Metropolismania Introduction F.A.Q. v 1.10 by CityBuilderAK47 "By the way, tonight's dinner is curry" Index A. Basic Stuff 1. Version History 2. Contact/How Can You Help? 3. Introduction to the Introductions Guide - Methodology B. Introduction Guide 1. Level 1 2. Level 2 3. Level 3 4. Level 4 5. Level 5 6. Level 6 C. End Matter 1. Thank Yous! 2. What's Next? 3. Copyright and Bla bla bla A A A AAAAA SECTION A - BASIC STUFF A A A A A. BASIC STUFF A1. Version History ------------------- 1.00 (6/10/2015) This is the FAQ-ready release form. It contains the introduction tree enough to allow you to clear all of the targets from Levels 1-5. Future releases will fill out the tree more and cover Level 6 and the game beyond. 1.02 (6/13/2015) Hey guys, there were some major formatting errors in Level 4 and Level 5 (caused by uneven tabbing), which have now been fixed. I also updated the guide to reflect a new connection to the Graveyard. They are introduced primarily by older folks (not necessarily senior citizens either)within the Super store industry. In addition, I have granted permission for this guide to appear on NeoSeeker. Hello, NeoSeeker! 1.10 (7/8/2015) The guide has been updated with coverage through Level 6. From here on out, updates will only fill in missing gaps and add additional information. A2. Contact/How Can You Help? ------------------------------ This is a rather large undertaking, so I'm not saying that my guide is flawless. You may find different routes to people, or I might have something wrong. Anyway, if there's something I didn't cover, something you think is wrong, or any insight you'd like to share with hundreds of fellow Metropolismakers. You will be credited. Remember, the more people that pitch in, the more people helped out! E-mail me here: By the way, if you have a connection, just use a A/B/C format, like so A - So and so in the blah blah family introduces: B - So and so in the blah blah office, who introduces: C - So and so in the blah blah place I'll rework it into my numbering system accordingly A3. Intro to the Intro ----------------------- First off let me just say this is NOT the guide to the actual game; rather this is a compliment to my other guide for Metropolismania. As such, it is missing many of the key gameplay points, focusing solely on the introductions aspect. This guide will not make sense out of context, and should be viewed as an extension of my comprehensive FAQ. Since the entire game revolves around befriending the right people, and you can at times find yourself doing a big run-around, I have taken the time to list out all residents lead, and which businesses and people they lead to. Ideally, this will save you the trouble of running around and figuring how to get a certain building, whether it's to solve a complaint, or you just want a theme park in you city ASAP. This guide is complete to the "base" of the game, that is, Levels 1-5. It was a grueling bit of work, but worth it in the sense of nailing all the connections down. However, the work is still not "done". For one, I still count level 6 amongst the base game because it's a unique theme (fishing town) and you start off with new base residents. The coverage for that level will come in the next update. The basic goal of this FAQ is to provide a connection to each and every type of building in the game, which is basically 98% accomplished. Beyond that, the ultimate goal is to entirely fill out every introduction, but that's a VERY lofty goal, because the game has dozens of levels and the connections extend into the 10,000s if not 100,000s eventually. And to be honest, I'll likely never get there, because it's simply way too much work. However, I'll do my best to make sure you can have all the cool buildings. A word on the post-Level 5 game, as relevant to this FAQ. Starting from Level 7 onwards,the game no longer starts off each level with new "base residents", and you must rely on your Town's Pages contacts to start populating your towns and cities. This means, fundamentally, that every single connection after Level 6 comes from an extended contact tree of all the starting residents from Levels 1-6. But, in addition, there are actually more scripted events and level-specific contacts and even new buildings still.The game's levels number in the dozens, so that's a whole lot of exploring to do. A WHOLE LOT. I'll do my best to find new buildings and contacts, but don't expect complete coverage of ALL of the game for a long time...I just don't have that kind of time, you know, and this game is best played in chunks. =============== = Methodology = =============== So how do you tackle a task like this? Well, I had to have an order, and I had to ignore "Famous Mode" calls entirely so that it wouldn't effect the guide, since those calls are basically friends-of-friends in a random order. I have to admit, because of the GameFAQs 79-character ASCII limits, this guide can get sloppy. Perhaps in the future I will consolidate it to a newer HTML version, but for right now, hang with me. The best way to explain this is showing you an example. Here's a sample bunch from Level 1. REF# NAME BUILDING TYPE SIZE RES INTROD BY A007 CLOONEY, ROSS Book Shop 2X2 2 A023 Sloan, Arden Junior High School 4x4 5 A007Vida ASC01 Griffin, Sanders Dental Dept/hospital 2x2 4 A023Sunn ASC20 Gear, Ed K. Dental Dept/hospital 3x3 4 ASC01Mari ASC02 Adams, Wynona Playground 3x3 1 A023 ASC13 Pacheco, Griffin Playground 3x3 1 ASC02Wyno ASC03 Harrison, Kelsea Police Station 2x2 2 A023Karl Each person has a unique reference number, which belongs to one of two series. There is the A001 style, which is a resident gained by using the "Introduce Me" option in normal gameplay without a complaint; or, in the case of the first 10-20, the residents that you start with, who are listed in ALL CAPS. Then, there is the ASC01 style, which is when the resident is introduced via the "Solve Complaint" option. Sometimes in solving a complaint, I consulted multiple people, and each place consulted is marked with letters behind it (e.g. CSC074B is the second (A=1,B=2) building consulted along the path, but did not lead me to a direct person to solve the complaint.) The person who actually solves the complaint is listed without the letter (e.g. CSC074 actually solved the complaint). Also, you will notice in the number of residents (RES), you will occasionally see things like 42K or 42T. This means a family of four where there are either 2 (K)ids or 2 (T)eens, which does matter because they'll need different schools. And for a house with 3 people, you can always assume that it is two parents and a baby/toddler, which will need a daycare, but it is listed as 31B as well. There is however, one exception, and this is with Fisherman's Homes that you will encounter in Level 5 and Level 6, which actually contain two parents plus an extra adult, marked below as 31A. Since most buildings have 2 or more residents, I had to distinguish who actually introduces the place. So, in the intro column, you'll see a name like ASC02Wyno. This means someone whose name contains "Wyno" (in this case, Wynona) who lives at ASC02 is the introducer in that case. I had to consolidate names because of the editing requirements of the FAQ. When I leave out a name like in (A023), you can assume it was the building's owner/proprietor. I tried to have some sense of organization given the limit.The best compromise seemed to be listing the base resident in ALL CAPS, and then, on the line below, moving the contact over one space from the above line, to show it was introduced from them. Then, I placed the second-degree contact two spaces over from the original contact, and one over from the middle-man. Again, look at the example: REF# NAME BUILDING TYPE SIZE RES INTROD BY A007 CLOONEY, ROSS Book Shop 2X2 2 A023 Sloan, Arden Junior High School 4x4 5 A007Vida ASC01 Griffin, Sanders Dental Dept/hospital 2x2 4 A023Sunn Ross Clooney starts you up, so we'll call him the "first degree", and then his partner Vida introduces Sloan Jr. High School. You can tell Sloan is a "second degree" by comparing with the above line. Since his line starts one space over from the above, that means his connection comes from the above building, the Clooney Book Shop. Then, the Griffin Dental Dept. is "third degree", so one space over from the "second degree", and two spaces from the "first degree". It gets sloppy, admittedly, but it works. People who are all introduced by the same connection will be on the same level. Got it? I hope so. Let's try an example. Here's the example tree one more time. REF# NAME BUILDING TYPE SIZE RES INTROD BY A007 CLOONEY, ROSS Book Shop 2X2 2 A023 Sloan, Arden Junior High School 4x4 5 A007Vida ASC01 Griffin, Sanders Dental Dept/hospital 2x2 4 A023Sunn ASC20 Gear, Ed K. Dental Dept/hospital 3x3 4 ASC01Mari ASC02 Adams, Wynona Playground 3x3 1 A023 ASC13 Pacheco, Griffin Playground 3x3 1 ASC02Wyno ASC03 Harrison, Kelsea Police Station 2x2 2 A023Karl Let's say you were looking for a Playground, a common complaint. Using this style, you would start with who you have, in this case, the Clooney Book Shop. This is A007 above. You see "Playground" listed in the tree, so you more or less follow it up. You see that ASC02, the Adams Playground, is within the tree for the Clooney Book Store, so you follow it up via the INTROD BY column. To get what you want, you find the number, highlight the line, and note who it is "INTROD BY". In this case, it's "A023", which means the owner of A023, which corresponds to Arden Sloan at the Sloan Jr. High School. Then, you look again and see that A023 is then introduced to you by "A007 Vida", which means someone in the Clooney Book Shop with the name starting with "Vida"(well, Vida). So, to get the playground, you go to Vida Clooney, befriend her to meet Arden at Sloan Jr. High School, and then befriend him to get introduced to Wynona Adams, who will grace your town with a playground. The game (and trees) get more complicated with each level, so the guide will get slighty less neat and organized as the contacts go into 5th, 6th, and 7th "degrees". At times, you'll see same faces pop up in introduction trees. When this is the case you will see (CxL)[Cross Listed]. If you befriend a resident in an earlier level, their relationship rating will be saved for later levels! At times if the text gets overwhelming, use the Find feature (Ctrl+F) to help expedite the results. The use of unique ID numbers should help expedite your searches. Anyway, enough of my rambling. On to the guide! B. INTRODUCTION GUIDE B2. Level 1 ----------- All residents from level 1 are prefixed with an A in their reference number. Ref# Last Name, First Building Type Size Res. Intro/Notes A001 PRENTICE,ABE FAMILY 2X2 31B A011 Torres, Kentaro Family 2x2 42K A001-Deidra A029 Malouf, Jensen Studio Apartment 2x2 1 A011-Kentaro A030 Perry, Mauro Family 2x2 2 A011-Fronda A012 Peterson, Charles Family 2x2 42K A001-Prentice A031 Quan, Renn Family 3x3 42T A012-Charles A032 Thomas, Massimo Family 2x2 2 A012-Alyssa A002 DUFFY, MARV FAMILY 2X2 31B A013 Smith, Read Family 3x3 42T A002-Marcy A033 O'Leary, Kuma Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A013-Read A034 Judson, Patel Studio Apartment 2x2 1 A013-Blenda A014 Diaz, Michael Family 3x3 42T A002-Marv A035 Butler, Whitby Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A014-Michael A036 Nixon, Romeo Senior Citizen 3x3 2 A014-Amber A003 DIXON, LEROY FAMILY 2X2 42K A015 Mahoney, Dylan Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A003-Leroy A037 Clooney, Woodrow Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A015-Dylan A038 Roberts, Uriah Family 3x3 42K A015-Ariel A016 Manolis, Kirby Senior Citizen 3x3 2 A003-Maria A039 Gale, Jimmy Senior Citizen 3x3 2 A016-Kirby A040 Holmes, Herbert Family 2x2 42K A016-Kerdis A004 KIPP, EDDY FAMILY 2X2 42K A017 Slowey, Redell Family 3x3 42T A004-Eddy A041 Caldwell, Veran Family 2x2 31b A017-Redell A042 Warner, Hugh J. Home Office 2x2 1 A017-Carol A018 Eigen, Bradley Family 3x3 42K A004-Rebecca A043 Leonard, Jerry Senior Citizen 3x3 2 A018-Bradley A044 Palmer, Vance Family 2x2 42K A018-Mari A005 CRUZ, LINDSEY FAMILY 2X2 2 A019 Marius,Joseph Studio Apartment 2x2 1 A005-Lindsey A045 Cordova,J.R. Noodle Bar 2x2 2 A019-Joseph A046 Gil, Hall Family 2x2 42K A020-Brian A020 Butler, Brian X. Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A005-Hayden A047 Lopez, Veronica Studio Apartment 2x2 1 A021-Meliora A006 HILL, CEDRIC FAMILY 2X2 2 A021 Warner, Charles Family 3x3 42T A006-Cedric A048 Stern, Roden Used Book Shop 2x2 2 A021-Charles A049a Perry, Woody Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A021-Remi A049b Howell, Ronald Senior Citizen 2x2 2 A021-Remi A022 Clark, Meli Family 2x2 31b A006-Lourana A050 Lawrence, Billy Family 3x3 42K A022-Meli A051 Quan, Yves Family Restaurant 2x2 2 A022-Carly A007 CLOONEY, ROSS BOOK SHOP 2X2 2 A023 Sloan, Arden Junior High School 4x4 5 A007-Vida ASC01 Griffin, Sanders Dental Dept 2x2 4 A023-Sunny ASC20 Gear, Ed K. Dental Dept 3x3 4 ASC01-Mariko ASC02 Adams, Wynona Playground 3x3 1 A023-Arden ASC13 Pacheco, Griffin Playground 3x3 1 ASC02-Wynona ASC03 Harrison, Kelsea Police Station 2x2 2 A023-Karli A008 LOPEZ, REY FRUIT&VEGETABLE SHOP 2X2 2 A024 Toyota, Glen Hardware Shop 3x3 2 A008-Rey A025 Grant, Minty Hardware Shop 3x3 2 A008-Kylia A009 CAMPBELL, ALEN S. STATIONERY STORE 2X2 2 A026 Stevens, Kim Seafood Shop 2x2 2 A009-Alen ASC08 Barner, Hart Liquor Store 2x2 2 A026-Betty A027 Sanford, Lorin Spa 3x3 2 A009-Luna A010 WANG, MONTAGUE CHINESE NOODLE BAR 2X2 2 A028 Knight, Bernard Coffee Shop 2x2 2 A010-Montague ASC05 Rickman, Kellan Family Restaurant 3x3 2 A028-Bernard ASC10 Craig, Alen S. Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 ASC05-Kella ASC04 Ringham, Ken Publishing Firm 3x3 2 A010-Kathleen ASC07 Hyde, Chase Advertising Company 3x3 2 ASC04-Ken ASC12b Maekawa, More Tiling Company 2x2 2 ASC07-Chase ASC12c Faber, Don Realtor 2x2 2 ASC07-Chase ASC12d Keel, Dan Software Company 2x2 2 ASC12c-Fynn ASC12e Diaz, Monet Steel Mill 4x4 2 A010-Kathleen ASC15 Pierce, Jiro Gas Station 3x3 2 ASC12e-Miles ASC18 Perez, Read Metal Workshop 4x4 2 ASC12e-Monet "Boss Buildings" Your boss will call you in the middle of the level and introduce some buildings to you that you will "need" to complete the level; though it is quite possible to make it without them. Nonetheless, you can probably put them to good use. I noted them as "AHELP" buildings AHELP1 Ackerman, Avery Internal Medicine 2x2 4 AHELP2 Kitada, Katsuhida Police Station 2x2 2 ASC11 Albert, John F. Police Station 2x2 2 AHELP2-Katsuhi AHELP3 Adams, Lorant Playground 3x3 1 AHELP4 Barker, Kemp Printing Office 2x2 2 ASC06 Campos, Montague Travel Agency 3x3 2 AHELP4-Kemp AHELP5 Ackerman, J.R. Daycare Center 3x3 4 AHELP6 Abbott, Rob Primary School 4x4 5 ASC17 Craig, Hugh J. Daycare Center 3x3 2 AHELP6-Lester ASC21 Boucher, Jason Z. Primary School 4x4 5 AHELP6-Mariko B3. LEVEL 2 ----------- All residents from level 2 are prefixed with a B in their reference number. There are also some additional notes for some of them as follows: ! As I mentioned in the other FAQ, a few buildings in this level correspond to real-life Japanese companies, so instead of the traditional "xxx Soft House" or "xxx Bar", they are instead company names when you view them from the street, so just consider this an alternate name. @ For whatever reason, this building type is known as Solicitors Firm when they apply, though when you view them on the street, they're known as Lawyers. Solicitors, by the way, is a sort of British expression that has some overlap with the lawyers of the US. SPECIAL- This resident is involved in the crime scenario of this level. This means that you are guaranteed to have these three residents move out as the story progresses, so befriend them before it gets too late into the game; because they can be useful outside of this level. B001 COSTA, DONALD PLANNING COMPANY 2X2 2 B026 Russell, Jorge Trading Company 3x3 2 B001-Donald B078 Carter, Loman Solicitors Firm 2x2 2 B026-Jorge B079 Grant, Bradford Trading Company 3x3 2 B026-Truman B027 English, Umao Bank 3x3 2 B001-Violet B080 Black, Giorgio Employment Company 3x3 2 B027-Umao B081 Chang, Morris Solicitors Firm 2x2 2 B027-Elle B002 SUGARMAN, EDWARDO PRINTING COMPANY 2X2 2 B028 Lucas, Vincent Finance Company 3x3 2 B002-Edwardo B082 Gay, Radley Burger Shop 3x3 2 B028-Vincent B083 Howell, Jiro Travel Agency 3x3 2 B028-Lydie B029 Zucker, Mitchel TV Station 3x3 2 B002-Amanda B084 Anderson, Chip Surveying Company 2x2 2 B029-Mitchel B085 Castle, Monty Jr. High School 4x4 5 B029-Rhea B003 NOTSU, KOZY SOFTWARAE COMPANY 2X2 2 !INDISOFTWARE A B030 Hamada, Hisato Software Company 2x2 2 !Groove Cafe B030-Hisato BSC17 Dixon, Milton Gas Station 3x3 2 B030-Hisato BSC48 Davidson, Heath Gas Station 3x3 2 BSC17-Milton B086 Nicholas, Tyne Software Company 2x2 2 B030-Hisato B004 YOKOSUKA, MINORU SOFTWARE COMPANY 2X2 2 !INDISOFTWARE B B005 GEE, GIORGIO REALTOR 2X2 2 B031 Marshall, Kennedi Architect Company 2x2 2 B005-Giorgio B087 Toyota, Aidan C. Realtor 2x2 2 B031-Kennedi B032 Sabatini, Donnel Senior Citizen 2x2 2 B005-Betty B088 Cusack, Kelii Home office 2x2 1 B032-Donnel B089 Flores, Rintaro Family 2x2 42K B032-Winifred B006 WAGNER, RENNY (@)SOLICITORS FIRM 2X2 2 B033 Day, Minor Bank 3x3 2 B006-Renny B094 Floyd, Arnold Tiling Company 2x2 2 B033-Minor B095 Kane, Chip Stocks&Shares 3x3 2 B033-Redford B034 Brewer, Moss Exam Tuition 3x3 2 B006-Rina B096 Curtis, Spyridon Book Shop 2x2 2 B034-Moss B097 Boyd, Isabel Bar 2x2 2 B034-Vida B007 CHASE, JOJI HANDYMAN FIRM 2X2 2 B035 Morgan, Rintaro Security Firm 3x3 2 B007-Joji B098 Samuels, Akio Publishing Firm 3x3 2 B035-Rintaro B099 Cross, Doug Tourism Office 2x2 2 B035-Reina B036 Garner, Haven Newspaper Company 3x3 2 B007-Katrina B107 Jimenez, JJ Employment Company 3x3 2 B036-Haven B108 Kaplan, Monte Adveristing Company 3x3 2 B036-Kylene B008 MILLER, MIKIO TRANSLATORS 2X2 2 B037 Gay, Joel Planning Company 3x3 2 B008Miki B109 Spring, Kanta Tiling Company 2x2 2 B037-Joel B110 Davison, Ralph Electrician 3x3 2 B037-Rafi B038 Feldman, Morris Insurance Company 3x3 2 B008Reed B111 Bailey, Gerald Kids Clothing 3x3 2 B038-Morris B112 Moon, Jorge Supermarket 3x3 2 B038-Kassidy B009 MITCHELL, ANDREW TILING COMPANY 2X2 2 B039 Stern, Mills Security Firm 3x3 2 B009-Andrew B113 Leonard, Milan Handyman Firm 2x2 2 B039-Mills B114 Ellis, Will S. Family 2x2 2 B039-Helen B040 Ewing, J.R. Trading Company 3x3 2 B009-Morley B115 Moore, Arthur TV Station 3x3 2 B040-J.R. B116 Cook, Sol Architect Company 2x2 2 B040-Helen B010 BARRY, DICK ADVERTISING COMPANY 3X3 2 B041 Dress, Milek Stocks&Shares 3x3 2 B010Dick B117 Kent, Hayward Trading Company 3x3 2 B041-Milke B118 Foster, Raphael Building Company 3x3 2 B041-Maree B042 Gregory, Rose Security Firm 3x3 2 B010Andr B119 Klien, Will S. Police Station 2x2 2 B042-Rose B120 Galon, Heaton Spirit Distill 4x4 2 B042-Rianna B011 POWERS, KEN ADVERTISING COMPANY 3X3 2 B043 Friedman, Mckale Software Company 2x2 2 B011-Ken B121 Ellis, Merton Family 2x2 42K B043-Mckale B122 Ramos, Rex TV Station 3x3 2 B043-Herman BSC06a Chandler, Tyler F. Playground 3x3 1 B011-Latisha B071 Quan, Kesin Playground 3x3 1 BSC06a-Chandl BSC06b Slowey, Gintaro Playground 3x3 1 B011-Latisha BSC06 Klein, Jimmy Primary School 4x4 5 BSC06b-Gintar B073 Wamsley, Rex Local Hospital 4x4 4 BSC06-Jimmy B074 Zucker, Jordan Tiling Company 2x2 2 BSC06-Jensen B075 Atkins, Kei Police Station 2x2 2 BSC06-Kenned B076 Tan, Plato Family 2x2 31b BSC06-Marika BSC29 Mahoney, Merton Family 2x2 31b B076-Lassie BSC32 Sanders, Montego Family 2x2 42K B076-Lassie BSC33 Land, Ralph L. Family 2x2 2 B076-Lassie BSC52 Rowell, Lazar Family 2x2 2 B076-Lassie BSC53 Trotta, Miles Family 2x2 42T B076-Lassie BSC46 Street, Rendor Local Hospital 4x4 4 BSC06-Marika BSC50 Towers, Rey Jr. High School 4x4 5 BSC06-Marika B077 Douglas, Apollo Dental Dept 2x2 4 BSC06-Loughl B072 Hughes, Montego Police Station 2x2 2 BSC06b-Gintar BSC31 Neal, Eigen Police Station 2x2 2 B072-Montego BSC41 Anderson, Piper Police Station 2x2 2 B072-Montego B012 SCHOTT, MOSES CLEANERS 3X3 2 B044 Carter, Hector Newspaper Company 3x3 2 B012-Moses BSC20 Addison, Zenoe Cooking Class 3x3 2 B044-Mikhali B123 Cloud, Paul Accounting Firm 2x2 2 B044-Hector B124 Collins, Herbert Planning Company 2x2 2 B044-Mikhali B045 Marks, Jordan Adveristing Company 3x3 2 B012-Elise B125 Boyd, Chilton Building Company 3x3 2 B045-Jordan B126 Walker, Steve Senior Citizen 2x2 2 B045-Della B013 FELDMAN, HEATON BANK 3X3 2 B046 Perry, Ponce Software Company 2x2 2 B013-Heaton B133 Dennis, Art Bank 3x3 2 B046-Ponce B134 Gray, Evan Stocks&Shares 3x3 2 B046-Lora B047 Gilbert, Jiro Playground 3x3 1 B013-Lewis B135 Anderson, Moses Playground 3x3 1 B047-Jiro B014 MOORE, MATT O. BANK 3X3 2 B048 Mitchell, Hector Architect Company 2x2 2 B014-Matt B136 Vegas, Lindy Architect Company 2x2 2 B048-Hector B137 Johnson, Gure Taxation Office 2x2 2 B048-Alex B049 Coats, Mikio Family 2x2 42? B014-Bob BO15 HICKS, JJ FINANCE COMPANY 3X3 2 B050 Gomez, KC Newspaper Company 3x3 2 B015-JJ B138 Speed, Morley Travel Agency 3x3 2 B050-JC B139 Peterson, Morgan Processed Food 4x4 2 B050-Rey B051 Fay, Kentaro TV Station 3x3 2 B015-Alma B140 Aasen, Mugen Realtor 2x2 2 B051-Kentaro B141 Hudson, Kennan Bakery 2x2 2 B051-Justise B016 MILLER, JORDAN EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 3X3 2 B052 Hayes, Morley Newspaper Company 3x3 2 B016-Jordan B142 Fraser, Miller Bank 3x3 2 B052-Morley B143 Friedman, Momotaro Building Company 3x3 2 B052-Frances B053 Stein, Hastin Travel Agency 3x3 2 B016-Kylie B144 Hansen, Derrick Publishing Firm 3x3 2 B053-Hastin B145 Daniels, Hector Accounting Firm 2x2 2 B053-Bert B017 TAKESHIGE, KOHEI PUBLISHING FIRM 3X3 2 !MEDIA FACTORY B054 Kotobashi, Akira Drink bar 2x2 2 !Deep Drink B017Kohe B018 LAST, GERIK NEWSPAPER COMPANY 3X3 2 B055 Xue, Ronnie Senior Citizen 2x2 2 B018-Gerik B146 Nagel, Jose Family 2x2 42K B055-Ronnie B147 Suns, Bo Family 2x2 42T B055-Paulette B056 Levin, Mostyn Tourism Office 2x2 2 B018-Bibiana B148 Witten, Chip Printing Company 2x2 2 B056-Mostyn B149 Abel, Montego Sheet Metal 4x4 2 B056-Larissa B019 JOHNSON, ARNOLD CAR MECHANIC 4X4 2 B057 Nicholas, Rendor Garbage Dump 4x4 2 B019-Arnold B150 Hancock, Reynard Steel Mill 4x4 2 B057-Rendor B151 Dennis, Rafer Karaoke 2x2 2 B057-Emmet B058 Trainer, Bond Spring factory 4x4 2 B019-Milek B152 Bailey, Morrison Gas station 3x3 2 B058-Bond B153 Mcdonald, Renn Sheet Metal 4x4 2 B058-Yves B020 SPRING, ART GAS STATION 3X3 2 B059 Bruce, Morrie Brewery 4x4 2 B020-Art B157 Zucker, Fritz Family 2x2 31b B059-Morrie B158 Dennis, Seven Studio Apartment 2x2 1 B059-Craig B060 Beyer, Montego Processed foods 4x4 2 B020-Renya B159 Calderon, Murphy Curry House 2x2 2 B060-Montego B160 Marsh, Lex Fabric Factory 4x4 2 B060-Archer B021 NEKODA, HITOMI Studio Apartment 2x2 1 SPECIAL B022 MCVEY, GREG Studio Apartment 2X2 1 BSC07 Gage, Ben N. Internal Medicine 2x2 4 B022-Greg BSC11 Zucker, Mark Z. Internal Medicine 2x2 4 BSC07-Derric B127 Walton, Marvela Daycare Center 3x3 2 BSC11-Mark B128 Ewing, Hayward Primary School 4x4 5 BSC11-Emanue B129 Bradley, Gure Primary School 4x4 5 BSC11-Candy B130 Chandler, Vivianna Bar 2x2 2 BSC11-Lotte BSC18 Potter, Dirk Dental Dept. 2x2 4 BSC07-Derrick B091 Hansen, Dolly Daycare Center 3x3 4 BSC07-Derrick BSC21 Edwards, Mark Family 2x2 2 BSC07-Della B093 Feibush, Wilford Senior Citizen 2x2 2 BSC07-Della B090 Wallace, Lucio Senior Citizen 2x2 2 BSC07-Ben B092 Grant, Wynn Playground 3x3 1 BSC07-Louanna B061 Sanders, Hiro J. Solicitors Firm 2x2 2 B022-Greg B161 Rios, Guy Security Firm 3x3 2 B061-Hiro B162 Silver, Holt Software Company 2x2 2 B061-Georgia B023 SHEPHERD, JEFFREY Family 2X2 2 BSC01 Hall, Hank U. Family 2x2 2 B023-Jeff BSC27 Crowell, Mark Family 2x2 2 BSC01-Hank B065 Rock, Art Bank 3x3 2 BSC01-Hank B167 Nicholas, Lupin Family 2x2 42T B065-Rhona B066 Sherman, Andrew Family 3x3 42? BSC01-Jill B168 Bingham, Eiga Family 2x2 42K B066-Andrew B169 Russell, Amos Family 2x2 31b B066-Mariko BSC23 Kovach, Jeff Family 2x2 2 BSC01-Jill BSC24 Mccarthy, Tyrone Family 2x2 31b BSC01-Jill BSC25 Egan, Mason Family 2x2 2 BSC01-Jill BSC26 Knox, Sean O. Family 2x2 31b BSC01-Jill B062 Parsons, Mercer Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 B023Jeff B163 Salas, Dick Family 2x2 42T B062-Mercer B164 Piper, Billy Pizza Bar 2x2 2 B062-Eleanor B063 King, Kitty Studio Apartment 2x2 1 B023-Lourdes BSC02 Mcdonell, Frank Family 2x2 31b B023-Lourdes BSC09 Gibson, Noboru Bakery 2x2 2 BSC02-Jenny BSC30 Rogers, Keran Bakery 2x2 2 BSC09-Noboru BSC34 Russo, Lupin Supermarket 3x3 2 BSC30-Keran BSC36 Tiger, Kenton Butcher Shop 2x2 2 BSC34-Lupi B103 Decker, Mitchel Supermarket 3x3 2 BSC09-Noboru B104 Fair, Lev Family 2x2 42K BSC09- Lucy BSC54 Cook, Zenoe Hardware Shop 3x3 2 BSC02-Jenny B100 Moss, Wynn Liquor Shop 2x2 2 BSC54-Zenoe B101 Gannon, Ellison Family 2x2 2 BSC54-Tristi BSC37 Gavin, Lester Supermarket 3x3 2 BSC54-Tristi BSC13 Keir, Adachi Daycare Center 3x3 2 BSC02-Jenny B154 Cummings, Mike Daycare Center 3x3 2 BSC13-Adachi B155 Sherwood, Kennan Travel Agency 3x3 2 BSC13-Rea B156 Zucker, King Maternity Ward 2x2 2 BSC13-Flora B067 Mckeel, D.J. Family 3x3 42? BSC02-Frank B068 Zucker, Jara Bar 2x2 2 BSC02-Jenny B170 Baldwin, Maximos Family 2x2 2 B068-Jara BSC19 Carter, Raleigh Coffee Shop 2x2 2 B068-Jara BSC44 Cooper, Rey Chinese Ndl Bar 2x2 2 BSC19-Raleig BSC05 Peters, Kellsie Family 2x2 2 B023-Lourdes B024 THOMAS, BLAKE FAMILY 2X2 42K B064 Zale, Rainer Family Restaurant 3x3 2 B024-Blake B165 Dean, Morgan Building Company 3x3 2 B064-Morgan B166 Ball, Boris Noodle Bar ult 2x2 2 B064-Kathleen BSC03 Knight, Chilton Svry Pncks 2x2 2 B024Kyleigh BSC35 Dean, Kelby Pizza Bar 2x2 2 BSC03-Chilton B069 Albert, Ellison Family 2x2 2 BSC03Chil B070 Vogel, Clayton Chinese Ndl Bar 2x2 2 BSC03Barb BSC04 Diaz, Maurilio Family 2x2 2 B024-Blake BSC08 Burns, Mayes Computer School 3x3 2 B024-Kyleigh B102 Pal, Elvis Private School 3x3 2 BSC08-Carlen BSC10 Kennedy, Dusty Book Shop 2x2 2 BSC08Maye BSC51 Santos, Alyssa Volunteer Group 2x2 2 BSC10-Elena BSC12 Bryne, Dunn Book Shop 2x2 2 BSC10-Dusty B131 Ford, Liang Sushi Bar ult 2x2 2 BSC12-Dunn BSC38 Meadows, Wyoma Playground 3x3 1 BSC12-Dunn B132 Pace, Iris Studio Apartment 2x2 1 BSC12-Kitty BSC14 Smith, Bradley Book Shop 2x2 2 BSC10-Elena BSC16 Rowland, Will Fishing Pond 3x3 1 BSC10-Elena BSC22 Weil, Bliss Piano School 3x3 2 BSC10-Elena BSC28 Dane, Yao Karaoke 3x3 2 BSC10-Elena BSC49 Shade, Mike Karaoke 3x3 2 BSC28-Hayde B105 Ali, Mio Volunteer Group 2x2 2 BSC10-Dusty BSC42 Mauro, Will S. Karaoke 2x2 2 B105-Frasie BSC43 Tinsley, Morey Drama School 3x3 2 BSC42-Will BSC45 Page, Virginia Aerobics 3x3 2 B105-Frasier BSC47 Renn, MIckey Music shop 3x3 2 B105-Frasie BSC39 White, Monet Toy Shop 3x3 2 BSC10-Elena B106 Kline, Lincoln Cleaners 3x3 2 BSC10-Elena BSC15 Choi, Kelii Family Rest 3x3 2 B064Rain B025 INUYAMA, MITSUO POLICE STATION 2X2 2 SPECIAL B4. LEVEL 3 All residents from level 3 are prefixed with a C in their reference number. Let me also note this is where you will see "recycled" residents start popping up. I will give them a new number to keep things less confusig, though I will also put a (=BXXX) below the so you know this is the same resident. This is also where I stopped taking notes on the differences between 42T and 42K. My apologies, I know you find that important, and I'll do my best to rectify it in future FAQ updates. CR was a tag I believe I used for a "Residence and Office" complaint. C001 CLOONEY, MERTON Computer School 3X3 2 C016 Daniels, Willard Choir/cultureschl4aged 2x2 2 C001-Merton C017 Welch, Noboru Insurance Company 3x3 2 C001-Krystyn C044 Gilmore, Lok Learn Accting/cltsc4ad 3x3 2 C017-Noboru C194 Holmes, Luca Book Shop 2x2 2 C044-Lok CSC003 Thomas, Massimo Family 2x2 2 C017-Noboru CSC007 Garner, Mitchell Family 3x3 4 CSC003-Thoma C094 West, Patch Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC007-Mitc CSC012 Gamble, Timberly Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC003-Thoma C099 Lyon,Misty Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC012-Timb CSC016 Pierce, Kele Family 2x2 3 CSC003-Thoma C106 Kim, Heremon Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC016-Kele C107 Marsh, Tiffany Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 CSC016-Carm CSC031 Tiger, Hugh J. Family 3x3 4 CSC003-Min CSC107 Caldwell, Varen Family 2x2 3 CSC031-Hu C134 Hall, Gil Family 2x2 4 CSC031-Hu C135 Xue, Ronnie Senior citizen 3x3 2 CSC031-Ca CSC165 Russell, Jude Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC016-Kele CSC166 Little, Porter Family 2x2 3 CSC016-Kele CSC169 Fisher, Liam Bank 3x3 2 CSC016-Kele CSC170 Cloud, Scot Melon Farm 2x2 2 CSC016-Kele C078 Douglas,Woody Senior citizen 2x2 2 CSC003-Massim C079 Dixon, Mitchel Insurance Company 3x3 2 CSC003-Mina CSC113 Rowell, Henry Family 3x3 4 CSC003-Mina CSC128 Wagner, Heinz Inventor's Home 3x3 3 CSC003-Massi CSC129 Nicholas, Blake Family 2x2 4 CSC003-Massi ?CSC130 Handy, Benjy Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC003-Massi CSC137 Knight, Mike Family 2x2 4 CSC003-Mina CSC138 Mooney, Akio Family 3x3 4 CSC003-Mina CSC146 Shipley, Mills Family 3x3 4 CSC003-Mina CSC005 Moore, Bob Solicitors Firm 2x2 2 C017-Noboru CSC018 Rock, Art Bank 3x3 2 CSC005-Bob CSC103 Speed, Morley Travel Agency 3x3 2 CSC018-Art C110 Nicholas, Lupin Family 3x3 4 CSC018-Rho C090 Lau,Morrie Slot Machines 3x3 2 CSC005-Bob C202 O'Brien, Greg I. Exam Tuition 3x3 2 C090-Morri C203 Fellows, Donny Mah-Jong Room 2x2 2 C090-Jayme C091 Klein, Rich Newspaper Company 3x3 2 CSC005-Kemp CSC006 Stanley, Rico Insurance Company 3x3 2 C017-Noboru CSC014 Gibson, Keith Family 2x2 2 CSC006-Rico CSC037 Howard, Les Family 2x2 4 CSC014-Keit C146 Dixon, Vinny Family 3x3 4 CSC037-Les CR11 Keller, Hiro J. Convenience Store 3x3 2 C146-Vinn C147 Frank, Charles Family 2x2 4 CSC037-Jar CSC192 Medina, Livana Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC037-Jar CSC194 Kramer, Billy T. Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC037-Jar CSC093 Johnson, Ken Family 3x3 4 CSC014-Louri C102 Meyer, Zachary Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC014-Keith C103 Gardner, Lani Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC014-Louri CSC136 Tiger, Kelsey Family 2x2 3 CSC014-Keith CSC149 Bell, Michiru Family 2x2 4 CSC014-Louri CSC159 Nelson, Marius Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC014-Keith CSC025 Garner, Miles Architect Company 2x2 2 CSC006-Rico C123 Olsen, Hector Finance Company 3x3 2 CSC025-Miles C124 Morgan, Maximos Software Company 2x2 2 CSC025-Tory C092 Markay, Kerr Bakery 2x2 2 CSC006-Rico C093 Markley,Gore Cleaning Company 2x2 2 CSC006-Keene CSC010 Pace, Boris Finance Company 3x3 2 C017-Noboru CSC080 Sloan, Reginald Soliciotrs Firm 2x2 2 CSC010-Boris C097 Baxter, Red Cleaners 3x3 2 CSC010-Caro CSC015 Gee, Giorgio Realtor 2x2 2 C017-Noboru (=B005) C104 Marshall,Kennedi Architect Company 2x2 2 CSC015-Giorg C105 Sabitini, Donnel Senior citizen 2x2 2 CSC015-Betty CSC116 Vergas, Lindy Architect Company 2x2 2 CSC015-Betty CSC117 Leonard, Lewis Surveying Company 2x2 2 CSC015-Betty CSC024 Lane, Gintaro Soliciotrs Firm 2x2 2 C017-Noboru C045 Wallace, Michiru Travel Agency 3x3 2 C017-Noboru C002 REID, KELLY PRIVATE SCHOOL/CLTS4K 3X3 2 C018 Fair, Kendis Car Mechanic 4x4 2 C002-Kelly CSC002 Walker, John F. Gas Station 3x3 2 C018-Kendis CSC058 Abel, Heinz Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC002-John CSC081 Nelson, Grey V. Playground 3x3 1 CSC058-Hein CSC078 Daniels, Rendor Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC002-John C076 Bell, Hue G. Convenience Store 3x3 2 CSC002-John CSC090 Boucher, Kenta Gas Station 3x3 2 C018-Jose CSC105 Gilbert, Umeo Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC090-Rhonda CSC121 Anderson, Evan Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC090-Rhonda CSC124 Davidson, Heath Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC121-Evan CR8 Nelson, Bob Soy Sauce Company 4x4 2 CSC124-Heat CSC163 Kline, Eiga Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC124-Heat C046 Wagner, Mikhail Fabric Factory 4x4 2 C018-Kendis C047 Gaffney, Scot G. Primary School 4x4 5 C018-Jose C019 Nava, Bob Security Firm 3x3 2 C002-Violet C048 Thomas, Kanta Tiling Company 2x2 2 C019-Bob C049 Sullivan, Kentaro Family 2x2 4 C019-Gaetane CR2 Damon, Livvy Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 C002-Kelly CSC034 Jenkins, Tyne Family 2x2 2 CR2 C140 Hall, Morrigan Police Station 2x2 2 CSC034-Tyne C141 Damon, Blake Family 3x3 4 CSC034-Kasia CSC184 Burns, D.J. Family 3x3 4 CSC034-Kasia CSC185 Trainer, Kendall Family 3x3 4 CSC034-Kasia C077 Mayer, Derrick Garbage Dump 4x4 2 CSC002-Blade C003 CORDOVA, MORSE COOKING CLASS/CLTSC4A 3X3 2 C020 Knight, Woody Book Shop 2x2 2 C003-Morse C050 Baxter,Kenny Playground 3x3 1 C020-Woody CSC174 Harwood, Don Playground 3x3 1 C050 C051 Lin, Kendis Police Station 2x2 2 C020-Allie C021 Estrada, Rio Book Shop 2x2 2 C003-Denise C004 GIBSON, ARDEN TOY SHOP 3X3 2 C022 Silver, Douglas Liquor Shop 2x2 2 C004-Arden CSC056 Hansen, Vincent Supermarket 3x3 2 C022-Katie CSC104 Charles, Clay Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC056-Vince C211 Baumann, Roden Cemetery 3x3 1 CSC104 CSC127 Neal, Dick Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 CSC056-LaVon C052 Owen, Lionel Hardware Shop 3x3 2 C022-Douglas C053 Donner, Donny Laundrette 2x2 2 C022-Katie C023 Lewis, Spyridon Flute Tutor 2x2 2 C004-Denise C054 Santos, Keir Music Shop 3x3 2 C023-Spyridon C195 Trinidad, Morrison Slot Machines 3x3 2 C054-Kristin C055 Rowland, Dan M. Book Shop 2x2 2 C023-Brenda CSC122 Sawyer, Jovan Music Shop 3x3 2 C004-Arden C208 Palmer, Kenley Surveying Company 2x2 2 CSC122 C209 Clark, Kirby Mah-Jong Room 2x2 2 CSC122-Delain C005 LIANG, PAUL TOY SHOP 3X3 2 C024 Foster, JJ Primary School 4x4 5 C005-Paul CSC001 Emmerson, Lewis Police Station 2x2 2 C024-Matthew C072 Naas,Morrie Police Station 2x2 2 CSC001-Lewis C073 Collins, Franklin Police Station 2x2 2 CSC001-Pauli CSC112 Morris, Hayward Police Station 2x2 2 C073-Frankl CSC004 Altman, Red Dental Dept. 2x2 4 C024-Matthew CSC041 Styles, Wyoma Dental Dept. 2x2 4 CSC004-Red C157 Harris, Elkan Playground 3x3 1 CSC041-Wyoma C158 Marks, Kenneth Japanese Inn 3x3 2 CSC041-Mayan C159 Tyler F. Boyd Playground 3x3 1 CSC041-Mari C160 Shepherd, Bradford Finance Company 3x3 2 CSC041-Kathl CSC074B Stoller, Chuck Playground 3x3 1 CSC004-Marine CSC075 White, Harvey Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC004-Kylee CSC076 Jamison, Elsie Daycare Center 3x3 4 CSC004-Red C086 Wages, Regan Police Station 2x2 2 CSC004-Red C087 Wagner, Aidan C. Post Office 3x3 2 CSC004-Monet C088 Bruce, Pete D. Family 2x2 4 CSC004-Marine C089 Adams, Gore Local Hospital 4x4 4 CSC004-Kylee CSC123 Baird, Roderick Dental Dept. 2x2 4 CSC004-Marine CR7 Watts, Long Police Station 2x2 2 C024-Matthew CSC028 Garner, Hiro Police Station 2x2 2 CR7-Long C128 Ross, Hertz Police Station 2x2 2 CSC028-Hiro CSC035 Barron, Bob Family 3x3 4 CSC028-Marik CSC108 Larson, Amadeus Family 2x2 3 CSC035-Mari C142 White, Monet Toy Shop 3x3 2 CSC035-Bob C143 Leonard, Grady Piano Tuner's Home 3x3 3 CSC035-Mari CR9 Laura, Fynn Coal Factory 4x4 2 C143-Grady CR10 Games, Red Spring factory 4x4 2 CR9-Fynn CSC187 Witten, Chuck Newspaper Company 3x3 2 CSC035-Bob C129 Ellis, Mugen Playground 3x3 1 CSC028-Marci CSC029 Copeland, Redford Police Station 2x2 2 CR7-Demi C130 Godfrey, Mickey Police Station 2x2 2 CSC029-Redfo C131 Rudolph, Reginald Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC029-Flore CSC177 Kitada, Katsuhita Police Station 2x2 1 CSC029-Redfo (=ASC11) C112 Becker,Mio Police Station 2x2 2 CR7-Demi CSC019 Tiffany, Lev Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 C024-Monita CSC042 Moran, Leo Cake Shop 2x2 2 CSC019-Krist CSC046 Fraser, Goro Curry House 2x2 2 CSC042-Leo CSC141 Ricci, Noboru Sushi Bar 2x2 2 CSC046-Gor C167 Hall, Gibson Thai Restaurant 3x3 2 CSC046-Gor CSCX01 Davis, Luca Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC042-Leo C174 Robins, Blair Family 3x3 4 CSCX01-Luc CSC054 Morrison, Zelda Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC042-Jane CSC063 Chase, Ralph Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC054-Zel CSC111 Hayes, Randy Family Restaurant 3x3 2 CSC063Ral CSC168 Choi, Hertz Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC063Tor CSC077 Swing, Read Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 CSC054-Zel CSC143 Floyd, Frank U. Curry House 2x2 2 CSC054-Zel CSC151 Turner, Remedy Bar 2x2 2 CSC054-Zel CSC061 Blair, Noboru Noodle Bar 2x2 2 CSC042-Jane CSC073 Evans, Tony B. Take Away Lunch 2x2 2 CSC061-Kei CSC188 Violet, Varen Family Restaurant 3x3 2 CSC061-Kei C161 Larson, Moon Sushi Bar 2x2 2 CSC042-Jane CSC043 Pan, Freeman Coffee Shop 2x2 2 CSC019-Lev CSC050 Toms, Erwin Police Station 2x2 2 CSC043-Freema CSC087 Park, Homer Police Station 2x2 2 CSC050-Erwin C175 Benson, Maximos Family 2x2 2 CSC050-Erwin C176 Russell, Mira Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC050-Justi CSC182 Schultz, Abraham Police Station 2x2 2 CSC050-Justi CSC134 Childs, Leopold Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC043-Freema C162 Gomez, Heidi Bar 2x2 2 CSC043-Freema C163 Darcy, Gil Family 2x2 4 CSC043-Laura CSC053 Cox, Marty Family 2x2 3 CSC019-Krist C111 Lara, Bo Family 3x3 4 CSC019-Lev CSC067 Roberts, Uriah Family 3x3 4 CSC053-Tues CSC069 Woods, Charlee Family 2x2 3 CSC067-Uri CSC084 Fisher, Phil Family 2x2 3 CSC069Cha CSC085 Howard, Shaman Studio Apartment 2x2 1 CSC067Lee CSC092 Berger, Vance Family 2x2 42K CSC067-Lea CSC023 Ohno, Dean Family 2x2 2 C024-Yvon C119 Alfonso, Klaus Senior Citizen 2x2 2 CSC023-Dean C120 Peter P. Ludwig Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 CSC023-Vivian CSC172 Zink, Al B. Family 2x2 4 CSC023-Vivia C056 Hopkins, Brett Senior citizen 2x2 2 C024-JJ C121 Howard, Mendel Software Company 2x2 2 C024-JJ C057 Carter, Morley Dental Dept. 2x2 4 C024-Matthew C058 Weather, Ash J. Post Office 3x3 2 C024-Hazelle C059 Gavin, Reynard High School 4x4 5 C024-Yvon C060 Cameron,Cid Playground 3x3 1 C024-Monita C122 Thomas, Locke Studio Apartment 2x2 1 C024-Ervin CSC132 Gray, Myles Internal Medicine 2x2 4 C024-JJ CR5 Hill, Leopold Family 3x3 4 C005-Paul CSC017 Spring, Minty Family 3x3 4 CR5-Leopold CSCa Brady, Edric T.V. Station 2x2 2 CSC017 CSC032 Cage, Red Realtor 2x2 2 CSCa-Mona C136 Benson, Kevin Bank 3x3 2 CSC032-Red C137 Brand, Haven Trading Company 3x3 2 CSC032-Lydi CSC039 Addison, Kellsie Family 3x3 4 CSCa-Edric CSC047 Spector, Jason Z. Liquor Shop 2x2 2 CSC039-Kell CSC101 Pauley, Mills Supermarket 3x3 2 CSC047-Gay C168 Frank, Clay Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC047-Gay CSC059 White, Louis Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 CSC047-Gay CSC106 Flynn, Pete D. Supermarket 3x3 2 CSC059Lou CSC109 Perry, Michael Convenience Store 3x3 2 CSC059Lea CSC147 Russo, More Bakery 2x2 2 CSC059Lou CSC098 Sherman, Andrew Family 3x3 4 CSC039-Kell C153 Spector, Vance Family Restaurant 3x3 2 CSC039-Kell C154 Ebert, Kovin Senior citizen 3x3 2 CSC039-Tris CSC196 Bell, Harva Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC039-Tri CSC197 Miner, Fynn Home Office 2x2 1 CSC039-Kel CSC066 Blake, Meryle Convenience Store 3x3 2 CSC047-Gay C169 Townsend, John F. Planning Company 2x2 2 CSC047-Gay CSC082 Swing, Lisle Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 CSC066Rac CSC152 Howell, Kennedi Bakery 2x2 2 CSC082Carmel CSC153 Nelson, Chip Bakery 2x2 2 CSC082Carmel CSC086 March, Freed Convenience Store 3x3 2 CSC066Rac CSC040 Towers, Torao Bank 3x3 2 CSCa-Edric C156 Mayer, Kennan Cleaners 3x3 2 CSC040-Lloy C138 Irwin, Vincent Liquor Shop 2x2 2 CSCa-Edric CSC052 Wall, Moral Employment Company 3x3 2 CSC040-Tora C181 Moreno, Henry Travel Agency 3x3 2 CSC052-Mor C182 Santana, Mostyn Slot Machines 3x3 2 CSC052-Car C155 Valle, Scot G. Trading Company 3x3 2 CSC040-Tora CSC036 Howell, Merle Family 2x2 4 CSC017-Reba C144 Leonard, Casper Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC036-Merle C145 Harrison, Ernest Family 3x3 4 CSC036-Ginger CSC190 Otes, Giorgio Family 3x3 4 CSC036-Merle CSC191 Lewis, Keith Family 2x2 2 CSC036-Merle C108 Gates, Wiley Senior citizen 2x2 2 CSC017-Minty C109 Jackson, Myles Park 5x5 1 CSC017-Reba CSC020 Fraser, Karena Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC017-Minty C113 King, Peter Studio Apartment 2x2 1 CSC020-Karena CSC021 Curtis, Alban Studio Apartment 2x2 1 CSC017-Minty C114 Shields, Bill Family 3x3 4 CSC021-Alban CSC171 Dixon, Love Studio Apartment 2x2 1 CSC017-Quinc CSC027 Gibson, Herbert Finance Company 3x3 2 CR5-Leopold CSC118 Sherman, Don Surveying Company 2x2 2 CSC027-Herbert C127 Block, Griffin Cleaning Company 2x2 2 CSC027-Carolena CSC030 Vogel, Andy Slate Cutters 4x4 2 CSC021 C132 Muir, Gracie Studio Apartment 2x2 1 CSC030 C133 Ford, Kurt Peach Orchard 2x2 2 CSC030-Zach CSC070 Wells, Zelda Family 2x2 4 CSC017-Reba CSC033 Ackerman, Yitro Family 2x2 2 CR5-Kyler CSC097 Boone, Mirabel Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC033-Lind C139 Harris, Bill Family 3x3 4 CSC033-Yitr CSC091 Castro, Sol Family 3x3 4 CR5-Kyler C082 Gray, Denis Computer School 3x3 2 CR5-Leopold C200 Flores, Raleigh Computer School 3x3 2 C082-Denis C201 Baer, Irisa Aerobics 3x3 2 C082-Kristi C083 Morgan, Keene Family 2x2 2 CR5-Kyler C025 Ward, Laurent Studio Apartment 2x2 1 C005-Kassidy C061 George, Marvin Family 2x2 3 C025-Laurent CSC114 Abe, Prentice Family 2x2 3 C061-LaNette (=A001) CR6 Simpson, Monte Family 3x3 4 C005-Kassidy C084 Laura, Erwin Family 2x2 4 CR6-Monte C085 Drew, Derek Metal Workshop 4x4 2 CR6-Marinel CSC026 Boyd, Kendis Family 2x2 4 CR6-Marinel C126 Day, Kirk R. Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC026-Rhonda C125 Landry, Dick Seafood Shop 2x2 2 CSC026-Kendis CSC183 Ali, Reagan Family 2x2 4 CSC026-Kendis CSC120 Swing, Worden Book Shop 2x2 2 C005-Paul C206 Clooney, Ernest Cooking Class 3x3 2 CSC120-Worden C207 Palafox, Spyridon Book Shop 2x2 2 CSC120-Isabel CSC126 Sweet, Max G. Book Shop 2x2 2 C005-Paul C210 Mcmahon, Chandler Karaoke 3x3 2 CSC126-Max G. C006 GABRIEL, DAN KARAOKE 3X3 2 C026 Mccomb, Bill Computer School 3x3 2 C006-Dan C062 Patio, Wynona Seafood Shop 2x2 2 C026-Bill C063 Rickman, Nat A. Seafood Shop 2x2 2 C026-Topaz CXXXX1 Wall, Ray Newspaper Company 3x3 2 C006-Dan CSC071 Fisher, Zack P. Security Firm 3x3 2 CXXXX1-Ray CSC072 Robinson, Jason Z. Publishing Firm 3x3 2 CXXXXX1-Dina CSC081 Sweet, J.R. T.V. Station 3x3 2 CXXXXX1-Ray CSC161 Potter, Erik Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC081-J.R. CSC082 Marks, Jordan Advertising Company 3x3 2 CXXXXX1-Dina C027 Hansen, Bern Music Shop 3x3 2 C006-Rachel CSC065 Evans, Lindley Accounting Firm 2x2 2 C027-Bern CSC099 Billings, Kenny Fodder Factory 4x4 2 CSC065-Lind C064 Park, Zack P. Mah-Jong Room 2x2 2 C027-Bern CSC189 Cruise, Mugen Jewelers 3x3 2 C064-Zack C065 Sanders, Jorge Baseball Park 7x7 2 C027-Vivia C196 Fisher, Kieran Music Shop 3x3 2 C065-Jorge C197 Leary, Jeanne Piano School 3x3 2 C065-Lawand CSC142 Shipley, Pete D. Music Shop 3x3 2 C027-Vivia C030 Garner, Dillan Toy Shop 3x3 2 C006-Rachel CSC148 Leonard, Allen Karaoke 3x3 2 C030-Latona CSC150 Hall, Giorgio Toy Shop 3x3 2 C030-Latona C007 MAURO, WILL S. KARAOKE 3X3 2 (=BSC42) C028 Bell, Donny Jr. High School 4x4 5 C007-Will S. CSC022 Huang, Egil Local Hospital 4x4 4 C028-Donny C115 Barry, Chester Police Station 2x2 2 CSC022 C116 Leonard, Jory Electrician 3x3 2 CSC022-Ryan C117 Adams, Kiah Playground 3x3 1 CSC022-Blair C118 Phillips, Pia Daycare Center 3x3 4 CSC022-Lawan CSC131 Potter, Morgan Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC022-Egil CSC064 Cruz, Art Park 5x5 1 C028-Donny CSC038 Black, Lindsey High School 4x4 5 C028-Lecea CSC044 Hanks, Tony B. Playground 3x3 1 CSC038-Linds C164 Cox, Brandon Primary School 4x4 5 CSC044-Tony CSC051 Cruise, Reece Local Hospital 4x4 4 CSC038-Linds CSC076 Cano, Guro Local Hospital 4x4 4 CSC051-Reec CSC079 Sand, Jennifer Daycare Center 3x3 4 CSC076-Gur CSC115 Carlson, Keiko Daycare Center 3x3 4 CSC079Lin CSC178 Timber, Mason Daycare Center 3x3 4 CSC115Re CSC089 Oshman, Morrie Primary School 4x4 5 CSC076-Hed C177 Culkin, Al B. Coffee Shop 2x2 2 CSC051-Reec C178 Benson, Chet Family 2x2 4 CSC051-Gerr C179 Leonard, Moss Playground 3x3 1 CSC051-Carol C180 Schultz, Jiro Primary School 4x4 5 CSC051-Elise CSC055 King, Brandon Playground 3x3 1 CSC038-Iyo CSC075 Campbell, Lindy Playground 3x3 1 CSC05-Brand CSC078 Robinson, Ash J. Playground 3x3 1 CSC075-Lin CSC119 Mavis, Mikhali Farm Machines 2x2 2 CSC078Ash CSC060 Morgan, Murray Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC038-Lucy CSC193 Smart, JJ Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC060-Murr C148 Baker, Mckenna Police Station 2x2 2 CSC038-Linds C149 Lamb, Moon Primary School 4x4 5 CSC038-Lucy C150 Wong, Reese Local Hospital 4x4 4 CSC038-Iyo C151 Tiffany, Harrison Internal Medicine 2x2 4 CSC038-Pete C152 Kaine, Morty Solicitors Firm 2x2 2 CSC038-Craig C067 Leonard, Poppy Florist 2x2 2 C028-Lecea CSC139 Lucas, Richard Jr. High School 4x4 5 C028-Lecea CSC145 Hasegawa, Lisle High School 4x4 5 C028-Lecea CSC077 O'Leary, Mort Primary School 4x4 5 C028-Donny CSC155 Brown, Egan Primary School 4x4 5 CSC077-York C066 Kline, Kent Seafood Shop 2x2 2 C028-Read C068 Violet, Steven Senior citizen 3x3 2 C028-Jeffrey CSC154 Simpson, Kenzo Jr. High School 4x4 5 C028-Jeffrey C069 Fraser, Josh Family 2x2 3 C028-Gerda C029 Barber, Jorge Driving Range 5x5 2 C007-Loring CSC009 Hansen, Er Family 2x2 4 C029-Gerik CSC013 Perez, Adam S. Family 2x2 2 CSC009-Er CSC057 Turner, Art Electrician 3x3 2 CSC013-Adam CSC062 Kirby, Vincent Electrician 3x3 2 CSC057-Layl CSC079 Myers, Lex Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC062-Vin CSC080 Towers, Lloyd Primary School 4x4 5 CSC062-Vin CSC094 Swanson, Wyman Primary School 4x4 5 CSC080Llo CSC156 Goldberg, Morris High School 4x4 5 CSC080-Lorel CSC083 Hansen, A.J. Playground 3x3 1 CSC062-Vin CSC173 Todd, JB Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC062-Gin CSC102 Post, Freed Supermarket 3x3 2 CSC057-Layl CSC133 Hurst, Gerry Convenience Store 3x3 2 CSC057-Layl C100 Larson, Chris Electrician 3x3 2 CSC013-Adam C101 Wall, Louis Senior citizen 2x2 2 CSC013-Vivia CSC144 Flores, Frank Family 2x2 2 CSC013-Vivia CSC160 Bahr, Owen G. Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC013-Vivia CSC083 Suns, Derek Family 2x2 4 CSC009-Er CSC158 Grant, Ronan Playground 3x3 1 CSC083-Derek CSC096 Frank, Dusty Book Shop 2x2 2 C029-Jorge C187 Olsen, Guy Exam Tuition 3x3 2 CSC096-Layla C080 Wallace, Lucio Senior citizen 3x3 2 C029-Jorge C081 Ramos, Pete D, Karaoke 3x3 2 C029-Gerik C198 Peters, Jason Studio Apartment 2x2 1 C081 C199 Fleming, Ivy Aerobics 3x3 2 C081-Lassie CSC180 Tea, Chester Toy Shop 3x3 2 C029-Jorge C031 Phillips, Harper Senior citizen 3x3 2 C007-Will S. C032 Watson, Derek Private School 3x3 2 C007-Loring C185 Moon, Reeves Toy Shop 3x3 2 C032-Derek C186 Mcdonald, Josh Computer School 3x3 2 C032-Virginia Gray CSC008 Chandler, Miller Sheet Metal 4x4 2 C007-Will S. CSC045 Allison, Chilton Plastics 4x4 2 CSC008-Miller CSC049 Craig, Monte Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC045-Chilto CSC074 Floyd, David Family Restaurant 3x3 2 CSC049-Monte CSC095 Slowey, Gintaro Playground 3x3 1 CSC074-Davi CSC162 Adler, Lindley Playground 3x3 1 CSC095-Gin CSC100 Manning, Kenzo Savory Pancakes 2x2 2 CSC074-Beth C172 Mao, Hal Student Accom 2x2 1 CSC049-Monte C173 Galon, Heaton Spirit Distillery 4x4 2 CSC049-Viole CSC068 Harrison, Monty Plastics 4x4 2 CSC045-Chilto CSC048 Keel, Georgio Brewery 4x4 2 CSC045-Chilton C170 Feibush, Winslow Book Shop 2x2 2 CSC048-Georgi C171 Salinas, Bob Metal Workshop 4x4 2 CSC048-Kennet C165 Larson, Morrigan Fodder Factory 4x4 2 CSC045-Chilton C166 Scott, Montego Rice Mill 4x4 2 CSC045-D.J. CSC176 Mitchell, Uriah Gas Station 3x3 2 CSC045-D.J. C095 Xie, Joel Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC008-Miller C096 Carter,Milek Spring Factory 4x4 2 CSC008-Kelsea CSC167 Marks, Heath Metal Workshop 4x4 2 CSC008-Miller CSC181 Klein, Jimmy Primary School 4x4 5 CSC080-Lorelei C008 CURTIS, SPYRIDON Book Shop 2X2 2 (=B096) C033 Cleary, Vienna Florist/superstore 2x2 2 C008-Curtis CSC186 Spring, Kenton Electrician 3x3 2 C033-Vienna C034 Chandler, Mairi Student Accom/frlncr 2x2 1 C008-Electra C009 PATEL, JASON Z. Book Shop 2X2 2 C035 German, Winslow Senior Citizen 2x2 2 C009-Jason Z. CR3 Fang, Reagan Finance Company 3x3 2 C009-Jason Z. C070 Jinnings, Greg I. Printing Company 2x2 2 CR3 C071 Atkins, Torao T.V. Station 3x3 2 CR3-Lupe C036 Sawyer, Rey Jewelers 3x3 2 C009-Reina C188 Lawrence, Primo Karaoke 3x3 2 C036-Italia C010 ANDERSON, KERN SLOT MACHINES L 2X2 2 C011 WEBER, MOSS SLOT MACHINES L 2X2 2 C012 MILLS, MATT O. MOVIE THEATER 4X4 2 C037 Carr, Cid Hardware Shop 3x3 2 C012-Matt O. CSC187 Floyd, Phyre Convenience Store 3x3 2 C037-Cid C038 Robinson, Ernest Movie Theater 4x4 2 C012-Maree C189 Harris, Carol Aerobics 3x3 2 C038-Ernest CSC164 Miller, Cory Private School 3x3 2 C012-Matt O. C013 HOGAN, WILTON FISHING POND 3X3 2 C039 Pineda, Reynard Fortune Teller 2x2 2 C013-Reynard CSC110 Ryan, Ram Karaoke 3x3 2 C039-Reynard C204 Walker, Kenley Trading Company 3x3 2 CSC110-Ram C205 Burke, Mikhali Hardware Shop 3x3 2 CSC110-Loran C190 O'Connor, Douglas Speech Therapist 2x2 2 C039-Betty C014 MALONE, ROLF MAHJONG ROOM 2X2 2 C040 Ralph, Crane Music Shop 3x3 2 C014-Rolf C191 Gomez, Henry Private School 3x3 2 C040-Bessie CSC011 Talyor, Townsend Studio Apartment 2x2 1 C014-Rolf C098 Copeland, Ash Rice Paddy 2x2 2 CSC011-Townsen CSC135 Gibson, Morgan Water well 2x2 1 C098-Andrea CSC140 Howard, Umeo Pest Controlers 2x2 2 C098-Ash C041 Howell, Luca Senior Citizen 2x2 2 C014-Raisie CSC157 Garcia, Benson Karaoke 3x3 2 C014-Raisie C015 WATTS, DREW MAHJONG ROOM 2X2 2 C042 Howell, Luca Senior Citizen 2x2 2 C015-Drew C192 Oliver, Merlin Music Shop 3x3 2 C042-Katia C043 Mar, Griffin Slot Machines 3x3 2 C015-Kyler C193 Towers, Drew Mah-Jong Room 2x2 2 C043-Katie CSC088 Warner, Vance Private School 3x3 2 C015-Drew C183 Lopez, Tuesday Aerobics 3x3 2 CSC088-Vance C184 Flores, Rhondes Jewelers 3x3 2 CSC088-Bianca CSC125 Hall, Stew Used Bookshop 2x2 1 C015-Kyler CRAZY CULT! The following residents are obtained as you progress through this level's event...Crazy Cult. Harapper, your "sidekick" has the smallest house in the entire game at a staggering 1 tile. They are the only residents in the game that you can NOT befriend or take with you to the next level (not that you would particularly want to...) ASUKA CRAZY CULT 3X3 1 ROURAN CRAZY CULT 3X3 1 URU CRAZY CULT 3X3 1 MENPHIS CRAZY CULT 3X3 1 DORA BIEDA CRAZY CULT 3X3 1 HARAPPER ZEN MONK'S HOME 1X1 1 B5. LEVEL 4 All residents from level 4 are prefixed with a D in their reference number. Please note that all the farm/orchard buildings are 2x2 to start off with, though the residents will greatly expand their farm through 2x2 fields adjuct to their increasing-sized property; so keep this in mind when building. D001 ALTMAN, CLIFF SWEET MANDARIN FARM 2X2 2 D014 Shepherd, Brant Vineyard 2x2 2 D001-Cliff D039 Garner, Lyde Green Tea Farm 2x2 2 D014-Brant DSC19 Conway, Kelvin Farm Machines (bldg) 2x2 2 D001-Cliff D015 Russell, Wynona Ranch 5x5 2 D001-Jin D041 Jensen, Merton Florist 2x2 2 D015-Wynona D002 HARRIS, RYO SWEET MANDARIN FARM 2X2 2 D016 Maley, Ira Lemon Orchard 2x2 2 D002-Ryo DSC13 Dowson, Kerr Water Well 2x2 1 D002-Ryo D017 Tea, Noboru Jr. High School 4x4 5 D002-Lenore D045 Harris, Elkan playground 3x3 1 D017-Noboru DSC026 Hansen, Steve S. Vineyard 2x2 2 D017-Noboru DSC031 Burke, Bill Police station 2x2 2 DSC026 DSC027 Adamson, Scot G. Advertising Company 3x3 2 D017-Noboru D047 Spring, Art Gas station 3x3 2 D017-Will S. DSC014 Bruce, Morrie Brewery 4x4 2 D047 (CxL-B059) DSC038 Zucker, Fritz Family 2x2 3 DSC014(CxL-B157) DSC045 Hansen, Er Family 2x2 4 DSC038(CxL-CSC009) DSC066 Suns, Derek Family 2x2 4 DSC045(CxL-CSC083) DSC075 West, Herbert Family 3x3 4 DSC066 DSC088 Grant, Mason Family 2x2 2 DSC066 DSC067 Perez, Adam S. Family 2x2 2 DSC045K(CxL-CSC013) DSC077 Flores, Frank Family 2x2 2 DSC067-Viv DSC051 Zucker, Uriah Family 3x3 4 DSC038 DSC065 Gilmore, Gilbert Family 3x3 4 DSC038 DSC078 Bradley, Eigen Family 3x3 4 DSC065-Kat DSC039 Warner, Merton Family 2x2 3 DSC014-Chilto DSC054 Baker, Yonah Family 2x2 3 DSC039 DSC061 Flood, Maximos Family 2x2 2 DSC039 DSC040 Moon, Mio Spring Factory 4x4 2 DSC014 DSC050 Bacon, Ernest Processed Foods 4x4 2 DSC040 DSC058a Keel, Giorgio Brewery 4x4 2 DSC050(CxL-CSC048) DSC058e Seymour, Kenzo Rice Mill 4x4 2 DSC050 DCS058f Green, Greg I. Gas Station 3x3 2 DSC058e DSC073 Wong, Archer Gas Station 3x3 2 DSC058e DSC083 Foster, Morrie Gas Station 3x3 2 DSC073 DSC087 Cruz, Glen Semiconductor 4x4 2 DSC050 DSC090 Gibson, Haven Gas Station 3x3 2 DSC087 DSC058d Urban, Fynn Molding Factory 4x4 2 DSC040-Rey DSC058c Beyer, Montego Processed Foods 4x4 2 D047(CxL-B060) DSC069 Sabatini, Renn Pest Control(Bldg.) 2x2 2 DSC058c DSC034 Last, Fritz Family 2x2 4 D017-Vaughn DSC094 O'Leary, Berg Family 2x2 3 DSC034-Iyo D045 Harris, Elkan Playground 3x3 1 D017 CxL-C157) DSC072 Townsend, Ed K. Primary School 4x4 5 D017 DSC11 Coats, Heikichi Pest Control (bldg) 2x2 2 D002-Lenore DSC004 Clooney, Joe Water well 2x2 1 D002-Lenore DSC007 Clark, Heaton Water well 2x2 1 DSC004- DSC071 Garner, Kerr Water well 2x2 1 D002 D003 SILVER, ROSS SWEET MANDARIN FARM 2X2 2 D018 Su, Kinsey Sushi Bar 2x2 2 D003-Ross DSC029 Strom, Mayan Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 D018 DSC23 Biggs, Henry Sushi Bar 2x2 2 D003-Ross D019 Wilson, Rico Farm Machines (bldg) 2x2 2 D003-Jessie D004 JOHNSON, BURKE SOUR ORANGE FARM 2X2 2 D020 Gear, Dirk Bakery 2x2 2 D004-Burke DSC007 Valle, Bradley Seafood Shop 2x2 2 D020-Dirk DSC047 Salinas, More Bakery 2x2 2 DSC007 DSC056 Bell, Myron Butcher Shop 2x2 2 DSC047 DSC081 Bacon, Dean Supermarket 3x3 2 DSC056 DSC096 Fry, Gerik Supermarket 3x3 2 DSC081 DSC101 Leonard, More Liquor Shop 2x2 2 DSC096-La DSC105 Friedman, Dillian Butcher Shop 2x2 2 DSC101Iv D021 Flowers, Zeno Electrician 3x3 2 D004-Jessen DSC037 Maclean, Regan Hardware Shop 3x3 2 D021 DSC063 Cage, Ethan H. Stationery Store 2x2 2 DSC037 DSC24 Pierce, Rex Water Well 2x2 1 D004-Jessenia D005 SAWYER, HANLEY SOUR ORANGE FARM 2X2 2 D022 Garner, A.J. Primary School 4x4 5 D005-Hanley DSC009 Anthony, Lorin Book Shop 2x2 2 D022-Reeves DSC015 Hamilton, Loman Jewelers 3x3 2 DSC009-Lorin DSC022 Sailors, Kellsie Computer School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 DSC015 DSC046 Burke, Rey Slot Machines 3x3 2 DSC022 DSC049 Holmes, Bernie Music Shop 3x3 2 DSC046 DSC079 Lawrence, Chet Computer School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 DSC049-Bern DSC085 Byrne, Dunn Book Shop 2x2 2 DSC079 DSC082 Gabriel, Dan Karaoke 3x3 2 DSC022-Delila DSC092 Hansen, Bern Music Shop 3x3 2 DSC082-Rache DSC099 Sanders, Jorge Baseball park 7x7 2 DSC092-Sand DSC102 Fisher, Kieran Music Shop 3x3 2 DSC099 DSC057 Smart, Monroe Toy Shop 3x3 2 DSC015 DSC025 Aaron, Ash Police station 2x2 2 DSC009 DSC027 Arthur, Dan P. Police station 2x2 2 DSC025 DSC058b Madison, Anthony Stocks & Shares 3x3 2 DSC027 DSC030 Joiner, Tristana Aerobics (Bldg.) 3x3 2 DSC009 DSC008 Sherman, Grover Internal Medicine 2x2 4 D022-Remi DSC020 Nicholas, Jiro Local hospital 4x4 4 DSC008-Gore DSC033 Street, Rendor Local hospital 4x4 4 DSC020-Vinny(CxLBSC46) DSC060 Chow, Ed K. Playground 3x3 1 DSC033 DSC062 Von, Mike D. Playground 3x3 1 DSC060 DSC104 Edwards, Kenton Playground 3x3 1 DSC060 DSC041 Zucker, Frank Family 2x2 3 DSC008-Vivi DSC053 Bell, Chester Family 3x3 4 DSC041 DSC043 McNeil, Bowen Local hospital 4x4 4 DSC008 DSC064 Maclean, JB Internal Medicine 2x2 4 DSC043 DSC100 Demarco, Arnold Local hospital 4x4 4 DSC008-Vivi DSC103 Madison, Rolf Dental Dept. 2x2 4 DSC100 DSC017 Ullrich, Egan Police station 2x2 2 D022-Remi DSC026 Curran, Wyatt Police station 2x2 2 DSC017 DSC076 Stewart, Minor Daycare Center 3x3 4 DSC017 DSC086 Perez, Torao Jr. High School 4x4 5 DSC017 DSC097 Simpson, Kenzo Jr. High School 4x4 5 DSC086 (CxL-CSC154) DSC018 Schott, John F. Playground 3x3 1 D022-Remi DSC021 Davidson, Nat A. Playground 3x3 1 DSC018 DSC032 Lewis, MMbwt Playground 3x3 1 D022-Rea DSC084 Dawson, Morgan Playground 3x3 1 DSC032 D023 Olsen, Kirby Mushroom farm 2x2 2 D005-Mary D006 DANIELS, STANLEY ORANGE ORCHARD 2X2 2 D024 Kaufman, Race police station 2x2 2 D006-Stanley DSC070 Coleman, Lindsey Water well 2x2 1 D024-Jin Altma D025 Simpson,Zenoe Pest Controllers 2x2 2 D006-Leilani DSC016 Ford, Masaki Farm Machines 2x2 2 D025 DSC044 Cox, Heath Farm Machines 2x2 2 DSC016 DSC095 Weed, Rich Pest Control (Bldg.) 2x2 2 DSC044-Raul D007 MAO, BOONE ORANGE ORCHARD 2X2 2 D026 Knight, Gilon Melon Farm 2x2 2 D007 DSC048 Kline, Redell Pest Control(Bldg.) 2x2 2 D026 D027 Kane, Winthrop Melon Farm 2x2 2 D007-Xylon D008 VALENCIA, MAX G. ORANGE ORCHARD 2X2 2 D028 Cook, Jerrick Ranch 5x5 2 D008-Max G. D029 Zucker, Malia Student Accom 2x2 1 D008-Xena D009 DOWSON, DAN M. LEMON ORCHARD 2X2 2 D030 Fisher, Elan Sweet Mandarin Farm 2x2 2 D009-Dan D031 Sugarman, Roderick Mandarin Orchard 2x2 2 D009-Susane D010 SALAS, ROLLO LEMON ORCHARD 2X2 2 D032 Stern, Soloman Grapefruit Farm 2x2 2 D010 D033 Flores, Laurent Student Accom 2x2 1 D010-Pennie DSC035 Vaughan, Noboru Piano Tuner's Home 3x3 3 D033 DSC093 Gilbert, Fred Family 2x2 3 DSC035-Elita D011 GRAY, COLE RICE PADDY 2X2 2 D012 ZENO, RYLIE RICE PADDY 2X2 2 D036 Gray, Liko Sushi Bar 2x2 2 D012-Rlie DSC036 Gilbert, Poppy Cake Shop 2x2 2 D036 D037 Chang, Lonato Green Tea Farm 2x2 2 D012-Dora D013 CAGE, MORRIS FARM MACHINES (BLDG) 2X2 2 D038 Sawyer, Rocco Sour Orange Farm 2x2 2 D013-Lea ============================================================================= B6. LEVEL 5 This is quite a doozy. Brace yourself.All residents from level 5 are prefixed with an E in their reference number. E001 CARSON, MORAL PLANNING COMPANY 2X2 2 E012 Nelson, Eddy Babysitting Co (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E001 E034 Albert, Mills Advertising Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E012 E090 Piper,Kenny Semiconductor 4x4 2 E034 E292 White, J.R. Coal factory 4x4 2 E090 E293 Dowson, Elmo Family 2x2 2 E090-Reece ESC156 Vice, Vinny Gas Station 3x3 2 E090 E091 Emmerson, Rafer Software Company (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E034-Denis B E294 Grant, Gilbert Family 2x2 3 E091 E594 Maclean, Reynard Bank (bldg.) 3x3 2 E091 ESC139G Towers, Lincoln Insurance Company 3x3 2 E034 E035 Adamson, Reynold Finance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E012-Ken Leo E092 Garcia, Lupin Babysitting Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E035 E296 Woods,Mina O. Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E092 E297 Gilbert, Chuck Insurance Company 2x2 2 E092-Kenda E093 Garden,Archer Publishing Firm (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E035-Rance C E298 Kahn, Lien Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E093 E299 Olsen, Heremon Family 2x2 4 E093-Kenned E508 Kirchner, Brett Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E299-Fran ESC139A Sanford,Raymond Printing Company 2x2 2 E012 ESC329 Lane, Bernard Family Restaurant 3x3 2 E012-Lara Lou E013 Riley, Jiro Finance Company (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E001-Ken Peter E036 Nichols, Sol Cleaners (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E013 E094 Peters, Chet Investigator Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E036 E300 Flores, Hector Stocks & Shares (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E094 E095 White, Harvey Internal Medicine 2x2 4 E036-Bill La E302 Sloan, Woods Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E095 E304 Gray, Kenley Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E095-Louann E037 Landry, Scot G. Abalone Culture 3x3 2 E013-Gaetane ESC015a Garner, Kerr Water well 2x2 1 E037 E155 Chang, Ben N. Butcher shop 2x2 2 ESC015a E394 Stout, Varen Kids Clothing 3x3 2 E155 ESC225 Ebert, Rodney Stationery Store 2x2 2 E394-Rosa St ESC278 Barron, Read Laundrette 2x2 2 E394-Rosa St E601 Gale, Randolph Family 3x3 4 E394 E395 Kaplan, Sully Spa 3x3 2 E155-Iyo Chan ESC015b Friedman, Minty Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E037-Lena Nas ESC015c Madison, Brant Tiger Prawn Port 3x3 2 ESC015b-Lavi ESC032 Larson, Lindley Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC015c E273 Garner, Rocco Prawn Port 3x3 2 ESC032 E274 Haas,Milton Family 3x3 4 ESC032-Mont E158 Naas,Lente Family 2x2 3 ESC015c E400 Creed, Querida Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E158 E401 Markley, Keene Family 2x2 2 E158-Manica E563 Whitney, Jordan Family 2x2 4 E158-Manica E159 Kern,Derrick Family 3x3 4 ESC015c-Fran E403 Allen, Heremon Family 3x3 4 E159-Lisbet ESC015d White, Tyler F. Fishing Coop 2x2 2 ESC015b E160 Gibson,??? Used book shop 2x2 1 ESC015d E161 Mills,Chance Family 2x2 3 ESC015d-Jes E404 Barber, Kelton Movie Theater 4x4 2 E161 ESC216 Buckley, Lefty Music Shop 3x3 2 E404 E538 Boyd, Mick Family 2x2 4 E404-Carm ESC015e Kirkwood, Eiga Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 ESC015b E162 Fraser,Arnold Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 ESC015e E407 Chang, Mykel Playground 3x3 1 E162-Marik ESC319 Watson, Loman Playground 3x3 1 E407 ESC127 Sherwood, Ken Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E162-Mari E163 Vaughan,Lorand Prawn Port 3x3 2 ESC015eI ESC079 Zink, Morrison Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E163 ESC144 Wells, Kenton Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC079 ESC149 Hughes, Rocco Fishing Coop 2x2 2 ESC079 E408 Kline, Mitchell Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E163 E409 Conrad, Frank U. Fishing coop 2x2 2 E163-Ey ESC015 Sawyer, Chip Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC015e E153 Rios,Reed Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 ESC015 ESC042 King, Logan Fish Market 5x5 2 E153 E435 Cleary, London Prawn Port 3x3 2 ESC042 ESC061 Brosnan,Morrison Fishing Coop 2x2 2 E153-Le ESC151 Fellows,Loe Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC061 ESC209 Gilmore,Momotaro Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC151 ESC180 Byrne, Gore Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC061 ESC282 Bishop, Andrew Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC180 E479 Rock, Jemma Florist 2x2 2 ESC061 E541 Howard, Kemp Script Writer's Home 3x3 3 E479 E480 Garner, Reynold Snapper Port 3x3 2 ESC061 E391 Trotta, Lev Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E153-Le E154 Williams,Minty Family 3x3 4 ESC015 ESC287A Fletcher, Ram Family 3x3 4 E154-Ca ESC058 Madison, Ginntaro Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC015e ESC100 Welch, John F. Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC058Le ESC287C Owen, Hewitt Family 3x3 4 ESC100 ESC318 Rowland, Mick Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC287C E457 Conley, Morrison Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 ESC058 ESC015f Palmer, Montague Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 ESC015b-La E164 Kline,Reynold Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 ESC015f E411 Beyer,Greg I. Hotel 4x4 2 E164-Rhea E165 Endo,Derrick Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC015f-Rey E156 Tight, Mark Z. Shrimp Port 3x3 2 ESC015b E396 Dodge, Brandon Salmon port 3x3 2 E156 E397 Choi, Jordan Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E156-Lucy G E157 Ford,Haven Herring Port 3x3 2 ESC015b-Lavin E398 Dowson, Mitchell Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E157 E399 Russell, Kennan Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E157-Andie C E096 Moore,???? Primary School 4x4 5 E037 E097 Warner, Aidan C. Fishing Coop 2x2 2 E037-Lena Nash E306 Olsen, August Book Shop 2x2 2 E097 E307 Damon, Kentaro Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E097-Katia We ESC065 Fair, Henry Taxation Office (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E001-Ken Peterso E486 Weil, Smedley Drama School 3x3 2 ESC065 ESC139B Reyes, Lindy Printing Company 2x2 2 E013-Gaetane Ma ESC139C Ross, Dirk Taxation Ofc. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E013-Gaetane Ma E569 Pierce, Reagan Planning Company 2x2 2 E001-Ken Peters E002 PIERCE, MITCHELL PRINTING COMPANY 2X2 2 E014 Evans, Mark Z. Cleaning Company (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E002 ESC001 Nash, Jock Police Station 2x2 2 E014 ESC008 Douglas, Arden Police Station 2x2 2 ESC001-Paul ESC018 Sabatini, Rock Playground 3x3 1 ESC008 ESC033 Clooney, Kennedy Playground 3x3 1 ESC018 E110 Park,Joel Post Office 3x3 2 ESC008 E320 Jones, Lynton Family 2x2 2 E110 E321 Bird, Levi Solicitors (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E110-Melv E111 Joseph, Morley Building Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC008-Bet E322 Rios, Archer Bank (bldg.) 3x3 2 E111 E323 Daniels, Morrison Publishing Firm 3x3 2 E111-Hela ESC096 Lantz, Levi Marine Survey(Bldg.) 2x2 2 E002 ESC111 Garcia,Benson Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC096 ESC179 Fleming, Lupin Learn Accnt.(Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC111 E503 Mccomb, Platt Drink Bar 2x2 2 ESC111 E585 Steiner, Eric Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC096 ESC002 Quan, Kesin Playground 3x3 1 ESC001 ESC029 Vogel, Zenon Police Station 2x2 2 ESC002 E225 Elmore, Haven Playground 3x3 1 ESC029 ESC137 Stoller, Chuck Playground 3x3 1 E225 E226 Cruz, Chris Building Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC029-Tyra ESC134 Mckay, Lowell Police Station 2x2 2 ESC029 ESC214 Jeffrey, Kevin Police Station 2x2 2 ESC134 E058 Biggs, Griffin Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 ESC001 E223 Clooney, Matt O. Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E058 E224 Piper,??? Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E058-Rea Big ESC226 Sanders, Joren Liquor Shop 2x2 2 E224 ESC128 Connor, Porter Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E058 E038 King, Milton Family 2x2 4 E014 E118 Becker, Graham Home Office (Unit) 2x2 1 E038 E119 Frank, Sol Family 3x3 4 E038-Alissa E334 Cameron, Fountain Studio Apt.(Unit) 2x2 1 E119 E335 Smart, Monroe Toy Shop 3x3 2 E119-Trista ESC159 Park, Lynton Music Shop 3x3 2 E335 ESC174 Robinson, Elton Music Shop 3x3 2 ESC159 ESC189 Curtis, Spyridon Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC174 ESC193 Fisher, Brad Movie Theater 4x4 2 ESC174 ESC194 Bowman, Ash Movie Theater 4x4 2 ESC193I ESC288 Becker, Rich Slot Machines 3x3 2 ESC194 E581 Rowell, Hayward Slot Machines 3x3 2 ESC288 ESC309 Usher, Blair Family 3x3 4 E581 E590 Hall, Stew Used Book Shop 2x2 2 E581R E597 Laura, Placido Music Shop 3x3 2 ESC288 E532 Hall, Derek Fortune Teller 2x2 2 ESC193I E552 Renn, Brian X. Speech Ther.(Bldg.) 2x2 2 E532 ESC176 Bennett, Kody Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC159-Ca E533 Kern, Hewitt Driving Range 5x5 2 E335-Tyree E545 Crane, Ash Movie Theater 4x4 2 E533 E556 Friedman, Jesse Family 2x2 2 E545 E572 Romanoff, Joseph Private School(Bdg.) 3x3 2 E545 E546 Gilmore, Edwardo Jewelers 3x3 2 E533-Reb E553 Wallace, Zaire Family 3x3 4 E546 E608 Yim, Andre Family 2x2 4 E553 ESC294 Black, Guillon Book Shop 2x2 2 E533R E039 Beagle, Pascha Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E014-Moha E120 Holmes,Herbert Family 2x2 4 E039 E337 Reed, Enrico Family 3x3 4 E120-Ky ESC139D Anderson,L.L. Planning Company 2x2 2 E014 E015 Roberts, Don Advertising Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E002-Helia ESC005 Sanford, Kenta Flour Mill 4x4 2 E015 ESC007a Ackerman, L.L. Flour Mill 4x4 2 ESC005 E098 Carter, Milek Spring Factory 4x4 2 ESC007a ESC063 Anderson, Evan Gas Station 3x3 2 E098 ESC070 Davidson, Heath Gas Station 3x3 2 ESC063 ESC075 Kline, Eiga Gas Station 3x3 2 ESC070 ESC085 Berg, Mayes Thai Restaurant 3x3 2 ESC075 ESC145 Gilmore, Mayes Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC085 ESC205 Todd, Art Gas Station 3x3 2 ESC070 E483 Becker, Hewitt Soy Sauce Company 4x4 2 ESC063 ESC293 Gilmore, Mugen Garbage Dump 4x4 2 E483 E484 Miner, Reynard Fish Market 5x5 2 ESC063 E308 Cole, Victor Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E098 ESC188 Vogel, Moss Gas Station 3x3 2 E098 ESC007b Ip, Arden Metal Workshop 4x4 2 ESC005Ken E099 Hansen, Vaughan Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC007b ESC184 Sheley, Gerry Family restaurant 3x3 2 E099Lor E100 Cohen,Ken Supermarket 3x3 2 ESC007bA ESC064 Malone, Gilon Spa 3x3 2 E100 E485 Howard, Gregg Sushi Bar 2x2 2 ESC064 E310 Gray, Bernard Convenience store 3x3 2 E100 ESC154 Vaughan, Anthony Hardware Shop 3x3 2 E310 ESC327 Sanford, Mort Laundrette 2x2 2 ESC154 ESC185 Hansen, Lerato Kids Clothing 3x3 2 E310 ESC192 Kline, Kenley Bakery 2x2 2 E310 E311 Cook, Rich Tailor 3x3 2 E100K ESC007c Raman, Montego Coal Factory 4x4 2 ESC007a E101 Andrews, Archer Family 2x2 4 ESC007c E312 Frank, Liseli Studio Apt.(Unit) 2x2 1 E101 E313 Lane, Chase Toy Shop 3x3 2 E101I E342 Nelson, Greg Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E101I ESC007d Strom, Lisle Concrete Maker 4x4 2 ESC007a E102 Lawrence Welders ESC007d E103 Burns Liquor shop ESC007d ESC007e Trotta, Uriah Spirit Distillery 4x4 2 ESC007d E104 Rios,??? Spirit distillery 4x4 2 ESC007e E105 Bass, Clay Dental Dept. 2x2 4 ESC007e E314 Kellogg, Dominic Music Shop 3x3 2 E105 E315 Klein, Cliff Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E105A E316 Harrison, Noboru Primary school 4x4 5 E105J ESC007f Hilton, Kanta Welders 4x4 2 ESC007c E106 Hyde,??? Plastics 4x4 ESC007f E107 Mckeel, ??? Fabric factory 4x4 ESC007f ESC007 Daniels, Rendor Gas Station 3x3 2 ESC007e E108 Torres,??? Semiconductor 4x4 ESC007 E109 Oshman,Zeno Family 3x3 4 ESC007 E318 Frank, Elkan Liquor Shop 2x2 2 E109 ESC211 Moss, Wynn Liquor Shop 2x2 2 E318 ESC215 Garber, Lien Bakery 2x2 2 ESC211 ESC313 Delgado, Bond Butcher Shop 2x2 2ESC215 E319 Collins, Judah Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E109H E040 Damon, Giorgio Family 3x3 4 E015 E121 Pitt,Eli J. Family 2x2 2 E040 E339 Powell, Kevin Tailor 3x3 2 E121-Lor ESC195C Gilbert, Akio Family 3x3 4 E121 E579 Baxter, Maurizio Family 2x2 2 E121-Lor E122 Irene, Cppin Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E040-Genna E340 Hansen, Er Family 2x2 4 E122 ESC126B Bach, Holden Family 2x2 2 E040-Quinc ESC126C Mccoy,Rintaro Family 2x2 4 E040 E041 Gray, J.R. Insurance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E015-Kathy E123 Jenkins, Milton Publishing Firm (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E041 E341 Mcneil, Redford Advertising Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E123 E343 Nicholas, Mikhail Marine Surveyor (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E123-Morr E124 Campbell, Scot G Babysitting Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E041-Adam E345 Barron, Kelsin Travel Agency 3x3 2 E124-Rena E088 Doherty,Raphael Brewery 3x3 2 ESC005Ke ESC086 Marks, Heath Metal Workshop 4x4 2 E088 ESC087 Hammer,Randy Processed Foods 4x4 2 E088 ESC110 Marshall, Gerik Steel Mill 4x4 2 ESC087 ESC295 Harrison, Deon Coal Factory 4x4 2 ESC110 ESC297 Floyd, Bowen Gas Station 3x3 2 ESC295 ESC221 Oliver, Griffin Sheet Metal 4x4 2 ESC087 ESC105 Pauley, Rapahel Gas Station 3x3 2 E088 E290 Johnson, Umeo Family 2x2 4 E088 E003 KEITH, MORAL PUBLISHING COMPANY 3X3 2 E016 Harrison,Kentaro Stocks & Shares (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E003 E042 Demarco,Arnold Local Hospital 4x4 4 E016 E125 Madison, Rolf Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E042 E346 Mcgee, Bo Local Hospital 4x4 4 E125 ESC321 Leary, Read Internal Medicine 2x2 4 E346 E347 Cameron, Cid Playground 3x3 1 E125-Dick E126 Mills,Michael Family 2x2 3 E042-Pooky E350 Deleon,Gintaro Bakery 2x2 2 E126 E351 Pace, July Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E126-Kumi E127 Morgan, Kenee Family 2x2 2 E042-Carolin E352 Maynard, Phillip Family 2x2 2 E127 E128 Garcia,Torao Local Hospital 4x4 4 E042-Lora Gr ESC163 Xavier, Kim Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E042-Pooky Y E043 Kovach, Hastin Building Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E016-Mardi Ma E129 Molloy,Evan T.V. Station (bldg.) 3x3 2 E043 E358 Mac, Goemon China factory 4x4 2 E129 ESC224 Zone,Dillian Gas Station 3x3 2 E358-Dick T E359 Baird, Livvy Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E129-Jared Hill E130 Lucas, Vincent Finance Company (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E043-Lien Pool E360 Gay, Radley Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E130 E566 Lambert, Billy Family 2x2 3 E360 ESC303C Jackson, Keir Family 2x2 3 E566 E361 Howell, Jiro Travel Agency (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E130-Lydie Ro ESC139E Borg, Blair Ocean Liners (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E016-Mardi Mano ESC139F Gibson, Reese Architect Company (bldg.)2x2 2 E016-Mardi Mano E575 Nelson, Lex Security Firm (bldg.) 3x3 2 E043-Lien Pool E017 Lavine, Cory Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E003-Elle Olsen ESC012 Garner, Meryle Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E017 E133 Leaf, Carla Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC012 E134 Lane Family Restaurant 3x3 2 ESC012-Lara ESC040 Johnson,Mendel Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC012 E431 Polk, David Family 3x3 4 ESC040 E044 Lara, JJ Family 3x3 4 E017 E185 Heath, Milek Family 3x3 4 E044 E464 Gilbert, Fred Family 2x2 3 E185 E548 Forbes, Syshe Aerobics (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E185-Elita H E186 Weaver, Radley Convenience Store 3x3 2 E044-Lauren L E466 Daniels, Louis A. Pig Farm 4x4 2 E186 E467 Roberts,Er Florist 2x2 2 E186-Larissa ESC126D Victor, Marshall Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E044-Lauren E045 Burns, Uriah Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E017-Laurie R E188 Callahan,Mugen Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E045-Carrie ESC088A Piazza, Kentaro Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E188 ESC088B Bloom, Morrigan Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E188-Opal C E189 Creed, Henry Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 E045-Tom V. ESC116 Frank, Kennedy Employment Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E003-Elle Ol ESC213A Termini, Paul Realtor (bldg.) 2x2 2 E003-Elle Ol E514 Wells, Phil Family 2x2 3 E003-Elle Ol E004 REGAN RUSSELL TRADING COMPANY 3X3 2 E018 Fleming, Bond T.V. Station (bldg.) 3x3 2 E004 E046 West, Gregory Printing Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E018 E190 Lazard, Greg I. Handyman Firm (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E046 E517 Piper, Henry Accounting Firm (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E190-Beverl E047 Corona, Kanta T.V. Station (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E018-Katalin E192/ESC102 Wells, Ringo Butcher shop 2x2 2 E047 ESC117 Corona, August Butcher shop 2x2 2 E192 ESC199 Nicholas, Clint Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 ESC117 ESC190 Jordan,Wynona Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E192-Desiree Wells E518 Berg, Fritz Convenience Store 3x3 2 E192-Desiree Well E583 Floyd, Dan P. Liquor Shop 2x2 2 E518 ESC324 Flowers, Cecil Convenience store 3x3 2 E518 E193 Perez,Arnold Cleaning Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E047-Kellsie Xue E519 Cortez,Hewitt Bank (bldg.) 3x3 2 E193 E520 Martinez,Jiro Finance Company (Bldg.)3x3 2 E193-Vincent Cu E576 Speed, Morley Travel Agency (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E018-Katalin David E019 Katz, Chase Realtor (bldg.) 2x2 2 E004-Kathy Moore E048 Marr, Keon Architect Co. (bldg.) 2x2 2 E019 E194 Otes,Jonny Finance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E048 E521 Last, Long Insurance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E194-Meryle Bird E195 Fisher, Zack P. Security Firm(Bldg.)3x3 2 E048-Primo E522 Wilson,Dirk Architect Co. (bldg.)2x2 2 E195 E523 Hirsch,Morris Handyman Firm (Bldg.)2x2 2 E195-Lupit E049 Carter, Genta Family 2x2 4 E019-Jennifer Cop ESC178B Swing, Dick Pest Control (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E049 E547 Fulton, Smedley Toy Shop 3x3 2 E049 E574 Burke, Herbert Hardware Shop 3x3 2 E547 ESC126A Edwards, Morris T.V. Station (bldg.) 3x3 2 E004-Kathy Moore ESC198B Page, Vance Software Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E004 E577 Gibbs, Renn Employment Co. (Bldg.)3x3 2 E019 E578 Himada, Hisato Software Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 3 E019-Jennifer Co ESC302 Dixon, Milton Gas Station 3x3 2 E578 E596 Wargo, Dan M. Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 ESC302 E005 BLAKE, KENDALL FAMILY 3x3 42K E020 Edwards, Derrick Computer School (bldg.) 3x3 2 E005 ESC010 Malone, Craig Music Shop 3x3 2 E020 ESC011 Moss, Heath Exam Tuition (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC010-Janet ESC022 Biggs, Kele Music Shop 3x3 2 ESC011-Elec E179 Egan, Mason Family 2x2 2 ESC022 E459 Fraser, Johnathan Mah-John Room 2x2 2 E179 E460 Brosnan, Mark Family 2x2 3 E179-Karli Eg E571 Banks, Lindy Calligrapher's Home 3x3 3 E460 E180 Roberts, Ralph Family 3x3 4 ESC022-Victori E462 Davis, Kelton Family 3x3 4 E180-Layne Ro E131 Watson Laundrette 2x2 2 ESC011 E132 Grant, Monty Printing Co. (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC011-Electra E362 Thomas, Rey Marine Surveyor (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E132 E363 Andrews, Rocco Tomato Farm 2x2 2 E132-Kawena W ESC212 Simpson, Zenoe Pest control (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E363 E561 Ford, Masaki Farm Machines (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC212 ESC299 Andersen, Riley Water well 2x2 1 E561-Frond E584 Sutton, Paul B. Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E561 ESC285 Santana, Murray Farm Machines (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E363-Xaviera E559 Thomas, Brian X. Strawberry Farm 2x2 2 ESC285 ESC073 Robinson, Gilbert Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC011-Electra Y ESC077 Bruce, Renate Aerobics (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC073 ESC095 Anthony, Lorin Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC077-Kathie ESC081 Pound, Bernie Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC073 ESC107 Manning, Kay Piano School (Bldg.) 3x3 4 ESC073 E504 Perry, Prince Pasta Restaurant 3x3 2 ESC073 E604 Toyota, Levi Family 2x2 4 E504 E116 Button, Kim Trevally Port 3x3 2 ESC010 E329 Paul, Alberta Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E116 E330 Thomas, David Family 4x4 4 E116-Kathy Abe E602 Lopez, Albert Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E330-Jasmine E117 Mitchell,Murray Jewelers 3x3 2 ESC010-Janet Fran E331 Swanson, Holt Convenience store 3x3 2 E117 E332 Reed, Fiorenza Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E117-Jazlyne Mit E537 Mar, Eddy Family 2x2 4 E117-Jazlyne Mit ESC076 Oliver, Milek Toy Shop 3x3 2 ESC010 E501 Marshall, Kylee Aerobics (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC010-Janet Fran ESC013 Dodge, Joe Book Shop 2x2 2 E020 ESC016 Kaplan, Yodai Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC013 ESC038 Clooney, Ernest Cooking Class (bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC016 ESC041 Whitney, Rena Piano School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC038-Viviann E433 Clooney, Mel Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC041 E535 Newman, Morey Tiling Company (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E433 ESC045 Maxwell, Castel Karaoke 3x3 2 ESC038-Viviann E291 Mavis,Apollo Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 ESC038-Viviann ESC069 O'Connor, Douglas Speech Therapist(Bld.) 2x2 2 ESC045 E515 Woods, Chuck Jewelers 3x3 2 ESC069 E516 Ali, Mio Volunteer Group (Bldg.)2x2 2 ESC069-Pam E446 Gibbs,Carl L. Senior Citizen 2x2 2 ESC045 E447 Fontana, Malissa Studio Apt (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC045-Kumi C E166 Biggs, Reagan Family 3x3 4 ESC016 E415 Heath, Mallory Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E166-Mariah Bi E167 Russo, Bradford Pearl Culture 3x3 2 ESC016-Trella C E416 Chang, Clayton White Bait port 3x3 2 E167 E417 Santos, Cleave Abalone Culture 3x3 2 E167-Virginia Kni E135 Storm, Brian Fishing Pond 3x3 1 ESC013 E365 Addison, Dan M. Playground 3x3 1 E135 E136 Baker Piano School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC013-Carme E502 Flynn, Eiga Toy Shop 3x3 2 ESC013 ESC303A Harris, Truman Family 2x2 2 ESC016-Trella C ESC017 Karp, Liam Private School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC016-Trella ESC020 Wagner, Rolf Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC017-Janet E172 Thompson Noodle Bar 2x2 2 ESC020 E173 Harrison, Hertz Private School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC020-Bianca ESC060 Sullivan, Isabella Piano School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E173 ESC130 Shepherd, Philip Music Shop 2x2 2 ESC060 ESC136 White, Mitch Toy Shop 3x3 2 ESC130 E477 Farrell, Goro Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC060 E478 Griffin, Russell Computer School(bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC060-Karli E426 Turner, Remedy Bar 2x2 2 E173-Morela W ESC218 Newman, Gil Family restaurant 3x3 2 E426 E613 March, Morrison Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E426 E168 Olsen, Henry C. Choir (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC017 ESC056 Ryan, Ram Karaoke 3x3 2 E168 E418 Delaney, Akio Toy Shop 3x3 2 E168 ESC310 Sawyer, David W. Music Shop 2x2 2 E418 E598 Hansen, Grady Family 2x2 4 ESC310 E419 Lawson, Guy Movie Theater 4x4 2 E168-Olivia O E169 Thomas, Fred Family 2x2 2 ESC017-Janette ESC186D Creed, Dawson Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E169 E050 Sugarman, Roderick Mandarin Orchard 2x2 2 E020 ESC062 Sutton, Dirk Farm Machines (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E050-Kelse E481 Adams, Russell Pear Orchard 2x2 2 ESC062 ESC292 Keller, Kennedy Pest Control (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E481 E560 Sawyer, Rocco Sour Orange Farm 2x2 2 ESC292 E198 Palafox,Sterling Tomato Farm 2x2 2 E050 E199 Lovell,Dan M. Grapefruit Farm 2x2 2 E050-Kelse ESC090 Bryant, Morse Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E199 ESC078 Knight, Aidan C. Water well 2x2 1 E050 E051 Morgan, Eva Flower Arrange (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E020-LoveyP E200 Doherty Cooking Class 3x3 2 E051 E201 Gray Computer School 3x3 2 E051-Leoni E021 Campagna, Vance Pasta Restaurant 3x3 2 E005-Maree Bla E052 Torres, Jovan Family 2x2 2 E021 E203 Lawrence, Franklin Family 2x2 2 E052-Lovey T E524 Nixon, Lin Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E203 E550 Wagner, Heinz Inventor's Home 3x3 3 E203 E587 Mckeel, Gary C. Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E550 E588 Liu, Lysander Family 2x2 3 E550-KyliaW ESC186B Klein, Judson Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E052 E053 Miller, Morty Take Away Lunch 2x2 2 E021-MalloryA E204 Campbell Savory Pancakes 2x2 2 E053 E205 Ali, Reagan Family 2x2 4 E053-Liora E498 Reed, Akira Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E205-Pam A. ESC039b/EX1 Fay, Gerik Family 3x3 4 E005 E429/ESC208C Warke, Fiorenza Student Accom(Unit) 2x2 1 ESC039B E430/ESC208D Floyd, Henry Family 2x2 4 ESC039B-Layla ESC059C Fang, Moon Finance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E005 E472 Markley, Gore Cleaners (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC059C E473 Tan, Kenley Realtor (bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC059C-Jesse Asht E006 CASTLE, KENNEDY FAMILY 3x3 42K E022 Cotton, Leone Coffee Shop 2x2 2 E006 E054 Thomas, Malka Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E022 E206 Becker, Raymond Family 2x2 4 E054 E055 Hansen, August Take Away Lunch 2x2 2 E022-Tyree Co E211 Tiffany, Chase Pizza Bar 2x2 2 E055 E212 Clooney,Mugen Slatefish Port 3x3 2 E055-Jamese E023 Shipley,D.J. Script Writer's Home 3x3 3 E006-Helaine Ca E056 Mcclure, Heaton Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E023 E213 Straw,Gerik Family Restaurant 3x3 2 E056 E214 Alden, Dan P. Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E056-Fonda Mc ESC112 Gray, Dillian Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E214 ESC191B Miller, Frances Bar 2x2 2 ESC112 ESC219 Clooney, Morton Sushi Bar 2x2 2 ESC191B ESC328 Martinez,Tyler Sushi Bar 2x2 2 ESC219 E528 Klein, Graham Pizza Bar 2x2 2 E214 E057 Stewart, Denis Korean Restaurant 3x3 2 E023-Kathy J ESC198D Anderson, Misty Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E023-Kathy J E222 Day, Merton Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E057-Pauline ESC168 Larson, Porter Family restaurant 3x3 2 E057 ESC303B Sutter, Kelsie Family 2x2 4 E057 E599 Fraser, Reed Family 3x3 4 ESC303B ESC170 Paul, Randi Family restaurant 3x3 2 ESC168 ESC296 Davidson, Al B. Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC170 ESC311 Fellows, Jory Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC170 ESC131 March, Robin Savory pancakes 2x2 2 E222 ESC034 Rice, Skip O. Family 2x2 3 E006 E276 Peters, Jason Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC034 E277 Edwards, Casper Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC034-Kum ESC035 Gilmore, Umeo Family 3x3 4 E006 E278 Byrne,Josue Family 2x2 2 ESC035 E610 Pan, Guillon Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E278 E279 Perez,Mio Family 3x3 4 ESC035-Kathy ESC036 Vega, Mizell Family 2x2 4 E006-Helaine C E280 Peters, Jeff Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC036 E281 Gilmore, Misty Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC036-Alika ESC057A Meyer, Liberty Family 3x3 4 E006-Helaine C E606 Boyd, Dominic Family 2x2 3 ESC057A E007 CRANE, BILLY FAMILY 3x3 42K E024 Charles, Mairel Daycare Center 3x3 4 E007 E059 Emmerson, Reginald Daycare Center 3x3 4 E024 ESC280 Ford, Marly Daycare Center 3x3 4 E059-Trista Russ ESC320 Adachi, Keir Daycare Center 3x3 4 ESC280 E060 Cleary, Luis Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E024-Jan Temple E229 Tweed, Leal Family 2x2 2 E060-Charla Cle ESC122A Violet, Halen Family 2x2 2 E060 E527 Cook, Sterling Senior Citizen 3x3 2 ESC122A-Lindley E512 Brosnan, Kordell Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E060 E061 Blair, Liang Interal Medicine 2x2 2 E024-Fran Brown E062 Ford, Fred Family 2x2 2 E024-Mina Bailey E230 Violet, Jason Z. Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E062 ESC129 Morin, Jordan Supermarket 3x3 2 E230 E231 Anderson, Andre Family 3x3 4 E062-Lindley Fo E025 Mccoy, Earl J. Primary School 4x4 5 E007-Alika Cran ESC003 Boyd, Tyler F. Playground 3x3 1 E025-Les Fello E083 Brosnan, Joel Fishing Coop 2x2 2 ESC003 E283 Mackey, Matt O. Oyster Culture 3x3 2 E083 ESC223 Stoller, Morris Fishing coop 2x2 2 E283-Katie Na E285 Toyota, Adam Spa 3x3 2 E083 E286 Cppin, Stewart Spa 3x3 2 E083-Helaine ESC004 Cook, Rob Mental Ward 2x2 4 E025 E084 Tight,Eitan Seafood Shop 2x2 2 ESC004 E086 Hilton, Tony B. Playground 3x3 1 ESC004-Syshe E287 Becker, Donald Police Station 2x2 2 E086 ESC183 Benson, Jorn Police Station 2x2 2 E287 ESC203 Nissen, Hercules Police Station 2x2 2 ESC183 ESC207 Moon, Ervin Police Station 2x2 2 ESC203 E087 Bahr, Sean O. Family 2x2 4 ESC004-Marena Gi E288 Richards, Joseph Convenience Store 3x3 2 E087 E499 Durham, Herbert Family 3x3 4 E087 ESC009 Stephens, Derrick Maternity Ward 2x2 4 ESC004-Marena ESC023 Fay, Dick Dental Dept. 2x2 4 ESC009-Frasier E181 Childs, Emmet Florist 2x2 2 ESC023 ESC066 Friedman, Lupin Laundrette 2x2 2 E181 E488 Palmer,Wyoma Stationery Store 2x2 2 ESC066 E565 O'Connor, Bowen Hardware Shop 3x3 2 E488-Lela Pal ESC323 Shade, Yitro Convenience store 3x3 2 E488 ESC331 Carter, Marvel Convenience store 3x3 2 E488 E489 Sugarman, Allie Florist 2x2 2 ESC066-Suzanne ESC074 Sabatini, Charles Supermarket 3x3 2 E181 E463 Koehler, Ash Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E181 E182 Robinson, Morgan Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC023-Blair Doug E183 Thomas, Kipling Playground 3x3 1 ESC023-Helen H. ESC312 Anderson, Moses Playground 3x3 1 E183 E184 Hunt, Uriah Family 3x3 4 ESC023-Jana Crawf E112 Walton, Grady Family 3x3 42K ESC009 E324 Davidson, Lincoln Laundrette 2x2 2 E112 ESC197 Miller, Riley Hardware Shop 3x3 2 E324 E605 Gilmore, Gore Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E324 ESC160C Hammer, Maurice Family 2x2 2 E112-Hedy Walton ESC160D Andrews, Jovan Family 2x2 2 E112-Hedy Walton E113 Albert,Fritz Family 3x3 42K ESC009-Frasier S E325 Watson, Will Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E113 E326 Salas, Michiru Family 3x3 4 E113-Marianne E114 Harris Park 5x5 1 ESC009-Elena Blan E115 Combs, Mike Fire Brigade 3x3 2 ESC009-Renee Edwa E327 Lane, Vincent Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E115 E328 George,Kenadie Security (bldg.) 3x3 2 E115-Lefty Bryan E513 Martel, Avery Senior Citizen 2x2 2 ESC09 ESC059A Dean, Ernest Family 3x3 4 E007-Alika Crane E468 Zink, Kelsea Family 2x2 4 ESC059A E469 Colon, Candie Studio Apt (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC059A-Helaine De ESC014a Weather, Rico Primary School 4x4 5 E025-Laura Chand E142 Russell, Heaton Local Hospital 4x4 4 ESC014a E143 Warner, Kenta Daycare Center 3x3 4 ESC014a-Kylene Ryde E371 Ebert, Gregory Chinese Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E143 E144 Cleary, Raul Police Station 2x2 2 ESC014a-Gaille Thom ESC083 Curran, Wyatt Police Station 2x2 2 E144 ESC119 Burke, Bill Police Station 2x2 2 ESC083 ESC286 Harrison, Kelsea Police Station 2x2 2 ESC119 ESC153 Wells, Prince Police Station 2x2 2 ESC083 E375 Kirk, Hugh J. Insurance Co.(Bldg.)3x3 2 E144 E376 Campagna, Sivney Student Accom (Unit)2x2 1 E144-Linette Ewin ESC316 Blair, Mykel Police Station 2x2 2 E144-Linette Ewin E145 O'Neill,Kendall Finance Co. (Bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC014a-Sean Crawfo E378 Meadows, Wyoma Playground 3x3 1 E145-Leila Bell E146 Alden,Montego Employment Agency 3x3 2 ESC014a-Geoffrey Tig E379 Chandler, Jason Z. Publishing Firm(Bldg.)3x3 2 E146 E612 King, Red Employment Agency 3x3 2 E146-Kylia Towers ESC092 Stein, Morton Playground 3x3 1 ESC014A ESC103 Oliver, Haven Playground 3x3 1 ESC014A ESC133 Fuller, Lorant Playground 3x3 1 ESC103 ESC158 Morris, Wynn Playground 3x3 1 ESC103 ESC014b Ham, Monte Police Station 2x2 2 E025 ESC025 Baker, Mckenna Police Station 2x2 2 ESC014b E210 Ito, Moon Dental Dept. 2x2 4 ESC025-Janelle ESC300 Howard, Liko Internal Medicine 2x2 4 E210 E147 Garber,Lloyd Farming Machines 2x2 2 ESC014b-Kate Harw ESC084 Charles, Morris Pest Control (Bldg.)2x2 2 E147-Lev Suns ESC089A Street, Skip O. Family 2x2 3 ESC084 ESC109 Ford, Kendis Farm Machines (Bldg.)2x2 2 E147 E381 Valencia, Max G. Orange Orchard 2x2 2 E147 E611 Cook, Jerrick Ranch 5x5 2 E381 E382 Gaynor, Arty Water well 2x2 1 E147-Lev Suns ESC220 Cage, Morris Farm Machines (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E147 E562 Deal, Willem Tangerine Orchard 2x2 2 ESC220 E063 Holmes, Keiji Family 2x2 2 E025 E232 Russell, Kellen Family 2x2 3 E063 E564 Flowers, Phyre Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E232-Louanna R ESC204C Bailey, Jens Family 2x2 2 E063-Vivia Holm ESC315A Leon, Rintaro Family 2x2 4 E063-Vivia Holm E609 Adler, Polo Family 2x2 3 ESC315A E064 Cordova,Douglas Primary School 4x4 5 E025 E595 Floyd, Milek Family 3x3 4 E064-Ellie Cox E065 Cooper, Drake Police Station 2x2 2 E025-Les Fellows E234 Medina,Archer Family 3x3 4 E065 E066 Walsh, Mostyn Slot machines 3x3 2 E025 E236 Gannon,Whitby Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E066 E526 Morrison, Gracie Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E236-Ariel Ga ESC094 Baird, Vaughan Computer School 3x3 2 E066 ESC155 Mahoney, Jory Computer School(b.) 3x3 2 E066-Demi Mill ESC197 Fraser, Kellan Music Shop 3x3 2 E066 ESC206 Emmerson, Lorant Stationery Store 2x2 2 ESC197-Alliso ESC227 Vogel, Kelton Supermarket 3x3 2 ESC206-Petra E067 Burke, Lonato Butcher shop 2x2 2 E025-Kumi Morto E238 Gale,Apollo Hardware Shop 3x3 2 E067 E239 Toyota Electrician 3x3 2 E067-Blair B ESC031 Thomas, Egil Primary School 4x4 5 E025 E268 Xavier,Kyne Lemon Orchard 2x2 2 ESC031 E271 Carlson, Malka Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC031-Jeann E272 Charles,Brandon Post Office 3x3 2 ESC031-Amy S ESC175 Trainer, Pia Daycare Center 3x3 4 ESC031-JJ Gi ESC187 Ackerman, J.R. Daycare Center 3x3 4 ESC175 ESC043 Bahr, Joji Daycare Center 3x3 4 E025 ESC173 Kane, Rhodes Daycare Center 3x3 4 ESC043-Iri E440 Knight,Chase Family 2x2 3 ESC043-Iri ESC071 Copeland, Redford Police Station 2x2 2 E025-Les Fel ESC080 Godfrey,Mickey Police Station 2x2 2 ESC071 ESC162 Kitada, Katsuhida Police Station 2x2 1 ESC071 ESC098 Wendell, Kennedy Primary School 4x4 5 E025-Laura Ch ESC196 Garber, Louis Primary School 4x4 5 ESC098 ESC200 Lin, Redell Police Station 2x2 2 ESC196 E582 Knox, Rey Police Station 2x2 2 ESC196-Haze ESC305 Mccoy, Michiru Police Station 2x2 2 E582-LaNet ESC330 Anderson, Piper