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System(s): PC, PlayStation 2 And Xbox. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]| | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME4.1 ] | | B. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.2 ]| | C. Tips & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIPTRI4.3 ] | | | | [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]| | A. Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BISHO5.1 ] | | B. Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CONTRO5.2 ]| | C. Archer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARCHE5.3 ] | | D. Dutchess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DUTCHE5.4 ]| | E. Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LYNN5.5 ]| | | | [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]| | A. Training Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRASIM6.1 ]| | B. Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MIDEAS6.2 ] | | C. Caspian Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CASSEA6.3 ] | | D. North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NORKOR6.4 ] | | E. Temple Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TEMRUI6.5 ]| | F. Archer Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARCBAS6.6 ] | | | | [ VII. Weapons ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAP7 ]| | | | [ VIII. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE8 ]| | | | [ IX. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED9 ] | | | | [ X. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO10 ]| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hey there and welcome to Kain Stryder's kill.switch FAQ/Walkthrough. This is my 4th project for IGN and my 20th FAQ as of now. Whooo. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this walkthrough, as I've worked hard on it and most of all, I hope it helps you while you play kill.switch. Just a few things. First, do not steal this walkthrough and claim it as your own or use it to sell and make money off it. This is meant for readers and players of kill.switch and is a free work and is to stay that way. I do NOT want people paying to see this. Do NOT edit this walkthrough in any way, shape or form and pull it off as your own. That's plagerising and illegal. Anyway, thanks for understanding all that. Now, onto the walkthrough! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at GameFAQs, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 12/3/03 - I've completed this walkthrough and have marked it as the final version. Everything is completed as much as possible and whatever you're looking for, you'll be sure to find it here. If I ever need to update again, either with new information or reader submitted data, I'll be sure to, but until then, enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Currently, there are none. Bummer. If I get E-Mails, I'll add some up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME4.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, well, let's start with the controls, shall we? First, the Basic Controls: D-Pad - Up or Down - Selects Grenades. Left or Right - Selects Weapon. Left Analog Stick - Used to move Bishop around. Right Analog Stick - Used to Aim and Look. R3 Button - Used to bring up the current Weapon's Scope, if it has one. Select - Displays your current Mission Objectives. Start - Brings up the Menu. Square Button - Used to throw a Grenade. The longer it's held, the farther the Grenade goes. (Grenade automatically is thrown once it can not be made to go any further.) Triangle Button - Used to interact with surroundings or perform actions. X Button - Used to dive/evade. Circle Button - Used to Weapon Bash with your Weapon. R1 Button - Fire Weapon or use Blindfire when not looking. R2 Button - Reload your Weapon. L1 Button - Hold it to crouch or cover against a wall, pillar, etc or to just duck in general. L2 Button - Cycle through your Weapons. Now, here comes some good tips with the controls. Study them, as they can prove to be quite useful. Evasive Controls X Button - Tap it for a short dive or hold it for a longer one. X Button, then L1 Button - Recover from the dive and be in the crouching position. (Can also be used to cover yourself instantly if you're near an object.) Left Analog Stick + X Button - Dive in that direction. Left Analog Stick + X Button, then L1 Button - Dive in that direction, then recover from the dive into a crouch position. (Can also be used to cover yourself instantly if you're near an object.) Aiming And Looking Right Analog Stick - Aim/Look. R3 Button - Bring up your Weapon's Scope. Press again to go back to your normal view. R3 Button - With a Sniper Rifle, press it once while you have the Scope up to zoom in. Press it again to go back to your normal view. Firing/Weapons Selection R1 Button - Fire Weapon. L2 Button - Cycle through your Weapons. (One direction, can't go back.) R2 Button - Reload. D-Pad Left/Right - Cycle through your Weapons. (Back or forth.) Grenade Throwing Square Button - Throw a Grenade. (Tap for a short distance, hold for a long distance.) D-Pad Up/Down - Cycle through your Grenades. (Back or forth.) Offensive Cover System L1 - Cover. (Hiding behind a wall, pillar, crouching behind a table or object, you are immune to any damage in front of you, almost. Small chance bullets will still hit you.) Offensive Cover System (Standing Height Cover.) L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Up - Stand up from a Crouch from behind a object. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Down - Crouch while behind a object that you're standing behind. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Left - Move over to the edge of the object you're behind to aim out and fire. (Holding this moves you over, but once at the end, you must continue to hold it to peek out and aim.) L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Left, Triangle Button - Wrap around the object you're behind, but only when you're at the upmost edge of it. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Left (Any Direction.), X Button - Dive away from the object you're behind. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Right - Move over to the edge of the object you're behind to aim out and fire. (Holding this moves you over, but once at the end, you must continue to hold it to peek out and aim.) L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Right, Triangle Button - Wrap around the object you're behind, but only when you're at the upmost edge of it. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Right (Any Direction.), X Button - Dive away from the object you're behind. Offensive Cover System (Crouch Height Cover.) L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Up (Hold.) - Stand up from behind an object when you're crouching to target Soldiers. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Left - Move from behind where you are slowly while crouching. Also used to edge to the end of your cover and to peek out and fire. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Left, Triangle Button - Used to wrap around the object you're behind, but only when you're at the very end of it. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick (Any Direction.), X Button - Dive away from the object you're behind. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Right - Move from behind where you are slowly while crouching. Also used to edge to the end of your cover and to peek out and fire. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick Right, Triangle Button - Used to wrap around the object you're behind, but only when you're at the very end of it. L1 Button + hold Left Analog Stick (Any Direction.), X Button - Dive away from the object you're behind. Blindfire R1 Button - Blindfire when you're either at the left or right edge while standing up or while crouching and when you're not at either side, to fire above your head. Melee Fighting Circle Button - Weapon Bash. (Must be near the Soldier for this to work.) Action Triangle Button - Use a Gun Turret, place a C4 Charge, open a door, etc. (Note: Sometimes you must hold the Triangle Button down until the action bar fills up.) Other Select Button - Brings up your current Mission Objective. Start Button - Brings up the Menu. Ok, well, those are the controls. Now, onto the Menus. First, I'll cover the Main Menu, which pops up when you first turn on the game. Title Screen When this pops up, press the Start Button to display the following options and here's a rundown on what each does: Main Menu On the Main Menu, use the D-Pad or Left Analog Stick to cycle through your choices and to select them with the X Button. Here's the choices: New Game - Select this if you want to start a new game, either on Normal or Hard Mode. (Note: The Reticle Highlight is turned off in Hard Mode.) Load Game - If you're returning to continue your play from a previous save, select this and select your data. Mission Select - This only becomes available to you once you complete a Mission once. There's 5 Missions, 6 if you include the Training Simulator. Options Menu - Allows you to change various settings in the game. Here's a rundown on them: Controller Settings Vibration - Set the controller's vibration to Off or On. Invert Vertical Axis - Invert the vertical axis of the aim/look controls to Off or On. Invert Horizontal Axis - Invert the horizontal axis of the aim/look controls to Off or On. Aim/Look Sensitivity - Adjust the speed of the Aim/Look controls from 1 to 9, 1 being the lowest, 9 being the highest. Reticle Highlight - When targeting a Soldier and you have your sights on them, it'll turn red. Choose to have this Off or On. (Again, this is disabled automatically on Hard Mode.) Options Menu - Returns you to the Options Menu. Video Options Brightness - Change the brightness of the game from 0 to 100, with 0 being the lowest and 100 being the highest. Screen Ratio - Adjust the screen ration from either 16:9 (Widescreen.) to 4:3 (Normal.) Options Menu - Returns you to the Options Menu. Audio Options Sound Effects Volume - Change the volume of the sound effects and movie voices from 0 to 100, with 0 being the lowest and 100 being the highest. Music Volume - Change the volume of the ingame music soundtrack from 0 to 100, with 0 being the lowest and 100 being the highest. Options Menu - Returns you to the Options Menu. Credits - Rolls the credits of the people behind the game. Main Menu - Returns you to the Main Menu. And that does it for the Main Menu. Now, let's look at the Pause Menu or just Menu for when you're playing the game and you hit Start. When you do, this comes up: Pause Menu Resume - Continue playing the game. Controller