~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ONIMUSHA:WARLORDS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By:DemonSLAYER Date:18th July, 2001 E-mail:demonslayer50@hotmail.com Country:England GameFAQ's UserName:DemonSLAYER Game type: PAL Version: 4.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Everyone :) This is my first ever FAQ, so I hope you all like it and find it helpful. I decided to do it on ONIMUSHA because I love the game so much, and I want to help people get the best from the game. If you find anything wrong with the FAQ, like/dislike the FAQ, find something I have left out of it, want to tell me how great it is :P or just want to plainly discuss the game, please feel free to mail me at demonslayer50@hotmail.com I guarantee a quick reply. Well, hope y'all enjoy my FAQ! BTW, I'm a regular on the CE board on GameFAQ's so you could talk to me there too if you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Contents<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Version History 2) Introduction 3) Destiny 4) Controls 5) Characters a) Samanosuke Akechi b) Kaede c) Princess Yuki d) Yumemaru e) Nobunaga Oda f) Toukichiro Kinoshita 6) Playing the game a) Weapons/Orbs b) Healing c) Souls d) General Tips 7) Walkthrough a) Samanosuke pt. 1 b) Kaede pt. 2 c) Samanosuke pt. 3 d) Kaede pt. 4 e) Samanosuke pt. 5 8) Boss Fights 9) My Review 10) Secrets & Side Quests 11) Oni-Spirits 12) The Dark Realm 13) Flourite locations 14) Files 15) Legal Notice/Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1)VERSION HISTORY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The FAQ has probably just been updated for the last time. Al most the whole game ahs been covered. If something is left out, tell me please. Version 1 -Started FAQ, 28th July, 2001 "Introduction" section completed "Destiny" section completed "Controls" section completed "Characters" section completed "Playing the Game" section completed "Walkthrough" section completed (size - 70.1 KB) Version 2 -Started updates, 16th August, 2001 "Boss Fights" section completed "My Review" section completed "Secrets & Side Quests" section completed "Oni-Spirits" section completed (size - 90.3 KB) Version 3 -Continued updates, 17th August, 2001 "Flourite Locations" section completed "The Dark Realm" section completed (size - 96.5 KB) Version 4 - Just some very minor things, fixed some speeling errors, changed design of table in "DARK REALM" section of FAQ "Files" section added to FAQ (size - 111 KB) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2)INTRODUCTION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to ONIMUSHA! The first in hopefully a long line of successful Surival- Horror games for the PS2. ONIMUSHA will have you killing Demons by the score, and this Guide will help you through it all. This, hopefully will be a great FAQ for a great game. This FAQ was written with the purpose of helping YOU out with the game. It will contain spoilers, and will deal with every single aspect of the game. It will give in depth guides to Boss fights and Mini-Games, not to mention a complete Walkthrough that will help you to beat the game, or find those extra few things you missed on your first time through. I pretty much want to write this FAQ to help people out, so let it begin and enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3)DESTINY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EIROKU 3 (AD 1560) SUMMER ... Yoshimoto Imagawa, a powerful warlord of Suruga, leads an immense army from Suruga toward Kyoto (in those days the capital of Japan). Yoshimoto's ambition is to unify Japan and crown himself its sole king. On the march, the army halts on the plain of Okehazama in Owari to rest for the night. This changes Yoshimoto's- and Japan's - destiny forever. A troop of only 2,000 soldiers, led by Nobunaga Oda, a warlord of Owari, makes a surprise attack on Yoshimoto's camp. In a desperate battle, Nobunaga's legions defeat the invaders and slay Yoshimoto. (This historical event is know as the Battle of Okehazama.) Just as Nobunaga is exulting in his victory, an arrow from one of Yoshimoto's soldiers pierces his throat. He falls to the ground in a death struggle. A young man watches this from a remote hill. His name is Samanosuke Akechi. He is marked by destiny ... ONE YEAR LATER ... Strange incidents are occuring in Inabayama Castle in Mino prefecture. Soldiers and workers are dissappearing without a trace. Worried by these inexplicable events, Princess Yuki sends a plea for help to Samanosuke. At once, he races to the castle. But he arrives too late. Yuki has been kidnapped! At the same time, enemy troops are attacking the castle. Leading the army - risen from certain death and astride a fierce warhorse - is Nobunaga! It's time for action! Samanosuke vows to rescue Yuki with the help of his partner kunoichi* Kaede and defeat Nobunaga and his army of demon warriors. *Female ninja ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4)CONTROLS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The game controls are very good and easy to pick up and use. It is because of such good controls, that the game flows so well and is easy to play and like. So here are the basic controls: ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| Circle |~ Absorb Souls (hold) | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| Square |~ Attack | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| Triangle |~ Cancel menu selection | |~ Use special attack | |~ Hide inventory | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| X |~ Confirm menu selection | |~ Use/Equip an inventory item | |~ Check/Decide | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| R1 |~ Ready sword | |~ Switch displays in the inventory | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| R2 |~ Turn 180 degrees | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| R3 |~ Display map | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| L1 |~ Block | |~ Switch displays in the Inventory | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| L2 |~ Not used | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| L3 |~ Not used | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| Start |~ Start game | |~ Display/Hide menu | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| Select |~ Pause/Resume | ----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS ~ Highlight menu selections ~ During play, move your Character UP ~ Run forward/Step froward (with R1 held) DOWN ~ Run backward/Step backward (with R1 help) LEFT ~ Rotate left/Step left (with R1 held) RIGHT ~ Rotate right/Step right (with R1 held) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6)CHARACTERS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is just a brief overview of the main characters you will meet in your playing of the game. It is these characters who make the plot develop, and who effect Samenosukes path through the story the most. Samanosuke Akechi (24 years old) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A master swordsman who travels accross Japan seeking his rival. Often perceived as a passionless soldier because of his quiet ways, Samanosuke is actually a hot-blooded warrior with a noble sense of justice. Samanosuke is the main character you control during the game. Kaede ~~~~~ An expert kunoichi (female ninja), Kaede was originallt sent by the Iga ninjas to assasinate Samanosuke. Instead, she develops absolute trust in him and joins him as his confidant. Kaede is the secondary character you control in the game. Yuki (19 years old) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yuki is the sister of Yoshitatsu, the master of Inabayama castle and Samanosuke's cousin. She becomes aware of strange events in the castle and sends an SOS to Samanosuke. But before he arrives, she is mysteriously kidnapped. Yumemaru (12 years old) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An enigmatic orphan discovered by Samanosuke while looking for Yuki in the castle. He is really Princess Yuki's adopted brother. He thinks it's his duty to help in the saving of Kaede, but he also gets captured... Nobunaga Oda ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An experienced warlord who aspires to unify Japan. With the victory against Imagawa in Okehazama, he rides a tidal wave of success. Though he was once though dead, Nobunaga's acts have now become extremely heartless and cruel. Toukichiro Kinoshita ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of Nobunaga's high - ranking generals, Kinishita has the warlords complete trust.Though he has sworn absolute loyalty to Nobunaga, the omly thing Kinoshita truly about is his own advancement in the ranks of power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6)PLAYING THE GAME<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>a)WEAPONS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this adventure, you can control two characters, Samanosuke, and Kaede. Each character has a unique and separate set of weapons. I will describe the weapon and function for each character below. Fisrt Samanosuke, then Kaede. Each of Samanosukes weapons can have its Orb and blade upgraded. When the Orb is upgraded, the Special attack becomes stronger. When the blade is upgraded, the attack power of the blade goes up. It would be my Advice to upgrade the Blade before the Orb with each weapon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>Samanosuke<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORMAL SWORD - Samanosukes basic weapon, and initiall equipping. Very weak compared to later weapon. Only equip this if you feel like being killed. It has no magic power either. Samanosuke's worst weapon. RAIZAN/SHIDEN - When the Thunder Orb, SHIDEN is put in the Gauntlet of the Ogres, Samanosuke gains the use of the RAIZAN, the Thunder Sword. It has good attack power, far better than the normal sword. It's special attack is a series of Thunder slashes on the target, followed by the target getting hit with a Thunder Bolt. My favourite magical Sword. The special attack often hits multiple targets, so it's good for individuals or small groups. ENRYUU/KOUEN - When the Fire Orb, KOUEN is put in the Gauntlet, Samanosuke can use the ENRYUU, the Fire Sword. It is very slow, but very powerful. The most powerful of the three magical swords. It's special attack see's the blade go on fire, and Samanosuke deliver a crushing Blow to the enemy. Useful on big, strong enemies. SHIPPUU/ARASHI - When ARASHI, the Wind Orb is placed in the Gauntlet Samanosuke is able to use SHIPPUU, the Wind weapon. It's more of a staff with blades on the end than a sword. It's very fast and has a good special attack, however It's attack power is the weakest of the three magical swords. It's special Attack creates a large tornado, that can hit multiple targets. Very good for fighting groups, and brilliant for ONI-SPIRITS. ============================ Other Weapons for Samanosuke ============================ BOW and ARROW/FIRE ARROW - This is an infinitely useful weapon. It is long range, can kill many Demons with only two or three shots. When upgraded to fire arrows it becomes even better. It easliy kills enemies out of reach on rooftops or balconies. I would advise you to hang on to your fire arrows for when they are needed most. MATCHLOCK with BULLETS/BURST BULLETS - Incredibly powerful, yet bullets are very sparse. It's excellent for the last few bosses, so don't waste it! Great against groups, or enemies you find tough to kill with the swords. BISHAMON SWORD - Oh My God! The most powerful weapon in the game. Easily kills all demons and bosses (save the last boss) in a few shots. It's special attack is the most powerful attack at your disposal. There are only two ways to get this beauty though, and neither of them are easy. I'll give the methods later in the FAQ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>Kaede<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kaede doesn't have quite as many weapons at her disposal as Samanosuke, but you don't control her as much, so what she has does fine for her. Another thing to note about Kaede is her weapons can't be enhanced. She has no Gauntlet, and can't suck up souls. Her weapons don't have special attacks either. The triangle button does something else... Ok, on to her weapons. KNIFE - Kaede's favourite weapon. It has a very short, sharp blade. It's very quick, thiugh it's attack power is quite low. It is OK for killing some of the weaker demons, but it's weak attack power lets it down against the stronger ones. SACRED KNIFE - The strongest weapon for Kaede. It's blade glows red like blood. It is a lot stronger than the knife. Makes killing demons a lot easier. Equip it as soon as you get it! KUNAI - Throwing weapons for Kaede. Kinda her equivalent to the BOW & ARROW. They are quite strong and accurate. They also have a good range. Use these to counter archer demons, and large, strong enemies from a distance. You fire these by hitting