------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------Kya: Dark Lineage - Boss Guide------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------Written By: Ryan Kampmeier-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------Date Complete: 04 / 30 / 10------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *--------------------- ----------------------* Game Information *--------------------- ----------------------* Game Name: Kya: Dark Lineage *--------------------- ----------------------* Genre: Action Adventure *--------------------- ----------------------* Platform: PS2 *--------------------- ----------------------* Release Date: Nov 14, 2003 (US) *--------------------- ----------------------* Developer: Eden Games *--------------------- ----------------------* Publisher: Atari *--------------------- ----------------------* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== 1. Introduction................................[intro] 2. Bosses a. Lava Worm...............................[bs1-1] Lava Worm Tactics......................[bs1-2] Mechanic - Lava Ball Number............[bs1-3] Sequence Break - Lava Worm Skip........[bs1-4] b. The Hunter..............................[bs2-1] The Hunter Tactics.....................[bs2-2] Sequence Break - The Hunter Skip.......[bs2-3] c. Brazul..................................[bs3-1] Tactics - Brazul.......................[bs3-2] Sequence Break - Brazul Skip...........[bs3-3] Glitch - Walk Across the Bridge........[bs3-4] d. Frank (Wolf Form).......................[bs4-1] Tactics - Frank........................[bs4-2] Sequence Break - Frank Cutscene Skip...[bs4-3] e. Aton....................................[bs5-1] Tactics - Aton.........................[bs5-2] f. Brazul (Second Fight)...................[bs6-1] Tactics - Brazul (Second Fight)........[bs6-2] 3. Version History.............................[vhist] 4. Copyright Information.......................[copyr] 5. Credits & Thanks............................[creds] ============================================================================== 1. Introduction [intro] ============================================================================== The boss battles in this game aren't extremely hard, but they can be frustrating at times. This guide will provide you with the easiest way to defeat each boss. As well as providing traditional tactics to defeating a boss, this guide will also go in-depth wherever possible and provide more information than you would probably ever want to know. Specifically, the mechanics of the bosses as well as no so traditional ways to defeat bosses that the game developers didn't intend to happen. Hopefully you are enjoying Kya: Dark Lineage, and hopefully you will find my guide useful. ============================================================================== Boss One: Lava Worm [bs1-1] ============================================================================== The Lava Worm has six lava circles on its chest which act as its weak spots. You must hit each weak spot with your Boomy. The bottom row of weak spots can be hit from ground level. Use the rocks to the left and right of the Lava Worm to hit the middle and top row of weak spots. When you hit one of the weak spots the Lava Worm will shoot out five lava balls. The Lava Worm shoots out one lava ball about every three seconds regardless of whether you are hitting him or not. These shots are always directed right at you so you must move out of the way to avoid being hit. Once you have hit all six weak spots with your Boomy the Lava Worm will die and you can continue to Hunter's Domain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lava Worm Tactics [bs1-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fast and fierce best describes how you should approach the Lava Worm. Get into position, throw your Boomy in the direction of the weak spots, and move to another position. Try not to stay in any one spot for too long because that will increase the chance of getting hit by a lava ball. As long as your staying in a height where you can hit the remaining weak spots while continuously moving, you will defeat the Lava Worm very quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mechanic - Lava Ball Number [bs1-3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For what it's worth, the game only allows the Lava Worm to have 18 lava balls on the ground at a time. Once there are 18 lava balls lying on the ground the Lava Worm will be unable to spit out any more. It will still go through the animation of shooting a lava ball, but nothing will shoot from its mouth. This is most likely an issue with the PS2's resources. If the developers allowed the Lava Worm to keep spitting out lava balls regardless of how many were currently on screen, the game would most likely start lagging and could eventually crash or lead to other unintended behavior. This is an odd decision by the game developers considering an easy way to tackle this issue would be to give each lava ball a "life span" which would make them disappear after a set period of time. This would allow the Lava Worm to continuously spit out lava balls no matter how long the boss fight has taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sequence Break - Lava Worm Skip [bs1-4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a glitch which allows you to skip the first boss fight entirely. After you walk into the rune (purple shining thing) that initiates the Lava Worm battle, a cutscene plays showing the Lava Worm popping out of the ground and a rock falling behind you. If you walk away from the Lava Worm after the cutscene plays, you can actually walk through the rock that fell behind you. Now that you are outside of the battle arena all you have to do is drop down to the bulls-eye plant below, return to Nativ City with a shell elevator, and then return back to the boss area. Now the Lava Worm still appears, but there is no lava. Since