Settings - Adjust the controls to the game, which is the same option on the Main Menu. Video Options - Adjust the video settings of the game, which is the same option on the Main Menu. Audio Options - Adjust the audio settings of the game, which is the same option on the Main Menu. Abort Mission - Select this to quit your Mission. Now, after you complete a Mission, you'll be asked to Save. Do so and if you stop playing, you can come back later and load your data back up to continue where you last Saved your game. And that covers the Pause Menu. Now, let's take a look at the Mission Controller HUD, which is the main screen of the game that you'll always see when playing. I'll tell you what each thing on the screen is and what it does. Mission Controller HUD (Heads Up Display.) I'll start from the top left and work my way counter clockwise. Health Indicator - This bar monitors your health in 2 ways: a light and dark blue bar. The light blue bar is your health and when it empties, you die. The dark blue bar is the amount of health that you can recover up to, if you are wounded. The rate of recovery is fast, but it takes a few seconds for it to kick in. To fully recover, you need to find a Health Kit. Current Mission Objective - At the start of each Mission and when you hit the Select Button, a little note pops up and tells you what you need to do in order to complete your Mission. From time to time, this'll update with new things to do, so always read what it says if it happens to pop up. Targeting Reticle - The blue crosshair on the screen is what you're currently aiming at. Use the Right Analog Stick to move it around and to aim, then fire at your target. If this turns red, you have a clear shot of the Soldier you're aiming at, so take it. Pick Up Message - This appears whenever you acquire new Items. When you do, this will pop up, telling you what you found or if you are at the max amount of what you can hold, it'll inform you. Always look to see what it is you currently just found. Threat Indicator - This appears whenever you've been shot. It shows you what direction the bullet came from, meaning, you should turn that way and find the Soldier shooting you. Ammo Bar/Counter - The icon at the top of the right hand part of the screen shows you a bar and a number value of your current ammo. The bar represents how full your current clip is, while the number value tells you how many bullets you have left that you can put into that gun. If the bar starts to flash, it means you're almost out of bullets for that clip and you need to reload. If it goes into red, that means you're really almost out. If you don't reload manually, you'll do it automatically once you're out. Weapon Indicator - Shows you which Weapon you're currently using. Grenade Type/Number - Shows you which Grenade you're using and how many of that Grenade you have left. Timer - If you see a timer appear in the top middle of the screen, that means you have a limited amount of time to perform a Mission Objective, so be on the watch for this, but don't worry, it rarely happens. Scope/Sniper Rifle Zoom View - When you're using the Scope on a Weapon, you'll want to aim for the middle of the Scope on the target, so line the target up in the middle and then fire. Blue Indicator - Seen throughout the game, when you find these little blue whirly things, stand in them and do what they say, as they are vital to your Missions. Whew, well, that about covers everything for the Menus. I hope that helped you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, in short, here's the Battle System as best as I can describe it. Basically, like most shooter games, you have Weapons to use to fight Soldiers, mainly to kill them in numerous, sick ways, which is always fun. For kill.switch, the main attraction here is cover. Instead of running out into the open like a guy wearing a deer outfit during hunting season, you are pitted to take cover behind any object you can find: A wall, pillar, desk, even a old broken down car. Using this cover, you peek out from where you are and fight your enemies this way, all the while they are using the same tactics. Now, when you get wounded, you'll notice your Health Indicator will go down, but after a while, it'll recover. With this in mind, you can survive for a good while, if you play your cards right. Mainly, you have 2 bars of Health. One is dark blue, the other light blue. If you are hurt, both go down, but the light blue goes down the fastest. If that empties, you die. But, if you take damage and live, after a few seconds, your life will recover up to the end of where the dark blue bar is right now. So, if you are even hurt, get behind something, heal up, then go right back into combat. Now, as for jumping/diving. You can't jump, but you can fall off things. If you do, depending on how high up you are, you'll take some damage, but not alot. Just do NOT EVER, EVER dive off something. That's like diving into a pool with no water. It's going to hurt. Diving and evading is also key to this game. Basically, if you are under heavy fire and need to move fast, use this to move quickly to get behind something and to also evade attacks. As for fighting, basically, Soldiers are fairly weak. A few bullets put them down and out. If they drop their guns, they're dead. If you shoot one and he looks like he's doing some weird dance moves, but he still has his gun, he's not dead and continue to shoot him. Soldiers are also very, very smart in this game. They will use tactics to take you down and rarely will they stand around. Though, you can VERY EASILY surprise them by doing a rush in and taking them out from behind or to the side, as for some reason, common sense is not with them. They take a moment to react if you're to the side or behind them, so take that moment to kill them. As for your guns, each gun may or may not have a Scope. Using the Scope can help you, but I personally rarely every used it. Your guns are also measured at the top corner by a meter with a number by it. The number means how many bullets are left that aren't in the gun and the meter represents how full your current clip on the gun is, so use it to reload if it starts flashing red. If you empty it, you'll automatically reload yourself, so don't worry. And so, that's basically it. I can't really think of much more to explain about the Battle System, other than have fun with it and be sure to master everything as soon as possible, because all your skills will be needed to get through this game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Tips & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIPTRI4.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rarely will you ever backtrack to an area for anything. So if you see a Health Kit or ammo and want to "reserve" it for later, don't. 98% of the time you will not be coming back, so take it now. You will always be moving forward, rarely ever backtracking. In my walkthrough, I'll tell you if you're coming back or not, so that you CAN save a Health Kit for later. - Bishop can heal himself over time. If he takes damage, take cover and wait for his Health Indicator to refill. Though, he can only recover up to where the dark blue bar is, so be careful. A Health Kit can fully recover you, though. - The game's main feature is you taking cover behind things, so use your environment to your advantage. Hide behind things, take out Soldiers and survive. - Never underestimate your enemy. 1 Soldier could spell your doom, so always fight like you mean it and never toy with anyone. - Don't fight in close combat with Soldiers. When you do, they tend to hit you with their gun, which does a surprising amount of damage to you. A few hits and you're down, so always fight long range if you can. - Learn to dive alot. It can help in the tightest of situations, mainly with Grenades and you needing to get away fast. - Always look around a corner by hugging a wall first and never just rush into a area blindly. You always want to try and have the heads up and first strike on your enemies and not the otherway around. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: No spoilers here. So, read on and don't worry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BISHO5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main character of the story, he is who you are controlling throughout the game. His motives are unclear and objectives and past are shrouded in secrecy and mystery, but as the game plays out, things become apparent as to what exactly is going on with him and what his true Mission is. A highly skilled Soldier, he is not to be taken lightly in the least and is armed and very dangerous. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CONTRO5.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much is known about him, but he's one of the two men who gives Bishop his orders. That's all that's known until later on... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Archer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARCHE5.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's the other man who's giving Bishop his orders. Again, not much is known about him, but all is explained later on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Dutchess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DUTCHE5.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A unknown woman who comes into play to give Bishop orders later on. Her part is also later revealed as the story plays out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LYNN5.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bishop's wife. Appears that she has some role in the military or some other related field. She is, though, the lead of the Engine Project and is behind NADA, the Nueral Interface/Link Avatar/Datastream Agent Construct, but as to how she comes in is not revealed until quite late into the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The game has no real "beginning" or back story to it. You just start out immediately in training. Not even the Instruction Manual has anything. Though, at the end of the game, I WILL explain the story as best as I can, so if you do NOT want to know it, do NOT read the ending to the game here in my walkthrough. Also, this walkthrough is written under Normal Mode. Hard Mode has nothing different, except the game over all is harder of course. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = A. Training Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRASIM6.1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As you begin your game, you'll see a sort of weird little intro, before you are brought to the Training Simulator. After the short conversation, you'll begin training. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Start Your Engine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Complete Training. As you begin, get use to moving around quickly, get a feel for the controls, set up anything you need to on the Menu, such as Controller Settings, etc. Once you're ready, head over to the 2 Ammo Boxes on the ground and you'll get some Ammo for your M4, putting you at max bullets. Next, head over to the Blue Indicator and listen to the instructions and complete the objective, which is to shoot the 7 Targets. If you run out of ammo, head over to the Ammo Boxes. Once you're done, restock on ammo and head to the next area. This time, you're doing Grenade Throwing. Listen to the instructions, then when you're ready, try to throw a Grenade into a box. It doesn't matter which you do, as long as you can get 3 Grenades into 3 Boxes. If you run out of Grenades, there's more on the table near you. After you're done, head to the next area and listen to the instructions. Afterwards, grab ahold of the Gun Turret and take out the 7 Targets. Once you do so, head to the next area. Here, you'll have to run down a area and take out 14 Targets all within 35 seconds. Don't worry if you don't get them all, just do your best. If you fail before you destroy all 14, just follow the path down to the end and head to the next area, but either way, you'll move on. Once here, resupply your M4 with bullets, then enter the Blue Indicator and listen to the instructions and get ready. You'll have to destroy 8 Targets within 15 seconds while circling around the pillar. Rather easy, but don't worry if you fail. Afterwards, move to the next area. Once here, pick up the MCRT 300 or Sniple Rifle for the less technical and listen to the instructions, then take out the 3 Targets, all with HEAD SHOTS, nothing else. Afterwards, head to the next area, listen to the instructions and grab the M4 and after you enter the Blue Indicator, then press yourself up against the wall and lean to the west side and you'll see Targets appear, so take out both of them. If you come off the wall at anytime, you "fail" and have to retry, so hold yourself there. After you're done, head to the next station and duck behind the wall, then take out the 4 Targets here. Next, head to the next station, hide behind the pillar and take out the 4 Targets and switch sides when you need to, as you can take out 3 Targets to Bishop's Right and then the final Target to his left. After this, head back to the previous area and this time, you'll have to destroy 2 Targets using Blindfire, so do this. After this, you'll have completed the Training Simulator and after some more talking, head to the final Blue Indicator and after some more talking, you'll be asked to Save. Do so and the real game will begin. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = B. Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MIDEAS6.2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After a weird little scene, your briefing will begin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Opening Move - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Locate General. Advice: This Mission is pretty much a trial. What I mean is, it's getting you use to real combat and the feel of the game. The next Mission actually really starts to get you going. Also, don't use the AK47's for this Mission. Their accuracy frankly sucks in combat unless you're carefully targeting Soldiers from behind something. Sorry, stick with your M4. After your briefing, follow the path ahead of Bishop and head to the end of the wall past the green overturned table to hear a conversation between two Soldiers. Move to the otherside of the wall now where there's windows and press yourself up against the wall and look in, but do NOT lean in yet to fire and see where the Soldiers are. When you're ready, take them out and if you don't or do, either way, rush over to the entrance near the windows and quickly get behind something and start taking out the 3 Soldiers here. (Note: There MAY be a Soldier in one room who's cowering, but I've only seen this once. If you find him, either kill him or kindly knock him out.) After this, collect anything dropped by the Soldiers, then make your way to the area with stairs leading up. Make sure before you do that you grab the M4 Ammo Boxes and a Health Kit if you need it. Then head up the stairs and on the second floor now, enter the first door you see, as the other doors hold nothing in them, except maybe some discarded Guns, but there's a possibility of there being nothing. There's a Health Kit at the other side of the floor, which you really shouldn't need, but, take it if you need it. Anyway, cross the wooden planks and in this area, follow the path and turn the corner and you'll see a door and hear a conversation. Listen to it, then lean in and take out the 2 Soldiers. After this, quickly rush out and hug the east part of the wall and wait. A Soldier will come out and try to see what happened, so shoot him. If you aren't quick enough in killing the Soldiers, he'll come in and you'll fight him. Next, follow the path up the planks and head up the stairs and hug the wall to the east and lean in and take out the Soldier if you can before he ducks behind something. If not, just hit him when you can. Now, here comes the first tricky part. Exit the room and hug the barrels near you and aim, then lean out and fire at the green canister and destroy it. You'll kill 2 Soldiers that way, then lean over and take out the final Soldier and you're home free. Just follow the path past the Soldiers behind the bunker you just took out, head down the planks and you're done with this part. When it prompts you to Save, do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Slight Change Of Plan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Locate General. Eliminate General. Advice: This Mission can be difficult and you can find yourself dead if you're not careful. Also, again, use the M4 and only use the AK47 if you run out of ammo or use the AKU. By the way, the M203 is good, but use it as a crowd control, since you have only 4 shots with it. As this Mission starts, immediately turn to Bishop's Right and in the doorway, wait for a Soldier to appear and kill him. Next, if you need it, head down the hall that was straight ahead of Bishop before you turned right and grab the M4 Ammo Boxes and the Health Kit if you need it. By doing this, 2 Soldiers will have now appeared in the door where you just took out the 1 Soldier, so kill them and then head up the stairs. At the top, hug the wall and aim before leaning in at the Soldier behind the chair. When you have a shot, take it and then move down the hall and you'll see an opening to Bishop's Left. Quickly RUN past it and hug the wall after you do. You'll see a Gun Turret with 1 Soldier manning it and the other to the side. Aim carefully, lean in, kill the one at the Gun Turret and then take out the other Soldier. Next, head to the east end of the wall, lean over and take out another Soldier. Then, from where you just killed the Soldier, search the area around here to find some M4 Ammo Boxes and a Health Kit. After this, follow the path past the Gun Turret, but before you reach it, aim up and take out the Soldier that appears above you. If you can, another Soldier appears, but you have to sort of get him to come at you, since you'll hear him, but won't see him. He'll appear at the same place where the Soldier you just killed did, so if you can't get him, don't worry about it. Anyway, continue past the Gun Turret now and you'll see some stairs, so head to them. Grab the Flash and Mini Grenades if you need to, plus another Health Kit, then head up the stairs and turn the corner and get ready, because straight ahead behind the rubble is 2 Soldiers. Take them out, then head through the door to the west of this, follow the path out and turn to Bishop's Right and take out the Soldier here if you can. If not, follow him and take him and his friend out in the busted up room. After this, follow the path through the destroyed rooms and if you didn't kill that other Soldier earlier, he should be around here. Anyway, look for some wooden planks leading to the next building and follow them across. Once you do, your objectives will pop up and you'll know you're near. First, duck behind the small area ahead of you and take out the Soldiers that come in, which there's only 2. When that's done, head into the room where the General is and put a bullet in him and it's over. After the small conversation, you'll be asked to Save. Do so, then continue on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What's In The Box? - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Get To Extraction Point. Advice: Rather simple area. Just go in guns ablazing and have fun with it, but remember to be careful. As you begin this Mission, immediately head over to the desk and duck behind it and get ready, because 2 of the windows ahead of you will break with gunfire, so take out the Soldier above and then move on, but quickly hide behind a pillar, because a whole wave of Soldiers are coming at you. Be careful, because they use Grenades, too. Take out the 5 Soldiers, then move up, but WATCH OUT, because there's a Gun Turret nearby with a Soldier manning it. Take out the 2 Soldiers, one on the Gun Turret, then the other to the side, then move up and take cover again and take out the Soldier in the window. Next, move again and take cover near the car north of the one with the Gun Turret on it and hide behind it. 3 Soldiers will come out, but if you're lucky, when they fire, they'll hit the green canister and send themselves to Hell. That and a Helicopter will fly by shooting, so take cover and ignore it and afterwards, move up to the next Gun Turret you see and take ahold of it and go to town on the Soldiers that come in. After you take out 5 Soldiers, dismount and grab the Health Kit to Bishop's Left on the building's wall, then continue on and 2 more Soldiers should appear. Take them out, then head into the building at the far end and take out 2 more Soldiers. After this, grab the Health Kit if you need it, then head up the stairs and be careful, because there's no safe area to really fight right now. I suggest throwing a Grenade or something to flush them out, then to pick them off. There's only 2 Soldiers, though. After this, head over to the huge opening in the wall and if you can, kill the 2 Soldiers running away, then take care of the one across on the other building before you leap out onto the truck below. Next, rush out and head behind a pillar and take out the 4-6 Soldiers, depending on if you nailed the 2 running away before. If you want, a Flash Grenade would work wonders