METROPOLISMANIA FAQ 2-17-03 Version 1.2 By: Dark Laduke and Venom Vampire THIS DOCUMENT IS COPYRIGHT 2003 Paul and Jessica Townley All rights reserved This FAQ is available at and may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the written permission of the authors. ANY CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS PLEASE EMAIL: VERSION HISTORY: 2/14/03: VERSION 1.0 - First Version of FAQ 2/16/03: VERSION 1.2 - First version to be submitted to, more detail about scenario four and five and added to "either/or" section) METROPOLISMANIA GENRE: SIM/STRATEGY MANUFACTURER: Natsume ( RELEASE DATE: October 2002 PLATFORM: Playstation 2 ----- INDEX ----- I. Introduction II. Metropolismania Gameplay a. Basic Controls b. Saving your game c. Basic Gameplay Screen d. Perspective III. Getting Started: a. General objectives b. Your Boss c. Your Salary d. Standard Equipment e. Stocking Up f. Don't forget to Eat! g. Resigning IV. Objective 1: Building Your City a. Basic Strategies b. Naming your town and the Post office c. Decorating your streets V. Objective 2: Building relationships a. Overview b. Strategies for Building Relationships c. "Either-Or" d. Gossiping e. Giving Gifts f. Introducing new people g. Solving complaints h. Refusing and organizing complaints i Anger Levels j. Evictions k. Topics of Conversation and Citizen Types 1. The Riddle Man 2. Women 3. Businessmen 4. Senior Citizens 5. Babies 6. Younger children 7. Teenagers 8. Nerdy people . 9. Farmers 10. Cave people 11. Aliens 12. Sleeping Residents VI. Walkthrough and Tips for completing the five scenarios a. Overview b. Scenario One c. Scenario Two d. Scenario Three e. Scenario Four f. Scenario Five g. Beyond VII. Appendices a. Complaint/Application Colors b. Gossip Topics c. Riddles and answers d. "Either/or" choices --------------- I. INTRODUCTION --------------- The main objective of METROPOLISMANIA is to build a city of your own design from a number of applicants who wish to live in your town. You can also name your town and yourself as the "Metropolis Maker", the grand poobah of urban planners. There are five different levels, each with a specific objective. There are over 200 different buildings and businesses to choose from in the game, and an unlimited number of potential residents and plenty of room to move them in. Each of the five scenarios contains its own specific goals and urban problems, which are addressed in the individual walkthroughs below. The game is in its own type of "real time" as the a 24 hour clock is used. However time passes more quickly than actual realtime and the hours of midnight until 6am pass by even more quickly because there usually isn't much going on then). The passing time (shown on a clock in the upper right hand corner of the screen) is also reflected by changes in the weather and seasons. You might think of METROPOLISMANIA as a cross between "The Sims", "Sim City" and The "Tycoon" games (Roller Coaster, Zoo, Mall, etc.), with a little of each sub genre tossed into the mix. ---------------------------- II. METROPOLISMANIA GAMEPLAY ---------------------------- ----------------- a. BASIC CONTROLS ----------------- CONTROL FUNCTION L/R analog stick or directional button Move your metropolismaker L1 or L2 button Change perspective Triangle button Jump Circle Button Pop up Menu Square Button Setup, Items and Save X Button Confirm and Enter command Select Button Pause/Save ------------------- b. SAVING YOUR GAME ------------------- (Note: you must have a Playstation 2 Memory card with about 1000 KB of space in order to save your game.) Besides using the "select" button, you can also save your game by pressing the SQUARE button,choosing the laptop computer icon and pressing the X button. There you have the option of Resume, Save and Quit. ------------------------ c. BASIC GAMEPLAY SCREEN ------------------------ The top of the basic screen contains the following information (from left to right) a. Clock b. Month and Year c. Your town's population d. Your AP (Approval percentage) -------------- d. PERSPECTIVE -------------- You are given your choice of four different views of the game: First person, Behind Back, 3/4 view and bird's eye view. The 3/4 view gives you the best overall perspective of the game as you play, although it's cool to use first person view now and then just to see the remarkable detail of your various homes and businesses. -------------------- III. GETTING STARTED -------------------- --------------------- a. GENERAL OBJECTIVES --------------------- The primary objective of Metropolismania is to develop relationships and build cities. Doing one is dependent on doing the other and learning how to develop relationships is vital to the success of completing this game. As you make friends, they will introduce you to other people who will want to build their homes and businesses in your city. ------------ b. YOUR BOSS ------------ The first person you will meet when you begin the game will be your boss. He will give you your objectives for the upcoming scenario and any other pertinent information for the level. He will also call you during various stages of the to give you updates, encouragement, give you your paycheck and tell you generally how you are doing. -------------- c. YOUR SALARY -------------- You start off the game with $5,000. Every six months, you will be given your paycheck by your boss. When he gives you your paycheck he will also give you a review on how you are doing. If you are doing well(i.e. high ratio of new people vs. complaints solved vs. people who have left),your boss may choose to give you a raise. The money you receive can be used to buy items, food and merchandise to give as gives, as well as improvements. --------------------- d. STANDARD EQUIPMENT --------------------- At the beginning of the game you are given the following: A yellow uniform (which will be the object of ridicule from some of your residents), a Cellphone, which you can call residents and talk to your boss, and "Magic Chalk" which is used to lay down the road in your town. You will also receive a laptop computer (to save your game). -------------- e. STOCKING UP -------------- When you first start out, make sure you buy the following items as soon as they are available. You have to build the specific business in order to buy the item. These are the essentials: - A grocery bag (that holds 10 items at once) from a Supermarket. You will be able to buy a larger grocery bag (which holds 20 items) when you get access to a department store later on in the game. - A GPS system (which shows a map of the city and the location of complainants, shown as flashing dots) from an Electronics Store. - A notebook (to keep track of various complaints) from a stationary store. - Town Pages (to keep track of your friends and businesses), from a bookstore. You will usually get a book store right away and the other three come along fairly quickly. The GPS system is $1,000 so make sure you hang on to enough money to buy it. ----------------------- f. DON'T FORGET TO EAT! ----------------------- There is a strength meter on the main game screen's pop up menu. The bar shows how much strength you have. The fuller the strength meter, the faster you can maneuver through your town. You can build up your strength meter by eating, either in restaurants or else buying food from grocers and eating them out of your grocery bag. Buying food will also increase your relationship level. You need to eat A LOT to maintain your strength and your speed. You may occasionally see the message "A Bit Hungry" if you haven't eaten during a game day. It's a good reminder to check your strength meter now and then. ------------ g. RESIGNING ------------ Once you reach your goal for a scenario, your boss will ask you if you want to resign. He will also give you a letter of resignation, which will be available in your sub-menu, and you can use it any time. However, you will not be able to resign if you have pending applications. Also, before resigning, it is a good idea to continue to build up your Town Pages and get as many phone numbers as possible which will make subsequent scenarios much easier. Once you are ready, click on the letter of resignation and your boss will confirm your resignation. After resigning you will have one more day to say goodbye to all your friends and best friends, who will be gathered on the streets of your city in honor of you. . ----------------------------------- IV. OBJECTIVE 1: BUILDING YOUR CITY ----------------------------------- ------------------- a. BASIC STRATEGIES ------------------- 1. Start your game by laying down some basic roads in which to place your buildings, using your magic chalk. You will only be able to make roads north-south and east west, no diagonal roads can be created. Don't lay down too many roads at the beginning or else the AI in the game will start to automatically place your buildings (from the pending applications) along the roads if you don't, and not necessarily where you want them. Placing buildings quickly and in the right place is important. Don't take too long, but make sure you have a general plan for where buildings are going. If the AI places a house, and the application is still in the "Process" stage, you can move it if you quickly click on the application in the sub menu. You then can move the building where you want it. 2. Make sure you place your homes directly on a road, or else the residents will complain about that, too. 3. Leave yourself a substantial amount of room between your buildings at first. Don't try and jam them all into one area, because, if you do that, you may end up running out of space which will render you unable to accommodate your residents' requests later on in the scenario. 4. Try and keep your residences in one general area and your businesses in another area, at least in the beginning. Be especially careful when placing your factories. If the residents are too close to factories, they will begin to complain about the noise and eventually move out and lower your acceptance level. Homes and apartments must be more than 5 spaces away from a factory. 5. Like-sized offices and like-sized apartment buildings can be stacked on one another. Buildings 2 sections wide can be stacked 3 high; buildings 3 sections wide can be stacked 4 high. This is especially helpful in the later stages of the game when you are pressed for space. 6. You can also place buildings and roads over water, as long as they are within the boundaries of your city. 7. Try and create a mix of homes, businesses, restaurants, schools, gas stations and police stations throughout the city. If you can maintain a balance there tends to be fewer complaints, although for the most part many of them are unavoidable. --------------------------------------- b. NAMING YOUR TOWN and THE POST OFFICE --------------------------------------- At the beginning of the game, your boss will ask you what your name is, which you will enter using the controller keys. And eventually, during each of the scenarios, someone will ask you what the name of your town is. This is your chance to name your town. You can change your own name and the name of your town once you invite and build a Post Office, and you can use a different town name during each of the scenarios. -------------------------- c. DECORATING YOUR STREETS -------------------------- Hardwares and building supply stores can sell you items to enhance your city's appearance, like brick stones, park benches and lights. However, they tend to be on the pricey side and don't really add much to the your overall approval rating. -------------------------------------- V. OBJECTIVE 2: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS -------------------------------------- ----------- a. OVERVIEW ----------- 1. The five levels of relationships between you and your residents are Stranger, Know the Face, Acquaintance, Friend and Best Friend. The more you talk to the people, give them the appropriate gifts or buy their goods, the higher your level of friendship becomes. 