the TRIANGLE button, and hold R1 at the same time to aim. NOTE: Another two attacks are availible to both characters. one is a kick. It is executed by pressing the DOWN directional button, and the SQUARE button together. It is a very weak attack, but it sometimes stuns the enemy, and it also pushes the enemy away from you. It is very useful in tight situations. The other attack is a stab into a demon, only when the demon is on the ground. Once you have knocked a demon over, walk up to it and keep hitting SQUARE and Samanosuke will do this stab. It instantly kills the demon on the receiving end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>b)HEALING<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It goes without saying, that if you don't heal, you WILL die. And unless you you can dodge and block 100% of the time, which you won't do, healing items are ESSENTIAL. There are two types of healing items. One is the HERB, the other is MEDICINE. A HERB will only heal a small portion of Vitality, but a MEDICINE will completely restore vitality. HERBS can be upgrade to MEDICINES at Magic Mirrors. There are also two other items that will help your character to stay alive during the adventure. TALISMAN - When your characters vitality goes down to zero, they will come back to life on full health if you have a TALISMAN in your possesion. SOUL ABSORBER - When you use this in the vacinity of demons, their soul will become availible to be sucked up before they are killed. You'll often find a lot of YELLOW and BLUE souls to be sucked up when this item is used. They are very useful. NOTE: It is very useful and important to upgrade HERBS into MEDICINES. When ever at a Magic Mirror, and you have Red Souls to spare, upgrade your HERBS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>c)SOULS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Souls that you suck up in the game are what give you your health, magic and ability to upgrade your weapons and HERBS. The Souls come in three different colours : RED, BLUE and YELLOW. Below is a brief description of each. You get souls by killing enemies. When the enemy is killed, they leave a soul behind, which can be sucked up into the Gauntlet. You suck up souls by pressing the CIRCLE button. RED SOULS - The most common type of Soul in the game. You get these every time you defeat an enemy. These souls give you the ability to upgrade your weapons and items at Magic Mirrors. Be warned though, even though these souls are very common it takes a lot of them to enhance your items, so be wise with how you distribute these souls! BLUE SOULS - These are the second most common type of soul. When you suck these souls into your Gauntlet, some of your magic power will be replenished. You can also replenish your magic at certain fountains that are situated here and there throughout the world of ONIMUSHA. YELLOW SOULS - These are the rarest type of Soul in the game. When you suck them into the Gauntlet some of your vitality is replenished. These are quite rare so whenever you see one make sure you suck it up! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>D)GENERAL TIPS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -My first and foremost tip would be to save as much as possible. Whenever you see a Magic Mirror, save your game. You'll never know what kind of demons would be hiding around the next corner. SAVE!!!! -Secondly, Always spread out your enhancements. Don't just keep enhancing your Thunder sword, or Fire Sword, spread those RED SOULS out! This is very important too. -Third, use the R2 button. It makes your character do a 180 degree turn. It's very useful for quick turns, to run away, or when fighting against multiple enemies. -Next, DON'T WASTE YOUR MAGIC!!!. It is soooooo important not to waste your magic powers on common demons.It's needed for bosses and the really tough demons you come accross. -My next piece of advice is BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK!!!!! Most of the enemies attacks can be diverted by hitting the L1 button at just the right moment. It will SAVE you in tight situations. NOTE: There are some enemy attacks that can't be blocked. This must be either just taken, or dodged. To dodge, hold R1, then the direction you want to move. -Next, look for Soul Shrines and Magic Fountains. Soul Shrines contain RED SOULS, while Magic Fountains contain BLUE SOULS's, which will completetly restore your magic. These things are quite useful, so be on the look out for them. -This one is kinda dumb, but make sure you suck up the SOULS of every demon you defeat. Like I said, kinda dumb, but the most important thing in the game. NOTE: After sucking up a certain number of souls, Your Gauntlet will become enhanced. I don't know if it makes a difference, but the Gauntlet changes in appearance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7)WALKTHROUGH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bit you've all been waiting for! The walkthrough is coming up. Be warned though, becauseit WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!! so read on at your own risk. The walkthrough has been split into 5 different sections for your convenience. If there is a certain part of the walkthrough you want to go to, press Ctrl+f to do Ok. Start your new game, and watch the really cool intro movie. I could watch it a million times without being bored, cos it's so brilliant looking. OK, now we start the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAMANOSUKE PART 1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the intro movie, read the letter from Princess Yuki. As the game starts you are told you can reach the Keep via the Western Path, or Northern Passage. Just go the way Kaede doesn't go. As you walk down the path, two Blue Ninja's will attack you. Just target one with the R1 button, and then just hack away until the two demons decide they have had enough punishment. Now watch the cutscene. Yay! you got Princess Yuki back. But wait....no, she's been taken again. But on the plus side, the Clan of Ogres gives you it's power in the Gauntlet of the Ogres. Read the instructions too once you get the Gauntlet. From here just go on to the MAGIC MIRROR and save you game. You can't enhance yet. Keep following the path, and cross the bridge. Across the bridge you'll see a cutscene where a poor man is killed by demons. But now they turn on you! This is your first real battle. Just hack away at the demons. It shouldn't be too much trouble. Suck up the Souls and go in the door to the fort. Go through the first room, but the mean guys lock you in the second room with 4 demons! Use the BLOCK BUTTON a lot for this fight, and you should come out fine. Absorb all the souls, and head in the door at the other end of the room. Once your in the room, smack the villager, then push on. You'll come out in a forest. A few Blue Ninja's will jump down through the canopy to attack you. Kill them and suck up the souls. You should see a HERB on the ground as well. Run on, into the cave. A hole will open up. Jump down. A few more Blue Ninja's will try to stop you outside the temple. Make sure you get the TEMPLE MAP before you go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a statue. Take the GREEN SCROLL, and the satue will move aside. Go in the newly found door. There are a few demons in here, but nothing you can't handle. Go round to the right and get the SEIRYU from behind the two small closed doors in the wall. There is also a FLOURITE along the wall. Make sure you get it, it's important. Head round to the other end of the corridor, and go in the door at the end. There are some jars in this room. Smash them all to reveal a treasure chest. Take the JOURNAL from the chest. Now walk up to the blue glowing thingy at the end of the room, and pick it up. Congratulations! You've got the THUNDER ORB. This allows you to equip the RAIZAN/SHIDEN. You can now use magic attacks! Head out of the room to the left. Walk down the corridor until you see a treasure box. It's a TRICK TREASURE BOX though! But it's easy to solve the puzzle. There are many of these such boxes through the game. I'll call this one TRICK TREASURE BOX (A). The solution is : Turn the left half, then the right half, then the left half again. Voila! You get a ROPE LADDER. Now go up the stairs. You'll see you come out in a forest. You'll see the corner of a chest on your left. It contains a MAGIC JEWEL. Use it straight away to make your Magic bar bigger. Keep following the path. You'll come to a Magic Mirror, and a door that is locked with a glowing blue thing. To unlock this door just press X before it with your Thunder Sword equipped. Go out on to the sort of bridge like structure. There will be loads of fights with Spike Demons. At this point I kept fighting here until I had my Sword and Orb at level 2. If the fights stop, just leave through the Blue door, then come back in. Save occasionally. Once your at level 2, go in the door at the other end. This place is like a sreet block. Walk around till you see a big, huge axe-weilding MF. Kill him with Magic. Go in the door behind him. In here should be a man, who is being attacked by several demons. Kill all the demons, and save the man, and he will reward you with a HERB. {NOTE: beside the Magic Mirror before the Bridge like structure is a Treasure Chest which you need to put in three symbols to unlock it. The three symbols to unlock this chest are : 1st choice, 3rd choice, 6th choice. You'll get a POWER JEWEL for this, which increases you VITALITY. Use it straight away when you get it.} The door behind the soldier is locked, so go over to the hole in the wall behind you. Use the ROPE LADDER here, and climb down into the dry moat. Follow the path through, until you see a save point. Use all your RED SOULS to enhance your RAIZAN and SHIDEN. Before you save your game, walk to the other end of the room. Beside Red Door is a crate. Smash it, to reveal a Treasure Chest. In here is a MEDICINE. Very useful. Now go save your game, and go in the door beside the save point. In here you will come across your very 1st boss!!! He's not too hard but my strategy for him is below. There is also a chest beside the Magic Mirror, which you need to unlock by chanting a name. Pick the 6th choice, then the 1st choice, then the 4th choice to unlock a POWER JEWEL. Use it right away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 1 : OSRIC<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy has three attacks. Two can be blocked. One is a big swipe with his club, which is blockable. The next is a charge at you, which is also blockable. The next is a big huge overhaed Swing with his club. This is UNBLOCKABLE. It usually knocks you over, and he will then try to mash you once your on the ground, so YOU MUST DODGE THIS! Ok, the fight starts. Run into him, and use your THUNDER MAGIC. Now back up a bit, and wait for his attack. Either block it, or hold R1 and press LEFT or RIGHT to dodge away from the attack. After he has attacked(and missed hopefully) go back in, and use your THUNDER MAGIC again. Continue doing this, and he should be toast in no time. You MAY have to use a HERB for this fight, but it isn't too hard, so you should manage fine. Such up all the souls once he is dead. These should completely refil your MAGIC and VITALITY bars, and give to a few RED SOULS too. Now go in the door that the falling demon creates for you. Open the chest to get JOURNAL NO. 2. Run on through the door. You'll see some vases on the left. Smash them, and search the floor for a FLOURITE. Make sure you get it! Run on, following the path. You'll come to a door, so go in. You'll see a cutscene, which introduces you to Guildenstern. He will make you fight his new creation, Reynaldo. Don't worry, he's not hard at all. Just slash away. No need for magic here. Once he is dead, suck up his souls, and get the FIRE ORB from the kind of stand on the left of the room. Equip it straight away. Go back out to where you fought the boss. You'll see some Blue Skulls floating about. Try to kill them all for some major SOULS. Once you've killed them, head out the door locked by RED MAGIC. Save your game, and enhance if you want. Now head back outside and climb up the ROPE LADDER, back to the top. There will be a Blue Skull, and a big Axe Demon up here. Kill them both, use Magic if you have to. Now go back out, and remember that door that was locked by RED MAGIC before? You can go in it now. So go in there, and congratulations! Your in THE KEEP. There are some demons in here, so kill them all, use magic if you want. There are three doors in here. One large double door, and two small doors. One small door in directly on the left as you walk in. IGNORE THIS DOOR!!! Go in the other small door. In here in a save point and a MAGIC FOUNTAIN. Use the MAGIC FOUNTAIN, then save your game. Go back out, and go in the double doors. You'll see Toukachiro and Yumemaru in here for the first time. Watch the cutscene. Now get the NORMAL ARROWS from the chest, and go in