=============================================================================== Grandia Xtreme (PS2) Mana Egg FAQ Version 1.0 (Started on 07.22.03) Written by: Mike Herold (Meta Tinara) =============================================================================== 1.0 - NECESSITIES 1.1 - E-MAIL 1.2 - COPYRIGHT 1.3 - VERSION HISTORY 1.4 - GAME INFORMATION 1.5 - GUIDE INFORMATION 2.0 - MANA EGGS 2.1 - JUNCTION CHART 2.2 - EGG INFORMATION 2.3 - SPELLS 2.4 - SPECIAL FORCES 3.0 - THANKS 4.0 - COPYRIGHT AND CLOSING ============ 1.1 - E-MAIL ============ My email address is metatinara@rpgmail.com. Please contain in the subject 'FAQ' or your email will probably be ignored. I check it almost every day, so you should get a reply fairly quickly, unless it comes over a holiday or when I am away. Any constructive criticism is always welcome, as are recommendations, praise, or corrections. =============== 1.2 - COPYRIGHT =============== This work is Copyright © 2003 Mike Herold. It may not be copied without consent of the author and all sections including this copyright must remain in their full, unaltered form. It is for personal use only, and may not be used for any commercial purpose. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document may not be used on any website other than the following without the express written permission of the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The following sites have permission to use this FAQ: FAQsPlanet (faqsplanet.cjb.net) The Compendium (thecompendium.cjb.net) GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com) The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at The Compendium. ===================== 1.3 - VERSION HISTORY ===================== 0.5 (07.22.03) Started guide. Found all pertinent information 1.0 (07.24.03) Finished guide. Only additions will be corrections, most likely. ====================== 1.4 - GAME INFORMATION ====================== Grandia Xtreme is a dungeon-crawling RPG game from Enix. It is the third game in the Grandia series, but it in unlike its predecessors, in the fact that it revolves around dungeons. The main character of the game is a Ranger named Evann. Rangers are people who can exert control over the Geo Stream to open portals called Geo Gates. Geo Gates can transport people to any place near the Geo Stream. The story picks up when Evann is captured by the Nortis Army and forced to help them fight against an anomaly called the Elemental Disorder. The Disorder has been destroying cities for a while, and the Army has figured out that they need a Ranger to stop the Disorder. It turns out that Evann's childhood nemesis, Kroitz is a Colonel in the army and ordered Evann captured. As with all lukewarm stories, it turns out that Kroitz is just after a great power called Quanlee. He is the antagonist through the second half of the game. While Grandia Xtreme isn't for everyone, the gameplay is fun, as it includes the famous Grandia fighting system. This is a good thing, due to the fact that about 85% of the game is fighting. If that doesn't sound like your type of game, I would say you should go play Grandia I or II, as they are traditional RPGs. ======================= 1.5 - GUIDE INFORMATION ======================= This guide is meant to help people with the Mana Egg system in the game. Magic is used by equipping these Eggs. To get stronger magic, you junction eggs with the magician in Locca. Depending on what you junction, you can get stronger or weaker results. I will include the full Mana Egg Junction chart, as well as Egg information and spell information. Note: All the information was pulled from the game itself, no outside sources. =============== 2.0 - MANA EGGS =============== Mana Eggs can be found throughout the dungeons in the game. After you finish the Gale Ruins, you can go back through the dungeons and fight the bosses again to earn 2 or 3 Mana Eggs. All of the Eggs that you find through the first 4 dungeons are Level 1 Eggs, until