2. When you talk to someone you will see the following information about the person: a. Name b. Age b. Your relationship level c. Profession/Description of Personality d. Last time you interacted with the person 3. If your approval rating reaches 116-120%, you will start to get unsolicited calls from strangers who want to move to your town, one after the other. This frenzy of phone calls will continue until your approval level goes back down to below 100%. This is your best opportunity time to get new residents and businesses for the city, so it's not a good idea to turn down anyone. If you are approaching the end of a scenario or need to achieve a certain percentage of business types, you may turn down the applicants. If you turn them down, they will call again during a future session of frenzied calls. ---------------------------------------- b. STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ---------------------------------------- 1. Talk to everyone as much as you can. Not only does that build your level of individual relationships but also your general acceptance level. Your level will go up just about every time you talk to someone. It goes up substantially the first time you talk to them, but less or none each subsequent time. If you talk to someone too much at once they will blow you off ("What? You're still here?" or something similar) or threaten to call the police. You won't be able to talk to that person until the next day. 2. Once your relationship level reaches "Acquaintance", that resident will be able to introduce you to others and it becomes an option on the pop-up menu. If you have pending complaints you can specifically ask to be introduced to people who can solve those complaints. Otherwise you can just be generally introduced to prospective new residents. You have a better chance of being introduced to a prospective new resident if you use the more generalized "Introduce Me" command. However, similar backgrounds give you a better shot at being introduced to a specific business or resident. 3. If your relationship level reaches "Friend", the person will usually give you his or her phone number. If you have a Town Pages (phonebook), the name will be automatically entered and you can call them instead of having to personally go and visit them. The phonebook lists all your friends by category, either "Family" or by various businesses. 4. Another way to raise your relationship level is to give gifts. The process is outlined below. Remember that gifts usually do not make much of an impact on your friendship level, however, unless it is a blockbuster gift. 5. If you deal with a resident who sells items, you can raise your relationship level with each purchase you make. If you are buying food from a restaurant, it is possible to continue eating during the same visit until you reach a "Friend" level and then get the phone number of the resident. Otherwise you can only buy as many items as your bag will hold (either 4,10 or 20), then you have to dispose of them by giving as gifts, eating or discarding them. 6. Get to know the faces and personalities of the residents and you will be able to anticipate their reactions to various gossip and talk which will raise your friendship level more quickly. More on that below. 7. If a resident says something like "When we get to know each other better, I'll introduce you", that means you need to build the friendship level of the person you are talking to in order to be introduced, usually "Friend" or "Best Friend". This response also comes up if you acceptance levwel is low. ------------ c. EITHER/OR ------------ Sometimes, when you first meet someone, the first thing they will do is ask you what your preference is between two similar phrases or items. If you and the new acquaintence agree on the same concept or item, then your initial friendship level will raise higher. If not, it will go up, but not as drama- tically. A partial list of "either/ors" is listed below in the appendix. ------------ d. GOSSIPING ------------ The main way to raise the friendship level of you and your residents is to gossip. Your basic way to gossip is to listen to your residents, which raises your friendship level each day you talk to them. As the game progresses, your residents will suggest topics of conversation that you can use later. Using specific topics suited to the personality and interest of your residents will allow you to raise your friendship level more quickly. --------------- e. GIVING GIFTS --------------- Another way to raise your residents' friendship level is to give them gifts. You can purchase gifts at the various businesses, and may be food, drink, books, DVDs, games, jewelry and a lot more. Giving gifts is sometimes tricky. If you give a gift that's not suited to the personality or interest of the recipient, he or she will not accept it and your friendship level will stall. Also if it is something that a resident accepts but doesn't necessarily like the friendship level doesn't go up too much and you're out the gift. Remember that you can only hold as many gifts as you have room for in your shopping bag (either four, ten or twenty items) ------------------------- f. INTRODUCING NEW PEOPLE ------------------------- You must depend on your residents to introduce you to new residents and businesses to either add to your population or solve complaints. One of the options when you talk to someone who is an "Acquaintance" or higher is "Introduce Me". Choosing that will bring up two options, either "Introduce Me", again (for general introductions) or "Solve Complaints" which brings up another sub menu of your pending complaints. You can only get a certain number or referrals from each person, then you will start saying "I've already introduced you to everyone I know" or something similar. Sometimes a resident knows of someone else who can solve your complaint. And, if your approval rating is less than 50 percent, only "Friends" and "Best Friends" can introduce you to new residents and businesses. If your AR is higher than 50 percent, an "Acquaintance" or higher can introduce you to new citizens. If your AR is negative, you will be unable to be introduced to anyone. Again, similar backgrounds will generate the proper "Solve Complaints" referrals. For instance, if a resident is requesting an elementary school, then it is best to go to another elementary school and talk to the people there to try and solve your complaints. --------------------- g. SOLVING COMPLAINTS --------------------- In talking to your residents, you may find they have a complaint, something like, "We're a long way from the gas station. Please can you build us a gas station?" If you say "Yes", then it becomes one of the problems you need to solve. If you say "no", then they are disappointment, and your friendship level may go down a bit. Once you receive the complaint, a general rule of thumb: in order to solve residents' complaints, talk to similar businesses and residents. In other words, to get a new police station, talk to other police officers, grocers = grocers, hospitals = hospitals, etc. Some of the other things that the residents request include: - Place for Families ("Place for all") - Place for Senior Citizens ("Place for all") - Place for Young people ("Place for all" or "Place for families") - Grocer (including "Convenience stores") - Super Stores - Factory - Office worker Household (listed as "Staff Family" on the applications) - Restaurants for Adults ("Restaurant for all") - Restaurants for Children ("Restaurant for all") - Restaurant ("Restaurant for all") - Police Stations - Fire Brigades - Inns and Hotels - Playgrounds ("Primary Schools") - Hospitals - Elementary Schools - Gas Stations - Jr. High or High Schools - Residents and Office (either one or usually both are needed) - Water wells and Farming Machine Dealerships - Fisheries - Fisherman's Homes Some business types will cover multiple complaints. The faster the homes blink the more urgent the complaint (see below). There is one complaint you cannot solve. If you place a home too near to a factory (five spaces or less away), the residents will start to say "The Factory's noisy, isn't it?" Eventually they will get angry and move away. Be very careful where you place factories. ------------------------------------- h. REFUSING AND ORGANIZING COMPLAINTS ------------------------------------- If someone complains, you can refuse to solve the complaint. This sometimes helps if you are faced with many different complaints simultaneously and keeps you from being overwhelmed. However, don't make a habit of refusing to solve complaints because it will lower your overall approval rating. If you purchase a notebook from the stationary store, you can accept all complaints and you will automatically keep track of them in your notebook. It's best, however, to solve a complaint as soon as you get it using your phonebook (available at the book store). Also note the location where the complaint came from so you can place a building in a proper location to solve it. (Sometimes you get a referral some time after the fact and not be able to remember where to place it) --------------- i. ANGER LEVELS --------------- Anger levels of residents whose complaints you don't solve are indicated by how rapidly the dots flash on your maps, the color and flashing of the homes and on the faces of the residents themselves. Looking at the residents you can pretty much tell if they are angry or not. Eventually they will stop telling you what the complaint is and say something like "Just sort out the complaints, please!" If you completely ignore the complaints long enough the complainant will leave your city and your approval rating will go down. ------------ j. EVICTIONS ------------ You will gain the ability to evict anyone in your town in scenario three. It is not recommended that you evict anyone as your approval rating will go dramatically down for each eviction. However, for instance, if AI placed a factory in the middle of a residental area, and you stand to lose several residents as a result, it might be a good idea to evict the factory. ------------------------------------------- k. TOPICS OF CONVERSATION AND CITIZEN TYPES ------------------------------------------- As you talk to the various residents, sometimes they will suggest topics of conversation which will appear on your "Gossip" menu along with the option to listen. If you agree with the topic they are discussing, then it will remain on the menu for awhile. There are a wide variety of topics, hobbies and interests, which include such things as "Working on Weekends", "Enjoying party games", "Exercising", "Soccer", "Video games" and a lot more. Once you obtain the topics, which occur at various times during all the levels, try and use those specific topics in your discussions with the citizens. Successfully pairing a topic to a citizen will enable you to become friends faster. ----------------- 1. THE RIDDLE MAN ----------------- There is one resident face that pops up (in a number of different locations and professions) that tells riddles. He is a black haired, smiling guy with male-pattern baldness (you will get to recognize the face as the game progresses). If you talk to him (general gossip, listen), he will usually say, "I made up a riddle, would you like to try it?" If you can answer his riddles, your friendship level goes up dramatically. Most of the riddle men are excellent sources to solve complaints as well. See Appendix III for a partial list of some of the riddles. -------- 2. WOMEN -------- Women in general are excellent sources of information about gameplay but for the most part, they have very few interests, so it is usually best to choose to listen to them. But they also tend to be great sources of people to introduce and problem solvers. Middle aged women excellent for solving complaints and like to talk about discipline and their children. Women who like to predict the weather are fairly worthless, and you should only listen to them. "Heavy make up" girls like to shop and go out on dates. -------------- 3. BUSINESSMEN -------------- There are a lot of male workaholics in your cities. The best thing to discuss with them are "working overtime", "working on weekend", etc. Any other businessmen are partiers and you should use topics like "Entertaining clients". ------------------ 4. SENIOR CITIZENS ------------------ Older men and women are harder to please and it's best just to listen to them. They also tend to have a lot of complaints. Senior Citizens do, however, like to receive gifts. --------- 5. BABIES --------- It's fun to try and raise the level of babies. Talk to them and they will say a nonsensical phrase like "Parkie?" and you answer either "Yes" or "No". Depending on how they react to your answer, their level will go up or down. If they say "ha ha ha ha!" their friendship level goes up substantially. If they say "Oh no no!" then it goes down slightly. Babies can't do much for you otherwise (such as introduce new people), but it's fun to try and guess how they'll react. Also, just because yes or no works on a particular phrase one time does not mean the same answer will work on the same phrase the next time. There is no pattern at all to the questions and answers. ------------------- 6. YOUNGER CHILDREN ------------------- Younger children aren't sources for introducing new people or giving out their phone numbers, but they can tell you their families' complaints (without specifically requesting you do something about them. Toys are a good gift. However, don't spend a lot of time talking to them. ------------ 7. TEENAGERS ------------ Teenagers tend to be interested in talking about video games and dating. Once in a while, they might be able to introduce you to new people or give you their families' phone numbers. However, don't dwell on them too much, either. --------------- 8. NERDY PEOPLE --------------- Nerdy men and women are sort of worthless as a whole. Once in a while they may be able to hook you up with fellow nerds in other cities. Some are workaholics which gives you a good topic of gossip. ---------- 9. FARMERS ---------- In scenario four you will deal quite a bit with farmers. They are like ordinary residents except they arise early and go to bed early. You can't communicate very well with them while they are working the fields. --------------- 10. CAVE PEOPLE --------------- In scenario four you will have an encounter with Cave People. They talk a strange language and are somewhat difficult to become friends with. ---------- 11. ALIENS ---------- In scenario five you will have a close encounter with aliens. They, too speak a strange language but they are friendly enough, although take a long time to become friends with. They LOVE getting gifts! --------------------- 12. SLEEPING RESIDENTS --------------------- Usually between the hours of 11pm and 6am, most of the residents will be asleep. You will see a sleeping bag if you go in their house and you can't interact with them. But the clock fast-forwards between midnight and 6am because there usually isn't much going on in your city. --------------------------------------------------------- V. WALKTHROUGH AND TIPS FOR COMPLETING THE FIVE SCENARIOS --------------------------------------------------------- ----------- a. OVERVIEW ----------- There are a total of five scenarios in METROPOLISMANIA, each similar but with its own objectives and specific problems. Once you complete the objectives of the scenario you will be given a letter of resignation by your boss that you can use at any time thereafter. --------------- b. SCENARIO ONE --------------- Goal: 200 Residents Difficulty level: Very easy Special Problems: none This is just an introductory level to give you a feel for the game. You are given a number of residents and offices/businesses to get you started. It doesn't take too long to build your population. Make sure you buy the grocery bag, GPS system, notebook and town guide as soon as possible during this level. You only need to buy them once and they are invaluable as you progress in the game Your primary objective in this scenario should be to get as many phone numbers from residents and businesses as possible. The more you get the easier it will be in the subsequent levels to solve problems and get residents, because most of the residents you leave behind will move to your new city if you ask them. When you reach 200 residents, you will be given a letter of resignation, which you can use whenever you want to end the scenario and move on to the next. Just because you have the letter doesn't mean you have to resign immediately. Take the time to solve all the problems and build as many friendships as possible