the door at the right. Get JOURNAL NO. 3 from the chest. Go back out to the previous room. It's full of demons now. Kill them all. Now go in the door sealed by RED MAGIC. Keep moving forward until you see a door locked by a blue plate with red tentacle thingys coming out of it. Walk by, and youll see a cutscene with Keade and Yumemaru. After the cutscene, just keep walking. Go in the door at the end of the corridor. In here there are loads of demons to kill. Once they are all dead, suck up their souls. Keep going, and you'll see a staicase, with a door behind it. Go in the door. You'll see a treasure chest. It's another trick one. I'll call this TRICK TREASURE BOX (b). The solution is The left dial once, then the right dial once, then the left dial once, then the right dial twice. You will get the BOW for opening the chest. There is also a kinda of hole in the middle of the room, like a well. Just DON'T CUT THE ROPE. Make sure to get the SAZUKA from the shelf in the same room, then head outside. Just before the stairs is a chest with a HERB, and just to the left of the chest is a FLOURITE. Be sure to get both. Go up stairs. Up here are some Blue Ninja's and a big Samurai. Kill the Ninja's normally, but you can use magic on the Samurai if you want. Most of his attacks can be blocked though. If he picks you up by the neck, mash the buttons on the pad to free yourself. Just beside the stairs is another door. Go in here and examine the bucket to receive a POWER JEWEL, which you should use immediately. Once all the demons are dead, and their souls sucked, You'll see a door sealed by RED MAGIC, and a door opposite. Your FIRE ORB, KOUEN, should be at level 2 by now, so go in this door. You'll find the RIGHT CREST PIECE in the chest, and the RED BOOK in here also. Now go through the other door opposite. From here, equip your bow, and kill the demons who are attcking the men below. If you kill both demons, there will be a HERB and a POWER JEWEL waiting for you when you go back down. Now walk round till you see another door sealed by RED MAGIC. Go in. There are two holes in the floor to your left, with demons crawling up them. Kill all the demons. There will also be a bigger Samurai in here too. Kill him as well, then go in the door behind him. In here, there is a Treasure Chest, under and a big crate, and a staircase. Get the NORMAL ARROWS from the chest, once you've smashed the crate. Also, there is a FLOURITE under the staircase, and a BYAKKO is there too. Now go up the stairs. SAVE YOUR GAME, and go in the door. Walk a few steps, then be prepared to see a cutscene. Oh no! You've been trapped. Well, it's nothing a bit of puzzle solving won't fix. Here you control Samanosuke AND Kaede. It's quite easy here to be honest. As Samanosuke, pull the lever. As Kaede pull the left level, then as Samanosuke pull the right one.Then as Kaede pull the far right lever, then as Samanosuke get the HOLY ARMOUR from the chest, then go pull the far left lever. Then as Kaede, pull the only lever left, and your through! You come out in a dark room with a Magic Fountain, and lots of candles. Equip your FIRE SWORD, and use the TRIANGLE attack to light the candles, and unlock a door. Refil your magic, and head on through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE BREAKING PLATFORM PUZZLE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next puzzle is pretty tough though, and takes a wee bit of explaining. In this room, there are a load of platforms, some haxe an "X" on them, and some have a "+" on them. When you step on a platfrom, some of the others break away, and so you can't walk there. The point is to try and reach the "0" platform at the other end of the room. Now, before you think that X breaks X and 0 breaks 0, THIS IS NOT THE CASE! If you step on and X platfrom, it will break all platforms that are diagonally in line with the platfrom you are on. If you step on a + platform, it will break all platforms horizontally and vertically in line with that platform. Therefore you should be able to predict which platforms will break, and which won't, every time. Making this puzzle EASY! Go through the door at the top, into a new puzzle. Yippee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE WATER PUZZLE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you walk through the door, there is a short cutscene, and Samanosuke is trapped in behind a door, and the small room begins to fill up with water. You now take over as Kaede, and have to save Samanosuke! Run over to the gold looking thing on the wall, to start the puzzle. This friggin' thing will drive you mad. There are no instructions I can give you here. So you're pretty much on your own for this one. Just keep messing around with it. There is a bar on the left that shows how much time is left. If you feel you've hit a brick wall, then press TRIANGLE to reset the puzzle. The puzzle essentially envolves moving around some pieces of the puzzle, to ty to get the Saito Clan crest in the right place. My only tip would be to work on the left crest piece first, then the right one. And don't hesitate to move the left Crest Piece out of position for a short while to sort other pieces out. You should get it soon enough. And as you know the solution to the other puzzles, it won't be too hard. There will be another short cutscene, and Samanosuke is free! Head on through the only other door in the room. At the opposite side of the next room, is a pull tab on the wall. Pull this, and all the previous puzzles are disarmed, and a staircase falls from the ceiling of the room you are in. Go up the stairs. There is a door, which is locked, so just go by it. You'll come to a ladder. Go down, then go down again. You'll see a treasure chest, which contains the LEFT CREST PIECE. There is also a kind of gold thing hanging on the wall. Hit it with your sword, and it will fall off, revealing JOURNAL NO. 4. Now go back up the ladder to the very top. Now go back to the locked door mentioned before, and put the CREST PIECES into it. It will unlock now, so go in. Watch the cutscene. Once you have control again, get the SEIRYU from the right. There is a wooden box on a stand opposite the SEIRYU. There is a FLOURITE here, so make sure to get it. Go through the door. Get the SAZUKA from the floor. Now be ready to be attacked. A Blue Ninja will jump through the flimsy wall. Kill him, and head on through the newly constructed door. There is a stairway, and a Treasure Chest in this room. Get the NORMAL ARROWS from the chest, and go up stairs. Your outside now, and you can hear Yumemaru screaming to be saved. Run around, and prepare to ba attacked by four or five Blue Ninja's. Kill them, and go in the double door. There is also a door locked by WIND MAGIC here, but you can't access it, yet. Anyway, go in the double doors. There is a chest in here containing a MEDICINE, and a SEIRYU opposite the chest. There are also two of those paper wall thingys in here, both of which you can knock down with your sword. One reveals a SOUL SHRINE. Suck up the RED SOULS from here. The other, a Magic Mirror, and a new secret passage. Save your game, and enhance your WEAPONS and ORBS. Now go up the ladder, and be prepared to fight your second boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 2 : MARCELLUS (1ST TIME)<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had no real difficulty with this guy. He only has one attack that you can't dodge, which is a huge overhead swing with his sword. He carried a shield too, and will try to block all of your attacks. My strategy here was to block his attacks, and use FIRE MAGIC on him whenever I got the chance. You should wait for him, to attack, then counter. If you run out of FIRE MAGIC, use THUNDER MAGIC instead. He will let a few SOULS out now and then, so suck them up. BLUE SOULS are especially helpful. After a while, using this strategy, he should be done. He will fall off the roof, so suck up his souls, which should fully heal you, then get the WIND ORB he leaves behing him. Equip it, and go back down the ladder. Save your game, and go over to the door you that was locked with WINDMAGIC. Yumemaru is inside. This will trigger a cutscene, which is quite long. A new character, Nui, servant of Princess Hatsu, is introduced. She tells you Princess Yuki is underground. Now head back to the main room in the Keep. Save your game in the side room, then go into the other side room, the one I told you to ignore at the start of the game. Run through the various rooms, killing all the demons. There are a lot of Spike Demons to fight around here, so be careful. This is a good place to get RED SOULS from though, so fight as much asyou can. At the end of the corridor, equip your FIRE SWORD to open the door.You'll now be in a room with a strange blue glow. There is an altar style thingand you need to equip your FIRE, then THUNDER, then WIND SWORD'S to unlock the door to the underground part of the Keep. In here, there is a corridor that branches off to the right. Once you reach the turn, take it. Go in the door. In here is a save point, so save your game. Also try to enhance your WIND ORB up to level 2. After you've saved, get the HERB from the chest, and run on. Behind the bookshelf are some tentacles going from floor to ceiling. Just slash your way through, they don't fight back. In the next area, kill the Reynaldo, block his attacks if you have to. You can cut him in half, but if you do each half will become a new Reynaldo, so try not to slash him too much. Get the BYAKKO, GREEN BOOK and RED BOOK from the bookshelf. Go through the next door, into a very narrow room. Go through until you see a grey double door. Go in and you'll be in a room that looks like a meat storage room. Go to the left of the thing in the middle, and cut the rope. Now go back round to the right to get the ROSARY OF COMMUNION. Also, there is a chest with the KEEP UNDERGROUND MAP in the same room. Now go back outside, and expect some fights. Go in the other grey door. In here, go to the end of the room, and take the PURIFIER BELL from the chest. But you've triggered a booby trap! In fact, this bit is easy. Just go to the very left or right hand side of the room, to give you more space, and you should waltz through. Once your outside, expect more fights again. Head back to the Magic Mirror, MAKE SURE YOUR WIND ORB IS LEVEL 2, then save your game. Go out, and take the route you didn't take before when you turned right. You will come to a door blocked by lots of ghostly faces who won't let you pass. Use the PURIFIER BELL, and they will all dissapear, and letting you pass without trouble. You'll arrive in a hallway, lined with sort of status of demons. But when you pass, three of them come to life! They are all Samurai, so you might want to use magic on them. Once they are all dead, suck up the souls, go right round to the end of the corridor. In the very left corner, beyond the Blue Key door, is a FLOURITE, so grab it. Now head back to the other door in the hallway. In here is a door blocked by Green Magic, and another door. First, kill all the demons in here. There are a few Reynaldo's and maybe a Samurai. NOW THIS IS WHY I SAID HAVE YOUR WIND ORB AT LEVEL 2! Go in this door, unlocking it with your WIND ORB, and get the BYAKKO, and APOCALYPSE NO. 1. There is also a Trick Treasure Chest in here, which I will call TRICK TREASURE CHEST NO. 3. The solution for it is as follows. Turn the middle dial, then the right dial, then the left dial. The chest contains the BLUE KEY. There is also a FLOURITE in the weird furnace type thing just right of the door. You should have 7 FLOURITES by now. Go back outside, and kill the Reynaldo's. Go in the other door, mentioned earlier. Get the WHITE BOOK and the HERB from in here. Now go back to the BLUE KEY DOOR, accross from where you got a FLOURITE. You may have to fight a demon or two on your way. Go in the BLUE KEY DOOR, and watch the cutscene... What will happen to our dear hero Samanosuke? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF SAMANOSUKE PART 1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now take over for a short while as Kaede, Samanosukes sort of sidekick. I have a small bit of advice for you while using her. If you can avoid fighting, do so at all costs. Fighting holds no benefit for her. For Samanosuke, he can suck up the souls of the dead. Kaede can't so killing is pretty much useless. So if you can run away, or dodge an attack, just do so. It will help you keep up your vitality, and it will help you get through her sections quicker, cos lets face it. No-one likes playing with a really weak character. So keep that in mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KAEDE PART 2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the cutscene, as the evil Samanosuke gives you a dig, and so on. Now exit the room your in. There will be a short cutscene with a dying soldier. He gives you the RED KEY, and mentions the WEST PRISON, your next destination. So head back to the main keep room, and save your game. Now go out into the main Keep room and go outside the Keep. You'll now be locked out, but don't worry, you don't need to go back in for anything. Now go in the door to your right, ya know, where you used the ROPE LADDER? Go up to the door that was previously locked, and had RED INK on it. Guess what? the RED KEY opens this door! So go in. In here, just keep running and only fight when you HAVE TO! Try to avoid confrontation. Keep going until you see a guy being attacked by a demon. There are archers above here, so you have to avoid them. This is an Archery Range. Kill the demon attacking the man, then go and kill the archers. After they are dead, the man falls to his knees, and drops a SOUL ABSORBER which you should swiftly grab. Now, insteadof going up the ladder here, go in the door to the left of it. It's like a wood area. You'll be attacked by some Blue Ninja's in here, so be careful. Advance to a door, where Kaede will use her SHINOBU KIT on the door. Make sure to get the KUNAI'S at the side of the path too. In the next room, there is a Magic Mirror, and a Chest where you have to Chant a name to open it. The solution to the chest puzzle is : Pick the 5th choice, then the 7th choice, then the 2nd choice. You will get a MAGIC JEWEL, which you'll save for Samanosuke. Now go in the next door, and grab the shiny thing in front of the dead soldier lying on the ground. This is the GEAR. Now walk up to the big double door, that is locked. You'll find out you need to get the GOLD PLATE and SILVER PLATE to open this door. Now go back to the place where you saved the man, and go up the ladder. Go accross the catwalk, and go in down the ladder. Save your game down here, and get the WEST AREA MAP from the Treasure Chest. This room is the Food Storage Room. Remember that because you use here later. Now go up to the door beside the Magic Mirror, and Kaede will use the SHINOBI KIT. In this new room there are loads of demons to fight, but I would say avoid them. You can fight if you really want, but I would say don't. At the end of the path, there is a door to the right, and a door to the left. Go in the left door first. There is a sort of hidden tresure chest to your right when you enter in here.It contains a HERB. In the chest there is JOURNAL NO. 5, and on top of the shelf in the corner is the SUZAKU, so grab it. Now look at the press to the right, to find it isn't really a shelf, but a trick one. Pop in the gear, and pull the string to reveal a secret door. On the weird statue with loads of arms is a FLOURITE. Open the treasure chest to get the SILVER PLATE. And also take the BYAKKO from beside the chest. Now go back outside. Go in the door you didn't go in before. You should be in a room with three furnaces, each spewing fire at regular times and you have to dodge this fire. Go up to the metal cahin in the corner, and pull it. A door opens on the other side of the room, but you have to dodge all the fire to get there. This may take a few tries before you get across, just don't let the fire get you. Once in the room on the other side, pull the chain in there to turn off the furnaces. Get the GOLD PLATE from the wall, and break the crate in the corner to find a HERB. Now head back out to the first room in this building with the Magic Mirror, and save your game. Now head back to where you got the GEAR from, because this is where you use the GOLD PLATE and SILVER PLATE. Put the two in position on either side of the door, and the door will be unbocked! So go in the new door. You'll emerge in a burning room. THE FIRE CAN HURT YOU so don't walk into it. Go in the door directly on your right. There is a FLOURITE just beside the staircase, so grab it. Now go up the stairs, and you will see a treasure chest. This is TRICK TREASURE CHEST NO.4. The solution is : Turn the middle dial, then the right dial twice, then the left dial twice. This will unlock the SACRED KNIFE, the strongest weapon for Kaede, so equip it right away. Now head back down the stairs into the burning room. There are some demons in here, but they are easy to kill, and even easier with your new weapon! Now go into another room at the very end of this hall with blue jars in it. In here a Blue Ninja will attack you, so kill him. Break open all the jars, and pick up the KUNAI'S and the GENBU lying on the bench. Now go back out into the burning room. There is a staircase heading down to the left of the door you came in at the start, so go down it. You'll have to cut some tentacles blocking the path, but they don't fight back, so just keep going until you reach a kind of prison cell type thing. A cutscene reveals Princess Yuki is the prisoner inside! You try to free her, but the mad scientist Guildenstern comes from behind and takes Yuki away! he leaves behind one of his little creations, a Chameleon. You can block everything he has, but he can go invisible, so hold block while he's gone and just hack away when he re-appears. This isn't really a boss fight, so he shouldn't be too hard for you. You shouldn't need to heal yourself either during this short battle. Kaede now runs off to find Samanosuke in a cutscene. You've now reached the end of the first part of the game with Kaede... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF KAEDE PART 2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAMANOSUKE PART 3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, now you take over as Samanosuke again. You wake up in a dark place, so when you take control again just keep walking until you come to a Magic Mirror. Use the JEWELS here that you aquired with Kaede and also save your game. Get the MEDICINE from the chest beside the Mirror, and enhance any weapons or items you might want to. Now head on. You'll come into a cavern, and get ready for a boss fight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 3 : EVIL SAMANOSUKE<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy drove me mad. He blocks EVERYTHING. I mean it. So should you for that matter. Your tactic here is just to block when he attacks, and try to use magic on him whenever he lets his guard down. Regular attacks are a waste and will just be blocked by him. THUNDER magic works the best, and switch swords around to use the most magic you can. Every now and again BLUE SOULS will come out of no-where, so suck these up! After a while you should win. If you don't you have it saved at least. After the battle, the red barrier on the exit will be lifted, so go through. Go back and save if you want, though not too necessary. Keep going, and you'll see two treasure chests, one contains the EVIL PLATE, the other has a LADDER. Go left and walk until you come to a well. Cut the rope then as soon as you do go backwards so the bucket doesn't fall on top of you. Use the LADDER hear, and climb up, duh! You should now be back at the Keep. Go to the door in the Keep that Samanosuke says has a weird pit on it when you examine it. It's blue. You know the one. Use the EVIL PLATE here. Go in, and you'll se a cutscene and meet up with Kaede. The door in to the Demon Realm is sealed with a stone. You can't do much about it now. Kaede suggest you split up, and split up you do. When you have control of Samanosuke again go back to the main room of the Keep. Go in to the room with the Magic Mirror. A weird man who hangs from the ceiling will ask you if you want to go to the Dark Realm. If you have about 3 MEDICINES and a spare TALISMAN, go ahead. I would advise you to refuse at first though to save your game. Then leave the room and re-enter to get the offer again. More about this and a strategy for it will be told later in the FAQ. You can go later, so my advice would be to refuse for now. Now go out of the Keep. Turn right and go in the door that leads to the Dry Moat, form the start, remember? Go in the door you unlocked with Kaede. Equip your BOW & ARROW in here, because there are many enemies on the rooftops using the same weapons. Just make sure they don't hurt you too bad. Keep walking and you'll come to a door sealed by LV. 3 BLUE MAGIC. If your THUNDER ORB is level 3, go in. If it isn't, kill some demons, then go enhance your THUNDER ORB. OK, now go in the door. There are some good items in here. In a chest on the right hand side is the VISION STAFF, which will allow you to see all the FLOURITES from now on when you pick them up. Beside the chest is a statue with no head so as you can guess something will happen if you replace the lost head. There is also a door to the top left of the room, but it will slam shut if you go near it. Now keep going. Outside this room there is a FLOURITE on the floor to the left. You can see it now you have your VISION STAFF. Remember the Food Storage room from earlier? Well you have to go back there. If you don't remember where it is, it's beyond the Archerey Range, all explained in KAEDE PART. 2 up there ^. So anyway, in the Food Storage room, save your game and use the Magic Fountain. There is a door in here that is locked by LV. 3 FIRE MAGIC, so open it with the FIRE ORB. If it isn't lv.3 yet, go kill some demons then come back to here. Go in the door, and go all the way to the end of the passage. You'll see a cart here tied to a fence with a rope. Cut the rope. The cart will roll down a hill and kill some demons at the bottom. Go and kill the remaining demon, the pick up a FLOURITE from under where the cart was before you cut the rope. Now go in the door you can see once all the demons are dead. In here there is a really tough fight. Your up against 3 huge demons with axes, and another demon with an axe about twic the size of the others. The most useful magic to use here is your WIND MAGIC because it hits multiple targets. So use this until it's gone, then use your THUNDER or FIRE magic, whatever you prefer to finish off the rest who aren't dead. The really big guy will take a hella beating before he goes down so be prepared! Suck up all the souls once the fight is over. Now get the STATUE HEAD and the BULLETS from the two treasure chests in the courtyard, and you'll also see a green light, which is the DECORATED SWORD. Now go back out of the courtyard and be prepared to fight again. Out here are some plain regular one or two hit kill demons. Some have a bow and arrow so be careful. Now go all the way back to that room that contained the statue with no head and the locked door. You guessed it, in here use the STATUE HEAD with the statue and the door that was locked will open up. Go around and get the MATCHLOCK from the chest. Now you know what the bullets were for. Now head back out to outside the main enterance to the Keep. Go all the way down to that door from the start that wouldn't open, remember? Well if you don't it's at the opposite end to the main door of the Keep. There will be a man here, who shouts for help! then the door will burst open and two insect demons will pop out for you to fight. Once they are dead, go in the door, and use the DECORATED SWORD to unlock the next door. Go in the new door. Go down the path, and you'll be amushed by two Blue Ninja's. Now go over the bridge, and ignore the turn off to the left. Go all the way to the end of the bridge and use your WIND ORB to open the door that is blocked by LV. 2 WIND MAGIC. In here go straight to reach a dead end. You'll see a drawbridge that's hung up. What you need to do here is shoot the bridge with BURST BULLETS from your MATCHLOCK. If you have none, don't worry. What's over the bridge isn't essential to get. You can get BURST BULLETS by upgrading BULLETS at a Magic Mirror. You can also find them on very rare occasions in the game. So if you have BURST BULLETS, shoot the bridge an go over. Over here is a chest with BULLETS in it, and a kinda of gold and white drape on the wall, which you should slash with your sword, to reveal a TALISMAN. Now go back across the bridge. Go left and run until you reach a door. Get JOURNAL NO. 6 from off the door. Now go through the door. In this room you'll see a door sealed by LV.2 WIND MAGIC, and a high winding ramp/staircase. Go up the staircase first, and kill the archers and the Samurai as you go. Near the top is a Treasure Chest with a MAGIC JEWEL in it, so use this straight away. Now climb up the ladder to reach the very top level. Up here you are on the roof of the builing, so run around until you come to a gap in the rail, to let you onto the roof. There are some Black Ninja's up here, 3 of them I think, so kill them all. On the roof you should also find a FLOURITE, a POWER JEWEL and a SOUL ABSORBER, so make sure to grab them all. NOw go back down the ladder, and all the way back down the stairs into the room with the door sealed by LV. 2 WIND MAGIC. Equip your WIND ORB and proceed. Out here your out in the open. Run to your left, and a Ninja or two will ambush you. Go in the door to your far left. In this area there are two Chameleons,the ones you fought earlier with Kaede, who go invisible. They should be no problem with Samanosuke, so kill them both. The block button is handy against