_______________________________ / \ | | | ONI | | FAQ\WALKTHROUGH | | | | _______ | | | | | | | | | | |_______| | | | | | | | | | \_______________________________/ -Game: Oni -System: PlayStation 2 -Author: Locke130 -Author's E-mail: Locke130 (at) yahoo (dot) com -Version: 2.1 -Date: 10/2/2007 THIS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT 2007 LOCKE130, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ____________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________ -I: Intro [ONIINT] -II: Legal Info [ONILGL] -III: Credits [ONICRD] -IV: Contact Info and Contact Rules [ONICON] -V: Previous Versions [ONIPRV] -VI: How To Read Walkthrough [ONIRED] -VII: PC/PS2 Differences [ONIDIF] -VIII: Training [ONITRN] -IX: Walkthrough [ONIWLK] -Chapter 1: Trial Run [CP1WLK] -Save Point 1 [CP1SP1] -Save Point 2 [CP1SP2] -Save Point 3 [CP1SP3] -Save Point 4 [CP1SP4] -Chapter 2: Engines of Evil [CP2WLK] -Save Point 1 [CP2SP1] -Save Point 2 [CP2SP2] -Save Point 3 [CP2SP3] -Save Point 4 [CP2SP4] -Chapter 3: Puzzle Pieces [CP3WLK] -Save Point 1 [CP3SP1] -Save Point 2 [CP3SP2] -Save Point 3 [CP3SP3] -Chapter 4: Tiger by the Tail [CP4WLK] -Save Point 1 [CP4SP1] -Save Point 2 [CP4SP2] -Save Point 3 [CP4SP3] -Chapter 5: Hot Pursuit [CP5WLK] -Save Point 1 [CP5SP1] -Save Point 2 [CP5SP2] -Save Point 3 [CP5SP3] -Save Point 4 [CP5SP4] -Save Point 5 [CP5SP5] -X: Attacks/Diary [ONIATT] -XI: Weapons/Items [ONIWPN] -XII: FAQ [ONIFAQ] -XIII: Codes/Cheats [ONICDS] -XIV: Future Versions [ONIFTR] -XV: Closure [ONICLS] ____________________________________________________________________________ I: INTRODUCTION [ONIINT] ____________________________________________________________________________ Bungie. Anyone with an Xbox knows who these giants are: the makers of Halo. But they just so happened to make quite a few games before Microsoft hired them. Oni happens to be one of them and quite a good one to boot. It was my first PS2 game and probably the one I've put the most time into (besides FFX and God of War). After playing through this several times and seeing the lack of guides for the game, I decided to write my own, which you are now reading. Needless to say, this walkthrough contains SPOILERS, so if you have yet to beat the game or a particular mission, don't say I didn't warn you if you get spoiled. New to this walkthrough are the tooltips! Just find the section you want to go to in the table of contents and look for the six letter code to the right of it. Press CTRL + F and type that six letter code into the box then click search to be brought to that section of the guide. Easy, no? ____________________________________________________________________________ II: LEGAL INFO [ONILGL] ____________________________________________________________________________ This FAQ copyright 2007 by Locke130, all rights reserved. Oni copyright their respective companies, all rights reserved. You may not take any info in this FAQ, in whole or in part, and use it for your own FAQ. You may not post this FAQ on your website unless I give you permission to do so, nor link directly to this FAQ unless it's on your website. You may not alter this FAQ at any time, sell this FAQ in any way or put it in a magazine/book. You may distribute this FAQ freely as long as it's not altered in any way, sold or printed in a book/magazine. This may not be used in any type of promotional advertisement, such as free giveaways, contests and/or sold with the game. You may not make any money from this FAQ, such as selling this FAQ, giving this away with the game or placing it on a website and restricting viewers to see it unless they pay money or register. I am in no way affiliated with any companies that made this game. --TRANSLATED INTO PLAIN ENGLISH: You can't take anything out of the FAQ, even the smallest detail, and use it for your FAQ. You can't put this FAQ on your website unless I say you an and you can't link to the TXT file unless it's on your site. You can't change anything in this FAQ, sell it, or put it in a magazine/book. You can hand it out to your friends as long as you don't sell it, alter it or print it in a magazine/book. You can't use this to get your company more money, like giving it away for free to attact customers, giving it away in a contest or sold with the game itself. You can't make money from this FAQ by selling it, selling this with the game or putting it on a website where you have to pay to see it. I didn't make Oni or even help. Now that you've seen it in 2 styles of English, you should know what's legal and what isn't. ____________________________________________________________________________ III: CREDITS [ONICRD] ____________________________________________________________________________ Usually, this is one of the last sections but I think I should give credit to those who helped with the FAQ before the FAQ. Anyway, here it goes: -Thanks to: *Bungie for a great, although not well known, game. *Gamestop for putting up with me while I got this game. *Gamefaqs for giving me the inspiration to write a FAQ, and posting my other FAQs. *The instruction manual for giving me info on moves and weapons. *Neo Kikiorie and JaZoNkRoLl for the cheats. (along with a billion others) *David Littlejohn and PS2N64Gamer007 for their information on training. -Websites that can use my faq: *http://www.gamefaqs.com *http://www.cheatcc.com *http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~jaguar23/public_html/index.html *http://www.cheaterskrypt.com/ *http://faqs.ign.com/ That's it at the moment so if you see a direct link to this anywhere else, contact me ASAP. If I gave you permission and you're not on this list, please send me an e-mail, thanks. ____________________________________________________________________________ IV: CONTACT INFO AND CONTACT RULES [ONICON] ____________________________________________________________________________ -My e-mail address: Locke130 (at) yahoo (dot) com -TYPES OF E-MAIL I WILL NOT ACCEPT: *Job offers *E-mails covering topics already in the guide *E-mails with excessive bad spelling/grammer or language *Argumentitive letters about the game's material *Advertisements *Plagerized work -TYPES OF E-MAIL I WILL ACCEPT: *Questions/Comments/Suggestions *CONSTRUCTIVE Criticizm (you must give a reason why something isn't good, you can't just bash on it) *Contributions -OTHER RULES: *Do NOT spam me or anyone else on the credits list. *If you have a contribution, please put "Oni FAQ" somewhere in the subject (since I have multiple FAQs) *If you use this FAQ on your site, it is YOUR responsibility to get the latest version (which can be found at GameFAQs). If you don't, then I'll revoke your right to use the walkthrough. *Feel free to IM me on Yahoo Instant messenger, but don't be rude or demanding. ____________________________________________________________________________ V: PREVIOUS VERSIONS [ONIPRV] ____________________________________________________________________________ -Version 2.1 (October 2, 2007): Wow, three years...where has the time gone? Being a game addict and working full time doesn't help either. No new content yet, but I did do some reformating. Added some tooltips, etc. Next update will hopefully cover a lot more of the game. Halo 3 is out! -Version 2.0 (April 14, 2004): Sorry it took so long. Added a few sites to the list and a bunch of codes for the game. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me. Also added a walkthrough for missions 3-5. -Version 1.1 (August 13, 2002): Added a site that can host this walkthrough and some moves/entries to the attacks/diary section. I'm devising stratigies for the boss fight on mission 3 and they'll be up in the next update. -Version 1.0 (August 10, 2002): Created this FAQ/Walkthrough and completed a lot of sections. It's still not complete yet but I'm working on it. ____________________________________________________________________________ VI: HOW TO READ WALKTHROUGH [ONIRED] ____________________________________________________________________________ Here is my basic walkthrough setup for this game explained: _________________________________________________________ Chapter 01. Trial Run Syndicate Warehouse <-- Name of the mission _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 <-- The walkthrough divided by save points __________________________________________ -Objectives: <-- The objectives for this part 1. Objective 1 2. Objective 2 --OBJECTIVE 1 <-- What I do so you will notice which objective you are having trouble so you can learn about THAT OBJECTIVE. (Walkthrough and additional objectives follow) And that's my setup. Hope it's easy to read. THE CONTROLS: -L1: Jump -L2: If you're standing still, you crouch. Move d-pad/left analog stick while holding this button to sneak around. If you jump, you'll do a flip. If you run, you'll roll on the ground. If you dash, you'll slide. -L3 (press down the left analog stick until you hear a click): Hold to walk -R1: Punch -R2: Kick -R3 (press down the right analog stick until you hear a click): Pickup item, take out gun, put away gun. -D-Pad/Left Analog Stick: Move around -Right Analog Stick: Change camera angle -Select: Brings up a menu. Objective tells you the current objective, items tell you in detail about the items you've collected, weapons tells you about the different types of weapons, diary tells you about Konoko's feelings and teaches you new moves and help tells you what everything is and the controls. This is the only button you need to remember. -Start: Pause the game -[] (square): Reload Weapon -/\ (triangle): Drop Weapon -O (circle): Use hypo (which restores your health) -X (cross): Action button (confirms selections, opens doors, etc.), Taunt the enemy It will be better explained in the training, which just happens to be the first thing I'm helping you with! ____________________________________________________________________________ VII: PC & PS2 DIFFERENCES [ONIDIF] ____________________________________________________________________________ After many times of being asked this question, I decided to make this section. I happened to obtain a copy of the PC version, which came bundled with a copy of Tomb Raider. For $10, that ain't bad. But this will show you the differences. -On the PC, you cannot use codes until you either beat the game or hack a system file. On the PS2, as long as you know the codes, you can use them. -On the PC, you cannot change the controls without editing a file. On the PS2, you can change them, but not to what you want. -On the PC, there was an extra code which allowed you to take pictures, record movies and do other developers stuff. -There are no loading times on the PC, therefore, the loading screens on the PS2 aren't on the PC version. -Each use the stereotypical fps controls, however, the PC's controls are easier to learn. -Rockstar was the PS2 publisher, and Godgames was the PC publisher. -You can skip the intro on the PC version. ____________________________________________________________________________ VIII: TRAINING [ONITRN] ____________________________________________________________________________ When you start a new game, you'll have to go through training. This can be great for newbies but can get old if you have to do it again. Anyway, here's a walkthrough for the training. __________________________________________ BASIC MOVEMENT TRAINING __________________________________________ After Shinatama finishes talking, she'll tell you to change your orientation. Do this by moving around the right analog stick on your controller. After a second of doing this, it will tell you to walk around. What I like to do is keep the left analog stick straight and move the right one. This moves Konoko around and changes your POV so it basically follows you. After a while it will tell you to go to the control console where the yellow circle is. Then, press x and activate the console. Shinatama talks to you again and tells you to dash