Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Dark Realm FAQ/Walkthrough By Brian Mills "DarkBlade22" version 2.0 (9-16-04) e-mail bmgamfrk22@alltel.net This FAQ is dedicated to the memory of Chris MacDonald, known to GameFAQs as Kao Megura. I never got to meet you, but I know you were a very accomplished person and well respected in this community. Wherever you are, may it be grand. Rest in peace. Version History --------------- version 2.0 (9-16-04) - added info on the hard mode dark realms, and gave credit where credit was due also fixed any mistakes version 1.1 (6-24-04) - remembered my dedication, and added Demonkaze to my list of people to thank version 1.0 (6-23-04) - finally completed, and ready for submission version 0.8 (6-22-04) - filled in more stuff, and completed up through dark realm 3 for Jacques version 0.5 (6-19-04) - continued to work on basic stuff, and completed dark realm 2 for Jacques version 0.35 (6-18-04) - completed my Preparing for the Dark Realm section, made some cosmetic changes, and completed dark realm 1 for Samanosuke version 0.2 (6-18-04) - began faq, adding introduction and basic stuff, and completed dark realm 1 for Jacques Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Reading This FAQ 4. Preparing for the Dark Realm 5. Dark Realm 1 - Jacques a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 6, Dark Realm 1 - Samanosuke a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 7. Dark Realm 2 - Jacques a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 8. Dark Realm 2 - Samanosuke a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 9. Dark Realm 3 - Jacques a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 10. Dark Realm 3 - Samanosuke a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 11. Dark Realm 4 - Jacques (Hard) a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 12. Dark Realm 4 - Samanosuke (Hard) a. Monsters b. Items c. Walkthrough 13. A Word About Your Booty a. Regular items b. Orbs c. Big Prizes 14. Thanks 15. Copyright 1. Introduction --------------- Hello, and welcome to the Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Dark Realm FAQ/Walkthrough. I am DarkBlade22. This marks my first in-depth FAQ, and my first FAQ for a current generation system, the Playstation2. I am happy to get the chance to write one of these for those who need help for this game. The Dark Realm has been an important side quest in each Onimusha game. Each realm made up a real challenge for each game, with a worthwhile reward at the end of each, for those who could pass the test. In Onimusha: Warlords, the player had to lead Samanosuke Akechi through one realm, consisting of 20 levels, in which you had to defeat each horde of enemies, progressing further and further and fighting harder enemies, until you finally reached the bottom and claimed a worthwhile prize. In Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny, you played Jubei Yagyu as he travelled not one, but several different "Phantom Realms," each one a different length, but each one with something good, with the last one being the longest and most worthwhile. Onimusha 3 continues this tradition, and kicks it up yet another notch. This time, you play as two different characters. There are 3 different realms, each of which can be played through as each character, making for 6 total realms to explore. In addition, there are two extra realms, one for each character, on hard mode, for extra exploration. A new feature to the realms is that you don't travel straight through each realm. When you defeat all enemies in a room, you now have the choice to pick your path through the realm, exploring different places and hopefully picking the fastest and safest way through to your goal. This FAQ will help you, the player, to travel through each demon realm. It will provide a map of each realm, and will give detailed descriptions of what to expect in each room, including monsters to face, items to get, and which way to go. I hope you can get as much help out of this FAQ as I put into it. 2. Controls ----------- Just in case you need to know, here are the controls. - start - goes to inventory screen - select - pauses; displays pause menu - control pad/left analog stick(L3) - moves Samanosuke/Jacques - x button - searches area - square button - attacks; hold to charge power - circle button - absorb souls - triangle button - use magic spells - right analog stick(R3) - access Onimusha mode - L1 button - block - L2 button - displays current location; hold down the button - R1 button - ready stance (lock on to enemies); hold to charge power - R2 button - turn around 3. Reading This FAQ ------------------- There are a few things to know about this walkthrough that will help you get the most out of it. I recorded the rooms as I went through each realm, and as a result you may take a different path than I did. As always, play to your preference. When you encounter the monsters, I labeled each monster according