you fight the bosses again. Then, in the Spiritual Atriums of the Ruins, you find Level 2 Eggs and these can also sometimes be found in the later dungeons as treasure. Mana Eggs are aligned as elements, and must be kept to their element to become powerful. Here is a list of the Level 1 Eggs and what Level 6 Egg they lead to: Flare Egg --> Cluster Egg Wind Egg --> Photon Egg Aqua Egg --> Blizzard Egg Stone Egg --> Soul Egg These four Level 6 Eggs then lead to their respective Level 9 Eggs (excluding Soul). Cluster Egg --> Ether Egg Photon Egg --> Chaos Egg Blizzard Egg --> Holy Egg A Soul Egg is used to gain the Level 8 Crown Egg, which junctions with the Level 8 Eggs of the other elements to get a Level 9 Egg. It's kind of comfusing at first, but it gets easier once you start to play with the Egg Junctions. I spent a lot of time with them and now it's like second nature to me. A full list of mana eggs is here: NAME USE ------- Level 0 ------- Dust Mainly Support ------- Level 1 ------- Flare Fire Wind Wind Aqua Water Stone Land ------- Level 2 ------- Lava Fire & Land Heat Fire & Wind Mist Water & Wind Sand Water & Land ------- Level 3 ------- Bomb Fire & Bomb Thunder Wind & Bolt Frost Water & Blizzard Leaf Land & Forest Burst Mainly Attack ------- Level 4 ------- Star Land & Bomb Lightning Fire & Bolt Icicle Wind & Blizzard Forest Water & Forest Booster Mainly Support Darkness Mainly Support Decrease Mainly Support ------- Level 5 ------- Volcano Mainly Fire Cyclone Mainly Wind Rainbow Mainly Water Gravity Mainly Land Fairy Mainly Support ------- Level 6 ------- Cluster Mainly Bomb Photon Mainly Bolt Blizzard Mainly Blizzard Soul Mainly Forest Restore Mainly Cure ------- Level 7 ------- Life Mainly Cure Astral Attack & Support Protect Cure & Support Void Attack & Support ------- Level 8 ------- Calamity Mainly Bomb Dragon Mainly Bolt Fenrir Mainly Blizzard Crown Attack & Cure ------- Level 9 ------- Ether Ultimate Magic Chaos Ultimate Magic Holy Ultimate Magic ==================== 2.1 - JUNCTION CHART ==================== Here is the full Mana Egg Junction Chart that you see when you talk to the magician. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Holy(9) |Fenrir (8) | Protect (7) | Astral (7) |Dragon (8) | Chaos (9) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Booster(4) | Flare (1) | Wind (1) | Aqua (1) | Stone (1) | Dust (0) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Decrease(4)| Lava (2) | Heat (2) | Mist (2) | Sand (2) | Burst (3) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Darkness(4)| Bomb (3) | Thunder (3) | Frost (3) | Leaf (3) |Restore (6)| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Void (7) | Star (4) |Lightning (4)| Icicle (4) | Forest (4)| Fairy (6) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Calamity(8)|Volcano (5)| Cyclone (5) | Rainbow (5)|Gravity (5)| Life (7) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ether(9) |Cluster (6)| Photon (6) |Blizzard (6)| Soul (6) | Crown (8) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== 2.2 - EGG INFORMATION ===================== When you are looking at the chart with the magician, you can see any Egg you have had, as well as its base abilities. This information has everything that you can see there. Format for the Egg Charts NAME (LEVEL)<-------------Name of Mana Egg (Level of the Egg) MAGIC COUNT <------Number of Spells the Egg has SPELL MP TYPE <----Spell Name, MP cost, Area type (S=Single, C=Circle, A=All, R=Around, L=Line, F=Fan) COMBINATIONS <-----Combinations used to make the Egg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust (0) Burst (3) Decrease (4) Darkness (4) MC 3 MC 4 MC 5 MC 5 Refresh 3 S Burnstrike 16 S Stram 12 C Snooze 5 C Freeze! 8 C Howlslash 18 L Def-Loss 7 C Shhh! 12 C Evap 14 S Tremor 10 R Res-Loss 9 C Fiora 8 C Erebos 12 S Cold 18 C Binder 8 C Freeze! 