egg + Lightning Egg Icicle Egg + Rainbow Egg Icicle Egg + Soul Egg Soul Egg ~~~~~~~~ Contains power of soul. Level: 6 Mainly Forest Magic: Alhealer, Reviva, Cure, Purify, Speedy, Craze Junction: Gravity Egg + Sand Egg Gravity Egg + Lava Egg Gravity Egg + Leaf Egg Forest Egg + Icicle Egg Forest Egg + Gravity Egg Forest Egg + Cluster Egg Restore Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Restores breath of life. Level: 6 Mainly Cure Magic: Alheal, Alhealer, Absorber, Cure, Regenera Junction: Burst Egg + Booster Egg Burst Egg + Decrease Egg Burst Egg + Darkness Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 7 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of anti-evil. Level: 7 Attack & Support Magic: BOOM!, Zap!, Crackle, Poizn, Magic Wall Junction: Restore Egg + Star Egg Protect Egg + Void Egg Protect Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains power of barrier. Level: 7 Cure & Support Magic: Healer, Diggin', Guard up, Purify, CrystalWall Junction: Restore Egg + Icicle Egg Astral Egg + Void Egg Void Egg ~~~~~~~~ Embodies vanishing power. Level: 7 Attack & Support Magic: BOOMOR!, Erebos, Wham!, Vanish, Giga Vanish Junction: Crown Egg + Darkness Egg Protect Egg + Astral Egg Life Egg ~~~~~~~~ Fountains source of life. Level: 7 Mainly Cure Magic: Alhealer+, Reviva, Regenera, Evap, Erebos, Tartarus Rain Junction: Cluster Egg + Blizzard Egg Photon Egg + Soul Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 8 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calamity Egg ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inflicts damage of havoc. Level: 8 Mainly Bomb Magic: BOOM!, BOOMOR!, BA-BOOM!, Inferno, Curse, Gravity Junction: Life Egg + Cluster Egg Dragon Egg + Fenrir Egg Dragon Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Awakens power of a dragon. Level: 8 Mainly Bolt Magic: Zap!, Blade Zap, Dragon Zap, Hellburner, WOW!, Resurrect Junction: Life Egg + Photon Egg Calamity Egg + Fenrir Egg Fenrir Egg ~~~~~~~~~~ Awakens power of an icewolf. Level: 8 Mainly Blizzard Magic: Crackle, Tartarus Rain, Binder, Crackle Floe, Crackle Glacier, Cold Junction: Life Egg + Blizzard Egg Calamity Egg + Dragon Egg Crown Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Administers power of kings. Level: 8 Attack & Cure Magic: BOOMOR!, Zap All, Diamond Dust, Healer+, Halvah, Curse Junction: Life Egg + Soul Egg Life Egg + Dragon Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 9 EGGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Throngs power of chaos. Level: 9 Ultimate Magic Magic: Zap All, Howlnado, Quake, Astraea Zap, Inferno, Absorber Junction: Crown Egg + Dragon Egg Holy Egg + Ether Egg Ether Egg ~~~~~~~~~ Full of elements' power. Level: 9 Ultimate Magic Magic: Alhealer, Resurrect, Snooze, Galactic Bang, Fader, Speedy Junction: Crown Egg + Calamity Egg Chaos Egg + Holy Egg Holy Egg ~~~~~~~~ Floods sacred power. Level: 9 Ultimate Magic Magic: Healer+, Diamond Dust, Regenera, Absolute Zero, Reviva, Halvah Junction: Crown Egg + Fenrir Egg Chaos Egg + Ether Egg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC LIST (SUB21) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ FIRE MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Burn! 4 4 One Foe Flare Fireball. Lava Heat Volcano Burnflame 5 12 Foe Circle Lava Pillar of flame. Lightning Cluster Burnstrike 7 16 One Foe Bomb Flock of phoenixes. Burst Volcano Photon Inferno 11 35 Foe Fan Calamity Summons flame beast. Chaos Hellburner 13 40 One Foe Volcano Everlasting hellfire. Dragon Guard up __ 8 Ally Circle Flare Spiritual uplift. Improves Booster Immunity. Lightning Volcano Protect WOW! __ 10 Ally Circle Bomb Fighting spirit. Booster Volcano Dragon _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ BOMB MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ BOOM! 8 18 Foe Line Bomb Small explosion. Star Cluster Astral Calamity BOOMOR! 10 26 Around Foe Void Small-area bomb. Calamity Crown BA-BOOM! 13 48 Foe Circle Calamity Huge explosion. Meteor Fall 12 32 Single Foe Star Falling meteorite. Cluster Meteor Strike 15 56 Single Foe Cluster Huge falling meteor. Galactic Bang 18 72 Single Foe Ether Star explosion. Res-Loss __ 9 Foe Circle Bomb Discouraging heat. Star Deteriorates Immunity. Decrease Volcano Vanish __ 35 Around Ally Fairy Illusive light. Voids all Void effects. Giga Vanish __ 25 Single Foe Void Divine halo. Voids all Status changes. _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ WATER MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Heal Sml 6 Single Ally Aqua Dew of life. Restores HP. Frost Rainbow Healer Mdm 10 Single Ally Frost Dew of mercy. Restores HP. Rainbow Fairy Blizzard Protect Crown Healer+ Lrg 16 Single Ally Rainbow Dew of miracle. Restores HP. Holy Alheal Sml 12 All Allies Mist Fountain of life. Forest Restores HP. Restore Alhealer Mdm 20 All Allies Forest Fountain of mercy. Restores Restore HP. Soul Ether Alhealer+ Lrg 36 Ally Circle Life Fountain of miracles. Restores HP. Erebos __ 12 Single Foe Mist Creates dark dense fog. Burst Sudden death to enemy. Life Void Tartarus Rain __ 24 Foe Circle Rainbow Calls cold black rain. Sudden Life death to enemy. Fenrir Snooze __ 5 Foe Circle Aqua Produces drowsy foam. Lulls Darkness enemies to sleep. Fairy Ether Evap __ 14 Single Foe Dust Drainage of fluid. Reduces Sand enemy's HP by half. Rainbow Life _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ BLIZZARD MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Diamond Dust 9 30 Foe Fan Icicle Freezing blizzard. Crown Holy Crackle 9 20 Single Foe Frost Ice spear. Icicle Astral Fenrir Crackle Floe 12 30 Single Foe Blizzard Pillar of ice. Fenrir Crackle Fang 13 48 Foe Circle Blizzard Falling iceberg. Crackle Glacier15 60 Single Foe Fenrir Power of glacier. Absolute Zero 17 68 Foe Line Holy Sub-zero skewers. Freeze! __ 8 Foe Circle Dust Heavy snowstorm. Deteriorates Frost Move. Decrease Cold __ 18 Foe Circle Decrease Blanket of frost. Rainbow Deteriorates Action. Fenrir Fiora __ 8 Foe Circle Darkness Seal of ice. Effects Sap Icicle Moves on enemies. Blizzard CrystalWall __ 8 Self Protect Barrier of crystals. Invalidates certain damage. _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ WIND MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Howl 3 7 Foe Circle Wind Blade of wind. Heat Cyclone Howlslash 4 18 Foe Line Heat Whirlwind shockwave. Burst Cyclone Howlnado 11 32 All Around Cyclone Giant tornado. Confusion Chaos effect. Wham! __ 4 Single Foe Thunder Changes air pressure. Cyclone Disperses enemy from Void battlefield. Shhh! __ 12 Foe Circle Darkness Vacuum seal. Seals enemies' Icicle magic spells. Blizzard Wake __ 2 Ally Circle Icicle Whisper of a breeze. Wakes up Photon sleeping allies. Runner __ 4 Ally Circle Wind Strong fair wind. Improves Booster Move. Thunder Cyclone Fader __ 8 Self Mist Blends into scene. Fairy Transparency avoids attacks. Ether _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ BOLT MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Zap! 7 22 Foe Circle Thunder Electric discharge. Paralysis Lightning effect. Photon Astral Dragon Zap All 9 22 Foe Fan Photon High-voltage sparks. Crown Paralysis effect. Chaos Blade Zap 12 32 Single Foe Lightning Blades of lightning. Dragon Paralysis effect. Dragon Zap 14 50 Foe Line Dragon Dragon thunder. Paralysis effect. Gad Zap 15 31 Single Foe Photon Powerful thunderstorm. Paralysis effect. Astraea Zap 16 70 Around Self Chaos Divine electric shock. Paralysis effect. Curse __ 32 Single Foe Crown Evil thunder. Imposes Curse Calamity on enemy. Stram __ 12 Foe Circle Thunder Discouraging zap. Cyclone Deteriorates attack. Decrease Binder __ 8 Foe Circle Darkness Electricity restraint. Takes Lightning away enemy's mobility. Photon Fenrir Magic Wall __ 17 Self Astral Electricity barrier. Invalidates magic spells. _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ LAND MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Shake 4 5 Single Foe Stone Shifts the ground. Sand Gravity Tremor 5 10 Around Foe Sand Eruption of energy. Burst Gravity Quake 11 36 Foe Circle Gravity Massive tectonic movement. Chaos Def-Loss __ 7 Foe Circle Lava Theft of natural power. Decrease Deteriorates Defense. Cluster Gravity __ 4 Foe Circle Star Manipulates gravity. Gathers Gravity enemies in one location. Calamity Refresh __ 3 Single Ally Dust Sacred healer. Cures Sap Star Moves & Sap Magic. Cure __ 5 Single Ally Leaf Natural cleanser. Cures Soul Poison & Paralysis. Restore Calm __ 6 Single Ally Gravity Soothing smell of land. Cures Cluster Confusion. Diggin' __ 5 Ally Circle Stone Protection of land. Improves Booster Defense. Protect _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ FOREST MAGIC LVL MP OBJ RANGE EGGS DESCRIPTION _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ Poizn 6 10 Single Foe Leaf Highly venomous gel. Poison Forest effect. Astral Absorber 7 32 Foe Circle Restore Relaxes atmosphere. Absorbs Chaos enemy's HP. Craze __ 16 Foe Circle Forest Nerve gas. Imposes Confusion. Darkness Fairy Soul Purify __ 12 Single Ally Soul Leaves' cleansing power. Protect Cures Illnes & Curse. Halvah __ 32 Single Ally Gravity Balance of nature. Cures all Crown abnormalities. Holy Regenera __ 10 Single Ally Leaf Forest's healing power. Life Restores HP for limited Restore period. Holy Speedy __ 15 Ally Circle Booster Refreshing breeze. Improves Soul mobility. Ether Resurrect __ 26 Single Ally Forest Fountain of will. Revives Dragon ally & restores 50% HP. Ether Reviva __ 42 Single Ally Soul Power of World Tree. Revives Life ally & restores all HP. Holy _______________ ___ ___ ___________ _________ ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are there any special/hidden Mana Eggs or something? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Ha! You didn't list every possible Mana Egg combination! Why? A: Yes, I didn't. Because: a) it would be a very long list. b) there are already other FAQs on GameFaqs that deal with this. Providing only the combinations that the game suggests is more than enough for my guide. c) most of the combos are useless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I have this Mana Egg and it has this yellow floating star(s) with it. A: It means when you use that egg(s) for combinations the chance that resulting egg will have SF increase. More stars=more chances of getting SF. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ VIII. WALKTHROUGH (SEC08) ============================================================================ Our story begins when a new nation, Nortis, had finally finished a long-standing border conflict with a country known as Arcada. Far from the savagery of the battles at the Nortis border, a boy named Evann was born into a family of 'Geo Rangers'. He was known in his neighborhood for being rash and hating to lose. He went around with hot-blooded friends doing stupid things, but as they got older, they got jobs and adapted to society. After his father's death, Evann decided to follow in his footsteps and became a Geo Ranger. He turned over a new leaf, and trained everyday to continue his family trade. Geo Rangers have the ability to use the power of the force, which flows in the Geo Stream of the world. It is a job, once valued in places like mines, where one can instantly transport to another place by making a 'Geo Point' and 'diving' into it. Geo Points are created at places where the power of the force is strong. NOTICE: Use the FORCE Evann! ...sorry couldn't help it! ^_^ The game starts with a man driving some strange-looking motorcycle. Action shifts to Evann, the main hero of the game. Evann is practicing his fighting skills when his bud, a mailman named Pike, delivers him his fourth letter from the ever annoying Nortis Army. Evann doesn't like the army. Then they chat and Evann complains a bit about a guy named Kroitz. Then Pike leaves. Evan tries to create a Geo Point but he fails. He then lies down to rest. He remembers his dead father. Then a woman with some military thugs attacks Evann and takes him captive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: Base Geo Point Action shifts into a room. Evann sits there very angry. A woman comes in and starts bossing Evann around. Her name is Diene. Apparently she is a military commander. She says that Evann should cool down, check out the town and then find her. When you gain control, as always, check the menu and get used to the controls. Then go outside and examine the village of Locca. Talk to people. Visit the shops. Don't go across the bridge to Locca park it's pointless, and don't go to Starry Park either. In the end you'll want to go to the Command Post and meet the party. Inside, you meet Carmyne and Brandol--your party. Diene explains that you were chosen by the military to assist in the operation against the Elemental Disorder. She tells that tomorrow a truck will pick you up so you've got to rest until then. Anyway, Diene leaves and you to get closer acquainted with Carmyne and Brandol. Evann tells them that he is a ranger. After that leave the post and proceed to the Armory. Talk to the manager and choose Rest. The next day. Go through the back door and meet Carmyne with Brandol. Brandol says that they are going to the Sandworm's Den. He'll ask if you're prepared, say yes. Then he starts complaining about this mission, Evann, and that they made Evann the leader of this party. Evann doesn't want to and doesn't know how to be one. Everyone boards the truck. On the road the party discusses the situation. The Elemental Disorder has caused great havoc, (see the trashed tanks?). Although the Disorder in this region has been neutralized, four ruins were found with the Disorder. Your party is here to investigate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAND RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANDWORM'S DEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None When you arrive, go to the H.Q. Control Room and talk to Diene. Well something is definitely under those Elementally Disordered ruins. And Colonel himself is leading the investigation. Once you regain control hit the Land Ruins. LAND RUINS 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Start walking. The path is without forks. When you reach a guard talk to him. He will tell you that there will be some traps and monsters ahead. Reach the ladder and climb down into the circle room with a tree in the middle. Then go through the huge doors and into the Land Ruins 2. NOTICE: In the first trapped corridor, between the second and third falling blocks, on the right wall is a secret door that often leads to a Skill Book or a Mana Egg. Very helpful in the early game. The Treasure Chest isn't marked on the map. Never. NOTICE: Before the second trapped corridor, you climb a flight of stairs, turn to your right, away from the trapped corridor and go to the end. Press 'O' and open a secret passage, revealing a Carro! LAND RUINS 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Use the ladder to go down. As you can see this is a wide open area with a lot of mushrooms. Cut them all! In Grandia Xtreme mushrooms contain not only items and foes but also they can heal or poison you. Anyway after you've got some mushrooms and killed some enemies, go into the center and use the (!) mark to activate the shining pillar. Using the floating stones examine all the tunnels and in the end of one push big stone pillar to create a floating bridge to Land Ruins 3. LAND RUINS 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Start walking. No forks here either. After the floor will collapse use the other path and activate the shining pillar. Return and jump to the other side. Keep walking. Step on the trap and the floor will go down, take some items, kill some monsters. Watch out for those huge boulders! After the boulder madness walk into the room and the door will close, Huge Minotaur will crash down and will try to encounter you! Yes, you can actually try and flee from him for a while but eventually you'll see that there is no point in that. Anyway prepare for a Boss battle! NOTICE: Know the place where you can occasionally meet the Minotaur, in that small corridor, which is usually haunted by a Sasquatch? At the end of that corridor lies yet another secret door which reveals YET another Carro. BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Minotaur Type: Beast Drop item: Secret Vellum Physical Vellum Seed of Magic Steal item: Mental Vellum Psyche Vellum Bamboo Armor Bamboo Glove Bracelet Red High Heels Face Guard Head Gear Purifying Dress Legguard Special attacks: Tornado Horn (Confusion/one) Land Crush (Land/around self) Minions: Gilled Pawns The Minotaur is not very different from Grandia II. His 4 sidekicks should be dealt with first. Then it's 4 against 1, unleash your strongest moves. He is quite slow but keep your eyes open for his Tornado Horn, cancelling it is a good idea. Your Mana Eggs are not very strong yet so use them mainly for healing. And be prepared for this fight! It'll be very annoying if the Minotaur will kick your ass becasue you were unprepared! After the battle proceed to the shining pillar and activate it. You will be elevated down, go through the passage and into the door to the Spiritual Atrium. SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None You meet up with the Colonel. Evann with Kroitz go way back, I guess, and Evann doesn't like Kroitz very much. But Kroitz is the Colonel so everyone has to listen to him. He explains that these ruins were invented by ancient people to control the elements therefore the ruins have the power to stop the Disorder. Kroitz tells that your party has to travel to other ruins and stop the Elemental Disorder in other places. When you gain control go to the Barracks for your reinforcements. In the barracks Evann and Brandol starts arguing again. Then Diene comes in and Evann asks her about Kroitz, she doesn't know anything and tells that she's just following orders from Colonel. She's screwed. Enter the room to meet additional members. OK... now there are 4 new recruits who are determined to stop the Disorder. The big brute Ulk with the spiritual protection from elements and who likes blowing things away(!), the little guy Titto who's good in long range combat, Jaid the magician with combat skills and Myam the girl who uses the bow. Brandol starts mocking them, Evann doesn't care. Anyway after a lot of arguments the party decides that the leader should be Evann. OK gather your party and hit the Inferno Pit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLAME RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFERNO PIT ~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Enjoy the CG movie involving Evann, tanks and the spirit. After that you'll find yourself in some kind of cavern. This place is quite empty except for one Geo Point (this is the first full one, I believe). Use it if you need something in town. Then climb the ladders up. Now this is a wide open area and it has 2 main paths. Go left and climb down the hole and through the tunnel then climb up. You'll be on a small island take the item and leave. Watch out for the lava rivers. Return to the start and head right. Watch out for the lava eruptions, each eruption will spawn an enemy. Don't mind the fork and just keep heading up the path. When you reach the ladders climb them. You'll be on the mountain. You can go left and climb down to collect the items but your main goal is to reach the top of the mountain. Your path up will be shaped as the letter Z. When you reach the top head straight up but watch out for the erupting lava, this time there will be no enemies but it can damage you. Before you proceed to Volcano - Exterior head all the way right and collect the chest. VOLCANO - EXTERIOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None This place does look like the volcano but with some kind of mechanical device in the middle. The cave to the left of you is empty (well I mean mine was empty but who knows...). Go right stay off the edge because the floor will fall down and you'll collapse one level down. Instead miss one ladder and use the second. When you find huge rock blocking your path use the big pipe and go down. Use the ladders up twice and push the rock down (be careful not to fall). This rock smashed the first rock that blocked your path. Return to the first rock and you'll find another cavern (mine was empty). Then use the huge pipe and follow the path down ignoring the ladder. Use the ladder down when you reach it. Go to the end of the path and you should probably find a Mana Egg. Then return and enter the huge pipe. One path is closed to you therefore use the other. Follow the tunnel into a cave (there should be an item behind the rock). Follow the other path until you find yourself inside the pipe again. Exit the pipe. Take the chest and then use the controller it'll open a path to Flame Ruins - Interior. FLAME RUINS - INTERIOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Use the Geo Point. Then use the elevator to go down to hell. (:E Once there step on the blue pillar of light to clear a path of flames. Go left and open a hidden door in the wall. Then head right through the hall of flames. Then you'll reach infernal pillars here's how to jump: Jump on the first pillar when it's _below_ you, the following pillar should be below you to. Continue jumping until you reach the other side. Take the chest and again into the hallway. Step on another blue light pillar and head left. Open a hidden room in the wall and take the treasure chest. Take the item and step on another blue light pillar. Then follow the path into another hallway. In the next room you’ll notice a block. Next to the block there is a switch, activate it and flames will push the block. Pushed block will activate the mechanism and the door will open. Enter the room and push another block then activate the switch and flames will once again push the block near the first one and open the other door. Return to the previous room and enter the opened door, follow the path until you reach the last blue light pillar, step on it. Go left and open the secret door (it's in the wall). Now make your way into the center. All the flames are gone. Enter the room with fire blazing from the walls. Push the block on the right. Then use the path on the left to reach the left block and push it also. The fire is gone. Use the middle path and kill the guards. Then head through the right sides path to take the book. Return and head up into the Flame Ruins - Hall of Flames. FLAME RUINS - HALL OF FLAMES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: One-time Geo Point How many Baby Crustaceans have you killed? Well it's pay back time! He he! Anyway, Mother Crustacean is upon you. Follow the path and encounter the Boss. BOOS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Mother Crustacean Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Seed of Power Mental Vellum Cassandra Special attacks: Swallow (Cancel/one) Hi-Jump (Physical/circle) Breeding (Summons Baby Crustaceans) Burnflame (Flame/circle) Left Claw/Right Claw Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: Devil Clothes Horn Shield Quartz Pendant Forest Suit Ice Helm Rune Plate Special attacks: Side Slash (Physical/fan) Scissors Beat (Confusion/one) Burnflame (Flame/circle) Minions: Baby Crustaceans This Boss is much more harder then the previous one. It's a Boss with 2 claws. Moreover it has 2 sidekicks. Forget about the Baby Crustaceans, if you kill them the mother will use Breeding and they will reappear. You can also forget about the claws because it'll be just a waste of you SP. Concentrate on the main body. Her 2 most deadly attacks are Hi-Jump and Scissors Beat plus the Scissors Beat will give your character confusion. Use your most deadly moves on the body only. You should probably have learned a couple of combos by now so use them to the fullest. Fire, of course, is ineffective here so don't use any fire magic. It is a good idea to leave one character for healing only, using Alheal or Alhealer. After the fight proceed into the Flame Ruins - Spiritual Atrium FLAME RUINS - SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None When you enter the Atrium Evann is amazed by this place because it's different from the Land Ruins. When you gain control speak to you friends. Check the crystal dragon, a beautiful beast! Brandol is examining some ancient writings which says: ...614 ...star ...until the cycle ends. Even... spiritual power... unable to attain... lost Give birth to Quanlee under Evol... Quanlee... Existence filled with spiritual power... What could this mean? Anyway, reach the top and take the Flame Slab. Return to Locca and go to the Command post to meet Diene. In the Command Post Evann hits Diene about the dragon and the mural found in the Flame Ruins. She doesn't know anything about but says that their scientist Specto wants to hear your report. She tells you take your team and head to Escarre. So grab your team, they are... Brandol : near the Diner Carmyne : inside the Diner Titto : Barracks 2nd floor Jaid : Barracks 2nd floor room 202 Ulk : Locca park Myam : Locca park (across the river) ...and hit the railway platform. You meet Diene in the station and she says that scientist Specto will answer all you questions in Escarre. Board the train and head for Escarre. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESCARRE (first visit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: None When you arrive to Escarre everyone is excited about the city. Jaid with Titto decide to lurk about the local houses, Brandol and Carmyne went to the local pub while Ulk and Myam went to enjoy the water. You can explore the downtown of Escarre although there is nothing to do there. Eventually you'll have to visit the Music Hall. In the Music Hall you'll meet Specto the scientist and the 'musicians'. Talk to Specto and he will answer your questions. When he's done feeding you his useless information leave the Music Hall and head for the station. Speak to Diene and choose 'OK, let's go back.' You board the train and return to Locca. In the meantime Specto with Kroitz are discussing something about some Disorder ruins, creatures and the Quaniee project. Anyway it seems that they are plotting something EVIL! Back in Locca. The party discusses 'information' given by Specto. Everyone agrees that Specto didn't tell everything and that Kroitz is involved in all this. But they are still up on their mission: to once and for all stop the Elemental Disorder!!! The next stop is the stormy seas of Tsunami Trough and you'll have to take Jaid with you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUA RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSUNAMI TROUGH - OCEAN BED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Diene explains that Tsunami Trough is under s heavy storm and the Aqua Ruins are now under the water. So this won't be a picnic! In order for you to walk around under the water you'll have to eat the Aeolus Seed which makes you burp. The party boards 'submarine' and dives under the water. Inside Evann asks Jaid what's bugging him and Jaid explains that he was once a knight sworn to a beautiful and noble lady but when the disorder started she died because of him in the Aqua Ruins. And now Jaid has to honor her memory by neutralizing the Elemental Disorder. Watch the CG cutscenes that show the fall of your ship. The chain to which the 'submarine' is connected brakes and it goes down under like Titanic. The party is on the ocean floor without the 'submarine'. But you can use the Geo point to go back. Another CG movie, meeting with a ship. Anyway, gather your party and start the dungeon... and get Evann out of that fish-plant! <:E So this is a big open area. You may explore it a bit (cut some plants, open some shells) but eventually you'll want to go all the way left and up the steps. Keep walking along the edge until you reach the fork. Take the left path to encounter the Mimic. Caution! Mimic may seem like an easy kill BUT he can be the end of you. Just before his death he usually does the Hell Blast move which probably will kill all your characters. It deals about 1000-1200 HP damage. Be prepared! And try to cancel it whenever you see it being charged-up. After that fight proceed into Tsunami Trough - Ocean Cave. TSUNAMI TROUGH - OCEAN CAVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Start walking straight ahead. When you reach a fork go right for some item, if not then go straight and turn right at the next fork for some shells. Then return to the fork and go up. In the area with lots of medusas (careful they'll damage you) go left for more shells and items. Return and go right. You'll reach the edge with lots of weird lights floating around... and... they're beautiful... umm... anyway, use the (!) mark to call a big weird transport fish which will carry you over to the other edge. Start walking and at the fork go right to take an item. Return and go up to activate the Geo Point. Go straight up and crack the shell. Then go back and head all the way left (ignore the first fork). At the second fork go right for some shell action. Return, go up for... more shells (damn shells). OK, now return to the ignored fork and go right. Go past the medusas in the next area and you'll reach yet another fork, right--items, left--Tsunami Trough - Ocean Temple. TSUNAMI TROUGH - OCEAN TEMPLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Well, it's a wide open area with no forks. Make a circle-run around the temple to collect the items and fight the monsters. Then enter the temple to Aqua Ruins - Interior. AQUA RUINS - INTERIOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None The right passage is closed so take the left one. The are 4 paths in the next big room, 3 are closed but 1 is open so use it. You'll reach some kind of control device, switch to Red and go back to the room with the 4 doors. This time another door is open to you, use it. You'll reach the elevator which will take you down. At this point in the game you'll find you first Sound Bite it's the Sound Bite 1. More about Sound Bites read in the Sidequests section. Take the path you have to a room with a huge ball of water. This room has 5 paths and 3 of them are closed. Use the path that leads to the stone monolith and activate it this will lower the control device which you've activated earlier. Go back and go through the other opened path. You'll reach a room with a shining globe, and lots of Dragonfly Toads, kill them all. This room has 3 doors, 1 is closed, 1 leads to an items and the last one leads to the lowered control device, go through the last door to reach the device, switch it to Green. Proceed into newly opened door into a room with Sound Bite 3. Take the right path into a room where the view changes and the Automap disappears there you'll find Sound Bite 2. Go through the path opposite of where you entered for some items and then go back all the way back to the room with Sound Bite 3. This time take the left path thorough the water and into a room with some kind of water pumping device. The water walls disappear from time to time and that's how you'll have to reach another path. After the water walls you'll end up in the upper level of the room where you got Sound Bite 2. Switch the device to Blue and that will open another way to you. Go through it into the room where you started. Now all the 5 doors are open, first go through a path that leads to a room with Sound Bite 3. After that there's only one unexplored area left, go through it into the elevator room and elevate yourself down to Aqua Ruins - Energy Conversion Room and prepare for a Boss battle. AQUA RUINS - ENERGY CONVERSION ROOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: One-time Geo Point BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Deava Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Freezrain Bow Fishmonger Knife Combat Vellum Seed of Magic Special attacks: Healer (Heal HP) Diamond Dust (Blizzard/fan) Snooze (Sleep/circle) Shock Bomb (Cancel/one) Halvah (Cures all abnormalities) Freeze! (MOV +DOWN/circle) Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Ocean Wave (Water/all) Evap (Cuts HP by 1/2/one) Left Knuckle/Right Knuckle Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Mental Vellum Robe of Admonition Life Gem Ice Shield Healing Fruit Dash Charm Special attacks: Aqua Splash (Water/one) Fiora (Sap moves/circle) Crackle (Blizzard/one) Snooze (Sleep effect/circle) Minions: None Now this shrimp is actually a 2-part-Boss: the Body and 2 Knuckles. Once you beat up the first part it'll crack, the second form will emerge and you'll have to fight the true form of Deava. His Knuckles use mainly support magic but their Aqua Splash is quite strong although it damages one character. You can firstly kill waste his Knuckles it'll sap his Aqua Splash and Crackles. But I suggest you concentrate on his main body when he opens up. He won't be using all his most damaging moves like Shock Bomb, Crackle Floe and Ocean Wave up until you defeat his shell. Water/Ice is practically useless here so use mainly Fire/Bomb and Lightning/Thunder. Moves and combos will be effective here so use them a lot. If you must cancel anything then use moves for that, I don't see anything really punising to cancel although you could try and cancel his Ocean Wave but don't bother about anything else. AQUA RUINS - SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None You'll find another corpse of Elemental Beast. Also notice another strange pillar with words: Despite the application of power of... to the planet's 1095 rotation... stability not achieved, plan failed. Quanlee... created under Evol. Quanlee is... able to change all worlds. 