here, allowing you to run out and gun them down and after this, follow the path and take out 2 more Soldiers near a truck and head into the Blue Indicator and you're done. Mission complete. After a small conversation, Save your game and then watch a rather weird scene, which you'll be seeing alot throughout the game. I'll explain it at the end, as will the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = C. Caspian Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CASSEA6.3 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Think Like A Gun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Proceed To Upper Platform. Advice: This is actually rather hard. Tons of Soldiers and only one you. Take cover alot and shoot fast and recover yourself if you get too hurt. Alright, well, after that odd scene of that woman and your next small conversation before the Mission, you'll be on a Oil Rig now. Anyway, move forward and get behind something, as you'll see 2 Soldiers talking. Listen to them talk, (Note: I THINK Namco is making a pun here on Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty/Substance. First, notice how Bishop is dressed, where he is, the weather, etc and also how the one Soldier talks about a some Soldier who died on a boat like this. I may be wrong, but ah well, still cool.) then take them out, then get ready to take out around 8 or 9 Soldiers here. (Note: There's a Helicopter that comes in that drops off 2 Soldiers and you can destroy it, but it's not necessary.) After you take care of the Soldiers, continue on and grab the Health Kit on the side of the wall to Bishop's Left, then turn the corner and take out the 2 Soldiers on the top balconies first, then take down the 2 Soldiers on the ground near you. After this, continue on and take out the 5 Soldiers on the ground, plus 1 Soldier on a balcony, then carefully move on and take out another Soldier on a balcony near where you just got done fighting. There's also another Soldier on the ground, but he's far away, but it'd be wise to take him out, since he probably is shooting at you. Do so, then nearby, enter the door you see to find Flash Grenades and ammo for your M4, plus a Health Kit that you probably need. Now, head out and continue on, but get behind the green pipes nearby and get ready to take out 3 Soldiers, but don't relax, there's more. Continue on, but carefully. There's 2 Soldiers on ground and 1 on a balcony just around the corner. Get behind something and take them out. Once you do, enter the door nearby and collect the ammo for the MCRT 300, then step into the Blue Indicator and unlock the door. Exit and head to the next Blue Indicator and you're done. Save when it asks you to, then gear up for the next part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - They Can Bill Me - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Place C4 Charge In: Generator Room, Transformer Room, Drilling Area, Comm Center. Advice: Go through this Mission carefully and safely. The first part is insane and will take some time to get by without seriously injuring yourself or dying. Use the MCRT 300 if you need to. As you start this part out, immediately turn to Bishop's Right and get ready to take out a Soldier as you move. Once you do, head to the door and grab the Health Kit or leave it if you're full. Now, get ready for the hard part. There's 4 Soldiers that'll snipe you on balconies around here and there's 2 Soldiers on the ground. Basically, stay inside the door and pick each one off one by one and be careful. Aim and fire where ever you see a light coming from, as that's the Soldier's Gun going off. Use the MCRT 300 if you need to. Also, the Soldiers are all around you, 2 of which are to the left of Bishop once you leave the door, so you may need to run out, get behind a pillar and take them out that way, once you've cleared a path to do so so that you don't get killed. Anyway, once out, head straight once you leave and as you go, in the middle of the area is a small decent that leads to a open area with 2 Soldiers here. Get behind something and take them out, then head over to the Blue Indicator and set up the C4 Charge and once you do, grab the Health Kit on the opposite wall if you need it, otherwise, head back up and 2 Soldiers will appear, one straight ahead and one to Bishop's Right. Take them both out fast, then enter the door that the one Soldier just came out of and take care of the 4 Soldiers in this room, then grab the Mini Grenades and Health Kit if you need to and head over to the Blue Indicator to set up another C4 Charge. Now, get ready, because 2 more Soldiers come flying in, so take them down. Once you do, you'll be half done with this. Next, head out of the room and head straight, going a bit to the east towards the small building with stairs leading up. Go around it to find a door with some Grenades and a Health Kit inside, with another Blue Indicator. Set up another C4 Charge, then BE CAREFUL as you leave, because you'll see a Helicopter fly in with 2 Soldiers coming off it. One has a Rocket Launcher, so GET BEHIND SOMETHING and BE CAREFUL, as it can KILL YOU in one hit. I suggest you stay back and use your MCRT 300 to hit them. Don't bother with the Helicopter, it'll go away and you need your ammo anyway. Once you kill them, head west as far as you can and to the north a bit you'll see another building. This is the final area to place your C4 Charges. Enter it and set up the final Charge, then you'll get a new Mission Objective. Leave and take care of 2 Soldiers that appear, then head back to the large room north of where you are, where you planted the second C4 Charge. In this room, look for the Blue Indicator and head to it, call the elevator, stand on the Blue Indicator and you're done. Save and then you'll see that weird scene again with that woman, but this time with a bit more to it. Afterwards, you'll begin your next Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Minimum Safe Distance - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Evacuate Oil Rig. Advice: Run. Fast. Kill. Cover. After a short conversation, you'll have 7 minutes to escape the Oil Rig before it explodes. This is definitely a run and gun Mission, so don't really hide and cover unless I say so. Just go in shooting. First, follow the path and grab the Health Kit and Grenades if you need them, then enter the room and just literally run in and start shooting madly all 7 Soldiers here. Once you're done, leave and follow the path and take out the 1 Soldier in the next area and move on. In the next area, there's an explosion that makes some of the Soldiers jump, so run in, shoot and pick off the ones that are slowly standing up. Actually take cover here and be carefull and take down the 6 Soldiers, then move on and grab the Health Kit on the wall, then turn the corner and use a Grenade if you wish and take out the 4 Soldiers here. Now, here comes a tough part. As you cross this walkway, there's a Gun Turret and a Soldier appears soon after you see this to get behind it and use it. Fire at him FAST and make sure you kill him or it's you who will be killed. After this, follow the walkway up and take out the next 10 or so Soldiers here, 2 of which are on balconies across from you, so BE CAREFUL and duck and cover if you go under fire. Next, follow the walkway and ignore the Soldiers you see in the distance for now, just get inside the room you come across fast. In here, there may or may not be a Soldier. If there is, kill him, if not, wait for him to run in through the other door and then kill him. After this, collect the Health Kit on the wall here, since I'm sure you'll be needing it, then head to the door and start fighting the 7 or so Soldiers. Once you kill them, rush to the Blue Indicator and you'll be done. After the small conversation, you'll be asked to Save. Do so, then you'll see another weird scene with that voice again, then your next Mission begins. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = D. North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NORKOR6.4 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Don't Hate The Player - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Objective: Gain Access To Bio Lab. Obtain Nerve Agent. Proceed To Lower Levels. Advice: Eh, nothing, really. There's alot of Soldiers here, so it's another cover, kill, run repeat level, so expect to be doing that alot. You have a M1 for this Mission, so have fun with it. After your briefing, there's 2 Soldiers ahead of you. I suggest you switch to the HK5A3, because the M1 will NOT be good for long. Take them out, then get ready to handle 5 more Soldiers that come flying in. There's more out in the halls, so when you clear the Soldiers coming in, go out and waste the others. About 12 or so are in the halls, depends really. When you're done, depending on your actions, either the door to the west or east will open. Doesn't matter, as each are virtually the same area and lead to the same area. Follow the path and find the door that opens and then take out the 4 Soldiers here, mainly the one at the Gun Turret first, then go behind the Gun Turret to get M1 and M4 Ammo Boxes and a Health Kit, then kill the Soldiers in the next part. Next, the random of Soldiers is beyond me. There's anywhere from like 15 or more, maybe less. Just be careful and take it easy. Security calls in alot of them, so always be on guard. Anyway, your goal for now is to reach Barracks A or B, whichever door you went through and kill the Soldier in it that has the Bio Lab Key Card you need. (Note: For some odd reason, even though you kill all the Soldiers, gunfire will still sometimes appear and may hit you. It's a glitch, since I never found the Soldier doing it, so don't worry about it if you see it and just run.) When he goes down, head to the Blue Indicator to grab it, then grab the Health Kit and backtrack to the Gun Turret. Here, you'll see a Blue Indicator. Open the door and then hug the wall and get ready, as there's more Soldiers to fight, 4 this time. After they're dead, get behind a pillar, cause there's around 8 or so Soldiers here, 2
of which are off to the sides in corners, 1 in each corner. (East and west 
corner.) After you take care of them, enter the broken glass doorways and 
take out 3 more Soldiers here. Now, you'll see a elevator nearby, but 
around the corner is 3 more Soldiers, one which is behind a Gun Turret. 
Also, as you head to the corner, the elevator opens and a Soldier is 
inside. Kill him, then hug the wall and take out the 3 Soldiers, first 
being the Gun Turret. Once you do, head down the hall and a door will 
open. Enter it and step on the Blue Indicator and then hug the wall ahead 
of you and wait for the door to open. 