around the room. Now, after that, she'll tell you to dash on the track circling around the room. Hit every arrow (it doesn't matter if you go slow but it's better if you go fast). After you're done, it will tell you to go to the console you passed. Go there (it has a yellow circle under it) and activate the console. Then, run to the door and open it with x. __________________________________________ JUMP TRAINING __________________________________________ When you get in the room, wait for Shinatama to finish talking and press L1 to jump. Then, run around and jump. It will tell you to jump up, but don't just yet. See the boxes going around the track? Jump on them and up on the huge one. Grab the ballistic ammo and then jump up to the next training sequence. __________________________________________ ADVANCED MOVEMENT TRAINING __________________________________________ After you bound up into this room, it will give you instructions. Crouch down for a couple of seconds then look around. See the crates? Jump on them and crouch down to look through the window. Watch this person for a while. You can either crouch and watch this person beat up the drones or move around, jumping off the boxes until this person loses. Either way, wait until training resumes. Creep around by holding L2 when you walk. Then, run forward and press L2 to roll and after that press back and L2 at the same time to cartwheel. Once that's done, dash and press L2 to slide on the ground. Shinatama will activate lasers which you have to slide under. Either slide or roll under (whichever one you can do) and then wait for her to finish talking. She'll teach you fliping, so do a couple. The energy field blocking the opening will dissapear and Shinatama will tell you to jump flip to the next area. If you want to try, dash towards it, then hold L1 and press L2 without letting go of L1. If not, jump up on the crates then up into the room. __________________________________________ CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT TRAINING __________________________________________ Now's the fun stuff. Do a couple of punches with R1 and a couple of kicks with R2. Shortly after, tap R1 fast enough to do two punches in a row. Then press R1-R1-R2 rapidly. Then fool around for a second. When you're ready, enter the door and start the fun part. Approach the robot and start beating the crap out of it. It's just practice so don't worry about messing up. Beat him up as much as you want, then go into the next room. This new room is the same as the other except now Shinatama teaches you how to throw your opponent. Go up as close as you can, then press up + R1/R2 at the same time. Press R1 will result in a different throw then pressing R2. Also, try throwing from the back. Practice then enter the next door. Now the robot will attack you. Stand right in front of him, facing him and don't attack to block the attacks. Try and beat this robot up, then move on to the final training room. Go over to the inside of the table and face the weapon. Press R3 (press down on the right analog stick until a click is heard) and you'll pick it up. You can press R3 to put it away and take it out, but for now, let's leave it out. You can press select to read info about the gun if you want. Once you have the gun out, aim at the circles in the glass pillar type things with the right analog stick and press R1 to fire. Destory as many as you can with the ammo you have. You'll know when you're out of ammo because your aiming line will dissapear and there will be no more red dots in the slots in the circle in the bottom-left corner. Go over to the table and grab the ammo that is where the gun used to be (R3). Once you have them in your inventory, either fire your gun again to reload or press the square button. Finish destroying the circles with your new gun, ammo and shooting skills. HINT: If you are really lazy, you can run up to the pillars and shoot them from point-blank range. Try to shoot them from far away if you can. Once you have finished, Shinatama will give you praise for destroying them. After that, she'll announce you'll be shooting moving targets. You'll need a more powerful gun for this so go over to the table to the right of the computer and grab the gun (R3). You'll drop your other weapon. Don't try to pick it up. You can only hold one weapon at a time and you'll drop your current one if you try and grab it. See the training drones near the pillars you were just firing at? You need to shoot those and kill them. Try and do it from a good distance (not every enemy will allow you to shoot them at close range). HINT: All you lazy people out there (or bored people who've beaten the game already), you can easily beat this activity. Stand in the path of the drone, facing him so that he's either coming towards you or walking away from you and just fire. You won't ever miss (unless you're really bad at this game). It takes around 3 shots to disable a drone. After the first is gone, Shinatama will activate a second drone. Shoot that one (the hint works for this one too) three times and Shinatama will come back on. This time, she's congratulating you. You've completed Oni training! Good job! After you beat the training, you'll see a message that says "training program Beta 6 complete. Rating ___". Once Shinatama stops talking, go over to the console and activate it (X) to finish Oni training and start your first mission. Congrats! **************************************************************************** David Littlejohn says: I got a training score of 100 on Medium difficulty. I missed the glass targets twice but I didn't miss the robots. **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** PS2N64Gamer007 expains how to get a perfect score: BASIC MOVEMENT: You have to dash full speed the whole time you are on the tracks with the arrows and not miss one. Do everything Shinitama says. JUMP TRAINING: Do everything Shinitama says, like always, when she says it. Jump onto the highest platform and get the Ballistic ammo clip (red). ADVANCED MOVEMENT: Do everything Shinitama says, when she says it. Never touch the laser sensors. Jump-flip into the next training room on the first time. CLOSE-QUARTER COMBAT: Do everything Shinitama says, when she says it. Get the punch-punch and punch-punch-kick combos the first time. SPARRING WITH ROBOT: Don't get hit once and beat the enemy before Shinitama says something about the Final Flash. THROWING WITH ROBOT: Throw the robot all 4 ways (2 front, 2 behind). BLOCKING WITH ROBOT: Block every punch and kick the robot gives you. Don't get hit at all. WEAPONRY: Hit every circle target with using just one bullet from the pistol. Hit the robots 100% of the time with plasma rifle. **************************************************************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ IX: WALKTHROUGH [ONIWLK] ____________________________________________________________________________ Once you've completed the training, you'll automatically get teleported to the first mission. If you want to skip the training, go to load game and select the mission you want to load (most people will only be able to load the first mission). **************************************************************************** PS2N64Gamer007 says: There are no added levels for harder difficulties. The enemies are only smarter and more powerful. **************************************************************************** _________________________________________________________ Chapter 01. Trial Run Syndicate Warehouse [CP1WLK] _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 [CP1SP1] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Entry 2. Contact Chung --OBJECTIVE 1: ENTRY-- *OBJECTIVE: --- As soon as the game stops loading, you'll see a short movie with Shinatama, Commander Griffin and Dr. Kerr are talking about Konoko. After that, Shinatama opens a window that explains your health meter. Read up and then press X to exit out of it. The bottom-right hand circle has notches around it with none of them filled in. This is how many hypos you have left. Use them when you need health. Next, put away your gun (this is optional but with all the time I've played Oni, the only time I used my gun was when I needed to shoot someone from far away. Also, I don't know if this is true, but it seems that punches do more than gunshots). There are two ways to get to where you need. One is to jump-flip off the ledge to the right of you and the other is to go down the stairs through the door in front of you. Its a little more stealthy if you walk down the stairs and gives you a bit of an advantage so I'll use that way for this walkthrough. If you walk near the edge though, the guy will see you and run up the stairs after you. Either way, use your combat skills to beat him up (in this game, it doesn't matter what you use to beat the enemy as long as you win, sort of like a fighting game). When you see the big, red flash of light and the "ugh!" sound, you've defeated him. Continue until you're on the bottom floor. Look around. You should find 2 consoles (one with a whole lot of green and another with a picture of a diamond). The one with the green has information on it and when activated lets you read some of their information. It is optional and none of these types of consoles are required to beat the game (some of them are funny though). The other will unlock doors with that symbol on it. Activate it and you'll hear a sound, along with seeing the console go blank. I recall seeing a door with that symbol on it near the stairs...maybe we should go check. Once you find it over there (its on the corner of the right wall when you exit the stairs coming from the top floor), open and go through the door. You'll shortly recieve a transmission from Shinatama about compass data. This will mark the end of the objective. --OBJECTIVE 2: CONTACT CHUNG-- *OBJECTIVE: You must make contact with TCTF operative Chung who has been investigating this warehouse for Syndicate activity. The arrow in the left circle at the bottom tells you the floor the objective goal is on and the yellow bar tells you the direction you need to go to get to the objective goal. The larger it gets, the closer you are to the spot where it is. Basically, if you're lost, use the objective compass to find your way. In this case the compass is pointing east. However, there is a wall there and Konoko isn't about to change into a being that goes through walls. I bet your saying "Hey! You just said it points the way to the objective goal! Are you crazy?" and the answer is "it doesn't point to the PATH you have to take to get to it, it points to the exact place where the objective is completed. You'll have to find an alternate path that points you to it." In this case, you'll notice there is an arrow pointing up, so look for some stairs that we could take to get to the floor of the objective. Then we'd be half done! Look in front of you. There are two doors. One has a symbol on it and is locked, the other has nothing on it. Doors that look like this usually lead you to a stairway or a big room. Lets find out if it leads us to one....it does! Run up the stairs until the arrow dissapears. I bet you're now saying "whoa, there are still stairs that go up! What gives?" The answer to this is "Oni has massive levels in which some areas aren't required to go to. These areas may have items in them or info that you may want to read. Just explore a bit before you beat the mission." In this case, there is an enemy that might just show up later to kill you. Take him out now before he gets any ideas. Once you're done, got back down to the level where the arrow is gone (2nd floor). Follow the compass and go through the door into the room to see that the compass is pointing to a console with another shape on it. Activate it and you'll be able to enter these types of doors (yeah!). You'll see them unlock the doors with this