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I currently find this game to be the best action game on the PS2, and definitely has the most replay value. -------------- Issen Basics The issen is a counter hit that kills most enemies in one blow. This can be performed by waiting until the moment the enemy strikes, dodge left or right by holding R1 and striking right afterwards. If you pull it off you will be rewarded with a white flash, an instant kill, and more souls than you would normally get. -Make sure you are holding R1 if you expect a sucessful kill. -Charging your weapon will lead to multiple hits, or the "issen combo," which will be discussed later. -There is an alternative to the normal issen. Hit the block button right as an enemy is about to hit you and you should see a white flash from your sword, and attack as soon as you can. This may take some practice. -Strafing is your friend, many larger enemies are dodged this way -Remember, a large enemy such as the bull, attacks slower than a normal one. Thus, you most dodge it accordingly and strike after it's weapon is poised and when the weapon is actually attacking you. Strafing is a good way to go about timing this. -The issen combo is when you have a weapon charged 3 times by holding down R1 tightly, and perform issen but continually hit square. This results in a very strong combo, and can only be used on bosses or enemies that won't die from a normal issen. -------------- Specific Enemy Strategy ======== Soldiers ======== -Blue soldier You'll see these guys right at the beginning of the game. They are by far the easiest enemy to issen. They may come running at you with their sword above your head; hitting them before they strike is a guarenteed issen. Otherwise, just dodge left and strike them. Or dodge backwards. They strike slowly and are easy prey. -Red soldier This guy is a bit tougher. He will in most cases strike too fast for you to simply dodge him. So, keep strafing around him (moving in circles) till he strikes, and he should end up not hitting you, and give you enough time to issen him. The same goes for when he does his sword draw attack. -White Soldier Wait for one of his vertical slashes and dodge left or right, and slash. This may take some luck, but you'll surely get it after a few tries. ========== Alligators ========== -Green Alligator Okay, he's not an alligator, but they look like them. They will hiss before attacking, and their stab attack is a good chance for you to issen them. Wait for the howl, watch his shoulders draw back, and quickly start strafing left (or right) and slash when he actually attacks. -Blue Alligator Same as the green alligator, but seems to use the spin attack more often. If you find his spin won't hit you and he spins in front of you, go ahead and try to hit him. Otherwise stick to dodging his stab and lunge attacks. -Red Alligator These can be very dangerous in large groups. So, don't get too close to them. Wait for them to do the draw back for the stab, while you are in range, dodge back and slash. -Violet Alligator When you're close to them they tend to do a vertical slash. Take advantage of that or use the tactics you do on other alligators. ======= Ninjas ======= -White ninja This guy is fast so issening him might be a bit tricky. You can try to sidestep as it rushes at your for a slash attack and try to attack it for a nice kill. It will also at times attack with a single slash, and you can see this coming because its arm starts to wind. Sidestep and hit the attack button during the wind and you should be doing pretty well. -Purple ninja Quicker, faster, stronger than the white ninja. This guy can be a pain to issen. If you get lucky you can avoid his dash and issen him. Remember that when up close they seem to prepare their attacks, so try strafing behind him. If all else fails, wait for his jump attack, side step, and kill him. ============ Tall Enemies ============ -Big blue staff wielder Go to right in front of him and start strafing to the other side of him, staying in front of him. With any luck, he'll do a downward strike that will miss you while you slash for the instant kill. -Yellow staff wielder Same deal as his blue counterpart, issen him when he either uses his thrust or his downward smash. -Skeleton warrior It's hard to say what to do to surely issen them. Circle strafing will help though, but an issen won't be guarenteed. Actually, I recommend using the block issen technique. Just time his slashes and you'll be able to take him out. It works very well. -Robot I personally find this guy a pain to issen, and they'll take more than one issen combo to kill. Try dodging their punches and slashing. If that isn't working for you, wait till they pop out an alligator and perform a combo on him, which will make you move to the robot when it dies. ====== Bulls ====== -Yellow Bull Try to make sure you don't accidently get hit by his spin attack. Just