there is no lava present and there is no door blocking the elevator to Hunter's Domain, you can walk right past the Lava Worm and enter Hunter's Domain. This glitch doesn't really serve much of a purpose because the Lava Worm isn't a very difficult enemy and performing the glitch takes much more time than actually fighting the Lava Worm. The reason for this glitch is because the developers didn't actually map the rock that falls behind Kya, they just assumed the player would think it was impassable. The reason the lava doesn't appear but the Lava Worm does appear when you return is because the lava is formed only when the cutscene initiates, but the Lava Worm will reappear as long as it hasn't been killed. ============================================================================== Boss Two: The Hunter [bs2-1] ============================================================================== The Hunter is in an air balloon hovering in front of where you stand. To start off, the Hunter alternates throwing a static bomb followed by an explosive bomb. The static bombs instantly release a static blast in a small radius as soon as the bomb lands. The explosive bombs have a timer that starts at 7. Like any other bomb they will explode when the timer reaches 0, as well as when they are hit by your Boomy. You should notice there are four red and yellow bags on the Hunter, two on each side. You have to destroy all four of these bags in order to reach the next stage of the battle. The easiest way to do this is to kick the bomb at one of the four bags and then throw your Boomy at it once the bomb is close to the ball. A harder way is to time your kick with the natural detonation of the bomb. This is much harder and fairly pointless. Once you have blown up all four of the red and yellow bags the Hunter will start shooting a flame from its mouth. The only way to escape the fire is to hide behind the rocks located to the left and right. After the large flame fades away there will be small fires spread around the ground that you must avoid. If you run the bomb into any of these flames the bomb will explode on you. Now the Hunter will alternate shooting his flame, which will result in more little scattered fires, shooting a static bomb, and shooting an explosive bomb. You have to kick three explosive bombs into the balloon's mouth in order to defeat the Hunter. Note that the bombs will detonate automatically in the balloon's mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Hunter Tactics [bs2-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first part of this battle is not hard at all. The way the Hunter shoots bombs is completely predictable: first a static bomb, then an explosive bomb, then a static bomb...Keeping that in mind, all you have to do is continuously move when a static bomb is coming and stay near the Hunter when an explosive bomb is coming. Kick the bomb towards the side that still has bags and throw your Boomy at it. Repeat until all four bags are destroyed and he starts blowing fire at you. This is the difficult part of the battle. Sometimes the timing of when the explosive bombs are given to you doesn't work well because you can't reach the Hunter before his fire blast will hit you. In a case like this the only thing you can do is toss the bomb off to the side and wait for better timing. As long you keep playing smart and don't try to rush, you shouldn't end up dying. Just kick three bombs into the balloon and you can continue on with the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sequence Break - The Hunter Skip [bs2-3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Hunter can be skipped two ways: doing the Early Quarry Access sequence break or by jumping on the Hunter to use him as a bridge to get to the other side before you defeat him. Unfortunately, you must defeat the Hunter in order for the dark Jamgut to appear in the Quarry, so skipping the Hunter is not possible if you plan on beating the game. ============================================================================== Boss Three: Brazul [bs3-1] ============================================================================== Brazul's short-range attack is a quick punch. Brazul has two long-ranged attacks, the first of which is an ice attack. Brazul will shoot a narrow strip of ice at you. The second long-ranged attack is the wind attack. Brazul will throw wind in the shape of a crescent at you. You can dodge this by either jumping over the wind or by running away from it. All of Brazul's attacks take away about one quarter of a life bar if they hit. After about 10 seconds Brazul will jump above and press a button to release toxic gas. You must go to the regeneration stone on the far edge of the area and press triangle in order to regenerate. Once you regenerate, the gas will dissipate and Brazul will leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tactics - Brazul [bs3-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay alive for about 10 seconds in order for Brazul to jump up and press the button to release the toxic gas. Then you just have to regenerate at the amber stone and enter the air tunnel to Nativ City to continue on. This is not really much of a boss battle at all, but this isn't the only fight against Brazul so don't be too disappointed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sequence Break - Brazul Skip [bs3-3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instead of dealing with Brazul, you can jump off the ledge toward the concealed shell elevator. If you fall to your death while you are underneath the tunnel you will respawn in front of the tunnel instead of respawning back into the fight with Brazul. This allows you to completely skip Brazul. The rock that usually falls after the fight with Brazul will not have fallen yet so the only way to proceed is to use the shell elevator to go to Nativ City. Nativ City will still be in shambles once you travel through the shell elevator