8 C Craze 16 C Flare + Aqua Lava + Mist Dust + Mist Dust + Forest Wind + Stone Heat + Sand Burst + Thunder Burst + Sand Bomb + Frost Booster + Darkness Booster + Decrease Thunder + Leaf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flare (1) Wind (1) Aqua (1) Stone (1) MC 2 MC 2 MC 2 MC 2 Burn! 4 S Howl 7 C Heal 6 S Shake 5 S Guard Up 8 C Runner 4 C Snooze 5 C Diggin' 5 C Flare + Flare Wind + Wind Aqua + Aqua Stone + Stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lava (2) Heat (2) Mist (2) Sand (2) MC 3 MC 3 MC 3 MC 3 Burn! 4 S Burn! 4 S Alheal 12 A Shake 5 S Burnflame 12 C Howl 7 C Erebos 12 S Tremor 10 R Def-Loss 7 C Howlslash 18 L Fader 16 S Evap 14 S Flare + Stone Wind + Flare Aqua + Wind Stone + Aqua Flare + Sand Wind + Lava Aqua + Heat Stone + Mist Stone + Star Flare + Lightning Wind + Icicle Aqua + Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb (3) Thunder (3) Frost (3) Leaf (3) MC 4 MC 4 MC 4 MC 4 Burnstrike 16 S Zap! 22 C Crackle 20 S Poizn 10 S BOOM! 18 L Wham! 4 S Heal 6 S Cure 5 S WOW! 10 C Runner 4 C Healer 10 S Diggin' 5 C Res-loss 9 C Stram 12 C Freeze! 8 C Regenera 10 S Lava + Flare Heat + Wind Mist + Aqua Sand + Stone Lava + Stone Heat + Flare Mist + Wind Sand + Aqua Flare + Leaf Wind + Bomb Aqua + Thunder Stone + Frost Volcano + Gravity Volcano + Cyclone Rainbow + Cyclone Rainbow + Gravity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star (4) Lightning (4) Icicle (4) Forest (4) MC 5 MC 5 MC 5 MC 5 BOOM! 18 L Burnflame 12 C Crackle 20 S Poizn 10 S Meteor Fall 32 S Zap! 22 C Diamond Dust 30 F Alheal 12 A Refresh 3 S Blade Zap 32 S Wake 2 C Alhealer 20 A Res-Loss 9 C Guard Up 8 C Shhh! 12 C Resurrect 26 S Gravity 4 C Binder 8 S Fiora 8 C Craze 16 C Bomb + Flare Thunder + Wind Frost + Aqua Leaf + Stone Bomb + Stone Thunder + Flare Frost + Wind Leaf + Aqua Lava + Heat Heat + Mist Mist + Sand Sand + Lava Lava + Bomb Heat + Thunder Mist + Frost Sand + Leaf Lava + Lightning Heat + Icicle Mist + Forest Sand + Star ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volcano (5) Cyclone (5) Rainbow (5) Gravity (5) MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 Burn! 4 S Howl 7 C Heal 6 S Shake 5 S Burnstrike 16 S Howlslash 18 L Healer 10 S Tremor 10 R Hellburner 40 S Howlnado 32 R Healer+ 16 S Quake 36 C WOW! 10 C Runner 4 C Evap 14 S Calm 6 S Guard Up 8 C Stram 12 C Tartarus Rain 24 C Halvah 32 S Res-Loss 9 C Wham! 4 S Cold 18 C Gravity 4 C Star + Lava Lightning + Heat Icicle + Mist Forest + Sand Star + Heat Lightning + Mist Icicle + Sand Forest + Lava Bomb + Thunder Thunder + Frost Frost + Leaf Leaf + Bomb Bomb + Star Thunder + Lightning Frost + Icicle Leaf + Forest Bomb + Cyclone Thunder + Rainbow Frost + Gravity Leaf + Volcano ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster (6) Photon (6) Blizzard (6) Soul (6) MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 Burnflame 12 C Burnstrike 16 S Crackle 20 S Alhealer 20 A BOOM! 18 L Zap! 22 C Crackle Floe 30 S Reviva 42 S Meteor Fall 32 S Zap All 32 F Crackle Fang 48 C Cure 5 S Meteor Strike 56 S Gad Zap 62 S Healer 10 S Purify 12 S Calm 6 S Wake 2 C Shhh! 12 C Speedy 15 C Def-Loss 7 C Binder 8 S Fiora 8 C Craze 16 C Volcano + Lava Cyclone + Heat Rainbow + Mist Gravity + Sand Volcano + Heat Cyclone + Mist Rainbow + Sand Gravity + Lava Volcano + Bomb Cyclone + Thunder Rainbow + Frost Gravity + Leaf Star + Forest Lightning + Star Icicle + Lightning Forest + Icicle Star + Volcano Lightning + Cyclone Icicle + Rainbow Forest + Gravity Star + Photon Lightning + Blizzard Icicle + Soul Forest + Cluster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Booster (4) Fairy (5) Restore (6) Life (7) MC 5 MC 5 MC 5 MC 6 WOW! 10 C Healer 10 S Absorber 32 C Alhealer+ 36 A Diggin' 5 C Vanish 35 A Alheal 12 A Reviva 42 S Guard Up 8 C Fader 16 S Alhealer 20 A Evap 14 S Speedy 15 C Snooze 5 C Cure 5 S Erebos 12 S Runner 4 C Craze 16 C Regenera 10 S Tartarus Rain 24 C Regenera 10 S Dust + Lava Burst + Mist Burst + Booster Burst + Dragon Dust + Astral Burst + Forest Burst + Darkness Rainbow + Gravity Heat + Fairy Burst + Blizzard Burst + Decrease Blizzard + Cluster Frost + Restore Burst + Astral Burst + Rainbow Restore + Cluster Restore + Stone Bomb + Fairy Life + Aqua Cluster + Dust Ether + Dust Calamity + Dust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral (7) Protect (7) Void (7) Crown (8) MC 5 MC 5 MC 5 MC 6 BOOM! 18 L Healer 10 S BOOMOR! 