In here are 3 Soldiers and I suggest you throw in a Flash Grenade to give 
yourself an edge here. When you do, rush in and pick them off. Once you 
do, head to the door where there's glass nearby and you can open the door. 
Once you do, stand in the Blue Indicator and grab the Nerve Agent, then 
head through the door you came through again and head back to the elevator 
that opened with that Soldier inside. Now, step on the Blue Indicator and 
then enter the elevator and you're done. Save your game, then you'll see 
that scene again with that woman, but again, with more to it now. After 
this, your next Mission begins.

- Alarmed                                                                 -

Mission Objective: Lower Bridge To Sub Pen. Enter Sub Pen.

After your briefing again, if you even call it that, follow the path and 
be careful, as there's 3 Soldiers ahead of you. Anyway, whatever you do, 
you'll activate 2 alarms, so don't worry. You get new Mission Objectives, 
which are easy. First, kill the 3 Soldiers, then take out the third that 
comes in, then switch off the alarm in the Blue Indicator. Then, take out 
the 2 Soldiers out in front of you by hugging the wall with the alarm 
switch on it. Once you do, rush out and head through the gate and head to 
Bishop's Left and take out the 6 Soldiers here. Use Flash Grenades or 
Grenades to help you, as you'll need it. 

After you do this, ignore the stairs for a second and in the Blue 
Indicator that you see, turn off the other alarm. Now, enter the room next 
to the alarm switch and right above the stairs is one, then follow the 
path and take out the 6 Soldiers here, then head to the Blue Indicator and 
try to lower the bridge, but first, you need to restore the power, which 
is another Mission Objective. First, head back to those stairs you passed 
earlier and head up them, but Soldiers are back here now, so head up them 
and take cover immediately. 

You'll also have to deactivate another alarm now, so that's another 
Mission Objective. There's about 5 Soldiers up here, plus 2 right behind 
you in that building you just came from, up in the windows, so first, kill 
the 2 Soldiers at the top of the stairs and where the Blue Indicator is, 
get behind the box near it and make your moves there. If you need a Health 
Kit, there's one right behind you, so take it. Anyway, once you're done, 
turn off the alarm here and follow the catwalk to the end, but watch out, 
as the door opens with 4 Soldiers in it. Kill them, then enter the room 
and restore power to the bridge. There's another Health Kit here if you 
need it as well, but when you're ready, exit and down below you is more 

There's only 2 of them, but more come later. Anyway, watch it as you make 
your way back, as there's one Soldier now on a Gun Turret below you, so 
take cover and then take him out. After he goes down, another Soldier 
appears where you just took down the 2 just before, so kill him, then make 
your way down the stairs and there's 2 more Soldiers waiting for you. Once 
you kill them, head back to the bridge, but immediately take cover, as 
Soldiers appear across the bridge. There's 5 Soldiers over there, plus 
there's 2 Soldiers over where you are, near the Gun Turret, but not 
manning it. Kill them all, then cross the bridge and enter the building 
and you're home free. When it asks you to Save, do so and then you'll 
immediately begin the next part of your Mission.

- Submission                                                              -

Mission Objective: Scuttle Submarine. Enter Missile Silo.

Advice: Tons of Soldiers here. Basically, you're making your way to the 
Submarine, destroying it, then entering the Missile Silo. Not a joy ride 
at all. Have fun killing tons of Soldiers. Cover yourself alot and be 
careful in general as usual.

As you start this Mission, the door immediately opens and there's Soldiers 
all about. First, hug the wall and take out 1 Soldier to the west and 1 
Soldier to the east and then head over to each area to find a MCRT 300 and 
ammo for it, plus a Health Kit and more ammo. Next, take out the 10 or so 
Soldiers around here and follow the path until you reach a huge staircase. 
Head up it and grab the Health Kit if you need it, because this time, you 
will come back this way, so leave it if you're remotely fine. Anyway, 
continue on and duck behind a area on the catwalk here because there's a 
Soldier in the room nearby, so kill him then enter the room, which holds a 
Health Kit as well. 

Take it if you want, otherwise, move on and take out the 3 Soldiers you 
come across, then head up to the Submarine and pull out our MCRT 300 and 
snipe some Soldiers off in the distance that you see. There's only 2, so 
not a whole lot. After this, head to both Blue Indicators and once the 
charges are set, you have 30 seconds to get the HELL out of there. Run 
back up to the area with the Health Kit is at the end of the catwalk and 
kill the 3 Soldiers here, then make sure you don't exit the little hallway 
that you're in when the explosion goes off or you'll take TONS of damage. 
Now, exit and you'll have to fight more Soldiers, with one of them holding 
the Missile Silo Key Card, so kill the 4 Soldiers, then open the door to 
the Missile Silo and you're done. Save your game when asked, your next 
Mission will automatically start again.

- Launch Party                                                            -

Mission Objective: Install Nerve Agent In LRM.

Advice: You're basically making your way to the top of the Missile and 
installing the Nerve Agent into it. Not to mention there's tons of 
Soldiers here, so have fun with them. Not much to really offer in advice 
other than to just stay alive.

After your "briefing" I guess, (Note: If you haven't sort of started to 
understand the story by now, you're not in the dark. Trust me, it's really 
that confusing, but makes sense at the end. I'll explain it if you don't 
get it by then.) follow the path and grab the Health Kit if you need it, 
then watch out as 5 Soldiers come in, so take cover and take them out. 
Next, head up and take out 3 more Soldiers, then head around the corner 
to find even more Soldiers, this time 6 of them, then follow the path to 
find 2 more, plus a Health Kit in this room. 

Man, they don't stop, do they? Anyway, after this, continue on and as you 
head up, take out 3 more Soldiers, then turn the corner to find 4 or so 
Soldiers, plus 2 off to the side in a storage room, plus 3 or so more 
Soldiers who come up from below the stairs where you just came after you. 
Wow, so many...

Anyways, after all this, in the storage room, there's a Health Kit, plus 
some M203 ammo, some Sticky Grenades and M1 ammo. Anyway, head up again 
and take out 3 more Soldiers, plus 6 more Soldiers just around the corner, 
with one of them off to the side in a small room, which holds a Health Kit 
plus Sticky Grenades and AK47 ammo. Also, 2 more Soldiers may come in, so 
be careful, like you need anymore to fight, right? After this, head up and 
take care of the final 4 Soldiers here and enter the door to cross over a 
walkway and enter the Blue Indicator, but you may be shot at as you do 

Ignore it and when you're done, head back into the room you were just in 
and over to the Blue Indicator, as a small conversation takes place, more 
surprises, really and then you're asked to Save. Do so, then afterwards, 
you'll see more of that weird scene again, as the woman this time is shot, 
then more of that other weird scene. Then, your next Mission will begin.

= E. Temple Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TEMRUI6.5 ] =

- Furious Angel                                                           -

Mission Objective: Locate Base Entrance. Avoid All Tripwires.

Advice: Basically, what your last Mission Objective is. Avoid all 
tripwires, be careful as usual and take down any Soldiers you see and play 
it safe and smart.

As you begin this Mission, you have a new "briefing" instructor and after 
some more plot to the already foggy story, you'll gain control of Bishop 
again. First, move forward and turn the corner and you'll see 2 Soldiers, 
as one of them walks away. You can kill the one who stays and for some 
reason, the other Soldier won't notice possibly. If he does, he'll start 
running away, so give chase and kill him. After this, continue on and take 
out the next Soldier who's down the hall, but be aware that 2 more 
Soldiers may rush in to help him. If not, they'll appear later. Next, move 
on and don't turn the corner, but hug the wall before you do and look 
around to see if there's a Soldier behind a pillar. If there is, kill him, 
then turn the corner and hug the next wall and look over and take out 
another Soldier.