strafe around him and when you see his axe descending hit the attack button. -Red Bull Make sure to fully charge your weapon. Use the circle strafing technique, and let him have it as his axe comes down. If you don't dodge his blade you'll be in a world of hurt though. ===== Misc. ===== -Blue skeleton face floating thing Wait till it flies at you or starts spinning. Either way you should have good results. -Large fish monsters Get in close and wait for it to draw back for a punch. Sidestep. Slice. -Air spinning monster Attack it as it comes flying at you while spinning. You may have better luck running up to it and attacking it than just waiting for it to come to you. -Archers Just get close to them and predict when they'll shoot. If you're close enough they shouldn't hit you at all. -Rolling Dino Wait till he rolls and dodge to the side, slash when you are either side by side or he's diagnal from you. His normal slashes are pretty easy to issen as well. -Tentacle monster Ugh, ugh, and ugh. This guy is THE bastard of the game. It's possible to issen him from one of his tentacle attacks, but I really don't recommend it. Just combo on a weaker enemy so this badboy will get most of the damage. If you do combos on other monsters it will take 3-4 combos to kill the tentacle monster. ====== Bosses ====== -Ginghamphatts Strafe him till he either does a verticle slash down or when he does a diagnal swipe- then, with your weapon charged, let him have it. Lo and behold the power of the issen combo. No real strategy here, just correct timing is needed. -Jujudormah Again, luck may be a large factor. After she's done with her ice shooting fit, she'll start using close range attacks. Try side strafing her butt bump, or her stab. If you're lucky enough to dodge her slashing spree, you've got the perfect opening. Remember to charge your sword before hand. -Gogandantess Performing single issens against him is much easier than combos, just because of how he attacks. Blocking issens will work pretty well if you hit block as you see him attack. His stinger attack can be issened, but includes tricky timing. If you stay just outside of his hitting range and trafe when he advances you should be able to get a number of single issens in. If you really want to combo him though, just get almost within his range. Wait for an attack, back up, and let your charged weapon let it loose. Or, move around his stinger and hit the attack button RIGHT BEFORE IT FINISHES. -Ginghamphatts, 3rd encounter His ground version is simple. When he does a vertical slam, strafe and slice. Easy enough. Things soon get tough, when his body and upper part seperate. Dodge the body when it rolls around. You can it him if he uses his spin attack but goes past you, and if you hit him right before it ends you'll get a nice combo. When he swings his hammer around for a double attack and you dodge the first swing, strafing behind him, and his hammer is above his head, strike, and you'll get a sucessful combo. The timing for both are difficult. -Nobunaga: Ground This isn't as hard as you may think. You'll see his arm move before he attacks, so strafe out of the way of his attack if he does the spin attacks, and you'll be able to combo facing his back. If he's far away and does that large thrust, strafe left and quickly hit the attack button. You shouldn't have a lot of problems here. -Nobunaga: Air As of now, the only efficient way I know to kill this form is with the black necklace. He'll come down and swipe or do a powerful thrust sometimes, but these are hard to predict and time. ------------------ Questions, Answers ------------------ Q.What weapons do you use for issen? A.Mostly the thunder sword. Some bosses are easier to issen with longer reach weapons, however. Q.Block issen isn't working! A.Are you sure you block right as the weapon hits, and you see the bright flash? Make sure to hit square as soon as possible. Q.I am still havng trouble with so-and-so, can you help? A.Come up with your own strategys if necessary, you'll eventually get the hang of it. Patience is a virtue! Q.I issened an enemy and he didn't die! What's going on? A.Some large or very tough enemies need multiple hits, see the specific strategy area. Q.What is strafing, exactly? A.Technically it is moving side to side while facing forward, or circling an enemy while facing them. -------------- Special Thanks -------------- Me, for doing the first version in one night. Cheers, for being one awesome sitcom. Eddie, for giving his opinions of the FAQ in its early stages. And Capcom, for not making a crappy sequel. ---------- Copyright ---------- Don't distribute my crap, move my crap, or mess with my crap in general. This document is under protection of US law- punishments include but are not limited to- wiffle bat beatings, the jailhouse, teaching hillbillys how to read, or having to watch every epsiode of Tenchi Muyo. This document Copyright 2002 of Ryan Simpson.