26 R BOOMOR! 26 R Zap! 22 C Purify 12 S Erebos 12 S Zap All 32 F Crackle 20 S Diggin' 5 C Wham! 4 S Diamond Dust 30 F Poizn 10 S Guard Up 8 C Vanish 35 A Healer+ 16 S Magic Wall 17 S Crystal Wall 8 S Giga Vanish 25 S Halvah 32 S Curse 12 S Dust + Fenrir Burst + Calamity Burst + Fenrir Life + Soul Star + Restore Gravity + Fairy Crown + Darkness Life + Dragon Volcano + Life Icicle + Restore Booster + Calamity Crown + Decrease Crown + Booster Darkness + Calamity Booster + Dragon Booster + Fenrir Decrease + Calamity Darkness + Dragon Darkness + Fenrir Decrease + Dragon Decrease + Fenrir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calamity (8) Dragon (8) Fenrir (8) Ether (9) MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 MC 6 Inferno 35 F Hellburner 40 S Crackle 20 S Galactic Bang 72 S BOOM! 18 L Zap! 22 C Crackle Floe 30 S Alhealer 20 A BOOMOR! 26 R Blade Zap 32 S Crackle Glacier 60 S Resurrect 26 S BA-BOOM! 48 C Dragon Zap 50 L Tartarus Rain 24 C Snooze 5 C Curse 12 S Resurrect 26 S Cold 18 C Fader 16 S Gravity 4 C WOW! 10 C Binder 8 C Speedy 15 C Life + Cluster Life + Photon Life + Blizzard Crown + Calamity Dragon + Fenrir Calamity + Fenrir Calamity + Dragon Chaos + Holy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos (9) Holy (9) MC 6 MC 6 Inferno 35 F Diamond Dust 30 F Howlnado 32 R Absolute Zero 68 L Quake 36 C Healer+ 16 S Zap All 32 F Reviva 42 S Astraea Zap 70 R Halvah 32 S Absorber 32 C Regenera 10 S Crown + Dragon Crown + Fenrir Holy + Ether Ether + Chaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ 2.3 - SPELLS ============ ---- Fire ---- NAME COST OBJECT RANGE EL EGGS USE Burn! 4 Foe Single 4 Flare Attack Lava Heat Volcano Burnflame 12 Foe Circle 5 Lava Attack Lightning Cluster Burnstrike 16 Foe Single 7 Bomb Attack Burst Volcano Photon Inferno 35 Foe Fan 11 Calamity Attack Chaos Hellburner 40 Foe Single 13 Volcano Attack Dragon Guard up 8 Ally Circle - Flare Immunity Up Booster Lightning Volcano Protect WOW! 10 Ally Circle - Bomb Attack Up Booster Volcano Dragon ----- Water ----- Heal 6 Ally Single Sm Aqua Restores HP Frost Rainbow Healer 10 Ally Single Md Frost Restores HP Rainbow Fairy Blizzard Protect Crown Healer+ 16 Ally Single Lg Rainbow Restores HP Alheal 12 Ally All Sm Mist Restores HP Forest Restore Alhealer 20 Ally All Md Forest Restores HP Restore Soul Ether Alhealer+ 36 Ally Circle Lg Life Restores HP Holy Erebos 12 Foe Single - Mist Death Burst Life Void Tartarus Rain 24 Foe Circle - Rainbow Death Life Fenrir Snooze 5 Foe Circle - Aqua Sleep Darkness Fairy Ether Evap 14 Foe Single - Dust HP / 2 Sand Rainbow Life ---- Wind ---- Howl 7 Foe Circle 3 Wind Attack Heat Cyclone Howlslash 18 Foe Line 4 Heat Attack Burst Cyclone Howlnado 32 All Around 11 Cyclone Attack (Confusion) Chaos Wham! 4 Foe Single - Thunder Knock enemy out Cyclone Void Shhh! 12 Foe Circle - Darkness Sap Magic Icicle Blizzard Wake 2 Ally Circle - Icicle Wake Photon Runner 4 Ally Circle - Wind Move Up Booster Thunder Cyclone Fader 8 Own Single - Mist Transparency Fairy Ether ---- Land ---- Shake 5 Foe Single 4 Stone Attack Sand Gravity Tremor 10 Foe Around 5 Sand Attack Burst Gravity Quake 36 Foe Circle 11 Gravity Attack Chaos Def-Loss 7 Foe Circle - Lava Defense Down Decrease Cluster Gravity 4 Foe Circle - Star Move enemy together Gravity Calamity Refresh 3 Ally Single - Dust Cure Sap Moves/Magic Star Cure 5 Ally Single - Leaf Cure Poison/Paralysis Soul Restore Calm 6 Ally Single - Gravity Cure Confusion Cluster Diggin' 5 Ally Circle - Stone Defense Up Booster Protect -------- Blizzard -------- Crackle 20 Foe Single 9 Frost Attack Icicle Astral Fenrir Crackle Floe 30 Foe Single 12 Blizzard Attack Fenrir Crackle Fang 48 Foe Circle 13 Blizzard Attack Crackle Glacier 60 Foe Single 15 Fenrir Attack Diamond Dust 30 Foe Fan 9 Icicle Attack Crown Holy Absolute Zero 68 Foe Line 17 Holy Attack Freeze! 