After this, continue on and around the next corner is 2 Soldiers in the 
distance standing around. Kill them both if you can, otherwise, take them 
out along with 3 more Soldiers, but stay back, as they use Grenades. Then, 
carefully hug the wall before the next corner and look over to see a Gun 
Turret with 3 Soldiers, one who's manning the Gun Turret. Take them all 
out, then go over and behind the Gun Turret, grab the Health Kit and a 
HK53A Ammo Box, but leave the Health Kit if you're fine, since you'll come 
back here in just a moment. Next, from the Gun Turret, head north to the 
west a bit and you'll see a hole in the ground. 

Fall into it and continue on, but hug the wall and look over and wait and 
you'll see 2 Soldiers appear. Take them out, then move on down the hall 
and head to Bishop's Right and hug the wall before turning the corner. If 
you're lucky, you'll see 3 Soldiers standing around. If not, they're all 
hiding. Throw a Grenade in if they're standing around and they're all 
history and if not, just pick them off. After this, find the Blue 
Indicator here and hit it to unlock the doors. Next, follow the path now 
up the stairs, but hug the wall at the top and look over to see 2 Soldiers 
standing around, as a third walks in. Kill them all fast, then wait, as a 
Soldier runs over to take up the Gun Turret, so kill him, but watch out, 
because 2 more Soldiers may run in. 

If they don't, run in and take cover, because they're both hiding behind 
the wall ahead of you past the stone table in the doorway. Once they're 
dead, continue on to see your first tripwire. Now, you have two choices. 
You can either do a dive across it with the X Button or you can throw a 
Grenade at it and step back and let it be destroyed. I suggest the Grenade 
to play it save, but diving also works well. Up to you. After this, 
continue on and grab the HK5SD5 Ammo Box, then step on the switch to open 
the door. Next, head through the door and you'll be back to where you were 
before with that Gun Turret and Health Kit. Take it now if you need so, 
cause you aren't coming back, then open the next door and get ready.

Once you enter the room, you'll have 1 minute to clear this area before 
you die. (I never had this happen, but I was shot down, so maybe an 
explosion happens or they lock off the entrance and you fail. Who knows.) 
Anyway, as you enter, throw a Grenade to Bishop's Right and get away, so 
that the tripwires explode. Then, follow the path where the tripwires were 
and just enter the door you see, ignoring all the Soldiers. Once you're in 
here, you're home free. After a small conversation, you'll be asked to 
Save, so do so, as you begin your next Mission immediately.

- The Rabbit Hole                                                         -

Mission Objective: Proceed To Base Core. Avoid All Tripwires.

Advice: Eh, same as usual. It's like the last level pretty much, so again, 
survive and use all your guns that are available to you.

As you start this Mission, you'll notice a tripwire right near you. Go 
ahead and dive across it, then quickly run over to the wall/pillar and hug 
it and you'll see a Soldier take up the Gun Turret. Kill him and another 
Soldier will rush in to take it up, so kill him as well. There's also 
another Soldier right below this, so if possible, kill him, then head down 
the stairs and hug the walls here to kill the next 2 Soldiers, then move 
up the stairs to where the Gun Turret is, but once you reach the top, RUN 
down and hug the wall, as 4 Soldiers come running in. Once you kill them, 
back up at the Gun Turret, there's some Grenades if you need them, 
otherwise, continue on. 

Next, hug the wall at the end of the hall to see a room with some 
tripwires and more Soldiers in it. Toss a Grenade in to cause some panic, 
as there's only 2 Soldiers here, but you'll destroy the tripwire, which 
will help. After this, run in and kill the Soldiers if they survived, as 
Dutchess, your contact, comments on stuff here. Then, 2 more Soldiers will 
enter, so kill them and then when you're done, there's a Health Kit and 
Mini Grenades in one corner of the room, so take them. Next, follow the 
path out of here, but hug the wall and look over to see a Soldier and a 
tripwire. Shoot the white device near the tripwire to destroy it, then 
kill the Soldier, but watch out, because there's another Soldier on the 
other side, so run in and kill him, then grab the M1 Ammo Box if you need 

Now, hug the wall here and look in to see the next room, with 2 tripwires 
here. Destroy them with your gun, hitting the white boxes, which will take 
out maybe a Soldier or two. Now, there's 2 Soldiers here, plus another 
tripwire to Bishop's Left, so you may have killed 1 Soldier, but walk in a 
bit to lure the other out. He should shoot at you, then move over to your 
left. Toss a Grenade at him and towards the last tripwire and it's lights 
out for him. Then, run in and get ready to kill 2 more Soldiers that come 
running in like before. After this, grab the Flash Grenades and Health Kit 
at the one side of the room if you need it, then continue on out of this 

Then, as you go through the halls, at the second corner, hug the wall and 
look over to see 2 Soldiers standing around. Kill them, then move on to 
come to a rather large room filled with even more Soldiers. As soon as you 
enter the room, take cover, but watch out, as there's 1 Soldier on the 
same floor as you. Kill him, then take cover again. Now, there's 4 
Soldiers below you, so take cover and kill them, then rush down to their 
area and grab the Health Kit here if you need it, then find the stairs 
leading back up to the same floor, but a different part and kill the 
Soldier that was shooting at you from above that you ignored or possibly 

After he's dead, follow the path to the end of this area and hug the wall 
and look over to see 2 Soldiers come rushing in near a power generator. 
Kill them, then take cover behind the generator and kill the 2 Soldiers 
nearby. Next, you'll be going down some stairs, but go slowly and try to 
look ahead and below you to pick off Soldiers who aren't expecting you 
just yet. There's only 2 more, but once they're dead, rush down the stairs 
and you're done. After a small conversation with more of the plot 
unfolding somewhat, you'll be asked to Save. Do so, then watch a kick ass 
scene with Bishop, as you learn his first name at the end: Nick. After 
this, your next Mission begins.

- Clever Girl                                                             -

Mission Objective: Locate Ops Center.

Advice: Same as usual. Use your best tactics, all the guns you have and 
Grenades and come out alive.

As you begin, grab the Health Kit at the end of the hall if you need it, 
then head into the next room and get ready to take out 10 or so Soldiers 
here, all heavily armed, 7 on the ground below, 3 on the top floor. Once 
they're dead, grab the Health Kit and Grenades on the floor below, then 
follow the path up to where the 3 Soldiers where up above and follow the 
path, as you reach a long almost Wall Of China like path here. For some 
reason, the game makes you stand up against the low rising wall here for 
the first part, so rush down the two stairs and then head to the wall 
ahead of you for actual cover. (Note: There may or may not be a Soldier up 
on the rocks as you enter this walkway, so before heading out onto it, hug 
the wall, look over and see if he is. He may have rushed in to help his 

Now, take out the 9 or so Soldiers around here, and grab the Health Kit 
nearby and then continue on and you'll find 2 more Soldiers at the end of 
the walkway here, so kill them, but as you move on to enter the next area, 
grab the M4 Ammo Box, then stop, because yet another Soldier comes in, so 
kill him as well. Next, head into the area, but hug the wall and look in 
to see 2 more Solders ready for you. Kill them, then continue on and hug 
the next wall to find 2 more Soldiers. Once they're dead, head into the 
room, only to find 7 more Soldiers awaiting you. Take them down, 5 on the 
ground, 3 above where you are, then continue on and grab the Mini Grenades 
if you need them.

Next, as you move onto the ground level, watch out, because 3 Soldiers 
will rush in from the stairs that you're heading to, so take cover and 
kill them, then head up and continue on and you're home free. Save your 
game when asked to, then your next Mission begins.

- All The Things She Said                                                 -

Mission Objective: Locate Ops Center.

Advice: This is a pain in the ass. There's Soldiers in this level with 
Rocket Launchers and not to mention the final area here is NOT fun to get 
through. Just pray you make it in and survive.

As you start out, grab the Health Kit you see, then hug the wall and look 
around to see a Soldier. Kill him, then rush out and take cover to kill 
two Soldiers across from you on a balcony. Next, rush down the walkway, 
ignoring all fire, until you reach a staircase with Soldiers coming up it. 
Take all 3 of them out, then grab the Health Kit and then move on to take 
out 3 more Soldiers nearby. Now, here comes the first tricky part. Do not 
move too far out and let the Soldiers in the distance come to you. Once 
you've killed 3 more, head out, but QUICKLY take cover behind a pillar 
once you can see a view of 2 Soldiers off into the distance on a balcony. 
One of them has the Rocket Launcher.