even though you didn't finish the fight with Brazul. This is because the trigger is set off in the cutscene with Brazul instead of after defeating him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glitch - Walk Across the Bridge [bs3-4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bridge you crossed to get to the battle area raises 1 second after you gain control of Kya. This means you can turn around at the beginning of the fight and cross the bridge again, which isn't very hard. When you cross the bridge you will see Aton running towards you and he will eventually keep running into the bridge after it has raised. Unfortunately, this serves no purpose. It only lets you go back to the previous room which leads nowhere. The only amusement you might find is through being able to see Aton walk into the bridge like a moron. Note: This must be done directly after the cutscene plays. The bridge is only in a lowered position directly after the cutscene. If you die and try it again without the cutscene playing, the bridge will already be raised. ============================================================================== Boss Four: Frank (Wolf Form) [bs4-1] ============================================================================== Frank has three different types of attacks: close combat, energy explosion, and blade throwing. Frank fights just like a normal Wolfen when you are fighting in close quarters, but he has much larger reach because of his increased size. After you deal some damage to him in close combat, he will release a cirle of energy which you must dodge by running down one of the wooden platforms which will eventually lead to a dip. Stay in the dip and wait for the energy to pass over your head. After you start walking back towards Frank the camera will focus on him and he will start throwing blades at you. When Frank has more than half of his health remaining the blades will be aligned vertically and connected by an energy rod. Simply jump over the connected blades to avoid damage. Once Frank's health is less than half the energy rod connecting the blades will be gone and he will throw horizontally- aligned blades individually, which are much harder to dodge. You can't jump over the horizontal blades easily but you can dodge them by running to the left or right of them. Once you have dodged the blades and reached the center area you will have to fight Frank in close quarters again. The rotation of close combat, energy explosion, and blade throwing keeps going until you defeat Frank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tactics - Frank [bs4-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frank is the first difficult boss in the game. He can deal a lot of damage when you are fighting in close quarters. While the vertical rings he throws are easy to dodge, when he flips them horizontally they get much more difficult to avoid. The best way to defeat Frank is to not get hit when you are fighting in hand to hand combat. In order to do this, it is easiest to do a jumping back flip kick by pressing X to jump and then press triangle in mid-air to perform the kick. Right after you kick him and deal damage you should run away from Frank to avoid any counter attack he will throw out. After his counter attack has finished you just have to do the same back flip kick over and over until he either starts his energy explosion attack or you defeat him. Obviously, you can do whatever attack you wish. Regardless of what attack you use, it is important that you pull off the attack and then immediately get away from Frank so he can't pull off a counter. Once Frank starts emitting energy, simply run down the wooden platform until you fall into the dip. Once in the dip, just wait for the energy to pass you, dodge the blades thrown at you, and start dealing damage to Frank again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sequence Break - Frank Cutscene Skip [bs4-3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Important Note: If you do skip this cutscene you must never come back to this area. If you do, the wall that blocks the shell elevator will still be there so you will not be able to go anywhere. This is a game breaking glitch and the only way to continue is to start a new game or load a previous save file. This means you must get the rune on the Forgotten Island before fighting Frank and skipping the cutscene. When you enter the room Frank is being held in you are supposed to go straight and start a cutscene showing Frank being turned into a Wolfen. You can skip this cutscene by doing some tactical jumping. Notice the rock with a Wolfen logo on it blocking the way to the right? There is a fence to the right of the rock and a fence connecting to that fence. If you get in between where the two fences meet and jump toward the fence that connects to the rock you can actually jump on top of it. The trick is jumping at the right angle to get an extra boost. It is a good thing if you see Kya jerking to the left and right very quickly at the peak of the jump. That means you are almost going to land on top of the fence. Once you are on top of the fence you just have to jump to the platform that the rock was blocking you from getting to before. Then walk to the battle area and the fight with Frank will initiate. Alternatively, if you can also skip the cutscene by jumping around the very right-most fence and grabbing onto the ledge behind the fence. From there you can climb up and you just have to walk along the fence line and jump to the platform that the rock was blocking you from getting to before. Either way you do it, this can save time in a speedrun. Side Note: If you skip the cutscene and hit Frank with your Boomy before the fight starts he will go into a crucifix position. Frank will not attack you in the crucifix position until you attack him first. If you walk to the big wall blocking access to the shell elevator you will notice that you can actually climb on