symbol. One of them looks really familiar...I remember! Walk out the door and to the left of the stairs where you came in is a door with this symbol on it. Somehow, a guy has appeared here. Take care of him and enter the door. You should see a little message appear at the bottom of your screen. Always remember this as it will aid you later (when you'll rely on enemies to drop hypos to give you life). Here, there are two doors and an enemy. The door with a symbol is locked and you should know what to do with the enemy. Be careful with this one because he's got a machine gun. However, when you are done, you can pick it up and use it (its better than the one you have right now). If it doesn't have much ammo, don't pick it up and continue using the one you have right now. Go through the only unlocked door you saw when you entered the room and go down the stairs. The staircase ends when you get to the door you need, making it easier to get where you need. There are 5 doors here. One is locked with a picture on it. Another is an unlocked door with a picture on it that leads back to the beggining of the level. The other three are in a row. The middle is the staircase you came in and the right one has nothing in it that could aid you (unless you're trying to hide from someone). The door you should go in is the one on the left of the staircase (when you're looking directly at the 3 doors). Inside is an enemy. Either beat him to a pulp or shoot him with your new gun. Either way, make sure he's not getting up anytime soon. Pick up the hypo he drops and activate the console in this room (the compass is pointing towards it). While you're doing this, Shinatama will tell you about hypos. Make sure you pay attention to what she says because it will come in handy later when you're fighting a tough boss. When shes finished, leave and exit through the newly unlocked door to your right. As you look around, you should see there is no door on the wall directly in front of you. See the red containers to the right of you? Turn right as soon as you pass the last one and check the wall there. There is a door there and it has a clip of ammo. Take it and head back out to the room you just came from. Head back up the stairs (the middle door on your left) and enter the door that was locked the last time you were there. When you get in the room, you'll see 2 doors and a fallen man. Go to the door closest to the right while avioding the dead man and his device. After you get there, turn around. You'll see another door, which leads to a staircase you should go up. It isn't required but it helps. Go through the only door on that floor once you get done climbing the stairs. Kill the soldier in here and grab the hypo he drops. Now, climb back down the stairs and try to get close to the dead man. As soon as you do, Konoko will recognize him as Chung and she'll call Commander Griffin. Go over to the thing Chung was holding (the thing with the yellow arrows around it) and pick it up. Konoko will read it. Its Chung's last message. Once you're done reading it, a soldier will barge through the door. Defeat him and pick up the hypo spray. Walk through the door to complete the objective and the save point. __________________________________________ Save Point #2 [CP1SP2] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find the Warehouse Manager --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND THE WAREHOUSE MANAGER-- *OBJECTIVE: Chung is dead. Griffin has ordered you to keep investigating. Try to find the warehouse manager and get some answers. Technically, this objective was given to you BEFORE save point #2 but since you can't complete it until you go through the door to get to save point #2, I'm putting it in save point #2. After the game saves itself, you'll see a worker who doesn't realize what's going on or who's there. However, there is another guard who is hidden when you come in. He's behind the machinery in the upper-left hand corner. Take out your gun and shoot the first guard and when he charges at you, put it away and launch a relentless assault on him. While you're doing this, watch out for the second guard. Just find a way that works for you and stick with it. I usually just jump and attack, then attack them on the ground but that might not work for everyone. If the other gets up, throw him. You're probably low on health after this fight so bust out one of those hypos you just earned in the last save point (circle button). JUST FOR FUN: If you adjust your camera angle (right analog stick) so you're looking up, you can see some windows. If you move around, you can see the sky and some buildings. From the door you came in, take a right when the wall breaks. Under the red light is a door which leads to a set of stairs. You should know what to do by now. When you get up there, you'll see a door to your left, a path straight ahead and a fence to your right. JUST FOR FUN: Go up to the fence. You can just barely see past it. This area is where you net to get to later in the save point. Enter the door which you saw upon entering the room. There is a worker here. Just to be on the safe side, take him out. When you are finished, leave the room. Walk down the pathway ahead. Be careful as a soldier is patroling the guards. Remember, if your health gets low or you want a boost of power, use a hypo. Around where you saw the guard, there is a door. Go in and defeat the guard in here (you'll know its the room if the walls are deep red). Pick up the hypo he dropped. There is a green console in the upper-right hand corner if you want. If not, continue your journey down the enclosed pathway. At the end of the hall, there are 2 doors. I bet you're thinking "which one to open?". That's the glorious thing about Oni. You can explore the huge levels and get items sometimes, but since you're reading this walkthrough, I have to assume you don't want to explore. Go in the door to your left and take out the guard there. When you're done, go in the other door. This door is a portal to a stairway which you should go down. There just happens to be a soldier after the second set of stairs so show them that TCTF is stronger than their army. Pick up the hypo and go through the door. In the next room, there is a soldier walking around. To make matters worse, he's guarding the hub you need to access. Take out some anger on this under-paid weakling and activate the console. Make sure to grab the hypo this guard drops and resume the search for the warehouse manager through the door in the indentation of the wall. This will complete the save point, but not the objective. __________________________________________ Save Point #3 [CP1SP3] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find the Warehouse Manager (cont.) 2. Find the Truck --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND THE WAREHOUSE MANAGER (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: Chung is dead. Griffin has ordered you to keep investigating. Try to find the warehouse manager and get some answers. Whoa, the save point ended before the objective did! When you walk out past the right wall, a new type of guard appears. Since I have no idea what this guard is really called, I'll call him the wuss. Take in the message at the bottom of the screen as this guy will apply it. Once you start to attack, he'll run off towards the stairs and Shinatama will call you. MAKE SURE THAT YOU KILL HIM BEFORE HE ACTIVATES THE ALARM. If he activates it, guards will station in the next room and will open fire when you come through the door. If he activates the alarm, pause the game and go to Quit Game then load save point #3 on the title screen (don't worry. You weren't very far into it and all your items are intact). The red console in the room the guard was running for activates the alarm so make sure you do not activate it. However, if you face that console and turn around, you'll find another console that unlocks a door. Activate it and go back down to the second floor. Straight ahead is a door, but nothing is in it so go to the door that brought you to save point #3 and turn around. There's the door we activated! Go through it and run past the door to your upper-right. Kill the guard in the area just beyond it and go in the door you past. Run down the stairs and kill the guard that awaits you. Go in the door to the right when you came in (the one with a diamond symbol on it). You'll learn about innocent bystanders and guards who attack them. Kill the guard, then talk to the innocent bystander (make sure you do not attack him, cause if you do, he won't talk to you). After he's done talking, attack him if you want. It's kind of funny. Make sure you pick up the hypo and ballistic ammo the guard was holding. When you're done, run straight towards the door that has a red light to the left of it and turn around. Go through the door thats on the left and up the stairs. Once you get the the third floor, there is another guard beating up another civilian. Kill the guard and talk to the civilian. It's the Warehouse Manager! Since you saved him, he will tell you some info and open the door to another area. You cannot kill him so don't try. Once the doors open, go through it and the objective is completed. --OBJECTIVE 2: FIND THE TRUCK-- *OBJECTIVE: The warehouse manager believes that Syndicate agents are about to leave the facility with an armored truck. Commander Griffin has ordered Shinatama to coordinate your operation with a TCTF assault team. In the meantime, find the truck. After you enter the door, go right and you'll find a guard. Take him out of this world (its easiest to fire your gun at him from a distance). Once he's gone, turn around and head towards what used to be left when you first entered the room. Go through the 100th door you've seen in this level and down the 57th staircase you've seen here (by the way, those aren't accurate numbers. They are alliterations used to show there are a lot of doors and stairs here). Be careful when exiting the staircase. There is very little space between the door to the end of the floor. Make sure you don't fall off. Run right until you get to the wall where a worker is waiting. If you don't know what to do by now, please talk to your local doctor and ask if your brain has stopped. As soon as you beat him, go in the door past the wall and another worker will come out. This one is easy too so take care of this one and run down to the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom, a third guard is waiting. Kill this one too and run straight until you get to the door you see thats far away. Run up the stairs and turn right. Behind the structure on the right wall is...wow...a much needed energy cell (i'm being sarcastic. There are no weapons that use this right now). Run straight and go through the door to your right and up the staircase. Behind the red structure is a hypo. Now, go back down to the first floor and run straight until you see a green light on the upper left wall. Go through the DIFFERENT door under it and you'll complete the save point. __________________________________________ Save Point #4 [CP1SP4] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find the Truck (cont.) 2. Detain the Syndicate --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND THE TRUCK (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: The warehouse manager believes that Syndicate agents are about to leave the facility with an armored truck. Commander Griffin has ordered Shinatama to coordinate your operation with a TCTF assault team. In the meantime, find the truck. No sooner than you enter the door, a guard sees you. Defeat him by any means necessary (you're almost done with the mission!). Watch out for the guard whos shooting you from the second floor. You can aviod him by running behind a brown structure and fighting there. Shinatama will call you while you're fighting and tell you that the Syndicate troops are removing evidence from the