them. Now Suck up all the souls from the altar and go through the next door. This is just a linear path through a forest. Go in the door at the end of the path to arrive at a waterfall. Go round to yur right and kill the Samurai. Magic may be useful here. Now go back around to the rope bridge, and walk halfway across. The demon on the other side will see you, and start to walk across the bridge. Go back to the other side and cut the rope holding up the bridge, and the demon will fall down into the water, thus dying. Suck up his souls, then go back around behind the falls. You should find a niche in the rocks with a Treasure Chest in it. It is a Trick Treasure Chest though, The 5th one of the game. The soulution is as follows. Bottom left, Top right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right. This will get you the best armour in the game, The GREAT ARMOUR. So equip it right away, and go around to the other side of the falls, and go in the door here. In this area is a Magic Mirror and a Magic Fountain. So suck up some BLUE SOULS, and enhance you BULLETS into BURST BULLETS, if you have enough RED SOULS, and of course, save your game. Now get the MEDICINE from the nearbly chest, and go over to the other chest beside the Magic Mirror. It's a Puzzle Treasure Chest. The answer is - Enter the 6th choice, then the 3rd choice, then press OK. You'll get a MAGIC JEWEL for your trouble. Use it right away. Now go on, and go down the stairs. Get another FLOURITE down here, then get on the boat to get over to the other side of the lake. Once on the other side, go in the buildind and take the GREAT BOW from over the other side of the room your in. Now watch the cutscene. It's back over to Kaede from here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF SAMANOSUKE PART 3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you have to take control of Kaede again. She is not as strong as Samanosuke and she can only heal herself with items, so my main tip here would to avoid or run away from confrontations. There is no benefits at all of fighting while you are using Kaede, you can't suck up souls, so just run away. It sounds boring but it will help you stay alive, and will also help you save HERBS and MEDICINE so keep this in mind all the time you control Kaede. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KAEDE PART 4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First of all, kill the demon that pops up and then head forward. You have to go left at the turn of here, the turn you didn't take with SAMANOSUKE. Kaede will use her SHINOBI KIT her, and the door will open. Two insects pop out of the water here, so try to avoid them, but kill them if you must. You come to a fork i the road here. First take the right turn off. There is a chest here with some KUNAIS, then go in the door. In this room get the FLOURITE, and there is a HERB hidden in there too. Go in further into the room, and get rid of the vases that get in the way. Get the APOCOLYPSE NO. 2 from in here too. Now go back out to the main path, and take the other turn now. You'll come back out on the same path as Samanosuke here. What you do is keep going until you come to the room where Samanosuke got the boat from, and avoid all fights on the way. Save your game once you reach the room with the Magic Mirror. Now remember that door you couldn't go in before because it was locked? Kaede can use her SHINOBI KIT on it. There are a few demons in this room, so hold the R1 button and use your KUNAIS to kill the demons in here. Then slash the wooden plank beside you for a chest with NORMAL ARROWS in it. Now head on, and go into the door at the end of the room. This room is shaped like a giant U. There are a couple of demons to kill, but they are easy to kill, so kill them. Now smash all the vases you can see, and you'll find some KUNAIS under one of them. Now go around to the right, and go in the door at the end of the passage. Save your game here, then climb up the ladder. Destroy all the crates up here, and pick up a FLOURITE and a GENBU. Now climb back down the ladder, and go in the door at your right. Run quickly forward and kill the archers in here, or try and hit them with your KUNAIS if you can. Once all the demons are dead, you may notice two doors in the vacinity. One is a double door, one a single door. Go in the single door first. Open up a chest for a HERB in here and then get the FLOURITE from the top corner of the room. Now climb up the ladder. There is a demon in here, on his own, so kill him. You'll then see a Trick Treasure Chest, the 6th and last one. The solution is as follows. Turn the left dial twice, then the middle, then the right twice, then the middle dial twice. The chest will spring open revealing the DECORATED ARROW. Now go back outside and go in the double doors you didn't use before. There is a statue in here, and a chest in front of it which is locked. Go round to the left of the statue. and you'll see another statue holding an arrow. Take this arrow, which happens to be the GREAT ARROW. Now the door locks on you, so put the DECORATED ARROW back in it's place. The door and the chest will now open for you. Get the GREEN KEY from the chest, and go back outside. Now go all the way back to the U shaped corridor from earlier. Go to the end you didn't use before, and use the GREEN KEY on the door. Go down the ladder here, and now your at a quay. Go for the boat at the end, to bring you across the water. There is now a cutscene showing Samanosuke being attacked, and Kaede warns him a big monster is coming. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF KAEDE PART 4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your entering the final leg of the game now, and there are boss fights a plenty so make sure your magic and weapons are all leveled up to 3! Thats very very important if you want to survive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAMANOSUKE PART 5<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 4 : HECUBA<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hecuba is the giant talking wasp woman you may remember from earlier. Those insect demons will come and attack you every now and again, but the fight isn't too hard. Every single attack thrown at you can be blocked. My strategy was to use the MATCHLOCK and whatever bullets you have handy. Once they are gone use the BOW & ARROW. Once they are gone too use your WIND MAGIC on her. She will normally scream at you before she attacks so you know when to block. As for the little insect demons, kill them with a sword, and don't waste your magic on them. Eventually, Hecuba should fall, and then you'll see another cutscene. Kaede is injured, and Samanosuke brings her back to the Keep, to a room near to the demon gate and the main Keep room. Go back to the save room off the main Keep room, Save and enhance HERBS here. If you haven't been to the Dark Realm yet, now is the time. There will be a Dark Realm guide later in the FAQ. The purpose of the Dark Realm is to get the BISHAMON OCARINA, which you use to get the BISHAMON SWORD, the most powerful sword in the game. It makes the end game boss way easier. If you really don't want to go to the Dark Realm, go to the room that has the door to the Demon World. Remember you couldn't break the seal on the door? Walk up to the door, and use the GREAT BOW, or GREAT ARROW, which one doesn't matter. A short cutscene will show Samanosuke fire the Arrow, the seal on the door breaking, and Samanosuke entering the Demon Realm. On the other side, you find the Demon scientist Guildenstern who tells you that you can't go any further. He then unleashes his greatest creation on you! Get ready for another boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 5 : MARCELLUS, 2ND TIME<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy is quite tough, as you may expect. He has a few attacks, some you can lock, others you can't. The ones you can't block are a big overhead slash, and an attack where he sets his balde on fire. What you have yo do here is wait for him to finish attacking you, then get as many Magic attacks as possible in on him. After a certain amount of punishment, he will loose the sword and shield, and replace them with two spike weapons, one in each hand. The good news is, all his attacks are blockable. The bad news is, he moves so fast it's hard to get an attack in. So BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK! Then when you get the chance use magic on him. WIND MAGIC is very useful because it has a long range. Eventaully, he should die. Now go back to the door you came in, and get the MEDICINE from the chest. Now go in the other door leading out of the hall. In here is a save point, and a Magic Fountain. Save your game, and suck up the BLUE SOULS. Now if you went through the Dark Realm it's payoff time. You see the part of the wall that's a different colour from the rest? Well if you play the BISHAMON OCARINA in front of this part of the wall, it will open up, to reveal a secret chamber. In here you can get the coveted BISHAMON SWORD, which means it's time to whoop ass. Get the DARK REALM MAP from the chest beside the Magic Mirror, then head on through the door. The next part is quite linear, all you have to do is run down the path, which is a downward spiral in shape. You'll have to fight a Reynaldo and a Chameleon on the way. At the place where you kill the Chameleon you'll find two MEDICINES on the floor. Pick these up, and go t the left, down the corridor, and into the last chamber or the game. Watch the cutscenes, then get ready, because the last battle is near... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>FINAL BOSS : FORTINBRAS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fortinbras is one mean MF. He can't move but has an array of attacks, both long and short range. Some can be blocked, some dodged, some are devastating. Below is a list of his attacks and their effects. I will also do a strategy for the boss with AND without the BISHAMON SWORD. Ok, here are his attacks. Sweep/Punch - Exactly as it sounds. A short range attack he preforms when you are close to him. He will normally do two attacks in a row on you. They can be blocked, so these shouldn't be much trouble. Grab and Burn - He Grabs you, picks you up, then breathes fire on you. His strongest attack. If he does this on you, just mash the controller buttons like theres no tomorrow. If he pulls this off fully, YOU WILL DIE. Laser Eye - He shoots a laser at you from his eye. This can be dodged, hold R1 and press left or right to dodge quickly. This isn't a very strong attack, one of his weaker ones. Fire Breath - He shoots fire at you from his mouth. If you get burned, it's gonna hurt like ****! You can dodge this by running into the far corner of the room, and turning your back to the fire. Can easily kill you if your exposed long enough. Laser Balls - These little balls fly out into the air, hover for a second, then electrocute the ground, and whatever is on the ground, below. The balls make a shadow on the ground, so if you stay away from the shadow you should be OK. He will attck with this for long periods in a row, so be very careful. That's all of his attacks there, now on to the strategies. With BISHAMON SWORD - Just run in close and attack witn TRIANGLE. Run away from the Fire Breath and block the Sweep/Punch. Dodge the Laser Balls and Laser Eye too if you can. If he does the Grab and Burn attack mash the pad like mad to get free. Just keep on hitting him with the TRIANGLE attack, and he should die without too much hassle. Use MEDICINES whenever your health gets low, and if you have a TALISMAN in your inventory, well that's all the better for you. If you have neither, a SOUL ABSORBER will work well, just get close to him before you use it. Without BISHAMON SWORD - This will be tough, I'm afraid. First of all, run in close, and use all your magic on him, every single bit of it. Hopefully he will let out a few BLUE SOULS now and then, so suck these up. When you attack him he should kinda of bend over, and scream. Once he recovers from this he will let put some horrible attack, so get away from him. Then, once his attack is over, run back in and Magic him to hell. Once all your Magic is drained, back off to the back of the room, and fire all the ARROWS, FIRE ARROWS and BULLETS you have from their respective weapons. Suck up all the souls he releases, hopefully some BLUE ones, then run in and use more Magic on him once your long range ammo is all spent. About three or four MEDICINES are needed, and a TALISMAN is handy too. This battle will be hella tough, but it can be done. I did it on my third try without the BISHAMON SWORD. If you just stick to the strategy above, you will kill him eventually. Now watch the glorious end game movie, I won't put any spoilers in here, but it will blow you away completely. The graphics are unreal! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE BEATEN ONIMUSHA : WARLORDS!