'Able to change all worlds' I don't like the sound of that... anyway, take the slab and leave the Atrium. In elevator room use the one-time Geo Point to travel back to Locca. Back in Locca. You meet up with Kroitz and claims that he knows the cause of the suffering. Diene is all over Kroitz as usual. And when things were starting to get hot... Evann penetrates the command post like mad. He starts question Kroitz around but Kroitz plays dumb. Anyway, this conversation was useless Colonel Kroitz departs leaving your party ready for action! Yeah! When you leave the Command Post Myam is standing under the tree. She says that she has to go along with you to the next mission. So you'll have to take her along to your next destination: the Gale Ruins. But before that, visit Escarre and talk to Specto for the latest 'info'. He's in the Uptown area which is available to you now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHIRLWIND PEAK - GHOST TOWN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None When you enter Myam explains that her grandma used to work here as a teacher so she used to visit this town often. But due to the Elemental Disorder this place was attacked by a huge Tornado and has become a ghost town. When you gain control head down the path and through the tunnel then turn left into another tunnel. At the fork go left and up for some items, then return to the fork and turn right. Keep walking down the path then go up and turn left. Enter the ruined house and push aside the bookshelf for an item. Then push the wall and it'll collapse making a bridge for you. Cross it and go a bit up-left and push another wall in the ruined house for another item. You may go forward and then down, there may be an item but eventually you'll have to go across the ruined house to your right. No forks here just keep walking, jump across a couple of times, head down and take the Sound Bite B1. Head into the tunnel and at the tunnel fork turn left. Explore this area for items and eggs and then return to the fork and go straight up, follow the path until you reach Ghost Town - Outskirts. GHOST TOWN - OUTSKIRTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None In this area the party finally can see their destination: the Whirlwind Peak. But how to get there? Evann, as a Geo Ranger, has a superb idea: Using this machine the party is going to slide down to Whirlwind Peak. The party finally descends into the Gale Ruins. GALE RUINS - INTERIOR 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Well, there's only one door open, go through it. Wow... a wacky tunnel. The next room will also have only one door so use it. Head through another tunnel and through a room with 2 mechanisms and into a room with the main device. The first door to your right should contain some items, check it. Then head through another door and past the room with blistering fire coming from those machines. In the next room you'll find a Geo Point, use it. After the Geo Point head into the passageway, turn left and you'll reach a square room with some mechanisms that spit bunch of junk on top of your head! Ouch! Don't get under it. There are also lots of mushrooms here. Anyway kill the monsters and smash some shrooms. After that exit the room through the top-right door. Head through another tunnel into another room. There should be chest in the upper-right corner of this room. Also head through the upper door and push the block so it will block the fire coming through the machine. Return and go through the left exit. Head all the way until you reach the circular room. Continue right but skip the first turn for now and enter the second. Head straight up until you reach a shiny triangle, activate it and the paths will begin spinning. The rooms looks like something like this: Exit | Sound Bite B2_ | _Push block \__|__/ /\ | /\ | \|/ | | /|\ | \/_|_\/ / | \ Items_/ | \_Push block | Enter First stop them so that you can go to the upper-left door, go there and grab the Sound Bite B2. Then return and spin them again to gain access to the lower-left door, go there and take item there. Return and rotate them once again and visit the upper-right and lower-right rooms to push the blocks there. Once that is done return to the room I told you to skip and go up the stairs to push the last block. The last block will deactivate the horizontal flames completely, but the vertical flame is still on, to deactivate it find the shinning triangle in this room and touch it. Take the Mana Egg and return to the room with the rotating paths. Once there, rotate the paths so that you can gain access to the last unvisited path, straight up. Go there and you'll reach Gale Ruins - Exterior - Lower Level. GALE RUINS - EXTERIOR - LOWER LEVEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Just follow the path until you reach the ladder up. Don't mind those triangular stones. Once elevated, head straight to Gale Ruins - Interior 2 - 1st FL Ent. GALE RUINS - INTERIOR 2 - 1ST FL ENT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Push the stone triangle to ride the rail. Once you have arrived check the hidden room to your right, there may be some items. Then head into the left path. On the intersection head right to grab some items, then return and head up. In the next room you'll find a big horizontal flame pillar, go round it and grab some items on the right side. No matter what path you'll take you'll end up in a huge are with a floating platform and lots of monsters. Go through the left path to kill some fiends for Exp. After that go back and choose the upper path to reach the circularly-floating platform, ride it. You may dismount on the middle structure of the big room, don't do that, instead hop on the other floating platform when the two meet each other and continue. When you'll see a bunch of monsters impatiently waiting for your arrival, get off there and hunt them down. Also if you follow the path to the next room you may find some items. After all is done return to the floating platform and ride it a bit up then get off to enter the door. Continue all the way up the steps to find another big platform, push the triangle to ride it. On the opposite side of the entrance to the Middle Level there is a hidden room, enter it and you may find some items. Following that progress into the Gale Ruins - Exterior - Middle Level. GALE RUINS - EXTERIOR - MIDDLE LEVEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Absolutely nothing to do here. Just go straight into the Gale Ruins - Interior 2 - 2nd FL Ent. GALE RUINS 2 - 2ND FL ENT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Go up into the room, round the vertical flame and continue up. Enter the next room and activate the triangle, thus dissolving the vertical flames, but not completely. Return to the previous room and ride the platform down. You're in a room you were before, head left and climb down the ladders. And then climb up onto the middle structure, once blocked by the flame the platform is now accessible, ride it up. Check this room for some chests or items, once done continue through the door. Follow the path into the Gale Ruins - Exterior - Upper Level. GALE RUINS - EXTERIOR - UPPER LEVEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: One-time Geo Point Follow the path and climb up the ladder a couple of times. Congratulations! You've reached the top! Anyway, once on the top be sure to pick up Sound Bite B3 under a little purple tree. After that go down the ramp into the Gale Ruins - Equipment Housing Area. GALE RUINS - EQUIPMENT HOUSING AREA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Follow the path, down some stairs and into the Gale Ruins - Great Engine Room. Prepare for a Boss fight! GALE RUINS - GREAT ENGINE ROOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Head straight up and encounter Bone Mantis. BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Bone Mantis Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Devilbuster Sword Seed of Psyche High Vellum Special attacks: Mist Blast (Paralysis/fan) Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) Howlslash (Wind/line) Howlnado (Wind/around self) Right Arm/Left Arm Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Silver Feather Mental Vellum Secret Vellum Flame Helm Gold Feather Special attacks: Wind Slash (Cancel/fan) Crackle (Blizzard/one) Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Zap! (Bolt/one) Alheal (Heal HP/one) Binder (Stop/one) Cold (ACT +DOWN/circle) Fiora (Sap Moves/circle) Minions: None Well this Boss is easy. Apart from his immunity to Lightning he has nothing to set against your party. Correction: The boss is most likely lightning resistant, but NOT immune. I suggest you learn the Invincible Aura before the battle and cast it on Evann it'll cancel almost all of his moves, ha! Myam is in your party so use her mostly for healing and the Mana Eggs should be used for healing as well. It appears that his Right Arm is physical damage resistant while the Left Arm is magic resistant (I'm not sure about the Left Arm because I've killed before I checked). So you'd better not bother with his arms. Canceling is quite pointless in this battle, nothing he does is really punishing, if you'll be using moves with Cancel ability--great but otherwise don't bother. In one point during the battle, when you dealt enough damage to his main body his arms will try to heal him using the Alheal, use should try to cancel that. But if you can't, no matter, it doesn't heal that much anyway. Fire magic goes OK here, but try to use more moves on his main body and he will go down easy. Peace-a-cake! After the fight continue into the Spiritual Atrium. GALE RUINS - SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Enter the Atrium. Talk to everyone if you like and check yet another monolith: Despite application of wind... To... period of... 1435, stability not... failed. Under the eye of Evol, Quanlee was given life. He is an ultimate being who will wield the greatest power in the world! After that grab the last Slab. But wait, something is not right! Everything starts shaking, take your party and the hell out of there! The Ruins are falling apart and the party is trapped. Just as they were about to be squashed by falling rocks, Diene with the rest of your party rushes in and saves your ass. On the surface, everyone is happy that their mission is finally 'over'. People will finally make peace with their lives... or will they? Kroitz and Specto show up and Evann hands all the Slabs to Specto (just like that!). Everyone leaves and the party decides to head to Locca for their reward. At this point you may save your progress. Do it. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ BOOST LEVEL 1 (SUB22) ============================================================================ OK it's time for Boost Level 1. At this point if you check the base Geo Point in Locca you'll notice that it's empty! All the Geo Points you've previously opened have been closed. You'll have to revisit the dungeons and reopen the Gates from there. Here is the list of all the Full Geo Points that you have opened to this point: Inferno Pit Flame Ruins - Interior Tsunami Trough - Ocean Bed Tsunami Trough - Ocean Cave Gale Ruins - Interior 1 Here is a quick synopsis of what happened: - All 4 elemental dungeons got enhanced. Levels of all the monsters got boosted and there will be new enemies to encounter. Also the majority of the creatures will get a combination attack involving 2-3 or even 4 creatures, needles to say that you should try to cancel this. But these attacks are not very punishing and a couple of Iron Guards will be enough to safeguard yourself against this annoyance. - You will be able to re-kill all the previous Bosses you fought. They also got a bit of a level increase but other that nothing new. Except the Land Ruins which I will mention soon. This time you can steal from Bosses and that's great, because they have valuable items to steal! Be sure to take Titto along with you. - Each time you redo the dungeon (and kill the Boss, of course) visit the Spiritual Atrium and you'll be rewarded with items and Mana Eggs, sweet! You may do this as long as your heart desires. OK, now let's analyze each dungeon: Land Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ This is the dungeon which got changed the most. First of all, new/stronger enemies will appear. Some (most) of them will have new combination move which was mentioned above, cancel them. Items will be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 2. Minotaur's sidekicks will be running around loose; geez... I thought the disorder was neutralized. When you reach the area with the floating panels you'll notice another anomaly: Minotaur himself got tired of waiting for you and hence gathered his new sidekicks and went on a crusade to finally put and end to your existence :), no seriously, you will encounter him in this area so just be prepared. He is no match for you now (probably why he got kicked out of the Boss position ... hehe) but don't let him take you by surprise. And the most important change of this dungeon is that it now has a new and _a lot_ stronger Boss, umm... 2 Bosses. Anyway they are: Boss: Giant Soldiers Type: ???? Drop item: Battle Vellum Steal item: Lion Field Garb Diefeen Saber Cassandra Seed of Running Seed of Swift Seed of Moves Corporal Vellum Combat Vellum Special attacks: Mystery Steam (ACT +DOWN/around self) Lightning (Paralysis/All) These guys will get on your nerves, fast! And there's two of them. BEFORE THE BATTLE: EQUIP YOUR ENTIRE PARTY WITH PARALYSIS EMUNITY ITEMS, NOW! I don't care about their Mystery Steam which lowers ACT but the Lightning is a total killer. This move damages everyone AND it inflicts paralysis and if everyone in your party gets paralyzed then well... you're pretty much dead. Their physical attacks are also strong but shouldn't be a problem because they can be avoided easily. Here is an alternative strategy sent in by Anton concerning their paralysis: 'You suggest buying four paralysis charms for the new boss of the Land Ruins. If you payed attention when you were upgrading your equipment after the first boost you would have noticed the Purify Bracelet, which if you read it's help gives you immunity to poison and paralysis. The only two who can't equip it are Brandol and Ulk. Using it enables a person to keep with the Sap Moves & Sap Magic Charms (assuming you have a spell already that can cure Sap Moves on one character). Most people focus on using the most powerful equipment, but I've always prefered special and status protection over better stats.' There are a few things to do to avoid the Lightning. If you're like me and fight the Giant Soldiers as soon as they are available then your best bet on paralysis protection are Paralysis Charms that can be bought in Locca. So buy 4 of them and equip your party with them, OK? Now with that fatal paralysis out of the way you'll still be facing serious damage from the move. To nullify the damage simply equip everyone with Iron Guard (maxed out) and the damage will be 0! The Iron Guard is optional but very useful. These golems are made of stone so physical attacks, as well as most of your moves, will be of little harm against them. Magic, on the other hand will work fine here, but don't be using Land magic you silly, ok? I found that Lightning (oh the irony!) will be the most punishing here. And also here's what you should really use: Evann's Spark Volt! Yeah! If you have the Spark Volt at a reasonable level (~5) it should do more 1500 points of damage (at least mine did) and that's a lot! Compared to the lousy 150-200 points of damage from my other moves. The problem is that you'll have to wait for the giants to come closer to you because the move is around self, but I'm sure you'll manage! It goes without saying that you should use whatever any combo move that has lightning element. After a long battle these guys should go down. Well that's pretty much wraps up the Land Ruins. Oh yeah, don't forget to visit the Spiritual Atrium after you kill the Giants, ok? Flame Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well the first part is all the same with all the dungeons so I'll just copy-paste it verbatim: New/stronger enemies will appear. Some (most) of them will have new combination moves which was mentioned above, cancel them. Items will be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 2. Now there's one crony that I should mention, it's the Flame Knight. Be prepared! You'll encounter him only once and you won't even see him on the field he will (should) appear just as one of the monsters in a bunch that you encounter. When activate the last of the shinning pillars inside the Volcano enemies will emerge and will try to encounter you immediately that's where you'll meet the Flame Knight. He has a good amount of HP and his Burning Shot is quite punishing. He should cast WOW! at the begging of the battle while you dispatch the regular monsters. Cancel/remove it if you want. Use the water/blizzard magic/moves here and watch the HP of your characters, if it gets below 500 then heal. When you nail him to critical he'll try to do the Hell Blast move (which he shares with the Mimic, BTW). This move _should_ be a nightmare, be it isn't. Well at least it wasn't to my party, and it hit only Evann so everything was ok for me there. You, on the other hand, should try to cancel it or even better, finish the Flame Knight for good, better safe than sorry, ya know? Well that's it for the Flame Ruins. Aqua Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ Well the first part is all the same with all the dungeons so I'll just copy-paste it verbatim: New/stronger enemies will appear. Some (most) of them will have new combination moves which was mentioned above, cancel them. Items will be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 2. Anyway, there is a new 'strong' enemy in the Aqua Ruins kind of like Crimson Tail in the Gale Ruins, Flame Knight in the Flame Ruins and the Minotaur in the Land Ruins. It is the Naga Queen. You encounter one of those before you enter the temple. And she's a joke! Her skills are useless and her HP is low. Nothing to it, just beat her up. Nothing else to mention about the Aqua Ruins. Everything else is pretty much the same. Gale Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ Well the first part is all the same with all the dungeons so I'll just copy-paste it verbatim: New/stronger enemies will appear. Some (most) of them will have new combination moves which was mentioned above, cancel them. Items will be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 2. Yet again nothing new to mention about the Gale Ruins... Except the fact that you'll be meeting some olf friends... The Crimson Tale! Yeah, those Mini Boss guys from Grandia II make their come-back here. You'll find them in the main engine room with a big turbine. There will be 2 of them but they are pretty easy to beat. They have all the moves from Grandia II plus a new combination attack. Just make paste out of them. And that wraps up Boost Level 1. ============================================================================ Your party will be in a truck. Everyone is uneasy, although the Disorder was neutralized something about Kroitz makes everyone edgy. Anyway, the Evann and the rest of the party decide to get back to Locca and party! Yeah! However... The truck was stopped by a road block. The other way was blocked to! Something smells fishy here. Suddenly rocks come crashing from the edge of the mountain creating an impassable barrier, there is now way for your retreat, you better believe it! it's a trap. Arcadian woman appears and demands the slabs from the ruins. You gave everything to Kroitz so you don't have them. She naturally doesn't believe you and initiates an attack. Here you'll have to do a series (4) of battles: 1) Arcada Soldier x4 You'll encounter first 4 soldiers without delay. They're easy, it's your choice to take them one by one or use area magic/moves. However I suggest being conservative and keep those SP for the final battle against Lutina. After the battle proceed up the mountain path and you'll encounter another group of soldiers. 2) Arcada Soldier x3 Pretty much the same fight, these are a bit stronger but there are only 3 of them. Just wipe the floor with them and continue. Keep walking and soon you'll encounter the third group of soldiers. 3) Arcada Soldier x3 These are even stronger then the previous ones, but your party is still tougher, right? Kill em quick. Don't forget about healing, you might want to utilize a Mana Egg or two to heal your party before the final battle. After the battle heal and prepare yourself for the final showdown with Lutina. 4) Lutina & Arcada Soldier x4 If you've been conserving those SP then this fight becomes much easier. They're usually bunched up so what I do is Shadow Bind them with Titto and then use line/area attacks like Sky Dragon Slash. Eventually the soldiers will take their last breaths leaving Lutina all alone to fight you. Apparently Lutina is the strongest of the enemies here so if you're not using the strategy I gave above then you might want to consider dispatching her first because she can do some damage. Canceling her moves is a superb idea. Some of the moves she uses can deal a lot of damage, like Shockwave Slash which hits everything around her, her other attacks include Spider Net, Dragon Rise and Howlslash. She also warps to counter your physical attacks, so those will not work very well here. Try to use more single enemy moves and preferably with cancel against her. NOTICE: Oh yeah BTW, I don't think that you can steal anything from Lutina and her soldiers so don't try to. And I believe that they won't drop any items after battle whatsoever. After the fight Lutina tells you that everything was a part of the Nortis Military to revive the ancient power known as the Quanlee and use it as a tool of war. The party notices a strange light coming from near Locca. At the same time, Kroitz and Specto are preparing for war and already activated the four slabs. Anyway the party decides to get back to Locca and check things out. Back in Locca. Speak with the soldiers and they will not let you in. Head to Starry Park. You'll notice that there are military people and vehicles all around. Speak with the soldier and he'll tell you to get lost. Return to the entrance and this time the soldiers decide to let you in. Get in, save if you want. Eventually you'll need to go to the Command Post. You can forget about going shopping or skill creating because everything is closed! Yeah you heard me right, closed! The only thing that is available to you now is the item storage, which you should use. In the Command Post, Lutina and the other have cornered Diene and want some answers, but she doesn't know anything. Diene doesn't tell you anything new. Everyone gets pissed and run out leaving Diene and Evann. Diene suggests going to Escarre Military Base to find out some answers. So onwards! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESCARRE (second visit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: None At Escarre. Reach the base and speak with the soldier guarding the entrance, Diene will tell him to let you in and he will. Inside the base. Nothing really to do here, you may want to speak with the soldiers, Diene will scold them a bit. When you're ready go to the barracks and talk to the soldier there. The idiot tells you everything and now you can return to Locca. Head to the train station. Whew... Back in Locca, Evann gathers his party and everyone agrees that bastard Kroitz along with that lizard Specto are the common enemy and should be dealt with ASAP. Also everyone is back in business, new items appear in the item shop skillman and magician are operational. Get evrything ready and head to the roadside, push the stone near the tree and continue to the Starry Park. Take the 4 Elemental Slab and go down to the Starry Corridor. Now this is the time when you should pump up your characters with experience. Make a run through a couple of dungeons. Gather/combine some eggs because you will need all the help you can get later on. In my opinion levels 25-30 with Mana Eggs of level 6-7 should be enough. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARRY CORRIDOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: Geo Point every 5th Level. This is a randomly generated dungeon, thus each time you enter it the layout will be different. At the end of every level there will be a red glowing orb, examine it and you will transported down 1 level. You cannot go back up, however once you reach every fifth level there will be a Geo Point waiting for you. The purpose of each level is to find the exit to another. So it's up to you to explore the whole level or just to search for the exit. The only things that I found worth searching for were level 2 mana eggs AND those Devil Chests. Use the map. If you think that you've missed something on a level then check with the automap. Press the square button to zoom in/out the map. Once again the levels are randomly generated, so there is no point in making a detailed walkthrough. I'll just drop a few hints and a quick overview for every 5 levels. But first, here is some info from magicalhappyman about the Devil Chests. The creature you can encounter in the Starry Corridor. 'The Devil Chest is kind of like a mimic of a Mimic. The only differences I remember are: it's green instead of blue, it's a lot rarer, it gives 300 mental skill points instead of 600 special, it has less HP, it's slower and you don't always steal/drop a Revival Gem from it. It can be encountered anywhere a Mimic can in the same matter, with the exception of the one in the Aqua Ruins and maybe the one in the Light Ruins. One important point to note is that the Devil Chest disappears from the field almost instantaneously after it changes from the normal treasure chest. So if you want to fight one, you'll have to run at treasure chests without stopping and make sure you don't enter the defensive stance (don't press X). The reason I'm mentioning these is because of the excellent items you can steal from them, another reason to always have Titto with you. The first time I encountered one was my first time through the Starry Corridor, level 18 or 19, can't remember. I stole a Duel Ax from it, a weapon for Ulk with +420 Attack! 420!!! You won't be able to get any weapon even close to that attack power until the Vortex Corridor. I only saw one more Devil Chest after that, and it disappeared before I could fight it, so I don't know any other items you can get from it. One other person on the Message Boards said he got an Omnipotent Seed from it, which raises all stats +3. You can start finding them as soon as you get to the Starry Corridor, so getting equipment that powerful that early in the game is extremely useful. I'm pretty sure they never appear in any of the ruins, only in the 3 corridors (Starry, Evolution and Vortex).' Now wasn't that informative!? Thanks magicalhappyman! STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 1-5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The enemy's at the first five levels are quite easy to handle. I was surprised to find a 2-hit-kill Dodo's flapping about and Sasquatches lurking around. There will be a couple of new foes to battle but the are nothing to worry about. - Continue exploring these levels killing monsters. I didn't find that many eggs really, most of the time you'll be getting simple recovery items. - Monsters here don't give many experience or skill points so it's not really worth hunting them all down. - Once everything is done continue down to the fifth floor and use the Geo Point to go back to Locca. After visiting Locca go back to the Starry Corridor and continue down. STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 6-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Well the looks have changed ^_^. Everything looks cleaner. - Watch out for those mischievous Mimics, I found lots of those here so I suggest you approach treasure chests by pressing X, just in case. Also watch out for the black smoke coming from walls, damage = 60 HP. - Once you reach the tenth level there will be yet another Geo Point. Plus, don't forget to pick up the Sound Bite B4 near the Geo Point. - Now in order to proceed past the tenth level you'll have to complete the Illusory Meadow dungeon first. From the Geo Point head left to reach the dungeon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENOM RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLUSORY MEADOW 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None This is a big labyrinth of grass. Start walking and when you a fork head right to check for items, then return and go left. Once you reach another fork go left and check for items then return and head right up the path. Keep walking up the path then down the path, you should reach a circle area with a treasure chest in the middle, take it and continue. Past another circle area and up the path, you'll be ambushed by some Lycanthropes. Once you reach another fork check the left path then continue up. When you reach yet another fork go up then return and head right. Once here search the leftmost area to find the Sound Bite C1. After that check the left path (I got a Mana Egg here) and then return and head right. Past the group of Lycanthropes and up the path. Once at the top take the treasure chest if there is one, then go right. Check this area for items and then go back and head left. No forks here, just follow the path until you reach the Illusory Meadow 2. ILLUSORY MEADOW 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None At first there will be no forks here, just keep walking killing everything on sight. Once you reach one head right to check it out. Return and head left, but watch out! Plant Alert! Some Sarracenia Mantises will pop up from below you and will try their best to encounter you. After the fight you'll be able to enter the big circle area in the middle, but first head right and down to grab the Sound Bite C2, you also may want to check the other area for items, just exit this circle area through the other way and go down a bit. When everything is done go back and approach the blue dome to enter the Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Park. VENOM RUINS - RED QUARTZ PARK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Point: Full Geo Point Once inside you'll witness a scene involving Kroitz getting pissed, Specto getting over himself a bit and Evann mocking everybody as usual. Once it's done make a good use of the Geo Point there. Return, use the 4 Elemental Slab and enter the Venom Ruins - Interior. VENOM RUINS - INTERIOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Ok the thing you must do here is to shoot all the guns to activate the crystalls in order to open the door to a Boss. Once inside you may want to check the room to your left. Then return and head past the beam gun and into the room to the right. Push the green crystal and return to fire the gun, the crystal then will open the door for you. Head through it. Once inside you'll notice another beam gun, this time it's red. Head left to the room and check it for items then return and head past the gun to the right. On your way there will be 2 rooms to your left and right. The room to your right does not have anything while the one to your left has a hidden room and if you follow it all the way down you can get the Sound Bite C3. Return to the fork and head up into the room with 3 crystal red, green and blue. Push the red crystal in the center and return to the room with a gun to shoot it. Return to the room with the crystals and push the glowing red crystal onto the red circle. OK now push the blue crystal onto the blue square and the green crystal onto the green circle. Now from the room with 3 crystals head up and then at the fork head left. Go up, at the fork the left path is a dead end while up is the way to go. Continue going up, right and down until you reach the pedestal, activate it thus bringing up the blue gun (there was a hidden path on your way, BTW). Head all the way back and the first intersection and go up into the room with the blue gun. Shoot it. Return to the 3 crystal room and push the glowing blue crystal onto the blue circle. To activate the green crystal you should pretty much do the same thing. From the room with 3 crystals head right then at the fork go left, then up (left path-dead end). Follow the path until you reach the green pedestal, activate it to bring down the green gun. Return to the green gun room and shoot it activating the green crystal. Return to the room with the 3 crystals and activate that thing that rose up thus opening the door to Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Throne. VENOM RUINS - RED QUARTZ THRONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Walk up the stairs and the try to go back. This will revive Volt Beast. Get ready for a Boss battle! BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Volt Beast Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Freeze Staff Shaman Knife Special attacks: Gust Bazooka (Cancel/circle) Cosmic Dawn (Physical multi-hit/all) Buster Charge (Cancel/one) Alhealer (Heal HP/All) Metamorphosis (Shifts immunity/self) Shake (Land/one) Meteor Fall (Bomb/one) BOOM! (Bomb/line) Horn Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Whale Mustache Silver Feather Special attacks: Terra Vortex (Paralysis/around self) Gravity (Gather enemies/circle) Zap All (Bolt/fan) Blade Zap (Bolt/one) Stram (ATK +DOWN/circle) Right Claw/Left Claw Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Batlle Vellum Coverted Vellum Hurricane Belt Buster Shield Special attacks: Circle Slicer (Cancel/around self) Burnflame (Flame/circle) Hellburner (Flame/one) Minions: None To tell you the truth I expected a bit more from this guy. He was easy for me. Maybe because I've leveled up a bit before this dungeon. Anyway if you're having trouble beating him then go level up and combine some powerful Mana Eggs because you'll need them. Ok the first thing that you should notice is his Metamorphosis. When he is standing he is immune to magic and every skill/move/combo that has an element with it. I found that while he stands it is best to use simple combos or moves/combos that are multi-hit but without magic affinities. Photon Shower worked very well for me here. Keep hitting him until he performs his Metamorphosis. Once he does, he'll be crouching and that means that he is immune to physical attacks, but not moves/combos with elementals and you can use weapons that have elements added also. Anyway when he does that stop using physical attacks and bring up your Mana Eggs. Everything will go ok here, really even Bolt magic. I suggest using Bomb/Bolt multi-hit magic for best results. Also any combo/move that has added element will do fine here. Nothing he does needs much canceling really. His Gust Bazooka doesn't do that much damage though he uses it like there is no tomorrow. The other move worth mentioning is the Cosmic Dawn which multi-hits everyone. The other trick he like to pull is casting Gravity onto your party and using Gust Bazooka or Circle Slicer immediately -- cancel Gravity. Now to make this battle ridiculously easy, equip every character with at least one Iron Guard for each (maxed out). You won't believe how easy the battle becomes. Most of his minor magic attacks will do 0 damage as well as his Cosmic Dawn. Sweet! Once the battle is over go to the Spiritual Atrium. VENOM RUINS - SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Enter the Atrium. Wow, nice beast. Read the writings about Evol and Quanlee if you want, it says: 'After 1,735 orbits, successful synthesis and energy transfer produced a stable, yet imperfect specimen. Under the watchful eye of Evol, Quanlee was given the life possessing traits of both an angel and a devil.' Grab the Ancient Seal. The seal give you a hint to your next destination--Escarre. Leave the Venom Ruins the way you came. Once outside you'll be greeted by Kroitz. He, of course, wants the slab. So before a battle could occur Evann gives up the slab and runs for the Geo Point where your party teleports back to Locca. Back in Locca. Get ready and head to the train station where Lutina will meet you and say that she wants to come along. Take her (not that way!) and head to Escarre. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESCARRE (third visit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: None Once at Escarre head to Downtown. Then go to the Base via the crack and speak with the Soldier guarding the entrance. After some convincing, he will let you in. Head right and into the Central Facility. But it's closed. Lutina can open it. So Evann the goofball stands on guard while Lutina the Green Pepper No1 is picking the lock. Once she's done enter the facility. Once inside you find a strange map on the wall with pictures of various elemental dungeons but before you can examine it Kroitz Guards attack. MINI BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Kroitz Guard x3 Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Sonic Shot (Cancel effect, line) Tremor (Land, around self) Shake (Land, one) Poizn (Poison effect, one) Ok, they are a joke. It's 3 to 2 but you'll be ok. Equip your characters with Iron Guards and you're good to go. Even if you don't use Lutina, Evann should be strong enough to beat the crap out of these guys. Concentrate on one of them and then finish the other one. After the battle investigate the map and you'll find out that you'll have to go even deeper into the Starry Corridor. So head back to Locca prepare, and head into the Starry Corridor via the Geo Point. STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 11-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Everything looks even more decent here... - Enemies here get a bit stronger compared to previous levels. But again, nothing you can't handle. One character with a decent healing magic will suffice. - Black smoke will damage you for 80 HP this time. Watch out! - I'd like to say some things about levels 11-15. First this was the first time I ever encountered those Lucky Minks. I'm not sure but I think that you can meet them as soon as level 10. Of course they all ran away before I could do anything. The other thing about these levels is that they have one level with an extra mini-puzzle for you to complete. You'll notice a strange door unlike any other. It has 4 orbs blue, green, yellow and red. At first the door won't open in order to open it you'll have to search this level for appropriate square panel on the floor. Once you find one and step on it one of the orbs on the door will begin to shine marking that it was activated. You'll have to find 4 panels, blue, green, yellow and red, once you activate them all the door will open. Once you enter the door there should be 2 chests. Well I got a whooping Recovery Medicine and Cure Herb, maybe you'll have a better luck. STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 16-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You'll find a couple of new foes. But yet again: nothing to punishing. - Ok, the next day after magicalhappyman have e-mailed me about the Devil Chest I've encountered it myself, FOUR TIMES!!! It was between 15 and 20 floors of the Starry Corridor. I was quite a bit surprised and amazed. I instantly tried to Get Item them and stole a whooping Clover Knife ATK +285, Arondyte ATK +320, Sage's Staff MAG +120 and quite good Mistral Armor thus confirming magicalhappyman's words about great items this monster has. I mean, this is insane! Arondyte +320 ATK. Sweet! As magicalhappyman mentioned you won't get _anything_ near that good before the bonus dungeon. - Continue down to the 20th floor and use the Geo Point to restock on items and save in Locca. Then return head left and enter the Darkness Ruins - Ancient Factory. You'll need to finish this ruin before you can go even deeper into the Starry Corridor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARKNESS RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARKNESS RUINS - ANCIENT FACTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Pints: None Enter the dungeon and head a bit up killing ant foe in your sight. Then head left across the bridge and into the green pipe. Go left for dead end/enemies/maybe items otherwise, head right and climb the ladder you see. Once atop continue up the path until you reach another ladder--climb down. You may explore a bit but in the end you'll have to climb the ladder a bit to the left from where you came. Once atop, step on the elevator and you'll be elevated down. Head right to check the small island for items, then go back and head left. Follow the path all the way, crossing the bridges and jumping across. At the end there should a ladder, go down. Go around this structure and look for items, after that get on the pipe and head straight into Darkness Ruins - Interior. DARKNESS RUINS - INTERIOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Whew... finally, a Geo Point. Once you're done with it head down the spiral path. Take note that you won't get any more Geo Points before the Boss fight. Once you're at the bottom keep going around this spiral structure to the end to take the Sound Bite D5. Head back and through the passageway into a room with a huge machine. Well, nothing to do here so head through the northern door into a room with ancient spinning gears. You know what to do--run past each so that it won't hit you. They are quite slow so there should be no problem for you. Keep going until you reach an elevator, the room up ahead contains enemies/items if you want--check it out, otherwise use the elevator and go up. Head up and then left. Press the yellow crystal switch which will lower the bridge for you. Follow the path until you reach the room with green and red energy coming up from the device, go around it and up to reach an elevator which will elevate you down. Left past the ancient gears is a room with enemies/items. Right is where you have to go. Enter the room which seems to be ancient gear production facility. Go up the ramp to reach the upper door. Head through it. The path to the right is blocked so go left and up through the door and pass the following room. Keep following the path, if you want you may visit the room to the right but it is a dead end. So keep going up, at the end turn right into the room. Pass this room there will be another ancient gear production facility. Head down the ramp and up to exit this room. You'll be once again in a room with green and red energy only a level down this time. Go around it and exit through the northern door. You'll end up in yet another ancient gear production facility, head up and exit it. Go right and up into another room. Caution! There should be a new enemy waiting there for you--Calibus. It looks exactly like the Minotaur but it's red. It's not a boss or anything just be prepared. Past this room head up. Visit the room to your left if you wish then continue up. At the end head left into the room. Go up and exit this room, head left and up into a gear transporting facility. Step on the gears once they gather up to your level and you'll be transported. Evann will jump on his own when the time comes. Once he does use the ladder to go up. Go to the left and activate the yellow crystal thus making it easier for you to go back to the Geo Point if you choose to. After that go back to the ladder and head up and to the right. You'll reach Darkness Ruins - Loading Area DARKNESS RUINS - LOADING AREA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Well it's just as it says--a loading area. It kind of looks like the train station. Anyway, first of all go and kill all the enemies in this area which will make your life a lot easier. Done? OK. There are 3 carriers where you entered. One to the left, to the right and the middle one. Left and right ones operate normally delivering gears while the middle one is the one you can ride. However you'll have to regulate the lights on the field so that your carrier could go straight to the exit up ahead. There is a number of small islands scattered around the main field. It's up to you to explore them, they may have some items but I think that it's just not worth the effort. You'll have to switch the lights and navigate the carrier to those islands and there will be enemies once you get off. Only 2 islands have had items with them in my case so I just had my carrier take me directly to the exit. The lights are placed like this: ______ | EXIT | |______| ______ Regulating lights ______/ (1) | | / (2) (3) (4) (5) _____ Carriers __ __ __ / || || || _____/ || || || || || || == == == So to reach the exit you'll have to activate lights in the following order: 1-4-5. Once Evann jumps down head straight into the Darkness Ruins - Cold Lab. DARKNESS RUINS - COLD LAB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: One-time Geo Point Head down the stairs and enter the cold lab. Evann finds a dying deserter under the command of Kroitz. The door shuts and your party is trapped inside. Kroitz pokes some fun at Evann and the party and then leaves. Anyway enjoy the cutscene and prepare for a Boss battle! BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Zenothlee Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Titan Cannon (Physical/all or Paralysis/one) Crystal Capture (Immobilize/one) Minions: Crystals Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Neo-Delta Burst (Triple combo/one) Crystal Capture (Immobilize/one) Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Freeze! (MOV +DOWN/circle) Cold (ACT +DOWN/circle) There are a few things you need to know before fighting him. First of all, this guy is practically immune to Lightning/Bolt so it would quite foolish using that kind of magic against him. Second of all, you should not bother hunting down his Crystals because Zenothlee will be quick about reviving them. Also he has quite high defense against physical attacks so simple combos might not work well here if you are at rather low levels. Well with that out of the way I have to say that Zenothlee's biggest problem is that he expects his Crystals to do all the dirty work. You'll find him attacking aimlessly and taking his time to do it, while his Crystals do battle against you. If you kill of his Crystals he'll revive them the next turn so well... it's not worth the effort. If you waste them while doing some area move/magic then ok, but otherwise -- forget them. Zenothlee has only one special attack, unless I've missed something. It's the Titan Cannon which hits all your characters for 0 damage, if you have Iron Guard equipped that is. As always, I had 2 Iron Guards per character and well... nothing he/his Crystals did damaged me more that 0. Although you see, Titan Cannon is technicaly Zenothlee's attack so if a Crystal is preparing to cast Crackle Floe and Zenothlee decides to use the Titan Cannon than he will do so and then the Crystal will immidiately execute the magic spell. The only attack I found effective against me was Crystal Capture which had my Evann down for a bit. There is nothing you should cancel in this battle, however if you're short on those Iron Guards then you might want to cancel the Titan Cannon. You should use all the powerful magic you have, except Lightning/Bolt that is. I found that everything works fine here. Also moves and combos go very well here also, especially the multi-hit ones. He has a lot of HP but it should go down in no time. If you are getting your ass kicked by Zenothlee or if you have no Iron Guards then well... I really don't know what to tell you. Get some Iron Guards, combine some powerful Mana Eggs. If you read about the Devil Chests then you probably have an idea what weapons my characters have had. And even normal combos were doing a lot of damage to Zenothlee, I had absolutely no problem with this slow guy. If you just can't pull it off then your best bet is powerful magic and strong combos. Once again: Devil Chests are a great way to get your hands on some very powerful weapons and Armor early in the game. After the fight head up and then to the left to use the elevator. After that enter the Spiritual Atrium. DARKNESS RUINS - SPIRITUAL ATRIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None No beast here because well... ugh... you've just wasted him. Umm... there is nothing you can do here. So head into the Darkness Ruins - Evol's Chamber. DARKNESS RUINS - EVOL'S CHAMBER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None You find yourself in Evol's room. Who seems to be a human researching on Quanlee. Speak to everyone and then grab the 4 Elemental Slab on the floor. Now head back all the way to the Cold Lab. The door is opened this time and there should be a one-time Geo Point waiting for you. Use it. Do everything you need to do in Locca and then you'll have to go to the Starry Corridor via the Geo Point and the door will be open for you to go even deeper into the Starry Corridor. STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 21-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Again, a few new enemies, bunch of old ones. Sable activity is high on these levels, yeah they're not Lucky Minks but you can steal some good items from them. Also I should mention Death Dobermans, these dogs have some good equipment to steal. - 2 types of smoke here, the normal which deals 100 damage and the green smoke = 10 damage + slow down. Watch out! - Level 22 and 24 were the levels of that door puzzle. I'm not sure if it's fixed but don't be surprised if you find one of these. Once again I didn't get any good items from it. STARRY CORRIDOR LEVELS 26-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - As expected these last levels of the Starry Corridor will have the toughest enemies. Don't take me wrong, I had no problems with them but if you have low levels, low level Mana Eggs or scrawny equipment then you'll have a hard time here. Enemies are mostly old news to you but they have a descent levels thus more HP, ATK and so on. They also tend to spawn in a larger number. If you're being beat up here than you'll have even harder time later on. - I've had an unexpected encounter here. I found a Lucky Mink AND I nailed one of them before he could escape. Each character got 2 levels. Sweet! - Guess who you should meat on these levels? The Minotaur! Who else? Yep! These guys (yes as in more than one) will wander around like they own this place. Damn, they don't know when to give up. How the hell did they ended up here!? Anyway, teach them a lesson or two. - Continue down to the 30th level, use the Geo Point and prepare for the last dungeon in the Starry Corridor--Light Ruins. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHT RUINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUND CHASM 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Use the green platform to transport yourself across. Go down the path until you see another green platform to your right. This one will take you a treasure chest, use it if you want. Then head up the path then round and down the path until you reach an intersection. Head right if you want an item. Otherwise go left. Keep following all the way down the path until you reach another fork. The path to the left is just a quicker version of the path to the right, with some chests. So I suggest you take the right path. Follow it until you reach a pipe, cross it. The path to the left has item while the right path is the way to go. So go down the path to the right and use the green platform to go across, and then use another one. Follow up the path until you reach another green platform which will transport you to your next path. Follow this path until you reach a fork. The left path has item while the right path is the path to the next level. Follow the path, use green platform and enter Light Ruins - Interior 1. LIGHT RUINS - INTERIOR 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None The path to the right only looks like a dead end but it actually isn't. So head right and press the action button in front of the wall to open it. Inside there are 2 platforms: to your left and to your right and a pedestal. Go up the stairs and activate the pedestal to lower the right platform and elevate up the left platform. This will cause some monsters appear form the left platform and encounter you. Once you deal with them you can take the treasure that was lowered with the right platform. If you don't want to bother with it then just head left and follow the path. You will reach a room with many small green pillars. The trick is to break the right one in order to lower the green platform down. It looks like this: ______________________ This is the one you need to break. / / __ / ( ) * These pillars have all the usual: creatures, items, random damage, healing. So the one you need to break is the one shown in my nice drawing. Or, you can call me an idiot and just smash them all until you find the right one. Anyway, breaking the right pillar will reveal a crystal, touch the crystal and it will lower the green elevator. Use it to go into the next room. There are 3 pedestals here but only 2 of them can be activated. If you choose to activate the blue pedestal it will lead to some items. If not then activate the red one. In the next room there will be a chest which looks kind of suspicious. If you open it the scene will change and 2 Armored Slimes will appear to encounter you. So if you want the treasure you'll have to defeat them first. Armored Slimes? Nope, there just a pushovers. They have some decent HP but are slow as hell and not to damaging. Once you're done with them touch the crystal and everything will be back to normal with the chest opened. After that head into the next room. This one also has 3 pedestals, the green is for items and the blue one lets you continue. In another room with yet another set of pedestals. Activate the red one and enter a hallway to find a chest. But be careful after some chasing around you'll find that the chest you were after is actually a Mimic! Oh yeah, on your way to fight the Mimic there is a hidden room, it's to your left and it the same as in the beginning of this level. After that return to the room and activate the green pedestal. It will eventually lead to another room with a lot of pillars. Break the pillar that is shown on my drawing: __ _______________ This is the one you need to break. ( ) / / * And use the green elevator to go up. Follow the path all the way until you reach a room where you can enter the Light Ruins - Interior 2. If you want an item then head all the way up the path, if not then just head straight into the Light Ruins - Interior 2. LIGHT RUINS - INTERIOR 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: Full Geo Point Once back continue into the room ahead. Once inside you'll notice that it has pillars placed in a circular pattern. This is the room where you can get the Spirit Shield. To get it you'll have to break the pillars in the counter clock order: They are placed like this: 6 7 5 8 4 1 3 2 ______________________ You enter here. / |_____| You start from 1 (not 2) and continue breaking them all 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Once you break number 8 a hidden door to your left will open revealing a room. Enter it, take an item from the right platform. activate the pedestal and it will lower the left platform. grab the Spirit Shield. Once you've taken the Spirit Shield go up. When you reach a dead end head left and into the hallway. At the end of it there will be a room which is actually a big elevator. Board the elevator. Once the elevator starts moving enemies will begin dropping down on you. They consist of a set of Merman Warriors with some cronies and for desert there will be a couple of Thunder Dragons with some sidekicks. Nothing to serious. You can actually try to evade them and they will disappear once the elevator stops but your evading skills must be outstanding. Once the elevator stops head out and into the hallway, follow it. You'll reach an edge with only one path to the left, use it. Eventually you'll find another elevator, board it. Again, a set of battles will commence. Only this time the final battle will be against some Dragonoids. Once the elevator stops head out and follow the hallway. You'll reach a smaller elevator, this one will take you all the way up so you can use the Geo Point. Use it if you wish. In any case, continue down another hallway which will lead you into another room with an elevator. This time it'll take you down. There are some items in the corners of this room, BTW. Once you're ready use the elevator to go down. The upper path leads to Ground Chasm 2. However I suggest you first take the path down and use the elevator to go up into a room. This room has some items behind an energy field. I got a Mana Egg and a Master Book, nice. Anyway, once you're ready return and head up to enter the Ground Chasm 2. GROUND CHASM 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Follow this narrow path all the way until you reach a ladder. Climb down. Follow the path until you reach a fork. Head left and climb the ladder if you want an item, otherwise head right. Keep walking and soon you'll reach a ladder, climb up. You'll notice a small island to your right, it may have an item so check it out if you want. If not, then head left and follow the path. You'll reach an edge overlooking a wide open area. You'll notice a transporting device. The area below is infested with monsters, however it also has a bunch of treasure chests scattered around. Plus extra exp. and maybe some items won't hurt you. If you want then use either ladder on the right or left and clear this area from monsters. If you can't be bothered with it then board the transporter. Be careful however, those flying small purple things will try to push you, and if you fall then you'll have to start all over again. Once you reach a fork the left transporter will take you to items/monster. Board the right one to continue. Keep riding those transporting panels, past another wide open area and then follow the path until you find a fork. If you go right and around you may find an item, otherwise head up and into the Underground Cavern. UNDERGROUND CAVERN (first visit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Head straight up and enjoy a CG movie. After that you'll find your party's path is blocked. Try to go back and yet another CG movie will commence, once it's over you find your party in Light Ruins - Vestige. LIGHT RUINS - VESTIGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None The goal is to get back up. Head up and at the fork go right and check the room there. There was a Mana Egg in my case. Then head left. In the next room head left and at the dead end you'll find Sound Bite D6. Return and head right. Everything is thrashed so you won't need to activate anything. Follow the path and check the room at the far end for items then return and head left. Use the elevator to go up. Once a top follow the path leading into the cave. Once inside you'll notice a ladder leading up. Use it to go back up into the Underground Cavern. UNDERGROUND CAVERN (second visit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Once back up watch the CG movie. After that your party meets Diene. You can speak to everyone and wonder around. There are some Kroitz troops lying around. Eventually you'll find Specto. The pathetic fool is ranting something about taking over the world, ya know, his usual stuff. But before Evann and the party could waste this loony Kroitz shows up. Kroitz and Evann engage in a heated debate. After some chat about what a real man should be a battle will finally start. It's the Boss battle, BTW. BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Colonel Kroitz Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Meteor Fall (Bomb/one) Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) Convene (Summons Kroitz Guards) Crimson Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Demon Slash (Physical/all) Sonic Wave (Cancel/line) Minions: Kroitz Guards Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Sonic Shot (Cancel/line) Tremor (Land/around self) Shake (Land/one) Poizn (Poison/one) Your biggest advantage in this battle is that Kroitz doesn't have a lot of HP. And I believe that any magic will work fine here. His Crimson is not invincible, however it is almost exactly like Lucky Mink--nothing you do will damage it more than 1-2 points of damage so you can forget about wasting his blade. He has some sidekicks with him and they can actually get quite a bit annoying if you don't have some Iron Guards equiped. They will start using Sonic Shots like mad thus canceling your moves/magic. However I suggest you don't bother hunting them down because Kroitz will call more once you waste them. Nothing Kroitz does needs much canceling or healing. But his Crimson is a different story... It has a super powerful attack called Demon Slash (which looks suspiciously like Evann's Sky Dragon Slash). It will damage your entire party so you should try to cancel it as soon as you see it. If you're unsuccessful in doing so then heal immediately. My characters were all at level 40 during this battle, I had 2 Iron Guards per character and I still had to heal after this move. Speaking of which, Iron Guards (as usual) will be very helpful in this battle. It also has a Sonic Wave move which is a more powerful version of Sonic Shot. At the beginning of the battle try to use a powerful all area attack which should waste Kroitz Guars and damage Kroitz. If needed use another one until it kills his guards for good. After that Kroitz should be busy calling them back, now is your chance. Attack Kroitz like there's no tomorrow, use everything--moves, combos, magic whatever and sooner or later he will go down. Once the battle is over you'll see scene where Specto finally meets Evol. Evol shows Specto Quanlee and explains that bringing him a message was Specto's ultimate purpose. Then he reveals his face showing that Specto was merely a clone. After that it's back to Kroitz who just can't let go. Anyway, Evann realizes that he must find Specto so he leaves Kroitz alive. One you gain control head into the Light Ruins Laboratory. LIGHT RUINS - LABORATORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None Once inside the party finally meets Evol. Evann tries to get some answers from him but he suggest to gaze upon the Quanlee itself. So head right into Quanlee's Birthplace. QUANLEE'S BIRTHPLACE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geo Points: None When Evann enters he finds that the birthplace is empty. In fact, it has been empty for the last 50 years. As Evol explains Quanlee has already been born long ago. The entire Elemental Disorder event was just a side effect. It was preordained that Quanlee shall become the ruler of this entire world and as you speak Quanlee is preparing to take over. Apparently this revelation was to much for poor old Evol because he goes nuts. At the same time Kroitz shows up. After seeing that Quanlee is missing he decides to stab the nearest thing, which happens to be Evol. After killing the poor old ass, Kroitz calms down a bit. The party and Kroitz leaves this place. On the way up Kroitz keeps raving about capturing Quanlee no matter what. When everyone arrives back into the base Evann and Kroitz argue a bit, as always, and Kroitz leaves to find Quanlee. And thus your party has only 7 days before the 'Arrival of Quanlee'... ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ BOOST LEVEL 2 (SUB23) ============================================================================ OK it's time for Boost Level 2. At this point if you check the base Geo Point in Locca you'll notice that it's empty! All the Geo Points you've previously opened have been closed. You'll have to revisit the dungeons and reopen the Gates from there. Here is the list of all the Full Geo Points that you have opened to this point: Inferno Pit Flame Ruins - Interior Tsunami Trough - Ocean Bed Tsunami Trough - Ocean Cave Gale Ruins - Interior Starry Corridor - 5th Level Starry Corridor - 10th Level Starry Corridor - 15th Level Starry Corridor - 20th Level Starry Corridor - 25th Level Starry Corridor - 30th Level Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Park Darkness Ruins - Factory Interior Light Ruins - Interior 1 Here is a quick synopsis of what happened: - All 7 dungeons along with Starry Corridor got boosted. Levels of all the monsters got boosted again. Some new enemies may appear but not many, most of them are old news. The majority of the creatures will get a more powerful magic/moves. As always--Iron Guard is your best friend. - Bosses will get level increase and there will be a couple of new Bosses for you to fight. - After you kill the Boss visit the Spiritual Atrium and you'll be rewarded with items and Mana Eggs. Nothing changed here except the fact that you cannot visit the Spiritual Atrium in Light Ruins. OK, now let's analyze each dungeon: Land Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. The area where you fought Minotaur will now have 2 of them. Plus you may even encounter one these pretty much anywhere in Land Ruins. Giant Soldiers are at a standstill with a level boost. You can get your hands on one extra Carro this time. He's near a tree. That's it for Land Ruins. No major chages here. Flame Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. Flame Knights will get more aggressive and frequent. After the boost they will have a couple of new spells. Watch out. Once you enter the Volcano check the cave to your left and grab a Carro. Well that's it for the Flame Ruins. Aqua Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. As always, nobody cares about the Aqua Ruins and thus it has absolutely nothing new except the general boost. The Naga Queens will also have a boost. Everything else is pretty much the same. Gale Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. You can find yet another Carro but other than that--nothing new. Except the general boost, that is. Starry Corridor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Nothing new in the Starry Corridor' is what I was about to say. That was before I encountered Lucky Minks on the 25-30 floors. 5 TIMES! Each and every character got 15-20 levels in about 15 minutes. How about that!? In any case, you will have to redo the Starry Corridor if you want to revisit Venom, Darkness or Light Ruins. Most of the fights in the corridor will be more than easy. To reduce the annoyance from these super easy battles try to set the AI to [ Play Fair ] mode. That way your characters won't be using any long moves or magic. Battles will become much less annoying and time consuming _if_ your characters are strong enough to fight only using [ Combo ] and [ Critical ] commands that is. Venom Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. Some new plants will emerge like Viridian Plant. Be sure to bring some poison curing items/magic. You can get even 2 Carros here. One is in the Illusory Meadow and another one is inside the Venom Ruins. That is it. Darkness Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. Nothing that new here. Some new foes will appear, check out the Mega Beast creature in the Loading area, you'd expect a bit more from a 'Mega Beast' than that. Anyway, the most important change in this dungeon is that now you can encounter a new Boss. It is where Zenothlee used to be, a three-headed Serpent. Boss: Serpent-Center, Left & Right Type: ???? Drop item: ???? Steal item: Coverted Vellum High Vellum Giant's Ring Special attacks: Tri-Bites (Triple head attack/one) Aqua Breath (Water/fan) Alhealer (Heal HP/all) Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Minions: Mega Beasts Well first of all you can try to evade him, yeah it's hilarious! He sees you all the time but you are faster. Anyway once you're done messing around with him go ahead and encounter him. This guy is somewhat water aligned and therefore water magic will be ineffective against him. Not that you'll be using damaging water spells but still. In my case for example Evann did 0 damage because I had Arondyte equipped which has water element. He should have some Mega Beasts sidekicks with him--waste them quick, but not fast. Feel free to use any combo or magic you have. This guy will eat anything you throw at him (except water that it). His attacks are not very punishing although you might want to cancel his triple combo whenever you see it. If you manage to waste one of his heads then he'll become even more pathetic. After a short battle this serpent will go down. Well that is it for the Darkness Ruins. Light Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~ New/stronger enemies will appear. All of the old ones will get a level boost. Items should be better, Mana Eggs you find should all be at level 1 or 2. Overall dungeon difficulty increases: more foes and they will appear in larger quantities, layout obstacles (like smoke and flame) will do more damage and so on. Don't you even bother going into the room where the Spirit Shield was--it's empty, unless you didn't get the shield first time. Once you reach Light Ruins - Interior 2 you may use the smaller elevator previously opened to quickly go down. However if you choose to use the big blue elevators then be prepared to encounter a bunch of Armored Slimes on your way down. Keep exploring this ruin until you reach the Underground Cavern, once there you will find stairs going down into the Vestige. Once you try to leave after visiting one of the last rooms in the Vestige a Boss will encounter you. I really have a hard time calling these guys a Boss as they are just combined forces of a bunch of Lycanthropes and a Thunder Dragon. That 'Dragon Rider' is actually Lycanthrope. Boss: Dragon Rider (a.k.a. Lycanthrope) atop a Thunder Dragon Type: Humanoid & Dragon Drop item: ???? Steal item: Carapace Paladin Armor Special attacks: Zap All (Bolt/fan) Rising Charge (ATK +DOWN/one) Minions: Lycanthropes This is a joke! Waste those Lycanthropes first as they will get annoying. After that you may do whatever you want. That 'Dragon Rider' is actually Lycanthrope in disguise. If you waste him first then Thunder Dragon will be all alone but if you waste Thunder Dragon first then 'Dragon Rider' will turn into Lycanthrope. Ha! Bunch of pushovers. Use everything you have to win this fight. Well that is it for the Light Ruins. You can't visit the Spiritual Atrium for items becasue there isn't one. Well that concludes Boost Level 2. I suggest you revisit all the dungeons during Boost Level 2 to level up your characters and to get some powerful Mana Eggs. I had all 3 Level 9 Mana Eggs, try to get at least one of them -- it will come in handy. ============================================================================ 7 days later. Back in locca... Well your objective should be clear here--reach Escarre. However this time you won't be able to go there using the train station, nope--you'll have to use the Area Map. So prepare yourself and hit Escarre. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESCARRE (third visit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: Full Geo Point (Only for going back to Locca) Ok, it beats the hell out of me but for some strange reason this part in the story is considered the most confusing. So I'll try to be as specific as I can. When you arrive you may talk to Diene for some info. But you main objective here is to find Quanlee. Make no mistake he IS here. Now if you start running around literally looking for him it won't do you any good. Instead you'll have to actually find out where he is by speaking to various people. I don't really know the exact method here but I don't think it's important. Tha main idea is that you have to speak to people. Quanlee is projecting his will through the townsfolk and when you speak to them they will generate his will. And those are the people that need to be talked to. Start running around the Escarre talking to various people--most of them will project Quanlee's thoughts (well maybe except Diene, Specto and the soldiers). Now here--I'm not sure. Either you have to talk to a specific number of people or to hear specific words but once you've talked enough the last of the townsfolk will tell you the following: 'Quanlee is waiting for you. He's waiting uptown for you and your friends.' This phrase is not fixed to anybody so practically anyone can say that (once again: except Diene, Specto and the soldiers). Once you hear that head to the Uptown. Once you reach the Uptown Kroitz should be waiting for you there, yeah no Quanlee for now. If there is no Kroitz then that means you have to speak to more people and hear the key phrase. Apparently Kroitz he is a bit ahead of you and is already waiting for Quanlee. Evann and Kroitz argue a bit and after a while a CG movie will commence followed by the appearance of Quanlee. Well... that's a bit less then you expected eh? This kid looks like he could use fashion guidance and some sunbathing wouldn't hurt either... maybe then he'd get a decent girlfriend or something... ANYWAY! Kroitz, of course, is overflowing with joy and attacks immediately--which gets him stunned and teleported away by Quanlee. After that Quanlee begins his perfect-world rant. He then spawns a strange shadow and disappears. Once you regain control the whole town will be consumed by the fog. Now ALL the town went into rapture over Quanlee and no matter who you talk to they will say junk. Quanlee is now at the Central Facility, so head there. Once there Quanlee is already in the middle of taking over. After all of your characters make a speech--Kroitz appears, summoned by Quanlee. Be prepared because all he wants to do is to make paste out of you! BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Battle Kroitz Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Dragon Summoner (Turns Demon Sword Crimson to Dragon Sword Crimson) Convene (Summons Kroitz Guards) Healer+ (Heals HP/one) Meteor Fall (Bomb/one) Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) BOOMOR! (Bomb/around foe) BA-BOOM! (Bomb/circle) Snooze (Sleep/circle) Demon Sword Crimson/Dragon Sword Crimson Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Demon Slash/True Demon Slash (Physical/all) Sonic Wave (Cancel/line) Tartarus Fang (Physical/one) Minions: Kroitz Guards Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Sonic Shot (Cancel/line) Tremor (Land/around self) Shake (Land/one) Poizn (Poison/one) This battle will be a bit different/harder from the rest of Kroitz battles. One thing to notice is that this time he is hyper-active and full of Quanlee power. He's IP and movement speeds are simply insane! He has more attacks and they are more powerful. His Crimson is now 'Demon Sword Crimson' and rest assured--he can wreck some havoc. Moreover, the demon sword has this excellent defense skill which only a few selected creatures have, nothing you do will damage it for more than 1-2 HP. He is not invincible but with almost 20000 HP it'll be at least hard to kill it. Once Kroitz sustains enough damage he will transform his Demon Sword Crimson into the Dragon Sword Crimson. The enhanced version of Crimson has some punishing moves like Tartarus Fang and the True Demon Slash. If you see them being charged up--cancel! Unless you want to be at the receiving end of quite brutal attacks. Tartarus Fang is a punishing multi hit move and True Demon Slash is a more powerful version of Demon Slash, which should be obvious. Apart from the above mentioned small details everything else is pretty much the same. As always--he will have some Kroitz Guards along with him. If you waist them he will call them back using the Convene skill. Kroitz is more like a support for his blade--the actual damage dealer. From time to time he will cast a spell like BA-BOOM or BOOMOR. Once his HP is low he may try to heal himself--cancel it. Your biggest advantage in this battle is well... it's 4 against 1. Unleash everything you have--he will eat it. I don't think that he is immunite to anything. As I said before--canceling is a good idea here, Tartarus Fang and True Demon Slash should be your prime canceling targets. Keep hitting him hard, watch your HP and pretty soon victory will be yours. After the battle Quanlee orders Evann to finish Kroitz off. Evann refuses and teaches him some humanity lessons, which Quanlee fails to understand. And as seeing how Quanlee has nothing to say back to Evann he summons a bunch of brainwashed townsfolk to back him up. But Quanlee is forgetting that he's dealing with a Geo Ranger, Evann simply escapes with Kroitz using the Geo Point, nifty eh?! Anyway, back in Locca. Evann saves Kroitz but as always--no gratitude. After that Evann rally's his party for the final dungeon of the game, the Evolution Corridor. Go outside and you'll see a CG movie. After that you'll regain control. To reach the Evolution Corridor go to Escarre using the Geo Point and you'll appear in the Central Facility. Climb up the stairs and enter the last dungeon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVOLUTION CORRIDOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Points: Full Geo Points on Levels 5 and 10 The Evolution Corridor is similar to the Starry Corridor. It has 16 randomly generated floors with Geo Points on the 5 and the 10 floors. Level 13 is free of enemies and Quanlee, the final Boss, is on the 16 level. This dungeon is randomly generated so once again I won't guide you through each level, instead I'll make some notes about the dungeon. EVOLUTION CORRIDOR LEVELS 1-5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Well the first five levels won't really differ from the Starry Corridors'. Enemies here are mostly old news though they may seem to be more powerful. Some old features are also present like the black fog and the closed doors with puzzles. - Once you enter a level you can't get back, just as it was in the Starry Corridor. When you find the red orb you may go up one level. - Lucky Minks can also be encountered here though the chances are quite slim. EVOLUTION CORRIDOR LEVELS 6-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Enemies here seem to be tougher but the items you get are also better. - Quanlee feels the need to mock you. Ignore him. - Remember that the Devil Chests can be encountered here--don't miss your chance to steal some great equipment. - Take note that the Geo Point at level 10 will be your last one before the final Boss battle. EVOLUTION CORRIDOR LEVELS 11-16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - These last levels of the dungeon will the hardest. Enemies will get a lot stronger. But don't waste all your energy on them becasue you'll need it for the final battle. - Level 13 is the place where Quanlee starts mocking you again and thus it has no enemies. - Once again: the will be no Geo Points before the final Boss battle--be prepared! - Oh yeah, you might have noticed the Bahamut creatures. First of all they are not as hard as they look. Also I should note that they have only potions and nuts for stealing. I have been unable to steal anything else. Though some of the potions are rather powerful like Spirit Potion or the Miracle Elixir. I suggest you hunt for some. - Level 16 is where Quanlee dwells. FINAL BOSS BATTLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final Boss: Quanlee/True Quanlee Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Light Undulation (Physical/MOV +DOWN/all) Mystic Wing (Physical/fan) Judgement Guillotine (Cancel/line) Apostle Summoner (Summons Force Gear) Hades Gate* (Special effect/circle) Right & Left Wings/Right & Left Arms Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Land Ripper (Physical/fan) Diamond Dust (Blizzard/fan) Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Hellburner (Flame/one) Minions: Force Gears Type: ???? Drop item: None Steal item: None Special attacks: Time Evolution (Trust Ties/one) Shock Bomb (Cancel/one) First form ~~~~~~~~~~ First of all--hold your horses; this is just his initial form. Be conservative and don't go wasting your SP and MP on this form. Quanlee is not so tough if you come prepared. I won't bother writing a detailed strategy for his first form just stay cool and start hitting him. His first form doesn't have many attacks so you should be fine. Don't bother killing his wings simply go for Quanlee. Oh, yeah you might have noticed that every now and then a black ball-thing will appear above Quanlee's head. This ball will start hitting your random characters, for what seems to be--no reason!! Anyway, it can get annoying to a certain extent unless you have a couple of Iron Guards. Well I'm sure that by this time you should have couple, right? Once you're done with his first form get ready for the real battle! True form ~~~~~~~~~ I tell ya--True Quanlee is no pushover. Remember when I told you to get your hands on some level 9 Mana Eggs? Well I hope you have them. The first thing that you should notice is that the true form has minions. Those are Force Gears. Normally I would suggest forgetting about them and going straight for Quanlee--however they have a move that should not be disregarded. The move is called Time Evolution and it has the same effect as the Bonds of Trust item--they can transfer their turn to Quanlee. At the start of the battle there should be 4 Force Gears and if each one will decide to do Time Evolution well... it will make your life a lot harder. Waste them. He will try to bring them back but it will buy you some time and 1 gear at a time is better than 4. The pesky black ball-thing will appear once again and will start harassing your characters. Nothing you can do here really--Iron Guard will help. There is no super effective True Quanlee strategy. Fight him as you would fight a tough Boss. He doesn't have that many attacks and the ones he has only sound intimidating. You might want to cancel some of his moves--your effort won't go to waste however your characters should be prepared to withstand an attack or two. He has two arms that can get annoying at times you can destroy them--but they have quite a lot of HP so it might take a while. And besides most of the punishing moves come from the body so well... it's up to your preference. Start using your most destructive moves without holding back. I especially like to use 'Area' or 'All Enemies' moves like Photon Shower because it damages Quanlee, his arms and his Force Gears. In any case, once you're low on SP switch to Mana Eggs. A couple of characters should hit Quanlee with level 9 eggs while the others should be prepared to heal entire party. True Quanlee doesn't seem to have immunity to anything so any magic/move will go ok here. Keep it cool and you should come out victorious. Oh and read the notice below. * Hades Gate is a move where True Quanlee summons the gates of the Underworld. If any of your character is standing on it--then move them away immediately!!! At one point after the summoning the gate will unleash an intense power of darkness which will damage anyone who stands on the effect area. Take note that it may not necessarily be on Quanlee's next turn--it may be earlier. Needles to say that the damage is simply overwhelming, cancelling is a great idea. Two of my three level 60 characters that experienced this move were killed instantaneously. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ENDING? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle. Watch the events that follow. Quanlee admits his defeat and then dies. The day is saved and everyone is happy... or is it??? Anyway after a lot of conversations, a couple of CG movies and credits you will be asked to save. Do it. You may even want to overwrite your old data, really it's useless to you know. After you load this save you'll see a scene where Evann is having a talk with Brandol about Quanlee and about how he feels that there is more to this whole thing. Evann has a piece of Quanlee's heart, which resembles a Sound Bite. In any case, you might have guessed that all this is about the bonus dungeon which can be now accessed. To know more about the Vortex Corridor read the 'Sidequests' section. You can also try gambling at Juston's place--read the 'Sidequests' section for more info about that. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ BOOST LEVEL 3 (SUB24) ============================================================================ OK it's time for Boost Level 3. At this point if you check the base Geo Point in Locca you'll notice that it's empty! All the Geo Points you've previously opened have been closed. You'll have to revisit the dungeons and reopen the Gates from there. Here is the list of all the Full Geo Points that you have opened to this point: Inferno Pit Flame Ruins - Interior Tsunami Trough - Ocean Bed Tsunami Trough - Ocean Cave Gale Ruins - Interior Starry Corridor - 5th Level Starry Corridor - 10th Level Starry Corridor - 15th Level Starry Corridor - 20th Level Starry Corridor - 25th Level Starry Corridor - 30th Level Venom Ruins - Red Quartz Park Darkness Ruins - Factory Interior Light Ruins - Interior 1 Underground Cavern Here is a quick synopsis of what happened: - All the dungeons got boosted. Levels of all the monsters got boosted AGAIN. No new enemies will appear but most of them got level boosted up to 60+. Some of the creatures will get more powerful magic/moves. As always--Iron Guard is your best friend. - Bosses will get level increase but there will be no new Bosses for you to fight. Level 200 Zenothlee is not a new Boss, it's just the old Zenothlee with level value of 200. - After you kill the Boss visit the Spiritual Atrium and you'll be rewarded with items and Mana Eggs. OK, now let's analyze each group of dungeons: Elemental Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boost Level 3 offers nothing new except the general level boost in all of the elemental ruins. You can find a couple of new Carros but other than that nothing new. Starry Corridor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General level 3 boost. Compared to the boosted dungeons here--the Starry Corridor itself is walk in the park. Venom, Darkness and Light Ruins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the time players tend to go straight for the Vortex Corridor disregarding the Starry dungeons but if you choose to redo them then get ready to face some chalange. These dungeons got sort of a 'special' boost. Creatures in the Light Ruins got level boost up to 70+. Venom Ruins will have creatures at 80+ levels. Darkness Ruins are occupied by creatures with a whooping 100+ level value. Monsters got more vicious and may appear in larger quantities. Level 9 Mana Eggs are necessities rather than luxuries this time. Having a Soul and a Restore eggs with Alhealer is good idea too. Unless you are about level 70+ with eggs suggested above--don't go Starry dungeons. Now, I'm not saying that you will be defeated--I'm saying that you will get your ass kicked so high that you'll kiss the moon! You may be OK in the Ground Chasm and actually stand a chance against monsters in the Illusory Meadow but the Ancient Factory is a whole different story. Each and every foe at the Darkness Ruins will have level 100+. To make things even worse at the Cold Lab, where the three-headed Serpent was, Level 200 Zenothlee will be waiting. Sweet. I suggest going through the Vortex Corridor first to be prepared for the Darkness Ruins and the level 200 Zenothlee. He is explained in more detail in the 'Sidequests' section. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ IX. BESTIARY (SEC09) ============================================================================ This is a list of all fiends that you'll encounter in dungeons. They are arranged in alphabetical order for your convenience. In Grandia Xtreme monsters have variable stats. There is a certain range of levels for every monster of one type. Although the amount of Gold you get does not depend on level, experience does, as well as HP, Skill Points and everything else. OK, the Bestiary has changed. And it will keep changing in fact. You might have noticed that I no longer distinguish Steals from Drops. Why? Because I have theory which states: Each fiend comes equip with 1 item in battle and no matter what you do steal it or wait for a drop, the item stays the same. Why do I think that? Well the biggest point towards this is that whenever you steal an item the fiend never drops anything else after battle. Also in a lot of cases the stolen and the dropped items tend to repeat. My theory defeats the purpose of waiting for a drop. I'm not saying that it is 100% accurate but seeing as how each creature has like 20-50 items... well it gets tough hunting them all down. In fact the lists are getting so big that I really don't know whether or not I will manage to finish them by myself. :/ Hunting For Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each fiend starts battle with a number of Treasure Icons. There can be up to 8 Treasure Icons (there can also be 0). Despite the popular belief Treasure Icons do not show the probability of a successful steal or drop. They show the quality of an items should you decide to steal (or wait for a drop). It's logical since you usually succeed in stealing and if not then you can always try again. So here is an approximate graph showing what kind of items you may get with different number of Teasure Icons (TI): [ 0-2 ] TI : Usually the lamest items like Medicinal Herbs, Smelling Salts or low level Vellums. Not worth your effort. [ 3-4 ] TI : Better items. There is still a high chance of getting something useless but the probability of getting a piece of equipment rises. [ 5-6 ] TI : Most of the time you'll get a mid to high level accessory, weapon or a piece of equipment. Go for it. [ 7-8 ] TI : There is a more than 95% chance you'll quite a powerful weapon, armor, accessory etc. Never miss this chance. If the number of TI is 8 then rest assured you'll get something *very* good. GreatSkaori told me that there was a topic by weirdzzl on the GX Message Boards about one thing which I considered to be a general knowledge. So I have decided to put it in: This trick is useful when you're, for example, hunting the Spirit equipment: Once tha battle starts use [Defend] command with everyonr except Titto. When his turn comes up -- steal. After that make all your party members use the [Escape] command. You will escape the battle but the stolen item will remain dropped. Then encounter the creature again, steal and then escape. Repeat this process until you acquire the desired item. And GreatSkaori adds: 'If you do the same with the Fenni Birds. (ie: enter fight, steal a 3/4 gems Fenni Bird, escape, take the vellum, enter the fight, steal a 3/4 gems Fenni Bird etc) you'll get 30 High/Ultimate Vellums in a short time. By selling all of them, I got 4420 points!!! Nice, isn't it? I find this more efficient than going for any boss, killing it and hoping that you'll get a Skill Book from the Spiritual Atrium.' Creature Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a total of 12 monster types in the game. They are: - Beasts - Devils - Insects - Reptiles - Birds - Aquatics - Minerals - Undead - Dragons - Humanoids - Plants - Floating Beings* *OK, this is getting ridiculous. You might have noticed that there is no Floating Beings in my Bestiary. Why? Simply because I have yet to encounter one of this type. You might say: 'There are no Floating Beings in this game, remove them!' I would do that but the game itself suggests that there are Floating Beings... beats the hell out of me. Maybe it means that any fiend that floats in battle is automatically a Floating Being? Anyway... umm... help! Take note of the monster type because weapons and armors may have special bonuses for some monster type. Weapons may inflict more damage while armors may protect you from a specific type. For example: When are running around the Aqua Ruins it is a good idea to equip some gear that deals more damage/protects you from Aquatics, don't you think? Some (most) times monsters have skills equipped with them. To view what skills they have press the R1 button on their stat screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER LIST (SUB25) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ MONSTER TYPE DROPS/STEALS MOVES/MAGIC ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Angry Spirits Undead Mental Vellum Ghost Hand Battle Vellum (Cancel/circle) First Aid Kit Craze Butterfly Knife (Confusion/circle) Wolf Fang Ax Gravity Absorber Ring (Gathers foes/circle) Fire Sword Tartarus Rain Wintry Dagger (Sudden Death/one) Enemy Strike Crackle Matador Cloak (Blizzard/one) Alumina Stone Angel Tear Flame Helm Blazzing Staff ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Armored Slime Undead Wind Bracelet Blade Zap Aqua Bracelet (Bolt/one) Magical Arrow Burst Shot Rune Plate (Cancel/circle) Combat Armor Absorber War Hammer (Drains HP/circle) Seed of Magic Schweizerabel Titan's Ring Talisman Bonds of Trust Earth Bracelet Aqua Hat Bursthaken Multicut Blade Knowledge Medal Freeze Staff Skull Armor Mikage Katana Devil Cloth Phurbu Death Mask ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Ancient Warrior Mineral Dragon Scales Hyper Buster Jet-Black Shield (Stop/one) Phalanx Armor Heat Spiral Gastraphetes (Physical/around self) Combat Armor Triple Cutter Ninja Glove (Triple combo/one) Paladin Helm Blackfeather Knife Argestis Armor ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Archaeopteryx Bird Secret Vellum Roar High Vellum (Summons Archaeopteryx) Pixie Dew Aerial Smash Healing Fruit (Quadruple combo/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Armadillon Beast Coverted Vellum Poison Breath Ultimate Vellum (Poison/fan) Battle Vellum Delta Head Absorber Ring (Triple combo/one) Royal Helm Energy Ring Angel Leotard Dark Orb Miracle Bow Shotgun Arrow Medusa Stone Mithril Holy Crown Astral Spear Giant's Ax Barbaro Ax Adamantine Helm Holylight Glove Ninja Knife Brave Dirk Gramdrung Illusion Bandana Mystic Veil Heroe's Cuirass Spirit Headband Tristram Solomon Staff Orihalcon Seed of Defense Seed of Magic Seed of Running Seed of Moves Seed of Life Seed of Psyche ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Arlaune Plant Battle Vellum Dancing Eater High Vellum (Drains HP/one) Venus Knife Tempest Glinstring Robe (Cancel/one) Holy Ring Emerald Beat YinYang Wristband (Double combo/one) Iceniter Barrete Quake Golden Helm (Land/circle) Seed of Defense Tartarus Rain Dragon Scales (Sudden Death/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Brain Bat Undead Battle Vellum Head Beating Mental Vellum (Triple combo/one) Psyche Vellum Poizn Combat Vellum (Poison/one) Physical Vellum Snooze Bread (Sleep/circle) Smelling Salts Hellburner Whirlwind Scroll (Flame/one) Pebble Scroll Burn! Medicinal Herb (Flame/one) Red Fly Agarics BOOM! Fireball Scroll (Bomb/line) Poison Antidote ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Baby Crustacean ________ Physical Vellum Attack Smelling Salts (Poison/one) Southern Banana Medicinal Herb Red Fly Agarics ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Bigfoot Humanoid Psyche Vellum Snow Ball Earth Ax (ACT +DOWN/Cancel/one) Flame Helm Scrum Charge Flame Shield (Physical/one) Wolf Fang Bonds of Trust Slashing Sword Beast Necklace Goldbee Dagger Sylph's Robe Dyte Giant Armor Red Shoes Absorber Ring Earth Scimitar Iceberg Sword ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Big Devil Devil Secret Vellum BOOM! High Vellum (Bomb/line) Battle Vellum BA-BOOM! Corporal Vellum (Bomb/circle) BOOMOR! (Bomb/around self) Hellburner (Flame/one) Vanish (Voids effects/around self) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Bahamut ________ Spirit Potion Zap All Honey Syrup (Bolt/fan) Indigo Potion Stram Golden Potion (ATK +DOWN/circle) Miracle Elixir WOW! Aureola Libation (ATK +UP/circle) Squeek-baa Milk Runner Nut of Light (MOV +UP/circle) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Crag Snake Reptile Battle Vellum Attack (Poison/one) Mental Vellum Yomi Elixir Medicinal Herb Pebble Scroll Snake Earrings Hand Grenade Whirlwind Scroll Fireball Scroll ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Crimson Tail Insect Seed of Magic Phantom Echo Battle Vellum (Confusion/fan) Bonds of Trust Scissors Storm Mikage Katana (Physical/one) Skull Armor Twin Attack (Double combo/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Crimson Claw Aquatic Corporal Vellum Sleep Dance (Sleep/one) Combat Vellum Call for Help Rainbow Seaweed (Summons Crimson Claw) Smelling Salts Escape Vaccine (Flee) Purifying Herb Combat Vellum Red Shoes Honey Syrup Poison Antidote ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Chameleon Reptile Physical Vellum Shock Bomb (Cancel/one) Combat Vellum Poizn (Poison/one) Blessing Scroll Fader (Invisibility/one) Yomi Elixir Vaccine Poison Antidote Smelling Salts First Aid Kit Insecticide Bomb Flame Stone ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Calibus Beast Mental Vellum Buster Horn Magic Glove (Cancel/Sap Moves/one) Wind Robe Burst Crush Flame Shield (Cancel/Paralysis/circle) Trooper Halberd Seed of Magic Seed of Power Sylph's Robe ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Clay Birds Mineral High Vellum Feather Needle Combat Armor (Paralysis/fan) Mald Geer Gravity Seed of Psyche (Gathers foes/circle) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dragonfly Toad Reptile Battle Vellum Buzz Physical Vellum (Summons Dragonfly Toad) Combat Vellum Decamp Quake Stone (Flee) Tranquilizing