METAL SLUG 4 FAQ v0.2 SNK/MEGA By Charlie Chang ( ========== Table of Contents I. Revision History II. Introduction III. Gameplay IV. Walkthrough V. Credits ========== I. Revision History v.02(08.08.02) -added proper names to vehicles/weapons(thanks to Thanos rulzs for the link) -added to walkthrough, mostly secrets -revised introduction v.01(08.05.02) -first version -gameplay started -walkthrough complete =========== II. Introduction Metal Slug 4 is the newest game in the popular series, and it has something for all fans of side-scrolling arcade shoot-em ups. It is a pretty fun addition to the Metal Slug franchise, so make sure you bring lots of tokens to your arcade. Your job is to save the world from the cyber-terrorist organization known as the “Amadeus”. Old mainstays Tarma and Eri work towards a vaccine to “Amadeus” viral weapon “White Baby”, a virus designed to infiltrate and destroy government and military computer systems. You select from the remaining four members to stop the physical unit of “Amadeus”. =========== III. Gameplay Gameplay is similar to previous installments of Metal Slug, with a couple of minor changes. The biggest changes in the series are the addition of the “D” button and the “Metalish System”, which I will describe in detail later. There are two new characters to choose from in addition to Marco and Fio: Trevor and Nadia. The controls used are typical NeoGeo fare. That is, you use the directional pad to move, along with four buttons to shoot/jump/kill. A is used for shooting. B is used for jumping. C is used for throwing grenades. D is used to jump out of a vehicle and have it self destruct. It replaces the A+B button combo in earlier Metal Slug games. You can also hijack enemy vehicles now. Here is a list of new vehicles: Forklift: It’s basic function is to lift you upwards when you hit the jump button. Bradley: Extremely powerful rocket launcher. Use its rockets for quick destruction of heavy enemies. 3 Ton Truck: You ride in the back of this truck as it speeds through enemy highways. You are vulnerable to all attacks so be careful. Walkmachine: This is a four-legged machine, and like the 3 Ton truck, you are vulnerable to all attacks. It has it’s own built in machine gun. Metal crow: Another powerful tank, this one can launch guided missiles. Bike: You ride in this bike as a passenger. Unfortunately you are vulnerable to all attacks. There is now a “Metalish System”. When you pick up a color coded emblem, a timer bar will appear at the top of the screen. The number of enemies you kill during this time will net you bonus points(marked as badges). If you complete a level with badges intact, you will gain additional bonus points. Here is a breakdown of emblem colors: Green = 30 seconds White = 15 seconds Blue = 10 seconds Red = 8 seconds Legend: ’2H’ = Double Machine Gun ’H’ = Heavy Machine Gun ‘C’ = Enemy Chaser ‘I’ = Iron Lizard ‘F’ = Flame Shot ‘R’ = Rocket Launcher ‘S’ = Shotgun ‘L’ = Laser ‘D’ = Drop Shot =========== IV. Walkthrough MISSION 1 A helicopter will drop you off and you begin the mission. Head towards the right and destroy the taxi for a ‘2H’. Destroy the jeep and save the prisoner(1) for a blue emblem. Destroy the enemies descending on you and be careful not to destroy the truck on the right. Jump onto the truck and shoot upwards to collect a gem. Now head right again and you will see a prisoner(2) descending on a board. The trick to reach the prisoner is to use the car below him. Shoot the car from above and it will propel you into the air when it explodes. Save the prisoner and pick up a ‘H’ along with some bombs. Go right, destroy the helicopter and some vehicles to find another ‘H’. Head forward and destroy the tank for a ‘R’. You will now have a choice of routes(thanks Thanos rulzs for pointing this out)! Crouch and walk downwards for the lower route. --Upper Route Destroy the first taxi you see for another ‘H’. Save the second taxi you see so you can boost onto the board to collect some bombs. I suggest killing the goon on the board before you try jumping up. Pick up the blue emblem. Save the prisoner(3) for a ‘H’. You will eventually reach a motorcycle. A prisoner tags along for the ride. Destroy the first truck for a ‘H’. An old friend will stop by to help from Metal Slug 3! (Note, if you take too long or if his truck takes too many hits, he will leave.) Destroy the truck for a couple of ‘R’s. Grab the white emblem here. Four helicopters will attack you, kill the red one and the rest will explode. Destroy another truck for a ‘R’. Proceed to boss. --Lower Route There will be scientists shooting rifles at you. If you get hit by one, you turn into a monkey! The great thing about being a monkey is that you can hang from some ceilings, which will make the game