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF SAMANOSUKE PART 5<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ENDING *MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!* After Fortinbras falls, Samanosuke and Kaede release Yuki and Yumemaru from their bonds, and then run to escape, and the building looks as if it will fall in on itself any minute. As the group run to escape, Fortinbras re awakens, and grabs Samanosuke, who is unable to escape. Samanosuke tells the others to leave him, and save themselves. So, they leave, and run away. Meanwhile, Fortinbras is squeezing the crap out of Samanosuke. Eventually, he cab take no more,and spits up blood. It looks like Fortinbras has killed him. But be a fortunate coincedence, some blood falls on the eye of the Gauntlet, and the blood turns Samanosuke in to a super strong Ogre or something. He escapes by blowing up Fortinbras hand. Fortinbras now lunges at Super-Sam with his other hand now, but Super-Sam sticks his Super-Sword in the way, and the hand of Fortinbras will never be the same again. Now Super-Sam sticks his Super -Sword in Fortinbras eye, and this finally kills the big MF. Samanosuke now falls to the ground, the Gauntlets power has worn off or something. Now we see Lord Nobunaga standing on a wall above him. The game narrator now gives an overview of what has happened to the characters since the incedent in Inabayama Castle. An year later, the castle is conquered, so Yuki and Yumemaru take Samanosukes advice, and go to see the world. Kaede serves another castle for 14 years, and she also spend a lot of time to look for Samanosuke, who she never finds again. She dies 14 years later at war. Then, they tell you that the fate of Samanosuke is a mystery, and no-one knows what happened to him. Now the credits roll, so watch them all, cos there is a bit after them. Now, at the very end, you'll se Samanosuke looking at a castle from on top of a cliff or something, then walking away, so I guess he survived. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8) BOSS FIGHTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is just my strategy for killing all the bosses, and I'm making it a whole separate section so you don't have to go searching through the walkthrough to find the boss guides, you can just come staright here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 1 : OSRIC<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy has three attacks. Two can be blocked. One is a big swipe with his club, which is blockable. The next is a charge at you, which is also blockable. The next is a big huge overhaed Swing with his club. This is UNBLOCKABLE. It usually knocks you over, and he will then try to mash you once your on the ground, so YOU MUST DODGE THIS! Ok, the fight starts. Run into him, and use your THUNDER MAGIC. Now back up a bit, and wait for his attack. Either block it, or hold R1 and press LEFT or RIGHT to dodge away from the attack. After he has attacked(and missed hopefully) go back in, and use your THUNDER MAGIC again. Continue doing this, and he should be toast in no time. You MAY have to use a HERB for this fight, but it isn't too hard, so you should manage fine. Such up all the souls once he is dead. These should completely refil your MAGIC and VITALITY bars, and give to a few RED SOULS too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 2 : MARCELLUS (1ST TIME)<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had no real difficulty with this guy. He only has one attack that you can't dodge, which is a huge overhead swing with his sword. He carried a shield too, and will try to block all of your attacks. My strategy here was to block his attacks, and use FIRE MAGIC on him whenever I got the chance. You should wait for him, to attack, then counter. If you run out of FIRE MAGIC, use THUNDER MAGIC instead. He will let a few SOULS out now and then, so suck them up. BLUE SOULS are especially helpful. After a while, using this strategy, he should be done. He will fall off the roof, so suck up his souls, which should fully heal you, then get the WIND ORB he leaves behing him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 3 : EVIL SAMANOSUKE<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy drove me mad. He blocks EVERYTHING. I mean it. So should you for that matter. Your tactic here is just to block when he attacks, and try to use magic on him whenever he lets his guard down. Regular attacks are a waste and will just be blocked by him. THUNDER magic works the best, and switch swords around to use the most magic you can. Every now and again BLUE SOULS will come out of no-where, so suck these up! After a while you should win. If you don't you have it saved at least. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 4 : HECUBA<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hecuba is the giant talking wasp woman you may remember from earlier. Those insect demons will come and attack you every now and again, but the fight isn't too hard. Every single attack thrown at you can be blocked. My strategy was to use the MATCHLOCK and whatever bullets you have handy. Once they are gone use the BOW & ARROW. Once they are gone too use your WIND MAGIC on her. She will normally scream at you before she attacks so you know when to block. As for the little insect demons, kill them with a sword, and don't waste your magic on them. Eventually, Hecuba should fall, and then you'll see another cutscene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOSS 5 : MARCELLUS, 2ND TIME<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy is quite tough, as you may expect. He has a few attacks, some you can lock, others you can't. The ones you can't block are a big overhead slash, and an attack where he sets his balde on fire. What you have yo do here is wait for him to finish attacking you, then get as many Magic attacks as possible in on him. After a certain amount of punishment, he will loose the sword and shield, and replace them with two spike weapons, one in each hand. The good news is, all his attacks are blockable. The bad news is, he moves so fast it's hard to get an attack in. So BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK! Then when you get the chance use magic on him. WIND MAGIC is very useful because it has a long range. Eventaully, he should die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>FINAL BOSS : FORTINBRAS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fortinbras is one mean MF. He can't move but has an array of attacks, both long and short range. Some can be blocked, some dodged, some are devastating. Below is a list of his attacks and their effects. I will also do a strategy for the boss with AND without the BISHAMON SWORD. Ok, here are his attacks. Sweep/Punch - Exactly as it sounds. A short range attack he preforms when you are close to him. He will normally do two attacks in a row on you. They can be blocked, so these shouldn't be much trouble. Grab and Burn - He Grabs you, picks you up, then breathes fire on you. His strongest attack. If he does this on you, just mash the controller buttons like theres no tomorrow. If he pulls this off fully, YOU WILL DIE. Laser Eye - He shoots a laser at you from his eye. This can be dodged, hold R1 and press left or right to dodge quickly. This isn't a very strong attack, one of his weaker ones. Fire Breath - He shoots fire at you from his mouth. If you get burned, it's gonna hurt like ****! You can dodge this by running into the far corner of the room, and turning your back to the fire. Can easily kill you if your exposed long enough. Laser Balls - These little balls fly out into the air, hover for a second, then electrocute the ground, and whatever is on the ground, below. The balls make a shadow on the ground, so if you stay away from the shadow you should be OK. He will attck with this for long periods in a row, so be very careful. That's all of his attacks there, now on to the strategies. With BISHAMON SWORD - Just run in close and attack witn TRIANGLE. Run away from the Fire Breath and block the Sweep/Punch. Dodge the Laser Balls and Laser Eye too if you can. If he does the Grab and Burn attack mash the pad like mad to get free. Just keep on hitting him with the TRIANGLE attack, and he should die without too much hassle. Use MEDICINES whenever your health gets low, and if you have a TALISMAN in your inventory, well that's all the better for you. If you have neither, a SOUL ABSORBER will work well, just get close to him before you use it. Without BISHAMON SWORD - This will be tough, I'm afraid. First of all, run in close, and use all your magic on him, every single bit of it. Hopefully he will let out a few BLUE SOULS now and then, so suck these up. When you attack him he should kinda of bend over, and scream. Once he recovers from this he will let put some horrible attack, so get away from him. Then, once his attack is over, run back in and Magic him to hell. Once all your Magic is drained, back off to the back of the room, and fire all the ARROWS, FIRE ARROWS and BULLETS you have from their respective weapons. Suck up all the souls he releases, hopefully some BLUE ones, then run in and use more Magic on him once your long range ammo is all spent. About three or four MEDICINES are needed, and a TALISMAN is handy too. This battle will be hella tough, but it can be done. I did it on my third try without the BISHAMON SWORD. If you just stick to the strategy above, you will kill him eventually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9) MY REVIEW<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, this is just my 2 cents on ONIMUSHA : WARLORDS, the survival-horror game for PS2, brought to you by Capcom. Gameplay-9/10 The gameplay is very fluid and addictive. The fight engine is brilliant, the fights are a fun and essential part of the game. Enhancing your Gauntlet will also have you fighting for hours. The puzzles and tricks and stuff will take your brain a bit of work *coughwaterpuzzlecough* and you won't want to stop playing. Graphics-9/10. The graphics are very life like and very good, but I have one major complaint with them. I don't know if this is just the PAL version, but every now and again the game just freezes, and the graphics go all weird on you when this happens. Apart from that, the graphics are very good, all of the characters look very good, the environments look real, there are bats and bugs and stuff that fly around, very good over all. Sound-8/10 The voices get a bit annoying some times, and that pissed me off. The in game music is quite good, and suits the atmosphere of the game well. The sounds of battle are all very good, with calshing swords and stuff. The demons shouting at you also sounds really good. Over all-9/10 A very good overall game, with a good combination of elements like fighting, levels up and puzzle solving. The game is VERY VERY SHORT though, my fastest time through was 2 hrs 15 mins, which isn't very long at all really. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>10) SECRETS AND SIDE-QUESTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok the bit you've all been waiting for, here you have all the secrets of the game revealed! There will also be an Oni-Spirits FAQ, but that will be next up. So read on for all the secrets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>GET THE BISHAMON SWORD<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the Dark Realm, fight through all 20 levels, once you have beaten the demons on the 20th level, get the BISHAMON OCARINA from the chest. Then, in the room just before the Spiral down to the fight with Fortinbras, use the BISHAMON OCARINA in front of the weird different coloured part of the wall, to unlock a secret room, that contains the BISHAMON SWORD! Alternatively, beat all 12 levels of ONI-SPIRITS to unlock ULTIMATE MODE with your new game, and you can start the game with the BISHAMON SWORD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>UNLOCK & PLAY ONI-SPIRITS<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unlock ONI-SPIRITS, collect all 20 FLOURITES during the course of the game. Then, if you beat all 12 levels of ONI-SPIRITS, you'll unlock everything you will ever need in the game. What you get is : The BISHAMON SWORD. 99 SOUL ABORBERS, UNLIMITED MAGIC, UNLIMITED ARROWS and FIRE ARROWS, UNLIMITED BULLETS and BURST BULLETS. Not bad at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>UNLOCK ONIMUSHA 2 TRAILER<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beat the game on any difficulty level at all, then go to SPECIAL FEATURE in the main menu, and you can watch the trailer. It looks really good, I can tell you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>UNLOCK THE PANDA SUIT AND EXTRA SUIT FOR KEADE<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get the Panda suit for Samanosuke just collect 10 or more FLOURITES during the course of the game. The press the L2 button to toggle the head on and off. To unlock the extra suit for Kaede, finish the game with an S rank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>WORK OUT YOUR GRADE<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your grade just lets you see how good at the game you are. It's worked out as follows. You get points for doing certain things in the game, and then these points are added up at the end to work out your final score. 