Shot Wound Salve First Aid Kit Recovery Medicine Toad Oil Torte's Reedpipe Medicinal Herb ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dodo Bird Mental Vellum Roar Physical Vellum (Summons Dodo) Paralysis Salve Sky Raid First Aid Kit (Quadruple combo/one) Wound Salve Snooze Strawberry (Sleep/circle) Move Blessing Magic Blessing Quake Stone Time Bomb Flint Stone Southern Banana Yomi Elixir ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Devil Chest Mineral Omnipotent Seed Def-Loss Duel Ax (DEF +DOWN/circle) Clover Knife Erebos Arondyte (Sudden Death/one) Sage's Staff Mistral Armor Saintbeast Armor Clayqwin Soul Clothes Illusion Bandana Adamantine Helm ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dark Raven Bird Combat Vellum Decamp Mental Vellum (Flee) Cure Herb Recovery Medicine Aquamarine Ring Ruby Ring Pearl Necklace ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Death Doberman Beast Combat Vellum Retreat Psyche Vellum (Flee) High Vellum Howlslah Sword Breaker (Wind/line) Mage Staff Crackle BlackQuartz Sword (Blizzard/one) Forbear Necklace Earth Bracelet Rob of Admonition Aqua Hat Crescent Jade ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dragonoid Dragon High Vellum Fire Ball Enemy Strike (Cancel/Flame/one) Argestis Armor Flee Dragon Scales (Escape) Inferno (Flame/fan) WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Blade Zap (Bolt/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dual Scissors Insect Psyche Vellum Freeze Down Battle Vellum (Sleep/Cancel/one) Corporal Vellum Blizzard Rise Dragon Scales (ACT +DOWN/fan) Shield Ring Twin Attack Seed of Running (Double combo/one) Amethyst Shield Blackfeather Knife ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dino Freezer Dragon High Vellum Blizzard Breath Corporal Vellum (MOV +DOWN/fan) Earth Bracelet Knowledge Medal ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Dead Eye Devil Battle Vellum Shock Bomb Psyche Vellum (Cancel/one) High Velllum Craze (Confusion/circle) Meteor Fall (Bomb/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Demon Shadow ???? General's Greaves Shadow Needle Sage's Staff (Physical/one) Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) Erebos (Sudden Death/one) Craze (Confusion/circle) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Flare Ogre Humanoid Physical Vellum Slow Body Bamboo Katana (Cancel/one) Wood Sword Angel Tear Darts Jade Charm Volt Stick Shine Prism ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Frost Frog Aquatic Corporal Vellum Roar Combat Vellum (Summons Frost Frog) Physical Vellum Toad Special Mental Vellum (Triple combo/one) Voltbird Feather Escape Torte's Reedpipe (Flee) Wound Salve Paralysis Salve Gale Stone Medicinal Herb First Aid Kit Toad Oil ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Flame Knight Undead Battle Vellum Burning Shot Psyche Vellum (Flame/line) Anti-Evil Blade Hell Blast Wind Robe (Self-Destruct/around self) Gold Feather WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Hellburner (Flame/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Fish Man Aquatic Physical Vellum Snooze Battle Vellum (Sleep/circle) Ice Quartz Crackle Flint Stone (Blizzard/one) Tranquilizing ShotEvap (Cuts HP by 1/2/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Falcon Devil Humanoid Combat Vellum Sonic Pulse Secret Vellum (Confusion/Line) Wave Ripper Howlslash Cure Herb (Wind/line) Magic Glove Howlnado Fire Sword (Wind/around self) Talwar ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Flame Toad Aquatic Mental Vellum Frog Song Voltfang Stone (Triple combo/one) Roar (Summons Flame Toad) Escape (Flee) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Fenni Bird Bird Coverted Vellum Roar Mental Vellum (Summons Fenni Bird) Ultimate Vellum Sky Smasher High Vellum (Quadruple combo/one) Spirit Potion Megaheal Medicine Grenade Tornado Scroll ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Gilled Pawn Humanoid Mental Vellum Critical Hit (Cancel/one) Combat Vellum Bomb (Flame/circle) Flint Stone WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Wound Salve Paralysis Salve Panacea Medicinal Herb Shamshir Machinegun Arrow Mogay Suit DX Bandit Armor Pebble Scroll ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Gilled Shaman Humanoid Psyche Vellum Sealing Blow (Physical/one) Miner's Candy Tremor (Land/around self) Gold Feather BOOM! (Bomb/line) Yomi Elixir BOOMOR! (Bomb/around self) First Aid Kit ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Gilled Sarge Humanoid Secret Vellum Bomb (Flame/circle) Combat Vellum Time Bomb (Drops time bomb/ Battle Vellum circle) Estok Mogay Bomb (Flame/one) Thunder Armor Critical Hit (Cancel/one) Warrior Mail Snooze (Sleep/circle) Ice Armor Pixie Feather Miser Turban ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Gilled General Humanoid Psyche Vellum Mogay Bomb (Flame/one) Combat Vellum Hyper Mogay Bomb (Flame/ Bandit Armor circle) Bursthaken Full-Body Blow (Cancel/one) Trooper Halberd Run Away (Flee) BlackQuartz Mail Miser Turban ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Gargoyle Mineral Corporal Vellum Demon Claw (Triple combo/one) Secret Vellum Howlslah (Wind/line) Battle Vellum Stram (ATK +DOWN/circle) Recovery Medicine Zap! (Bolt/circle) Strengh Glove Blade Zap (Bolt/one) Warrior Helm Angel Tear Man's Iron Clogs Flint Knife Shamshir Iron Helm Energy Lance Fur Coat ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Giant Hermit Crab ???? Physical Vellum Assault Punch Combat Vellum (Triple combo/one) Medicinal Herb Confusion Waltz Southern Banana (Confusion/one) First Aid Kit Call for Help (Summons Giant Hermit Crab) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Giant Caterpillar Insect Vaccine Poison Gas Recovery Medicine (Poison/around self) Time Bomb Panacea Flame Stone Blessing Scroll First Aid Kit ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Giant Mantis Insect Physical Vellum Bug Whistle Corporal Vellum (Summons Giant Mantis) Voltfang Stone Southern Banana Insecticide Burst Pixie Dew ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Hammerhead Dragon Combat Vellum Fire Breath (Flame/special) Physical Vellum Delta Head (Triple combo/ Yomi Elixir one) Water Shot Burn Bracelet Chain Sleeve Falcon Clothes Purifying Dress Hammer Ax ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Hellhound Beast Mental Vellum Dog Rush (Triple combo/one) Physical Vellum WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Purple Robe Burnflame (Flame/circle) Great Bow BOOMOR! (Bomb/around self) Mystic Blade Beast Necklace Thunder Helm ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Hydra ???? Luna Stone Chaos Breath Heroe's Cuirass (????/circle) Golden Katana Fiora Golden Armor (Sap Moves/circle) Holy Ring Cold Damaskas Sword (ACT +DOWN/circle) Plague Armor Stram Holylight Glove (ATK +DOWN/circle) Gudion Bow Tristram Glintstring Robe Dragon Scales ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Immune Cell Aquatic Corporal Vellum Spark Press Combat Vellum (Cancel/Paralysis/one) Physical vellum Shootingstar Blow Panacea (Triple combo/one) Cure Powder ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Kite Ray Aquatic Mental Vellum Stun Needle (Paralysis/fan) Physical Vellum Snooze (Sleep/circle) Battle Vellum Blade Zap (Bolt/one) Combat Vellum Forebear Necklace Kuko Berry Bamboo Glove Fine Broadblade First Aid Kit Swordfish Armor Phoenix Feather Ritual Stone Ax Purifying Dress Bronze Helm Warrior Helm Silk Clothes Heavy Blade Lullaby Staff ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Killer Moth Insect Life Gem Blast Cutter (Triple combo/ Cure Powder one) Absorber (Drains HP/circle) Poizn (Poison/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Lantern Demon Devil Secret Vellum Burner (Flame/Cancel Silver Feather /circle) Chain Mail Burnflame (Flame/circle) Bonds of Trust Burnstrike (Flame/one) Bronze Mail Burn! (Flame/one) Bronze Helm WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Swordfish Helm Crampons Phoenix Feather Butterfly Knife Silence Orb ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Land Cougar Beast Secret Vellum Panther Strike (Triple Mental Vellum combo/one) Physical Vellum Retreat (Flee) Knuckle Guard Runner (MOV +UP/circle) Kuko Berry Howlslash (Wind/line) Wolf Fanf Ax Howlnado (Wind/around self) Krepp Scythe Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) Cutlass Honor's Glasses Red Shoes Cutlass Energy Lance Thunder Armor Flint Ax Medicinal Herb Lullaby Staff Shamshir Bonds of Trust ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Lizard Soldier Dragon High Vellum Acid Venom (Poison/Cancel/ Wound Salve circle) Rune Bracelet Bomb (Physical/circle) Recovery Medicine Super Mogay Bomb (Physical/ Silver Feather circle) First Aid Kit Craze (Confusion/circle) Wolf Fang ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Lycanthrope Humanoid Physical Vellum Zap! (Bolt/circle) Mental Vellum Zap All (Bolt/fan) Corporal Vellum Stram (ATK +DOWN/circle) Psyche Vellum Shhh! (Sap Magic/circle) Secret Vellum Diggin' (DEF +UP/circle) Alumina Stone Guard Up (IMM +UP/circle) Iceberg Sword WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) BlackQuartz Mail BlackQuartz Helm Dyte Giant Armor Whirlwind Staff Butterfly Knife Mystic Blade ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Lucky Mink Beast Apron Dress Call for Help Lace Ornament (Summons Lucky Mink) Rabbit Ears Mink Rush Red Costume (Triple combo/one) Snowwhite Dress High Agility Virgin Uniform (Flee) Cape of Darkness ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Lucifuge ???? Spirit Staff Double Death Demon Hammer (Physical/fan) Giga Vanish (Voids all effects/One) Hellburner (Flame/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Mottled Spider Insect Mental Vellum Sticky Strings Psyche Vellum (MOV -1/one) Combat Vellum Triple Bites Physical Vellum (Triple combo/one) Paralysis Salve Smelling Salts Whirlwind Scroll Medicinal Herb Panacea Yomi Elixir Pebble Scroll Flint Stone Hand Grenade Golden Nut Red Fly Agarics ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Merman Aquatic Physical Vellum Evap (Reduce HP by half/one) Mental Vellum Snooze (Sleep/circle) Combat Vellum Healer (Restore HP/one) Mermaid Harp Crackle (Blizzard/one) Wound Salve Flee (Escape) Quake Stone Torte's Reedpipe Paralysis Salve Recovery Medicine Tranquilizing Shot Voltbird Feather First Aid Kit ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Merman Warrior Aquatic Physical Vellum Shock Bomb (Cancel/one) Mental Vellum Binder (Stop/one) Corporal Vellum Stram (ATK +DOWN/circle) Holy Wound Salve Zap! (Bolt/circle) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Mimic Mineral Revival Gem Hell Blast (Self-Destruct/ around self) Burnstrike (Flame/one) Hellburner (Flame/one) Meteor Fall (Bomb/one) Meteor Strike (Bomb/one) Erebos (Sudden Death/one) Tartarus Rain (Sudden Death /one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Moccasin Reptile Combat Vellum Attack (Paralysis/one) Pixie Dew Cure Herb Voltbird Feather Recovery Medicine ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Mega Beast Insect Corporal Vellum Attack (Poison/one) High Vellum Dark Quartz (Poison/Stop/ Bardiche one) Combat Armor Phalanx Armor Paladin Helm Deepblue Slayer Judge Saber Bonds of Trust Brave Scarf Jet-Black Shield Death Mask Dancing Heels Buster Shield Seed of Life Seed of Running Seed of Defense ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Mind Eater Undead Battle Vellum Ogre Claw (Cancel/Paralysis Silence Orb /circle) Fishmonger Knife Curse (Curse/one) Black Quartz Sword Ice Pick Freeze Staff ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Naga Queen ???? Secret Vellum Freeze Eye (ACT +DOWN/line) Battle Vellum Jet Slicer (Physical/around Wolf Fang Ax self) Dyte Giant Armor Shock Bomb (Cancel/one) Heat Haze Bow Snooze (Sleep/circle) Seed of Power Crackle Floe (Blizzard/one) Crackle Fang (Blizzard/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Phoenix Bird Physical Vellum Burst Raid (Quadruple combo Battle Vellum /one) Combat Vellum Roar (Summons Phoenix) Mental Vellum Decamp (Flee) Corporal Vellum First Aid Kit Pebble Scroll Medicinal Herb Yomi Elixir Fireball Scroll Whirlwind Scroll Honey Syrup Wound Salve ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Plethodon Aquatic Physical Vellum Burnstrike (Flame/one) Battle Vellum Burnflame (Flame/circle) Psyche Vellum WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Blazing Stone Guard Up (IMM +UP/circle) Alumina Stone Platinum Feather Makabishi Pixie Dew ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Rainbow Caterpillar Insect Physical Vellum Numbing Gas (Cancel/around Psyche Vellum self) Combat Vellum Caterpillar Soup First Aid Kit Medicinal Herb Paralysis Salve Yomi Elixir ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Rock Golem Mineral Corporal Vellum Attack (Long Range Physical/ Sylph's Robe one) Yomi Elixir Rock Hurler (Cancel/circle) First Aid Kit Earth Ax Boomerang Dyte Giant Armor Ice Shield BlackQuartz Helm Heavy Shield Ice Helm ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Rock Giant ???? High Vellum Lava Cannon Luci Care (Flame/one) Caduceus Clayqwin Shogun's Bracelet ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Sasquatch Humanoid Secret Vellum Mud Cannon (Cancel/ Honor's Glasses Confusion/ Bamboo Armor circle) Stone Head Scrum Charge (Triple combo/ Leather Helm one) Leather Shoes Primeval Meat Chain Mail Heavy Stone Nurse Cap ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Star Mirage Aquatic Secret Vellum Power Press (Cancel/one) Battle Vellum Tri-Star (Triple combo/one) Mental Vellum Combat Vellum Psyche Vellum Bamboo Katana First Aid Kit Iron Ring Wound salve Silence Orb Battle Helm Battle Rod Krepp Scythe Leather Bandana Bronze Sword Medicinal Herb Silk Clothes Heavy Helm Heavy Mail Tomahawk Goat Leather Magic Dress Yomi Elixir Vacuum Arrow Pixie Feather Chain Sleeve ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Space Warrior Mineral Physical Vellum Triple Demon Thrust (Cancel Secret Vellum /one) Battle Vellum Aerial Slasher (Confusion/ Mental Vellum around self) Psyche Vellum Combat Vellum Black Quartz Glove Quartz Pendant Diefeen Saber Goat Leather Silk Clothes Medicinal Herb Leather Cape Silence Orb Flame Armor Falcon Clothes Mystic Blade Oak Staff Iron Helm ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Saladile Reptile Mental Vellum Burn! (Flame/one) Corporal Vellum Burnstrike (Flame/one) Physical Vellum Retreat (Flee) Cure Herb ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Sable Beast Corporal Vellum Call for Help (Summons Sable) Psyche Vellum Rushing Sable (Triple combo Physical Vellum /one) Battle Vellum Beef Jerky Holy Wound Salve Rabbit Ears Pixie Dew Seed of Psyche Seed of Defense ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Sarracenia Mantis Plant Secret Vellum Blood Sucker (Illnes/Cancel High Vellum /one) Ice Shield Rose Hurricane (Physical/one) Cape of Darkness Tremor (Land/around self) Thunder Helm Mikage Katana Trident Angel Tear Vaccine Butterfly Knife Flint Knife Matador Cloak Blessing Scroll ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Satan Saber Mineral Psyche Vellum Hyper Slash (Cancel/one) Physical Vellum WOW! (ATK +UP/circle) Mental Vellum Medicinal Herb Recovery Medicine Fire Sword Landrush Sword Anti-Evil Blade Diefeen Saber Slashing Sword Stiletto ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Skull Snail Undead Psyche Vellum Choke Thrust (Sudden Death/ Secret Vellum one) Coverted Vellum Zap All (Bolt/fan) Blade Zap (Bolt/one) Absorber (Drains HP/one) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Tortogator Reptile Physical Vellum Diggin' (DEF +UP/circle) Combat Vellum Shake (Land/one) Paralysis Salve Tremor (Land/around self) Pebble Scroll Quake (Land/circle) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Thorny Anchor Mineral Physical Vellum Pummel (Triple combo/one) Mental Vellum Gravity (Gathers foes/circle) Torte's Reedpipe Snooze (Sleep/circle) First Aid Kit Def-Loss (DEF +DOWN/circle) Flint Stone Freeze! (MOV +DOWN/circle) Wound Salve Paralysis Salve Yomi Elixir Hot Spring Nut ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Toader Reptile Physical Vellum Tri-Spear (Triple combo/one) Medicinal Herb Buzz (Summons Toader) Cure Herb Decamp (Flee) Voltbird Feather Voltfang Stone Wound Salve Pixie Dew ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Thunder Dragon Dragon Argestis Armor Thunder Burst (Cancel/ Flame Bracelet Paralysis/ Giant Broadsword circle) Trident Mage Masher Bursthaken Priest's Hat Mikage Katana Talisman Glinstring Robe Seed of Swift Seed of Defense ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Tarantula Insect Battle Vellum Net Breaker (Stop/ Secret Vellum around foe) Psyche Vellum Triple Bites (Triple combo/ Coverted Vellum one) Pixie Dew Thunder Stone Healing Fruit Dynamite Ifrit Barrel ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Viridian Plant Plant Secret Vellum Poison Blow (Poison/one) Bursthaken Bubble Sprinkle (Physical/ Trooper Halberd around Earth Robe self) Paladin Leggins Lion Field Garb ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Wind Mantis Insect Battle Vellum Bug Whistle Physical Vellum (Summons Wind Mantis) Panacea Quake Stone Flint Stone First Aid Kit ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Winged Brain Undead Physical Vellum Head Beating Battle Vellum (Triple combo/one) Icefang Stone Stram Panacea (ATK +DOWN/circle) Pixie Dew Zap! Insecticide Burst (Bolt/circle) Golden Nut Zap All Earth Robe (Bolt/fan) Honey Syrup Howlnado (Wind/around self) ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ Yeti Humanoid Secret Vellum Burning Apolo Voltbird Feather (Cancel/Paralysis/one) Silence Orb Dumpling Recovery Medicine Ogre Slayer Ogre Helm ___________________ __________ _________________ ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ X. COMPLETE ITEM LIST (SEC10) ============================================================================ The items will be listed as they appear in the in-game menu. This section will not include things like Vellums, Skill Books or Sound Bites. To check those items you should search them in their sections. NOTICE: Whenever you see ???? that means that I don't know the stats and the description. If you have them I would be very grateful if you could send them over. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS (SUB26) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A weapon never protects against anything, only adds damage to certain creature types, element property or stat encrease. Any type of weapon may have the following bonus features: Beasts : More damage to Beasts Devils : More damage to Devils Insects : More damage to Insects Reptiles : More damage to Reptiles Birds : More damage to Birds Aquatics : More damage to Aquatics Minerals : More damage to Minerals Undead : More damage to Undead Dragons : More damage to Dragons Humanoids : More damage to Humanoids Plants : More damage to Plants Floating : More damage to Floating Beings Death : Can cause Sudden Death to an enemy Curse : Can cause Curse to an enemy Illnes : Can cause Illnes to an enemy Confusion : Can cause Confusion to an enemy Paralysis : Can cause Paralysis to an enemy Poison : Can cause Poison to an enemy Sap Magic : Can casue Sap Magic to an enemy Sap Moves : Can cause Sap Moves to an enemy Sleep : Can cause Sleep to an enemy Stop : Can cause Stop to an enemy Flame : Adds Flame to the normal attack Bomb : Adds Bomb to the normal attack Wind : Adds Wind to the normal attack Bolt : Adds Bolt to the normal attack Water : Adds Water to the normal attack Blizzard : Adds Blizzard to the normal attack Land : Adds Land to the normal attack Forest : Adds Forest to the normal attack XXX+### : Increases an XXX statistic by ###. Stat abbreviations: ATK : Attack DEF : Defense MAG : Magic IMM : Immunity ACT : Action MOV : Move Spell Break X%: Can cast [Spell] chance of breaking is X%. ________: means no bonus feature. Combo HIT+X: Adds X combo hits to your normal Combo. This does not effect your Critical command. Symbols ~~~~~~~ The below symbols in front of an item name will represent the location of that item. The items with no symbols can only be found in chests, stealing from fiends or through other ways: $ : Means that this item will eventually be available in the Locca general store. You will need to have enough G (gold) in order to buy this item. * : Means that this item can be won in Juston mini game after you beat the game. See the Juston Gamble sidequest section for more details. + : Means that this item can only be bought in a shop after selling certain items that have 'May add items at store if sold' within their descriptions. See the MAIASIS Items sidequest section for more info. ^ : Means that this item can be exchanged in the Skillman's shop. You will need to have enough P (points) for that particular item through selling Skills and Skill Books. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ EVANN'S BLADES ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Bamboo Katana 8 Forest Flimsy Sword. Broad Blade 12 ________ Regular wide-blade sword. $Falx 21 ________ Sickle-shaped blade. $Heavy Blade 35 ________ Wide-tipped sword. Mystic Blade 40 MAG+20 Flowing magic power. Swordfish Blade 44 Aquatics Blade made of fishbone. $Fine Broadblade 45 ________ By master blacksmith. Swallow Blade 46 Birds In honor of sword skill. $Shamshir 55 ________ Curved blade. Anti-Evil Blade 64 Undead Undead slayer. $Talwar 70 ________ Sword with knuckle guard. ^Mikage Katana 82 ________ Slashes through souls. Ogre Slayer 90 Humanoids Slashed the toughest ogre. $Great Shamshir 102 ________ Giant curved sword. +Ice Blade 120 Blizzard Ice-powered sword. +Lightning Blade 120 Bolt Bolt-powered sword. +Burn Blade 120 Flame Flame-powered sword. Multicut Blade 132 Minerals Sarp-edge cuts all. $Falchion 140 ________ Large curved sword. $Schiavona 155 ________ Sword with a hand-guard. $Glasscalibur 170 ________ Sword of magical glass. +Dragontooth Blade 198 Dragons Dragon slayer of legend. +Medusa Blade 200 MAG+100 Protector of magic god. Reduces time needed to cast magic spells. $Scramasax 228 ________ Unique blade tip. Golden Katana 300 ________ Valuable golden sword. Arondyte 320 Water Fairy-tempered sword. Reduces time for special moves. +Hrunting 420 ________ Legendary hero's sword. Restores 3SP more in battle. Durandal 700 ________ Sacred golden hilt sword. Reduces SP consumption by 10%. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ BRANDOL'S SWORDS ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Wood Sword 10 Forest Sword with wooden blade. Long Sword 15 ________ Straight 2-edged sword. $Bastard Sword 24 ________ Heavy 2-handed sword. Stone Sword 30 Land Rock-bladed broadsword. $Great Sword 38 ________ Giant broadsword. $Iron Sword 46 ________ Normal broadsword. Slashing Sword 48 Beasts Equestration-slashing sword. $Claymore 58 ________ Cross-hilted sword. Devilbuster Sword 60 Devils Demon slayer. Fire Sword 66 Flame Flame-forged sword. BlackQuartz Sword 70 IMM+35 Evil-slashing black blade. $Ceramics Sword 75 ________ Non-corrosive blade. Landrush Sword 78 Wind Broad blade of whirlwind. +Alumina Sword 90 ________ Unscratchable sword. Iceberg Sword 95 Blizzard Blade at absolute zero. Spark Blade 98 Bolt Lightning summoning sword. $Viking Sword 108 ________ Tempered broadsword. $Defender Sword 120 DEF+60 Wide shielding blade. +Mithril Sword 126 ________ Bright wide blade. $Giant Broadsword 148 ________ Huge 2-handed sword. $Silence Sword 162 Sap Magic Sword that seals foes. +DivineDragon Sword 206 Dragons Shiny dragon scale sword. $Jet-Black Sword 218 ________ Deep black blade. Shadow Sword 244 Death Dark force of death. +Destruct Sword 450 ________ Claymore of the Chosen. Adds power to special moves. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ CARMYNE'S SABERS ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Rapier 14 ________ Sharp piercing blade. Poisoned Needle 20 Poison Fatal venomous blade. $Saber 22 ________ Long straight blade. $Estok 36 ________ Long piercing blade. $Scimitar 44 ________ Curved-blade sword. $Pallasch 52 ________ Modified cavalry sword. Diefeen Saber 55 Sleep Tempered by pixies. $Ceramics Saber 68 ________ Non-corrosive blade. Mage Masher 80 Sap Magic Magic sealing power. IMM+40 +Alumina Saber 85 ________ Unscratchable blade. Earth Scimitar 86 Land Protection of earth. Strom Pallasch 88 Wind Ground-ripping blade. +Mithril Rapier 118 ________ Bright wide blade. $Schweizerabel 100 ________ Unique 2-edged tip. $Reitel Pallasch 140 ________ Elegant knight's sword. Cassandra 148 Sap Moves Mysteriously black blade. Wind $Elfin Saber 155 Paralysis Elfin soul-infused blade. $Silver Freeze 164 Blizzard Subzero blade. Freeze! Break 0%. $Judge Saber 200 ________ Undertaker of justice. Combo HIT +1. Gramdrung 262 Minerals Pierce through any armor. Tristram 320 Wind Ancient knight's blade. Countered less after moves. Luci Care 355 ________ Blade of temptation. Reduces enemy's ATK. +Light Needle 380 ________ An angel-engraved hilt. +White Fang 425 Beasts White wolf fang's blade. +Holy Rapier ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ULK'S AXES ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Tomahawk 25 ACT+5 Small throwing ax. Battleax 26 ________ Normal iron battle-ax. $Ritual Stone Ax 36 Forest Ceremonial rock ax. $Hammer Ax 40 ________ Smashing heavy weight. $Bullova 50 ________ Unique ax of the south. Energy Lance 60 ACT+15 Fountain of energy. $Glaive 62 ________ Western long sword. Krepp Scythe 68 Birds Bird-slashing sickle. Flint Ax 70 Flame Shoots sparks when used. Dragonfly Slayer 75 Insects Insect-slashing lance. $Ceramics Ax 78 ________ Non-corrosive battle-ax. Trident 84 Aquatics Triple-pronged lance. +Alumina Ax 96 ________ Unscratchable battle-ax. Bursthaken 100 ACT+25 Powered by flame blast. Wolf Fang Ax 105 Beasts Battle-ax from the east. Trooper Halberd 110 Devils Lance of mounted soldier. $Halberd 115 ________ Cavalry's versatile ax. $Heavy Ax 125 ________ Weight is the best feature. +Mithril Ax 135 ________ Bright white battle-ax. Earth Ax 142 Land Defeated return to earth. $Bardiche 155 ________ Long-hafted battle-ax. Solid Glaive 160 ACT+40 Light yet solid long sword. $Mald Geer 186 ________ Convenient for grappling. +Dragonbone Ax 218 Dragon Ax made of dragon bone. $Partizan 244 ________ Wing-bladed lance. Astral Spear 300 ACT+60 Stellar stream of energy. Angry Ax 320 Sap Moves Ax of intimidating anger. +Indra Ax 406 Bolt Battle-ax of thunder god. Adds IP damage to Critical. +Valor Big Ax 460 ________ Motivating magic power. Adds power to special moves. Barbaro Ax 500 DEF+100 Legendary fighter's ax. Land Giant's Ax 550 ________ Ax of legendary giant. Disables user's Combo ability. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ TITTO'S KNIVES ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Darts 8 ________ Throwing arrow for games. Multiple Knife 20 ________ Multi-function knife. $Bronze Knife 24 ________ Regular bronze knife. Magic Knife 25 MAG+50 Mage's favorite. $Ninja Needle 32 ________ Assassin's deadly needle. $Poisoned Knife 40 Poison Assassin's poison knife. $Cutlass 50 ________ Ancient knife. Shaman Knife 50 MAG+100 Shrine maiden's knife. Butterfly Knife 55 Insects Power of insect powder. Flint Knife 60 Flame Shoots sparks when used. Boomerang 62 ________ Hunting projectile. $Throwing Star 68 ________ Assassin's dirk. Venus Knife 75 MAG+150 Fountain of magic power. +Hunting Knife 84 Beasts Beastss worst nightmare. $Katar 98 ________ Knife with curved blade. Ice Pick 104 Blizzard Pierces even an iceberg. +Mithril Knife 115 ________ Bright white knife. Fishmonger Kinfe 132 Aquatics Gourment chef's knife. $Gladius 135 ________ Modern curved knife. $Leaf Knife 150 Forest Leaf-thin blade. +Kafu Shuriken 160 ACT+40 Wooden shooting star. $Cross Boomerang 178 ________ Cross-bladed projectile. $Warp Knife 240 ________ Sharp enough to cut air. Enables user to Warp. Blackfeather Knife 245 Birds Decorative black feather. Evade +25%. Ninja Knife 250 ACT+60 Knife used for espionage. Clover Knife 285 ________ Engraved four-leaf clover. +Demon Shuriken 400 ACT+80 Huge shooting star. Brave Dirk 450 ________ Filled with courage. Restores 3SP more in battle. +Holy Knife ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ MYAM'S BOWS ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Bamboo Bow 16 Forest Strong bamboo arrows. Short Bow 25 ________ Ordinary bow. $Long Bow 36 ________ Normal long bow. Water Shot 40 Water High-pressured water. $Poisoned Arrow 42 Poison Fatally venomous arrows. Vacuum Arrow 45 ________ Cuts foes with whirlwinds. $Flying Fish Bow 48 Aquatics Made of giant fish bone. Machinegun Arrow 50 HIT+2 Bow for easy reload. $Composite Bow 58 ________ Made of many woods. $Ceramics Bow 76 ________ Non-corrosive bow. Magical Arrow 80 MAG+40 Enchances magic power. +Hunter Bow 92 Beasts Seal of naturalism. Heat Haze Bow 102 Flame Powered by flame. Freezrain Bow 104 Blizzard Storm of arrows. $Great Bow 110 ________ Gargantuan crossbow. +Mithril Bow 128 ________ Bright white bow. $Arbalest 152 ________ Bow shoots everything. $Elfin Bow 168 Paralysis Bow made by elves. $Gastraphetes 186 ________ Traditional crossbow. $Rapidfire Bowgun 200 ________ Ancient genius' invention. Combo HIT +4. Sagekiller Bow 220 Birds Bow that killed sages. Killer Bow 244 Death Arrow pierces weaknesses. Shotgun Arrow 300 ________ Shoots multiple arrows. Combo HIT +6. +Morgan's Eye 380 Stop Bow of deceiving gem. Clayqwin 398 ________ Very strong and accurate. Miracle Bow 580 ________ Incredibly accurate bow. +Saint Arrow ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ JAID'S STAFFS ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Wood Stick 4 Forest A branch of a tree. $Oak Staff 8 MAG+16 Hardwood staff. $Mage Staff 12 MAG+24 Increases concentration. $Wizard Rod 16 MAG+32 Increases magic power. $Magi Staff 24 MAG+48 Source of charisma. Iron Mace 28 ________ Crushing physical attack. $Battle Rod 42 ________ Rod with thorny tip. Lullaby Staff 48 Sleep Plays relaxing song. $Volt Stick 55 Bolt/ Protection of lightning. Paralysis Sage's Staff 60 MAG+120 Intelligence enchancement. Enemy Strike 68 ________ War club of beast bone. Whirlwind Staff 75 Wind Staff of gale element. Howlslash Break 0%. Quarry Staff 76 Land Staff of land element. Tremor Break 0%. Blazing Staff 78 Flame Staff of flame element. Burnflame Break 0%. $Buster Flail 80 ________ Physically strong flail. +Medusa Staff 90 MAG+180 Gem-engraved staff. Reduces time needed to cast magic spells. Solomon Staff 100 MAG+200 Only for the wise. Reduces MP used by 25%. +Alumina Staff 102 ________ Unscratchable staff. $Maul 122 ________ Whack with spiritual wood. +Mithril Mace 135 ________ Bright white mace. Freeze Staff 145 Blizzard Magical blizzard staff. Crackle Break 0%. $War Hammer 158 ________ Ancient weaponry. Guardian Staff 182 ________ Protection of earth. Diggin' Break 0%. $Morning Star 248 ________ War club with spiked ball. Holy Staff Iseria 320 ________ Staff of hero's soul. +Rax Hammer 480 ________ Iron hammer of tyrant. Demon Hammer 900 ________ Mythical demon's hammer. Disables all commands except for Critical and Tactics. +Mystic Mace ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ LUTINA'S DAGGERS ATK BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Broken MagicSword 24 ________ Broken magical blade. May add items at store if sold. Striking Edge 48 ________ Dagger with jagged edge. $Stiletto 55 ________ Sharp piercing dagger. Wintry Dagger 60 Plants Plant-blighting blade. $Ceramics Dagger 68 ________ Non-corrosive dagger. Goldbee Dagger 72 Insects Pinpoint accurate knife. +Alumina Dagger 84 ________ Unscratchable dagger. Wave Ripper 92 Wind Found in tornado. $Baselard 98 ________ Versatile knife. Phurbu 108 Undead Evil-smiting sacred blade. +Mithril Dagger 116 ________ Bright white dagger. $Sword Breaker 120 ________ Busts blades of swords. Reduces enemy's ATK. Freeze Dagger 126 Blizzard Found in ice world. $Jugdplaute 137 ________ Hunting knife. Deepblue Slayer 144 Reptiles Lightning-tempered blade. Bolt $Wakizashi 152 ________ Stealthy dagger. $Oblivion Dagger 155 Sap Moves Takes away memory. $Thrust Dagger 172 ________ Thrusts through armor. +Dragon Claw 194 Dragons Curved dragon scale. $Xiphos 214 ________ Leaf-shaped blade. +Chronos Edge 378 ________ Enables party to warp. Enables user to Warp. +Orihalcon Dagger 420 ________ Ancient empire's legacy. +Gram 550 Dragons Mythical hero's dagger. Adds power to special moves. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEAR (SUB27) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An equipment never adds damage to creature types and never adds element property, it may only add protection against certain creature types, protection against certain elements, stat encrease or immunity from a status abnormality. Any type of gear may have the following bonus features: Beasts : Reduces damage from Beasts Devils : Reduces damage from Devils Insects : Reduces damage from Insects Reptiles : Reduces damage from Reptiles Birds : Reduces damage from Birds Aquatics : Reduces damage from Aquatics Minerals : Reduces damage from Minerals Undead : Reduces damage from Undead Dragons : Reduces damage from Dragons Humanoids : Reduces damage from Humanoids Plants : Reduces damage from Plants Floating : Reduces damage from Floating Beings GOOD:Flame : Bonus protecion from Flame damage. GOOD:Bomb : Bonus protecion from Bomb damage GOOD:Wind : Bonus protecion from Wind damage GOOD:Bolt : Bonus protecion from Bolt damage. GOOD:Water : Bonus protecion from Water damage. GOOD:Blizzard : Bonus protecion from Blizzard damage. GOOD:Land : Bonus protecion from Land damage. GOOD:Forest : Bonus protecion from Forest damage. BAD:Flame : Weak against Flame damage. BAD:Bomb : Weak against Bomb damage BAD:Wind : Weak against Wind damage BAD:Bolt : Weak against Bolt damage. BAD:Water : Weak against Water damage. BAD:Blizzard : Weak against Blizzard damage. BAD:Land : Weak against Land damage. BAD:Forest : Weak against Forest damage. Immunity:Death : Invulnerable to Sudden Death Immunity:Curse : Invulnerable to Curse Immunity:Illnes : Invulnerable to Illnes Immunity:Confusion : Invulnerable to Confusion Immunity:Paralysis : Invulnerable to Paralysis Immunity:Poison : Invulnerable to Poison Immunity:Sap Magic : Invulnerable to Sap Magic Immunity:Sap Moves : Invulnerable to Sap Moves Immunity:Sleep : Invulnerable to Sleep Immunity:Stop : Invulnerable to Stop XXX+### : Increases an XXX statistic by ###. Stat abbreviations: ATK : Attack DEF : Defense MAG : Magic IMM : Immunity ACT : Action MOV : Move Spell Break X%: Can cast [Spell] chance of breaking is X%. ________: means no bonus feature. ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ARMOR DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Bamboo Armor 13 ________ Woven bamboo armor. BAD:Flame. $Leather Armor 15 ________ Tanned hide armor. Bandit Armor 18 ________ Undeniable urge of greed. Enemy drops more gold when defeated. $Chain Mail 20 ________ Flexible woven mental armor. Shell Armor 24 Aquatics Decorated with shells. BAD:Bolt. Bronze Mail 25 ________ Regular bronze armor. BAD:Flame. $Iron Cuirass 27 ________ Ordinary iron armor. Swordfish Armor 30 Reptiles Made of fishbone. BAD:Bolt. $Plate Mail 35 ________ Armor of plated metal. BlackQuart Mail 40 IMM+5 Crystalized rock armor. Immunity: Paralysis. $Ceramics Armor 42 ________ Non-corrosive armor. Heavy Mail 45 MOV-10 Very heavy metal armor. Stops Knock-backs. Ice Armor 45 ________ Protection of blizzard. GOOD:Blizzard. BAD:Bolt. Thunder Armor 45 ________ Thunder-charged armor. GOOD:Bolt. BAD: Flame. Flame Armor 45 ________ Flame-engulfed red armor. GOOD:Flame. BAD:Blizzard. +Alumina Armor 48 ________ Unscratchable armor. Dyte Giant Armor 50 ________ Giant armor of brave hero. Immunity: Illness. Rune Plate 52 IMM+10 Armor of ancient cypher. Immunity:Sap Moves. IP damage decreased by 10%. $Warrior Mail 55 ________ Full protection armor. Skull Armor 58 ________ Engraved with a skull. +Mithril Mail 60 IMM+10 Bright white armor. $Aura Armor 64 ________ Creates energy field. Adds power to special moves. Argestis Armor 65 ________ Coated by sacred winds. GOOD:Wind. BAD: Land. Combat Armor 68 ________ Flexible and durable. IP damage decreased by 15%. $Jet-Black Armor 70 ________ Deep black armor. Carapace 74 ________ Monster turtle's shell. GOOD:Bomb. BAD: Bolt. +AquaDragon Armor 75 Dragons Dragon scale. Paladin Armor 85 ________ Sacred armor of chivalry. Extends Status increase. $Dark Armor 88 ________ Wearer sees light of day. Restores 1SP more by defending. Mistral Armor 95 _______ Tempered by wind of valley. GOOD: Blizzard. $Phalanx Armor 100 MOV-15 Able to resist legions of foes. ^Golden Armor 112 IMM+20 Luxuriously gold-plated. +Orihalcon Armor 132 ________ Forged of ancient metal. Dark Cuirass 135 ________ Holds unknown dark force. Seals magic spells in battle. Hero's Cuirass 136 ________ Path to great achievement. Restores HP for limited period. Holy Sword Armor 140 ________ Master swordsman's armor. Adds power to special moves. Saintbeast Armor 152 Beasts Made of sacred beast's wing. +Platinum Cuirass ?? ???? ???? Aureola Armor ?? ???? ???? Moonstone Armor ?? ???? ???? Plague Armor ?? ???? ???? Magicalloy Armor ?? ???? ???? Demon Armor ?? ???? ???? Daedalus Mail ?? ???? ???? Stone Armor ?? ???? ???? Michaels Cuirass ?? ???? ???? Justice Armor ?? ???? ???? Ogre Armor ?? ???? ???? Cactus Armor ?? ???? ???? Earth Cuirass ?? ???? ???? Hero Cast ?? ???? ???? Valkyrie Armor ?? ???? ???? Spirit Armor ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ CLOTHES DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ T-Shirt 4 MOV+4 Comfortable fit. One-piece Dress 4 IMM+4 Popular cute dress. Soft Leather 5 ________ Light flexible leather. Clothes 6 ________ Quilted cloth robe. Leather Jacket 7 ________ Tanned hide jacket. Adventure Clothes 8 ________ Multi-pocketed clothes. Soldier Clothes 10 ________ Official military uniform. $Cuir Bouilli 12 ________ Oil-coated tanned hide. Medic Dress 14 ________ Cute off-white dress. Immunity:Poison. White Wolf Fur 16 ________ Warm wolf fur. GOOD:Blizzard. Flare Dress 17 ________ Burning red dress. GOOD:Flame. BAD: Blizzard. $Doublet 18 ________ Tight-fitted battle jacket. Purifying Dress 22 ________ Purified ceremonial dress. Immunity: Poison, Confusion. Fighting Suit 24 ATK+10 Flows with fighting spirits. $Sister's Clothes 25 ________ Divinely blessed clothing. Immunity: Poison. Falcon Clothes 28 Birds Design based on a falcon. Battle Suit 29 ________ Cover-all battle suit. Apron Dress 30 ________ Cotton dress with apron. Restores HP for limited period. +Rigid Leather 32 ________ Tanned hide light armor. Illusion Clothes 36 ________ Illusory and hard to grasp. Evade +5%. Fur Coat 36 ________ Warm thick fur coat. GOOD:Blizzard. BAD:Bomb. +Quilted Silk 36 IMM+6 Mountain tribe's skirt. $Magician Robe 38 IMM+4 High-magician's long robe. $Pixie's Robe 44 IMM+10 Transparent pixie's robe. Immunity: Sleep. Sylph's Robe 46 ________ Made of pixie's feathers. GOOD:Wind. Mogay Suit DX 48 ________ Special-ordered by rabbits. Enemy drops more items when defeated. Purple Robe 48 IMM+8 Calming deep purple hue. Immunity: Paralysis. $Knight Coat 50 ________ Master knight's coat. Forest Suit 54 Plants Blessed by woodlands. GOOD:Forest. BAD: Bolt. Earth Robe 55 IMM+12 Earth-powered robe. GOOD:Land, Forest. BAD:Wind, Bolt. Wind Robe 55 IMM+12 Wind-powered robe. GOOD:Wind, Bolt. BAD:Land, Forest. Flame Robe 55 IMM+12 Flame-powered robe. GOOD:Flame, Bomb. BAD:Water, Blizzard. +Silverthread Robe 56 IMM+20 Woven magical fabric. Robe of Admonition 60 IMM+40 Robe seals user's magic. Always Sap Magic in battle. Lion Field Garb 62 ATK+10 Garb of proud beast king. Beasts $Magi Robe 62 IMM+16 Bane of evil mages. $Sun Robe 66 ________ Blessed by power of the sun. IP damage decreased by 10%. +Dragon Vest 68 Dragons Vest made of dragon scale. Sacred Robe 75 IMM+20 Robe of the purest soul. Immunity:Poison, Paralysis, Illness. $Sage Robe 76 IMM+20 Pure-hearted sage's robe. Immunity:Sap Magic. Devil Cloth 80 ________ Garb of mischievous devil. Longer Sap Move, Stop & Sap Magic. Snowwhite Dress 82 ________ Sparkling white dress. Invalidates enemy magic attacks in battle. $Black Costume 83 ________ Lord of darkness' garb. Evade +10%. Red Costume 92 ________ Emblazoned with team logo. Adds IP +2500 before battle. Glintstring Robe 96 IMM+32 Robe of shimmering fabric. Crusade Cloak 105 Devils Holy cloak with red cross. +Spell Clothes 116 IMM+24 Conjured by magic scrolls. Immunity:Stop, Sap Moves, Sap Magic. Soul Clothes 118 ATK+50 Haunted by soul of warrior. Disables Escape. Angel Leotard 122 ________ Winged elastic leggings. Restores HP for limited period. Kingwarrior Robe 176 ATK+25 Robe of world ruler. Virgin Uniform ?? ???? ???? ^Battle Bikini ?? ???? ???? Virgo Uniform ?? ???? ???? White Swimsuit ?? ???? ???? Shinewing Robe ?? ???? ???? Lucifer Robe ?? ???? ???? Black Angel Robe ?? ???? ???? Saint Robe ?? ???? ???? Divine Robe ?? ???? ???? Black Robe ?? ???? ???? White Robe ?? ???? ???? Angel Clothes ?? ???? ???? Holy Clothes ?? ???? ???? Aqua Robe ?? ???? ???? Priests Robe ?? ???? ???? Cotton Armor ?? ???? ???? Dark Robe ?? ???? ???? Armoring Clothes ?? ???? ???? Red Ninja Outfit ?? ???? ???? Shoguns Coat ?? ???? ???? Rubber Suit ?? ???? ???? Silhouette Clothes ?? ???? ???? Mans Uniform ?? ???? ???? Mogay Clothes ?? ???? ???? Antinsect Clothes ?? ???? ???? Training Clothes ?? ???? ???? Princess Dress ?? ???? ???? Serenes Clothes ?? ???? ???? Luminary Dress ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ SHIELDS DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Wooden Shield 3 ________ Carved out of hard wood. $Leather Shield 5 ________ Shield of tanned hide. Bamboo Glove 6 ________ Made of woven bamboo. BAD:Flame. $Buckler 9 ________ Small light regular shield. $Knuckle Glove 13 ATK+5 Made to protect knuckles. Bronze Shield 14 ________ Bronze-made battle shield. BAD:Flame. +Goat Buckler 16 ________ Made of goat leather. Burn Bracelet 16 ________ Shaped like burning flame. GOOD:Flame. BAD:Blizzard. Burn! Break 10%. $Iron Shield 19 ________ Regular iron shield. BlackQuart Glove 21 IMM+2 BlackQuartz absorbs evil. $Round Shield 22 ________ Small round shield. Heavy Shield 25 MOV-5 No wind could blow it away. Ice Shield 25 ________ Protects against blizzard. GOOD: Blizzard. BAD:Bolt. Flame Shield 25 ________ Protects against flame. GOOD:Flame. BAD:Blizzard. +Alumina Shield 26 ________ Unscratchable shield. $Gauntlet 30 ATK+10 Intensifies arm strength. Horn Shield 34 ATK+10 Round with horn of a beast. +Mithril Shield 35 IMM+5 Bright white shield. $Knight Shield 38 ________ Shield only for knights. $Jet-Black Shield 42 ________ Deep black shield. Amethyst Shield 42 ________ Converts blizzard to energy. GOOD: Blizzard. BAD:Flame. +WhiteDragon Shield 45 Dragons Engraved with white dragon. Buster Shield 46 ATK+15 Small but durable shield. Ninja Glove 50 ________ Name tagged of Koga. Howlslash Break 25%. $Paladin Shield 52 ________ Face has holy knight's seal. Shorter Sap Move, Stop & Sap Magic. $Mirror Shield 56 ________ Magically reflects attacks. Reflects damage in some cases. Curve Shield 60 ________ Rectangular curved surface. +Lightning Glove 60 MOV+20 Lightning-powered gloves. GOOD:Wind, Bolt. Blade Zap Break 30%. Golden Glove 68 IMM+10 Shiny golden gloves. Sorrow Shield 70 ________ Induces feelings of sorrow. Prolongs SP consumption. +Orihalcon Shield 80 ________ Legendary rock shield. Spirit Shield 160 ________ Blessed by Elementals. Auto-defend in some cases. Brave Shield ?? ???? ???? Meteorite Glove ?? ???? ???? Magicalloy Shield ?? ???? ???? Holy Whiteshield ?? ???? ???? Masters Shield ?? ???? ???? Feather Shield ?? ???? ???? RedHot Shield ?? ???? ???? Iris Shield ?? ???? ???? Elder Buckler ?? ???? ???? Saint Shield ?? ???? ???? Doomed Shield ?? ???? ???? Perseus Shield ?? ???? ???? Thunder Shield ?? ???? ???? Ogre Shield ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ BRACELETS DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Leather Wristband 1 ________ Light and soft wristbands. Bracelet 2 ________ Normally used for fashion. $Leather Glove 4 ________ Nice-fitting leather glove. $Chain Sleeve 7 ________ Sleeves of woven chains. Strength Glove 10 ________ Overflowing with strength. WOW! Break 10%. $Iron Ring 11 ________ Heavy but durable ring. $Purify Bracelet 15 ________ Purifies the body. Immunity:Poison, Paralysis. Cure Break 25%. $Magic Glove 20 MAG+5 Gloves with magic power. $Rune Bracelet 28 MAG+5 Bracelet of ancient cypher. Earth Bracelet 30 ________ Has engraving of earth. GOOD:Land, Forest. BAD:Wind, Bolt. Aqua Bracelet 30 ________ Has engraving of water. GOOD:Water, Blizzard. BAD:Flame, Bomb. Wind Bracelet 30 ________ Has engraving of wind. GOOD:Wind, Bolt. BAD:Land, Forest. Flame Bracelet 30 ________ Has engraving of flame. GOOD:Flame, Bomb. BAD:Water, Blizzard. Static Hand 30 ________ Numbs hands when equipped. Zap! Break 25%. $Power Wristband 36 ATK+10 Generates immense power. $Spiritual Glove 44 MAG+10 Woven from Elemental power. Immunity: Curse. $Shield Bracelet 54 ________ High defense despite looks. +Silk Glove 18 ________ High quality silk gloves. +Hunter Glove 24 Beasts Goat hide and beast fangs. +Mithril Bracelet 32 IMM+5 Bright white bracelet. +Sacred Bracelet 40 IMM+10 Made of wood centuries old. Immunity: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion. YinYang Wristband 64 Undead Yin-yang symbol adorns it. +Medusa Glove 70 ________ Item with demon eyes. Reduces time needed to cast magic spells. Holylight Glove 92 ________ Emit relaxing holy light. Alhealer Break 30%. +Platinum Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Chaosblood Glove ?? ???? ???? Indra Glove ?? ???? ???? Mist Gauntlet ?? ???? ???? Caeser Knuckle ?? ???? ???? Rage Knuckle ?? ???? ???? God Hand ?? ???? ???? Enosichton Glove ?? ???? ???? Glintstring Glove ?? ???? ???? Soften Glove ?? ???? ???? Medic Glove ?? ???? ???? Goddess Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Shoguns Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Miracle Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Bracelet of Trust ?? ???? ???? Training Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Dragonorb Bracelet ?? ???? ???? Moonstone Bracelet ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ HELMETS DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Head Gear 2 ________ Leather hat. $Leather Helm 5 ________ Made of light tan hide. $Face Guard 10 ________ Protects most of face. Stone Head 12 MOV-5 Makes owner a bit stubborn. GOOD:Land. BAD:Wind. Stops Knock-backs. Bronze Helm 15 ________ Bronze battle helmet. BAD:Flame. $Battle Helm 17 ________ Battle helmet with spikes. Swordfish Helm 18 Reptiles Helmet made from fishbone. BAD:Bolt. $Iron Helm 21 ________ Regular iron helmet. Warrior Helm 24 ________ Warrior's pride. Immunity: Sap Moves. BlackQuart Helm 25 IMM+5 Thrives on evil power. $Full Face Helm 28 ________ Covers the entire face. Heavy Helm 30 MOV-5 So heavy your neck spasms. IP damage decreased by 10%. Ice Helm 30 ________ Tough against blizzard. GOOD:Blizzard. BAD:Bolt. Flame Helm 30 ________ Tough against flame. GOOD:Flame. BAD: Blizzard. Thunder Helm 30 ________ Tough against lightning. GOOD:Bolt. BAD:Flame. Ogre Helm 30 Humanoids Even stops ogre's attacks. +Alumina Helm 32 ________ Unscratchable helmet. $Serlitt 36 ________ Protects the entire head. +Mithril Helm 40 IMM+5 Bright white helmet. $Charisma Helm 42 ACT+8 Helmet improves charisma. $Jet-Black Helm 46 ________ Deep black helmet. +DarkDragon Helm 50 Dragons Engraved with dark dragon. $Paladin Helm 56 ________ Has seal of holy knight. Shorter Paralysis, Sleep & Confuse. Death Mask 60 ________ Strikingly realistic mask. Longer Paralysis, Sleep & Confuse. $Shadow Helm 62 ________ Forged alumina and and darkness. Adds power to all special effect magic. Divine Helm 65 Devils Symbol of loyalty to gods. Crystal Helm 68 ________ Surface cool to the touch. IP damage decreased by 15%. Golden Helm 76 IMM+10 Shiny golden helmet. +Orihalcon Helm 92 ________ Made from legendary metal. Royal Helm 105 ________ Elegant Shiny crown. Immunity:Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Sap Moves, Sap Magic. Adamantine Helm 115 ________ Extremely heavy gold helmet. ^Spirit Helm 160 ACT+60 Blessed by Elementals. IP damage decreased by 50%. Moonstone Helm ?? ???? ???? +Platinum Helm ?? ???? ???? Hades Helm ?? ???? ???? Magicalloy Helm ?? ???? ???? StarDragon Helm ?? ???? ???? Helm of War God ?? ???? ???? Blacyclone Helm ?? ???? ???? Beetle Helm ?? ???? ???? Sols Helm ?? ???? ???? Butterfly Mask ?? ???? ???? Stone Mask ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ HATS DEF BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ Miser Turban 0 ________ Makes petty stuff important. Enemy drops more gold when defeated. $Bandana 4 ________ Regular bandana. $Feather Hat 7 ________ Decorated with feathers. Nurse Cap 8 ________ Smells like peroxide. Immunity:Sleep. Leather Bandana 9 ________ Made out of thick leather. $Sister's Hat 11 ________ Proof of sacred profession. $Iron Bandana 15 ________ Bandana with iron plate. +Survival Cap 20 Beasts Versatile outdoor hat. +Soft Ribbon 22 IMM+4 Ribbon made of silk. $Conical Hat 24 MAG+5 Hat usually worn by witches. Lace Ornament 25 ________ Pure white lace. Speeds up Regenera. $Pixie Hat 28 IMM+5 Rare hat from pixie's land. Immunity: Confusion. ^Man's Headband 30 ACT+5 Headband made only for men. Shorter Paralysis Sleep & Confuse. $Barbarian Bandana 32 ________ Bandana used by barbarians. Priests Hat 35 IMM+6 Holy symbol blessed by gods. Immunity: Sleep, Confusion. +Silver Ribbon 35 IMM+10 Made of silver fabric. Aqua Hat 36 IMM+6 Decorated with water relief. GOOD:Water, Blizzard. BAD:Flame, Bomb. Rabbit Ear 40 ________ Charm fo good luck. Enemy drops better items when defeated. $Magi Hood 40 IMM+8 Hood for experienced Ranger. $Phoenix Hat 44 ________ Made of phoenix feathers. IP damage decreased by 10%. Brave Scarf 45 ACT+10 Deep red fashionable scarf. $Knowledge Hat 48 MAG+10 Hat of bountiful knowledge. Whale Mustache 53 Aquatics Fashionable fake mustache. $Black Hood 54 ACT+10 Hood makes owner invisible. Guard Bandana 70 ________ Protects against shocks. Voids damage less than 50P. Iceniter Barrette 75 ________ Decorated with ice rock. GOOD:Blizard. BAD:Flame. +Medusa Bandana 80 ________ Demon's eye stimulates mind. Counter-attacked less after magic. Spirit Headband 86 ACT+12 User surges with willpower. Illusion Bandana 95 ________ Often opens path to vortex. Decreases enemy's Warp ability by 25%. Holy Crown 104 ________ Treasure with holy power. Immunity: Sleep, Stop, Confusion, Curse. Moonlight Tiara ?? ???? ???? Greatness Crown ?? ???? ???? Mystic Ring ?? ???? ???? Kitty Headband ?? ???? ???? Star Hat ?? ???? ???? Bay Crown ?? ???? ???? Mystic Hood ?? ???? ???? Black Beret ?? ???? ???? Solomon Hat ?? ???? ???? Sergeant Cap ?? ???? ???? Glintstring Hood ?? ???? ???? Fire Hat ?? ???? ???? Wind Hat ?? ???? ???? Earth Hat ?? ???? ???? Night Cap ?? ???? ???? Shell Hat ?? ???? ???? White Strawhat ?? ???? ???? Climbing Hat ?? ???? ???? Wargod Bandana ?? ???? ???? Fighter Bandana ?? ???? ???? Mercury Bandana ?? ???? ???? Snow Headband ?? ???? ???? Angel Circle ?? ???? ???? Holybell Tiara ?? ???? ???? Athenas Tiara ?? ???? ???? Starlight Tiara ?? ???? ???? Loving Ribbon ?? ???? ???? Goggle ?? ???? ???? Fervent Mask ?? ???? ???? ____________________ ____ _________ ________________________________________ ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ GREAVES DEF MOV BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ $Leather Leggings 5 0 ________ Tanned hide leg protector. $Legguard 8 0 ________ Legging with iron insert. +Goat Greaves 12 0 ________ Made from goat leather. $Greaves 15 0 ________ Shin protector. $Warrior Leggings 18 0 ________ Used by warriors for duels. +Alumina Greaves 20 0 ________ Unscratchable greaves. +Mithril Legguard 25 0 IMM+5 Bright white leg guards. $Mega Greaves 28 0 ________ Twice as large as normal. $Shadow Leggings 28 28 ________ Designed for espionage. Evade +15%. $Anklet 30 -10 ________ Ornate and protects ankles. +FireDragon Boots 30 0 Dragons Legendary and dragon-scaled. $Paladin Leggings 32 0 ________ Only for righteous knights. Shortens Status decrease. Atlas Greaves 36 0 ________ Protects from most attacks. $Golden Greaves 44 0 IMM+10 Made of blindingly shiny gold. +Orihalcon Greaves 46 0 ________ Alchemy made non-corrosive. Lightning Greaves 50 0 ________ High quick-attack ability. Reduces time needed for special moves. Magicalloy Greaves 62 0 ________ Composed of magic alloy. +Platinum Greaves ?? ? ???????? ???? Ordeal Shackles ?? ? ???????? ???? Moonstone Greaves ?? ? ???????? ???? Demon Greaves ?? ? ???????? ???? Generals Greaves ?? ? ???????? ???? ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ FOOTWEAR DEF MOV BONUS DESCRIPTION ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ Rabbit Shoes 0 0 ________ Lovely designed shoes. 1P more SPD when Leveled Up. Red Shoes 0 0 ACT+10 Adorned with deep red roses. +Glass Slippers 0 0 ACT+20 Very attractive shoes. +Mystic Woodshoes 0 0 ________ Carved ancient magic wood. Decreases enemy's Warp ability by 25%. +Elven Boots 0 5 ________ Make transparent in battle. Casts Fader after battle starts. $Shoes 0 6 ________ Good comfortable padding. Boots 1 2 ________ Regular boots. Soldier Boots 1 4 ________ Nortis Army issued boots. Giants Shoes 2 0 ________ Durable under pressure. $Leather Shoes 2 2 ________ Thick for added protection. Climbing Boots 2 4 ________ Also good water repellent. Red High Heels 4 4 ________ Sexy woman's high heels. $Dash Shoes 4 12 ________ Shoes for added quickness. Web 5 -5 ________ Allways fears of drowning. GOOD: Water. Crampons 5 5 ________ Allow walking in heavy snow. GOOD: Blizzard. $Wing Boots 6 18 ________ Decorative magic feathers. $Safety Shoes 8 4 ________ Very safe durable boots. IP damage decreased by 5%. +Hunter Boots 8 8 ________ Light boots for hunting. $Speed Boots 8 24 ________ Light boots with wing seal. Man's Iron Clogs 10 -10 ATK+10 Iron will to fight. Shortens Status decrease. Warp Shoes 10 0 ________ Warp through dimensions. Enables user to warp. $Magic Hi-Heels 10 10 ________ Have power of white magic. $Battle Boots 12 12 ________ Best suited for close-range. $Sonic Shoes 12 36 ________ Speed generates shockwaves. GOOD: Wind. $Army Boots 16 16 ________ Durable made for survival. $Mach Boots 16 48 ________ feet move at high speeds. +Wyvern Shoes 20 10 Dragons Have seal of wyvern ruler. Lion Boots 24 24 Beasts Boots for king of beasts. Goddess Hi-Heels 25 0 ________ Heels blessed by goddess. GOOD: Flame, Wind, Water, Land, Bomb, Bolt, Blizzard, Forest. Dancing Heels 25 25 ________ Cursed user dances to death. Always confused in battle. Master Boots 30 30 ________ Boots for master swordsman. Explode Shoes ?? ?? ???????? ???? Demon Shoes ?? ?? ???????? ???? Ninja Sandals ?? ?? ???????? ???? Spikes ?? ?? ???????? ???? Machine Shoes ?? ?? ???????? ???? Rubber Boots ?? ?? ???????? ???? Health Sandals ?? ?? ???????? ???? Royal Boots ?? ?? ???????? ???? Wolf Boots ?? ?? ???????? ???? Heavy Boots ?? ?? ???????? ???? Rainbow Hi-Heels ?? ?? ???????? ???? Queen Heels ?? ?? ???????? ???? Spirit Shoes ?? ?? ???????? ???? ____________________ ____ ____ _________ ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS (SUB28) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items have various effects. Accessories have a variety of effects like stat increase or elemental protection. Restoration items heal HP, MP or cure status disorders. Battle items, on the other hand, concentrate on dealing damage or inflicting abnormal status effects upon the enemy. An accessories may have the following bonus features: Beasts : Reduces damage from Beasts Devils : Reduces damage from Devils Insects : Reduces damage from Insects Reptiles : Reduces damage from Reptiles Birds : Reduces damage from Birds Aquatics : Reduces damage from Aquatics Minerals : Reduces damage from Minerals Undead : Reduces damage from Undead Dragons : Reduces damage from Dragons Humanoids : Reduces damage from Humanoids Plants : Reduces damage from Plants Floating : Reduces damage from Floating Beings GOOD:Flame : Bonus protecion from Flame damage. GOOD:Bomb : Bonus protecion from Bomb damage GOOD:Wind : Bonus protecion from Wind damage GOOD:Bolt : Bonus protecion from Bolt damage. GOOD:Water : Bonus protecion from Water damage. GOOD:Blizzard : Bonus protecion from Blizzard damage. GOOD:Land : Bonus protecion from Land damage. GOOD:Forest : Bonus protecion from Forest damage. Immunity:Death : Invulnerable to Sudden Death Immunity:Curse : Invulnerable to Curse Immunity:Illnes : Invulnerable to Illnes Immunity:Confusion : Invulnerable to Confusion Immunity:Paralysis : Invulnerable to Paralysis Immunity:Poison : Invulnerable to Poison Immunity:Sap Magic : Invulnerable to Sap Magic Immunity:Sap Moves : Invulnerable to Sap Moves Immunity:Sleep : Invulnerable to Sleep Immunity:Stop : Invulnerable to Stop XXX+### : Increases an XXX statistic by ###. Stat abbreviations: ATK : Attack DEF : Defense MAG : Magic IMM : Immunity ACT : Action MOV : Move Spell Break X%: Can cast [Spell] chance of breaking is X%. ________: means no bonus feature. ______________________ __________ __________________________________________ ACCESSORIES BONUS DESCRIPTION ______________________ __________ __________________________________________ Anti-Evil Charm ????????? ???? Energy Charm _________ Shimmers mysteriously. Reduces SP consumtion by 25%. Mana Charm _________ Holds power of golden moon. Reduces MP consumtion by 25%. $Divine Talisman _________ Made from everlasting tree. Reduces SP consumption by 15%. $Blast Charm _________ Defense against bombs. GOOD:Bomb. $Lightning Charm _________ Defense against bolt. GOOD:Bolt. $Blizzard Charm _________ Defense against cold. GOOD:Blizzard. $Forest Charm _________ Defense against forest power. GOOD:Forest. $Flame Charm _________ Defense against fire. GOOD:Flame. $Wind Charm _________ Defense against wind. GOOD:Wind. $Aqua Charm _________ Defense against water. GOOD:Water. $Earth Charm _________ Defense against earth. GOOD:Land. $Poison Charm _________ Defense against poison. Immunity:Poison. $Sleep Charm _________ Defense against drowsiness. Immunity: Sleep. $Paralysis Charm _________ Defense against paralysis. Immunity: Paralysis. $Stop Charm _________ Defense against stiffness. Immunity:Stop. $Confusion Charm _________ Defense against confusion. Immunity: Confusion. $Sap Magic Charm _________ Defense against Sap Magic. Immunity:Sap Magic. $Sap Move Charm _________ Defense against Sap Moves. Immunity:Sap Moves. $Plague Charm _________ Defense against illness. Immunity:Illness. Dash Charm MOV+40 Gives superhuman speed. Crescent Jade DEF+10 Crystal ball for curses. Immunity:Sleep, Confusion & Curse. Talisman DEF+10 Blessed gem repels evil. Immunity:Poison, Paralysis & Illness. Snake Earrings DEF+5 Serpent-shaped earrings. Immunity:Poison. May add items at store if sold. Titan's Ring ATK+40 Holder has power of titans. $Hercules Ring ATK+10 Wield rock-crushing power. Jade Charm ATK+5 Ring with magical jade. Giant's Ring DEF+40 Gives stamina of a giant. Shield Ring DEF+20 Huge ring for shielding. $Magic Ring MAG+20 Relic of ancient magician. Diamonds Ring DEF+1 Beautiful clear ring. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. Emerald Ring DEF+1 Embedded with green gem. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. Ruby Ring DEF+1 Ring with burning red gem. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. Sapphire Ring DEF+1 Ring with sky blue gem. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. Aquamarine Ring DEF+1 Ring with ocean blue gem. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. ^Pearl Necklace DEF+1 Rainbow-colored pearls. May be sold for sizeable sum of gold. Beast Necklace ATK+15 Gives immunity of a beast. Reduces damage from Beasts. $Magic Necklace IMM+20 Necklace that repels evil. Forbear Necklace DEF+15 IP damage decreased by 25%. +Revival Gem _________ Pure soul revives the dead. Revives only once. Breaks after its effect. Medusa Stone MAG+40 Contains power of Medusa. May add items at store if sold. Luna Stone ????????? ???? Magic Stone ????????? ???? Dark Orb IMM+40 Contains power of darkness. Quartz Pendant ACT+10 Pendant makes one lighter. Orihalcon ACT+1 Made in lost civilization. May add items at store if sold. Mithril IMM+1 Bright white metal. May add items at store if sold. Alumina Stone DEF+1 Unscratchable metal. May add items at store if sold. Heavy Stone DEF+5 Big rock polished for 50 years. Stops MOV-5 Knock-backs. Shoulder Pad DEF+5 Basic padding absorbs shock. Knowledge Medal MAG+25 Given to the true wise man. Honor's Glasses MAG+10 Lenses thick as bottle bottom. ^Officer Badge ACT+5s Proof of ranking. Brave Badge ACT+2 Signifies courage. Dragon Scales DEF+1 Scales of a dragon. May add items at store if sold. Wolf Fang ATK+1 Gnashes and tears flesh well. May add items at store if sold. Goat Leather DEF+1 Tanned in rocky mountains. May add items at store if sold. Matador Cloak MOV+20 Red cape that repels power. Evade +25%. Mystic Veil _________ Miraculous purifying aura. Immunity:Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Stop, Confusion, Sap Moves, Sap Magic, Illness, Curse, Sudden Death. Chick Apron _________ Apron with rooster patch. Immunity:Poison, Sleep, Paralysis. Cape of Darkness IMM+10 Black fabric repels evil. Reduces damage from Devils. $Leather Cape DEF+10 Light cape of tanned hide. +Elven Cape DEF+5 Magic power hides user. Evade +5%. Fader Break 25%. Graviton Cape ????????? ???? ^Bonds of Trust ACT+2 Show bond between friends. Trust Ties Break 0%. Phoenix Feather MOV+5 Feather of a phoenix. Reduces damage from Birds. Pixie Feather IMM+5 Beautifully transparent. Black Belt ????????? ???? Hurrican Belt ACT+40 Gives air-stirring speed. ^Sonic Belt ACT+80 Enables sonic speed moves. Silk Clothes DEF+1 Soft comfortable fabric. May add items at store if sold. Aureola Amulet _________ Protection from all by god. GOOD:Flame, Wind, Water, Land, Bomb, Bolt, Blizzard, Forest. Mars Talisman DEF+25 War god protects holder. Immunity: Stop, Sap Moves & Sap Magic. Refresh Break 25%. Rabbit Tail _________ Lovely white accessory. Defend against level drain. Sacredtree Branch IMM+1 Branch of a sacred tree. May add items at store if sold. Swordfish Bone ????????? ???? Justice Ring DEF+5 Devine wrath will hit foes. Gad Zap Break 25%. Rage Ring ATK+20 Unleashes pent-up rage. Restores 3P more SP by defending. Reflect Ring _________ Nullifies evil attacks. Reflects damage in some cases. $Mirage Earrring MOV+10 Cloaks user in mirage. Evade +15%. $Rune Ring DEF+5 Ring of ancient cypher. IP damage decreased by 15%. Energy Ring ACT+20 Holds magic defense power. Restores 5P more SP by defending. Absorber Ring DEF+5 Absorbs the energy of foes. Absorber Break 25%. $Ifrit Ring DEF+5 Calls pillars of flames. Burnflame Break 25%. $Defence Ring DEF+5 Magic increases defense. Diggin' Break 25%. +Angel Ring MAG+10 Blessing protects holder. IMM+10 +Destroy Ring DEF+5 Unleashes destruction. BOOMOR! Break 25%. +Freezrain Ring DEF+5 Holds magic freezing power. Diamond Dust Break 25%. +Heal Ring DEF+5 Healing power of prayer. Heal Break 25%. +MegaHeal Ring DEF+5 Exceptional healing power. Alhealer Break 25%. Holy Ring ????????? ???? Spirit Ring ATK+50 Magic ring of Elementals. GOOD:Flame, DEF+50 Wind, Water, Land, Bomb, Bolt, Blizzard, MAG+50 Forest. Immunity:Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, IMM+50 Stop, Confusion, Sap Moves, Sap Magic, ACT+50 Illness, Curse, Sudden Death. MOV+50 ______________________ __________ __________________________________________ ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ RESTORATION ITEMS OBJ RANGE DESCRIPTION ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ $Wound Salve Single Ally Heals wounds. Restores HP:400. $Recovery Medicine Single Ally Restores vitality. Restores HP:1200. Holy Wound Salve Single Ally Divine ointment. Restores HP:1500. $Megaheal Medicine Single Ally Great healing power. Restores HP:2600. Scarlet Potion Single Ally Red fluid. Restores HP:3600. May add items at store if sold. Squeek-baa Milk All Allies Fresh-squeezed milk. Restores HP:2500. May add items at store if sold. Dragon Blood Ally Circle Full of dragon power. Restores HP:3600 Adds Defense. May add items at store if sold. Aureola Libation Ally Circle Shiny sacred water. Restores HP:5000 Add all Status. Spirit Potion Ally Circle Divine healing. Restores HP:9999. Mystic Potion ??????????? ???? Miracle Drink Single Ally Stamina drink. Restores MP:200. Affects all equipped eggs. Life Potion Single ally Stabalizes life. Restores HP:5000. Potion of Aure ??????????? ???? $Dumpling All Allies Addictive flavor. Restores HP:400. Strawberry Single Ally Well-ripened berry. Restores HP:250. May add items at store if sold. Southern Banana Single Ally Sweet ripened fruit. Restores HP:877. May add items at store if sold. Healing Fruit Single Ally Nutritious fruit. Restores HP:2000. $Numbing Needle Single Ally Hits numbing spot. Cures Stop. Chocolate Single Ally Relaxing sweet. Restores HP:100. May add items at store if sold. +Chocolate Cake Single Ally Bittersweet cake. Restores HP:1800. +Chocolate Banana All Allies Sweet treat. Restores HP:800. $Caterpillar Soup Single Ally Special ethnic food. Restores HP:100 Adds Defense. Rainbow Seaweed Single Ally Colorful seaweed. Restores HP:300. May add items at store if sold. First Aid Kit All Allies Medicinal supplies. Restores HP:600. $Cure Powder All Allies Relaxing powder. Restores HP:2000. +Iced Strawberry Single Ally Syrupy shaved ice. Restores HP:1250. +Salmon Riceball Single Ally Light snack. Restores HP:2200. $Vaccine Single Ally Versatile shot. Cures Illness. $Smelling Salts Single Ally Strong odor. Cures Confusion. $Paralysis Salve Single Ally Stimulates nerves. Cures Paralysis. ^Panacea Single Ally Complete cure-all. Cures all Status disorders. $Yomi Elixir Single Ally Stimulates will. Revives ally & restores 50% HP. Miracle Elixir Single Ally Miraculous revival. Revives ally & restores 50% HP. Adds IP. Hero's Elixir Single Ally Ancient hero's power. Revives ally & restores 50% HP. Adds all Status. Pixie Dew Single Ally Pixie's medicine. Revives ally & restores HP full. May add items at store if sold. Golden Potion Single Ally Shiny liquid. Restores SP:100. May add items at store if sold. Honey Syrup Single Ally Sweet sweet honey. Restores MP:5. Affects all equipped eggs. Indigo Potion Single Ally Magical indigo leaf. Restores MP:100. Affects all equipped eggs. $Torte’s Reedpipe Ally Circle Refreshing smell. Awakens sleeping ally. $Poison Antidote Single Ally Neutralizes poison. Cures poison. Purifying Herb Single Ally Purifies body. Cures Poison & Paralysis. Weed Single Ally Unwanted plant. Restores HP:1. $Medicinal Herb Single Ally Ground herb. Restores HP:200. $Cure Herb All Allies Relaxing scent. Restores HP:1000. $Exorcism Scroll Single Ally Purifies evil. Cures Curse. $Magic Blessing Single Ally Enables magic. Dispels Sap Magic. $Move Blessing Single Ally Enables moves. Dsipels Sap Moves. Blessing Scroll Single Ally Anti-Sapping spells. Dispels Sap Moves & Sap Magic. White Truffle Single Ally Delicacy. Restores HP:46. Classy Mushroom Single Ally Fragrant delicacy. Restores HP:59. Black Truffle Single Ally Special delicacy. Restores HP:96. Dainty Mushroom ??????????? ???? Golden Nut Single Ally Large crunchy nut. Restores HP:72. Hot Spring Nut Single Ally Boiled Nut. Restores HP:750 Adds Defense May add items at store if sold. Nut of Light Single Ally Glossy magic nut. Restores MP:999 Affects all equipped eggs. Smoked Salmon Single Ally Preserved fish. Restores SP:25. May add items at store if sold. Beef Jerky Single Ally Preservative food. Restores HP:600. Primeval Meat Single Ally Spare ribs. Restores HP:1600 Adds Offense. May add items at store if sold. +Dragon Steak Single Ally Power of dragons. Restores HP:6000. Bread Single Ally Flat bread. Restores HP:150. May add items at store if sold. Raisin Milk Bread Single Ally Raisin filled bread. Restores HP:4200. +Jam Bread Single Ally Jam-filled bread. Restores HP:900. $Fresh Sandwich Single Ally Improves immunity. Restores HP:250 Cures Poison & Paralysis. +Berry Cake Single Ally Berry-filled cake. Restores HP:3000. Life Gem All Allies Gem of lively ray. Restores HP:1600 May add items at store if sold. +Fairy Candy Ally Circle Fairy-shaped candy. Restores HP:3000. Sulpha Herb ??????????? ???? ^Bamboo Seed Single Ally Magicians treat. Restores MP:25. Affects all equiped eggs. +Pancake Single Ally Satisfying flavor. Restores MP:50. Affects all equipped eggs. Mix Juice Single Ally Rejuvenating juice. Restores SP:50. Emperor Muscat Single Ally Special grape. Restores MP:10. Affects all equipped eggs. ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ BATTLE ITEMS OBJ RANGE DESCRIPTION ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ +Mogay Bomb Foe Circle Rabbit-shaped bomb. Attack:450. Causes major damage to IP. Mogay Fireworks Foe Circle Big impactful fireworks. Attack:240. (Fire). May add items at store if sold. +Super Mogay Bomb Foe Circle High-powered bomb. Attack:1100. Causes major damage to IP. +Hyper Mogay Bomb Foe Circle Creates huge explosion. Attack:1200. Cancel effect. Danger Mogay Bomb Foe Circle Refined explosive. Attack:1800. Cancel effect. Ultra Mogay Bomb Single Foe Ultimate bomb. Attack:2400. Cancel effect. Grenade Around Foe Hand-thrown bomb. Attack:1400. (Bomb). May add items at store if sold. $Hand Grenade Foe Circle Military supply. Attack:200. $Hand Grenade R Foe Circle Well-mixed gunpowder. Attack:550. $Hyper Hand Grenade Foe Circle Triple-powered. Attack:1200. Time Bomb All Circle Bomb with timer. Attack:600. Time Bomb. Time Bomb R All Circle Modified time bomb. Attack:800. Time Hyper Time Bomb All Circle Large time bomb. Attack:1500. Time Bomb. Timeshock Ball All Circle Emits paralyzing fog. Attack:1000. Time Bomb. Paralysis effect. Fuel Air Explosive Foe Circle Dangerous bomb. Attack:2000. (Bomb). Makibishi Foe Circle Ninja-made trap. Attack:650. Decreases Move. Dynamite Foe Circle Handmade nitro. Attack:600. May add items at store if sold. Ifrit Barrel Foe Line Fan-shaped explosion. Attack:600. (Bomb). Holy Ashes Foe Circle Ashes of sacred charm. Attack:500. Strong vs. undead. Insecticide Burst Foe Circle Bursts above enemies. Attack:500. (Fire). Strong vs. insects. Tranquiliing Shot Foe Circle Drowsiness bomb. Attack:120. Sleep effect. Earth Explosion ??????????? ???? $Fireball Scroll Single Foe Firestorm magic. Magic Attack:260. (Fire). Hell Fire Scroll Foe Fan Fire demon scroll. Magic Attack:2000. (Fire). May add items at store if sold. $Whirlwind Scroll Foe Circle Windstorm magic. Magic Attack:160. (Wind). Tornado Scroll Around Foe Wind pixie scroll. Magic Attack:1550. (Wind). Confusion effect. $Pebble Scroll Single Foe Sandstorm magic. Magic Attack:260. (Land). Meteor Scroll Single Foe Drawing of a comet. Magic Attack:3000. (Bomb). Blizzard Scroll ??????????? ???? Powerless Nut Foe Circle Demoralizing nut. Attack Down Duration:30. Weakness Nut Foe Circle Decreases morale. Defense Down Duration:30. Lethargy Nut Foe Cricle Draws drowsiness. Immunity Down Duration:30. Exhaustion Nut Foe Circle Draws exhaustion. Action Down Duration:30. Slowpoke Nut Foe Circle Slows if stepped on. Move Down Duration:30. $Kuko Berry Foe Circle Intoxicating nut. Confusion Duration:30. $Power Drink Ally Circle Fountain of energy. Attack Up Duration:30. $Guard Drink Ally Circle Body becomes solid. Defense Up Duration:30. $Resist Drink Ally Circle Added stamina. Immunity Up Duration:30. $Aggressive Drink Ally Circle Berserker drug. Action Up Duratin: 30. $Speed Drink Ally Circle For speed seekers. Move Up Duration:30. Toad Oil Ally Circle Easy application. Defense Up Duration:30. +Viper Extract Ally Circle Viper venom extract. Action Up Duration:50. Fly Agarics Single Foe Fatally venomous. Attack:300. (Forest). Poison effect. Red Fly Agarics Single Foe Poisonous toadstool. Attack:100. (Forest). Poison effect. Bomb Mushroom Foe Circle Volcanic mushroom. Attack:240. May add items at store if sold. Muscle Mushroom Ally Circle Bodybuilders' dream. Attack Up Duration:40. Defence Mushroom Ally Circle Protective spore. Defense Up Duration:40. Resist Mushroom Ally Circle Improves morale. Immunity Up Duration:40. Speed Mushroom Ally Circle For ultimate agility. Action Up Duration:40. Runner Truffle Ally Circle Rare delicacy. Move Up Duration:40. Voltbird Feather Foe Circle Bolt-calling feather. Magic Attack:350. (Bolt). Paralysis. Strong vs. birds. Platinum Feather Ally Circle Refined platinum. IP +600. May add items at store if sold. Silver Feather Single Ally Silver replica. IP +600. May add items at store if sold. Gold Feather Single Ally Gold-plated feather. IP +999. May add items at store if sold. +Prism Feather Ally Circle Rainbow feather. IP +999. Miner's Candy Ally Circle Bittersweet candy. Attack Up Duration:50. Mermaid Harp Foe Circle Finely-tuned harp. Sleep Duration:30. Voltfang Stone Foe Circle Electrocuting rock. Magic Attack:500. (Bolt). May add items at store if sold. Lightning Stone Foe Fan Electrifying rock. Magic Attack:1200. (Bolt). Paralysis effect. Thunder Stone Single Foe Thunderous gem. Magic Attack:1600. (Bolt). Paralysis effect. Thor Stone ??????????? ???? Flint Stone Single Foe Magical flint stone. Magic Attack:350. (Fire). Flame Stone Foe Circle Flame-energy rock. Magic Attack:350. (Fire). Blazing Stone Single Foe Infernal fire gem. Magic Attack:720. (Fire). May add items at store if sold. Ice Quart Single Foe Light blue gem. Magic Attack:450. (Blizzard). May add items at store if sold. Icefang Stone Single Foe Found in glaciers. Magic Attack:720. (Blizzard). May add items at store if sold. Freeze Gem Single Foe Coffin-shaped gem. Magic Attack:1400. (Blizzard). May add items at store if sold. Gale Stone Foe Line Wind-blowing rock. Magic Attack:350. (Wind). Quake Stone Around Foe Contains quake power. Magic Attack:350. (Land). Angel Tear Single Ally Angel's teardrop gem. Resurrection Duration:40. May add items at store if sold. Shine Prism Own Single Prismatic object. Barrier effect:1000. Gorgon Eye Single Foe Eye of a witch. Stop Duration:30. Silence Orb Foe Circle Rock with rest note. Sap Magic Duration:30. ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ OTHER ITEMS OBJ RANGE DESCRIPTION ______________________ ___________ ________________________________________ Seed of Life Single Ally Damage resistance. Max. HP +25. Seed of Moves Single Ally Hints of skills. SP +10. Seed of Power Single Ally High in protein. STR +3. Seed of Defense Single Ally High in vitamins. VIT +3. Seed of Magic Single Ally Scholars' treat. INT +3. Seed of Psyche Single Ally Rids one of fear. MEN +3. Seed of Swift Single Ally Inspires loss of weight. AGL +3. Seed of Running Single Ally Breeds stronger legs. SPD +3. Omnipotent Seed ??????????? ???? ______________________ ___________ _________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RARE ITEMS (SUB29) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of these items you get in the course of the game, the rest of them can be won in the Crash Heads mini game. After the concert talk to the people from the audience and someone might give one of the rare items to you. Keep doing the concert to collect them all. NOTICE: Rare items do nothing. They only take up space in your inventory and nothing else. I don't want *any* e-mails about this. Period. ______________________ _____________________________________________________ RARE ITEM DESCRIPTION ______________________ _____________________________________________________ 4 Elemental Slab Mysterious ancient artifact. Made of slabs of all four Elementals. Starry Gate's Key. Arcada Bread Homemade soft bread. Staple food of Arcada. Tasty bread with chewy texture and joyful flavor. Ancient Seal Mysterious message plate. A plate found in Venom Ruins. Has an image similar to one found in Escarre's army facility. Aqua Slab Mysterious ancient artifact. Slab found in Aqua Ruins. Thought to be the fuse to control Element of Water. Book of Ancient Gears Books of ancient knowledge. Analyses of Ancient Gears. 54 volumes. Taller than normal person when stocked up. Cogwheel Toy Toy of Ancient Gear. Special toy bought with savings. Very detailed for a toy. Defective Sound Imperfect Sound Bite. An article left by Quanlee. Makes sorrowful noise unlike other sound bites. Delicious Fish Fish caught near Escarre. Fish given by a boy. So delicious it tastes out of this world. Driving Manual Driving instructions. Army driver's manual booklet. Unpopular among soldiers for its thickness and weight. Discount Ticket ???? Emotion Bracelet Handmade bracelet. Traditional craft of Arcada. Craftsmanship is superb in this handmade accessory. Flame Slab Mysterious ancient artifact. Slab found in Flame Ruins. Thought to be the fuse to control Element of Flame. Fullmoon Mushroom Beautiful toadstool. Cap only opens under full moon. Paralyzes if consumed though it looks tasty. Hazma Nut Hazman forest's fruit. Hazman forest's rare fruit. Unimaginably flaroably. Humhum Herb Mink's favorite grass. Very sweet white leaf. Its bitter taste spreads as it is chewed. Lovely Vesture Popular clothes for women. Cutting-edge designer clothes. Lots of exposed skin. Requires confidence to wear it. Land Slab Mysterious ancient artifact. Slab found in Land Ruins. Thought to be the fuse to control Element of Land. Locket Necklace holding a photo. Photo of lover is held within. Thier love lasts forever despite the long distance. Old Pipe Pipe for relaxation. Men's item made of Baobab. Strong smell makes it offensive to smoke in public. Poff Nut Mossy nut. Carro's favorite food. Not edible for humans though meat of nut seems tasty. Redwing Charm Charm with red feather. Courageous hero's symbol. The owner will be forever respected for bravery. Rich Perfume Expensive fragrance. Must-have for classy woman. Extremely expensive although works very well. Shiny Rock Brilliant rock. Rare lucent rock of Arcada. Immediately attracts all. Changes color by its viewer. Wind Slab Mysterious ancient artifact. Slab found in Gale Ruins. Thought to be the fuse to control Element of Wind. ______________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ XI. SIDEQUESTS (SEC11) ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRASH HEADS (SUB30) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you first visit Escarre go to the music hall and there will be 3 unlucky musicians ('Crash Heads') who just can't make any music without your help. To help them compile some music you'll have to search for the Sound Bites scattered across the dungeons. When you find a Sound Bite bring it back and give it to them. When you bring all the Sound Bites required to learn a specific song that song appears in your menu. When that happens you'll be able to play this song for the public. Later in the game these guys move to Locca Park. Songs & Sound Bites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You find your first Sound Bite in Aqua Ruins, I'm pretty sure that you can't miss it. After that Sound Bites 2, 3, B1, B2 and B3 are gained when you continue exploring elemental dungeons they are really hard to miss. Look below on how to get the rest of them. There are a total of 5 songs. The first four you get normaly and the last one is hidden, you can get it after you beat the last boss. The Sound Bites for the hidden song are in the bonus dungeon. Here is the list of Songs and the appropriate Sound Bites: _________________ __________________ _______________________________________ SONG SOUND BITE SOUND BITE LOCATION _________________ __________________ _______________________________________ Seagul Restaurant Sound Bite 1 Aqua Ruins - Interior Sound Bite 2 Aqua Ruins - Interior Sound Bite 3 Aqua Ruins - Interior Grana Saber Sound Bite B1 Whirlwind Peak - Ghost Town Sound Bite B2 Gale Ruins - Interior 1 Sound Bite B3 Gale Ruins - Exterior - Upper Level Sound Bite B4 Starry Corridor 10th Level Live!Live!Live! Sound Bite C1 Illusory Meadow 1 Sound Bite C2 Illusory Meadow 2 Sound Bite C3 Venom Ruins - Interior (hidden room) Sound Bite C4 Land Ruins 1 (Boost Level 1) Sound Bite C5 Land Ruins 2 (Boost Level 1) Grandia's Theme Sound Bite D1 Land Ruins 3 (Boost Level 1) Sound Bite D2 Inferno Pit (Boost Level 1) Sound Bite D3 Volcano - Exterior (Boost Level 1) Sound Bite D4 Flame Ruins - Interior (Boost Level 1) Sound Bite D5 Darkness Ruins - Factory Interior Sound Bite D6 Light Ruins - Vestige Jolly Life! Sound Bite E1 Vortex Corridor 20th Level Sound Bite E2 Vortex Corridor 30th Level Sound Bite E3 Vortex Corridor 40th Level Sound Bite E4 Vortex Corridor 50th Level Sound Bite E5 Vortex Corridor 60th Level Sound Bite E6 Vortex Corridor 70th Level Sound Bite E7 Vortex Corridor 80th Level Sound Bite E8 Vortex Corridor 90th Level _________________ __________________ _______________________________________ Carros ~~~~~~ What is Carro? It is a fluffy creature who likes to eat Poff Nuts. ^_^ Carros in Grandia are like Moogles in FF. They appear in various Grandia games with multi-purpose applications. Carros in Grandia II for example, were used to light your way through a dungeon, and appeared in some mini games. Carros make their comeback this time in Grandia Xtreme and you'll need to search the dungeons for them in order to make them dance in the concert. There are a grand total of 25 Carros, no more no less. Each dungeon has 5 Carros in total. However, you should note that not all dungeons have them. The only dungeons that are inhabited by Carros are: Land Ruins, Flame Ruins, Aqua Ruins, Gale Ruins and Venom Ruins. Dungeons that do not have them are: Light Ruins, Darkness Ruins and all the Corridors. Another very important thing (discovered by the Moon Cloud) that you should note is that when you visit the dungeon for Carros it only allows one Carro at a time to be found. There's only one Carro in a dungeon at any time given. So, for example, in order for you to collect all 5 Flame Carros you'll have to visit the Flame Ruins at least 5 times. That's the reason why most gamers find it confusing to search for Carros. You can't get all the Carros in one go through a ruin. A Carro found in one ruin will look, act, and sound different then one from another ruin. The colors of the Carros vary depending on were you got them from. For instance a Carro found in the Aqua Ruins will be blue while the one found in Flame Ruins will be red. The wild Carros that you will encounter are about as big as Evann's foot, possibly a little bigger, not to mention they blend into the scenery very well so hunting them down will be quite a task. You will need to hunt them down for the concert. The more Carros you have and the better you make them dance -- the better your chances of getting a rare items after the concert are. Here's a list of Carros and their locations: ________________ ____________________________ ______________________________ CARRO RUIN LOCATION ________________ ____________________________ ______________________________ Land Carro 1 ___________________________ _____________________________ Land Carro 2 Land Ruins 1 Go down the ladders and search under the tall tree. Land Carro 3 Land Ruins 1 In the right end of the second trapped corridor, press O to open the secret door. Land Carro 4 Land Ruins 3 Left end of the corridor usuaully haunted by a Sasquatch. Land Carro 5 Land Ruins 3 Inside the room where the Minotaur (Boss) was. Flame Carro 1 Inferno Pit Mauntain peak near the Volcano entrance. Flame Carro 2 Inferno Pit He's running around just right from the entrance to the Volcano. Flame Carro 3 Volcano - Exterior Head left into the cave near the entrance. Flame Carro 4 Flame Ruins - Interior In one of the secret rooms. Get there after you put down the flames. Flame Carro 5 Flame Ruins - Interior It's in the room with two sliding blocks, ramp, and two switches. Water Carro 1 Tsunami Trough - Ocean Bed Near the chest with lots of fishes all over it. Water Carro 2 Tsunami Trough - Ocean Cave Area before the big transport fish that takes you further into the ruins. Water Carro 3 Tsunami Trough - Ocean TempleAfter going down the winding entrance ramp, make right and search behind you. Water Carro 4 Aqua Ruins - Interior Blue access room via room with 6 hexagons & red sphere in center with buzz enemies. Water Carro 5 Aqua Ruins - Interior Secret door under left staircase near the entrance. Wind Carro 1 Whirlwind Peak - Ghost Town From the entrance walk down the ramp and you'll see it. Wind Carro 2 Gale Ruins - Interior Inside a room with lots of machines. Wind Carro 3 Gale Ruins - Interior 2 Secret room at end of transit of 1st large platform. Wind Carro 4 Gale Ruins - Interior 2 1st room off second small floating platform Wind Carro 5 Gale Ruins - Exterior On the mountain peak near the one-time Geo Point right before boss. Venomous Carro 1 Illusory Meadow 1 Head to the right area from the entrance. Venomous Carro 2 Illusory Meadow 1 The other way of 2 way split right before the entrance to Illusory Meadow 2. Venomous Carro 3 Illusory meadow 2 Pass left entrance to Venom Ruins & keep on going down onto Mickey Mouse, use map to look for the two ring eared devil that all kids love. Venomous Carro 4 Venom Ruins - Interior Inside one of the rooms. Venomous Carro 5 Venom Ruins - Interior Inside the secret room in blue gun wing. ________________ ____________________________ ______________________________ Concert ~~~~~~~ You can place up to 5 Carros on the 3x3 grid. 1 Carro occupies 1 slot on the grid like this: ___ ___ ___ | C | C | C | For example, this grid is occupied by 5 Carros. |___|___|___| <---- No more can be placed here. | C | | C | |___|___|___| | | | | |___|___|___| If you collect all 5 Carros of a particular color (type) and place then on the grid a pattern will appear. This pattern will be indicated by lightened blocks. If you place your 5 Carros on the pattern and then play the song your chances of getting an item will rise. Here's the patterns for each Carro type: Land pattern Flame pattern Water pattern Wind pattern Venom pattern ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | C | C | C | | C | | C | | C | | C | | | C | | | | C | | |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| | | C | | | C | | C | | | C | | | C | C | C | | C | | C | |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| | | C | | | | C | | | C | | C | | | C | | | C | | C | |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| |___|___|___| Placing Carros of different colors on any pattern will have no added effect. First you choose the song you want to play. Then you chose how many Carros you want to put on display. You make Carros dance according to music and make people happy. As mentioned above the better Carros dance the better your chances of getting an item from the audience after the concert are. Listen to the tune and watch the musical notes appear on the phonograph, when they do press the buttons to make Carros dance. Sometimes a triangle button will appear, press the triangle button when it does. Keep pressing the buttons along with the music. Here are some thoughts of Karen concerning this sidequest: 'You know when the yellow notes come up? Instead of pushing the same button for every note, switch. Press the square, the X and the O at different notes. One note you press X, the other you press O. But of course you press triangle when it comes up.' And here's what Whispering Hope (Moon Cloud) has to say about it: 'When playing the song, get more yellow 'sound bites' thingy than the blue notes, cause they give you more chances of receiving items, cause when I did that, more people started liking it.' NOTICE: A funny thing to notice: while you play the song you may notice that occasionally one of your audience may be a Lucky Mink. Prize list ~~~~~~~~~~ For your performance you can get rare items. They are: Driving Manual, Delicious Fish, Redwing Charm, Emotion Bracelet, Lovely Vesture, Locket, Fullmoon Mushroom, Shiny Rock, Humhum Herb, Poff Nut, Discount Ticket, Old Pipe, Book of Ancient Gears, Rich Perfume, Hazma Nut, Arcada Bread These rare items do nothing but take up space in your inventory. you will never get anything else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the difference between these songs? A: Well the tune, of course. And it appears that items you get form the audience differ from one song to another. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I buy/sell/use in battle a Sound Bite? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I miss a Sound Bite? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I looked in that place and there was no Sound Bite! A: Some of them will only be available after a certain Boost Level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I buy/sell/use in battle a Carro? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I miss a Carro? A: No. Well, you can but it won't disappear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Do Carros have any other applications? A: No, they are only needed for the Crash Heads sidequest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I looked in that place and there was no Carro! A: It should be there. But if it isn't then you'll probably need to wait until the Boost happens. Also remember that Carros are very small--you'll have to search harder and that some of them are located in secret rooms which are hard to spot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I saw a red Carro, but that #$@^* encountered me! A: No, you dumbass, that was a Lucky Mink! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I use those rare items I get from this mini-game? A: Nothing. They simply occupy space in your inventory. You can't use them for anything. Really, you can't. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why can't I find a Caro in a dungeon? A: You can only collect one Carro per visit in a dungeon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SPIRIT SEARCH (SUB31) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well the spirit stuff is a set of really good equipment. Anyway, there is a complete set of spirit equipment to be found. You should note that you can't start using the Spirit equipment right away. First you'll have to get the S-Rank Skill Full Armor. Equip this skill and then you'll be able to equip those items. Except the Spirit Blade, Evann can use it any time. Big thanks to Buster for the greater part of the info on the Spirit equipment. Spirit Blade: Evann's best weapon. It can be found on levels 75-80 in the Bonus Dungeon (Vortex Corridor). Encounter the King's Knight then steal the blade from it. You will grab a WHOLE LOT of Curse Blades before you snag the grand prize. Also it appears that if Titto is about the same level as the King Knight then it becomes much easier to steal the blade. Spirit Armor: The Spirit Armor is found much like the Spirit Sword. It is found on levels 75-80 of the Bonus Dungeon (same place the King's Knight can be found). Those Steel Soldiers with WAY too many life points for their own good...yeah, they have the great armor! Sure as day you'll find MAAANY Plague Armors before you can get the Spirit Armor, but it WILL drop!!! Spirit Shield: This item is in the Light Ruins - Interior 2. In the dungeon you will find a room with a ring of pillars. There will be a pillar directly in front of you, but you will have to go to the one just to the left of it and break it...then continue to break the other pillars in a counter-clockwise order. As far as I can tell there is only one Spirit Shield. You can get it later if you missed it the first time through the Light Ruins but you can only take it once. Spirit Helm: The Spirit Helm is in Locca at Skillmans shop. You can buy it for 48000 points, and that's a lot. You'll have to sell tons of Skills/Skill Books to get this item. Spirit Ring: You can get this item in the Platinum level of Juston's Game after beating Quanlee (final Boss). It will take a nice chunk of your money to claim this one!! *hint*...if you play the game a lot without success...just reset the game from before you started and play your money again...its easier than throwing it all away and earning it back with blood and sweat! Spirit Shoes: Same as above. Win it at the Juston's Platinum Game. Spirit Staff: Jaid's weapon. Very late levels of the Vortex Corridor. Steal it from a Lucifuge monster. Spiritual Glove: Buy it from the Locca general store. Spirit Headband: A random item. Can be stolen from Armadillon. Spirit Potion: Win it at the Juston's Platinum Game. Or you could try stealing it from Bahamut. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the easiest Spirit equipment to get? A: Spirit Shield, or the Spirit Helm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How soon can I get any of the Spirit equipment? A: The Spirit Helm is the earliest piece you can get. Followed by the Spirit Shield. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I miss any of the Spirit equipment? A: No, you can't. Even if you're at the end of the game and without a single Spirit item -- you can still go and hunt them all down. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I buy anything else beside the Spirit Helm? A: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't equip my Spirit equipment! Help! A: You need the S-Rank Full Armor skill maxed out in order to equip the Spirit equipment. The Spirit Sword can be equipped by Evann even without that skill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTON GAMBLE (SUB32) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Justun Gamble is only available _after you beat the game_ if you talk to Juston before that he will just rant some gibberish. After you beat the Quanlee you'll be asked to save your game -- do so. After that you'll be back in Locca. And now -- you may visit Juston to do some gambling. Most of this info came from Buster so thanks to him. If anything more comes up I'll add it. Basics ~~~~~~ First off there are four levels to play at. The higher level you play the better stuff you are able to get! Okay here are the levels and their respective costs: Copper Course : 200G (extra ball: 400G) Silver Course : 1000G (extra ball: 2000G) Gold Course : 5000G (extra ball: 10000G) Platinum Course : 50000G (extra ball: 100000G) You should take note that Evann has to be Lvl 40 or higher to play the Gold Course and Lvl 50 or higher for the Platinum Course. It's hard to tell what are the requirements for the Copper Course and Silver Course because usually players beat the game with levels 40 and above. Of course if you know the requirements then you know what to do -- e-mail me. Gamble ~~~~~~ Okay, everything is luck in this game! You pick between six different color balls (each ball has a special mark that coincides with six different possible prizes). The gamble takes place in what looks like a gumball machine. The balls get bounced around and at the end one ball drops out of the machine. If the color of the ball matches the one you picked at the start, you win a prize. The prizes are removed one by one as the balls are being bounced around until there are only two prizes left. Then at the end one of the prizes will randomly be picked as your prize. Everything is random here, and since there are 6 different colored balls and 6 different prizes to be had, getting one specific item can become rather difficult. The gumball machine can be bashed using the left Analog Stick. You can add up to 14 extra balls of your color though (each at double the initial price... ex: extra balls in the copper course would take 400G each) to better your odds of winning. I do believe the game is somewhat foxed to your disadvantage! The odds of winning SOMETHING are 1/6, whilst the odds of winning a SPECIFIC item are 1/12. By placing additional balls you, of course, increase your chances. Well my experiences have proven to not go NEARLY that well!! That is the lowdown on the Justin game. There are a LOT of prizes for each level but you should only stay with the gold and platinum games. The Platinum has the spirit stuff and some good armor, shoes, weapons, etc...while the gold has the Devil Shoes which are supposed to be really fast and the Zero Weapons. Zero weapons have 0 attack power, but they give you more experience per battle. Prize List ~~~~~~~~~~ Copper Course Silver Course Gold Course Platinum Course ------------- ------------- ----------- --------------- Rabbit Shoes ???? Bay Crown Daedalus Mail Rubber Boots Hero Cast Trnquilizing Shot Shinewing Robe Weed Climbing Hat Soften Glove Energy Ring Ring Dagger Runner Truffle Strawberry Thief's Sword Burning Bow Magic Knife Rage Knuckle Miner's Candy Wood Sword Bamboo Katana Bamboo Armor Bamboo Arrow Angry Ax Virgo Uniform Darts Chocolate Master's Blade Master's Shield Mogay Fireworks Cactus Armor Rainbow Seaweed Red Fly Agarics Stone Head White Strawhat Erysium Carapace Tomahawk Prayer Staff Wintry Dagger Silence Orb Moral Knife T-Shirt Purifying Herb Toad Oil Golden Nut Geo Blade Poisoned Needle Wood Stick Honey Syrup Bread Goggle Silver Feather Beef Jerky Small Sword Loving Ribbon Sulpha Herb Woodsman Ax Heavy Shield Demon Greaves Dyte Giant Armor Master Bow Mana Charm Leaf Knife Lace Ornament Gold Feather Exhaustion Nut Energy Charm Black Belt Melrose Saber Paladin Sword Powerless Nut Silvermoon Blade ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VORTEX CORRIDOR (BONUS DUNGEON) (SUB33) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First things first, the bonus dungeon is only available after you beat the game. Check the base Geo Point in Locca and you'll notice that it has a new option of going to the Underground Cavern. Go there. You'll end up in the Light Ruins in an area that was previously unreachable. From there make your way to Quanlee's Birthplace and enter the Vortex Corridor. The Vortex Corridor is a randomly generated 100 level dungeon. Yes, there are 100 levels in total. You explore each level and then elevate down just like you did in the Starry Corridor. However, the Geo points here are a bit different. Every 5th level you'll come across a Geo Point with a number of options: [Entrance] : Makes an entrance to this level of Vortex Corridor which can be used from the base Geo Point in Locca. [Exit] : Instantly teleports you back to Locca without the ability of going back to the same level. [Item] : Generates a completely random item. [Recover] : Heals your entire party. After you use one of the options the Geo Point disappears and will only appear if you visit this level again. So in order for you to save your game in Locca and have a Geo Gate into the dungeon you'll have do the following: Choose the desired level from where you want to continue when you load. Make an [Entrance] at that level. Then go down at least five more levels until you reach another Geo Point. Make an [Exit] here which will teleport you back to Locca where you can save your game. Save your game. The next time you load your game you will be able to go back where you made that [Entrance]. Yes, you'll have redo those five levels again but it is the easiest way. I do not recommend choosing the [Recover] option I think that it's a waste of a Geo Point. I usually explore the dungeon and heal with items that I find. When I reach a Geo Point that I don't really need I choose [Item] and then continue down. Yes, the music in the bonus dungeon is from previous Grandia installments. You should take note that this dungeon does NOT have any final boss at the end. Instead it has the second ending. When you reach the 100th floor you'll see that ending but you won't be able to save or go back so I suggest making [Entrance] at 90th level. If the second ending does not give good reason for completing 100 levels then you might want to think twice about going down. But the main reason why players usually explore the Vortex Corridor is for the great items and experience you can get. Oh and Vortex Corridor does NOT have a Level 200 Zenothlee. As mentioned above this is a randomly generated dungeon so as always a throughout guide is unnecessary. Instead let's review every 20 levels. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that you can find a lot of nice Man Eggs here. VORTEX CORRIDOR LEVELS 1-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The first levels are very similar to the Starry Corridor. Mid level enemies, damaging smoke and door puzzles will be a common feature during these levels. - Don't be surprised when you find some mushrooms down levels 10+. You may ignore them because they can hold enemies but remember that they can also heal your party. - In the late portion of these levels enemies tend to get a bit more serious. Some of the tougher foes you'll meet are: Sarracenia Mantis, Skull Snail, Minotaur and Hammerhead. But nothing out of the ordinary. - You have a slim chance of encountering a Lucky Mink here. Don't go on a wild hunt here. Instead wait until later when there'll be more of them. - From the very first levels of the Vortex Corridor you will be encountering 2 of the most important and useful creatures in Grandia Xtreme. Armadillons and Fenni birds. Armadillons look like Hammerheads but are green and Fenni Birds are similar to Phoenixes. The reason I mention them (and the reason everyone is talking about them) is that they have simply astonishing items/equipment/accessories and skills to steal. Especially Armadillons. Fenni Birds usually drop high level A-S Rank skills which are also very useful. Look up Armadillon in my Bestiary, you'll be amazed how many different items these guys have. From weapons to recovery items. You name it they have it! Do not miss your chance to boost your party's equipment. - Sound Bite E1 can be found on the 20th level. It's near the Geo Point. VORTEX CORRIDOR LEVELS 21-40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Yes--this is it. Levels 35-40 will be your Lucky Mink hunting area. For more info about Lucky Minks read the 'Sidequests' section. - Some of the tougher foes you'll meet are: Armored Slime, Mega Beast and Dual Scissors. - Mushrooms will be replaced by some kind of jars which are also breakable. And watch out for the strange substance on the floor--it can damage you. - Sound Bite E2 can be found on the 30th level. It's near the Geo Point. - Sound Bite E3 can be found on the 40th level. It's near the Geo Point. VORTEX CORRIDOR LEVELS 41-60 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???? VORTEX CORRIDOR LEVELS 61-80 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???? VORTEX CORRIDOR LEVELS 81-100 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCKY MINKS MADNESS (SUB34) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why should I!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why? Because you can get ridiculously large ammounts of experience! That's why! Lucky Minks start appearing as soon as you enter the Starry Corridor, but they are very rare there so usually it is best to wait until you have an access to the Vortex Corridor. Lucky Minks give you huge experience rewards, if you prepare correctly you can get millions of experience--yes millions! Once you beat Quanlee and head down to the Vortex Corridor you can get ready for the hunt. Lucky Minks usually appear between levels 30 and 50; they look exactly like sables but are red. Once you spot one--encounter it, but first read bellow on how to get ready. Preparing ~~~~~~~~~ Skills: Equip your 4 characters with at least 2-3 Coercion skills to keep the Lucky Minks from running away, if not enough equip more. Equip a couple of Iron Guards for each character to keep them from doing 1-2 damage to your party -- thus insuring that you'll get 1.2 bonus experience. Hero's Spirit is another slill that should be equipped for that 2x experience that it gives. Equipping speed boosting skills is optional but useful because Lucky Minks are very fast. If you have Asura Spirits--equip them. They will be very useful. If you have more then one then distribute them amongst party members. Gear: equip all of the party with the Hero Cast body armor that gives +1 bonus to all stats when you level up, then equip the Bay Crown head armor for a +1 bonus for agility and Zero Weapons for bonus experience points. The equipment mentioned above can be obtained from the Juston Gamble mini game. The Hero Cast and the Bay Crown are useful but optional however the Zero Weapons are a must. Zero Weapons have 0 ATK but that's ok since you can't damage Lucky Mink for more than 1-2 HP. But the main reason for equipping those weapons is that they boost experience gained after battle. Lucky Minks burn rubber like there's no tomorrow! They are fast in every single way. Their speed is super high, they run around the field like mad and are always trying to escape the combat (thus the Coercion skills). Return the favor by equipping speed boosting skills/accessories and equipment with Warp capabilities. Mana Eggs: Well your Mana Eggs should be quite powerful by this time but be sure to have a couple of multi-hitting magic spells like Zap All or Diamond Dust. Actually--any multi hitting magic will do fine. It doesn't have to be powerful, Crackle for example will do just fine. Moves: Any multi-hitting move wil do just fine here, I used Photon Shower and it worked pretty great for me. Battle ~~~~~~ Put all your teammates on the tactic [Play Fair]. It makes your teammates attack only with [Combo] & [Critical]. This is the automated battle where you can leave your PS2 while you do other things. When you return if there are still lots of Lucky Minks then switch to [Manual] and unleash a couple of spells/moves to clear the screen a bit then switch back to tactic [Play Fair]. If you want to do everything yourself then first start using the [Defend] command. This gives the Lucky Minks a chance to Call for Help. Then wait and watch as the Lucky Minks start multiplying. Once you are satisfied with their number unlish your magic. After that there should be only few minks left. You can let them start multiplying all over again or finish them off. Each lucky mink will give you about 50000 experience. You can get a lot more, depending on how many experience amplifiers you equiped and how many Lucky Minks you killed. There are a lot of levels in Grandia Xtreme and Lucky minks will be your best bet to reach the top. You can develop your own tactics on how to effectively and quickly kill Lucky Minks and earn more experience. Well -- good hunting! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 200 ZENOTHLEE (SUB35) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can face off the Level 200 Level Zenothlee only after you beat the game. He is to be found in the Darkness Ruins in the Cold Lab. That's where you first encountered him, right? Right! Preparing ~~~~~~~~~ I wish I could say that levels are not important here -- but they actually are. I took him on when my party was about level 100. To get those levels I recommend first going through the Vortex Corridor. And not just for levels, you can get very powerful equipment needed for the upcoming battle against Zenothlee. Can you beat him with lower levels? Yes, but it will be a lot easier to do so with higher levels. Skills: Iron Guard! Equip as many of those as you can. I will assume that you have at least 2 for each character. With these skills equipped Zenothlee was doing 0 damage for me with his Titan Cannon. And believe me, you want no more than 0 damage from that attack. Crystals, alone, are enough for you. Apart from Iron Guards you can equip any skills you like though I suggest equipping Life Up and SP Up (B-Rank) skills. More HP an SP will only benefit you. Gear: Well gear is not that important here. Get used to the fact that you'll be doing 0-1 damage with normal attacks. If you have the Spirit Blade you will do more. I didn't have one but still was able to slay Zenothlee. Oh and this time Zenothlee is very fast. It would be a good idea to equip something that boosts your speed. Mana Eggs: This is the most important thing in this battle. A multi-hitting magic won't do much damage to him. However, a strong one-hit spells will do some damage. I used Inferno and Absolute Zero and they both worked pretty fine. Don't use Bolt magic--he's immune to it. Moves: I didn't really use my moves much here. Any hard hitting triple or quadruple combo should do fine here. Battle ~~~~~~ Just start fighting him as you would a normal Boss. Don't rush things because you won't be able to kill him fast. Be prepared for a long and tiring fight. Assign at least one character for healing. Other 2 should constantly batter Zenothlee using powerful magic ot moves. Killing off his Crystals is, of course, a useless effort. Don't be surprised when you find that your normal attacks will do a zilch damage to him. He has a ridiculously high defense value. Nothing you can do about this unless you have something like the Spirit Blade. If he kills one of your cahracters then you should revive him immediately. Because Zenothlee will be quick about killing off the rest of your party. He also tends to target the more weaker characters. Try to keep the fight steady--heal your characters as soon as they get hurt, use the critical feature whenever possible and so on. As I said before this will be a long fight. Once you nail him down to a critical condition he may get a bit more aggressive. He will use his special moves more frequently and his Crystals will cast magic like mad. That's a sign that you're winning. Keep up the steady fight and you'll beat him down to submission. Here' what Shiletimis has to say about all this: 'This is my favorite way to level up (and it can be faster than Lucky Minks) First, if you have equipment that can raise your defense to 900-1000 you should be fine for regular attacks (1-2 damage) Secondly, having an attack of 1000+ will let you do 500-1000 damage a hit. But instead of regular attacks, use the characters last and most powerfull attack (or even their first to cancel) when they have WOW! on them, about 6000-8000 damage each time. I beat Zanothlee with just Evan at level 110 or 125 just by doing this, have Full Armor to equip the best stuff to get defense of 1000, even without it just use fighting spirit (the one that invalidates damage, don't remember what it's called) With Heros Spirit and without damage you can get up to 1.8 million damage by a 2x multiplier. If the Crystals are beaten by Evans Sky Dragon Slash then make sure he can't use his meteor strike unless you have Plague Armour on because it will get rid of your Shield (Fighting Spirit or whatever its called).' Here's what Eric suggests: 'When facing the Level 200 Zenothlee, you probably sometimes encountered his 'Crystal Capture' move. Well when having the Spirit Ring equipped, 'Crystal Capture' could still be used against you but if you have the A-Rank skill 'Status Guard' it will not affect you! (handy for one on one encounters)' Miscellaneous info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Zenothlee's Crystals are indestructible. Once you destroy one of them it will restore itself almost instantaneously. It sucks -- I know! - Zenothlee AND his Crystals are all level 200. - Zenothlee has more than 100.000 HP. - Each Crystal has more than 20.000 HP. - Bolt/Lightning is ineffective here. - Zenothlee is very fast this time. - Titan Cannon comes in 2 different variants. There's the normal one which hits everyone on the battlefield. And there's the intensified-bolt one which is a multi-hit attack against one character with Paralysis effect. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIASIS ITEMS (SUB36) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sure you've noticed that some of the items have 'May add items at store if sold' within their descriptions. This means that once you sell that item new items will appear in the Locca general store. Sometimes (most of the times) more than 1 item must be sold before a specific bonus item will appear in the shop. Sometimes you may be required to sell up to 3 MAIASIS items before to ïóå the desired one. NOTICE: Even though it says 'May' the bonus item(s) will appear as soon as the requirements are met. NOTICE: Even though Honey Syrup and Emperor Muscat do not have 'May add items at store' in their descriptions they are still considered as such. __________________________________________________ _________________________ SELL ITEM(S) GET ITEM(S) __________________________________________________ _________________________ Emperor Muscat missing Holy Ring missing Luna Stone missing Potion of Azure missing Swordfish Bone missing Hell Fire Scroll + ???? ???? Wolf Fang + ???? ???? Golden Potion + ???? ???? Pixie Dew + Honey Syrup Fairy Candy Chocolate + Bread + Hot Spring Nut Chocolate Cake Chocolate + Southern Banana Chocolate Banana Dragon Blood + Primeval Meat Dragon Steak Smoked Salmon + Rainbow Seaweed Salmon Riceball Squeek-baa milk + Bread Berry Cake Pancake Strawberry + Bread Jam Bread Strawberry + Ice Quartz Iced Strawberry Silk Clothes Quilted Silk Silk Glove Soft Ribbon Snake Earrings Viper Extract Mogay Fireworks + Bomb Mushroom (????) Mogay Bomb (????) Goat Leather Rigid Leather Goat Buckler Survival Cap Goat Greaves Mogay Fireworks + Dynamite Super Mogay Bomb Medusa Stone Lightning Glove Medusa Stone + Sacredtree Branch Elven Boots Medusa Stone + Wolf Fang Medusa Staff Medusa Stone + Mithril Medusa Blade Light Needle Indra Ax Morgan's Eye Chronos Edge Medusa Stone + Silk Clothes Spell Clothes Medusa Glove Medusa Bandana Medusa Stone + Mogay Fireworks Hyper Mogay Bomb Medusa Stone + Life Gem + Alumina Stone Revival Gem Platinum Feather + Gold Feather + Silver Feather Prism Feather Alumina Stone Alumina Sword Alumina Saber Alumina Staff Alumina Ax Alumina Dagger Alumina Armor Alumina Shield Alumina Helm Alumina Greaves Alumina Stone + Sacredtree Branch Kafu Shuriken Alumina Stone + Angel Tear Angel Ring Alumina Stone + Life Gem MegaHeal Ring Alumina Stone + Scarlet Potion Heal Ring Alumina Stone + Dragon Scales Dragontooth Blade DivineDragon Sword Dragonbone Ax Dragon Claw AquaDragon Armor WhiteDragon Shield DarkDragon Helm FireDragon Boots Dragon Scales + Goat Leather Dragon Vest Wyvern Shoes Mithril Mithril Sword Mithril Rapier Mithril Mace Mithril Knife Mithril Ax Mithril Bow Mithril Dagger Mithril Mail Mithril Shield Mithril Bracelet Mithril Helm Mithril Legguard Glass Slippers Mithril + Icefang Stone Ice Blade Mithril + Voltfang Stone Lightning Blade Mithril + Blazing Stone Burn Blade Mithril + Grenade Destroy Ring Mithril + Freeze Gem Freezrain Ring Mithril + Silk Clothes Silverthread Robe Silver Ribbon Mithril + Holy Ring Holy Rapier Mystic Mace Holy Knife Saint Arrow Platinum Cuirass Platinum Bracelet Platinum Helm Platinum Greaves Orihalcon Orihalcon Dagger Orihalcon Armor Orihalcon Shield Orihalcon Helm Orihalcon Greaves Hrunting White Fang Rax Hammer Demon Shuriken Valor Big Ax Orihalcon + Broken MagicSword Gram Sacredtree Branch Sacred Bracelet Mystic Woodshoes Sacredtree Branch + Goat Leather Elven Cape ___________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ XII. GENERAL FAQ (SEC12) ============================================================================ Well there can be no FAQ without the FAQ, right? ^_^ I gather these questions from different sources. A lot of these come from the message board, some questions I think up myself and then there are those very few that are actually asked by the reader. If you ask a good question then I'll probably add it to this section. This is the general FAQ, for in depth questions refer to an appropriate section. Q: Should I buy this game or other Grandia instalments? A: This is one of those really frequently asked questions. It is your choice really. But there are some cases where you should or should not buy it, IMO. You _should_ buy it if: - You played and liked Grandia II. - You played and liked both Grandia I and Grandia II. - You want a quality dungeon crawler without to complicating storyline. - You're a die-hard Grandia fan. - You're a die-hard RPG fan and will play every RPG you can get. - You don't know where to spend your overflowing money. ^_^ You _should not_ buy it if: - You don't like Grandia series. - You played but did not like Grandia II. - You only liked Grandia I while Grandia II disappointed you. - You only played Grandia I. (get Grandia II first!) - You want a thrilling story with outstanding plot. - You don't like RPGs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is this Limited Edition of Grandia Xtreme I keep hearing about? A: There was a special Limited Edition of Grandia Xtreme which came out only in Japan of course! It was scheduled to be released with the first shipment of Japanese Grandia Xtreme. The best chance for anyone other than Japanese to get this edition was to import it. The Limited Edition contained special Grandia Xtreme clock and a 'Geo Gate' diorama, with a design of Evann. In addition, there was special Grandia miniature tote bag. The price was 9800 yen (~$78). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is Grandia Xtreme related to Grandia I or II? A: No. This is not sequel nor prequel to anything, the game has it's own independent story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a PC, GC, X-Box, Dreamcast or whatever release of the game? A: No. As far as I know Grandia Xtreme is only for the PS2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any web sites for Grandia that I could lurk about? A: http://www.square-enix-usa.com/enix/grandia-xtreme/index.html is the official Grandia Xtreme web site and as such it has only the most basic info. If you want some really good and in depth info on Grandia series then you should definitely check out this one: http://jump.to/grandia If you want some pics then check this: http://www.magic-guild.net/g-a/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is Grandia: Parallel Trippers? A: It's an RPG for Game Boy Color. The game's story is based on the original Grandia. In Grandia: Parallel Trippers, three school students named Yuuhi, Mizuki and Shirou are somehow carried over to the world of Grandia. In this world, they meet Liete, who tells them that to return to their own world, they will require the help of Justin, Feena and Sue (all from Grandia I), as well as Sweats. However, as the story progresses, they find themselves as the only ones who can save the world. There is a new 'synthesis card battle' system now. It will involve collecting cards and trading them with other players. Grandia: Parallel Trippers was scheduled for a December 22nd in Japan, and was on a 32MB cartridge. The game was 4500 yen (~$40). Is there an English version? You ask? Of course not, my naive friend! The English version of this game simply does not exist. Where do you think you live... in a Wonderland or something!? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is Grandia: Digital Museum? A: It's a ESP/GAME ARTS released game for the fans who brought Grandia... although I think around 40000 copies were sold. It was intended to be released on the Mega CD and took around 5 years untill it was finally released on Saturn. It's basically a CD which shows stuff from the original game, like production art, game info, enemy data, music tracks, character avatars and save files of the important events (for this option you will need the original CD to view). You'll have to explore dungeons which are NOT in the original game, so its really a new game in its own right. But there is lots of menus and stuff in Japanese so it's hard navigating. You start of with Justin, Feena and Sue (who are around lvl 25 and with most of their magics and attacks intact) but these enemies (which are also in the original game) are really HARD! Find stuff to unlock the above mentioned goodies and view them in some theatre (not in the original game btw). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why do I have 0 SP!? A: You're probably in town now, right? Well you don't need your SP in town! Your SP will start increasing once you start battling monsters (attacking and defending). Don't try to restore your SP in town using items! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What?! I can't save where I want!!? A: No, sorry you can't... The only place where you can save is in the Armory and after some key points in the game. This is Grandia Xtreme after all. And believe me, it's not as complicated as in BoFV:DQ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I looked, but [insert your location here] had no [insert your item here]! A: They are placed randomly everytime you enter the dungeon and may not appear at all. When I tell you to 'go and grab that chest' it means that there _might_ be a chest. Items get randomly generated and every now and then you might stumble upon an empty room. These rooms are obviously were created to contain treasure chests/items but with the item-randomizer operational they get emptied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I get [insert your item here]? A: Ok, I'm going to say this once more and I'm not going to say this again! Everything is random! Got it? Random! Treasure chests, items, Mana Eggs--everything is randomly generated once you enter the dungeon. Of course everything is based on a level of logic and common sense; you won't be stealing Spirit Blade from Mottled Spider no matter how hard you try, you can't get a level 9 Mana Eggs from the first dungeon no matter how hard you look for it! Really, there are very few exceptions/items that I can point you towards, like the Spirit equipment or rare items. If you want some middle class weapon/armor/whatever you'll have to search in the appropriate dungeon. Steal from some monsters, open some chests. If you still can't find the desired item then go to a different dungeon that of a similar difficulty. It's also true for the skills: the better the skill you want the harder the dungeon should be. Also after you beat the game you could try the Juston's Game. Some of the items can be stolen from monsters, look up the Bestiary section for more info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where is the best place to lvl up? A: Lucky Minks are your best bet. Look in the Sidequest section for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is a Boost Level? A: There are 3 Boost Levels in this game. Level 1 is after the Gale Ruins, level 2 is after the Light Ruins and Bosst Level 3 is when you finish the Evolution Corridor. Simply put everything gets boosted after each: monster levels, better items, new monsters and so on. For more info on Boosts see the walkthrough. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't steal from Bosses!? A: You can't steal from Bosses first time you meet them (except for Minotaur, I think) but you can steal from the bosses on your re-run through the dungeons after the boost. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I'm broke! I need some quick cash! Help! A: Here's a money making strat contributed by Ramiro Ngafoe: Use Geo Point to Light Ruins - Interior 2, break pillars in Spirit Shield access room. Guaranteed 3 items every time, especially rings. Use radar to verify 3, don't waste time breaking all pillars, unless of course you happen to get the ultimate item in the game (Medicinal Herb) and feel you need to let out some steam. :] Go back to Light Ruins - Interior 1 and reenter Light Ruins - Interior 2 to repeat process. Remove unnecessary items/useless rings until inventory full. Go back to Locca and sell all the rings to the shop. One trip of varied rings equals to approximatelly 300,000 - 500,000G and it takes about 20-30 minutes to max out the inventory with just rings. Ring selling prices here: Diamonds Ring : 64,000G Emerald Ring : 32,000G Ruby Ring : 16,000G Sapphire Ring : 8,000G Aquamarine Ring : 4,000G Pearl Necklace : 2,000G ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How come I can't equip my characters with Skills or Mana Eggs? A: You need to go to the Skillman's shop or to the Mana Egg shop or speak with the Manager in the barracks. They will have the desired option. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What does the break X% in some items descriptions mean? A: It means that if you use the magic that item has the item itself might break with X% chance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why does the IP gauge flash sometimes? A: Because this is when you can learn new combination moves. Look in the combo moves section for more info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When you equip a weapon does the appearance of it change in battle? A: No, it doesn't. However if your weapon has an element added to it then you'll be able to see that element. For example: When you equip Titto with Flint Knife, which has Flame element, he will throw knives which look like fire balls. Or if you equip Myam with Freezrain Bow her bow will sparkle. But the design of the weapon will never change. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the maximum number of treasure icons? A: 8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I get everyone's ultimate weapons? A: Darkness Ruins. Beat Level 200 Zenothlee and keep visiting the Spiritual Atrium. One of the 3 items is always Mana Egg/Skill Book but you have a chance that the remaining 2 will turn out to be ultimate weapons. NOTICE: Except Evann. His ultimate weapon is the Spirit Blade which has to be stolen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How many endings does this game have? A: 2. You recieve the first one after you beat Quanlee at the bottom of the Evolution Corridor. The second ending can be obtained by finishing the Vortex Corridor optional dungeon. Note: you don't have to beat a boss in the Vortex to see the second ending. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is Juston Justins Father? Or is he Justin himself?! A: No and hell no! You must be kidding me, right? Juston looks a bit like Justin from Grandia I and probably the developers wanted to make some kind of reference but that's as far as this matter goes. GX and GI are 2 different games with independant storylines. Unless Justin found a trans-dimensional device which he utilized to teleport himself into the GX world. There, he got old and stared a gambling business. Right? ...I don't think so. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How long is this game? A: As long as you want it to be. But if you choose to do absolutely _everything_ then it might take up to 100 hours or even more. Trust me... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How can I get Diene into my party!? Or maybe Kroitz? A: No, you can't get them into your party. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't find anything in your guide, I'm lost. A: Well, now you can use the new Search Engine. Press Ctrl+F and type the keyword. All the keywords can be found in the table of contents at the beginning of the FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the Golden Rule of GameFaqs? A: 'Provide credit where it is due.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I don't like your guide! What should I do!? A: Touch your nose with your left hand, and then touch your ass with your right leg. Make a back flip three times and a somersault five times. Punch your dog and drink a glass of milk. And if that does not help then man... you're in trouble. Or you could write a better guide! (see also: bad joke) ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ XIII. CREDITS (SEC13) ============================================================================ Well--it's been fun. I'd like to thank the people who made this FAQ what it is today: Karen, Buster, Meta Tinara and everyone who gave me suggestions, corrections and contributions. Thank you all--without you this guide would have been a lot smaller. General Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Enix (SquareEnix) and GameArts, for making it possible for me to play this grand game. - FAQ-writers on GameFaqs, console-makers and game developers for inspiring me to write guides and for making my life worth living, without them I would not be what I am today! - Of course Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey (www.gamefaqs.com), for posting my FAQs and for his inhuman devotion to GameFaqs, the greatest FAQ site ever! Ever! He makes internet a place worth visiting. - My friend (and gamer comrade) Maegnar, for at least trying to play through Grandia Xtreme for the second time for me although he did not give a damn about it :). I eventually took over, but still. Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - http://www.square-enix-usa.com/enix/grandia-xtreme/index.html for a lot of info on characters and the story. Check it out! - http://jump.to/grandia for being a great Grandia site. - http://www.magic-guild.net/g-a/ for female characters measurements. - Karen, for a _lot_ of info on the Crash Heads sidequest, Carro locations and the Limited Book. And your e-mail is so silly! heh heh -_^! - Buster for _a lot_ of info on the Spirit equipment, Juston Gamble and a lot of miscellaneous info throughout the guide. - Meta Tinara for a lot of items and big help with my Mana Egg section. He even let me use his own guide, thanks man! Recognition Page: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/38479.html URL: http://thecompendium.cjb.net - nightowl88317 and everyone else at the GameFaqs message board for some Juston Gamble prize items and for being great dudes to talk to. - magicalhappyman for extensive info about the Devil Chest enemy. - WizKid8844 for a Flame Carro 2 location. - Krazedaliens for some info on Carros and a bunch of Carro locationes from the elemental ruins. - Shakey_Jake33 and RPGamer.com for the info I used when answering the Grandia: Parallel Trippers question. - digitalK for Grandia: Digital Museum info. I used it when answering the FAQ question. - Thor Satter for telling me that Clayqwin, Soul Clothes and Illusion Bandana can be stolen from a Devil Chest. And for other random items. - Whispering Hope for 2 Land Carros info on the Crash Heads and for hints on various secret areas that I missed. - bob (Shiletimis) for the last Crash Heads song and for descriptions of a whole bunch of items and skills. - Ramiro Ngafoe for contributing all the rest of the Carros and their locations and some of the S-Rank skill descriptions thus enabling me to finally wrap up the Crash Heads sidequest and the Skills section. And for finally confirming that 250 is the maximum level of a character. AND for sending in that money making strat which is quite helpful. - Eric for the experience caps and for tons of items descriptions and many rare items. Thanks! - Anton for corrections and strategy tips on various things. - GreatSkaori for his great help with the Bestiary section. He contributed a lot of info on monsters, their stats, items and moves. Not to mention other miscellaneous tips and suggestions he added. Thanks! - Joyce! ^_^ - You, for reading my hard work. - And myself, for creating this FAQ. (:E ============================================================================ Deprive us of our individuality, our selfishness, and our beliefs, and you destroy our humanity! -============- - END OF FAQ - -============- (C) 2003-2004 KingK