a lot easier for some upcoming areas. You will also see signs on the support beams numbered from 1 to 6 along the way. Shoot them for points. Collect the white emblem and move on. Destroy the Bradley for a ‘H’ and the crate for a cure if you are still a monkey. Destroy the next couple of tanks for a couple of ‘H’. Save the hanging prisoners(3 and 4) for a ‘R’ and some bombs. Shoot the sign with the number 4 on it for some points. Rumi will also drop you some points here. Another set of hanging prisoners(5 and 6) await you for a cure and a blue emblem. Destroy the tank for a ‘H’. Proceed to boss. --Boss Destroy the two windowed soldiers first, and try to avoid/destroy the bouncing balls that head your way. Save one prisoner here(4). Next, destroy the center section of the ship while avoiding a huge missile. Soldiers will drop out of the ship during this time but they are easy to evade and kill. Save one prisoner here(5). Finally, destroy the last part of the ship while evading three small missiles and a machine gun. You have to time your jumps so you avoid the machine gun. There are three prisoners(6,7,and 8) here so take your time if you want to collect them. End of Mission MISSION 2 You get dropped off in the team van to start this mission. Re-enter the van to pick up some bonus points. Pick up a white emblem and proceed to free a prisoner(1) for a ‘H’. Jump into the Bradley and shoot the top window of the building to find some bonus points. Destroy the next building and the woman inside will drop you some bonus points if you are close enough. Shoot the crates to receive bombs and ‘R’. The watchtower above the crates will drop some bonus points if you shoot at it. Save the prisoner(2) for a blue emblem. Use the slug’s rockets to help you take out the helicopters and tanks that assault you next. Save the prisoner(3) for a ‘H’. Destroy the wall and another prisoner(4) will drop down. He’ll drop a blue emblem. The tanks drop some bombs. You need to destroy the door above the wall or else rocket launcher goons will continue to come out. Destroy the next gate and head forward. Pick up the blue emblem and destroy the tank. Destroy the helicopter, free the prisoner(5) for a ‘R’. Stop when you reach the truck. Shoot up and above the 3 Ton Truck to find a very nice bonus. Jump onto the 3 Ton Truck for the next scene. Destroy some helicopters for one ‘H’ and one ‘C’. Pick up bombs, then a white emblem from the crate. You’ll soon come across a cave underneath some steps. Shoot inside the cave to free a prisoner(6). Jump inside the metal slug and pick up the ‘I’. Grab the blue emblem and release the prisoner(7). Move forward to pick up one ‘H’ and some gas from the crate. Shoot above the beginning of the bridge for bonus points. Those of you who played MS3 will recognize the boss with the big machine gun. This boss has 5 parts stacked on top of each other. Each layer has a different type of attack. I suggest you don’t use the metal slug until the end, it is very hard to evade in it. There is a spot you can shoot in between two layers where you will hit both layers at the same time. Weapon crates will drop out of the air so this boss is not too difficult. Destroy the top-most layer to defeat the boss. End of Mission MISSION 3 When you reach the ledge, you have an option of taking the upper route or the lower route: -Lower Route Free the prisoner(1) for a ‘H’. Destroy the crate for a blue emblem. There is a bear here that will help you attack as long as you do not shoot it. It will take out many of the abominations so just focus on the left and upper sides; he’ll finish off the right side. Free another prisoner(2) for a ‘I’. The next scene goes upwards, pick up the ‘H’ and move up. Destroy the tank on the left for another ‘H’. The soldier on the right with the machine gun will drop a white emblem. The slug on the left drops another ‘H’. Jump into the slug on the right. The prisoner will drop yet another white emblem, and the tankard on the left will drop a ‘2H’. The crate contains a blue emblem and the prisoner(3) has some points for you in the form of a monkey. When you reach the top, head to the left wall and shoot upwards to receive a nice bonus gem. Now head right and pick up the ‘H’. This will bring you to the boss. --Upper Route Jump down and free the frozen prisoner(1) for an ‘H’. Proceed into the cavern. Shoot the top of the first two stacks of crates for lots of vegetables. You should grow after you collect these veggies. Save the prisoner(2) for some points and collect the ‘C’ and ‘F’ inside the crate. Exit the cavern. Free the prisoner(3) for some fire bombs. Keep moving forward and you will destroy a tank that will drop an ‘I’. Destroy the crate for a ‘C’. You will see a pile of logs. Jump onto them and