to its description, as I did not know the proper names for each. The only exception would be Marcellus. Also, the number of each monster in each room should be accurate, but may vary in a couple of places by one or two, as a result of a lot of enemies dog-piling me to where I had to concentrate on staying alive and not paying full attention to enemies getting killed by others and more enemies appearing (I'm looking at you, monkey boys). In any case, if there is any variation, it is most likely to be with the birds and the wizards. The number of enemies was obtained by going through each realm on normal mode. It seems that on hard mode more enemies may sometimes appear. Just use these as a base number, and prepare for more if need be. 4. Preparing For the Dark Realm -------------------------------- Success in the dark realms involves careful preparation. Here are some tips for preparing, as well as what to do when you are within the realms. Whenever you are ready to enter any realm, talk to the weird guy that hangs from the ceiling in the mentioned areas (the one with the long moustache and bad teeth) and answer yes to all his questions. - As always, try to conserve your health items. You never know when you'll need to heal yourself. - Try to go into each realm with enough power to go Super Saiy- erm, Onimusha. Keep your power up as a buffer zone, and get your power back up if you have to use it. - Ako's white vest, which heals you as you stand still, is vital. After each room you can heal yourself back up, which helps you to conserve those health items. It takes longer, but ultimately will save you in the long run. - Ako's purple vest, which conserves magic, may help you in the last realms if you are a heavy magic user. - When you exchange souls, increasing the power of your armor will help you survive longer. Don't ignore it. - Enemies are not immune from the blows of other enemies. If you find yourself in a room that is overrun beyond your capabilities, try to get away and let them thin the herd. - When using magic (and you will), remember to use your weapons according to the situation, such as the Chigo's earthquake attack for large groups of enemies. - If you have to go back to a previously completed room, that room will remain empty as long as you stay within the dark realm. - If, at any time, you have to leave the dark realm (ex: if your energy is low and you can't heal yourself properly), just enter the light in the middle of a completed room and answer yes. Be aware that if you do exit a dark realm, upon your return your map will remain up to date, but you will have to redo any previously completed rooms. - Ultimate mode is GODLY. 5. Dark Realm 1 - Jacques - Sea Temple (5 rooms) ------------------------------------------------- location - This realm is found in the area behind the yellow door, which is immediately accessible from the central room of the Sea Temple. Go to the second floor library via the elevator and find the hanging man in the hallway beyond, before the earth door. access - You can access this realm when Jacques enters the yellow door in the Sea Temple for the first time, and can access it until Jacques fights Gertrude, the two headed monster. a. Monsters ----------- The following monsters can be found in this realm: 4-legged demon - This demon has four legs, and attacks with a sword. 4-armed demon - This demon has four arms, and attacks with a swords. Some of these can cling to the ceiling and throw knives. big armored demon - These big demons attack with a club. They have no heads, and their armor can be destroyed. ninja demon - These demons have green eyes and ninja garb. They jump around and attack with knives. tentacles - These tentacles are found in groups. They are stationary, but lash out if you get too close. They can be killed in one hit. ball n' chain ogre - These are giant ogres that attack with a ball and chain. fish demon - These demons are aquatic in nature. They slither around and attack with claws. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - soul shrine (1) - orb (thunder seal) - secret medicine (1 on 2nd playthrough) [ ] / \ [ ] [a] a. soul shrine \ b. thunder seal [ ] c. secret medicine | [b(c)] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] / \ [3] [2] \ [4] | [5] Room 1 - monsters: 4 legged demon (9) gates: blue -> room 3; red -> room 2 Room 2 - monsters: big armored demon (5) special items: soul shrine gates: red -> room 1 Room 3 - monsters: 4 armed demon (4) ninja demon (1) gates: blue -> room 1; green -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: tentacles (group) ball n' chain ogre (1) gates: green -> room 3; red -> room 5 Room 5 - monsters: big armored demon (3) fish demon (3) special items: orb (thunder seal) 2nd playthrough - secret medicine speed guide - This is a really easy one, only consisting of 5 rooms. You don't need to go to room 2, unless you want to get some extra souls. If you're just going for the orb at the end, just go