Police Station 2x2 2 ESC305-Ma ESC325 Becker, Mio Police Station 2x2 2 ESC196 ESC201 Diaz, KC Primary school 4x4 5 E025-Kumi ESC283 Gaffney, Scot G. Primary school 4x4 5 ESC201 E586 Nash, Ervin Family 2x2 4 ESC201 ESC317 Bell, Donny Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC201-Tr ESC059E Robinson, Mora Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E007 E476 Sanford, Sinjin Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC059E E008 CURRAN, FREEMAN FAMILY 3x3 42K E026 Kaplan, Arden Family 3x3 3 E008 E068/ESC030 Curtis, Platt Family 2x2 3 E026 E240 Smith Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E068 E241 Brosnan, Paris Student Accom(Unit) 2x2 1 E068-Margare ESC195A Ringham, James M. Family 2x2 2 E068 E069 Roberts, Uriah Family 3x3 4 E026-Marika K ESC217 Xavier, Liberty Daycare Center 3x3 4 E069-Kathlee ESC099A York, Platt Family 2x2 2 E026 ESC099B Bell, Rance Family 2x2 4 E026 E242 Woods,Charlee Family 3x3 3 E069 E243 Howard, Shaman Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E069-Leala R E529 Johnson, Candice Student Accom(Unit) 2x2 1 E243 E603 Berger, Vance Family 2x2 4 E069-Leala R ESC152 Clooney, Mark Family 2x2 2 E026 ESC160A Daniels, York Family 2x2 3 E026 E511 Frank, Stephen Senior Citizen 3x3 2 ESC160A ESC160B Shields, Bill Family 3x3 4 E026 E589 Lynn, Loyal Book Shop 2x2 2 ESC160B ESC304 Daniels, Fynn Toy Shop 3x3 2 E589 E027 Spencer, Milan Family 3x3 4 E008-Jenis Curr E070 Shipley, Mills Family 3x3 4 E027 E244 Land,Ralph L. Family 2x2 2 E070 ESC195D Myers, Andrew Family 2x2 3 E070-Marina ESC198C King, Tully Family 2x2 3 E070-Querida E071 Flynn, Dominic Family 3x3 4 E027-Derica Sp E246 Gee,McKenna Convenience Store 3x3 2 E071 ESC132 Street, Mykel Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E246 E247 Craig, Charles Cake Shop 2x2 2 E071-Laurie ESC204A Gibson, Alec Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E071 ESC113 McMahon, Mikhail Family 3x3 4 E027-Derica S ESC287B Cage, Charles Family 2x2 4 ESC113 ESC290 Adams, Brett Primary school 4x4 5 ESC287B ESC114 Hammer, Jens Family 2x2 3 E027-Derica S ESC150 Zucker, Lanelle Student Accom(Unit) 2x2 1 E027 ESC059B Harrison, Monet Family 3x3 4 E008 E470 Ward,Laurent Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC059B E471 Dixon, Hewitt Security Firm (bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC059B-Janin E544 Giannini, Whitley Senior Citizen 3x3 2 ESC059B E568 Galvin, Colton Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E544 ESC059D Palmer, Vance Family 2x2 4 E008 E475 Callahan, Charlee Family 2x2 4 ESC059D-Renat E009 CAMPBELL,HEIKICHI FAMILY 3x3 42T E028 Mckeel, Massimo Family 2x2 2 E009 ESC006 Johnson, Andre Convenience Store 3x3 2 E028 ESC019 Kirby, Lionel Laundrette 2x2 2 ESC006 ESC024 Mueller, Roderick Liquor Shop 2x2 2 ESC019-Ivy ESC028 Gaynor, Roger Seafood Shop 2x2 2 ESC024 E219 Paul,More Butcher shop 2x2 2 ESC028 ESC108 Sherwood, Leon Convenience Store 3x3 2 E219 ESC123 Cortez. Emmet Tailor 3x3 2 ESC108-Viv ESC146 Giannini, Kentaro Florist 2x2 2 ESC123 E540 Frank, Roger Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E219 E220 Bell, Chester Family 3x3 4 ESC028-Marlen E207 Johnson, Kelii Electrician 3x3 2 ESC024 ESC091A Burke, Reece Fodder Factory 4x4 2 E207 ESC097 Corona, Jory Convenience Store 3x3 2 E207 E208 Buckman, Bond Dental Dept. 2x2 4 ESC024-Gella ESC147 Dennis, Lindy Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E208 ESC026 Hopper, Matt Convenience Store 3x3 2 ESC019-Ivy E215 Copeland,Keagan Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC026 E216 Weil, Mike Garbage Dump 4x4 2 ESC026-Glo ESC141 Torres, Chuck Welders 4x4 2 E216 ESC171 Keith, Art Fodder Factory 4x4 2 ESC141 ESC301 Bird, Sol Plastics 3x3 2 ESC171 ESC279 Cage, Mohan Soy Sauce Company 4x4 2 ESC141 ESC142 Sher, KC Gas Station 3x3 2 E216-Morr E170 Sherman Chinese Noodle Bar 3x3 2 ESC019 E421 Salas, Haven Noodle Bar 2x2 2 E170 E422/ESC208A March, John Family 2x2 2 E170-Lotus E171 Vogel, Mercer Convenience Store 3x3 2 ESC019-Ivy E423/ESC208B Patel, Melvyn Family 2x2 3 E171 E551 Lynn, Hertz Convenience store 3x3 2 E423-Gerd ESC027 Creed, Chandler Electrician 3x3 2 ESC006-Iri ESC067 Harris, J.R. High school 4x4 5 ESC027 ESC138 Deal, Rico High school 4x4 5 ESC067-Vivi ESC172 Cornell, Mostyn Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC138-Mor ESC306 Frank, Grady Playground 3x3 1 ESC138-Yas E217 Knight, Lev Family Restaurant 3x3 2 ESC027 E218 Cage, Platt Electrician 3x3 2 ESC027-Eyvon ESC125 Shepherd, Umeo Tailor 3x3 2 E218 ESC143 Morgan, Amos Family 2x2 2 ESC125 ESC157 Shelton, Rider Stationery Store 2x2 2 ESC125 ESC308 Butler, Jeanine Florist 2x2 2 E218-Mari Cage E072 Knight, Locke Hotel 4x4 2 E028 E249 Bailey,KC Japanese Inn 3x3 2 E072 E614 Crane, Heikichi Hotel 4x4 2 E249 E250 Palafox, Ben N. Sardine Port 3x3 2 E072-Graham Ka E073 Gear,Roderick Used Book Shop 2x2 1 E028-Lora Mckee E251 Von,Wheeler Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E073 ESC120 Sullivan, Kentaro Family 2x2 4 E028-Lora Mckeel E507 White, Brant Seafood Shop 2x2 2 ESC120-Alyssa S ESC122B Galvin, Derrick Family 3x3 4 E028 E530 Spencer, Caroline Bar 2x2 2 ESC122B-Raisi ESC122C Thompson, Chester Family 3x3 4 E028-Lora Mcke E029 Warner, Tudor Family 2x2 2 E009-Mari Camp E074 Chen, Heaton Savory Pancakes 2x2 2 E029 ESC068 Forrest, Kennedy Curry House 2x2 2 E074 E495 Pai, J.R. Bank (bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC068 E252 Brady, Eliot Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E074 E253 Walsh, Tim T. Family Restaurant 3x3 2 E074-Lassie Chan ESC198 Tyler, David Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 E253 E075 Coats, Ken Publishing Firm (Bldg.) 3x3 2 E029-Belle Warner E254 Fisher, Liam Bank (bldg.) 3x3 2 E075 E255 Anthony,Hampton Used book shop 2x2 1 E075-Elena Reyes ESC115 Freeman, Lincoln Family 3x3 4 E029-Belle Warner ESC118 Harris, Raymond Family 3x3 4 E029 ESC121 Weed, Rich Pest Control(Bldg.) 2x2 2 E029-Belle Warner ESC122D Carter, Eli J. Family 2x2 2 E029-Belle Warner E593 Leonard, Gintaro Hotel 4x4 2 ESC122D ESC178A Sherwood,Mayes Family 2x2 3 E029-Belle Warner ESC198A Sailors, Red Family 3x3 4 E029-Belle Warner ESC210 Flores, Kenzo Primary school 4x4 5 ESC198A ESC039a Johnson, Sean O. Family 2x2 4 E009-Mari Campbell ESC091C Hasegawa, Platt Family 2x2 2 E009 ESC204B Termini, Dick Family 3x3 4 ESC091C E506 Mar, Placido Family 2x2 2 ESC091C E010 DIXON, VINNY FAMILY 3x3 42T E030 Keller, Hiro J. Convenience Store 3x3 2 E010 E076 Vaughan,Matthew Family 2x2 2 E030 E256 Wagner,Shannan Flower Arranger(Bldg.) 2x2 2 E076 E257 Boyd, Lora Studio Apartment(Unit) 2x2 1 E076-Jalila V ESC160E Benson, Chet Family 2x2 4 E076-Jalila V E500 Su, Redell Hardware Shop 3x3 2 ESC160E-Rene ESC186C Lewis, Keahi Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E076-Jalila E077 Bacon, Race Family 2x2 3 E030-Marcie E259 Damon, Vaughan Family 2x2 2 E077-Laurie E510 Vogel, Thrine Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E259 E570 Foster, Fritz Family 3x3 4 E077 E607 Stein, Jory Family 2x2 4 E570 E227/ESC093 Wendell,Kennedy Primary School 4x4 5 E030-Marcie K ESC161 Baker, Kenny Primary school 4x4 5 E227-Jerica E567 Carter, Keon Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC16 ESC314 Towers, Lloyd Primary School 4x4 5 ESC161 ESC164 Knight, Jiro Playground 3x3 1 E227 ESC165 Baird, Roderick Dental Dept. 2x2 4 E227-Jerica ESC166 Leonard, Lionel Playground 3x3 1 E227-Jerica ESC177 Robinson, Ash J. Playground 3x3 1 ESC166 ESC181 Elmore, D.J. Jr. High School 4x4 5 E227-Vance ESC291 Musso, Austin Park 5x5 1 ESC181 ESC298 Stockton, Jipp Park 5x5 1 E227-Vance ESC307 Kline, Gure Playground 3x3 1 E227-Eiga B ESC135 Cole, Keon Seafood Shop 2x2 2 E030-Marcie K E031 Zink, Lyndsey Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E010-Renat E078 Ullrich,Marvin Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E031 E260 Bahr, Joji Pizza Bar 2x2 2 E078 ESC191A Santana, Deon French Bistro 3x3 2 E260 ESC202 Frey, Al B. Pizza Bar 2x2 2 ESC191A ESC289 Higgins, Mayes Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 ESC191A-Ja ESC014c Shepherd, Morton Primary School 4x4 5 E010 E148 Marin, Kiril Internal medicine 2x2 4 ESC014c E149 Toy, Marcy Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC014c-Vita ESC186A Toyota, Gilbert Family 3x3 4 E149 E150 Moon, Reeves Toy Shop 3x3 2 ESC014c-Tim T ESC106 Robinson, Goro Book shop 2x2 2 E150 ESC169 Howell, Craig Karaoke 2x2 2 ESC106-Kyle E534 Davis, Akira Senior Citizen 2x2 2 ESC169 E539 Owen, Roman Senior Citizen 3x3 2 ESC169 E600 Klein, Kennan Amusement Park 7x7 2 ESC169-Lon E505 Knight, Avery Flute Tutor (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC106-Kyle E384 Stockton, Keon Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 E150 ESC326 Turner, Gerald Convenience Store 3x3 2 E384 E385 Dowson, Dan M. Lemon Orchard 2x2 2 E150-Virgini ESC281 Shipley, Morrison Water well 2x2 1 E385-Susan E558 Ackerman, Bradley Vineyard 2x2 2 E385-Susan ESC284 Bailey, Kenny Movie Theater 4x4 2 E150-Virgini E525 Richards, Russom Senior Citizen 3x3 2 ESC284-Marg E536 Marco, Kelii Family 2x2 3 E525 ESC315C Brand, Joseph Family 2x2 4 E536 E573 Craig, Massimo Family 2x2 3 E525 E151 Hurley, Lev Family 3x3 42K ESC014c-Carme E386 Johnson, Rich Employment Agency 3x3 2 E151 E387 Green,Dirk Hotel 4x4 2 E151-Maria H E152 English, Skip O. Police Station 2x2 2 ESC014c-Perri ESC167 Adams, Tyler Police Station 2x2 2 E152-Lorena E388 Sharp, Merlin Family 2x2 4 E152 ESC014 Keane, Kenny High school 4x4 5 ESC014c ESC021 Reed, Chuck Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC014 E174 Howell, Kesin Local Hospital 4x4 4 ESC021 E580 Marsh, Richard Local Hospital 4x4 4 E174 E175 Leary, Renn Family 3x3 4 ESC021-Orlea E456 Porter, Erwin Family 2x2 4 E175-Blend ESC140 Squire, Chris Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC021-Tyson ESC322 Harris, Elkan Playground 3x3 1 ESC140-Chad ESC044 Lambert, Keon Jr. High School 4x4 5 ESC021-Orlea E441 Clooney, KC Fire Brigade 3x3 2 ESC044 E442 Green, Hector Electrician 3x3 2 ESC044-Summ ESC101 Castle, Clement Playground 3x3 1 ESC044 ESC104 Timber, Rhodes Playground 3x3 1 ESC101 ESC182 Forbes, London Park 5x5 1 ESC101 E555 Swanson, Bradford Gardener's Home 3x3 3 ESC182 E177 Clark Convenience Store 3x3 2 ESC021-Tyson E178 Herman Sushi Bar 2x2 2 ESC021-Raymo E137 Cage, Ethan H. Stationery Store 2x2 2 ESC014 E366 Toms, Griffin Electrician 3x3 2 E137 ESC037 Adams, Ed Park 5x5 1 ESC014 E282 Lucia, Kanta Security Firm(bldg.) 3x3 2 ESC037 E138 Chandler Post Office 3x3 2 ESC014-Pia Ma E139 Raiser, KC Dental Dept. 2x2 4 ESC014-Jenny E140 Davis, Luca Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC014-Allen E141 Morrison, Adam S. Family 2x2 3 ESC014-Yukio E370 Boucher, Louis Senior Citizen 2x2 2 E141-Katelyn ESC315B Kline, Kennan Family 3x3 4 E141-Katelyn ESC072 Harris, Brandon Playground 3x3 1 ESC014c ESC089B Carson, Reeves Family 3x3 4 E010-Renate Dix ESC091B Galloway, Sean O. Family 3x3 4 E010 E509 Alford, Mckile Tailor 3x3 2 ESC091B-Delta E566 Wallace, Lucio Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E010 E011 FRANK, RAM FAMILY 3x3 42T E032 Clark,Cory Coffee Shop 2x2 2 E011 E079 Ebert, Stevie Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E032 E261 Perez, Adam S. Family 2x2 2 E079 ESC195B Bahr, Owen G. Studio Apt. (Unit) 2x2 1 E261-Viviana Pe E262 Manolis, Kirby Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E079-Johanna Ebe E557 Gale, Jimmy Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E262 ESC122F Lambert, Kemp Journalist's Home 3x3 3 E079 E543 Merill, Ram Family 2x2 4 ESC122F E080 Salas,Kiah Sushi Bar 2x2 2 E032-Vida Cla ESC082 Wendell, Vance Korean Restaurant 3x3 2 E080 E263 Shepherd,Mike Family restaurant 3x3 2 E080 E264 Wells,Takenori Printing Company (Bldg.) 2x2 2 E080-Rianne E033 Moore, Dan Family 2x2 2 E011-Geneva Fra E081 Marshall, Raleigh Family Restaurant 3x3 2 E033-Hayden Moo E265 Brown,Leopold Family 2x2 4 E081 E266 Woodward, Jordan Sushi Bar 2x2 2 E081-Giselle E082 Chang, Irene Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 E033-Hayden M E267 Larson,Kordell Senior Citizen 3x3 2 E082 ESC122G Ackerman, Jeffrey Family 2x2 2 E267 E592 Walter, Howard Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 ESC122G E284 Banks,Monte Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 E082-Viola R ESC122E Ross, Joren Family 2x2 4 E033-Hayden M E542 Nelson, Raleigh Family 2x2 3 ESC122E-Hele E554 Raiser, Kenneth Liquor Shop 2x2 2 ESC122E E591 Klein, David W. Software Company (Bldg.) 2x2 2 ESC122E ESC222 Clooney, Monita Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 E033 ESC089C Cox,Marty Family 2x2 3 E011 E497 Abbott, Wilbur Senior Citizen 2x2 2 ESC089C The above list will put you right at 2,000; plus a little more. It is certainly possible to expand this much more, but this will do. You also have the special alien residents of this level,achieved through the special event. Aliens EAL-01 Mukyu, Kyu Spaceman's Home 2x2 3 EAL-02 Peke, ACE Spaceman's Home 2x2 3 Mukyu, Ken EAL-03 Pino, Pieno Spaceman's Home 2x2 3 ACE Peke B7. LEVEL 6 F001 SANTANA, ASH SCALLOP CULTURE 3X3 2 F024 Parsons, Lupin Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 F001 FSC007 Sherwood, Leon Convenience Store 3x3 2 F024 FSC021A Nagy, Skip O. Staff Family 2x2 2 FSC007 FSC065D Lambert, Josue Staff Family 2x2 3 FSC021A-J FSC092B Anderson, Holden Staff Family 2x2 2 FSC065DM FSC112D Bailey, Mickey Staff Family 2x2 2 FSC065D FSC065E Miller, Jorge Staff Family 3x3 42? FSC021A FSC049 Cortez, Emmet Tailor 3x3 2 FSC007-Viv FSC055 Giannini, Kentaro Florist 2x2 2 FSC049 FSC086 Morgan, Mckile Convenience Store 3x3 2 FSC049 FSC065B Bell, Ernest Staff Family 2x2 3 F024 F025 Welch, Doug Bait Shop 2x2 2 F001-Leah F026 Madison, Brant Tiger Prawn Port 3x3 2 F001-Leah FSC115A Pan, Deon Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F026 F027 Costa, Arden Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 F001-Leah FSC005 Tinsley, Morey Drama School (Bldg.) 3x3 2 F027 (CxL=BSC43) FSC018 Zhang, Rainer Music Shop 3x3 2 FSC005 FSC026 Dawson, Merlin Music Shop 3x3 2 FSC018-Ali FSC063 Manning, Kay Piano School 3x3 2 FSC026-La FSC076 Santana, Moss Slot Machines 3x3 2 FSC026-La FSC096A Carter, Eli J. Family 2x2 2 FSC076 FSC080 Towers, Drew Mah-Jong Room 2x2 2 FSC076 FSC105 Page, Don Slot Machines 3x3 2 FSC076Re FSC042 Kirchner, Glen Amusement Park 7x7 2 FSC018-Ali FSC056 Mackey, Kayla Aerobics Studio 3x3 2 FSC042 FSC062 Reid, Gilbert Book Shop 2x2 2 FSC042-Be FSC089 Macias, Doug R. Driving Range 5x5 2 FSC062-R FSC114 Lawson, Guy Movie Theater 4x4 2 FSC043-Be FSC078 Molloy, Chilton Toy Shop 3x3 2 FSC018-Ali FSC033B Friedman, Renn Staff Family 3x3 2 F027 F002 RUSSO, BRADFORD PEARL CULTURE 3X3 2 F028 Chang, Clayton White Bait Port 3x3 2 F002 F029 Bishop, Reece Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 F002 FSC034G Carson, Hewitt Staff Family 3x3 4 F029 F114 Cordova,Douglas Primary School 4x4 5 F029 FSC034H Gilmore, Grady Staff Family 2x2 42? F029-Connie F030 Vogel, Kevin Shrimp port 3x3 3 F002 F031 Santos, Cleave Abalone Culture 3x3 2 F002-Virginia F003 BUTLER, LOMAN PRAWN PORT 3X3 2 F032 Whitney, Dick Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 F003 F033 Anderson, Redell Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 F003 F034 Leary, Rocco Fishing Coop 2x2 2 F003 FSC023 Anderson, Dick Fish Market 5x5 2 F034-Carmen FSC107 Silver, Scot G. Fishing Coop 22x 2 FSC023 F035 Ford, Jason Z. Tuna Port 3x3 2 F003-Kathy F004 GABLE, MORRIS SEA URCHIN PORT 3X3 2 F036 