destroy them and you will be able to ride on one the rest of the way down. Pick up a ‘F’ and ‘H’ along the way. This will bring you to the boss. --Boss There are two(4 and 5) prisoners before the boss arrives. Get some bombs and a ‘H’ from them. The boss is a big tank. It has two forms of attack: missiles/bombs and a blade that will try to cut you on the ground. Destroy the flashing missiles for power-ups. Solo helicopters will also be shooting at you. Just stay back and shoot the tank till it explodes. I usually destroy any helicopters that show up, they make it difficult to avoid the blade sometimes. End of Mission MISSION 4 All the lamp posts here will drop 6 coins. Go forward and destroy the telephone booths for coins. Pick up a ‘H’. There is a walkmachine here for your use. You are very vulnerable on this, but you can still jump off it for invincibility. Destroy the helicopters and save the prisoner(1) for a ‘H’. Once again you will have a choice of which route to take. The upper route deals with zombies, the lower route deals with mummies. --Lower Route Shoot the eye of the first sarcophagus to free a prisoner(2). Grab the ‘H’ and move forward. Once again, shoot the sarcophagus to free a prisoner(3). Destroy the chests for a potion and a blue emblem. You will see two more chests up again, these contain gems. Free the prisoner(4) by the exit sign. Shoot at the exit sign for a bonus gem. The last mummy here drops a potion. Shoot the upper left and right sides to find two gems in the next scene. Lots of weaponry will drop here as you fight hordes of mummies. Collect the ‘stone’ for a cool type of bomb. The chest on the right contains fire bombs. The chest on the left contains a ‘H’. Jump to the right to save a prisoner(5). Shoot the hole here to find prisoners(6 and 7) and some bonus points. Shoot down the next prisoners(8 and 9). Proceed to boss. --Upper Route Destroy the blue vending machine for some coins. A soda can will fall to the floor and you can move it by shooting it. Save the prisoner(2) and grab the ‘H’. Shoot above the prisoner to find another prisoner(3). Destroy the van on the left and proceed forward to the hut. Shoot upwards inside the hut for some bonus points. Shoot upwards at the telephone pole next to the hut to find two hidden prisoners(4 and 5). Enter next scene. Shoot up to find a blue emblem. Shoot the chest for a ‘F’. Shoot the lamps to the left and right of the next chest for some gems. The chest contains a blue emblem. Free the prisoner(6) hanging on the rope. Shoot above the exit to free prisoners(7,8,and 0). Destroy the door to find the boss. --Boss The boss is a big robot with a big claw. Take out the claw first. The claw will attempt to smash you and it will shoot out later beams. When the claw is on the ground it will try to electrocute you if you are close. After the claw is destroyed take out the new gun that replaces it. This one will drop bombs towards you. When this one is destroyed a missile launcher will appear at your right. It will shoot large missiles at you slowly. Balls of fluid will also drop from the sky. If one of these balls hits you, you will turn into a zombie. I usually turn into a zombie at this point and unleash the zombie bomb attack. It finishes the boss off in two to three shots. End of Mission MISSION 5 This level is full of sword-throwing pirates. In the first room save the hanging prisoner(1) for a ‘H’. Destroy the steel door to proceed. Shoot the crate for a blue emblem. Save the prisoner(2) and shoot down the crates in your way. The crate on the left will contain a ‘R’. The crate on the right contains a blue emblem. Destroy the tanks and move forward. You will find a lever that opens a manhole in the floor. You get to choose your route at this point. The lower route is a shortcut. --Lower Route You will find yourself on an open elevator. A tank on the right side will drop a ‘H’. You will also find a ‘G’ here. Shoot the upper left when you near the top to find a prisoner(3). --Upper Route Destroy the crate to collect a blue emblem. Save the three hanging prisoners(3,4,and 5). You will find two different vehicles here. The first is the forklift. The other is a Bradley. Use the Bradley and free the hanging prisoner(6) for a ‘H’. Free another hanging prisoner(7). Pick up the blue emblem. Shoot upwards where you see some workers running to find another prisoner(8). Shoot the middle of the crates before the exit to find some fish. Destroy exit to move forward. Here you’ll find some boats from Metal Slug 1. Destroy the first for a ‘H’. The second has a ‘R’ and the crate above it has bombs. Next you’ll find a hanging prisoner(9) that will drop a blue emblem. Rumi will be approaching you from the left. Shoot above her to find a prisoner(10). This will get