0-9 points gets you a D grade. 10-17 points gets you a C grade. 18-24 points gets you a B grade. 24-29 points gets you an A grade. 30 points gets you a perfect s grade. And this is how you earn points. TIME TAKEN TO COMPLETE Under 3 hrs - 10 points. 3-4 hrs - 7 points. 4-5 hrs - 5 points. Over 5 hrs - 3 points. NUMBER OF DEMONS KILLED 600 or more - 10 points. 500-599 - 7 points. 400-499 - 5 points. 300-399 - 3 points. NUMBER OF SOULS ABSORBED 55,000 or more - 10 points. 45,000-54,999 - 7 points. 35,000-44,999 - 5 points. 0-34,999 - 3 points. *Thanks to IGN guides for the above info on Grades* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>11)ONI-SPIRITS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, to unlock Oni-Spirits, collect all 20 Flourites in the game. The locations of all of them are in the FLOURITES LOCATIONS section of the FAQ. This is just a breif description and strategy for all 12 levels of the hella tough mini-game ONI-SPIRITS LEVEL 1 Total Vases : 28 Total Vases to Break : 20 Enemies : Normal Demon Soldier Items : Herb Strategy : Just aim for a demon, then keep swiping towards him, braking vases as you go. Kill him when you reach him, then aim for the other demon. Kill him, then take the HERB from the chest. Then just smash the other vases you see, and You'll beat the level. LEVEL 2 Total Vases : 34 Total Vases to Break : 20 Enemies : 2 Normal Demon Soldiers Items : Thunder Orb, Bullets Strategy : First, kill the demon to the right hand side, and smash all of the vases on your way over. Get the BULLETS from the chest over there, now go over the other side and kill the other demon. Make sure to suck up any YELLOW SOULS you see. Get the THUNDER ORB from the chest on the left hand side, and equip it right away. The just hack away at any other vases you need to beat the level. LEVEL 3 Total Vases : 39 Total Vases to Break : 26 Enemies : Samurai, Skulls Items : Matcklock Strategy : Just slash vases and go forward in to the centre of the room. From here, get the MATCHLOCK, which you should have uncovered. Kill the Samuarai if you want, if not just keep smashing vases. The Samurai will destroy quite a lot of the vases, so killin him might be a good idea. LEVEL 4 Total Vases : 38 Total Vases to Break : 26 Enemies : 2 Blue Ninjas Items : Fire Orb, Bullets Strategy : Basically, go for the two Ninja's, the one on the left first, then the one on the right, kill the pair of them, suck up th souls, then just keep smashing vases until you have smashed enough. Make sure to get the FIRE ORB and BULLETS though too. The BULLETS are more important. LEVEL 5 Total Vases : 36 Total Vases to Break : 28 Enemies : 2 Samurai, Skulls Items : Bullets Strategy : This level is quite tough, because the Samuai break so many vases. What you do is, right of the mark, use some magic on the nearest one. Then stab him on the floor. Then do the same to the other one, smashing all the vases you can on the way. Ignore the skulls, and just keep on smashing all the vases you can until you have beaten the level. The BULLETS are on the left hand side of the room, so make sure to get them. LEVEL 6 Total Vases : 6 Total Vases to Break : 6 Enemies : 2 Normal Soldier Demons Items : Herb Strategy : This level is tough, I can tell you. Straight away, as the level begins, equip the MATCHLOCK and BURST BULLETS, and fire 2 quick shots. This should kill at least one demon, and break at least 4 vases. Now equip any magic sword, and run in to kill the other demon, then destroy the vases left. LEVEL 7 Total Vases : 39 Total Vases to Break : 32 Enemies : 2 Samurai, Skulls Items : Wind Orb Strategy : You must kill the 2 Samurai here. You won't be able to beat the level if you don't. So right away just go after the two of them with magic. It is vital that you kill the pair quickly. Ignore the Skulls. It's also very very important to get the WIND ORB. So after the two Samurai are gone, find the WIND ORB, the destroy the rest of the vases. LEVEL 8 Total Vases : 42 Total Vases to Break : 36 Enemies : 5 Spike demons Items : Burst Bullets, Holy Armour Strategy : You have the WIND ORB, so equip it right away. Then just run to the middle of the room and use your WIND MAGIC. Try to get the Spike Demons inside your little tornado too so they don't destroy to many vases. This level should not be too tough. LEVEL 9 Total Vases : 42 Total Vases to Break : 36 Enemies : Axe Demon, 2 Skulls Items : Burst Bullets Strategy : Use BURST BULLETS to kill the Axe Demon, then just smash away. If you have the HOLY ARMOUR on, The Skulls can't hurt you. So once the Axe Demon is dead, it's plain sailing, providing he didn't do too much damage. LEVEL 10 Total Vases : 6 Total Vases to Break : 6 Enemies : Samurai, 2 Blue Ninja's Items : Herb Strategy : First of all, equip the MATCHLOCK and blow the living crap out of the Samurai, younhave to kill him before you do anything else. Once he is dead, some vases should have been destroyed too, now run to the vase in the back right of the room. Just before it, a Blue Ninja will jump down from the ceiling so kill him staright away. Then, the same thing will happen at the back right. This level shouldn't give you too much trouble at all if you follow that tactic well. LEVEL 11 Total Vases : 40 Total Vases to Break : 30 Enemies : Samurai, 2 Blue Ninja's Items : None Strategy : Equip your WIND ORB, run around using your WIND MAGIC to knock out some vases, and hopefully some enemies too. Once your WIND MAGIC is gone, equip your FIRE ORB and kill any enemies who are left. Once all thr demons are dead, get rid of any vases you need to beat the level. LEVEL 12 Total Vases : 44 Total Vases to Break : 36 Enemies : Spike Demons, Axe Demon Items : None Strategy : Equip your MATCHLOCK and whatever ammo you have left, and blow a path to the big guy at the back of the room. He can do too much damage, so you gotta take him down. Just keep firing at him, until he dies. You should get rid of a few vases in this process too. Then, once he is dead, equip your WIND ORB, go to the place with the most vases in the room, and use you WIND MAGIC, to try to beat the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>12)THE DARK REALM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can get to the Dark Realm from the save room of the main room of the Keep. A little man drops from the ceiling and asks you if you want to go. He will only ask you if you want to go if all your weapons are at least level 2. He also tells you it might be dangerous, and he is right. In the Dark Realm, you go through 20 levels of non-stop slaughter. The only way to get through a level is to kill everything on that level. You can either go on to the next level, or go back to the very start if you think you might die. There are several reasons why you should go to the Dark Realm. To enhance your weapons, to kill demons to boost your rank at the end of the game, or to get some good items, and get 3 FLOURITES. But the main reason to go there is to get the BISHAMON OCARIN, which lets you get the BISHAMON SWORD, the strongest sword in the entire game. To get the BISHAMON OCARINA, beat all 0 levels in the Dark Realm, then on the bottom level, there is a chest that has the item in it. Then play it in front of the strange bit of wall in the area after the 2nd fight with Marcellus, to get the coveted sword. To make it through the Dark Realm, you want to bring about 3 MEDICINES with you because you will take a lot of damage down there. You never want to leave your self open to attack, and you should use the BLOCK button an awful lot. Below is a list of all the enemies and itmes in each level. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 1 |LEVEL 11 | |Enemies : Normal Demon Soldiers |Enemies : Reynaldo's | |Items : None |Items : Flourite | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| |LEVEL 2 |LEVEL 12 | |Enemies : Blue Ninja's |Enemies : Reynaldo's, Skulls | |Items : None |Items : | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| |LEVEL 3 |LEVEL 13 | |Enemies : Demon Soldiers and Samurai |Enemies : Reynaldo's, Insect Demons | |Items : None |Items : Talisman | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 4 |LEVEL 14 | |Enemies : Samurai |Enemies : Chameleon | |Items : None |Items : Herb | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 5 |LEVEL 15 | |Enemies : Samurai, Blue Ninja's |Enemies : Chameleon, Reynaldo's | |Items : None |Items : Soul Absorber | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 6 |LEVEL 16 | |Enemies : Spike Demons |Enemies : Black Ninja's | |Items : Flourite |Items : Herb | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 7 |LEVEL 17 | |Enemies : Insect Demons |Enemies : Dark Samurai, Samurai | |Items : None |Items : Flourite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 8 |LEVEL 18 | |Enemies : Splike Demons, Skulls |Enemies : Black Ninja's, Chameleon | |Items : None |Items : Herb | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 9 |LEVEL 19 | |Enemies : Axe Demons, Spike Demon |Enemies : Dark Samurai, Balck Ninja's | |Items : Medicine |Items : None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |LEVEL 10 |LEVEL 20 | |Enemies : Axe Demon, Skulls |Enemies : Chameleon, Axe Demon | |Items : None |Items : Bishamon Ocarina | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>13) FLOURITE LOCATIONS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 20 Flourites in the game, and this list will help you find the lot. If you find all 20, you will unlock the mini-game ONI-SPIRITS (see guide above) which allows you to unlock an arsenal of stuff to take into your next game, for example, you can start of with the BISHAMON SWORD. Ok, here is the list. 1. In a small part of the wall in the corner near where you find the very first SEIYRU 2. After the first boss fight, smash some vases in the door he makes when he falls over. A FLOURITE is under these vases. 3. In the Keep. Just after meeting Kaede abd Yumemaru, you can find a FLOURITE beside a Treasure Chest which is beside a staircase. 4. Upstairs in the Keep, through the door blocked by RED MAGIC, above the main room in the Keep, under a stairs, beside a chest with ARROWS in it. 5. After you meet Tokichiro, and he jumps out a hole in the wall, there is a FLOURITE opposite volume 2 of the SEIRYU 6. In the Underground part of the Keep, in the corner, across from the door unlocked with the BLUE KEY. 7. In the Underground part of the Keep, in the furnace type thing in the same room you get the BLUE KEY from. 8. As Kaede, in the room you access by using the GEAR, theres a FLOURITE just to the left of th Buddha statue 9. In the burning room with Kaede, go in the door to the left as you come in, go up the stairs, smash the crates, there is a FLOURITE in there. 10. Just outside the door where you get the VISION STAFF, you can see it on the ground now. 11. Under a war cart, you release by cutting the rope, just before the area where you get the DECORATED SWORD. 12. Theres a FLOURITE in the West Area on the way to the room where you get the MATCHLOCK 13. The East Area, with Samanosuke, p the long walkway to the roof, up on the roof is a FLOURITE 14. On the pier where you get the boat across to where you fight Hecuba, with Samanosuke 15. East area with Kaede, in a door you go through with the SHINOBI KIT, there is a FLOURITE to the right of the door. 16. As Kaede, in the East area, climb a ladder past a magic mirror, smash the crates, get the FLOURITE. 17. East Area, with Kaede, on top of a chest, near where you get the last book of the SAZAKU 18. Dark Realm level 6. 19. Dark Realm level 11. 20. Dark Realm level 17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>14) FILES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you missed any files during the game, well here they are, all of them. There will be some spoilers in here, so read on at your own risk. YUKI'S LETTER ------------- Dear Samanosuke. I am writing this letter in the hopes you will read this in time to help. Something is wrong within Inabayama Castle. Some of the maids and servants have gone missing and I fear that it might be the work of monsters... I am so scared Samanosuke. People tell me the monsters eat the miads and the servants and then take the remains deep underground. When I told my brother Yoshitatsu about this, he did not seem interested.He id too busy preparing for his upcoming battle with Nobunaga. Samanosuke, although it has been a few years since we were forced to take sep- erate paths due to the battle between my father Dosna and my brother Yoshitatsu you are still the only one I can rely upon. I can only hope you will receive this and you find it in your heart to come and save me before it is too late. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ Absorbing Souls Hold the Circle button to absorb the souls that emerge after defeating the demons. Soul Types RED:Enhance the power of your Orbs and Items. BLUE:Enhance your Magic power YELLOW:Recover your vitality. Magic Attack Press the Triangle button to attack with a magic spell while you have an Orb equipped to your Gauntlet. Enhancement Enhance your Orbs and Items by the Red Souls you have absorbed. How to Enhance Look in the Magic Mirror and choose "Enhance" to enter the Enhancement screen. Hold the X button and your Sword and Magic Spell will get injected with souls and be enhanced. One Item will be enhanced every time you press the X button. SOUGEN'S NOTE ------------- To the brave one who finds and is reading this document.: I ask you to put all other thoughts aside and heed my warning that are written here within... There is an Ogre's gauntlet that draws it's power from the souls of those who are killed by demons. Master it's secrets and great power will be yours. Remember, without the power of the Ogres, you are no match for the demons. Sougen JOURNAL #1 ---------- Master Sougen and I followed the monster that has been kidnapping people around town, and have been led to this cave. The cave seems to be a nest for demons:Every kind of monster imaginable, and even ones I never would have believed to exist are here... They call themselves "Demons." They hate sunlight and seem to have lived underground since before the human race began. My master has already made up his mind to go into the cave. I am confident that my master has the power to dispel the demons. I have a little talent for drawing, and I also have faith and courage so that I will not be afraid of any monsters. Therefore I am going to record everything I see. This is going to be the most bizzare book in history. Saimyou JOURNAL #2 ---------- I am a sad, pathetic coward... Weak, and unworthy of the priesthood... My master was seriously injured during the battle against the demons. I could not do anything... I could not save my master... He asked me to bring his wounded body to the enterance of the cave. Then he began to preform his final ceremonial rites. He made up his mind to offer his life and die there as a human sacrifice. With his remaining powers, he is trying to sacrifice himself and set up barrier at the enterance of the cave so that the demons cannot get out. My master gave me a document and a jewel, and then ordered me to leave the cave. That was the most embarrasing moment in my life. I felt relieved to know that I could come out of the cave. I was too happy to be leaving to be worried about my master... I could only think of myself... Afterwards I hid the document and the jewel, and I came back to my masters place of sacrifice. I will never have willpower like that of my master. All I can do is learn as much testament of my findings. Saimyou JOURNAL #3 ---------- I am starving...I wonder how many days have passed since I entered this cave... My only source of sustenance has been some water leaking out of the wall. I followed the smell of blood and came here... Normally I would not have been able to smell it, but hunger seems to have sharpened my senses... That is why I am now watching something I could not have imagined even in my worst nightmares Ah, what a sight... Demons are eating human prisoners alive. They pay no atten- tion to their victims screams, the just crunch the bones and chew up the flesh. I am standing still, just watching the scene... so as not to be spotted by the demons... No ... That is not exactly what I have in mind... I am watching a person's finger lying on the ground... When a person dies it's body becomes only meat. Ah, I'm afraid of what I'm thinking about. I am like a wild scavenger that waits expectantly for the scraps of food a tiger leaves be- hind. What an evil desire I am having... Saimyou JOURNAL #4 ---------- Ah. What a wonderful scene... I am very happy to be here. I am so moved that my hands won't stop trembling. I am witnessing the birth of a demon baby... as it is pulled out of the bottle. Human blood and evil essence are mixed in the bottle, and then a demon is born. What a supernatural sight...No other creature in the world is born in this way. Were there any artists that encountered the scene that that I have just watched I wonder... I have never felt so much regret for my poor painting skills... Stop trembling, my dear hand... I am aware that all of the truth that I must record completely depends on my hands... but I can't stop trembling... Saimyou JOURNAL #5 ---------- At last I saw the worl of Gods. I caught a glimpse of the demon world in the evil gate... The colours are truly astounding... No multitude of pigments could enable me to paint accurately what I saw... But I do not understand one thing. The gate is firmly shut now. Is the world of Gods refusing me? With this fatally wounded body, I cannot open the gate or come out of this cave alive... But I want to look at it. I want to look into the gate just one more time. Saimyou JOURNAL #6 ---------- This will be my final journal, I guess. As the bleeding from the wound does not seem to stop, I am barely managing to write this. For the one who makes it here someday, I offer you this:I have drawn a picture of how to open the gate to the demon world. If you can aquire these tools, then you must go beyond the gate. Remember every -thing you see in the supernatural world, and let people know that such a world does exist. Saimyou BLUE BOOK --------- ...What an incredible animal this Nobunaga is! Normal animals would have al- ready been dead for sure from such a large transfusion of demon blood... I do not understand how the holy blood of demons could be compatible with the body of a pathetic animal... It is very annoying... Moreover, this Nobunaga is highly intelligent and ambitious. He wasn't the slightest bit surprised when we ressurected his body, he pledged loyalty to Master Fortinbras without showing any fear, and he just mad a contract to sacrifice his own species... He is an animal that should not be underestimated. Anyway, if Nobunaga keeps offering sacrifices, we will not run out of guinea pigs for our experiments. RED BOOK -------- I remeber that there were other animals that chose a similar fate to Nobunaga. When I remember something, I should write it down... because my brain has too many things to think about, it shouldn't be wasted on such trivial matters. My number one priority must be producing thing for our demons species, not remem- bering things. I will write it down here, and forget about the information. The animal is call -ed Genghis...Alexand...Ah, never mind. The names of animals do not have any meaning for us. These animals fought extensive battles and managed to continue fighting to expand their territories. They are considered extremely heroic and exceptional warriors... But in truth, they offered large numbers of sacrifices to us to obtain our tech -nology and weapons. Wise animals can be destined to conquer the world by making a contract with the demons, while the stupid ones simply get sacrificed. I should say "demons flourish in the zoo." GREEN BOOK ---------- Is it impossible to obtain the blood of a sacrifice...? A Dark Ceremony is the holiest and darkest ritual that can be carried out bet- ween the demons and the pitiful animals. In the Drak Ceremony, the blood is taken from a chosen sacrifice. Then the demon King bestows his evil blessing upon it. Once the animal that wats to make a contract as a boss animal drinks the blood from a grail made from a human skull, the evil powers will be given to him. But nobody has solved the mystery of why the evil power is given to the animal through the ceremony. Ahhh...I want to know the answer. Why does no one understand my frustration? Once the mystery of the ceremony has been solved, the knowledge will make the demon speciae evolve so much... I believe I am the only one who can solve the mystery. And yet, I am forced to waste my time doing things which won;t bring me the truth... I just need one drop of blood. I wish Nobunaga would leave some blood after he has drunk it in the cermoney... ORANGE BOOK ----------- To carry out the contract with Nobunaga, we have unleashed a large amount of evil energy from Inabayama Castle for several days now. But it seems the amount was insufficient. I found out we need to tighten the seal around the surronding district of Inabayama Castle, and fill the district with evil energy. We have to sacrifice a girl who is born of that land and who has a pure heart. A girl has already been chosen... Princess Yuki. She is a fair-complexion person with long hair. She has beautifull internal organs... especially the heart... I can't help thinking about her organs. They are the best of the best. However if I take advantage of her, she will be worthless as a sacrifice for the Dark Ceremony. And if that happens, I will be eaten alive by the King. I have to give her up. Once the Dark Ceremony is over, every life, including those in the surrounding area will be lost. In short, we will not have to worry about the materials for my experiment for a while. WHITE BOOK ---------- I have categorised the demons as follows: Low Class Demon Their intelligence is very basic and immature. They do not use language. They wander about for a victim under the cover of night, and sometimes eat pitiful animals. They abide by the rules of the Dark Realm, and obey orders from the higher demons. They serve the higher class for life. They are very loyal, but their behaviour is similar to insects. Middle Class Demon Larger than the low class demons, they have enough intelligence to speak a sort of babbling language. Based on my research, their behaviour is wild and fer- ocious. Very similar to the basic instincts of the animals... High Class Demon Like Fortinbras and I, this type of demon is extremely intelligent and is responsible for building the high level civilization. Based on my calculations, the birth rate of the high class demon is only 1 in 100,000. That means we are the true chosen ones. We are supposed to conduct the research on the high class demons through sur- gical dissection, but it is almost impossible to obtain a sample, as they are very rare. Someday I will find out with my own hand. APOCALYPSE #1 ------------- The Drak Ceremony is a traditional holy ritual in the Dark Realm. Through this ceremony, demons make a contract with a human. Obtaining sacrifices by making a contract is indispensible for the Dark Realm. To carry out the Dark Ceremony a woman who is born of that land and noble in heart must be proffered as a sacrifice. Our King sanctifies her blood with an evil blessing, then, using her skull as a grail, a person drinks the blood, and the contract is complete. APOCALYPSE #2 ------------- Our demon king was born in the confusion when the earth was created, and has lived in the deepest and darkest places underground. All demons are created by the demon king. The demon king shows his holy snake-like body only when and where the ceremony takes place. No one knows what he usually does. Demons, remember: No one can disobey the demon king. The holiest spirit of the demon king is the one you have to learn from. SEIRYU VOL 1-4 -------------- The Clan of Ogres that had been subverted by the demons has granted a man their power. This brave and strong man also holds a grude against the demons. SUZAKA VOL 1-4 -------------- The Gauntlet of Ogres has been created to defeat the demons. The gauntlet absorbs the demons souls supplying it with power and energy. BYAKKO VOL 1-4 -------------- When the demon's powers revive the clan will gather in the Chasm of Dimensions that lies between times. It is here that they will inaugerate discussion. GENBU VOL 1-4 ------------- A Dragon Orb which has been enhanced with a demons soul, may help the one who owns it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>COPYRIGHT NOTICE/DISCLAIMER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright protected. This FAQ is for personal use only, and may not be recreated, re-produced or re- edited in any way, shape or form. It may not be used to make a profit in any way and may not be published. It also may not be used on any site but GameFAQ's with out my permission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THANKS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Me for writing the FAQ ~ CJayC and GameFAQ's for such a great all round site ~ PSXcodez.com, for also hosting my FAQ's ~ Capcom for making a great game ~ IGN.com for providing lots of info on the game ~ Sony, for providing such a good console ~ Everyone who reads/likes this FAQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, that's the end of the FAQ, hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. And look out for updates! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright protected, 2001, by DemonSLAYER (demonslayer50@hotmail.com) All rights reserved.