through the following rooms: 1 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 6. Dark Realm 1 - Samanosuke - Sea Temple (6 rooms) ---------------------------------------------------- location - This realm is found in the area behind the yellow door, which is immediately accessible from the central room of the Sea Temple. Go to the second floor library via the elevator and find the hanging man in the hallway beyond, before the earth door. access - You can access this when Samanosuke is able to enter the yellow door after Jacques installs the power crystal in the past, enabling Samanosuke to use the elevator. It can be accessed until Samanosuke enters the room where Jacques fought Gertrude in the past. a. Monsters ----------- This realm includes monsters found in earlier realms, and introduces the following: sword demon - This is a big demon. It attacks with a big sword. spinning sword demon - This a sword demon that attacks with a spinning sword. archer - These demons are stationary and attack by firing arrows. They can be killed in one hit. green energy demon - This is a suit of armor that is animated by green energy. It attacks with a sword, and can fire waves of green energy at you. jelly monster - This is a big blob that falls from the ceiling. It attacks by lashing out at you. It will sometimes split into smaller ones when killed. birds - These actually look more like pterodactyls. They fly through the air, and attack by dive bombing you and spitting acid. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - soul shrine (1) - orb (wind seal) - secret medicine (1 on 2nd playthrough) [ ] | [ ] a. soul shrine / \ b. wind seal [ ] [ ] c. secret medicine | | [b(c)][a] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] | [2] / \ [3] [4] | | [6] [5] Room 1 - monsters: ninja demon (3) sword demon (5) gates: blue -> room 2 Room 2 - monsters: big armored demon (2) spinning sword demon (1) gates: red -> room 3; green -> room 4 Room 3 - monsters: archer (6) green energy demon (1) gates: red -> room 2; blue -> room 4; green -> room 6 Room 4 - monsters: tentacles (group) jelly monster (5) gates: green -> room 2; blue -> room 3; red -> room 5 Room 5 - monsters: 4 armed demon (8) birds (6) special items: soul shrine gates: red -> room 4 Room 6 - monsters: 4 legged demon (8) ninja demon (6) special items: orb (wind seal) 2nd playthrough - secret medicine gates: green -> room 3 speed guide - This is a little longer than Jacques' first realm, as Samanosuke's realms tend to be. Still, not too difficult. You only have to go through 4 out of 6 rooms to reach your prize: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 6 7. Dark Realm 2 - Jacques - Mont-St.-Michel (12 rooms) ------------------------------------------------------ location - This is found in the long stairway that connects the bottom of the area with the top, in the door near the top of the stairway. access - You can access this one after Jacques places the Red Eye Crystal in the dragon statue at the top of the stairs and completes the tile puzzle, thereby raising the stairs. It can be accessed until Jacques goes to the basement behind the side door in the monastery's main chapel, where he encounters the gas trap. a. Monsters ----------- This realm includes monsters found in earlier realms, and introduces the following: spinning demon - These are short demons that have spikes on their backs. They attack with swords, and they sometimes curl into a ball and try to ram you. monkey demon - These are big monkey hybrids, as Guildenstern explains in one of his notes. They attack you with claws, and try to jump on you. Very annoying. slugs - These are what are left behind when you kill a jelly monster, but these appear on their own. They try to latch on to you, and can disrupt your lock-on by making you spin. They are easily defeated by stepping on them. red energy demon - These are the same as green energy demons, but are animated by red energy. vanishing ninjas - These are the same as ninja demons, but have purple eyes. They sometimes use a teleport maneuver to switch positions, which can confuse you. gray monkey demon - These are the same as monkey demons, but are gray and have bent arrows in their backs. small fish - A smaller version of the fish demon, with the same attacks. laser sword demon - This is another version of the spinning sword demon that can fire energy waves from its blade. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - medicine (2) - soul shrine (2) - green orb (1) (used by Samanosuke to open green mist chest) - wood charm (1) (need purple orb to open) - orb (fire seal) - oni med lv 2 (1 on 2nd playthrough) [d] / \ [ ] [ ] [b] a. medicine / \ \ / \ b. soul shrine [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] c. green orb \ / \ / / d. wood charm [b] [a] [a] e. fire seal / f. oni med lv 2 [e(f)] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] / \ [2] [8] [9] / \ \ / \ [3] [5] [7] [10] \ / \ / / [4] [6] [11] / [12] Room 1 - monsters: spinning demon (13) special items: purple mist chest (wood charm) gates: red -> room 2; blue -> room 8 Room 2 - monsters: archer (10) monkey demon (2) gates: red -> room 1; green -> room 5; blue -> room 3 Room 3 - monsters: ball n' chain ogre (6) special items: green orb gates: blue -> room 2; red -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: slugs (group) special items: soul shrine gates: red -> room 3; blue -> room 5; green -> room 6 Room 5 - monsters: 4 armed demon (6) 4 legged demon (10) gates: green -> room 2; blue -> room 4; red -> room 6 Room 6 - monsters: tentacles (group) ninja (5) special items: medicine gates: red -> room 5; green -> room 4; blue -> room 7 Room 7 - monsters: big armored demon (9) red energy demon (3) gates: red -> room 8; blue -> room 6; green -> room 9 Room 8 - monsters: 4 legged demon (5) vanishing ninja (5) gates: blue -> room 1; red -> room 7 Room 9 - monsters: monkey demon(6) gray monkey demon(2) special items: soul shrine gates: green -> room 7; red -> room 10 Room 10 - monsters: small fish (10) fish demon (1) gates: red -> room 9; blue -> room 11 Room 11 - monsters: ball n' chain ogre (5) spinning sword demon (4) special items: medicine gates: blue -> room 10; green -> room 12 Room 12 - monsters: green energy demon (4) laser sword demon (5) special items: orb (fire seal) 2nd playthrough - oni med lv 2 gates: green -> room 11 speed guide - You only need to traverse 7 of the 12 rooms to get the chest at the end, but you'll miss the orb that Samanosuke needs to open his chest in his realm. Your playthrough will depend on your need for a life-restoring doll. Here is the order of rooms: 1 -> 8 -> 7 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 8. Dark Realm 2 - Samanosuke - Mont-St.-Michel (20 rooms) --------------------------------------------------------- location - This is found in the long stairway that connects the bottom of the area with the top, in the door near the top of the stairway. access - You can access this immediately after Jacques opens the area by raising the stairway. You can access this until after you help Jacques get out of the trap, when Samanosuke fights all the way back to where he began and exits through the main gate to fight Gertrude. a. Monsters ----------- This realm includes monsters found in earlier realms, and introduces the following: soul sucker - This is a one-eyed purple blob that floats around the screen. It sucks up any souls that are released when enemies are defeated. It can also float down and latch on to you, draining your magic. It can be defeated in one or two hits, and will release any absorbed souls. spiked ball n' chain ogre - This is like the ball n' chain ogre, but it has spikes on its ball (ouch). pixies - These little child-like creatures appear in groups. They can attack with small axes, but generally do little damage. You can hit them a few times for yellow souls, after which they laugh and disappear into the ground. Wierd. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - medicine (3) - soul shrine (4) - purple orb (1) (used by Jacques to open purple mist chest) - wood charm (1) (need green orb to open) - purple vest (1) [d] [ ] / \ / \ [ ] [ ] [a] a. medicine / \ \ \ b. soul shrine [ ]--[ ] [ ] [b] c. purple orb \ / / d. wood charm [c,b] [a] [ ] e. purple vest / \ \ [ ] [b]--[ ] \ [ ] \ [b] / [a] / [ ] \ [e] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] [7] / \ / \ [2] [6] [8] / \ \ \ [3]--[5] [14] [9] \ / / [4] [13] [10] / \ \ [15] [12]--[11] \ [16] \ [17] / [18] / [19] \ [20] Room 1 - monsters: 4 armed demon (7) ninja (3) special items: green mist chest (wood charm) gates: red -> room 2; blue -> room 6 Room 2 - monsters: big armored demon (8) archer (3) gates: red -> room 1; blue -> room 3; green -> room 5 Room 3 - monsters: monkey demon (4) fish demon (6) gates: blue -> room 2; red -> room 5; green -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: green energy demon (4) red energy demon (7) special items: soul shrine purple orb gates: green -> room 3 Room 5 - monsters: 4 legged demon (26) gates: green -> room 2; red -> room 3 Room 6 - monsters: red energy demon (1) spinning demon (12) gates: green -> room 7; red -> room 14; blue -> room 1 Room 7 - monsters: fish demon(14) laser sword demon (1) gates: red -> room 8; green -> room 6 Room 8 - monsters: gray monkey demon (8) soul sucker (1) special items: medicine gates: red -> room 7; blue -> room 9 Room 9 - monsters: tentacles (group) spiked ball n' chain ogre (2) special items: soul shrine gates: blue -> room 8; green -> room 10 Room 10 - monsters: 4 armed demon (13) gates: green -> room 9; red -> room 11 Room 11 - monsters: green energy demon (3) jelly monster (6) gates: red -> room 10; blue -> room 12 Room 12 - monsters: pixies (6) spiked ball n' chain ogre (1) special items: soul shrine gates: blue -> room 11; green -> room 13 Room 13 - monsters: tentacles (group) gray monkey demon (3) special items: medicine gates: green -> room 12; blue -> room 14; red -> room 15 Room 14 - monsters: monkey demon (4) spiked ball n' chain ogre (2) gates: red -> room 6; blue -> room 13 Room 15 - monsters: 4 legged demon (7) ninja (7) gates: red -> room 13; blue -> room 16 Room 16 - monsters: red energy demon (6) spiked ball n' chain ogre (3) gates: blue -> room 15; green -> room 17 Room 17 - monsters: big armored demon (7) jelly monster (6) special items: soul shrine gates: green -> room 16; red -> room 18 Room 18 - monsters: ninja (6) vanishing ninja (9) special items: medicine gates: red -> room 17; blue -> room 19 Room 19 - monsters: ball n' chain ogre (3) laser sword demon (1) gates: blue -> room 18; green -> room 20 Room 20 - monsters: green energy demon (6) gray monkey demon (5) gates: green -> room 19 special items: purple vest speed guide - A long realm, one of the longest in fact, but thankfully you only have to go through 9 of the 20 rooms to get the purple vest. A lot of soul shrines lie in this place, though, so you may want to detour. A three room detour will score you an orb for Jacques to use. Here is the room list: 1 -> 6 -> 14 -> 13 -> 15 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 -> 19 -> 20 9. Dark Realm 3 - Jacques - Honnoji Temple (20 rooms) ----------------------------------------------------- location - This is found underneath the upper deck of the main temple, near the save point, on your second visit to Honnoji Temple, just before Jacques fights Nobunaga. You can clearly see the old man hanging down. access - Since this is right before Jacques' final fight with Nobunaga, this is the only time you can access this realm. a. Monsters ----------- This realm includes monsters found in earlier realms, and introduces the following: regular demon - This is basically a foot soldier of the genma army. It attacks with an axe. wizard - These strange demons float in the air, almost out of your reach. They will fire red or blue energy bolts at you. These bolts will begin to circle around you, completing an energy circle which, if you are not quick enough, will close on you. Red circles simply hurt you, while blue ones will bind you and suck out souls, including magic. These wizards are not separate, all of them can use both red and blue bolts. Marcellus - The infamous Marcellus. A big fixture in both Onimusha 1 and 3, he is here to give you grief. The fact that he appears with a huge group of enemies doesn't help. Marcellus has a sword and shield, and tries to slash you. After you bring his energy down a certain amount, he will start using a lightning attack that hits in a wide radius. You'll rely heavily on magic to defeat him. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - medicine (1) - secret medicine (2) - soul shrine (2) - blue orb (8) (needed to open the blue mist chest) - ultimate whip Also, on Hard mode, one of the items seems to be replaced by an ultra med. Be on the lookout for it. [d]--[ ]--[ ] / \ / \ [ ] [ ] [ ] [a] a. medicine \ / / / b. secret medicine [ ] [ ] [c] c. soul shrine / / \ \ d. ultimate whip [c] [ ] [b] [ ] e. blue orb (discussed below) / / \ / [b] [ ] [ ] \ / [ ] [ ] \ [ ] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1]--[6]--[7] / \ / \ [2] [5] [14] [8] \ / / / [3] [13] [9] / / \ \ [4] [15] [12] [10] / / \ / [16] [19] [11] \ / [17] [20] \ [18] Room 1 - monsters: 4 legged demon (12) big armored demon (5) special items: blue mist chest (ultimate whip) gates: red -> room 2; green -> room 5; blue -> room 6 Room 2 - monsters: birds (10) archer (4) special items: blue orb gates: red -> room 1; green -> room 3 Room 3 - monsters: big armored demon (7) spinning sword demon (5) gates: green -> room 2; blue -> room 5; red -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: tentacles (group) spiked ball n' chain ogre (1) special items: soul shrine blue orb gates: red -> room 3 Room 5 - monsters: 4 armed demon (10) soul sucker (1) gates: green -> room 1; blue -> room 3 Room 6 - monsters: ball n' chain ogre (3) monkey demon (3) gates: blue -> room 1; red -> room 7 Room 7 - monsters: fish demon (7) regular demon (5) special items: blue orb gates: red -> room 6; green -> room 8; blue -> room 14 Room 8 - monsters: birds (10) green energy demon (6) special items: medicine gates: green -> room 7; blue -> room 9 Room 9 - monsters: ninja (7) archer (6) special items: soul shrine blue orb gates: blue -> room 8; red -> room 10 Room 10 - monsters: jelly monster (9) gray monkey demon (6) gates: red -> room 9; green -> room 11 Room 11 - monsters: 4 armed demon (3) big armored demon (9) gates: green -> room 10; red -> room 12; blue -> room 20 Room 12 - monsters: spiked ball n' chain ogre (3) spinning demon (6) special items: secret medicine gates: red -> room 11; blue -> room 13; green -> room 19 Room 13 - monsters: tentacles (group) wizard (4) gates: blue -> room 12; green -> room 14; red -> room 15 Room 14 - monsters: jelly monster (5) vanishing ninja (8) gates: blue -> room 7; green -> room 13 Room 