warehouse and gives you a time limit to complete the mission. Don't worry. It's more than enough to get the job done. As soon as she's done, objective complete. --OBJECTIVE 2: DETAIN THE SYNDICATE-- *OBJECTIVE: The armored truck here must be the one the warehouse manager mentioned. With the evidence you've uncovered, Commander Griffin has authorized a TCTF team to seize the facility. You must detain the Syndicate and their contraband until the assault team arrives. As soon as you hide from the guard that is shooting at you from the second floor, he might come down to attack you. If he does, kill him. If not, shoot him from the first floor. There is also a guard on the third floor and he might also come down. If not, kill both of them on the floors they are on. Go around the brown structures and into the door under the red light. Go up the stairs and kill the guard up here (if you haven't already. Also note, the guard from the third floor may be here too.) Pick up the ballistic ammo he drops and continue forward. Go through the door to your right at the end and up the stairs. If you haven't already, kill the soldier up here. Run straight and on the wall directly in front of you (if you turn left after exiting the stairs), there is a console. Activate it to complete the objective, the save point and the mission. _________________________________________________________ Chapter 02. Engines of Evil Manufacturing Plant [CP2WLK] _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 [CP2SP1] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Look for Evidence --OBJECTIVE 1: LOOK FOR EVIDENCE-- *OBJECTIVE: Begin your search of Musashi Manufacturing. Look carefully for any evidence of illegal Syndicate activity. Congratulations! You've learned a new move! Check out the diary in the start menu to see how to do it. You've also got a new diary entry which are fun to read. When you gain control, beat up the guards that came rushing through the doors (help the TCTF agent who's fighting two guards). Don't worry about losing health. You've not only got a hypo, you've got some TCTF agents on your side. If you want, you can kill the secretary. Just go northeast of the desk where she'll be standing, looking at you like nothing happened. Show her that no one messes with the TCTF. When you're done, go left (from the desk) and go in the door on the left wall. Take care of the worker or let an agent handle it (if there are any left). Pick up the ballistic ammo he drops and head back the way you came. Near the secretary, there is a door. You'll be able to spot it because its the only door that has a green light next to it. Enter that door. When you get in, there is a door on the left wall, which you should enter. Kill the guard in there, then pick up the hypo he drops. Kill the other guard, then activate the console to the right (if you were just coming in). This will unlock all doors with white stipes on them (which you should already know). Backtrack to the hall where you came in and you'll see a door with a white stripe on it. Go in, kill the guard and take the hypo he drops. Go back to the room that you were just in (the one that leads to the white stripe console). There is a data console in the upper-right hand corner if you like to read those. If not, go through the door with the white stripe next to that console. As soon as you're in, an elite guard comes in and starts to open fire at you. Shortly after, a regular guard runs in and starts attacking you while the elite soldier retreats. Kill the regular guard, then go after the elite. Watch out for its static fist. As soon as its dead, Konoko will call Griffin. When thats over, pick up the hypo the guard dropped and continue through the door in the upper-right hand corner. As you can plainly see, there is only one way to go. As you go this way, you'll see a dreaded alarm console. Leave it be for now and continue down the hall. Open the door and the save point will be over. __________________________________________ Save Point #2 [CP2SP2] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Look for Evidence (cont.) 2. Go to the Manufacturing Wing --OBJECTIVE 1: LOOK FOR EVIDENCE (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: Begin your search of Musashi Manufacturing. Look carefully for any evidence of illegal Syndicate activity. If you go around the structure, you'll see a guard. Kill it and pick up the hypo, but don't leave the room just yet. Circle around the structure until you find an opening. Inside is a console. Activate it and go through the door thats on the wall behind you (facing the console). Go through the door in the upper-right hand corner and then help the scientists in the room on the left. Speak with any living scientists and then activate the console that was to the left of you when you entered. You will then complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE 2: GO TO THE MANUFACTURING WING-- *OBJECTIVE: Make your way to the manufacturing wing. If the Syndicate really is using this facility for assembling illegal technology that's where you'll find some hard evidence. Go back into the room you were in a couple seconds ago. A guard will attack you. Kill it, then, if you like, read the data console next to the only door you haven't gone through yet. If not, go through the only door you haven't gone through yet (the one with a green stripe). Things look familiar? They should. This is the room you started out in. Kill the patroling guard, then go up the stairs to the right of you (if you're just coming out of the room). Be careful with this guard as he's using a new weapon which uses energy cells (the first yet if I may add). You might want to take it for a spin, but leave your current weapon somewhere close because it doesn't use ballistic ammo so you can't reload. Pick up the energy cell the guard drops and run down the catwalk. Go through the door at the end and then the next two doors. If you take an immediate right, then turn right after the giant, red device ends, you'll find a energy cell. This is great if you have the new weapon. After you get that, go through the opening in the wall to the left of the door you came into. There is a soldier patrolling here and he has a new, deadly weapon. This weapon uses ballistic ammo and shoot rockets at you. Along with him, there are two workers in the area. One will come from the door you just exited. Pick up the ammo the guard drops and the hypo the guard drops. As you walk towards where the guard was, another worker will charge at you. Kill him for another hypo. Despite the level layout, there aren't any items laying about besides the ones the enemies dropped so head into the next room. Again, despite this areas layout, there are no items here so go through the door on your left when you are JUST entering (you should see it if you go past the structure in the way). This will lead to a staircase and yet another door. Once through the door, Konoko will receive a call from Griffin. After he's done yapping, go through the door to beat the save point. __________________________________________ Save Point #3 [CP2SP3] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Avoid Defenses and Keep Moving 2. Shut Down the Brain --OBJECTIVE 1: AVOID DEFENSES AND KEEP MOVING-- *OBJECTIVE: Avoid the automatic laser defenses, and keep moving. Musashi Manufacturing wouldn't have set up this much security unless it had something to hide. Go into the room at the end of the short hall and beat up the two soldiers at the bottom of the stairway. Pick up the hypo the gun soldier dropped and go back up the staircase then through the door at the end of the catwalk. Heres where the level gets tough. You have to avoid touching the lasers because they will trip a auto-defense system that will fire at you until you leave the room. The first laser is easy. Just go under it when it's going up. The second one is a little harder, but still easy. Use the same strategy you used for the last one on this. The same applies for the 3rd and 4th only you have to react faster. Go through the door directly in front of you. Don't worry, you'll come back to the door on the right in a second. When you enter this room, take the right path and go down the stairs. Kill the two guards and pick up the hypo the gun soldier drops. Run to the end of the room and activate the console here. It will give you some vital information about the upcoming boss. Anyway, when you are done reading the console's information, turn around and look to the right of you. There should be structures lined up in rows. Count 2, then go into the gap between the 2nd and 3rd. There should be some ballistic ammo here, which you should pick up. Now, go back into the hallway and face the stairs. You should see a wall-like structure behind the structures. Let your curiosity overwhelm you and go behind the stairs and see what is behind that structure. Here, you'll find a console and a great console at that. Activate it to show a cutscene showing the lasers near another console go off. Remember that door we didn't go in? Let's go. Run up the stairs, following the catwalk until you get to the first door on your left, which you should go through. When you get outside again, go in the door to your immediate left. Recoginze the room from the cutscene a few seconds ago? Here is where it can get hard if you don't know whats going on. There are lasers to the left and to the right with one auto-defense system EACH. Now, we have to go past them to get to the console so let's devise a plan to get past them...hmm...what was that move? Ah yes. Pick whichever side you want (the left has a little more room though) and then wait until there is a large gap underneath the lasers. Start dashing and then press L2 to slide under the lasers. Not so bad now was that? Now all there is left to do is activate the console in the middle, but I don't have to tell that to you, right? When the cutscene stops, Shinatama will call you and tell you they found the source of the auto-defense systems and you'll learn a bit about the past. Once that's over with, go back under the lasers and out the door. Now, go back under the lasers to your left and continue until you get back to the room where you encountered your first enemies in save point 3 (the large room). Go down the stairs and you should start to recognize this area from the cutscene that just played when you activated the console. Anyway, there is now an unlocked door just ahead with a orange stripe and two dashes on it. Go through it. In this room, you'll find lots little light, a scientist and some structures that don't matter much anyway. Follow the wall with the door you just came in and activate the console there. You recognize the room that you just unlocked a door in, right? Talk to the scientist to get a hypo, then leave the room. When you re-enter this room, you should notice that there is a guard above you on the catwalk. He will run right past you and into the room where you encountered save point #3. Go up the stairs, then into the room where he just ran into and take him out. From there, head back to the laser room and go into the newly-unlocked door to your right. If you look to your right again, you'll notice a dead scientist and a console. If you want to truly learn as much as possible about Oni, activate it and read the data there. If you just want to beat it, go to your left and follow that path. You'll see two guards, one is a regular guard and the other (which is kind of hard to see) is at the console. Take out the guard in black because he's stronger than the other guard and knows a move called "Striker Slam", which does a lot of damage. Once they're both unable to attack, pick up the hypo the elite guard dropped and activate the console in the upper-right hand corner (when looking straight forward from the door's entrance). This will unlock another door, but the location is much more hidden. Exit this room, then go past