before moving on. Remember that you can't move to the next level until everyone on your application list has been placed. --------------- b. SCENARIO TWO --------------- Goal: 500 Residents and 15% offices Difficulty level: Easy Special problem: Thefts from homes and businesses and smuggling Continue to do the same thing you did in the last level. Build homes and businesses, make as many friends as possible, and solve complaints. Remember that you need to have at least 15 percent offices on this level. This isn't too difficult as you can concentrate on the offices once you reach the residents goal. You will begin to notice as the level progresses that some of the residents begin to complain about thefts in your city. The police can't seem to do anything about it. Finally someone will report that they found an earring at a crime scene, and a resident by the name of Nekota, who lives in a tiny little bungalow in the city, will be implicated. Keep talking to her as much as possible.After a series of events, she will admit to being the thief. There is also a storyline that develops concerning smuggling. Eventually Nekota will also implicate a police officer in that series of crimes as well. Solving the special problems in this level is usually just a waiting game. If you continue to talk to everyone you will eventually be able to solve the theft and smuggling problem. It is NOT necessary to solve the special problems in order to complete the scenario. However, you cannot complete the scenario if the percentage goal of businesses in this scenario is not met. Once you feel you have made enough friends and gotten enough phone numbers (and a wide variety of businesses to choose from), it's time to move on to the nextlevel. Finish placingany applications you may have left, and hand in your letter of resignation once you are ready. ----------------- d. SCENARIO THREE ----------------- Goal: 1000 Residents and 15% entertainment facilities Difficulty level: Medium Special problem: Krazy Kult Scenario three continues the game with business as usual as you build homes and busineses, make friends and solve complaints. You have a bigger goal in terms of residents (1000 is the goal for this scenario) Eventually someone will ask to introduce you to Asuka. This is an offer that you won't be able to turn down, so accept. Place the Kult hall (and all subsequent kult halls) in a single place in the furthest corner or the map. No one will complain to have one and the Kult leaders never complain about anything either. Shortly after the first Kult building goes up, you will notice that some of your residents start behaving strangely and wearing red jewels on their lapels.. If you talk to these residents in person. you will find you can't interact with them at all. They will say things like "Long Live Krazy Kult!", or "Have you heard of Krazy Kult? It's very popular." You can't gossip, get introductions or phone numbers. However, your friendship levels and your overall approval rating will go up a little if you visit the Kult members regularly, and they will still have complaints, even though you won't be able to find out what they are except if you use the colored flashing buildings as a guide. And, the Kult members will still move out if they are angry enough. Remember that you will still be able to continue to communicate with the friends, best friends and all the businesses in your phone book (even if they are in the kult) by phoning them instead of visiting them in person. You will be able to build friendship levels, get new resident recommendations and pretty much everything else you would normally do. Surprising ly, if you call them it's as if nothing is wrong. Make sure you keep your acceptance levels high and solve as many problem as you can. Especially important is to keep your energy level high in the early part of this scenario because eventually all the restaurant owners and grocers will become cult members and you won't be able to buy food to eat and you will slow down substantially. Eventually, just about everyone in your city will be in the Kult (it is unavoidable). The Kult leaders will brag that they have taken over the city and ask you to build a total of five Kult buildings. Go ahead and approve them because it's the only way to get through this scenario. After the five kult buildings are built in your city, you will get a phone call from the founder of the kult who will tell you how to get rid of the Kult's control over your city. It will involve a series of "Yes and No" philosophical and logic questions from each of the five kult leaders which, if you answer correctly in succession, the kults will lose their hold on the city and things will return to normal in a day or two. Again, this level is basically a waiting game to solve the Kult problem in your city, and isn't terribly difficult, although it can be frustrating and takes patience at times. The other goal in this scenario is to maintain a minimum of 15 percent entertainment facilities (amusement parks, fishing ponds, mah-jongg parlors, movie theaters, etc.) in your town. This is fairly easy and you can wait until the Kult problem is resolved to focus on the 15-percent requirement. ---------------- e. SCENARIO FOUR ---------------- Goal: 300 Residents and 25% Farmers (depending on farming) Difficulty level: Easy to Medium Special Problems: Cavemen At first, the only real challenge to scenario four is Keeping the farmers happy by making sure they have plenty of unusual and sometimes relatively hard to find businesses like farm implements, pest control businesses and water wells. Farmers work the fields during most of the day. You must talk to them early in the morning (between 6:00am and 8:00am) or in the evening (after 5:00pm). They go to