it. Unfortunately, you can't climb over it to skip the Frank battle entirely because there is a invisible wall towards the top. ============================================================================== Boss Five: Aton [bs5-1] ============================================================================== Aton is just a glorified Kronos, which are the fast Wolfen with long claws. The only difference is that Aton has a rocket launcher attached to his shoulder that shoots a very special rocket. If you get hit by a rocket you will be turned into a Wolfen and this will result in a game over. Luckily, Aton doesn't shoot rockets at you when you are close to him. Beyond the rockets, Aton is exactly like a Kronos Wolfen. His close combat attacks only include slashing you with his claws in different ways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tactics - Aton [bs5-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the beginning of the battle you are far away from Aton which means he will be shooting rockets at you. First thing to do is to get close enough to him so he will stop shooting the rockets and you can start doing damage. The easiest way to do that is run a circle around him while ever so slightly getting closer to him. Once you are close enough to hit him, just treat him like the elite Wolfen you have been facing for the last few levels. He has no special attacks to surprise you with. Though it takes a lot of time, an easy way to beat Aton is to continuously mash triangle to do tornado kicks (triangle, triangle). The tornado kicks will ensure that Aton doesn't have enough time to land an attack before your next kicks hit. Usually he will try to block the tornado kicks when you do them in succession so you have to switch it up every so often with a direct kick (analog stick towards Aton + triangle) or your preferred attack. ============================================================================== Boss Six: Brazul (Second Fight) [bs6-1] ============================================================================== Brazul has a total of four attacks: a fire attack, an ice attack, a wind attack, and an electricity attack. Brazul's fire attack is shot at you through the air and it follows you until is hits. His ice attack is a short strip of ice that shoots along the ground. Brazul's wind attack is a crescent- shaped shot of wind that travels along the ground toward you. You can dodge it by running away or jumping over the wind. Either after Brazul has taken some damage or after a certain period of time has passed he will raise up and start shooting electricity at you. You can tell where the electricity will land by the yellow marker that slowly follows you. The electricity will not hit you as long as you keep running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tactics - Brazul (Second Fight) [bs6-2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brazul is probably the most difficult boss in the game. This is thanks to the fact that he takes very little damage from your attacks and deals out plenty of damage when he hits you. It is highly suggested that you have all four energy bars for this fight. Having the extra energy makes the fight much easier. Continuously mashing triangle will make it so Brazul can't attack you because the tornado kicks (triangle, triangle) are too fast to allow him to attack. Of course, mashing triangle will just lead to Brazul continuously blocking the attack which means you have to switch things up a bit to actually lands some hits. A good quick combo is tornado kicks followed by a direct kick (analog stick towards Brazul + triangle) or a sweep (down + triangle, triangle, triangle). This usually results in the tornado kicks being blocked and the direct kick or sweep hitting Brazul. A direct kick or sweep that hits will knock Brazul back a little bit so make sure to run to him before he gets up or else he might try a long-ranged attack. If you are halting Brazul's attacks with tornado kicks and doing damage with the direct kick or sweep you will eventually defeat Brazul. ============================================================================== 3. Version History [vhist] ============================================================================== 1.1 - 05/03/10 - Added game information in header. Fixed a few format errors. 1.0 - 04/30/10 - First version of the guide. Content complete. ============================================================================== Copyright Information [copyr] ============================================================================== This guide is only available at GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com) at the moment. If you would like to host this guide you may contact me at this email address: ryankampmeier[AT]yahoo{dot}com I will warn you that I will only let websites that I deem worthile host my guides. I won't allow my guides to be hosted on just any website. If you would like to use the information in this guide for any of your own work, all you have to do is cite me as a source when necessary. ============================================================================== 5. Credits and Thanks [creds] ============================================================================== There really aren't any credits to be given, other than to the creators of the game. All content of this guide is product of my own research. Thanks goes to you for reading this guide, Eden Games for developing this great game, and Atari for publishing it. Despite its flaws, I love this game. Admittedly, I probably wouldn't have played this game nearly as much if it weren't for sequence breaking and speed runs but it is a good game nonetheless. Thanks to "oblivion from aoc" from the GameFAQs' boards for helping me fix a few formatting issues. This is my very first guide written and I hope you find it helpful. Any comments and criticisms can be emailed to the following address: ryankampmeier[AT]yahoo{dot}com