the lasers to your right and into the room at the end of the hall (straight forward). Turn left and enter the room you find there. You'll see a guard bullying a scientist. Take out the guard and talk to the scientist. He will start yelling and then give you some hypos, then he will run off screaming. JUST FOR FUN: Notice how Konoko tells the scientist to "get out of here". You can make her go against her word and kill the scientist as he's on the run. However, make sure that you do this AFTER he gives you the hypos (you'll need them). Anyway, after he runs off, you'll complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE 2: SHUT DOWN THE BRAIN-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate have activated this facility's Deadly Brain! Despite the considerable hazards involved, you must shut it down. Who knows what damage that thing could cause if it gains access to an external information node! From where you talked to the scientist, head forward until you notice an opening in the left wall. Go through it and go all the way down the stairs and through the door down there. Shinatama will contact you, then you'll see the brain say something but its too fast for me to read. When you move, you'll complete the save point. __________________________________________ Save Point #4 [CP2SP4] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Shut Down the Brain (cont.) --OBJECTIVE 1: SHUT DOWN THE BRAIN (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate have activated this facility's Deadly Brain! Despite the considerable hazards involved, you must shut it down. Who knows what damage that thing could cause if it gains access to an external information node! WARNING: If you touch ANY laser during this boss fight, the boss will unload at you with machine guns and a homing missile which will take health away if you are even near it. Whatever you do, do NOT touch a laser beam unless you have tons of health or many hypos. To counter this attack, activate all the consoles and the attack will stop, sending the missile away. There is a console in the room you just entered, so activate it for more info or just watch the door to the right. As soon as you see the laser pass, run up to the small, out-of-place wall straight ahead. You'll find a console in it if you're in the right place. Activate it, then wait for the laser and run to the right, jumping over the bottom one if you need to. Activate the console here and repeat until another cutscene starts. You'll recieve more news from Shinatama and the brain will say something else that is too fast to understand (the subtitles). The laser system will change, but its much easier than before. Since you're right in front of a console, you should activate it to save time. Wait until the double lasers rush past you, then run behind them until you reach the next console. Activate this one and continue until you yet another cutscene loads. Shinatama says the brain has gone crazy and demands feet. The brain will again say something else, but its still too fast to read (I saw something about it complaining about not having feet). Activate the control console in front of you then DASH to the right after the laser passes the console. Activate this console, then continue this pattern until the last cutscene plays, where you'll see the brain shut down and you'll hear a strange conversation between Griffyn and Kerr, completing the mission. _________________________________________________________ Chapter 03. Puzzle Pieces Bio-Research Lab [CP3WLK] _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 [CP3SP1] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Defeat Barabas --OBJECTIVE 1: DEFEAT BARABAS-- *OBJECTIVE: It's the Syndicate enforcer Barabas! You must defeat him to gain access to the Research Facility. TCTF reports indicate that Barabas is inhumanly strong and tough. Watch him carefully. Eyewitnesses report he can regererate damage to his body! After an interesting introduction to the third mission, Barabas will challenge you to a match, bringing you to your second boss match. However, he's quite slow and if you do fast attacks, like the Sledgehammer Heel and Triple Haymaker, you should be able to connect quite easily. I cannot walk you through it, but I can give you some tips to make Barabas easier. BOSS TIPS: *When you see Barabas's gun light up, he will shoot you in a couple seconds. While he's charging up, he won't attack you. Use this opportunity to deliver a crushing blow! *Try not to use your gun in this fight. Since Barabas is inhumanly strong, it will cause little damage and your fists will do more. *Look around the stage. You'll find dead TCTF operatives and they're usually accompanied by an item. Most of the time the items can REALLY help you out, since hypos cure you (and if you're at full health, they power you up). *Sometimes, Barabas will use a move called "Stronger and Stronger", which restores health. First off, the color of the energy represents his current health. The darker the color, the weaker he is. Secondly, he won't attack you while doing this move unless you're a few feet away. Use a projectile or gun to counter this move. *See that big gun Barabas is using? Its called the Wave Motion Cannon. Its immensly powerful and, fourtunately, can be used by Konoko. Just knock Barabas down and he will drop it, allowing you to pick it up. Its perfect for when he's using "Stronger and Stronger" because he will take tons of damage and won't bother attacking you. Unlike most guns, this gun has 2 functions: R1 fires a laser beam and R2 fires grenades. Watch out because, like real guns, they both run out of ammo sooner or later PLUS this gun makes Konoko extremely slow. *The easiest way to win this match is by knocking the Wave Motion Cannon out of Barabas's hands, then attacking him until he's a distance away. After that, you should then shoot him with the grenade launcher until he falls over, then attack him on the ground with the grenades (you might have to aim lower). Repeat until you're out of ammo or you beat Barabas. *Watch out for his "Earthquake Hit". It sends out a shock wave and does a lot of damage. To counter, jump when he does this move. *Be careful when using the Motion Wave Cannon. You won't be able to attack him at close range fast enough to blast him back plus you won't be able to attack without the gun at all. *Don't get too close to Barabas when he's unarmed. He has a move where he picks you up and throws you away, giving him time to pick up the cannon and shoot you. He also has another move where he picks you up, then hits you up and away, doing massive damage. *Block often. After the boss fight, you won't be healed and you have to go through a lot of guards. If you lose too much health and have taken all the hypos off the ground, restart the match (unless the hypos are still in your possesion or you think you can make it). *Overall, the best strategy I've found is to just get up in his face and beat on him. I used this strategy and I barely took ANY damage before he went off and left (I didn't need hypos). Just dodge the first attack, then knock him over and attack him on the ground. Use attacks that will knock him over and continuously use those. Using this strategy, you'll have a good amount of health, a decent amount of hypos and full ammo for the wave motion cannon (if you want it). Once you've defeated Barabas, you'll see a cutscene of him flying away and talking to Muro, warning him about you. When he's done, you'll get a message from Shinitama telling you that the place is flooded with guards (but I already told you that, right?). Search around until you're satisfied (there is some ballistic ammo, a plasma gun, two hypos and two energy cells). Watch out though because a few guards will come out of nowhere while you're exploring and attack you. However, if you're good at this game, they can benifit you since you can get 3 hypos from them. So, if you've done everything there is to do right now, you should have 2 clips of ballistic ammo, two energy cells, five hypos and a wave motion cannon (or another type of gun). When you're ready to continue, go right from where you first saw Barabas and then follow that until you find a door. Enter it. __________________________________________ Save Point #2 [CP3SP2] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Stop The Strikers 2. Get to Security Tower --OBJECTIVE 1: STOP THE STRIKERS-- *OBJECTIVE: It looks like the Syndicate troops have locked down all the floors in this wing of the lab. Surveillance scans indicate that teams of Strikers are now sweeping every floor and killing scientists. Stop them if you can! Take whichever route you feel like taking because they lead to the same place. There is a Striker around the end of the paths, guarding. Kill him. Once you do, another Striker will start shooting you with a machine gun. Quickly, run through the door in the middle of the two paths and wait for the guard to run up to you. When he gets close enough, attack him and kill him. Then, return to the room again and activate the console here. Guess what? You just unlocked all of the doors on this level! You also completed 1/3 of the next door you have to open! Good job! Leave the room and go through whichever set of doors you want (they all lead to two different rooms). In each, there are two scientists and some Strikers. Kill the Strikers, then talk to the scientists. The scientists give you hypos. Don't be surprised if you die or lose a tremendous amount of health here. It is a hard part indeed. To make it a bit easier, dash to the last door of the four door sets and enter it. Now, wait in front of it and the Strikers should come in. As soon as you see the door open, either take you your gun and fire or attack immediately. This should allow you the first attack and make them drop their weapons. Kill them that way and then talk to the scientists to get your reward. After that difficult part is done, go to the stairs directly across from where you entered the building. Shinitama will send you compass data when you get to the top. As soon as you do, three guards will probably notice you. Watch out, one has a homing missile gun. Take him out first, then kill the rest. When you get there, gasp!, you discover that the guards are already there. Hurry and save the scientists and they'll give you a hypo, a force field and an ammo clip. Don't forget to activate the console in the room in front of you! Ignore the room between the staircases (you activated the console to unlock the rooms remember?) and then go upstairs again. Before saving the scientists, turn around and go in the room there. Activate the console to unlock all the doors here and complete the final 1/3 of the door. Great job! Now hurry and save the scientists! (Oh yeah, beware of the guys that come in when your done activating the console!). You probably saw that all of them were dead by the time you got there. Don't worry, they dropped their items on the ground and you won't fail the mission if they die (you can even kill them and pass). However, they won't give you their items if you do that. Now, after all the enemies are dead and you've got the items, go up the staircase one more time and through the door. --OBJECTIVE 2: GET TO SECURITY TOWER-- *OBJECTIVE: Make your way across the roof and get to the top of the Security Control Tower. Once the tower is secure TCTF officers can storm the lobby. Immediately kill the guard in front of you and grab the hypo. Use it if needed, but continue on. Now, watch your step here and stay away from the edges. If you fall, you die instantly and you'll have to do the entire thing with the scientists again. You don't want to do you? So basically keep away from the edges. However, if you're looking for a good laugh, kick a guy off the edge or run towards one and they'll back off the edge. Now, when fighting the guards, lure them into an area where you won't fall off. Even if