Aim, but do NOT lean out. If you do, you'll be hit, where as if you stay 
against the wall, you won't take damage. Now, once you have a shot, lean 
out, take it and then lean back out, incase the Soldier got off a rocket 
before he died. Now, another ground Soldier may come after you, so kill 
him quickly here, but also, watch out, as there's a ground Soldier nearby 
who also has a Rocket Launcher. Oh joy. After he's dead, continue on and 
take out 3 more Soldiers and then exit the walkway into the next area.

Ok, here, grab the Health Kit and a M4 Ammo Box if you need it, then get 
ready to enter the base, which is the final area here, but also a BITCH to 
get by. First, I suggest you run in until you hear Soldiers aware of you 
or start shooting at you. Then, run back out down the stairs, but not all 
the way, good enough so you can still aim into the room without hitting 
the stairs. Aim to the left of the table here and 2 Soldiers will come by, 
so pick them off. Next, head up against the right wall and hug it and 
lean over and take out the Soldier above you who may be able to hit you. 
Now, here comes the toughest part. If you didn't kill 2 Soldiers near the 
table, throw a Grenade to Bishop's Left now near the stairs.

You should take out that second Soldier, so if you did now or did before, 
rush up the stairs and just RUN around the upper path and kill the 3 
Soldiers up here, plus the 1 Soldier who comes behind you. Then, 4 
Soldiers come in through the roof, so duck behind something and kill them, 
but watch out because they use Grenades. Once they are dead, on the top 
floor, follow the path around to where the dead guy is on the table with 
all this equipment monitoring...Bishop? Hmm, guess who he was? Anyway, 
before going to the Blue Indicator, go back down to the floor below and on 
the wall here is a Health Kit, near where the 4 Soldiers came flying in. 
Get this, then go to the Blue Indicator. 

You'll see a small conversation with more of the plot unraveling and 
afterwards, Save your game and then you'll see a scene which pretty much 
reveals most of the story, but if it's still unclear to you, don't worry, 
again, I'll explain it at the end. Then, you'll see that other weird scene 
again, as your next Mission begins.

= F. Archer Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARCBAS6.6 ]=

- False Front                                                             -

Mission Objective: Infilitrate Base.

Advice: Welcome to the last part of the game. Short, huh? Anyway, it only 
gets harder from here on out, so get ready. Use your best tactics as much 
as you can and just get by and live.

As you start off on this Mission, head up the ramp and be careful, because 
there's 2 Soldiers right above you, so either rush up and nail them or 
carefully move around and pick them off. Either way, kill them and move 
on, but watch out, because there's a Soldier in the distance on a balcony 
with a Rocket Launcher, so get behind something and take him down, then 
kill another Soldier nearby. Next, move on and grab the Health Kit if you 
need it, but if you don't, leave it, as you'll be coming back in a minute, 
if you need to get it. Move ahead and take out the Soldier in the doorway 
that appears, then enter the building and take out the 4 Soldiers on the 
ground, then quickly go to Bishop's Left and head up the stairs and just 
kill the 2 Soldiers up here in a gun and run. 

Once the second Soldier dies, look down below at the plate of glass and a 
Soldier will be inside, possibly shooting at you. Get behind something and 
kill him, then just jump down, even if you take damage, but don't worry, 
you'll heal in a second. Now, enter the room and stand on the Blue 
Indicator to get the Security Gate Card A and then grab the Health Kit as 
well and leave. As you head out, follow the path and get behind something 
once you see Soldiers start coming in. Take out the 4 Soldiers, then move 
up and take out the 1 Soldier that appears, then get behind something as 
you continue on, as even more Soldiers appear.

Now, there's about 12 or so Soldiers here, so have fun with them. After 
this, head over to where you see 3 red crates and there's 4 Soldiers over 
here. Take them out, then head over to the building on the other side 
where the fork lift is and look for a Health Kit if you need it, 
otherwise, head into the building near the 3 red crates. In here, take 
cover, because there's more Soldiers around. After you kill 6 or so 
Soldiers, look for the Blue Indicator on the ground level for the Security 
Gate Card B and after your Mission Objective is updated, leave here and 
head back outside and follow the path and take the left turn when you can. 
(Bishop's Left.) 

You'll notice more Soldiers are here now, so kill the 4 or so Soldiers, 
then enter the small building with the Blue Indicator and open the gate 
and you're home free. After some more talk, you'll be asked to Save. Do 
so, then your next Mission starts.

- The Real Thing                                                          -

Mission Objective: Locate And Eliminate Archer. Locate Nuke.

Advice: Ok, in my opinion, this part right here is one of THE hardest in 
the game. If you can get by this, it's sort of easy here on out, but do 
NOT let your guard down once.

As you start this Mission, if you need a Health Kit, there's one right 
behind you. After getting it or leaving it, head to Bishop's Right and 
follow the path and take cover behind some green boxes. (Grab the Ammo 
Boxes to get M203 and M4 ammo as you go.) Now, first, take out the Soldier 
up in the window, then start taking out as many Soldiers as you can from 
here. 2 Soldiers should make their way over to where you are, so kill 
them. Also, ahead of you is a truck and under it is 2 Soldiers. Throw a 
Grenade or Mini Grenade in there to make short work of them so they don't 
get you later on.

Once you take out around 12 or so Soldiers, from where you are, look to 
Bishop's Right. There should be a truck, and go to the back and inside is 
a Soldier. Kill him, then head from that truck north into the next area. 
Take cover and kill the 4 or so Soldiers, then climb up the stairs and 
enter the Building. Once you do, look over on the walkway to see a Soldier 
coming up. Kill him, then go to the Blue Indicator to find the Nuke. After 
Bishop calls Dutchess, move on across the walkway, but take cover and 
you'll see a Soldier behind a Gun Turret and a Soldier with a Rocket 
Launcher. Not good. Take out the Rocket Launcher one first, then the Gun 
Turret one, then take out the 5 or so Soldiers that come rushing in. 

Next, continue across the walkway and before the stairs there's a Health 
Kit. Take it if you need it, then go down the stairs a bit, but once you 
hear Soldiers, run back up and take cover and pick them off. You do this 
because you'll have an advantage instead of fighting them on the ground. 
Take out the 4 or so Soldiers here, then head down, but back up quickly 
again, as another wave comes in. Kill 4 more Soldiers or so, then head 
back down and head through the doorway to the Blue Indicator and you're 
done. After a small conversation, Save your game when asked to, then your 
next Mission will begin.

- Checkmate                                                               -

Mission Objective: Locate And Eliminate Archer.

Advice: You have my respect for getting through the last area alive. I 
know how much of a pain it was, but at least you made it, I hope. Anyway, 
you're near the end now. This next part is equally as hard, so gear up and 
get ready.

As you start this Mission, you're in a factory for tanks now. First, 
follow the path, ignoring any gunfire and take out the 2 Soldiers that 
appear ahead of you first. There's about 3 or 4 Soldiers on the other side 
of you now, so kill them, but watch it, as 1 Soldier may come down the 
stairs behind you. Once you take care of the Soldiers down here, head up 
the stairs and take out the Soldiers up here. (Note: A small conversation 
takes place up here with Bishop.) The 1 Soldier ahead of you is the one to 
worry about, as he has a Rocket Launcher. Once he's dead, kill the 3 or 4 
other Soldiers up here, then follow the path down the stairs to the other 
side of the room now.

Down here, follow the path and go into the Blue Indicator and open the 
door. (Note: Another small conversation takes place here.) After this, 
grab the Health Kit by the door, since I'm guessing you need it, then head 
back to the otherside of the room and the door near the stairs now is 
open. Head through it and you'll come outside. Head to Bishop's Right and 
behind a pillar is a Soldier waiting. Kill him, then head up the stairs 
and get ready. First, duck behind something near the stairs and look for 
the balcony with the Soldier on it fast. He has a Rocket Launcher that you 
need take out if you wish to do anything. Once he's dead, there's around 
10 or so Soldiers here. Some on the otherside of you and some off in the 
distance from you. 