you Thunder Cloud. Continue upwards and you’ll find some more hanging prisoners(11 and 12) along the way. Shoot the sunbathing guards up top to receive some coins. --Boss Shoot the gated window above the doorway to find some fruit. Pick up a ‘H’ from a tank. You will find some hanging prisoners(13 and 14). Make sure you shoot them from the side and let them come to you. Otherwise, they might fall off to the side. The one on the right is the fireball prisoner. He’ll run around with you and throw fireballs at enemies. Destroy the helicopters to move forward. The crate contains a ‘H’. The red helicopter will drop a blue emblem. Two more prisoners(15 and 16) await you at the end. Proceed to boss. This boss is a submarine. The submarine will submerge every now and then and launch big missiles upwards. There is also a missile shooting soldier on the right. Per usual, the glowing missiles drop weaponry. Soldiers will also attack you. The big ship in the back will launch missiles at you occasionally. The easiest way to defeat this boss is to jump onto it and shoot it from the right side. End of Mission MISSION 6 FINAL MISSION You are lowered into a pit from a helicopter. Pick up a ‘H’ from a crate on the left side. Destroy the tank for some bombs. Choose between ‘R’, ‘H’, ‘C’, ‘D’, and ‘S’ because they all drop here. Use the lever device to drop the ‘H’. Watch out for the laser blasting balls. Save the prisoner(1) and proceed to next scene. Collect the ‘F’ and shoot the circular machine in the background on top of the crates for bonus points. Destroy the tank for a ‘R’. Enter next scene. Save the hanging prisoner(2). Here is another chance for you to turn into a monkey via the mad scientist. When you reach the area where you are surrounded by two tankards, shoot to the left of the video screen and the right of the screen to get some bonus points. A prisoner(3) is hiding in the center screen. Also pick up ‘F’ and ‘R’. If you are still in monkey form, you won’t be able to use the levers to bring down some bombs and ‘H’. Free the next prisoners(4,5,and 6) for some bombs and ‘H’. Pick up the ‘L’, destroy the tanks, and proceed to the next scene. Use the lever to drop a metal slug. Destroy the tank at the bottom of the ramp for a blue emblem. The tank further down will drop a ‘H’. Free the prisoners(7 and 8) and also the C.E.O. for some ammunition. Here you’ll face the first boss. It is the muscle-bound machine-gunner from earlier. His basic attacks are throwing grenades and shooting you with his machine gun. If you get too close he will whip you with his ammo belt. Just shoot him from a distance, he is pretty straight forward. When he is destroyed he will be reborn Terminator style: half robot/half human. He is a bit quicker now but in all other aspects he is the same. When he dies, pick up his machine gun and step into the elevator. The final boss is one big series of robotic machines. The first machine will approach you from the right. It will shoot small missiles at you. Small projectiles will also drop from the sky. If you get too close, its claw will try to grab you. It also shoots rings that you have to jump through to avoid. The boss is fairly simple if you stay in close range. When the first machine destructs, a similar one will approach you from the left. This one also has a claw, but it shoots out bullets instead of missiles. It will launch out a series of satellites that will attack from above. These will drop ammunition when destroyed. A razor saw will also try to cut you. The final machine has a series of attacks which are all easily avoided. The first is a series of reflecting beams, avoid these while shooting the center of the machine. Two smaller robots will appear on both sides of you and emit their own blasts. A row of lights will appear and they will shoot laser beams first towards the floor, then at a forty-five degree angle towards you. Finally, a column of laser beams will descend upon you from the walls. Jump to avoid the beams at the proper times. When the boss is finally destroyed, you have to play one final scene. The place is exploding and you need to stay ahead of the explosion and reach the awaiting van. Destroy the crates for coins. Shoot above the crates for misc. points. The last crate has two prisoners(thanks Thanos rulzs). If you fail, you will get a cut scene different than the one if you finish the game properly. I won’t spoil the scenes for you. End of Mission =========== V. Credits I want to thank SNK for making another great game, this time with the help of Korean company MEGA Enterprises. Also thanks to scan` at SHGL for the massive token hookups. Finally, a big thanks to all the Metal Slug FAQ writers, particularly Gon Liu for his great MS3 FAQ which inspired me to write this FAQ.