you're in the middle of a narrow passageway, if they use their suplex move, you'll fall off. If you're really scared of falling, go straight forward and into the room to your right (not the alleyway to your right) and fight them there or lead them to where you fought the first guard. When you're finished, head into the room inbetween the two guards. Kill the guard in here and head up the staircase and through the door. You know what to do with the guard in here. When he's dead, go through the door to your left and walk down the walkway. Kill the mad bomber here and you'll trigger a hilarious cutscene. __________________________________________ Save Point #3 [CP3SP3] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Clear the Upper Floors 2. Find Muro and Stop Him --OBJECTIVE 1: CLEAR THE UPPER FLOORS-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate Bomb Trooper disabled the lab's security sub-systems. But, thanks to you, a small group of TCTF officers has made it into the lobby. Syndicate forces still hold the upper floors of the building and are guarding the skyway over to the loading bays. Clear out the upper floors, and find the control consoles to unlock the upper passageway. Get ready to break your controller: this SP is one of the hardest in the game. When you regain control, talk to the TCTF officers and you'll get four hypos and some information. The first is located to your right, the second is located near the room behind you (go left then turn around) and the third is exploring the other side. Watch out! If you take too long, guards will come and start shooting at the TCTF officers. This will happen anyway, but if you are good you can time it so you're on the other side of the building at this time. After talking with the guards, run forward through one of the two openings to the left/right of the staircase. In here, there is a console but don't activate it just yet. Instead, go through the door in the back of the room and kill the two guards here. The second is a mad bomber and will count down the time to his explosion. Run before it hits 0 or you'll die. As soon as he's done, take the two hypos on the ground (if you can). If not, use hypos to gain full health and pick them up. If you're too lazy to kill two guards, kill the mad bomber, then run away and if the other guard is close enough, he will die in the explosion. Turn around and activate the console you see inbetween the staircases that lead up to the main room as soon as both guards are dead. This will unlock 1/3 of the lock on a door somewhere. This is the door to the place you're supposed to go. As soon as it's activated, turn around and go back to where you found the guards. Go up the stairs, through the door to the right and up more stairs. Turn right and you'll see a door. Enter it. In here there is some ballistic ammo (near the dead guy by the console). As you run up to go activate the console, you'll hear a guard. Wait until he arrives, then kill him and, if you need it, pick up the hypo and activate the console. Only 1 more console to find! Now, exit the room. If you want some ballistic ammo, there is a catwalk in front of you. Run down it and kill the guard you find there. If not, turn right and right again and go up the staircase. Turn right at the staircase, then turn right again and you'll see the door to unlock. However, there is another door to the right of you. Go in this door and grab the energy cell on the ground. A guard should enter. Have some fun kickin' the crap out of him. Hey, wait a sec! The console isn't in here! That's right, there's just an energy cell. If you're not already stocked up on hypos, exit the room and go to the back of it to find a fallen guard with a hypo next to him. As soon as those items are yours, go back to the staircase and go down one of the catwalks. On one of them should be a guard. Kill him (watch out for his homing missle gun) and continue on until you find a door. If you need a hypo (which I HIGHLY doubt right now), go in there and grab it. However, watch out for the two guards that come. If you don't need one, ignore the door and continue on. There it is! The last console! Activate it and complete the unlocking process! Great job! Now, go back to where you saw the door (to the left of the staircase, facing it). There is nothing in this room so go ahead and run through the door on the other side. --OBJECTIVE 2: FIND MURO AND STOP HIM-- *OBJECTIVE: Muro and his men are loading their stolen technology on the rear loading dock. Find them and stop them! Now that you're in the room (and the rare music is playing to show its difficulty), turn left. There is a guard there, really far away. He has a gun so if you don't have one yourself, run up to him and kill him. When he's dead, another guard will shoot at you from behind. Turn around and on the other catwalk is another guard. Kill him and yet ANOTHER guard will start shooting at you. Run up the catwalk and turn left to find this one. Kill him and, guess what? No more guards on this level! Continue going left on this catwalk until you find a staircase going down. On it will be a guard and he will shoot at you (not another one...). Kill him and continue down the steps. However, unlike this particular room's strategy, another guard will come up to you while fighting this guard but he does NOT have a gun! When they're both dead, turn around (facing the staircase) and follow this catwalk until you get to the staircase (don't turn at any intersections). There are (gasp!) NO GUARDS on this level! Follow the same strategy as you did for the other staircase (take the catwalk behind it and follow it to the next one). What's this? NO GUARDS on this level either! Just follow the compass to the console (if you need help, its behind the staircase) and activate it, unlocking another door. Kill the guard that comes, but watch out for the acid. Here, there are 2 ways of getting to the door you just unlocked. THE HARD WAY: To your right, there are floating blocks. Jump across those to the other side and enter the door. -Benefits: Bragging rights, controls become more familiar, no loss of health. THE EASY WAY: Run back up the stairs, taking the catwalk almost straight ahead and follow it until you can see the door (you'll turn once). Jump down and enter the door. Press R2 just before you hit and you might not take any health loss. -Benefits: Much easier, no risk of losing automatically. Either way, kill the guards in the room and take either door. You'll hear Konoko say something. Continue down the path to initiate a cutscene which will complete the mission. _________________________________________________________ Chapter 04. Tiger by the Tail Airport Assault [CP4WLK] _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 [CP4SP1] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Stop Muro 2. Find an alternate route. --OBJECTIVE 1: STOP MURO-- *OBJECTIVE: Muro plans to excape by plane while Syndicate troops attack the airport as a diversion! Alright, this mission is a lot easier that that last mission (thankfully). You've also learned a new move, the Willow Kick. Unlike all of your current moves (besides throws), this move has an effect on the people you use it on: if you successfully connect, your enemy will grab their stomach, stunned for a few seconds. This technique is so useful, it can mean the difference between life and death when fighting multiple enemies. With that out of the way, go up and charge the enemy that Muro has sent to stop you. After this easy fight, proceed forward and right, into the building. If you were quick enough, there will be a guard tormenting a civilian here. Play hero and take down this menace to society. Talk to the person you just saved and they'll give you a hypo. Proceed ahead and notice the walls. After the first one protruding on the right, watch the left side. Behind the next wall, you should encounter another enemy. You know what to do. Continue forward and a civilian will run at you, followed by the sound of an SMG. Take out that civ killer! Talk to them afterwards to get a hypo. Hurry! There's a guard with a Rocket Laucher type weapon ahead and to the left, killing civilians! Make him bleed, and the civilians will reward you with hypos. If you're facing forward from the entrance to the room, on the left wall will be a console with a picture of a plane. Activating it will unlock the door to the next room. It's hard to tell where it is, but if you look for a giant, rectangular hole in the wall to the right of the console, you should find it. Just as you run in, two guards will run in and start attacking whatever they see first, you or the civilians. Play hero again and grab the hypo one of the guards dropped. Talk to the male civilian to get an ammo clip, then head into the next room. --OBJECTIVE 2: FIND AN ALTERNATE ROUTE-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate have destroyed the cargo bay access ramps. Find an alternate route. Finally! Done playing hostage rescue! Watch out in this room, cause you're on a ramp that, if you fall from, is an instant kill. Since there are no more civs, the guards in this room will start attacking you. Take them out, but be careful for the guys that look like construction workers. They're on your side and if you happen to attack them, you'll have two more enemies to fight when they're done helping you take down the syndicate morons. When the battle's lost and won, look around. Do not go up the staircase! This leads to a dead end. Instead, look around for a humoungous glass window. Underneath this is part of the ramp you were just on, and under that is the path which you need to take. The compass is a nuisance here, so just ignore it and take the path I tell you to. __________________________________________ Save Point #2 [CP4SP2] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find an alternate route (cont.) --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND AN ALTERNATE ROUTE (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate have destroyed the cargo bay access ramps. Find an alternate route. Take either path, they both lead to the same place. When you get up, most likely, you'll be shot at by a guard. Turn left and take out that guard, taking his hypo if you don't already have a full stock. Turn around and go right, under the airplane and to the next set of ramps going downwards (this is where the compass was pointing). Take out whatever guards you need to, then head down the ramp (whichever one). This room has a guard with a SMG (what a surprise) on the ramp to your right. Watch out for the fire, then head up and take him out. Chances are, a suicide bomber will start attacking you while you're busy with this guard. Use that willow kick to distract him while you take out the other guy. Don't forget to run like mad when you beat the bomber! If the suicide bomber didn't take him out, there should be a civilian around here (he's one of the construction workers). Talk to him for a hypo and pick up the one the SMG guard dropped. Afterwards, go up the set of stairs that the SMG guard was standing on (the other is broken and has that huge flame between the broken ramps. Once you reach the top, you're done with SP #2. __________________________________________ Save Point #3 [CP4SP3] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find an alternate route (cont.) 2. Unlock access doors --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND AN ALTERNATE ROUTE (cont.)