Larson, Eddy Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F004 F037 Park, Max G. Slatefish Port 3x3 2 F004-Rianna F005 GALLI, KINSEY SARDINE PORT 3X3 2 F038 Bailey, Milton Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F005 FSC034I Davis, Deon Staff Family 3x3 42? F039 Hanes, Kenny Bait Shop 2x2 2 F005 F040 Stein, Morty Snapper Port 3x3 2 F005 F041 Palafox, Ben N. Sardine Port 3x3 2 F005-Jazlyne =E250 FSC115B Palmer, Montague Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F041 F042 Thomas, Loe Prawn Port 3x3 2 F005-Jazlyne F043 Wagner, Chris Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F005-Jazlyne FSC054B Childs, Evan Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F043 FSC092C Adams, Randolph Staff Family 2x2 31A FSC054B-Gen F006 BUTTON, KIM TREVALLY PORT 3X3 2 F044 Paul, Alberta Student Accom (Unit) 2x2 1 F006 FSC034K Gibson, Keith Staff Family 2x2 2 F044 FSC061A Johnson, Ken Staff Family 3x3 42? FSC034K-Lou F045 Burke, Emanuel French Bistro 3x3 2 F006 FSC043 Swan, Radley Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 F045 FSC093 Knight, Chad Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 FSC043 FSC110 Muscat, Josh Y. Family Restaurant 3x3 2 FM007-Lona F046 Garner, Reynold Snapper Port 3x3 2 F006 F047 Thomas, David Fisherman's Home 3x3 42K F006 FSC033E Suns, Bo Staff Family 3x3 42? F047 F050 Carter, Brad Slatefish Port 3x3 2 F006-Kathy F051 Byrne, Drew Tuna Port 3x3 2 F006-Kathy FSC060A Loveday, Bob Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F051 FSC115C Valencia, Reed Fisherman's Home 2x2 3 F051 F007 CARTER, NAT A. SHRIMP PORT 3X3 2 FSC019 Dixon, Goemon Bait Shop 2x2 2 F007 F052 Harris, Apollo Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F007 F053 James, Liv Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 F007 F054 Harrison, Donald Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F007 FSC066 Cornell, Arty Fish Market 5x5 2 F054-Olive FSC075 Cage, Smedley Bait Shop 2x2 2 FSC075 F055 George, Brad Fish Market 5x5 2 F007-Katia F056 Garden, Hewitt Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F007-Katia F057 Ward, Brandon Sea Urchin Port 3x3 2 F007-Katia F008 BURGER, REYNOLD FISHING COOP 2X2 2 F058 Barner, Lise Studio Apartment 2x2 1 F008 FSC034J Hunter, Jory Staff Family 2x2 42? F058 F059 Carson, Ervin Staff Family 3x3 42? F008 F060 Jones, Haru Bonito Port 3x3 2 F008 F061 Abraham, Goro Shrimp Port 3x3 2 F008-Iyo F062 Tiger, Bowen Snapper Port 3x3 2 F008-Iyo F063 Olsen, Gregory Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F008-Iyo F009 RUSSEL, KENNAN FISHERMAN'S HOME 2X2 3 FSC002A Alford, Lincoln Local Hospital 4x4 4 F009 FSC002B Valencia, Kentaro Police Station 2x2 2 FSC002A-Helai FSC003 Shade, Yitro Convenience Store 3x3 2 FSC002A-Helai (CxL-ESC323) FSC013 Crawford, Kesin Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 FSC003 FSC017A Ebert, Raphael Journalist's Home 3x3 3 FSC003 FSC020 Baker, Harvey Butcher Shop 2x2 2 FSC003-Iris FSC028 Mcmahon, Kiah Seafood Shop 2x2 2 FSC020 FSC108 Bird, Heaton Butcher Shop 2x2 2 FSC020 FSC111 Kline, Jon Liquor Shop 2x2 2 FSC108 FSC027 Street, Charles Tailor 3x3 2 FSC003-Iris FSC032 Alvarado, Liko Hardware Shop 3x3 2 FSC003-Iris FSC004 Mott, Louis A. Primary School 4x4 4 FSC002A FSC011 Santos, Arthur Playground 3x3 1 FSC004-Renat FSC012 Sanders, Mugen Playground 3x3 1 FSC004-Maria FSC037 Cano, Morty Jr. High School 4x4 4 FSC012 FSC064 Sanders, Brad Primary School 4x4 5 FSC037 FSC113 Last, Lorenzo Playground 3x3 1 FSC064Ri FSC116 Sloan, Arden Jr. High School 4x4 5 FSC064Ke FSC071 Flynn, Lycoris Daycare Center 3x3 4 FSC037-Ca FSC074 Pitt, Monte Playground 3x3 1 FSC037-Me FSC081 Kramer, Lefty Police Station 2x2 2 FSC037-Ma FSC087 Flynn, Lok Playground 3x3 1 FSC037-Ka FSC044 Sailors, Lorant Playground 3x3 1 FSC012 FSC014 Mckay, Lowell Police Station 2x2 2 FSC004 FSC022 Medina, Chris Garbage Dump 4x4 2 FSC014-Loui FSC045 Wagner, Gregory Fodder Factory 4x4 2 FSC045-Art FSC067 Marshall, Ernest Gas Station 3x3 2 FSC045-Art FSC077 Hammer, Randy Processed Foods 4x4 2 FSC067 FSC082 Harris, Umeo Gas Station 3x3 2 FSC045 FSC094 Whitney, JJ China Factory 4x4 2 FSC082 FSC091C Pierce, Jiro Gas Station 3x3 2 FSC094 FSC106 Kline, More Gas Station 3x3 2 FSC091C FSC095 Curtis, Jigen Garbage Dump 4x4 2 FSC094 FSC099 Scott, Montego Rice Mill 4x4 2 FSC094 FSC117 Gilmore. Mugen Garbage Dump 4x4 2 FSC094 FSC084 Miller, Leonard Family Restaurant 3x3 2 FSC045-Art FSC101 Smart, Freddy Hamburger Shop 3x34 2 FSC084 FSC051 Jeffrey, Kevin Police Station 2x2 2 FSC014 FSC059 Cppin, Bradford Gas Station 3x3 2 FSC051 FSC030 Hopkins,Morrigan Playground 3x3 1 FSC004-Mend FSC034 Leonard, Moss Playground 3x3 1 FSC004-Ramo FSC072 Curran, Louis A. Police Station 2x2 1 FSC004-Rena FSC073 Rios, Kern Police Station 2x2 1 FSC004-Ramo FSC006 Foster, Edwardo Playground 3x3 1 FSC002A-Hela FSC008 English, Kent Park 5x5 1 FSC002A-Alic FSC009 Adams, Dylan Spa 3x3 2 FSC002A-Hela FSC033C Polk, Merle Staff Family 2x2 2 FSC009-Elys FSC050 Austin, Vaughan Convenience Store 3x3 2 FSC009 FSC010 Morton, Robin Playground 3x3 1 FSC002A-Alice FSC039 Knox, Rey Police Station 2x2 2 FSC039 FSC015 Arnold, Muzell Local Hospital 4x4 4 FSC002A-Kelt FSC102 Park, Homer Police Station 2x2 2 FSC015-Lori FSC104 Taylor, Liberty Dental Dept. 2x2 2 FSC015-Linc FSC040 Emmons, Gore Handyman Firm (Bldg) 2x2 2 FSC002A FSC054A Flowers, Lindy Security Firm (Bldg) 3x3 2 FSC040 F064 Kane, Ronald Internal Medicine 2x2 4 F009 FSC052 Kline, JJ High School 4x4 4 F064-Arden F065 Zone, Rich Local Hospital 4x4 4 F009 FSC048 Forbes, Donald Jr. High School 4x4 4 F065 F066 Perry, Robert Internal Medicine 2x2 4 F009 F067 Hannon, Bob Dental Dept. 2x2 4 F009 F068 Mort, Lewis Local Hospital 4x4 4 F009 F069 Leary, Read Internal Medicine 2x2 2 F009 FSC069C Dixon, Leroy Staff Family 2x2 42? F069-Randy FSC112B Erickson, Marek Studio Apartment (Unit) 2x2 1 FSC069C F070 ??? F071 Salas, Rollo Lemon Orchard 2x2 2 F009-Leanna F072 Rose, Kelton Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F009-Leanna F073 Stanley, Uriah Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F009-Leanna F074 Lawrence, Brant Shrimp Port 3x3 2 F009-Leanna F075 Steiner, Clark Herring Port 3x3 2 F009-Leanna F076 Sparling, Arthur Scallop Port 3x3 2 F009-Leanna F077 Kline, Reynold Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F009-Leanna FSC029A Barry, Liang Staff Family 2x2 42? F009-Leanna FSC033A Crawford, Andrew Staff Family 2x2 42? FSC029A-Ali FSC058 Grant, Leola Daycare Center 3x3 4 FSC033A FSC033D Kline, Blade Staff Family 3x3 42? FSC029A-Ali FSC065C Witten, Vincent Staff Family 2x2 42? FSC033D-Ca FSC068 Arnold, Zack P. Stationery Store 2x2 2 FSC033D-Ca FSC070B Fraser, Josh Staff Family 2x2 31B FSC033D FSC092A Manuel, Benson Staff Family 2x2 2 FSC033D-Ca FSC070A Galloway, Sean O. Staff Family 3x3 42? FSC029A-Ali F010 LEAF, KENLEY FISHERMAN'S HOME 2X2 3 FSC001 Fraser, Lev Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 F010 FSC020 Malouf, Gerik Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 FSC001-Reina FSC024 Peters, Les Hamburger Shop 3x3 2 F010-Keena FSC036 Timber, Merle Family Restaurant 3x3 2 FSC024 FSC100 Stephens, Kelly Family Restaurant 3x3 2 FSC036-Laure FSC038 Post, Meryle Cake Shop 2x2 2 FSC024-Jania FSC031 Howell, Poppy Mexican Bistro 3x3 2 F010 F011 CLOONEY, MUGEN SLATEFISH PORT 3X3 2 F078 Sugarman, Allie Florist 2x2 2 F012 F079 Fang, Reginald Calligrapher's Home 3x3 31? F012 F080 Brady, Egan Snapper Port 3x3 2 F012 F081 Wall, Reynold Bream Port 3x3 2 F012 F082 Crawford, Reagan Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 F012 F083 Delaney, Lindley Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F012 F084 Hansen, Ben N. Slatefish Port 3x3 2 F012 F085 Kirk, Murray Fish Market 5x5 2 F012 F086 Galvin, Gregg Big Mackerel Port 3x3 2 F012 F087 Leaf, Egil Bonito Port 3x3 2 F012-Marion F013 DODGE, BRANDON SALMON CULTURE 3X3 2 FSC103 Murphy, River Fishing Coop 2x2 2 F013 F088 Palmer, Moon Fisherman's Home 3x3 2 F013 F089 Squire, Tony B. Snapper Port 3x3 2 F013 F090 Morgan, Joe Abalone Culture 3x3 2 F013 F091 Andrews, Mohan Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F013 F092 Booth, Montague Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F013 F093 Hanks, Reece Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 F013 F094 Mackey, Matt O. Oyster Culture 3x3 2 F013 F095 Vincent, Liberty Fisherman's Home 3x3 2 F013 F096 Sherman, Egil Sea Urchin Port 3x3 2 F013 F097 Bloom, Deon Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F013 F098 Tiger, Kelsey Staff Family 2x2 2 F013-Dena FSC112E Butler, Lyndsey Staff Family 2x2 2 F098 F099 Samuels, Scot G. Bonito Port 3x3 2 F013-Dena F100 Larson, Lindley Bait Shop 2x2 2 F013-Dena F014 HAMPTON, ALEX D. TIGER PRAWN CULTURE 3X3 2 F101 Salinas, David W. Home Office 2x2 2 F014 F102 Craig, Hugh J. Daycare Center 3x3 2 F014 F103 Bird, Monroe Fisherman's Home 3x3 2 F014/F016 F104 Craig, Lomato Oyster Culture 3x3 2 F014-Opal F105 Holmes, Robbin Yellowtail Port 3x3 2 F014-Opal F106 Moses, Torao Yellowtail Port 3x3 2 F014-Opal F015 FELDMAN, AUSTIN BONITO CULTURE 3X3 2 F088 Torres, Ringo Fishing Coop 2x2 2 F015 F089 Thomas, Derrick Fisherman's Home 3x3 31A F015 F090 Termini, Morley Fish Market 5x5 2 F015 F091 Ryan, Rianna Daycare Center 3x3 4 F015 F092 Larson, Hayward Tiger Prawn Port 3x3 2 F015-Kyra F093 Joseph, Red Fish Market 5x5 2 F015-Kyra F094 Byrne, Gore Bait Shop 2x2 2 F015-Kyra FSC109 Bishop, Andrew F016 BLOCK, GUY YELLOWTAIL PORT 3X3 2 F103 Bird, Monroe Fisherman's Home 3x3 2 F014/F016 F107 Horton, Scot G. Big Mackerel Port 3x3 2 F016 F018 DOWSON, JOE HERRING PORT 3X3 2 F108 Zucker, Kiah Trevally Port 3x3 2 F018 F109 Elmore, Egan Abalone Culture 3x3 2 F018 F110 Barker, Ringo Sushi Bar 2x2 2 F018-Frances F111 Manning, Kenzo Savory Pancakes 2x2 2 F018-Frances F112 Russo, Lincoln Fisherman's Home 2x2 2 F018-Frances F113 Yim, Drew Fishing Coop 2x2 2 F018-Frances F019 BURNS, BRANDON WHITE BAIT PORT 3X3 2 F014 HAMPTON, ALEX D. TIGER PRAWN CULTURE 3X3 2 F019-Leala F115 Wells, Kenton Bait Shop 2x2 2 F019 F117 Kaplan, Reeves Fisherman's Home 3x3 3 F019 FSC053 Shipley, Pete D. Music Shop 3x3 2 F117 FSC061B Ross, Dirk Taxation Office 2x2 FSC053 FSC069A Decker, Morley Employment Company (Bldg) 3x3 FSC061B FSC069B Roller, Zack P. Architect Companty (Bldg) 2x2 FSC061B-Kele FSC091A Maclean, Reynard Bank (Bldg) 3x3 FSC069B FSC091B Tyler, Mitchell Travel Agency (Bldg) 3x3 FSC091A FSC112A Collins, Joe Insurance Company (Bldg) 3x3 2 FSC091B FSC085A Perez, Reed Building Company (Bldg) 3x3 FSC069B- FSC079 Hansen, Kellsie Toy Shop 3x3 FSC053 F020 ROSS, KC FISH MARKET 5X5 2 F048 Rowland, John F. Seafood Shop 2x2 2 F020-Keir FSC041 Ricci, Vincent Bakery 2x2 2 F048-Katrin FSC046 Arnold, Jiro Bakery 2x2 2 F048 FSC083 Fry, Gerik Supermarket 3x3 2 F048 FSC090 Fang, Torao Fruit & Veg. Shop 2x2 2 F048 FSC110 Shepherd, Momotaro Bakery 2x2 2 F048-Katrin F049 Jackson, Rex Bait Shop (Bldg.) 2x2 2 F020 F010 LEAF, KENLEY FISHERMAN'S HOME 2X2 3 F020 F021 MCCARTHY, MOSS FISHING COOP 2X2 2 F015 FELDMAN, AUSTIN BONITO CULTURE 3X3 2 F116 Dove, Akio Fisherman's Home 2x2 31A F020-Blossom B8. LEVEL 7+ Yes, there is a game beyond Level 6! The game has dozens upon dozens of levels so you can build to your heart's content. As I've noted, beyond Level 6, you start with no new residents, you must build up your town by either having your best friends move in right away, or receiving introductions from those in your Town's Pages. For right now, this guide suffices at Level 6, you basically have multiple contacts for each and every type of building. The only building I've encountered outside of the above was the Ramen Shop, which I encountered in Level 8. I am not aware of any other buildings, if you are aware, please e-mail me. CCCCC C C C SECTION C - END MATTER C C CCCCC =================== = C1. Thank Yous! = =================== - I would like to thank Natsume and Indi Software for giving this series not one but TWO chances to make it here in the US. There are so many wonderful Japanese games that never see the light of day here. - I would like to thank CJayC for pioneering GameFAQS and providing a community to discuss wonderful city-building games, and a staple of growing up as a gamer in the 90s and 2000s. - I would like to thank CBS Interactive for its continued support of the GameFAQs site. - This guide would not have been possible without the hard work of Dark Laduke / Venom Vampire for posting their FAQ over a decade ago. It has helped provide not only continued interest in the game, but also helped me figure out what sections to expand. Thank you both! - Thank YOU! for reading this and providing the motivation to write this out. It was a very big undertaking for me over a few years when I had time! - Could your tip be here next? Contribute a tidbit to this guide by e-mailing me with any new comments, suggestions, or politely-worded tips, on the game or the guide itself. You will be credited here. ==================== = C2. What's Next? = ==================== Obviously, with thousands upon thousands of residents to meet and greet, this guide will likely never be totally finished; especially considering that there are DOZENS of levels. My main intention with this guide is to provide a means to meet at least one of every building, and time will tell how many extra buildings may lay beyond the post-"canon game" levels. Nonetheless, here's where I'm going from here: - The majority of future updates will be expanding the table outwards, with a dream goal of linking every contact. Realistically though, updates here will be sporadic. - There are missing links in the chain. Look, stuff happens, files get shafted around, copies are made, etc. I will fill them as I play through the game some more. - In the current tables, I list whether families of 4 contain 2 Kids (42K), or 2 Teens (42T). The list is incomplete. You'll find this important, as you may want to cluster elementary school families in one area, and Jr. high/High school families in another. For what it's worth, the game separates them in the Town's Pages.This is just a matter of taking the time to review each and every family. If you know of any extra buildings, please e-mail me, and you'll get bonus points if you tell me the connection chain. Other readers will thank you for your hard work, as will I! You'll get full credit too! BY THE WAY, since the introduction dynamic of Metropolismania 2 has changed some, it's pretty much impossible to write an Introductions FAQ. This is because "Famous Mode" (the time between 100-120% where your phone gets blown up with "May I move in?" calls) was eliminated, and now, when the town is doing OK, "Introduce me!" contacts will automatically invite themselves in, so you may get 2-6 new people a day, in addition to the typical "Introduce me!" chain. I could try writing on just that basis, but they may get introduced already via the new e-mail system before I can pin every connection, and you can forget it in the later levels. So, rather than short bursts of many residents, you'll get some new ones every day at a more leisurely pace. As such, I won't be undertaking such a guide for the sequel, sorry. The flip side is, your cool buildings will get to you faster with less work! ================================= = E4. Copyright and Bla bla bla = ================================= The contents of this guide are copyrighted 2014-2015 by author CityBuilderAK47 (Aaron Richard). It is currently only authorized to be distributed at in addition to http://www. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.