15 - monsters: red energy demon (4) wizard (6) special items: blue orb gates: red -> room 13; blue -> room 16 Room 16 - monsters: 4 armed demon (11) gray monkey demon (4) special items: secret medicine gates: blue -> room 15; green -> room 17 Room 17 - monsters: spiked ball n' chain ogre (6) wizard (2) gates: green -> room 16; red -> room 18 Room 18 - monsters: 4 legged demon (22) Marcellus (1 - quit crying) special items: blue orb gates: red -> room 17 Room 19 - monsters: green energy demon (5) pixies (8) special items: blue orb gates: green -> room 12 Room 20 - monsters: vanishing ninja (10) soul sucker (2) special items: blue orb gates: blue -> room 11 speed guide - Things aren't all that simple this time around. Since you have to collect 8 blue orbs to open the blue mist chest, you'll be travelling around to a lot of rooms. In reality you must go to 18 of the 20 rooms to collect all orbs (you can skip rooms 5 and 14). Therefore, a speed guide is somewhat obsolete here. I am including a map, however, of what rooms have orbs, so you can see at a glance what your strategy should be: [ ]--[ ]--[X] A basic line of travel would be: / \ / \ 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] -> 10 -> 11 -> 20 -> 12 -> 19 -> 13 \ / / / -> 15 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 [ ] [ ] [X] / / \ \ [X] [X] [ ] [ ] / / \ / [ ] [X] [ ] \ / [ ] [X] \ [X] 10. Dark Realm 3 - Samanosuke - Honnoji Temple (18 rooms) --------------------------------------------------------- location - This is found underneath the upper deck of the main temple, near the save point, on your second visit to Honnoji Temple, just before Samanosuke fights Nobunaga. You can clearly see the old man hanging down. access - Since this is right before Samanosuke's final fight with Nobunaga, this is the only time you can access this realm. a. Monsters ----------- This realm has no new monsters. You will fight a variety of monsters from the other dark realms. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - medicine (1) - secret medicine (2) - soul shrine (1) - red orb (8) (needed to open red mist chest) - Bishamon sword Also, on Hard mode, one of the items seems to be replaced by an ultra med. Be on the lookout for it. [e] / \ [ ]--[ ] [ ] a. medicine / \ \ b. secret medicine [ ]--[ ] [c] [ ] c. soul shrine \ / d. red orb (discussed below) [b]--[ ] [a] e. Bishamon sword / \ / \ [ ]--[ ] [ ] [ ] \ / / [ ]----[b] [ ] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] / \ [3]--[2] [17] / \ \ [4]--[5] [18] [16] \ / [6]--[11] [13] / \ / \ [7]--[12] [10] [14] \ / / [8]----[9] [15] Room 1 - monsters: 4 legged demon (20) soul sucker (2) special items: red mist chest (Bishamon sword) gates: red -> room 2; blue -> room 17 Room 2 - monsters: big armored demon (7) soul sucker (2) gates: red -> room 1; blue -> room 3; green -> room 18 Room 3 - monsters: ninja (8) green energy demon (4) gates: blue -> room 2; green -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: big armored demon (6) wizard (5) special items: red orb gates: green -> room 3; blue -> room 5; red -> room 6 Room 5 - monsters: laser sword demon (1) pixies (6) special items: red orb gates: blue -> room 4 Room 6 - monsters: tentacles (group) gray monkey demon (5) special items: secret medicine gates: red -> room 4; blue -> room 7; green -> room 11 Room 8 - monsters: monkey demon (7) gray monkey demon (6) special items: red orb gates: green -> room 7; red -> room 9 Room 9 - monsters: green energy demon (6) archer (7) special items: secret medicine gates: red -> room 8; blue -> room 10 Room 10 - monsters: ball n' chain ogre (5) regular demon (11) special items: red orb gates: blue -> room 9; red -> room 11; green -> room 13 Room 11 - monsters: vanishing ninja (7) archer (6) gates: red -> room 10; green -> room 6 Room 12 - monsters: Marcellus (1) 4 legged demon (25) special items: red orb gates: red -> room 7 Room 13 - monsters: tentacles (group) ball n' chain ogre (5) special items: medicine gates: green -> room 10; blue -> room 14; red -> room 16 Room 14 - monsters: red energy demon (4) vanishing ninja (9) gates: blue -> room 13; green -> room 15 Room 15 - monsters: 4 legged demon (6) fish demon (8) special items: red orb gates: green -> room 14 Room 16 - monsters: ninja (4) regular demon (6) special items: red orb gates: red -> room 13; green -> room 17 Room 17 - monsters: vanishing ninja (6) birds (6) gates: green -> room 16; blue -> room 1 Room 18 - monsters: spiked ball n' chain ogre (2) birds (11) special items: soul shrine red orb gates: green -> room 2 speed guide - This is the situation as before. You must travel through 16 of 18 rooms (you can skip either 3 or 17 and 9 or 11). Here is a map to help you: [ ] One example (out of four) would be: / \ 1 -> 2 -> 18 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 [ ]--[ ] [ ] -> 12 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 13 -> 14 -> 15 / \ \ -> 16 [X]--[X] [X] [X] \ / [ ]--[ ] [ ] / \ / \ [ ]--[X] [X] [ ] \ / / [X]----[ ] [X] 11. Dark Realm 4 - Jacques (Hard) - Oni Mansion (8 rooms) --------------------------------------------------------- location - This is the first of the two Dark Realms that can be accessed only on Hard mode. It is in the Oni mansion, after you get through the small maze, in the room with the hole leading to the Oni Army Orb. Go to the opposite end of the room, and the Gatekeeper will lower. access - You can only access this at this time, as you cannot come back after entering the hole. a. Monsters ----------- This realm has no new monsters. You will fight a variety of monsters from the other dark realms. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - soul shrine (2) - oni med lv. 3 (1) [ ] / \ [ ] [ ] a. soul shrine / \ / \ b. oni med lv 3 [ ] [a] [ ] \ / [a] [b] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] / \ [2] [6] / \ / \ [3] [5] [7] \ / [4] [8] Room 1 - monsters: 4-legged demon (10) sword demon (12) gates: red -> room 2; blue -> room 6 Room 2 - monsters: 4-legged demon (8) big armored demon (7) gates: red -> room 1; green -> room 2; blue -> room 5 Room 3 - monsters: jelly monster (5) fish demon (9) gates: green -> room 2; blue -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: 4-armed demon (10) archer (6) special items: soul shrine gates: blue -> room 3 Room 5 - monsters: tentacles (group) 4-armed demon (5) special items: soul shrine gates: blue -> room 2; green -> room 6 Room 6 - monsters: red energy demon (7) soul sucker (3) gates: blue -> room 1; green -> room 5; red -> room 7 Room 7 - monsters: 4-legged demon (5) ball n' chain ogre (10) gates: red -> room 6; green -> room 8 Room 8 - monsters: spinning demon (9) vanishing ninja (7) special items: oni med lv. 3 gates: green -> room 7 speed guide: Your ultimate prize in this short extra realm can be obtained by going through just half of it. Short and simple. Here is where you need to go: 1 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 12. Dark Realm 4 - Samanosuke (Hard) - Eiffel Tower (10 rooms) -------------------------------------------------------------- location - This Hard mode only realm can be found near the top of the Eiffel Tower, just before you enter the elevator to the deck. The Gatekeeper can be found in a broken and trashed ticket booth to the left of the elevator. access - This can be accessed up to the point where you fight Ranmaru on top of the tower. a. Monsters ----------- This realm has no new monsters. You will fight a variety of monsters from the other dark realms. b. Items -------- The following items can be found within this dark realm: - soul shrine (2) - medicine (1) - ultra med (1) [ ] / \ [ ] [ ] a. medicine / \ \ b. soul shrine [b] [ ] [ ] c. ultra med / / \ / [ ] [a] [b] \ / [c] c. Walkthrough -------------- [1] / \ [6] [2] / \ \ [7] [5] [3] / / \ / [8] [10] [4] \ / [9] Room 1 - monsters: fish demon (10) gates: red -> room 6; blue -> room 2 Room 2 - monsters: green energy demon (5) big armored demon (5) gates: blue -> room 1; red -> room 3 Room 3 - monsters: 4-legged demon (11) monkey demon (6) gates: red -> room 2; green -> room 4 Room 4 - monsters: big armored demon (4) wizard (6) special items: soul shrine gates: green -> room 3; red -> room 5 Room 5 - monsters: tentacles (group) gray monkey demon (4) gates: red -> room 4; blue -> room 6; green -> room 10 Room 6 - monsters: ninja (6) archer (6) gates: red -> room 1; blue -> room 5; green -> room 7 Room 7 - monsters: red energy demon (4) green energy demon (6) special items: soul shrine gates: green -> room 6; blue -> room 8 Room 8 - monsters: wizard (6) spiked ball n' chain ogre (2) gates: blue -> room 7; red -> room 9 Room 9 - monsters: spiked ball n' chain ogre (5) special items: ultra med gates: red -> room 8; blue -> room 10 Room 10 - monsters: green energy demon (8) sword demon (6) special items: medicine gates: blue -> room 9; green -> room 5 speed guide: Again, you will only have to go through half of the realm to get to your big prize here. Below are the two routes you can take, but you may want to choose carefully, as the first one will let you obtain a medicine, and the second one will let you run across a soul shrine. 1 -> 6 -> 5 -> 10 -> 9 or 1 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 13. A Word About Your Booty --------------------------- "I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny..." ... ahem. Sorry, I couldn't resist. A big bonus of going to the dark realms is that, when played right, you can rack up some extra stuff to help in the fight against Nobunaga and his forces. Medicines, a buttload of souls, and some very powerful weapons are some of the things you can get. This section will familiarize you with all the items you can get. Just remember, no matter where you go in the dark realms, you should never miss a chance to grab your booty. Yes, I will stop. a. Regular Items ---------------- These items include healing items and ways to increase souls. - medicine - This medicine