-- *OBJECTIVE: The Syndicate have destroyed the cargo bay access ramps. Find an alternate route. After is saves your game, a guard will likely come to you from the room inside. Kill him, then enter the room. You'll notice it looks exactly like the rooms we saved those civs in. Luckilly for you and me, there's nothing in this room except two guards. One is near the entrance you just came in, the other near the exit you need to go through. Kill both (if you haven't already), then go through the door. A cutscene ensues which shows Muro bragging about his power and threatens you while calling in two guards. One is holding a new type of gun you haven't seen as of this point in the game. Watch out for this gun. While it doesn't do any damage, it stuns you for several seconds if you're hit with it. This means that you cannot do anything but stand there and rub your head for about 4 seconds, long enough for them to kill you. Make sure you avoid this gun while you take out the guards. Pick up the hypo (and the gun if you so please). Face the door with the red light next to it then turn right. You'll see two doors: the one on the right contains a force field, useful for stopping bullets. The other contains the console we need to activate. Get the force field, then activate the console and go through the door you just unlocked. --OBJECTIVE 2: UNLOCK ACCESS DOORS -- *OBJECTIVE: Muro has locked the access doors to the Repair Hangar. You'll have to find a way to unlock them to continue your pursuit. To your left is a guard. Step into his field of vision, then hide behind the pilliar and wait for him. This should save massive ammounts of life, and allow you to knock him down with a side kick before he can even hit you. When that's all done, turn around and continue walking in that direction. On your left will be a door. Enter it and grab the hypo in here. Don't worry about the console, since we cannot access it yet. Exit the room, then turn left and go down the stairs. Down here, you'll see either civilians (who will attack the enemy with you) or an enemy. Act according to whichever scenario you have right now. Look for a door on your current floor with a red light next to it. There should be stairs next to it. Go up them and kill the guard you find up there and in the room. Enter the room after they're pushing up daisies. To your right is a console, which will unlock the other console we just passed. Activate it. This causes two guards to slowly walk into the area. Luckily, they can't see you. Sneak up on them and kill them, then run back to the console you just unlocked (it's the side without the door) and go through the door. Great job! Mission complete. _________________________________________________________ Chapter 05. Hot Pursuit Airport Cargo Hangars [CP5WLK] _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Save Point #1 [CP5SP1] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find Muro --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND MURO -- *OBJECTIVE: Muro's men are using the Repair Hangars as a temporary base of operations. Find Muro before his men are finished loading his personal transport plane. Mission 5 starts out with the sounds of gun shots. To your left a guard is either located or will be in a few seconds. Kill him then pick up the hypo on the floor. Go through the opening the guard came through. This room is huge, but since you're playing Oni, you should know by now that all the levels are enormous and usually close to empty. Anyways, if you hang out too long in this room, guards will spot you and start shooting at you or they'll rush down to attack you. If that happens, feel free to hide or explore the room. There is some ammo near a dead guard here, but other than that, nothing. From this point on, I will only talk about specific guards, so if you encounter one I don't talk about, assume I mean to kill it. Well, anyway, head through the door on the other side of the level entrance. Go right all the way then turn right to find a guard attacking civs again. Save the poor civ and get the hypo that he offers you. Turn around and go back towards the door, but instead, turn right and go up the stairs. Go out the door and across the catwalks to the door on the other side. Enter the room, turn right and behind the giant wall type thing is a suicide bomber and a console. Activate it. If you'd like more ammo, go past the stairs and explore this area. If not, head out the door and jump down (make sure you press L2 before landing, or else you might take damage!). Hug the left wall and it will lead you to the door you just unlocked. This room is a boring room. It's small and the civilians don't give you anything. Regardless, talk to the one that acts like he's going to give you something and he'll tell you where you need to go next. Follow your compass to find a console behind a giant stack of boxes. Activating it unlocks a hangar door, so exit the room and to your northwest is the door. __________________________________________ Save Point #2 [CP5SP2] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Beware of troops 2. Keep Muro away from plane --OBJECTIVE 1: BEWARE OF TROOPS -- *OBJECTIVE: Beware! Syndacite troops are protecting the entrance to the hangars. This next objective can be REALLY hard if you don't know the map or the enemies near it. A guard is patrolling ahead of you and has a regular energy plasma gun. To your northeast is a caged area with a SMG guard and a suicide bomber. Ahead is a new type of enemy with a new gun. This enemy is enormously strong...he resembles Barabas and he's carrying a grenade launcher which has one blast, followed by more. With him is another guard. Take out the patrolling guard and then follow the west wall. You'll find a guy with a SMG. Take him out. Take out the bomber too (he's in the fenced in area near the wall). One should drop a much needed hypo. Also in this area is a Force Shield. It's in the lower left hand corner. Exit the fenced in area and continue following the west wall. Run forward and hide behind the giant objects ahead of you. Hold L2, then sneak up on the giant guard and use the R2 backbreaker move on him. This should attract the attention of the other guard, but he's easily taken care of. Kill the giant guard, then pick up the hypo. Run into the room behind you and kill the Striker with the stun gun. Wait in here for the other guard and kill him when he arrives. Take the hypo and use it, then activate the console at the end of the room. Exit the room and then turn left. The room you just unlocked is behind you. --OBJECTIVE 2: KEEP MURO AWAY FROM PLANE -- *OBJECTIVE: Muro has split his men into two groups to better cover his escape. Chase Muro across the hangar's rooftops. Or try to cut him off from below by working your way through the heart of the hangars. Either way, keep Muro from reaching his plane! After a cutscene, get ready to engage three guards. Luckily, only one has a gun and your Force Shield should last long enough to disarm him of it. This battle will be hard and very stressful, since you have little health and if you die, you get to do objective #1 again. However, this battle will become a lot easier if you have a lot of health/hypos/a stun gun. To give you an idea of how hard this is, I had full health and a hypo and had about ( ] ) that much health left when I won. If you take out the blue guards first though, you can get a hypo. All I can say is good luck. When the battle is over, follow your compass to a room and a console. It's the big building that was to your left when you first entered this room. Anyway, once you've completed this, head up the ramp. You can take the lower route to your left, but there are multiple enemies which include the giant one you just killed in objective #1 and rocket launcher guns. However, for this walkthrough, I am going to take the ramp. It's a lot easier to beat enemies (just kick them off) and the consoles you need to activate are up here. Anyway, kill the guard up here and get the hypo he drops. Go to the top and straight ahead is a ramp leading down into a room. Watch for the ramp (so you don't fall off) and then go in the room. Turn around and activate the console. 1/3 of the lock is broken now. Exit the room, take the path opposite you (that you haven't taken) and follow that path until you kill a striker. Pop your head out and wait until the guy with the gun sees you, then come back into the room and wait. Once he's dead, follow the path. Take the ramp up (it's to your right) and you'll see another suspended room. Take the ramp down to it, then activate the console inside (this time it's on the right). Almost done. Be careful going back up and continue by taking the path to the right. You'll pass the door that you're unlocking, but that's okay. Go up the ramp and you'll see the third and final room. Enter it, grab the Force Shield (if you need it) and then activate the final console. Head back to the door you passed and go through it. __________________________________________ Save Point #3 [CP5SP3] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Keep Muro away from plane (cont.) --OBJECTIVE 1: KEEP MURO AWAY FROM PLANE (cont.) -- *OBJECTIVE: Muro has split his men into two groups to better cover his escape. Chase Muro across the hangar's rooftops. Or try to cut him off from below by working your way through the heart of the hangars. Either way, keep Muro from reaching his plane! As soon as you step in, a guard starts firing at you. Two more guards come rush at you as well. If you're unlucky (like I was), a third will fire at you from a distance. Your job is to take all four of them out. I hope you got some health cause none of them drop hypos. Killed em? Good! Keep going right until you see a ramp on the left-hand side. Up the ramp we go, where our ol' friend, the blue guard is waiting for us, armed. Kill him while dodging his comrade's fire. If you want a hypo and can fight for it, there is a path that leads down here and two guards are at the bottom. One has a hypo. If not, continue up the ramp and kill the other guard. Keep it up until you pass a staircase going up. Keep going, watching the left side until you see a staircase going down. Go all the way down until your compass arrow dissapears. If you like fighting, there are two guards ahead in the alley to your right, but they don't drop anything. So turn around and follow your compass, past the big door into an alleyway with a fenced in area. There are two guards here: a suicide bomber and a tanker (with a grenade launcher). Watch out! The grenades that the Tanker is shooting at you are enough to take out half of your life at times if not more. Once they're dead, head over to the console to open a door and a save point. __________________________________________ Save Point #4 [CP5SP4] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Find Rappelling Harness 2. Go to roof --OBJECTIVE 1: FIND RAPPELLING HARNESS -- *OBJECTIVE: You need a way to get to Muro's transport plane. Search the facility's offices for a Rappelling Harness. Go all the way back to the staircase and go up to where you were before. Remember that staircase that you passed that went all the way up? Just keep hugging the left wall until you reach a staircase, which you should go up and go through the door. Talk to the civilian on the right for ammo and head through the door on the left. Go down both sets of stairs where you'll find a guard beating on a civilian. Kill the guard and get the hypo from the civilian, then proceed through the door which is to your right. Go down both sets of stairs and save the civilain from the two guards (again). Follow your compass to find the Rappelling Harness on a box. Jump up and grab it. --OBJECTIVE 2: GO TO ROOF -- *OBJECTIVE: Reach the roof of the Repair Hangar to use the Rappelling Harness. Follow your compass to the door and down the two sets of stairs. Kill the tanker directly in front of you and continue on through the door. __________________________________________ Save Point #5 [CP5SP5] __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Go to roof (cont.) --OBJECTIVE 1: GO TO ROOF (cont.) -- *OBJECTIVE: Reach the roof of the Repair Hangar to use the Rappelling Harness. Kill both guards you find here. Take out the striker first, because he's running to an alarm, then take out the guard. Go up the ramp and kill the Tanker up there but do not go in the room. The