Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Genma Puzzle Space FAQ version FINAL by stealthgiga aka Henry Lukito email: stealthgiga(at)tenchu(dot)de ------- PREFACE ------- This FAQ contains solution to every puzzle boxes that can be found in Genma Puzzle Space mini-game. Note that it doesn’t cover the puzzle boxes found in the main game. For solution to puzzle boxes found in the main game, please refer to Kouli’s FAQ. To unlock Genma Puzzle Space mini-game, you need to find and solve every puzzle boxes in the main game. Again, check Kouli’s FAQ if you need help in that matter. There are 3 Puzzle types: Onimusha 1 Puzzle, Onimusha 2 Puzzle and Onimusha 3 Puzzle, all which its kind can also be found in respective games. The puzzles here are never exactly the same from ones in main games, though. You’ll be brought into a Phantom Realm level without monsters but with puzzle boxes to solve. By solving all the puzzle boxes in that level you can find blue light to teleport to next level. There are 10 puzzle boxes and 4 levels for each Puzzle types. Each level houses 3 puzzle boxes with the exception of last level which only has one. There is no reward for beating Genma Puzzle Space, only a screen that shows your Oni Intellect (sort of IQ). If you’re somehow interested with the puzzles but not really good at it and stuck, then this guide may be for you. ----------------- ONIMUSHA 1 PUZZLE ----------------- Legends: L – Left M – Middle R – Right Level 1 ------- Box 1 : L,M,M,R Box 2 : L,L,R,R Box 3 : M,L,R,M Level 2 ------- Box 1 : L,L,M,R,R Box 2 : M,R,M,M,L Box 3 : L,M,M,M,R Level 3 ------- Box 1 : L,M,M,R,R,R Box 2 : M,L,R,R,M,L Box 3 : M,L,M,L,M Level 4 ------- Box 1 : M,M,R,M,L,L ----------------- ONIMUSHA 2 PUZZLE ----------------- Legends: U1 U2 L1 R1 L2 R2 D1 D2 (Level 1 only) U1 U2 U3 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 R3 D1 D2 D3 (Level 2 and above) Level 1 ------- Box 1 : D1,R1,U1,L1 Box 2 : U2,R2,D1,L1 Box 3 : R2,D1,L1,U2 Level 2 ------- Box 1 : L3,D3,R2,D2 Box 2 : U2,R3,D1,L2 Box 3 : L1,D2,R1,U2 Level 3 ------- Box 1 : L2,U2,R2,D2,L2 Box 2 : R2,D2,R3,D3,L2 Box 3 : L1,U3,R2,D3,R1 Level 4 ------- Box 1 : D2,L1,D3,R1,U2,R2 ----------------- ONIMUSHA 3 PUZZLE ----------------- Legends: A1.A2.A3 B1.B2.B3 C1.C2.C3 (Level 1 only) A1.A2.A3.A4 B1.B2.B3.B4 C1.C2.C3.C4 (Level 2 only) A1.A2.A3.A4 B1.B2.B3.B4 C1.C2.C3.C4 D1.D2.D3.D4 (Level 3 and above) Level 1 ------- Box 1 : B2,B3,A3,A2,B2,B1,A1 Box 2 : C2,C1,B1,B2,B3,A3 Box 3 : B2,A2,A1,B1,B2,C2 Level 2 ------- Box 1 : B3,C3,C4,B4,A4,A3,A2 Box 2 : A4,A3,B3,B2,C2,C3,C4 Box 3 : B2,A2,A3,B3,B2,B1,A1/C1 Level 3 ------- Box 1 : B2,A2,A3,B3,B2,C2 Box 2 : B2,A2,A3,B3,C3,C2,B2 Box 3 : D2,D3,C3,B3,B2,C2,D2 Level 4 ------- Box 1 : A2,A1,B1,B2,C2,C1,B1 --- END --- The solution shown here has been tested and re-tested. However, should there be any mistakes, please feel free to email me. Credits will be given accordingly. This FAQ should not be hosted on other sites without permission. Credits to CjayC for hosting the FAQ at GameFaqs, Keiji Inafune and all Capcom staffs for making such a great trilogy.