bed early, so don't wait until too late in the evening (talk to them at 8:00pm or earlier). If you approach them when they are in the fields, their friendship level will go up slightly but you can't have a conversation with them. After some time passes in this scenario,the residents will start asking to introduce someone named "Ijuin" who wants to move into your city. You can refuse, but most of the residents become pretty persistant and pretty soon that's all they talk about until you finally relent and allow ijuin to move in. Once you place his house, you will get similar requests for three more families, which you should place near Ijuin's. Shortly thereafter, your residents will start talking about the fact that their children's behavior has started to become a little strange. The kids are stealing food and hanging out at one of the playgrounds. You will also notice that some of the children of the four new families have members have extremely large heads. Follow the path of the story and do the sometimes bizarre things that the big headed children ask you to do. You will also get to know a local college professor who moves into your town and gives you some insight into the strange happenings in the city. Eventually the story unfolds which leads you to one of the playgrounds, where a caveman lives underground in a hole. He actually is friendly enough, but kind of hard to communicate with. Once you get to know the caveman and agree to build his house somewhere in your city, most of the residents begin to comment about his bizarre mode of dress. Eventually the brouhaha over the cave people will blow over and they will become regular (although a bit bizarre) citizens. This will allow you to continue towards your goal. You can also ask to be introduced to other cavemen who want to live in your city. If you are close to 300 residents and have a lower than 25 percent ratio of residents or are farmers or are dependant on farming, talk only to farmers, farm machinery dealers, water well operators and pest control proprietors. Turn down everyone except those who are dependent on farmers or the farming industry. You should easily reach your goal. If you are close to your goal for this scenario, and haven't be asked to be introduced to Ijuin, you can continuously decline to be introduced to him, thus preventing cavemen from moving in. However you will eventually not be able to communicate with your residents or all because that's all they will talk about. Besides, the special problem for this level isn't terribly difficult. ---------------- f. SCENARIO FIVE ---------------- Goal: 2000 Residents Difficulty level: Medium Special Problems: Aliens Probably the biggest challenge of Scenario five is the sheer volume of applications you will have to process and the large number of people that you will need to keep happy in your city. By the time you reach this level you should have a huge number of names in all categories in your Town pages, so it should go by fairly fast. The key to the beginning of the level is to place a Thai restaurant near a primary school. It sounds a little weird, but you will find out the reason later in the level. It's also a good idea to know where all your primary schools are located. The beginning of the special problem is an Asteroid crash. You will be able to ask residents about it, but nothing really happens until a theft from a supermarket occurs. Go to the primary school located near the Thai restaurant, and talk to the children there. One of the boys will ask to be taken to a place where they have Chili peppers, which is the Thai restaurant. Eventually the Thai restaurant will complain about chili peppers being stolen. Nothing can be done until you receive a phone call saying the culprits have been apprehended. Go back to the Thai restaurant and talk to the boy again. Then go to the Supermarket where the original theft occured, and you will be given chili peppers. Go back to the primary school, give the peppers to the boy, and he will ask you to go with him to another primary school. Once you reach the school, you will be introduced to aliens who will move into your town as residents. The residents will talk about the aliens for a day or so, but eventually things will die down and return to normal. It is possible to become friends with the aliens as well, especially by giving gifts. For some reason they love disposable cameras! --------- g. BEYOND --------- It is possible to continue the game beyond the first five scenarios, but it will mostly entail larger goals, no special problems and more of the same. There isn't much new to the game after the fifth scenario so it's just a question of whether or not you have the endurance to continue. It honestly gets pretty repetitive by the time you reach this level. --------------- VII. APPENDICES --------------- ------------------------------------------- a. APPENDIX I: Complaint/Application Colors ------------------------------------------- Each application you receive is a certain color, and The flashing buildings are also tinted the same color based on the nature of the complaint. The faster a building flashes on the map, the more urgent the complaint. Here is a list of the various categories, their corresponding colors and the flashing building colors. AQUA: Offices (2 or 3 wide) -- there are MANY different offices - Realtor - TV Studio - Software firm - Bank - Assessor - Advertising agency - Taxation Office - Employment Agency - Travel Agency - Planning company - Handyman firm - Babysitting company - Tourism office BEIGE: Elementary School - ALSO KNOWN AS: Primary School BEIGE: Junior and Senior High School BLUE: Gas Stations DARK BLUE: Factory - Sheet metal Factory - Garbage Dump - Soy Sauce Factory - Auto repair Facility - Brewery - Steel Mill - Robot factory - Fabric Factory DARK GREEN: Playgrounds (up to 4 wide) GRAY: Fire Brigade GREEN: Staff Family and Farmer - also known as Staff Family: Office Worker Household - Rancher - Orange Farmer - Sour Orange Farmer - Rice Farmer LIGHT BLUE: Inns - Hotels - Japanese Inns LIGHT GRAY: Fisheries LIGHT PURPLE: Farming Related businesses - Farm machinery - Water wells - Pest Control ORANGE/PEACH: Place for All - Book Shop - Music Shop - Spa - Amusement Park - Culture School for Adults - Computer school - Fortune Teller - Movie Theater - Baseball park ORANGE/PEACH: Place for Seniors - Used Book Store - Mah-Jongg parlors - Fishing Ponds - Fortune Tellers PALE YELLOW: Grocer - Butcher Shop - Fruit and Vegetable Shop - Seafood Shop - Liquor Shop PEACH: Place for Families (or Children) - Toy Shop - Amusement Parks - Baseball Stadiums - Piano School - Private and Computer School - You can also substitute Family restaurants as a "Place for Families" PINK: Restaurant for Adult - Coffee Shop - Sushi Bar - Korean Restaurant PINK: Restaurant for Family - Hamburger Shop - Chinese Noodle Bar - Savory Pancakes - Family restaurant PURPLE/DARK BLUE: Police Station SALMON: Hospital - Internal Medicine - Dentist or Dental Department - Local Hospital YELLOW: Super Store - Hardware Shop - Florist - Tailor - Electrician - Cemetery (!!) - Supermarket - Electrician - Stationary Store ----------------------------- b. APPENDIX II: Gossip Topics ----------------------------- Occasionally a resident will bring up a topic and ask you if you agree with them. The topic will then become one of your gossip choices for awhile. Matching a specific gossip topic to a resident will increase your friendship level faster. However if the topic and the resident don't match, he or she will say something like "I have no interest in it". Here are just a few of the gossip topics you may see: An affair of (fill in the name) Driving dates Eager Entrepeneur enjoying party games Entertaining clients Fun to drink Hostess Bars Party game Pick up a girl Playing video games running a marathon snowboarding Soccer Boom Stalker crime Strict discipline Study for Entrance Exam Surfing Working Working on weekends working out Working overtime ------------------------------------ c. APPENDIX III: Riddles and Answers ------------------------------------ The riddle man has lots and lots of riddles, ranging from bad jokes to trivia questions to logic questions. Here are a few of the many questions you may see: Q: How can you say "rabbit" without using the letter "R" A: bunny Q; How many teeth do adult humans have? A: 32 Q: How much soil is there in a hole measuring one meter by one meter? A: None Q: If a band plays music in a thunderstorm, who is most likely to get hit? A: Conductor Q: If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many do you have? A: four Q: It's job is to cross the river but it keeps sitting day and night. A: Bridge Q: The more you crack it, the more people like you. A: Smile Q: What animal sticks its tongue out to show anger? A: Gorilla Q: What can you break without touching it? A: promise Q: What can you catch but not throw? A: cold Q: What cap is never removed? A: Kneecap Q: What do people make that no one can ever see? A: noise Q: What do you have to break to use? A: Eggs Q: What gets wet when drying? A: Towel Q: What goes around houses and looks in every window? A: Light Q: What has a strong bone structure and moves quickly, but cannot stand up and walk? A: fish Q: What has eyes, but cannot see? A: Potatoes Q: What is black when you buy it, turns red when you use it, and becomes gray when you throw it away? A: Charcoal Q: What is it that looks different depending on who looks at it? A: Mirror Q: What is coming but never arrives? A: Tomorrow Q: What is never seen but often changes? A: wind Q: What is right in front of your eyes, but you can't see it? A: eyelids Q: What large musical instrument do you have in your ears? A: drums Q: What runs but never walks? A: Water Q: What shrinks as it gets older? A: Life Q: Where do Chinese Gooseberries come from? A: New Zealand --------------------------------- d. APPENDIX IV: Either/Or Choices --------------------------------- When you first meet a resident ("stranger" level) he or she may give you two related subjects, topics or things and ask you which one you prefer. Choosing the correct answer will raise your friendship level more quickly. Below are a sampling of the either or choices, with the correct choice in CAPITALS. AIR CONDITIONER or electric fan alfalfa or RADISH SEED SPROUTS bank deposit or CREDIT UNION SAVINGS BARGAIN or caramel mochachino Bean-Jam sun or CHERRY PANCAKES bed or FUTON BED BEEF BOWL or cutlet on rice BEEF TENDER or cutlet on rice big noodles or THIN NOODLES BLUES or folk songs bmx or MOUNTAIN BIKING Boxing or PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING carpet or TATAMU MAT CREDIT PAYMENT or cash payment DOGS or cats floor heating system or HEATER FREE GIFT or sale items GIANTS or Hawks GIANTS or tigers girlfriends or BOSSES & SUBORDINATES goldfish or CARP GREEN TEA or oolong tea HAWAII or Guam HERB GARDENING or gardening HORSE RACING or bicycle racing HOT SAKE or cold sake ice cream or SORBET Japanese food or CHINESE FOOD KALBI or tripe LONG HAIR or short hair magazine or NEWSPAPER MALIBU or mississippi river meat or FISH mexican food or JAPANESE FOOD mystery drama or SOAP OPERA OUTDOOR or indoor PICKLES or salad pilaf or FRIED RICE REGULAR MUSHROOMS or truffles shou a la creme or CAKE shower or BATH spanish rice or SHORT GRAIN RICE supermarket or MALLS sunny side up or OMELET SUNSCREEN LOTION or tanned face sweatpants or KNICKERBOCKERS SWEETMEAT or Mino TUNA or sardine tv or RADIO vodka or TEQUILA WHISKY or brandy