8 Foe Circle - Dust Move Down Frost Decrease Cold 18 Foe Circle - Decrease Action Down Rainbow Fenrir Fiora 8 Foe Circle - Darkness Sap Moves Icicle Blizzard CrystalWall 8 Own Single - Protect Invulnerability ------ Forest ------ Absorber 32 Foe Circle 7 Restore Absorbs enemies' HP Chaos Poizn 10 Foe Single 6 Leaf Poison effect Forest Astral Craze 16 Foe Circle - Forest Confusion Darkness Fairy Soul Purify 12 Ally Single - Soul Cure Illness/Curse Protect Halvah 32 Ally Single - Gravity Cure All Crown Holy Regenera 10 Ally Single - Leaf Regenerate HP Life Restore Holy Speedy 15 Ally Circle - Booster Action Up Soul Ether Resurrect 26 Ally Single - Forest Revives for 50% HP Dragon Ether Reviva 42 Ally Single - Soul Revives for 100% HP Life Holy ---- Bomb ---- BOOM! 18 Foe Line 8 Bomb Attack Star Cluster Astral Calamity BOOMOR! 26 Foe Around 10 Void Attack Calamity Crown BA-BOOM! 48 Foe Circle 13 Calamity Attack Meteor Fall 32 Foe Single 12 Star Attack Cluster Meteor Strike 56 Foe Single 15 Cluster Attack Galactic Bang 72 Foe Single 18 Ether Attack Res-Loss 9 Foe Circle - Bomb Immunity Down Star Decrease Volcano Vanish 35 Ally Around - Fairy Voids all effects Void Giga Vanish 25 Foe Single - Void Voids all effects ---- Bolt ---- Zap! 22 Foe Circle 7 Thunder Attack (Paralysis) Lightning Photon Astral Dragon Blade Zap 32 Foe Single 12 Lightning Attack (Paralysis) Dragon Zap All 22 Foe Fan 9 Photon Attack (Paralysis) Crown Chaos Gad Zap 31 Foe Single 15 Photon Attack (Paralysis) Dragon Zap 50 Foe Line 14 Dragon Attack (Paralysis) Astraea Zap 70 Foe Around 16 Chaos Attack (Paralysis) Curse 32 Foe Single - Crown Curse Calamity Stram 12 Foe Circle - Thunder Attack Down Cyclone Decrease Binder 8 Foe Circle - Darkness Action Down Lightning Photon Fenrir Magic Wall 17 Own Single - Astral Invulnerable vs magic ==================== 2.4 - SPECIAL FORCES ==================== Special Forces are points that show up randomly when you junction Mana Eggs. They empower spells in different ways. There are 6 different types of Special Forces: MP - Decreases the MP consumption of the spell IP - Makes the spell do IP damage to the enemy P - Increases the strength of the spell H - Spells with multiple hits will hit more W - Spells with around/fan/line will have a wider range of effect S - Length of time to charge the spell decreases The most Special Force points you can have on a spell is 5, as H and W are used in different situations. Be aware though, that if you junction an Egg with Special Forces on it, it will no retain these, necessarily. ============ 3.0 - THANKS ============ I would like to thanks the following: CJayC for hosting GameFAQs to help fellow gamers Enix for publishing Grandia Xtreme The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Soundtrack for listening pleasure during the writing of this FAQ =========================== 4.0 - COPYRIGHT AND CLOSING =========================== Once again, the copyright: This work is Copyright © 2003 Mike Herold. It may not be copied without consent of the author and all sections including this copyright must remain in their full, unaltered form. It is for personal use only, and may not be used for any commercial purpose. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document may not be used on any website other than the following without the express written permission of the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The following sites have permission to use this FAQ: FAQsPlanet (faqsplanet.cjb.net) The Compendium (thecompendium.cjb.net) GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com) The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at The Compendium. Thank you for reading my FAQ and I hope it helped you. Feel free to email me with any questions, suggestions, or corrections. ========== END OF FAQ ==========