only thing in there is an alarm. Go in the door next to the upward ramp to see a little cutscene of Muro and his men running to the plane. Exit the room and go up the ramp. Just follow your compass to the part of the catwalks that has a hole in it and you'll automatically jump down. Mission complete. ____________________________________________________________________________ X: ATTACKS/DIARY [ONIATT] ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ATTACKS _________________________________________________________ -Escape Moves: Press L2 + any direction. With this move you can avoid hand-to-hand attacks (punches) and pick up objects on the ground. -Jump Flip: Pres L1 then L2. Allows you to jump higher and sometimes allows you to fall from higher ledges without taking damage. It also functions as an attack if you land on them. -Slide: Press L2 while running. You can trip enemies, avoid lasers and get items by doing this. -Throw: Press Forward + R1/R2. If you do this from different angles, you can do different throws. -Running Throw: Run towards the enemy and press R2. This is a great move for getting enemies out of your way in a hurry (you'll need it later on). -Sledgehammer Heel: Press R1 then R1 then R2. Its a very powerful attack but can be a bit slow sometimes. -Block: Face your opponent without moving or trying to attack. This is great if you want to attack without losing much health. -Disarm: Stand next to an opponent and press forward + R1. This can cripple a heavily armed person. -Backbreaker: Press forward + R2 while facing an enemy's back. The backbreaker takes a lot out of enemies! -Triple-Hit Haymaker: (NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL LEARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 2) Press R1 three times. It's a bit slow, but effective. -Spinning Sidekick: (NOT AVALIABLE UNTIL LEARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 3) Press R2 three times. It's very slow, but can do a bit of damage. -Willow Kick: (NOT AVALIABLE UNTIL LEARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 4) Press backwards then forwards + R2. It's a little hard to initiate but the effects are devastating (major damage AND stunning the opponent). -Crescent Moon Kick: (NOT AVALIABLE UNTIL LEARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 5) Press R2, R2, then Forward + R2. Takes a while to get used to, but it'll be second nature after that. It's a great attack that will send your opponent flying backwards and will knock flying opponents out of the air! -Devil Spin Kick: (NOT AVALIABLE UNTIL LEARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 6) Crouch, then let go and press kick while rising. Awesome move that will cause Konoko to spin rapidly with her leg extended, allowing you to knock down a group of people at once. The first move in the entire game that Konoko learns in which she says the name, showing how important this move is. _________________________________________________________ DIARY ENTRIES _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ MONDAY - NOV 22 (#1) __________________________________________ -UNLOCKED: After beating Mission 1 This place is really big. What the heck are they making here? Weapons? Robotics? They must be building something large. I'd better check the data consoles to see if I can figure out what it is. Some of this stuff looks like atmoshperic processing equipment. I can't believe I KNOW that! Maybe that means I'm a nerd? Just great...my first mission and I started to argue with Commander Griffin. But I just know this lead will pay off. It has to! __________________________________________ MONDAY - NOV 22 (#2) __________________________________________ -UNLOCKED: After beating Mission 2 Barabas! I can't believe it! I know his record...he's very strong. I know I'm not supposed to enjoy combat but that guy will be the first real challenge I've had. I can't believe it...the building is full of innocent people and those Strikers were...just horrible. I know the head man behind the Syndicate is named Muro. I swear when I find him I'll...I don't know what I'll do! First Musashi Manufacturing, now Vago biotech. Why? The Syndicate are getting more aggressive all the time. Why would they need industrial equipment and access to cutting edge biological research facilities? __________________________________________ MONDAY - NOV 22 (#3) __________________________________________ -UNLOCKED: After beating Mission 3 It's strange, but nobody really talks about Muro very much; not even Griffin. When I ask they try and change the subject. Well, I'm not scared of him. If Muro wants to go to war that's fine with me. When I DO finally catch up to him I'll wipe that little grin off his face for good... What happened to airport security? Normally this place is swarming with uniforms. I could swear Muro told them all to take the day off. __________________________________________ MONDAY - NOV 22 (#4) __________________________________________ -UNLOCKED: After beating Mission 4 At least I know what kind of plane Muro is heading for (Shinatama says its a Wucraft m17e VTOL transport). That will help us generate a destination profile. How the heck did the Syndicate manage to set up an air base in the airport cargo hangars!?! And airport records show they've been rerouting heavy machinery shipments to the sites around the world. __________________________________________ WEDNESDAY - NOV 24 __________________________________________ -UNLOCKED: After beating Mission 5 The Syndicate got close to TCTF HQ without us knowing! Vans with troops, attack helicopters! How the heck did they get through the surveillance drone web that covers the city!?! It looks like they've sabotaged all the power substations and that took down the building static defenses. The whole power spine of the building is off-line. They really know how to hit us! The command center is up on top...that explains the helicopters. Why hit the bottom? MORE TO COME ____________________________________________________________________________ XI: WEAPONS/ITEMS [ONIWPN] ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ WEAPONS __________________________________________ -Name: Campbell Equalizer Mk4 -Ammo Type: Ballistic Ammo -Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds -Fire Rate: 5 rounds per second -Name: Hughes Black Adder SMG -Ammo Type: Ballistic Ammo -Magazine Capacity: 30 rounds -Fire Rate: 12 rounds per second -Name: SML3 Plasma Rifle -Ammo Type: Energy Cells -Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds -Fire Rate: 1.1 rounds per second -Name: Phase Stream Projector -Ammo Type: Energy Cells -Magazine Capacity: 300 units -Fire Rate: Continuous -Name: SBG Man-Portable Mortar -Ammo Type: Ballistic Ammo -Magazine Capacity: 4 rounds -Fire Rate: 1 round per 2 seconds -Name: Van de Graaff (VDG) Pistol -Ammo Type: Energy Cells -Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds -Fire Rate: 1 round per 3.1 seconds -Name: Scram Cannon -Ammo Type: Ballistic Ammo -Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds -Fire Rate: 1 swarm per 2.5 seconds -Name: Mercury Bow -Ammo Type: Ballistic Ammo -Magazine Capacity: 2 rounds -Fire Rate: 1 round per 5 seconds -Name: Screaming Cannon -Ammo Type: Energy Cells -Magazine Capacity: 6 rounds -Fire Rate: 1 round per 10 seconds -Name: Wave Motion Cannon -Ammo Type: Unknown -Magazine Capacity: Unknown -Fire Rate: Unknown __________________________________________ ITEMS __________________________________________ -Item: Ballistic Ammo -What it does: Allows Konoko to reload any weapon that uses ballistic ammo. -Item: Energy Cell -What it does: Allows Konoko to reload any weapon that uses energy cells. -Item: Hypo Spray -What it does: Recovers life/Powers up Konoko at full life -Item: Phase Cloak -What it does: Makes Konoko invisible. -Item: Force Shield -What it does: Prevents damage from projectiles and bullets. ____________________________________________________________________________ XII: FAQs [ONIFAQ] ____________________________________________________________________________ Q: What's up with the controls? Is there any way to change them? A: No. You have to use those controls. But, it's not they're not THAT bad once you get used to them. It is a little hard to play on the PS3 though. (Update: According to an e-mail I got, you can change the controls in the configuration on the main menu, but you can only select preset control options. Thanks to whoever sent me this info). Q: Is there any differences between difficulty levels? A: No, the only difference is that the enemies are more powerful and smarter (thanks to PS2N64Gamer007). Q: Hey! The bottom of my disc is blue! Is my disc a pirated copy? A: Some PS2 games are like that. For example, Wizardry and Harvest Moon: Save the Homelands. It's just a CD instead of a DVD. Some companies went that route as DVD burning technology wasn't quite as common and more expensive at the time, so a lot of early PS2 games are CDs instead. Q: I saw pictures of Konoko in casual clothes! What the heck? Why isn't she in her TCTF armor? A: You'll just have to play through the game to find out! Q: I heard there was a PC version of this. Is that true? A: Yes it is. This game was based on the PC version, which featured all the same stuff except for an extra code which allowed you to view the game's stats and take pictures and stuff. (Update: see differences section) Q: Hey! I e-mailed you a while ago and still haven't gotten a reply! What gives? A: Sorry I haven't gotten to it yet! I try to check my e-mail every night, but I am pretty busy. To speed up your reply, make sure you follow the rules in the "Contact Info" section and put "Oni FAQ" in it somewhere in the subject otherwise it won't get recognized by my filter. If you still haven't gotten a reply, I apologize and I'll send a reply ASAP. Q: What's up with your FAQs? Are they dead? A: Most certainly not! I've been busy with work, and game addictions don't help either. But rest assured, I plan to finish them all. Q: Does this game work on the PS3? A: Yep, sure does, although because they changed the L2 and R2 buttons to be triggers, it's a little different. Q: Which version do you think is better for me to get? PS2 or PC? A: I'd say PC, only cause there aren't any load times. That's really the only major difference. ____________________________________________________________________________ XIII: CODES/CHEATS [ONICDS] ____________________________________________________________________________ -No damage from jumping off high places: Sometimes, if you press L2 just before you hit the ground (about 5-10 feet), you won't take any damage. -Cheat Codes (thanks to Neo Kikiorie and JaZoNkRoLl): To activate these cheat codes, press select during gameplay and go down to "help". Press L2-L1-L2-Square-Circle-Square then the following buttons: *Character Select (keep pressing L2 to change characters, when you transform, you get those character's moves as well): L2-L2-L2-L2 *Invincibility: R3-L3-R3-Circle *Invisibility (insert again to turn off): L1-R3-L2-L3 *Unlimited Ammo: L2-L2-L1-L3 *Tiny Mode: L3, R3, Down, Circle ____________________________________________________________________________ XIV: FUTURE VERSIONS [ONIFTR] ____________________________________________________________________________ In the future, I'd like to have: -A complete walkthrough -More Codes -More Moves/Diary Entries -Answers to the "FAQ HELP" questions ____________________________________________________________________________ XV: CLOSURE [ONICLS] ____________________________________________________________________________ Even though this game wasn't Bungie's most popular, it's still a great game. I had a great time writing this FAQ and playing this game and I hope you had fun reading this and learned something. If you have any info that's missing, or some strategies that you find effective, please e-mail them to me. I'll put them in and credit you 100%.