will refill a medium sized amount of your depleted energy. - secret medicine - This medicine will refill a large amount of your depleted energy. - soul shrine - These shrines become active after all enemies in a room are defeated. They release a lot of red souls, and some blue and yellow souls. - oni med lv 2 - This refills a medium amount of depleted magic power. - oni med lv 3 - This refills a large amount of depleted magic power. - ultra med - This refills all HP and all magic power. Very valuable. - wood charm - This will automatically bring you back to life once if your health is completely depleted. b. Orbs ------- Various orbs are found in later dark realms. Each type is used to unlock a specific chest. - green orb - This is found by Jacques in the 2nd realm. It is used by Samanosuke in the 2nd realm to get a wood charm. - purple orb - This is found by Samanosuke in the 2nd realm. It is used by Jacques in the 2nd realm to get a wood charm. - blue orb - Jacques finds 8 of these in the 3rd realm, and uses them to obtain the ultimate whip. - red orb - Samanosuke finds 8 of these in the 3rd realm, and uses them to obtain the Bishamon sword. c. Big Prizes ------------- These are the most useful and important items that are found in the dark realms. These are your main objectives. - thunder seal - This becomes the Raizen, a sword that emits thunder magic. - wind seal - This becomes the Shippuu, a naginata that emits wind magic. - fire seal - This becomes the Enryuu, a sword that emits fire magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The above seals earn you extra weapons on your second playthrough. They | | are the original weapons from Onimusha 1, the same weapons that Sam | | starts out with when he is at Honnoji Temple. How do you access them? | | When you beat the game, save your system file, start a new game, then | | play through until Sam warps to France. Your weapons will be lying in | | the alley, ready to pick up. They are already charged to the max. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - purple vest - This vest is used by Ako. It reduces magic power needed to use spells. It is useful in the latter realms, and where many enemies come at you, such as the Oni/Genma Burly Brawl. - ultimate whip - This whip is used by Jacques and is the most powerful whip. Nobunaga falls quickly before this whip. - Bishamon sword - This sword is used by Samanosuke and is the most powerful sword. About the ultimate weapons - Each weapon hits regular enemies hard. At this late stage in the game, you can only use them in two places: in Dark Realm 3, and against Nobunaga. Each weapon can kill normal enemies in one or two hits, and each one has a magic attack that hits hard and uses no magic. While the ultimate whip can be used (very effectively) against Nobunaga, the Bishamon sword cannot be used by itself against him. So what is the point of the Bishamon sword? Well, when Sam engages Nobunaga, he transforms into an uber- Onimusha, and gains a weapon called the Onimusha sword. My first playthrough, I had raised all but one weapon to max level, and got Onimusha sword level 7. My second playthrough, I got all weapons to max level, and got Onimusha sword level eight. I have read about this in another faq, and I agree: each level counts for one level on the Onimusha sword (each weapon = 2 levels). The Bishamon sword therefore would count as two levels, so it does have some bearings on your final battle. It also affects your ending stats. update: It was Demonkaze's FAQ where I read the info on the importance of the Bishamon sword. Thanks for leading me in the right direction. 14. Thanks ---------- CJayC - For GameFAQs, my home away from home on the internet, and for hosting this FAQ. Capcom - From day 1 with Mega Man, this has been one of my favorite companies. Good work, and I hope to see Onimusha 4: The Jubei - Cheech Affair soon! Sony - For the Playstation2. If I have to play a non-Nintendo system, this is it. Demonkaze - For clueing me in on why I should bother with the Bishamon sword. The Onimusha 3 instruction booklet - For a quick rundown of the controls. Thanks to the following people for letting me know about the extra realms: - Christian "Verve" Northfleet (chnorth@terra.com.br) - Fabio Nakao (fabinhonakao@yahoo.com.br) - Lee Self (LakerLee8@aol.com) - Cris Lim (crisboyblue@yahoo.com) - Stefan Love (overgrowneden@gmail.com) - Ryo McDohl (luc_mcdohl85@yahoo.de) - Stuart Graff (stuartgraff@sbcglobal.net) 15. Copyright ------------- This walkthrough is copyright 2004 Brian Mills, all rights reserved. This guide may be reproduced for personal use, but otherwise cannot be reproduced in part or whole for any reason. It may not be sold for any reason, and may not be posted anywhere other than GameFAQs. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at bmgamfrk22@alltel.net and I will try to answer when I can. If you see this walkthrough anywhere other than GameFAQs please let me know by e-mail.