Once you handle them all, follow the path and take the stairs down, but go 
back up once you hear Archer talking to you again in a small conversation. 
There's 3 more Soldiers that appear, so kill them, then turn around and 
take cover and look towards the waterfall. There's a Gun Turret now with a 
Soldier behind it. Kill him fast, then go down the stairs and follow the 
path up and over to the Blue Indicator and you're done. When the game asks 
you to Save, do so, then your next and final Mission will begin.

- Versus                                                                  -

Mission Objective: Eliminate Archer.

Advice: This is it. The final level of the game and it's short. You're 
about to face Archer and he is NOT easy. He CAN be, but depends on the 
tactics you use. Go all out here, spare nothing and just use everything 
you can to bring Archer down.

After a small conversation, you begin the final Mission. First, I suggest 
if you have at least a 1/2 of your Health Indicator left to not grab the 
Health Kit behind you just yet. If you are at less, take it. Now, step 
into the Blue Indicator and the second you're done, MOVE and COVER. 
There's 2 Soldiers now in the distance on a balcony, one which has a 
Rocket Launcher. I say to move FAST because the SECOND you're done a 
rocket is launched at you. After these 2 Soldiers are dead, move up and 
take out the 5 or so other Soldiers here and once your Mission Objective 
pops up to Eliminate Archer, rush back to where the Health Kit is, grab 
it, along with Grenades, M203 and M4 Ammo Boxes are, gear up and head back 
to where the building is.

As you approach it, straight ahead is a door. Fling a Grenade at it and 
as you get closer, Archer will come out of there. For some reason, he has 
an INSANE amount of stamina and can take TONS of Grenades. Also, to make 
things worse, he's very fast and dodges alot and shortly after he appears, 
3 Soldiers come out with him. Kill them and I suggest you rush back and 
make a good distance between you and him and just snipe him from there. 
The more you damage him, the more he taunts you, so you'll know you're 
doing good. Once Dutchess contacts you, you're almost done. Then, when 
Archer runs away, you've done it. It'll ask you to save your game and then 
you're done. Congratulations on beating kill.switch. Now, watch the ever 
so short ending movie and enjoy the no replay value, except you can now 
play any Mission when you want. 

Story Plot: Alright, here's my take on the story, if you didn't get it. 
Just note, there ARE spoilers to this. But anyway, here goes:

Nick Bishop is some type of combat Soldier and marries Lynn Takamura, head 
of NADA, the the Nueral Interface/Link Avatar/Datastream Agent Construct. 
I'm guessing Bishop took out Archer, some international terrorist, but he 
wasn't quite dead. He comes back and kills Lynn, Bishop's Wife, then 
sedates Bishop and makes him lose his memory and basically becomes 
Archer's Slave. Archer uses Bishop to get him a Nuke and to start a new 
World War, but Dutchess gets wind of this and tries to crack the hold that 
Archer has on Bishop, which I guess with the program Lynn made, if it is a 
program or something. 

Dutchess cracks it, gets Bishop back and Bishop kills both Controller (He 
was working for Archer.) and Archer and ends this once and for all, but 
the ending suggests this is only the beginning...maybe there might be a 
sequel? Who knows. If so, they'd better add in more to it and at least 
make a Multiplayer or something.

Anyway, it's all VERY, VERY confusing, but that's what I got out of it 
anyway. So, that's it. That's everything. I hope you enjoyed my 
walkthrough and that it helped you out in playing the game. Thanks again! 
If you want an extra challenge, try Hard Mode, since, well, that's the 
only replay value this game has.

= [ VII. Weapons ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAP7 ]=

Here's a complete list of all the Weapons in the game that are available 
to use by Bishop.

Gun Name/Ammo: M4 5.56mm.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: A compact assault rifle derived from the M16. It has a 
shorter barrel, a telescoping buttstock and a higher rate of fire than the 
M16, but with lower bullet velocity. The 5.56mm M4 is handy and flexible 
and provides good firepower.

Gun Name/Ammo: M203 40mm HE Grenade.
Clip Info: 8 loads/1 round.
Information: The M203 Grenade Launcer is a lightweight single shot 
attachment for the M4 that sits underneath the barrel. It fires a 
spherical 40mm diameter grenade with a effective kill radius of up to 5 

Gun Name/Ammo: AK47 7.62mm.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: The AK47 is one of the most prolific small arms Weapons in 
the world. It has been (And still is) manufactured in dozens of countries 
and has been used in hundreds of conflicts since it's introduction. The 
AK47 is most well-known for it's ruggedness, simplicity of maintenance and 
operation and for it's reliability even in the worst of conditions.

Gun Name/Ammo: AKU 5.45mm.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: The AKU was developed as a personal defense weapon for 
vehicle crews and for special operations forces that required a compact, 
but powerful automatic Weapon. Derived from the AKS assault rifle, it has 
a much shorter barrel and cannot mount a bayonet, but is similar in all 
other aspects.

Gun Name/Ammo: AKUG 5.45mm.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: The AKUG is a variant of the AKU assault rifle.

Gun Name/Ammo: HK5A3.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: The HK5 submachine gun is one of the most famous and 
widespread firearms of its class. The success of the HK5 is outstanding 
due to the high quality and reliability of the Weapon, great flexability 
and it's great accuracy.

Gun Name/Ammo: HK5SD5 9mm.
Clip Info: 5 clips/30 rounds per clip.
Information: The HK5SD5 is a dedicated silenced version of the HK5. It is 
equipped with a non-detachable integral silencer and a vented barrel to 
reduce the muzzle velocity below the speed of sound.

Gun Name/Ammo: M1 12 gauge.
Clip Info: 8 shells/32 shells max.
Information: The M1 is a high quality tactical shotgun that uses 12 gauge 
shells. While the firing rate is rather low and its accuracy at longer 
range questionable, its effectiveness at close range is absolute.

Gun Name/Ammo: MCRT 300 .300 magnum.
Clip Info: 5 clips/5 rounds per clip.
Information: The MCRT 300 is a bolt-action sniper rifle. It is an 
excellent long-range Weapon, used for sniping enemies in a covert fashion. 
Ideally, you want to target the head or central mass. One well-placed shot 
will take out a threat quickly and silently.

Gun Name/Ammo: M249 5.56mm.
Clip Info: 2 box clips/200 rounds per box.
Information: The M249 SAW or Squad Automatic Weapon is an air cooled, gas 
operated light machine gun. It fires the 5.56mm NATO round from 200 round 
belts fed from special plastic boxes clipped beneath the receiver. With 
its high rate of fire and large amount of ammunition, the M249 is an 
extremely effective covering Weapon.

Explosive Name: Grenade.
Information: Highly explosive fragmentation device that is useful in 
taking out a large number of enemies.

Explosive Name: Mini Grenade.
Information: Smaller and less powerful version of the regular Grenade. Due 
to its size, operativs are able to carry more in their inventory.

Explosive Name: Sticky Grenade.
Information: Similar to the Frag Grenade, but sticks to surfaces before it 

Explosive Name: Flash Grenade.
Information: Non-lethal grenade that temporarily stuns and blinds enemies 
within its explosive radius.

= VIII. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE8 ]=

- Stage Select                                                            -

Once you beat the game, you'll be able to play any Mission you want. 
Rather cool, but doesn't really add to the replay value much...

= IX. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED9 ] =

Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this 
walkthrough possible. Here's the following people I'd like to thank:

Namco - For making the game. Nice try, guys, but maybe next time, add in 
more things to make the game longer and a little bit more fun. Way, way 
too short and definitely not worth the $50 you ask.

Stephen Ng - For giving me this game to do for IGN.

Myself - For writing the walkthrough, of course. I hope you enjoyed it.

Scooter McDue - For the ASCII art of kill.switch.

= X. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO10 ]=

Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. 
If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to 
ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-kill.switch" and as 
nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you 
have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the 
subject as "Question-kill.switch" please. Again, not asking much here and 
it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff.

This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any 
other site besides IGN and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted 
on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give 
permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of 
creating kill.switch. I am not affiliated with Namco, nor the people who 
made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving 
out information to other gamers of kill.switch.

Copyright © 2003 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.